The Tourists: Another Guest

SW stories that include violence or extreme injuries etc.

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CH 17B: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by HHunter1 » Thu May 20, 2021 4:46 am

M/f Torment
M/f/f Sexually Tortured.

Suddenly Jane's watch went off. "Crystal, it's time to get ready." she advises.

"OK, lets go. Time for Katie's party." she warmly stated.

"Jane, can I get the sisters back from Calvin now?" Trevor asked as they came to their rooms.

"Sure, give me a second." she advised. She went inside then came back a few minutes later. "Here you go." She handed him the container of the sister's clothes. Inside were the sisters in short tight oriental styled dresses.

"Thanks." he took them into his room with him.

"I suppose you're going to wear them tonight?" Crystal asked.

"Just Jewel, in a way. I plan on doing a training session with her before bed. Maybe get both sisters to be obedient pets." He informed the lovely Blonde.

Crystal wrinkled her nose. "If you must." she sighed.

"What?" he laughed at her disgust.

She shrugged and noted, "I just don't find obedient pets as fun. I like them trembling or even struggling. Only to have me hand coil around them and use them for my enjoyment anyway. But I suppose you want your whole collecting wagging their tails to make their master happy."

"Actually I want most of them to stay like you describe. Fearful and such. I just want a few that don't need to be squeezed or pressed into service. I really like the idea of both Sisters loving my cock while I spank some naughty, or just grabbed Shrunken. Is that so bad?" he replied.

"No, just not my preference." she noted.

"You were really hoping to lord your victory over them for a while weren't you." he teased.

"Mostly just Ci-Ci, but yes. How do you plan on training Jewel later?" she said.

He leaned in close and whispered, "Thought I'd try out some of the items in the bondage box you bought me."

She kissed his cheek and purred, "I have a lap table, you can train in bed while I watch." She stepped back and noted, "Go get ready, I'll meet you here shortly."

"OK, I'll be here waiting." he advised watching that firm round ass wave goodbye.

He went into his room to find his suit already laid out for him. There were strange sounds coming from his cages. Then he remembered he left females in with his males. "Finish up quick fellas, I'm taking them out in a few minutes. And they better not have your load on them when I do." he advised. He didn't want his males too spoiled.

He undressed down to his underwear. He reached into the clothes box and pulled out Jewel. She looked great in her tight short blue dress. But for what he wanted, she had to be naked. "You should give us to my father." she greeted him with. He was strangely happy her pointless demand still included her sister.

He ignored her request and the following orders to leave her be as he flipped her in his hand. Finger nail hooked the zipper and the back of the dress opened. She was struggling in his grip now. Crystal was right, there was something about this that was really appealing. But he had others to wiggle helplessly. He wanted this slender lovely to join her sister in sandwiching his cock with affection. Act or not, it just looked and felt great.

He pushed the top of the dress off her shoulders. He pressed those same shoulders with holding fingers as he slipped the silk like material down that sweet body. Whatever art Calvin was drawing didn't need bras and panties it seemed. He would have to thank that man later. Jewel's tiny ass looked good under that light shaded hosiery.

He coiled his fingers around her torso. She was kicking wildly and this steadied her for easier removal of what little was left. He flipped the flats off her cute little feet. He wasn't a foot guy. But he had to admit both Gao's dainty examples were lovely as those parts could be. He stroked the hosiery down her fit legs. She tried to resist, but he just wondered why as he took that thin material with little effort.

"What are you going to do Trevor?" she snarled at him. This made him snicker.

"You call me Master." he ordered.

"I call you a fool. Give Ci-Ci and I to my father." she rebutted.

"You will learn, or I'll just enjoy punishing you." he advised lowering her.

"NO! Don't you dare!" she threatened, for some reason. Not that it slowed him from slipping her into his cock pocket and placing her directly under his semi-hard cock. His hand out she was trapped between manhood and material. She attempted to squirm out from under, but only managed to pin herself more as her slender rubbing form made him more rigid.

He was pleasantly aroused as he got dressed. Whoever laid out his suit also picked a belt with a buckle for latching Shrunken and a tie jewel that would latch another. He looked in at his keepers. He opened the cage, he loved the panic sound the small crowd made once they knew he was coming for a few of them. He decided to get a couple of old favorites, Shapely and Leggs.

He shut his cage. Then stopped to look at the food, it was full. When was the last time he fed them, he thought as he turned to the bed.

He placed the two down and simply advised, "Be naked before I come back or I'll let the males keep you both for the night." They were pulling their clothes off before he turned. Seems the moans and screams from the males cage was enough to motivate them to avoid that fate.

Speaking of which, he turned to that cage. The females inside were being force rinsed in the shower area. "OK, times up fellas." he commanded.

"You heard the boss, bitches to the front." Frank ordered.

The other males dragged five of the females to the front of the cage. They looked roughed up. Not that a few black eyes and bruises mattered with that bunch. If they made it to the end of the cruise they would be lucky.

Redd, however, walked up on her own. She had to only appease the youngest of Trevor's Males. And Cecil looked to have had the time of his life. Big grin ear to ear. As much as she wasn't a personal keeper, Redd was good for his males. Likely earning her keep as a reward for what few of them he kept in the end.

He gathered them up and poured them into the disposables cage. "Where are their clothes?" he asked Frank.

"Sent to the wash this morning. Not that they wore them once the boys got a hold of them." he said with an odd proud sound.

"OK, good." Trevor noted before leaving the area to go wash his hands. Sure they were rinsed off, but he didn't feel like the bitches were cleaned fully of the male's fun.

He returned and grabbed Shapely. She would look great spread across the belt buckle. He would have to ask Crystal about Shrunken hair stylists. It's roots were starting to show. He liked it blonde too much for that. Leggs would be hung at his neck. Her, well, legs would look great stretched along his tie.

He turned on a music channel. He realized he had forgotten this morning. Then he stopped. He went to the cage. Grabbed out plaything and her supply of Slave outfits and took her to his nightstand cage. He loved how she cowered and trembled. Yet stuck her tits out once he started rubbing his thumb over them. Then he pulled out the clothes from the box. Adding Ci-Ci into that cage.

Ci-Ci and Plaything looked at each other. A flash of anger came to Plaything's features. He laughed, right she had been one of the Gao's pets before he got her. "If she's harmed I will punish you." he advised.

They both looked fearfully and replied, "Yes Master." He liked that both assumed he was talking to them. Saved time.

He walked out into the shared room and sat at a chair facing Crystal's door. He was glad he did. Out she strutted in a sleek tight red cocktail dress. It hugged her every curve like a second skin. Tight enough to show the two Shrunken's spread eagle bodies strapped to the front of her ample breasts. Across her cleavage was another. Lovely blonde dressed in a matching cocktail dress. Black hosiery covered those shapely legs. Her feet were in tall high heeled shoes. Across the top of each foot was a Shrunken female latch to the shoe. Their outfit looked more like strategically placed red jewels more than clothes. He wondered how they resisted her raising her foot. But they made more sound as she placed her foot down on the tiled kitchen floor then they did as she raised her foot.

She smiled and asked, "All ready?"

"Sure am. You look amazing." he praised.

She blushed slightly and replied, "You look great."

He offered that vision his arm. And was rewarded when she accepted. They walked down to the ballroom. Inside was flashing lights and loud music. "Ms. Green." a man noted as they walked into the room.

He recognized most of the party goers as Randy's staff. But the servers and such didn't look familiar. "Did Randy bring in more staff?"

"No you goof. The ship has staff too you know." Crystal snickered.

Trevor looked around the room. A stage is to the side of the door. On it was a long table with several wrapped packages along it's top. Center of the next wall was a DJ table with lights sweeping through the room. Along the far wall was a buffet of finger foods and snacks. The last wall is a cluster of tables and chairs. In the center of the room is a dance floor with several of Randy's staff on it already.

"Come, let's grab a table." she commanded as walked through the crowd. Greeting those that usually serve her as friends. They sat with a clear view of the stage.

Soon the guest of honor and Miles arrive. The crowd bellowed Happy Birthday and rushed to Katie. She's grinning ear to ear. She is soon in the center of the dance floor dancing with the young members of Randy's staff.

"Lets dance." Crystal said, pulling him to the floor. They danced till Randy arrived. With him was Jane. But more to Crystal's surprise, so is Elizabeth and the other new friends from today.

She leads him over. "Well hello." she cheerly greeted them over the music.

"Hello Crystal, Trev Lad. I was having so much fun with my new friends that I got Katie's permission to bring them tonight." Randy announced at a similar volume.

"I see that. Glad you could make it." she says warmly to Elizabeth.

"I was glad to be invited." she replies.

"Have you eaten?" Randy asked.

"Not yet." Crystal answers.

"Well, lets eat and then I'll get Katie Doll to open our gifts." Randy noted.

"I'll be right back." Trevor told Crystal.

Trevor heads into the men's room. Over to a urinal he undoes his pants. He pulls out Jewel, she blinks in the bright light. "Where are we, what are you up to Trevor."

He began to lower her as he reminded her, "You call me Master Jewel. Remember that."

"You should give us to our father. Wait, is that. No don't you dare." she yells as he places her in the urinal. He gets a great rush as she pleads helplessly, "No please Trevor. You don't want to do this."

He pulls out his cock and points it toward her pretty face. "No Trevor, wait! I'll call you Master, I'll call you Master please don't."

Whatever she was going to say next was drowned as his stream blasted out and into her face. Trevor sighs in relief as he sprays her with piss. Randy was right, pissing was better on a little miss. Even better if it was a formerly high status spoiled little miss. He loved how she forgot that her large movements to retreat from his flow was just a slight change of angle for him. Emptying nearly every drop on the Shrunken Asian.

She was spitting and making gagging noises as he unhooked the tongs and used them to grab her slender hips. He places her in the sink and start the cold water. Then goes to return the tongs.

He returns to her shivering but eagerly showering in the water's flow. Filling her mouth, swirling it and then spitting out the water. Seems he got some piss into her mouth. He laughs at this knowledge.

He adjusts the water and washes his hands. Feeling he and his pet is clean enough he stops the water. Jewel looks up at him and shivers.

He dries her mostly off. Then slips her into his cock pocket. Despite herself she hugs to the warmth of his manhood. Satisfied, he returns to the party.

He gets a plate of food and joins the others. It is a jolly evening of food, dance, and company. The music only halted for Katie to be hauled onto the stage and open the gifts. They were all labeled from different people, but with a few exceptions, they were all bought by Randy.

They sat and watched. Fancy Carrying Cages, jewelry, and other fun items. Then she opened a device she was excited about. It looked sort of like a scanning tube with a bigger tube. "What is that?" he asked Crystal.

"Miles' gift. It's a Doll Tube." she says like that clarified everything.

"Doll Tube?" he questioned.

"Oh, it will turn your Standard sized Shrunken to a Doll sized one. Or returns it back again." she explained.

"Wait, we can make them bigger?" Trevor curiously inquires.

"Yeah, If you can afford one you can make your pets Doll sized. With the right license you can make Shrunken Half sized as long as they are collared. There is a Club on the ship that does that. But some rented Shrunken are allowed to be half sized." she explained to him.

"Wait, Rented Shrunken?" he was surprised.

She shrugs, "Yes. They are rented to do different jobs and earn their owner money. But don't expect to make your fortune with working Shrunken. Unless someone requests them, they are more likely just your pets and not money makers."

"Hey, speaking of Shrunken and jobs, is there a way to get Shrunken haired dyed?" he wondered.

She nodded. "Most Company Complexes will hold a Shrunken Salon. That is where some Shrunken work. But most just have skilled hairdressers with special tools. My stylist back home also works with Shrunken. She's an artist with hair on human or pet’s heads. Why?"

"Oh few of my pets are showing their roots. Some I'm OK with letting their natural color grow in. But few, like Shapely here, I want to keep blonde." he explained.

"What did you get Katie?" he asked.

"A car." she replies.

"Really wow." he said, slightly taken back.

"It's just 30 or 40 thousand dollars." she said like it was only a few hundred.

"What did Randy get her?" he asked.

"He's building her her own mansion on his property grounds." she noted like this was a right of passage.

"Spoiled girl." he teased.

"Yeah, but if she doesn't do something with her life. She'll lose it. But now that she's likely with Miles, I expect she'll be Inputted before the next cruise as something Walker Pellet related." Crystal told him.

"Well it is the family business." he states.

"It sure is." She agreed.

They have more fun dancing and eating. Katie thanks him for a Shrunken make-up station. He accepts this thanks despite them both knowing it was Randy that bought it for her.

Later Crystal grabs his arm. "We should say our good nights and head to our room. It is a port day tomorrow." she advised.

Over to Katie, the girl clings to her mother. "I'm having a great birthday!" the girl screams. Someone was clearly feeding her alcohol.

"That's great. We are going to our room. Don't stay up too late, it's a Port day tomorrow remember." Crystal explained to the party girl.

"OH right. More little lads to lick my lips." she roars out.

"Night Katie." Crystal states.

"See you tomorrow momma. Unless you and Trevor want some company." the girl said, waving her chest.

"I think Miles might get lonely." Crystal teased.

Like she lit a rocket. Katie yipped out, "Oh right. Miles!" And the girl shot towards the tall man.

"We will skip saying good night to Miles I think." Crystal says in a jolly tone.

They reach Jane, Randy, and his new friend Elizabeth. "Port day tomorrow, we are turning in for the night."

"Wait up, I should be returning to Calvin." Jane says with a smile.

"Well, we'll see you three in the morning for breakfast. Hopefully it will be a great hunt tomorrow." Randy wished for them all.

"We'll see you then." Crystal responded.

The three of them walked down towards the rooms. "I think we'll see more of that Elizabeth." Jane notes.

"Do you think maybe she's gold digging?" Crystal asked.

"No, I think they are just both drawn to each other. She doesn't seem to be trying to connect with Randy, they just seem to have a lot in common." Jane advises.

"Is she nice?" Crystal inquired.

"Yeah, I was enjoying her company." Jane disclosed.

"Well, I'm looking forward to getting to know her then." Crystal noted. Adding, "She has to be better than Nancy."

"She seems to be." Jane replied giggling.

"Night Jane." Crystal said to her friend.

"Night Crystal, Night Trevor." Jane replied.

"Night." Trevor stated.

They entered their room. "You want to place your unwanted pets back into your cages?" she offered.

"Sure." he agrees. He enters his room. He takes Shapely and Leggs of himself and places them back into the keeper cage. He walks over to his nightstand cage. He presses the scanner. Nope, still not quite ripe. He scoops up Ci-Ci. "Strip for your Master." he commands gleefully.

"Yes Master." she replied. He placed her down.

He took off his suit. Laying it out nicely. He brushes his teeth. Then finds the bondage case. He lifted his prized pet and started towards Crystal's room. "What is that for Master?" Ci-Ci nervously asked.

"Not for you pet. You are to service me as I train a disobedient Shrunken." he replies.

He could see from her expression she knew who that Shrunken was. "Maybe she just needs time Master." Ci-Ci tries to suggest.

"I don't want to wait. Besides shouldn't a Shrunken obey their Master right away." he tormented.

"Yes Master." she concedes in a sad tone.

Crystal is laying on her bed in her robe. She is still wearing her stockings. "OH, your back. The table is there. I'll be right back." she advises and leaves the room.

Trevor is curious, but figures he would enjoy it later. He placed Ci-Ci on the bed. Sitting on the bed, he flips the legs of the lap table out and fits it over his thighs. He placed the case on it and opened it. The designer was brilliant, it folded up to form shelves for easy access to different tools and bindings. He took note of what he would use tonight.

Crystal comes back. "You don't mind if I entertain myself as I watch do you?"

"No, go ahead." he agreed as he pulled Jewel out of his shorts.

"What are you going to do now Trevor?" Jewel growled at him.

He squeezed her. "Whatever I want. And you call me Master."

He drops her upon the table. She braves back, "If you would smarten up and give us to our father I wouldn't have to speak to you again."

He ignores her and lifts her sister. "Your going to make me feel good right pet?" he asked his pretty toy.

"Yes Master." Ci-Ci replies. A glance back told Trevor she wished her sister would submit and join her. But the look from Jewel, that wouldn't be happening. Much to his enjoyment.

"Don't put her in there. Fight him Ci-Ci." Jewel growls as he brings Ci-Ci to that pocket.

Neither him nor his new favorite pet listen. He slips that slender form along his stiffening shaft. Almost as soon as she is in there, Ci-Ci reaches around his cock. Her chest rubs his manhood. Smooth legs stroke along its sides. Little mouth makes long licks along it's head like it was the sweetest of treats.

"She has gotten foolish hasn't she?" Crystal notes about Jewel as she coils along him, holding a fit male Shrunken. She carefully slips it's squirming form under her robe and sighed signaling it was forced inside her womanhood. Trevor was more curious why she was hiding what she was wearing under her robe.

Anyway, time to train. He pulled a bar with a cuff circle on each end. "You shouldn't do this." Jewel warns.

He grabs her and opens a cuff. She kicks and squirms but has no chance to resist him from latching her ankle. Then the other. The Bar forces her legs wide.

He pulls out a round bottom v-shaped bracket with feet. Jewel rattles on about returning her and Ci-Ci to their family. The round part of the bracket sticks under the Shrunken's stomach and straps around her waist. Then latches around it's lower thighs. Forcing the pretty doll into an ass up position.

Jewel starts chanting no over and over as she attempts to flop around, but the feet of the v-bracket hold her mostly in place. He grabbed a strip of material. Pinning her arms back, he wraps them both together. Buckles along it binds the arms together. The end had a string of material that slipped through a small ring on the latch around her waist and buckled back along the wrap.

He admires his work. Trapped in a face down ass up position. She sputtered like that would end his plans. Crystal leans on him to admire as well. He can feel the Shrunken squirming, still strapped across the front of her breasts. "Mouthy little thing huh." she says excitedly. She clearly was looking forward to seeing him work. Her shapely hips shifting told her pet was already working.

"OK Jewel, you have to learn to call me Master." he advised.

"No, No, free me." she whimpered.

He pulled out an interesting device. Two flat panels connected with a hinge with a little round part sticking out. He moved it by her ass and flick that round part. The closer panel flicked forward and made a fun slap noise as it landed on her perky little ass. The yelp she made was better.

"Lets think, I'm going to say you didn't call me Master when you should have about ten times. So, nine more paddlings." he tormented.

"No Trevor please." she pleads.

"Eleven now." he states and triggers his spanking device on the other cheek. She calls out. She starts to beg out, but he smacks the first cheek again before she could finish. Back and forth he paddles one side then the other. As they brighten, he lowers to add pink to the backs of her upper thighs as well. Each time she yelps Ci-Ci jumps, which is an appealing sensation.

"Twelve, just to keep it even." he teases with that last spanking. "Now who am I?"

"Please, please stop it hurts." she whimpers.

"What do you call me?" he requests again.

"I will call you Master till you give us to our father." She was a strong pet.

"No no, pet. You're staying mine for now on." he noted.

A small bottle with a flip lid. He opened it and looked at the second most top shelf. An array of wands with various tips. These tips were shaped like phallus. Each one's shaft had little circles along its length. Ribbed for extra sensations. Different lengths and girths were displayed. He notices it folds out again, another little shelf of wands, copies of the ones above.

He grabs a middle sized one. "You have to understand I'm keeping you." he explained as he dipped the tip of the wand into the opening on the top of the bottle. "Now, let's make it a pleasant punishment."

"What are you?" she asked, trying to look behind herself. He pressed the lubed tip to her exposed pussy generating an "OH!" He wiggled it in little circles and he is amused. She didn't sound punished. It slid inside and a slight movement worked her pussy with his wand. She gasped as he teased her sensitive entrance with the toy cock.

"Who owns you?" he mocks as she panted.

"Oh oh, please stop. It feels strange." she gasped.

Seeing she wasn't going to submit from this probing he looks over the other wands. He takes a narrow one. He dipped it in the lube. "Lets see if you and your pleasing sister share an interest." he advises.

As soon as the tiny tip touches her anus she yelps, "No, not there please."

"Who owns you?" he asked.

"Look father will pay you and give you a replacement." Jewel pleads.

He wiggled and pressed the tip at her ass. She didn't say no so much as whimpers loud n sound. It stretched into her tight end. "Oh oh oh!" she sounds. "Please Master, take it out." she tries.

"Will you be a good pet like your sister?" he asked.

"Yes, out please?" she whimpers back.

"Who owns you?" he requests.

"You do you do!" she pants.

"You going to request I give you to your father again?" he pushes.

"No Master." She lied and he knew it.

"Well, lets give you an example of what can happen if you don't behave." he informs her. Crystal purrs at this idea.

"No please Trevor!" she calls out. He rolls the wand in circles to stretch her anus temporally. Her little ass tries to follow his circuit to find relief and found none.

He pushes the wand in her pussy deep and lets go of the handle. It bounces on the table top and she shuttered. He pulled out a middle sized tipped wand and lubed it's end. He popped the thin tipped wand and placed it before his pet. Jewel sighed in relief.

She moaned out "What?" As he pressed the newly lubed wand to her little pink spot. The early stretching added with the lube allowed the play dick to begin to slide inside. Popping deeper rib by rib. After it was in he started working her ass. "Who owns you?" he asks as he starts.

"You do, please take it out. You own me. Please it hurts in there." she whimpers.

"You believe that?" Crystal asked.

"No, I think she still thinks daddy will save her." he replies as he lifts the pussy wand's handle. With a slight wiggling of his wrist he starts fucking both holes at once. Her hips try to move in response, but the restraints basically lock her in place.

"I own you pretty pet. Jewel you'll have to accept I am never giving you or Ci-Ci to your father. I am enjoying this, and will continue to stretch your ass till I feel you accept this. I know that will not be tonight, but I am planning on making tonight a good start." he explained to the sniveling Shrunken.

"Please, I accept, please no more." she informs him.

"Oh there will be more." he replied, reaching with his free hand toward the case in clear sight of her.

"No please Master, no please my Owner!" she begs. Her eyes go wide in terror as he pulls out a wand. The phallic on the end was the largest and thickest. "Not that! Not that please!"

He dips the thick shaft into the lube bottle before her eyes. She continues to plead and beg. Extra helpless as she couldn't even squirm all trussed up as she was. She gasped as he pulled the wand from her ass. It sounded like she was hyperventilating as he aimed the relatively heavy ended wand. The bulbous end pressed at her widened anus. Jewel made a gurgling sound as that long shaft with it's ribbed length slid inside her.

"Snok that ass." Crystal cooed as he started working both wands wands in both his hands. Jewel makes a strange hiccup bark like sound as that mass was pumped in and out of her over and over.

"I own you Jewel. You will call me Master. You will serve me loyally. Or this will occur over and over. You understand?" he gleefully torments. All the slender pet could do was nod.

He hooks both wands in one hand and reaches into the wands again. He had two of those large tipped wands after all. She didn't react as he lubed it. Then he noticed her eyes were clenched shut. Loudly she gasped as he worked.

A slight whimper as her pussy is emptied. A shuttered breath as the thicker shaft replaced it. Crystal started nibbling and kissing his neck and ear lobe. She is clearly aroused by this training session. Jewel clearly wasn't enjoying it as much. Trevor liked the blonde's attention while he played with his living toy. The shafts looked to be about an inch long. Thinner then a pen. But to a Shrunken they might as well be horse cocks. Like the sensations or not, Jewel's body suddenly shutters in a climax-like reaction. Then she just lays there, drooling.

"I think that will do for now pet." he advised. He pulls the ass tip out first generating a relieved loud sigh. The pussy shaft made a soft short repeated oh sound. He undid Jewel's arms and they fell limply to the table. He disconnects her ankles. Then undoes the v-shaped leg bracket. Letting go Jewel melts to the lap table top. Breathing in heavy gasps she reaches back and presses her ass cheeks together. Rubbing them together in a likely attempt to ease the pressure of her stretched anus.

"Done training?" Crystal asked.

"Yeah." he happily replied. Gaining a deep kiss.

"Play with me now?" she asked.

"Why yes beautiful." he replies.

"OK take Ci-Ci out. I don't want willing pets." Crystal requested.

He pulled Ci-Ci out and asked, "You mind putting them in the cage while I wash the wands?"

"Yes, I'll be waiting for my big mean giant." Crystal purred in a very appealing growl. scooping Jewel off the lap table and gently taking Ci-Ci from his hand.

He takes the case and the wands to the bathroom. Knowing that buxom beauty is waiting and very willing hurried his work. He washes the tips leaving them to dry on an empty corner of a shelf on a washcloth.

He returned to find an unrobed Crystal reclined across the bed. Her breasts were held in an under supporting bra. Across the front of each of her mounds is a pretty spread eagle naked Shrunken strapped there. Her nipples pressed tightly under their little womanhood and between their thighs.

Her lovely legs were in stockings, held up by a garter. Strapped just above her womanhood is another lovely naked spread eagle Shrunken. The lacy belt-like device is designed to look like that Shrunken was holding that garter together, but that clearly can't be what's holding it around that curved waist.

"Can we try the Betty hug tonight?" she says in a playful pout playing with a squirming Blonde Shrunken in her hand.

"I'm nervous about it. I don't want to lose keepers." he advises.

She lifts herself and pulls out two shapely Shrunken out from under her. Holding them by their legs she asked, "Will these do?"

"Yeah, let's do it." he replied, slipping his shorts off.

"Really excited about it huh?" she cooed looking at his manhood. "Sit." she directs.

He does and she placed the two Shrunken passable to his erection. "Stay as I place you and you will live. Move, and you'll likely be crushed to death slowly." she snarled like the blonde goddess she was.

He could feel them trembling as she posed them along his shaft. The bubblegum pink covering appears in her hand and is slipped over him and both the Shrunken. Crystal does something to the base and it clings tightly along his cock. Pinning both Shrunken in place.

Crystal starts kissing him as she straddles over him. His hands stroke over her back. One goes to feel that ass when he notices she has a Shrunken strapped to the small of her back by the garter as well.

Crystal's hand aims his cock straight up. The Shrunken suddenly realize what is coming for them and start begging. Such an arousing sound. Crystal, still making out with him, touched his tip to her wet pussy. She is very excited from the feel of the trickling he feels dripping on his groin. His shaft was taken inside her warm hole. The Shrunken there stopped pleading as Crystal’s pussy swallowed them alive.

She hums happily as she slowly slips up and down his length. Trevor likes the sensation of the Shrunken on the ends of her tits being massaged into his chest. She cooed as she rode him, "I can feel their tiny tits rubbing inside me."

"Yeah, their little wiggling forms feel great on my shaft." he tells her.

"I'm not sure though." she sighs.

"You prefer them loose, as we snok?" he asked, realizing that word was in his vocabulary now.

"I do. But we can use it for keepers. Lesser Shrunken you can press deep into me as squirming loose pleasures. I love feeling you snok them to death inside me." she purrs.

"I do like the feeling of the struggling to survive as I push them deeper and deeper." he agrees.

"Oh, I want you to do something." She appealing requested.

"What?" he asked, loving the sensations and the view. A Blonde goddess literally wearing her subjects for her own pleasure.

"Make little me moan." she sang, lifting her Shrunken doppelganger before him by it's torso.

"OK." he says. Crystal moves the pretty blonde doll before his lips and spreads it's toned legs. He wraps his mouth around it's waist as it babbles on about not being hurt. That ends with a stroke of his tongue.

Crystal played in his hair as she kissed his face and cheeks. Her tits stroked up and down his chest with their rider's bodies rubbed along with them. He can feel Crystal's nipples raised just past their thighs. His hand combs through those gorgeous blonde strands. The other torments the pet strapped to her back. He drags his little blonde version of her along her silky smooth neck. The whole time her hips was slowly riding up and down his cock. Squeezing along the shaft. Pressing those two Shrunken pinned by the Betty Hug to his manhood.

She pulls back to look at him. "You look like you're enjoying tasting little me." Her mouth reaches over and takes the top end of that blonde. He releases his end and she pulls it away.

"Yes I like making both you and it moan happily. I'm surprised there isn't a place for that type of fun." he replies.

She pushes that round ass at him and he retakes the curvy mouth toy. "There is. They are called Shrink Clubs and are a big no no as far as the Company is concerned. Anyone caught in one during a Security raid is made a Shrunken and sold. No exceptions. So if you hear of one let Security know. If it is there, you'll be given the first pick of whoever they catch inside. The bigger the operation, the more picks you'd get." Crystal explained.

She scoops the torso of the mouth puppet. "So no playing with a tiny Crystal then. But what about making Shrunken bigger? You said there was a club on board?" he asked. The sensation of buxom blonde and passengers riding him was intoxicating.

He kiss around the rump of the curvy pet. "Maybe we'll go at some point. Pick out a couple of your favorites and give them a real play time. Now, throw a couple pillow on the bed and lay me on them so I don't squish my back pet and snok me hard."

He does as she requests. Bridging her on several pillows. He grabs those hips and started pounding her pussy to her delight. Her hands come up and take her Shrunken copy. She placed it between her ample breasts. As his body slapped into hers she grabbed over her mounds. Rubbing the Shrunken trapped there into the tops. Her breasts pressed together and parted as she massaged herself. Making it look almost like they were the plump lips of some beasts chewing on the shapely blonde doll.

He manages to use his manhood and the Shrunken strapped to it to get Crystal to sing in pleasure. Watching that buxom goddess arch in climax is his own last trigger. He shutters and trembles as he cums hard within her.

Once strength returns he slips out and sits back. Crystal pressed her thighs together and hummed like his cum was swirling around inside her and causing her more pleasure. Why she was doing this he didn't know, but he liked how she looked.

She opened her eyes and smiled at him. "You make me feel so good." she praises. Crystal sits up and twists something at the base of the Betty Hug. The two riders fall onto him. Taking big gasping breaths. She scooped them up and noted, "I'll clean them. You clean that when it's your turn." Then he got the reward of watching her walk to the bathroom.

She came back and placed her tiny copy into the night stand cage. She nods toward the bathroom as she heads to her cages. He goes to the bathroom. He plops the Betty Hug into the sink. Refreshed, he rinses the pink cock strapping device. Placing it on another washcloth beside his wands to dry.

He comes back to the bed. A naked Crystal is already laying under the blankets. He slips in and they link up like a couple of puzzle pieces. She nuzzles his chest and hums happily then sighs. He strokes her hair and soon she breathes steady.

He knows it's creepy but he can't resist watching that beauty sleep. She looked so content. His eyes catch something. Ci-Ci is watching him. The light is dim but he notices her expression, sad and longing. He realized an interesting fact, Ci-Ci still had feelings for him. He closed his eyes. Gleeful of that extra taste of power over his favorite pet.

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Re: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by ALittleConfused » Fri May 21, 2021 2:02 am

Thanks for another great chapter. I'm kind of hoping Jewel keeps acting out bit. I really like the dynamic between the two sisters.

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Re: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by HHunter1 » Mon May 24, 2021 1:45 pm

Thanks. I'm having fun with them too. Sorry about the late reply, but my laptop died and I needed to get a cheep one to replace it. So that sucked on many non-fun levels.

I have been thinking about starting a patron or similar style fan supported site. But, would any of you be interested in helping me in such a manner? I'm not even sure what I could offer to supporters at different tiers. Just a thought, please let me know what you all think.


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Re: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by ALittleConfused » Tue May 25, 2021 12:36 am

Sorry to hear about your laptop, that sucks.

I think a patreon or something like it is a great idea. I'd definitely be up for throwing some cash your way to support your writing.

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Re: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by HHunter1 » Sat May 29, 2021 11:06 pm

Sorry about no chapter yet. With computer problems and landlord doing work in the apartment I haven't gotten the latest one finished yet. As soon as I do I will post. But this has me thinking about taking June off from posting to get more chapters done so I don't fall behind like I am now.

If I do I'll probably post Home Life chapters from time to time or instead since I have some of them written but not edited yet. I haven't decided, I like posting to much I think.

Again, sorry the chapter is late.

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CH 18A: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by HHunter1 » Sun Jun 06, 2021 11:52 am

Sorry I'm so late with this.

Chapter 18A

Multiple sw/sm murder

Crystal's watch going off was an unwanted notification it was morning. Crystal reaching her arms around his head and pressing his face into her cleavage then as she rubbed her breasts to his features cheering, "It Port Day Trevor, time to get up and snok me in the shower!" That was what he wanted for a wake up call from now on.

She slipped off the bed before he could catch her curvy form. He reminded himself she was the mature one in the relationship as she skipped over to her keeper cages. As her naked form bound back past the bed she called at him, "Come on sleepy, get up and in me."

He could accept that request even this early in the morning. He rushed to the bathroom to have his toothbrush handed to him. Right, she hated morning breath, fair. He brushed watching the buxom goddess place their trembling wash clothes into the shower basket and prepare the water for their shower. The whole time brushing her teeth.

She rinsed her brush then grabbed his and rinsed it. Grabbed his hands and brought him inside the shower. Her body pressed his and they started helping the water run over each other's bodies.

She reached over and nabbed one of the Shrunken and handed it to him. It was a tan skinned pretty thing. "So, no stuffing them inside you?" he asked.

"OH, I didn't think. Hmm, no I better not I'm all wet now. Yeah, just regular snoking I guess." she rambled back.

"I can handle that." he replied, running the trembling thing along her cheek. Then kissing her full lips. She must have liked that as he was rewarded with a kiss back.

She offers him some shampoo. He begins washing her long strands. And has his hair washed for him. They cuddle along each other’s bodies as they rinse the cleaner from each other's heads.

They then use the little pretties to cover each other's hair in conditioner. Rinsing their living applicators. Body wash covers their fine figures. Then Trevor gets to worship Crystal's curvy form. Running hand and Shrunken over her beautiful body. Arousingly having her washing and enjoying his body back.

As water rinses soap and conditioner they kiss. Lips press and dance as tongues coil and hug. Hands wander backs and thighs. Chests press and nuzzle. Trevor loves showering with this blonde beauty.

Crystal smiled up at him and handed him her squirming wash cloth. She slowly turned around and rubbed her ass along his erection as she guided his hands over her plump breasts. She coiled her head over his shoulder as he began kneading her nipples with the held Shrunken. They struggled as he pressed them into her ample mounds.

She bent slightly. Trevor felt her slender fingers coil at the tip of his cock. Warm soft womanhood kissed at his tip. With little pumps she worked him deeper and deeper into her suckling pussy. Till they were pressed tight together by their sexual organs.

Then her hips thrusted. That gorgeous woman was fucking herself on his cock. Pressing her round ass into him as she danced her own body along him. He had women, including this one, cowgirl on top of him. But never ride him while standing. And Crystal was riding him hard.

Trevor grinds her pets into her chest. Nuzzled her hair out of his way so he could taste that neck. She was making sexy gasping sounds from her erotic work out. He was making love to a goddess.

He pushed forward. Pushing her into the glass wall. Her breasts were pressed there so he slipped his hands out from between them. Leaving the Shrunken hidden between her bosoms' mass and that transparent wall. He grabbed her thighs and lifted that gorgeous woman off her feet.

Trevor loved fucking this beauty. And lucky for him, she liked being fucked. She gasped hard as he thrust deep. She was pushing back against the wall. Likely to keep him from pressing her chest too hard against the glass. To keep her better quality pets alive. Would they thank their goddess once she and he were done, no they would whine about being squished by her plump breasts. But the mental image of their sexy little bodies pressed to the glass by Crystal's plump tits was very appealing.

Crystal thanked him for his efforts by screaming out, "Yes Trevor Yes!" as she climaxed. What a beautiful display of passion. He couldn't resist joining her, she even seemed to enjoy that too.

He slipped himself out of the sweet hole. Carefully lowering her as her hands waited under her breasts to catch the Shrunken. Not a word of thanks for her not allowing them to be crushed or at being allowed part of that wonderful exchange. Just scared glares as they gasped for air. Well, it was likely hard to breathe with the flesh of their goddess encasing them against the glass.

She dropped them in the basket and turned to hug him. Crystal's face nuzzled close and kissed at his neck as a very sexy growl of, "Oh you feel so good snoking me." came from her soft lips.

He pulled her tight and was rewarded with her sweet neck. He replied very happily, "You feel so good to snok."

She ran her fingers lovingly through his hair. His hands were given free rain of her curves. Spent or not, Trevor enjoyed how Crystal felt pressed to him. And she was purring happily from his attention.

Suddenly she pushed away from him. "No, got to go. Port day. Can't stay in the shower all day together." she rambled out.

"I would be nice. Maybe tomorrow?" he offered.

"Yeah it would." she agreed. Then hummed, "Maybe a bath. Warm with lots of bubbles and bubbly."

"We could bring in Shrunken and make them scrub our bodies as we relaxed." he suggested.

She snuggled close, "Oh we could plop them in the water and watch them swim for their lives. Or I could see how long they hold their breath while I scrub your dick."

He found her sexy curves back within his reach. "I rather like the idea of them polishing their goddess with their little naked bodies."

"Hmm or their cruel giant lord." she sighed.

Trevor found himself pressed to the wall. Crystal took a deep breath. "We are going to be late. Lets dry off and get dressed. No more nice ideas." she commanded.

"Yeah, new pets to play with." he agreed, reluctantly.

She shut off the water and opened the door to grab him a towel. As he approached to grab it she gave him the towel with one hand as she pushed him back with the other. "Not so close handsome, don't want to be tempted again." she teased.

Crystal grabbed herself a towel and they dried off. She grabbed the wet pets and advised, "Go get dressed and we'll pop over to Randy's for breakfast."

