downwards the pecking order

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Shrink Apprentice
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downwards the pecking order

Post by zamui » Wed Aug 10, 2022 10:35 am

Inspired by ... mesticated

The following events took place after the end of 'Domesticated' at deviantart

honey moon

So they left me to the rodent´s pleasure in my new home, the hamster´s cage. 'My family' watched me and Cuddles and Cassandra made quite lewd comments about me and my sexual pleasure because I could not oppress all the sounds of joy. Cuddles really brought me joy and I felt so ashamed of it in front of Brianna and that stupid bitch which stole my family! Her grin said more than any comment. She knew I was enjoying it and that stupid rodent made me come again and again.
„Don´t try to hide your pleasure, Chrissie! It is too obvious that you enjoy the constant lovemaking. Poor little Cuddles … you tease and seduce him all the time.“, she said next morning when Brianna had left for school and my husband was at work. I was under Cuddles in mating position and had finished. Cuddles was still pumping his seed in me. She opened the door, took Cuddles from my back and withdrew his penis from my vagina with an audible sound. At this moment I felt somehow disappointed although he gave me a climax some seconds before. I missed his warm fur and I was confused. I stayed in the mating position as I realized I was hoping that the mating would continue.
Cassandra petted Cuddles, took from a white bag something that looked like small dog biscuit and fed cuddles with it.
„For your strength, poor Cuddles. It must be exhausting to fuck this slut the whole day.“, Cassandra said pitifully.
„Don´t you feel pity for me? I have to endure all this!“, I screamed in anger with my high squeaky voice.
„Oh, you don´t suffer, my dear! I can make you suffer! Maybe I give you to our neighbours! So shut up and do what I tell you, rodent slut! Cuddles fucks you happy! Don’t argue with me! I can make it all worse for you! Besides, you are in very good position. You get fed, have sex and you don’t have to care about all the things like family, household, work … you seem to me like a parasite. You do nothing but you want all the advantages of a human. Don’t you feel guilty about it?“
I said nothing after her words and looked ashamed and frightened to the ground with my knees and hands in the sawdust. As my head hung low I saw some blood between my legs. My period! And I couldn´t hide anything.
Cassandra put Cuddles back in the cage, he sniffed at my crotch, decided to piss first and went to the litter box.
„I … need something for my period … would you please give me something?“ I asked submissively and looked with a most begging expression I could muster. It was the first time I´ve had my period while I was in the cage. The times before, in that seven months since my shrinking, I could take care of myself. But now I had to beg for help! The humilation continued and got worse.
„Ah, okay. I already thought Cuddles had fucked you pregnant.“ She went away and came back after a minute, threw some toilet paper through the grid.
„Here. That might work. But don´t put it inside. Cuddles might shove it too deep into you. I guess he doesn´t care.“ She chuckled.
I wiped the stains away and hid the dirty toilet paper under the sawdust.
After his short break Cuddles´ interest in me grew again. He mounted me. But I’ve had the feeling that my ‚lover’ was even more eager to fuck me. Did that bitch Cassandra gave him an aphrodisiac?
„I leave you alone to your animal instincts! I do not want to disturb this romantic moment.“
I heard the door closing as Cuddles began to use me. I appreciated it that she left us alone so I could let myself go. I screamed with pleasure but actually it was more a squeaking. Cuddles gave his best and pumped his sperm in me.
Panting and catching my breath after my orgasm I fell on the sawdust, Cuddles withdrew his penis and made me gasp in the aftermath of pleasure while my body was limb from exhaustion. I opened my eyes and I saw Brianna directly in the eyes. Her face was only centimeters away and her eyes seemed bigger through her glasses. Cassandra and my husband were standing and watching me. I didn´t hear them coming. I couldn´t hear anything because of the ecstasy Cuddles gave me. I froze in shock.
„Did it ever had that behavior with you?“, Cassandra asked and looked at him with a playful pity.
„No, never.“, he answered and I could hear his disappointment. Indeed, he never really satisfied me and after a few years I did not want to fake an orgasm for him. He was a bad lover and I could not understand why Cassandra took him away from me.
„Well, it’s just only an animal, my love!“, Cassandra said.
„We can’t leave it here in the living room. If someone sees it what would they think of us!?“, my husband said.
„Yeah, you’re right. Brianna should take their cage into her room.“

A few hours later Brianna went to bed and put a rag over the cage, which she had positioned on her desk. But the change of place and the darkness in the cage did not stop Cuddles. He was like a machine and he fucked me as soon as Brianna was in her bed. I don’t know why he couldn’t stop using me. I guess my smell excited him - and his rodent prick excited me, so I had not the strength to resist the temptation.
As a result of our honeymoon there was a permanent noise of squealing that Cuddles an I made. I didn´t care anymore about what impression I left. It was all futile to pretend I was anything else than a domesticated pet for my former family.
„Oh, damn it! You rodents are too loud!“, I heard Brianna say through the noise in my ears and the panting of Cuddles above me. I felt a shaking of the cage, heard the door of the wardrobe open and closing and when there was darkness. In this darkness only Cuddles existed, who constantly fucked me. I can´t tell when he had enough and finally fell asleep.

part 1 ... f=9&t=4333
part 2 ... f=9&t=4340
part 3 ... f=9&t=4341

I'd like to apologize for any failures by using a foreign language. Please send me a message if you may find something that needs correction.
Last edited by zamui on Sun Aug 14, 2022 11:40 am, edited 2 times in total.


Shrink Aprentice
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Re: downwards the pecking order part 1

Post by ralgar » Thu Aug 11, 2022 8:05 pm

Well that was pretty hot I really am interested to see where this goes.

Shrink Apprentice
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Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2022 9:29 am

Re: downwards the pecking order

Post by zamui » Fri Aug 12, 2022 1:29 pm

downwards the pecking order - part 2

morning after

Next morning Cassandra opened the door of the wardrobe. Tired and with aching muscels I woke up blinded by the morning sun which sent her beams right into the wardrobe and my new mobile home.
„Tss, tss … you are such a rodent slut! First you can´t hold yourself in front of your husband and then you cannot let your daughter sleep because of your animalistic sexual needs! Brianna told me everything about last night. - Must have been a busy honeymoon!“ Cassandra looked at me and Cuddles, who was still sleeping. I lied close to him and his belly with my back. His legs covered me.
„You are such a sweet couple, you two! Guess you found your prince. At least one of the inhabitants likes you. Brianna told me, that she hated you because you didn’t allow her anything. Well, she is now so happy that she has more freedom with her new mom than with you.“
She took the cage and carried it to the kitchen. The cage swung and Cuddles looked disturbed. I tried to open my sleepy and blinded eyes. I was still exhausted by the sexual needs of my new ‚husband‘. I wished my real husband would have had this standing. Maybe I wouldn´t be in this circumstances and he would love me enough to avoid these humilations. And I understood how Cassandra managed to take my role in the family. She did them favors and manipulated them.
Cassandra almost threw the cage on the window board of one of the kitchen´s windows to the backyard. Cuddles and I flew into our litter box, saw dust and all the food from the feeding bowl fell on us. She seemed angry.
„What´s wrong with you?!“, I squealed.
„You are a little and dirty rodent! Shut up!“, she answered.
„You made a mess with our toilet, food and our … our room!“
„Oooh, is something wrong with your honeymoon suite? - Brianna will clean it when she’s back from school. Cuddles and you are her pets! She has to learn to take care of you.“
Cassandra cleaned the kitchen and threw from time to time a look to us.
All the food was in the litter. Cuddles didn´t seem to care and ate where he was defecating before. I was hungry, I looked and found something that was not too near to the places we had used. I took a deep breath and ate it. It looked ridiculous. That big chunk of pet food in my hands looked like an oversized cookie.
Cassandra caught me right in the moment I started to eat. With a disgusted look she shook her head.
„I couldn´t imagine what kind of dirty rodent you are. But now I see. Maybe the whole world should see it too!“ She took the cage, carried it to another window which lead to the street, opened the window and positioned the cage in plane sight for every pedestrian who would walk by.
„Noooo, please! You cant´t show me to all the neighbors!“ I screamed but she ignored my protest as if she didn’t understand the squealing noises of a pet.
Cuddles did not seem to be disturbed. He ate and while he still was munching he started to mate me. He pushed me in the right position with his claws, I fell on all fours. I followed his silent commands like livestock in a stable follows the commands of the shepherd. Crumbs fell from his snout on my head. His penis found its way easily in me. From the corner of my eyes and through the shaking from Cuddles movements I saw Cassandra´s grinning face, she was shaking her head again. It was humilating. My existence was reduced to be a fucktoy for a rodent! Cassandra had arranged it - and I played this role, did not only accept it but I liked it! And she knew it, she saw it.
„What is the hamster doing, Miss?“ A boy’s voice asked right beside me.
„He’s mating with his bitch, Ethan. This is what rodents do. They don´t care where or when or if somebody´s watching.“, I heard Cassandra answer.
I tried to see the boy and looked in the giant eyes of Ethan, the neighbors´ son. He pressed his face against the grid of the cage.
„What is he mating? Looks like a doll?“, Ethan asked.
„Oh, it´s another rodent that looks like a doll. A new breed, you know? It’s the former Mrs. Smith. There was an accident and she shrunk to that size. Now it is our pet like Cuddles. We call it Chrissie.“
„Nice name for pet. - It´s making funny noises.“
„Yeah, it gets a lot of animal pleasure from the hamster. - Look! The female is panting like a dog! Funny! Its tongue sticks out!“
I let myself go. Why not? I could not resist the temptation and the pleasure Cuddles gave me was overwhelming. I was thirsty and I my tongue was sticking out. I must have looked like a dumb animal.
„Well, it´s not cool if they are doing it the whole day! And the night!“
„Seems she can´t get enough!“, Ethan chuckled and Cassandra laughed.
„Yeah, seems it´s only instinct is mating.“
„Then it is an animal, isn´t it?“
Right in this moment I came and I could not hold myself, made squealing noises and Cuddles filled me with his sperm.
„Now I understand! Must be disgusting!“, Ethan said and seemed to enjoy the show. He had probably never seen a women mating.
„It is! If it wasn´t a rodent I would not tolerate such behavior in my house, Ethan!“
Cuddles withdraw from me left me standing in mating position. Exhausted I fell to the ground and rested in the sawdust, panting and listening to the conversation.
„I can take it … for a while, if you want to!“ Ethan seemed eager to have me.
„Ethan … this might not be a good idea. You have to take care of it, feed it, keep it clean …“
„Oh, I can take responsibility for a pet! I already have some pets! Rats, spiders, a mouse, a guinea pig and a rabbit. Seems they all fit her size. She could … live with them!“
I could see his evil grin and read his dirty mind.
„Maybe you are right, Ethan. If you have already taken responsibility for your pets, you should take responsibility for another pet. Me and my husband will discuss this. Maybe it is a good idea, because our new pet disturbs the order of things in my house. But we have to ask Brianna. It’s her pet, you know?“
I jumped to my feet and screamed: „You can´t give me to that pervert!“
„Oh, it speaks?“, Ethan seemed surprised.
„Well, it’s making noises and sometimes we want to believe it’s talking. - Oh my God! Look at this little rodent slut! The sperm of Cuddles is leaking out of it, it gets fucked the whole day by this animal. Well, I do only see one pervert here and it’s not me or Ethan or Cuddles!!“
Ethan chuckled and I blushed and wanted to walk away and go into the hamster’s house.
„Can I take a look? I would like to see it in all its nature’s beauty.“
„Well, of course Ethan! Take a look and command what to do. At least it understands and does what it´s told to do unless it does not want to be punished!“ Cassandra made clear that I had to follow Ethan´s commands.
„Come to me!“, Ethan demanded speaking into the cage.
I froze immediately because his voice was loud. Then I turned and went to the grid. His giants eyes were on me and I could feel his warm breath all over my body.
„Take your time with it. Brianna arrives in an hour.“ Cassandra turned to the dishes and cleaned a pan.
„Spread your legs!“
I did and Cuddles sperm dripped from crotch.
„Taste the sperm!“, Ethan whispered. Cassandra heard it, looked at me with an evil grin and did nothing to stop him. So reached between my thighs, wetted my hand and put it into my mouth. It tasted awful.
„She eats the semen of Cuddles!“, Ethan said with playful surprise.
„Well, it eats everything. It´s a pet, you know!“
Ethan let me do a lot of posing. I needed to spread my labia for him, showed him, how my tits wiggled.
„There is much hair on that pet.“, he said after a while.
„Yeah, I’ve seen this too. There is no razor in this size. So it looks more and more like an animal. Cuddles would like it more shaved, I guess. I will take care of it! Thank you for the advice! Maybe I have a solution for the hairy problem.“ She had an idea. I could see it in her face. I heard her open the drawer.
„Time for washy-washy, you dirty little rodent slut!“ With these words Cassandra opened the cage door, grabbed me with her hand and threw me in the sink into the dishwater. It splashed as I landed in the warm water and the foam nearly suffocated me.
„Your bush has been grown, young pet!“, she said with a tone that reminded me of my mother. „We should keep it nice and short, should we?“
She took me out of water, dried me with the kitchen towel and took some sellotape, pressed it on my vulva and ripped it of.
I screamed in pain as she ‚epilated‘ my pubic hair with the sellotape!
She repeated this treatment for two times with my whole body until all my body hair was gone. My skin burned and I screamed in pain.
With an evil look in her eyes she held me in front of her face.
„Hair’s too long on its head …“, Cassandra said in thought.
I heard the drawer open and short after this she held scissors in her hand and before I could do anything she cut my hair. I saw my hair fall into the sink, then she let me fall again into the water. The warm water and the soap burned my skin even more. My head felt different. She had left only a short stubs of my hair.
„Wait, I get you some creme.“, she said and disappeared while I was swimming in the sink and Ethan was laughing and put his head through the window to catch a better look.
Cassandra came back soon. She brought a pot of body lotion. Her hand grabbed again, I laid in the palm of her hand. She took a big load of the soothing creme with the finger of her other hand out of a pot and started to rub my body. I Iied in the palm of her hand, my legs dengling down from the edge. It felt so humilating, I was literally in her hand and completely at her mercy. It was overwhelming and as soon as she began to rub my body I started to like it. She covered my whole body with the creme, turned me around in her hand and took especially good care of my vulva. I moaned as she pressed her finger on my crotch.
„Listen, Ethan! Do you hear the funny noises it makes? - It likes to be touched there!“ She moved her hand with me on it nearer to Ethan, rubbed my body and my crotch under the big eyes of Ethan.
I came like I never did before. I was squirting at her finger, shivered und moaned.
„Oh, that was a big one, wasn’t it? Your ex-husband never reached that level with you! He told me after our first night in that I gave him the pleasure to comfort and satisfy me!", she said with an evil grin looking down at me as I was struggling to gain control back over my breath and body.
„Look at the mess you’ve done, little rodent! - Animals have sometimes a very strange behavior, as you can see!“
Ethan nodded.
She was right. Her hand, which I was laying on and her finger with which she stimulated me with were wet from my squirting. It mixed with the lotion. I have never squirted before! The shame I felt and the knowledge who made me come and who watched made it all worse - and somehow my sexual arousement bigger. And Ethan watched all the time.
She took me back to the sink, my weak arms and legs dangled from her hand. With a splash she let me fall into the water for the third time, she cleaned her hands in the water and pulled the plug. An malstrom took me to the drain but she caught me with her hand before my ass would have stuck into the drain. She positioned me on top of the cage into the sunlight.
„It needs to get dry. Otherwise the sawdust sticks to it and it would look like a wooden doll!“
Ethan took a long close look. I tried not to think about what his imagination might be. But his really evil grin made me shiver in fear.
Brianna came back from school.
„Hi Brianna, my dear! I am in the kitchen. Your pets have made a mess with the cage … look, the food, the litter even the sawdust are all mixed up. You need to clean it. I have already cleaned Chrissie and even made her even sexier for Cuddles by removing the unnecessary body hair.“, Cassandra spoke in her nicest voice.
„Oh, you bad, bad Chrissie!“ Brianna raised her finger like an old fifties mother and scolded with me. „You were up all night with Cuddles and made such mess with your home! Don´t think I will clean this! This is all your fault and you will have to clean it!“
„Oh, my dear! You are so right about this!“ Cassandra said and laid her arm around her. „But it’s a dumb animal! It can’t clean this mess because it does not know it is a mess! It likes sitting in its meal.“
„Maybe I can help you, Brianna!“; Ethan said.
„Well, come in and lend Brianna a hand!“, Cassandra said.
A minute later Ethan held me in his hand and inspected my body with his face and eyes only millimeters away from me. In his other hand he held Cuddles.
Brianna emptied the cage into the trashcan.
Finally Ethan put me back into the cage after Brianna had it prepared for me and Cuddles. As soon as the door closed, Cuddles mated me.
„Look, sweetie, it is only there for one purpose: mating with Cuddles!“ Cassandra looked deeply concerned and disappointed as she saw, what was going on again in the cage. But under this playful mask I could see her grinning.
Brianna and Ethan took their chance to watch me and Cuddles.
„Looks funny how its tits are bouncing!“, said Brianna and Ethan chuckled.
After Cuddles has finished he dismounted me and went to eat. I stood up and did the same.
„You shouldn’t feed it that often, I guess. It looks fat.“, Ethan said as I ate a bit of a pellet.
Cassandra stepped over and looked at me.
„Yeah, you are right. I will reduce the amount of pet food.“ She opened the cage door, took away our bowl away. She turned to Brianna and with a sorrowful look she said: „Look, my dear, since Chrissie shares the cage with cuddles, it is a mess. Cuddles is ignoring you and you can’t pet him because Chrissie is seducing him all the time. And he doesn’t look healthy. His eyes are red because he has got no sleep at all. That bitch is making him sick. Maybe it is better if he rests with you some time and Ethan takes care of Chrissie. He is very experienced and has some animals as company for Chrissie. What do you think?“
„Okay, but Cuddles stays with me.“, Brianna answered.
„Ethan! You may take Chrissie with you for two days. You can bring it back on Wednesday afternoon. Make sure it has company and don’t feed it too much. As you have seen, it might be better a non-carb-diet is keeping its shape. We don’t need a fat pet.“
„Oh, thank you, Miss Smith!“, Ethan answered excited.
„Well, not Miss Smith, not yet. Call me Cassandra!“

