The Tourists: Alex's Trip

SW stories that include violence or extreme injuries etc.

DISCLAIMER: Many of the stories within are at the border of what is legal to post. Venture forth at your own Peril
Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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Joined: Tue Mar 09, 2021 2:48 pm

Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by Underscore » Sat Apr 23, 2022 9:37 pm

“Well folks it looks like sign ups complete, we have full roster. 100 of you eager souls wanting to have a go! So let’s get our first contestant up here...MR SIMON JENKINS!”
Rose stared, her chest encompassing the bars infront of her as she stuck her head out between them, as she watched a meek middle aged man walk up onto the platform.
“Ready? Ok, 3...2...1..FIRE!” The host beckoned as a disc no bigger than a dinner plate was slung out over the ocean, a nearby screen showed an overhead view, one which Rose watched with baited breath, however her face simply dropped as the disc shrunk beyond her ability to see it, looking back at the man, nothing about him had changed, it was as if the disc just...shrunk, no rhyme or reason to it. No, she just missed it she convinced, perking herself up, she’d get it on the next one... But she didn’t, she watched the man like a hawk, on the next she watched the screen as close as she could but nothing...nothing gave her any answers.

Disc after disc fired, the crowd cheering when one shrunk, and aww-ing whenever one hit the ocean full sized. Jasmin and Daewoo were getting hyped, Sakura had cheered up, Alex, however, just stood still his focus on the discs, more notably the launchers themselves.
“A great effort by Mr Jenkins, leaving with a score of 87 out of 150. Let’s give him a hand folks” the crowd clapped and some cheered. The man just smiled as he wandered back down and disappeared into the crowd. “Up next Miss Raye Quinn!” the host called, a young girl maybe 9 or 10 years old in a sky blue dress was guided up to the platform steps by a middle aged woman, likely her mother who stood to the side giving a gentle, encouraging smile to the nervous little girl. Rose couldn’t help but wonder when was the last time her mother looked at her like that... She couldn’t even remember.

The little girl gave it her all but left with a score of 62. She ran from the platform into her mothers arms, snatching her up in a hug. The crowd just cheered and clapped for her effort, cheering her up. The cycle continued with no one breaking the 100 score mark. Young children, middling adults, even a rather elderly couple had a try.
“...and up next, MR DAEWOO SONG!” the host called, Daewoo grabbed Alex unaware arm, threw it up and high fived it, walking backwards through the crowd shooting finger guns as the two women as he did. Up on stage he was as lively as ever, jostling around before hunkering down and eyeing out towards like a cowboy ready for a quick draw match with the ocean.
“Ready... 3...2...1...FIRE!” as discs started flying. A bit faster and aimed lower than before atleast to Rose it seemed that way. Not that it bothered him too much, he was keeping up only missing the odd one or two at first, as his score easily ramped up, the discs flew faster, more and more misses but still keeping pace until the final disc, snagging it at the last second dropping like a pebble into the ocean.
“A great showing Mr Song, with a final score of 128 that catapults you into 1st place! Amazing performance, just shy of our ship record of 135. Give him a hand folks!.. and for our next contestant, MISS JASMIN DANVERS!”
She gave Daewoo a high five as she passed him on the podium stairs. Mostly cheers from the crowd but of course some wolf whistling too, especially as her chest bounced with each step up the podium stairs.
The host began his countdown and Jasmin prepared herself. Discs started flying wild left and right but she kept up almost none got past her until the speed cranked halfway through, there were just too many all at once. More and more slipped through, some crossing paths seemed to throw her off. Rose had her eureka moment, it had something to do with their eyes, if they could see it, they could shrink it. And then it sunk. If it was in their eyes, there was no way for her to use it...

“Figured it out yet?” Alex spoke down to her. “Its an implant in our heads that let’s us resize objects. Most can only shrink one object the size of a person at a time using the implant and we need line of sight on it. And no, looking in a mirror doesn’t work, I’d just shrink the mirror.” He grinned down.
“How did you... “
“...Know what you were thinking, I doubted you were a fan of ‘shrink the Frisbee’ so why else would you be practically hanging out your cage to watch it.”
“I’m not mad, I’m not disappointed, even after how well things went this morning, its still only natural you would seek some avenue to return to your old life at least for the couple of weeks before the impossibility sinks in...but while you’re on that train of thought, let me ask you...If you could go back, would you really want to? I saw that run down shop you say you lived in, the termites had a better life than you. And now here you are, a luxury cruise, all your needs taken care of, more clothes than you’ve had in your whole life I’d wager and what, all you have to do is behave yourself and do what you’re told. Wouldn’t everyone jump at the chance for this sort of life?” he asked sincerely.

