Four stories, need translation f/f

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Four stories, need translation f/f

Post by Koonago98 » Wed Apr 20, 2022 11:37 pm

Hello, guys, here I bring you a brief friendly story, it consists so far, of four parts and I hope to write more, it needs translation, as you will know English is not my main language and using a translator will ruin the writing, if you can translate it into English and republish it it will be perfect ! feel free to modify and/or continue them. I preferred to leave them that way to give free rein to the reader's imagination about what could happen to the characters in the future!

A note to the administrators check the publication well, I do not want to violate the rules of the community! thank you!


Hola chicos, aquí les traigo una breve historia amigable, consta hasta ahora, de cuatro partes y espero escribir más, necesita traducción, como sabrán, el inglés no es mi idioma principal y usar un traductor arruinará la escritura. , si puedes traducirlo al inglés y volver a publicarlo, ¡será perfecto! siéntase libre de modificarlos y/o continuarlos. ¡Preferí dejarlos así para dar rienda suelta a la imaginación del lector sobre lo que podría pasar con los personajes en el futuro!

Una nota a los administradores revisen bien la publicación, no quiero violar las reglas de la comunidad! ¡Gracias!

Please someone translate the story, thanks!
it is spanish language!
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1 Vecinos afortunados

Pastillas y muchas casualidades!

Magi una madre soltera cabello castaño de 38 años de mediana estatura con un excelente cuerpo atlético y buenas curvas, sacaba apresuradamente de un almacén en su casa un TV antiguo para venderlo, necesitaba probarlo para verificar si servía o venderlo como chatarra, en eso llegó Carol su hija de 18 años cabello castaño como su madre, quien tenía un cuerpo con curvas muy hermoso cuál porrista modelo, estaba muy alegre porque por fin consiguió las pastillas de adelgazar más modernas del mercado, no tenía mal cuerpo solo quería mantener su figura pero darse sus gustos al comer. Carol cierra bien la puerta dice Magi preocupada al saber que la puerta estaba averiada y no cerraba bien, Carol no escucho por su felicidad, coloco las pastillas en una mesa de la sala frente al viejo TV y fue a ayudar a su madre, vamos a probarlo dicen ambas riéndose, lo conectaron y nada sucedió, después de unos segundos comenzó a botar humo y la pantalla encendió con un irradiante tono blanco y luego multicolor apagándose de golpe.

Magi y Carol reaccionaron rápido y lo apagaron, Bueno, es muy viejo un TV de tubo, solo será para chatarra dice Magi con tono triste...

Carol: si será solo chatarra, luego cuenta a su madre lo novedoso de las pastillas y al coger el frasco de la mesa sintió que estaba algo caliente, seguro ese TV feo las calentó, dijo dentro de si sin preocuparse. Ambas decidieron probar las pastillas tomándose una cada una para ver sus efectos a futuro, pasaron unas horas y decidieron tomar una siesta, Magi se sentó en el sofá y quedó dormida, mientras Carol fue a su habitación a relajarse luego de un arduo día... Pasaron par de horas cuando Magi despierta tapada por una gran y pesada sábana que ella no recuerda haber traído antes de la siesta. Trata de salir y se da cuenta que está en algún lugar extenso ve una luz entre la gran tela y busca salir, resulta que esa gran sábana no era más que su vestido largo que traía puesto, al salir se da cuenta que todo es inmenso, nota que es su casa y ella está en su sofá pero de tamaño inmenso, asustada se agita y comienza a preocuparse como? Que paso? Me he encogido!!! Oh cielos que voy a hacer?...

Sin pensarlo mas trata de escalar el mueble para llegar a la mesa de al lado a ver si dejo su celular y llamar al 911. Al llegar a la mesa no ve su teléfono, y se asombra del panorama, debo estar del tamaño de una Barbie oh cielos todo es tan inmenso...

Marta, su vecina de la misma edad se había quedado sin azúcar que olvidó comprar en el súper, así que sale a dónde su vecina Magi a pedirle un poco, toca el timbre y nadie contesta, Magi asustada se pregunta quién será, lo mejor es esconderme e ignorar ese timbre, espero que Carol haya cerrado bien la puerta, pues resulta que no, Marta nota que la puerta está sospechosamente entreabierta, como tenía cierta confianza con su vecina decide pasar para saludar y hablar con ella, pero no nota a nadie en la casa, Magi al ver que la puerta se abrió y entro alguien se enoja con Carol dentro de si y busca esconderse detrás de un florero de la mesa, viendo entre ojo que se trata de su vecina, pero no quiere que la encuentre asi, se pregunta que pasaría si ella la encuentra así, la he visto muchas veces viéndome extraño cuando salgo a hacer deporte, y ahora estoy desnuda, pequeña y a su merced!

Mirla la hija de Marta vio que su madre entro en la casa de su vecina así que fue tras ella para aprovechar de saludar, y entra a la casa y ve a su madre en la sala y le pregunta dónde están las vecinas a lo que Marta le responde que no sabe y anda buscandolas, Mirla entonces sale al patio a ver, mientras tanto Marta nota algo rosado que se mueve entre un florero, Marta no odia a los ratones no les teme así que coje un frasco de la estantería cercana y busca cazarlo, arremetiendo contra el por un lado del florero mientras realmente atacaba por el otro, Magi asustada por el ataque huye por el lado contrario justo como Marta su vecina quería y ZAS" atrapada! Encerrada y asustada en el frasco Marta se sorprende SANTO CIELOS!

Marta se asombra al ver que no era un ratón, más bien pareciera una muñeca, acerca un poco la vista para ver bien y OH CIELOS! QUE ES ESTO!
Marta: MAGI eres tú!?
Magi: Mar... Mar... Mart... Marta soy yo MAGI!!
Marta: Wow pero que te paso!? Porque tienes ese tamaño!?
Magi: no... no lo sé, realmente no lo sé, solo dormí una siesta y desperté así, necesito ayuda! llama al 911 para que me auxilien.
Marta: claro voy por el teléfono...

En ese momento Marta se detiene pensativa, se devuelve y comienza a inspeccionar a su pequeña vecina dentro del frasco, le dice con admiración: Wow es tan increíble! Te ves tan linda de ese tamaño es increíble!
Justo alli entra su hija y le dice no, mamá no están en el patio, Marta emocionada responde ya la encontré pero mírala, Mirla ve el frasco sobre la mesa y se asombra al ver a la diminuta mujer dentro y exclama Wow mami es tan pequeña! Pero que le pasó!? Cómo llego así? Nuestra vecina está encogida!

No lo sé, dice Marta pero se ve tan linda, si, responde Mirla, mira su pequeño cuerpecito, parece una muñeca tan pequeña. Oh mamá... Espera dice ella!!! Nuestras vecinas son dos! Ella y su hija Carol, ANDA! Dice Marta, debe estar por allí también del mismo tamaño seguro, Mirla responde, espera creo que puede estar en su habitación iré a buscarla!
Mientras Mirla fue a buscar a la otra pequeña inmediatamente a la habitacion, Marta levanta el frasco y observa a la diminuta vecina y le dice Wow esta es una oportunidad única, eres la mujer mas hermosa del vecindario y ahora eres una muñeca, puedo tocarte!?
Magi le responde NO! Eso es raro, soy tu vecina debes ayudarme!
Marta: vamos, solo será un poco no te haré nada.
Haciendo caso omiso a sus palabras inclina el frasco en la mesa sacándola y comienza a juguetear tocando sus pies tan pequeños y acariciando sus muslos y luego su cabello, eres tan linda! Magi incómoda y tratando de ocultar su desnudez le pide que deje de hacer eso, pero Marta no podía resistirse y continua admirando la belleza de su pequeña vecinita tocando su espalda y trasero tan blanco...

