How It Started...How It's Going (Updated 5-31-24)

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Shrink Adept
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How It Started...How It's Going (Updated 5-31-24)

Post by gundam » Wed May 08, 2024 4:43 pm

Challenge to myself to write a story about a mixed size borrower family as realistic as possible...

You want to hear a story about how I ended up with my wife? Too boring? Unlike most married men my wife is 3 1/2 inches tall. More interesting now isn't it? It's okay, you wouldn't be the first to react like that. We can joke about it now like that saying "how it started, how it's going". In truth though not all of it is funny. Forgive my morbid humor. Anyways, it's cliche but my wife started out as a childhood friend. And yes she was small even then. Tiny really but that's unavoidable when you're a borrower. Yes those little people you hear about now and then, some lived in my home. A traditional family of borrowers that preferred to live secretly under the floorboards not like the modern ones that live on those government reservations. No, the Smallwoods were "old school" like how the kids say now. Pop, Ma, and their daughter Lari. It was the summer of 2005 when I discovered them. I was a ten-year-old kid when my mom inherited my grandma's home in Ipswich Massachusetts. My father bailed on us years ago so that just left me and mom. We moved from our cramped apartment in Boston to this little town right after school let out. At the time we had no idea that borrowers were living there.

A month had passed when mom began to suspect we weren't alone in the house. She thought it was mice as half eaten cookies, potato chips, and spilled candy were found on the table. I should've known it wasn't mice when a strip of bacon went missing. What mouse eats crispy bacon? Anyways, mom set up traps which didn't catch a damn thing. The evidence of food did quickly die off though. But one day I found something on the floor. Mom had spilled a little flour on the floor and tiny prints led away from it. Little half inch prints, two sets of them towards the back of the china cabinet. I didn't tell mom about it though. I began to suspect it was borrowers like I heard about in school. I read online that one way to catch them was to leave sticky clear glue on the trail they use to move around. I waited until mom left for work and set up my trap. Superglue and potato chips. I waited, and waited, and waited some more until I heard a sound. A squeaky panicked sound. I rushed from the living room as fast as I could and that's when I saw them...saw her. Lari.

She was so small. An inch and a half tall at most. She appeared to be my age and her little right foot was stuck fast to the floor. Her father tugging as hard as he could until he began trying to slip her shoe off. And that's when they saw me. She was terrified of me, stark terror, and her father more afraid for her than of me. "He...hello" I meekly said. The man frantically yanked on her shoe as I could see Lari tearing up. I began to realize how scared they really were. I mean I would be too looking up at a giant kid. "I'm not gonna hurt ya. I was just curious" I said down to them. They froze as I reached down. The father blocked me. "Please. Please don't hurt her. Just me bean" he said. "Bean?" I asked. "Human bean. Please don't squish her" he begged crying. I felt terrible seeing him cry and beg like that. "I'm just gonna help her free" I said. I had to be careful about it. Just a tiny mistake could break or even crush a bone. Two fingers held her tiny leg barely thicker than a matchstick. Fingernails pulling and slipping her shoe off. Her tugging made her lurch forward right into my hand.

Holding her felt exhilarating but in some weird way warm how you hold a pet mouse or hamster for the first time. That feeling not of power but humble restraint. A gentleness and respect. And yes I thought she was cute. Long brown hair the color of an almond. Hazel eyes still scared of me. White but kinda smudged from the dust in the house. Her clothes were ragtag at best. Shirt from a torn piece of shirt mom was throwing out some time earlier. Pants made of tougher cloth. And shoes closer to boots hand stitched leather from strips of one of grandma's old shoes. "I'm Lucas. What's your name?" I asked. "LARI!" she blurted out. She clamped her hand over her mouth as if she said a bad word. I laughed. "Nice to meet you" I said grinning. I placed her back on the floor and her father rushed over to her. "Umm...if you're hungry you don't have to eat stuff off the floor" I said digging into a potato chip bag and handing them both a few chips. They stared at me stunned. "Go! Go" her father said pushing her. And off they disappeared behind the china cabinet. And for a solid month I didn't see them again. Lari told me later on that they were debating whether to move away but they decided to wait and see if mom, me, or someone would try to hunt them out.

Oh, they were watching me alright. They began to come out when mom wasn't home, and I was alone. And when I heard them moving around (as I got used to this faint tapping sound) I would give them food or whatever they needed. Lari, like most kids, was out growing her clothes. New leather for shoes. An old shirt, a sock, whatever they needed. But always timid around me. Never fully trusting me until one night I was woken up with a tapping on my cheek. It was Lari's mother. First time I ever met her. 26 years old as I found out later and looked like an older version of Lari. She was frightened in more ways than one. Lari was sick with a high fever. Her mother had come to me asking for medicine. They knew "beans" had medicine that could help her but also knew from experience that medicines could be poison as well. She and her husband had deeply argued about asking me for some due to that fact. They look just like us but that doesn't mean their bodies behave like ours. She had won the argument when Lari was passing out in bed.

I was just as scared as they were. I liked Lari. In my childish way I loved her. And here I was sneaking down to the kitchen in the middle of the night to get Tylenol. A drug harmless to me but possibly deadly to her. I gave her mom the pill and told her to give the smallest amount she could. Two days, two long days passed, and Lari came to me. I was so happy she was okay I plucked her off the floor like she was a toy. Kinda scared her but she saw how happy I was.

And that's how it started.

Years passed and we were both 16. Things had drastically changed since then. Mom knew about them but understood how I felt. Turns out she was a supporter of borrower rights and welcomed the Smallwood family. Me and Lari were closer than ever. Hanging with her. Teaching her stuff I learned in school. Laughing at one another's jokes. Movies, tv, mobile games. Lari can dance her little butt off on Dance Dance Revolution. Those tiny bare feet slipping and stomping my phone screen cracks me up even now. Her parents completely trusted me by that point but some things just didn' for them. And that was how me and Lari felt about each other. Neither party could blame the other. They understood that we were teenagers with feelings...yeah those feelings especially. And those grew over time. And I couldn't blame them about wanting Lari to wed a borrower.

See, certain things I learned about them over the years was their biology (which I read online) and their traditions. When borrowers come of age around 14, their bodies change drastically. Similar to humans but quirkier. Females enter heat once a month and are energetic and frisky. Explained why Lari was so full of energy around the same time of the month. They sweat more which embarrassed Lari to no end especially when she took off her tiny shoes. And they develop faster than us. They say online it's an evolutionary trait to survive. Breed as many kids as possible early. Not so different from humans a long time ago. Which leads right up to the second issue. Borrowers tend to look for a mate around 14 and marry no later than 16. Lari was 16, single, and had no kids. Ma and Pop wanted grandkids. Lari said she didn't mind not having them and that did NOT go over well with her parents. But I told her one day she may change her mind. And what I did next broke her heart. I petitioned the Borrower Welfare Service for an eligible male borrower she could marry. Years earlier I registered them with the BWS due to laws. And now, they were looking for a guy to marry the girl I loved. God I felt like a tool.