Rose couldn’t answer. Sure all her needs met but all she had to do was sacrifice her body, modesty and freedom... But in the back of her mind she thought about what her ‘freedom’ had got her so far. Objectified, groped... And that was before she became a ‘Shrunken’. If this was her life anyway, why shouldn’t she be rewarded for it, take everything she could the way everything was taken from her before. He seemed willing enough to give her the world if she asked and cooperated with him. She just stood there in her cage lost in her thoughts. She didn’t even hear Sakura’s name called or notice Jasmin return.
Alex however paid particular attention to Sakura as she went up to the podium, the way she strode effortlessly up, the grace, the class, the obvious hidden pain he recognised from his Uncles Shrunken. Clearly Sakura had had some ‘training’ herself he thought. But atleast her smile seemed genuine, overly genuine like this was the first fun she had in far too long a time. Alex had been so focused between the discs launching and Sakura, he’d missed Jasmin’s score announcement but glancing her way, seeing a disappointed look on her face and glory on Daewoo’s told him everything.
“Now let’s see if we can keep the streak of scores breaking 100, no pressure though” the host jested, Sakura just smiled at him before focusing in on the ocean view. The countdown began and the disc started flying. She was slow off the bat, missing a few easy ones, frustration came across her face forcing her to slap herself on both cheeks to calm down. She soon found herself in the groove, shrinking the discs practically as they came out the launchers. Even when they started crossing paths she kept up but as the final disc flew and shrunk, she knew it wasn’t enough to win but she’d kept up and made her way down, her second genuine smile of the day, beaming across at their rag tag ensemble.
“And the streak continues, a score of 105, Miss Sakura Satou everyone!” the crowd applauded as she reached the group.
“Having fun yet?” Alex quizzed with a tilted head.
“Yes, it was lots of fun once I was in the groove!” she admitted frankly, reaching out but nervously withdrawing her arm from him.
“Well thank Jas, I think she planned on dragging us here regardless, cheering you up was a bonus for her. Now as for me, I’m about to wipe the smile of Daewoo’s face” he added confidently, awkwardly tapping his palm on Sakura’s shoulder before he headed his way through the crowd. For the first time Rose felt safer in her cage than out there, she hated crowds, always made her feel like she couldn’t breathe, worried someone would try and cop a feel...not that crowds had been a common issue in her hometown as of late but still the relative space her gilded cage offered was almost a blessing.

“And lastly, can we have DR ALEX LAUGHLIN to the podium. Let’s see if our last shot hero here can snatch the prize at the thirteenth hour!”
Alex made it to the top, his confidence waning with each step up, he gave the crowd an awkward wave before turning his back to them. He pulled Rose’s cage up to his face. Closing his eyes, he whispered “calm down, there’s no one there”. Clearly not a fan of being the centre of attention she thought. He took another deep breath and opened his eyes, staring directly into Rose’s. He smiled, his smile turning into a smirk as he said “alright... watch this” before gently lowering her cage and fixing himself upright in a proper position.

“3...2...1...FIRE!” the host yelled. The first disc fired out and was barely in the air before it shrunk. The next flew from the furthest left and again, was shrunk near instantly. A third from the centre launched and practically disappeared it shrunk that quickly. Rose caught Alex mutter something under his breath. The number “17” and noticed he seemed to turn to face the discs before they fired even as the speed increased he somewhat kept up, the crowd had stopped cheering and started murmuring. As the game neared its end, not a single disc had survived, the crowd and host speechless as the final disc, the white disc flew and effortlessly disappeared like the rest simply dropping into the ocean like a pebble.
“uhh... UNBELIEVABLE FOLKS! Mr.. I mean Dr Laughlin here has done the unthinkable, a perfect game, 150 points! Meaning not only is he taking victory in the final hour but taking the ship record too. Let’s give him a hand everyone.” Alex looked into the crowd as the host tapped something against Alex watch, transferring the shop voucher over to him and shaking his hand. Alex just stood there nervously trying to get out but the host just kept shaking. His eyes focused out over the crowd looking towards the little friend group. Sakura clapped, Jas was bouncing up and down, her chest attracting some attention for young boys and men alike as she did and Daewoo just stood dumbfounded but still somehow smiling.

Alex was eventually let go and made it downstairs where he was instantly swarmed by the crowd asking how he did it, what they could do to get better, some offering money for him to teach them or their kids, he did his best to carve through, saying to them all he was just lucky but was getting nowhere fast, his eyes began darting around frantically. His hand clutched around Rose’s cage and pressed it to his chest. She could tell he was amidst a panic attack and not a fun one judging by the way he was tossing and turning, looking for any kind of escape. Somehow, even through all that, she could feel he was protecting her, holding her close and as steady as he could. She felt her heart skip a beat, forgetting their forced Master/Shrunken relationship for an instant, instead all she could think was how much she now wanted to help him. She tried crawling towards his hand but his frantic shaking was instead jostling her around unable to get any balance. Instead she clutched at the nearest cage bar she could and began pulling herself, bar by bar, over to this hand, wrapping an arm round the last bar, her other hand gripped his finger as tight as she could. It seemed to work, to calm his movements slightly, his breathing slowed and his attention started to focus. Enough for him to see the outstretched hand through the crowd. He grabbed on for what felt like dear life and Sakura grabbed him in return. Herself being pulled back by Jas and Daewoo. He briefly smiled at the Asian beauty before reality interrupted him.

