Rain on the Windowsill

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Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
Posts: 204
Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2022 6:09 pm

Rain on the Windowsill

Post by littlest-lily » Thu Jun 30, 2022 6:26 pm

Hi there!

So I’m a bit embarrassed to post this because I’ve already posted this story in other places, before I knew of this website’s existence, so some of you might have seen this before? Not sure if that’s a faux pas or anything to over-post, but hey I figured I’ve spent so many hours on this, and if someone could enjoy it here then why not. :)

The other thing I’m hesitant about is that this story will contain micro - not the whole time, but for a decent chunk of the latter half. Which doesn’t seem to be the most popular thing with SW, I don’t think I’ve seen much micro content on this board. So hopefully that’s not too much of a bother!

General premise: this is a non-con shrinking story, though not very cruel/violent. It’s gradual shrinking to micro, lots of handplay and verbal teasing, but also some footplay, mouthplay, body exploration and sex stuff.

I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1

I’m fidgeting nervously and keep switching between tapping my foot and squirming in my seat. I turn my head for what feels like the thousandth time as the door to the coffee shop opens. Still not him. I sigh, half relieved and half exasperated with how nervous I am.

I’m not really used to this kind of date - the kind where it’s someone I’ve met on a dating site. I’ve done it a couple of times over the past year or so and it has always been incredibly awkward, enough so that lately I’ve been feeling that maybe online dating is just not for me. Not that I feel like there are many other alternatives… I’m not the most outgoing girl. I decided to give it one last shot though. This time feels different somehow.

For one, he didn’t immediately request to meet up when he sent me that first DM. We’ve actually been exchanging messages for weeks now - it feels like he’s actually trying to get to know me and doesn’t mind taking things slow. I appreciate that. And it turns out we have so much in common. I’m a bit of a closet nerd and it’s been really nice to connect over things like old Disney movies, Dungeons and Dragons, obscure Nintendo games and Tolkien. He seems really smart and has a variety of crafty hobbies. And, well… his profile picture wasn’t so bad either.

When we finally decided to meet in person, I was hopeful but nervous - so much so that I ended up getting there twenty minutes early. I’m glad to not be late, but the wait is absolute torture. Meanwhile, Leo proves to be very punctual.

I turn my head at the sound of the door opening and my heart leaps up into my throat. He’s the spitting image from the photo I’d seen of him - dirty blonde hair that’s a little messy in a way I find endearing, deep chocolate brown eyes that carry a glint of playfulness in them, clean shaven tan skin, casual yet well put-together attire. What I now realize was apparently missing from his profile is his height - he’s taller than I had expected. I try to steady my breath as at this point I’d worked myself up into quite the tizzy, and I’m certain that I turn scarlet at the sight of him.

Here goes nothing, I think as I hop up and make my way to him with a smile. Oh yeah, definitely taller than I thought. I’m only 5’2” but he’s at least a foot taller than me.

“Hey Leo,” I say, relieved that my voice isn’t as weak as I feel.

“Lily!” he says, his face breaking into a smile and I swear his eyes are sparkling as he stretches his hand out, “So nice to meet you in person.” I shake his hand, warm and strong and perfect. There’s no way I’m not blushing.

We walk together to the counter to order our drinks before returning to the table I’d been sitting at. He strikes up conversation immediately and confidently, asking about how my job is going and what games I’d been playing on Steam lately. My nervousness dissipates quickly - the many messages we’d exchanged were paying off and soon I feel like we’re old friends just having a chat. Except for maybe how much I let my gaze linger on his face as he speaks or how I feel my cheeks flush if he leans in a little closer. Those parts are maybe a little more than friendly.

Before I know it, over two hours have passed. I’ve hardly had any of my tea, I’m enjoying the conversation too much, and I only realize how much time must have passed when I take a sip and notice it’s stone cold.

It’s about then that Leo cocks his head to the side and says, “So I’m curious - how long ago did you take that picture?”

“...What? Oh, like… my profile picture?” I suddenly feel scared, paranoid that this means he’s disappointed about what I look like in person. “Um, maybe two or three years ago? I wasn’t very active on the site for a while. Is that… uh…”

“I was just wondering since your hair looks so different. It was shorter and lighter than it is now.”

“Ohhh. Yeah that’s back when I had highlights. I let it grow out to my natural color, it was… I don’t know, too much maintenance…”

“I like the way it is now,” says Leo, gently brushing a wavy strand back over my shoulder. “The dark color really brings out the green of your eyes. It’s so pretty.”

The compliment might honestly have freaked me out if it was the first thing a guy said to me. But after the couple of hours we’ve spent connecting… The butterflies in my stomach flutter away as my insides melt. I’m completely smitten.

“Hey, what are you doing after this?” I blurt out. I finally glance towards a clock that tells me it’s 4 in the afternoon. Plenty of day left, right?

Leo chuckles. “Actually, I’m pretty free. I didn’t want to be too forward, but my brother just sent me the extended edition of Fellowship of the Ring that he was borrowing. Would you be down to come to my place? Maybe we order sushi later?”

He could have asked me to go anywhere and I probably would have agreed. But the suggestion feels so perfect that I almost want to cry.

Leo’s apartment isn’t particularly fancy, but it's clean and cozy. I'm a little bummed that it's actually kind of far from where I live, but I don’t want to worry about it too much - I'm sure we could make it work, and besides I'm getting ahead of myself.

We actually do some more talking for a while in his living room as he grabs us some water, the promise of the movie going on the backburner as we're eager to connect through conversation. After another hour I have to take a quick bathroom break, and I spend a moment making eye contact with myself in the mirror while I wash my hands. This is really happening. I'm hanging out with a guy I feel so attracted to, and somehow he seems to be liking me right back. I can’t help but grin, excited for the evening ahead.

I come back into the living room and notice that apparently Leo has had a bit of a reflective moment himself. He's smiling, still looking relaxed, but… a little more intent on something now. He quietly studies me as I make my way back to the couch, and I can feel myself blushing.

“What’s up?” I ask as I plop back down beside him.

“I’m just thinking,” he replies, sitting up so that he can scooch even closer to me.

“About what?”

“I just… I’m having a really good time. I like hanging out with you.”

I'm putty in his hands. “I like it too,” I respond a little shyly, “I’m having a lot of fun, Leo.”

He smiles broadly and I notice something in his eyes. That playful spark, like a little hint that he wants to laugh, flashes brighter for an instant. And I have the briefest moment of realization… Is he wanting to laugh… at me?

“I’m really glad we found each other.” His soft, deep voice sucks me back into the intimacy of the moment. I realize he’s reaching for my hand and my shoulders tense as his warm fingers gently interlace mine.

The touch feels wonderful and I’m smitten all over again. “Me too,” I say with a little giggle.

He tenderly touches my cheek with his hand and whispers “You’re so beautiful,” and then he leans in and I melt into his kiss. He smells of cedarwood and fresh linen, tastes of mint and tea. He is warm, he is gentle, he is strong, he is perfect…

We make out for a little while, and though I am enjoying the blissful connection, after a bit there’s a part of me that wonders where this will lead. I don’t think I’d be down for sex on the first date. I don’t want to lead him on, but I worry about ruining the moment if I interrupt this. Thankfully he’s the one who pulls back, though he looks like he’s having a bit of a hard time controlling himself.

“This is so perfect,” Leo says, holding my face again. “I’m so glad you’re here… I can’t wait.”

I stiffen a tad. “Um, about that, Leo,” I say a little awkwardly. “I really, really like you. I’m enjoying this so much. I… I don’t know if you remember on my profile, it said I… kinda want to take things slow…”

Leo shakes his head a little, “No worries about that, love. We are definitely going to take our time with this.”

The way he worded that is a bit weird, but I don’t think much of it. “Thank you for understanding,” I say, and I go to lean into his side for a cuddle. He takes the cue and puts his arm around me.

“But before anything else,” he says as he reaches towards his belt, “I want to show you something.”

Leo reaches into his pocket and pulls out what looks like a keychain of some sort. It’s a black plastic oval-shaped something that has a little screen on it and a couple of buttons underneath - a big round button and two triangular buttons on either side.

“Is that a Tamagotchi?” I ask, and I can’t help but laugh at how random that is.

“Nah, I could never keep those things alive. This is so, so much better.”

I watch as Leo pushes the round button and the screen lights up. In plain black letters on a white background, the readout has two options, “New data” and “Settings”. Even if it's not a Tomagotchi, it does seem like some kind of game.

“I’ve never actually used it before,” he says as he selects the “New data” option with the round button, “But it came highly recommended, it should work." The screen goes white and I noticed a tiny bulb light up at the top of the device. I glance over at the opposite wall and there's a red dot flickering there. I realize this is some kind of laser pointer.

“Still a game though, yeah?” I ask, feeling really confused at this point.

“Oh yeah, sure. It’s a fun one, I promise.”

Leo wiggles the device, watching the light dance on the wall for a second, before pointing it right at my leg and pushing the round button. I’m shocked to actually feel something, like a warmth - or was it placebo effect? - and I pull my leg away. “What the heck?” I protest with an awkward laugh, “Come on, tell me, what does it do?”

“You’ll see.” The screen seems to load for a second before a slightly more robust display appears. In one corner in the same simple font is “S Mode”. In the bottom corner it says “Menu”. And the main, larger text on the screen shows what appears to be a measurement. “5 ft 2.25 in”.

With the tone of a magician revealing a card, Leo gestures at the screen and asks “Is this your height?”

“Uh… yeah,” I say, a little astonished, “I mean, I think? I’ve never measured it to a fraction of an inch. How did you do that?”

“This thing is technology unlike any you’ve ever seen,” says Leo as he pulls his arm back from around me and shifts on the couch so that he's facing towards me a little. “Okay, now to see how this works…”

Before I can protest, he aims the laser right towards me and presses the round button. I gasp as, starting at my chest, I can feel that warmth, but this time there’s a tingling sensation that accompanies it, tickling across my chest and quickly filling my body. I feel slightly dizzy as spots appear in my vision. “Whoa, whoa, what the hell-” I stammer, putting a hand up as I close and open my eyes, trying to see clearly. And just as suddenly, the feeling stops as Leo lifts his thumb back up off the button.

I’m still reeling a bit from what just happened as I lower my hand again. “What the hell was that?” I finally get out, finishing my thought. I look up at Leo’s face and I start feeling this deep sense of uneasiness.

Leo looks elated. His mouth is curling up in an excited smile, his eyes are fixed intently on me. He reaches a hand up, and places it flat on my head as he pulls back and looks me up and down. As if comparing our heights? Come to think of it… something does feel off. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I feel a little disoriented. And maybe it’s because Leo is starting to make me feel uncomfortable, but he looks a little more intimidating somehow.

“I… I think it worked,” he says, and I’m not sure if he’s answering me or talking to himself. He takes both my hands in his, adding “Stand up real quick,” as he half-drags half-helps me to my feet.

Okay, there’s absolutely something off. We’ve been sitting on the couch for a while now, but he definitely looks a little different than he did before. My brain is starting to put two and two together. Could he really be… taller?

Leo grins like an excited kid. “Hooooly shit. That is so cool,” he says as I continue to stare up at him in silence.

“What was in that water?” I say weakly, absently.

He laughs, not in a patronizing way, just full of genuine excitement. “Don’t worry, Lily. I didn’t drug you or anything. Look.” He turns the egg-shaped device towards me so that I can see the readout on the screen. The measurement has changed now - 5 ft 0 in. “Looks accurate to me.”

I’m feeling dizzy again, though not from any laser. “This isn’t possible,” I stammer, “This is some kind of joke, right?”

“Afraid not, sweetie,” says the man in front of me as he turns the screen back towards himself, grinning. “I’m telling you, this technology isn’t like anything else. Isn’t it amazing? This thing can actually change your height.”

“I mean, it’s… yeah, it’s… God, Leo, just slow down for a second. I can’t…”

“Yeah, it must be hard to process.” Leo touches my chin gently, his eyes softening. “I’ll try to take it slow. This is just so exciting.”

I pull away from him, staring at him incredulously. “Exciting? Is this even safe? Did you think of maybe talking to me about this before zapping me with some kind of crazy tech I’ve never heard of?”

He’s smirking at me now. “I don’t think telling you about it would have been a good idea. You never would have agreed to it. It’s perfectly safe though. It didn’t hurt right? You feel ok?”

“Oh, so a machine that… can make someone shorter, that’s… that’s not dangerous??” I’m stammering, bewildered, trying to make sense of what’s happening. How can he be so relaxed about this? “How come I’ve never heard about it? Has it even been tested on people?”

“I’m pretty sure it has. It’s the first time I’m using it though. I wanted to wait for the perfect girl.”

Leo takes a step towards me and I reflexively take a step back. He pauses, regards me for a moment, amused. He then straightens up and takes a couple of steps backward, putting his hands up to imply he’s giving me my space, while his tone becomes a little more upbeat as if casually changing the subject. “So, about that DVD. You still want to watch Lord of the Rings? I’m down for whatever… although I kinda had my own spin on it…”

And then he whips his hand up in my direction, device in hand, and I gasp as the warmth and the tingling sensation hits me again and I stumble backwards. I’m breathing quickly as I can visibly see the transformation happen this time. The couch, the coffee table, the walls are all starting to stretch slowly upwards. A quick glance at the ceiling and I watch the smoke detector pull up and away from me. There’s the dizziness again, like I’m falling as everything grows in size around me.

And then it’s over and I’m panting, my eyes wide, my muscles paralyzed in fear as I look around me at the oversized furniture. Leo is now looming in front of me, twice as tall as I am.

“Yeah, this is way better. Now I have my own little hobbit!” He laughs a little, grinning with glee down at me.

This situation weirdly feels almost familiar as I’m the size of a little kid now. This heightens my fear as all I can think about is that I’m lost, I need help, strangers are a threat. And the guy looming over me is clearly a threat.

I force myself to focus, snap out of it. “What the FUCK,” I yell. “STOP IT, Leo, I’m not okay with this. What the hell have you done to me…”

The ridiculously tall man in front of me smiles as he gets down on one knee to get closer to my level. “Simple. Last time I took off two inches. This time I took off two feet,” he says nonchalantly, “That’s about the right size for a hobbit, right? You look sooo cute!”

“Okay, that’s enough. You can’t keep doing this. Turn me back right now.”

His eyebrows arch a bit with some pity but mostly amusement. “No can do, little Lily. I’ve waited too long to test this thing out. There’s still so much we need to do and the night is still young. You’re the one who wanted to hang out, right?”

“Give me that machine, Leo. Enough is enough.”

“I’m afraid this thing is far too precious to lend out,” he says, brandishing the device casually. “Besides, it’d be pretty useless to you. Fingerprint technology. Only I can use it.” He slips it back into his pants pocket and I can feel my heart sink as it disappears. Leo then reaches a hand toward me. “Now relax and come here. Let’s go back to cuddling. We can talk about all the fun things to try with you at that size.”
If you’d like to support me and my work, please feel free to leave me a tip and I will be so grateful! https://ko-fi.com/littlestlily

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
Posts: 146
Joined: Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:23 am

Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by Xinunar » Thu Jun 30, 2022 10:22 pm

I don't think anyone would have a problem with cross posting. I wish every good SW story was also posted here.

We do have a micro shortage. Glad to see some.

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
Posts: 204
Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2022 6:09 pm

Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by littlest-lily » Fri Jul 01, 2022 1:24 am

Xinunar wrote:
Thu Jun 30, 2022 10:22 pm
I don't think anyone would have a problem with cross posting. I wish every good SW story was also posted here.

We do have a micro shortage. Glad to see some.
Thank you! I appreciate the reassurance :)
If you’d like to support me and my work, please feel free to leave me a tip and I will be so grateful! https://ko-fi.com/littlestlily

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
Posts: 204
Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2022 6:09 pm

Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by littlest-lily » Fri Jul 01, 2022 4:22 pm

Chapter 2

I swear I can hear my own heartbeat. My brain is moving at a lightning pace. I have to get away from this maniac. The door is behind him. I could make a run for it. But I’d be running right past him, he’s blocking my path. Maybe if I kick - no - punch him in the crotch, it could give me a few seconds. He’s so much bigger than me though... Maybe I should hold off? Wait for a better opportunity?

In that moment of hesitation, Leo takes my silence as an invitation and suddenly lurches forward with both hands outstretched. He goes from kneeling to standing in one smooth motion and scoops me up on the way, hooking his hands under my arms to lift me. I yelp in surprise, taken off guard by the sudden movement. “Upsy-daisy,” he says softly, turning to sit on the couch, sitting me right onto his lap. As if I didn’t already feel like a little kid.

He then wraps his arms around me, placing his chin on the top of my head as he embraces me into his chest. I instinctively want to struggle, to get away from him. But I glance towards the door. Maybe if I can just… stay on his good side for now. Playing along might be the best option for the moment. Maybe. Who fucking knows.

“You feel so good like this,” Leo’s voice is a little muffled by my hair and he sighs contentedly. “You’re even more cuddly now.” His arms crossed in front of me, he runs his fingers along my arms, wrapping around them easily. It feels so bizarre… And for the first time I find myself feeling something new. Heartbreak. Despite myself, I can feel tears welling up in my eyes. I had really started falling for this guy. Had trusted him enough to come to his place. I feel like such an idiot, but at the same time it really did feel so genuine. Weirdly enough, it still feels like he might genuinely like me. So why?

“Why, Leo?” I decide to ask, voice quivering, “I thought… I just don’t understand. Why are you doing this?”

We sit for a moment in silence as he seems to contemplate my question. He starts to move me off his lap, carefully taking me by the shoulders and lowering me onto my back on the couch, so that I’m looking up at him as he leans over me. I feel even more vulnerable from this position. I search his face as he holds me there, trying to understand what’s going on in his mind. He’s just gazing at me with a soft, caring look, though that playful glint has not disappeared.

“I’m sure you’ll come to appreciate this too, Lily. We’re meant for each other, don’t you think? Our messages over the past few weeks, us hanging out today. I know I want you in my life. I want to keep you. I can take care of you.”

This is insane. He is insane. I cannot understand. Not to mention… outside of the how… I also don't understand why make me shorter like this?

As if reading my mind, Leo grins a little and continues, “And I’ve always wondered what it would be like to make a person smaller. It’s been… a fantasy of mine I guess. I’ve always been into things like fairies and giants and stuff, even as a kid. But more than anything I longed to have my own shrink ray. To have that kind of control over someone’s size. Seeing her dwindle down. Becoming so cute and little. Exploring what that feels like, seeing her reaction.”

He keeps one hand pinning my shoulder and lifts the other one to stroke the side of my face. I notice an unsettling, slightly manic look creeping into his eyes as he stares at me intently. “And this is just the beginning. The thought of you just getting smaller and smaller is… honestly, I think it’s so exciting. I… I want to explore all kinds of sizes with you, Lily. I want to see you shrink further and further. Could you imagine it, being the size of the doll? Or just a few inches tall? What about the size of a bug, Lily? Could you imagine being so tiny that you’re hardly visible to the naked eye? This device can do all of it. I want to have fun with you. Test the limits of this machine. It’ll be amazing. You’ll see.”

