Mini Mom for Christmas

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Mini Mom for Christmas

Post by McShrinker » Sat Dec 04, 2021 8:23 pm

Mini Mom for Christmas
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Re: Mini Mom for Christmas

Post by McShrinker » Sat Dec 04, 2021 8:24 pm

Gina Hathaway gasped in relief as her foot touched down on the hardwood floor. She went to the gym regularly, but that had definitely pushed her limits. She had walked down those stairs countless of times though this morning was the first where she had to commit to a rigorous controlled decent to keep from injuring herself. When walking down the hall from her bedroom, she had thought it was all a dream. Why wouldn’t it be? There should be no reason for her to wake a mini. She had gotten the mini vaccine two days ago just for that same reason, to avoid having a mini pill slipped in her drink and being reduced in size. She hadn’t before because going on a mini vacation always seemed like a fun possibility. Shrink down for just a little while and throw responsibility to the wind. But with three kids, Gina needed to make sure nothing happened to her, so she went to the clinic and got the minifix. Sure, she wouldn’t ever be able to take a mini vacation but at least she didn’t have to worry about being targeted, shrunk and sold off as a toy. Gina watched Dateline, she knew about the nefarious activities around miniaturizing people. That was why it was such a shock for her to wake up Christmas morning to find she was the size of Katie’s dolls. She knew that for a fact when she passed one of her daughter’s discarded toys in the hallway. After borrowing one of the tiny hair bands from the toy, She compared herself to it and found that she was actually shorter than the plaything. It was such a surreal experience to see something Katie had been playing dress up with the previous day now the size of a mannequin.

The idea that Gina was in a dream had been dispelled with her climb down the stairs. No dream was that exhausting and constant pinching of her own arm only reaffirmed that this was reality. The only explanation was that she had some sort of adverse reaction to the minifix. She had heard about similar things happening to other people but never gave it much thought. Her friend from work was convinced that the government did it intentionally as a way to increase the mini market and keep a handle on the population. All of it sounded like a conspiracy theory and those were abundant when it came to the world of mini’s. Gina was less certain now. The worse part was that the one truth that was known about adverse reaction to the minifix, was that they were permanent.

So here she was, mother of three, turned into a mini Christmas morning in a state that had strict master/mini laws. Not just a regular mini either. Most went for half size, third, even quarters. But 1/8th scale? That was the smallest the pharmaceuticals were able to create thus far. A micro mini they were called. A mini’s mini. Not only was she shrunk, but she had dropped to the bottom of the pecking order. Though 1/8th size minis were especially sought after as a novelty, they were expected to be especially subservient due to smallness.
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Re: Mini Mom for Christmas

Post by McShrinker » Sat Dec 04, 2021 8:25 pm

Gina looked at the alien world around her. Where was the fear that should have taken her by now. Wouldn’t any reasonable person be crying, “Why Me!” while pounding their tiny fist into the floor in adorable rage and anguish? Her oldest Asher would look like a godling. The boy might be an average height for an eleven-year-old but now she would hurt her neck trying to stare up at him from her new height. Her eight-year-old Katie wouldn’t be much better. Her legs would be like a pair of pale skipping trees, her skirts like giant billowing umbrellas overhead. Even little Liam. She bet her eyes barely came to the three-year-olds knees. A bit more than a reversal in height between her and her youngest.

Perhaps she was in shock. That might explain why she felt so light and unconcerned with this latest life altering event. Maybe it was the unburdening of big people problems. Job, mortgage, parental responsibility…all those heavy boulders had been lifted from her shoulders. Whatever it was, it left her a bit concerned at her lack of concern.
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Re: Mini Mom for Christmas

Post by McShrinker » Sat Dec 04, 2021 8:25 pm

Everything was so different from down here. The Christmas tree she had erected and decorated now mimicked one of those monstrosities they put up at the city square. The toys and presents beneath it looked like they had been moved there using a forklift rather than her own hands. Eyeing the giant toys, she felt the urge to go an acquainted herself with the playthings. They were now after all her new fellow peers.
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Re: Mini Mom for Christmas

Post by McShrinker » Sat Dec 04, 2021 8:26 pm

As the mini mom made her way across the cavernous living room, she found her mind wondering. Her thoughts went to her ex-husband and his new wife. Probably because she knew in the back of her mind, she most likely become their property. Gina didn’t have any other relatives to seek guardianship from. It made sense that they would become her owners now that she was a mini. She didn’t really mind the idea of becoming her ex’s mini to be honest. Though their marriage didn’t work out they were still able to keep things civil. It was his new wife that would be cause for concern. Tensions were always present with the ex-wife and the new one. Mark had remarried only two years after their divorce to a small petite woman. Amber seemed like a pleasant enough woman, one of those little cutesy types that some men went for. Being only 4’11 Gina would often use her 5’5 frame to an advantage and speak down to the smaller woman. She knew that Amber was intimidated by her after Mark had said so in one of their phone calls. Apparently the jealously was mutual between the two as though Amber was the younger replacement, she was envious of how well motherhood had been to Gina. She did keep in rather good shape if she did say so herself. A good thing to given that getting around was going to be allot more work from now on.