“Come on man, we gotta go” Daewoo yelled, Jas shouting to the crowd “Sorry folks, places to be and all that!” as she started pushing Alex from behind towards the nearest staircase. Daewoo taking the lead as they all began to run as fast at they could.
“Where we headed guys?” the Korean asked between controlled breaths
“R118” Alex huffed back
“The hell are you guys on the other end of the ship for?” he japed back
“Long. Story. BLAME. ALEX!” Jasmin abated between heaves of her body and lungs respectively. Her Shrunken had long been jostled from his hold in her cleavage and now slapped precariously off her back with each stride. Daewoo’s clung on for dear life as they were shaking and shook during his sprint. Rose couldn’t see Sakura’s but she assumed they too were being shaken something fierce as they all ran.

“Phew, man, I haven’t had to run like that since I got caught in bed with Mrs.... Well it’s been a while” the Korean admitted collapsing on the curved white leather sofa centred in Alex and Jas’s spacious suite. Soon joined by the rest, Jas awkwardly undoing her Shrunken mans chain harness, dropping him loose back into her chest, the man scrambling to stay afloat amidst the rising and falling sea of flesh under his miniscule feet. Daewoo unhooked his cage and sat it on the seat next to him. Sakura left hers in place, probably to conserve modesty from the open gaps they would likely leave in her swimwear if she did. Rose found her cage opening, scrambling to the back out of instinct watching the opening like a hawk, only in place of an awaiting finger to help her down as she expected, instead his flat palm awaited. To which she cautiously stepped toward and skittishly onto. Immediately finding herself rising upward, being tipped off his palm, and landing against his neck. Allowing her legs to come down as if she was sitting on his shoulder, her hands griping his muscles nervously as she got another grandiose look as the massive world she now lived in. His finger reached up and stroked her cheek, a barely audible ‘thanks’ whispered in the air from his lips. Rose just smiled, stroking her hand down the side of his neck, leaning her head against it. It was strange, she should be repulsed just by being in his presence but somehow, it just felt right in that moment. Jas noted the little display going on, smirked and flipped up a tablet, a few taps later, she announced;
“So... Who’s hungry” to which everyone lazily raised an arm. Groaning like zombies in unison.
“Oh wow, this calls for the only cure all in the world... Pizza!” she declared with a few more presses on her tablet screen before passing the tablet around the sofa for everyone to choose what they wanted before it ended up being passed back along the line and into Jasmin’s hands again as she readied to pay.

“Oh, I believe I offered to pay for our lunch today” Sakura politely reminded.
“No no no, this was my plan, I insist this is on me, you can just get the next one... That’s if there is a next one” Jas offered with a suggestively cautious tone, a nod from Sakura and two thumbs up from the men and she cheered right up. “Okay, that’s sorted, next hangouts on you then” she finalised, ordering the food and dropping her tablet.
“So folks, food should be here in about half an hour, its... Wow its nearly 4 so that makes this an early dinner then... What do you guys wanna do while we wait?”
Daewoo sat bolt upright as if suddenly all his energy returned.
“First I wanna know how the hell you aced that event, you got some kind super shrink power we don’t know about ‘Mr Nephew of the head of the Shrink tech dept’?” he asked eyeing Alex quizzically with a cheeky smile.
“Thats..... A really long nickname.... But No, I didn’t cheat, I just memorised the patterns” he admitted with a slight nervous chuckle.
“Pattern? Wasn’t it random? It sure felt random!” the confused Asian stated.
“There were 28 patterns, split into 10 for kids and 18 for adults as far as I could tell. It just randomised which pattern it used.”
“So you memorised what... 18 different patterns just so you could work out where the discs were coming from before they launched?”
“No, I memorised all 28 just incase they figured me out and threw a curve ball” he added, groaning and rubbing the bridge of his nose behind his glasses. Daewoo just looked stunned for a moment. Before just smiling it away with;
“Well that answers that... you’re insane is what you are, a mad genius” he joked, Jas jumping in with “Yeah, pretty much” laughing along side them. Sakura chuckled lightly behind her wrist, her laugh worsening forcing her to drop her arm before eventually bursting into full blown laughter, the group just looked at each other, slowly building up their own laughter, darting eye to eye to see who would break first and join Sakura’s fit of laughter, unsurprisingly it was the Daewoo Dam that burst first before Alex and Jas joined in unison, the gang enjoying a hearty laugh for what seemed like ages before things started to chuckle down.
“Sorry, sorry, its been too long since I spent time among people just... Hanging out” she admitted trying to fight the last remnants of her chuckle and breathe normally again.
“Take it you don’t get out much?” Jas offered with a smile
“No, not really... Not at all nowadays. I spend most of my free time helping my mother with her work or just... Wandering around the grounds for air. We live in a rather private estate in the Kyoto mountains due my dads work so there are no neighbours and the only visitors are my father’s guests first, and friends second so that never goes well” she sighed