Kari turned down each one until I was 18 and going off to college. Holding out for me wasn't going to work anymore. Just before going off to Boston University, Lari married a guy named Chad. Yeah, should've figured something was up with that name but I'm getting ahead of myself. Three years older than her, developed, slightly tall for a borrower. He was not sold on living in the house away from his cushy pad from the reservation. Me and mom bought an expensive fully functional dollhouse just for them as a wedding gift and placed it in one of the rooms. Suddenly he was all for moving in. It didn't take long for Lari to get pregnant and have a daughter of her own. Kori after her mother. I would visit from college every other weekend as Boston was only a half hour drive away. Chad quickly grew resentful of the attention Lari gave me. She even let me hold her baby which was barely the side of a pea. Now that's trust. It wasn't long after things began to go south. I didn't notice at first and I should've. Lari says not to blame myself, but I do. She would walk with a limp sometimes. Flinch when I raised my voice. Sometimes not look at me and this went on for the next four years until I graduated from college and moved back.

God I remember that day. Mom was at work and so was I. Her parents had moved to the reservation some years back. By chance, my boss said I could leave early, and I did. I got home a few hours early. I had in my hand some treats I was going to share with them. First thing I noticed was Kori playing on the floor of the room where the dollhouse they lived in was. Fun fact, if you live with borrowers you learn to look down when you walk. "Why are you out here?" I asked bending down. "Mommy said to play outside for a while" she replied shrugging. It was a strange thing to say to a barely five-year-old borrower. There was nothing dangerous in the room but still. A little concerned, I gripped the roof and pulled it out. I had caught him. I had caught Chad right in the middle of hitting Lari. They both looked up at me. Chad annoyed then suddenly afraid. And Lari, a mix of fear, shame, and helplessness. I immediately yanked Chad up so fast his shoes fell off. Overturning his work desk (he was in house tech support) and bringing him to my face. "What the fuck are you doing?" I asked coldly. He demanded I put him down. I looked down at Lari. "How long?" I asked. He didn't answer. "I SAID HOW LONG!" I yelled. I felt a wetness. The bastard pissed himself.

My rage boiled over as I began to squeeze. His breath left his body. His bones creaked. "Please...don't kill me" he gasped. "Unca Lucas?" Kori asked from the floor. I had forgotten about her. I leaned back over to Lari. "Did he touch her?" I asked. She shook her head. I glared at Chad. "I didn't I swear" he groaned. I stopped squeezing him. "The only reason I don't crush you like a fucking used Kleenex is because of Kori. Pack your shit. You're leaving tonight" I said dropping him back into the house. I asked Kori if she could keep playing by herself and she nodded. I picked up Lari and took her with me to the living room. I immediately called BWS and told them what happened. Lari gave them a statement and they said they would take him back to the reservation to face justice there. Three hours later they arrived, took pictures, and left with Chad. Kori sat in the living room watching cartoons as I tended to Lari. I don't wish to be gruesome, but I say these things because I need to. Lari says I still shoulder the guilt and need to talk about it.

Bloody nose, blackened eye, cut lip. Bruises on her left arm. It could've been worse. It would've been worse if I hadn't come home when I did. Lari caught sight of herself in the bathroom mirror and cried. It had been a long time since I heard her cry so hard. I just sat there petting her with my thumb until she calmed down. And then watched her put on makeup to hide it from Kori. It's things like this I remember when assholes tell me borrowers have it easy. That they don't suffer the same problems we do. THEY DO. Even worse but they don't see that. They don't see the Lari's out there.

Sorry I'm getting sidetracked. That night Lari and Kori slept with me. I quickly learned that Lari was having nightmares, and we'd end up watching something random on Netflix at 2am. We grew close again and by the time Kori turned six, Lari and I were a couple. Chad really never came back into the picture not even for his daughter. And I want to say fine by me, but it hurt Kori really bad especially during her sixth birthday. And so, we had to sit her down and tell her why her daddy left. She was quiet about it and only asked questions when she grew older. As for Lari and me, well we had some fun for my 25th birthday. Kori was with her grandparents for the summer and me and Lari had been drinking after my birthday dinner. So I had gotten this oversized cupcake we could enjoy. Lemon with French vanilla frosting. Lari is dancing around and suddenly falls gave first into the cupcake. She's so wasted she began making snow angels in the frosting. She she's covered in frosting head to toe as I pull her free. Her clothes were just ruined but were laughing. I gave her this grin as I plucked her from the table and began licking her all over. Her legs are now in my mouth. I can feel the soles of her feet pushing on my back teeth. Her legs spread open as the tip of my tongue finds her tiny pussy. "Eat me! Please Luccie (her name for me)...fuckin' eat me!" she moans as I can taste her. She lets out this funny chirp as she cums in my mouth. I let go and she is panting in my hand.

I took her to the bedroom and we're both naked soon after. Now I won't kid you, we had sex before. I mean we were teens so go figure right? Well, this time there wasn't the awkwardness to it. We both wanted each other beyond the body. Lari was literally worshipping my cock. Her breasts rubbing my shaft. Her tiny feet pressed into my balls. And when I felt myself about to blow I picked her up and held her pussy right on my cockhead and let loose. I had done it. I came inside my cute little borrower. And not so romantically passed out five minutes later. Poor Lari was caked in dry frosting and semen when she woke up. Evidence of what we did. We both agreed we wanted it so no regrets. Every night that summer we had sex. Every night. But I'll let you in on a secret. It wasn't the sex I enjoyed the most. It was the little things. Taking her to restaurants with me without caring about the dirty looks I got. Telling each other jokes at 1 am. Popcorn fights during movies and yes she has a mean throw even for something bigger than her head. Painting her toenails for her which isn't easy seeing her toes are the size of uncooked grains of rice. I'm not ashamed to admit it but Lari gave me a foot fetish. She has some embarrassment about her feet. She thinks they're too big (half inch), they sweat a lot when she's in heat, and her toes are too long. You should see her blush when I lick her feet. I love teasing that tiny woman. And of course, Lari is a package deal namely Kori. By this time, Kori was calling me dad instead of uncle which was fine by me. I loved her like a dad. Worried like one too as she took after her mother in her tomboyish ways. Always exploring the inner workings of the house and coming home caked in dust bunnies. But she had her girly side too. Liked Disney princesses. Insisted on me painting her nails too. Loved my mom and called her grandma. And we can't forget about tea parties. And then on Christmas Eve I gave Lari a very special gift. An engagement ring.

She tackled me to the floor if you can believe it. Hugging my nose and crying. She laughed when I asked her if that meant yes. I remember our wedding day for more than the obvious reason. We decided to have it at the Greenwood reservation where her parents lived now. Greenwood...which is a better name than Reservation #27 reminds me of what that community from that "Downsizing" movie looked like. Better dollhouse so than I've ever seen. Six-inch-long cars and trucks moving about. Hospitals, schools, even a worship center. Certain rules and regulations had to be upheld while one was there though. Soft soled shoes only. Sober, had to pass a background check, those kind of things. Lari was feeling under the weather which at the time we thought was either nerves or a spring cold. Kori looked so cute in her flower girl dress. Pops looked FAR happier during this ceremony than the last one. And Ma was a crying happy mess telling me we should've married from the beginning. Lari, she wore the most beautiful silk white dress I'd ever seen. Her hair curled, barefoot which I found peculiar but didn't say anything, and rose petals literally woven into a kind of belt. In case you were wondering, no she didn't wear anything this elaborate when she married Chad. The same Chad who was not invited to this. We invited everyone else. Darth Vader, the shark from Jaws, the Cookie Monster, anyone was invited except that asshole.