The tears that had been welling up in my eyes before have spilled out now, and my heart is fluttering at a million miles an hour. The more I see into the mind of this man, the more I’m terrified of what I see. Is it actually possible? It’s one thing to make me shorter, but is that machine actually capable of making me whatever insane size he wants? For the first time I am truly starting to grasp the severity of the situation right now. This could literally be a matter of life and death.

Leo doesn’t seem to notice my tears, or at least doesn’t respond to them. He leans down and kisses me on the forehead. I squeeze my eyes shut as his lips caress my skin, terrified of him coming so close. Not so many minutes ago I would have found his touch incredibly enticing. So much has changed in so little time.

“So,” he says, straightening back up, “What size do you look most forward to, Lily? Speaking of which, I do think it’s time for an adjustment…” At this point he takes his other hand off of my shoulder and starts reaching towards his pocket.

I don’t hesitate. No longer pinned down, I roll to the side and off the couch, landing on my feet and immediately making a mad dash for the door. My legs are a blur, feet pounding against the carpet, hand stretched out. I distantly hear the sound of a laugh, but I don’t listen as I reach up above my head, grab the oversized doorknob, turn, yank.

Shit. He’d locked the door when we came in. I reach up higher for the deadbolt, just barely in my reach, fumble as I try to turn it…

But even as I feel the metal turning I know it’s too late. The tingling sensation starts in my back this time, right between the shoulder blades, and makes its way down my body and up my arm. Even as the door unlocks and I try to grab the doorknob again I can feel myself sliding along the wood of the door as I start to shrink once again. For a second I’m holding on to the doorknob and am lifted off my feet before slipping off, and it’s rising above me, further away from my head, and I scream in fear and frustration as I fall down, down…

I’m on my knees, collapsed in front of the door, eyes closed and head lowered between my arms in defeat. I’m trapped in this apartment. That was my one chance to escape and I blew it. I don’t know what’s going to happen to me. I’m afraid to move, to look up, to face my reality.

But I’m forced back into the present at the sound of thumping. Footsteps. Unmistakable. He’s coming this way. And while he’s wearing socks on carpet, the footfalls are definitely louder than they should be. Survival instinct kicking in, I wrench myself to my feet, turning around so that my back is against the door, and finally get a look at my surroundings.

There’s a shoe rack in the entryway, to my left. It’s as tall as I am. The room in front of me feels more like an auditorium now, the couch looming in the distance like a small building. And then there’s the giant, slowly making his way towards me from the living room, and I have to crane my neck back to look at him. He’s eyeing me with amusement like a cat approaching his prey. Leo has gone past the point of being “tall.” His frame completely eclipses mine. His hands could wrap around my waist easily. Hell, I don’t even quite reach up to his knee anymore.

“Oh… just look at you…” Leo purrs as approaches. “The smallest human alive. That was bad of you, running off like that. You didn’t give me much time to think about what size I should make you next. But I think a foot tall is perfect.”

Hearing the size put into words so bluntly, it hits me like a brick. I vaguely remember that a Barbie doll is about a foot tall. That’s how big I look to him. Though to me it feels more like everything else has gotten massive.

Leo stops a few feet away from me and squats down, hands resting on his knees as he cocks his head a little to try and get a better look at me. “Take a second, let it sink in,” he coos, “I must look huge to you. Everything does, I guess. But I’m not the one who’s big, Lily. You’re so small now. You remind me of the pet rabbit I had when I was a kid.”

I certainly feel like prey, that’s for sure. While I should maybe appreciate the fact that he’s giving me space, I know that’s not going to last. I don’t respond to him, couldn’t get any words out if I tried. Glancing around the room again, I suddenly remember something and my eyes dart towards my purse, sitting just on the other side of the shoe rack. Wait. My phone’s in there. Oversized, yes, but it works. If I could only get to it…

Leo seems to follow my gaze. I expect him to intercept me just as quickly as he did with the door, but instead he smirks. “Thinking about calling for help, huh? Go ahead, be my guest.”

I know this has to be a trap or something, but I’m so desperate and can’t think straight. I take a hesitant step to the side before breaking into a dash for my purse. The bag is as long as I am tall, and thankfully I’ve left it unzipped so I can pull it right open. I push past oversized items frantically - my wallet, some loose coins, a granola bar, my water bottle, and I start struggling with a smartphone that’s half as tall as I am. I’m panting as I’m moving, fingers shaking as I rush.

Trying to ignore the shuffling sounds behind me, I reach for the power button on the side of the phone. Shit, it’s harder to push than I would have thought. I have to yank the phone out of the bag further to get better leverage and finally the screen turns on. I swipe across the screen to unlock my phone, but the touch screen doesn’t react to a tiny hand the same way it would to a finger. I have to try a couple of times and I’m cursing - this is taking too long -

“Having some trouble there?” The sudden voice makes me jump a (tiny) foot in the air. A shadow creeps over me and I glance up to see Leo’s looming figure as he looks down at me, biting his lip with amusement, before he crouches down. No, no, no! I’m screaming internally and look back at the phone as I just manage to unlock it but it’s no use. The menu pops up but I can’t even press the call button, much less type in 911… Long, impossibly huge fingers appear on either side of me and envelope my torso, wrapping around my waist and chest. “No!” I yell, out loud this time, before I inhale sharply as I’m lifted straight up.

Higher, higher, higher… My head spins a little as I see the ground whoosh away. Leo’s picked my phone up with his other hand and gets to his feet with me in tow. He holds me up to his face, boring into me with inquisitive dark eyes as he smiles excitedly. It’s so strange to see something so big move so quickly and fluidly. His head and neck together are about as tall as I am, and I feel like I can see details that I hadn’t noticed before, from the length of his dark eyelashes to a small bruise on his chin, to the way his Adam's apple moves when he swallows. Despite my clothes having shrunk down with me, I feel naked under the gaze of those giant eyes.

“Things are a little more difficult at the size, huh?” Leo says softly, though I can feel a difference in the stronger vibrations of his voice. “That’s gotta be rough. Thankfully I’m here to give you a hand.” He swings me a little with the hand that’s holding me as if to make a point. I’d probably roll my eyes at the lame pun if I wasn’t so scared.

“Hmmm, I don’t think I want you to have such easy access to your phone though,” Leo says casually as he starts walking to the kitchen. I gasp at the new sensation, the swaying as he steps forward and the small shake with each footfall. There’s just so much to take in. “I think I’ll put it up high. Oh but wait,” he pauses and holds the phone up, “looks like someone’s checking in on you.”

I can see the screen and the notification that has just popped up. It’s my friend Cherri. “How did it go??

“Well. We wouldn’t want to leave her hanging. Speaking of which… hold on for a second.” Leo lifts me back towards his face and then places me right on his shoulder. While I might prefer the broad and sturdy platform to my legs dangling, I realize with a panic that he’s letting me go, perching me right up there, and I yelp a little as I catch a glimpse of how far down the floor is. It’s like I’m on top of a telephone pole. I grab at the closest thing - Leo’s head, one hand clinging to an ear and the other to his hair. I can feel his chuckle at my distress, clearly enjoying that I’m forced to hold on to him.

Unable to see his face anymore, I watch as he can now use both hands to handle the phone. He types out a response to my friend. “It went great! My phone’s almost dead, but I’m heading home from the coffee shop now. Let’s meet up next week and I’ll tell you all about it.” And with that, he hits send and uses his thumb to power my phone down.

“Oh god,” I whisper and suddenly cling tighter as Leo’s shoulder shifts - he’s reaching up with his other arm to put my phone up on top of his fridge. A spot I probably couldn’t reach even if I was full size, but I have no hope of getting there now.

“There we go,” says Leo with a reassuring tone, “Hey, that way she won’t be worried about you. Well… today’s Thursday so… at least she won’t be worried for a few days.” And with that, he turns away from the fridge and starts walking again, each thump taking us closer to the living room.

I’m starting to hyperventilate, feeling like all of my options have crumbled one by one. I can’t think of what to do, the panic is rising and I’m shaking uncontrollably.

“Deep breaths,” the deep voice soothes, “You wouldn’t want to get too dizzy after all. That would be quite a fall at your size.” He doesn’t exactly make me feel better.

Leo reaches the couch again and goes to sit down, but he makes a sudden jerking motion as he leans forward and in a horrifying instant I feel myself lose my grip and I’m suddenly in freefall. I scream as I tumble down and the world whizzes by, and then suddenly - the wind is knocked out of me. A giant hand easily snatches me out of the air and its owner laughs as he lifts me up. “See? Told ya! Good thing I was there to save you, huh?”

Something about that extra rush of adrenaline is too much. My survival instincts are in full force, and since it seems like running didn’t work, my brain switches to the next best option it has - fight. I scream, letting out all the rage, all the terror, the sheer overwhelm at what this horrible, manipulative, monster of man is doing to me. I thrash, kicking, punching, scratching at his fingers. “Leave – me – alone – “ I yell. I know I can’t overpower this giant but logic has gone out the window. He raises his eyebrows at me, as if mildly impressed as he brings another hand to grab around my legs since I’m actually managing to wriggle out of his grip. In reality he handles me easily. But that laid back, amused look on his face infuriates me and I thrash harder, finally managing to grab at his wrist and bite the side of his hand. Hard.

“Ah-” Leo winces, jerking the hand away for a moment. I actually did something. “Alright,” he says, starting to actually sound annoyed now. “That’s enough.” And this time he manages to pin my arms down and presses his thumb up by my throat so that I can’t really move my head. The other hand is wrapped around my legs so that I can do little but wriggle.

“Let go of me,” I growl, every muscle in my body still clenched as I try to thrash.

“Relax,” Leo commands firmly, and his expression is the sternest I’ve seen. I feel his fingers close in further, squeezing me and it’s getting hard to breathe. “Stop struggling. There’s no use in fighting me. You can’t escape, you can’t call for help. You’re not getting out of this. No matter what, you are staying with me. Like I said before, I’ll take good care of you. There’s no need to freak out like this. I won’t hurt you… not much.” He squeezes again to emphasize the point.

I’m starting to gasp for air now. A wave of dizziness washes over me. And just like that… his words finally sink in. All of my muscles loosen their grip, my head droops down. I suddenly feel quite tired. I fully realize that it’s hopeless. I have to face that reality. He could have easily killed me by now if he really wanted to. Maybe it’s best to not push it… Maybe a new opportunity will come about later… Maybe I can still survive this if I calm down…

“That’s better,” Leo says as he loosens his grip on me, cradling my small form, and I don’t fight back this time. I finally take those deep breaths. He gives me a moment as I breathe in and out. I sit on his hand and after a moment look up at him warily. Waiting for whatever comes next.
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Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by littlest-lily » Sat Jul 02, 2022 2:21 pm

Chapter 3

“Glad you’re seeing things my way,” the giant says more cheerfully, “Now let’s get a good look at you.” He gently lowers me to the coffee table in front of him, carefully putting me on my feet. “First things first, I want to make sure the device is being fully accurate here. Let’s do that the good old fashioned way.”

He reaches down under the coffee table and pulls out a simple plastic ruler, holding it up triumphantly. “This’ll do.” He brings the ruler right next to me and it’s exactly my height. “Twelve inches on the dot. Perfect. And it looks like everything’s in proportion.” He takes one of my hands and holds it out so that he can measure my arm. “A little over 5 and half inches. Sound about right?”

“I...I guess,” I say absently, my voice a little hoarse.

"That's good… And we've seen that you've kept a good amount of proportional strength too. You know, I'm not sure we've talked about if you play any kind of sports?"

"Um…" I pause. Leo waits patiently as I'm still clearly still getting my bearings. It feels so strange that he's trying to have a conversation with me, but I don't feel like I have much of a choice. I take another deep breath, try to focus. "Not really. Gymnastics when I was a kid. I guess I just go swimming and rock climbing sometimes."

"Ahhh, good to know. I'm sure that'll come in handy at some point."

Leo sets the ruler down and comes closer, sitting on the floor. He rests a cheek on the coffee table and gazes up at me admiringly, taking in every detail. “You’re still so beautiful. More so, even. I remember fantasizing while playing with my sister’s dolls as a kid. But you’re the real deal.” His fingers creep up over the edge of the table. He runs his ring finger ever so gently down my arm. “Soft. Warm. Alive. And so little.” He takes my hand, props it up onto his index finger, comparing the size difference. “I mean look at how cute that is. Your fingers are sooo much smaller than mine.”

I can’t help but shudder a little at his touch, and after making a small noise to acknowledge him, I gently pull my hand away. Glancing up at his face, I observe him warily as I’m haunted about what he said before, about making me even smaller. But he looks so enchanted by me now. Maybe this is enough? My knees are feeling a little weak so I sit on the table, cross-legged. Leo rests his open hand on the surface of the table behind me, now comparing his hand against my entire frame.

Wondering if appealing to him might be helpful, I’m the one who speaks up now. “I… I know this must be so cool to you... It is pretty amazing what technology can do. I just… I’m terrified, Leo.”

Leo cups his hand around me, touching my back, as if to comfort me. I don’t see much pity in his expression though, just fascination. “I know,” he says, lifting his head off the table, “I can only imagine what it must be like. Tell me about it, how does it feel?”

What kind of question is that? “Um…” I stall, trying to give it some thought. “I guess… Everything feels so wide and open. And it’s so weird seeing all these familiar things just like… oversized. Like in a theme park or something. But it’s so real, so… visceral.”

He’s hanging on my every word. “And what does it feel like with me? Being with a giant?”

Another pause as I search my thoughts. “Remember that trip I took to Japan?” I say, feeling very conflicted about bringing up old conversations. Like they were from a different time, with a different person. “I went to a few temples, and sometimes they have these giant statues of the Buddha or whatever. I remember staring up at them. I think I imagined one time, just based off the way its hand was reaching forward, what would happen if it came to life. It just kinda made me feel insignificant.” I glance up shyly at Leo. “It sorta feels like that. Like you’re a statue come to life. Except I guess I imagined them to be all slow and lumbering or whatever. But you move like a normal person - you’re not made of hard stone or metal, you’re… warm. It’s really weird.”

I notice the slightest amount of blush on Leo’s cheeks as he smiles at me, riveted. Whatever I’d said, he seems to like it. I didn’t mean to call him warm as a compliment, just describing him very literally. Even now I’m feeling the soft heat emanating from his hand as he touches my back.

“What's the biggest statue you’ve ever seen?” he asks me.

“I don’t know… I think that one was like… fifty feet?”

“Hmmm…” Leo concentrates for a bit and mutters to himself, “You started close to five feet so that would make me… a little over thirty feet tall to you?” He looks a little dissatisfied. “Hmph. Plenty of room for me to be bigger. Compared to you, I mean. Big enough that a fifty foot statue to you is like a little toy to me.”

I freeze. My eyes widen and my breath catches.

Leo smiles widely. “All in due time. I’m enjoying you too much at this size. I can imagine that later on it’ll be harder to talk like this. Now come here, I want to cuddle some more.”

He brings his other hand into view to scoop me up, supporting my back with one hand while I sit on the other. As he lifts me upward I reflexively grab onto his wrist for support and he bites his lip as he grins, clearly finding the gesture adorable. He sits back on the couch lengthwise and lays back against a cushion, reclining backward as he stretches his legs out. He sets me onto his stomach and I adjust to the different floor - the soft fabric of his shirt, the warmth of his skin below. He actually feels quite firm, and although I’ve never seen him shirtless, I figure that he has decent abs - and then hate myself for even having the thought. I gently bob up and down with his breathing, and when he speaks I can feel a slight vibration beneath me.

“So. Lily.” His tone is conspiratorial. “You’re starting to know all about my little fantasies. I want to hear more about you. What makes you tick?”

“M-me? I don’t think I have anything as… unique that I like.” I’m blushing. How intense are his questions going to get?

“Well, what do you like in a guy? Clearly something attracted you to me. Something other than my video game collection.”

Ugh. Romantic is the last thing I’m feeling right now. I consider making something up just to avoid the question, but I’m not the best at BSing. I try not to think about him specifically but just what things I find attractive.

“I mean, common interests are important. I’m not really into like… super buff guys. Um. I like a nice smile?”

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Leo says, smiling toothily. Yeah, I admit that it was the first thing I noticed about his profile picture. Even now I'm able to say that he has a handsome smile. There's a pause as he waits for me to continue.

“Uh…” I stammer, trying to think, “I dunno, I guess I like the tall, dark and handsome kind.”

“Well then!” the giant laughs, “That’s perfect!

“Not this tall,” I grumble, feeling dumb for having even brought it up. “This is something else.”

“But it’s the perfect starting point. I’m sure you’ll get into it. I’m not convinced that you aren’t secretly into it right now.” He runs a finger up my back and I shudder, pulling away. He chuckles. “Okay, what else?”

“I guess I kinda have a thing for hands.” I surprise myself. I don’t think I’ve ever told anyone that.

“Oh? Do I fit the bill?” He holds his hands up, waggling his fingers. I set my jaw, feeling heat in my cheeks. I hate to admit that while we were at the coffee shop I had the distinct thought that he has beautiful hands. His fingers are long but still masculine, his nails clean and well trimmed. Even before I shrunk they seemed so large to me and it felt good when our fingers intertwined…

“I just don’t have a lot of experience,” I fumble, avoiding his question. “I haven’t dated much. So I don’t know what I like. But I dunno, I just like holding hands with someone… having them…” I trail off.

“Hold you?” Leo finishes. I look up at him and there’s a slight heaviness to his eyelids as he gazes at me. The expression actually makes me very uneasy. He wraps both hands around me, stroking my skin gently. “Like this?” And I tense, closing in on myself. I regret revealing so much, and this conversation is having an effect on the giant that does not bode well for me.

I don’t answer him and try to think about changing the subject. He doesn’t say anything but continues touching me, running a thumb along my cheek, pinching my shoulders in a soft massage. He moves his palms along my torso, feeling every curve and his breathing gets a little more ragged. “Wait,” I say, trying unsuccessfully to push him away, “Hold on.”

“Taking it slow,” he whispers huskily, “But steady.” And I’m moving forward now as he slowly pulls me up along his torso. “Oh, Lily, I just can’t resist you…”

He lifts me up to his face and I put my hands up, bracing myself as he goes to kiss me. It’s a completely different ballgame at this size. He’s trying to be so gentle, the skin of his lips is quite soft against my face, but the scale is just so overwhelming. With one kiss he covers the whole side of my head, with the next my neck and shoulder. I put my arms over my face and he kisses them too, holding my hand between his lips for a second before moving to my chest. His nose pushes at my ear and as I move my head I see his eyes, closer than they’ve ever been, reflecting my terrified face on their dark surface. They gaze at me for a moment, unfocused and full of lust, until he closes them and sighs against my body as he feels me with his mouth.