Now that Amber would be in a position of authority over Gina, she wondered how she would be treated. In passing conversation, the little woman had mentioned that she had worked at a mini daycare while at college and even participated in a few pageants with mini’s that she had trained personally. Gina suspected that Amber enjoyed training mini’s due to her own small size and sense of superiority it gave her. A sense that she was denied when interacting with normal sized people. Could Gina expect to be trained by Amber to be a good pet? A small shudder ran down her spine at the idea of being bent over a spanked with a ruler by the once petite woman. Oddly the fear that emerged from the thought was laced with something closely akin to arousal…but surely that wasn’t the case.

Perhaps they would give ownership over to the kids. It happened often enough in mini society. Someone was either minned themselves or was a victim and had their relatives take care of them. In many of these cases it was the children of the min that took ownership. There was no shortage of cute images on the internet of a young boy putting her 1/3er mom over the knee for a bare bottom spanking or a girl having her quarter size dad paint her toenails as her behest. Was that what would be in store for her. Was she now a pet, a toy for her kid’s amusement? Surely some remanence of her motherhood would remain.
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Re: Mini Mom for Christmas

Post by McShrinker » Sat Dec 04, 2021 8:27 pm

Putting thoughts of what her new masters might do aside, Gina focused on the toys in front of her as a means of distraction from her thoughts. Standing tall in front of her was a wooden soldier she had had gotten for her youngest. There were a pair of them and she had thought even the Liam didn’t play with them, they would make good decorations for the holidays. She still remembered picking them up in her hand, so light and small. Gina had casually tossed them in her shopping basket like any other insignificant object. Now that same object stood tall and broad before her, like some intimidating statue guarding the entrance of Toyland.

“So…umm I’m not sure if you remember me, but we met the other day. I was the giantess who plucked you off the shelf to give as present to my youngest. I hope you didn’t take it personally given that I have now joined the ranks of playthings. Since we will probably be sharing a toybox in the future I was hoping we could be friends”
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Re: Mini Mom for Christmas

Post by McShrinker » Sat Dec 04, 2021 8:27 pm

The wooden toy continued to stare forward, not paying the short woman any mind. Gina giggled at herself for how silly she was being but chalked it up as her being loopy from all the overnight shrinking.

“Ah the strong silent type I see. I like that. Too many men these days just talk and talk and talk. I can respect someone who is a bit more stoic, a bit harder.”

Gina reached up and stroked his bulbous wooden head.

“Say I’ve never been one for mustaches, but I must say this one looks rather dashing on you."
The wooden man refused to offer any reply. It was a soldier who took his guard post very seriously.

“It ok, I understand. I am being a bit to forward, but just know my daughter is always having play weddings with her dolls, so there is a good chance you and I will be married in the near future whether we like it or not. I expect a bit more communication next time if we’re are going to make it last.”

She gave her wooden man departing pat on the chest and looked around for another toy to socialize with.
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Re: Mini Mom for Christmas

Post by McShrinker » Sat Dec 04, 2021 8:29 pm

Gina looked over at the stuffed animal she had gotten for Katie. The girl loved her plushies and the little deer was too cute to pass up. Looking at it now, the little mom knew she had to climb on and ride it. If you come across a giant plushie, you ride it. That’s just natural law.

She was surprised at how easy the toy could bear her weight given that there was nothing solid on the inside. She idly wondered how much her body now weighed as she enjoyed the feeling of the toy’s fur tickling her bum.

It was said the mini can become extra sensitive and as Gina slid her hips up and down the back of her new acquaintance, she believed it.
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Re: Mini Mom for Christmas

Post by McShrinker » Sat Dec 04, 2021 8:30 pm

Her pulse had quickened along with her breathe and she had to stop herself. There would be time for play later. She had distracted herself long enough and needed to come up with a game plan for this morning. The tiny mom patted the deer’s head. “I think we’re going to be good friends.”
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Re: Mini Mom for Christmas

Post by McShrinker » Sat Dec 04, 2021 8:31 pm

Gina sat amongst the toys contemplating her next move. It was getting light outside and it wouldn’t be long before the kids would be waking up and coming downstairs. How to handle this? Did she just come out and say what happened? “Hey, remember how we all got the minifix vaccine a couple days ago? Well mommy had a bad reaction and now I’ve become the exact thing I was trying to avoid.” A thought occurred to her. Maybe she could just pretend this was planned. Maybe she could convince her kids that this was just a temporary thing that mom did for Christmas. Perhaps the kids would be a bit more behaved if they thought she would eventually become normal size again. This might ensure they would listen to her more, at least until she was able to call Mark and tell him that he needed to register her as his mini…or the kid’s. She gave another shudder at the thought and was surprised to feel that its wasn’t just fear that caused gooseflesh to run along her skin.
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Re: Mini Mom for Christmas