Kori was the first to enter tossing cherry petals on the floor, then came Lari with her father. I swear my heart skipped a beat seeing her enter. As she approached, I remembered when I first met her. That small tiny girl in my hands so scared of me. And now, years later I was marrying her. I was so nervous I stuttered my vows. And when it came time to kiss my bride, I lowered my hand down. Her tiny bare feet sinking into my hand as she stepped into it. Her pretty eyes looking up at the giant she had loved for so long. Bringing her up to my face and kissing her. A moment in time that felt too soon to end and an eternity in my heart.

The party was pretty lit. Borrowers can throw down. Drinking, dancing, eating. We didn't have sex on our wedding night. Lari felt way too tired which I could understand. No matter as we were planning on going to Miami for our honeymoon. But early the next morning she was puking her guts out. Concerned, we went to the hospital and sat in a special room big enough for humans. They took blood and urine samples. Blood pressure and temperature. Lari in her hospital gown was cold so I held her with Kori in my hands. And the borrower Doctor (yes there are borrowers who are doctors) came back to tell us what was wrong with her.

"Congrats. You're pregnant" she said.

You could hear a mouse piss on cotton in that room. "But...but I thought humans can't get Borrowers pregnant" I said. "Not impossible. Just very uncommon. About 1 out of 1000 chance. Technically borrowers and humans share the same chromosome count and blood types. It's just a few genes that make us different. In most cases when it's not expected, well you're a smart man" she said not wanting to say it out loud with Kori with us. Yeah, holding Lari to my cockhead and cumming eventually made her pregnant. The doctor gave us pamphlets for us to read. What concerned us all was human/borrower pregnancies are tricky. Here's the thing about borrower pregnancies. One, they go through it damn fast. Humans it's nine months. Borrowers it's two and a half months. Two, they're VORACIOUS EATERS. Borrowers have natural high metabolisms to begin with and when a baby is in the oven they can eat 12 times a day, easily. They sweat more, more sensitive to smells, hearing is better, and whoo the sex drive. Lari was horny all the time the first time she was pregnant with Kori. When Chad had no time for her, Lari would take every chance to snuggle with me. Now that's for normal borrower pregnancies which this isn't. First thing is the baby will be bigger which means more strain on Lari. Dangerous strain as in her heart. And two she'll eat even more. She's going to be tired a lot. Horny a lot. And hungry a lot.

Don't get me wrong, I was happy as a clam hearing I'd be a real dad. Mom was ecstatic and concerned. Lari had fantasized about us having a baby since she was 16. And Kori was excited to be a big sister. Luckily, I had had ample vacation time saved I could use in the last month of the pregnancy. Lari began to show two and a half weeks into it. I stopped wearing body spray because she didn't like the smell. She preferred my natural scent as she put it. She would eat and go to the bathroom almost every hour. Cranky in the morning and cuddly at night. I took off work in early May when she got just past midway around three and a half weeks. By then she was VERY pregnant and was told she would get bigger. Poor girl cried saying she was fat and ugly. I would hold her close and tell her she's as beautiful as she was the first day we met. They weren't kidding about her sex drive, but I didn't know it would change me too.

Lari didn't have to ask for sex or kinky play. More than half the time I was the one starting it. After Kori went to bed we'd be alone and would pick her up. Since getting pregnant she had this sweet smell on her. Kissing her baby belly, licking it, nuzzling it. She even tasted better. I'm embarrassed to admit it but for a brief moment I wanted to eat her. I mean she tasted so fucking good. And when she said her breasts were swollen and sore I suck them and drink her milk. Kiss, lick, and suck on her swollen feet. That whimper and delicious juices when she came on my tongue made me cum every time. And I thought I was freaky until she began eating my cum. I have no idea if that's normal and I'm too embarrassed to ask. Needless to say, we had a very active sex life even then. And when the due date slowly approached, Lari would sleep more but thankfully no medical issues. Our son, Nathan, was born on May 26, 2021.

It happens to all fathers. That moment of joy and fear rolled into one. That moment you first hold your newborn baby. Praying to yourself "please don't let me drop him/her". Now imagine that fear when your son is barely a centimeter big. I was terrified to even touch him. Big sister Kori to the rescue as she placed Nathan into my cupped hand. I didn't dare move. Just staring at the teeny tiny life, I helped create moving around slightly as his two-hour old eyes looked up at me. Ma and Pop bickered at whose turn it was to hold him. Mom was like me, terrified to hold him until Lari placed him in her hand. For the first six months we traveled back and forth to the pediatrician in Greenwood. Nathan was breastfed till around four months. If you were curious, borrowers tend to breastfeed their babies for about a year for a variety of reasons. Immunity, ease of food, bonding. We had no choice but to wean him off as Lari couldn't keep up milk production. Nathan was a HUNGRY baby. Fortunately, it wasn't hard switching him to formula and baby food not long after. During his one-year checkup, it was clear Nathan was half human. He was a full quarter centimeter taller than average. The pediatrician told us he could easily be four inches tall by the age of 16. At 14 months, he began to walk. I still have the picture of him holding onto the tip of my finger as he toddled. Was he ever scared of me you ask? Nope. He knew I was his daddy and would grin and smile when I came home from work. I'm very thankful for that. By the time he was two years old he was saying simple words and being potty trained like any other toddler. Just a very small one that liked to nap in my hand. Kori loved playing with him and thankfully helped us have alone time with me and Lari. Being married and having kids didn't damper our sex life as one would expect. Sure, it slowed down, but we still found time for it. My favorite was surprising her when he least expected it.

Washing borrower sized dishes, she didn't sense me stalking her. Licking my lips as my delicious looking prey had her back turned. Then snatching her right up and bringing her to my face. Sometimes she'd fight me for laughs like she was Fay Ray and me King Kong. Pulling her little socks off her warm little feet. Her squirming and wriggling as I sucked on her feet. She whimpered as I pulled her tee shirt off and began kissing her stomach. Lari would coo as I sucked her bigger since being pregnant tits. Seriously, her tits are damn near twice their size since having Nathan. Getting her off sucking on her yummy little pussy and her tiny fists beating on my upper lip as she cums. And after she's cleaned and dressed, I look into her eyes and tell her how much I love her. Other couples may play it off saying "I know that" but she never does. She knows what we've been through. How hard it was to get where we are. Sometimes, though rare it is, she has those old nightmares. And I do what I did then. Netflix and cuddles. Same for me too. Yes I have nightmares. Mostly they deal with stepping on her or the kids. Holding them too tight. One where Kori fell into my cereal bowl, and I ate her. Scared the crap out of Lari waking up screaming. I kinda blame myself for that one as I was watching Honey I Shrunk the Kids earlier that afternoon. What's my point in telling you this part? My point is being in a relationship with a borrower is a deeper commitment than with humans. Let me make this clear. IT WILL CHANGE YOU. How you look at sex, intimacy, hygiene, parenting, walking, even looking at everyday things and chores. And the future. Oh yeah, how you think about the future.