I find myself pivoting back as he uses a thumb to push up the hem of my shirt and then kisses my stomach, moving his way down my body. I wriggle and writhe against him, but that just seems to get him even more excited. He starts using more pressure, his hands get a little more rough as he feels and kisses every inch of me. He occasionally opens his mouth a bit, and as I push at him a hand slips right in, pressing against his tongue. The giant brings his teeth together around my arm, not hard enough to hurt but enough to really freak me out. This becomes a bit of a game for him as he nips at me, at my legs as I kick and arms as I push.

The panic is rising again, the fight or flight. At first Leo doesn’t even really notice, he’s too into the moment and is enjoying my struggles. He’s so easily able to overwhelm me that he does nothing but enjoy this. But more than ever I feel like prey. I’m feeling violated by the non consensual approach, not to mention I’m scared he might actually injure me. Everything about the moment is screaming “he’s going to eat me!” My yells and thrashing get more and more insistent until finally -

“Ahh!” Leo jerks away from me, pulling me back as he winces. I’d bitten him again, right on the lip this time in the corner of his mouth. He’s been pulled out of his reverie and he gives me a glare, sobering right up. He takes a deep breath, “Wow, you can be a feisty one, that’s for sure.” His smile returns a little bit. “You know, I don’t hate that. But it did hurt. I think it’s about time to make you a bit more manageable.”

“W-wait,” I say suddenly, eyes widening as I watch him reach towards his pocket and know the threat is very much real this time. “Hold on. Leo, I just- I got scared, I panicked, I-”

“Yup. And I’m sure it won’t be the last time. So let’s make it so next time it doesn’t hurt so much, shall we?”

The dreaded device is out now, and approaching fast and I yell out “Please, wait, stop!” but the giant disregards me and he’s holding the button down and the tingling starts…

I cry out in fear as the warmth envelops me, and I see spots as the wave of dizziness hits. It feels different this time, shrinking while he’s holding me, feeling his whole hand swell up around my waist and covering more and more of my body. He’s watching me closely, and I see his face stretch bigger and bigger as I dwindle down…

“There,” his voice is closer to actually booming now, and I recoil at the sound. The tingling stops and my vision starts coming back into focus. “Shaving off half your height should help… Wow.”

I don’t notice anything about the room this time, my full attention is on Leo and the fact that he’s twice as big as he was seconds ago. He has me in his fist now, and while his grasp is just underneath my arms, the entire rest of my torso and legs are completely enclosed in his hand. The giant whose face dwarfs me now is beaming, the playful glint in his eye in full force as he’s practically giggling with excitement.

“Why hello, little one. Looks like you’ve reached Tinkerbell size now… my very own little fairy. Let me just set you down…”

He slowly lowers me back to his abdomen, and it’s a lot more spacious than the last time I was here. Leo’s fingers unfurl and I slide off his hand, tumbling onto his shirt. I sit up and gawk at my surroundings, taking it all in now, just trying not to hyperventilate.

“And just to make sure” - the vibrations of his voice tickle at me again - “could you stand up for me?” I look to the side and see Leo’s arm come up from off the floor, plastic ruler in hand. Except I’m not so sure my legs can hold me up right now.

“H-hold on,” I stutter, “Jesus Christ. This isn’t real.”

“Heh. It is absolutely real. Take it all in.” Leo leans back and is clearly still taking it in himself, his eyes observing every inch of me. He is an absolute beast of a man now, more like a living building.

I sit there, in silence, staring around me at the quickly becoming alien landscape. Is this really going to keep happening? Is my world going to change so drastically again and again? Can my sanity even take it? I take a few deep breaths, trying to steady my heartbeat. At least I’m calming down a little faster than I did the first couple of times. Maybe my brain is somehow adapting. And credit where credit is due, Leo does give me some time to adjust. Sort of.

A finger the size of a small tree lowers towards me and hovers a few inches away. “Need some help?”

I gulp, surveying the giant digit. I notice that he could probably cover my entire face with that one fingerpad. Trying not to think about it, I reach a hand out and brace myself against his finger, getting up to one knee and then pausing there as I continue to breathe deep.

“Or I could just pick you up,” Leo threatens, teasing but also running out of patience.

With that I give one last push and I’m on my feet. It’s a little more difficult to stay balanced now, the movement of his breathing feeling more pronounced.

“Alrighty then.” The ruler soon appears next to me, clearly double my height now. I look away, not wanting to see the number. “Six inches exactly. Amazing. Let’s check one more thing real quick.”

The giant moves his index finger to hover back in front of me, bending it so that the back of the finger is facing me. He puts the knuckle right up to my mouth.

“Let’s see if your little bites do anything now.”

I look up at him, flabbergasted. Is he really asking me to bite him?

“Come on, go ahead.” He pushes the finger right up against my face, almost knocking me backwards, and I go ahead and close my teeth on his skin. Probably not as hard as I had when I was frantically thrashing, but still enough to get a good pinch.

“Hmm, I still felt that, but it didn’t really hurt. Yup, you’re much better at this size.”

Leo’s still holding the device with his other hand and he takes a second to give it an admiring look before tucking it away and then putting the ruler down. The subtle movement of his stretch is enough to make me lose balance and fall right on my butt again.

“Woops,” says the giant with a sympathetic wince, clearly trying to stifle a laugh. “Sorry about that. I have to be so much more careful with you as you get smaller.”

“Yeah…” I agree, slowly standing back up on my own this time. Honestly, based on our interactions so far, I’m actually more worried about him hurting me accidentally than on purpose. But then again, who knows what this maniac is capable of.

“I think I’m up to the challenge. I've imagined it so many times, I think I’m already getting used to this.” He cups a protective hand around me as he readjusts himself with a contented sigh. His hand lingers after he settles, he’s clearly itching to examine me some more while trying to not overwhelm me all at once. He settles for just kind of holding his hand behind my figure, comparing it to my frame. “Hmm, you’re still taller than a finger,” he muses, resting his fingertip on his stomach and lining the digit up next to me, “but not as tall as my whole hand. God, you’re so stinking cute. I wonder what else I could compare you to…”

As long as we’re talking he’s not handling me, so I weakly offer, “I think a dollar bill is about six inches…”

Leo’s eyes light up. “Ooo, good idea,” and he cups his hand around me again as he reaches behind him for the wallet in his back pocket. He’s being careful, but I lose my balance anyway and I crumble against his hand, clinging on to the fingers. The giant doesn’t apologize this time and I expect he gets a kick out of my helplessness.

“Here we go.” He whips out and unfolds a $1 bill, holding it up beside me. I see that George Washington’s face is bigger than mine… ugh. “Hey, you’re right. Actually I think this is juuuust a bit taller than you are. I learned something new today.” He drops the bill onto the floor with his wallet. “Actually, I guess I’ve learned lots of things today. I’ve learned all about you, including how good it feels to hold you.”

And with just that amount of warning, he cups his hand behind me and scoops me up. I fall back against his palm like it’s a warm, fleshy recliner and I’m tensing up, wondering what he’s about to do with me. But he just sort of holds me there, bobbing me gently for a moment to feel my weight, running a thumb along my leg. “Yup. I think holding your little body in my hand like this might be one of my favorite feelings. It’s kind of addicting…” He trails off for a moment before a thought seems to suddenly strike. “Hey, I have an idea.”

Still holding me, he reaches for the coffee table and picks up his phone that he had left there earlier. He fiddles with it briefly and aims it in my direction. I hear the camera clicking sound and wince at the thought of him taking a picture. Something about it feels demeaning, especially without warning like that. Like I'm just an animal or something.

“I definitely want to remember today,” says Leo as he smiles at the picture he’s just taken. He turns it towards me, “Look how adorable you are!”

And there I am. Sitting in a gigantic hand. It’s so weird seeing it from a different perspective like that. It doesn’t look real.

“Actually… I don’t think we ever took a picture together, did we? Let’s change that.” Moving a little faster than I’d like, the giant lifts me up to his familiar broad shoulder, carefully depositing me so that I’m sitting on it. He doesn’t put me close enough to his head that I can grab on this time, I’d have to scooch closer to him but I’m afraid to move and slip. I just cling to his shirt with both hands and wait for this to be over.

Leo switches his phone to the front-facing camera, and like looking into a mirror I see my stupidly small figure next to his grinning face. “Smile!” he says and without thinking I do so. The picture he snaps is particularly bizarre, capturing the exact moment I make the smallest of smiles, and in that captured instant I actually look like I’m okay with all this. A little shy, maybe, but like I’m hanging out with someone I enjoy. Seeing it makes me feel nauseous. But clearly it makes my giant non-consensual-boyfriend very happy.

“Okay this is actually a really great picture. You’re so photogenic! You know… they have all kinds of websites centered around this fantasy. Some that are just for fun that I’ve been on since I was a kid, some of them are straight up fetish sites… People post collages all the time. I’m sure they’d get a kick out of this, and it’s way easier than actually making a collage.”

With no warning again, Leo’s reaching back up to lift me off his shoulder, which I’m actually grateful to come down from. The sudden movement doesn’t make me jump as much this time and I think I might really be getting used to being handled so casually. Scary thought. Instead of cupping me in his palm, he plucks me up around the torso with his fingers. Enjoying the sight of me in this position, Leo says, “Aww. Hold on, one more for good measure,” and takes one last picture of me before lowering me back down to his stomach. “Okay, sit tight, I’ll just post these real quick.”

I take a deep breath and sit down, welcoming the thought of being left alone for a minute. A part of me wonders hopefully if someone will see me on one of these websites and realize I’m in trouble. Maybe if one of my friends is somehow into this stuff too and they saw me? But otherwise I don’t think anything would come of it… even I thought the pictures looked photoshopped.

Sitting in the quiet, I try to think about the longer term for a moment. Yes, it’s true that I can’t just run off and expect to escape. I clearly can’t fight him off either. But what about hiding? Could I find an opportunity to quickly slip away and get out of his reach? Manage to stay out of sight until he stops looking for me and I can evaluate a way to escape? It seems like a long shot, but if I want any chance of getting out of here I have to stay alert.

I look around the room, trying to imagine hiding places. If I could get to the floor, there’s under the couch and nearby chairs. Though there’s the matter of getting to the floor safely, plus if he sees me dart underneath something like that he could easily reach under and get me. I notice a rug peeking out of the kitchen. I could slip under? I'd definitely make a bump though, and I wouldn't want to get stepped on by accident. I can’t see it from here, but under the fridge would be harder for him to reach under for sure. I glance towards the TV on the other side of the room - there’s a lot of space behind it where he could get to, but underneath the TV stand would be hard to reach too. I glance towards the entryway now - I could fit in a shoe, but the ones I was wearing are sandals that don’t offer much cover, and getting into one of his seems like a terrible idea.

Then I look much closer to where I am. The couch that Leo’s sitting on is fabric, a mix of neutral browns and tans, with several large cushions. What if… what if I just slipped between…

I jump at the booming sound that’s just Leo clearing his throat. I look up at him fearfully, but he’s still busy on his phone. Okay, I have to calm down and think. Surely he’d feel me move across his body, I can’t expect to just sneak away. But… if I could make it seem like an accident… But how to put myself in that position…
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i am insane
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Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by i am insane » Sat Jul 02, 2022 8:04 pm

Don't worry about the micro thing; there's people who like all sorts of sizes. It's been awhile, but I seem to remember a couple micro stories before on this site.

You're really doing well with describing her creeping, growing helplessness as the world shifts more and more around her. It's interesting watching him trying (and failing) to get her excited about this like he is, because most giants who aren't complete sadists like to see their victims at least grudgingly enjoying some things, usually physically if not mentally, and with how things are going she's going to be beyond his ability to make her enjoy it before long. Most micro stories I've seen balance that by making them like the actual shrinking, or like that they're being shrunk, but she's not fitting into that classic mold, so I'm curious to see how that goes.
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Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by gladewalker » Sun Jul 03, 2022 12:50 am

Nice flow and description. It has really good pacing. Keep going!

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Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by littlest-lily » Sun Jul 03, 2022 2:34 pm

Thank you so much for reading! Definitely lots more to come.
i am insane wrote:
Sat Jul 02, 2022 8:04 pm
most giants who aren't complete sadists like to see their victims at least grudgingly enjoying some things, usually physically if not mentally, and with how things are going she's going to be beyond his ability to make her enjoy it before long. Most micro stories I've seen balance that by making them like the actual shrinking, or like that they're being shrunk
This is super interesting for me to think about. I wonder if part of the reason why I didn't write that way (having the victim being "forced" to enjoy things) is because as a woman I identify with the SW in the story, and since I personally can't detach physical from mental arousal it just felt more genuine for me to have this character do the same (at least for now). If we're talking non-con of course - I also very much enjoy gentle, more consensual scenarios too where there's genuine pleasure on both sides.

Anyway, thanks for the food for thought! Love to hear this kind of feedback since I'm a new writer and this was my first attempt at a story - it helps get the ideas flowing :)
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Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by i am insane » Sun Jul 03, 2022 3:12 pm

Hmm. Part of it, probably, is that. I know that for men, part of your 'prowess' is making sure that your partner is enjoying things as much as you, if not more. It probably informs into men's writing (or women writing about men) that way that being powerful and/or sexy means that you can definitely demonstrate how good you are at pleasuring a woman. But because your not writing from the man's perspective, it's probably easier to make him metaphorically impotent in that manner?

I don't know, maybe I"m reading into it too much.
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Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by littlest-lily » Sun Jul 03, 2022 6:09 pm

That makes total sense. I don't want to speak for all women of course, but I think a big part of the fantasy for me is the idea of losing control/getting completely dominated by the bigger guy. And I think I've maybe seen more of the giant having complete disregard for the little's feelings when it comes to F/m or M/m content, but it does *tend* to be a bit different with SW from what I've been seeing... I don't think I had noticed that before! I do attempt to make this story a bit more layered over time, but yeah for now this giant is simply having a little bit too much fun with his new toy ^^;

Chapter 4

I don't feel very confident, but I have to try something. I reach a hand out, feeling the fabric of the shirt I'm sitting on. I'm acting a part but I also let myself be fascinated by what's around me, observe the texture of the cloth, the individual threads visibly thicker at this size. I push up to hands and knees and crawl forward an inch, my hand suddenly in a dent that I realize is Leo's belly button.

The giant I'm crawling on is curious about my movements and looks around his phone at me. I pretend not to notice and inch forward, tracing a wrinkle in the fabric with my fingers.

"Well now," says Leo with amusement, "Look who's starting to explore. I was getting worried that your only two settings were blind panic and just not moving at all."

I pretend that I'm caught in the act, pulling back sheepishly. "I don't know…" I say, "The more I get used to it, the more it is kinda interesting. You notice details you wouldn't at normal size.” I think about the type of things he’s said to me, and try to say what he might like to hear, “Like the way your shirt creases where you waist bends. Or how your body starts sloping up and up towards your chest.” I put a hand forward as I speak.

I’m definitely getting his attention now, and he sets his phone down. “You should try climbing up,” he suggests, “I’d love it if you explored. I would have suggested maybe venturing south, but I don’t think you’re quite ready for that yet. Come on up here.” He taps the top of his chest, near his collarbone, “I’m leaning back, so it shouldn’t be too steep right? Don’t think that I forgot that you rock climb, I definitely plan on taking advantage of that several times tonight.”

I’m not sure this is particularly comparable to rock climbing, but it’s fine. I carefully start crawling forward, surveying the landscape ahead of me. In reality it shouldn’t be that difficult, but I try to appear hesitant, calculating, as if trying to figure out the best way up. I move forward but also start curving to the left, towards the side of his body that is closest to the backing of the couch.

As I reach his ribs the slope is steep enough that I’m not really crawling now but really am climbing, grabbing fistfuls of fabric. At one point I actually slip and have to catch myself so that I don’t tumble down - even though I didn’t mean to, it’s actually a good precedent. “Hang in there, my little monkey,” Leo cheers on, “You can do it.”

I continue making my way to the left, then pretend to slip and catch myself again. My heart starts thumping hard as I get to the top of his ribs and am close enough to his side that I can just peer over the edge. There’s a small gap between his body and the couch cushion beside it. It’s now or never.

I let my foot slip and go to catch myself, intentionally fumbling with the fabric and yelling out as I roll to the side. I tumble right off of the giant, orienting myself into more of a dive, and brace myself as I fall right onto the soft cushion of the couch. Moving as fast as I can, I slip between two couch cushions into darkness, and immediately start pushing downward, trying to wedge myself between the bottom cushions you sit on and the actual backing of the couch.

“Shit,” I hear a voice outside echoing, “Lily, you okay?”

There’s movement and a bit more light as Leo gets up off the couch. I keep pushing down towards the darkness, wriggling as deep as I can. It’s a tight fit, but I’m pretty sure I’m hidden. I see more light as Leo pulls the back cushions off and I hold very still, hoping I’ve gotten deep enough that he can’t see me.

“Lily! Where’d you go?”

I breathe out a sigh as I hear him go to hands and knees to look under the couch and his voice isn’t right on top of me anymore when he calls for me. Good, he’s looking elsewhere. As he starts lumbering around the room, gradually getting further, I slowly venture a little bit back upwards, pushing my head just out of the gap and peering over the edge carefully. The giant figure is near the entryway now, his back to me.

I hadn’t quite thought this far ahead. Should I try to get out of here, hide somewhere else before he starts taking the couch apart? But I barely have time to contemplate it before he starts turning back towards my direction with a sigh. I quickly duck my head back out of sight.

“It’s not like you can get out of here anyway,” Leo calls out as his thudding footsteps approach the couch again. “Look, I’ve said it before, but I’m not going to hurt you. Not even if you run off like this. You can trust me.” From my vantage point, I see a sliver of sky - I mean ceiling - and Leo enters my field of vision, still looking around the room. He pauses for a moment, waiting. I hold my breath. Finally he sighs again and disappears from sight.

“Okay then,” he says, “I guess I’ll just wait here until you’re ready to come out.” And then I see in the gap something that makes my blood run cold: the back of his pants. The fabric is approaching fast - he’s going to sit on me! It’s all I can manage to not scream as I brace myself, squeezing my eyes shut and waiting for a giant ass to land on top of me…

“Gah!” I gasp out as the space becomes even tighter. By some miracle, Leo is not sitting right on top of me, just to the side, so I’m okay despite being a little more squished. Then he moves again, his butt shifting further away as he readjusts himself on the couch. It seems like he’s going to lean back and stretch out lengthwise again, but facing the opposite way this time. Meaning that, while I had jumped off near his chest, now I’m going to be near...