Mirla llegó a la habitación de su vecina Carol y aprovecha que la puerta está abierta y entra, no se ve a nadie pero noto la blusa de Carol sobre la cama acomodada sospechosamente, se acercó con cuidado y de pronto ve algo moviéndose suavemente debajo de la tela, Mirla decide mover despacio la ropa para ver y observa a su pequeña vecina del tamaño de una muñeca Barbie desnuda y totalmente dormida aún, se emociona al verla tan tierna dormidita y decide acariciar sus pequeñas piernas desde sus pies hasta su espalda y brazos toda acurrucada, al parecer le gustan las caricias al ver que medio sonríe dormida y se voltea como pidiendo más caricias! Mirla no desaprovecha la oportunidad de tener a otra chica de su edad a su merced de ese tamaño y continua acariciando sus pequeñas curvas y piel tan blanca y suave, su pequeño trasero se veía lindo con esa tonalidad de traje de baño marcado por la luz del sol, ella sabía que Carol es una semi modelo y muchos admiraban su belleza, pero ahora era tan pequeña y frágil que Mirla no podía contener sus ganas de tenerla bajo su cuidado.

Carol de tantas caricias entre abre los ojos medio sonriente y bosteza, nota inmediatamente que todo es diferente y grande, lo que borra su sonrisa y hace que se ponga algo nerviosa... Voltea y ve con asombro un rostro familiar tan grande como una valla frente a ella y antes de reaccionar Mirla la toma y la siente retorcerse entre sus manos y acaricia su cabello y pancita abierta mientras le dice tranquila estoy aquí para ayudarte!

Sale de la habitación corriendo y gritando Mamá! Mamá! Mira lo que me encontré!!! Su hija está preciosa!! También está encogida es como una muñeca! Me la puedo quedar!?

Magi y Carol se quedan atónitas, y Carol comienza a discutir : como que quedarte conmigo!? No soy una muñeca!! Soy una persona!! Bájame ahora mismo!
Marta le dice a su hija Mirla humm, oye!!! Esa es una buena idea están pequeñas, indefensas, desnudas y podríamos conservarlas como nuestras mascotas!! Será grandioso!!! Está bien!! tu te quedas con su hija y yo con su mamá será genial!
QUE!? NO, IMPOSIBLE! gritan ambas mujercitas al unisono nuevamente!

Marta responde pues ya está decidido viene a buscar algo de azúcar y ahora encontramos dos hermosas y dulces muñequitas nos divertiremos mucho con ustedes, pero tranquilas las cuidaremos mucho será divertido, yo prometo acariciarte siempre!

Mirla: por supuesto! Yo también te acariciare siempre Carol, te cuidare y nos divertiremos mucho con ese cuerpecito tuyo, ya verás toda la diversión que tendremos en mi habitacion...
Marta y Mirla fueron a la cocina llevando es sus manos a las dos vecinas encogidas gritando asustadas que las dejaran ir! buscaron el tarro de azúcar y las arrojaron dentro para sacarlas de la casa sin que nadie lo notará.
Cerraron la puerta pero igual quedó entreabierta, llevándose a sus nuevas mascotas a su casa!

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2 Vecinos afortunados

Olga y su extraño deseo!

La hermana menor de Magi, Olga, es una chica de 23 años de baja estatura pero con un cuerpo moldeado parecía una hermosa muñeca elegante, piel blanca algo bronceada y cabello castaño oscuro. Un día salió de su trabajo a visitar la casa de su hermana Magi, dirigiéndose a la puerta noto que la hija de la vecina de Magi parecía tener una muñeca en sus manos... Ja, tan grande y jugando con muñecas... humm aunque pensándolo bien no estaría mal ser la muñeca de esa chica... Dijo dentro de si, ya que Olga pues tenía cierto fetiche sobre ser pequeña como muñeca, lo que hacía que sacará provecho de su estatura en sus horas íntimas...
Olga tocó varias veces el timbre de la casa de su hermana y nadie contestaba, alli notó que la puerta no estaba cerrada del todo, Olga se dijo: "estás dos nunca van a reparar esta puerta, menos mal el vecindario es seguro". Entro a la casa y decide dejarle una nota a su hermana y noto las pastillas sobre la mesa de la sala y exclamó! Ahhh Carol si consiguió las pastillas, bueno ya que no están me las llevaré para probarlas y que me llamen luego... Dejo la nota y se fue con las pastillas...

El departamento de Olga era un pequeño edificio de 2 pisos donde vivían cuatro familias, a su lado en la planta alta viven dos chicas de su edad que son novias, Sasha y Nara, Olga le agradaba la idea ya que ambas eran muy hermosas y sabía que siempre la miraban y coqueteaban al salir. En la planta baja debajo de las chicas vive una chica morena soltera, muy hermosa de unos 28 años con su hijo de 8 años que trabaja de limpieza para una pequeña familia conformada por una mujer rubia muy hermosa de unos 40 años, su hija mayor de 19 y su hija menor de 18 años, rubias también, quienes a su vez viven en la parte de abajo del departamento de Olga.

Cuando Olga llegó a su departamento, estaba ansiosa por probar las pastillas ya que según la descripción podrías comer a gusto y no perder la figura, así que abrió el frasco, fue a la nevera, lleno un vaso con agua y fue a su pequeña terraza que da con la terraza de sus vecinas, Olga es un poco torpe se quedó observando el infinito sintiendo la brisa en su terraza y no noto que inclino el frasco de pastillas arrojando 3 de estás hacia abajo en una mesa y cayeron dentro de una jarra con jugo de naranja que la familia de abajo iba a degustar en una reunión con unas amigas de Yoga de la madre...

Olga simplemente sin notarlo tomo una pastilla, colocó el frasco en el sofá, se desnudo como siempre lo hacía y decide tomar una siesta en el mismo sofá con las puertas de la terraza abierta para sentir la brisa en su departamento.

Al cabo de un tiempo, cuando Olga despertó se sentía algo mareada trato de ponerse de pie pero al abrir bien los ojos noto que algo andaba mal, todo era un panorama extraño, y estaba en una superficie suave e inmensa y a lo lejos veía un frasco de pastillas "grande!?" Dijo ella, que es esto?, dónde estoy? Oh cielos! es mi casa pero todo es grande! Oh no, no, no, no, no es posible me he encogido!? Pero como!? Fue hasta el frasco de pastillas y era tan grande que ella podía cargarlo dedujo que ella no podría medir más de 12 cm, trato de leer el frasco pero no vio nada referente a reducción de tamaño, solo eran cosas normales que unas pastillas de dieta hacen... Respiró profundo y recordó su fetiche... Dijo para si misma: Humm bueno esto no debe ser tan malo, después de todo se siente bien, es como un sueño! Y comienza a fantasear de todo lo que podría hacer, cuando de pronto ve su terraza entre abierta, y se le ocurre pensar en sus vecinas! E ir a jugarles una broma, llevando las pastillas a su departamento desde las terrazas, y como está de ese tamaño será indetectable y podrá ponerlas en alguna bebida o comida de ellas y así las tres estarían pequeñas... Tomo el frasco de pastillas y lo arrojó al suelo alfombrado y luego salto, emocionada y ansiosa por lograr su objetivo carga el frasco y sale por la terraza, luego de cruzar el pequeño muro de soporte que da libremente a la terraza de sus vecinas, Olga tropieza y el frasco rueda hasta el otro extremo del departamento y cae hacia la calle... Olga enojada se levanta y rápidamente trato de tomarlo sin éxito, el frasco cayó justo en la mochila de una chica de unos 25 años que pasaba por allí haciendo deporte... Pero Olga al asomarse no vio a nadie, nisiquiera el frasco tirado en la calle... Se queda parada pensativa en la terraza de sus vecinas a ver qué hacía luego, así que decidió dar vía libre a su fetiche, muchas cosas se le ocurrieron, como que le harían al tenerla, sus caras de asombro sus enormes y suaves manos cargándola como una muñeca, algo exitada decidió entrar y llamar la atención de sus vecinas para que la ayuden pero que jueguen con ella primero esa era su intencion...