Right now, it's April 25, 2024. Nathan is almost three years old. Kori just turned 9 and is attending a virtual school. Lari is thinking about another baby but right now I'm concerned with what's on tv. I'm watching C-SPAN and there's a historic bill being voted on in congress. The Borrower Civil Rights Act. It would make borrowers fully equal in the law and automatically American citizens. Before they were granted only the most basic rights. This would change everything. Integrated schools, jobs, the military, voting rights, just to name a few. Kori could attend Ipswich Elementary school next September. But would they be a good thing? It's the question that leads right to the issue being debated against the act. Equal rights mean equal justice. No more slaps on the wrist for killing a borrower. Now real prison time, civil suits, or both. And how would that work in a school? Kids are mean little assholes. Clumsy, mean and under the age of being tired as an adult. So how would you handle a kid accidentally squishing yours? And that is what frightens me as I don't have an answer and neither do they on tv. The right thing with very big consequences looming in the background. The bill passed by supermajority but it's clear some aren't sold on this for their own reasons. Nearly a third said no.

But in any event it's passed, and as history was made Lari climbs up onto my lap and up to my shoulder. "They really passed it" she whispered. "Yeah they did. Things are gonna change for good and bad" I said before taking a sip of beer. "Sometimes good things come from the bad. Look at us" she said. "True and I hope that's all it is" I say before kissing her.
Last edited by gundam on Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:08 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: How It Started...How It's Going

Post by DocRick » Wed May 08, 2024 10:58 pm


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Re: How It Started...How It's Going

Post by Rusco57 » Thu May 09, 2024 2:54 am

Good story. Will there be an eventual sequal?

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Re: How It Started...How It's Going

Post by gundam » Mon May 13, 2024 2:28 am

Rusco57 wrote:
Thu May 09, 2024 2:54 am
Good story. Will there be an eventual sequal?
I wasn't planning on it but I guess I will 😊

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Re: How It Started...How It's Going

Post by Rusco57 » Mon May 13, 2024 4:59 am

Well I , for one, will look forward to that!!

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Re: How It Started...How It's Going

Post by DocRick » Mon May 13, 2024 1:00 pm

For safety reasons, borrowers would probably need segregated schools, at least until high school, overseen by a bean administrator, maybe with bean and borrower teachers.

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Re: How It Started...How It's Going (Updated 5-31-24)

Post by gundam » Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:15 am

Continued due to popular demand...

She knows the odds are against her. Her tiny heart pounding. Watching him from cover. "Kori I will find you. And when I do I'm gonna eat ya" her father said licking his lips. Her heart skips a beat as his head turns in her direction. She holds her breath for a moment until he turns and crawls away. Her weapon in hand, the only defense against the giant human hunting her. The cold metal under her bare feet buckles ever so slightly. She pauses hoping he didn't hear it. The human keeps crawling away, and she sighs in relief. She crawls out of her hiding place seeing he's too far way for her to get a killing blow. However, the sofa nearby is long enough to get her into position. It's risky as it’s a decent length away. Taking deep breath, she bolts. Her tiny feet slapping against the wood table as she sprints and jumps as hard as she can. The minuscule air blows through her black hair. She makes it barely scrambling up the edge of the sofa cushion. She needs to be quiet now. She knows her father has excellent hearing. Skulking across the cushions she sees the nape of his neck and shoulder. Her target. The only way she can stop him. She readies her weapon groping it tightly. She pauses and waits for him to straighten his head as if she misses it's game over. "There!" she thinks and leaps. He feels her immediately and her weapon poking the side of his neck.

"You're dead!" she yells. "Yeah yeah you win" I sighed plucking her from my shoulder. I'm proud of Kori getting the best of me. "Two in a row now. You're getting better. Where were you hiding this time?" I asked. "Nuh uh. Not telling" she said grinning. "I know ways to make you talk" I growl before launching a tickle attack. "Mom help!" Kori squeals. "I swear. Only you two can turn a game of hide and sneak into a blood sport" Lari said walking towards us. "Aww, it's only just some pretend. Burns off that tomboy energy, keeps her in shape, and she can practice self-defense" I said. "I take you'll be doing this with Nathan too?" she asked. "In a few years yeah. Come on, how old were you when your dad taught you self-defense?" I asked. "Alright around her age but that was about mice and bugs and stuff. You keep the place a lot cleaner than your grandma did" Lari said. "You wanna try your luck?" I asked. "Please. I'm too old for that" she replied. "You're only 26 or are you worried your daughter is going to show you up?" I asked grinning. "Tomorrow. High noon" she said glaring at me.

I place Kori on the sofa and turn my attention to Nathan sitting nearby. "You watching Blue's Clues?" I asked him. He quietly nods. I lean forward and kiss the back of his head. He glances up at his giant daddy with a smile before watching tv again. "Did you get a chance to talk to Ms. Witherspoon?" Lari asked. I remember back to an hour ago...

Lari, like a few other borrower kids attend virtual school. Thankfully, the program was already well in place for kids like Kori not living in a reservation due to covid distance learning. The Borrower Welfare Services had no problem sending Kori the scaled down school supplies needed, and the textbooks were digital. Kori felt like being a bum this morning and stayed in her pajamas. Looking like a pink marshmallow pressing the space bar with her foot to turn a textbook page. She's smart as whip though and does her homework without too much nagging by us. But God is she so relieved when class is done for the day hence games like this now. Anyways, what Lari was referring to was asking Kori's teacher about actual attendance at school. Last month congress passed the Borrower Rights Act which made equal treatment in this case allowing Kori to attend like human kids a right. This has caused me some anxiety for obvious reasons. "Ms. Witherspoon could you stay online for a few extra minutes?" I ask as class is done. "Sure thing Mr. Anderson. What can I help you with?" she asked. "It's about the possibility of Kori attending class physically at Ipswich Elementary. You do know about the Act right?" I asked. "Oh, I know. Ipswich, like other schools, has to submit a policy by August 1st to the Board of Education. Last I heard they didn’t. Frankly, I don't think they really know what to do. Please keep in mind the Act is barely two weeks old" she said. "In your opinion what do you think they'll do?" I asked.

"If you do enroll her, place her in a class with human kids. Maybe a guidance counselor to carry her around. They wouldn't spend resources like a personal teacher and classroom just for her" she replied. "Damn. Not what I wanted to hear. Her alone would be safer. "What about you?" I asked. "Heh. I'd just be reassigned to Boston or maybe be a full-time teacher for kids like Kori. Mr. Anderson I understand your concerns. I share them because of my own child Bryan" she said. "Oh yeah I forgot you adopted a borrower. Handful?" I asked chuckling. "Literally. Is there anything else?" she asked. "No ma'am" I replied. "Then have a good day" she said before logging off Zoom. I tell Lari all this which brings us back to now.

"That's it?" Lari asked. "She has a point. This just happened. You know how long it took to integrate schools for black kids?" I asked. "Yeah I get it, but I want her to go. Be around other kids. Make real friends. Don't you want that too?" she asked. "Yes and no. It's all fun and games until the creepy kid that pulls wings off butterflies sees her. I rather her have a classroom of her own" I said. "Segregation?" she asked folding her arms. "Don't. Don't make it out that way" I said. She sighs and throws up her hands. "You two fighting?" Kori asked from the sofa. "We're not fighting. We're having a difference of opinion" I said. "Speaking of fighting. Guess who called here yesterday while you were at work?" she asked. "Who?" I asked. "Chad" she replied quietly. I scooted over to Kori and placed my fingertips over her tiny ears. "What the fuck does that dickhead want?" I asked softly. "He wants to visit Kori on her birthday next month" she replied. "Why? He hasn't given a shit about that since he got the boot three years ago" I said. "Dunno but he's asking. What do we say?" she asked. What do I say? "I find the timing weird. What else did he say?" I asked. "That he missed her and wants to see her. As much an asshole he is, he is still her bio father" she said. "I have to really think about that. We both do" I replied. "Fair enough" Lari said. In case you wanted to see what Lari looked like, I took a picture of her that afternoon...