“I don’t see him” Alex stated to a now confused Sakura
“I don’t see him here, your father, he’s not here, in this room so just be the you that you want to be not the you HE wants you to know?”
“You know, somehow... Amazingly.... That actually made sense... Great Job Mr Inhuman, those books must be teaching you something right after all!” Jasmin joked before turning back to Sakura “But yeah, you can drop the Precious Flower act around us, atleast in here, among friends” Jas offered behind a kind smile.
“Oh thank god, I hate trying to keep that up. Its soooo exhausting!” the Asian spoke, breaking clean out from her clearly fragile shell. “Seriously! It drains you like nothing else to have to act like everyone is better than you and having to practically to tell them it too. Fanning men’s Ego’s is soo much work”
“Oh you tell it sistah” Jas encouraged. Alex and Daewoo just shared a concerned look about where this was going, Daewoo swallowed hard.
“Hey uhh... I’m all for Smash the Patriarchy but maybe, just maybe this ain’t like a lunch-dinner time casual convo. Maybe we can switch it up to something light... Like uhh... video games, who here likes video games?” he asked nervously to which everyone raised their hand.
“Great... You guys got any?” He inquired to which Alex pointed a thumb over his shoulder to some dusty boxes arranged in a tower next to massive slimline TV.
“Well I did get an N64 and a SNES just yesterday from a very lucky store...” the Asian man practically darted around to Alex, leaning right into his face and declaring,
“We... Have got to... Play some Goldeneye!! ”

And that was the base for the rest of their afternoon altogether. By the time Alex had set up the ancient console with the modern TV using an amalgam of different adaptors and got it working. All the while Rose clung to his neck, her arm grabbing his hair to hold herself steady as she sat precariously upon his shoulder. The food eventually arrived and ended up sprawled out across the coffee table. Pizza of every size and topping imaginable.
“You know you could’ve ordered like... A full pizza you know, I’m not strapped for cash” Jas directed towards Sakura as she took a ‘slice’ from a small vegetable covered Pizza.
“Its fine, I honestly don’t really eat all that much, wouldn’t want to waste anything... Not like those two atleast” Sakura offered looking across the table at the two enormous Pi’s for Alex and Daewoo, one slathered in chilli peppers and chicken, the other steak and mushroom. Daewoo and Alex gave a united “What?, I’m gonna eat it all! ” before returning to stuffing their faces.
“It’s so not fair, they eat like that and have bodies like that, I so much as think about bread and put on another pound” Jas dismissed, pinching slightly through her dress at her waist as she took a bit of her plain pizza, just sauce, cheese and some herbs.

Rose pulled tight at Alex hair to get his attention over the conversation, his head tilted slight his giant eye peering round under the leg of his glasses.
“Can.... Can I have some please?”
“I don’t know, can you?” he joked back creating a groaned scowl on her face, clearly unamused by dad jokes.
“May I have some pizza please?” she asked very monotone
Rose sighed before adding “Please, Master?”
“Good Girl, bare with me a sec” Alex answered turning back to the group. “Any of you guys mind if I let my Shrunken eat with us?” he asked in his garnered monotone.
Jas just shrugged, Daewoo was in the middle of stuffing a full slice into his mouth, his words understandably muffled and incomprehensible but he seemed alright with it. Sakura however seemed reserved, maybe sceptical about it
“It’s your place and your Shrunken so you don’t need our permissions to spoil it, but surely you’re aware that food does nothing but remind them of their prior lives?”
“True, but this one has behaved herself today, so I want to indulge her as a reward.” Alex returned, gently grasping Rose by her hips and depositing her on the pizza covered table. His other hand took out a pellet from his tictac box and placed it near her. She stood aside while he tore the tip off a half eaten slice and held it in front of her. She reached for it but was surprised as he pulled it away from her hands.
“Ah, ah, ah. I didn’t say you could have it yet. Good pets need to sit first.” He smiled down at her. Rose just gave a look of disbelief.
“Its your choice, obey and get the pizza, disobey and be force-fed your pellet” his tone somewhat deeper, his stare intense, Rose instinctively stepped back and sat down cross legged on an ungreased section of cardboard.
“Noooo, sit nice! Up on your knees and beg” he called down. She just stared back in disbelief for a moment until eventually she broke, a miniscule sigh escaped her as her head dropped and she brought herself up onto her knees, hiking the hem of her skirt up to let her rest her backside on the backs of her heels, pulling her arms up in front of her chest, her wrists dangling and fingers tucked in like she was impersonating a begging puppy. Alex smiled at her again.
“Good Girl!” he rewarded as he deposited the torn shred of food in front of her, his other hand stroked firmly down her hair from head to back as if he was petting her.
Rose sat still and accepted the humiliating touches. Eventually his attention left her and back to the other giants, Rose took the opportunity and grasped into the mass of dough tearing out handful after handful like a wild animal as she devoured her scraps, she was starving and wanted to put off eating that pet food pellet he gave her even though she knew had to and if she didn’t, he could and would easily make her.