Al entrar Sasha una de las chicas sale desnuda hacia la terraza a fumar cuando de pronto ve algo como un ratón por lo que grita asustada y como pudo toma unos unos trapos cercanos y se los lanza, nerviosa llama a Nara su novia la cual sale corriendo de la habitación hacia la sala y pregunta que pasó? A lo que Sasha responde un ratón está allí!!

Olga se había asustado y trato de correr pero los trapos como pelota gigante llegaron primero y la golpearon tan fuerte que se desmayo...

Sasha y Nara se acercaron para ver al ratón y descubrieron que más bien parecía una especie de muñeca de juguete que algún niño arrojó hacia su departamento... Nara agarro la muñeca y le dice a Sasha es solo un juguete que susto me diste, pero Nara se quedó sorprendida al sentirla algo tibia y suave, totalmente maleable y con un peso agradable por lo que decide colocarla en la mesa y observarla mejor, ambas se quedan asombradas por lo detallada de la muñeca! Es como una mujercita real pero diminuta dice Nara, NO! Mira bien más bien parece una réplica de nuestra linda vecina dice Sasha. Nara: está respirando!
Oh Cielos! Se dicen ambas!

Sasha: si, es cierto es tan pequeña, pero como!?
Nara: no lo sé, es increíble! Es tan suave y tan pequeña!
Sasha: humm vamos a tocarla y jugar con ella!?
Nara la mira extrañada... Me gusta la idea... tocarla se siente muy confortable!

Ambas se acomodan en la mesa y comienzan a tocar a la pequeña Olga, acariciando sus piernas, sus muslos, Sasha no podía resistir poder pellizcar sus pequeños senos, y Nara levanta una de sus piernas por uno de sus pequeños pies para observarla bien, la voltean y ven su pequeño cuerpo algo bronceado dónde se notaba claramente blanquecino el tono de su piel marcado por un traje de baño, ambas con sus gigantes dedos acarician su pequeña pancita y parte de sus muslos cercanos a su entrepierna y notan que Olga se está despertando de su desmayo pero algo exitada, ambas se ponen a reír y:
Sasha: "Aww mira que tierna como se pone"
Nara: Aww es tan linda! Y hermosa!
Olga se termina de despertar y ve dos rostros colosales viéndola y unos dedos gigantescos tocando sus piernas y barriguita, y exclama: wow wow wow son tan gigantes!! Santo cielos! Chicas e... E... Soy su vecina Olga no... No.. sé cómo me reduje realmente...

En el fondo sabía algo pero dudaba y no iba a decirlo todo lo que sentía era una exitacion al sentir a esas dos mujeres acariciando su pequeño cuerpo.
Sasha: wow pues eres realmente pequeña pensé que eras un ratón...
Nara: cierto, es increíble que estés así tan pequeña... Y ahora en nuestra casa...
Olga se sonroja y les dice que estaba durmiendo una siesta y de pronto despertó así, y decidió acudir a ellas por ayuda.

Nara: le dice claro, pero como podemos ayudarte!?
Sasha: no sabemos porque estás así y lo máximo que podemos hacer es cuidarte!
Olga les dice un poco apenada que sabe que ellas son novias, y que sospecha que les gusta a ambas porque ha notado que la han observan mucho cuando sale a trabajar, Olga sabe que no tiene una vida social plena, su trabajo es normal y no gana bien... Ahora tiene fetiche hecho realidad y toma la decisión de decirles...

Olga: chicas escuchénme bien mi vida es un asco, y creo que estás caricias humm me gustan, les propondré algo, yo seré su mascota y juguete si ustedes me cuidan, yo dejaré que ustedes me hagan todo lo que quieran y les seré obediente, haré todo lo que ustedes me pidan! Si están deacuerdo! No sé cuánto tiempo estaré así pero creo que seré un divertido juguete para ambas! Que dicen!?

Sasha y Nara se quedan atónitas ante semejante declaración mientras continuaban acariciando a la pequeña Olga sobre la mesa, Sasha le dice a Olga que se suba a su mano y se siente lo cual Olga obedece alegremente, a Sasha le agrada la idea sentir su pequeño trasero en sus manos, Sasha mira a Nara y le pregunta que opinas!? Se ve tan linda y quiere ser nuestra para que hagamos con ella lo que querramos!, A lo que Nara responde: y no solo eso, será una mascota obediente toda para nosotras, voy a acariciarla todo el día, pero no tenemos ropa de muñeca así que te tendremos desnuda siempre...
Olga alegremente y exitada en la enorme mano de Sasha asiente con la cabeza y les dice que está bien es su sueño hecho realidad!

Sasha y Nara se levantan de la mesa y se dirigen al cuarto con su nueva mascota entre las manos para jugar el resto del día, y para siempre... Porque las pastillas fueron irradiadas cambiando sus componentes y el efecto será permanente...

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3 Vecinos afortunados

Mascotas para la familia

La familia Isher que vive debajo del departamento de Olga, compuesta por Sara la madre y cabeza de la familia, una rubia de unos 40 años, con un delgado y hermoso cuerpo, su hija mayor Michel de 19 años rubia cabello largo muy hermosa, y su hija menor Lisa casi idéntica a la mayor de unos 18 años toda una modelo. Sara había pactado una reunión con 10 amigas del yoga, para merendar, por lo cual estaban compartiendo y tomando jugo de naranja (jugo de naranja que Olga sin darse cuenta contaminó con tres pastillas arrojadas desde su departamento arriba). Mientras hablaban, Lisa y su amiga Clarisa, quien también tiene 18 años y estaba de visita de tareas universitarias, son interrumpidas en su habitación por su hermana Michel quien les dice que Mama se va a tomar todo el jugo de naranja y no les dejara a ninguna, en tono de broma, las tres chicas salen corriendo hacia la mesa y se roban un vaso de jugo cada una antes que su madre se lo acaben con sus amigas. Cielos estas niñas! dice Sara, adoran el jugo de naranja.

Al cabo de una hora termino la reunión y las 10 mujeres se despiden para irse al gimnacio a hacer yoga, al mismo tiempo que Clarisa también se va a su casa que está sola ya que sus padres y hermanita y hermanito menor están de viaje y la dejaron a ella sola por cuestiones de escuela durante unos dias.
Sara cierra las puertas y siente algo de cansancio por lo que le dice a sus hijas que dormirá una siesta, Michel y Lisa se quedan en el sofá viendo televisor y le dicen al unisono: si mamá que duermas lindo!.

Luego de unas horas Sara despierta desnuda en una superficie blanca y extensa con estructuras grandes muy extrañas, trata de acomodar bien su vista y se da cuenta que es su cuarto pero de enormes dimensiones su cama estaba detrás, se pregunto porque no estaba en ella y es que en el proceso de reducción cayó al suelo y el alfombrado amortiguó su caída y por eso despertó aturdida...

Sara asombrada, nerviosa y preocupada se pone a pensar en que le pasó!? Cómo llego a encogerse?? Debo llamar al 911 rápido!! Se dice. Sale corriendo rápidamente hasta la sala lo que parecía kilómetros desde su cuarto, estando de ese tamaño, cuando por fin llegó trato de buscar a sus hijas pero no las veía, se pregunto si tuvieron el mismo destino. Todo era tan grande y colosal, se sentía como un ratón.
Sara corrió rápidamente hasta un cable de un electrodoméstico que subía hasta la mesa que daba al patio trasero, para buscar su celular, cuando por fin logro escalar completo, la luz del sol por la ventana pegada a la mesa era muy brillante, pero respiró aliviada porque cerro bien las puertas y así ningún gato del vecindario entraría, y no sería comida de gato.

Desde la mesa pudo distinguir dos pequeñas muñecas en el inmenso sofá eran sus hijas abrazadas y explorando el sofá para saber que pasó...
Sara les grita desde la mesa: hijas acá!, Lisa, Michel acá en la mesa! Soy yo su madre!
Lisa y Michel se alegran de escucharla y le gritan mamá, mamá! Aqui mamá! ayuda! Que nos pasó?? Estamos pequeñas!