He grabbed the Gaos and Mini-Crystal from the night stand cage. "Morning Master." Ci-Ci greeted him with. Jewel gave him a sideways glare. Seems once her ass settled back from being stretched, so did her obedience. No matter, training her was fun.

He walked to his room and right to his own nightstand cage. He placed his favorite pets inside. But that wasn't the only reason he was here. Crystal's affection in their afterglow had actually started to stiffened him with want. He grabbed Daughter and made her little outfit rain back into the cage. Then Fridge followed suit. He pressed the scanner, maybe this morning would be that dark haired cutie's first experience. He shut the cage with a sigh.

He walked over to the cages. Pulled a couple of tissues out of a nearby box and made a little area. Mini-Crystal away, he grabbed the sweet pouty faced girl from the baseball stadium. He put the first two down to have both hands to strip the skinny thing. Wiggly and praising his power with fear filled whining. That sweet voice begging finished getting him erect.

He placed the bottle blonde fresh meat on the tissues in a kneeling position facing him. He let the towel fall to the floor and it screamed in terror. This would be quick, he thought as he grabbed the two little stroke selections. Quick was what he was after.

"Please don't hurt my daughter!" was called out from his keeper cage. A titty blonde, another baseball catch. Why did she also seem familiar? Oh right, she was the start of the Cecil experiment.

"Oh but I like hurting Shrunken. Beg for her safety." he commanded.

Oh she started. Better still Mother and Store Mom joined in for their pretty offerings. The two riding along his cock whined as he stroked. His tip looked huge in that pouty faced blonde's little face. He liked how she gasped in terror. Her plump bottom lip quivering in anticipation.

His first gift covered her cute face. Somehow she made little whimpering screams as he rained pleasure over her skinny frame. The mother's exclaiming how awful he was, which just came off as how powerless they were to him.

Finished with his quick release he dropped the other two over the target. Allowing them all to share in his thick release. He grabbed the corners of the tissues and hoped they would hold till he got back to the nightstand. Red rooms were given high quality tissues.

His toys put away, he relieved himself and started to get dressed. "Trevor, what's taking so long?" Crystal asked from the other room.

"Just finishing up." he called back.

"Don't forget your chubby to toss." she called out.

He had forgotten about their new tradition. Well, this would be the first port, but that's besides the point. He pulled on the last of his clothes. Grabbed his collection case and over to his extra cage.

He snickered. He had gotten so used to Crystal ordering clothes he hadn't ordered any for this new group from the last port. It was clear from some she had, except chubby. Likely thought it would be a waste of time since it was really not staying with him long. His naked ball didn't like him pulling her from the cage and plopping her into the case. Lid down and a shake made it quieter.

"About time, lets go." Crystal chastised as he exited his room.

"Sorry, had an itch to scratch." he noted stepping towards her.

"Lets go, I want new pets ASAP!" she stated.

He grabbed her and lifted her off her feet. She wrapped her legs around his waist while giggling. Then through snickers pointed toward the door and commanded, "Forward my stead!"

He carried her to the door. They were just entering the Hall as someone was exiting Randy's suite. "Hello Elizabeth!" Crystal called out playfully.

The woman was wearing her dress from the party the night before. Her hair was uncombed and her shoes and hosiery were haphazardly held in her hand. "Oh, hi!" she nervously replied.

"Had a good night?" Crystal was clearly teasing the poor woman.

"Yeah, you?" Elizabeth replied. It almost seemed to be out of politeness more than wanting to chat.

"Oh, my stead always gives me a good ride. Well, good luck today." Crystal noted.

"You two too." the embarrassed woman replied as she left.

They were allowed into the room by a staffer. From how they were straightening up, it looked like Randy and Elizabeth had a fun evening. From the open door of the main bedroom the shower could be heard going. Over the sound of the water was Randy's voice singing some old country tune.

"Well, that's good to hear." Crystal noted.

"Really, like Randy's singing?" Trevor asked headed toward the table being set up.

"That's the song he sings if he had a particularly good night. Seems Mr. Walker is a happy man this morning." she explained.

"That's good. Not to throw shade, but should we worry Elizabeth might just be gold digging?" he asked.

"Maybe, yes actually. Thanks killjoy." she said, pulling herself out of his hold.

"She might not be." he offered.

"Too late. Now I'll be all worried." she noted. She tried to make it a playful snarl, but it was more of a worried hum.

Calvin and Jane joined them. "Hello Trevor Friend." Calvin also seemed to be in a good mood this morning.

"Where's Randy?" Jane asked. Crystal tapped her ear. Jane listened then smiled, "Oh, nice." she cheered.

"Oh the happy song. I like the happy song." Calvin rattled out. Sitting beside Trevor. He opened his book, "Look Trevor, I drew these yesterday."

Trevor was being shown his different sketches of the Gao sisters and the scenes he had them pose for. Calvin had skill with pencils and well as paints. A variety of images from simple seated scenes to what looked like action scenes. He really had them pose a lot yesterday.

Miles and Katie came into the room. "Oh, was it Elizabeth? She's nice." Katie asked as they approached the table. The water stopped as they sat.

"Yes, she was just leaving when we were coming over." Crystal noted.

"Who is Elizabeth?" Calvin asked nervously.

"A new friend. Papa really likes her." Katie explained.

"Oh, so will he be getting rid of Father Wife soon?" he asked.

"He did already, for my birthday." The girl told him.

"Oh, right Katie's birthday. Be right back!" the nervous man noted and practically bolted back to his room.

"I tried to tell him. But he was so excited to draw I didn't want to distract him." Jane related why to his reaction.

"Morning all!" Randy said with a huge grin.

"Have a good night with Elizabeth?" Crystal taunted.

"Yes. And most of that wasn't due to carnal play. Some was due to that, but not all of it. We actually were up just chatting for the most part." he overly explained.

"Well good. Should I write up a relationship contract?" Miles asked.

"No, I think she's safe. Watch her for me as I'm likely to ignore the warning signs. But work under the idea she isn't just a gold digger." Randy replied.

"Back!" Calvin called out. He had a huge canvas in his hands. He stood before Katie and said, "Randy's staff helped by letting me take quick sketches so it's from them too, but mostly me Katie."

"What happened to Baby Katie?" she asked, looking kind of hurt.

"But you're not a baby no more. Niece Katie work?" he asked confused.

"Katie is fine Calvin, can I see the painting?" she replied.

"Sure, it is yours." he turned it around and she was clearly overwhelmed. Her, standing before her friends all wearing different stylized armored outfits. She was wearing a gleaming crown pointing her sword out like the whole group was about to charge into battle.

"I look so brave. You really spent time with each of them for this?" she asked.

"They are your friends. And you're my Katie. So I did that. You're crying, should I paint something else?" he was clearly confused.

"No, can I hug you?" she asked.

"It will be hard with the painting here. It blocks us apart." he noted.

Trevor stood and he and Miles moved the work of art. She hugged her Uncle. Calvin looked comforted by the hug but asked, "Did you not want your friends in your painting?"

She smiled at him. "You're not comfortable with them. To talk to and things. But you spent time with them just to make me happy."

"Sorry?" he replied.

"No, it was very nice of you to do that for me." she explained.

"How else would I make sure they looked right for your painting. Photos I guess. I should have had my Angel take photos. Thanks Katie, I'll do that next time." he replied like he was accepting advice.

"No, wait Calvin." Katie started.

"Katie, let it go. I'll explain later Calvin." Jane offered.

"OK." they both said and returned to their seats.

"What's taking Breakfast so long?" Crystal asked. Clearly trying to hide her own emotion at Calvin's sweet gift.

"Oh, I asked them to hold it." Randy answered like a timid child.

"Why?" Crystal inquired with a knowing smile.

"I invited a guest with us this morning." he mumbled back oddly shyly.

"Guest, who?" Calvin peeped in.

Randy held his hand to calm his son. "I met a nice lady yesterday. I asked her here today. Would you like breakfast in your room or do you think you'll be up to meet her?" Randy offered.

Trevor found a hand clawing into his arm. Calvin was holding on to him and pulling Jane close with the other. "Who else knows this person?" Calvin trembled out.

"I met her yesterday my darling. I like her too. That lady I told you about last night." Jane explained.

"Oh, right, before bed. I will meet her then." he announced like he was volunteering to go into battle.

"That is brave of you." Jane praised her man. The hand eased and freed Trevor's arm.

A knock at the door. A staffer brought Elizabeth to the table. "Hello again." she nervously greeted them.

"You are? You do? Favorite Monkey?" Calvin blasted at her.

The woman jumped at the sharp barrage of questions, then replied, "Jane Elizabeth Fynn, Shrunken Recruiter, and Spider I guess."

"Spider, none of them was named spider." Calvin snorted.

"He means the band, from the sixties. He watches the show from time to time." Jane explained.

"Oh, Davey. You are?" Elizabeth said.

"Everyone's favorite is Davey. I like Mike." he said back like he was trying to solve a hard math question in his mind.

"He had a good hat." Elizabeth noted.

"Jane, she is also a Jane. Nice of her to go by Elizabeth to keep away confusing conversations." Calvin said to his wife.

"Could you tell Elizabeth your name?" Jane asked.

"I am named Calvin. I paint and fix security's programing holes because they are bad at programing. You may call me Calvin." Then Trevor seen it hit him. Calvin's eyes snapped to her watch. "UNSECURED!" he bellowed and lunged for her arm.

Trevor didn't realize how fast Calvin was. He was over the table in a blink. The only one seemingly truly ready for him was Jane. She stood between him and a terrorized Elizabeth. "You ask remember?"

"But Angel, it's unsecured." Calvin whimpered like a scolded child.

"But it's hers and on her arm." Jane pointed out.

"Right, I don't like being touched without permission. Others agree with that. I need to ask." Calvin reasoned.

"Elizabeth, can I make everyone here safer by fixing the programming flaws in your watch?" he asked around his wife.

"But it's the newest model. Shouldn't it be as safe as it can be?" she reasoned.

"Oh let me explain the many flaws." Calvin started. Then sighed warmly as Jane hugged him tightly.

"Trust me Honey. Calvin will make it better. He is really good." Randy reassured his guest.

She looked at the older man. Then at the twitchy man seemingly melting in his wife's loving restraining arms. "OK, here. Please make it better." she said taking off the watch and holding it towards Calvin.

Jane released him. "Oh, but Angel, can I. Hey she's smart, giving me her watch to fix." he said. He took the watch and shuffled back to his seat to tinker.

"Guess I wasn't as ready to meet him as I thought." she nervously snickered to Randy.

"You did better than many others." he praised back.

"Breakfast sire." a server noted. Omelets and steak with hash browns on the side. A hardy if heavy meal. The omelet was a bit sweet for Trevor's preference.

Calvin finished with Elizabeth's watch and handed it back. "Your welcome." he stated to her. Then looking at Jane, "Lower power mode." he requested.

Jane did her thing and he turned slowly and began eating. "So, are you excited to come out with us today?" Jane asked across to Elizabeth.

"Honestly yes, but also nervous. I think I look like a gold digger. Taking advantage of a sweet older man." she replied.

"Exactly what a gold digger would say." Katie jokingly stated.

"We better eat up. We are running later than normal." Randy advised between stuffing bites into his mouth.

The group ate like it was their first meal in days. Then got up as the staff was working to clear the table. Jane repowered Calvin and said her goodbye for the morning. They shuffle out into the hall and towards the deck.

"Randy, we'll be right there. Trevor and I are starting a tradition." Crystal noted.

"Really, what?" he asked.

She snickered and explained, "Chubby tossing. We catch a fat Shrunken at one port then toss them into the water at the next one."

"What? You kill your Shrunken?" Elizabeth asked.

"Just the low quality ones." Crystal reassured her.

"They don't need the money." Trevor added.

"Oh, that makes sense. Bit cruel, but they are yours to do with as you wish." the Recruiter accepted. Though it was clear she wasn’t comfortable with it.

They walked up to the back of the boat. Trevor opened his case and grabbed his roily poly ball. "Want to throw them together?" Crystal asked.

"Sure." he replied.

They stood beside each other. Pulled their arm back and snapped them forward. Trevor burst into laughter at the screeching sound his let off as it flew. He watched as it tumbled through the air and splashed into the water. He could barely see it's little limbs frantically attempting to swim in the water. He was surprised it lived from the distance and height.

Well, neither of them lived long as a small shark simply lifted out of the water. Took both into its mouth and disappeared. Making the group burst into laughter at the unlikely scene.

"Can we join you next time?" Miles asked.

"Trevor?" Crystal asked.

"Sure the more the merrier." he replied.

"Do they have to be fat. Like if I don't catch a fatty could I just toss a disposable?" Katie asked.

"It's not a chubby toss if it's not a chubby sweet heart." Crystal pointed out.

The group started discussing the rules and merits of the thing they just were informed of. Trevor looked out over the town. Short wooden buildings spread out before him. Little details caught his eye. Boarded up shops near the port. Buildings begging for a coat of paint. Dark empty windows.

"What is it Trev Lad?" Randy broke his focus.

"I have a bad feeling about this town," he answered.

"Do you think it's dangerous?" Elizabeth asked.

"No, Security would have made sure it's mostly safe before it was picked as a collection port. I think we should just keep what we catch. I don't expect we'll get many good picks here." he advised.

"OK, whatever you shrink you keep. If Trevor is wrong we can always dump the extras as we are going." Randy suggested.

They walked off the boat. Almost immediately Katie noted, "Why don't we check out that little boat?"

Trevor looked over. A fair sized yacht was moored in the harbor. Movement showed a fair number of potential pets aboard. "Too late honey, those ladies are already going." Crystal pointed to a little motor boat with three ladies inside. A collection case on each of them. He sighed, not likely enough to split between themselves, yet alone three extra people with a head start.

"We could go this way?" Elizabeth suggested.

"Sounds good as anywhere." Randy shrugged.

They found a coffee shop that way. Clearly one of the better cared for buildings in town. A morning crowd looked to disprove his earlier impression of the town.

They entered and the excitement of catches had them just start shrinking targets. The little restaurant exploded into screams as people became property. At the end he had a mix of six new pets. Including a pretty new keeper. Yes, a good start.

"So much for a lackluster town Trev Lad." Katie teased admiring one of her new males.

"Keep all you catch, this was just one stop." Randy cut off any other taunts.

They walked out and traveled a fair while till they found a park. It took up a great deal of area. Must have been the main one of the city. They decided to split up to hunt, trying to maximize the chances of hitting every path. Crystal tapped him, "I got left." she cooed at a couple of guys jogging toward them. They came close before they decided to target them. Trevor snickered as they jogged a few more steps before they realized they were no longer human. But besides an ugly middle aged woman in a mismatched suit and some geezers feeding the pigeons, that's all they found there.

They walked for nearly an hour before seeing their next chances. People milling about some shobby houses. He could tell from the looks of them they were poor. Like the park they spread out. Keeping in touch with the others via text.

First Crystal and found was a guy working on a rusty car. He was lifting the dirty screaming guy when what must have been his son came out to become Crystal's newest toy. "He's not bad." she noted of the lad as she slipped him into her case.

"Definitely keeper?" Trevor asked pointing toward movement.

"Possible, good enough to give him the slit test." she giggled.

"Slit test?" Trevor inquired.

"I slip them along my pussy lips and see what they do. If they do good things they get to be keepers." she flatly explained.

They split. Trevor found the sound of girlish voices as Crystal slipped into the house. He found two girls playing house. Slightly too young even for Miles to pay for them. But worth ship credit. He even managed to shrink them so they could take their baby dolls with them.

Crystal stepped out and shrugged, "Couple of bitchy looking ladies drinking coffee. Got a baby too."

"Ship credit playing house." he informed her.

"I think I see people that way." she noted.

They started through a yard when a snarling dog came at them. It suddenly shrunk. "We're allowed to shrink animals?"

"Yeah, just not allowed to bring it back on the ship. If I wanted where it's a basic animal I could tag it and have it sent back to my place as part of my collection. A tiny rover as it were. Exotic and some other types are immediately Company Property for selling after the Cruise is done. Though, we are not allowed to bring Shrunken Animals on the ship." She explained.

"Claiming snarly there?" he asked.

Her foot flattened the confused mutt. "Nah, too likely to bite my pets."

"What are you doing in my backyard? Where's my dog?" a man who shouldn't be seen shirtless appeared yelling at them.

"You get that mutt." Crystal advised.

The man shrunk as she strutted to the door. Trevor stopped for the man. He wondered if he could be whipped into physical shape. Maybe a pet project for Frank. A male voice screaming then disappearing told him Crystal found someone inside.

"Who are you?" a woman asked him. Likely the blubbery man's wife. Not super attractive but too good for Shirtless. As Trevor was picking her up he wondered if he should just keep Shirtless for chubby toss at the next port.

Crystal stepped out of a hall. "Couple of lads watching porn. But they were the type that porn and booze was made for."

A block down they found a house with people inside. Looked like guys playing cards. Crystal smiled and undid a couple of buttons and skipped up to the door. She knocked and waved at him to hide.

The door opened and a bald guy smiled at the buxom visitor. "Tee he, I'm lost. Could I come in and use your phone?" She asked, leaning into his view and twirling her blonde hair in her fingers.

"Sure, just this way." the man noted and shut the door behind her.

Trevor waited. Then he began to worry. As his nerve gave out and he was approaching the door it opened. Crystal smiled at him. "They are a sweet bunch. Even with me being a weak little woman alone with such big strong men. They were more interested in helping me then helping themselves. I say we keep them."

"OK, I guess. How many are there." he asked.

"Four, two each. My host even let me know their wives are a few houses down. Here's your two." she advised handing him to males.

"Lets go get them then." he agreed, slipping the catches into his case.

She stopped outside the door. "Wait." she snickered. Splashed some water at her eyes running her makeup. She gasped hard a few times to get her breathing heavy, "Hide again."

He watched as she rushed up to the door and frantically began ringing the bell. The door opened and she stammered out, "Please, you have to help me. A group of men a few houses down dragged me inside and tried to rape me. I think they are chasing me, please let me in."

"Yes miss, come inside." a pleasant looking woman rushed her in.

Shortly Crystal reopened the door and waved him in. Shutting the door behind him. "They were not as nice as their husbands. Well, maybe because they knew their men well. I'm going to fix my face, pick your two from the kitchen table. Nothing great just to warn you."

He stepped into the tiny home's kitchen. Yep, nothing good. He nabbed two and slipped them in his box. Snacking on some cookies while he waited for Crystal.

"You were right. Besides what, one or two good Shrunken it's been mostly fun fodder here." she stated.

"From the looks of the town I would say it was a year or two from basically being a village or ghost town." he sighed.

"I'm not used to having so little to show for so long in a port." she shook her head.

They were text to meet at a boarded up big brick building. Trevor saw a likely location and they walked. Catching a passable woman as she ran screaming, likely trying to escape one of the other Walker team members. They arrived and others looked depressed. It had been over four hours. These people were used to be heading back to the ship with a case full of new pets. Many, keepers. Only Elizabeth looks OK, but she was a Green, lackluster catches after hours was common.

"We should go this way, it's away from the ship.'' She tried to sound cheerful and confident.

"Yes, you're right. We have all day here. Might as well make it worth our while." Randy agreed, lifting himself from the wall.

The others slowly stood and they started. An old school yard playground had credit playing along it. None too interesting, but Trevor figured his catches would be good to sell to Miles for his camp experiment later.

A house lined street had people loading cars. A nice young man rushed over, "You better run. I guess people from that boat are somehow shrinking people and kidnapping them."

"Oh, I want that one." Jane cooed and he didn't make it back to his family. As a group they managed to keep any of the half packed cars from getting away.

"What would have kept them from getting word out if we didn't happen upon them?" Elizabeth asked, realizing the risk.

"Security, they are lining every road along the collection border. If you look you can see the copters they have watching for heat signatures along there as well. Directing teams to intercept. We are well concealed here. Unless their device can link with the Overlay, they can't even broad cast out of here. The clean up ship is feeding their TV's and radios copies of what is scheduled. They make this a hidden pocket and we get the change." Miles explained.

"Wow, I knew we had pull. But, sometimes it's just staggering." Elizabeth noted.

"Even planes are being redirected from flying overhead. Local airports are secured at daylight. Clean up ship isn't really what it is. Technically there are three. A storage vessel, one with collecting personnel for after our ship sails away, and one who secures our hunting zone." he noted.

"No wonder tickets were so expensive." she gasped.

"Part of the reason they are collecting and selling so many things from the animals from zoos right down to street and business signs. The Company is basically erasing these useless towns from the map of the world. Really we are helping to make a difference for the world by reducing the strain of so many people on the environment." Miles continued.

"Well, we better find more people and do our part." Elizabeth found a burst of new energy.

The next hour and a half they picked off three to four each. Empty street lined with empty buildings. But even Elizabeth was giving up hope.

Then Katie noted, "That bar is open."

"Must not have heard about us yet. Makes sense this far from the port." Randy shrugged.

They entered and it was a fairly packed bar for the middle of the afternoon on a weekday. Especially with a ship of Shrunken collectors running through the town. A pretty girl in an apron approached and noted to Katie, "Can I see some ID?"

"You owe me another kiss Trev Lad." Kattie replied as the girl was inches tall before her. They flowed through the chairs and tables and washed up everyone inside not part of their group.

"Hungry? I'm going to raid their kitchen." Elizabeth noted from the back.

"Why is this town so empty of anything worth catching?" Katie whined handing Trevor a Shrunken brunette well worth catching.

"We could ask." Crystal noted holding the bartender.

"Anyone wants a drink, I doubt they have quality, but clearly quantity." Miles noted stepping behind the bar.

"Draft, I don't care what. Right to the top." Crystal noted.

She looked at the grizzly looking male that was the bartender. "Where are all the people? I see more houses with stuff then I've seen people to be living in them."

The man looked terrorized. "Most people went last night to attend the fair in the next town over."

She sighed. "Really, we're a day late?"

"Here's your beer. I didn't think you liked draft." Miles noted.

"Anyone interested in this one?" Crystal asked holding up the male.

"Eww, no. He looks like his face was dragged across pavement and that was his last good day." Katie described.

"I don't like cheep draft, your right." Crystal noted to Miles. Smiling she advised, "I thought this thing could use a drink." and dropped the male into the stein. Placing a cardboard coaster over the mouth of the mug, she placed a half full glass from the bar on top. "If we can't get one type of fun out of this town we might as well entertain ourselves in other ways."

The male swam up at the coaster. Pushing and pounding at the makeshift lid. Barely making ripples in the glass above the coaster. Soon it reached for it's throat and pawed at the glass. Then just floated in the beer.

"You know after all that walking, I think you're right Crystal. Miles, whiskey on the rocks. And this one will do. Is there a stapler?" Randy noted holding up a former patron.

"Just this heavy duty one." Miles handed a steel stapler.

"Grab any you want to keep. Then use a dish pan to hold any others." Randy commanded walking toward the dart boards.

They piled a fair amount into the dish pan. Most from the bar contents, but some from the days collecting as well. "Who wants to play darts with me?" Randy asked. The Shrunken he grabbed was stapled and spread eagle to the center of the board.

"Beer, bottle." Trevor asked Miles. "I will, but I never played before."

"Oh this is easy. This game we just take turns throwing darts. The one who kills the target wins." Randy explained tossing a dart at the screaming target. Missing.

"OK, my shot." Trevor threw. But was inches away.

"Pool Jane?" Katie asked, grabbing a hand full of unwanted Shrunken from the pan.

"Fine, but I want to break." Jane agreed.

"If we do this right we'll both break some." Katie giggled.

"Another Draft and a glass of whatever they have that's near quality." Crystal noted watching them throw darts.

They were trading shots at their living target. The staples restrained it firmly. Knicks and non-fatal wounds started happening as they got warmed up. The male had screamed itself horse, making it even more pleasant to play. Randy tossed and the bolt scored the throat. It made gurgling sounds and trembled. "Looks like I won that round." he cheered.

"Best two out of three?" Trevor offered.

"You're on, go grab us fresh drinks while I prep the next board." Randy offered.

Along the bar Crystal was working on her fourth floating display. Her and Miles debated using a different drink for the next mug full.

Over at one of the pool tables Katie and Jane chatted cheerfully as the lined up shots. They were playing pool, just with Shrunken on the velvet. Any that tried to climb out were dragged to the center by the bridge. Even though they were not the target, there were sure signs Shrunken had gotten in the way of one or more of the balls.

Elizabeth came out with a platter of sandwiches. "I would have cooked something but that equipment is disgusting." she started. Then looked around and exclaimed, "Oh, what are you doing?"

"Have some fun. Did you want to play, I'm sure Trevor would let you take me on." Randy noted stapling a female in place.

"But, but their worth credit." Elizabeth noted.

"Yeah, but we don't need to worry about that." Randy advised.

"I'm not comfortable killing Shrunken." She replied.

"OK, you don't have too." Randy noted with a smile.

"How can, are they always so willing to kill unwanted ones?" she asked Trevor.

"Yeah, part of the benefits of owning so many Shrunken. You can test ideas. Make up new games. I think you might still see them as people at some level. Once you accept they are things, it's really fun to unwind and dispose of one every once and a while. Today just giving us an opportunity to do in a few without losing anything good." Trevor explained.

"OK. I'll try." she said sitting down.

Trevor brought over their drinks and a couple sandwiches. "I think Elizabeth is uncomfortable with this." he advised putting down his collection.

He lifted a dart and let it fly as Randy sighed. "I hope she comes around. I don't want to be wasting my time collecting Shrunken just to be giving them away for pennies."

"You know for most of us, ship credits aren't pennies." Trevor explained as the short man took his shot at the Shrunken hag.

"Yeah yeah, we're low status and poor. If that's the case why are you so comfortable with this?" Randy asked, pinning the female's leg more to the board.

"I like the rush and find if my pets know I am willing to kill, they are less uppity." Trevor explained and let his dart fly. Tieing their contest at one each.

"Nice shot Trev Lad." Randy praised looking at the dart penetrated deep into the eye socket of the Shrunken. Trevor was surprised he was able to throw hard enough to pierce the hardened skull of a Shrunken. He figured it was the power of his size over it's limited resistance.

"I'll get our tie breaker." he tells Randy as he heads over to the pan. Someone must have found tea lights as Crystal's play results were now illuminated like strange lava lamps. He looks into the pan and sees one of his additions was still there. The dirty man that was repairing a car earlier.

He walked back and secured the babbling male. Seems the ones in that grey tube learned why they were in there. Begging and pleading as he is helpless to stop Trevor from stapling him into place. Trevor just laughed at the pointless actions.

They eat and drink as they blow off the frustrations of this waste of a stop. The thought of it would almost have been better for the clean up crews to have just sacked this ruin of a town and sold off any worthwhile Shrunken as an auction or contest on the ship. But, these games salvaged this wreck of the day.

They walked back, nearly an hour even with them making a bee line for the ship. They were used to being back by lunch. Now they were forced to wait in line with a mix of Blues, Greens, and even Yellows.

"We are going to be late for the start of the mixer." Katie whines.

Randy hugs the teen. "Oh cheer up baby doll. Even us have to wait for things from time to time."

"OK Papa. Just, I'm tired." the girl admitted.

"You want to skip the mixer?" he offered.

"No, my friends will be there." she informed them.

"Its theme tonight is the Wild West." Crystal informs them.

"OH, everyone, we should wear out good clothes." Randy perks up.

Crystal leans on Trevor's shoulder and whispers, "The cowboy looking suit he bought you."

He smiles at the pretty blonde. Even walking and traveling all day, she just glowed. "I knew that." he confessed.

"OH, Trev Lad I hope a gift I got you has arrived." Randy notes.

"What is it?" Trevor asked.

"Oh, I don't want to disappoint you if it didn't." he replied.

They finally arrive at the top of the gang plank. "Range?" a young tired looking Security agent asks him.

"Ten to forty." he states as he lifts the lid off his case.

The scanner goes and targets five Unacceptables. The guard turns on the disposal unit, grabs two and reaches them over the machine and drops them in. Trevor grabbed two of the others and dropped them in together. Guard took the last one and dropped it in. Flicking the machine back off. From the faint moaning, possibly a split second too soon.

The young man then scoops out the two girls Trevor knew would be going to the Orphanage. Unlike Trevor, he doesn't allow them to keep their dolls. Trevor finds himself feeling bad and asking, "They can't have their dolls?"

"They want as little of their old lives to go with them to the Orphanage as possible. They will actually be stripped and given new clothes below before being shipped off." the Security man explained.

"Makes sense." he sighed.

The guard then grabbed three males and two females showing as over forty. Nothing Trevor really cared to keep. Leaving just a mere fourteen Shrunken shivering in his case. It looked so empty.

The group gathers. Randy asked Elizabeth, "Would you like to join us at the mixer tonight?"

The woman had been quiet since the bar. Trevor was worried their fun had taken the shine off of Randy for her. But she smiled at him and said, "I would enjoy that."

"Meet us at the door, or would you like to change with the girls?" he offered without asking them.

"I'll meet you there. Save us all time." Elizabeth observed.

They split from her and headed toward their rooms. Miles tapped his shoulder. "You want to sell me those Unripe now or tomorrow?"

"Oh, let's do that now." Trevor responds. Opening his case.

Miles tapped at his watch. Trevor reached in for the young pets. The usual begging not to take their children just amused him. Trevor's watch went off notifying him of the receiving of the payment from Miles. Now his case was even more barren.

They entered their room and Crystal sighed, "Wish we had time to shower."

"We could take the time." he offered, reaching for her.

"No no, if we do I'll want to snok. No time for a good snok." she stated pushing him back.

"Fine." he laughed at her excited reaction.

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CH 18B: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by HHunter1 » Sun Jun 06, 2021 11:52 am

Chapter 18B

M/F/f*10 Torment

Trevor walked into his room. Placing his case on a luggage rack. He opened the lid and loomed over the nine Shrunken inside. Four males and five females. Two of which were definite keepers. Ratio wise he did well. But the amount of keepers didn't seem worth the time and tired legs. He grabbed a glass and placed it into the case. "Strip or I'll kill that one. I'll be back shortly." He hadn't even turned as they started to blather and cry while pulling their clothes off. Seems the fun at the bar was realized in his case.

He pulled out the suit for the night. He placed it on the bed and went to the bathroom. No time for a shower, but he could wipe himself down with a warm cloth. He striped naked and freshened his skin. Wiping away the grime of the day walking through a town under a warm sun.

He walked out. He enjoyed how the case group coward at his naked form. He grabbed a clean pair of underwear. Might as well pick one of his new keepers to rest his cock on. The Waitress was likely used to dealing with dirty pricks touching her. He liked how she tried to cower away from his manhood. Not that there was anywhere for her to cower to.

He picked up the case and took it to the cages. He could scan and order clothes for them tomorrow. His biggest debate was whether he would toss a slightly chubby woman from the house of wives or the fat guy from the house with the snarly dog at the next port.

"Hey Frank?" he called at the males cage as he unloaded new recruits or fun fodder.

"Yes Boss?" his top male replied.

"Fatty here, you and the guys think you could whip him into shape?" he asked.

Frank looked at the scared naked man placed among them. "We could try, would it be worth the effort?" Frank replied. He was a smart pet.

"I don't know. Something to keep you from being bored." he noted back.

"Does that mean you're buying us some equipment boss?" Frank asked back.

"I'll think about it." Trevor noted as he shut the access door.

Fitness equipment might not be a bad idea. Especially for his keepers. Keep them slender and toned for his enjoyment. He rattled the idea around as he dressed. Would he need to get the passibles some? Would it be worth it? They would need different outfits to exercise in besides those slave costumes.

A knock at his door. He opened to find Randy standing there. "They arrived Trev Lad." he advised holding a small box towards him.

"OK, what is it?" he asked as he was opening the box. Inside were tiny versions of the cowgirl outfits the ladies of the group wear. Right down to the likely gold metallic trimmings. One pink any other a pastel blue.

"I thought you could make the Gaos wear them. A nice added touch to your own suit." the older man explained.

"Should I really wear them out? I mean Mr. Gao." Trevor started.

"You can't live your life hiding Trev Lad. Think how cute they will look in those attached to your hat or tie." Randy suggested.

"I think tie and belt buckle. Hat needs curves displayed upon it." he said back.

"Great, now I need to rearrange my picks. Hurry up, It's western themed tonight." Randy unnecessarily noted. Clearly excited about the theme.

"Will be there soon." he told his patron.

"Good good." the short man replied, leaving the suite.

Trevor walked over to the nightstand cage. "Ci-Ci, Jewel, I want you to wear these tonight." he commanded.

"Yes Master." Ci-Ci said, taking her pink outfit.

"You still haven't accepted we should go back to our father?" Jewel asked.

"I see I need another training session with you Little Jewel." he purred at the fun idea.

"No Master, I'm sorry." she replied.

"Get dressed." he advised. Leaving before they acknowledged. Over to the keepers. Curve he thought as he looked into the cage. Many fine selections for that. Ebony was selected due to her lovely contrast to the shining gold she would be latched to. "You, strip or be punished." he commanded. She nodded and started to push her clothes off. Punishment was feared, as it should be by Shrunken pets.

He finished dressing. Over to the nightstand he looked at his little cowgirls. Which one should he wear on the belt and which one on the bolo tie? He attached Jewel to the tie as it looked less comfortable. And he figured she would less like to be displayed as a Shrunken. Ci-Ci looked good arched to the buckle. Her legs felt good stretched across the gold disk.

Over to his cage. Ebony shook her head as he moved her to the hat. She clearly didn't want her naked form advertised on his head. But was too afraid of what he might do to even beg. Her black skin looked marvelous spread across that metal circle. And on his head she went.

Out in the living room he saw that buxom vision. Her hat also bore a dark fleshed Shrunken female. Her buckle was a matching toned male. Both of them were naked. Her bolo tie held another male, though his tone was lighter. He wore cowboy boots, hat, and chaps and that was all. She was fiddling with his little manhood as she waited. A distraction that was clearly arousing her pet despite his location. Crystal smiled at Trevor as he approached. "Ready?" she asked.

"Yes, Randy didn't get you mini suits for your pets?" He teased.

"I think Randy likes the idea of yours. I also expect he ordered those in the hopes we'd run into Mr. and Mrs. Gao at one of these events. A shot across the bow as it were." she advised.

Trevor sighed, "Should I put them back? I mean, does he really want to fight over me?"

Crystal leaned on his chest. Her fingers started playing with one of Jewel's legs. She explained, "No, they look good on you. Besides you should feel free to wear whatever of your pets you want to. As for them fighting, don't think of it as over you so much as Randy just wants one with an adversary near his level. You're just a covenant match for the fuse. I think if it goes a while Mr. Gao will even forget about you."

"Really?" he hoped.

"No, you have his girls as sex pets. But maybe." she teased.

"We should go," he sighed, shaking his head.

Warm full lips pressed his. Her kiss was what he needed. "Yes we should." She purred.

They went into the hall to find the others about to knock on their door. "Oh good, lets go." Randy cheerly said.

They came up to the ballroom. Elizabeth looked great in a green full length gown. Trevor found her earrings interesting. Huge hoops, each one had a Fresh Male Shrunken latched spread. A Slave loincloth belted with a red jem.

As Randy and the others greeted her, Trevor was distracted. He was seriously wishing he hadn't worn the Gao sisters. He found himself looking over his shoulder. Sure he was in public and with Randy. Safe, or was he. Could Mr. Gao out maneuver them and get at him. Or was he being paranoid.

They walked to their table. Three empty seats for the guests that were to join them if they came. Who would they be if they appeared? Trevor oddly found himself near panic. He was only an easily replaced peg in the machine of the Company. Where Randy or, more his worry, Mr. Gao were engines that ran the machine. He was just now truly understanding what he might be in the middle of.

Hand grabbed his arm and he started with a gasp. "He's over there." Crystal nodded to a table just past the closest set. Mr. Gao was sitting there chatting with a rotund jolly looking man.

Crystal moved Trevor's head so he faced her. "You got yourself over thinking things didn't you."

"I just started second guessing wearing the Gaos," he admitted.

"You have to accept your safe. He has to obey rules just like you do. Sure, he has certain leeway due to Status and money. But that also means a misstep is seen by a wider audience. He'll not do anything that will be broadcasted. Even if he was sat with us, he might discuss and offer you things for them. But he will not harm you to get them. And with Randy playing papa bear with your Status and career, your safe there too." She tried to console him.

"So, will he just give up?" Trevor asked hopefully.

"Most likely he's trying to get someone on the inside. While he will try to set up an appointment with you to discuss a better offer for them. This is happening while Miles and Randy are securing their ends. Honestly, most of this happening around you will likely never be seen by you." She explained.

"So, I'm just a pawn?" he wondered.

"Well, more of a Knight, I think, I don't really know chess." She replied.

"But, I'm safe." he sighed.

She hugged him. "Honey, you're my guy. Randy and I won't let anything happen to my guy."

He felt himself relax, he was amused. "I'll be right back." His body now let him know he was ignoring an urge. He got up and went to the washroom. He slipped out the waitress. She battered on asking unnecessary things like what was he going to do. She clearly didn't like him relieving himself. Since it was all over her, she might have a reason for that. He freshened up. Her body was cool and refreshing along his shaft.

He stepped out into the hall. There stood a woman. Asian and lovely. He got the feeling she was older, not from her figure draped in a form fitting red dress, nor her face. Maybe it was the silver streak and highlights in her hair. More likely it was from her eyes. Confident and knowledgeable.

"Mr. Scribe. My I talk to you for a moment. The tables here are good as it is public so no worry of me attempting anything." she said. Her voice was Smokey even with her thick accent.