Once the food was finished, the gang gamed for what seemed like forever, round after round of Goldeneye. It was surprisingly even. Alex had the strategy, Daewoo had the skill, Jasmin was unbelievably lucky and Sakura was just flat out unpredictable. They laughed, yelled and cheered together. It reminded Rose of simpler, fun times before her friends all left town, before she was somebodies pet she thought as she finally swallowed the last bite of her berry flavoured pellet.
“So, just gonna put this out there but we should do this again sometime?” Daewoo offered, a nervous undertone.
“Absolutely!” Sakura exclaimed, rather over-enthusiastically
“Agreed, I could... Use the socialisation” Alex added
“Wow, that was almost nice, better luck next time buddy” Jas japed, “But yeah, we should definitely hang out again, next free day?” she suggested
A unanimous ‘yeah’ from everyone came as a sinister smirk came across her face.
“Well how about we seal the deal?”.
Everyone else just looked at each other then back to her
“Why don’t we gals swap Shrunken, you guys swap yours and have a little fun before you guys head out? I mean, we’ve got 3 rooms and the main cabin so there’s no worry about privacy.”
“Oh hell yes!” Daewoo declared
“I suppose that is one way of ‘sealing the deal”... Sakura pondered aloud
Alex just shrugged at Jasmin.
“What’s the worst that could happen? Now come on, you want some alone time with this one, or do you want to pick one from my cages?” Jasmin asked, withdrawing the tiny man from her cleavage and dangling him like a prize in front of the Asian woman. His lower body glistening somewhat.

“I... Uhh... That one should be fine... Which of mine would you like?” she nervously returned
“Oooh.... I think I’ll go for this little guy” Jasmin answered pointing her free fingers towards the man still struggling through Sakuras lower swimwear. Sakura hesitated, looking bashfully at the men in the room.
“Well, I guess we’re doing this. Let me get you one Dae” Alex declared as he got up and made his way over to his room door.
“Its fine dude, the one you’ve got here will do fine” he replied staring down at Rose, smiling. Rose felt the cold dread was over her anew under this strangers gaze.
“I...uhh...shes been..uhh...used today!... Let me get you a fresher one” Alex shakily returned before heading into his room. It took Rose a minute to understand what he meant, he hadn’t really done anything to her, not since first thing this morning, and she’d cleaned up since then... Did he just lie for her?
Alex soon returned, a struggling woman in hand, it wasn’t until she was tossed toward the Asian man and she heard a scream from a familiar voice... Madisons voice. Yelling as loud as she could to be ‘let go’ and ‘turned back’ as she found herself held, stroked and admired under the Asians tight grip.

“You know, this one will do too! I like em feisty” he spoke as he stroked at Madisons inner thighs, her protests now just incoherent screams and flailing limbs. “So which one do you want? Milk Chocolate or White?” Daewoo offered as he tossed his cage over to Alex who had to lurch to catch it.

Alex stared through the bars at the naked and thoroughly shaken forms inside. A tanned woman, short dirty blonde hair and a pale Asian girl, long black hair up in a pony tail, clutching each other, skin pressed tight against each other, he couldn’t help but picture each of them gripping his cock with the same vigour. On one hand the tanned woman had the better body, nicer proportions and probably knew her way around a man going by her age, on the other, the younger girl would be a screamer...
“I’ll take Milk” He answered, opening the cage, his fingers forcing their way between the Shrunken, prying them apart and pulling out the struggling tanned woman and closing the cage back over, striding over and sitting it back on the sofa next to its owner.

“Good choice” Daewoo smirked before turning back to Jasmin. “Well, we’ve all swapped, so where we doing this?”
“We should each just take a room, whoevers in the main cabin just shoot a message once you’re done so we know its safe to come out” she replied
“So who’s going where then, ladies pick first I’m guessing?” he replied, Jasmin went to speak but Alex interjected.