Sara: no se preocupen! En un momento llamaré al 911 por ayuda! Quédense allí y no se muevan!
Sara busco entre las cosas de la mesa y solo encontró las llaves y control del auto... Recordó que su celular lo había dejado en una repisa en lo alto de la cocina.

Sara se lamenta y les grita a sus hijas si tienen sus teléfonos con ellas en el sofá? a lo que estás responden que no. Sara angustiada no haya que hacer y se queda pensando... Alguien tiene que ayudarnos...

Al cabo de unos minutos suena el timbre, Sara en la mesa y las chicas en el sofá se asustan! Quien será? pregunta Michel y Lisa le responde debe ser Daniela la chica de la limpieza! Michel: oh cielos que vergonzoso mira como estamos, bueno espero nos pueda ayudar es nuestra única esperanza. La familia Isher conocía a Daniela desde hace años sabían que era de confianza y muy buena persona, Sara recordó lo mismo, ella había quedado con Daniela para que viniera a esa hora a limpiar, pero sin nadie que le abriera era imposible... Se sentó en la mesa impotente a escuchar una y otra vez el timbre... Hasta que callo.

Daniela había tenido esa hora pactada para la limpieza, conocía a la familia Isher y si no le abrían era por algo, así que fue por el lado de la casa hasta el patio trasero y ver por la ventana de atrás que pasaba, porque no le abrían.

A ver dentro de la casa no vio a nadie luego de reojo noto una pequeña figura rosada sobre la mesa justo en la ventana y la detalla bien...
Daniela: oh cielos es la señora Sara! Pero como? que pasó!? Porque es tan pequeña!?
Toca la ventana y Sara se asusta y noto una gigantesca sombra en la ventana, Es Daniela! Exclama!

Sara: DANIELA, DANIELA ACA! soy yo Sara ayúdanos por favor, Daniela no puede oír bien por su diminuta voz pero aún así le dice a Sara que no puede oir, Sara si podía escucharla bien pero al ver que Daniela no podía vio que había un lápiz y un papel sobre la mesa, Sara se dijo: Cielos... No pensé que escribiría con un lápiz tan grande algún dia, como pudo, comenzó a escribir sobre el papel "ayuda" para que Daniela lo viera, Daniela le comenta que no puede entrar la casa está cerrada, a lo que Sara recuerda las llaves y control del auto y comienza a escribir que abrirá el carro con el control y adentro hay unas llaves de la casa!

Daniela no dejaba de admirar lo linda que se veía la señora Sara tan pequeña y desnuda sobre la mesa escribiendo con un lápiz tan grande como ella...
Sara se acercó al botón del auto en el control y uso sus fuerzas para presionarlo a lo que se escuchó un pitido del auto, Daniela lo escucho también y le dijo Ok voy a ver!

Sara tenía esperanza en Daniela para que la ayudara en esta vergonzosa y extraña situación le gritó a sus hijas que se calmen que todo va a estar bien!
Daniela fue rápidamente por el lado de la casa a buscar las llaves en el auto, mientras caminaba tenía mil interrogantes, pero de alguna manera estaba feliz de ser ella quien la encontró... Abrió el carro y tomo las llaves de la guantera, se dirigió a la casa cuando su pequeño hijo de 8 años la interceptó justo en la puerta. Mamiii!

Daniela: Saúl te dije que trabajaría y luego iría a la casa.
Saúl: si mami pero así saludo a la señora Sara y sus hijas!
Daniela: bueno pero no te separes de mi!.
Daniela abrió rápidamente la puerta y corrió hasta la mesa dejando a su pequeño Saúl atrás.
Verifico la mesa donde efectivamente estaba Sara.
Sara: Gracias al Cielo! Daniela!
Daniela: pero señora Sara que pasó como es usted tan pequeña!? Esto es irreal!
Sara: lo sé, es irreal pero mírame estoy del tamaño de un ratón no se que hacer hay que llamar al 911!
Mis hijas también están... ...
Fue interrumpida por el grito de Saúl!
Saúl: Mami!!! Mamiii! Mira! Michel y Lisa son muñecas!

Se impulso rápidamente para agarrar a las diminutas chicas en el sofá y verlas... Michel asustada corre a un lado esquivando el agarre del pequeño gran niño pero Lisa no tuvo tanta suerte y de pronto se vio atrapada por esa inmensa mano... Es tan pequeña! Exclama sonriente y curioso, luego sin mucho esfuerzo logra capturar a Michel que no se reponía del suceso y las ve de cerca Wow son chicas pequeñas, para jugar! tienen el superpoder de ponerse pequeñas! Dice Saúl.

Daniela asustada le dice a Saúl que las suelte, que no son juguetes son la familia Isher, sus amigas! Saúl desilucionado las coloca en la mano de su mamá y ella enseguida puede sentir lo delicadas y suaves que son, las coloco en la mesa junto a su mamá y todas se abrazaron, Daniela estaba sorprendida y cautivada por lo lindas que se veían las tres en miniatura, muchos pensamientos le pasaron por su mente de lo que podía hacer con ellas.

Sara solo se limita a contar lo que sabe después de irse a la siesta pero no sabe porque están pequeñas las tres...

Mientras hablaban Daniela no dejaba de admirarlas sentir esa sensación de alegría de verlas así, tan vulnerables... Eran tres mujercitas, tres muñequitas de las cuales podía disponer...

Sin pensarlo mas Daniela ve como Saúl le gusta ese nuevo tamaño de sus vecinas, así que toma un florero transparente de la mesa lo vacía y quiso ponerlas allí para resguardarlas, la diminuta familia trato de alejarse pero fue imposible, Daniela logro agarrarlas a las tres con ambas manos, no pudo resistirse a lo suaves que se sentían sus pequeños cuerpos, el hecho de tener a tres mujercitas en sus manos, toda una pequeña familia en su poder, cegaba su mente y solo podía pensar en tenerlas como mascotas en una vieja pecera que tenía en su casa, así Saúl también tendrá mascotas para alimentar y cuidar! Colocó a la pequeña familia en el florero y tomo la cartera de Sara con sus tarjetas de crédito, Le dijo a Saúl, vamos a casa! Tú querías una mascota cierto!? Bueno acá tenemos tres para cuidar! Y dinero para mantenerlas!

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4 Vecinos afortunados

Rivales afortunadas!

Las 10 mujeres luego de la reunión con su amiga Sara, llegan al gimnacio y se preparan para hacer sus ejercicios de yoga, cabe destacar que las 10 mujeres tenían alrededor entre 28 y 40 años pero todas tenían un cuerpo esbelto muy bien definido y delicado! Cabellos entre castaños, rubios y negro y todas las tonalidades a desear, blancas, morenas y oscuras! Muy hermosas.

Las chicas entran a su respectivo salón y se montan en sus recuadros de ejercicios y comienzan a practicar al ritmo de la música.

El salón vecino, estaban nada más y nada menos que sus rivales de voleibol, que no eran muy amigables con ellas, pero solo asistieron 9 chicas igual de hermosas y variadas cualidades y casi las mismas edades 28 a 40 años. Ellas esperaban que el salón de yoga se desocupara para ellas ir a practicar allí, pero mientras hacían su rutina en su salón.

Luego de unos minutos la música se detiene, las chicas de yoga repentinamente se habían desmayado cansadas, cuando despertaron todas comienzan a forzar las pesadas telas sobre ellas, era su ropa que las tapaba, estaban desorientadas y asustadas se dan prisa y cada una sale como pudo entre sus gigantes ropas ahora, observan el panorama gigantesco ante ellas! Y más se aterrorizan, escuchan un grito a lo lejos de una de ellas! Aaaahh! todas voltean en dirección al grito y corren rápido hacia su diminuta compañera para calmarla, cuando se calma, todas se preguntan y dicen: chicas estamos pequeñas el gimnacio es gigantesco! Cómo paso!? Porque somos tan pequeñas!? Somos como ratones comenta otra, tratan de calmarse y analizar la situación, a lo que una dice chicas debemos buscar ayuda alguien que nos pueda sacar de esto! Y otra responde pero a quien!? Estamos en el gimnacio. Acá solo están... Hace una pausa y medita oh no... OH NO!! QUE PASA!? Preguntan las demas, Ella les dice las únicas que están en el gimnacio es el salón de al lado y allí están nuestras rivales del voleibol! QUE!? no es posible! No podemos dejar que nos vean así, que será de nosotras si ellas nos atrapan! Seremos sus mascotas!? Sus juguetes y burla!? Además estamos desnudas nuestra ropa es inmensa! Debemos escondernos!!!