"I'm sorry. You are?" he replied.

"Gao Li Mei. Chuntao and Jewel's mother." she firmly stated.

He knew it was a cliché but he could see where the sister's got their looks from. Their sexy slender forms and gorgeous features. She had to be older than Crystal, but physically she looked barely older than Jewel or Ci-Ci. "Are you looking to offer me a different deal because I can't accept. Sorry." he replied. Oddly happy that the sisters were not in his underwear this time. That thought was followed by, why are they being so quiet.

"I'm not here to offer you a deal or take my daughters from you. To be frank Mr. Scribe, I just want to have a chance to talk to them, say goodbye." she said.

"I can let you do that." he accepted.

They sat down and he unlatched the sisters. Placing them before the woman. They stood like children caught doing something wrong. She glared down at them. "Well, what do you have to say for yourselves?"

Jewel started in Chinese and the woman clapped loudly. "Our host doesn't know that language from what I have heard. Don't be rude."

"We were framed mother. Crystal Green." Jewel started.

The woman clapped again. "Crystal Green did this and did that. That's all I've heard your father say on this matter. Yes she set you up. But you failed Processing. You were caught looking up Black Market Shrunken selling sites. That is against Company rules, punishable and wrong. I was hoping when your father removed his standing from you that you would grow. Become strong and independent. But no, you two stayed the weak, lazy, spoiled girls you always were. I tried and tried to teach you and all you two ever did was hide behind your father's standing. Now, explain yourselves."

"We were trying to find a way to get more money so we could invest more to raise our standing faster." Jewel explained.

"By contacting enemies of the Company. Is that what I taught you?" she snarled.

"No Mother." they both replied.

"You were to find a way within the Company. Through skill and intelligence. Did you really think you would not get caught. Whose idea was it?" Their mother demanded.

"Mine Mother." Jewel answered.

"And you did not stop her?" the woman asked Ci-Ci.

"I begged her not to. But she insisted mother." she said back.

"You’re the older sister. You insist, not beg. You guide her away from bad decisions not follow her into them." Mrs. Gao stated.

"But Mother." Jewel started.

Another loud clap and she coldly said, "You brought this on yourselves. This Crystal Green might have orchestrated you getting Processed. But you failed it. You failed me. My daughters were bright up and coming human beings."

She looked up at him. "Thank you Mr. Scribe. If I may I would ask you one more favor?"

He looked at the woman and guessed, "I suppose you don't want me doing things to them."

"No, that would be a foolish request. What would be the point of Shrunken you don't enjoy? Just, when you do, please be gentle." She requested.

"I will if they behave." he slipped out before he considered his words.

"You heard your owner. Behave and he'll be kind. Farwell." she said to the sisters.

"Mother, please take us with you." Jewel begged.

The woman stood and her words made Trevor feel bad for the sisters. "I said my daughters were bright up and coming human beings. As you are Shrunken, I no longer have my daughters." She looked at him and repeated, "Thank you for this, I can now move on from my disappointing loss."

He stood up, "Your welcome. If you'd like we could arrange another conversation."

She looked him up and down and said, "I see what drew Chuntao to you. We could talk later, privately would be preferable. As you did me a favor I shall do you one. My husband will continue to attempt to gain those Shrunken from you. I can not say for certain but I think he has been in contact with one of my daughters' former friends they made on this trip. If I miss my guess they are conspiring to swindle you out of your prizes."

She stepped forward and grabbed Jewel. She reached up and started buckling her to his tie noting, "You should keep such lovely pets close to you in public." She then lifted Ci-Ci and buckled her back to his belt. A commanding look on her face as she noted, "It's been a while since I've had a good conversation." Trevor jumped as her hand cupped his groin. "Oh, lots to talk about." She let go and turned. Walking away with just a hint of hip movement.

Trevor found himself just watching the slender form walk away. Once his brain came back online he chastised himself. It was bad enough he owned the man's daughters. It would be even worse to sleep with his wife too. Besides, maybe that was the plan, get him alone and snag the sisters. Or maybe claim he tried to force himself on the woman. If she was telling the truth about things. Who could be planning with Mr. Gao? He snickered as the thought came to him, is this what it's like to be a spy.

He came back and Crystal looked at him, "That took a while. You alright?"

"Had a conversation with Mrs. Gao," he replied.

"What was she like?" Crystal asked.

"Honestly, cold and stirn. She just wanted to say goodbye to her daughters and warn of her husband's plans." Trevor told her.

"Like what?" Crystal inquired.

"That he might have someone that was their friend on the ship looking to help get them back." he explained.

Crystal looked over her shoulder then leaned close, "You don't think it's Elizabeth do you?"

"I don't know. Honestly I don't know any of them very well." he confessed.

She grimaced and said to herself from her volume, "It makes sense with all her don't be so cruel to Shrunken mentality."

"Look, I think I should just keep the sisters in our room from now on and just be careful. You know, keep our eyes open." he suggested.

"Yeah, well the waiter is coming. You better pick out what you want for supper." she advised.

"Yeah, you mind if I just go back to the room after supper. Today wore me out." he requested.

"Oh thank goodness. Yes let's do that." she sighed.

As supper was served Trevor looked around the room. Lower status tables were mostly all full. The meal in the ballroom after a port stop was part of the package after all. But the tables for the purples and reds had empty seats.

"Seems some of the other of your standing are skipping the mixers." he noted.

"Yeah, Randy's been disappointed about that. There are a few of the guests he was looking forward to meeting." she agreed.

"Like who?" he asked without realizing he didn't really pay attention to who was at the top of the Company totem pole.

"Randy, who was it again you wished to meet at these dinners?" she asked.

"Well, I was glad to catch up with the Howell's. There was Dr. Jeff Grant, as his Breeding factory will need a lot of pellets. I was hoping to chat him into an exclusive contract. Mr. Carl Heydrich, he looks after the European Investing since what's his name sent that son of his instead of coming. Oh, A Dr. Howard Miller. His teleporting tech is going to make shipping around the world so much easier." Randy answered.

"Teleporting, really?" Randy asked.

Crystal laughed, "You have an implant in your head to Shrink a person with a stern look. But the idea of Teleporting is not believable."

"Sorry, I just wouldn't think that was possible." Trevor explained.

"It better work for how much I've invested into it. But if they won't meet me here. Maybe at the play in a couple nights." Randy suggested.

"Play?" he asked.

Crystal rolled her eyes. "Oh it's one where the humans play the bodies and Shrunken provide the voices. Why they do that I don't know. Shrunken are better seen and not heard."

"I find it an interesting performance." Miles noted.

"That's because you have a soft spot for spoiled Shrunken." she teased back.

"Either way, if I can talk to one or all three of those men I would sit through two of those plays." Randy advises.

"Guess we're going to have to sit through one ourselves then." Crystal noted to Trevor.

"Well, it might be fun." he tried to cheer her up.

"Yeah, maybe." she replied in an annoyed amused tone.

Trevor leaned in and asked, "By the way, who are the Howells?"

She smiled and answered, "They are the ones that design and make all the playsets and toys that people use to play with their Shrunken. These Cruises are going to be a boost to their business too. Randy and Pat play some one line game strategy together. They are the ones sitting with the Gaos. Their daughter is a sweet sad little thing. Katie tries to be her friend, but I think she's nervous around older teens."

"OK, thanks." he said amused that a toy maker was a top dog in the Company.

They ate dinner and they, like seemingly many of the others, left to go back to their room. The talk in the hall was a mix of reactions about the lackluster port. Some talking about towns like that was the exact reason these trips were happening. While others talked about filing a petition to add an additional port for this trip. And everywhere in between.

They got into the suit and Crystal smiled at him and requested, "Why don't you grab six to ten of your keepers for us to have fun with."

"Alright." Trevor replied. He didn't care what the buxom blonde had in mind. All her games have been fun so far.

He walked in and to the nightstand cage. He figured after being disowned by their mother the Gao sisters could use an evening off. He also pressed the scanner, hopeful that dark haired temptation was finally ready. He sighed and headed over to the keepers cage. Mentally noting the day she was finally ripe she would spend the whole day in his cock pocket for making him wait so long.

The keepers knew he was coming to collect fun. They cowered in fear. He loved how they trembled. Most began mumbling as he lifted the tub into their view. How many jumped as he opened the access door. He loved owning Shrunken, they had so many ways to enjoy them. He didn't know why these ones were so scared, they had to understand they would live due to being pretty. They should fear losing their looks, that could be a fatal problem.

First he placed Ebony back. He considered bringing her along. No, she was a Shrunken to be savored.

He reached in and grabbed Guide, she hadn't been enjoyed in a little while. Oh, Lap Pop just looked tasty all fear filled.

Wait, one was missing. Where was that adorable Pouty faced blonde from the baseball stadium. Wait, he had put her in the night stand cage. Had that poor thing been naked all day? She could use some warming up, she would be the tenth, seven more fun toys to pick.

"Lets see, who next." he taunted as he looked through the crowd. Ahh, a sexy little brunette he traded one of the ladies for. Maybe she would earn herself a name during Crystal's fun idea. And next to her was Sunshine, "Lets add you in to my pretty." he tormented dropping the wavy haired blonde in.

He decided his playthings for Crystal's plans needed some color variety. Another unnamed tan skinned Latina trade prize and Tennis soon found themselves in his fist. He placed them in and took a quick count.

She said six to ten. He had seven picked out, might as well go for the ten. That dark haired cock warmer Fluffer would help add more curves. Leggs was always enjoyable.

He hummed to himself. He didn't need to pick a tenth, his cock was pressing that pick against his underwear. Yes, time for that Waitress to experience her first time being played with.

He walked back over to the night stand. He opened it and sure enough was pretty little Pouty wrapped in a towel. "Come here Pouty, time for fun." he tormented as he reached in.

She arousingly ran screaming, "I don't want to be fun!" Not that it helped any. He peeled the towel and dropped it back into the cage. Plopping her naked ass in with the others.

He walked over to Crystal's room. She wasn't in the bedroom but the running of water told where she could be found. There watching the giant tub fill with water was the buxom blonde running her fingers along the water's surface. Her robe draped over her curves like a snow over attractive rolling hills.

She looked up and smiled, "Oh, what did you bring? What you bring?" she cooed standing and walking over. She took the carry tube and brought it right up under her face, "Yummy, look at all the pretty tasty treats," she teased them. They clearly didn't like that.

She placed the container down on the edge of the tub. She plucked Pouty out and tossed it into the water. It tumbled through the air screaming till it made a little splash. Bobbing back up to swim to the closer wall, away from the waterfall of the flowing tap.

"These all look like lovely picks. But you really have to expand their clothes options. You have a bigger selection then just these slave outfits." she told him, grabbing Guide.

As she stripped Guide Trevor replied, "But they are so easy to remove. I'll let them wear the other ones if I want a game related to that costume."

She reached a naked Guide over the pool and let go. "You'll get better at stripping them if you let them have a variety of outfits to take off them. It can be fun, make each day a theme like Stewardess Saturday. Then you can play dick on a plane.'' She suggested grabbing tennis.

"Yeah, I don't really theme play. I like just making them pleasure me with their helpless little bodies." he advised grabbing Fluffer to help get the bath ready.

She flipped Guide into the water and reached in for Lap Pop. "You should try different games and add accessories to your play time. Don't want to get bored of them right?" she questioned.

He slid Fluffer into the water and pointed out, "I don't think that will happen. Oh that one is whimpering. It can't swim." He grabbed the unnamed Brunette. He liked how she struggled frantically as he started taking her limited clothes.

Crystal lifted the cute little Lap Pop, "What's that little one, don't want to go down the well?" she mocked it.

"Please, I can't swim. I'll drown." it pleaded.

"Oh, poor thing." Crystal pretended to be sympathetic. "Guess we'll have to have different fun with you." she said smiling like a Cheshire cat. She shoved the Shrunken into her mouth. Only her lovely little legs kicking frantically was all that was outside those full lips. Crystal simply pushed one leg in then the other. Her mouth started moving and she hummed like it was a tasty snack wiggling in her mouth.

Trevor liked when the struggling Shrunken pressed an arm or leg against Crystal's cheek. Savoring the pretty crew toy she reached in and pulled out the tan skinned Latina.

"Look I'll think about mixing in their other outfits." Trevor surrendered as he held the Brunette over the tube by its arms and dropped it in.

Crystal looked at him and opened her lips in just a dot of an o-shape. Little hands frantically started grabbing and clawing at the opening like it's tiny strength could over power that goddess' lips. It's cute face poked into the minor opening and begged for help. Crystal waved him over.

He leaned in and her lips pressed to his. He found he suddenly had a sweet Shrunken being shoved deep into his mouth. He was amazed at how easy Crystal held this squirming thing in her mouth. Because it's wiggling behind his lips teasing his gag reflex something awful.

She smiled and praised, "That's all I'm asking is for you to try it. Now, I want my bubble gum back." Her lips again pressed his. Their tongues pushed and dragged the sweet Shrunken back into her mouth. He gave it a couple little laps between it's thighs before they stopped kissing around it.

He sighed as he grabbed Leggs. As Crystal started dragging the Latina through the water by its legs. She let it go near the tap. It struggled and was pushed under by the falling water. But managed to swim far enough under the water to avoid being dragged back by the effects of the cascade.

He played with Leggs' legs while he watched Crystal undress Sunshine. Then something occurred to him. "Wait, all our Shrunken only wear slave outfits."

She giggled, then coughed and Lap Pop popped from her lips and splashed into the water. It popped to the surface and frantically slapped at the top of the water. Trevor slipped his hand and Leggs under the struggling Shrunken. Letting go of those stems he scooped the panicking Shrunken out of the water. "Well, why do I have to let mine wear different outfits while your still wear slave outfits every day?"

"Look, I'm just trying to keep you from getting bored with your pets." she replied snickering. She reached over and shut off the water and dropped Sunshine into the tub. She stood and her robe dropped to the floor displaying her gorgeous curvy figure. "Now are you going to argue who should let their pets wear what or join me for a nice soak bath?"

"Here hold this." he said holding out Lap Pop.

She took the terrified delight and slipped into the water. Making the Shrunken treading water wobble around. She held the adorable Shrunken by it's legs beside her face and took playful licks at it's torso. It sang great little worry sounds as Crystal kissed it's form. Her other hand lowered a couple shelves for the Shrunken to swim to.

Trevor undressed as she watched. He liked how her full lips tormented his pet in such arousing ways. Suckling, licking, kissing ways. Like how her tongue dragged over it's perky mounds. Or how when she flipped it over, she would suck one, or better both of it's toned legs over those pillowy lips. Yes both was better cause then it would sing out alluring whimpered gasps as Crystal teased at it's tiny pussy with the tip of her tongue.

Trevor reached in and pulled the Waitress from his underwear. He tossed her into the air to splash into the water. "Oh, is that one of your new ones?" Crystal asked as it resurfaced. Her hand crashed down over the gasping Latina like a lake serpent claiming it's newest meal. Dragging it back under before pulling it out and holding it by it's torso at eye level. "It kind of looks like a bitch." Crystal appraised its appearance.

"You sick fucks, what's wrong with you people!" it screamed at them.

"Eww, nasty beast." Crystal sneared. Slipping her hand holding Waitress back under the water. She let it go then nabbed its legs. Dragging it under the water back and forth. "Joining me?" the beautiful blonde asked before replacing Lap Pop to her full lips and made a show of slowly licking it's little pussy. Generating a cute little gasp with each savoring stroke.

Trevor slipped into the water and Crystal leaned for him to slip behind her. As she leaned to rest her back against his chest she purred, "There is the bath pillow I've been looking for my whole life."

Crystal then pulled Waitress out of the water. The tan skinned little beauty coughed and sputtered. It caught it's breath and snarled, "You almost drowned me you bitch."

"Oh I don't like this one. Let me kill it." Crystal requested.

"No, I want to keep it as it's kind of sexy." Trevor replied.

Crystal leaned forward and slipped the hand holding Waitress under the water. He felt its fit body wrapped to his cock. Stroked up and down his length as Crystal offered, "But I could think of a fun way to end her mouthy life."

"No, I want to keep it. I think I'll enjoy playing with it." he countered.

"Fine." she sighed, lifting the Shrunken from the water. "I guess it'll live then." she sighed. Dropping it back into the water. It bobbed to the surface and started swimming toward the shelf with the other Shrunken.

Crystal ignored it and held up Lap Pop. "This one I like. It's cute and sweet. I just love how it trembles in my hand." She lifted it by one of its legs, "Look how tone she is." She flipped the Shrunken over, "Look at it's perky little rump." She lifted it up and playfully bit it's little ass. Which generated a wonderful whimpering noise from it.

She stopped pinching it's ass with her teeth and noted, "It does have one flaw. It can't swim. I guess we should teach it." She turned her hand over and dropped it into the bath water. It splashed and struggled to stay above the surface. It slipped under, frantic movement brought it back up. Just for it to slip under again. Whimpered wants to cry out from the shelf could be heard as Lap Pop went under again.

It rose and sank again. Crystal pulled it from the water and stroked the Shrunken's back. In a mocking sympathy tone she asked, "Oh did you not succeed? Here, try again." Crystal dropped the still gasping pet into the water.

Crystal swirled the water around the panicking Shrunken as she giggled out, "I really do like this one. Such fun cute little thing." She nabbed it back out and dropped it on the shelf.

She leaned back and whispered in Trevor's ear. "Look at them. Trembling and helpless before us. They have to know they are favored because we find them attractive. That pleasing us would bring them better treatment. Do they beg to serve their masters like they should? No, they look at us in terror and loathing. And I find that's how I like my Shrunken."

She then reached over and actually managed to grab three of them by their torso. Lifting them over the water then dropped them in. "Swim little pretties, swim." she cheers as the splash in.

Then she reaches both hands to the sides of the shelf and presses in to snatch two to three in each grip. She then presses them to the front of her ample breasts. Rolling and kneaded their helpless forms there as she purred, "I love how their little bodies feel wiggling against my skin." She lets them go and they tumble down her mounds. Struggling and failing to find hand holds in her wet smooth skin and fall into the bath.

"Oh, that little one again." Crystal nabs out Lap Pop from the water by her legs. Playfully poking at her she taunts, "You really have to learn to swim little one. I like baths. And I think you'll be a favorite toy for such."

She lifted Lap Pop over her mouth, "Well, until then." she cooed and slipped the lovely little creature past her lips. Those full sexy edges close with the Shrunken's shapely little legs dangling just outside them. Crystal leans her head on his shoulder. Her mouth moves and she hums. The tiny limbs spread then start to kick frantically.

Crystal smiles at him and parts her lips just enough to show what her mouth was playing. Little legs straddled that tongue as its tip stroked along that sensitive spot. He could faintly hear the Shrunken's sweet voice gasping inside the blonde's delicious mouth. He kissed his lover. Her tongue moved and his took it's spot, while her's slathered the rest of the living mouth treat's body.

As they continued to kiss he reached over and pulled several of the Shrunken back off the shelf they had just managed to reach. They struggled and a couple even screamed in startled reactions. Trevor pressed his catches to Crystal's ample chest and massaged her breasts with their squirming forms.

There they soaked together kissing around one tiny form while several others were used to stimulate Crystal's breasts. Her body rubs along his. Her hand held the back of his head while another stroked along his leg. Suddenly their chew toy shutters from their tongue's actions inside their mouths. Making both human's snicker around the Shrunken's form.

He feels Crystal's head moving back. He drops the Shrunken from his hands and they scream to the water. She smiles at him and drags Lap Pop through her full lips. "Yes, she is a fun toy." Crystal purrs as she places the whimpering gasping living toy on the shelf.

She then begins to play with the others. Grabbing one or two to drop in the water. Tugging them under the water or stirring the water with their weak tiny bodies, usually holding them by their legs. She does this till the picked ones look exhausted. Then traded them to enjoy another two. Snickering the whole time. Trevor loved watching this Blonde goddess torment his little pets.

Crystal finished with another set and released them near the shelf to swim themselves to safety. She leaned back and kissed his cheek and asked, "I'm done, how about you?"

"Yeah, I'm good." he replied before kissing those lips.

Crystal stood up much to the swimmer's dismay. She grabbed a towel and Trevor was now saddened as those gorgeous curves were hidden slightly by her bath towel. She left the tub and the mini waves caused the struggling Shrunken more problems.

Crystal turned and held a towel towards him smiling. He snickered, she knew what she had done to those two little pretties when she left the tub. Now she wanted him to do the same. Well, as long as he watches and makes sure they don't drown why not.

He now stood up and they made desperate sounds as the water pulled them away from the shelf as it filled the space his body once sat. His legs made the water choppy, he had never noticed how much effect he had on the water in a bath before. A step made a go-lop sound and a bump of water rushed out and pushed the Shrunken sideways. He had to do it again.

He wrapped himself in his towel and stepped out allowing his pets a better chance to make it to their landing. He was surprised to see a couple of the others dive in once the tub was human free and go help the two exhausted ones. He dried as he watched them guide the two to the shelf.

"Ahh, look at those helpful little pets." Crystal playfully praised.

He snickered and added, "Think they might get special attention?"

She curled her towel clad self to him. Trevor couldn't get over how lucky he was to have such a beautiful woman as his lover. She purred loud enough for the Shrunken to hear, "I think they'll get put into the cage for being such good little Shrunken. After all, not being played with is the attention those little fools prefer."

"OK, and the others?" he inquired.

She winked, "Will get messy." He must have made a face as she added, rolling her eyes, "Oh they won't get really hurt. Just covered in our body fluids."

She sat on the edge of the tub and plucked the swimmers out of the water and placed them in the carrying tub before opening the drain. She then playfully nabbed a leg, arm, or torso of the ones on the shelf and lifted the whimpering thing to add them to the carrying tub.

Trevor found himself following that swaying towel covered ass toward the door. There it stopped being towel covered as that curvaceous Blonde undid her towel and let it fall. He left his towel on top of hers. She strutted over to the nightstand. True to her word, Fluffer and Sunshine were rewarded by being put away early.

She turned and handed him the tub. Crystal laid herself onto the bed and stretched that exquisite form out purring out a simple request, "Pour them on me."

Trevor happily obeyed her command, slowly tilting the plastic container till the contents screamed and slid out. Landing in a pile between those ample mounds. Crystal hummed in delight as her arms pressed to the outsides of her breasts. Pinning most of the squirming whimpering Shrunken with those big tits.

Trevor climbed over her and lowered himself along her. Crystal loosened her hold along her breasts enough to allow his chest to press down on them. He loved feeling the Shrunken trapped there wiggling between them as they kissed. Little hands weakly pressing into his skin like they could stop his descent if he pressed tighter to that woman's desired form. Their panicked sounds singing their fears he would squeeze tighter made his pulse race.

Their bodies caging the pets between them they began kissing passionately. Crystal wrapped her arms around his head and her manicured fingers played in his hair. He held his weight on his arm while his other hand luckily got to run the length of her wonderful leg. Squeezing her ass cheek in glee. She wrapped those limbs around his waist.

She was pulling up with her legs. Her mouth left his and she growled in his ear, "Snok me already!"

He rose up. A ravishing blonde goddess looking lustfully at him as a small crowd of her should be worshipers looked scared and confused between her breasts. He angled and tip found an eager pussy. His shaft was welcomed with a firm hug as he entered. Raising a happy gasp from his lover.

"Slowly for now." Crystal begged more than requested.

"Gladly," he confessed as his cock started working inside her.

She smiled up at him and grabbed between her bosom. Tiny screams were an odd aphrodisiac, but he did enjoy hearing them. Crystal lifted one of his unnamed choices. A gorgeous shapely brunette he would have to have ride in his shorts very soon. "Will she do?" that shapely blonde asked.

"Yes." he growled. For what he didn't know. But he knew it would be delightful.

Crystal tilted to point one of her tits toward him and asked in a purr, "Could you moisten it for me?"

He had an idea what she had planned now. His mouth lowered and he kissed her nipple. Tongue danced and rolled around the sensitive point. He rose leaving a touch more saliva than he normally would.

Crystal's fingers folded the Shrunken into a kneeling position. Wonderfully it didn't speak as it was posed, but it did make wonderful scared sounds. Crystal pressed it to her nipple. It still only helplessly babbled as Crystal rolled it to the top of her nipple. It was clear when she was successful as the Shrunken screamed as the mass penetrated into it. Crystal sighed as her nipple was pinched inside.

"Now you pick one." Crystal offered as she rolled the hips of the brunette. Generating whining gasps as it rode that nipple.

He knew which one. He grabbed Waitress by her sweet leg. The foolish thing swore and denied the fact she had no way to stop what was about to happen. Crystal didn't say anything. Just offered her naked nipple for him to lube with his spit.

Lips pressed over her breast top. He sucked softly and stroked her nipple repeatedly with his tongue. Her hand took Waitress from his hand. He rolled her nipple over and over till he felt it was well coated.

Trevor rose to see Crystal smiling enticingly at him. In her hand the Waitress was rambling out a chain of insults and profanity. He was surprised at how flexible she was as Crystal had her legs basically folded up along her body in a V shape.

He watched at Crystal lowered the tan skinned beauty to her nipple. It ranted how she couldn't fit it in her. How she wouldn't be like the brunette impaled on her other nipple. Trevor watched as that warm pink point spread the lips of the Shrunken's little pussy. Angry ranting turned quickly to panicked pleading. But Crystal just rolled it over her alert raised nipple. It moaned out a fun sound as Crystal slipped deep into its cunt. Making Waitress sit straight up on that plump breast.

Crystal smiled as she rolled both pets on her breasts. "The mouthy one was easier to slip on my nipple." She informed him.

He lowered to press both into the mounds. They kissed as he pleasured the blonde with his cock. He rose back up and she reached around and pushed the remaining six between her tits. Her arms pressed the sides of her mounds while her hands went back to rolling the two encasing her nipples. "Snok me hard." Was her command.

He grabbed her hips and dragged that amazing body to the edge of the bed. Making the beauty giggle as she was moved. Feet firmly on the floor he started. Hard solid thrusts into that hungry pussy.

Crystal began grunting in praise of him, seemingly egging him on to finish quickly. Her hands rolled the two on her breasts till one or more of the Shrunken between her mounds slipped out. Then she would push them back between her ample bosom.

"Oh Trevor, oh Trevor, don't finish in me!" she begged.

This was going to be hard as her pussy was squeezing around his shaft. "Where then?" he gasped as he pumped.

She arched and panted out, "Oh! Oh! Oh! Between my tits! Cover them between my tits!"

That's why she kept the others trapped in there. She wanted him to cover them in his cum from fucking her. She didn't care she would get cummed on as long as those Shrunken got covered in spunk.

She moaned out in climax. What a wonderful mix of sight and sounds. Arched voluptuous form gasping in delivered pleasure. He would be soon behind.

He reluctantly pulled out of that warm womanhood. Straddling that stunning goddess. He pressed his cock between her breasts, pushing the Shrunken trapped between back. Her Arms had the tops pressed shut tight trapping them before his thrusting manhood. His hands clawed the sides of those tits as he thrust a few more times. A couple of Shrunken got trapped between shaft and mound to add to his sensations.

He moved up so his tip would be pointing down towards the Shrunken. He moaned hard as his cock began spraying the trapped mini women. His body shuttered hard as he flooded the small space Crystal allowed the Shrunken to have.

Slowly he slipped back. The view of the white faced mini pretties was delightful. Suddenly Crystal grabbed his cock and guided it over. She painted the Waitress' face with the messy end. Trevor snickered, figuring being a waitress from a dive bar like he found her in, this likely wasn't the first time she had a messy cock rubbed over her pretty face.

He slipped off Crystal begging air to stay in his lungs. Crystal gasped out a command, "My tits are dirty, you little bitches better start licking them clean."

He loved that they clearly were disgusted by their own covered bodies. But fear of the curvy goddess made them start licking the sides of her tits of his cum.

Crystal closed her eyes and her head rolled back. She popped her nipple clamps off and rolled them both down the sides of her breasts into the sticky mess and sighed, "Here, you two help."

Trevor smiled at Crystal. He couldn't get over how fun she was. How sexually free she could be. How lucky he was to have met her, let alone being with her.

"Well?" she asked.

"Well what?" he mumbled back.

"Are they all licking up your leavings?" she giggled back.

He looked over the crowd. Though he figured a few only began licking as Crystal asked, he answered, "Yes, yes they are."

"Good." she announced closing her eyes.

"Most ladies don't like when a guy cums on their tits." he stated.

"Oh don't expect that to be a regular event mister man. I just wanted them to get messy. Figured you'd like that better then spraying them in the carrying tub." she explained.

"I sure did. I'm one lucky guy." he praised.

She smiled at him now, "Your lucky, I am the one that got her way and to climax. Trevor, you make me feel so good. Why couldn't I meet you a decade or so ago."

"I would have been sixteen." he snickered.

"Fuck, right your young. I can't believe you're not chasing young tail instead of banging this saggy old broad." She stated, clearly she questioned her appeal.

He leaned over and kissed her forehead, "You are neither saggy nor an old broad. Fuck I'm surprised I can keep up with you. You're gorgeous and sexy. More than I expected to ever get with. Let alone be in a relationship with."

"Your only with me, well, never mind. You really think I'm gorgeous and sexy don't you." she asked.

"I know you are. And smart and fun. Crystal, you have no idea how lucky I feel being with you." he pointed out.

She smiled, "I might have an idea how you feel. Can you help me get these Shrunken off my chest and into the cage?"

"Sure." he replied.

Together they began plucking the Shrunken from her chest and into the tub. She headed to the washroom while he poured his pets into the nightstand cage for the night. He followed to the bathroom to see his blonde companion wiping her chest with a wet cloth. He washed his hands while she cleaned her breasts. He readied their toothbrushes. Brushing as she washed her hands. He finished short after she started brushing, so he left the room to let her finish getting ready for bed.

He looked in on his pets in the guest cage. The ones from their sexy fun were showing off his cum. He could see the odd secret glare in his direction. Man Shrunken are great pets, he thought to himself.

"Your turn." Crystal advised of her return to the bedroom.

"OK, be right back." he replied.

She slinked up and kissed him. "I'll be waiting under the covers." She told him.

"I was hoping so." he commented. Then in the bathroom to finish what he needed before bed.

True to her word he was welcomed under the expensive sheets by the desired figure. She pulled his head to rest against her bosom. Fingers stroked through his hair. "Night Trevor." she purred as her affection began lulling him toward sleep.

He did manage to mumble out, "Night Crystal." He even pulled her tight to his body. But sleep soon overtook his mind.

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Re: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by ALittleConfused » Mon Jun 07, 2021 10:17 pm

Worth the wait. Thanks for the chapter.

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Re: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by HHunter1 » Tue Jun 08, 2021 1:30 am

Glad you enjoy. I am taking the month off from posting in this story so I can get a few chapters ahead, hopefully. Also because my life is being a bit hectic right now. *sigh* :P

I'll try to add a few chapters to Home Life to make up for it a little. I do have a few ahead there. Just need time to edit them.


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Patron update: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by HHunter1 » Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:21 am

Well, just so anyone interested knows. I had set-up a Patron page and sent it in for review. They have denied me access to their platform. I'm disappointed, but understand. I find it annoying that they say they don't allow sexual content of a violent nature on their site. But that's that I guess.

If anyone has a suggestion on where I could go for a fan support page. I would appreciate it. But likely I'm stuck.

Thanks for your support,


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Re: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by ALittleConfused » Tue Jun 15, 2021 6:59 am

I know Subscribestar is another option that is more accepting of sexual content, but I really don't know too much about it. Another I've seen is Buy Me a Coffee. I don't know if either would be a good option, but I've seen other people use both. Hopefully you find something that works out.

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Re: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by HHunter1 » Tue Jun 15, 2021 1:13 pm

Thank you, I will check those out.


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HH1: Support Plead :)

Post by HHunter1 » Fri Jun 25, 2021 6:58 pm

I've started a fund,
If you can and would like to offer me some support, I would greatly appreciate it.


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Re: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by ALittleConfused » Sat Jun 26, 2021 5:15 am

Glad you got something up and running. I sent you a few bucks.

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Re: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by HHunter1 » Sat Jun 26, 2021 3:11 pm

Thanks. Course I'll likely thank you there too. But, you now, I'm grateful. :)

Please Support@

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CH 19A: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by HHunter1 » Thu Jul 01, 2021 5:50 pm

So, June ended up busier then I expected. So I didn't get as much writing done as I hoped. July is likely to be low on writing time as well as I have to find a new place and pack to move. But I promised you chapters, so I am going to alternate weeks between this and Home Life. Hope no one minds. Unless you rather I just stop posting, I could do that too. Well, hope you enjoy.

Chapter 19A


Trevor woke up curled around Crystal's sleeping form. She seemed so peaceful. Her pretty face even looked to hold a soft smile as she dozed in his arms. He felt so lucky to wake holding such a beauty.

Then he got a naughty idea. He debated it, should he versus shouldn't he. The more he mulled it over, the more he wanted too.

Trevor very carefully slipped out of that goddess' hold. First thing he had to do was brush his teeth. If he did anything with morning breath, no matter how fun, she would be mad. He realized if he succeeded she would be mad because she still had morning breath. But, that would have to be worried about later.

He tiptoed to the nightstand. He opened it making several groggy faced little heads lift from the shared beds. Limited sleeping spaces in the guest cage it seemed. This helped him out as Fluffer and two yet to be named Shrunken were sharing a bed. His hand wrapped around the trio and he lifted them. Harshly he whispered, "If you make a sound and wake Crystal you'll all be punished." This worked as the entire cage only made a soft whimper sound. He made a mental note to check the bathroom for their clothes. He didn't figure they all chose to sleep naked.

He placed his handful into the tub and looked over the three. Fluffer would help with his plan. Her tits would be good for stroking along Crystal's womanhood. The Brunette tit rider from last night and the tan skinned long dark haired beauty would be fun for when the goddess awakens. He snickered softly as he moved into position, depending on how this went. The Brunette might earn the name Tit Rider.

Slipping under the blankets he used the limited light to guide him to his planned location. Crystal lay along her side with her toned thighs resting together. He needed to gain access. He nuzzled along their seam. He smiled as she actually rolled to her back and those great legs parted.

He grabbed Fluffer from the tub. Folding to hold her tits out. He reached his mouth forward. Gently he slipped his tongue up along Crystal's pussy. The blonde made a happy noise in her sleep. He smiled as clear watermelon flavor was tasted. The Company had many a strange things, and body fluid flavors were certainly up there.

He began lapping along Crystal's slit. It must have felt nice as she made sexy sleeping sighs as he kissed her womanhood. He moved Fluffer to the top and began massaging the clitoris with the Shrunken's ample stroke buds. The watermelon flavor became stronger, so he kissed deeper. Working his tongue around and into the blonde's canal.

Soon his target was gasping loudly. He rubbed Fluffer's pretty face into the alert clitoris as he tongued that warm pussy. He was enjoying driving the beauty in the bed crazy.

"Oh, yeah." a sleepy Crystal moaned. Then he felt her shift, "Trevor, what? AHHH! Oh you nasty boy, I haven't brushed my teeth!"

"I did." he called up as moved spots. He pointed Fluffer head first to the wet canal. He loved hearing it beg as he moved her into the blonde. He really needed some time to just play with his pets. Make them beg.

The ample tit Shrunken slipped inside Crystal who whimpered a "Oh!" as it filled her. His tongue free he began licking her clit, sucking on the bud. Kissing it passionately. While his busty Shrunken was used as a living dildo.

"No, stop, let me brush my teeth!" Crystal amusingly demanded breathlessly. He moved the tub to tap her hip. "What?" she asked. Then he heard, "You awful man. Come here." Then whimpering Shrunken voices.

A little voice made whining gasp sounds. Then he heard it beg, "Please not again! It's so thick." Then fearful growl like sound before a harsh, "OH!" followed by Crystal humming.

It now must have been the Latina's turn as she began begging in an accented voice. "Please ma'am, it's too big." soon followed by hooted oh sounds of Crystal's tongue priming it's little pussy. He heard those full lips make a loud kiss sound releasing the doll. "No no, please no, no!" It rattled out. Then in sang a i-e sound louder then louder till she screamed, "AAHHH!" marking when the nipple penetrated deep.

He moved his hand so some of the fingers on the hand that was pumping Fluffer in and out of Crystal's sensitivity. They danced with the blonde's clit now as his tongue made little darting flapping attacks along the inner length of her outer lips.

Crystal must have liked this attention as she began gasping out, "Trevor, oh yeah, Trevor, push her deeper." Her tune had a choir of two Shrunken lovies grunt as the voluptuous beauty rolled their tiny bodies on her breasts. Fucking them with her roused nipples. He wished he could watch her arching in pleasure, it had to be a gorgeous sight.

He pushed Fluffer in, down to her ankles. Working the busty brunette Shrunken in and out of Crystal's sensitive path. He went back to suckling her clit. It bounced and rolled under his tongue's attention. The more he kissed her spot the more the blonde goddess called out happy moaning grunts. Her hips pressed up toward his affection. She soon exploded in a jubilant call.

He slipped out from under the blankets smiling at claiming another climax from that gorgeous woman. She snarled at him and threw a pillow at him growling, "I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

He pulled out Fluffer making Crystal jump slightly as he noted, "I wasn't kissing that mouth."

Crystal glared at him. "I suppose you want me to return the favor?"

"Nope, I got exactly what I wanted out of that." he replied.

"Just let me brush my teeth." she grumbled.

"You brush then we can shower. We can use your riders as our wash clothes this morning. This one is a bit messy, I'll put it away." he countered.