part 1 -- part 2 -- part 3 -- part 4 -- part 5 -- part 6 -- part 7 -- part 8 -- part 9 -- END

I'd like to apologize for any failures by using a foreign language. Please send me a message if you may find something that needs correction.

Shrink Apprentice
Shrink Apprentice
Posts: 13
Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2022 9:29 am

downwards the pecking order - part 2

Post by zamui » Fri Aug 12, 2022 1:31 pm

morning after

Next morning Cassandra opened the door of the wardrobe. Tired and with aching muscels I woke up blinded by the morning sun which sent her beams right into the wardrobe and my new mobile home.
„Tss, tss … you are such a rodent slut! First you can´t hold yourself in front of your husband and then you cannot let your daughter sleep because of your animalistic sexual needs! Brianna told me everything about last night. - Must have been a busy honeymoon!“ Cassandra looked at me and Cuddles, who was still sleeping. I lied close to him and his belly with my back. His legs covered me.
„You are such a sweet couple, you two! Guess you found your prince. At least one of the inhabitants likes you. Brianna told me, that she hated you because you didn’t allow her anything. Well, she is now so happy that she has more freedom with her new mom than with you.“
She took the cage and carried it to the kitchen. The cage swung and Cuddles looked disturbed. I tried to open my sleepy and blinded eyes. I was still exhausted by the sexual needs of my new ‚husband‘. I wished my real husband would have had this standing. Maybe I wouldn´t be in this circumstances and he would love me enough to avoid these humilations. And I understood how Cassandra managed to take my role in the family. She did them favors and manipulated them.
Cassandra almost threw the cage on the window board of one of the kitchen´s windows to the backyard. Cuddles and I flew into our litter box, saw dust and all the food from the feeding bowl fell on us. She seemed angry.
„What´s wrong with you?!“, I squealed.
„You are a little and dirty rodent! Shut up!“, she answered.
„You made a mess with our toilet, food and our … our room!“
„Oooh, is something wrong with your honeymoon suite? - Brianna will clean it when she’s back from school. Cuddles and you are her pets! She has to learn to take care of you.“
Cassandra cleaned the kitchen and threw from time to time a look to us.
All the food was in the litter. Cuddles didn´t seem to care and ate where he was defecating before. I was hungry, I looked and found something that was not too near to the places we had used. I took a deep breath and ate it. It looked ridiculous. That big chunk of pet food in my hands looked like an oversized cookie.
Cassandra caught me right in the moment I started to eat. With a disgusted look she shook her head.
„I couldn´t imagine what kind of dirty rodent you are. But now I see. Maybe the whole world should see it too!“ She took the cage, carried it to another window which lead to the street, opened the window and positioned the cage in plane sight for every pedestrian who would walk by.
„Noooo, please! You cant´t show me to all the neighbors!“ I screamed but she ignored my protest as if she didn’t understand the squealing noises of a pet.
Cuddles did not seem to be disturbed. He ate and while he still was munching he started to mate me. He pushed me in the right position with his claws, I fell on all fours. I followed his silent commands like livestock in a stable follows the commands of the shepherd. Crumbs fell from his snout on my head. His penis found its way easily in me. From the corner of my eyes and through the shaking from Cuddles movements I saw Cassandra´s grinning face, she was shaking her head again. It was humilating. My existence was reduced to be a fucktoy for a rodent! Cassandra had arranged it - and I played this role, did not only accept it but I liked it! And she knew it, she saw it.
„What is the hamster doing, Miss?“ A boy’s voice asked right beside me.
„He’s mating with his bitch, Ethan. This is what rodents do. They don´t care where or when or if somebody´s watching.“, I heard Cassandra answer.
I tried to see the boy and looked in the giant eyes of Ethan, the neighbors´ son. He pressed his face against the grid of the cage.
„What is he mating? Looks like a doll?“, Ethan asked.
„Oh, it´s another rodent that looks like a doll. A new breed, you know? It’s the former Mrs. Smith. There was an accident and she shrunk to that size. Now it is our pet like Cuddles. We call it Chrissie.“
„Nice name for pet. - It´s making funny noises.“
„Yeah, it gets a lot of animal pleasure from the hamster. - Look! The female is panting like a dog! Funny! Its tongue sticks out!“
I let myself go. Why not? I could not resist the temptation and the pleasure Cuddles gave me was overwhelming. I was thirsty and I my tongue was sticking out. I must have looked like a dumb animal.
„Well, it´s not cool if they are doing it the whole day! And the night!“
„Seems she can´t get enough!“, Ethan chuckled and Cassandra laughed.
„Yeah, seems it´s only instinct is mating.“
„Then it is an animal, isn´t it?“
Right in this moment I came and I could not hold myself, made squealing noises and Cuddles filled me with his sperm.
„Now I understand! Must be disgusting!“, Ethan said and seemed to enjoy the show. He had probably never seen a women mating.
„It is! If it wasn´t a rodent I would not tolerate such behavior in my house, Ethan!“
Cuddles withdraw from me left me standing in mating position. Exhausted I fell to the ground and rested in the sawdust, panting and listening to the conversation.
„I can take it … for a while, if you want to!“ Ethan seemed eager to have me.
„Ethan … this might not be a good idea. You have to take care of it, feed it, keep it clean …“
„Oh, I can take responsibility for a pet! I already have some pets! Rats, spiders, a mouse, a guinea pig and a rabbit. Seems they all fit her size. She could … live with them!“
I could see his evil grin and read his dirty mind.
„Maybe you are right, Ethan. If you have already taken responsibility for your pets, you should take responsibility for another pet. Me and my husband will discuss this. Maybe it is a good idea, because our new pet disturbs the order of things in my house. But we have to ask Brianna. It’s her pet, you know?“
I jumped to my feet and screamed: „You can´t give me to that pervert!“
„Oh, it speaks?“, Ethan seemed surprised.
„Well, it’s making noises and sometimes we want to believe it’s talking. - Oh my God! Look at this little rodent slut! The sperm of Cuddles is leaking out of it, it gets fucked the whole day by this animal. Well, I do only see one pervert here and it’s not me or Ethan or Cuddles!!“
Ethan chuckled and I blushed and wanted to walk away and go into the hamster’s house.
„Can I take a look? I would like to see it in all its nature’s beauty.“
„Well, of course Ethan! Take a look and command what to do. At least it understands and does what it´s told to do unless it does not want to be punished!“ Cassandra made clear that I had to follow Ethan´s commands.
„Come to me!“, Ethan demanded speaking into the cage.
I froze immediately because his voice was loud. Then I turned and went to the grid. His giants eyes were on me and I could feel his warm breath all over my body.
„Take your time with it. Brianna arrives in an hour.“ Cassandra turned to the dishes and cleaned a pan.
„Spread your legs!“
I did and Cuddles sperm dripped from crotch.
„Taste the sperm!“, Ethan whispered. Cassandra heard it, looked at me with an evil grin and did nothing to stop him. So reached between my thighs, wetted my hand and put it into my mouth. It tasted awful.
„She eats the semen of Cuddles!“, Ethan said with playful surprise.
„Well, it eats everything. It´s a pet, you know!“
Ethan let me do a lot of posing. I needed to spread my labia for him, showed him, how my tits wiggled.
„There is much hair on that pet.“, he said after a while.
„Yeah, I’ve seen this too. There is no razor in this size. So it looks more and more like an animal. Cuddles would like it more shaved, I guess. I will take care of it! Thank you for the advice! Maybe I have a solution for the hairy problem.“ She had an idea. I could see it in her face. I heard her open the drawer.
„Time for washy-washy, you dirty little rodent slut!“ With these words Cassandra opened the cage door, grabbed me with her hand and threw me in the sink into the dishwater. It splashed as I landed in the warm water and the foam nearly suffocated me.
„Your bush has been grown, young pet!“, she said with a tone that reminded me of my mother. „We should keep it nice and short, should we?“
She took me out of water, dried me with the kitchen towel and took some sellotape, pressed it on my vulva and ripped it of.
I screamed in pain as she ‚epilated‘ my pubic hair with the sellotape!
She repeated this treatment for two times with my whole body until all my body hair was gone. My skin burned and I screamed in pain.
With an evil look in her eyes she held me in front of her face.
„Hair’s too long on its head …“, Cassandra said in thought.
I heard the drawer open and short after this she held scissors in her hand and before I could do anything she cut my hair. I saw my hair fall into the sink, then she let me fall again into the water. The warm water and the soap burned my skin even more. My head felt different. She had left only a short stubs of my hair.
„Wait, I get you some creme.“, she said and disappeared while I was swimming in the sink and Ethan was laughing and put his head through the window to catch a better look.
Cassandra came back soon. She brought a pot of body lotion. Her hand grabbed again, I laid in the palm of her hand. She took a big load of the soothing creme with the finger of her other hand out of a pot and started to rub my body. I Iied in the palm of her hand, my legs dengling down from the edge. It felt so humilating, I was literally in her hand and completely at her mercy. It was overwhelming and as soon as she began to rub my body I started to like it. She covered my whole body with the creme, turned me around in her hand and took especially good care of my vulva. I moaned as she pressed her finger on my crotch.
„Listen, Ethan! Do you hear the funny noises it makes? - It likes to be touched there!“ She moved her hand with me on it nearer to Ethan, rubbed my body and my crotch under the big eyes of Ethan.
I came like I never did before. I was squirting at her finger, shivered und moaned.
„Oh, that was a big one, wasn’t it? Your ex-husband never reached that level with you! He told me after our first night in that I gave him the pleasure to comfort and satisfy me!", she said with an evil grin looking down at me as I was struggling to gain control back over my breath and body.
„Look at the mess you’ve done, little rodent! - Animals have sometimes a very strange behavior, as you can see!“
Ethan nodded.
She was right. Her hand, which I was laying on and her finger with which she stimulated me with were wet from my squirting. It mixed with the lotion. I have never squirted before! The shame I felt and the knowledge who made me come and who watched made it all worse - and somehow my sexual arousement bigger. And Ethan watched all the time.
She took me back to the sink, my weak arms and legs dangled from her hand. With a splash she let me fall into the water for the third time, she cleaned her hands in the water and pulled the plug. An malstrom took me to the drain but she caught me with her hand before my ass would have stuck into the drain. She positioned me on top of the cage into the sunlight.
„It needs to get dry. Otherwise the sawdust sticks to it and it would look like a wooden doll!“
Ethan took a long close look. I tried not to think about what his imagination might be. But his really evil grin made me shiver in fear.
Brianna came back from school.
„Hi Brianna, my dear! I am in the kitchen. Your pets have made a mess with the cage … look, the food, the litter even the sawdust are all mixed up. You need to clean it. I have already cleaned Chrissie and even made her even sexier for Cuddles by removing the unnecessary body hair.“, Cassandra spoke in her nicest voice.
„Oh, you bad, bad Chrissie!“ Brianna raised her finger like an old fifties mother and scolded with me. „You were up all night with Cuddles and made such mess with your home! Don´t think I will clean this! This is all your fault and you will have to clean it!“
„Oh, my dear! You are so right about this!“ Cassandra said and laid her arm around her. „But it’s a dumb animal! It can’t clean this mess because it does not know it is a mess! It likes sitting in its meal.“
„Maybe I can help you, Brianna!“; Ethan said.
„Well, come in and lend Brianna a hand!“, Cassandra said.
A minute later Ethan held me in his hand and inspected my body with his face and eyes only millimeters away from me. In his other hand he held Cuddles.
Brianna emptied the cage into the trashcan.
Finally Ethan put me back into the cage after Brianna had it prepared for me and Cuddles. As soon as the door closed, Cuddles mated me.
„Look, sweetie, it is only there for one purpose: mating with Cuddles!“ Cassandra looked deeply concerned and disappointed as she saw, what was going on again in the cage. But under this playful mask I could see her grinning.
Brianna and Ethan took their chance to watch me and Cuddles.
„Looks funny how its tits are bouncing!“, said Brianna and Ethan chuckled.
After Cuddles has finished he dismounted me and went to eat. I stood up and did the same.
„You shouldn’t feed it that often, I guess. It looks fat.“, Ethan said as I ate a bit of a pellet.
Cassandra stepped over and looked at me.
„Yeah, you are right. I will reduce the amount of pet food.“ She opened the cage door, took away our bowl away. She turned to Brianna and with a sorrowful look she said: „Look, my dear, since Chrissie shares the cage with cuddles, it is a mess. Cuddles is ignoring you and you can’t pet him because Chrissie is seducing him all the time. And he doesn’t look healthy. His eyes are red because he has got no sleep at all. That bitch is making him sick. Maybe it is better if he rests with you some time and Ethan takes care of Chrissie. He is very experienced and has some animals as company for Chrissie. What do you think?“
„Okay, but Cuddles stays with me.“, Brianna answered.
„Ethan! You may take Chrissie with you for two days. You can bring it back on Wednesday afternoon. Make sure it has company and don’t feed it too much. As you have seen, it might be better a non-carb-diet is keeping its shape. We don’t need a fat pet.“
„Oh, thank you, Miss Smith!“, Ethan answered excited.
„Well, not Miss Smith, not yet. Call me Cassandra!“