Later that evening...

Kori is in her own room (which she insisted she was old enough to have) watching tv. Normally she has a 9pm bedtime but it's Friday so she can stay up later. I check on Nathan in his little diorama room sitting on the dresser. "He asleep?" Lari asked as I looked down. I gently tucked his blanket back over him. "Out like a light" I whisper back. If you were curious, there a tiny light that acts like a nightlight for him. They moved out of the dollhouse not long after Chad left. It didn't feel right keeping them apart from me like that. "You smell nice” Lari said scooting over to me on her personal pillow. "Soap will do that" I chuckled as I crawled into bed. "You're in heat again" I whispered. "You can tell?" she asked. "You smell slightly sweet" I replied grinning. I lay down with her facing me. She can tell something's up by how I'm staring at her. "What's on your mind now?" she asked. "I forgot how pretty those hazel eyes are" I said. She blushes and buried her face into the pillow. "You won't let me see them?" I asked. She shook her head. I reach over, grasp her bottoms between my fingernails and pull down. "What are you...eek!" she squeals. "Shh!" I said. "How can I shush when you lick my butt!" she said. "What's the matter?" I asked poking her bare butt. "Do I really have to explain?" she asked. "It's no biggie since you bathed" I said. "Not the point dummy!" she said kicking her legs and feet. I rolled her onto her back.

"You like this don't you? Me being so helpless" she muttered. "Well, truth be told it is the face you're making I fell in love with" I replied. "...wha?" she asked surprised. "You had the same look on your face the first time we met. Remember you stuck to that glue trap? Me holding you? Looking back, I had feelings for you then" I said quietly. I stopped pinning her spread out arms. "I thought it was when I got sick" she said. "That was me trying to understand you meant a lot to me. I mean we were ten" I said shrugging. She pulled her bottoms back up. I laid back down next to her. I gently petted her left cheek before she grabbed the tip of my finger and kissed it. "Of all the houses it was mine. Of all the borrowers it was you. You're the one I needed in my life" I said quietly. Lari scooted closer to me and touched my cheek with her tiny hand. "Are you okay Luccie?" she asked. "I was a very lonely kid around the time you met me. No dad, only kid, and my grandma just passing. Add to the fact moving out here. I had nobody other than mom. And then there was you" I whispered holding her small hand between my fingers. I could tell she was worried about me. "I've been worried about this Act and what it could mean but I never considered it could bring humans and borrowers together in ways like we have. I can't keep worrying about the future. I can just hope" I said shrugging. I nuzzled my borrower wife with my nose making her giggle. We kissed and finally went to bed.

The weekend came and went. If you were curious, Lari did try our game of hide and seek and she lasted longer than our two minutes. She did not like me teasing her saying old age was slowing her down. In came Monday and off to the office. You might be wondering what I do for a living. Assistant director of marketing for Global Dynamics. In a nutshell, we think up ideas to expand market shares for Fortune 500 companies including the advertising to go with it. I make a decent living off it. Around $90k a year plus insurance which is a huge boon when you have a borrower family. Speaking of borrowers, I notice one walking up to my desk now. "Morning Mr. Anderson" she said down below. "Good morning Claire" I said bending down. She politely took off her heels and stepped into my hand. I picked her up and let her step off onto my desk. I just quietly glance at her bare feet as she walked on my polished oak desk. Okay wait. It's not a fetish thing (but I do admit she has sexy feet), but it's kinda a reminder of a rule we have here. I'll explain and while I'm at it explain who Claire is.

A borrower obviously. 19 years old. Strawberry blonde hair thing but not skinny. A real cutie to be honest. She reminded me of Kim Possible from the cartoon. No, seriously. Her full name is Claire Applebottom. Yeah that last name is an issue for her. Anyways, Claire lived her entire life on a reservations me a rely saw any of the outside world beyond the rare and random school field trip. Be that as it may, she enrolled into Boston University last year and is now a sophomore studying Mass Communications. Claire took an internship at my office as part of a required course. Keep in mind this was before the Borrower Rights Act was signed so upper management was so keen on her being here. However, the idea of bad press to deny her and good press accepting her played a part in her ending up in my office. As to how she ended up with me it was simple. I had a borrower family. "Get Lucas to babysit her. He's married to one. He knows how to handle them" I'm very sure they said behind closed doors.

Borrowers are like us. They know when they're not wanted and simply being "tolerated". Poor Claire was a nervous wreck the first week. Stammering when she talked. Flinching when I got close. Terrified when I would carry her around. But when she finally noticed my family photos (too nervous to focus on other thing than the giant in front of her) she relaxed when I told her who they were. If anything, she was shocked that not only did I marry one but had a child by one. She acted way more relaxed around me by the end of the second week and by the third voiced her opinions about things with more confidence. Now to explain the barefoot thing. During the third week being here she was wearing her high heels walking along my desk as usual. Her minuscule weight didn't cause scratches so no biggie. While talking about an upcoming meeting, she wandered close to the edge of my desk. She turned and slipped. Claire fell right off the edge and by sheer chance I was in a position to catch her before she crashed to the floor. My office had carpet but to a borrower it’s like a 40ft drop headfirst. Broken neck at best. Poor thing was trembling in my hand and refused to be let down. After calming her, we both agreed no more heels on my desk and nylons were just as bad if not worse. So yeah bare feet only. See? Nothing creepy. Oh. Here's a picture of Claire I took on casual Friday in the office...



"How was your weekend?" she asked. "Playing hide and seek with the family. They hide and I play Godzilla" I replied. Claire laughed. "Seriously. I do it for fun but to keep my daughter in shape. You guys have natural climbing and foraging instincts. Need to keep them sharp" I said. "No, I got it. I'm just imagining you in a rubber suit growling" she giggled. "Not with this figure" I said. "Oh, come on Lucas. You look great for 26" she said. "...really?" I asked. "Yeah I was just telling my friend that my boss is...nice" she said muttering. Claire was blushing. "And what did you do during your weekend?" I asked. "Hung out at the dorm and played video games with my roommate" she replied. "You didn't chill on the quad? Not even the frozen lemonade? They still have that right?" I asked. "Yeah it's still there. I just don't want to be a burden to my roommate" she replied. I understood where she was coming from. While times uncommon, it wasn't rare for borrowers to attend college in person. For safety reasons, borrowers were assigned same sex roommates that acted as chaperones. Carrying them to class and lunch mostly. The school paid them $100 a week to do this. Sounds great right? 100 bucks just to carry a person around in your hand. Well, you were also forced to take the very same classes they did to avoid schedule conflicts. Many students did not like that catch. For the borrower it was a good deal, but the chaperone wasn't responsible for taking you anywhere outside of class or reasonable issues. Meaning they were on their own during weekends. As one can imagine, assigning a borrower chaperone was a tricky thing.