I curse as a new sight appears in my vision - one of Leo’s giant socked feet is headed right towards me. I brace myself yet again and the impact is much more direct this time, his foot landing right on top of me. It’s as big as a car and weighs heavily on where I am, the grey fabric of his sock actually pressing against my face. Thankfully it doesn’t reek, but it doesn’t exactly smell amazing either. I wince as I feel even more pressure when he crosses his other foot on top of the first. I realize in a panic that at this point… I can’t breathe.

I’ve managed to hold still, to stay out of sight. And yet I now realize that there’s no way he doesn’t know I’m here. He’s more or less wedging his foot inside of his couch exactly where I am, what are the odds that he would just do that? And regardless, I don’t have a choice anymore. I’m going to suffocate in here if I don’t move. Feeling hot tears forming from my eyes - whether from the pressure or the emotion - I finally give in and push my arms against him, trying to shove him away, desperate for air.

“Hmm?” I hear Leo’s voice and the horrible weight finally lifts off of me, light flooding in. I push up, gasping for air, panting hard. “What do we have here?” The giant sits up, leaning towards me with mock surprise. “Is that where you ended up? Man, I didn’t realize I had a girl-eating couch. Come back up here.”

Still panting, I continue pushing my way up and out of the couch, my head hanging in defeat, my teeth grit in frustration. My hair is tousled, my face flush, my limbs trembling. Leo does a little whistle, “Wow, looks like you had a bad time in there. Maybe you’ll think twice next time. Now, I said come here.

Hearing that he’s out of patience, I expect him to grab me, but then suddenly his feet move towards me again. He pinches me between his two soles, putting just enough pressure so that I don’t fall as he lifts me up into the sky.

This is so much worse than traveling by hand. I can hardly see anything, everything's a whirlwind of color and movement, I feel like I could slip at any second, the fibers of his sock gets shoved into my mouth…

Leo bends his knees to bring his feet back and stretches one arm forward, so that when he pulls his feet apart - and I yelp at the sudden freefall - I land right onto his open palm. He curls his fingers around my waist and raises me upwards again. I go higher than expected as he readjusts himself again so that he’s lying flat on his back and holds me up in the air, at arm's length above his face.

Disoriented by all of the movement that just happened, it takes me a second to realize what position I’m in. Seeing the gap below me as the giant dangles me in the air, I clutch at his hand, afraid he’ll drop me at any second now. Despite his annoyed tone earlier, his face is showing the familiar playfulness and amusement at my predicament.

I’m still terrified of being on his bad side and I stammer, “Look, I’m sorry, I’m just so scared, I fell and I just, I couldn’t help trying to hide, I’m sorry, I won’t do it again…”

“Such a sneaky little one,” Leo says teasingly, “It’s kind of fun. Though it’s true, I’d rather you don’t do it again. Aww… poor thing.” He reaches up with his other hand to pull a little piece of sock lint out of my hair. “You’re all disheveled. I guess I’m partly to blame there. But come on, I had to punish you a little bit for trying to get away, you were sorta asking for it. Plus you felt kind of good down at my feet. Maybe I’ll have you give me a foot massage later. I can return the favor if you want.” He pinches one of my dangling feet between thumb and forefinger and I kick reflexively. The giant chuckles and lets go so that my leg hangs limply again.

“There’s something you should know though,” says Leo as he pulls the dreaded shrinking device out of his pocket while still keeping me up high - I flinch as it comes to a view - and he holds it to the side so that I’m able to see the screen. “See, if I go to the Menu here,” he says, making the selection on the screen, “There’s a “Track” option. Now watch.”

I flinch again as he pushes the button. But this time there’s an actual bright red beam of light that comes out of the machine like a laser, and although it’s aimed right at me, I don’t feel any tingling or warmth. “Since I synced this to you, it can point you out wherever you are.” Still holding the button, Leo moves the device from side to side, but no matter where he moves it the beam of light goes right for me, attracted like a magnet. “There’s even a Lock On option that helps if it becomes, uh… harder to see where to aim the shrink ray. But yeah, while I didn’t need to use it this time, just know that no matter how far you go, it’s literally impossible for you to hide from me.” He smiles and puts the device away. “Nice try, though.”

I’m not sure what to say, how to respond to yet another reminder of how powerless I am. Hell, despite wanting nothing more than to get away from this monster, here I am clutching to his fingers for dear life. I squeeze my eyes shut, just needing to block it all out for a second.

“Hey, cheer up,” says Leo, using his pinkie to push a strand of hair behind my ear. “How about we pretend that you did manage to climb all the way up?” And with that he lowers me back down, closer and closer and closer to his face. And that’s where he deposits me, in a precarious position straddling right over his cheek.

I try to take a deep breath and steady my nerves. I’m relieved to not be dangling in the air anymore, but I don’t quite know what to do with this kind of platform. It’s not exactly a big wide expanse, but instead full of obstacles. With any movement I might accidentally put a hand up his nose or stick a foot in his mouth or poke his eye out. Maybe that last one isn’t so bad.

Speaking of his eyes though, I feel them watching me as I try to figure out how to position myself. Being on his face is so weirdly intimate and just highlights the insane size difference between us. I glance sheepishly at one of the observing orbs, and I’m a little distracted as for the first time I notice what looks like little flecks of gold in the dark brown iris. It’s kind of pretty. Staring right back at me, the eye widens as Leo’s echoing voice goes “I seeee youuuu” and then the eye narrows and crinkles at the edge as the giant laughs. The chuckle makes me lose my balance, and I grab onto the bridge of his nose, settling my knees right over his upper lip.

“I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to be doing here,” I finally say from my precarious position.

“I dunno. Explore. It’s a wonderful little face massage, that’s for sure.” The way his mouth moves as he talks makes me lose my footing, and I really do stick a leg in his mouth, catching myself as my foot jams into his lower lip. Another chuckle as he doesn’t seem at all uncomfortable, and I feel his warm breath that still smells of tea wash over my lower body.

I’m a little too close to getting-eaten-territory for comfort now, so I hoist myself up and over his nose, sitting for a second on the bridge of it with my hands on his eyebrows before moving further up and onto his forehead. It’s slightly more manageable up here without all the facial feature obstacles, though the curvature makes it hard to hold steady.

“Mmm. Yeah that feels nice,” sighs Leo. “More on the temples if you can. You know, I do realize you’re not actually trying to service me, but you’re still really good at it. Those tiny little hands are just magical. I guess you really were destined to be my mystical little fairy.”

I edge towards his hairline, still trying to find a spot where I don’t feel like I’m about to fall off. I’m trying to concentrate but the giant is, as usual, in quite the chatty mood.

“I know we’ve talked about Peter Pan before," he says, harkening back to a conversation we had about Disney movies, "but have you seen any of those Tinkerbell movies?”

I’m surprised that he’s familiar with them, seeing as he’s not exactly the target demographic, but then I realized I shouldn’t be surprised. “Yeah, I have actually.”

“Seriously? What did you think of them?”

“They were… cute, I guess. I liked the worldbuilding.”

“Yeah, honestly they were better than they had any right to be. I kinda just watched them by obligation since I’m into this stuff, but of course I don’t really expect much with kids’ movies. Definitely wish there could be an adult version.”

My foot slips near his temple and he lets out a small moan of pleasure ending in a sigh. “Yeah, right there. Anyway, could you imagine living in one of those little fairy houses though? Instead of living in a tree, we can build one right in my apartment here. What do you think?”

Like always, I’m not sure how to respond. “Um… Maybe let’s not build it too high up? It’s not like I have wings like a fairy.”

A small rumble of a chuckle from the very relaxed giant. “Fair enough. Wouldn’t want you falling of course. Maybe on the floor in my room… I’d have to watch where I step, though. I wouldn’t want to hurt my precious little fairy…” His voice has gone a little bit husky again, which for me is setting off alarm bells.

Sure enough, I notice his hand creeping back up in my direction and I breathe in and out a few times, preparing myself for whatever he has in mind. For a moment he just lays his hand over me, fingers gently caressing my body.

“You’re so fragile. So helpless. I know I have to be so careful…” The fingers tighten ever so slightly, positioning themselves around my waist and legs, “But still, I just want you so much, Lily…”

He half-lifts half-pulls me back down the length of his face, sighing at the feeling of my body against his skin. His eyes are closed and long dark eyelashes tickle me as I pass over them. He brings me over his mouth, which is as long as my whole upper body, and lingers there, gently kissing me. I try to wriggle away and the pressure on my back becomes stronger for a moment as he holds me in place, pressing his lips on my belly, my chest, my neck and head… The skin of his lips is soft but it’s too much, and with a growing fear I remember how fervently he kissed me when I was a foot tall.

Thankfully he doesn’t insist much longer and then he pulls me down and over his chin, down his throat, which vibrates through my whole body with even the smallest moans. He stops me at the base of his neck, sitting just above the clavicle, and I lay against the neck and shoulder as he pulls his hand away.

“We could watch a movie like this,” the voice rumbles, “I could cuddle with you here all day.”

I’ll be honest, even though I'm nervous, I’m actually kind of comfortable. I’ve gone through so much adrenaline in the past… hour? Less? And somehow I know that I’m bound to go through so much more. I take the moment to let my body rest as we both lay there, one of us feeling more content than the other.

After a while, the silence is interrupted by a new kind of rumbling. I flinch, wondering what the heck that was, before realizing it was his stomach.

“Oh yeah, I guess it’s getting close to dinner time. We should fuel up before we go any further, yeah?”
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Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2022 6:09 pm

Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by littlest-lily » Mon Jul 04, 2022 1:33 pm

Chapter 5

Leo carefully picks me up around the torso again, lifting me as he gets up to a sitting position. It does look a little darker in the room now, whether due to cloudy skies or the sun going down.

“Now just in case you get any more funny ideas about trying to escape during dinner…” He edges towards the coffee table and lowers me to his water glass, now empty, gently depositing me inside. It’s a pretty big glass - even if I tried to jump I don’t think I could reach the lip of it. “I wouldn’t try tipping it either, it has a weighted bottom. Not to mention we wouldn’t want to risk broken glass, right?”

My view becomes largely obscured as he presses his hand to the outside of the cup, and he lifts it up with me in tow. With swaying footsteps thumping his way along, Leo goes to turn on a couple of lights on the way to the kitchen. He sets the glass down on the kitchen table before continuing to the fridge. I look up at the top of the fridge longingly, knowing my phone is still up there despite not being able to see it.

“Thankfully, I already bought the sushi,” says Leo, pulling a couple of boxes out of the fridge, “You’re a vegetarian, right? I have an avocado roll for you. Well, I doubt you’ll want the whole thing, but I’ll make sure to pick out the best piece.”

By best piece, he finds one that is quite skinny and can easily fit in the glass while still giving me room. The sushi roll is like a car tire to me, I could probably be satiated with just a few grains of rice. But I’m not exactly hungry. I sit by the food quietly, keeping an eye on the giant as he moves across the room gathering utensils and whatnot. I wish I didn’t have to be trapped in this glass prison, but since he’s not actively handling me, I understand why he doesn’t want to let me free right now.

With a loud scuff as he pulls back a chair, Leo sits in front of me and opens his own sushi box, immediately digging in with his chopsticks. It doesn’t seem that his appetite is very affected by today’s events.

“So I can’t remember if we’ve discussed it at length - what’s your favorite cuisine?” he asks before popping the sushi in his mouth.

Seeing how easily he can ingest something that’s so sizeable to me is unnerving. I look away as I answer. “Uhh Japanese food's good… and Mexican… I like Indian too.”

“That makes sense, lots of vegetarian options there. Ooo, I bet a warm piece of naan would make the perfect little bed for you.” He chuckles.

We continue talking about favorite foods as he eats, and he makes numerous remarks about how I’d be able to fit in a cannoli or a taco, or get lost in a bowl of noodles. Despite doing the vast majority of the talking, he finishes his meal pretty quickly.

“Can you hang tight for a minute? I’m going to run to the bathroom.”

Not like I have much of a choice. I watch as the giant boom-boom-booms away and his figure disappears down a hallway. In the silence I glance at the piece of avocado roll that’s still next to me, and as if on cue my stomach growls. I sigh. I really should eat while I can, and I feel a little more comfortable without large, prying eyes watching me. I pick away at the rice, scooping a bit of avocado on the grains. I’m surprised by how much this helps, starting to feel more energized.

Leo soon returns. He notices the little dent I’ve made in the sushi and smiles approvingly. “Good, I’m glad you could eat a bit. Man, is that all you need? Such a tiny stomach. Ah, I just realized something.”

He goes to the sink and comes back holding a small plastic bottle cap. “Here you go. Gotta make sure you stay hydrated too.” He hands me what feels like a big bowl of water and then crouches by the table so that his face is level with my glass cage. This time he is staring at me, but I go ahead and sheepishly drink from the cap, and my body feels appreciative.

Leo sighs happily as he watches me handle the oversized drinking cup, fishing it and the piece of sushi out once I’m done. “So adorable. I know you’re going to get tired of hearing it, but it’s so true. You’re like a little toy…”

The giant then stands to his full height as he looks down at the glass. He’s looming high above me, his face looking so distant as I’m forced to gaze up the entire length of his torso. With an uncharacteristically serious look on his face, he brings a hand up and starts lowering it slowly towards the top of the glass, fingers outstretched like a giant spider. It feels so different from his usual gentle or playful demeanor when he goes to pick me up, much more intimidating… dominating. I cower as he reaches the top of the cup and his palm blocks my view of the rest of him, the fingertips pressing against the glass all around me.

“It’s a good thing you’re into hands,” I hear Leo’s voice say, “Because you’re going to be seeing a whole lot of mine.”

He moves his palm from the top of the glass to the side of it, picking the glass up. His expression has softened somewhat, although it’s starting to get that heavy-lidded, unfocused quality that makes me nervous. He slowly tips the glass and I brace myself against the side, struggling as it’s like the whole room that I’m standing in is pivoting. I finally fall and tumble as he dumps me out onto his free hand.

He sets the glass down and proceeds to touch me lightly, stroking my legs, my arms, my torso. I flinch as his thumb passes over my breasts. A minute or so passes in silence and he's gazing at me intently when he finally mutters, “Lily… What’s the farthest you’ve gone with a guy?"

My heart rate starts picking up. I can sense something new in the air. This is bad.

“N-not very far,” I whimper.

“You’re so beautiful. You’re so easy to talk to. Hell, you’re incredibly nerdy in the best way. It’s impossible that you’ve never gotten a guy’s attention.

“I’ve n-never been v-very confident.” My body is trembling now.

“You should be. Look at you. Six inches tall and making a giant like me weak in the knees.” Leo smiles gently at me. In different circumstances it might have been incredibly sweet. In my current circumstances, I’m desperate to think of a way to stop this.

“I’m s-scared,” I squeak. “Please, I need m-more t-time.”

“I don’t think I can wait anymore, love.”

Shit. Shit. Shit.

“Nothing’s going inside of you. Not very much would fit anymore anyway. And we can leave your clothes on this time if you want. It won’t be so different from what I’ve already been doing. Maybe less clothing on my part. And maybe a bit of a size adjustment…” That thought is clearly exciting him, hindering his breathing. He’s reaching into his pocket.

“No. No no no. Not that.” I'm begging now.

“It won’t be by much, not yet. I’m going to need you to buck up, love. I’ve been waiting so long to play with you properly.”

And there’s the device. “Shit!” I hiss and curl up into a ball, hopelessly bracing myself.

I feel it in my head first this time, the tingling filling my brain as the warmth envelops my entire body. There’s a shifting below me as Leo’s palm stretches outwards, and even while covering my eyes it’s like I can feel the falling sensation as I dwindle further…

“Look up, Lily.” His voice isn’t much louder, but when I slowly lift my head I can see the difference. His face dwarfs me, looming even more menacingly. It’s humbling to see such a shift in mere seconds. I glance down at the platform I’m on. I’m probably only as tall as his hand is wide now.

“Four inches,” says Leo. “See? I only took two inches off. Although it does make a difference… God, each new size is becoming my new favorite…”

He puts a fingertip on his palm next to where I'm sitting, holding it upright. "Get up," he orders, making me jump, and I quickly scramble to get to my feet. I gawk at the enormous digit that's almost as tall as I am now.

Leo grins at the sight. He leans forward while also bringing me closer to his face, too close, his mouth fills my vision and I put my arms up defensively. He tenderly kisses the top of my head and then pulls back again. Such a simple little movement to him, but it's obviously a much bigger experience for me, and the lack of warnings is fraying my nerves.

“I haven’t shown you my bedroom yet, have I?” His tone is smooth. Flirty. “I’ll need to give you the grand tour. Right this way, milady…”

I'm still trembling, having no idea what Leo is going to do with me once we get to our destination. He holds me in a cupped hand close to his chest as we walk towards a hallway I haven't been down yet. The feeling of each step sways more and thumps harder than ever, a slight bounce with every footfall. I hold on to his thumb fearfully, tiny fingernails digging in but he doesn’t seem to even notice.

The door to his room is already open and we enter the cavernous, dim space. He flicks a switch that turns on a light at his bedside table. As he pauses I look around and take it in. It's not incredibly messy, but there is a good amount of stuff in here. A desk with a computer on one side of the room, the door that links to the bathroom on the other side. The bed is in the middle, a massive stage of gray and white sheets that looks incredibly ominous to me.

"It's not much. Well, not to me. But it's home."

Leo makes his way around the room, showing me different details. "My gaming stuff is in this cupboard, I just use my computer monitor to hook up my consoles most of the time. Here's the closet, pretty boring but it's where I keep the board games. You might get a kick out of this, it's a map of Middle Earth. You've seen the bathroom, that's just the other door that connects."

I'm not fully listening, so nervous. I feel like I'm in limbo.

"And let's just put this here for later…" I look down and Leo's fished out the shrinking machine from his pocket, now placing it on his nightstand. I gulp. I crane my neck back to get a look at the giant's face but he's holding me too close to his chest so that I mostly see the bottom of his jaw. I can tell that he's smiling though.

"Okay, I think that's it for now. I'm going to need you to hang tight for a minute, Lily. How about…"

He takes a few steps, but before I can see where he's headed, he suddenly tilts the hand that I'm sitting on. I gasp as I start sliding, scramble to find a handhold, but the surface is soon vertical and I come away from it, going right into a freefall.

I scream as I tumble through the air, a whoosh of color and movement all around me. I catch a brief glimpse of him smirking down at me - he's not catching me this time! - I'm plummeting and screeching and -

Thoomp. I hit the ground hard, but the surface is soft, and I sink down into a dark tangle of fabrics before I come to a stop. I don’t move for a moment, breathing hard, amazed that I'm alive after a fall like that. I look around at my surroundings, confused, until I notice a sheet of fabric that has writing on it: “100% Cotton.” That’s when it clicks. He just dropped me into the laundry basket. Asshole.