Mientras el extraño suceso tomaba vida en el salón de Yoga, sus rivales notaron que la música en ese salón se detuvo por lo que dedujeron que las de Yoga se habían ido ya dejándoles el salón solo para ellas así que deciden mudarse...
Al llegar al salón de yoga ven la música apagada y mucha ropa regada en el suelo cuál desorden...
La chica que estaba de primero observando el salon ve en uno de los lados de este lo que parece ser una reunión de pequeñas muñecas charlando... Curiosa les dice en silencio a las demás que miren, y si efectivamente eran muñecas pero de quién!? Y estaban vivas?

Todas decidieron acercarse sigilosamente al pequeño grupo y no podían creer lo que veían! Eran sus rivales!!! del tamaño de pequeñas muñecas Barbies! Todas se veían a la cara con alegría por encontrarlas y emocionadas por querer capturarlas, por lo que se acercaron más y despacio para que no huyan...

Mientras tanto las pequeñas reunidas no habían notado la presencia de las gigantes hasta que una de ellas comienza a gritar y es inmediatamente capturada por una gigantesca mano! Las demás al ver esto rápidamente comenzaron a correr despavoridas y asustadas mientras las gigantes rivales van a su captura, logrando atrapar una por una como pequeños ratones que no pueden correr muy rápido, Anais una de las pequeñas logra llegar a una apertura en la pared del salón que da hacia la calle, al ver que no podía hacer nada por sus compañeras y las gigantes la ignoraron al estar en la captura de sus compañeras se colo en la pared huyendo. Las nueve rivales lograron entonces capturar a las 9 diminutas chicas del Yoga restantes! No podían evitar tocarlas y sentirlas en su poder! Se sentían suaves y las gigantes comenzaban a disfrutar sus pequeños músculos haciendo fuerza por liberarse, algunas no podían evitar acariciarlas y verlas, pellizcar sus pechos y pies o jalar sus cabellos, sentir a una pequeña humana en sus manos era todo un sueño! Y más si eran sus rivales de deporte! Todas se acercaron a una mesa y las colocaron en una bandeja metálica y comenzaron a inspeccionar a sus pequeñas cautivas! No puedo creerlo! Exclama una, pero si son nada más y nada menos que nuestras rivales! y están en la palma de nuestras manos dice otra, que vamos a hacer con ustedes pequeñitas? Cómo se pusieron tan pequeñas como Barbies? y miren esos cuerpecitos, están desnudas y son expendidos opinaban entre ellas, creo que se verán bien en nuestras casas como mascotas!

Las diminutas mujeres no podían creer lo que escuchaban estaban aterradas de ahora ser las mascotas de sus rivales! Les decían que por favor las ayuden que no les hagan nada, que llamen al 911!? Cosas que las gigantes respondieron con un rotundo NO! Ustedes no saben en las manos que han caído! Ahora son pequeñas mascotas para nosotras así que chicas son 9 mascotas y nosotras somos 9 también, una para cada una y nos las intercambiamos cada día! Les parece!? A lo que el resto de gigantes le responden perfecto! quiero la rubia! Humm yo esa morena! Y yo está! Jajajaja todas se ponen a reír mientras van escogiendo y agarrando sus pequeñas mascotas nuevas y deciden llevarlas a su casa para divertirse aún más! Y solo la pequeña Anais logro escapar, o al menos eso creía...

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Re: Four stories, need translation f/f

Post by jeffrey-dallas » Mon May 16, 2022 2:15 am

(This was done by a translator program, so pardon any awkward stuff)

1 Lucky Neighbors

Pills and many coincidences!

Magi, a 38-year-old brown-haired single mother of medium height with an excellent athletic body and good curves, hurriedly took an old TV from a store in her house to sell it, she needed to test it to verify if it worked or sell it as scrap, that's when Carol arrived her 18-year-old daughter, brown hair like her mother, who had a very beautiful curvy body like a model cheerleader, was very happy because she finally got the most modern slimming pills on the market, she didn't have a bad body, she just wanted to keep her figure but give herself their tastes when eating. Carol closes the door well, says Magi, concerned to learn that the door was broken and did not close properly, Carol did not listen to her happiness, she placed the pills on a table in the living room in front of the old TV and went to help her mother, let's try it they both say laughing,

Magi and Carol reacted quickly and turned it off, Well, a tube TV is very old, it will only be for scrap says Magi with a sad tone...

Carol: if it's just junk, then she tells her mother about the novelty of the pills and when she took the bottle from the table she felt that it was somewhat hot, surely that ugly TV heated them up, she said to herself without worrying. Both decided to try the pills, taking one each to see their effects in the future, a few hours passed and they decided to take a nap, Magi sat on the sofa and fell asleep, while Carol went to her room to relax after a hard day. A couple of hours pass when Magi wakes up covered by a big and heavy sheet that she doesn't remember bringing before the nap. She tries to get out and realizes that she is somewhere wide, she sees a light between the big fabric and looks to get out, it turns out that that big sheet was nothing more than her long dress that she was wearing, when she gets out she realizes that everything is huge , notice that it is her house and she is on her sofa but of immense size, scared she becomes agitated and begins to worry how? What happened? I have shrunk!!! Oh gosh what am I going to do?

Without thinking about it, he tries to climb the furniture to reach the next table to see if he left his cell phone and call 911. When he reaches the table he does not see his phone, and he is amazed at the panorama, I must be the size of a Barbie oh my gosh everything is so huge...

Marta, her neighbor of the same age, had run out of sugar that she forgot to buy at the supermarket, so she goes to her neighbor Magi to ask her for some, she rings the bell and no one answers, Magi is scared and wonders who it is, the best thing is hide and ignore that doorbell, I hope Carol has closed the door well, it turns out she hasn't, Marta notices that the door is suspiciously ajar, as she had some confidence with her neighbor she decides to stop by to say hello and talk to her, but she doesn't notice anyone In the house, Magi, seeing that the door opened and someone entered, gets angry with Carol inside herself and tries to hide behind a vase on the table, seeing through her eyes that it is her neighbor, but she does not want her to find her like that , she wonders what would happen if she finds her like this, I have seen her many times looking strange when I go out to play sports,and now I'm naked, small and at your mercy!

Mirla, Marta's daughter, saw that her mother entered her neighbor's house, so she went after her to take advantage of saying hello, and she enters the house and sees her mother in the living room and asks her where the neighbors are, to which Marta She answers that she doesn't know and goes looking for them, Mirla then goes out to the patio to see, meanwhile Marta notices something pink moving in a vase, Marta doesn't hate mice she's not afraid of them so she takes a jar from the nearby shelf and looks for hunting him, attacking him on one side of the vase while really attacking on the other, Magi scared by the attack runs away from the opposite side just like Marta her neighbor wanted and ZAS" trapped! Locked and scared in the jar Marta is surprised GOOD HEAVENS!

Marta is amazed to see that it was not a mouse, rather it looked like a doll, she brings her eyes closer to see well and OH HEAVENS! WHAT'S THIS!
Martha: MAGI is that you!?
Magi: Mar... Mar... Mart... Marta it's me MAGI!!
Marta: Wow but what happened to you!? Why are you that size?
Magi: no... I don't know, I really don't know, I just took a nap and woke up like this, I need help! she calls 911 for help.
Marta: Of course, I'm on the phone...

