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New Book New Giveaway

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 2:40 am
by Tina Tempest
Hey gang, I just posted "Tiny Mistakes to Amazon" as part of my book launch I am also giving away free copies of "Tiny Hearts" from Sunday, Jan 12 to Tuesday, January 14. Reviews are very much appreciated as they spur sales.
I have taken the criticism to heart in "Tiny Mistakes" it includes my first babysitter tale! Also no conical boobs!

Here is a taste is the very beginning of "Vacation" "Tiny Mistakes" final tale I really can't say anymore without spoiling it!

“I’m going to give you a bath, wee one,” he stated with a gleam in his eye.
The terrified shrunken woman swallowed hard. She considered the fate of her husband lying in the next room. If this man did not summon help … For a long moment, she stood there indecisively. At last, her fingers strayed to the buttons of her cream-colored blouse.
“No, I’ll do that too. Just relax sweetheart,” he said as he crossed the short distance between them.
“Please,” she sobbed softly, “I’ll do anything you ask, but my husband…”

Feedback is ALWAYS appreciated. I want my stories to appeal to as many of you as possible.

Love, Luck and Lollipops, Tina Tempest

Re: New Book New Giveaway

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 5:26 pm
by FifteencentiKim
And just started reading this collection!