I push up on what I now think is a sock and start trying to wriggle my way out of what feels like an olympic-sized foam pit. I wonder if I should be trying to hide in here, but I know there’s no point. Even without his laser tracker thing he’d be able to find me in here easily. Besides, it’s getting hard to breathe.

I can hear the clinking of metal (I later realize, a belt buckle) and distant shuffling as I continue swimming my way upwards, hoisting myself through the layers of clothes. I finally start seeing more light filter in and then push my head through the surface, taking a deep breath of air.

I’ve popped up at the exact right moment for the strip show of the century. Leo stands above me like a ten story building. He’s already removed his pants and had just started the process of pulling up the hem of his shirt. He notices my tiny head protruding from his laundry pile and smiles smugly as he wriggles the shirt up his body, slowly revealing stomach and abs and chest - a literal wall of skin and muscle stretching to the sky. My instincts were right; he's quite fit. The giant pulls the shirt up over his head, holds it for a second as he looks down at me again, then he takes aim…

The shirt starts plummeting down right towards me, a circus tent’s worth of blue fabric that collapses right on top of me. It’s heavier than I would have thought, pushing me down a little, and I have to hoist myself up again in an effort to not fall back into the depths of the laundry.

“Hmmm? I see a little bump moving around in my clothes…” It’s dark enough that I don’t see him, but I feel him as there’s a sudden pressure that squeezes in around me. His giant fingers are picking me up along with the shirt, and I’m on a dark roller coaster ride as I go up, up…

And then, as quickly as it started, I’m momentarily blinded by light as Leo unwraps me from the fabric. “Would you look at that. It’s not a mouse, it’s a little person. What were you doing down in my laundry? Surely you don’t want to end up in the washing machine.”

The question is rhetorical, but I give him a little glare nonetheless. He doesn’t seem to care though as he starts pulling a section of the shirt taught with me still sitting on it. I get on my hands and knees, trying to figure out what he’s doing, when he suddenly yanks the fabric on either side and I yelp as I’m launched upwards a good inch or two in the air (which for me is several feet). His face lights up and I’ve only landed for a moment before he does it again. I feel like I might actually throw up. What is this guy, five years old??

He goes to do it a third time, but I’ve tried to get up and tell him to stop this time so the aim is off. “Oops.” I hear the terrifying word as I’m launched off to the side. Thankfully the giant’s reflexes are quick and he drops the shirt in time to catch me in his hand.

It’s a bit of a rough landing on his palm and my shoulder hurts. “Jesus Christ, Leo!” I yell reproachfully, struggling to catch my breath.

“Sorry about that,” he responds with that not-so-sorry smile, “I just thought a little adrenaline might get you in the mood. Gotta get that heart pumping, that blood flowing. And I can’t help but think you’re so cute when you’re all roughed up.”

He lifts me up to his face so that we’re at eye level, and I flinch back a little like I always do under his intense chocolate gaze. I do see a shadow of concern as he looks me over. “No injuries?”


“Okay. Good.”

Wait, could I have stopped this whole thing if I’d lied just then? It’s too late to wonder. He lowers me back down, giving me a quick forehead kiss on the way, and turns to what I’ve actually been worrying about - his bed.

“Can I tell you a story?” Leo says softly as he lowers himself onto the mattress. He stacks a couple of pillows up so that he can sit reclined back on them, and as he lays back, he deposits me onto his chest. It definitely feels so different being on him with his shirt off - I can feel more of his warmth, tiny hairs tickle against my legs, and there’s more of a smell to him, a mix of cologne and sweat and laundry detergent.

“When I first made an account on one of these fetish sites a few years ago and discovered all of the art and stories and stuff, I wrote something of my own. I think I was, like, nineteen, and it wasn’t very good, but I still fantasize about it.” I realize I can feel the vibrations even more when he speaks now that we’re skin to skin, and if I wasn’t so tense I might have found it almost pleasant. I sit between his pecs and keep an eye on his massive face as he goes between looking off in the distance dreamily to looking in my direction. “I want to imagine that you’re the girl in the story. For weeks now you’ve been the object of my fantasy.”

He rests a hand on his chest just behind me so that he can gently rub my back as he continues. “I don’t remember how it started. Something about me having a crush on a girl at school, in my chemistry class. At one point we’re studying late at night at the library on campus, and I notice that there’s no one else around. I’d been working on a science project. Some kind of potion that would reduce matter. I strike up a conversation with this girl and she tells me about her project but I don’t share mine. Instead I offer to go get her a drink out of the vending machine. What she didn’t know was that I snuck the shrinking potion into her drink.”

Leo’s breath hitches and I glance over to notice that, while he has one hand that’s stroking me, his other hand is reaching much further down his body. I snap back forward, not wanting to think about it, and I can feel the blood rushing in my ears.

“It was all part of the experiment, you know. Or at least, that’s what I told her as she started to shrink. She shrank right out of her clothes, I had to rescue her from drowning in them. Within a few minutes she was about three inches tall. I put her in my pocket and easily snuck her out of the library. I went next door to the science lab where I did all kinds of experiments on her, like weigh her, measure her, test her endurance on a hamster wheel, that kind of stuff. Finally I got all the data I’d wanted but the problem was I’d never made a growth potion, plus I didn’t want to get in trouble for shrinking another student. So instead, I dumped more of the potion on her.”

He inhales sharply again and his gaze stays steady on me as his imagination goes wild. “I watched her shrink smaller and smaller until she was nothing but a speck on my fingertip. And then, just like that, she disappeared.”

His fingers curl around me, touching more and more of my body as he breathes heavily with lust. “I want to do that with you, Lily. I want to see you become so small that I can’t see you anymore. I want to become your world, your everything. I want to do it over and over and over again.”

I stare directly into his eyes and can see the desire and excitement in them like a cat eyeing a mouse. I shudder, pulling away from the touch of his fingers, though I know it’s no use as they continue to close in around me.

“You’re so little,” he breathes as he slowly lifts me up now. “I want to feel you…”

He sits up and lowers me down onto the bed, in front of where he’s sitting. I’m about a foot away from his crotch, and while he still has his boxers on, I can see the lump forming in his groin.

Not quite in control of myself, I just turn and run. Sprinting across the surface of the bed, and on the soft texture it’s like running on sand. Leo doesn’t immediately react and I’m able to reach the edge, stopping and looking over the side. It’s a long way down. I do notice his discarded pants to the side of the bed, further along. Maybe a softer landing would help. I start running along the edge of the bed in the direction I saw the pants…

Something suddenly flies above me, like a massive UFO, and I realize that it’s his leg coming into view. He sweeps it over me, landing it beside me with an impact that almost makes me fall over, and he starts herding me back towards the middle of the bed. As I look ahead I realize he’s encircling me with both legs. His feet, still wearing socks, come together up ahead of me, trapping me in Leo’s makeshift pen.

“Sorry, little mouse,” the giant purrs as he observes me with amusement. “Hmm, how are you going to get out of this one?”

I haven’t quite stopped running yet, getting closer to his ankle. I realize his leg isn’t impossibly tall at this point. In lieu of responding, I veer straight towards his lower calf and take a running jump up onto it, trying to climb up and over…

“Well, that’s just not allowed… Heh, I had just been talking about how I want you smaller…”
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Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by Smait123 » Tue Jul 05, 2022 5:25 am

I finished reading your story on deviantart and I want to say that this is one of the best stories! I like micro. Write more!

Shrink Adept
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Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by littlest-lily » Tue Jul 05, 2022 1:44 pm

Thank you so much! Yeah I'm still playing catch-up but I've already written a lot more than what's on DA :) A very different tone (more gentle), and it's not this gradual shrink to micro, but definitely still moments of micro as I really enjoy that myself!
If you’d like to support me and my work, please feel free to leave me a tip and I will be so grateful! https://ko-fi.com/littlestlily

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by littlest-lily » Tue Jul 05, 2022 3:55 pm

Chapter 6

“Shit, shit!” I gasp as I struggle hoisting myself up, wishing I had gotten closer to the ankle before trying to climb. Out of the corner of my eye, I sense Leo reaching to his nightstand, and now he’s holding that cursed machine.

“Ahhh…!” The tingling disorients me and I cling to his leg for a moment, but as I start shrinking again the surface feels less curved and I lose my grip, falling backwards and landing on my back on the bed sheet. I watch his leg stretch up higher as everything doubles in size once again.

“Down she goes… how does it feel, little mouse? No, not a mouse, you're more like a shrew.”

I vaguely see Leo reach towards me possessively as I feel paralyzed by the shrinking sensation, and then the warm tingling stops and I scream as the vision of a hand that’s as long as a house comes into focus.

The hand lands flat around me and I’m left in the space between thumb and index finger. Leo’s face appears in the distance as well as he leans down to get a better look at me.

“Two inches tall. Look, you’re not even as big as my thumb now. I should start calling you Thumbelina.”

The hand lifts for a moment - each movement feels impossibly massive to me - and he takes an index finger, laying it gingerly on top of me to cover me completely. To me this is no laughing matter. The finger is as big as a car, and even as he is touching me carefully I can sense the weight of it pushing me into the ground and feel the small ridges of his fingerprint. He runs his finger down and along my body, eventually uncovering my face so I can breathe easier.

“I don’t want to miss any details while I still can,” says Leo as his face gets a little closer still, “Your body feels amazing. Such tiny features. It’s going to get harder to see your facial expressions unless I bring you close. Actually… say something?”

I take a deep breath and yell, “Get off!” as I kick against his finger.

Leo laughs, a boom of a laugh that makes me recoil, but he does take the finger off and I lay there breathing deep. “Yeah, it’s not bad yet but it’s starting to get a little bit harder to hear you. You’ll have to really speak up if you want to get my attention.”

The giant winces a bit, and I wonder why for a second before understanding that it wasn’t from pain. He’s clearly still finding the whole situation quite arousing.

“I want you to know how much I'm loving this, Lily,” Leo’s voice says softly, and his hand is back - he pushes two fingers down into the bed sheets so that he can slip them underneath me. He almost just rolls me over to the side, but I decide to cooperate and hold on as the fingers help push me up to a standing position on the bed. “It's just too exciting. You’re so small. Completely at my mercy. I just can’t wait anymore, love, come here…”

The two fingers start pushing me along the sheets, sliding me against them, and no amount of me trying to stop him can help what’s happening. My heels skate on the fabric and I just try not to fall as Leo pushes me back from the way I’d run, back towards his crotch, closer and closer to his underwear that gets taller and taller in front of me. I can see the outline of his dick now, I’m sliding right towards it, I whimper and brace myself…

The impact is a little harder than I think Leo meant for. Thankfully the fabric and the skin are still soft. His shaft isn’t fully erect yet, but he’s definitely getting hard, and I can feel it twitch against the feeling of my body. His fingers push up on my back and press me up in different angles against the gigantic cock that dwarfs me and is growing larger. I see a wet spot in the fabric from the precum and I squeeze my eyes shut. This is horrifyingly intense, but it almost doesn’t feel real, not quite as sexually violating as I’d feared as it’s just a mass of flesh to me, at least if I don’t think about it too hard… It’ll all be over soon, I tell myself…

“Mmmm… fuuuck, that feels good,” the giant moans, though I can hardly make sense of what’s immediately around me, much less what his expression must be right now. “Oh god, if I keep doing this I won’t be able to make it long. But I still want to play with you, I want to make this last… Ahhh…”

And with what must have been an enormous amount of self control, Leo’s hand gingerly pulls away, and I fall to my knees right in front of the giant cock. I feel a confusing mix of relief that it’s over, with disappointment and fear in the knowledge that it’s not actually over.

I hear a whooshing sound from above and look up to see my captor gazing down at me with nothing but lust while he takes deep breaths. “Fuck, Lily, you look so hot down there... Now get up,” he pokes at me with a finger, “let’s put those climbing skills to use. You were adamant about climbing my leg earlier. If you can reach… let’s say my belly button, how about I give you some of your height back?”

He definitely catches my attention. Somehow I had never really thought about whether or not the shrink ray was also a growth ray. I was always focused on the next moment, didn’t really pause to think about whether this was permanent or if I could ever get back to normal. Apparently he can grow me back. There’s… there’s hope.

“It shouldn’t be too hard for you, it’s not that high up. Get moving, little monkey.” Leo’s sobering up a bit and grins at me playfully.

I get to my feet and assess the situation. Try not to think about how this is a human body but instead a series of obstacles. His thigh is too tall and the skin is too smooth to climb. But I could probably scale the fabric of his underwear. I go to the space between his leg and the bump of his penis, grabbing fistfuls of the thick fabric.

Hoisting myself up is pretty tough work, but I slowly make progress. I plan on reaching the top of his thigh first and then making my way over to his navel. Multiple times on my journey I inadvertently stimulate him, using the shaft as something to leverage against, making Leo twitch and moan. Finally, I make it over the hump, utilizing the smaller space between his thigh and hip, and hoist myself on top of his leg. I take a moment to catch my breath.

"Nearly there. I'm impressed," Leo says encouragingly. "But now what'll you do?"

I peer around his side, spotting his belly button, wondering how I'm going to climb the bare skin of his abdomen. Since Leo's still leaning back a bit, I'm hoping I can just shimmy my way along the not-completely-vertical wall and use the band of his underwear to keep from falling.

I'm just scaling up over his hip bone when it happens. I lose my grip and feel my toes skid against his skin. I'm sliding down, and not back down to his crotch, but off the other side, which is right next to the edge of the bed…

"Uh oh." Leo is seeing this but I'm already falling - from his position he only has time to reflexively straighten his leg down to try and catch me with it and create a path to the floor. I tumble down the length of his thigh, picking up speed, screaming as I roll just around his knee to his shin and bounce off right at the ankle. I rocket forward, somersaulting into the air, and land on the floor hard, rolling a few more times before coming to a stop in a crumpled heap. Thankfully the carpet is surprisingly plush with long strands, and though I'll probably have a few bruises after this, I'm remarkably uninjured.

I groan and flip over as in the distance Leo is swinging his legs over the side of the bed and his feet hit the floor. Looking up, I realize that I've actually rolled to a spot just slightly under the bed. The space down here is like a parking garage and littered with random objects. Without stopping to think, I scramble to my feet, knee deep in the cream colored carpet. I'm thankful for the decent amount of mess - a couple of socks, an old water bottle, some random art supplies. I dodge through it, trying to make some headway while I can.

"Hey! Are you okay? Where did you land?"

I keep running, just wanting to get away, not caring if it's temporary. I hear a resounding thump as he lowers to his knees. "Lily? Where are you?" A pause. "You're trying to escape again, aren't you?"

I find a hiding spot near the foot of the bed: an upturned open sketchbook. I dive underneath and crawl along the middle, able to easily shimmy along the tent-like structure without rustling it.

At this point I hear some movement not too far away and figure that Leo has started looking under the bed.

"Well, if you're running at least that means you're not hurt. I'll play your little game of cat and mouse. You know I can track you, right? Let's see if I can find you without it…"

I've made it to the other end of the sketchbook and peer out from under it. I'm right at the foot of the bed. There's the door just ahead of me… it's only a few feet away. Can I make it if I run?

"Come out, come out, wherever you are…" taunts Leo playfully, a loud crinkling sound indicating he's reached the water bottle.

Now or never, while he's distracted. I take a couple of quick breaths to pump myself up and I make a mad dash.

I feel like a rabbit sprinting across a meadow, hating how open everything feels down on the floor. I haven't been on the ground since I was at Barbie height, and the distance up the wall is truly staggering now, like I'm in a stadium. The ceiling might as well be the sky.

I'm not as fast as I'd like to be, slowed down by the tall grass that is the carpet. But I don't look back. Every instinct in me has been screaming to get away from my captor and the adrenaline courses through me and carries me forward. I'm halfway to the door now… I might actually -

And then, the sickening sound of laughter breaks out, echoing. He's seen me. I don't stop. I'm getting so close now and don't feel like I have a choice.

The tingling takes me by surprise this time. No! It starts at my back and a wave of dizziness hits me as my whole body becomes warm. Momentum carries me and I'm still running even as the door is stretching further from me, the carpet strands are getting taller –

I trip. Skid through the carpet fibers, get up, sink deeper, trip again. The tingling has stopped but now the thick strands around me are half as tall as I am and it's making it harder to move forward.

Boom. Boom. Boom. BOOM.

I trip again as the ground shakes. A shadow passes over me, and when I push myself up I see the door up ahead slowly closing. I look up, up, up at the giant hand that's pulling the doorknob, across the long, bare arm to the monument of a man that's looming above me. Not only have I never been this small, I've never been this far down compared to him before. He's as tall as a skyscraper now, he doesn't look like he should be able to move. But his eyes flash as he smirks down at me, proving to my brain that this thing is very much alive.


I jump as Leo's taken another step forward, and then I see him lift his foot and this time he aims it right in my direction.

Oh god. He's going to crush me? Did I finally push too far? I'm about to die. I can't even run right now, completely paralyzed as the grey fabric of his sock fills my vision…


The rumble explodes and lingers as the giant foot settles all around me, grinding me into the carpet. I'm curled up in a ball, waiting for the end as everything's dark and I can feel an immense pressure from above. But… not enough to crush me. Not even enough to injure me.

Enough to suffocate me though. The fabric is pressing in on me, heavy and thick, and I start wriggling, having no idea which way is out but moving to wherever I can find space. I'm starting to panic as I take ragged breaths of the warm, stuffy air that's quickly running out…

I feel a rumbling vibration that I soon interpret to be laughter. "That tickles!" The voice is muffled but still louder at this size.

I continue writhing along the ground, not sure what else to do, though I keep running into barriers. I soon realize I'm squished in the small gap under the curve of Leo's toes, unhurt but trapped.

Right as I fear that I really might still die under here, the foot finally starts moving, lifting slightly and sliding off of me, rolling me over a couple of times. I lie face up as delicious fresh air fills my lungs. But the sight I'm greeted with is enough to take my breath away again.

Leo is kneeling on one knee, bending over quite deeply to bring his face closer to the ground. His mischievous smile is familiar, but the sheer scale of it sends a shiver down my spine.

"My little troublemaker. Any idea how small I've made you?"

I can't get a sound out. He's speaking quietly but his voice still reverberates.

"A single inch tall. Although to be fair, you deserved more for being so disobedient. I really don't know what you were thinking."

Neither do I, I say silently, dejected.

"Look what I found under the bed." He holds his hand up and he's pinching a paper clip between thumb and forefinger. I vaguely remember that the average paperclip is an inch long. His hand whooshes towards me and I curl in on myself, whimpering. His fingers completely dwarf me now.

Not that this stops him. He uses his other hand to get me to straighten out, pinning my feet down with the edge of his thumb and using the index finger to uncurl my body. I whimper in terror as each finger is a giant all on its own, but as soon as I realize what he's trying to do I immediately cooperate, going as stiff and straight as I'm able to on the plush surface of the carpet.

"There we go. Now let's see…" He holds the paperclip next to me and it's the same size. "One inch exactly. Puts things into perspective, huh?"