At that moment, Marta stops thoughtfully, turns back and begins to inspect her little neighbor inside the jar, she tells her with admiration: Wow, she's so incredible! You look so cute in that size it's amazing!
Right there her daughter walks in and tells her no, mom is not in the patio, Marta excitedly replies I already found her but look at her, Mirla sees the bottle on the table and is amazed to see the tiny woman inside and exclaims Wow mommy is so small ! But what happened to her!? How do I get like this? Our neighbor is shrunk!

I don't know, Marta says, but she looks so cute, yes, Mirla answers, she looks at her little body, she looks like such a small doll. Oh mom... Wait she says!!! Our neighbors are two! She and her daughter Carol, ANDA! Marta says, she must be around there too, the same size for sure, Mirla answers, she waits, I think she could be in her room, I'll go look for her!
While Mirla immediately went to look for the other little girl in the room, Marta picks up the jar and looks at the tiny neighbor and tells her Wow this is a unique opportunity, you are the most beautiful woman in the neighborhood and now you are a doll, I can touch you! ?
Magi replies NO! That's weird, I'm your neighbor you must help me!
Marta: come on, it will only be a little, I won't do anything to you.
Ignoring her words he tips the jar on the table taking her out and starts playing around touching her feet so small and caressing her thighs and then her hair, you are so cute! Magi uncomfortable and trying to hide her nudity asks her to stop doing that, but Marta couldn't resist and she continues admiring the beauty of her little neighbor touching her back and butt so white...

Mirla arrived at her neighbor Carol's room and takes advantage of the fact that the door is open and enters, no one is seen but she notices Carol's blouse on the bed arranged suspiciously, she approached carefully and suddenly sees something moving gently under the bed. cloth, Mirla decides to slowly move the clothes to see and observes her little neighbor the size of a Barbie doll naked and still totally asleep, she gets excited to see her so tenderly asleep and decides to caress her little legs from her feet to her back and arms all over. snuggled up, apparently she likes caresses when she sees that she half smiles in her sleep and turns around as if asking for more caresses! Mirla does not miss the opportunity to have another girl of her age at the mercy of that size and she continues caressing her small curves and her skin, so white and soft,

Carol, after so many caresses, opens her eyes half-smiling and yawns, immediately noticing that everything is different and big, which erases her smile and makes her a little nervous... She turns around and sees with amazement a familiar face as big as a fence in front of her and before reacting, Mirla takes her and feels her writhing in her hands and caresses her hair and her open belly while telling her calm down I'm here to help you!

She runs out of the room screaming Mom! Mom! Look what I found!!! Her daughter is beautiful!! She is also shrunk like a doll! Can I keep it!?

Magi and Carol are stunned, and Carol starts arguing: why stay with me!? I'm not a doll!! I am a person!! Put me down right now!
Marta tells her daughter Mirla humm, hey!!! That's a good idea they are small, defenseless, naked and we could keep them as our pets!! It will be great!!! It's okay!! you stay with her daughter and I stay with her mom it will be great!
WHAT!? NOT IMPOSSIBLE! shout both little women in unison again!

Marta answers because she has already decided she is coming to look for some sugar and now we have found two beautiful and sweet dolls, we will have a lot of fun with you, but don't worry, we will take good care of you, it will be fun, I promise to always caress you!

Mira: Of course! I'll always caress you too Carol, I'll take care of you and we'll have a lot of fun with that little body of yours, you'll see all the fun we'll have in my room...
Marta and Mirla went to the kitchen taking their hands to the two shrunken neighbors screaming scared that they let them go! They found the sugar jar and threw them inside to get them out of the house without anyone noticing.
They closed the door but it was still ajar, taking their new pets to her house!

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2 Lucky neighbors

Olga and her strange desire!

Magi's younger sister, Olga, is a 23-year-old girl of short stature but with a molded body she looked like a beautiful elegant doll, somewhat tanned white skin and dark brown hair. One day he left work to visit his sister Magi's house, going to the door he noticed that the daughter of Magi's neighbor seemed to have a doll in her hands... Ha, so big and playing with dolls... humm although thinking about it, it wouldn't be bad to be that girl's doll... She said to herself, since Olga had a certain fetish about being small like a doll, which made her take advantage of her height in her private hours...
Olga rang the bell of her sister's house several times and nobody answered, there she noticed that the door was not completely closed, Olga said to herself: "these two are never going to repair this door, luckily the neighborhood is safe". She entered the house and decided to leave a note for her sister and noticed the pills on the table in the living room and exclaimed! Ahhh Carol if she got the pills, well since they're not there I'll take them to try them and call me later... she left the note and left with the pills...

Olga's apartment was a small 2-story building where four families lived, next to her on the top floor two girls her age live who are girlfriends, Sasha and Nara, Olga liked the idea since both were very beautiful and she knew who always looked at her and flirted when they went out. On the ground floor below the girls lives a very beautiful single brunette girl of about 28 years with her 8 year old son who works as a cleaner for a small family made up of a very beautiful blonde woman of about 40 years, her eldest daughter of 19 and her daughter under 18, blondes too, who in turn live in the lower part of Olga's apartment.

When Olga arrived at her apartment, she was anxious to try the pills since according to the description you could eat to your heart's content and not lose your figure, so she opened the bottle, went to the fridge, filled a glass with water and went to her little terrace which gives onto the terrace of her neighbors, Olga is a bit clumsy, she stared at infinity feeling the breeze on her terrace and did not notice that she tilted the bottle of pills, throwing 3 of them down on a table and they fell into a jar with orange juice that the family downstairs was going to taste at a meeting with some of her mother's Yoga friends...

Olga simply took a pill without realizing it, placed the bottle on the sofa, stripped naked as she always did and decided to take a siesta on the same sofa with the terrace doors open to feel the breeze in your apartment.

After a while, when Olga woke up she felt a little dizzy, she tried to stand up but when she opened her eyes wide she noticed that something was wrong, everything was a strange sight, and she was on a soft and immense surface and in the distance she saw a jar of pills "big!?" She said, what is this?, where am I? Oh jesus! It's my house but everything is big! Oh no, no, no, no, it's not possible I've shrunk!? But how!? She went to the bottle of pills and it was so big that she could carry it, she deduced that she couldn't be more than 12 cm, she tried to read the bottle but she didn't see anything regarding size reduction, it was just normal things that diet pills do ... She took a deep breath and remembered her fetish... She said to herself: Humm well this shouldn't be so bad, after all it feels good, it's like a dream! And he begins to fantasize about everything he could do, when suddenly he sees his terrace half open, and it occurs to him to think of his neighbors! And go play a prank on them, taking the pills to their apartment from the terraces, and since it's that size it will be undetectable and you can put them in some of their drinks or food and that way the three of them would be small... I take the bottle of pills and She threw it on the carpeted floor and then jumped, excited and anxious to achieve her goal, she carries the jar and goes out through the terrace, after crossing the small support wall that freely overlooks her neighbors' terrace, Olga stumbles and the jar rolls until the other end of the apartment and falls towards the street... Olga angrily gets up and quickly tried to take it without success,

When Sasha enters one of the girls goes out naked to the terrace to smoke when suddenly she sees something like a mouse so she screams scared and as she could, she grabs some nearby rags and throws them at her, nervously calls Nara her girlfriend who runs away from the room to the living room and ask what happened? To which Sasha replies a mouse is there!!

Olga had been scared and tried to run but the giant ball-like rags came first and hit her so hard that she fainted...

Sasha and Nara approached to see the mouse and discovered that it looked more like a kind of toy doll that some child threw towards their apartment... Nara grabbed the doll and tells Sasha it's just a toy that you scared me, but Nara was surprised to feel it somewhat warm and soft, completely malleable and with a pleasant weight, so she decides to place it on the table and observe it better, both are amazed at how detailed the doll is! It's like a real little woman but tiny says Nara, NO! Take a good look, it looks more like a replica of our pretty neighbor says Sasha. Nara: she's breathing!
Oh jesus! Both are said!

Sasha: yes, it's true she is so small, but how!?
Nara: I don't know, it's amazing! She is so soft and so small!
Sasha: humm let's touch her and play with her!?
Nara looks at her strangely... I like the idea... touching her feels very comfortable!