"Fine, but I'm getting you back." she grumpily stated.

"Not this morning, you're not." he teased.

Crystal popped Rider and the unnamed Latina off her nipples and carried them in one hand to the bathroom. Treating, "We'll see."

Trevor slipped Fluffer into the temporary cage. She looked adorably miserable covered in Crystal's love juices. He walked toward the bathroom, but the door shut before he could get there. Sighing he pulled Tennis from her bed. Slowly sliding her little athletic body along his shaft to keep it firm. He knew more fun would happen in the shower, he wanted to be ready. He had to resist stroking too fast, he didn't want to finish yet. No matter how tempting the Shrunken's whimpering was making it.

The bathroom door opened and he could tell Crystal was brushing her teeth. He rolled Tennis face along his tip. Figuring she should at least get to kiss him goodbye for now. Then plopped her back into the cage to shut her in safe.

In the bathroom the blonde goddess still glared at him. Tempting to be mad at his wake up call. He found his pet waiting in the Shrunken Basket in the shower, so he started the water. Once ready, he stepped inside. Then let the water rinse his body. Then he pulled the begging beauties from their holding cage. Fondling them as he waited for the main event.

Crystal entered and licked her lips. She started to kneel when Trevor stopped her with, "Can't I wash your gorgeous body first?"

"I do like you rubbing a soapy Shrunken over my skin." she mumbled. A sigh followed then she said, "Hand me one."

He handed her Rider. Then grabbed the shampoo to coat the Latina. It didn't like being covered in cleaner. Which just made it volunteer for more showers. Human bodies pressed as the stroked squirming forms over and through the other's hair. Crystal's long locks took him longer, not that she stopped washing his hair while she waited. Little helpless bodies helped rinse the cleaner out.

Conditioner gave him the same reaction from the tanned applicator. He took his time making sure every strain was treated. Pressed it's long legs around bunches of hair to evenly spread the hair tonic. They rinsed their clothes of the hair refresher.

Body wash globed over his struggling wash toy. He worked the soap to bubbles and began spreading them along that shapely body. The Shrunken's tan skin looked great along Crystal's lighter skin. He flattened it along the blonde's curves as he spread lather covered little form.

Suddenly Crystal spoke, "We have plans for today?"

"Not that I know of?" he replied.

"Mind a lazy day by the upper pool. Little swimming, lots of tanning?" she asked.

"Getting to see you in a bikini all day sounds good to me," he confessed.

"Naughty boy. Do you have Speedos?" she cooed.

"No one should have Speedos." He noted.

"You should, but I guess trunks will look good too." she sighed sadly.

"Lets rinse off so we can go get breakfast." he advised worried she planned on buying him some of those tiny swimwear.

Wiggling tiny forms helped rinse conditioner and body wash fairly quickly. Even with Trevor rolling his cloth over Crystal's nipples or Rider being wrapped around his shaft and living up to her new name.

Suddenly Crystal started to lower herself down his body. He hooked her arms under hers and lifted the beauty back up. She wiggled noting, "I'm getting you back for this morning."

He was enjoying wrestling the voluptuous wet blonde. But he worried about one of them dropping one of his pets in the fun. They were worth keeping after all. So he pushed Crystal back against the wall and pinned her there saying, "No you're not."

"But I owe you." she playfully snarled.

He didn't know how he got this spoiled. But he would not submit this time. No matter how great it would feel and look. His free arm grabbed her thigh and lifted it up. He positioned himself tight, manhood kissed womanhood as he snickered, "How about we have different fun?"

He felt Crystal loosen up and sigh, "Well, if you insist." She then took Rider and slipped it in her mouth waist deep. The scared Shrunken so gave off worried moans.

He slipped the Latina into his mouth so it's legs stroked along his cheeks. Hands free he lifted Crystal fully off her feet. Deep he penetrated his lover. Pinned between the wall and his body he began thrusting hard into the desired body.

Crystal began dragging the torso of Rider along her face and neck. Pressing it into the Latina's top half. Trevor pretended to sword fight with his gasping mouth toy. Neither pet seemed to like being mushed together, but it was fun for the humans playing with them.

Crystal's neck tilted her head up in a erotic lovely display. Seems her pussy was very sensitive for some reason in this shower. He quickened the pace of his thrusting while doing the same with his tongue lapping. His mouth toy dragged along that curvy ladies' neck. Soon he was being cheered on by three female voices moaning hard.

The stimulus was too much for him. He pressed deep as his body failed to contain his climax. Crystal must have been close too as she coiled tight to him and moaned her own release. They stood there gasping around orally held Shrunken. Soon his Latina called out in it's own reluctant climax. He hadn't noticed he was still licking it's cunt as he breathed hard. This made both humans giggle around the living chew toys.

Crystal popped the Latina free then removed Rider from her mouth and dropped them in the shower basket. He pulled himself out and eased his lover back down on her feet. They the held each other and stroked the other's face as water ran over their sex worn bodies.

"Well, we should get dried off and dressed." she said in a reluctant tone.

"I guess, but I'm not in any rush." he offered back.

"Yeah, me too. But someone has made me feel tired this morning. So I have to get out before this relaxing warm flow and cuddle makes me doze off standing up." she advised.

Trevor smiled and said, "Well, I guess we should get out of the shower."

They dried off and Trevor went and gathered his pets and their clothes in a carrying tub. Then reluctantly left Crystal to get himself dressed. He put his living dolls away. Taking the time to move Pouty's clothes over to the Nightstand cage.

"Morning Master." Ci-Ci greeted him.

"Morning pet. How was your night? '' he replied. She had picked out one of the Cheerleader outfits to clad her slender form. Her toned little legs looked great flowing out from under that mini skirt.

"I slept well, Master. Did you want to play with me this morning, should I change to a different outfit?" she offered.

"No, is Jewel dressed in the same manner?" he asked.

"Yes Master. Did she have to change?" Ci-Ci replied.

"Nope, After I get dressed we are going to have breakfast. Be ready to beg for a taste." he commanded.

"As you wish, Master. I am grateful for any taste you give us." the Asian toy stated.

He didn't know if was just acting or if her mother's disowning them broke her fully. But whatever it was he liked how she behaved like an obedient pet. Really liked it. Hopefully Jewel would break soon and he would have two Asian cock lovers.

Dang it he was hard again. Shrunken did keep him happy with a flood of fun ideas. He looked in his cage and was in luck. Guide and Washcloth had picked this time to shower.

He opened the access and grabbed both wet naked Shrunken out. Both begged, they must have nearly done. Well, now they could have another. Both grunted perfectly as their wonderful bodies stimulated his shaft.

Looking in at the remaining crowd of keepers. Most looked back with arousing scared looks. They knew what he was looking for. He dragged the Asian former ball player's girl by her lovely legs. He slipped her top off and capped her chest over the tip of his cock. She helped him along by wiggling her chest against his end. She must have had no idea her struggle was getting him off.

He tugged its hair and it yelped. Mouth was trapped to his spout as the cum began flowing. He loved the sounds of a Shrunken trying and failing to swallow his load as he released. Looking down to watch the white thick liquid flood over her pretty face. Finished, again, he put his cum rag back into its cage. Guide and Washcloth soon had their bodies used to wipe the extra that flowed back onto his cock off. Then they were put back in to continue their interrupted showers.

Trevor washed his hands. Then he picked out swim trunks and a tee. He collected the sisters. Jewel was back to that annoying, give me to daddy mode. Another round with the bondage kit was likely in order. He stopped and thought for a second. Grabbing a string bikini from Shapley's set of outfits he commanded, "I'm going swimming today. You be ready for when I get back or else." It took the clothes and just nodded.

He was in a good mood so he figured he should share that feeling. He reached into the males cage and grabbed Frank, clearly by surprise as he yelped. "What did I do boss?" he panicked.

"You're going into the spares cage to pick out, say eight. I'm in a good mood." Trevor advised.

"Good enough to spare some from the other cage?" Frank tested.

"Don't push your luck my little friend." Trevor replied.

"Sorry." was the smart response.

Frank stumbled as Trevor released him. He looked through the twenty or so fear filled faces. They had the right to worry. Besides the males, they were next on the list of possible fatal fun. "Hurry up Frank, I have to get going." was all the rough man needed to hurry his selection.

Trevor poured Frank and the selected females into the male cage. Frank stood and smartly called, "OK Cecil, pick yours first." The boy must have enjoyed her last visit as he quickly was walking away with Redd. Frank grabbed Store Mom by her hair and shoved her to her knees before him as he announced the other males to, "Up for grabs boys." The newer males looked reluctant, but the older ones knowing this might be their last day alive pounced on the females and the cage soon radiated grunts, moans, screams and other sounds of a orgy gang rape.

Trevor liked how the sounds made the females in the other cages tremble and look at each other in worry. They knew any day they could be slipped in with the males by him. So many things he gave them to worry about. He left smiling, Shapley was already ready for his return. Saving him coming back for her by wrapping her around his shaft already. Gaos in hand he entered the main room.

"Oh, want them to beg at Breakfast?" Crystal asked as he walked towards her. Her thin white over robe did nothing to hide her sky blue bikini clad curves. Trevor was again reminded how lucky he had gotten on this Cruise. Speaking of lucky, a dark haired Male got to be strapped across that ample cleavage. She got one guy in a Speedo it seems.

"Yeah, I like them to beg for food. Isn't that right Pet Jewel?" he taunted.

A disgruntled reply of "Yes Master" was about what he expected from his disobedient Asian doll.

"Not bringing a Shrunken to the pool, or are the sisters going to cheer you on?" she asked.

"Oh, I have one of my favorites below." he replied.

"Ahh, I'll need to block you with a towel when you pull her out then." she smirked.

He pressed close to that wonderful form. "Do you mind?" he asked.

A quick kiss and she purred, "Not at all. Let's go eat."

They walked arm in arm to Randy's suite. There the crowd was already seated and eating. Different meals, made to order this morning. "Greetings Sleepy heads." Randy teased.

"Morning. Hello Elizabeth." Crystal greeted Randy's new friend.

"Hello Crystal. Trevor. Sleep well?" The woman replied warmly.

"Trevor always makes me ready for bed." Crystal shared.

"Well, maybe Trev Lad could help me get to sleep some night." Katie teased.

"I wouldn't want to cause Miles any discomfort." Trevor hoped to deflect.

Miles looked up from his tablet and replied like someone asked him the time, "We're not exclusive." then returned to what must have been work.

"See Trev Lad, you can tuck me in, and tuck me tight." the teen taunted, arching her own ample chest out.

"How are you today Calvin?" he tried to change the topic.

Jane snickered and advised, "Low power mode, sorry Trevor."

"What are you working on Miles?" Crystal asked as she sat down. A servant came over to set a place before her. She noted with a smile, "Tell Kevin spicy omelette and sausage hash browns please Tina."

"Yes miss." the young woman acknowledged.

"Oh, a minor hiccup in a small company investment." Randy advised with an amused smile.

"Anything I should worry about?" Trevor asked as he slipped his pets onto the table.

"You are safe, Trev Lad my friend. Tina there is looking to take your order to Kevin." Randy replied. But Trevor had a strong feeling this news was the first volley from Mr. Gao.

"Well, Miles is busy today so me and the off group are going shopping if you two want to join us." Katie offered.

Trevor looked at the pretty server. "What can I order?"

He was aware of Crystal advising of their plans to go swimming as the light brown haired staffer noted, "What do you want to order?"

Trevor's mind raced. Kevin was a top chief, able to cook masterful meals. But all he think of was fried eggs and bacon. He tried to get his mind off that track as Crystal asked Elizabeth if she wanted to join them. As he surrendered his order to the smiling staffer Elizabeth replied plans with Fran and the other lower standing group.

"It will be ready soon," the girl left with his order.

"If Calvin is OK with it, could I join you two?" Jane asked.

"Sweetie, you know you're always welcome." Crystal replied.

"Thanks." Jane replied.

Breakfast was a barrage of different chats. Katie and Elizabeth about the different shops the teen should visit. Jane and Crystal about maybe trying to get Calvin to come out early in the morning to try Shrink Targeting. Miles and Randy planning what must have been retaliation against Mr. Gao's attack.

Trevor started watching Calvin. His plate was empty, but he still held his fork and knife at the ready. "Jane, is he OK?" he asked.

"Oh, thanks Trevor, he must be extra hungry this morning. Tina, could you ask Kevin to make Calvin another omelette?" Jane replied.

"Certainly." the girl smiled. Did she linger a look on Jane? Possible Calvin? There was certainly an interesting tilt to the staffer's expression.

He had to have imagined that. Better to change the subject in his mind. "Jane, do you think we could convince Calvin to join us in one of the upcoming ports?"

"I doubt it Trevor. Besides, he doesn't have the implant." she advised.

"Really, how will he do Shrink Targeting?" he wondered.

"They have a helmet. Some people can't get the implant. They would be issued special Glasses for the cruise if any of them are aboard." Crystal advised.

"If he wanted to join us at one port, could we rent a pair of those?" he inquired.

"I don't know?" Crystal replied.

"First you would have to convince him to risk being around people for a few hours. Even ones he would make into his pets." Jane sighed. Stroking Calvin's head affectionately.

"Well, would it bother him to ask?" Trevor asked. Little bothered by the realization he started a conversation about the man before him and not included him.

"I think he would be OK if you asked. But my sweet Calvin has it hard when other people, strangers really, are around." Jane answered, hugging the catatonic man.

"I understand. Just, since we leave so early, I thought he might like to try hunting with us." Trevor noted.

"That's really nice of you Trev Lad. But if we came back like the last port with all those others trying to board. I don't know if poor Calvin could handle that." Randy interjected.

"We should ask him, letting him know that is a possibility. I would like to have Uncle Calvin with us too." Katie added her opinion.

"One second." Jane said. "Power up." and the sound effect. Calvin blinked and looked around. "Huh, did I eat, I'm still hungry. Oh, new lady!"

"Calvin, sweetheart, can we talk to you for a few minutes?" Jane cooed softly.

"Ah, errr, hmmm. Yes I think I'll be good. Cranberry Juice please." he whimpered out.

"Trevor would like to ask you something." she advised.

"OK, Hello Trevor." Calvin said. Nervous eyes darting toward Elizabeth.

"Calvin, I was wondering if at one of the upcoming ports you would like to actually join us. Get to catch your own Shrunken." he cautiously asked.

"Can't. No implant." the man spat out.

"What if we got you a pair of the glasses for a Port? Just to say you got to try it." Crystal advised.

"Well, people will be there." he mumbled.

"But, not really. They would be Shrunken in waiting." Katie suggested.

"Though, just so you know, we could run into other guests. We might even have to wait in line with them." Randy softly advised his son.

"Trevor, you would be there?" Calvin asked.

"Sure thing." Trevor advised.

"I need to think about this. Plan encase of people interaction. Would be interesting to actually shrink a Shrunken. But might have to be in line." Calvin rambled to himself.

"In a day or so we could get up early so you could try Shrink Targeting. Maybe get a better idea of what it's like to shrink something." Crystal advised.

"OK, tomorrow, early. Try that." he firmly stated.

"I guess that's decided." Jane snickered, hugging her husband.

"Can I get more food Angel?" he asked.

"I requested you another omelette dear." Jane cooed.

"You're the best." Calvin smiled broadly.

"You want to go back to low power mode?" she offered.

Bravely he sighed and replied, "You and Trevor plus family are here. I think I'll stay on."

"Your Cranberry Juice Mr. Walker." the staffer advised holding the glass toward him. Trevor was certain she was smiling extra toward Calvin.

"I'll give it to my husband thank you Tina." Jane firmly answered for the confused Calvin. So Trevor wasn't the only one who noticed the girl's looks towards the nervous man. Still this Tina handed Jane the glass but gave Calvin a smile and nod before heading off for another duty.

Trevor took a quick look around. No one else seemed to notice the interaction. Jane turned from handing Calvin his juice smiling to the group, like nothing had happened. He wouldn't say anything, at least till he could talk privately to Jane.

Crystal looked to Calvin, "Trevor and I are going to the pool. Could we borrow Jane?"

"Swim, I guess. Dressed to swim, Jane, do you want to go?" Calvin asked.

"I would like to." Jane answered.

"Can I paint you once you return?" he asked.

Jane had a warm glowing smile bloom on her face as she cooed, "I would love that." Calvin's cheeks turned pink.

They finished breakfast without any other notable events. Trevor put away his little Asian darlings as Jane went to change for the day. Then the three went to the pool, which was almost completely empty despite the warm weather. Seems the ship was having some Shrunken performance contest going on. Trevor didn't see the point, the only Shrunken performance he cared about he wasn't about to do on stage.

They had cages by seating areas to hold Shrunken in while owners enjoyed the pool. That's where they unloaded their squirmers while they swam and played in the water like kids. The cage and seats had umbrellas to provide any wanted shade. Even the seating in the cage had Shrunken sized parasols for them to adjust for their liking.

Lunch gave Trevor the opportunity he had been curious about since breakfast. As Crystal had volunteered to go collect them some food, leaving him and Jane along for a few minutes. "So, I have a question." he cautiously started.

"Oh, about what?" Jane happily replied.

"If I'm crossing a line let me know. But it looked like one of Randy's staff was being friendly with Calvin." he started.

"Ah, yes Tina. She has, let's say, been curious about my sweet Calvin. I have let her know he isn't like the other Walker clan." Jane answered his question.

"You're not worried, leaving Calvin alone she might try something?" he wondered.

She snickered then caught herself. "My Calvin loves me. He wouldn't be tempted to stray any more than I would be. And she wouldn't want to cross me. It's more like a crush than a romantic interest, trust me."

"Well, if you're OK with that. Bit odd anyone would be interested in someone with such, well, not odd. You understand, I mean." Trevor spoke then remembered who he was talking to.

"He's eccentric you mean. An acquired taste. Calvin has his charms. Sometimes he smiles a certain way at me and I'm that awkward teen girl feeling beautiful for the first time again. You might not believe in soul mates, but I know I have found mine in that man." Jane explained.

Trevor slouched, feeling like such a jerk. "Sorry, I didn't mean anything. Calvin is unique and I'm an idiot."

"No, I understand. Funny thing, Miss Tina isn't the only one that made eyes at me Calvin." She sounded actually proud.

"Really, staffers?" Trevor inquired.

"Some, mostly short term staff as they did something stupid. But also a couple of his Doctors or their staff. Few others here or there." Jane advises.

"I never would have thought of Calvin as a lady killer." Trevor noted.

"I hate to say it, but many of them thought they could turn his head. They thought his nature was a simple minded man. Not realizing how well his mind actually worked to counter being manipulated. They figured they could lead him by his nose to gain money and power. Only for him to lead them into a trap of their own ambitions. Though, few, like Tina, showed actual interest. He usually lets them know offhandedly, talks me up in front of them. Explains how special he sees me. I am a lucky woman." She said.

"So, no one has a chance to manipulate Calvin while you're around." Trevor added.

"Well, no one can take his love from me. But some do have the ability to bend Calvin to their will. But no one that would want to see him or I hurt." She advised him.

"What are you chatting about?" Crystal announced her return.

"How lucky I am to have Calvin in my life." Jane confessed.

"You are lucky, he does think the world revolves around you." Crystal agreed.

They begin talking up the nervous man's positive traits. Trevor wonders what Calvin could do, how powerful he could have been within the Company, if his mind functioned in a more coherent manner. Lunch conversation stayed on Calvin, on how Jane started to hope he could manage to experience one port. But proud of her man's attempts at his recent attempts at interpersonal interactions.

The afternoon went about the same as the morning. Three of them either swimming and playing in the water like kids or sunning themselves as staff kept their drinks full and cold. The deepest the chats got was about restaurants back home Crystal would have to take him once he was moved.

It wasn't till they were walking back to their suites that Trevor even noticed he hadn't thought about the coming responsibility of his new job or the possible threat of Mr. Gao to get his daughters back. The ladies gossiped like girls did back in high school. This one is sleeping with this one. Those two should date, that couple should break up. He knew they were talking about Randy's staff members. But he wasn't familiar enough with them to know which ones.

He tried to pay attention. Maybe get better knowledge of the staffers, especially if he would be around them often. But he found himself amused more by dangling Shapley by her calves. The sweet whimpers of discomfort caused by him making her hang upside down. How nice her little ass felt as he rubbed his thumb over it. The pretty Shrunken clearly didn't like that he shifted her bottoms out of his way to feel that round firm rump better.

At her door Jane smiled and said, "Thanks for having me along."

"Glad you came out. You going to go to Randy's for supper?" Crystal asked.

Jane's cheeks warmed as she answered, "Calvin said he wanted to paint me after I got back. I'm hoping we'll be busy for supper. Don't forget about early tomorrow so he can try Shrink Targeting."

"Oh yeah. Well, I hope you have fun posing." Crystal replied in a cheery tone.

"You two have a good night." Jane suggested. She opened the door and went inside. Crystal and he had just turned when the door banged in its frame. Jane's voice loudly purred from the other side, "Hello my darling!"

Crystal snickered, "I think Calvin missed her."

"They are such a sweet couple together." Trevor noted.

"He has become more a part of the family since they, well, since they hooked up. She has gained such self confidence. I think they needed each other." she explained her thoughts on the couple.

"He didn't talk to you guys much before they met, officially?" he requested.

"No. Once in a great while to me. Miles and Randy a little more. But then he and Jane started talking and I became his favorite sister. He would request to see Randy and Miles more often. Oh he was over the moon when Katie was born. Despite hating her father, I should have listened to him. Though I think he likes my current guy." she notified in an almost wispy tone.

Trevor smiled and observed, "You like having him in your life don't you?"

She opened their door and nodded. "I wasn't unpopular in school. But I never had what I would call close friends. Couldn't find someone I trusted. But then I found Jane, shy and so self conscious. She was always athletic and pretty. But where she lived was well, bluntly, full of idiot bigots. So I finally had a friend, it was liberating."

They entered as she continued, "Then mom started dating Randy. I thought, nice guy. He was so sweet to her. And I started to see him as a second father. He started teaching me about his world. Meet Miles, well, it's embarrassing but I had a huge crush on him at first. Tall and smart, but as we got to know each other we figured better as siblings. Mostly."

She poured a glass of water and added, "Then Jane connected with Calvin. I remember a day or so after they first met I was headed to Randy's library when suddenly he was standing there in the hall. Most times he would just freeze and I would nervously walk past. But he didn't freeze. I did, I didn't know what to expect. He looked worried and blurted out, You brought me an Angel. I see you now. Can I try being your brother? I actually started crying, he was this strange person trapped in his own mind as far as I knew him. And now, he saw me, saw outside his mind. And the first thing he asked me, really asked me, was to be my brother, family. We spent a long time that day in the library together. I learned how to talk with him. He just has this unique view of the world."

"Well, you're lucky. You have a great supportive family." Trevor praised.

She looked at him, "Your family not supportive?"

He shook his head, "Actually, they are. Though it's hard when you can't fully explain what you do to them. But my parents are proud of my success. Though I think my mother thinks I'm part of the mob. I have a couple of close long term friends. I just needed to say something after your long happy speech about your family."

"Speaking of family, we should freshen up and head over for supper." the blonde beauty advised him.

"Shower?" he offered.

She sighed, "No time lover. Thanks for the thought though."

"OK." he said and they parted. He entered his room, he would have expected after spending a sunny day with two gorgeous ladies and fondling a play shaped Shrunken on the way back to his room he would have been a touch aroused. Looking for a bit of fun, even just a quick rub out. But he actually felt a touch tired.

He passed the males' cage. They clearly were feeling excited, the added ladies not so much. Not that they were being given any choice. Frank was really becoming top dog as most of the males had to share one bitch while he at some point had claimed two. He sat in a chair like a perverse king watching the other males as both his selected females lapped at his crotch. Their faces showed he must have finished recently. He nodded up at Trevor with a smile across his face.

Trevor put Shapley away. She looked relieved to return to the cage. He wondered if he should pick one to ride in his shorts. But his shorts were wet and clung to his manhood. He worried it would smother them.

He stripped naked and went to the washroom. No time for a shower, but time to wipe down with a warm cloth. Fresh clothes would mean safe to cradle his cock over a pretty pet. He reached in and his fingers wrapped a well-formed Shrunken. Shot Put, yeah she would feel good. She fought his fingers, which roused him. But no time to play, he told himself. Naked athletic body was made to hug his shaft. Shorts pinned her in place. He grabbed his favorite food beggars and walked out into the main room.

Crystal had changed to a pastel pink bikini now stretched wonderfully along her curves. A long lighter shaded thin long robe hung from her shoulders. She must have felt a touch playful as two figures capped her breasts. From their shape they were lucky males.

"Hungry?" she asked.

"Not really. I think I had too much sun today." he confessed.

"Ahh, poor boy. Well, let's try to get you to eat something." she advised.

Randy and Miles greeted them upon entry. "Where's Katie?" Crystal asked.

"She and the girls that are off are eating at one of the restaurants. Seems some lucky guys caught their eyes." Randy advised.

"Oh, that's interesting." was all Trevor could think to see.

Miles looked at him and reminded, "Katie and I are not exclusive. I don't mind her having fun without me."

"Is Jane and Calvin joining us?" Randy asked.

Crystal said drawing out every syabil, "I would say not."

"That's my boy." Randy noted.

Food soon arrived. Finger foods mostly. Trevor was happy to see nothing hot. Sandwiches and cut up fruit and veggies. Yeah, he had gotten to much sun. He'll have to remember to shade himself more next time. Luckily he didn't seem badly burned. Slightly pink in spots, but nothing painful or uncomfortable. He was sat between Randy and Miles as he ate. They somehow had a list of most of the staff from his office. He advised his opinions about the ones he knew as he ate.

While he advised he was entertained by giving Ci-Ci little nibbles of food. She had become a full obedient pet. Thank you Master with a big grin with each bit of fruit or crumb of bread. She even looked like she was trying to eat them in a pleasing display. Act or acceptance didn't matter, he liked it. Much to Shotput's wiggling discomfort, which didn't help her any.

Jewel on the other hand wasn't as accepting. Yes she begged and thanked him properly. But it was always edged with a touch of annoyance. Not directly rude to her owner. She ate with no hint of suggestion. It was clear she wasn't even going to act like a good Shrunken. He didn't say anything though. Let her be the bare minimum of behaved. He still had his Shrunken Boundage kit and would be happy to use it again.

He looked over at Crystal. She looked bored. Looking out the window. Her hand stroked over one of the trapped males. He wondered what she was thinking about. She saw him looking and winked at him. A big smile came across her exquisite features. She wasn't bored, not wholly, no she was thinking about something, planning. Something more interesting than watching him judge his former co-workers.

He put down the tablet when Crystal advised, "Randy, Trevor and I are getting up early to take Calvin Shrink Targeting. You mind if he finishes that another time?"

"Oh sure honey. You two get a good night's sleep. We'll tackle this more later." Randy replied.

Trevor found the Gaos being handed to him then his free hand wrapped in Crystal's as she called out, "OK, night Randy. Night Miles."

They answered with, "Good night you two." With knowing looks on their faces.

As they walked the short distance to their suite he asked the lovely woman leading him, "So, in a hurry to get me to bed huh?"

She snickered as she opened the door. "Actually, I was wondering if you could do me a little favor tonight?"

They slipped into the room as he answered, "Sure, what is it?"

"You know I like sleeping with you right?" she asked.

"Yes," he confirmed, pulling her close.

"And I savor how we torment Shrunken together?" she requested.

Nibbling on that neck he paused long enough to purr out, "Yes."

"Oh and how I adore the way you snok me?" she sighed.

His hand ran up her thigh to grip her firm cheek as, "Oh yeah." slipped from him.

"Well, as much as I love all those things I was wondering if you would mind sleeping in your room tonight?" she said in a hesitant tone.

"What, really, why?" he asked, looking her in her face.

"Well for two reasons. I want to play a cruel giantess. Make some Shrunken whimper and beg as I have my fun. And when we snok, we use Shrunken but we don't usually play with them like I'm in the mood for tonight. And second, I want to play with my males. Make those formerly big strong men cower before me. Plead, please don't hurt me. And well, you don't like playing with males. You could play with those two or give some of your other pets some attention. Do you mind?" she explained.

He was disappointed, he enjoyed sleeping with the gorgeous woman. But, a bit of Shrunken play time sounded so good. "Sure, for tonight." he said.

"Oh yeah, I'm going to want my Trevor pillow more often than not." she growled appealingly.

He kissed her and agreed with, "I'll miss pleasing that gorgeous body."

She pushed him back. "OK, I have to go now or we'll be going together soon. Night Trevor."

"Night Crystal." he sighed as he watched her enter the bedroom. Her hands pressing the two males pinned to her breasts and kneading them there. Likely the first lucky little guys to be played with by that goddess.

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CH 19B: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by HHunter1 » Thu Jul 01, 2021 5:51 pm

Chapter 19B

M/f+ Torment + Vore

He entered his room getting excited for an evening of playing horny giant. As if to encourage him, moans and whimpers sang from the males cage.

Then he realized he hadn't fed his pets in a while. He looked into the closest silo. Nearly full. Tapping the cage near where Frank was laying under two females sitting up on him making out. Likely one was cowgirling him as he watched, but that was besides why Trevor wanted his attention. "Yes boss?" he yipped, startled. Clearly happily distracted to notice a giant standing nearby.

Trevor was also amused as the two females, Store Mom and Mother, Frank liked MILFs, trembled and hugged each other under his gaze. "Are you all eating?" Trevor asked the reason for the interruption.

"Yes boss, why?" Frank replied.

"The Silo is full and I forgot to fill it." Trevor explained.

"You have someone come in and fill them daily, don't you?" the little man asked.

"Right, forgot about them." Trevor lied. But reasoned it was another benefit to being in a suite under Randy's control. His staff would look after the little chores for him. "You have fun now Frank, night." Trevor apologized. He felt bad to interrupt Frank's fun instead of just thinking about it for a minute.

"Sure Boss." Frank replied. Slapping Store Mom's ass with a "Well, get back at it."

Trevor felt a touch guilty. Which he thought was funny since Frank was just as much a Shrunken as the others. But he was a good boy keeping the males in line for him. Maybe a real treat for the male soon.

Right now however he had to think about who he would play with. He placed the sisters on the bed, they would get enjoyed tonight. "Why don't you two strip, I want the both of you servicing my cock as I play."

"Yes Master." Ci-Ci answered and started pulling her tight little top off with a very alluring look.

Jewel cringed and replied, "It's not too late Trevor. I'm sure father would still reward you for our safe return. He isn't the type to hold a grudge to someone who confesses to being wrong."

Trevor didn't reply right away. No, he grabbed the bondage case and placed it on the nightstand so she could see. He enjoyed how she cowered from it like it was some living thing. "Were you looking for more fun like we had the other night?" he offered.

She shook her pretty head, "No Master, I'm sorry Master. I am excited to pleasure your manhood," Her accented voice pleaded wonderfully. It was clear she wasn't excited for his manhood as she said. But she would try to fake it to avoid her ass being stretched again.

He turned and looked into his cage. So many fine choices for fun. Prize, Leggs, and of course Shapely. Then he noticed several pretty cowering pets he hadn't named yet and his mind was made. Those would be given a chance to earn names tonight.

The carrying tubs were only designed to hold fifteen comfortably. But he managed to make twenty three stand in one. All the ones he had traded Crystal and Katie for. The ones he gained from the Gaos in one way or another. The two unnamed baseball girlfriends and the two mourners. He knew he likely wouldn't get a chance to play with all of them tonight. But the threat that he would still look good on their pretty little faces.

He placed them down and purred, "Strip little ones or join the ladies in the male's cage."

They all looked over and reacted in a buffet of alluring reactions. Glares to bursts into tears. But none risked being placed into that cage. Clothes started to be slipped off, even knowing he might pick them to fondle, rather then risk violent gang rape from those savage little males.

He stripped himself. He was clearly excited to get to play. They didn't like that. Shrunken looked at his hard-on like it was going to crush them alive.

He moved the tub and climbed onto the bed. Laying in a semi-reclined position. He scooped up Ci-Ci and poured her near his lap. Act or submitted didn't matter, it was still enjoyable. She flipped her head back to look up at him as she tiptoed towards his erection. A slight smile on that sweet face. Ci-Ci leaned her arm way up his shaft and pushed her hair behind her ear to give him a clear look of her face as she bowed forward and dragged her tongue along his skin. She hugged tight to his manhood and grind her tiny slender body to it. Taking long swipes with her tongue as she purred and moaned arousing sounds.

Then he nabbed Jewel from the bed. She was placed about the same location. She looked at her sister dancing alongside a giant cock, then up at the giant. No alluring smile or flip of her hair. Slouched shoulders as she walked directly towards his erection. She pressed herself to the opposite side to her sister and began her sexual worship. Slender form rubbing along his shaft. She did lick his skin. But this was an act. None of the exciting zeal Ci-Ci was displaying. But yet, still enjoyable. Something about knowing she was doing this under duress. The fact she surrendered to this enjoyment, to avoid him enjoying her in different ways.

He sat there and watched as the sisters worked their bodies to his shaft. Wonderful little sensations of their tongues tasting his sensitive skin. He reached down. His finger stroked down Ci-Ci's back and was greeted with her arching to it's touch. Jewel flinched. She didn't move away, but his touch wasn't warmly entertained. He considered, briefly, just enjoying the two of them. They would easily be used to pleasure himself.

He did indulge in petting his favorites. Hair was silky to his touch. Their perky little asses had a wonderful curve to them. He made them straddle his finger tip. Pleasantly surprised, he was more convinced Ci-Ci had fully accepted her new life. Even enjoyed being his pet. Well, if her damp little pussy was any sign.

Jewel's however was stone dry. He gave it a little attention. The younger Gao gasped uncomfortably as the pad of his tip rolled along her slit. She gained a strained look as he noticed his touch starting to have an effect. "Come on my little Jewel. Accept your new life like Ci-Ci. If you become as obedient as she is now, I can start spoiling you both. Your own cage. Let you pick out a few outfits for relaxing. Games that make you feel good. I know it's not the life you wanted. But it's the life you are now in." She looked defeated, bit her lip. She wasn't ready yet to be his spoiled cock lover. But maybe soon. Definitely if she had more nails driven into her old life's casket.

Well, they would both keep servicing him. Even as delusional as Jewel was at being given to her father. She would do what she had to in these situations. Especially while trapped in his bedroom, with his bondage kit within his reach.

He looked into the tub. They clearly were hoping the Asian's were going to contain his attention. He looked over the fear filled faces. Each one had a lovely body. Then one caught his attention. A brunette with jaw length hair. A fit body with nice breasts. Probably B-cups when it was human.

His hand reached in and the crowd bowed and cringed away from his grab. He lifted his first pick and enjoyed it's toned legs kicking from under his grip. He turned his hand to have his toy sitting in his palm. Deep brown eyes sparkled in terror as they looked up and down his grinning face. Then it spoke, he had forgotten he had this one. Sexy and enticing French accented delight begging, "Please Monsieur, don't hurt me."

His finger stroked her cheek. She trembled like a leaf in a strong wind. He enjoyed her cleavage as she shook in terror. Her breath heaved her chest. "Oh I like you." he purred.

She whimpered a sound, and that to somehow had that accent. Well one named herself so far, Frenchie here was going to serve him well. He hooked one of those legs and wrapped his finger around it. Stroking up and down it's sculpted length. "Looking forward to servicing me?" he taunted.

"No please Monsieur. Don't, I don't want that." she blathered.

He hooked the other leg and lifted, bending her at her waist. He grabbed them both with the holding hand's thumb. Freeing the other to enjoy the silky feel of the backs of her thighs. The Shrunken firmed cheeks of her ass. Oh and she gasped fearfully. It was smart, it knew he planned more. A quick flick of it's ass yelped a musical sound. It begged and pleaded not to receive another. But she yelped again for his amusement.

He grabbed her ankles and lifted to dangle her upside down. She guarded her face, not aware her arms pressed her breasts together in an interesting way. He brought her forward and hooked his tongue along her hip and tasted along her smooth skin. Teasingly flicking at her bare pussy. Wiggling it at her tits. Each lap and taste she sang out accented nervous cries.

He grabbed her arms and held her out lengthwise like a sexy corn on the cob. She moaned in discomfort. His lips reached around her torso and he sucked her tits. Mashing and rolling them with his tongue. She gasped with each hard lick. His mouth held more of her weight making her whimper in pain less.

Trevor opened his mouth and she whined as her weight was on her limbs again. He turned her and let her arms go. Man she made great sounds. He had to remember to shower with it at some point. He took an ankle in each hand. Spreading her long legs. "Now let's get a real taste huh?" he teased. Lifting her up towards his mouth as he licked his lips. Panic must have had her as she rambled in French at him.

Lips grabbed around a very slender waist. He touched the tip of his tongue to her pussy, then gave a quick flick. That wasn't a fearful gasp of words. Another taste and she sang a tune of a different appealing sound. He let go of her legs and they coiled to his cheeks with toes pointed. He didn't know what it was about a giant tongue lapping their cunts that got female Shrunken so worked up. But he really enjoyed the results. This one seemed particularly sensitive to being a giant's lollipop.

He reached under and supported it's back. He leaned his head back as his fingers coiled over it's head. No please Monsieur or other scared sounds. The fingers that pressed her breasts had little hands stroking along them. Face panted in arousal as it nuzzled at his knuckle.