part 1 -- part 2 -- part 3 -- part 4 -- part 5 -- part 6 -- part 7 -- part 8 -- part 9 -- END

I'd like to apologize for any failures by using a foreign language. Please send me a message if you may find something that needs correction.

Shrink Apprentice
Shrink Apprentice
Posts: 13
Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2022 9:29 am

downwards the pecking order - part 3

Post by zamui » Sat Aug 13, 2022 1:48 pm

inspired by ... mesticated

at Ethan’s

„How can I take the pet with me? I don’t have something to carry it.“, asked Ethan. „That’s no problem, Ethan! Wait … here’s an nearly empty yoghurt pot.“ Cassandra went to the fridge, took out a pot with strawberry yoghurt and looked in it. She frowned. „It is moldy. I knew no one would like to eat this.“ She emptied the pot in the sink and gave it to Ethan. „Put it in. It will be alright. It’s a filthy animal and won’t feel anything.“
Ethan grabbed me and threw me in the pot. White, slimy yoghurt covered the wall and ground, green dots of mold stained it occasionally. As I hit the ground my body was covered with it too.
„Put on your shoes, Ethan. I will take care of this pot for a moment.“, she said kindly and took the pot, shaking it. I guess she did it to cover me more with that former nutrition.
„Listen, pet slut!“, Cassandra whispered into the yoghurt pot, „You do everything Ethan commands you to do and you will not speak a word to anyone! Is that clear!?“
Her face filled the whole opening of the pot, it was so big and seemed menacing.
I nodded my head. I feared her wraith. She gave me the feeling, that she would do something very bad to me if I didn’t obey.
„If you are a good pet, that means you will be obedient, we might think about a change of your position in this household and this family. Don’t disappoint me! It is up to you how you live in the future!“
Again I nodded but much more quickly to show her, that my obedience is something she can rely on.
I heard Ethan coming back. His shoes made stepping noises on the kitchen tiles.
„You have a lot of rodents and other animals in its size?“, asked Cassandra.
„Yeah! I like animals. I have a snake too.“, he explained proudly.
„Guess the snake doesn’t seem to care which pet is the dinner!“ Cassandra chuckled and my fear grew. Did she plan to feed me to Ethan’s snake to get rid of me? But I didn’t dare to protest because she had not only absolute power over me. She promised me, if I behave myself, that she would change my position in the family. I couldn’t imagine it could be worse therefore I hoped it could only get better.
She put the yoghurt pot on the kitchen table. I saw the kitchen lamp high above me. Both disappeared from the kitchen and I could hear them whispering in the hallway but I did not understand anything. That terrified me even more. If that was ever possible.
They laughed and came back, the pot with me in it moved and Ethan was walking through the hallway out of the house, my house.
The sky was partly cloudy. I looked to the sky and had a great desire for freedom. Ethan shook the pot like no one was in it. Again I didn’t dare to protest because he would probably tell Cassandra. And I knew he was an evil kid. At school he was one of mean boys. That’s what I have heard as I was a mother and was invited to parent meetings. He got caught with sex magazines showing around in class. God knew what he had in store for me.
Soon he arrived by his house, said ‚Hello!‘ to his mom, hid the yoghurt pot and me behind his back as he passed the kitchen door. One moment later he entered a room. Suddenly it was very warm and sticky.
„Welcome to my little zoo, Chrissie! You will be one of my attractions!“ He looked in the pot, frowned. „Well, you are filthy … but I have an idea!“ His grin turned evil. I heard him something open, felt the pot lifting up and turning upside down. And I fell behind a glass wall and from my perspective meters deep and landed in a soft and wobbling mass on my back. It stank like rotten wheat. Then I realized I was in a pool with maggots. I screaked in horror!
The maggots found the yoghurt stains on my body very appetizing and began eating it and explored my body by doing it. The maggots were from a light brown, slimy and very quick moving and were everywhere! I tried to keep them away from my head and mouth, because they tried to explore that too. Then I felt maggots between my legs and pressed my legs together, clamping some of them.
„No, no! Open your legs! Don’t harm my maggots! AND STOP SCREAKING!“
I slowly opened my legs, closed my eyes and felt the wobbling of the maggots all over my body. That was an exciting and thrilling sensation but also disgusting.
„Spread your legs! Cassandra will know, if you don’t obey!“ Ethan said with the confidence of power.
I wanted to beg him to have mercy, but I knew, there was no hope for that. And I wasn’t allowed to speak. So I opened my legs a little more.
„Make a nice maggot angel for me, Chrissie!“, Ethan said.
I obeyed, moved like I would do a snow angel but actually moved through maggots. Then I stayed in that angel position for him and kept my legs spread. As I opened my eyes I saw his phone camera lens above me. He was holding his mobile phone hovering over me. He chuckled and then laughed as he saw on the display what I felt down between my legs. Two of these beasts worked their ways in me. I feared for my life! What if they started eating me from the inside?! I felt so vulnerable, so helpless and disgraced. The maggot were forcing their way in me and I wanted to go mad, because it did not feel right. I wanted to pull these things out of me!
I whimpered and tried to look begging in the camera lens, but then the sensations changed, the wobbling of the maggots seemed to please me, they hit some spots I actually didn’t knew it felt good to be hit there.
Now I felt absolutely ashamed. I never had Kevin given the chance to take ‚the other hole‘! I lost my virginity there to a maggot! The other maggot wiggled in my vagina and I moaned very quiet, because the maggots caused waves of pleasure running through my body.
„Are they inside you? Do they please you, Chrissie? Stand up and show me!“
I have had difficulties to stand up but somehow managed to get on my feet.
„Oh, two of them! No wonder you are on the edge of ecstasy! - It looks very funny and I can’t wait to show this vid to Brianna!“
Then it hit me and the climax started. I shivered and moaned and my knees went weak. I bowed down and fell on my back into the wobbling mass again. I squeaked enjoying my climax.
The maggots didn’t stop wobbling and I did not want them to stop! I opened my eyes and did not see Ethan. There was only his camera that he had fixed with tape above me. He had left me alone with the maggots. They didn’t bite and pleased me with unknown pleasures. Why should I bother? I let myself go. I was upset as a some time later Ethan’s hand grabbed me, shook the maggots from my body and pulled the two maggots out of me.
„Time for the next new friend, Chrissie!“

part 1 ... f=9&t=4333
part 2 ... f=9&t=4340
-- part 3 -- part 4 -- part 5 -- part 6 -- part 7 -- part 8 -- part 9 -- END

I'd like to apologize for any failures by using a foreign language. Please send me a message if you may find something that needs correction.

Shrink Apprentice
Shrink Apprentice
Posts: 13
Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2022 9:29 am

downwards the pecking order - part 4

Post by zamui » Sun Aug 14, 2022 11:44 am

Inspired by ... esticated

up and down

He put me in a terrarium with plants, a piece of wood and gravel on the ground and placed me on the wood and shut the cover above me. There was a lamp with very warm light. The smell was strange, sticky, moist.
Ethan took a seat in front of the terrarium and watched me.
I looked around and discovered a stone, but it wasn’t a stone! It was a snake! I shrieked!
Ethan laughed.
I climbed higher, away from the predator and to the light following my flight instinct away from this beast. The snake moved slowly from its position and headed for me. What before looked like a stone now looked like a moving train. Its skin shimmered. I reached the top of the wood and the cover. There was a dead end. The snake climbed up the wood and slowly came nearer. I froze in horror.
It moved the head towards me and opened the jaws to catch me. There were giant poison fangs. If they caught me they would pierce me! I tried to push the cover but there was no use in it. I was too small, too weak.
Then Ethan lifted the cover and took me in his hand and saved me.
I laid on his palm and shivered in fear and horror. Ethan laughed and shook me while he was laughing.
„Well, maybe you will not be friends, Chrissie. For Ms Snape you are only a meal! - Well, let’s try the next ones!“
He opened another terrarium, there was saw dust on the ground, and threw me in it. I landed in that saw dust and heard squeaking noises I knew too well. Mice.
„I heard, you love to mate with them! Now you have a lot of time to strengthen the bond of love with a bunch of mice! I will have dinner now.“ He left and closed the door.
There were six mice. Somehow I could tell four of them were male, because one of the others seemed pregnant and one of the males mated with what seemed to be another female. It took them only a few seconds to mate. I thought to myself that, that I must be very lucky with Cuddles that the mating with him lasted longer. But then I remembered my experiences with the mice at the alien ship. The mating with them lasted longer. Maybe they had not only changed me but these mice in their spaceship too?
The mice boys had different sizes. The biggest was white. All the others were from grey color and smaller than the white. The mice-boys were curious and came near to me, sniffed and seemed to like my smell because they didn’t stop sniffing. Soon their noses discovered my crotch. Strange how fast this went from making contact to the first attempt of mating. I positioned myself and expected they would be finished with me in no time. But I was wrong.
The first one to mate me was the biggest one of the boys. The one with white fur, red eyes - he had a terrifying look. I called him Snowwhite while he mounted me, I thought it is more civilized if my lovers had at least names.
His penis slipped into me with no difficulties just like it had happened all the time with cuddles. Maybe I was still wet from the maggots.
To my surprise he gave me pleasure and he made happy! Because Ethan didn’t listen and watch, no one else was around, I let myself go and enjoyed the boys! I was surprised because I expected a very short quickie, but Snowwhite ‚stood his man‘ as long as Cuddles did. And the others too! Now the mice and me were squeaking.
It occurred to me that the aliens must have changed me in more ways than height. Maybe I had some effect on them, that they all wanted to mate with me and that it took more time to mate, that caused pleasure for me so that I had the desire to mate with rodents?
The boys had no such thoughts for sure. They switched between me and the other female and left the pregnant one alone. It seemed to be weird, as I looked to the female mouse, that we were at the same position, did the same ‚thing‘ and had - with a little break in between - the same rodent pricks in us.
That continued for some time. I cannot tell how long it took, because there was no clock and I didn’t care anymore. There I was, standing on all fours in mating position, waiting for the next mouse to mount me right next to a ‚real‘ mouse who did exactly the same, I knew I was not more than a rodent pet anymore. If I would accept my fate, maybe I would even enjoy it all the more? But to accept, that you at the very bottom of the pecking order, is hard.
After a while a was very hungry but there was no food in that terrarium. I could break free from my new ‚lovers‘ to reach for the bowl with water. I drank and needed to pee. But there was no litter box. I assumed, I had to let it flow in the saw dust and discovered, that the other mice had done the same. I didn’t bother to crouch. The mice would see that as a sign that I was ready to mate but I needed a break for some minutes, before we could continue mating.
While standing and peeing I looked through the glass of the terrarium into the room. It seemed, that the only purpose for this room was to be a home for animals. There was no bed and the windows were hidden behind thick, dark curtains. Next to the terrarium was the other terrarium with maggots, which I already knew. On the other side was the terrarium of the snake. I shivered in fear as I looked to it. The snake had ‚turned to stone‘ again and did not move.
Two other terrariums stood on the opposite wall with windows behind them. And there was a big aquarium, half full with water and a little shore. I could see toads jumping.
I was pretty sure Ethan would like to make me more new friends. As soon as I finished peeing Snowwhite mounted me again and forced me into mating position. I stood exactly where I peed! And I accepted my current situation. What else could I do?
I didn’t realize that Ethan had come back until he grabbed me and Snowwhite while we were still mating. He shook Snowwhite off me and carried me to what it seemed to be his room. I was not finished and I guess Snowwhite wasn’t too.
Ethan didn’t bother to wait, he didn’t care about me or his pets. Well, I was his pet. There was no difference between me and the mice and maybe there was no difference between the maggots and me too. - But soon I’ve had to learn, that there was a difference. Until then I had other things to do.
Ethan threw me on his bed. I landed on the blanket and tried to stand on my feet. Then he undressed. His erect penis looked like a bird perch. There was not much hair around his penis. Some sprouts of reddish hair grew there. His body was slender and looked - I must admit - kind of sexy. His muscles showed under his white skin.
He grabbed me with his hand and put me on his erect penis. I had to embrace his member with my arms and legs to avoid falling down. I was in panic as I saw the distance to the ground beneath me! If I should fall this would be my end!
He moaned.
„Oh, better than I thought! Your grip is tight and tender.“, he said, moved slowly to his bed and sat down. I clinged to his penis. I could feel the blood rushing underneath the skin. It felt warm. I pressed face against his foreskin, which was still covering the glans. I felt against my cheek, that his glans moved and grew.
„Pet! If you want dinner you need to make me come!“ With these words he laid on his back. His stiffened penis stood like a totem pole in the middle of his body.
I was in shock. Did he really mean what he said? I should jerk him off and eat his cum for dinner?
He flicked my ass with his finger to tell me, that this was exactly what I was supposed to do! It hurt very bad as the flick clapped on my skin. I squeaked. I slid down to his belly and stood on his skin. The muzzles underneath his skin were hart, short blond hair covered his skin like lawn. Beneath my feet it felt like standing on a meadow.
There was no pubic hair around his shaft and his penis was a little taller than me.
I took a deep breath and embraced his penis, tried to climb up a little, millimeter by millimeter I slid up and as I reached the tip of his penis, then his foreskin slid down from the glans and I fell off his penis on his belly.