They both sit on the table and begin to touch little Olga, caressing her legs, her thighs, Sasha couldn't resist pinching her small breasts, and Nara lifts one of her legs by one of her little feet to take a good look at her, they turn around and see her little tanned body where the tone of her skin marked by a swimsuit was clearly whitish, both with their giant fingers caress her little belly and part of her thighs near her crotch and notice that Olga is waking up of her fainting but somewhat excited, they both start laughing and:
Sasha: "Aww look how cute she gets"
Nara: Aww she's so cute! And beautiful!
Olga finishes waking up and sees two colossal faces of hers looking at her and gigantic fingers touching her legs and her tummy, and she exclaims: wow wow wow they are so gigantic!! Good heavens! Girls e... I... I'm your neighbor Olga no... No... I know how I really reduced myself...

Deep down I knew something but I doubted and I wasn't going to say it all I felt was excitement when I felt those two women caressing her small body.
Sasha: wow, well you're really small I thought you were a mouse...
Nara: true, it's incredible that you're so small... And now in our house...
Olga blushes and tells them that she was taking a nap and then he soon woke up like this, and decided to go to them for help.

Nara: She tells him of course, but how can we help you!?
Sasha: We don't know why you're like this and the most we can do is take care of you!
Olga tells them a little embarrassed that she knows that they are girlfriends, and that she suspects that they both like her because she has noticed that they have watched her a lot when she goes to work, Olga knows that she does not have a full social life, her work is normal and she does not he earns well... Now he has a fetish come true and he makes the decision to tell them...

Olga: girls, listen to me, my life sucks, and I think you like these caresses, humm, I'll offer you something, I'll be your pet and toy if you take care of me, I will let you do everything you want to me and I will be obedient to you, I will do everything you ask me! If they agree! I don't know how long I'll be like this but I think I'll be a fun toy for both of us! What do they say!?

Sasha and Nara are stunned by such a statement as they continue caressing little Olga on the table, Sasha tells Olga to climb on her hand and sit, which Olga happily obeys, Sasha likes the idea of ​​feeling her little butt in his hands, Sasha looks at Nara and asks her what do you think!? She looks so cute and wants to be ours so that we can do with her what we want!, To which Nara replies: and not only that, she will be an obedient pet all for us, I will caress her all day, but we don't have doll clothes so we'll always have you naked...
Olga happily and excitedly in Sasha's huge hand, nods her head and tells them that it's okay, it's her dream come true!

Sasha and Nara get up from the table and go to the room with their new pet in their hands to play the rest of the day, and forever... Because the pills were irradiated changing their components and the effect will be permanent...

- -------- ---------------------- -------------------- -- -------------

3 Lucky Neighbors

Family Pets

The Isher family that lives below Olga's apartment, made up of Sara the mother and head of the family, a blonde in her 40s, with a slim and beautiful body, her eldest daughter Michel, 19 years old, blonde, long hair, very beautiful, and her youngest daughter Lisa, almost identical to the eldest, about 18 years old, a model. Sara had arranged a meeting with 10 yoga friends, for a snack, for which they were sharing and drinking orange juice (orange juice that Olga inadvertently contaminated with three pills thrown from her apartment on top of her). While they were talking, Lisa and her friend Clarisa, who is also 18 years old and was visiting from college, are interrupted in their room by her sister Michel who tells them that Mama is going to drink all the orange juice and won't let them none, jokingly, The three girls run to the table and steal a glass of juice each before their mother and her friends finish it off. Gosh these girls! says Sara, they love orange juice.

After an hour the meeting ended and the 10 women said goodbye to go to the gym to do yoga, at the same time that Clarisa also went home, she is alone since her parents and little sister and little brother are on a trip and the they left her alone for school reasons for a few days.
Sara closes the doors and feels a bit tired so she tells her daughters that she will take a nap, Michel and Lisa stay on the sofa watching TV and say in unison: yes, mom, have a nice sleep!

After a few hours Sara wakes up naked on a white and extensive surface with large very strange structures, she tries to accommodate her view well and realizes that it is her room but her bed was behind it, she wondered why she was not in it and it is that in the reduction process she fell to the ground and the carpeting cushioned her fall and that is why she woke up dazed...

Sara, astonished, nervous and worried, begins to think about what happened to her!? How do I get to shrink? I must call 911 fast!! She tells herself. She runs quickly to the room what seemed like miles from her room, being that size, when she finally arrived she tried to look for her daughters but she did not see them, she wondered if they had the same fate . Everything was so big and colossal, she felt like a mouse.
Sara quickly ran to a cable of an appliance that went up to the table that overlooked the backyard, to look for her cell phone, when she finally managed to climb completely, the sunlight through the window next to the table was very bright, but she breathed a sigh of relief because I lock the doors tight so no neighborhood cat would get in, and it wouldn't be cat food.

From the table she could make out two small dolls on the huge sofa, they were her daughters hugging each other and exploring the sofa to find out what happened...
Sara yells at them from the table: daughters here! Lisa, Michel here at the table! I am her mother!
Lisa and Michel are happy to hear her and yell at her mom, mom! Here mom! help! What happened to us?? We are small!

Sarah: don't worry! In a moment I will call 911 for help! Stay there and don't move!
Sara searched among the things on the table and only found the keys and control of the car... she remembered that her cell phone had been left on a shelf at the top of the kitchen.

Sara complains and yells at her daughters if they have their phones with them on the couch? to which you are they answer no. Sara anguished there is nothing to do and she keeps thinking... Someone has to help us...

After a few minutes the doorbell rings, Sara at the table and the girls on the couch get scared! Who will it be? Michel asks and Lisa replies, it must be Daniela the cleaning girl! Michel: oh heavens how embarrassing to see how we are, well I hope you can help us it is our only hope. The Isher family had known Daniela for years, they knew she was trustworthy and a very good person, Sara remembered the same thing, she had arranged for Daniela to come at that time to clean, but without anyone to open the door it was impossible... He sat at the table helplessly listening to the bell over and over again... Until he fell silent.

Daniela had had that time agreed for cleaning, she knew the Isher family and if they didn't open for her it was for something, so she went around the side of the house to the backyard and see through the back window what was going on, because she didn't they opened

Let's see inside the house she didn't see anyone then out of the corner of her eye she noticed a small pink figure on the table right in the window and she details it well...
Daniela: oh heavens it's Mrs. Sara! But how? What happened!? Why is she so small!?
She knocks on the window and Sara gets scared and I notice a gigantic shadow on the window, It's Daniela! she exclaims!

Sara: DANIELA, DANIELA HERE! it's me Sara help us please, Daniela can't hear well because of her tiny voice but she still tells Sara that she can't hear, Sara could hear her well but when she saw that Daniela couldn't she saw that there was a pencil and paper on the table, Sara said to herself: Heavens... I didn't think I would write with such a big pencil one day, as she could, she began to write "help" on the paper so that Daniela could see it, Daniela tells her that she can't enter the house is closed, to which Sara remembers the keys and control of the car and begins to write that she will open the car with the control and inside there are some keys to the house!

Daniela couldn't stop admiring how pretty Mrs. Sara looked so small and naked on the table writing with a pencil as big as her...
Sara approached the car button on the control and used her strength to press it to which a beep was heard from the car, Daniela heard it too and said Ok, I'll see!

Sara hoped for Daniela to help her in this embarrassing and strange situation, she yelled at her daughters to calm down that everything will be fine!
Daniela went quickly to the side of the house to look for the keys in the car, while she was walking she had a thousand questions, but somehow she was happy to be the one who found her... She opened the car and took the keys from the glove compartment, she headed home when her little 8-year-old son intercepted her right at the door. Mommy!

Daniela: Saúl told you that I would work and then I would go home.
Saúl: yes mommy but that's how I greet Mrs. Sara and her daughters!
Daniela: well but do not separate from me!.
Daniela quickly opened the door and ran to the table leaving her little Saul behind her.
I check the table where Sara was indeed.
Sarah: Thank Heaven! Daniela!
Daniela: but Mrs. Sara, what happened how are you so small!? This is unreal!
Sara: I know, it's unreal but look at me I'm the size of a mouse I don't know what to do I have to call 911!
My daughters are also... ...
She was interrupted by Saul's shout!
Saul: Mommy!!! Mommy! Look! Michel and Lisa are dolls!