There he sat. Two Asian lovelies having sex with his cock as a sweet French truffle moaned passionately in his lips. He savored this. Took his time. Enjoyed every touch and sound. Soon Frenchie was babbling in French. He didn't know what she said, but he watched enough Pepe Le Pew cartoons as a kid to know much of what she said was happy words. She screamed his praises. Her eyes wide, appreciative.

French stopped as she turned to kiss her master in thanks for his oral gift. Would she accept her life and obey, ask even to be his plaything. Or would she forget his gift once the sensations ended. He wondered this as his tart sang again.

He lifted her from his mouth. Her limbs hung limp as she panted for breath. He stroked a free finger over her passion-damped skin. Her eyes told of a hope for another round as his mouth toy. Instead he grabbed her ankles and dangled her upside down again. "Well, are you not going to thank me my pet?"

"Sorry Monsieur. Merci Monsieur." she begged.

"Master my little Frechie. Call me Master." he commanded gleefully.

"Sorry Master. Please, this hurts Master." it whimpered.

He reached her down and rolled her top half around the tip of his cock. "Feels good to me, Frenchie." he taunted. He placed her on his chest and she just laid there sighing.

He reached in blindly and pulled out a slender little blonde thing. It shook in his hold. He held it close to give it a good look over. Pretty with blue eyes. Hair hung half way down it's back. Cute little tits. Legs could use some work to give them a better tone. He placed her on his stomach.

He reached in and nabbed another blonde pet. Bit curvier than the first with shorter hair. Light brown eyes. It trembled in his hand. He placed it beside the first. "Hug." he commanded.

They reached over and hugged each other. "No, really hug. Enjoy each other's skin. Or I will." he advised. Hands stroked over silky looking skin. Affection-like as they rubbed each other. "Rub your chests together," he advised. And fear got perky little breasts to press and caress each other.

"Kiss, make out like your life depended on it." he hummed. Mouths meet and they kissed. The two moved closer. Little eyes kept looking up at him as they went through the motions of displaying sexual interactions.

Good enough he thought watching the two naked blondes mock make out. Good prime stock they were. Likely to be pretty toys for a good long time.

Speaking of toys. He opened his kit. He made an assessment of the yellow haired duel. Then grabbed the little black bottle. Looking over the wands, he went for the size just under the middle girth. He could tell they saw him pick them up. Fear kept them performing.

He took a lubed wand in each hand. The targets twitched as rubber like tips poked from behind between their thighs. The second blonde turned to let out a gasped yip as he wiggled her wand in. The other gave more of an oh sound.

They went back to kissing. Discomfort showed on their faces. They tried to adjust, but shaft was deep with in them both. Slowly he slipped the wands back, then forward again. Hips involuntarily began rolling with his rhythm. Gasps and whimpers came from kissing lips. These two wouldn't likely earn their names tonight. But they were being entertaining.

He was certain neither was lesbians. Likely not even Bi. Which, in a way, made making them sexually touch each other even more appealing. He shortened and quickened his movements. Shafts trusted and worked their pussies. They would not fold like Frenchie did. They seem to be resisting the sensations of his attention. They must not have learned the fact if you wanted a man to stop, act like it was best ever.

He pushed one to one side and the other the opposite. On all fours he had a better angle with the wands. So he sped up. They made grunting sounds as pretend cocks raped their tight little cunts. One arched up in a likely attempt to ease the pressure. While the other bowed to his fun.

Suddenly the second blonde moaned out in a strained climax. Good enough to end this game. He looked around. Wishing he brought a second tub. Unlike Frenchie, who was still laid out on his chest. These two hadn't allowed themselves to be worn out.

He opened the drawer on the nearby night stand. It was deep enough to work for now. The blondes were grabbed in one hand and dropped inside and the drawer closed.

Trevor's hand found a wavy haired pretty. Light brown and shoulder length. Athletic from the lines of her naked body. "What should I do with you?" he rhetorically asked.

"Yet me go?" I answered anyway.

"You want to be rubbed along my tip?" he tormented.

"No, that's disgusting." it gave it's honest thought at this.

He pressed her to his cock head. Rolled it's fit little body there. He sighed at the sensation. Pushing her face onto it so she could get a real taste of his power. She felt great, But he wasn't ready to finish yet.

He lifted her and dropped her on his stomach. As it rose to all fours as she wiped her face to erase the memory of his manhood against it. He picked up the used wands. She clearly wasn't expecting a dildo pressed into her pussy as she screamed as he penetrated her. He hoped she would. Allowing the second wand in. Her head moved attempting to dislodge rubber tip from her lips. It made a nice bulge in her cheek before he turned it down her throat.

He gleefully spit roasted the pretty Shrunken. This one for certain wouldn't climax. Unless it liked it's throat stretched as it's pussy was vigorously ridden. "OK, tell me when you have had enough." he mocked.

Little hands reached up and grabbed the shaft of the wand. He could see her straining. Trying desperately to stop him from fucking her mouth. He gave a sharp twist of both wrists and she flopped on her back. Limbs up like a toppled turtle she surrendered as tears streamed from her eyes.

He admired her body. Gymnast or track he wondered. That fit with little firm mounds, likely one of those. Well, maybe she was a swimmer. He was tempted to free her throat and ask. Maybe name her to match her former interest. Though he was tempted to name her Spit roast, she did have a neck for it.

He freed the Shrunken of his attention. She rolled onto her stomach. Her little hand stroked her throat. "Well pet, why are you in such enjoyable shape? Swimmer maybe?"

She looked up and hoarsely replied, "I played football."

"Really, you?" he asked.

"You stupid monster. You likely call it soccer." she snarled up at him.

"Well, that doesn't work for me. I guess Spit Roast is your name now." he advised, grabbing her leg.

As he lifted it sputtered on about being named Amanda, or something. He opened the drawer to store her too. The two blondes looked up with an odd mix of worry and hope. They parted as he gave them a friend.

He fished another out. A warm brown skinned beauty with piercing eyes. It's shoulder length hair was straight and lighter then he would have expected from it's luscious skin. He found his fingers admiring that skin. It had a smooth, silk like hue to it. Like polished marble, let so soft. She had a fine figure like his other keepers. His finger tip lightly touched it's lips. It wasn't trembling, it was furious, mad at her owner. Smart she was though, not mouthing off or struggling.

He reached her down. All this playing was making his cock ache. Fingers made his brown skinned delight's limbs wrapped around the end of his shaft. That exquisite skin felt amazing being stroked along his upper shaft. Warm and satin made him hum happily. It's expression, firm and determined. Unwilling to surrender to fear. Yet submissive to his wants. Smart to not resist him.

He tried to think of something else. What to call this treasure? Something to praise that wonderful skin. He thought Chocolate, no. That was to demeaning of its luster. This one would need time and thought. And right now, he didn't want to think about a name. He wanted to enjoy it's helpless lovely body.

He sped his pace. Careful of Ci-Ci and Jewel and their wonderful attentions. He praised the Shrunken at his tip with a repeated sighed, "Oh yeah." Up and down it stimulated him. Felt so good as his masturbation aid. It's darker shade contrasting the color of his cock.

Peak came. He tilted his manhood and held his unwilling helper a inch or two away. His cock sprayed semen onto the face and chest of his living toy. It's darker skin gave a great canvas for his cum. It was disgusted, clearly uncomfortable. But it didn't squirm or attempt to dodge what was blaster upon her lovely form. Yes she needed a good name for being a good pet.

He placed his cum soaked pretty on his stomach. "OK you two, you can stop for now." he advised the sisters. He could tell from their expressions, even Ci-Ci's, that they expected to be attending his cum rag.

He had other plans. He opened the drawer and pulled out each of the three trapped in there and dropped them around his soaked delight. "You three get a treat. Lick my cum off that beautiful body. Do it now!"

The three jumped and bowed around the fourth. Reluctant tongues started collecting his cum. Thick and plentiful it smeared their pretty faces. Their plate didn't move, she was a good pet. She spread her limbs, knowing her resistance could bring the other's punishment. "Make sure to get into all those tasty crevasse." he taunted.

He reached down and allowed his fingers to admire the Asian sisters. Slender, porcelain skinned, and gorgeous. Well worth being spoiled, if they both accepted being pets first. "Well Jewel, do you want to be my eager little spoiled Shrunken, or one of those cleaning up after my fun? Well, Jewel decide."

The Asian looked at the three fearfully sucking semen off the fourth then turned away. She grimaced and shuttered. Then he felt a little hand cup under his finger. It guided it to her face and she kissed it. Announcing, "How can I serve you my Master?" It was a better act than earlier. And a good step towards becoming more like her sister. Possibly this display was a better lesion than the anal stretching was.

"You know you will still have to enjoy my seed from time to time?" he asked.

She looked over at her smiling sister. Then again at the cum buffet being suckled up. "As you wish my Master." Jewel replied.

"This means no more requests to be given to your father," he pointed out.

"As you command my Master." her accented voice lied.

"Good, let me clean up. Then we can have more fun." he told them, offering them each a palm. Both sisters climbed into his waiting hands. He placed them on his bed. Then he moved Frenchie beside them. The sisters looked at each other, a whisper conversation told they didn't know what her being there meant for them.

His hand bundled the four on his stomach together. Grunts and grumbles told this was an uncomfortable way to be moved. He stood up and placed them back into his keeper cage.

His clean hand grabbed a leg of Frenchie and lifted her to his lips. Despite the pain she seemed rather eager to be suckled again. Moaning softly as he only teasingly tasted her wet pussy.

He went to the bathroom. Freshen himself as he teased his treat. Cleaned up, he took Frenchie from his lips. Now for the reason he brought that brown haired lovely. Oh she rambled on in her sexy accent as he slipped her along his limp cock. He began kneading it's alluring form along his dick. Bringing the blood back.

He returned to the bedside. Placing Frenchie into the keeper cage. Laying back into the warm spot, He lifted the sisters back near his semi-hard shaft. They bowed like stereotype Geishas and mirrored each other as they turned and appealingly walked to his cock. Hair was pulled behind an ear. Tongues tasted him again. Slender forms hugged his shaft. Jewel looked more into character now. Hands reached down and ran a finger down from their shoulders. Both arched to his touch like a perfect little Shrunken. Was a show of dominance really all she needed to realize, time would tell.

He returned to playing by plucking a naked body from his tub. The Asian ball wife. Lovely and slender like the sisters. But she lacked that savory accent. Still, well worth enjoying, over and over. He wrestled her flat to his stomach. Wonderfully she ranted at him. He even enjoyed when the Shrunken he was humiliating insulted him. Their only way to lash out and it just made his fun better.

He grabbed the little lube bottle. He was about to pop out a wand when a mental image appealed to him. He took the lid off and dipped his pinky. The fear, the exquisite terror on its face as his smallest finger was directed towards her defenseless womanhood. He touched her sensitive spot and made the smallest of circles with the tip. It begged and begged as he smiled more and more.

Penetration ended the begging. He freed her limbs and used that hand as a head rest. It attempted to crawl away till it hit that flesh wall. Sculpted legs spread and planted feet. Moving her hips this way and that to lessen the pressure. Divine grunts and moans broadcasted from it's tiny form as he stretched it's cunt with his finger.

His thrusting pushes her up against his hand. Her arms reached up to brace her against it. This arches her torso up wonderfully. "Like that don't you? Tell me you like riding my finger Puppet!"

"Please stop, it's too thick!" It begged.

He taunts her, "Come on Puppet. You had an up and coming ball player paying your bills. You must know what to tell a man to make him happy."

"Ah ah ah, it's so much! So much!" She cried out.

"See, that's more like it. Continue." he mocked.

"No! No! Your finger is too big and thick! You are stretching me too much!" Adorably she pleaded.

He teased further, "That sweet speak how you got your former rich bo? Bet you he's moaning for my Crystal right now."

"Stop, you sick bastard! Stop raping me please!" It begged.

"Call me Master Puppet. Call me Master and say you like being played with and I'll think about stopping." he tempted.

"Please, oh, oh, oh, so much! Need to stop!" she rambled.

"Oh relax, if you stop fighting it you'll like it. Bigger the better right? Tell your Master you like his pinky's touch." he suggested.

"OK, ok, please. You my Master, my Master! Oh god, oh god, your touch is so good." She lied. Such an appealing lie.

He tested her, "Are you lying to me Puppet? Trying to get me to stop?"

"No Master! No, it just feels too good for me! I can't take any more good touches." she blathered out.

He popped out his finger and she gasps and collapses flat, panting. He grabbed one of her legs and admired it's form with his thumb. He can see her watching fearfully. She expects more attention.

He flips her onto her stomach. His touch teased her up turned womanhood. She looks back in terror. "Oh relax Puppet." He notes, then pushes.

She is pushed into his palm. Tiny fingers clawed into his skin. Her face is pressed and eased from his flesh as he renews his poking. Her little hips roll from his attention. This new angle must have been easier to take as she rattled with arousing gasps instead of pleading words. He likes how her little round ass looked as he fingered her pussy.

"Like that? Like that Puppet? Tell Master you like this fingering better!" he demanded.

"OH! OH! NO! NO! AAHHH! You sick Bastard!" She managed to reply. Shuttering hard, a reflex to the sensations. She didn't want it, but there it was. Cruelly delivered climax.

He pulls out again and she again falls to his skin. She immediately shuttered out sobs. Tears flood out plentifully enough for him to feel on his stomach. Little hands massage her enjoyed pussy. Easing the strain he had inflicted on it.

Finished with her, he plucks her off his stomach. Into the drawer, for now. He is proud he managed to name another.

He reaches for another. A pretty Asian like brunette. His thumb stroked perky breasts as, to his surprise, she spoke, "Are you going to finger me too?"

"Maybe, looking forward to that idea?" He requested.

"I would rather not be touched by you at all. But if I have to be, could you suck on me like that French lady." She honestly begs.

"I don't know," he notes. But then an idea occurs, he wants a snack. Dessert.

He drops her back into the tub for now. He taps at his watch. He has a fun idea for dessert and Shrunken play. He grabbed the sisters and placed them on the bed. "One moment ladies, I have food coming."

He pulls on his briefs. "Wait a minute." he noted out loud. He adjusts so his cock is in the pocket. Sisters in his hand, Trevor slips them in. Not a word of resistance or complaint. They perfectly continue the work he interrupted to stand up.

Robe on, he enters the main room to await his order. From Crystal's room he could hear the beauty taunting an unknown amount of males. Well, she said she wanted to play with her males. But the little voices moaning just loud enough to hear are a bit of a mix. Whichever ones she was focused on were easier to hear.

Food arrives. A mix of items, a big bowl of chocolate pudding, two empty pasta bowls, a can of whip cream, a little plate of veggie sticks, another little plate of fruit, and a bowl of popcorn. He sets up a luggage rack beside his bed. Platter is placed upon it. Popcorn, the plates of veggies and fruit on the bed beside where he sits. He moves the pudding near the bed on the platter. One empty bowl to the center of the platter. The other within easy hands reach. Then Trevor got on the bed.

He un-pocketed cock and it's company. He slipped off the shorts and tossed them off the bed. "You ladies want a taste of fruit?" he offers his favorite cock huggers.

"Yes Master." the both reply. Jewel was well into her new character. Fear of being a plaything was encouraging her, he figured. Maybe it was seeing him use the wands on others and still making them debase themselves. Whatever it was, he liked it. He spoiled them with a nibble of fruit as promised and turned to the tub.

"Now, for the contestants." he snickered looking over the caged pretties. They cringed. He found the source of inspiration. He pulled her out and placed her in the closer empty bowl. He looked through the unnamed selection. He wanted to pick others about the same age as his muse. Wouldn't due to put one of the unnamed freshly ripe in with the succulent beauty.

He plucks out an exquisite Latina sample. Placing it in the bowl, the first occupant bravely asked, "What are you going to do with us?"

"Shush little one, I don't want to explain it more than once." he taunted.

One by one he collects a buffet of eight mini beauties. Lining the bowl like a sexy little selection plate. "OK my lovelies, here's the deal. Two at a time I'm going to place you in that other bowl. The two will wrestle. A little tournament as it were. Winner of each match will get to pick out a piece of fruit. Ultimate winner will be called by their first name instead of whatever I come up with."

"What happens to the loser?" the Muse asked.

"Of the match, they get a baby carrot." he hummed.

A ditzy sounding blonde noted, "I like baby carrots."

"Up their cunt. Un-lubed carrot shoved up their cunt." he taunted.

The group cringed at the veggie violation idea. But Muse chimed in, "And the loser of the tournament?"

"You should focus on winning." he suggested with a purr. He just hoped he came up with something by the end of the night's fun.

Trevor then added the rich chocolatey mousse pudding to the empty bowl, "Let's get the ring ready." he teased. Looking at the contestants he explained, "You pin your opponent down for a count of three or make them give up. No punching or scratching, if I see any of you do that and you lose. Any questions?"

None were forthcoming. He grabbed Muse and the pretty brunette Mourner and placed them in the dessert bowl. Then he grabbed his popcorn and grabbed a handful. "Go!" he commanded. The two ladies looked at each other, sighed in unison, then lunged forward through the knee high pudding.

Trevor had seen shows and things where women wrestled in mud and such. He never got much enjoyment out of those displays. This was different. Maybe because they struggled for something more than a fake title. Or that it was for his enjoyment. Or it could have been because he planned on sucking the pudding off their sexy little curves before they got their reward or penalty. Which one first was the real question.

Muse one, he was a little disappointed. He liked the idea of naming her Muse. Well, there would be more matches she could lose. He grabbed the whip cream and shook it as he lifted the Asian looking chocolate covered Shrunken. She clearly didn't like his cleaning plan, or possibly because he added a strip of whip cream down her front before the tongue bath started. He shoved her top half into his mouth and began sucking sweet from sexy. Making sure to smack and slobber around her. He finished that end and took her out to turn her around. Man he loved the feel of smooth little legs on his tongue. Suckled clean, he placed her in the contestant's bowl. Holding the fruit plate at her he asked, "What do you want winner?"

She was clearly disgusted by his sloppy tongue bath. She couldn't even look up at his face. She moved the spit damp hair from her face and pointed to a melon ball. He handed her the treat that was the size of her head. He liked that the other girls looked almost lustful at the fruit ball. Pellets must not be as satisfying as human food.

He grabbed the loser out and sprayed whip cream down her front. Holding her like a éclair he freshened the mat and picked the next contestants. Trevor gave the command and they started. He took the loser's fine legs into his mouth first. Sucking pudding from thighs and calves as he realized this would limit him eating the popcorn. He then turned the Mourner and shoved her head first into his maw. Playfully he made a chewing like motion with his jaw, really just rolling his tongue over tits and face. He grabbed a carrot, parted those legs and pressed the narrower end to it's pussy. It shook violently in his mouth. Not that it helped. He pulled her free and noted, "That stays in till your next match." Then put her down.

He had barely finished when the next match ended. Yes, the popcorn was unneeded. He expected them to last longer. He figured the few times he watched a wrestling match it was pretend, for entertainment and not a real contest.

That was his entertainment though. Two curvy playthings struggling in the thick mousse while he drained the previous contestants of chocolate taste. Winners greedily devoured their fruit reward while losers moved awkwardly with an orange shaft hanging from their womanhood. This was made even better by slender Asian delights returning to worshipping his cock.

He ate more pudding than he should have. But one Shrunken delight was the clear winner. A leggy Latina beauty. As he licked her like a living pudding pop he asked, "Well winner, what is your name? Just the first, that's all you need."

"Catalina." she responded.

He lifted a leg out. While adding a strip of whip cream down it's length he noted, "Well Cathy, you get to keep your name." Then took that leg into his mouth.

"But my name is Catalina." It whimpered.

He slipped her stem out from puckered lips and taunted, "Are you arguing with me Cathy?"

"No. Just you said I'd win my real first name." she reasoned.

"Look, let's talk about this after I deal with the two losers." he mocked putting her back beside her winnings.

The loser of the last match still sat in the pudding smeared bowl. He scooped out the last of the dessert from the serving bowl and plopped it over her. She had done poorly in his little contest. But not as poorly as the brunette Mourner. Not one match won. Desperate, she even tried a cheap shot at her last opponent. She looked up at him from under her spoiled hair. Shifting uncomfortably with veggie jammed in her sex.

He lifted her and held her before his face. "Guess you have to suffer." he noted, hoping an idea would come to mind.

"Please, isn't the carrot enough?" It begged.

"Nope." he teased. He looked at the tub still holding ten other Shrunken. Six more smeared with dessert in a bowl. Another waiting for her carrot. Over at the cage they all came from. A crowd of pretties to play with. Several more ports were still to come. Suddenly she wasn't as desirable as she was when he caught her. Good for a male reward, but that didn't seem enough.

Trevor had an idea. He plopped her in the bowl. Smearing her front with treat. Lifting her she received a generous covering of whip Cream. He lifted her towards his mouth. Top third inside he flicked at her cheek with his tongue. Lips closed just under her breasts. He could feel her cringing. Reading herself for his tongue.

His teeth pressed flesh. Firmer, harder. She began to beg. Then scream. Little fists smacked at the roof of his mouth as her legs flicked pudding and whip cream towards the bowled contestants. Soon his teeth cut into flesh. Panicked screams turn briefly to a scream of pain. He pulled the body back as he chewed tits and head. It was greatly empowering. He liked how the other Shrunken screamed in shock and terror when they realized he wasn't just sucking sweet treat from her.

"You ate her?" One of the group yelped. Likely Muse from the voice.

He finished chewing then swallowed. "Now you know what can happen if you fail to please me. Oh, remember it pleases me if you remember to call me Master when you are allowed to talk to me." They didn't have a response.

He sucked one of the dangling legs into his mouth and bit it off the hip. He much preferred them cooked. Well, at least how Kevin had made them the other night. He took the other leg. Trevor looked down at the Gao sisters. They didn't seem phased by him eating a fellow Shrunken. Likely because they knew what it is like to do so. Actually, they seemed even more enthusiastic in their servicing of him as he ate the female's remains.

It was getting late. Trevor figured he should think about bed. Shrink Targeting with Calvin would be bright and early tomorrow. He popped the hip section of his treat into his mouth. As he began to chew he wrapped his hand around those wonderful sisters. Up and down their slender forms were rubbed to his shaft. Oh how he loved using them like this. The fact they were Company members made it as empowering as eating that Shrunken. Oh and then they started making little accented grunting sounds.

He rolled over and pointed into the tub. These poor Females hadn't earned a name tonight, they might as well get something for waiting around. Cum showered into the trapped crowd. White spattered onto naked little bodies. Coating pretty faces and artificially firmed breasts. He worked out every thick drop thanks to the Gao's sensual forms.

He sat gasping as he admired the results. Females with amusing expressions as semen dripped from their tiny bodies. "Here, a reward to make up for not including you tonight." he taunted as he poured the rest of the fruit plate over them. Then gave the tub a swirl to make sure each chunk and berry had a little protein with it. They looked at the cum seasoned treats. He began laughing as they began picking up a berry or bit of fruit and began to devour them. He had to wonder how unappealing were their pellets.

He got up, still cradling his softening shaft in his hand. Asian bodies held to its sides. He moved the tub and poured them back into the keepers cage. The other ladies in that cage started to nab bits of fruit. Some started towards the showers and sinks with what they got. "You eat it as is or not at all." he advised. They cringed, clearly his snack wasn't unnoticed by them. Little mouths attacked the spunk seasoned treats.

He grabbed the bowl with the six contestants in it and carefully slipped it into that cage. "You may take your prizes to your rooms. Whatever you don't eat, share. I don't want you attracting bugs or something." he declared. They hoarded their gains to their rooms. Well, where the bed they claimed was at.

He looked down at the last Shrunken. Pretty African American lass covered in pudding. He had a few lovely examples of that ethnic group. He could probably give up this one to the passable cage. "Hmm, dessert." he teased. It blathered on at him. Begging not to meet an oral death. Not aware he was moving. After all, she would make a good treat for the males all pudding up like that.

He opened the cage. The males looked sad, clearly thinking he came for their current treats. Some furiously thrust into whimpering females to finish before Master took the toys. He placed the bowl in the common area announcing, "Here's a treat boys." The female's eyes went big. Guess the Keepers thought they would never be in this cage. Well, most won't. And he decided she wasn't a keeper any more. High end passible. Maybe breeding stock. But he had plenty of other keepers.

The males approached from all around the bowl. Some dragged their current plaything as they approached. The female jumped and turned. Panic was clearly growing. At the edges of the bowl the males surprised Trevor. Little hands reached in and scooped pudding out. Greedily they began eating the treat. Smacking and slurping like they hadn't eaten in days.

Trevor was amused that none went after the pudding covered treat in the middle. Then suddenly hands grabbed her arm and pulled her to the side. Dragged her from the bowl and towards the outer wall. Pimp decided to pin her there and have his pudding fill off her skin. Soon he multitasked. Smaller curvy body was pressed between him and the transparent wall. Perky breast smeared chocolate as he thrust into her from behind. Mouth taking long licks of treat from her shoulders.

Happy he walked to the nightstand cage and placed the sisters inside. "Good Job pets. I think I'll get you a reward tomorrow. Anything to suggest?" he offered.

"Thank you Master." They replied. They looked at each other. "Well, I'd like some chips." Ci-Ci advised Jewel.

Jewel nodded, "Same. Or some Orange soda."

"Hmm, I miss soda." Ci-Ci sighed.

"What kind of chips?" he asked.

"I like barbeque." Ci-Ci advised.

"I'll consider it." he stated.

"Thank you Master." they replied.

He went to the bathroom and readied himself for bed. Then came out and sighed. He had to clean up the platter and such. He slipped on his underwear and went to work. Remaining veggies and the whip cream in the fridge. The now empty bowl from the keepers cage on to the platter. The males were still enjoying the pudding, so he left that. Uneaten popcorn and the empty fruit plate. He left them in the hall for staff to collect through the night. He put the luggage rack back. Lights off he curled into bed.

He laid there for a moment. Turned and laid that way a little while. He missed Crystal's presence in the bed. He grabbed a pillow and squeezed it. Not the same as that voluptuous body. He reminded himself he had an early morning and rolled again. He thought about joining her. But didn't want to interrupt her fun. Rolling again, he sighed. Too much chocolate before bed he decided. Not that that helped him slip off the sleep. No, that state was hard to reach. He turned and tossed for a while before he finally settled and dozed off.

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Re: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by ALittleConfused » Fri Jul 02, 2021 12:09 am

Always glad to see a new chapter, but don't push yourself too hard to get it done if you don't have time. Honestly you post stuff so frequently it surprises me how much you get done. But please don't stop altogether, I'd hate to see it end.

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Re: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by anaio10 » Tue Jul 06, 2021 11:23 am

Always delighted to see new chapters of the story, and the more cruel, twisted and playful the better. A big hello.

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Re: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by HHunter1 » Tue Jul 06, 2021 12:27 pm

Well, I'm glad you guys are still enjoying it. This one is letting my crueler imagination flow. I hope I can continue to entertain, though I might be lacking in time this month with life being hectic. But we'll see. Thanks again for the encouragement.

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Re: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by HHunter1 » Wed Jul 14, 2021 10:29 pm

Sorry I'm not posting a chapter here this week. Just didn't get it done. I've posted a chapter in Tourist: Home Life to hopefully make up for that a little. Just been too busy in my in person life lately. Hopefully my life will become boring again soon. :P

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CH 20A: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by HHunter1 » Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:11 am

Sorry I'm late posting. Life has been rough lately. Hope you enjoy.
Chapter 20A

A gentle shake woke Trevor. Crystal's softly smiling face was by his. "Time to get up, lover." she whispered.

He swung off the blankets and sat up on the edge of the bed. He needed more sleep. "You OK?" she asked.

"Had trouble getting to sleep." he confessed.

"Didn't you enjoy yourself before bed?" She asked, going to his dresser.

"Twice. Had some pudding before bed. Think I had too much." he explained.

She smiled, "Guess you should have gone for a third round to burn off some of your treat. Are you going to be ok to go Shrink Target with Calvin and Jane?"

"Yeah, I think so." he sighed.

"Here, put these on and go brush your teeth. We'll go and shower when we get back. I'll treat you to breakfast at one of the ship restaurants." she offered.

He took the clothes she selected. Treat him to breakfast. Kevin and his staff's cooking was better than the restaurants on the ship. But he didn't bother pointing out what she knew already.

"I sure hope Calvin enjoys this." Crystal announced.

"I guess it is a bit of a risk huh?" Trevor asked.

"He has gotten to try so little due to his condition. If he does end up enjoying it, then it would give him and Randy something they can do together." She figured.

Trevor nodded as he went to the bathroom, "Does he play board games?"

"I never thought about that. He did play them with Katie when she was small. He was so sweet with her when she was small. Course if I had listened to him she wouldn't have been born. He hates my ex. I'll have to tell you about him catching him calling his side piece." Crystal replied, giggling at the end.

Trevor just shook his head as he started getting ready. What might that skinny nervous guy done? They are so strange, it could have been anything.

Trevor had just finished brushing when there was a knock at the suite door gained her attention. He finished dressing and joined her. A smiling Jane was hugging a nervously nodding Calvin. "Morning." he greeted them.

"Hello Trevor." Jane acknowledged him.

"I'm ready." was Calvin's reply.

They walked through empty halls circled around the socially uncomfortable man. Trevor watched Calvin's head swing back and forth like he expected an attack. Jane's hand reached and grabbed her husband's and he seemed to ease slightly. They got on to the deck and the man looked up into the sky. His eyes looked to sparkle. Trevor got the feeling Calvin liked being outside. He stared in wonder across the water. As if outside wasn't why he hid inside all the time. No, he was avoiding the chance of encountering people.

"We're here." Crystal noted.

"Come over Calvin." Jane cooed at her husband as she guided him over to the helmet device.

Trevor wandered over to Crystal. "Does he spend much time outside?"

"No, he doesn't like to go outside." she replied.

Trevor nodded towards the man and mentioned, "Look at him. He's enthralled in the waves and horizon. I don't think he dislikes outside."

Crystal looked at her step-brother. Her head twitched as if she just realized something that should have already known. How he looked to marvel at the horizon. Trevor leaned close, "Do you think maybe he stays inside to avoid people?"

"That could be. I'll have to mention it to Randy." She sighed in slight awe.

"We're ready." Jane advised, breaking Crystal's focus.

They moved closer. Jane advised her husband, "OK sweetheart, this device will launch a red disk. If the helmet works for you, all you'll have to do is focus on the target and think shrink. Once you notice it start to become smaller you can change targets. Understand?"

"Yes Angel, thank you." He warmly replied.

He placed the helmet on his head and returned to looking out over the water flowing by. "I'm ready, my Jane." He called out.

"OK, I'll start with one for you to get acquainted with the process." Jane replied.

A disk flew and was quickly shrunk. "Did I do well?" he asked before it hit the water.

"Oh good job." Crystal cheered.

"Yes Honey, want to try another?" Jane offered.

"Yes please." he cooed like a small child.

The launcher released a disk and he snagged it in a blink. "Can I try more than one?" he requested.

"My Darling, you can try up to four at a time. But let's work up to that alright?" Jane informed him.

"I do as you suggest as you know about this." He said.

Soon the man was targeting disks like he had been doing this type of action for a while. "Can we share?" Calvin offered. They spent the time playing a game of Shrink Targeting. Catching red clay disks with whatever they projected to shrink things. Calvin looked to be quite happy.

After the first game, however the nervous man began to twitch. Day had begun after all, and the early risers were coming out. Joggers passing by. Couples walking to enjoy the early morning sunshine. Kids and teens rushing to be first in line at deck attractions. Calvin looked like he was fighting to keep his skin from crawling off his body.

"Honey, let's go back to our suite." Jane offered.

"Yes please. Trevor, led the way?" Calvin requested.

"Ah, sure." Trevor responded.

He turned to start towards the rooms when two hands grabbed his shoulders. Calvin advised, "I'm attached."

"OK, lets go." Trevor accepted he was the front shield to this unique man. The two ladies took the back corners forming a triangle around Calvin. Trevor felt like they were guarding an official more than helping an awkward friend back to his hiding spot.

Down through the hall. Then disaster, a small child, a girl. Likely only about six or so tried to dart between them and slammed solidly into Calvin's legs. Falling on her rump with an almost comical thump. She began to whimper. Trevor didn't know which one to look after first, Calvin or the child.

Calvin answered that question by kneeling down. "We bumped." Suddenly he snapped his arm out and lifted something from the floor. Opening his hand a pretty female Shrunken in a princess-like dress glared at him like it had other plans. "This almost got away dear lady."

The girl sniffed and looked confused for a second. Then mumbles out, "Sorry."

"That's alright. I was walking with my eyes closed, so I'm sorry. I just got done doing Shrink Targeting, have you tried it?'' Calvin asked the child.

"No, is it fun?" She replies like they had known each other for a while.

"I liked it. But I haven't gone collecting Shrunken yet. People scare me." Calvin noted. Lifting her pet to point out her greater experience than his.

"Oh, Elisa, thank you for catching her. She's always trying to run away like a bad little Shrunken. I'll punish you later little lady. Collecting Shrunken are fun. Though I wish daddy would play with his own and leave Elisa and my other Princesses alone for me to dress up." the girl over shares.

"I will try to go to one of the ports then. I just am so uncomfortable around people. That's why my eyes were closed and I was holding onto Trevor. So I wouldn't have to experience other people." Calvin said.

"Strangers can be scary. But collecting Shrunken with your family can be fun. You should go out too. I like how the wiggle in your hand. They say and say to let them go. But mommy says I should only let them go into the box. But then we get back and they go in the flashy thing and mommy helps me pick out clothes for them. I make them dance and play house. But after I'm done I have to put girls in one cage and boys in another. Or they might do bad things with each other." the girl advised.

Offering his hand to the girl, "Well my lady, I have kept you from your fun. Let me help you up." The girl took his hand and he guided her to her feet. Bowing he says, "It was a pleasure to meet you, my lady. Hope you enjoy the rest of the trip." Calvin wished.

"Thank you sir." the girl noted as she curtsied. "Hope you have fun too." she added. "Bye." was her sound as little legs took her away.

"Huh, I was worried there." Trevor let slip before thinking.

"Oh, my sweet Calvin has always been good around kids." Jane advised.

"Yeah, that's why Katie is still so fond of him." Crystal complimented.

"I'm good with kids? I don't worry about kids, do I?" Calvin asked, like he never noticed his interactions with children.

"Come my darling, let's get you back to our room." Jane advised.

"OK." Calvin replied standing back up. Trevor felt the man's hands on his shoulders again. He started again towards the rooms. Calvin incoherently mumbling to himself the whole way there.

They left Calvin and Jane in their room. Leaving them to head to their own. Entering Crystal asked, "Did you scan your catches from the last port yet?"

"No, you?" he replied.

"Not yet. Why don't grab yours and I'll grab mine and we can get that done." Crystal cheers.

"Sure." he agrees.

She grabs his arm, "Are you feeling OK?" she asked.

"Yeah, just tired." he reminded her.

"Go get your catches. I'll scan them while you take some time to rest." She kindly offered.

"You sure. That doesn't seem fair." Trevor replied.

She walked over and hugged him and bopped his nose with her finger, "You'll just have to make it up to me later."

"Looking forward to it." He noted.

"Good." She accepted, kissing his cheek. She turned and strutted to her room.

Trevor wandered into his room. He went over to his cages. He had only a few catches gained from that last horrible port. The males took exception to being taken from the fun in their cage. They had slipped into depravity so quickly. Another sign The Company was right to empty these and future ports. Sure someone might argue they are only reacting to the knowledge that any day could be their last. Trevor dismissed this, surely good former people would foolishly at least try to protect the weaker pets.

Nine whimpering Shrunken babbling at him. He gave the tub a swirl making the group tumble all over each other. But at least they shut up. "Here, you sure you don't want my help?" he asked the lovely blonde.

"You look dead on your feet. I'd rather have you up and active later then now while I'm strapping in Shrunken and deciding if they are good enough to really need much for clothes." she replied.

"OK, I'll just rest her on the couch." Trevor noted. Laying down, hand over his eyes. He was strangely annoyed this couch was more comfortable then his at home. But was it really comfortable enough to doze off on?

Trevor lifted his hand and the room was dark. Someone had shut the curtains and covered him in a blanket. He was starving, and hard. Wait, was there Shrunken rubbing their bodies on his cock?

He flipped over the blanket to see Cathy and Fisty servicing his cock. They both jumped once exposed. They were doing a good job at their likely ordered task. Cathy faced down the shaft, her long legs coiled around his shaft. Fisty looked up from just above his balls, her own impressive legs stimulating his lower shaft. He wondered why Crystal picked those two. Till he noticed their familiar facial features. Right, they are sisters. Something about knowing two Shrunken sisters grinding to his length was extra enjoyable.

As much as he wanted to have them wear themselves out attempting to pleasure him, Trevor wondered what Crystal was up too. His hand wrapped around his pets and his cock. Pressing their perky chests and faces to his sensitive skin. He began stroking them along his manhood. His hold kept them in poses that kept them straddling his cock. Their panic made their wonderful legs rub along the sides of his shaft as they struggled to escape his grip.

He savored his power over his pretty cock rubbers. Their lovely tan hued skin felt great sliding up and down his length. Knowing their faces nuzzled his sensitive skin for his pleasure was delightful. Breasts danced along his shaft. Beauties whose only purpose now was to make him happy.

He stroked up and released Cathy. He wanted her to add an oral contingent to his enjoyment. And as he expected she did. Begging and pleading, offer her body for what he clearly had intended instead of her poor sweet little sister. Trevor loved hearing a helpless little Shrunken female voice helplessly blathering on as he approached release.