part 1 ... f=9&t=4333
part 2 ... f=9&t=4340
part 3 ... f=9&t=4341
-- part 4 -- part 5 -- part 6 -- part 7 -- part 8 -- part 9 -- END

I'd like to apologize for any failures by using a foreign language. Please send me a message if you may find something that needs correction.

Shrink Apprentice
Shrink Apprentice
Posts: 13
Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2022 9:29 am

downwards the pecking order - part 5

Post by zamui » Wed Aug 17, 2022 4:39 pm

Dear reader!
Please leave a comment if you like it or not!

inspired by ... mesticated

up and down again

I heard him moan and I was happy, that my efforts had some effect. Again I climbed up and slid down on his penis. And every time I did it I became more and more sweaty because of exertion.
A trickle of precum formed above his tip. As it slid between my body and his penis it made it more slippery and easier to slide down but harder to climb up. His breath went deeper and faster. And my speed going up, sliding down became faster too. I could feel the contractions and how his semen shot through his ureter, lifting my little body.
He came, three shots of sperm spurted out of his penis, bathing me in his warm, slimy goo. He grunted.
„Well done!“, he said and petted my ass. I still embraced his shrinking penis, more sperm came out and dropped on his tummy.
„The buffet is open! All you can eat!“ He chuckled.
I led myself slide down, went carefully to his belly button, in which had formed a little pool. I went fast on all fours, to avoid falling, his goo was all over my body and his belly. I was hungry and wanted to eat from the pool. The ground, his skin was slippery and I nearly fell in the pool of sperm.
I was hungry and really eager to eat it. The goo was warm and smelled fresh to me. With my hands formed as bowl I scooped out my ‚dinner‘ from the little pool in this navel and tasted it. It was not that bad and tasted much better than my husband´s goo.
But the sperm was sticky and stayed on my hands. I didn’t want to lick my hands like an animal and I decided to lower my head and drink it directly from the little pool.
Ethan smiled and watched me slurping his sperm out of his navel. I saw it as I took a brief look to his face while drinking my ‚dinner‘.
„Lick it from my dick!“, he commanded after a while. „Your dinner should be eaten most freshly and some of it is still leaking out of the pipe!“
Carefully I turned around on his belly but this time I fell into the pool and did not dare to stand on my fours again. Instead I slid like a snake over his belly to his shrunken penis. Some goo was still leaking out and I grabbed his glans with my arms and pulled myself to the opening and the leaking sperm. As I pressed my mouth against it to suck the goo in - I was still hungry - the penis stiffened again and raised up with me. My hands tried to embrace his glans, my mouth pressed his ureter and the rest of my body hanging in the air.
He laughed and shook me nearly from his penis, but I managed to tighten my grip.
„Guess you have to take care of it again! Fresh food is your reward!“ He laughed a dirty laugh.
It took me some time to satisfy him three times. At least I was not hungry anymore and had kind of ‚sex‘ with a human although in a weird way and with the neighbor’s son. Then he took and used my like a rag to clean his belly. I was covered all over with his cum and some of it dripped down as he me threw me in the terrarium with the maggots.
„They clean you up, filthy pet!“
The maggots were eager to clean me - and to please me. I closed my eyes, shut my mouth and enjoyed the wobbling on and - of course - in my body.
Ethan watched with a smile in his face. I could see it far above me. But after a while he got impatient, grabbed me with his hand and lots of maggots and threw me to the mice. The mice were eager to eat the maggots. It was a very thrilling sensation as they ate the two maggots from down there. It was a long time ago I felt a tongue working there. Kevin did it not very often although I gave him a blow job as often as he wanted.
Now I was prepared for more mating action and they all mated me again while some of the mice ate the maggots from my body.
Snowwhite fucked me first and the others replaced him in their pecking order. This time they ignored the other female mouse. I was the center of action. Oh, I liked it!
Ethan cleaned meanwhile some of terrariums and finally came back to us.
He took Snowwhite while he was waiting for his turn. The action stopped and the mice were hiding as soon as Ethan’s Hand appeared.
I was annoyed because on of the grey mice stopped mating with me just a moment before I could come and flew into one of their hiding places.
Ethan and talked to Snowwhite.
„Mr. Diggie, time to say good bye to your friends and family! It’s such a pity that your new lover was the last! But, you know, things must be done and you are all only just a link in the food chain. And Ms Snape here has a right to live too. Therefore she needs dinner.“ Ethan opened the snake’s terrarium and threw Snowwhite - or Mr Diggie - in it. I screamed in shock.
„Ah, your lover is a little pity about losing you, Mr Diggie. - Don’t be sorry, Chrissie! It’s all part of the process. In a few days another Mr Diggie will be born. It’s the circle of food and life!“ He chuckled.
The snake bit Snwowhite, he froze in the mouth of the snake but his feet were trembling. The snake devoured him slowly.
„Usually they stop moving when they are behind her head.“, he said grinning and sat down on a chair, like he did as I was in the snake’s terrarium. He enjoyed the view with a grin.
„The poison paralyzes them. He will be dead in a few minutes.“ His explanation made it all worse! How could he be so coldblooded?
The other mice came out after a little while and fought about who could mate with me. The loss of Snowwhite only caused some fight about their pecking (and mating) order.
I prepared myself for the winner and took mating position.
I pondered over the fact, that one of them was dead and got eaten by a snake! They didn’t care at all! And they ate maggots, fucked and squeaked as nothing had happened! Now I understood, what is was being an animal, a pet. Nothing matters as long you can eat and fuck - and did not got eaten!
That realization agonized me. I feared the worst, that I could end like Snowwhite. Maybe eating and fucking were not the best ways to spend the (rest?) of life, if you had the prospect of being a snake’s dinner.
But the worst was not be eaten alive. It was Harald, the rat. After all mice had taken their first round with me, Ethan grabbed me and threw me into the rat cage.
„Here’s some mating fun for you, Harald!“, Ethan said as he let me fall down to a thick layer of animal litter and landed on my hands and feet.
I heard Harald before I saw him. He made walking noises as someone would walk through fresh snow. I turned to the steps and was shocked! Harald was huge in comparison to me. His body had the doubled length of mine! He was fat and his fur was black. He smelled terrible it almost took my breath as he came close and sniffend at my body and my crotch.
I feared he would eat me. But he ‚only‘ wanted to mate with me. And he did with force. He almost killed me as he mounted me, because his weight pressed me into the litter! Now I was wobbling around to catch breath under him. His whole body covered me. I managed to dig my head and mouth in the litter free to breathe. Then I felt his prick slipping easily inside me. He was really heavy and showed no mercy while I squeaked and struggled for air. Ethan didn’t care and went to sleep.
Harald had fun with me. And - as humilating it as it may seem - I’ve had fun too after a while. He didn’t withdraw or move away from me as he had spurted his semen in me. He stayed on and in me the whole night until the next morning. Only a few seconds he waited after he came. Then he started again. He caused a beautiful agony. My mind drifted in regions of sexual ecstasy, I never thought they ever could be possible. I understood how it is to fuck someone’s brains out. He probably did it with me.
Therefore I was annoyed again as Ethan grabbed me and forced me to ride his penis for my breakfast in the morning. After that he threw me again to the maggots, left for breakfast, came back after a while with the rest of his breakfast, threw that like me before to the maggots and gave me to the mice’s pleasure and some maggots for then for food for the day.
I was sleepy and tired when Ethan came from school and grabbed me, threw me to the guinea pig, who was even bigger than the rat but fortunately it was female and showed no interest in me. I moved like a zombie in this terrarium, because of the sleep deprivation. As soon as Ethan realized, that this animal showed no interest in me, he threw me back to the mice and I was very grateful that he didn’t threw me to the rat. Maybe he had some mercy in his heart, I thought for a while. I don’t know I would have survived the sexual strength of the rat for a second time in 24 hours.
But I had to please him again in this afternoon after he had finished his homework.
With some flicks from his finger I was motivated enough to work for my dinner until the time for his dinner arrived.
Again he threw me to the maggots after cleaning his belly with me as his rag. Then again I landed into the cage with the mice and was willing to mate with them. He watched and chuckled for a while.
But somehow I liked the maggot experience more than the mice. The now dominating male had finished mating me, I took my chance to stand up and knocked against the glass wall and pointed my finger to the maggot terrarium.
He laughed loudly and transferred me from the mice to the maggots.
„So, you are a maggot slut and you are begging to be penetrated by insects! Oh, well, you are even kinkier than Cassandra thought! Is it because they use both of your holes?“
I blushed in shame and humiliation but I couldn’t withstand the urge to bathe in the maggot ocean again where no heavy body could squeeze me. And yes! The sensation in both holes was overwhelming. They didn’t stop. Just like Harald. But with them I could breathe.

In the evening, after Ethan was using me again and again, I made new friends not only a different species but a different type of animals: toads. It was digusting and cold! At least they let me sleep after a while. Now I thought Ethan didn’t have as much mercy as I assumed before. He laughed as the toads were squeezing me and spurted their sperm all over me.
So the days went by. I was in constant fear that Ethan would feed me to the snake or give me to the rat’s to pleasure. And I was happy to have some ‚food‘ and sex with the mice boys.

part 1 ... f=9&t=4333
part 2 ... f=9&t=4340
part 3 ... f=9&t=4341
part 4 ... f=9&t=4347
part 5 ... f=9&t=4360
-- part 6 -- part 7 -- part 8 -- part 9 -- END

I'd like to apologize for any failures by using a foreign language. Please send me a message if you may find something that needs correction.

Shrink Apprentice
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downwards the pecking order - part 6

Post by zamui » Sun Aug 21, 2022 3:45 pm

Dear reader!
A comment is very much welcome!

Inspired by ... mesticated

The following events took place after the end of 'Domesticated'