“If we’re doing it that way, I’d prefer to take the spare room. I have some ‘projects’ in there I would prefer to keep to myself” he stated matter of factly.
“Uhh... Sure, no issue with me my dude... In that case, probably best I just stick with my room then... Sakura you take Alex room and that leaves you out here Daewoo, that alright with you all?” she offered with a wicked smile fired Alex way.

Alex hesitated about Sakura being in his room but considering the alternative was someone seeing his projects, he said nothing.
Sakura blushed slightly but nodded.
“Sure, sounds good to me. Oh and my friends call me DW. Only my Halmoni calls me Dae for short” he chuckled as he moved his cage over to the pizza table, making room on the sofa for himself to get ‘comfortable’. Jasmin headed into her room with a swagger in her hips, Sakura’s shrunken pounding his fists against her thumb to no avail.
“I...uhh...Guess I’ll show you to my room?” Alex nervously suggested a glare fired at Jaz who returned with a cunning smile, a simple nod from Sakura in response from his words. As she carefully rose from the couch and took careful steps towards Alex, her hand gripping at her sarong pulling it over to cover the front of her lower swimwear.
Alex took notice but turned away, snatching up an unsuspecting Rose as he passed the table, his grip pressing her into ‘Milk’ whose face was filled with tears and terror, her body somehow cold in his warm hand.
He opened the door to his room immediately noticing the building he’d left strewn across one side of the bed. He dashed in, quickly stuffing the Shrunken into his shorts pocket before replacing the roof and throwing the white sheet over it. He panicked around again before roughly tossing Rose and Milk into the dollhouse living room, the wall slamming shut as he scrambled to huff the building over to his computer table, a good portion hanging loose over the table edge but stable enough.

“Sorry, I don’t ever have guests. I failed to consider the state of my room for your.... Uhh... Access” he formed as he turned to face to confused woman standing in the door way.
“Its fine, we... Uhh... Weren’t expecting this so its natural to be... Unprepared” Sakura offered, taking a few tentative steps over to his bed, a slight ruffle in the sheets from the large object she had barely seen but otherwise the bed was pristine, almost unused by the looks of it if not for a hair or two left on the pillow case, not that it bothered her but this was her first time in a mans bedroom outside of a male guest in her own home where she only ever served him food or drinks.
Alex left her to her thoughts, retrieving both Rose and a thrashing ‘Milk’ from the dollhouse. He pointed out the bathroom should Sakura need it and left, closing the door behind him.

“You know I’m gonna kill you for this Jaz” he threw to her through the door as he passed her room and B lined for the last room door. Opening to the largest of the three bedrooms. Alex strode in allowing Rose a clear view from his stiff grip, the room filled wall to wall with stacked shelves and busy tables each adorned with sheet covered secrets. Loose and discarded parts, screws and tools partially covered the remaining floor space save for clear pathways in the organised messes to walk through. A large bay window offered an unparalleled view of the passing sea from the tiny single bed up the back of the room. It looked like a mix of what she imagined a basement dwellers room and a terrorist workshop would look like. Rose couldn’t help but be curious what other wonders were under those sheets, a sentiment clearly not shared by the swivelling and shaking human icicle she found herself pressed to, clearly imagining the instruments of torture that awaited her.

“Hey, what’s your name?” Rose asked, attempting to try and calm the woman but she wasn’t even listening. Fear and dread had consumed her, her own racing pulse was all that echoed in her ears as she twisted and turned with all her might against his grip, her fruitless attempts to wriggle free doing nothing but working her up more and more. As his strides reached the edge of bad a giants the far wall, Rose felt herself go weightless as his arms swung forward, his body lunged and twisted flat in the air. The weightless joy soon turned to a sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach as his body began to descend, slamming flat out on the small bedroom, a slight ‘oof’ was barely audible out of Alex over the screams of the girl called ‘Milk’ squeezed against her.

Craning himself up against the pillows edge pressed hard against the bedframe, Alex brought his hand up, releasing his pet and borrowed toy onto his chest. Rose landing flat out on her back and Milk on her knees, her modest chest heaving in panic as she and Alex locked eyes. Without breaking eye contact, Alex began to undo his shorts, popping the button with his left hand and slowing pulling down the zip, his right hand reaching a sole finger out and slowly stroking the tanned Shrunken, locked in place with his gaze. From the top of her head, he ruffled her hair slightly before applying slight pressure and moving his finger down, her skin crawled, hair stood on end as her sensitive skin was caressed by his rough fingertip. He could feel the tiny goosebumps as his finger continued down the curve of her back, occasionally feeling the tiny bones of her spine as he reached the crux of her ass and slid his finger off into the air. The girl trembled more and more the lower he got further down her minature body. Just as she breathed a sigh of relief at his touch leaving her, she jolted as his finger and thumb pressed into her hips and raised her into the air like she weighed nothing and began moving her down. Down, towards his now revealed cock, his throbbing tower now free and aloft skyward.