He capped his cock with that lovely little wiggler. He watched as he sprayed cum over it's little face. gooey fluid masking it's features and oozed down it's perky little chest. It clearly didn't like him coating her body. He enjoyed it when they struggled but still ended up like he wanted.

Finished unloading, he lifted Cathy and pressed the sisters together. Allowing them to share his fluid release. It slowly began trickling down their legs as he did up his shorts. How tired was he that Crystal both undid his shorts and placed two of his Shrunken on his lap and he didn't even wake up.

He got up and walked into his room. Taking the semen covered sisters back to the keeper cage. Then he stopped. Something was wrong. Then he noticed that the bitchy little Waitress was being taken in all three of her holes in the males cage.

He snickered, the stupid little thing must have annoyed Crystal while being scanned. But why three on her. There was a complete open female in the corner nearby. He went to ask Frank, but he wasn't in the cage.

"Hey you. Why are all three of you on that one and where is Frank?" he asked a male he hadn't bothered to name.

The man froze cock deep into Waitress' ass. Trembling as the giant was speaking to him. Pimp was still stretching her throat simply looked back and informed him, "The Blonde lady, told us three to rape this bitch or she would break us, then she tore some guy in half. She took Frank and left a little while ago. Should we all continue on this one bitch or spread the love as it were, Boss?"

"Continue, but don't spend all day focused on that one bitch." Trevor offered.

He walked to the bathroom and freshened up. Then text Crystal, "Where are you? Did you borrow one of my males?"

She texts back, "Shower, and yes. Didn't think you would mind me borrowing him to wash up with while you slept."

"No, it's OK. Just curious. Don't hurt him, he's my top male." he texted back.

"Oh, then I'll make sure he has a happy time washing my body." she teased back.

Trevor re-approached his cages. He might as well shower too. He opened up the keeper cage and grabbed Washcloth. She cringed in his grip, like a good Shrunken should.

He showered happily since he had caught up on his sleep. Curvy little form spread cleaners of different forms over different areas on his body. He didn't reward her with a little stroke and cover since he just finished enjoying himself just minutes earlier.

He slipped the pretty pet back into its cage. He picked out fresh clothes and dressed for the rest of the day. Since he was refreshed, he figured he needed a fresh rider. Reopening the keeper cage he took a look around. Spotting Counter, the lovely brunette corner store clerk from one of the early ports. She was a feisty little thing, pleading and squirming as he stripped her for her new task.

"Please sir, not my daughter." hollered up Store mom just perfectly. He smiled as the Shrunken female begged, seemingly ignoring the male going to town on her. Yeah she was attractive but not quite a keeper in that way. But her daughters were, and there was just something about hearing her whimper as he enjoyed them that made his day. So, he'd let her live. Besides the few males he'll actually take home will need a treat once and a while.

Cock nicely wrapped he walked into the living room. "Showered up?" Crystal asked. Stuffed into a delightful one piece. Sadly pink shorts covered the bottom part, happily tight little shorts. He found Frank, his top male looked exhausted. Strapped at her front across her belly, head drooping. Well at least he'll be shaded if they spend time in the sun.

"Yeah, you look great." he praised his gorgeous companion.

She pulled her arms back and wiggled her waist, waving Frank's hanging heads. "You don't mind me borrowing this one do you?"

"Only if you don't hurt him and reward him for being a good boy." Trevor responds.

Her fingers reached down and began rolling Frank's maleness playfully. "Oh, I don't mind giving him rewards for being a good boy." From Frank's expression, he was happy with this pending prize.

"So, what's the plan now?" Trevor asked.

"Hunt down some lunch?" She replied.

The thought of food seemed to remind his stomach that he hadn't eaten yet today. "That sounds great."

She hooked her arm around his and asked, "What do you feel like?"

"I don't know. I just know I'm hungry." he replied as they started down the hall.

"I want some lamb. Lets see if they have a restaurant that serves that." she suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds good." he agreed.

"You noticed you are gathering a pile of extra Shrunken right?" she advised.

Trevor thought about it. "Yeah, I ate one last night."

"Oh, like one of the ugly ones?" she asked with a purr.

"No, one of the keepers, but she likely would have slipped into the others cage in a couple ports." He explained.

"Hmm, sad I missed it. But unless you plan on binging on a few. I think maybe we need to find some games to thin the herd." she suggested.

"Yeah, I know, it's just I want to keep certain ones. A few of the males, some of the passables, and certainly most of my keepers." he confessed.

"Oh your so cute. Oh, did you pick a chubby to toss for the next port? I vote for that hideous man." she inquired.

"I was conflicted between him or one of the ladies from the house. I was thinking Frank there could have some fun whipping fat ass into shape." he answered.

"Bah, waste of equipment. I bet he'll bounce like an old rubber ball. The lady I think you're thinking of isn't that chuddy, she'd be good roasting stock." she gave her opinion.

"Are we having another Shrunken roast night?" he hoped.

"I am trying to get Randy to plan one. But it seems Elizabeth is all, that's cruel. I like her, but she has to accept what Shrunken are for." Crystal lamented.

"I'm sure she'll come around." He suggested.

Crystal shrugged, "Yeah, maybe. Oh, I think this place will have what we want."

"Let's check." Trevor said.

They went in, and the tiny restaurant did have lamb as an option. A few lamb options actually. They slipped into a discussion of different foods they had tried. Crystal had him easily outdone. Armadillo to snake and even that poisonous blowfish. She had a taste of different things, and she promised to help him try new flavors too.

This led into a meandering walk around the decks. In and out of shops. Nothing was bought this afternoon. No, he was being advised of places and locations she wanted to take him. London, Moscow, Tokyo, and more. Private clubs and reserved sites. He wondered when would they ever get any work done with all that travelling and enjoying life.

He was just getting to enjoy the imaginary world of him being her traveling gigolo. It was ended with their watches going off. Randy, "Get here for supper so we can all be ready for the play together."

Crystal sighed out, "Fuck, right. That stupid thing."

"It might not be that bad." he tried to encourage.

"Human's acting like stupid puppets while Shrunken better used as groin warmers sputtering out what passes as singing. Yeah, it will be." she grumbled. Shaking her head she whined, "But Randy likes them and wants us all to support them. So we have to go."

"Well, this is my first one. So at least it's a new experience for me?" he teased.

"If I knew you wanted to see a human be the body and a Shrunken make it's sounds I would have gotten you to snok me while I licked one of our little whore's pussy raw." she semi-joked back. Though, he would rather be heading back for that show.

"Oh, I should have said sooner, these plays put me in an awful mood. Honestly if I had been thinking I would have waited till tonight for some lone Shrunken play." She warned.

"So, no Crystal company for bed again tonight?" Trevor playfully whined at her.

"Sorry Lover, Cranky Crystal is not a fun bed mate. Oh, but if you allow me to borrow this little guy again I'll owe you." she advised.

"Well, since you said you'd owe me for last night, getting double from you just sounds spectacular." he teased.

"You know it." she teased back.

They entered Randy's room and there was the family sitting and eating already. Randy announced, "I ordered for you so we won't be late. Hurry, eat then get ready. I want to be early."

"What did you get us?" she asked, sitting down.

"Shark steaks with sea side salad." he advised.

Sea side salad looked like a garden salad with water chestnuts. But whatever. Trevor looked at Randy, "You're really excited about this play."

"Yes, love these. For them to work, the timing between human and Shrunken has to be perfect. If one or two of the pairings are off and it's like watching a badly dubbed foreign film." Randy cheered.

"A friend of mine actually caught most of the Shrunken for this troop. Some large high school glee club or something. Guess they just took a wrong turn and was lost on a back road as he was lost looking for a performer of a different type. Well, opportunity and all that." Elizabeth added in.

Randy looked at Trevor, "Not just the play, but we'll be in our own selection with a private bar for intermission and after the show. That means we will have access to many of the other Reds and Purples on the ship in a small area. A chance for us to get your new department off the ground running."

"It can't get off the ground running till it's actually there." Trevor tried to advise.

"Waiting till you're ready and you never will be. When wrestling the bear of potential, you have to rush in and grab it by the head before it rears up and takes yours off." Randy encouraged.

"Ever wrestle a bear?" Trevor asked him.

"Metaphor Trev Lad, metaphor. But you understand what I'm going for right?" the little Texian excitedly replied.

"Yeah." Trevor admitted he did.

"Hurry and eat. We want good seats." Randy noted.

"Don't you have tickets already?" he asked.

"Yeah, but hurry." his mentor begged.

Trevor tried the Shark. He honestly didn't notice that interesting of a taste. If he was honest he would have noted how close to tuna steaks they tasted like. Tuna Steaks cooked by a master chef. But, still.

Trevor was barely done when he was rushed out to go change into his good suit as Randy put it. Which was followed by a very firm no hanky panky you two. Crystal must have been already getting annoyed as she shot straight to her room without a word to him.

Trevor went into his room and found his suit spread out for him. He stripped down to his underwear. He was tempted to reward Counter for her service. He wasn't sure how long he had. He would coat her in his satisfaction some other time. Course he'd need a new rider for the evening. Spitroast was lifted by one of her legs. No one called in hopes to protect this one. Her pouty face looked wonderful disappearing into the dark of his closing pocket, framed by the side of his cock.

He goes to the washroom to dampen a cloth and wipe his body down before dressing. He wondered how he was ever going to go back to regularly not having his cock cradled on a helpless pretty Shrunken. It was so much better then just letting it dangle alone. Even in the heat and humid temperatures this cruise was travelling through.

He went back into the room and began dressing. He wondered who should be the finishing touches on his gold accessorized cowboy outfit. But seems Randy had decided that to. Both Gaos in their own mini cowgirl glittery outfit. He leaned in and asked, "Well, which one should I place on my hat?"

"What is the occasion, Master?" Ci-Ci perfectly performed. Jewel had slightly slipped back to the disgruntled pet even after his display of power last night.

"There is some play Randy wants us all to go to." he advised to see their reaction.

They looked at each other. This information seemed to bring them both disappointment. They must have been excited for this sideshow as well. Jewel stepped forward and requested, "Ci-Ci is your better behaved pet Master. She should get to ride on your hat."

"Jewel, you been talking about." Ci-Ci started. Then looked up with a "Sorry Master, I spoke out of turn."

"If I wore one on my hat, and the other on the tie. You both would be able to watch the play. But then you would both owe your master more." he offered.

He liked how they both looked nervously at each other. Clearly trying to figure out what owing him would mean to a being that could take what he wanted from them. But they took a chance, "Yes Master.'' They both replied together. He was certain this added to their training. A step closer to his favorite playthings being fully obedient and not just acting.

They made no effort to resist him binding them to his clothing. They actually helped by offering their limb or posing in an assisting way. But with them on their perches. He needed a buckle cover.

His first Trade Shrunken. That little long legged Asian beauty would best fit the motif. He wondered if Crystal had ordered her a cowgirl outfit. Sure it wouldn’t be as nice as the Gao's ones. But it would also fit the motif. And if it clashes too badly, he could always just strip her and have her decorate that way. He handed the little outfit to the terrified pet. "Change into this. Oh, put your hair into pigtails too. Might as well fit the costume." It began whimpering about something, He clapped loudly and she was a frantic ball changing for her master.

Buckle soon had it's attachment. He would have to go though his pets soon. How one of such fine quality wasn't being played with more was concerning.

He stepped into the room. A cranky looking Crystal was waiting. Her attachment had a matching dress code as well. But for her's it was no costumes. None of her pets looked happy with this. "You look great." he tried to cheer her up.

"Let's get this pointless waste of time over with." she grumbled.

"Why don't you just tell Randy you don't want to go?" he inquired.

"Cause, It's Randy." she sighed.

"Do you just not like plays, or this performance type in general?" he wondered.

She kind of nodded her head as she rolled it back and forth, "It's this style. Honestly it creeps me out. For them to practice and get in sync they would have to treat the Shrunken almost like people. That always weirds me out. And to praise that is just, well, wrong."

"Well, once it's done. You will not have to sit through another." he offered.

She made a handgun and shot him, "Nice try sport. Randy drags us all to one at least once a year. Well, I guess now I have someone to join me in my suffering."

He offered his arm and confirmed, "You sure do, beautiful."

"Oh, I left your male in the nightstand cage for later. You don't mind, do you?" she asked.

"I will want Frank back at some point. But no, enjoy him. Just don't break him." he advised.

"Yeah, I am going to borrow it from time to time. He's a fun plaything. He was such a good boy that I put in a couple of friends in with him. Very threatened friends. He'll be a happy boy when we get back." She purred.

"You know I don't play that way with male Shrunken," he reminded her.

"I do, and will. If you don't mind." she teased.

They stepped out to Randy grumbling, "About time. Sesh, I told you two no hanky panky. Now get your wagons a rollin. We’re late."

"We are right behind you." Crystal responded flatly.

They walked through the ship to a location Trevor hadn't been to yet. He never expected a theater this fancy on a ship. Warm dark red walls interrupted with exquisite molded wooden doors, frames, and panels. The ceiling in the lobby was high with life-like clouds parting to let beams of sunlight shine through upon it. It was such a vision he had to stop and shake his head to dispel the illusion of them flowing.

Since they were a tad early they took their time walking through the room. A sight of its own on this trip of wonders. Katie snapped a couple pics with her watch softly saying, "I wish Calvin could see this. He'd love it."

Trevor was just realizing Jane didn't come with them when he was struck with more amazing architecture. The Theater itself was sprawling and curved in a flowing manner. He looked up at the ceiling to try to take in every molded form. The clouds now had angels and cherubs. He could feel their feathers by how detailed the painting was done. He found all heavenly images and sculpted fixtures drew his gaze to the stage. He would try to refocus to enjoy the handy work some more only to find his eyes directed back to the stage. He had to somewhat concentrate not to trip as he walked in among the group.

Guided up to the higher status seating. Randy had selected a booth-like seat near the back center. He wondered why the man so excited about these types of plays wanted to sit so far back. Then he looked out towards the stage and had no trouble making out the faces and details of the people doing the last checks on the stage.

There was another reason it seemed as Randy tapped his arm, "There Trev Lad, those are the Howell's. Patrick and Tanya Howell. And that's their little girl Sandra. They are the king and queen of the Shrunken toy industry. Those wonderful playsets and gadgets we use to enjoy a Shrunken with was their division that developed and made them. They are super nice. I will introduce you during intermission. I think they are in for your team advertising for them. But I want them to meet you, then I know for sure they'll sign up."

He looked over the three. The man looked like what Trevor would imagine a young Santa Claus, well middle aged one would look like. Rather tall and rotund with a jolly smile. Bright pink cheeks with a whiting red beard. His wife fit the bill for Mrs. Claus. She too was fairly tall. Chubby in a strangely comforting way. She had salt and pepper hair and a kind Aunt style face. Their daughter looked like they brought an elf with them. She didn't have either of their height or plump shape. No, she was slim and tiny. Maybe it would hit her later in life. Bright red hair in a short style. She looked excited.

Trevor noted how excited Randy was about these toy makers. He must have used playsets a lot. Trevor had a dozen or more from Crystal ordering them for him but hadn't cracked any open. He thought they were silly. Besides, how profitable could a Shrunken Toy division be? But Randy wanted them signed, but he had to remind his sponsor, "I don't have a team yet."

"Pish-posh. One bump doesn't ruin a trail. Now, oh it's that stupid shipping guy. Don't let him know we are advertising. Even after that mixer we had to share a table with him he is still sending requests to take over shipping for my company." Randy grumbled.

"Shouldn't we want all the clients we can get?" Trevor asked.

"No, quality over quantity for now. Now keep an eye out for Dr. Grant's and Dr. Miller's families." he advised.

"I have no idea who they are." Trevor responded.

"Do you not track the upper Escalon's of The Company?" he questioned.

Trevor shrugged, "No, why?"

"Trev Lad, how did you make it to Blue without peeking who was on top?" Randy requested.

"I did the best job I could in helping advertise some crazy Texan’s pet pellets." he retorted jokingly.

Randy smiled at him, "Sure, if you wanted to do it the hard way."

Soon he was getting quick descriptions of the other guests as they wandered into view. Security chiefs and family for Europe, Australia, and Asia. From spoiled bankers' sons and a struck up entertainment heiress to hard working medical researchers and the head of The Company's charity division. How could Randy remember them all and know them with just a look was beyond Trevor.

Then Randy nodded to a group coming into view. "Oh that's convenient. They look like they are friends. The man in front is Jeff Grant, his company will soon be taking over Shrunken Breeding worldwide. That's his wife Debbie and their little girl, Christine I believe. Oh isn't that cute? She looks to be holding hands with the Miller boy. The man is Herold, no wait, Howard Miller. He is some science genius. He has actually made teleporting tech. That is his wife Milaguard and the boy is named Micheal I believe."

"You know I'm surprised you don't have more people coming to want to talk to the great Randel Walker." Trevor noted as he looked over the two families. Dr. Grant was another jolly looking chubby man. Well, more broad than fat, but clearly carrying a belly. Status didn't just get you money and power as Mrs. Grant showed. A man of those dimensions didn't usually gain such a lovely partner. A lovely tall slender blonde right up to her chest where someone jammed plump breasts on. They were actually just a touch or so too large. It threw off her appearance. Slightly smaller ones would have looked better. Their daughter clearly got the mother's original figure. But had naturally curly hair, almost ringlets.

"It's considered rude, that's why." Randy explained as Trevor started looking over the Millers. Dr. Miller was a thin, tall, lanky man. The kind of man you expect to play the scarecrow in a production of Wizard of Oz. His wife was another exquisite proof Status makes you better looking. Almost as tall as her husband, and most of that was amazing legs. Her hair was somewhere between sunshine blonde and dirty blonde. She didn't look to have gone under the knife, which out of the two women made her seem sexier somehow to him. The boy must have gotten shape from the mother's side as he looked fairly well built for his age. Like a baseball or swimmer of that age. Brown hair in a simple style.

"So will it be rude to go up and talk to them then?" Trevor asked.

"Business, not fans. That's what makes it better, Trev Lad." Randy advised. Suddenly the lights started to dim.

Trevor looked over at Crystal. He hadn't meant to ignore her, but Randy had grabbed his attention. If she was mad at him it didn't show as she softly breathed with eyes closed.

He looked out and the play started. A cliché Romeo and Juliet thing. Musical caught him slightly off guard. The humans moved and pantomimed the physical performances. On a screen above center stage was the Shrunken dressed in gowns and tuxedos. Talking, singing, making crowd noises. The screen was in just the right spot that you could watch both or, as he found himself doing, focusing on just the stage.

He expected the divide between bodies and voices to be off putting. But they merged like streams into a smooth brook. He wasn't sure if he liked it or would just prefer a normal performance. Knowing Shrunken that could be better enjoyed was being used for this just seemed wrong. Yet, it did give an intriguing dramatic.

Intermission and Randy looked at Trevor and advised, "Here is our chance, Trev Lad." They walked into the room, and waiting for Randy was that shipping guy.

As the guy rambled on about how much better his trucking company was compared to Randy's own team. Their reach and reliability. Crystal wandered towards the bar. As Randy reminded the man he wasn't interested Trevor slipped behind Miles. As that thick skulled guy started up again Trevor made his break for the bar.

Trevor had lost track of where Crystal was. He got close to the bar and found the source of the swing music as three pretty Shrunken were playing song birds in a cage with a microphone. They were dressed to match the selected music style. More than one comment of how guests would rather see them performing was whispered around him.

"What would you like sir?" the bartender asked.

"Hmm. I don't know." he replied.

The man turned and returned with a golden drink and a wink, "You want one of these."

If this was somewhere else he would have refused the unknown drink. But a Company ship should be safe this once. He tried it. Refreshing, clearly ginger ale was the base, but what else was in it was beyond him. "That's really good and refreshing." he praised.

"I know what my customers want." the man noted. Then went to serve someone else.

Trevor took another sip and turned to find Crystal. But instead he froze in his tracks. "Mr. Scribe, oh good I was hoping to re-discuss you returning my daughters to me." Mr. Gao flatly said.

"I'm sorry Mr. Gao." Trevor started. But the man stopped him with his hand.

"I realized my offer was too low. I will now give you three Shrunken of your choice out of my extensive catches plus a thousand Company Credits for each of my daughters back." he firmly offered.

Six Shrunken for two? Yeah they were extra enjoyable for his ego due to their past status. But six for two. Then there were the two thousand Company Credits. Even working for Randy, how long would it take for him to earn that? But a little voice in his head asked how mad would Crystal be if he traded her special gifts?

"I'm sorry Mr. Gao. Those particular Shrunken are not for sale." he replied wishing he wasn't wearing them just at this moment.

"Mr. Scribe, you fail to understand. I will gain them back from you at some point. I am offering you a way to profit and gain another high standing friend. Keep refusing and we will not be close. Your choice. But take this advice, you will not be able to hide behind Mr. Walker forever and I have a long reach." Mr. Gao gave his vailed treat.

"Your wife said she disowned them now that they were Shrunken." Trevor advised.

Mr. Gao flinched. Then his featured snarled as he growled, "My wife does not control this family. She is mistaken in that statement. And I request you not talk to her without me present again. Now, what is your counter offer. Let's negotiate like gentlemen."

"Hello Mr. Gao, your not trying to buy my gifts off Trevor again are you?" Crystal grumbled walking up behind him.

"We are having a private conversation Ms. Green." was his reply but it came off more like, mind your business woman.

She clearly thought so too but kindly responded, "Well, I'm sorry to interrupt but Randy needs him right now. Maybe we all can talk together sometime."

"Fine, good night Mr. Scribe, consider my offer." the Asian man coldly said.

"I will Mr. Gao," he told him. Still wondering if he should take him up on that offer.

As they distanced themselves from the Asian man he asked his blonde companion, "What does Randy need?"

"You to have an excuse to get out of that moronic conversation before you caved. According to Miles he's enjoying this foolish spat and would be disappointed in you to have stopped it." she advised.

"He really wants to duel that man over this?" Trevor queried.

She rolled her eyes and said, "They have things set up and are just waiting for Mr. Gao to get off his ass and try something else. Honestly from the way Miles was just talking about it, this disagreement has just made Randy like you more."

"Your family is just strange." he sighed.

"As you keep saying." she snarked.

He looked at her. What was wrong, "You feeling OK?" he tested his metaphoric footing.

She sighed then gave him a glance, "Sorry, as I said, get really cranky coming to these stupid things. I promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow."

"Sleeping through it doesn't help?" he wondered.

"Oh we could be doing so many more fun things. But here we are watching mimes on stage while someone's toys wail like cats in heat. No dozing off in boredom doesn't help." she complained.

"Would a promise of fun when we get back help?" he offered with a wink.

He could tell she restrained her first response. "Sorry Honey, I warned you earlier, no snoking tonight. I need some torment therapy. I'm keeping your male for the night. Mostly promise he won't be broken."

"OK, OK, I'll give you space." he gracefully surrendered as the lights flickered calling them back for the second half of the play.

Walking back toward the seats they encountered Randy also looking annoyed. "Didn't get to talk to anyone besides that shipping guy huh?" Trevor asked.

"No, but there is a meet the cast event after the show for Reds and Purples. I'm hoping to catch them there." Randy sighed.

"Hopefully. We'll split up to give us a better chance to talk to those men. I doubt Mr. Gao will want to talk to me again." Trevor offered.

Randy nodded, "Possibly, Trev Lad, possibly."

They sat down and soon after the light went down. The play restarted and Crystal was out almost as soon. The rest of the play was as passable as the beginning. They went for the happy ending for this story.

The human actors came out for bows as the Shrunken voices performed a melody of tunes from the show. Crystal snorted awake and grumbled, "Finally." She looked at them and advised, "I'm going to head back to my room unless I need to stay around."

"No no sweet heart. Go ahead, Trev Lad, Miles and I have it." Randy replied.

"Great." she grumbled.

Crystal and Katie both filed out with the others uninterested in meeting the cast and the lower status guests. Trevor followed Randy and Miles to the balcony bar again. Most of the higher standing guests looked interested in meeting the cast.

Trevor noticed Mr. Gao wasn't in the bar area. He started looking around for the men Randy had advised he wanted to have him advertise for. The cast started to filter in. Different guests filtered to different performers. Some kid even started talking to the director.

Suddenly Miles grabbed Randy's shoulder. He showed him his watch. "Dang, now. Well at least it has really begun. Trev Lad make contact. Miles and I have to deal with something."

"But, they don't know me." Trevor pointed out.

"Just be causal. Let them know you are my Ad rep and everything should be fine." Randy reassured him.

Trevor felt out of place alone with the movers and shakers of the Company. He tried to remember the faces and names of the individuals Randy pointed out. He found the toy maker first. He took a deep breath and approached.

"Hello, I'm Trevor Script. Randy Walker's advertising rep." he introduced himself.

"Oh, yeah Randy mentioned you. I'm Patrick Howell. But you can call me Pat. Tanya this is the lad Randy was talking to me about." the jolly man replied.

"Oh hello. Tanya, Tanya Howell. It's nice to meet you. Have Miles set up a meeting between the five of us after this trip. Here is a little busy to get started. And well, we are on vacation." his wife explained.

"Oh yeah. He, Randy, just wanted me to introduce myself." Trevor lied slightly.

"Well, I'm looking forward to seeing your plans to advertise our product. You have a favorite set?" Mrs. Howell asked.

"Well, I've just recently gained Shrunken." Trevor hoped she didn't press harder.

"Oh Honey, it's the young man that played the main character and his voice." the Jolly man interrupted.

"Sorry, we really want to meet him. We saw him in a different performance and are a bit of fans.'' She apologized. The three walked away after the actor.

Trevor felt oddly happy to be dismissed by the family. That was uncomfortable. But Randy wanted him to make contact. He spotted the teleporter guy and the breeder talking with one of the actresses. Sighing some courage he walked over.

"Hello." he said.

They both looked at him. They were clearly trying to figure out if they recognized him. "Hello." the tall thin man replied cautiously.

"I know you don't know me. But I am Trevor Scribe. I represent a new advertising division being set up by Randel Walker." Trevor started.

The larger man groined, "Sure you do. Another Walker rep, Howard."

"Hold on Jeff. Well, do you have a card stating as such?" the thinner man asked, holding out his hand.

"Not yet. But Mr. Walker just wanted me to introduce myself." Trevor began.

Interrupting the tall man said, "No card huh? Where is Mr. Walker? He'd be good to meet."

"He had sudden pressing business." Trevor confessed.

"Look kid. I don't know how you got up here. And we'll not rat you out. But throwing around a high status name like Randel Walker will likely get you more trouble then business. And this isn't the spot to get clients to your little start-up. But I'll humor you, send my Factory a message and I'll have my staff look you over. Good luck." the larger built man advised with a sympathetic smile.

They simply turned and walked away from him. The thinner man noted, "At least he was less pushy then that annoying shipping guy. Sad they both tried the Walker scheme."

Trevor stood there. He didn't interact with this level without prep and research. This was Randy's plan and he left him to deal with something else. Likely the start of the war with Mr. Gao. He was tempted to confront the shipping guy about lying about representing Randy. But even he was of higher standing then he was. He was a small fish and these were the sharks.

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Ch 20B: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by HHunter1 » Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:12 am

Chapter 20B

He left feeling small. Walking to the suite being gifted to him by Randy and Crystal. He felt like a lie going into a Red status room. Crystal's voice could be heard snarling, "You want to sing? You want to sing? This is how you sing insect." As a tiny female voice grunted loud enough to be heard in the main room. She was clearly letting out her annoyance.

Trevor was a tad disappointed he wasn't snoking that blonde goddess again tonight. He looked at his males and their continued enjoyment of the passables he had left in their cage. Well if he wasn't getting what he wanted. Nether would they. "Clean them up boys, you've had your fun." he declared. A couple of the males tried to finish quickly. One of the newer males was the closest to make an example of. A quick flick and it's head snapped back. He wobbled and fell over, face a bloody mess. That ended any finishing thrusts quick. The giant was in a bad mood.

He held a tub by the second story access and the males tossed the female treats into it. He stepped over to his disposables cage and poured them in. Waitress and the Black former keeper's eyes went to terror when they realized they were staying in the more likely to be killed cage.

Moving around the bed Trevor took off his hat and removed Ci-Ci. Placing her in the nightstand cage. Followed by Jewel. Out of habit he pressed the scanner expecting the same results. No light on his Unripe beauty. She clearly understood that result as she cowered at his appraising look. Trevor waited, it wouldn't be the first time the scanner took a second to decide. No, it finally happened. That dark haired lovely was eligible to be played with. At least something was going right.

He went over to the main cage and placed that Leggy Asian pet back. He stripped naked. Placing Spitroast in from her service as his cock rest. He grabbed out a couple of unnamed keepers about Unripes age range. They would help with his finishing act. But she would be his main focus tonight. Their slave outfits peeled easily from them like an overripe orange.

He dropped them on the bed. Perfect little pets, the clung to each other trembling before their aroused owner. He opened the nightstand cage and pulled out Unripe. He thought about changing her name. But decided against it for now. He had too many unnamed pets to worry about changing named one's names.

He admired her as he moved to sit on the bed. Long wavy black hair. Perky little breasts, a fair size already. Long smooth shapely legs. A pert little ass. Yes she was worth keeping and waiting for. And tonight she would earn her place in his collection.

She seemed focused on something on his face. Scared of it. "What is it, little one? What are you looking at?" he tormented.

"Your not going to eat me like you did my Aunt are you?'' Her wonderful voice whimpered. He forgot she was caught with the other mourners that Port with Miles. The sight of her family member devoured alive had a wonderful pleading effect.

He licked his lips causing it to recoil in terror. "Well you look like a sweet treat. I do on planning on keeping you for a long time. As long as you are an obedient pet." he tormented.

She looked conflicted. Snack or sex pet, she clearly wasn't sure which was better. He sat down and stroked a finger along her cheek. She vibrated with fear of him. Just making her an even more appealing plaything.

He hooked a finger around her leg. Thumb touched along it's limb. Stroking up and down. Admiring it's tone and structure. Wonderfully smooth as a Shrunken's leg should be. He nabbed the string on the sandal on this limb. A slight tug and it was untied.

He dropped the unrequired footwear. Admiring the second limb. Just as lovely as the first. His pet didn't appreciate being appraised. Terror made it flex its muscles. Clearly uncertain how best to escape her owner's attention.

Second sandal off, he focused higher. Fingers pressed it's chest. Rolling it's breasts. A sweet whimper sang from his little pet. Despite it's fear he could feel it's tiny nipples begin to react. She clearly didn't like that, her expression was a delightful reaction that cheered him up.

His thumb hooked between it's mounds. Lifting the top off her torso. She surrendered like a smart little Shrunken. She gasped, resisting panic. Her full bottom lip trembled made her lovely face more appealing.

He adjusted his hold on her appealing form. Fingers wrapped around her torso. Pinning her back against his palm as the pads squished her tender tits. Her bottom half dangled freely. Making her bend her knees slightly and point her tiny feet.

He ran his free fingers down her sides and over her perky little rump. He mental praised Shrunken technology. Making them perfectly firm in all the right areas. He ran his fingers over her body and ass again. Pushing her bottoms just a little more down those scrumptious legs. A slow third pass over her form and down the sides of her thighs. She parted her legs just so. And she was naked for his enjoyment.

He reclined his hand allowing her to lay upon his palm. She unwittingly posed herself in a very appealing pose. one leg slightly straighter than the other with the bent leg's foot slightly over the bottom one. Hip turned, she held her torso up on one arm as her other held her hand before her pretty face. He licked his lips as he contemplated how to enjoy her first. She fell back in fear. Arms pressed to her sides defensively, pressing her pert mounds closer together.

He reached over and pushed those arms back. Hooking her legs to straighten and divide them. Free of obstructions, his finger traced along her supple curves. Over features that were of great appeal. Teasingly brushing sensitive spots to watch her jump. To hear her gasp.

Since he waited so long to enjoy her. He figured she should have some fun as well. Bringing her up towards his face. The fingers of his free hand spread wide her appealing stems. She took a deep breath in as she came closer to the maw that destroyed her aunt the night before. Lips took her thighs and round little bottom. She let out a hard moan as his tongue tasted her ripe little pussy.

Someone vanilla flavored her little sensitive pussy. Fitting for her he thought as he took another firm lick. She moaned again as he opened her slit with the tip of his giant tongue. He eagerly began savoring her sweetened womanhood. Clearly not an unappealing treatment as his plaything began loudly sounding off an arousing sound with each stroke. Her curvy hips began pumping along with his rhythm like a good little treat.

His fingers reached over and began stroking along her face and torso. She wonderfully began gasping out, "No, stop. Please I don't want this." like she had a choice.

For all her complaining her body told a different story. The sweet flavor intensified as more liquid trickled onto his tongue. Miniature nipples pointed firmly off the domes of her breasts. Hips popped as he lapped along her pussy. Her legs, pressed to the outside of his cheeks. Stroked along his skin seemingly to encourage his continued deep kisses.

He reached down and grabbed the yet to be named pair. Dropping them by his towering erection. He pushed the bubble blonde looking one against his shaft. It had seen enough from the cages to know it's duty. It brushed his skin with her plump little breasts. Tiny hands massaged attention into his manhood. A miniature tongue timidly lapped along his skin. He would call her Bubbly. Her obedient reaction would earn her time as his lollypop at some point.

The Brunette didn't wait to be pushed. She crawled over in a hurried fashion. Loving her master's giant cock like a Shrunken should. Humping at it like her life depended on it. Course in her mind it just might. That little Lollypop earned a reward too. Oh good, he thought. Two less to name.

Though they were servicing him well for inexperienced Shrunken. He still wrapped his hand around them both and slowly stroked them along his shaft. Grabbing two tiny living women and enjoying their forms like that was so empowering. Helpless to stop him, their womanly bodies felt delightful travelling his cock.

Unripe was being such a delightful oral treat. She stopped begging him to stop pleasuring her. In fact, from the moaning gasping sounds, that pleasuring was overwhelming her pretty little mind. Her body arched and pumped with his rhythm. Her little feet hooked into his cheeks for more leverage for her hips to trust with each passing of the tip of his tongue. Suddenly those legs pointed hard out to the sides as that lovely body arched up. Her little voice sang out a long moaning no sound as her body clearly screamed yes.

He moved her away from his lips. She coiled and shook her head. Helpless to resist his whims. He adjusted so his erection would lay along his body. Releasing the two in his palm by the base of his shaft. They continued the right idea. Showing their master his proper respect.

He placed his prize so she was bent over his tip. She clearly hadn't fully accepted her first giant induced climax as she kept babbling and shaking her head. He opened the nightstand and pulled out the lube. He was going to see if he could poke another reaction out of her tiny form.

He pressed her torso against his shaft. Her head darted around as a goo covered pinky pressed at tongue loosened pussy. As he began to roll the tip she looked away. Faintly he could hear her little voice chanting no over and over as she shook her head. Making her black locks dance for him. The two at the bottom of his shaft gave sympathetic looks at her. But mainly focus on not trading places with a lovely little Latina.

His finger found purchase. Slowly he pressed into his wonderful Shrunken plaything. She started and began to sob. Then jumped again as his knuckle popped inside her. Slowly he retracted his touch. Knuckle making her jump again. Slowly he worked in her. Her tight tiny pussy trickled still from his oral treatment. He allowed her to be familiar with every millimeter of his touch.

Then he sped up. Giving her the giant fingering she deserved. Again her hips bucked with his rhythm. But that might have been due to his pinky's girth making her roll along with it's tickling. She leaned, pressing her firm breasts along his skin. Grunting and gasping as he filled her Shrunken cunt. He wrapped his free hand around her waist and his shaft so she wouldn't shift out of place. Then sped up some more. A hyper hard breathing sang from her as he enjoyed watching her wiggle on his finger. Wanted or not, her body trembled from his affection. She sang in forced climax perfectly.

He pulled his finger free and released her wonderful body. This was well worth waiting for. She laid on his cock. Limbs hanging over the sides as she struggled to gain her breath. He petted her round little ass as she recovered on his manhood. Her two new little friends were using their bodies to beg not to be fingered themselves.

"Well little one. You've had your fun. Time for mine." he explained to his sweet-faced Latina.

She looked back like she was about to counter his statement. But just swallowed her words hard. He pinched her torso between his thumb and first two fingers and lifted her limp body. Then wrapped his hand back around the other two. Placing his prize near the foot of the bed he ordered, "Get on your knees pet."

Unripe coiled up and followed his command. Looking up at him in submission and awe.

"Reach back and grab your ankles." Trevor directed.

She grabbed her ankles. Arching for him. What a wonderful little figure he would enjoy for years to come. As she was still panting from all her rewards he didn't need to tell her to hold her mouth open.

Now he curled onto his knees. She trembled as he aimed his hard cock at her pretty little face. He adjusted so the tip was just inches from her full lips. Then he began to stroke Bubbly and Lollypop along his shaft.

Unripe just stared up in fear as he worked the other two Shrunken beauties along his cock. Mouth open, her bottom lip quivered as she held her displaying pose. He savored her expression and helplessness. This was exactly what Shrunken were for. And Lollipop and Bubbly seem to have learned that fact as well. Wonderful, firm tiny women body fucked by his cock as Unripe awaited the reward of his thick fluid oozing over her pretty features.

He sighed happily as his first glob sailed to it's target. Splattering over that gorgeous face. Filling her open mouth. The rest rained white thick cum onto that awaiting face. Coating through that long black hair. Flowing down her sweet neck. glazing her perky breasts. Thick glob after thick glob was her perfect reward for the pleasures he brought her earlier.