birthday cake

I forgot about time and date and was surprised as Ethan grabbed me, carried me in his jacket pocket. There were cigarettes and a lighter! These things nearly hurt me and I had to struggle to keep some space for me. Then, after a short walk across the street, he handed me over to ‚my family‘ and put me carefully on the kitchen table.
Somehow I was happy to see ‚my family‘ and that the torture at Ethan’s merciless tests, how animals react to and mate with me, ended.
„Oh, look at it! You arrived just in time to Cuddles Birthday, Chrissie! Time to party!! And look! Cuddles is sooo happy to have you back!“ In her brightest smile Cassandra greeted me and showed a jar with Cuddles in it, who was jumping in excitement.
„How did it behave, Ethan? Was it a good pet? Are you satisfied with it?“, asked Cassandra and a little smirk appeared in her face.
She knew what Ethan had done to me! That bitch!
„Oh, yes, Miss, ehm, Cassandra! It was a very obedient pet. And it was satisfying. And it has a lot of new friends now. Even Harald The Rat liked it.“, Ethan answered.
Oh, that was so mean. No one asked, how I felt with that rat and the toads. It wasn’t all bad at Ethan’s, but they didn’t care about me!
I was ashamed and felt humilated of all what had happened at Ethan’s. Worst thing was: I couldn’t help myself. I enjoyed some things very much. There was no denying. It was too obvious to see. At least I had still some hope left my position in the family would change to better. Cassandra wanted to test me if I was reliable. As a side effect I accepted and somehow appreciated my role as a pet more and more.
„Oh, that’s so nice! You may send me the vids as soon as possible! - Well, Ethan, would you like to join our birthday party? It’s Cuddles first birthday! We have a cake! - Look!“ Cassandra pointed to the kitchen table and there was birthday cake.
I was upset! She knew about videos Ethan has made! She had planned it! There could be only one reason for that. She wanted to blackmail me! I was in her hand in many ways.
„Oh, thank you, Cassandra! I’ve had many cameras monitoring every action of Chrissie the whole time. I have already send you a ‚Best Of‘ on your phone!“
„That’s cool and will help, to understand our little pet! Thank you for that, Ethan! - But today our star is Cuddles and he is the middle of attention to everyone in our family. Would you like to prepare Chrissie for its lover? I guess its hair has grown again and it needs a good cleaning. We want it pretty today! I showed you last time how to remove the hair from the pet. It’s just only a filthy pet, you know? You might find all what you need at the sink.“
„First I will throw it into the water and wash it.“, Ethan said and went to the kitchen sink. I fell into foam and warm water, he cleaned me with the dishrag and enjoyed it longer than necessary to clean my crotch and boobs.
„Guess it had lost some weight! The teats are smaller and the ass shows more muscles.“, Ethan said while the ‚epilation‘ was in progress. I screamed in pain but didn’t lose a word of complain.
„That’s very good! Its bouncing teats were annoying. Why should an animal have such big teats anyway?“ Cassandra thanked Ethan for the effects of his ‚diet‘.
He rinsed some cold water over my body to wash away the soap and took me dripping wet to the table.
„We have a very special place for you, Chrissie! Right in the center of Cuddles cake!“ Cassandra grabbed me with her hand and placed me in a hole in the center of the cake. I sank deeply into it through whipped cream and a mix of fruits until my feet reached ground. Only my head was sticking out of the cake. My arms were ‚locked‘ by the cake. I couldn’t move them and couldn’t take some of the cake to eat it. I tried to lower my head to eat like an animal.
„Don´t eat until everyone has a piece of cake, pet!“, Cassandra commanded.
My ‚husband‘, Brianna, Cassandra and Ethan took places at the table. The four sat at the table with me in the middle of the cake. Five plates, four cups and four forks were there too. One candle was near to me and Cassandra lighted it. To me it seemed like a torch high above me spending heat and light.
Cassandra reached under the table, placed Cuddles in his jar on the table and took him out to give him a place hat his plate. He looked dumb at the cake and me, sniffed and didn’t dare to move.
„Unfortunately Cuddles can’t blow the candles, dear! Would you like to blow them and make a wish for your pet?“ With a smile she addressed her sentence to Brianna.
„Oh! Yes! Of course!“, Brianna replied and blew the candles in an instant. Immediately I was in a fog of smoke. I coughed but no one cared.
They sang a birthday song for Cuddles and as I looked to the calendar at the kitchen wall I saw, it was the 26th of July! It was my birthday! But they had forgotten and celebrated Cuddles birthday!
„What did you wish for Cuddles, my dear?“
„Oh, I wish Cuddles shall become father of puppies with Chrissie!“, Brianna said and petted Cuddles, who sat on a table and looked distressed.
„Oh, what a nice wish for him! Yeah, that might be really good!“, my ‚husband‘ said.
„Look, Cuddles, your wife is here too! You can have it for dessert soon!“ With these words Cassandra cut the cake into pieces and gave him the first piece. As soon as the others had their pieces, they started eating and laughing. Cuddles ate his piece in no time.
It felt like they were eating me in a strange way. As they took the slices from the cake they peeled me off. As I came free I took the liberty to sit down. My body was covered with cream and cake dough. I didn’t dare to eat the cake because I saw the stern look of Cassandra as my hand moved to a crumb. I guessed she didn’t want to grow my boobs again.
„Look at that poor thing! She must be feeling very sticky. Who would like to lick the pet clean? As you know we have washed and depilated it before, there is no dirt on it.“
„I will!“ Ethan and Brianna answered at the same time.
„Oh, that came simultaneously! So I would suggest you do it both. Brianna you take the upper half and Ethan the bottom half.“
Brianna grabbed me used me like a lollipop. She took me halfway in her mouth and her tongue worked around my head, my breasts and my belly and back. I couldn´t breath and tried to struggle myself free but her grip was tight and she liked to suck on me. I could feel it. Her warm and slimy tongue moved playfully around my upper half.
With a loud slurping noise she let me slip out of her mouth.
„Funny! It was wiggling all the time! And it tasted good. Its titties were bouncing on my tongue.“, Brianna told the others what it was to put me in a mouth.
„My dear Brianna! Watch your language! It has no titties! It has teats! It´s not like us, it´s an animal, a pet. Therefore it has teats.“, Cassandra corrected Brianna.
„Yes, yes, I know. Won´t happen again, mom!“ With these words Brianna handed me over to Ethan while I was panting and catching breath. He put me with no hesitation in his mouth and worked his tongue around my legs and with the tip of his tongue between my legs. I couldn´t resist this overwhelming stimulation. I tried to calm down and hold my voice but there was no holding back. I came, my body shivered and hang half out of Ethan’s mouth. His lips pressed against my belly and my legs fidgeted in is mouth.
„Oh, look, honey! It´s always the pleasure seeker, isn’t it? So slutty and shameless …“ Cassandra said with a smile. She petted my husband’s hand and looked in his eyes. He smiled back and nodded.
„Thank heaven that you came into my life, Cassandra!“ Kevin said.
I was destroyed. How could this ever change back?!
„That was funny! Can you do that again! Its arms were wiggling and it made funny noises like it does when Cuddles is mating it. And her teats! They were bouncing! Do it again, Ethan! Do it again!“, Brianna begged.
Ethan spat me out on his plate. I was catching my breath again and felt the coolness of the china on my back and the stickyness of his saliva on my legs. For a few seconds I really thought, he would swallow me like the snake would have done it. I could feel his teeth and the entrance of his throat with my legs and feet.
„Yeah, I will do so! First I’d like to put some taste on it!“ He grabbed me, sticked me in the cake until my legs and bottom half were covered with cream and fruits and then took me in his mouth again.
I squeaked to beg for mercy. But they didn’t care at all.
Then my mind shut down for a few seconds. Another orgasm forced by Ethan’s tongue rushed through my body..
„Don’t swallow it, Ethan! We need it tomorrow!“, Cassandra chuckled.
„No, no, Mistress Smith.“, said Ethan after he spat me out again.
„Can I taste the bottom half too, mom?“, Brianna asked and looked at me at the plate.
„Of course, my dear! Do whatever you want with your pet!“
„Can I use something else as a dip for its legs?“
„What ever you want, my dear!“
„I’d like to use maple syrup!“ Brianna took me from Ethan’s plate to hers, let some syrup flow over my whole body and shove me into her mouth and let me halfway hang out. I saw in Cassandras eyes as Brianna’s tongue worked on my legs and crotch. I saw in her eyes how much she enjoyed it having me in her mouth. Lucky for me she didn’t try to force me to another orgasm. Instead she slurped the syrup. Then it went dark and I felt Ethan’s mouth covering my upper half. They did the Lady and the Tramp-thing with me! And I was the spaghetti!
„Oh, look, my love! Like in the movie!“, I heard the muffled voice of Cassandra. I struggled to breathe and as I thought I would die Ethan let me out of his mouth.
Soon after Brianna took me out of her mouth and threw me to Cuddles plate. I felt Cuddles claws putting me in mating position and I obeyed as a good pet whore.
There I was on the kitchen table on full display under the eyes of ‚my family‘ and a boy from the neighbourhood. The family pet used me for his pleasure on a plate between the remnants of his birthday cake at a day that was my birthday. The four laughed and chuckled as Cuddles had his way with me and I started squeaking.
Through the panting noises of Cuddles and me I heard Cassandra say, that Brianna and Ethan shall bring me later to the vet for a pet check up.
„Let have Cuddles dessert for an hour or so, Brianna. Then you may take Chrissie to the vet. I call him right now.“, Cassandra said.

part 1 ... f=9&t=4333
part 2 ... f=9&t=4340
part 3 ... f=9&t=4341
part 4 ... f=9&t=4347
part 5 ... f=9&t=4360
part 6 ... f=9&t=4380
-- part 7 -- part 8 -- part 9 -- END

I'd like to apologize for any failures by using a foreign language. Please send me a message if you may find something that needs correction.

Shrink Adept
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Re: downwards the pecking order - part 6

Post by Xinunar » Sat Aug 27, 2022 12:36 am

It's true to the original and adds some extra, as well. I have a problem with the formatting and punctuation. That really detracts from the story and makes it hard to read. For example, a quote should read, "Oh, no!" Not, ,Oh no!' I know they do it differently some places, but for English readers it's very distracting.

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Re: downwards the pecking order - part 6

Post by javiersolana » Thu Sep 01, 2022 6:21 am

I really love this Chrissie character. She's a real winner.
I know, it's frustrating not to get any feedback. Keep up the good work!

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downwards the pecking order - part 7

Post by zamui » Thu Sep 01, 2022 5:33 pm

at the vet

"Wash it before you put into the bag, my dear!", I heard Cassandra say through the rushing of blood in my ears, the heavy panting of Cuddles and me in the aftermath of our first mating session. Cuddles didn’t bother to mate me on the kitchen table on his plate between the remnants of his birthday cake.
"My love Cassandra! Would please ask Brianna to take the rodents to another place? It’s disgusting to watch them mate while I have coffee!“, my husband said and I felt a sting in my heart as Cuddles Penis was slipping out of me. At least Cuddles granted me a break. Although I enjouyed that he missed me so much. Maybe he only missed my vagina. Who can tell.
"Brianna, you’ve heard dad! Take them to the sink! You may clean Chrissie later there.“
"Yeah, mom! Maybe I should stop them mating now, because I don’t want Cuddles to get hurt by Chrissie’s strange urges.“ Brianna took Cuddles away from my back, I stood still in mating position and she grabbed me, carried me to the kitchen sink and let cold water flow over me.
"The behavior of our second pet is of course a disgrace for the whole family, my dear, but like it sometimes is in nature, it has a purpose. You wished Cuddles some children. And well, somehow they have to produce them. But you are right, we need to take care of cuddles and protect him from the urges of Chrissie. It needs maybe more than one lover. What do you think, Kevin my love?“
My ‚husband‘ grunted in response. I knew this reaction. He did this when he was angry and had to agree to something.
Meanwhile Brianna held me in her hand over the kitchen sink.
"Oh, Cassandra, I can tell, that this specimen definitively needs more than three or more lovers!“, Ethan stated with a dirty laugh.
"Can I see it, Ethan! Pleeaase!“, screamed Brianna and shook me trembling with excitement. She always wanted a lot of pets. But now she wanted new pets for me.
If she would see only a tenth of it what happened at Ethan’s, my reputation would be destroyed for ever, I thought. Well, my reputation was already destroyed since Cuddles mated me. That thought didn't make it easier for me but gave me the serenity to endure the coming.
"First your chores, my dear! After the visit at the vet you may watch the videos together with Ethan, if this is okay for the young man.“
"Of course, Cassandra, I would really like to show Brianna how her pet was behaving!“, answered Ethan to Cassandra.
I asked myself, which kind of relationship between Brianna and Ethan had developed and I realized that my already destroyed reputation was now ground levelled. But before I came to the conclusion, what was going on between Brianna and Ethan, Brianna started to clean me. She opened the faucet and washed me with cold water and dishwashing-liquid.
I screamed and struggled but Brianna’s grip was tight and she cleaned me with no care about that I was living being. After that she threw me still dripping wet into a pink toy bag.
"Ethan, we might go now!“, Brianna said and they left the house to go to the vet.
"I hope your pet is healthy and that the doc does not have to euthanize it.“, said Ethan.
I hoped, he made some terrible joke. In review to my experiences I doubted that he was joking.
"We will see! If so mom will buy me a new female for Cuddles to breed.“
"Do you know how to breed?“, Ethan asked and his voice told me that he meant something else.
Brianna chuckled first and then bursted with laughing.
"Oh, yeah!! I’ve seen it all what Chrissie and Cuddles did! I know, how to do it!“ I panicked. Although she had completely forgotten who her mother was, I still felt responsible for Brianna!
"But mom says, that I should wait a little to start with this action. You did it already, didn’t you?“ Brianna said after she took a breath.
"Yeah, of course! I am eighteen! I’ve fucked a lot!“
'You didn’t fuck anything! You let me jerk you off!’, I thought angrily.
"There it is! The vet, dear!“, Ethan said.
They went through the door of the veterinary practice into the waiting room.
"Today’s rodent’s day, little miss.“, said a woma’s voice.
"She’s here with a rodent. Cassandra, eh, Miss Barmer called.“, Ethan took the conversation in his hands and he remembered my name! It seemed to me that calling me by this name didn't suit. Actually I was Chrissie now, a rodent's pet.
"Yes. Please take a seat with your girl friend. Your pet is that bag?“
"It’s in that bag. It can’t jump out.“
I heard some other animals, rodents and whatever. They actually were quite noisy.
"What’s wrong with this mouse and the guinea pigs?“, Brianna asked.
"Mh … I don’t know. They were quiet until you came. - Your pet? Is it a female in heat?“, the woman’s voice asked.
"Oh, you can tell that!“, answered Ethan and chuckeld.
"They usually do not react to a female if it is this far! Your pet must have a strong sexual aura! Please take a seat on that corner near the window. You’re pet is driving the other animals crazy!“, said the woman's voice.
I have a strong sexual aura! Wow, that was new for me. The boys at school although seemed to like. But I always thought that it would be my enormus breasts.
They walked through the waiting room. I saw through the opening of the silly bag the ceiling.
"Miss Brianna? - Would you please hand the pet over to the lab assistants? They will run some tests with your pet and check blood, urine and so on.“, said the female voice. "I will take it to the lab.“
They took me back to the counter. I saw it by how the ceiling moved over me, I heard a door open and the woman said: "Here’s Chrissie! Full check as stated in the system. If there is room in the body, put a chip under its skin. It’s the owner’s wish.“
The bag with me in it landet on a table, I saw a grinning male face over me.
"Here you are, little Chrissie! Don’t be afraid. It will not hurt ... badly.“, he said and took me out of the silly bag and held me hanging up-side-down in the air by my feet. I looked around and saw a labor with a lot of machines, which analyzed something, I saw syringes and some instruments. I hoped I would never know what they were used for. I shivered. The man tightened his grip around my legs.
The man turned and said to another man behind him: "We’ll fix her, take urine and blood samples. Body examination under the microscope.“
The man put me on a kind of glass plate, the other man taped me on that glass and was not able to move. One took a syringe that was as big as truck compared to me und looked for a place to penetrate my skin. I screamed, but actually I squeaked.
"Funny noises! Does she understand, what we say?“
"No, I guess not. The shrinking has caused too much brain damage. She must have lost most of her brain cells. Most of the time she’s mating a hamster, her owners said. Can you believe that?! - Should I take the blood sample from her arm or her leg, Jack?“
"I am still a human being!“, I screamed and broke my promise not to speak.
The men looked at me with facial expressions that showed me their surprise.
"She speaks. - Must be some remnant of her brain. - I take one of the tits for the blood sample.“ The man took my left boob between forefinger and thumb and penetrated my skin and sucked up a blood sample. They completely ignored my screams and my complains!
I screamed and tried to free me while I was yelling: "I am a woman! I am no pet!“ But it was no use. The tape held me tight on the glass plate and the men didn’t react at all. One man went away with the sample and put it into a machine. The other one took the plate with me sticking on it and sniffed at me with his giant nose.
"Its smell … it is like she’s in heat. But humans normally don’t smell like that. Therefore it must be a very strong smell. No wonder the poor hamster fucks it every day for many times. The nature forces him to react to it. - Screen the sample for pheromones!“
"I was forced to …“, I screamed and then the man with the giant nose closed my mouth with tape. I muffled and the man showed a pleased smile.
"Its noises are annoying." He said.
"Urine. You have to massage her stomach to force some urine out of her. Then you can take a sample from there with a syringe. But don't do it like last time when you drove that syringe into the pussy of the hamster. I can't bare that screams again.“
I froze in shock and hoped, that my fait would not be the same the hamster had to face.
I wanted to show them, that I am still a human and can piss whenever I want. But they didn’t gave me a chance. With his fingers the man with the giant nose massaged my belly and forced me to pee.
"Works every time with every pet.“, he said and grinned.
"The chip in her other boob? Don’t know where it would fit else.“ The other man held a giant chip injector in his hand and like before he took my boob between forefinger and thumb and penetrated my skin to inject the chip.
I struggled and screamed but couldn’t move or make any noise. I hurt very badly and I passed out.