Post by McShrinker » Sat Dec 04, 2021 8:31 pm

She needed a way to present herself that would give the feeling of a plan. Looking through the presents Gina robbed some string from one of the smaller presents. After a little trial and error, the mini had what she would call a very cool Christmas morning outfit. “I’m not saying that im enjoying this…but I do make a pretty cool toy.”
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Last edited by McShrinker on Sat Dec 04, 2021 9:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mini Mom for Christmas

Post by McShrinker » Sat Dec 04, 2021 8:31 pm

Turning this way and that the mother admired her handy work while admonishing the wooden solder that was obviously regretting his earlier lack of interest. “Oh no Mr. Strong Silent type, you had your chance. If you wanted some of this, then you should have made your move earlier.” Satisfied with her little plan Gina climbed atop a little drum she had gotten Liam to play with. She figured it would help get the kids attention if they didn’t spot her right ways. Maybe she could pick up one of these drumsticks and give it a few whacks. Then again, she wasn’t sure if she had the strength top pick one up despite a toddler being able to do so with ease.
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Re: Mini Mom for Christmas

Post by Nicodemus » Sat Dec 04, 2021 8:32 pm

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."

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Re: Mini Mom for Christmas

Post by McShrinker » Sat Dec 04, 2021 8:32 pm

As she laid there, feet kicking back and forth, her mind went back to what her life would be like now. Once Mark and Amber were able to get here and takeover, how quickly would things change? Would they put her in a collar and leash right there or would it be a more gradual change? Maybe they would let her live out some semblance of her old life. Try and go back to work being an account manager at Brookshire and Bell Holdings. She laughed at that. There was no way the company would have a mini as an account manager. They might keep her around at a fraction of the pay for moral boost the same way some companies have an office dog or cat. Perhaps she would help the temps and secretaries in remedial tasks and everyone would get a kick out of the doll size woman struggling with big people work. Her voice alone was enough to prevent her from getting many respectable jobs. She knew that her pitch was now adorably squeaky like a chipmunk. The smaller the mini the cuter the voice, and the cuter it was, the less respect it commanded. Perhaps she should just focus on becoming a good mini. She had to admit the experience thus far had been pleasant enough. Already the feeling she got from the lack of responsibility was invigorating. She felt like a kid again.

Gina giggled a random thought popped in her mind. She had been wondering what toys her kids would enjoy the most when placing presents under the tree, never realizing that she would be a contender as well.

Shuffling could be heard above and Gina felt the vibrations of excited footsteps quick marching down the stairs. Her heartbeat sped up as the little woman was about to see the first giants in her life. Just smile and go with the flow girl, Gina thought to herself. It’s not like you can swim against the current at this size anyways. She forcibly tried to calm herself as she heard the exited voices approach her perch on the drum, their words sounding more like proclamations from godlings above than the kids on Christmas morning. If anything, she could say that she was able to give her family a memorable Christmas and what mother doesn’t want that?
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Re: Mini Mom for Christmas

Post by Bloodthirstybutcher » Sun Dec 05, 2021 12:23 am

"People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis, you can't trust people, Jeremy."

-Super Hans, Peep Show

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Re: Mini Mom for Christmas

Post by jeffrey-dallas » Sun Dec 05, 2021 1:27 am

If anything, she could say that she was able to give her family a memorable Christmas and what mother doesn’t want that?
(more clapping)
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Asuka cosplay: Shirogane-sama
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"You're like, really tiny."
"Thanks. I had no idea."

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Re: Mini Mom for Christmas

Post by Kara Dollgirl » Sun Dec 05, 2021 4:11 am

A beautiful story and amazing images! Just Lovely!
What girl hasn't wondered what it would be like during this season to become a Babe in Toyland...?
Kara :kiss:

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Re: Mini Mom for Christmas

Post by lefrenchie » Wed Dec 08, 2021 10:53 am

Thank you very much.
Very sexy!

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Re: Mini Mom for Christmas

Post by shrink_1234 » Fri Dec 10, 2021 9:48 pm

I can imagine the reaction of your children when they see it, a new toy.

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Re: Mini Mom for Christmas

Post by frollo » Mon Dec 13, 2021 4:31 pm

This is wonderful story and beautifully illustrated.
Clearly this will be a very memorable holiday season for her and all involved.
Who know what will happen New Years night ?^^

Thank you for posting and I'm looking forward to more.!!

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Re: Mini Mom for Christmas

Post by jeffrey-dallas » Tue Dec 14, 2021 2:19 am

Who know what will happen New Years night ?^^
It's obvious -- lots of SWs bathing in champagne glasses.
"You're like, really tiny."
"Thanks. I had no idea."

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