He finished and commanded, "Don't move." Unripe sat still trying hard to swallow the thick liquid bubbling over her soft pink lips. Not that he could see those lips under all that cum. He watched as his seed slowly painted down over her skin. Flowing over curves and contours. Just as it started to run off her and onto the bedspread he reached down and pinned her between Lollipop and Bubbly so he wouldn't get any cum on his hand. Placing the group into the night stand cage to freshen themselves up on their own.

Trevor walked to the bathroom. He freshened up and brushed his teeth. He came out and put his underwear on. He shut off the lights and curled into bed. Highly satisfied and not carrying a stomach full of sugar he dozed off into a very restful sleep.

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CH 21A: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by HHunter1 » Fri Sep 17, 2021 12:33 am

Sorry this took so long. Hope I made it worth the wait.

Chapter 21A

Trevor awoke to a buxom full lipped form nibbling on his ear. "In a better mood?" he asked before opening his eyes.

Massive breasts massaged his face. "I sure am. Why don't you get up and brush your teeth and when you come back you'll be rewarded for putting up with cranky me." Crystal offered.

"Roll off me and I'll will." he agreed.

"OK, do a good job. You know how I hate morning breath." she commanded. Sliding to one side.

He Slipped out from under the covers and walked to the bathroom. He flossed then brushed. He wasn't taking a chance. Remembered interactions with the voluptuous blonde had him very ready for her to reward him. There curled invitingly on his bed was a naked Crystal.

What he was not prepared for was the naked Katie in a mirrored pose. Crystal cooed at him, "I told Katie about the Betty Hug and she wants to try it out. I told her you wouldn't mind. You don't do you?"

"Oh Mommy, he looks ready to give me a hard demonstration." Katie mentioned breathlessly.

Trevor had to admit the sight of the two naked curvy blonde beauties waiting and wanting him to join them in his bed was a rush. He even got a twitch in his underwear knowing they were mother and daughter. He would have thought that pairing wouldn't be interested in a shared sexual encounter. But, these were of the Walker clan.

He gathered his wits and pointed to the passible cage, "Grab two of the better ones." He then turned and grabbed the device that was supposed to keep Shrunken strapped to his cock alive. He didn't fully trust it would. Hench the disposable picks.

He turned back to the bed. Katie had picked the riders. Handing Mother to Crystal as a pair of nice legs dangled out from her pillowy lips. He climbed onto the bed as Crystal copied her daughter with Mother's fine little body. The Green ladies grabbed his arms and directed him to lay on his back.

Crystal lay along one side and Katie warmed the other. Their shapely forms rolled along his. Little legs were dragged on his chest and along his cheeks and his lovely bed guests nuzzled him. They rose up smiling as those mini limbs wiggled frantically. They turned toward each other, tilted their heads and leaned forward like they were going to kiss. They dueled their captives legs to force the orally held women to scissor as they stroked each other's faces affectionately. Not like mother daughter, but like lovers.

Suddenly lips opened and the ladies' beautiful faces moved closer as wiggling female Shrunken were made to slide along each other. Trevor watched as the small beings were glided into a sixty-nine position. Mother's and daughter's tongues coiled around the bodies held in their mouths and pressed one face or the other into the waiting tiny pussies. Then full lips pressed together. Both women hummed happily as their bodies pressed together upon his chest. Hands pulling the others form tight to their own.

Trevor stroked his own hands down their bodies. Which made them write against him more. He found Crystal sexier but had to admit Katie's ass and tits were firmer. They turned and opened their mouths. Mother and Store Mom fell out and bounced on his chest. Then were quickly pinned as two blonde goddess rolled their chests towards him. Full lips kissed and sucked along his neck. One landed on his mouth and he hungrily kissed deep. It left for the other to wrap its tongue enjoyably around his tongue.

Skilled hand works along his body and he heard a little scream as one of the Shrunken was dragged by it's legs down his body. Then the second yelped and followed that path. He could feel those bodies wiggling along his shaft. Both mothers weren't really keepers. But they were sure close. A tube-like thing was fitted over his tip and slid down his manhood. Suddenly it tightened and the Shrunken's bodies were pinned to his shaft facing out.

Crystal slipped along his side. Kissing at his cheek she purred, "OK baby, give it a try."

Katie straddled his body. Her naked form was spectator. It was no surprise that form led so many to their destruction. Her hand pointed him up. She looked enthusiastic to ride his cock. Her wet pussy kissed his tip and two tiny panicked voices begged when they should have been catching their breaths. Katie's tight canal suckled down his length and took the two wiggling forms inside her.

Katie's head shot back as she gasped, "Oh Mommy you're right. It does fit just right." She shuttered a deep breath and advised, "Oh and now those bitches, oh I can feel them squirming in the right places."

Katie's hands ran over her chest and through her long blonde hair as her hips and legs pumped her tight pleasure path on his erection. It was a gorgeous sight. One he would be willing to repeat. But out of the two, he rather it was Crystal.

The sight of her daughter fucking her lover had an arousing affect on Crystal. She kissed him deeply. Then as she grinds her body to his. She began praising her child to him. "Look at her go! So energetic! Sexy young thing just loving you fucking her!"

Katie interjected, "Oh Mommy you look so hot! Sexy mommy sexy mommy. Oh you're so lucky, Trevor's cock just hits that spot hard!"

"Hmmm, it does baby girl." Crystal sexy growl raising up. "Fuck him hard for me like a good girl." she commanded. Then they kissed and ran their hands over each other's bodies like a mother and daughter shouldn't.

Crystal now straddled him behind her daughter. They began to make out as mother's hands kneaded lustfully daughter's breasts. Daughter's hand messed up mother's blonde locks as the other raced along mother's breathtaking leg. Mother's voluptuous body grind to the back and tight ass of her child as that young beauty pumped herself hard upon his hard cock and it's trapped additions.

Katie's head turned and she started chanting, "I'll be good step-daddy, be good step-daddy!"

"Yes, ride Trevor baby doll! Yes, make him cum!" Crystal screamed.

Trevor felt like a king with such a display occurring on him. Katie arched up and screamed, "Yes I want one!" Trevor felt her pussy squeeze his shaft as the teen blonde clearly climaxed.

She had just finished and just began to pant for breath when Crystal literally pushed her off his cock. Katie's buxom form cuddled to him as Crystal's dripping vagina swallowed him and the gasping pair strapped to him.

Crystal laid upon Katie pushing her harder onto Trevor. The older blonde began humping vigorously. Grinding her body against her own daughter’s. Which rubbed Katie along Trevor's body. Crystal's pace was frantic. Her expression was a clear gage of how quickly she was approaching her own climax. That was being cheered on by Katie moaning loudly, "Snok him mommy, snok him hard mommy!"

Crystal grabbed Katie's firm bubble ass and squeezed as she arched up. Trevor was rewarded with the sight of her climaxing atop him. He didn't know what spot he hit in the Green girls, but he hoped he never started to miss it.

Crystal landed along one side of him and slid off his erection. She purred in his ear, "Grab Katie and finish up lover."

He wanted her warm sensitive hole. But he liked making his sugar momma happy. He moved behind Katie and grabbed her hips. A slight pull and her ass was up for him to insert deep into her pussy. Mother and Store Mom pleaded for him not to. He loved how they looked smeared with both of the blonde's pleasure fluids. The younger Green beauty was still well wet. Sighing happy as he filled her tight canal.

He slowly began fucking that tight body. Katie cheered in gasped tones, "Oh Trev-daddy spoiling his little girl. Snok me Trev-daddy, I'll be your obedient little piece for a good snoking!"

Crystal rolled over and guided her daughter atop of her. Their mouths met as hands travelled each other's luscious curves like long time lovers. Trevor couldn't believe how lucky he was.

Holding firm he began shoving his cock deep and hard into Katie's starving pussy. The younger blonde arched appealingly. She held herself in a very accepting pose with her head pointed back toward him. Crystal looked obsessed with Katie's appealing form. One hand reached between Trevor's hold to squeeze an ass cheek. The other was racing one of those sculpted legs. Mother's mouth suckled daughter's plump tit.

It was a sight. Too much for Trevor to take in all at once. Katie began chanting, "Mommy, Trev-daddy!" He was driving her fast to another climax. With Crystal's eager help. Two other mini mothers drove in deep along with his cock.

Blonde snok ride exploded. Her wet vagina felt like it was sucking his hard shaft. Trevor stopped resisting and pressed in down to his balls. This seemed to redouble Katie's pleasurable release. He came hard deep inside his lover's sexy teen daughter. He was glad they waited to do this to him till after she was eighteen.

His eyes rolled back into his head as his balls drained into thirsty pussy. Katie hummed happily with each spray inside her. Crystal stroked her daughter's hair with a proud expression on her face. Trevor would never understand this family and their sexual ideas. But right now, he didn't care to.

Trevor pulled his cock and company out of that pleasant guest entrance. Katie whimpered, "Oh, I liked it in there."

He looked down at the riders. Nearly drowned but very alive. Pussy juices and cum covered their faces and naked little bodies. Hands pinned by the device meant they had no means to clear the mixture from their pretty little faces. Maybe use keepers next time he thought to himself.

Crystal's hand supported his shaft and the pink device came loose. She was not bothered by the goopy coating that was over it. She strutted over to the extras' cage and poured the contents, both fluid and living, onto the chubby housewife. Crystal laughed at how bothered the rotund woman was by this.

She walked over to the keeper cage. "Which ones were they again?" she asked herself. Then popped an access lid, "Oh I remember." She pulled out Washcloth and turned, handing it towards Katie. "Take this one."

"OK Mommy." purred the girl.

Crystal then pulled out Guide and beckoned, "Shower time."

Katie stood up and grabbed Trevor's arm. She smiled and cheered, "We'll wash you up good."

He followed the naked blonde procession to Crystal's shower. The older beauty started the water. Tempt right, he was guided inside. Then flanked by the blondes. They soaped their living wash clothes and began washing his hair. "Where's mine?" he asked.

Crystal bopped his nose. "No no Mr. Scribe. I'm making it up to you for no snoking the last few nights."

"So we'll do all the scrubbing." Katie added.

Crystal grabbed his arm on Katie's side and guided it around her daughter and cupped his hand over the daughter's firm tit. Katie followed suit with her mother's. He massaged the offered mounds as they washed his hair. Then turned and washed each other’s bodies while making out before him.

They worked the cleaner out of his hair with the little bodies. Guide and Washcloth stayed their usual entertaining self, grunting and gasping as they were used. The Green ladies finished with his hair and appealingly affectionately rinsed each other's hair.

They pressed their cheeks together and purred "Time to condition." And his head was spoiled by the two of them. Then his eyes were spoiled watching the two of them treat each other's hair with tan skinned living applicators.

Crystal grabbed the body wash and sprayed a glob on Katie's ample chest. The younger blonde giggled as Washcloth was rubbed over those mounds to make suds. Crystal globed some on her own breast and Guide was used to make boobie bubbles.

They pressed those plumb tits into his body. Scrubbing his skin with those breasts and their aroused nipples. They allowed his hands to spread cleaners all over their curves. Crystal turned and pressed her back into his chest. Katie hugged her mothers front. They pressed and jiggled their ample mounds along each other. Katie danced down Crystal's gorgeous body, tit washing every inch of the front of her mother. They swung around and Katie pressed along his front while her sexy mommy washed her body with her bosom.

They turned and smiled at him. Shapely bodies playfully grind along his body. Rinsing soap off his and themselves. Amusingly sounding Shrunken pressed along sensitive locations to help clear the cleaners.

Trevor could feel the ladies guide him. His body blocked the water as they slid down him to kneel before him. Both ran their borrowed Shrunken along his hard cock. Full lips kissed at his shaft and balls.

Crystal wrapped Guide under his erection, mouth opened and took his tip in. Tongue held the leggy living plaything along his manhood as Crystal hummed happily sliding up and down most of his length. "Ah yeah." he had to sigh. She slipped off with Guide's bottom half dangling from her soft plump lips.

Then Katie smiled up at him. She leaned forward but he didn't see Washcloth. Then her mouth opened and her tongue slipped out to guide his tip past her own pillowy lips. Washcloth had been fully trapped inside. And as his shaft went in, so did she again. Katie's mouth hugged around his girth with a smile. Her talented tongue swooshed and stroked Washcloth's exquisite body along his sensitive underside. Katie hummed as she began to slide towards him. She however was kissing the base of his cock before she looked up. Wiggled washcloth again. Then slowly slide back up. "Oh fuck yeah." he let slip.

He was worried Crystal would be upset. He wouldn't give her up for anything, but Katie's cock sucking skills. Especially with a Shrunken in her mouth, was intensely beyond Crystal's amazing talents. Crystal smiled at him and pressed Guide along his balls as she suckled his sack.

Katie clearly took his reaction as an invitation. Her neck pumped hungrily along him. Washcloth was used and pressed inside her mouth to make it even better. How that blonde's tongue could manipulate her with just her oral appendage was beyond him. The tip of his cock just kept stretching into the back of that throat. That little tramp must have destroyed her gag reflex at some point. And he was happy she did. Soon he was praising, "I'm going to cum!"

Both blondes slurped at him a bit more then leaned back. Mouths opened with a tiny woman trapped inside their maws. He just let it fly. They caught it on their amazing faces. Katie particularly took delight in having it splatter on her orally held pet.

Trevor had to lean against the wall. He was having trouble catching his breath. The ladies were allowing the shower to rinse their faces off. Crystal had kicking legs hanging from her mouth. Katie had the occasional cheek bulge to show where her plaything was.

They stood and Crystal asked, "That make up for no snok time the last couple nights?"

"Yeah, we're good," he agreed.

"Mommy and Miles don't mind if we play when their busy Trev-daddy. Or, if you just want to tuck me in tight some night." Katie notified him.

Now he felt strangely bad. He didn't even consider Miles once he saw the Green ladies lying naked on his bed. "Please don't call me that." was all he said though.

"Oh, but I like it for fun times. Here, let me try it from a different angle." she teasingly replied. Starting to lower herself again.

"No no. I need a break." He surrendered.

"Oh good, we can rest up for later." Katie agreed.

"Let's dry up and go have breakfast." Crystal purred. Did she get off on having him enjoy Katie? This was one screwed up family, but he could live with this strangeness.

They dried off and he walked towards his room. Katie carried his pets and put them away. Leaving to redress in the shared room. Another day in comfortable shorts and a tee. Cathy looked comfortable for his cock to rest over in his underwear.

Out in the living room were the ladies. He started to wonder if he was going to get Frank back as he was nested across Crystal cleavage. At least he got to see nephew strapped just under Katie's neck.

They entered Randy's suite. Jane and Elizabeth were talking about some show they both watched. A reality thing of some kind about fashion if Trevor guessed right. Calvin was sitting by Randy and Miles. Randy looked like a kid on Christmas morning. "We want to finance Chang Securities. Making sure they gain access to the newest Company personal protection devices before Sulu Guard Systems."

"Everything OK?" Trevor asked, sitting down at the table.

"Gao attacked father yesterday." Calvin excitedly announced.

"Everything OK?" Trevor worried. From the looks around the table he was the only one.

"Phh, he just got to the workers at two of my Asia based plants. And arranged sabotage at a third. So I cut his returns on tech research, well my boy Calvin did. And now a competing Security firm is being given a large step up over the one Gao backs. Meaning more Company protection duties will slip to them." Randy cheered like he was doing well in some kids board game.

"Shouldn't you be more worried? Three plants?" Trevor asked.

"Naa, We saw those coming. We had people in place. Though the damaging of one was a gutsy move." Miles sounded like he was enjoying this too.

"He did damage, couldn't you contact Company Security?" Trevor suggested.

"Third party attack. It would be like a security flaw in one of the banking companies he owns was suddenly made public. Damaging, but how it was discovered could never be known." Randy explained.

"Well, let me know if I can help." Trevor offered.

"Oh you did Trev Lad, you did." Randy praised.

"He's ecstatic. Don't worry. Everything is fine." Crystal advised.

As they had Breakfast Katie offered, "Mom, My friends and I are going shopping and stuff if you and Trevor want to join us."

"I don't know honey. I'm not really in a shopping mood today. What are your plans Randy?" Crystal responded.

"Elizabeth wants us to go to the higher status pool. I think she wants her friends signed in. Might be fun." Randy answered. There was a touch of dismay in his tone.

"I could have a day at the pool." Crystal accepted.

Trevor sighed. Sun, drinks, swimming, it could be fun. "Yeah, why not."

After Breakfast Trevor went to change into trunks. He didn't want to risk keeping Cathy in his shorts. A bit distracted and a quick swim would be the end of her. He looked into his keeper cage. Selecting Frenchie he dug out one of the skimpy bikini's Crystal had bought for that one. "You put this on, we're going swimming." he commanded as he placed Cathy back into the cage.

He picked out trunks and a necklace from his small collection. An open circle that hung from a sturdy chain. Frenchie looked adorable, clearly not liking her perch. But she did look good hanging restrained off his neck.

"Oh, she's a cute one." Crystal praised taking his arm.

They walked up towards the high status pool. Being greeted by Warren and the others. You would have thought they were going to a exclusive rock concert instead of just a fancy pool by how excited they were.

"Oh, I figured you would have brought one of the Sisters?" Fran noted looking at his necklace.

"Naa, I just bring them to fancy things and dinners. For a swim a curvy pet will do." Trevor replied. Then Mrs. Gao's warning about her husband might have recruited one of Jewel's lower status friends made him wonder.

The pool was nice. Large for one at the top of a cruise ship. Deep enough to have a low diving board at one end. At the other was a small bar to wade up to and get drinks. Though there were a few staff delivering them to sun bathing guests as well.

"Trevor, Shuffleboard?" Warren asked, waving him over to a nearby board.

"I never played." Trevor confided in his English friend.

"Me either my friend. But when in Rome. They have the rules right there by the sticks. Could be fun." Warren advised.

It seemed simple enough. Push a disk with a stick into an area to score that many points. Try not to land in the back area or lose ten points. They played a short game which Trevor won.

"Good warm up." Warren noted clearly hoping for another game.

"Well let's see how well you do on a second attempt?" Trevor accepted.

"Sure, why don't we make it interesting?" Warren suggested.

"Like what?" Trevor replied.

"Well, if I win you let me borrow the Gao sisters for a night. If you win, you can borrow two of mine for a night." Warren offered.

"Wait, didn't you tell me you're not really having any luck in the ports? So, I would win lesser Shrunken?" Trevor teased the Englishman.

Warren laughed, "I hoped you wouldn't have remembered that."

"How about, if you win I'll see about getting you invited with us at one of the upcoming ports. If I win, ahh." Trevor started.

"Yeah, that's a tough one." Warren pointed out.

"Well, don't lose then." Trevor taunted.

It wasn't till they started playing that the idea Warren might be helping Mr. Gao came to his mind. Money and top end Shrunken would make that poor guy's trip. Then there was the possible status. Course he might have suggested them due to his lack of luck and short lived relationship with Jewel.

Trevor wondered if he was going to be suspicious of all the lower status group. Could Elizabeth be using Randy's attraction to her to look for a chance to swipe the sisters? Isaac could be using his quiet nature to not be noticed. Hoping to slip in and gain Mr. Gao's favor. Randy might be enjoying this situation, but Trevor didn't like being suspicious of the people around him.

"You OK Trevor?" Warren asked.

"Yeah, why?" Trevor replied.

"Well, you went quiet as we started playing and you have this troubled look on your face," he pointed out.

"Sorry, distracted." He confessed.

Warren looked over where Crystal was on display sunbathing and teased, "I see why."

"Sorry I'm not giving you the game you deserve." Trevor apologized.

"Sadly, even distracted, you're still ahead of me." Warren replied laughing.

"You mind if we pick this up in a bit. I think I want to go for a swim to clear my head." Trevor asked.

"Sure, give me time to practice." Warren sighed.

Trevor walked over to where Crystal lay. She was reading some trashy looking novel. A woman in a Princess dress with lots of displayed cleavage holding a bare chest long haired mini pirate. Great, she was into those silly Shrunken/Romance books popular with certain Company members.

"You mind watching her as I take a dip?" he asked, taking off his necklace.

"Gladly." She replied rolling onto her stomach. Her big floppy hat made her look every bit the rich lady she was.

Trevor walked over to the board and leaped in. The water refreshed him as the exercise cleared his mind. Looked like this upper echelon pool had a couple dedicated swim tracks for doing laps. So he took advantage of one.

He climbed out after his mind stopped worrying about possible thieves and rinsed off in a nearby shower. Coming over to where Crystal lay reading her book he was a little disturbed. She had unbuckled Frenchie and had her on her hands and knees as Frank was going to town on her. From their expressions Frenchie didn't like this display while Frank looked to be enjoying his exhibition.

"Should you really be having them do that?" he asked her.

"What, I wanted sound effects to go with this steamy chapter." she said like she had just turned on some music or something.

"But there are kids running about," he pointed out.

"They're just Shrunken. Look around Trevor." she stated.

He did and felt silly. Men and women around with clear tiny bodies pinned under clothes over suggestive locations. A lovely couple of ladies clearly romantically interested in each other. Their folded hands forcing two Shrunken females to sixty-nine on a napkin. A group of teens had a female naked walking around the table holding a playing card up. Then he realized she was showing the rounds as they had two males fighting in a makeshift ring of a dirty plate.

"Yeah, sorry. Didn't think." he replied.

"No bother. It makes sense till you look around." she teased.

"I'm going to go see if Warren wants to finish the game," he advised.

"Don't be too long, I'm getting hungry." she responded.

It didn't as Trevor beat Warren despite the man's extra practice. Randy took them all to one of the ship restaurants. Basically filling the small establishment. Miles distracted Randy for a few minutes with updates and counters to whatever else Mr. Gao had arranged. The ladies broke into a discussion of those silly novels.

Then Crystal suggested to the makeshift book club, "Why don't we ditch the guys and go shopping this afternoon?"

"That sounds like fun." Fran agreed.

"I'm going to invite Jane." Crystal noted.

The guys all looked at each other. Clearly they had no idea what they could do as a group without the ladies. "Well, what do you gents think we should do?" Randy asked.

"Well dad, we could go sailing." Miles hinted at something.

"You know I don't like to use those devices. Cuts into our business." Randy said in a sigh.

"Oh, let that go. You know how many pellets it would take to have the same effect. Besides, they are just for the larger sizes." Miles advised.

"Sailing?" Warren asked.

Crystal smiled and explained, "They think they're being subtle. They are discussing the Half Mast Club."

"Half Mast?" Isaac asked.

Miles smiled excitedly as he stated, "It's a club on the ship where they half size Shrunken for more elaborate play."

"Except you have to rent their repeatedly used Shrunken." Randy added.

"You know we could ask if we could bring our own Shrunken." Miles suggested.

"OK, make the call. If they do I'll slum it out this once." Randy agreed.

"Great." Miles cheered.

"So, we should go grab our choices?" Isaac asked.

"Wait, let's see if they will let us bring our own." Randy grumbled.

"Well, I really don't have any that would be improved by being larger." Warren whined.

"They'll allow it for us." Miles announced.

"Well, you have fun." sighed Warren.

"Oh stop being such a Nancy boy. Go grab your best girls and bring them up." Randy taunted the Englishman.

"OK guys meet back at Randy’s suite in ten." Miles was so excited.

Trevor went to his room. His first thought was to grab the Gaos. But he didn't want to chance one of the staff nipping them for their father. Course he knew he was being paranoid. But why chance it? Besides he had had them already. This would be a good chance to give some of his keepers a different try.

He thought of using Frenchie since she was already out. But Frank already had a go on her today. So he plopped her back into the better catch cage. His eyes scanned through his trembling pretties. Then he spotted the choice playthings.

His hand coiled eagerly around Shapely. His expression must of told he had special plans as she gave off wonderfully extra whimper. He sighed though, he wished he had a way to re-dye her hair. Her natural brown would look good, but he liked the way her blonde dye job gave her a simple ditzy theme.

Then he realized a good second. Natural blonde ditzy, Prize. She yelped in terror as he grabbed her. Her little firm ass felt great under his thumb. Yeah he might have to give it a firm spanking once it was large enough to wrap a hand around.

Miles text, seems the Club wanted the Shrunken they brought to them naked. Seems he had outfits planned for Randy. He took his time slipping the slave outfits off some of his favorite living toys.

Trevor carried the two lovies by their spectacular legs as he went over to Randy's suite. Randy sat at his table poking at two slender Asian lovies shuttering before him.

Trevor added his two down. Randy smiled at him, "Good picks Trev-Lad. You'll have fun with them."

"Thought you didn't like this half size stuff." Trevor asked.

He shrugged, "It's not the size. They use Collar tech. Those collars do what my play pellets can plus pain command enforcement. I'm worried they'll minimize it and then people won't want my fun pellets any more."

"You could just invest in that research." Trevor suggested.

"I am. I'm not so fool hardy to think I can stop progress that hampers my business. No, if they do I'll still make billions." He confessed.

"Then why don't you like it?" Trevor wondered.

"It ruins the fun. The effort. A couple of words and Shrunken will beg for your seed all over their pretty little faces. No, I like the force feeding them the pellet. The pleasure of them foolishly attempting to not let it in their little mouths. How their lips stretch over the tapered end when they fail. The look in their lovely little eyes as they know what is going to happen and how helpless they are to stop it. Playing the tip along the inside of their cheek. Pushing it deeper and watching their little throats widen as it's girth slipped down their necks. No, I'm a foreplay man, and the collars kill that. Activation code and command code and they are compliant little sluts. If that's all you want, why bother collecting Shrunken. Just get a pocket pussy and imagine whatever Shrunken you want." Randy Soliloquy.

"But your pellets do that." Trevor pointed out.

"But they take a moment to take effect. Next time you go to use one, tell the Shrunken what they do. Watch as they try to fight the effects. How it starts slowly going through their blood. The collars don't have that. It's just like a light switch. Say the word and boom, they go from fearful to whores in less than a second." Randy lamented.

Miles walked in and dropped his two selections on the table. A lovely blonde Trevor recognized as his little Nazi pet and an African American pet. "Really, Eva?" Randy asked.

"Of course, she's my best Shrunken." Miles said, running his hand down the former model. She leaned into the stroke like an affectionate cat.

A knock at the door and Warren let in. Shyly placing two ladies on the table. "Are those two really your best catches lad?" Randy asked with a touch of pity. Trevor could see why, he left behind more attractive catches. Warren wasn't lying when he said he wasn't having much luck.

"Yeah, they're the best bodies I caught. Figured if I did them from behind it wouldn't be so bad." Warren explained.

"Come lad, I'll give you some better stock." Randy stood waving Warren to follow him.

Trevor looked at the table. Besides Warren's, a very great array of lovely pets. He snickered, Miles' black pet was bowed before him as Eva had one of her feet planted between her shoulder blades. "Miles, is that common?" He asked.

"Yeah, Eva likes my ladies to show their proper respect." Miles answered, stroking the blonde repeatedly.

Trevor pointed, "Does she always stand on them like that?"

Miles shrugged and timidly replied, "I am having trouble training certain tendencies out of Eva."

The Shrunken seemed to not know her place as she spoke without permission, "I still know I'm of superior stock my Master. Guess you'll have to punish me again till I learn"

Miles flicked her pert ass hard enough that a smack noise could be heard. "But you enjoy my punishing you Eva."

"Does that mean you won't punish me more?" She purred. He didn't say, but another flick made the answer clear. Trevor could see how enjoyable that little Blonde could be as she yelped then gasped arousingly.

Isaac was allowed in next. He had somehow found two ladies of Indian descent at one of the ports. Very lovely soft brown complexion with long flowing black hair. She placed them on the table. "Good catches." Miles complemented.

"Yeah, I'm proud of those two." he confessed.

Warren came out holding a gorgeous Latina and an Asian. He looked shocked, "Mr. Walker is trading me these two for those two. Is he for real?" He begged Trevor.

"Oh would you relax boy. You saw how many beauties I caught. I can give up two for such a hard luck case." Randy almost sounded annoyed. He turned to a staffer and pointed to the two Shrunken Warren brought with him. "Take them back to Mr. Gloster's room for him please."

"But I thought we were trading?" Warren gasped nervously.

"Oh we are lad. But if they are your best females you should keep them and just bring me up your two worst. Likely just going to have them roasted for supper or something. Why waste what little good stock you have." Randy explained.

"OH Thank you Mr. Walker!" Warren cheered.

"Yeah yeah." Randy waved him down.

"Are we all set?" Miles asked.

"I am." Isaac noted.

Miles collected the Shrunken into a tub and they started up to the adult area of the ship. The club was only marked with a small neon sign over a simple dull grey door. They entered and a pretty young lady in a well styled server's outfit came over. "Walker party?" she asked knowingly.

"Yes, these are our selected Shrunken." Miles noted handing them over.

"OK, it'll take a few minutes to match the requested outfits for each." She advised him.

"No problem, snacks and drinks will be ready right?" Miles asked.

"We took the liberty to staff the room for you. Feel free to enjoy the selected staff while you wait if you like. The afternoon and night before a port leaves us a little less busy. Oh, that one with the receding color, did the owner want it temporarily touched up?" She replied.

Trevor nodded, then said, "Yes please."

"We have stylists on staff. After you're done one could re-dye it's hair for you. Have it returned to you in no time or tomorrow after you return from the port." She advised.

"How much?" Trevor asked.

Before the girl could answer Randy stated, "He would like that. Returned tomorrow afternoon please. Charge the fee to my room dear. Now, which booth are we using?"

"You requested the Large chamber." she nervously answered.

"Led the way." Randy requested.

They entered a room about the size of the Living room area of Crystal's suite. Along two walls were four doors each. In the corner was a bar that only went up to Trevor's knees. Inside was a two and a half foot blonde. On either side were four more half sized ladies. A mix of one Black, one Asian, one Redhead, and a Brunette. All quite lovely and all dressed in revealing copies of the server's outfit the staff member wore.

"This is the main room. We've laid out a selection of finger foods for you to enjoy. If you like more just use the phone there. As you can see, there are eight private chambers. But as all out booths, you are free to enjoy your Shrunken or the staffing Shrunken anywhere inside. Please keep all such fun to inside your booth. We will not enter or interrupt unless there is an emergency." the staffer explained.

"How would you deliver any additional food?" Warren asked.

She simply pointed to the bar. "There is a swivel shelf behind the bar. These Shrunken are trained to serve food and drinks as well as personal needs."

"And you?" Warren uncouthly asked.

"I am a Company staff member sir." was a clearly repeated answer to such questions.

"Yes, and a very good one Miss. Thank you for your guidance. If we have any real needs or questions I assume we use the phone for that too?" Randy inquired.

"Yes sir." she nodded.

"How will you get our Shrunken in here?" Isaac asked.

"Honestly, we walk them up to the door. Open it and herd them in. You might have noticed the privacy wall that blocks direct view into the room." she pointed at the now hidden entrance. "Anything else?" she offered.

"No Lass, thanks again." Randy stated warmly.

"Your welcome Mr. Walker. And forgive me an unprofessional moment please. But I am a huge fan of your pellets. Makes my few pets quite helpful. Could I, I mean if it's not a bother, but before you leave could I get a pic with you?" She praised the older man.

"Come over here." he smiled warmly. The young lady was nearly a foot taller than Randy. Trevor shook his head; he somehow kept forgetting how short Randy was. Miles took the girl's phone and took the photo.

"Thank you Mr. Walker." she sang and kissed his cheek. Then handed him a piece of paper. "If you want to rent a booth again later in the trip please call me and I'll make the arrangements." Then adding in a purr, "That is my personal number but feel free to call me any time. Even if it's not club related." Then she left.

Miles shook his head. Randy smiled broadly, "Still got it."

"How? You're old enough to be her grandfather," Warren snapped out a little quickly.

"Some of us have it and well, some of us don't. Now get a drink before your mouth gets you in trouble." Randy said, mocking the Englishman.

They ordered drinks from the waist high wait staff. "So, what are the requested outfits?" Trevor asked Miles.

The tall man smiled and laughed, "A Randy favorite."

"Mr. Walker, could I suggest something?" Isaac asked.

"Isaac lad, you may call me Randy. And go ahead." Randy allowed.

"Well, and stop me if I'm over stepping but, my girlfriend likes using your pellets on her pets too." he started.

"Fran lad, I know your friendly girl remember. I am snoking her best friend remember." Randy teased.

Isaac nervously laughed then restarted, "Well, Fran isn't a fan of how feeding the males the pellet looks. I like it sir just so I'm clear. Well, I only use the female ones because I only sexually play with."

"You’re rambling Lad, deep breath and then aim for your point." Randy now chuckled.

Isaac took a deep breath and asked, "Would it be possible to make the Male pellets a liquid? Use a dropper to funnel the required amount in their mouths and down their throats?"

Randy blinked a couple times. "I'm not sure. Maybe, if nothing else as a suspension. Miles, take that down and send the request to Crystal to have a team look into it."

"Wouldn't that skip part of the play?" Trevor timidly asked.

Randy sighed, "Investment Trev-Lad. What we like isn't always what's best for business. Besides just because we can doesn't mean it'll sell. If we can we'll then test market and focus group. It might be only an interest to a small group. Like possibly only to ladies playing with Male Shrunken."

"Well, guess I'll have to add that to my department's upcoming projects." Trevor announced.

"Now you're getting it, Trev-Lad." Randy praised.

"Oh Randy I have an idea." Warren started.

Randy snarked back in a flippant tone, "That's Mr. Walker to you Mr. Gloster." The room broke into laughter. Though Trevor got a feeling the teasing was from a place of truth.

They heard the door open. In walked in was the resized Shrunken. Randy clapped his hands, "Oh boy, now your talking." Each of the tiny ladies was dressed in a skirted mockup of a Dallas Cowboys cheer uniform, right down to the white cowboy boots with blue stars. Trevor wasn't much of a football fan, but he sure did like the look on his little pets.

"Collect your pets, boys. I suggest we all use a chamber to enjoy them then come back out to enjoy the food and drink." Miles suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds good." Warren accepted that idea. Grabbing the two Randy had given him by an arm each and dragged them to the closest room. The other stood and soon pushed or dragged their pets into other rooms.

Trevor also followed this situation. Both his pets' lovely blonde hair were done up into pigtails. He towered over them still. But now he had more access to their sexy bodies.

They each were holding a sheet of paper. He took them and they both whimpered arousingly. Commands and suggested limits. And outside stimuli that would counter. Simple name the collar then a simple command. Many were quick response commands, Re-Shrink to turn them back to their proper size from a distance. Reinforce caused them to experience a bolt of pain. Likely the favorite with most customers would be Play Enhance. It was described as raising the Shrunken's arousal level. He would use that one later.

First thing he had to do was activate to his voice. "Labrador Sunshine, recognize voice."

And Shapely's collar replied, "User recognized."

"Tabby Moon Light." he called out.

"User recognized." Prize's collar replied.

He folded the paper and placed them in his back pocket and looked around the tiny room. Like a prison cell with plush padded walls. Along one side was a short bench with a padded seat. On the opposite was a narrow bed. Well, wide enough for most half sized Shrunken to lay across. At the head of the bed were a few different bottles of lube. On a shelf under that were an array of shackles. He smiled as he now noticed the rings around the bed to attach those too.

"You go sit on the bench." He ordered the trembling Prize. Then grabbed Shapley's arm and pushed her on top of the little bed. She was doing her usual accented whimpering which just made her seem so much more appealing to play with.

He adjusted how she lay on the bed. Long toned legs dangling slightly off the side. He wrapped his hand around the upper calf. It was amazing to actually get to feel that spectacular leg. Not just between his fingers, but stroking his hand up and down it's length. He reached up and stroked his pet's cheek. As beautiful as he remembered it being on the day he collected her. Thumb ran those sweet quivering lips.

He stood over her while still massaging her leg. The Shrunken process was great. There was a strange worry that making her this size would make her look child-like. No those curves screamed size adjusted tiny women.

Her gorgeous eyes looked at his crotch and went wide. He could feel her trembling. She knew he was aroused and she would be used to ease his want.

He grabbed the other leg and folded them both over top of her tiny form. One hand held her ankles as the other lucky hand stroked the back of her thighs. He played with the lace on the little shorts that covered her amazing ass. Hand strained the fabric as he slipped it inside to squeeze that fine behind. He smiled as he looked between her feet to see her scared pretty face staring helplessly back at him.

He pulled the frilly short thing up her legs and throw it at Prize who started in terror. He snickered. The blue with white trim thong underneath had "Ride Her Cowboy" embroidered on the little front patch.

Trevor slipped his finger under the thin cord between her legs. Then along from front to anus. She kept jerking nervously. Strangely this seemed to just encourage him towards his fun. He tugged the thong loose and pulled it up her legs. Prize received it in face.

He parted Shapely's legs and leaned over his pretty pet. He wondered if the top was knotted or just for show. His happy fingers pulled at the tied point between those artificially firmed mounds. The White vest was sewn on for show, but that knot was all that held that top over those breasts.

Exposed he lowered for a better look. Firm domes pointing up at him with delicious soft pink with just a touch of brown shaded nipples. His hand massaged one of those tits. Likely a C-cup while she was human. Possibly a large pair of Bs. She shuttered as his curious finger played with the nipple speaking of their sensitivity. His mouth kissed over the top and sucked softly on the wonderful perky attachment. His prize arched from that unwanted attention. Both firm and pliable like only fantasy breasts could be. Yes, the Shrunken process was a god send.