"Look. It's not much but me and the family wouldn't mind you visiting for dinner or something during the weekend. Just call me" I said. Yeah this is an HR no no, but Claire looked so depressed right then. "I wouldn't be a burden?" she asked. That was the second time she used that word. "Claire? Did your roommate say that you are?" I asked. Her lip quivered. She looked at me with those green eyes. "...yes" she replied suddenly crying. I picked her up and placed her in my hand. Tearing off a tiny bit of Kleenex, I handed it to her. "You are NOT a burden. You're just height challenged is all" I said. Claire laughed a little as she sniffled and wiped her eyes. "Height challenged? That's a new one" she said. "Either that or travel sized. I meant what I said though. You are a sweet, smart, caring young woman. And you are going to make a great marketing presenter one day. Not to mention a good wife to whatever lucky guy...or girl" I said smiling. She hid her face and scrunched her tiny toes in embarrassment. "My wife and kids would love to have you over for dinner" I said. "Maybe I will" she said smiling. Claire did end up at my house that weekend but not for dinner...

Late Friday night I was sitting with my wife watching some movie on Netflix when my phone rang. Caller ID says its Claire. "It's Claire" I muttered. "At this hour?" Lari asked looking at the clock on our wall. She had a point. It was 11:45 but I knew Claire wouldn't call me this late unless there was good reason. "Hello?" I asked answering. "Lu...Lucas?" she asked. "Claire? Claire what's wrong? You sound strange" I said. "At house party. Came with Addison (roommate). We took something called...Molly*. I don't feel good. I feel real hot and fuzzy. Can't find Addy. Didn't know...who else to call" she said mumbling. "Shit where are you now?!" I yelled. "Google. Where is my location?" she asked. Seconds later she sent me a text of where she was. Some house on the south side of Boston. "Are you somewhere safe? Trouble breathing?" I asked now going into panic mode. "Closet. No just really hot" she muttered. Then the line went dead. I bolted up from the sofa and slipped my shoes on. "Claire took some kind of drug at a party. She might OD. I gotta go" I told Lari. "Then call 911!" she yelled. I cursed myself not thinking about that. And as it happened...and I swear to god...the line was busy. In hindsight, it's Boston, on a Friday, and the last weekend before college finals. Yeah, 911 was busy that night.

*for those that don't know, Molly is slang for the drug Ecstasy and usually mixed with something else.

I raced down the highway as fast as I could. With the cops tied up on calls, there were none to pull me over doing 90 in a 65. I was fearing the worst. Part of me imagined finding her small little dead body behind a shoebox. A young life cut short over a fucking party drug. I got to the house, knocked on the door, and when someone opens it pushed right past scrambling until I found a closet. I opened it and there she was barely awake looking up at me. I guess that's when my heart decided it could start beating again. I quickly picked her up and took her to my car. Claire was high as shit. So high she'd needed air traffic control clearance. However, she didn't look like she was having an overdose. Now the next part was a gamble and stupid one at that. I'll admit that now. Her body temperature was elevated and that high I should've taken her right to the ER. She could be having brain damage that every second for all I knew. And yet, I didn't. And you're not alone asking me why I didn't. Lari asked the same thing but I'm getting ahead of myself.

I'm racing back home and storm through the door when I get there. Claire passed out but she's breathing okay but yeah she's warm. Lari sees her and freaks. I placed Claire on the kitchen counter and fish out the IR thermometer. Claire's temperature is 104.1 F. Yeah that high for a browser but not as high as you'd think. Back in college, I learned about borrower biology. That's where I leaned about how borrowers go into heat. Anyways, borrowers have a few quirks that make them different. One, their natural body temp is higher than ours. On average it's about 101.4. It's the byproduct of having a fast metabolism and essential as it helps them survive. Keep in mind they don't have layers of fat or fur to keep such a small body warm like say a mouse. It was this metabolism that actually saved her life that night. So, Claire wasn't in immediate danger, but she wasn't in good shape either. "Why did you bring her back here instead of a hospital?!" Lari asked. "She looks just really high and if I did take her it could come back to the dean at the university. They have a zero tolerance on narcotics. She would've been expelled and blacklisted from every college in the country" I replied. "Lucas. That's a hell of a risk. It's better than dying" Lari said. Lari had a good point but what's done was done.

"Lari I'm trying to concentrate. We'll talk about this later. Just stay out of the way" I said coldly. I filled a small shallow bowl, the same bowl we use to give Nathan his baths with slightly warm water. Important fact, if someone is having a dangerous fever, do NOT place them in cold water. The sudden shock could actually stop their heart. Next came to undressing Claire. Her little flats came off her feet easily enough. Then came her dress. I paused for a moment. I had given thought about what Claire looked like naked. Don't judge me. I'm a married man not dead or blind. I pushed my slight embarrassment aside and after a bit of work took her bra and panties off. The borrower girl was naked on my kitchen counter and yes she was very pretty. Nice breasts for a 19-year-old and she trimmed not shaved down there. Scooping her up, I gently placed her in the water making sure it wasn't too deep. The feeling of the water revived her for a few moments. "Lucas?" she asked looking up at me all glassy eyed. "Yeah it's me" I whispered. "I feel warm" she whispered. "I know. The water will help with that" I said. "No, not like that. Warm down here" she said spreading her legs.

I felt shame and embarrassment. Shame as I was getting aroused by a drugged-up girl while my wife was just 10 ft. behind us on the sofa. Embarrassment for her. "Love you so much. Suck on my tiny little pussy. Please? she begged. I'm telling myself it's the Molly talking. Truthfully, I already knew Claire had a crush on me. Borrower girls are good at hiding their feelings except during a mating cycle. And Claire had been doing things to make herself look prettier lately. Curling her hair, more makeup, even painted her toenails red. She damn sure wasn't doing that for the human girls in my office. "Claire honey no" I whispered to her closing her legs. "Don't you find me pretty? Don't you like me?" she asked. The question, the tone of her voice made it hurt. "Yes I like you. And yes I think you're pretty. And I care enough about you not to take advantage of you. Just rest okay?" I asked. She nodded and relaxed. "Is she okay?" Lari asked. "She's resting now. I think the worst is over. Looks like her body is kicking the drug out as we speak" I replied. Lari climbed down from the sofa and came over to me. I picked her up and placed her on the counter.

"She's pretty" Lari whispered. "Yes she is" I whispered. "Lucas are you okay? Your hand is shaking" she said. I hadn't even noticed. "Just worried. When umm...when I look at her I can't help but think about Kori. One day she's going to be exposed to this type of shit. It's impossible not to going to college. Claire was damn lucky tonight. It could've gone ten different ways. I could've found her dead. Brain damned. She may not have been able to call me. Used as some sex toy. Maybe even...eaten" I whispered. Yes, that's right. Humans have been known to eat borrowers for sick kicks and such a fact terrifies me as a husband and father. I don't mean mouth play either. I mean eating and digesting them.

"But she's fine and that's what matters" Lari said patting my hand. And she's right. That really is what mattered. We waited a half hour longer before taking Claire out of the water and by then her temperature was down to a more manageable 102 F. I still want comfortable leaving Claire on her own though. Lari was kind enough to dry Claire off with a paper towel while I got her old dollhouse bed and a spare nightgown. Lari asked me if we should put her panties back on, but I declined in case Claire had another fever. We slipped the nightgown on, and I gently placed her in the bed now sitting on the coffee table. I told Lari I'd be staying up for a while and she said she would as well, but I reminded her that someone had to be with Nathan. So, there I was quietly sitting on the floor watching Claire sleep. Now and then I'd take her temperature and be relieved it didn't go up. Claire rested soundly. Even moving in her sleep now and then. Her tiny foot slipped out from under the covers. I went to cover it back up but paused.