I woke up still fixated on the glass plate but in another room. An older man was staring at my naked body. And, as I looked to the right, I saw Brianna and Ethan sitting on the other side of the table.
"Well, as the tests show, Chrissie is a pet and your new mom does not have to worry. I will send all the filled in paper works to the authorities.“, the older man, who was probably the vet, said.
"Fine! But is it fertile?“, asked Brianna.
"You say that she mates with every pet in her size and even pets bigger than her?“
Ethan nodded and Brianna said, that "Chrissie“ does it all the night and Cuddles suffers from it because he can’t eat or sleep.
Ethan showed him a video on the phone, that showed how I mated with mice, rats and maggots.
The vet chuckled first and then laughed. "She’s a goer, isn’t she? Look at her face! She’s enjoying it - what is this? A mouse, no three mice? … Such funny noises! Even with the rat!“
"We call the pet ‚it‘, because it’s not a human anymore, mom said.“, insisted Brianna.
"Ah, okay. I understand. That’s probably better not to humanize it. - To answer your question: Yes, it is fertile. AND it is always ready to mate. AND it produces so much pheromone that every rodent is more than willing to mate it. These pheromones are working in two ways, as our test results show. On one side they force males to mate with it, on the other: these pheromones keep it in a state of permanent readiness to mate. It’s a very rare phenomenon in nature. Its fertility reaches now its peak, as far we can tell that by our test results. So, let her mate whenever it wants. If your hamster is stressed you may buy a second or even a third.“
"Oh, that’s so exciting! Cuddles will have babies!“, Brianna shouted and clapped her hands in excitement.
What a prospect! They already planned all this. I do not have a choice or a voice in that.
"We sedated it. There might be some discomfort in its teats because of the chip, your mom wished to inject it into the pet.“, explained the vet.
I was chipped like a dog or cat! And now I was sure, that Cuddles will impregnate me today or tomorrow! Could it get any worse with my life?

part 1 -- part 2 -- part 3 -- part 4 -- part 5 -- part 6 -- part 7 -- part 8 -- part 9 -- END

I'd like to apologize for any failures by using a foreign language. Please send me a message if you may find something that needs correction.

Shrink Apprentice
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Re: downwards the pecking order - part 6

Post by zamui » Thu Sep 01, 2022 5:34 pm

Thanx for the advises! Hope the English readers are now more satisfied and I will stop hoping for too much feedback ...

Shrink Master
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Re: downwards the pecking order - part 6

Post by frollo » Sat Sep 03, 2022 9:34 pm

It’s a wild story , really well planed out and full of twists and turns. A great addition to this site !
Oh thank you for positing .

Shrink Apprentice
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downwards the pecking order - part 8

Post by zamui » Tue Sep 06, 2022 8:41 pm

the stag party

Ethan and Brianna brought me from the vet back to ‚my family’s‘ house. I felt dizzy because of what these ignorant lab-freaks had injected in me. I felt no pain although a chip was in one of my breasts in the other had been pierced to take a blood sample. The words I’ve heard while I was in the treatment room didn’t make sense to me. My brain, my sight, the whole world, which was small enough, was in a blur.
I was back again in that silly toy bag, laid on the ground. This I could tell. Brianna was swinging the bag. I could see her hand holding the handles of the bag. I could not remember how they had put me back in there. I was lost.
As we arrived at my home, I heard a murmur of many female voices. The bag turned upside down and I fell into something white. It was litter in a terrarium. There was nothing in it except a little bottle with a clear fluid. I was thirsty so I went on my weak legs and arms to the bottle and drank kneeling in front of the opening. It tasted good and sweet! First I was grateful but after a few seconds I felt even more dizzy. It was wine!
"This is Christina?“, asked Ms Humphreys, a woman from the next house. "Poor thing! She even can’t walk on two feet anymore!“
"Ehm, we call it Chrissie now! Since that fateful events that lead to the loss of Christina and the start of a new life for this pet here, we call it Chrissie. It is better to accept that there is no Christina anymore for all of us. Especially for Brianna, you know!“, said Cassandra with a playful pity sound in her voice.
I was upset!! I tried to object and wanted to tell them that I still was a woman, a wife and mother, but I was only able to perform a squeaking! What had the vet done to me! I had lost my voice, my ability to talk!
I saw a smirk appearing in Cassandra’s face! That bitch! She had paid the vet to steal my voice!
"Oh, I see, better, I hear! There’s really nothing left of Christina … such a pity!“
"Yes, it’s such a terrible thing. - But we are here today to celebrate the stag night for Chrissie and of course for me, my ladies! Bring the bottles, the glasses and the pets! And let the games begin!“
I looked through the glass wall of the terrarium and discovered all the neighbourhood women! Many of them held in small cages their pet rodents.
"For those who don’t know the rules, I'll explain them! Some of you have brought rodents. These are the guys to propose for poor little Chrissie. As you all know, our second pet asks to much of our first pet, Cuddles. Although he is still young he can’t match the urges of this little pet slut with a big libido. Therefore we are looking this evening and this night for third or even maybe for fourth pet to fulfill the needs of Chrissie. Besides Brianna wishes very much that Chrissie could breed. It fits in her school project. - Any questions?“
I still kneeled before the bottle with wine. Slowly the meaning of Cassandras little speech reached my mind. About fifteen pairs of eyes were staring at me. And I needed to pee and in confusion I took another sip of wine that made the pressure in my bladder worse.
"So, we let the pets mate with it one by one and the ones who satisfies it best are its new husbands and will marry it like you will tomorrow marry Kevin, right?“, asked Ms Humphreys.
"That’s right! The vet stated today that Chrissie is not human anymore and now the way to a bright and responsible future for us three is free.“
"But we wanted to share this luck with Chrissie. We don’t want to seem ungrateful. So we decided to give it a life that is as comfortable as possible, for a pet.“, I heard Kevin’s voice say.
"Oh, darling, you are such warm hearted and kind man! I am so happy to marry you tomorrow! And we are happy that Chrissie marries tomorrow Cuddles and some of the pets you brought with you. As we know, monogamy is not made for pets. Maybe it wasn‘t too for Chrissie as it was a human. That I have heard“
I stepped back from the wine bottle, looked up in anger. Then I remembered an afternoon with ??(…) Oh fuck! How could she know?
"Oh, look! How cute! It almost seems to feel joy about the upcoming events! It’s like it would understand! Sooo cute!“ Ms Humphreys reached with her hand into the terrarium and grabbed me. I squeaked in fear, because of the giant hand and fingers which grabbed me without care and as I looked down I looked into the depth of the Grand Canyon! Then she placed me on her palm and stared at me through her glasses. Her eyes seemed huge like the eye of Mordor.
"I thought her …“, she made a break and looked to another person, I followed her glance. She was looking to Cassandra. " … I guess you call it teats … I thought they were bigger. She, as it was still a she, was very eager to wear tight clothes to show her boobs, didn’t she?“
"Yeah, it’s now not even a shadow of herself. And her teats are making only an impress to other rodents.“, Cassandra answered.
Ms Humphreys tipped against my breasts and let them bounce a little. It felt line a big bar hitting my meanwhile smaller boobs.
"Not impressive at all.“, she said.
I tried to turn around to end this humilation, but she held me tight with the fingers of her other hand and forced me to open my legs and came very close to my crotch. Her huge eyes scared me!
"It is already wet down there! It’s enjoying it! How can it be! It must be a pet, no doubt about it. No decent woman would get wet in this situation. - Look!“ She moved her hand to another woman I didn’t even know and showed her my vulva. "Do you see?“
"Yes, I can see it! How shameless! But it feels no shame, or does it? - Can I hold it too?“
Ms Humphreys gave me to the other woman. She touched my boobs, my belly, my feet and passed me over to the next woman. She did the same to me. Every time they pressed on my belly the need to pee grew. As the seventh woman pressed on my bladder I’ve had enough and started to pee on her palm.
"Eeeh! It’s urinating!“, she said and threw me back into the terrarium.
All the others laughed and chuckled. I landed hard on my back and started to cough.
"Oh, how funny! Do you hear that noises?“, Ms Humphreys said. "Well, let’s start the fun part, ladies! I will put Richard in to her! He’s an old and well experienced mouse!“
Ms Humphreys took a little cage from the floor opened it and took a mouse just like she had grabbed me a few minutes before and placed him near me.
It took him only a few sniffs to get into the mood. I prepared myself for the mating and positioned me for him.
He found his way easily into me and forced me to squeak in pleasure. I was now the lowest pet under all other pets. Fucked by Ms Humphreys' mouse Richard. He stank like smell in zoos. I heard him panting in my ear. His breath was foul. But I didn't care. His pecker was inside me and gave me joy. Soon my breath was going faster and I reached my climax with a squeak.
I heard cheers and they all together counted "ONE!“. Richard made a short break, licked his penis. I let myself fall into the sawdust that covered the bottom of the terrarium. I panted and watched the sperm leaking out of me. From time to time I looked up to see the grinning faces of a dozen women over me. They held glasses of champaign in their hands. Did they drink with every climax their rodents gave me?
What if Richard becomes the father of my litter? I looked at him. His fur was fallen out at many places. He looked mean just as Ms Humphreys. A dirty old mouse!! I didn’t want that. But Richard regained some strength and came back to me. The alcohol set me slowly into a mood of indifference.
"Look! He‘s in the mood again!“ said Ms Humphreys excited. I scowled and got into position for him. What else could I do. This time he took less time to spurt his semen. He panted heavily and I feared he could die. Ms Humphreys noticed that too. He didn't me the time to climax. Instead he fell from me like a wet sack. He panted, I stood still on all fours waiting for him. I knew that all so well from Kevin!
"Maybe we should take him out. He's exhausted." Ms Humphreys said.
"But time‘s not up!“ some one said disappointed. "He should stay there and make it squeal for thirty minutes."
"But this might be his death!"
A guinea pig replaced Richard. I overheard his name and broke with the rule, that I recognize every 'man‘ by name who fucked me. He didn't even needed to sniff my crotch. He started pumping me away from the moment he fell into the terrarium in which I was still on my fours. His penis was a little more furry than the mice's or the one I knew from the rat. That gave me a little tingle at my crotch and I giggled to the amusement of these pervert women. But this way it took me a little longer to climax. The guinea pig did his best and I enjoyed it.
After the third time the time was up. With every orgasm of mine and every audible squeaking they cheered and drank a glass of champaign. What a silly game at my expense! I took a break and drank a lot of wine and really got dizzy. That was good because the following experiences a ferret and a dwarf rabbit were probably not the ones who want to remember.
As a huge chinchilla was thrown into the peepshow I was in shock. This animal could have eaten me in no time.
The audience was quite drunken and I took another big sip from the wine and prepared myself to die when the animal would probably fuck me to death. But it became much worse than this.
"How do the rodents know which hole they should go for? I mean, there are two very near.“, someone slurred with a drunken voice. I imagined in fear how this one, who was just in this moment looking with his penis for the right hole, just would explore the backdoor! In fear I layed myself in the sawdust. The animal sniffed my crotch like most 'men' before and then it just happened! He forced it’s way in me by the wrong hole. I screamed in horror and surprise.
"Guess we know now!“, said Ms Humphreys. "Time for an extra glass of champaign! Kevin?! Was this pet still a virgin by the other hole? Or did you enjoy the pleasure of an anal?“
I heard a bottle pop and the nameless chinchilla panting and enjoying my backdoor. His grip was tight around me, I couldn’t move and so I gave in - and squeaked in time with his movements. I was literally buried under this huge body. And his penis was forced brutally into my anus without lubricant! But his pecker ejaculated some kind of precum and lubricated this way my rectum. And joy took my body over.
"Oh, look! I guess, the backdoor experience is not as bad as we might think! It’s squeaking in joy!“, Ms Humphreys said.
"Oh, no Ms Humphreys, ehm, we, ehm never did that ..." Kevin answered.
I couldn’t hold myself. It was indeed a strong and pleasureful experience. I knew from the maggots that it was a sensitive spot as well. I might have felt guilt or shame but I was over this. I let my screams of joy out and didn’t care anymore.
The nameless made a short break, left me in mating position waiting for his next turn while he cleaned his member. I turned around, layed on my back. At least I wanted to see my 'lover'. Then he started again but this time in the right hole.
"Oh, how cute! Now they're doing missionary!" Ms Humphreys seemed to know a lot about sex.
But the nameless was not the one who gave the most pleasure. There was another hamster, BillyBoy, who was even better than Cuddles, who only reached the fifth place. Before the last one mated me - meanwhile it was a long time after midnight, the women were drunk, like me - Cassandra said:
"Brianna brought Harald, the rat from Ethan. - Don’t you think, my dear, that he might be a little too big for poor little Chrissie?“ The playfulness in Cassandras voice while playing the concerned woman was more than sarcastic.
I froze in agony. I already experienced Haralds mating. It was not bad but I feared for my life!
"Ethan said that Chrissie could handle him very well.“, answered Brianna.
"Well, so let them mate! Time’s running … now!“ Cassandra threw Harald near to me and he only sniffed once and then came over me like a truck. I struggled myself free in the litter and got some air while his penis pierced me and I moaned like a good payed rat slut.
In a clear moment I wished I could sit on top of this beast and a moment later I felt how Harald raised, grabbed me with his claws, turned himself on his back while I was still 'connected‘ with him. Now I sat on top of him, heard cheers and laughter from the audience and started to ride his rodent cock. That felt good! He was so big but now I could breathe and take my pace! I gave these pervert women a good show how to ride a man’s or a rodent’s cock!
"Oh, unbelievable! It’s sitting on top of him! What a slut! Look into her face! It’s an animal but you can see its ecstasy!“, Ms Humphreys commented.
My body was sweaty, I squeaked like a witch on a broom stick and rode all the way to hell with Harald.

part 1 -- part 2 -- part 3 -- part 4 -- part 5 -- part 6 -- part 7 -- part 8 -- part 9 -- END

I'd like to apologize for any failures by using a foreign language. Please send me a message if you may find something that needs correction.