He tosses the paper clip away and I watch it fly through the air and out of sight. Such little movements for him. I am seriously… seriously small.

"Now, I don't think I'm quite done punishing you yet. I hardly put any weight on you when I stepped on you earlier. Maybe I should try again? Though this time I want to feel you more..."

"No no no, please!" I yell, sitting up. How much more of this can I take?

He either can't hear me or ignores me as he's already straightening back up, pulling his socks off before rising up and up and up to his full height. I don't think I will ever be able to get this sight out of my head. I'm feeling absolutely insignificant at the feet of this monolith.

The giant chuckles down at me. "You're starting to look pretty bug-like from up here, Lily. Still the cutest thing in the world, though. Now look out, here I come…!"

He lifts one foot above me once more, the bare sole even more intimidating, and I scream, scrambling backwards but struggling against this cursed carpet. Leo starts lowering the foot down on me, then lifts it back up before it makes contact. He does this a couple more times, laughing mirthfully, teasing me again and again and chasing me around as I scramble away from him, before he finally does put his foot down, aiming so that my little body is right between his big and second toe. I freeze as the monster of a foot crashes into the floor all around me, and from my seated position I'm staring at the wall of skin between his toes and barely able to see over the top of his foot. The scent of him hits me - his feet aren't especially dirty or sweaty but the entire concept makes me want to gag.

He lifts his foot again and moves to the side, pushing me over with his big toe and then sliding it over my body. "God, I can't believe that's actually you down there that I'm feeling. Even my toe is bigger than you." He moves his foot again, running his other toes over me and casually rolling my body around underneath them. "Oh yeah, I could get used to this. Can you pick out any lint you find down there? I should make you my official foot cleaner. I hadn't quite realized how sensitive the bottom of my feet were… Heh, don't thrash around so much, it really tickles."

Leo continues playing with me like this for a little while, and it doesn't feel like I'm interacting with a person anymore, in a foreign landscape with an unrelenting monster torturing me and terrorizing me. At one point the giant switches to his other foot. This time he rolls me on the floor along the full length of the foot, sliding me over 50 feet down the sole and to the heel. Then he lifts the foot up and dangles it above me. As I face off with the tips of his toes well above me, he muses, "I wonder if I can pick you up like this…"

"Please…" I moan, "Stop…" But even if Leo cared to listen, there's no way he can hear me from up there.

And down the monstrous foot comes, his big and second toe widening so that I can fit between them. I back up, but he easily wedges me in the gap and presses his toes together again. I yell out - he’s being careful but he’s so much less dexterous with his toes than he is with his fingers, and my back gets bent back a little farther than it should. The toes curl to get a good grip on me, knocking the wind out of me so that I'm gasping for air.

Up I go in the precarious pinch, and I watch the floor change from cream carpet to tan skin - the trip is mercifully short and the toes pull apart, dropping me right on top of the giant's other foot. I roll once before coming to a stop and I lay there facedown for a moment.

Leo pauses his play, giving me a minute to catch my breath. I honestly don't want to get up, but I know it's in my best interest to be on my guard. The platform I'm on lifts just a bit and then thumps down again, a little foot tap that signals to me that my time is up. I get up onto hands and knees, my entire body trembling. I'm about halfway up the top of his foot, and his toes stretch out in front of me, as if pointing mockingly towards the closed bedroom door in the distance.

"I have to say, I've surprised myself with how much I enjoy this," Leo's voice rolls in from above me like thunder, "I just feel so… I dunno, powerful, with you down at my feet like this. From way up here you look even smaller than you really are. Like an insect." Everything shifts under me as the giant curls his toes in pleasure. "I think I'll need to explore this more in the future. Hmm, maybe instead of a fairy house you could just live in my shoes. You'd have easy access to my feet whenever I want. Of course, then I'd miss seeing your beautiful face… I mean, this is great, but I do still think I prefer feeling you between my fingers."

Everything shifts again, but this time I start sliding forward as Leo's lifting his heel up, tilting his foot so he can dump me back on the floor. I scramble and slide and finally tumble off of him, a sharp pain erupting on the side of my head as I fall - my head hit his big toenail hard on the way down.

I land in the carpet and sink into the fibers, and this time my body really protests. My head is swimming, my back hurts, my whole body is sore and exhausted from the anxiety, the physical exertion, and the beating I received at his feet. Down in the carpet, the thick strands around me dampen the sound, and I just… lay there in the relative quiet.


My eyes flutter open. I notice how deep I've sunk into the carpet fibers, it's as if I'm laying in a field of tall grass. The strands are obscuring my vision, but I can see Leo far above me, his face like a distant cloud, and he cranes his neck as he looks in my direction. The ground shakes as he takes two steps back.

"Lily?" he asks again with a bit more urgency.

Oh. He actually can't see me. I must be hidden by the carpet and he somehow lost track of where I was. A part of me realizes this is very bad - he could accidentally crush me. With a grunt I try to get myself up, but my body is refusing to listen to me.

"Seriously? You're not trying to hide again are you?" But I can tell from his tone of voice that he doesn't actually think that.

The ground shakes harder this time as Leo descends onto his hands and knees. I see him a short distance away start running his hands over the carpet, examining the fibers. I weakly put up an arm, my hand going up just past the carpet fibers, but he’s not quite looking in my direction. “Hey…” I say hoarsely, though I know I’m not being loud enough and then I take a deep breath. “Leo!”

He seems to twitch at the sound, visibly reacting and glancing in my direction. His eyes pass right over me. Come on… But he does start heading closer now and his fingers sweep over me and touch my outstretched hand. Finally he moves his face so he’s right above me, pushing the carpet strands that surround me out of the way.

The giant smiles, though not as broadly as usual. I notice a twinge of worry in his chocolate eyes. Good.

“I was about to go get the tracker… Looks like you weren’t hiding on purpose at least.” He touches me softly with his ring finger on the shoulder and I don’t recoil, laying there limply. Leo bites his lip. “A little too rough, huh? I guess I got carried away. Here, I got you.”

He gets down even lower, elbows touching the floor, and I squeeze my eyes shut for a second in a wince as the building of a face gets too close. My hair flutters a bit at the air coming out of his nostrils. He slowly, very carefully, moves his pointer finger to my stomach, shifting the fabric of my shirt, then he brings his thumb in to gently pinch my shirt and start lifting me up. My head lolls back for a moment as I’m lifted by the makeshift stretcher. The index and middle finger of his other hand slip under me so that I’m fully supported and he starts lifting me upwards.

I’m happy to no longer be on the floor, but my muscles tense and shift a little as I reflexively want to hang on to something. Leo gives me an encouraging smile, relieved to see me moving. He carefully gets into a sitting position on the floor and gently cups his other hand around my perch. He gazes at me for a moment.

“So tiny. I think I forgot just how fragile you are for a bit there. Nothing’s broken right?”

I don’t answer, just glare at him as a response. He takes a pinky and pokes and prods me and though I wince a couple of times, he seems satisfied by the fact that I haven’t screamed at anything.

“Okay, good. Looks like you can take quite a beating then, huh?” He proceeds to give me a patronizing look. “So. Did we learn our lesson?”

I stare daggers at him for a moment and then silently nod my head.

“No more running away?”

I pause, gritting my teeth before I shake my head no.

“All good then. Damn, you’re so cute… I know you need a rest but I’m still turned on and want to ride this wave… How can I enjoy you while still giving you a break…”
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Shrink Adept
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Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by littlest-lily » Wed Jul 06, 2022 3:54 pm

Chapter 7

Leo glances around the room and his eyes light up with an idea. “I know. Okay, I’m going to stand up now…”

I appreciate the warning that he decided to give me for once, and I manage to hold on as he gets up, moving slowly and steadily. He makes a quick stop at the night stand to pick up the shrinking device - my heart almost explodes with panic for a moment - but he doesn’t raise it to me, just brings it along. A few steps later and I can see that he’s taking me to his desk, where he sets the device off to the side.

He grabs a sheet of paper from a drawer and lays it on the desk before lowering me down. At this point I’ve been able to move more, propping myself up on my elbows. He places his fingers on the sheet and gently tilts his hand, and I’m able to cooperate in order to half-climb, half-slide onto the sheet of paper. I lay back down again with a sigh. The desk is hard but the texture of the paper actually feels kind of nice against my skin. I gaze up at my captor, wondering what he has in mind for me as he looks me over.

Leo shuffles around in the drawer some more, fishing out another ruler, a metal one this time. He lays the ruler that’s as wide as train tracks down next to me, lining it up just so. “Just to make sure…” he mutters, “In case you hadn’t noticed, I like measuring you. That and comparing my body parts or just random objects to you, it gets me excited putting things into perspective like that and seeing just how small you are.”

The giant pulls out a couple of things to do just that - an eraser that’s as wide as I am, a gluestick that completely dwarfs me, a D&D mini that's almost exactly my size. He hovers a mechanical pencil over me, even now not being able to resist the temptation to tease me as he keeps pretending he’s about to poke me. I flinch a couple of times but otherwise don’t really react so he quickly gets bored with that.

Still holding the pencil, he then puts lead to paper right by my hip and starts drawing a loose outline of me, making his way around my body. He bumps into me at a couple of points and one of these involves him getting too close to my armpit - as a reflex, I laugh at the tickle, and then hate myself for it. I was not meaning to lighten the mood, and I grumble at Leo’s chuckle in response.

Satisfied with the outline he made of me, he ponders for a second before placing his own hand on the paper, fingers spread, and starts tracing that.

“You know I like to draw, right?” he asks as he moves. I don’t answer, but I do remember him talking about it over the course of our messages. He never showed me any of his art, but I remember hoping he would one day. “I’m not, like, the best in the world, but probably better than at writing. It’s a good creative outlet, but it’s also a fun way to indulge in the fantasy. Is it weird to turn yourself on by drawing?”

There is so much that I would label as “weird” about him that I wouldn’t even know how to begin to answer.

“Anyway, I’ll show you some of it later if you want. In the meantime, relax. I’m so enjoying this.”

I take him up on it, staring up at the white sky – uh, ceiling – and trying to imagine that I’m back home, in my room, relaxing on my bed. Will I ever get to see my apartment again? Will I ever get to see my friends and family? Will I even get to survive past tonight? Tears well up in my eyes and fall down the side of my face. I have to keep hoping. I have to believe that I’m going to be okay. Somehow.

I didn’t realize I was drifting off until I suddenly wake up with a jolt. I sit up, disoriented, looking around wildly. For a fleeting moment I thought it had all been a dream. But I catch a glimpse of the giant eraser from earlier, the looming computer monitor behind it… and I know that if I turn around, I’ll be faced with an impossibly gigantic man.

“Hey there, Sleeping Beauty.”

Right on cue. My heart sinks and I slowly turn to look up at my massive captor, who hasn’t moved from his previous position and is now looking at me fondly. “How… how long…” I stammer.

Leo interrupts. “You’re going to have to speak up,” he says, turning an ear towards me.

“How long was I out?”

“Oh, not long. Like, literally two or three minutes.”

I’m surprised to hear that. I honestly would have thought much longer. As if my body knows what situation it’s in and went into overdrive to recover. I’m still a little sore, but my head doesn’t even hurt anymore.

“Looks like you’re feeling a lot better.”

I don’t really want to admit it, but I’ve clearly already outed myself. Leo can tell I’m alright and if I know him, I’m sure he’s not going to want to wait much longer before messing with me again.

“I’m glad you’re okay. Want to take a look?”

Happy for a distraction, I stand up and walk to where he’s motioning, looking down at the paper. I raise my eyebrows. There’s the outline of his hand, there’s the outline of my body. And in those few minutes while I was out, Leo has sketched a second me to scale, a tiny pencil drawing of me sleeping on the outline of his thumb. I can actually see the resemblance. He’s pretty good.

“What do you think?” I’m surprised to hear a slight air of nervousness in his voice.

I hesitate before responding, and then try to project as I speak, “You did that really fast.”

“Well, to be fair, it’s not a very big drawing.”

“I can tell it’s me…” I say genuinely. Then, thinking quickly, I add, “I wouldn’t mind seeing more of your art.”

“Thanks,” says Leo, sounding relieved. “It’s weird, I’ve thought of putting my drawings up online before but always found excuses not to. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever shown anyone before.” I look up at him hopefully and he laughs at the expression on my face. “We’ll look at my art some other time. You are not getting out of all the fun that’s still ahead of us tonight.”

Dammit. Strap in, Lily, I tell myself. You can do this. I’ve survived this long. Deep breaths.

Leo scoots his chair back a bit so that he can lay his chin onto the desk and observe me more closely. His head alone is over three stories tall. Even just his eyes are almost as big as I am.

His hand snakes over the edge of the desk and approaches me, and he watches intently as his finger gently pokes at my body. I manage to stay on my feet as he prods and feels me, though I think too much of this and he’ll probably start pushing the limits on that.

“Put your hand out,” the giant purrs as he brings his finger just in front of me.

I glance at him apprehensively, but I do so, splaying it onto his fingertip.

Leo’s breath hitches at the touch. My hand looks ridiculous compared to his. “I think I can still feel each of your fingers. But I’m not even entirely sure.” His voice is getting that husky quality again.

He lifts his head up, eyeing me hungrily. I step away from his finger, facing him warily.

“I want to try something. I’ll let you take the lead but you have to cooperate.”

Biting my lip, I wait silently for him to elaborate.

“I want to know what it's like for you to kiss me.” I can feel the color draining from my face. Leo lowers his head back down, about to place his chin on the desk again before realizing he’d be too high up. He lowers further, just beyond the desk, so that his mouth would be in my reach. “Come here, love.”

My fingers are trembling, and I try to steady myself by balling them into fists. I’m not only nervous about the obvious part, approaching his mouth, but I’m also scared about getting so close to the edge of the desk. But I know that if I don’t do this, he’s going to make me on his own terms. I force myself to march right over and get this over with. His eyes follow my movements until I get close enough that he can’t see me.

His lips are fairly full and honestly a nice shape - it’s one of the things I found attractive about him at first, how they look great both in a neutral resting position and stretched out in that dazzling smile. But now they seem rather monstrous. The two lips together aren’t quite as wide as I am tall, but almost. His nose is up above my head, providing me with the occasional gentle breeze. I glance down at my feet, being mindful of where the edge of the desk is, and put my hands on Leo’s bottom lip for support. The breeze from above strengthens a bit as the giant’s breath quickens in anticipation.

Here goes nothing. I press my mouth against the soft skin of his upper lip. It feels so stupid, and I honestly do wonder if he’s even going to feel me, but then I feel his lips vibrate as Leo makes a small sound, clearly reacting. His finger comes up behind me, pressing into my back and I’m pushed further into the plush, warm surface. So much for this being on my terms. I brace myself as he moans and his lips part slightly. He’s kissing me so delicately but he’s pushing on my entire body to do so. I wait it out for another minute or so, recoiling from him as I try to avoid getting saliva on me. Not to mention I worry about his lips parting any further - I don’t want to fall in. Everything about his mouth makes me so nervous. I have a sudden thought and do a test of my own… I turn towards his upper lip again and bite it.

I’m rewarded as Leo pulls back, chuckling. “I can tell what you did there. It doesn’t hurt, but don’t push your luck, little miss.”

He gives me one last full-body smooch before pulling much further back and up. His fingers are still behind me and I’m now standing dangerously close to the precipice of his desk - he puts his palm up as a platform in front of me and then pushes me from behind. I almost lose my balance and then jump down, as even the thickness of the wooden desk makes for a rather big stair step.

I’m on his hand again, and just his palm alone is as wide as a room. There are inclines and declines along the surface of his hand, and with him being so massive, I’m constantly getting jostled by his tiniest movements, though I manage to stay on my feet. He sits up in his chair, bringing his hand up so that he can still observe me.

Playfully, he blows gently in my direction, and the gust easily knocks me onto my butt. He giggles at my plight. Super mature.

“I want you to do something else for me. Can you climb across my finger?” He curls most of his fingers in, leaving out his index finger. “Don’t worry. I’ll catch you if you fall,” he reassures me, bringing his other hand underneath for just that purpose.

I give him a look that says “Seriously?” and he laughs, “What? I thought you did gymnastics.”

“That was a very long time ago,” I protest.

“Just try. It’ll be so cute.”

Knowing I don’t have a choice, I make my way over to the base of his finger, surveying the length of it. It’s not like I’m about to step onto a tightrope or even a balance beam as his finger is almost 3 feet wide to me, but it’s curved and soft and this giant just doesn’t seem able to hold completely still.

Don’t think about it, I tell myself, putting my arms out on either side just in case, and I step forward. My heart is pounding, intrinsically aware that, if for some reason he doesn’t catch me, falling could be fatal. But thankfully the journey is fairly short-lived, and I make it to his fingerpad without incident. I sit down cross-legged to be more stable, sighing in relief.

“There you go… perfect spot.”

There’s something about the tone of Leo’s voice that I don’t like. Anticipation, excitement. He’s already planned out the next thing and is looking forward to getting there.

He breathes out shakily as he eyes me, his tongue resting in the corner of his mouth as his mind is working through something. “You remember that story I wrote, yeah? The fantasy I had about the girl shrinking down on my fingertip?”

I freeze. I knew this would be coming eventually. But that doesn’t diminish the sheer panic that rises up in my chest.

“Don’t worry, I’m still doing this gradually. Just going to shave off half your height again. I really want to watch it this time.”

The hand that was below me in case I should fall disappears and I whimper, hugging my knees to my chest as I am even more aware of how high up I am with no more safety guards. He’s picking up the shrinking device, and I can see his thumb trembling with anticipation as it goes to press the button.

“See you on the other side, little one,” he whispers.

There it is - right in my chest, the pins and needles spreading through me, my cheeks flush with the warmth, spots obscuring my vision. Leo’s eyes are close, too close as he watches me shrink, and I cry out in fear at the feeling of his finger stretching out before me as yet again everything slowly doubles in size.

The tingling stops, and before my vision clears, I can hear Leo’s voice echo, “Oh wow.”

Everything comes into focus… and I feel dizzy at the sight. At this point some of the more far away objects - like the door leading to the bathroom - are actually a little blurry. I can feel each individual ridge of Leo’s fingerprint as his finger is now wider than I am tall. And his face… he’s becoming more like a living landscape than a person. Even when he speaks quietly his voice booms and echoes.

“Half an inch tall…” Leo’s cheeks are flushed, his pupils dilated, his breath quickening. Even at just the sight of me he’s moaning as he speaks. “You are so fucking tiny. I’m going to be keeping you at this size for a while, this is so amazing… Fuck, come here…”

His hand shifts and I yell as I’m jostled by the sheer scale of his movements. I fall over, and to my horror realize I’m slipping forward. “Shit, shit!” I curse, about to fall into oblivion, and then his middle finger suddenly appears and I’ve crashed into it. Leo, who only had his index finger outstretched, has now reflexively brought all his other fingers out again to catch me. The extra movement causes me to slide along the divot between his fingers, tumbling down the length of the giant digits until I land against the top of his palm, and I just sit there where his palm and the two fingers meet, panting and gasping.