She quickly pushed herself to grab the tiny girls on the sofa and see them... Michel, scared, runs to one side avoiding the little big boy's grasp but Lisa was not so lucky and suddenly she was caught by that huge hand... It's So small! She exclaims smiling and curious, then without much effort she manages to capture Michel who was not recovering from the event and looks at them closely Wow they are little girls, to play! They have the super power to get small! Saul says.

Scared, Daniela tells Saúl to let them go, they are not toys, they are the Isher family, her friends! Disappointed Saúl places them in his mother's hand and she can immediately feel how delicate and soft they are, he placed them on the table next to his mother and they all hugged each other, Daniela was surprised and captivated by how cute the three of them looked. miniature, many thoughts ran through his mind of what he could do with them.

Sara only limits herself to telling what she knows after going to her nap but she doesn't know why the three of them are small...

While they were talking, Daniela couldn't stop admiring them, feeling that sensation of joy at seeing them like this, so vulnerable... They were three little women , three little dolls that I could dispose of...

Without thinking about it anymore, Daniela sees how Saúl likes that new size of her neighbors, so she takes a transparent vase from the table, empties it and wanted to put them there to protect them, the tiny family tried to get away but it was impossible, Daniela managed to grab them at three with both hands, he couldn't resist how soft their little bodies felt, the fact that he had three little women in his hands, a whole little family in his possession, blinded his mind and he could only think of keeping them as pets in an old house. fish tank that he had at home, so Saúl will also have pets to feed and care for! She placed the little family in the vase and took Sara's wallet with her credit cards, she said to Saul, let's go home! You wanted a pet right!? Well here we have three to take care of! And money to keep them!

--------- ---------------------- ------------------- --- -------------
4 Lucky Neighbors Lucky


The 10 women after the meeting with their friend Sara, arrive at the gym and prepare to do their yoga exercises, it should be noted that the 10 women were between 28 and 40 years old but they all had a slender body very well defined and delicate! Hair between brown, blonde and black and all the shades to be desired, white, brunette and dark! Very beautiful.

The girls go into their respective classrooms and climb onto their exercise boxes and start practicing to the beat of the music.

In the neighboring room, there were nothing more and nothing less than their volleyball rivals, who were not very friendly with them, but only 9 girls attended with the same beauty and varied qualities and almost the same ages, 28 to 40 years old. They waited for the yoga room to be empty for them to go practice there, but while they did their routine in their room.

After a few minutes the music stops, the yoga girls had suddenly passed out tired, when they woke up they all start to force the heavy fabrics on them, it was their clothes that covered them, they were disoriented and scared they hurry up and each one comes out as could between their gigantic clothes now, they look at the gigantic panorama before them! And the more they get terrified, they hear a scream in the distance from one of them! Aaaahh! They all turn in the direction of the scream and run quickly towards her tiny partner to calm her down. When she calms down, they all wonder and say: girls, we're small, the gym is gigantic! As a step!? Why are we so small!? We are like mice, comments another, they try to calm down and analyze the situation, to which one says, girls, we should seek help from someone who can get us out of this! And another answers but to whom! ? We are in the gym. Here they are only... he Pause and meditate oh no... OH NO !! WHAT'S UP!? The others ask, She tells them the only ones who are in the gym is the next room and there are our volleyball rivals! WHAT!? it's not possible! We can't let them see us like this, what will become of us if they catch us! We will be your pets!? His toys and teasing!? Besides we are naked our clothes are huge! We must hide!!! ? Besides we are naked our clothes are huge! We must hide!!! ? Besides we are naked our clothes are huge! We must hide!!!

While the strange event took life in the Yoga room, his rivals noticed that the music in that room stopped, so they deduced that the Yoga girls had already left, leaving the room just for themselves, so they decide to move
... In the yoga room they see the music turned off and a lot of clothes scattered on the floor, what a mess...
The girl who was in the first year observing the room sees on one of the sides of it what seems to be a meeting of little dolls chatting... Curious, she silently tells the others to look, and if indeed they were dolls, but whose!? And were they alive?

They all decided to sneak up on the small group and couldn't believe their eyes! They were his rivals!!! the size of small Barbie dolls! They all looked at their faces with joy at finding them and excited for wanting to capture them, so they approached more and slowly so they wouldn't run away...

Meanwhile, the gathered little ones had not noticed the presence of the giants until one of them begins to scream and is immediately captured by a gigantic hand! The others, seeing this, quickly began to run terrified and scared while the rival giants go to capture them, managing to catch one by one like small mice that cannot run very fast, Anais, one of the small ones, manages to reach an opening in the wall of the room that overlooks the street, seeing that she could not do anything for her companions and the giants ignored her as she was in the capture of her companions, she placed herself on the wall fleeing. The nine rivals then managed to capture the remaining 9 tiny Yoga girls! They couldn't help but touch them and feel them in their power! They felt soft and the giantesses began to enjoy their small muscles making force to free themselves, some couldn't help caressing them and seeing them, pinching their breasts and feet or pulling their hair, feeling a small human in their hands was a dream! And more if they were his sports rivals! They all approached a table and placed them on a metal tray and began to inspect their little captives! I can not believe it! Exclaims one, but they are nothing more and nothing less than our rivals! and they are in the palm of our hands says another, what are we going to do with you little ones? How did they get as small as Barbies? and look at those little bodies, they are naked and they are expended, they thought among themselves, I think they will look good in our homes as pets! some couldn't help caressing them and seeing them, pinching their breasts and feet or pulling their hair, feeling a little human in their hands was a dream! And more if they were his sports rivals! They all approached a table and placed them on a metal tray and began to inspect their little captives! I can not believe it! Exclaims one, but they are nothing more and nothing less than our rivals! and they are in the palm of our hands says another, what are we going to do with you little ones? How did they get as small as Barbies? and look at those little bodies, they are naked and they are expended, they thought among themselves, I think they will look good in our homes as pets! some couldn't help caressing them and seeing them, pinching their breasts and feet or pulling their hair, feeling a little human in their hands was a dream! And more if they were his sports rivals! They all approached a table and placed them on a metal tray and began to inspect their little captives! I can not believe it! Exclaims one, but they are nothing more and nothing less than our rivals! and they are in the palm of our hands says another, what are we going to do with you little ones? How did they get as small as Barbies? and look at those little bodies, they are naked and they are expended, they thought among themselves, I think they will look good in our homes as pets! They all approached a table and placed them on a metal tray and began to inspect their little captives! I can not believe it! Exclaims one, but they are nothing more and nothing less than our rivals! and they are in the palm of our hands says another, what are we going to do with you little ones? How did they get as small as Barbies? and look at those little bodies, they are naked and they are expended, they thought among themselves, I think they will look good in our homes as pets! They all approached a table and placed them on a metal tray and began to inspect their little captives! I can not believe it! Exclaims one, but they are nothing more and nothing less than our rivals! and they are in the palm of our hands says another, what are we going to do with you little ones? How did they get as small as Barbies? and look at those little bodies, they are naked and they are expended, they thought among themselves, I think they will look good in our homes as pets!

The tiny women couldn't believe what they were hearing, they were terrified of now being the pets of their rivals! They told them to please help them not to do anything to them, to call 911!? Things that the giants answered with a resounding NO! You do not know into the hands that have fallen! Now they are little pets for us so girls there are 9 pets and we are 9 too, one for each one and we exchange them every day! It seems to them!? To which the rest of the giants respond perfectly! I want the blonde! Humm me that brunette! And I is! Hahahaha everyone laughs as they pick and grab their new little pets and decide to take them home for even more fun! And only little Anais managed to escape, or at least she thought so...
"You're like, really tiny."
"Thanks. I had no idea."

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