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downwards the pecking order - part 9

Post by zamui » Mon Sep 12, 2022 11:05 am

after show party

While I was riding Harald's dick I could take a look into the faces of the stag party guests. They enjoyed watching me having sex. There was a suppressed lasciviousness in their looks. Did they envy me? Probably I have had more lovers in the last hours than they have had in their whole lifes!
I felt Harald’s dick in me, which gave me pleasure beyond what I had ever experienced. Their stares turned me on. I wanted to show these uptight housewives how real good sex felt like. I pressed my thighs to the flanks of Harald, grabbed his fur on his belly like I would grab someone’s hair, slowed my pace to savour the dick’s movements inside me and moaned as I experienced the strongest orgasm ever. But I couldn’t stop and Harald was still not finished so I rode him on.
"Guess we found a husband for Chrissie!“ Cassandra was watching me and Harald and raised her look into the crowd of drunken women and she started to sheer, the crowed joined and as Harald spurted his seed into me with an audible squeak, they applauded.
I let myself fall on his belly, we both were panting. His body moved up and down with his breathing. I slid down on his body over his black fur, his penis slid out of me. I felt the strong wish to stay there for a few minutes to catch my breath and Harald stayed in this position.
"Look! We can see his penis slipping out of his bitch!“, someone said.
"Did he came in it? - That’s disgusting!“
"Can it get pregnant by him?“
"What will you do then, Cassandra?“
"Cuddles and Chrissie are Brianna’s pets. I guess she would really be happy if Chrissie would farrowing down some puppies.“ Cassandra answered and sounded proud.
"But what if Cuddles is not the father? It seems to me that there is obviously a stronger bond to Harald and to some other rodents.“
With these words I felt my urge to mate coming back and I climbed up on Harald's belly back to his penis, which was now hidden. I rubbed his crotch and kissed the place where his penis comes out.
"Look! His bitch tries to suck him! How disgusting!" Ms Humphreys yelled and pointed with her finger at me and Harald.
"Well, we will see who's the father of Chrissie's puppies. I don't really care."
Harald's dick came out of his hiding. I grabbed and stroked him to make him hard. Then I positioned myself over it and with no effort his dick went in me again. With slow moves I made me come again and again still laying on his belly and forgot about the world for the next half an hour or so. I forgot about time.

As my senses came back the room was empty. Cassandra was cleaning the table.
I dismounted Harald and went on all fours to the bottle to drink. I was weak and exhausted.
Cassandra looked at me and grinned.
"You did very well tonight! Now everyone is convinced that you are rodent slut. I am very grateful the vet paralyzed your ability to speak! But your sexual behavior was much more convincing than your speechless squeaking!“
I realized that she had planned everything. Once more I gave in to fate. After having the best sex of my life why should I be bothered. I was at her mercy and if I didn’t do what she wanted she would have probably do worse things to me than letting me get fucked by a bunch of rodents.
Ethan came into the living room with a transportation cage for rodents.
"Kevin is still at his stag party with his fellows. You can leave Harald with Chrissie.“ Cassandra said and went to him until she stood very close to him, took his hands and kissed him. "Don’t worry! It can’t speak anymore. And tomorrow it will be speechless because it will have the worst day in its rodent life if it ever speaks again! - Now let it watch us having sex!“
She undressed herself and then undressed Ethan. I was surprised. Was Ethan not the boyfriend of my daughter?
Very quickly Cassandra sat on top of Ethan, like I was sitting on top of Harald before. She moaned and Ethan moved his pelvis up and down under her. Her tits bounced and with a short yell she came and with the too familiar grunt Ethan came too.
The were finished. Like me some minutes before Cassandra dismounted the lover and walked over to the terrarium and me. Harald was sleeping and I watched in fear the giant woman coming near. She took a long sip from the wine bottle and emptied it. I looked at her naked body. She had only a small landing strip and her clit stood out a little bit.
"I wonder how it would look if you would look out of me? What do you think, Ethan? You used it for your pleasure and I could use it for mine?“ Cassandra stared with an eager look at me like the snake did at Ethan’s.
What fate awaited me?! I feared she could swallow me and let me disappear without any trace!
Ethan looked at her from the couch, his half stiffened penis rose up in anticipation.
I tried to beg for mercy but all I could do was a squeaking noise which woke up Harald.
Cassandra grabbed me and held me in front of her eyes and seemed to measure me.
"You should fit in!“ Cassandras voice sounded menacing. She went back to our couch on which now Ethan was sitting and once me and my family were watching shows on TV.
Cassandra sat near to Ethan, lied down on her back and moved on leg up on the couches backrest and let the other go down to the carpet. Meanwhile she held me in her hand tightly. Her palm and fingers held my upper half, my legs dangled in the air. I didn’t dare to move. She was drunk and I didn’t wanted to risk to fall down.
"You already had a taste of Ethan! That was quite a diet! Now you have a taste of his and mine juices!“ With these words she moved her hand with me in it to her still wet vagina. Moisture was glistening around the outer lips. Then she inserted me with my feet first into her.
"Hold still! and make yourself stiff!“, she said. I did as I was told. My feet touched her lips, they slipped into the gap between them. It was slimy and hot. I never came that close to another woman’s pussy! She shoved me in until all of my legs were inside her. She moaned. I stood out with my upper half. I faced her clit which seemed to be longer than my arm. It pulsated. I never thought that clits do that! The smell was not that bad. Ethan's goo was not smelly and her juices were a mixture from milk and yoghurt.
"Mh … that’s good!“, she said with a slurry voice. Then she loosened her grip around me and pressed on my shoulders to shove me deeper in. I spread my arms to avoid me from shoving me completely in and the movement stopped as my armpits reached her pussylips. Her huge clit was now blocking the view and I saw some reddish stubbles on her skin.
"Oh, that’s so hot!“, Ethan said and came near. His face was only a few centimeters away. His breath was like strong breeze. As I tried to look in the direction the breeze came from I saw his tongue. A moment later it was licking around me and stimulating the clit.
The slapping noises of his tongue were deafening. His saliva wetted my hair and my face. Beads of it dripped from my head to the couch. Cassandra moaned and she came after a minute. I felt the contractions of her vagina muscles. Ethan’s saliva floated then over my arms and my face.
He stopped licking her and his head disappeared and I heard them kiss.
"Can you put it completely in and I fuck you both?“, Ethan asked and I panicked. Struggling and wiggling to get out of this fleshy tunnel, I moved my legs inside her and tried to pull me with my arms out of her hole.
"Oh, it’s moving! That feels good … maybe if you shove it deeper in it will move more! Do it, honey!“ Cassandra said and Ethan’s hand pressed against my shoulders and forced me deeper in Cassandras vagina until I was completely inside her but he shove me deeper in while I was struggling to get out. There was a little hole above my head that he filled a few seconds later with the tip of his penis. It went dark, I struggled, wiggled, pressed against the slimy walls of her vagina. His tip bumped against my head, there was no space and no air! Cassandra’s vagina contracted, her body moved and through the layers of flesh and skin I heard how she came.
Ethan made some thrusts and spurted his sperm over my head and withdrew. Two fingers reached under my armpits and drew me out until my head was free. I took a deep breath. Firs I saw the belly of Ethan over me then he stood up and he sat between the still spread legs of Cassandra.
"THAT was really good!“, I heard Cassandra say.
"Yeah! I could feel its hands and arms!“, chuckled Ethan.
"OH! FUCK!“, Cassandra whispered. "Kevin’s coming back! Hush! Take your clothes and go through the terrace door and in the garden!“
She jumped on her feet with me still plugged in her. She took her long shirt and got dressed. Nausea overcame me because the world was upside down and Cassandra was moving quickly.
"Darling! I am back! Last night before we are husband and wife!“, he said aloud in the floor. I could not see what was happening. The long shirt blocked the view.
I heard someone open the door to the garden. Cassandra walked to the floor. I saw how the carpet changed while she was on the way.
"Oh, honey! You’re back! Did you have fun with your fellows? Me and the wives had a lot of fun and I am a little tipsy! I fell asleep on the couch.“, Cassandra giggled. I heard how she gave Kevin a kiss. A few moments before she was kissing Ethan! And she called me slut!
"Would you like to have a wedding night before the wedding night?“, Kevin asked with a deep voice.
"Oh, honey, uh not tonight … my head is spinning from champagne and wine … I give you a blow job!“ She went to her knees, a zipper opened and her body moved as her head went forth and back. Kevin grunted after a few seconds, the movement stopped.
"Oh, thank you, my love! You do this much better than … our new pet!“ Kevin chuckled.
Cassandra stood up.
"Let’s go to bed, honey!“ Cassandras voice sounded tired.
"Yeah! It’s gonna be a lucky but stressful day tomorrow!“ Kevin yawned.
"I check the living room the empty glasses! Then I come to you!“
Cassandra walked into the living room, spread her legs and her hand pulled me out of her vagina and threw me into the terrarium with Harald.
I was covered with the juices of Cassandra and Ethan but Harald did not care. He dominated me and came over me like truck, pressed me into a pit into the litter and fucked me until he got tired and left me with laying with litter crumbs on my skin, which sticked on my skin with the sex glue of Ethan and Cassandra. Covered like this I fell asleep.

Next morning Brianna woke me up while grabbed me and carried me to the bathroom and washed me angrily.
"You look dirty and you stink, Chrissie! You are a very, very naughty pet! And you betrayed Cuddles! You’ve had many, many other men! But today you will marry too! You will marry Cuddles! My friends will come soon. And then we will have another ceremony with you and Cuddles!“ With cold water and dish soap she cleaned me and took care that my crotch would be clean too. My arms and legs dangled into the air, a huge jet of water hit my belly.
"We will dress you and with a magnifying glass we will even paint your nails!“ Brianna sounded excited.
The door bell rang. Brianna carried me dripping wet to the door and let in three of her class mates.
"Sophie, Kate, Erika! It is so nice to come! My parents are so busy and it’s boring! But with you I will have so much fun! - Here is the pet we can dress!“ Brianna opened her hand and displayed me on her palm to her friends.
They went to Briannas room. I caught a glimpse at Kevin and Cassandra. He wore the wedding suit when we married. Cassandra wore my wedding dress! They didn’t bother to buy new clothes. I was substituted completely by her like I was completely plugged in her last night.
As soon as the kids arrived at Brianna’s room with me, they examined me under a magnifying glass. They admired my tits, my hairless pussy and discussed how I would get pregnant with pups from Cuddles.
"Hair’s too short. But we could use a whig!“, suggested Kate.
"There is no whig in that size.“
"We should paint her nails!“, Sophie said that while she was looking around to find something. And she did.
A few minutes later I was sitting on a rubber. Sophie had a very small brush, looked through the magnifying glass and held her tongue between her teeth while she was painting my toe nails. My finger nails were already dry and I felt a little more human although it was humiliating to get the nails painted by girl of eight.
After my nails were red, the four stupid girls were staring at me.
"It can’t wear white! It’s not a virgin! Only virgins are allowed to wear white! God will punish it if it wears white!“
"But it’s a wedding dress! It must be white!“
"We could let her stay naked. Cuddles likes it like that.“, Brianna said and ended the argument.
"We could put a red ribbon on it. It’s like a present for Cuddles, Harald and Jack!“ Sophie suggested.
"That’s good!“
A few minutes later two huge ribbons, one on my belly the other on my back, made my ‚wedding dress‘. I must have looked like a doll. And this I was to the girls: a doll, not even a pet or a living thing.
"The altar is ready!“, said Erika and was in a black dress that should look like a priest’s dress. She was standing behind a chair, which was the altar now. The terrarium was there. Harald, Cuddles and Jack were sniffing and looked disturbed.
Brianna took me from her desk, carried me to the terrarium and put me to my ‚husbands‘. With a shriek Harald made clear, that he was on top of the fucking order. The other two run into different corners away from me and Harald. And the rat took his right to mate me. I managed to get on top of him while he layed on his back.
"What are they doing?!“, Sophie asked naiv.
„The want to mate!“, Kate said and giggled.
"But it is not allowed yet! They are not married!“, protested Erika.
"Then you have to hurry! They can fuck while you say your prayers!“, Brianna said.
Sophie giggled. "It’s not allowed to say such a word, Brianna! You should wash your mouth!“
And while Erika read from the book I rode Harald like the night before and grinned. The ribbons were scratching and I opened them and threw them to the ground. Haralds dick spurted sperm in me. And I reached the first climax this day with a high-pitched squeaking
The rest of the day the girls left me alone for the wedding party in the garden. I’ve had my own wedding party with three husbands and countless orgasms. Sometimes I heard laughter from the party, music, cheers and toasts to the groom and bride.

part 1 -- part 2 -- part 3 -- part 4 -- part 5 -- part 6 -- part 7 -- part 8 -- part 9 -- END

I'd like to apologize for any failures by using a foreign language. Please send me a message if you may find something that needs correction.

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Joined: Sun Apr 10, 2022 6:47 pm

Re: downwards the pecking order

Post by javiersolana » Mon Nov 07, 2022 5:57 am

When will be the last part available?

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Re: downwards the pecking order

Post by zamui » Thu Nov 10, 2022 7:14 pm

@javiersolana: Soon!