The laughter that reverberates around me is disconcerting. “Jeez, that was close. You’re just so pathetically small. I can’t imagine what it’s like for you right now, everything must be so overwhelming. I know you're scared, but this is so hot… I’ll just let you down this way.”

And before I have time to react, the two fingers I’m resting between pull apart and I scream as I fall backward before landing on another warm, squishy surface a second later. He must have put the device down and dropped me onto his now free hand. I scramble to my feet, looking around wildly. His palm stretches out on all sides of me, as wide as my neighborhood pool. He’s too big, he’s just too fucking big…

A shadow is cast over the area as the monumental face leans over me, looming above. Everything about him dwarfs me. I could fit in a nostril. I’m shorter than an eyelash. I can make out his pores. And as he gives an almost weak grin, his breathing labored, I stare at teeth that could easily crush me to bits.

“Lay down,” he breathes, and a monstrous finger appears, not waiting for my reaction as it knocks me right over. He’s even more intimidating as I lay on my back and stare up at him. What can he even do with me anymore? I’m too small to properly interact with, aren’t I? I’m terrified to find out the answer.

Leo takes his index finger and lays it on his hand just above my head, then he takes his thumb and does the same just below my feet, almost as if he’s going to pinch me vertically. But no, he’s measuring me - he pulls the fingers back up, maintaining the size of the gap between them, and holds them up to his eyes. He bites his lip to keep from laughing before returning his attention back down to me.

“I think I’ve had boogers come out of me that are bigger than you right now,” he says as the finger comes back, hovering over me and then slowly pushing and prodding at my body. I put my arms up to protect my face. “It’s like I’m playing with a roly poly.” He starts rolling me around his palm as he says this, and humiliatingly I do curl up to try and protect myself. “Except you’re a person. A real, live, human person. A tiny girl who’s completely at my mercy... Open up.”

He stops rolling me when I’m on my back and is trying to pry open my curled up body with his fingertip. Not wanting to push it, I obey him, opening up my arms and legs, and slowly he just lays his whole fingertip down on top of me. He doesn’t push down, but the pressure is enough to impede my breathing.

“Your tiny body is so unmistakably human. I can feel every part of you all at once… Just one finger is enough to completely dominate you. In fact,” and he lifts the digit off - I gasp for air - before replacing it with a slightly smaller finger. “Even my pinkie is wider than your height. Damn.”

He pulls his finger away and silently observes me for a bit as I slowly get up to sitting again, trying to catch my breath. I can see it in his eyes, his imagination running wild. He licks his lips and without warning he’s getting to his feet, carrying me right along with him.

The giant tries to move slowly, but it’s still too much for me as he makes his way back to the bed and sits down, reclining against the pillows. As he adjusts himself he winces, though his shivers of pleasure make it clear it’s not from pain. He settles in and spends another few moments just gazing at me, addicted to the sight of me on his palm. His legs are bent up and he rests his hand against his knee to keep it steady. He tilts his hand ever so slightly, not enough to make me fall, but just enough that I can get a view of his lower body.

“So tiny… so fucking tiny…” he keeps repeating and I notice a large wet spot on his underwear from the precum. He lowers the hand that’s not holding me, slipping a thumb under the waistband. I hold my breath. Here we go.

He pulls down to reveal a building-sized circumcised cock; it bounces out of his boxers as if relieved to finally be free. He’s hard, at about half mast, and clearly very sensitive right now, judging by his occasional twitches and moans. Everything shakes as Leo wiggles out of his boxers one-handed, sliding them off his legs. He then supports his shaft with his free hand, lifting it up a bit before glancing back in my direction.

“Oh god,” I whimper as the platform I’m on shifts and starts heading towards the giant dick. He puts the hand I'm on underneath it so that it looms above me before he then lets go of the shaft. I jump as it falls right beside me, and I’m hit with the musty scent and the heat emanating from it. It bounces up again slightly, partially erect and hovering a short distance away from me.

“Touch it,” Leo orders huskily.

But I can’t move. I stand there paralyzed. It’s not that I’ve never seen a penis before, but my experience is limited, and nothing could have ever prepared me for this. I’m too terrified to approach it. After a moment, I actually take a couple of steps back. To my surprise, the dick seems to react to this, pulsing and lifting up higher.

The giant grunts and his voice rumbles, “Fuck… It’s so much bigger than you… Seeing you so scared of it… Overwhelmed by its size…” As he’s saying this he gets harder and harder, his dick steadily rising and growing and stiffening until it’s fully erect, almost vertical. I watch in awe, feeling as if I’ve just watched a blimp take flight. I also realize that I couldn’t reach his dick to touch it now, even if I wanted to.

Leo can’t help but laugh at the situation. “Don’t think you’re out of the woods,” he says as he lifts me back up again. “God, I just want you on me…”

He pushes his dick down and I’m swiftly headed in that direction again, but there’s not a whole lot of space for his hand to do this gracefully. I realize he’s going to just dump me onto his crotch, and who knows where I’ll land or how far I’ll fall or -

The giant pauses. I hear him take a deep breath. “Right,” he mutters. Deep exhale. “Fragile. Okay…” I’m shocked that he can control himself in this moment despite how aroused he is. He must really have realized how beaten up I got when under his feet.

“I’m about to try picking you up,” he warns me, “You’re going to want to work with me here.”

He brings up thumb and forefinger to try to pinch me between them. Terrified of him accidentally squishing me, I scream, “Wait!” and run towards his index finger. I’m not sure if he heard me but he pauses and, seeing what I’m trying to do, lays the finger down on his palm. I reach up the domed surface and try to hoist myself up on it, quickly climbing up onto the fingerpad. At this point, cooperating with what he wants seems like my best chance for survival.

The finger lifts up, and he’s able to aim with much more ease now. I hope I did the right thing, I think as my heart thumps against my ribcage. Leo lowers me down, down, right to the base of his shaft. He tilts the finger and I climb off again, touching down on top of his penis.

I stare up and up along the length of this tower that curves upward to the bulbous head about 60 feet up. I’m hit again by the smell and the heat and the humidity. For multiple reasons it’s a little harder to breathe here.

“Climb it,” the giant orders.

Could have seen that coming. I try to take a deep breath, cough, take a smaller breath as I get accustomed to the musk. I’m terrified of falling. I’m terrified of making it to the top. I’m terrified of how this entire thing will end. But I don’t have a choice. I truly am completely at his mercy.

I force one shaky step forward, and then another. Act, don’t think. The shaft curls up rather sharply so that I’m not very far along before I have to start using my hands to make my way up. I climb higher and higher, occasionally having to stop and hold on for dear life as Leo twitches with pleasure. His moans and sighs fill the air, echoing all around, and I keep moving, keep climbing. I notice a stream of precum to my left and make sure to steer clear of it, knowing if it got on me I could slip right off.

I reach a hump in the path, not too far off from the head. I know enough about male anatomy to realize the skin up above is particularly sensitive. I hesitate for a few moments, but then Leo groans, “Keep going,” and I see his hand approaching, fingers starting to encircle the shaft. I press on, hoisting myself over the hump as I fixate the head up above me.

“Mmmm,” the giant tenses as his cock jerks up and I almost fall off right there. Leo is starting to gasp for air now, and his fingers tighten around the shaft below me. Before I can get a proper grip, a giant thumb creeps up onto my back and pushes me into his skin. I yell and writhe, trying to free myself, but this just pleasures my captor further. “Yeah, keep wiggling like that… Fuck, you feel so good, so fucking small…”

His thumb shifts just enough that I can see up ahead and then I quickly brace myself as a river of precum floods into the tight space I’m in. This makes everything much more slippery and I move against him much more fluidly and it’s driving him insane. He starts rubbing me around in a small circle with his thumb and pumps the length of the shaft, pushing me up against the head, gasping and moaning louder, his breathing quickening, the tension building, everything is sound and pressure and movement and wet and —


I slip out from under his thumb just in time to see a waterfall of jizz explode out of the giant dick, arching far above me, and some of the excess splatters against my body as the last of Leo’s moans fills my entire being. He cums for several seconds as I cling desperately to the monstrous head of his dick, and both Leo and I are gasping for air. Finally… the tension slackens, the skin below me softening, the giant’s breathing starts to slow. I’m still covered in salty fluid that is quickly becoming sticky, but I lay there, recovering, and despite everything a sense of relief washes over me. This torture has ended with me still alive.
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Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
Posts: 204
Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2022 6:09 pm

Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by littlest-lily » Thu Jul 07, 2022 1:54 pm

Chapter 8

Leo is still leaning back, letting himself relax into the pillow support for several moments as he basks in the afterglow. Then he slowly lifts up, remembering that there’s someone he should probably check on. I see his face come into view far above me, and his eyes light up as he notices me on his softening cock.

I try to lift myself up, struggling with the stickiness of his cum. Now that the adrenaline of a survival situation has abated, I’m becoming more aware of how disgusting this is. How horrible this man has been to treat me like his sex toy. And yet the relief is somehow stronger than all that.

Leo chuckles softly at seeing me straining to get up, and he cradles my perch in one hand as he uses a finger to carefully push me off. As soon as I’m able, I clamber aboard his fingertip, wanting nothing but to get away from his crotch.

The giant then helps me onto his palm and lifts me up to his face. He gazes at me lovingly, squinting a little to get a good look at the state of me. “Well, aren’t you a little trooper,” he says, his voice a little dry from all of the gasping, “I have to say, Lily, that was probably the best orgasm I’ve ever had. And I have to let you know… I don’t think I’m done yet. That was amazing, but I can already tell I’ll be up for a round two tonight.” I sit there silently, not having quite absorbed what he’s said. He can’t possibly mean that… Right?

“But let’s get you cleaned up first. I still need some time to recover anyway. And like I said before… I really love you at this size. Even though there’s still so much of you left to shrink, I want to keep you like this for a while.”

At this point I think I’ve completely disconnected from what he’s saying, my brain unable to process the not-so-thinly-veiled threats. He takes my silence as acceptance, and with his pinkie finger he pets me on the back ever so gently. This still shoves and shakes me, which he finds amusing.

“Oh I know, why don’t we take a bath together? I wouldn’t mind getting cleaned up myself.” Leo starts making his way off the bed as he speaks, standing and walking towards the bathroom. “I’ll have to be careful not to lose you in the tub. But hey, you said you were a swimmer, right? I knew these things would come in handy.”

He turns the light on in the bathroom and I flinch, momentarily blinded since the lighting in the bedroom was so dim. But it’s weird how I can otherwise tell that we are in a different room with all my senses - I can feel the moisture in the air, catch the smell of soap, hear the extra echo of ambient sounds. I’ve seen this bathroom before just a couple of hours prior, so I know that it’s actually a sizeable bathroom even at normal size, but it’s a completely different experience now. It feels like I’m in a canyon with a variety of massive rock structures - the shower and tub combo over there, the toilet beside it, the counter with sink on the other side. He turns towards the bathtub, but then pauses and lifts me up to his face.

“One thing before I turn the water on. I want to see if I can still hear you. Say something.”

I clear my throat, take a deep breath and call up, “Hello?”

He frowns, leans in a little more. “Try one more time?”

“You’re an asshole,” I say, intentionally not shouting that one. Then I clear my throat again. “Can you hear me?” I yell a bit louder.

“Yes. I can just make you out,” says Leo, smiling widely. “As long as I don’t hold you too far away and you talk loud enough we can still communicate like this. Any smaller and I don’t think I could tell what you’re saying unless I actually put you in my ear or something. Although that reminds me… just so you’re aware, the shrinking machine has another feature that might be helpful. Not only can it track you, but it can actually transcribe what you’re saying into words on its screen. Not perfect, I’ll miss hearing the tone of your voice, but still pretty handy.”

I nod slowly, feeling numb. Just don’t think about it, I tell myself.

Leo looks at me for a moment and cocks his head to the side. “How are you feeling, by the way?”

Oh sure, now he cares. “Me? I’m just swell!” I shout, allowing some sarcasm to seep through, “Yup, this is exactly the evening I was hoping to have today!”

“You know, you’re actually dealing with it better than you realize. Not all that long ago you could only scream and shake in fear. And that’s when you were a lot bigger. Look at you now. The size of a bug but with all that attitude. I think this whole experience is turning you into a stronger person. I know you’ll come to appreciate it, Lily.”

I’m not quite sure how to respond to this. So I don’t.

“Okay, it’s about to get a bit loud. You might want to cover your ears, love.”

I go ahead and do so as Leo reaches down to the bathtub and turns on the water. Liquid gushes out with a roar that seems to shake the air around me. Just the sight of so much water getting expelled with so much force gives me a wave of anxiety.

After fiddling with the temperature, Leo leaves the tub to fill, walking up to the sink. I jump at the sight of a second giant before realizing that it’s just a mirror. He looks at himself for a moment, holding his hand up so he can see me too, enjoying the sight. “I should take another picture of us like this,” he muses, raising his voice over the din of rushing water. “I’ll get my phone. I’ll need to get a few things actually, so… Here…” The hand that I’m on slowly lowers to the counter, tilting slightly. I start to slip but decide I want to do this of my own accord, so I quickly climb down off the side of his hand.

Leo gives me an approving smile. “Good girl. Now, this is going to be a trust exercise. I’m going to leave you alone while I grab some stuff. Not that there’s any way for you to escape or hide from me, but please don’t try. I won’t be here to catch you if you fall off the edge, and at the bottom it’s tile, not carpet. Sit tight, okay?”

I plop right down into a sitting position and sigh, shoulders drooping. The giant tub in the background stares at me ominously. Is Leo actually going to bring me in there with him? The thought of how dangerous that is starts gripping me with fear. What if I’m more sensitive to the heat at this size? What if he does lose track of me? I could drown before he’s able to use his tracker. What if I get sucked down the drain? Thinking about every way I could potentially get killed is getting exhausting.

My animal instincts are telling me I shouldn’t stay out here on the open counter. There are plenty of massive objects around me to use as hiding places… but he’s right. What’s the point? It would just lead to potential punishments, none of it would amount to anything. I just sit there, feeling miserable.

I gaze idly at the edge of the counter. There is one thing I could do that would amount to something. I could end the torture, the humiliation, the fear. I could end all of it. Finish things on my own terms. Just one jump and all of this would be over.

Snap out of it. I slap my cheeks and then cover my face. I refuse to think this way, refuse to just give up. I’ve made it this far. I’ve survived. I need to hold on to hope. No matter what.

Amidst the distant sounds of Leo shuffling and clamoring around the apartment and the roar of the bathtub that’s slowly filling, I start making a mental list of what my options could be.

1) Gain access to that device. Figure out how it works and how I can use it or at least destroy it so he can't use it anymore.
2) Gain access to Leo’s phone. Mine’s out of the picture, but if I keep an eye out for his password and can get to it while he’s not looking I could maybe call for help. Accessing his computer could also work.
3) Find a way to write a note. Maybe slip it under the door or out of a window.
4) Speaking of windows, if I can get to one, maybe I can find a way out of it and get someone’s attention.
5) Sneak into a bag or a pocket or something and stow away with Leo until I can escape him and find help.
6) If anyone comes over here, find a way to get their attention.

So far all of these are assuming that Leo decides to make me bigger than my puny half inch stature. And everything seems like such a long shot. But the thought process at least feels like a helpful exercise.

7) Try to get the giant maniac who’s holding me captive to see reason and convince him to let me go back to my normal life.

Okay, this is starting to feel really stupid.

Leo walks in right then, holding several small items that he sets down on the counter, on the other side of the sink from me.

“Hello, darling, long time no see! I missed you,” the giant teases as he crouches down so that I’m at his eye level up on the counter. “I’m so proud, you stayed right where I left you.” He’s kept one thing in his hand that he now holds up so I can see it - his phone. “Look, we’re famous!”

The screen is like one at a movie theater except for the fact that it’s vertical, and my eyes widen as I’m faced with a picture of myself. I’d forgotten that he took that and posted it. It’s weird, I actually look massive… not just because I’m on a big screen but because I’m still six inches tall in that picture, sitting on a hand that looks so much smaller in comparison. It feels like so long ago.

“We’ve already gotten a dozen comments! Most people just lurk on these things so it’s kinda crazy to get so many in such a short time. I think it’s partly because I was actually honest and said I had shrunk down my date. No one believes me of course, but everyone’s playing along and giving me suggestions on what I should do with you. Heh, someone said “shrink her smaller and put her between your toes!” If he only knew. I should have taken a picture then. This’ll have to do for now…”

Leo reaches his hand up to me, positioning it so that his index finger is laying right behind me. Since I’m sitting, just the width of his finger towers over me. He holds up his phone and snaps a picture.

“There, I can at least show them that I shrunk you further…” I stare at him as he takes a moment to post the new picture.

8) Try to give some kind of a signal when he takes a picture to show I need help. Or pray that someone who knows me sees one of these pictures.

“Okay, done. Be right back, let me just turn off the water.”

He does so and I sigh in relief as the roar of the waterfall dissipates. I didn’t realize how much it had been aggressing me until it stopped. I feel like I can think a bit more clearly now.

I muster up the courage to try and advocate for myself. “Leo?” I call out. Ugh, he’s turned back this way but can’t hear me since he's still by the tub. I have to wait until he takes a couple of steps before I try again. “Leo!”

He perks up this time and crouches back down to me. “Did you say something?”

“You’re not actually putting me in the bathtub, are you?”

“I don’t know yet. I want to bring you in with me, just need to make sure it’s safe. But I did grab this. Look familiar?”

He’s holding up the bottle cap that I had used during dinner to drink water from like a bowl. Now it’s the size of a hot tub.

“We’ll start with you in here. Water’s a little hot right now, so let’s give it a minute and do one last thing before we go in. Could you take off your clothes?”

Ah. This step seems obvious but hadn’t even occurred to me yet.

Strangely enough, Leo seems to get a little nervous as he continues, “I brought paper towels too so you can dry off when we’re done. If you want, I can give you a piece now to cover up. Trust me, I can’t see many details with you that small.”

This guy literally rubbed me against his dick, but now he’s worried about me feeling violated? I struggle to follow his very bizarre logic.

“It’s fine,” I answer shortly. Honestly, I’d rather get out of these clothes, they’re so gross and sticky. As I start stripping off the shirt and then the shorts, I wonder if I’ll ever see them again. I really liked this shirt. I do hesitate when I get to my bra and underwear. It feels so silly to be so prude - after everything that’s happened, this is nothing. But nevertheless I can’t help but just feel extra vulnerable in the nude. I grit my teeth and finish stripping down.