So, as you know already I have a foot fetish. I've seen Claire's feet and Lari's feet and if you were wondering Claire had better looking feet. Makes sense as Lari grew up wearing garbage shoes and skulking though holes and vents. Claire grew up in a pampered reservation wearing real actual shoes. I took a moment to study Claire's little borrower foot. Toenails painted red. Slender sole and arch. Her foot now resting on my fingertip. As tempted as I was I was not going to take liberties. I just saved her from such a thing. But damn was I tempted to just lick that tiny foot. I tucked it back in and just rested.

"Where am...oh my god..." was the sound I woke up to. I opened and rubbed my eyes to see a very startled little borrower staring at me. "Claire" I whispered. "Lucas? Then it wasn't a dream" she said. She got out of bed, and she immediately realized she was naked. She covered up and I looked away. "Bathroom" she asked. I nodded and had her sit in my hand. She had to feel her bare butt sitting on my hand. I damn sure did. I carried her to the bathroom and showed her where Lari and the kids went. I carried her back to the coffee table. "Your clothes should be dry by now" I said handing them to her. She was fully dressed minus her sandals. "How much do you remember?" I asked. "I remember my roommate taking me to a party off campus. She gave me something called Molly and then she left me. It's kinda a haze after that. I think I remember calling you?" she said. "You did high out of your mind. Claire what were you thinking taking a drug like that? You do know that drug is a mix of ecstasy and cocaine right?" I asked. Her eyes got wide. "It could've killed you. Fried your brain, stopped your heart. You are exceedingly lucky" I said. Claire broke down crying. "I see she's awake" Lari said. "Mommy who is that?" Kori said holding Nathan's hand. "A friend of your father's" Lari replied.

I put a few drops of water into a borrower cup and gave it to Claire. "Thank you" Claire sniffled. "You got yourself a big problem. You do know that right?" I asked. Claire didn't answer. "Your roommate can't be trusted to look after you. That's a given. And if you report her you expose yourself too. The university is very clear about drugs" I said. Claire looked as if she wanted to cry again. "You're probably hungry too. I'll start breakfast. Kori sweetie. Why don't you get to know Claire here? She could use a new friend right now" I said. My tiny munchkin smiled and nodded. "I'll show you my room" Kori said to her. I watched as Claire disappeared with her leaving me with Lari and Nathan. I turned on cartoons after a little peck on his head. "Claire has about a week left in the semester. After that she'll be on break. I had already planned on hiring her full time during that time. With that in mind, there is kinda a solution" I said. "Lucas you're tiptoeing" Lari said looking for the coffee mix. "I was thinking she could stay here for the week" I said. Lari stopped and looked up at me.

Guess she could sense the guilt and trepidation in my voice because she said this..."That's fine. Don't worry about it" she replied smiling. "Really?" I asked. "Lucas. You don't have to be afraid of hurting my feelings. I get you're attracted to her. That's perfectly fine and Claire needs a safe place to stay" she replied. I remembered how fortunate I married a very understanding woman. "Even if you did have sex with her you two wouldn't be the first to practice borrower polygamy" she said jumping up to tap the button on the coffee maker. "Pardon?" I asked dumbfounded. "I'm not saying jump her tiny bones, but I'd get it" she replied. "Okay but going back to the polygamy part. Some borrowers actually marry more than one person?" I asked shocked. "The traditionalists do...some of them. Look, as you know before the reservations, some borrowers actually lived in colonies underground. Mostly old, abandoned rabbit dens. Because things can happen, it was common for the number of men to women to be lopsided....badly. So, to keep families going borrowers took more than one mate" she said. "Why haven't I heard about this before?" I asked. "It's not something I'd imagine being taught in schools nor is it something that just pops map in conversation. Now chop chop. I'm hungry" she said.

Kori was talking Claire's ear off as we all ate breakfast. "Me and Lari have been talking Claire. We think it'll be best if you stay here at least till the semester is over" I said. "Wha?! No, I can't do that. I got a dormmate that's..."

"Trouble. Very bad trouble. You get me? After what she did you can’t trust her, and you know what I mean" I said. Claire looked down at her plate. She knew what I meant. The dirty truth was Claire was a liability that could tell the dean what happened. Claire could end up in an "accident" to keep her from talking. "I dunno" Claire muttered. "Stay! Please stay!" Kori begged. "I'm still good with the provost. I can call him and explain that you suddenly came down with a summer cold and don't want to infect the dorm so close to graduation time. That you're staying with your intern boss" I said. "Would that even work?" she asked. "I'm actually how my company made the list for internships. He trusts me" I replied. Claire nodded and sniffled. "Stay!" Nathan yelled. "See? Totally outvoted" I said chuckling. Claire smiled and nodded. After breakfast, the kids ended up playing with Claire all day.

I plucked Kori up by the scruff of her pajama top. Her little legs kicking in the air. "Dad?!" she yelled. "Don't dad me. It's bedtime little lady" I said placing her in my hand and carrying her to her room. After placing her on the floor, she huffed and climbed into her dollhouse bed. "You can play with Claire tomorrow" I said. "Dad? Why does Claire look so sad?" she suddenly asked. "A friend of hers almost hurt her very badly so she needs to stay here for a while" I replied. "If she was a friend then why would she try to hurt her?" Kori asked. "Sometimes who we think are friends aren't. There are some people bad things to people because they're different" I said. "Because she's a borrower?" she asked. "...yes" I replied. "But you don't. You love me, mommy, and Nathan. I know you say you're gonna eat me, but I know you're just joking" she said giggling. "I'd never eat ya. You're too scrawny. Rawr!" I growled. Kori squealed. "And I do love you. More than the stars and the moon. Night night sweetie" I said kissing her tiny head. "Night dad" she said kissing me back before snuggling into bed. I walked to the bedroom.

"Just had a very deep conversation with our daughter" I told Lari who was checking on Nathan. "What about?" she asked. "About how people who we think are friends can hurt us. That some people hurt others because they're different. I need to borrow some pajamas" I replied looking around. Lari slid down and made her way to her dollhouse scaled dresser. "Claire?" she asked. "Yes to both" I replied. "She took to Claire quickly" she said. "I think Kori wants her as a big sister" said to her. "Speaking of Kori, we never decided on the Chad situation" she said. "He's up to something. The dad part of me understands the want to see your kid. The other part of me knows he's a cunning little asshole. Your opinion?" I asked. "On the off chance he did change, maybe we should let him see her" she replied. "And if he flakes?" I asked. "Then we gave him a chance" she replied. "Which could end up breaking her heart badly" I said. "There is one person we haven't even brought it up with" she said. "You have a point. She's only eight but she deserves to have some say" I said. Lari handed me a pajama set. "Thanks" I said. Lari smiled and nodded.

After covertly changing, Claire sat with me for a while as we discussed the plan to keep her here. She was quite shocked to hear me say I could hire her full time. Politely she played down the opportunity until I told her she was better suited than some of my real employees. I think the poor girl was overwhelmed as she began dozing off soon after. I carried her to the dollhouse. "Lucas, I can't think you enough for this. Opening your home to me..." she said quietly. "Like I said don't worry about it" I whispered petting her hair. She hugged my fingertip tightly before kissing it. "Oh! I didn't mean to umm..." she stammered. I leaned in real close to her. Just inches from her. Claire was blushing beet red looking down at her toes. "Hey. Look at me" I said. She meekly looked up. "You're allowed to feel that way" I whispered kissing her head. Claire, with tears in her eyes hugged my nose. I had forgotten how strong a borrower could hug. She actually pinched my nose. I told her good night and left the room.