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Re: downwards the pecking order

Post by zamui » Thu Nov 10, 2022 8:28 pm

school project

Harald’s belly fur was on my back, Cuddles back pressed against my belly and breast. My third husband, Jack, slept to my feet. My arm rested on Cuddles neck. This is how I woke up. The morning sun lightened the cage and gave all a very romantic touch. I felt happiness in a very fundamental way. The night and the day before gave my satisfaction although I was a in very pity situation. My human husband married the babysitter, my daughter used my as toy doll, the babysitter used me as a sex toy. I lost everything I’ve had before, I was no member of the community anymore, I was not even a human for the officials. I only existed as a pet. Although I was in cage I felt free. There was no responsibility for anything. No cooking, no caring, no arguing, no cleaning. There were only eating and mating all the day. I did not even care to do some sport. The mating was more than efficient to keep me in shape. And I found out how to manipulate my husbands by imagining something I wanted.
I don’t know how this worked and what the aliens had done to me, but it was a good thing. I couldn’t make them stop mating me. Their desire to fuck me was unstoppable. Besides, why should I want them to stop the mating? It was my only reason to live!
It was very early. All the humans were still sleeping after the wedding party. Cassandra must have had her wedding night. It hurt a little to think about it. She took away my man! But why should I care now. My life as a human was over. I was a pet. My life was reduced to the fundamental needs. Eat, fuck, pee.
And I needed to pee, so I stood up. The fur of my husbands brushed my skin as I struggled myself free from their bodies.
But I felt on my breast and belly something unfamiliar. As I touched myself there I felt bulbs! I had developed over night four new breast and looked like a sow! My first breast were significantly smaller. It seemed that the my body had consumed my first breasts to fill the new ones.
It took me a few moments to realize what that meant! I was pregnant! And my body prepared for a litter with at least six pups!
"Shit!“, I said with a raspy, long time not used human voice.
I never imagined that Cuddles or any other rodent could breed me. But the aliens changed me more than I could imagine.
"Shit, shit, shit! What the fuck!“, I said and used for the first time since days words again. That felt somehow stranger than having four new teats.
I heard some noise from the kitchen. Cassandra was awake. I saw her as she came to the living room with a cup of coffee in her hands. She was wearing a dressing gown.
"Oh, you’re awake too! How was your wedding night?“, she asked with an evil grin. „Mine was … at least sometimes satisfying. Guess your husbands didn’t sleep as much as mine did.“ She chuckled.
"I am with pups, I guess.“ My voice sounded still raw, unused.
"Really? That fast? But, well, you were fucked all the time. - But how can you tell?“ Cassandra was surprised.
"Come closer and take a look!“ My voice now sounded now a little better.
She came closer and kneeled in front of the cage and started a bursting laughter as she saw my new teats.
"I didn’t think they could breed you!“, she said after her laughing stopped. "I must show this Kevin and the others!“ She wanted to turn.
"What is this what you have with Ethan?“, I asked screaming because I wanted to know what happened to my former family.
With a stern look and after a minute she answered: "You know your ex. He’s not the lover boy kind. I need it better. So did you. That’s why you are in that cage with three husbands. Is that explanation enough?"
I nodded.
"Here comes a warning: If you ever speak again or ask any questions, you will be the food for our cat! So, from now on: silence!“ She put her finger over her lips and smiled, drank her coffee, looked at me with a menacing stare and went away.
Only a moment later Kevin, Cassandra, Brianna and Ethan stood in front of me. I showed my new teats and my now awaken husbands demanded their right to mate me and struggled about the mating order. I prepared for the winner and positioned myself.
"I thought it would stop them to mate it! But they don’t care if it is with pups.“, Ethan said and shook his head in disbelieve.
"It still has its needs, Ethan. It’s nature’s call. There is nothing an animal can do about it.“ Cassandra said and smiled at me.
"I will take it to school tomorrow! The biology teacher will be very impressed!“ Brianna was very excited and jumped around the terrarium.
Harald, the winner, had finished his morning mating after a few thrusts, made me squeak and the set me free for the next one’s. In this short break before Jack took his right to mate with me, I looked up to the four humans with their secrets and animalistic and pervert needs. All of them were wearing pyjamas except Ethan, who was in Jeans and t-shirt. I was so small to them, they were so huge and powerful. I had lost everything. Then Jack demanded his sexual right.
"You sure will, my dear!“ Cassandra smiled at Brianna and turned then to Ethan. "Would you please take care of her today! Me and my husband - oh, I love that - have some things to do!“ She kissed Kevin and smiled now at him in a very stupid and submissive manner.
I managed somehow to look to Ethan while Jack was pounding me and didn’t see any reaction to that scene. How could they all pretend that everything was alright when it was not? How could Cassandra let this pervert bastard take care of Brianna?
"Oh, I spend the day with Ethan! We will have so much fun!“ Brianna was even more excited.
"But first give your pets fresh food and water! Chrissie needs now more! It has to feed the pups too, Brianna!“ Cassandra tried to be the good caring mother.
„Ethan will help me with that, don’t you?“
„Of course, darling!“

At midday my husbands were satisfied for a few moments and I had time to think about what happened and what I had explored.
Did Cassandra matchmake Brianna and Ethan that there was an excuse why he was so often in their house?
What pups will come out?
When will they come out?
What ordeal is Cassandra planning?
I couldn’t do anything about it. Cassandra would feed me to a cat if I would ever speak. I shrugged my shoulders, I gave up. I can’t be held responsible for anything. I was a pet. Would a pet complain about cheating a husband? Would a pet complain about that a boy is with a girl? A pet didn’t even complain if it was with pups. Why complain and worry at all?
Then the day continued like the other day but I tried to manipulate my husbands to change positions. I ‚made love‘, if you will, with Jack in missionary position. I was rid of standing on all fours or riding Harald’s dick. I really wanted to make love to them like I did it with humans. Although it felt strange to look in the ‚face‘ of a rodent that’s mating you but this gave me the opportunity to embrace my lover. I saw Jack closing his eyes when he gave me his semen. I’ve had the impression that he liked making love to me too. I even gave him a kiss afterwards but he was not too interested in being tender and left immediately after his sperm was delivered into my innards.
Cuddles’s fur brushed my new teats as he shot his load in me. That felt exciting. But I couldn’t see his face. His head was above mine. Instead I saw his fur on his neck and heard him panting. I took this too as a sign that he liked me when he was out of breath to satisfy my.
Then I’ve tried the same with Harald and this was overwhelming. I could breathe at least, but his body was so huge that it felt like I was a part of him and his insatiable lust. He shivered when he came and I felt his semen spurting in my womb. As I imagined to lay in his arms he turned and wie cuddled for a minute until I rode him again and observed his face while he came in me again. His snout seemed to grin, it was almost a smile for me and I pretended that he gave me a lover’s smile. That was the time then I thought I could live like this for a long time.
But Jack sometimes ate while we mated. Some crumbs fell in my face. I wished he would be more concerned about me than his food. But he was a man like other man.
This evening I fell asleep between Cuddles and Jack while Harald liked to sleep in a corner. Maybe I was too demanding.

The next day Ethan and Brianna took me and my husbands to school in a shoe box. It was like a permanent earthquake but that didn’t stop my men from mating me.
Finally the earthquake stopped and the cover disappeared. A lot of staring eyes filled my sky as I tried again the missionary position with Jack. Over there faces were the lamps of the biology cabinet.
"Oh, look! It’s fucking!“, a boy said.
"Jackson! Don’t use those words! It is a mating session!“, the teacher’s voice corrected him. It was the voice of Ms Wolf. A lonely women with strange habits.
I knew Ms Wolf from some occasions. Now I saw her face a little higher than the eyes of Brianna’s classmates.
"Very strange position for a mating session. Rodents usually don’t do that.“, Ms Wolf stated.
Jack has finished his business with me and dismounted. That gave the teacher the opportunity to grab me and to put me under a lamp and a camera on the teacher’s table. Like the boys at the veterinarian she fixed me with tape. I could only move my head. I didn't struggle. I knew it would be futile.
Outside of the box I could see the whole classroom, the biology cabinet, and a big screen over the wall with me on it in realtime. First I was puzzled. I saw my new teats, my whole body, my legs ... my face. My belly was bigger than I thought. I've hadn't seen me for a long time. Somehow I didn't realise that it was me there laying. I saw myself as an object, not as a person.
"Let’s take a look at this specimen! As you may see …“
"It has six tits! My father would die to touch such a woman!“, interrupted the boy called Jackson.
"Jackson! Once again! Watch you language! This rodent has teats! For women and girls you should use the word breasts!“
"I am sorry, Ms Wolf!“ Jackson sounded not convincing regretful.
"As you may see, this specimen here has a swollen belly because it will give birth to maybe six up to ten pups. Who knows the word for animals when they are expecting pups?“ Ms Wolf took a cotton stick and poked it into my belly. I squeaked because it didn't feel good. But Ms Wolf ignored me.
"She is in pups? My grandpa said this when a mare has conceived.“ answered a girl.
"That’s right, Erika. And who knows what we call it when the pups come out?“
"I guess they say it farrows or it litters.“, said Erika again.
"That’s right again, Erika! I will make a note that you have excellent skills in biology!“
"When will it litter?“, asked another girls voice.
"Brianna! You told me that the vet said it was fertile two days before?“, Ms Wolf asked.
"So, Joelle, then it depends on who is the father of its pups. But usually rodents litter in about twenty days after the conceiving. We might see it just at the start of the holidays.“
"Now for the making of pups.“ Her cotton stick went down to my crotch.
"The rodent’s penis goes in there.“ Her stick pressed against my vulva and I let out a little squeak because it felt somehow good. Her face had a strange, eager smile as she did this.
"Oh, it’s still in heat … strange behavior. Rodents like to be touched there if they are in heat. Let’s see if I could stimulate this specimen a little more further.“ With these words she gently rubbed my crotch and did indeed stimulate me. Like always I came very quick and with a squeaking. I couldn't help it. It simply happened to me.
The boys and girls chuckled and some cheered.
"The pet had an orgasm. That’s why animals mate. They have fun with this and do it as long they can even if it not necessary to copulate or to masturbate. - Let’s now see how a male is using this pet.“ Ms Wolf grabbed into the shoe box and took Jack in her hand. He wiggled and tried to free himself effortlessly. With her other hand she positioned the camera to show me from my left side. Then she put him on me and he immediately started with his mating session. I could see on the wall how Jack’s penis easily slipped inside me. I closed my eyes in agony and enjoyed the mating.
"Very nice! You see how both enjoying the session. But this is very unusual for rodents. They don’t mate their females when they are with pups.“ Ms Wolf explained and watched.
Jack pumped away, I heard him panting and the boys and girls cheering. I saw me and Jack like strangers in a porn movie on the wall in this biology cabinet. Was that me there? Mating with a rodent? This is how it looked like? Somehow I was even more aroused and squeaked louder than usually as I came.
After Jack had finished the teacher asked Brianna how the four of us would live in our vivarium while the teacher took Jack away from me and even pulled his penis out of my vagina.
"Well, they are doing nothing but mate. Therefore we gave them a litter box, a bowl with pellets and water. They don't need toys. They have each other.“, answered Brianna.
"You better leave your pets here, Brianna! The school will take care of them. You may see them when you come to school. We will set up a vivarium in the corridor next to the door. And everybody can witness how Chrissie, Cuddles, Jack and Harald have a good life and how Chrissie gives birth.“
"Ethan can install a few webcams! We could watch it every time!“, suggested Brianna.
"That’s a good idea!“

In the afternoon, school was already out but a big crowd was watching as me and my husbands found a new home at the entrance room of the school. The terrarium was as big as the one at the house that was formerly owned by me and Kevin. But there were a few things like a wheel, a piece of wood to climb up and down, plants, a ladder to another stage, some toys. But my husbands were not interested in toys. They wanted to play with me and under the eyes of the whole school and a not countable audience via the internet Cuddles made love to me. I embraced him while we did it on one of the stages.

In the evening, all the lights were dark except for some green shining lamps in the corridor, I heard steps. A boy appeared and stayed outside the camera angles, pulled down his trousers and panty and jerked off while looking at me getting fucked by Jack. He went away after he had masturbated three times. Not bad, I thought. They get off watching me.
Then appeared another boy and did the same. It seemed that I became quite popular in a very special way.

Next morning was a crowd watching me as my husbands took me for their and mine pleasure before breakfast. I guess after the presentation in the biology class nothing ever would embarrasse me. I gave the audience a show, changed positions from top to missionary and to doggy style. I even imagined how Jack would lick me - and he did! That was great!
In every break, in every minute of spare time many pupils came to watch me getting fucked. I guess I was now a porno queen for them.
In the evening more boys showed up and jerked off in socks or paper towels.
One evening, after all the boys were gone, even two girls masturbated watching me getting fucked.
Next morning I saw them all again but this time with proper behavior. Everyone seemed to hide his sexual needs. Only I was free to have a sex life in public.
So the days passed. Only at the weekends it was not that busy but some came to watch me at daytime, some came at night to jerk off and to masturbate.

After the second weekend has passed and the Friday before holidays began, Jack was doing his business with me, I felt that the pups wanted to come out. As soon as I reached my climax I stopped Jack with an intense wish, stood up and pressed five pups out while a bunch of pupils and a few teachers were watching. It all went very easily. I didn’t know what to do after that and cut the umbilical cords with my teeth like rodents do.
I’ve heard cheers. Brianna shouted "That is sooo awesome!“
The whole school was after a few minutes around the terrarium and watched as the pups for the first time found my teats and sucked on it.
As nothing had happened Cuddles demanded his right to mate with me. While the pups drank their first milk from my teats I was standing on all fours and let him have his way with me.
„Very strange behavior for rodents.“, said Ms Wolf.
For me it was not strange at all. It was nature's way.


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Re: downwards the pecking order

Post by george_kramer » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:02 pm

Only just discovered your post. I have been refreshing Uncannywellington's page on deviantart and had all but given up that it would ever be finished. So thank you for your contribution. I am up to chapter 5 already.

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Re: downwards the pecking order

Post by Rusco57 » Sat Jun 10, 2023 3:13 pm

Wow!! Awesome story!!

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Re: downwards the pecking order

Post by Tehleris » Fri Jun 16, 2023 11:09 am

Can't fathom how I missed this entry, really awesome story and would hope to see more of similar style!

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