Milk looked back to see where she was going and the sight of his beast, filling more and more of her few caused her instincts to kick in. She cried and screamed, scratched, clawed and kicked at anything and everything she could to get away but to no avail, if anything her attempts just seemed to excite the flesh beast more the closer she got before finally, she found herself turning up right and coming into contact with it. Her face pressed against the tip, the head pulsing into her chest and its girth wavering as her feet scrambled against the smooth skin. His scent filled her every breath, a slight glistening sweat stuck to her body, causing her to wriggle in disgust. Yesterday she has been a normal student, studying for her exams, finishing her latest paper, before the afternoon was over, she was some Foreigners toy, being stripped for his amusement, violated by anything and everything and now she was being handed off to another giant stranger as a sex toy for his amusement.

She couldn’t help but start sobbing not that Alex paid much attention to her cries, instead he began to grind her slowly up and down his length, his hand pressing her down, his dick pressing against her. His thumb pressed her face and chest against the skin, his palm cupped her ass and forced her crotch against his. She fought and cried but her body wouldn’t listen, she could feel her tiny nipples harden and her pussy get wet.

Alex noticed this, her tiny studs of nipples against his most sensitive skin, what man wouldn’t notice that, as he stroked her up and down, he began to notice a warm spot forming against him, her tiny pussy radiated as if welcoming him in, not that he could fit without tearing her in half. The thought entered his mind to try it but soon left when he remembered he was only borrowing this one. His stroking continued, escalating slowly to drag this affair out as long as possible. His morning with his little blonde boxer dweller had already warmed him up substantially and could feel his edge wasn’t far off. As the stroking got more and more violent, his pressure on Milk increased, she felt as if he was going to crush her, her chest heaved, her ribs ached and she cried as loud as she could.

He stopped, dragging her up to his tip and loosening his grip.
“Wrap your arms and legs to me and start licking, and you better do a good job!” he barked, “If you don’t and I have to finish myself, you might not be leaving here intact, understood?” Milk didn’t answer him back, instead her arms clutched, hands began rubbing, her legs perched as she started grinding her tits and pussy into the tip , her face buried as her tongue worked its way in and around his slit. Alex recoiled in pleasure, with Milk working away, his attention turned back to Rose. She had just laid there through the whole ordeal, staring agasp at was Alex was doing with Milk and now what she was doing to his cock. She snapped back to reality as his finger began stroking her hair. She jumped away, twisting onto all fours staring up at him, just as Milk was minutes ago.
“Well, my little Rias, I think you should put on a little show for me” he suggested

Rose knew it wasn’t really a suggestion despite what his tone said, not like anything would change if she said ‘No’ anyway but what did he mean by ‘show’?
“I.... Uhhh.... What kind of show do you mean.... Master..?” She outed meekly, her attention on the active Milk out the corner of her eye.
“A strip show, of course. Entertain me my little Rias!” he returned with both pleasure and urgency in his tone. Rose immediately stood up and made her way further up his chest until she nearly reached his chin. His gaze ordered her to begin, reluctantly, she began swaying her hips side to side, her hands pressed against her form as they glided up over her bouncing chest and began to slowly undo the buttons on her shirt, her face turned down and away from him, imagining herself anywhere but here. Her chest burst forth from within the shirt before she even finished unbuttoning, offering Alex a spectacular view of her generous cleavage kept captive by a deep crimson lace brassiere.

The last button undone, Rose turned her back to him, her hips now bouncing side to side, her ass juggling under the rim of the skirt. She roller her shoulders back towards him, her head turning to meet his gaze and the shoulders of her shirt falling down, now held up tight against her back by the sleeves, the bra strap and overly large clasp now exposed, as she hugged her arms against her chest, she gave a smirk as she turned her face away and let her arms fall down by her sides, the shirt flowing down with them and falling loose at the backs of her feet.

Her attention flickered to the naked woman still licking at her ‘masters engorged cock’, something about the scene awoke something deep within her. She took a deep breath and she looped her thumbs into the band of her skirt, rotating her hips in a full circle she slowly bent forward and slipped the band of the skirt down snapping against the back of her thighs as it strained over her voluptuous ass, a sliver of red lace fabric matching the lace bra could barely be seen held between her cheeks presented towards the giant face looming down over her.

A massive hand patter her on the head and moved down towards Milk, a single finger outstretched, it began stroking her. Meager yelps echoed out with every pass.
“Excellent my little pet, keep going, we’re not finished yet” he spoke between heaved breaths. Rose wasn’t sure which girl he was speaking to but her body decided it was her, the sight before her was really getting her going despite how wrong she knew it was, the sounds of Milk, the smell of man and sex filling the air, she felt hot all over even her own hands against her skin had a different feel as they let go of the skirt, one hand gliding behind and slapping her own ass in his face, the other finding its way forward, rubbing through the crimson lace at her now soaked pussy. Alex breath washed over her and snapped her attention back to him... Specifically what he had done to her last time...