I got up out of bed and quickly walked to her room. Moonlight through the window illuminated the room enough I could see. I bent down and there she was fast asleep. Like last night, her left foot dangled over the edge of the bed. That tiny rosy sole and cute little toes. I brought my nose to her foot and smelled the faint scent of lavender soap. I closed my eyes and gave her foot a lick. Her foot twitched. Bolder, I sucked her entire little foot into my mouth. I could feel those tiny toes twitching on my tongue. Carrie began to stir. She opened her eyes and looked dead at me. "Luc..."

My fingertip on her lips silenced her. Scared, nervous I'm not sure the way she looked at me as I pulled away her bed sheets. My fingers wrapped around her body as I lifted her up and I sat down. I easily took off her pajama top followed by her pants. Her eyes locked on me as my fingernail hooked her panties and pulled them down and off her legs. "Lucas, please don't hurt me" she begged. "I'd never hurt you Carrie" I whispered to her. "No, I mean...I'm a virgin" she muttered. I was surprised. Carrie was clearly beautiful, kind, and sincere. 19 years old and literally ripe for sex. "Really?" I asked. "I was saving myself for marriage but...if it's you..." she whispered. I brought her to my face and kissed her. Carrie held my cheeks kissing me back. I began teasing her with butterfly kisses on her head and upper chest. She whimpered slightly as I took both her pea sized tits between my lips and sucked. My erection was near painful by now as the tabooness of it was in my mind. I had only dome this to Lari either from foreplay or when she was pregnant to help when her tits were too swollen with milk. And now I was doing it to another woman while still married. I let go to avoid hurting her. Kisses down before I stuck the tip of my tongue into her belly button making her squeal. "Don't tease me!" she yelled seeing me chuckle at her.

"Spread your legs sweetie. Don't hide it" I said. "It's embarrassing" she whispered blushing. "Nothing you have is embarrassing" I said running my finger up her clit. She was wet, soaking wet. Carrie gasped seeing me lick and suck my finger clean. "Hmm, you're sweet on the inside too" I whispered. Carrie spread her legs revealing her nearly trimmed glistening in the moonlight cunt. Her legs on the side of my cheeks, I sucked her pussy into my mouth. Carrie moaned as the tip of my tongue parted her lower lips. I was careful as she said she was a virgin. " me...please eat me more" the tiny groaning young woman begged me. Harder I sucked. Her tiny heels digging into my cheeks. Her tiny toes curling as she let off a chirping cry. My mouth was briefly flooded with her sweet young borrower juices. Of course I wasn't done with her. Not by a long shot.

She made a squeaking sound as my tongue invaded her ass. Holding her by her waist and bent forward onto my third finger, Carrie was helpless as I licked, sucked, and tongued her bare ass. Her tiny legs kicked either in arousal or defiance. Either way I didn't care. She was my toy tonight whether she liked it or not. No, that came out wrong. I did care but she was enjoying her time with me as much as I did with her. Her legs went rigid as she came again. Flipping her around in my hand, I could feel her pulse racing. That heart, barely the size of half a tic tac beating as fast as it could under her supple pea sized breast. I pushed my boxers down to my knees and lowered her down to my aching cock. Her tired voice rising and falling as I jerked her up and down my shaft. "Too rough! Too rough!" she cried out. I slowed down for her. I'm thankful I did as I wanted to savor the feeling of her small fragile body polishing my dick. Carrie hooked her ankles around my cock to steady herself just in time for me to cum. Her voice muffled into a gurgle as her face was coated in splooge. My post cum bliss was broken by her coughing. "Shit! You alright?! I didn't mean to cum on your face like that!" I said concerned. I actually did but that was my dick talking. She wiped the cum from her eyes and nose. "I'm okay. Just some warning next time" she said. I used a spare bed sheet to clean her.

"Wait" she said scooping up a literal handful of semen. She jammed it into her pussy and smeared it all over her crotch. "I want you baby" she said lustfully.

And then I woke up.

Yeah, the whole thing with me and Carrie fucking around was just a dream. Trust me, I feel as cheated as you. I hadn't had a dream that vivid in a long while and speaking of that..."you got to be kidding me" I muttered feeling wetness in my boxers. You guessed it. I came in my sleep. Mid 20's and I had a fucking wet dream. Thanks god Lari was sound asleep snoring as she would've smelled it easily. Fun fact, borrower girls, especially sexually mature ones have very good senses of smell. The scent of semen is easily the top five smells that can pick out above all others. I got up and went to the bathroom to clean myself up. Once I had I walked to the bedroom where Carrie was. I only wanted to check on her. Really. I opened the door and nearly jumped out of my skin seeing a human sized shadow on the wall. But as my eyes focused, there was no other human but Carrie. Sitting in her pjs on the roof of the dollhouse staring at the moon shining through the window. It caused her distorted shadow to show on the wall. "You're still awake?" I asked.

My voice scared the hell out of her making her tumble off the roof. My quick reflexes caught her before she hit the floor. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I got up to use the bathroom and came to check on you" I said. I placed her back on the roof. "Whew" she said taking a breath. "I was just deep in thought. An old habit of mine from back home would be to climb onto the roof of our house and look at the sky. Nighttime is the only time of day where we can see the sky clearly" she said. It's true. You already know borrowers live on reservations. To keep them safe from weather and predators, it's covered by a ballistic, solar sensitive, glass dome. You know those lenses in glasses that change tint according to sunlight? Yeah that type of tint mixed with military grade glass. They get a tinted muted blue sky during the day but a clear sky at night. Due to low level light pollution and refraction, you can actually see more stars there than here.

"What the fuck was I thinking? Taking a drug I knew nothing about? To impress people I don't know, one that doesn't even fucking like me? I could've fucked up my career, my academic career, my life?" Carrie asked. "I put you in a position you don't deserve. I feel so fucking stupid" she said softly crying. I scooted closer and petted her long red hair. "Congratulations, you're a teenager. We all do stupid shit sometimes. It's part of life" I said. "Bet you didn't do something this stupid" she said. "Actually, when I was 17 I smoked some weed laced with angel dust. I drive home from a party tripping fucking balls. Never smoke weed you don't prepare yourself. I got into so much trouble" I said. "Really?" she asked. "You kidding? My eyes looked like fucking brake lights. No way I could play it off. Mom was mortified that I drove home that high. Lari came out wondering what the shouting was about. She couldn't even get within five feet of me I reeked so badly. I was arguing with my mom until I thought the Christmas tree was melting. Kinda dawned on me how high I was then. The worst part was mom said she wasn't angry with me so much as she was disappointed. It's not the mistakes we make that define us. It's how we learn and be better from them" I said lowering my face close to her.

Carrie looked up at me. She hugged my face really good. "Thank you for being here for me" she whispered. "I got your back" I chuckled. I surprised both of us kissing her little forehead. This close I could smell the lavender soap she used. My mind flashing back to that dream. My mouth watering to taste her naked flesh. "Get some rest" I said tapping her head making her giggle. And on that I went back to bed.

And so that's how Carrie ended up with us.

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