He pressed atop of Shapely. Mouth hungerly suckling her tit. The other kneaded firmly by his other hand. His weight on his own shoulder so his other hand could stroke along one side of that ass and upper thigh. Shapely gasped as he played. He felt little touches as her instinct told her to try to push him off her body then retreated as he mind worried what that action might bring.

He stood and undid his shorts. They fell to the floor as he pushed his boxer briefs down too. She panicked as his erection started to dangle over her exposed tight looking slit. Attempting to scramble away. He openly laughed as he grabbed her legs and pulled her back into place. Folding her again he held those ankles to pin her there. The other hand now free reached over and grabbed the closest lube bottle.

It was a vanilla scented lube. Possibly flavored for oral play. Not that his mouth was what he planned to play with her pussy with. The applicator tip parted her lips and she started as he applied a liberal amount of lube inside her canal. Then placed the bottle back.

He aimed his tip with the free hand. wiggling the tip to clear his path in more. He could feel her tight little hole kissing the end of his cock. He pushed her legs apart and pinned her to the bed with his body. Elbows braced at her shoulders he began to push. Her body arched in protest and she sang the best sounds. Tip found purchase then bore inside that tight canal. She gashed an ah sound repeatedly as he pushed himself in down to his base.

He stood up and held her slender waist. His fingers could touch wrapped around her sexy little body. She continued to whimper ah sounds as she frantically failed to pull from his grip and off his hard cock. Making pig-tails flop about and firm tits dance. He looked over at Prize. She was staring at the thick man shaft penetrating her cage friend knowing she likely could be next.

Trevor started pumping hard into that exquisite little body. Shapely gasped so loud with each in thrust that it echoed in the little chamber. Her body jumped wildly with his power. Her pussy was so tight around his shaft, like it had been fitted to him then made tighter. The lube gave it a deep sucking feeling.

He laid over her body. Reaching under her torso to grab her shoulders and pull towards him. As he hoped his pet arched between the two pressures and supplied his mouth with firm tits to chomp down on. Such a delightful yelp as he bit a touch too excitedly. His lips massaged the mouthful as his tongue found sensation had popped her nipples out for his enjoyment. After savoring one he orally investigated the other.

Want was winning over savoring and he moved again. Hooking both her legs and folded them over her chest again. Tightening her pussy like so short of pleasure vise. He wrapped an arm around her sculpted stems and used his body weight to hold her steady. Now with her ass up he indulged in clapping his palm along the closest cheek. She gave off the best yip with each strike so she was rewarded with a few more firm spankings.

Release was near so he stood up and grabbed where her hips her bent. The heel of his hand on the back of her thighs to keep them in place, he let his hips play freely. Her pretty eyes were rolled into the back of her head. For her it must have been like her pussy was being fucked by a race horse. Even those unnatural perky tits wobbled from his body's power over hers. It was nearly as lovely to watch as it was to feel.

Pressing himself in to the base of his shaft he let his balls drain into that sex toy. And they drained hard into the pleasurable form. She sang out ahh sounds while being cream filled. Her canal tightened each time she started another like it was trying to wring every drop of cum out of his body.

Once he was finished, Trevor pulled out and slumped back onto the bench behind him. Making Prize yelp in fear. Shapley's legs hung over her a few seconds then short of rolled down and flopped hanging off the little bed. Then she gave off a moan like she was now climaxing and his cum started pumping out of her tiny form. She panted softer and softer as the load of semen slowly slowed, like the volume inside her was too much for her body to handle. Once only the occasional drip leaked out she quieted and looked to have passed out.

Trevor smiled. He decided to test the collars. Prize was trembling and staring fearfully at his spent cock. "Tabby Moon, Play Enhance." he spoke and her features slipped to a more curious expression. He repeated and Prize sighed in what sounded like arousal. She licked her lips and looked at him like he was the most handsome man she had ever seen. He spoke the command again.

Prize leaned forward and reached for his limp cock. Stopping, she looked up and begged, "Master, may I just have a little taste of your wonderful cock?"

"Go ahead." he told her. She leaned over his leg and slowly dragged her tongue along her shaft humming as if that was the best tasting thing to ever touch it. She kissed and licked at his shafted a few more times. Then he noticed she was getting less excited to service him. Figuring it was the amount of mixed pleasure juices from his earlier fun with Shapely countering the collar's artificial arousal levels he simply re-issued the command and she returned to loving his manhood. Little hand slipping between her own thighs to stimulate her womanhood as she did.

He looked over at Shapley. The real test. He just used that Shrunken without any command to make her want what she had to provide. Would the collar make her compliant after that. "Labrador Sunshine, Play Enhance." Made that marvelous body start. Taking in consideration she was likely still a little full of his cum he gave the command three more times.

After the last she clearly forced herself to sit up. Shapely watched Prize orally servicing him and began stroking along her slit. Finding a glob of his cum she scooped it up and stuck it in her mouth. She hummed loudly as her body arched and her knees pressed together in glee.

Trevor snapped his fingers and pointed to his groin. Shapely smiled brightly and leaped of the bed. Wobbling at first as him fucking her left her tone legs a little weak still. But soon she was before him. Both Shrunken happily shared his stiffening manhood like a sweet treat. Tongue hugged around his shaft as them made savoring sounds. Little mouths took turns suckling at his tip.

He was enjoying the show when Shapely giggled and pulled Prizes face tight to his shaft. They moved like they were making out. Hands lovingly stroking each other's cheeks or played with a pig tail. Only their mouths were separated by his cock.

He reached under Prize's chest and freed her own nice little pair, gaining a happy sigh before she open-mouthed kissed his tip again. As she suckled there Shapely slipped down his shaft to orally massage his balls. He reached behind Prize and pulled the little frilly shorts down. Then spanked her exposed cheek.

Prize gasped then smiled at him and warmly asked, "Please Master, another one."

He landed a firmer one and she gave an arousing moan. "Oh Master." she purred then leaned over his erection. Mouth wide he expected more suckling. Instead she stretched her little mouth over the end. Hungrily slipping his hard shaft deeper and deeper into her mouth and tip played at the edge of her throat.

Prize slipped up and took a deep breath. But Shapely gained control of his cock and pointed towards her own sweet mouth. She took the tip and started deeper. Standing to better her angle she slipped his length down her throat. Trevor marveled at seeing it's girth stretch her throat with relative ease. Basically bent with her wonderful ass pointing up in the air. She gave it a playful wiggle as her hands braced on his thighs. With some effort she began oral riding his shaft.

Prize looked up sad and pleaded, "She got to be fucked by you, please let me get your next load. I hunger for it." This gave him an idea.

"Shapley, back up a bit." he commanded. The Shrunken did and sat back alluringly sucking on her finger.

He pulled Prize close and pulled her thong off. He then moved her to straddle his lap. Without a command she leaned over, little hands on his knees and presented her wet pussy. He just pressed his tip at that love hole when Prize pushed herself on his cock. Taking so much in she sat back and leaned on his chest. Lovely miniature legs stretched wide she began slowly riding his erection.

He was thinking what to command Shapely to do when she leaned forward and slipped her head under Prize's mini skirt. Little tongue flicked tapped at his exposed shaft. Drinking the trickle of wantful liquid dripping from Prize's pussy.

Trevor sat there enjoying the view of them servicing their master like good Shrunken should. His hand found one of Prize's little firm breasts and kneaded it making the Shrunken shutter delightfully.

He enjoyed this obedient display. Anytime either seemed to be slowing down or when Prize climaxed he would simply utter the command and they were his eager Shrunken again.

Now that he neared release he stood and carried Prize to that bed. Grabbing her hips he just drove her pussy hard. She climaxed under his direct attention. He was too busy to re-issue the command. But she wasn't fully out of the collar's influence. It was a strange aroused whimpering that had its own appeal to it.

He filled that pussy and again planted himself on the bench. Prize laid there gasping, now she was fully out of the influence. Shapely however wasn't. She looked at Trevor and he nodded. Taking advantage of Prize's exposed cream filled cunt she planted her mouth ravenously over it. Trevor gave Shapley's collar that command again just to keep her fully interested in mining Prize's slit for his leavings. Then to Prize's collar a few times to keep her accepting Shapley's oral attention.

A knock at his door and Miles noted, "We're out here enjoying food and drink when you need a rest."

Trevor did up his shorts and snapped his fingers. His two collar obedient pets followed him to the main room like loving puppy dogs.

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Ch 21B: The Tourists: Another Guest

Post by HHunter1 » Fri Sep 17, 2021 12:35 am

Chapter 21B
(M/f,f) * 5 light affection.
SW/SM vore.

Trevor was not expecting what he saw. Not that he thought much on that subject. But around the room, Randy sat pant less with both his slender Asian pets in his lap. They were wrapped around his sizable limp cock. Delicate hands stroked it lovingly while they made out with each other. Miles also sat pant less. His Black Shrunken bent over his leg licking and nuzzling his tired cock. Eve kneeled to his other side with his arm wrapped around her lovely waste. His hand massaged her ass while she nibbled around his ear. Warren's gifted two sat on the floor before him lapping his trickles off each other's face. Warren was not a man that should sit pant less. Isaac was blanket with his lovely two pets. They each straddled one of his legs as their hands looked to be attempting to bring his manhood back to life.

Randy pointed to a chair and said, "Sit, drop the shorts and relax. The Whore Shrunken will bring your food and drink to you."

It was like sitting in an awkward steam room. Though to fit in he dropped his shorts and sat on a big padded rounded chair. His pets followed their collar's influence and curled between his legs. Stroking and kissing his tired manhood in their entranced affection for his pleasure.

"Well dad, was this such a bad idea?" Miles asked Randy.

He sighed, "Yeah it was kind of fun."

"Kind of? I pumped that little Latina's collar to four and she choked back my penis like candy." Warren proudly stated.

"Four is a bit high. I liked three. Made my ladies all sweet and attentive." Isaac advised from under his tan pair.

Trevor looked at Miles, "I'm surprised you used a collar on Eva there."

"Oh my Fuhrer did need the collar for me to behave Mr. Scribe. I know my place." she answered.

Miles grabbed the back of her little throat, "What did I tell you about calling me that?"

"I'm sorry my Master. Guess you'll have to punish me, roughly. I also spoke without permission, I've been a bad little Eva." she practically purred even though clearly in pain from the man's grip.

He pushed her over. A quick slap to her ass made the blonde yelp. She looked at her owner like she wanted another. He pushed her head into his lap. She snarled at the Black woman, "Move Mongrel." Then lifted Miles' cock and began licking along it making very happy noises as she did. Miles snapped and pointed behind Eva. The Black woman moved there and began orally attending the blonde.

"Wow, good bitch." Warren noted.

Miles gave a dirty look at him and grumbled, "She still needs training." That might be true socially, orally she had him hard and was gleefully taking him in deep without the collar's influence.

"Mr. Walker." Isaac looked over to the older man.

"Isaac my boy. Again you may call me Randy." he replied.

"Right, sorry." The pellet tester apologized.

"What is your question lad?" Randy invited.

"Well, our pellets make a Shrunken act along the levels of four collar commands. Couldn't we use half the dosage to get a complaint but controlled reaction?" he asked.

"Well, that might work on some. See the reason we use such a high dose is to overwhelm their natural aversions. A lesser dose and they might want to but would still be resistant. The dose in our pellets makes them unable to resist. They will cuddle your stuff or each other. Whatever you want. Less and they might still whimper or argue." Randy explained.

"But these collars." Warren started.

"Affect their minds. Literally twisting their thinking. If Miles gave a couple of the collar commands to Eva there, he could order her to hump a wine bottle and she would to get his approval. Where my pellets make them want to service you but only if they know the outcome will be semen. They can still reason. Where the collars hinder their ability to reason." he explained.

"Don't the pellets also make them do anything if they are promised pleasure release?" Warren requested.

"Yeah I suppose." the older man sighed.

"So, maybe a trail of half strength pellets." Isaac suggested.

"I think I might want you to call me Mr. Walker after all Isaac." Randy joked.

Trevor stretched, "I think I'm done."

"Yeah, it is a port day tomorrow." Randy agrees.

"Grab and redress your Shrunken. We get to keep these costumes." Miles advised.

"Great, now I have to order a bunch to have a squad to play with." Randy joked.

Warren started to push his ladies away when he asked, "Would it be possible to tag along with you guys tomorrow?"

Randy oohed and ahed then said, "Not tomorrow. Maybe the next port."

Miles, Isaac, and Warren decided to stay and enjoy their enlarged Shrunken a little longer. Leaving Trevor to walk back with Randy. They barely left the club when the older man asked, "You think I was a little harsh on the Warren fellow?"

"Maybe a little. I take it you don't really like him?" Trevor asked.

He shrugged, "I really don't know him. He just strikes me as a kiss ass."

"He might be a little. I think he just likes people to like him. And tries a little too hard." Trevor suggested.

"I think we should get together again and do something else. Maybe games or other fun." He wondered.

Trevor nodded, "That might be a good idea. A less exposed activity."

"Yeah, that type of activity. Games or other activities." He agreed.

"Is this you feeling bad about how you treated him or because of your interest in Elizabeth?" Trevor inquired.

He smiled, "I am being a bit of a goofy kid for her. But, no, I want to give the man a fair shake."

"That's good of you." Trevor had a greater respect for this man.

"You think they'd want to try Roasted Shrunken or another Shrunken dish?" He suggested.

"Didn't Elizabeth turn down that idea already?" Trevor replied.

"Dang, right. Oh wait an idea, yeah that's great. Well, long term great. I'm going to get Miles looking into getting us a meeting to sell our unwanted Shrunken to Grant Factories. If we can arrange it right we can get it as Miller Transport Research is there to set up that location's teleporter. Yep dang, we could start convincing them to sign on to our advertising company." Randy exploded.

Trevor realized these plans were made for him on his behalf. Course it was hard not to see merit in Randy decry. A chance, an in with those two corporations for his soon to be job and to connect to Randy's own corporations. Plus he might have first access to whatever they produced using his supplied stock.

He looked over at Randy and offered, "You want me to tell Crystal to limit her more harmful fun?"

"Naa, I'll tell everyone tomorrow at breakfast before we go out to collect." Randy stated.

"OK, we'll talk to you tomorrow." Trevor replied as they reached their doors.

"Don't have no much fun, remember Port day tomorrow, bright and early morning." Randy noted. And they parted into their rooms.

Trevor stepped into the main room and was greeted with a lovely vision. Crystal wore what could pass as a dress, but was really two long strips of light silky fabric that hung perfectly from her wonderful curves. The neckline rested just off her ample breasts. Her long sculpted legs were on full display especially by how she walked towards him. "Have fun?" she asked as she snuggled to him.

Even after an afternoon of pumping cum into two different pets his body was already happily reacting to her arousing presence. "Mostly, it was strange that afterward we just hung out with our pants down while the mesmerized pets worshiped our crotch." Trevor noted.

"Yeah, that sounds weird. But if you liked it maybe just the two of us could try it out together. Why don't you put those little pretties away. Supper should be here for us soon." She offered.

"Alright." He agreed to that delightful invite. He took his used pets to their cage. He noticed several of his keepers and passables were missing. He decided to ask Crystal about it. Then washed up before rejoining that beauty.

As he reentered the main room some staff were loading the table up with platters of finger foods. Curiously two small platers stayed covered. And by their chairs were two Shrunken sized platforms with two sets of staircases going up to them. Wine rested in one of those silver buckets. "Hope you don't mind a quiet dinner for two." Crystal said, handing him a tall wine glass.

"Can't think of anything better." Trevor replied wondering how he got so lucky. This Blonde goddess wanted time alone with him.

She swayed around the table over to the small platers, "I thought it would be a little fun to be fed by our little pets." She lifted a lid and under it were a dozen females clad in skimpy maid uniforms. Trevor liked that they even had little stockings on. She lifted the second and it had males in Butler uniforms, their pants were fitted to Crystal's liking. "Hope you don't mind. I borrowed your pets to deliver your food for you."

"Huh, that's alright." he replied unsure at how this was going to work.

She pointed to one of the seats and he sat down. Crystal clapped her hands and ordered, "Well, grab your master a spring roll your stupid little twats."

Two of the mini maids leaped into action out of fear. They grabbed a little spring roll by each end like a hefty log of food. They carried it up the stairs to the platform just under her mouth and held it up to him like a sacrifice to their god. Trevor snickered and grabbed it with his teeth.

"Well boys, I'm hungry. I want spicy sauce on mine." she decried. Then looked at him and smiled, "Well?"

"Good, Kenny's handy work?" He asked.

She snickered, "Of course, but I was asking about the service idea."

"Oh, it could be fun. How hard is it to strip those Uniforms off them?" He inquired.

She gave a mischievous smile and noted, "Silly lad, they're edible." Then her mouth snapped around one of the males at the top of the platform. It struggled and wiggled in her smile till she chomped through it and sucked the body past those full lips. Trevor found himself aroused at her show of power over those silly Shrunken. The remaining male lifted the Spring roll over his head and trembled.

"Is that my Frank?" Trevor asked. The blonde nodded. "Am I getting him back?" he requested.

Crystal swallowed the mauled body in her mouth and snickered, "Oh yes. I'll need something to play with while I pay your place a visit. You don't mind me playing with him do you?"

"No. Just planned on keeping him as a training aid for my keepers." He explained.

Crystal smiled arousingly and agreed, "Oh, you should certainly keep him around. Now, order your little bitches to grab you whatever you want to eat next. There are sauces as well. For the nibble or them, your choice. Save room for dessert." Then she licked her lips and snatched the food log from the scared Frank. Who hurried down the other stairs.

Trevor ordered a sausage popper next, dipped in honey mustard. The ladies had seen Crystal's first snack and clearly worried one or both of them were next. Trevor simply ordered a mini egg roll with plum sauce and nipped the popper from them. Crystal knew which Shrunken males she had gathered to serve her, so knew which ones were keepers and which were edible. He wanted to look through his skimpy dressed utensils to short the pretties from the morsels.

He was glad he did as only about a third were what he would consider possible snacks. He was glad to see she seemed to go after his lower quality stock. Likely wanting him to indulge in a little rough mouth play. And not too many to taint the tormenting eating experience, but definitely enough to give him a trembling audience as he nibbled a couple.

Trevor waited for a couple to bring him a wonton. His teeth took it from them and he heard them both sigh in relief. The first was an unnamed keeper, she definitely fit that category. Gorgeous light tan skin with all the right curves. Spectacular face was the cherry on top. Why she wasn't named yet or played with more was lost to him.

The other had a great body. Long legs, nice little perky tits. But her face was less than intriguing. He amused himself noting how she would likely be one of Warren's top catches if the poor Englishman had caught her instead. She was half way down the stairs with the curvy unnamed when he reached his hand over her head and plucked her.

It did have a wonderful pleading voice. Arousingly lady like as she begged her master. He adjusted his hold for better dipping as he reminded himself he couldn’t keep every Shrunken he caught just because they have a sweet sound when played with. Looks matter to be his pet.

Legs pinned together he pressed her feet and calves into the honey mustard sauce. She wiggled and squirmed as he lifted her towards his mouth. His mouth watered the more she pleaded, like her panic was an extra seasoning. His tongue slid along the backs of her legs. The smooth silk like stocking felt inviting stretched over those activity toned limbs. His lips pushed the skirt up as the tip of his tongue fondled her little perky ass.

He sucked on those miniature legs for a moment. He could feel the stockings beginning to dissolve from his saliva. A hint of hickory flavor filled his mouth. Like the clothes themselves were just wearable barbecue sauce. He liked this, he wouldn't have to dip any of them while they were still dressed.

Just for fun he teased it's little pussy. Finding their uniform didn’t include panties. It gasped at the attention. Her legs spread to allow easier access. He could feel the tension leave the little body. Clearly it was thinking he was just orally playing with her. So confident in this idea it nuzzled it's undesirable face into his holding hand.

It gave a surprised confused grunt as his teeth pressed through it's flesh. It didn't scream or yelp. As he chewed it's formerly nice legs he marveled at how it just blinked and made mumbling sounds. Like shock had set it immediately as his teeth took her bottom half. A glowing smile from Crystal told of her enjoyment of his current finger food choice. Her former partner had fallen to her knee and was gasping harder in panic than his snack was.

He swallowed and pressed up under its arms into his mouth. This bite ended it's suffering as lungs and heart were taken in the action. Yeah, the edible maid's outfit was definitely hickory flavored, adding a great pairing with the sweet pork like meat of a Shrunken. Dips would only hinder that. He looked at the next two and ordered, "Get me a spring roll." before tossing its head and arms in his mouth.

"Well, what do you think of the uniform's flavor?" Crystal asked as she leaned down for a mini egg roll from two scared mini men.

"It's like they're all coated in barbecue sauce," he joked.

She swallowed and agreed, "I like my meat to have a little smoked flavor to it." As if to reinforce that point she nabbed one of her recent feeders. Licking her pillowy lips before snapping his arm off. She chewed with a smile as it screamed like the wounded animal it was.

He requested another finger food as he accepted his spring roll. Giving the passable a reprieve as he enjoyed watching the blonde goddess nibble the other arm off her former pet. She closed her eyes and hummed invitingly with a slight arch to her neck. She clearly knew he was mesmerized with her performance, so she added a little extra sensual flair to her act.

She taunted the disarmed male by lifting him by his torso and slowly lowering his dangling legs towards the alluring mouth. Full lips polished slowly by that skilled tongue. Trevor gave the male this, he wasn't surrendering to the inevitable. Kicking and trying to lift his legs away from her deep maw. But a quick snap of those jaws and he was one leg short. And she chewed, smiling playfully.

Shock and or blood loss had ended the male's failing. She slipped the last limb suggestively along her warm tongue and pressed her lips tight around it. The barely alive body twitched and was moved away as she chewed. Without it's struggles Crystal lost interest in her show and chomped the torso in half. Soon followed by dropping the top in and disposing of the remaining sweet meat. "Hmmm, that was a savory one." she purred after she swallowed.

He let another pair of food deliver Shrunken pass safely. Then noticing Crystal was eagerly watching for his next selection he let another pair pass to tease her. The next were both two unnamed wanted playthings. How did she select so many let to be identified pets was beyond him. Maybe she thought he wasn't planning on keeping those ones. Really, he just hadn't had time to sit and play with his harem.

The next pair had an easy choice. A blah body and bitchy facial features made him want to remove it from his collection. How did it even make it back to the boat and not left in a jar or box from whatever port he grabbed it from was lost to him.

It barked angrily at him as he snatched it off the platform. Making her partner drop the sausage puff they were carrying together. It's threats of reprisals if he attempted to eat her made Crystal and himself laugh loudly. That just made it sputter louder in turn.

A grab with his teeth and a twist of his jaw and he tore its leg off it's body. It wailed an annoying growling shout of pain. Trevor had planned to follow Crystal's performance by slowly dismembering this one. But it's caterwauling ruined that idea. He chomped over it's head taking it and an arm with his bite.

"Gah, don't they know even in death they are to entertain us." Crystal complained.

"Sorry, I didn't realize it would make that annoying sound." Trevor respond before taking another bite.

She stroked his cheek, "That's alright. Maybe the next one will be a respectful morsel."

"If I eat too many more I won't have room for dessert. Shrunken are oddly filling." he advised tossing the remaining leg in his mouth.

She nodded, "I think it's the crunchy bones. Add extra dense weight to our tummies."

He grabbed the Shrunken still at the top of the platform. The poor thing was struggling so hard to hold his puff towards him alone. She trembled in his grip. He opened wide and pressed his lips around her arms and dragged up them as he took the puff from her straining limbs. He placed her down. Amusingly she examined both arms, clearly surprised to see them both intact. Then fell to her knees and bowed towards him thanking her kind masters. It was funny how Shrunken reacted to not being selected to be eaten.

Crystal sighed and noted, "Oh I have room for one more." The two males on the platform before her looked at each other then struggled to force the other before themselves like that was the criteria of how that blonde goddess was picking her snacks. She liked their pointless struggles as she began humming out alluring sounds and rubbing the end of one of her breasts. "Open your shirts for me to select the best meat." She commanded.

Both males stepped away from each other and ripped open their shirts. She reached an appraising finger over and stroked both male's chest. "Oh I like your abs. But you have that thick chest type that works so well inside your goddess. Oh which one, which one."

The more toned male pulled open his belt and dropped his pants, "Does that help?" he asked, clearly proud of his genitals.

"Oh sure does." she purred as her finger stroked the stiffening penis. He howled as she pinched it and taunted, "Means you have just the right amount of meat not to fill me too much for dessert." Then a hard twist of her wrist and the male dropped to his knees. She tossed the removed genitals in her mouth like a long grape.

She grabbed the de-cocked male as she waved the other away with the added note of, "You better show your goddess your thanks to her clit the next time you're down there little man. If I don't purr I get hungry." As it made its way down the stairs He repeatedly pledged his servitude like he had a choice in the matter.

She folded her pick's arms forward and nipped them off a little short of his shoulders. "I figured he was the survivor from how he was built." Trevor teased.

"He displayed without permission. I have rules. They have to know I'm not going to go all gushy because of their little wieners." She said firmly towards her living collection. Then leaned in close, "Beside the other has a real talent when I put him in down there. And a bigger cock." This made Trevor snicker.

She then removed from just above the male’s knees on down. Clearly making him suffer longer for his assumption. Chewing it in what came off to Trevor as somehow mocking the gasping meal inclusion. Remaining waist down was next to be removed. The male was basically dead in all but the ending breath. She completed that by severing the torso from his neck. That finished being chewed she tossed the head into the air and caught it in her mouth. Smiling girlishly as she pulverized it with her white teeth.

Well Trevor couldn't let himself be out done in this little game. He reached over the two delivering food to snatch a busty female that thought she was safe back on his platter. She pleaded as expected. Pushing her bust out, clearly she had managed to get things in life by advertising her ample mounds. He smiled, he could see how they would feel great along his shaft. But the rest of her body wasn't alluring and her face only slightly appealing. Though she did make him wonder what Warren might pay for some of his off-casts.

He grabbed a leg with his lips and sucked it into his mouth. She shook her little head as he smiled down at the Shrunken. Teeth lightly pressed and she cried for mercy. Her leg was a good meaty morsel.

The Shrunken knew her fate and changed from begging for her life to asking him to end her existence quickly. Cringing hard as he caught her other leg in his teeth. Swearing hard followed by insulting him for biting off that limb.

The female attempted to refuse him an arm. A pop and yelp and he was certain he pulled it from it's socket. Grinding incisors snipped the limb free. As he chewed she waved the last one at him and mumbled. This made orally trapping it easy. She didn't even yip as he nipped it off.

Her little head wobbled as she looked up at him with unfocused eyes. He scooped her bosom into his mouth. The mounds made for a nice chewing experience. The Shrunken process made them quite firmer then they should have been. Fun nibbled off her, he bit her top half off to end the mumbling sound.

"Dessert?" Crystal asked as he placed the remaining part in his mouth. He nodded, as not to talk with his mouth full.

She pulled a little cart over and lifted the lid. Under were four little cupcake-like fruit pies. The crust was a light looking flaky container. The filling was a mix of gelled fruit and mixed berries. Trapped in the middle of each was a Shrunken. Each one facing up in a spread eagle like position with just their chest and face exposed from the trapping food stuff. "Kenny has been wanting to try making jellied fruit live Shrunken pies. Don't they look scrumptious." Crystal explained handing him a female.

He admired the pie. The berries looked fresh. He pinched off a part of the crust and tasted it. Rich buttery flavor danced along his tongue. He liked how the Shrunken's fit naked form was in full display just under the red tinted gel holding her there.

He watched as Crystal lifted one with one of her disposable males. Something about this situation appealed to the trapped male as a little flag pole pointed up from his processed restraint. Trevor wondered how he was supposed to tackle the pie so watched his lovely companion. She simply chomped down on the dessert taking the male's excited lower half and a third of the pie in the bite.

He lifted his pie towards his mouth. His treat begged like the others. Something was off. Her face seemed familiar. She wasn't that pretty or built to his preferences. Lovely, but not gorgeous as he had determined meant continued existence. As his teeth hovered over it's appealing legs his mind pointed out why she was familiar, it was Nurse, his medical in cage caretaker.

"Crystal, where did you get this Shrunken?" he asked.

"That one, disposable cage right? Oh, she was somehow in your keeper cage. Figured it was a misplacement. Are you really saying that one is a keeper?" Crystal answered.

"Well, attractively no. But she's a trained nurse. Pledged to be a good little health care taker for me if I let her live." Trevor explained.

Crystal shrugged, "If you want we could see if the next port has a hospital so you could replace it. Hopefully with a more appealing face."

It was tempting. A hospital likely would have actual doctors as well as nurses. Maybe a more attractive one or maybe two. But what if someone else got there first? Collecting rentable targets to earn extra cash in the soon to be increased Shrunken numbers of collecting members of the Company. "No, I'm going to keep her, for now. If we do hit a hospital and I find a better replacement she could always be re-desserted." He decided.

Carefully he ate the absolutely delicious pie from around the clearly insulted but happy to be alive pet. Crystal teasing, "Your really missing out. Their meat flavor mixes with the sweet fruity filling just perfectly."

"I'll enjoy it with the next one," he noted.

He just finished sucking the filling from Nurse's body as Crystal was finishing her second tart. Not caring where teeth landed on the sweet treat really speeded her along.

He picked up the last tart. Trophies' blonde bowling buddy was trapped in the pastry. No loss he thought as he severed her leg in his first bite. Oh the sweet fruity explosion was highlighted with the soft sweet pork flavor of that limb. He slowly took his next bite, as to get some of the Shrunken, this time an arm, with his morsel. Now, yes now he was regretting not just eating Nurse in her pie. He took the head as the screams were deterring from the blissful flavors that filled his mouth with each little portion.

"Like them?" Crystal asked knowingly.

"Yeah, if Randy ever convinces Elizabeth of letting us have another Roasted Shrunken night we should request these as desserts." He suggested.

"Oh, that's brilliant. A savory meal followed by those sweet delights. My mouth is watering just thinking about that and I'm not even hungry." She agreed.

"I really hope these trips make the Shrunken Breeding company explode. Otherwise we will slaughter our passables. Leaving us longing for more trips." he sighed.

Suddenly a fit round ass was slipping into his lap. Arms wrapped around his neck and a gorgeous blonde advised, "You keep being wonderful and you'll get to be on all of these trips."

"Well, that is a great secondary reason to keep trying to keep you happy." he purred, pulling that amazing body tight to his.

She nuzzled his face, cooing, "And what's the main reason Mr. Scribe?"

He sighed out, "This.'' Then he pressed his lips eagerly to her pillowy warm pink lips. Tongues danced as so did that curvy perfection against his body.

As mouths parted she gasped, "Oh, I like that reason." This led to them kissing passionately again. Bodies attempted to press tighter as hands greedily massaged each other's forms. As he was rewarded by the opportunity to nibble along her neck Crystal sighed out, "We should put those little buggers away before we start having too much fun."

"Oh does that mean we have to strip those uniforms off them." Trevor whimpered hoping he could just dump most of his pets in their cages and get back to the curvy golden haired dream.

"Just the ones we are going to play with. Besides, it's not hard, look." She answered by grabbing a male from the table. Lovely nailed fingers stretched his shirt and jacket. With a firm tug the male yelped as she shredded the layers of materials off it's torso. "Bit rough on them, but so much fun."

Trevor reached over and grabbed that spectacular unnamed Latina lovely. He pulled back her arms to make her stick her appealing chest out. Teeth snatched her top's neckline. With a twist of his neck he tore the front off the female's dress, exposing her delightful form.

"Oh, that was sexy, do another." Crystal cooed as she shredded the jacket and shirt off of Frank. Making that tough male roar in discomfort.

He grabbed another leggy tan hued pretty. He held her by her calves and reached for her dangling skirt when Crystal whined, "No teeth?" He grabbed a fair amount of the frilly skirt with his teeth and ripped the play uniform from her body.

Crystal was actively shredding males near naked as she bounced in his lap and cheered him on with, "Show me another."

A wonderfully shaped brunette screamed as he reached to grab her. He marveled at how many just exquisite unnamed delights he had. He honestly wondered if any other group was doing half as good as they were. Since her hair only hung to about her neck line he flipped her over and nibbled a grip at the back of her dress. Oh a delightful gasp of discomfort as he used her body to help tear her dress off it.

"Stop that, wait for your master." Crystal commanded. He laughed as a few smart girls were starting to undo their dresses to save from having the fabric shredded off their tender bodies.

A pretty untitled Asian was the closest of the bunch. Such a sweet face that was just perfect to have his cum dripping off it. She wasn't very tall so he carefully hooked his top teeth into the top while gathering the skirt in his bottom jaw. Teeth touched and he pulled her back. Perfect, she had a delightfully, her whimpering told of a thick accent. Trevor stopped to admire her slender form as he chewed the bulk of her former outfit. Filling his mouth with Hickory flavor.

"Hurry, we can't stay up too late Trevor." Crystal whimpered as she grinds in his lap. From the damp spot growing on his shorts her reasoning for wanting to get to bed soon had nothing to do with sleep.

This encouraged him greatly. Placing the Asian down and grabbing a young Shrunken pretty. He hooked her bottom in his mouth. The female clearly wasn't expecting a giant tonguing as she stiffened then bounced with his rhythm as he lapped her clearly sensitive pussy. Fingers reached up and hooked down her neck line on both the front and back splitting it down the seams.

Crystal licked her lips as she watched the Shrunken bobbing trapped in his lips and purred, "Can I have one too?" A nod and she wrapped her clawed hand around a cute little blonde female. She held it upside down with legs forcefully spread wide apart. Full lips kissed around it's narrow waist. Crystal grabbed it's skirt and tore it up it’s youthful form.

Crystal leaned in and they made their oral toys rub along each other. Excited hands were pulling his shirt up so he let the blonde take it. Chest bared he enjoyed feeling the Shrunken in his lover's mouth be dragged along his skin.

Enjoying his attention and the sounds of his own gasping treat, he reached over and simply began tearing the remaining dresses off the last three. His work quickened as manicured fingers popped his shorts open.

Crystal pulled him to his feet and his bottoms fell to his ankles. She pressed close and chased his boxer briefs off his waist and they fell on top of the shorts. She then gave a playful push on his chest and he sat back down on the chair.

She smiled around her own gasping candy. Reached behind her neck. A slight twist of her wrist and the loosely called dress descended to reveal that sensuous figure. She climbed into his lap facing him, legs straddled his body.

He leaned in and teased her sensitive nipple with the chest of the moaning Shrunken in his mouth. She whipped her hair about then played her nails along his scalp. Trevor could feel her womanhood giving wet tempting kisses to his manhood. He gave her a little lift, she wiggled at the tip and they combined passionately. She began pumping her hips lustfully.

All the play and good food must have made her extra aroused as she began slapping her body into his hard. He pressed his face between those large bouncing breasts and rubbed his face all over their silky skin. Trevor was glad he had finished a couple times in the afternoon. It gave him a touch more resistance to the temptation to climax from the desirable rider's actions. The goddess stiffened out and howled around her mouth wiggler.

She slowly started again. Taking her time to travel up and down his shaft. They took turns dragging panting playthings along each other's necks. Leaning into the other's body. Hands enjoying every touch of the other's skin.

Crystal leaned back and gave a mischievous smile. She grabbed the should be named Latina and the leggy blonde that didn't get a personal stripping and pressed them face first into his chest and nodded at him. He had the feeling she wanted him to hold them there. She pulled her shoulders back and aimed her breasts at those squirming targets. Fleshy mounds took over holding the little women to his chest. Rubbing those tiny lovely forms up and down as the goddess rode him.

Two little voices moaning and climaxing from their giant kisses. Two more whimpering and begging as their helpless bodies massaged his chest. All combined with that curvy beauty riding him. Trevor now was getting closer to his peak.

He grabbed just under that firm ass. Planting Crystal on the table scattering naked Shrunken and knocking a couple platters to the floor. He rose up and was delighted to see the two chest riders slowly trying to balance themselves on those massive tits. Not that they had much chance as Crystal's hands flipped them face down over her nipples and began rolling them at the tops of her breasts.

He grabbed her hips and just started pumping. Thrusting hard and rocking that luckily sturdy table. The action made the Shrunken trapped there stumble and fall. Another platter clanged to the floor.

Goddess arched in reaction to his hard action. Grunting lustfully around the pleasurably screaming tiny blonde in her mouth. The light shaded brunette in his mouth cheered him on in involuntary reactions to his tongue pressed firmly to her pussy. Then Crystal's legs pressed to his sides and stretched out as she gifted him with another chance to watch her climax. Not that his body gave him long to savor the view.

Trevor leaned over Crystal and dropped the sexually exhausted Shrunken from his lips to between her breasts. She dragged her's from her mouth and added it there as well. They both needed some time to catch their breaths.

She smiled warmly up at him and he returned the smile. "Well, we should get the pets away so I can call some staff to clean this mess up while we curl up in bed." She advised him.

"Are you sure they won't mind? It is a port night." he asked.

She cocked her head in confusion and reminded, "That is why they are here."

They both left the Shrunken trapped on the table while they took a moment to freshen up a little. He gathered his toys and delivered them into their cages. Grabbing clothes out for the morning. He didn't bother putting on anything since he knew a curvy form was waiting to curl tight to his body.

He found her waiting at her bathroom door. "Text now sent, let's brush for bed." she advised. And he followed that request. That finished Trevor then laid on the bed and she snuggled along his side. He rolled in tight and covered them with a blanket. He heard the staff cleaning up their spilled food. They left and the last thing he remembered hearing was a sleepy Crystal sighing softly, "Hmm, so comfortable." And, she was so right.

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