Rose bent further over, her thumbs now in the hem of her panties and pulling them down slowly, catching the rim of her knee high socks as she continued to bend further and further over, a glorious view of her thick as and soaked pussy now deliciously presented to her master. While down at her feet she unbuckled her shoes, stepped back out of her pulled down socks and panties and sashayed right up to his face and swung a leg up resting her heel on top of his chin as she held one hand on her hip while the other stroked across her chest and down her outstretched leg.

Alex couldn’t take it anymore, her little show had worked him up like never before, no porn or other Shrunken had ever made hin feel like this. He fought his instincts to just grab her and pump both of them along hin to completion. Instead her rock his chest up and his head forward, catching his pets teasing leg between his lips. Like a dog with a toy he shook his head, ragdolling his catch, his tongue lashing loose against her tiny toes in his maw. His head lay back and Rose regained her composure, bringing her other leg across his lips as she sat atop his chin. Alex wrapped his tongue around her leg, pressing hard and stroking down the back of her leg, his tongue tip dancing lashing the length of her sole from her soft heel to her tiny toes, scrunching against his rough appendage, light giggles escaped as her body tensed at the sensations, her fingers gripped as jawline, her other leg pulled back and pushed against his lips which parted and sucked her in up to her waist, the tongue continued to lash out, now at her burning pussy, her thighs squeezed and hips ground to the tender teasing tongue. Her chest begged for sensation as she tore at the clasp behind her back, throwing the sweated brassiere violently onto her masters nose as her left hand sunk into her right breast, griping tight, pressing her palm inward as her rolled her breast, her solid nipple pinched between her first and second knuckles.

Her scent from her added a new layer or sensation to his play, out of reaction, he let out a ‘mhmmm’ of pleasure, the vibrations echoed all over his mouth, through his tongue tip directly into her now gushing pussy, it echoed around his lips into her waist. Her right hand tore into Alex face, a nail piercing his skin as she explosively climaxed in his mouth, her juices soaking his tongue. Before she could rest and enjoy the best sex of her life, she felt his fingers dig under her arms and drag her from his maw sucking her legs and having a last lick at her soles as she flew downward. She gulped knowing exactly where she was going, soon finding her crushed against Milk again in his fist, this time chest to chest held between just his first finger and thumb as their bodies and legs dangled over his tip.

Rose was confused for a moment before she felt herself moved downward and met with something wet and fleshy forced against her gut knocking the wind out of her as Alex rocked his hips upward. It was only a few strokes but it felt like an eternity to Rose, on one final downward stroke she tensed her hands, her nails striking against the sensitive skin. This was the final touch for Alex and his beast finally let loose, his first load blasting right up between pressed Shrunken, forcing its way between their tits over their faces and falling back down onto their heads drenching them. His subsequent pumps only served to further soak their bodies in his thick warm cum before they were let go, thumping against the still hard tip and onto his shaven groin with a wet slapping sound.
Last edited by Underscore on Sun Apr 24, 2022 8:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by HHunter1 » Sat Apr 23, 2022 11:30 pm

Glad to see you posting more. Enjoyable chapters.


Shrink Aprentice
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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by Ghostwriter44 » Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:18 pm

Absolutely loved the ending of this chapter! Love scenes with the giants using absolutely terrified shrunken to pleasure themselves, and Milk was an excellent addition


Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by BigManEd » Mon Apr 25, 2022 9:35 pm

I love Rose, and I don't know if you do it on purpose but I love the fact that Alex enjoys her feet. Whether it be with his tongue or his finger. Just a little thing I love very much! Keep up the great work and I hope to see a continuous of this series again soon! :3

Shrink Aprentice
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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by Ghostwriter44 » Mon Jan 02, 2023 10:02 pm

Really hoping to see another chapter to this someday! That ending to this last chapter is something I’ve reread and reread so many times because it’s just so perfect!

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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by Underscore » Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:44 pm

Ghostwriter44 wrote:
Mon Jan 02, 2023 10:02 pm
Really hoping to see another chapter to this someday! That ending to this last chapter is something I’ve reread and reread so many times because it’s just so perfect!
Thank you so much for the kind words. I've really been struggling with writing being stuck with writers block. I honestly have tried to break through I don't know how many times but nothings worked. I'm hoping it'll just take a quiet day of inspiration to finally get back to things as HH1 and I have some things worked out for the entire duration of the cruise and some stuff I'd love to get to but I'd rather wait and do them justice than try and force out something for the sake of it 😅

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