I glance up at Leo. He’s still looking in my direction, not intently and perversely, but casually, almost as if pretending everything was normal. Well, obviously not normal, but just as if he didn’t want to make a big deal out of my nakedness and make me uncomfortable. Such a gentleman.

“Could you put them on my finger? Your clothes, I mean.” A little surprised to hear this, I reach up to try and put the pile of clothes as high as I can on the fingertip that he’s placed next to me. The fabric is tacky enough that it just sticks to his skin. The hand pulls away again, rising into the sky.

“I figured I could try to wash these off now so that they’ll be dry when we’re done with the bath. I put a bit of laundry detergent in this bowl.”

I watch as Leo fills the bowl with water from the sink before cupping some of the soapy water in his hand. He then swirls the teeny clothes in the water, rubbing them gently against his palm to get the cum off. I figure the miniscule underwear at least is probably destroyed by now, if not lost. But who knows, he might surprise me.

It’s so strange to watch him do my laundry after seeing him focus so much on his own pleasure at my expense. Why even bother? Is he trying to manipulate me? Make me think that he’s a nice guy, actually? Somehow this doesn’t feel manipulative. In fact, outside of not telling me about the shrinking device to begin with, I feel like he’s been remarkably honest this whole time. He seems to actually enjoy everything that he decides to do.

The giant rinses off his palm and then presses his hand onto a paper towel, transferring the clothes to the dryer surface. He looks very closely at his hand to make sure he didn’t miss anything, and then squints at the paper towel, looking like he’s counting each article of clothing. Appearing satisfied, he folds the paper in half to press my laundry in between.

“All done,” he says proudly, “Shall we?”

Leo’s finger appears and, feeling resentful that I’m getting at all accustomed to this, I climb on with little hesitation. He grabs the bottlecap and gingerly carries me over to the bathtub, cupping his other hand under me protectively. My heart starts thumping faster as we approach the massive pool of water. It’s the size of a lake, and I can already feel the heat from up here.

The giant crouches next to the tub, stretching his arms out to the other side of the water, where the bathtub attaches to the wall. I do appreciate how much more mindful he is of his movements when he’s not completely intoxicated by lust. Not enough that I feel I can actually relax, but still.

Leo rests the hand that’s holding me on to the side of the tub, and with the other hand he scoops a bit of water into the bottle cap. “I think you might actually be too tiny to climb into this thing,” he says with a chuckle, “so I’m going to put you straight in, okay?”

He puts the bottle cap down and slides his finger up alongside it. I carefully climb down the side of the giant digit, but it’ll still require a small jump to get in. I take a deep breath and hop into the water.

I had visited some natural hot springs during my trip to Japan, and I now realize why it’s much better to slowly get into the water. This bath water isn’t quite so hot, but jumping right into it is jarring to say the least. I’m immediately completely submerged, though I quickly feel the bottom and push back up to break the surface. I take a deep breath, getting my bearings in the deepest hot tub I’ve ever been in. The walls of the bottle cap are taller than me so that even though Leo didn’t completely fill it, I’m still up to my neck and can barely touch the floor.

“It’s… too deep…!” I call out, treading water.

“Okay, hold on, I got you,” Leo says quickly before he disappears from view. A few seconds later he’s back and a thick, white panel suddenly appears above me as well. I realize it’s a torn piece of paper towel and he dips the corner of it into the water. The liquid immediately starts getting absorbed into the paper, quickly reducing the depth of the water. It’s actually a fascinating sight, and this is when I notice that the water texture is a little different for me at this size - everything still feels wet, but the surface tension creates bigger water droplets than I’m used to. The paper towel lifts up again, and now the water is at a more appropriate height so that I can actually sit on the bottom of my tiny tub.

“Thanks,” I say without thinking. I wish I could take it back, I need to stop reacting like he’s not the ultimate villain here... Whatever, I don’t think he heard me anyway.

Leo grins my way. “Good lord, I could stare at you like this forever. Look how adorable you are! Your very own teeny tiny bathtub. And it’s still too big for you.” Ah, there’s that demeaning playful tone. That’s all I was needing to start glaring daggers at him again. “Oh, I almost forgot, I shaved off a bit of soap if you’d like some.” Two fingers pinching a little crumb of blue appear and drop the soap into the bottle cap. It splashes water into my face and he laughs.

Then the giant stands up (I look away, feeling like I’d seen quite enough of his genitals for the moment) and chirps, “Okay, my turn now.”

He puts one leg in the water, and then the other, and though I can’t see into the tub from this vantage point, I hear the rush of the water as he disturbs its surface with his monumental body. The giant lowers himself into the lake and sits back with a sigh. “Just what we need to recover from all that excitement,” he says lazily. He looks down at me near his elbow, “How’s my little bug girl doing?”

I take a second to breathe in deep. Every once in a while I can feel reality hit... and the insane reality right now is that Leo’s form is looming above me, mountainous, and the air reverberates every time he speaks. It’s even more echoey in here with all the reflective surfaces - though I realize that might make it easier for him to hear me. I think back to number 7 on my list. Maybe I should be trying a little harder to make contact with this guy. He seems to honestly give a shit about me, in his own twisted way. Maybe if I keep trying I can make him understand. I think I first need to try and understand him better.

“Actually, can I ask you something?” I shout up to the giant as I reach for the piece of nearby soap.

“Of course! What’s on your mind?” Leo straightens up, excited for any chance to interact with me.

“I’m just… I’ve been trying to take it all in,” I say honestly, “I’m trying to understand... How long have you been planning this?”

Leo has his own bar of soap that he runs up his arm as he thinks. “Hmmm… I’ve been into this whole fantasy for as long as I can remember… but I got the shrinking machine almost a year ago now I think? I didn’t want to just use it on anyone though. I hadn’t really been connecting with anyone very deeply at that point in my life. But then, I kinda fell in love with your picture and after a week or so of us messaging and falling in love with you as a person, I started feeling like there would be a good chance this was going to happen. So I started making preparations then. It wasn’t until we actually hung out in person today that there was zero doubt in my mind. I didn’t think it would happen quite this quickly though, I’ll admit. I didn’t think you’d agree to coming over to my place so soon.”

To be fair, it was very out of character for me. Not that I could have anticipated what would happen but still, what was I thinking? I wince as I manage to pull out a glob of cum that was stuck in my hair. I will say that getting clean is definitely helping me feel rejuvenated.

“We… we were really hitting it off,” I call back up, “Why didn’t you just talk to me about all this?”

Leo laughs at my question. “I told you, I knew you would never agree in a million years to be shrunken, not even if we got really close. You were a bit shy, but I can tell that you’re smart, you’re cautious, and you have a lot of self respect. All things I love about you, by the way.”

I frown, trying to find the right words. “But… you like me… right?”

The giant looks surprised at this one. “Of course, Lily. Didn’t I just use the word love?”

“So don’t you care about what I think then? Don’t you care if this all makes me unhappy?”

There's a thoughtful pause. “I know it probably looks that way. Hey, cut me some slack, this is the first day and I’ve been so excited to do this for so long. Not to mention…” I flinch as he suddenly brings a finger into view, right next to the bottle cap, “I wanted to make it very clear who’s in charge here.” He slowly, gently taps the cap a couple of times, jostling the water and making me lose my balance. “To kinda break you in, if you will. But I know you better than you think. I’ve been paying very, very close attention to you. I know you’re going to be okay. I know I can take good care of you. And once you can accept it, I know that you’ll learn to like this new lease on life.”

My gaze hardens, an anger rising in my chest. I still feel intimidated by him but I can’t help but argue. “You’re wrong.”

Leo smiles and shrugs his shoulders. “Hey, if you want to keep fighting all of this, be my guest. But you’d be a lot happier if you didn’t. I’ve thought this through, you know. If we can work together and trust each other you could get the best of both worlds. My protection, my care, all of the resources you’d need for a fulfilling life. But whatever. Even if you resist me, I’ll be enjoying this either way.”

I gawk at him as I finish getting the last of the gunk off my body. The amount of unwavering self confidence he has is astounding, even in his ridiculously twisted logic. I’ve never met anyone remotely like him - nothing really seems to ruffle his feathers. It’s kind of fascinating. But I do take note of what he mentioned at the end. I don’t see how he could think we could ever have mutual trust after tonight, but if he’s wanting to work together in some capacity, that could end up benefiting me… If he slips up and gives me an opportunity to get help, I would take it immediately.

“Okay, looks like you’re done cleaning and I am too, so enough talk for now. C’mere, I want to have fun with you.” Leo pinches the bottlecap and slowly lifts it up into the air, bringing me up along with it. I brace myself, looking around nervously, futilely, as the walls are too high for me to see much of what’s around me, and I wonder what’s coming next.
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Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
Posts: 204
Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2022 6:09 pm

Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by littlest-lily » Fri Jul 08, 2022 6:29 pm

Chapter 9

“First let’s get some water out…” The entire container I’m in starts to tilt, and I gasp at the thought that I’m about to fall, but a giant finger appears to gently hold me in place while most of the liquid drains from the cap. I get a brief glance at the vast expanse of water that is in the bathtub. It’s bizarre, because this feels like it should be a lake, and yet outside of some soap bubbles the water is clear. I don’t get much time to observe, though, before Leo straightens out my makeshift tub again.

“USS Bottle Cap coming out of the dock,” announces the giant as he slowly starts lowering me down, “bound for sea…” I feel what is now my boat landing onto the water surface and the fingers let go of me, letting me float off. It feels particularly disconcerting now that I can’t see where I’m going, though I do have the walls of the cliff like tub for reference, along with Leo’s massive body of course. I float by his knee that’s sticking out of the water and the boat seems to have a mind of its own, turning and meandering in seemingly random directions.

Leo watches me float for a bit with a gleeful grin before deciding to reach over and mess with me. “Ahoy!” he says playfully, “There’s a storm brewing!” He starts swirling his finger around me, causing a mini whirlpool to form. The bottle cap spins and jerks and I brace myself, covering my head as I wait it out and try not to throw up. “Alter course to starboard! Sea monster approaching.” And out of nowhere I realize I was heading straight for his arm to the left - the cap crashes into him and my vessel bobs violently. “She’s taking water - abandon ship!” And that’s when Leo starts tipping the cap with his finger and it quickly begins filling with water. I brace myself as I’m swept up in the current and then my world suddenly opens up and I’m in the vast stretch of warm water, a wide open space of nothing but liquid, and I feel panic rising up in me as I try to keep my head above the surface.

Laughter echoes in the tub as I tread water and try to get my bearings. “Unfortunately it looks like your boat sank. On the bright side, this makes it a lot easier to pick you up.”

A massive structure comes into view underneath me and I can’t help but yell out in fear - the idea of sea predators lurking in the depths terrifies me - and then the platform hits my feet and I’m pushed up and out of the lake, water rushing off in every direction as it drains from his hand. I’m right in the middle of Leo’s palm. He brings me up to eye level and looks me over. “Did you have fun on your little adventure?”

“Not exactly,” I growl, still feeling a little green after all that spinning.

“Well, better luck next time! At least you didn’t get eaten by a shark.”

I breathe deeply, taking any moment I can to recover, and vaguely watch as Leo’s other hand is reaching for something on the side of the tub - a glass of water. He brings it to his lips and takes a couple of gulps, ahhing in delight at the refreshment. “It’s important to stay hydrated, especially after that workout we had in bed. In fact, you definitely had more of a workout than I did. Here, have some.”

“What??” I yell as I suddenly realize exactly what he’s about to do. He flips his hand right over the cup and I go plummeting down, falling a good thirty feet before crashing into the water. This water is a lot colder and my body hurts - thankfully I didn’t land on my back or stomach or I would really be in a world of pain. I’ve sunk an inch or two beneath the surface and right myself back up, swimming furiously back to the top.

I come up gasping and coughing, having ingested quite a bit of the water, though it didn’t feel like a pleasant, refreshing opportunity to hydrate. I blink up at the giant who’s holding the vast glass cylinder, observing me with amusement from far above. I hate the glint in his eye… he has that look about him that says “I have an idea” and I know it’s not good news for me.

“Get me out of here!” I yell up angrily, my voice echoing against the glass.

“Are you all done getting a drink, Lily? Okay then, it’s my turn again.”

Shit. He wouldn’t…

But sure enough, the entire glass starts tipping as Leo brings me up to his face and his mouth appears, opening until it looks like a cave that all of the water starts slowly draining towards. It’s a nightmare - I try swimming in the opposite direction, hoping to stay away from him long enough for the water to drain, but there’s absolutely no use as I’m zooming towards a mouth that’s over five times as wide as I am tall. “Fuck, fuck, NO!!” I scream as the light is blocked out and then all of a sudden I’m inside. As soon as I pass over his tongue the giant closes his mouth and for a terrifying moment, I float there in the water, in complete darkness, in a strange quiet, having no idea where I am or where I’m headed.

The current has abated, but the water doesn’t have a chance to come to stillness as something is clearly disrupting it - Leo’s tongue, I realize. He’s moving it around in the darkness, and I yelp as it crashes into me. He reacts to my touch, pushing me under the water, and pinning me underneath his tongue.

He’s going to drown me, I think in shock as I writhe and wriggle against him, but suddenly the current is back as the water rushes all around me even as I’m held into place. Finally, after what feels like way too long, Leo has finished swallowing his mouthful of water and he releases me, lifting his tongue up from on top of me.

I sit there at the bottom of his mouth, hacking and sucking in air, though it is by no means dry in here - saliva pools on all sides of me and the air itself is hot and humid. At least some light starts filtering in as Leo opens his mouth again. It’s still kind of hard to see amidst the pink walls and the spit, though I do immediately notice the giant’s bottom teeth just up ahead like big white boulders, almost as tall as I am.

“You okay in there?” I jump at the sound of his voice exploding into the cave - even though he’s trying to speak quietly I’m in such close proximity to his voice box that it’s impossible. His speech is a little garbled since he’s holding his tongue up in an effort to not smother me under it.

“Heh, I can feel you moving around. You’re like a little candy! I just have to be careful not to swallow you… You feel incredible, love…”

He starts moving his tongue again and it sweeps me up as I yell in protest. It’s hell in here for at least a minute or two as he moves me around, swirling and swishing me around in his cheeks and along his gums, pinning me to the roof of his mouth and to the back of his teeth, playing around with me as he chuckles and moans softly at the feel of me. I worry on multiple occasions that I will drown in his spit or that he doesn’t get a good enough grip on me when he swallows, convinced I’m going to end up in his stomach before this is all over. Finally I hear, “I’m draining some of the bathwater for this next part… are you ready to come out now?”

I kick at the inside of his cheek angrily in response.

He positions me carefully to the tip of his tongue and then light floods in as he sticks it out of his mouth. I adhere to his tongue and almost cry with relief when I see his hand coming my way. He licks me off onto his index finger, and the freedom is such solace that I really do shed a couple of tears even as I lay there gasping and coughing.

That was probably the worst of all of it. Worse than being under his feet, worse than being pressed against his dick… the combination of the wetness, the heat, the pressure, the darkness, the danger of getting eaten alive at any moment…

“Aww, you really weren’t a fan of that one, huh?” says Leo, biting his lip with amusement as he looks me over. “It’s too bad, you’re the perfect size for it and you felt lovely in there. I’ll give you a bit more warning next time I put you in my mouth. Here, take a rest… I’ve prepared a new little bathtub for you…”

The giant slowly lowers me back into the tub, and it takes me a moment to remember that he had drained some of the water out so that the surface is just above his hips now. He dips me into the water, still supporting me with his finger, and guides me along to where his stomach is. I can't help but notice as we pass over his crotch that his cock is apparently starting to recover already, it's not completely flaccid after that time I spent in his mouth. I pretend I didn't notice, still feeling ragged, and bring my attention back to the giant abdomen up ahead.

“Let’s see how well you fit…” says Leo and he gently pushes me up and into his navel. “Not bad! Definitely taking a mental note for next time - belly button bathtub.”

I lean back into the hollow in his skin, still catching my breath. His navel creates a space that is perhaps a little larger than a normal bathtub for me, but it’s definitely a better fit than the bottle cap was. Whatever. I’ll take it.

Leo leans back and we sit there for several minutes in silence as I recover and then try to use some nearby floating soap suds to wash the saliva off of me. Between this and being covered in cum, I'm quickly realizing just how gross being so tiny can be.

“Can you hear me?” I call up. I don’t yet have it in me to yell as loudly as before, but the echo of the bathtub seems to do the trick.

“Just barely,” says Leo without moving and I can hear the relaxed smile in his voice. “What’s up?”

“What…” I falter and take an exasperated deep breath before continuing, “What do you like about all this, exactly?”

The ground below me rumbles as Leo chuckles. “I mean, how much time do you have? I could go on all day about it. You’re already cute just as a regular person, but you’re even cuter when you’re teeny tiny. Like how small animals are cute. Then there’s the scientist in me that’s just so curious about what it must be like, what you’re capable of, how you feel, how far we can take this. There are the power dynamics, just having complete control over someone else. There’s the challenge of it, figuring out what I can do with you and how we’re going to interact the smaller you get. The physical sensation of touching a tiny person feels so good to me, on all different parts of my body, and the visual of it is such a massive turn on. Cuddling you while you’re the size of a doll is so comforting. Holding you at the size of a bug is so exciting. I don’t know, enjoying the size difference is just… how I’m wired.”

I take another deep breath. It’s hard for me to understand, of course. I clearly am not enjoying being small, and I also know that I would never wish to have someone else be small around me. Nevertheless, the more we talk like this, the more I’m starting to get an understanding of him.

"Alright, I don't know about you, but I don't think the water's hot enough anymore. Let's wrap it up. Down you go!"

The giant shifts his arms, causing the bathwater to surge over his abdomen and lifting me up out of his belly button like a wave pool. I flail wildly as the current carries me down the length of his stomach towards his crotch before I get dumped into the rest of the lake.

I wince at the impact and am then forced to tread water, but thankfully it’s not for very long as Leo quickly fishes me back out, scooping me up into his palm again.

"There we go, all squeaky clean!" he says happily, looking me over. "Though the water was still a little soapy, let's rinse you off."

I groan. Maybe it's because I'm still feeling traumatized by what happened in his mouth, but at this point I just want to be dry again.

Still holding me in one hand, the giant scoots to the other side of the tub and turns the water back on to the smallest trickle that he can, fiddling with the knobs and testing the temperature on his wrist. Once he's satisfied, he cups both of his hands around me protectively, leaving miniscule gaps between his fingers to allow the water to escape, and then gingerly brings me up to the waterfall.

It's still a huge amount of water from my perspective, and I do hold my arms up to block out some of it and to make sure I can still breathe, but overall it's really not so bad. Whatever soap suds still cling to my body roll right off.

"That should be good, right?" Leo pulls me back out. "Now I still need to rinse off too, but I'll keep you out of the way to make sure you don't end up down the drain."

I travel on the hand elevator up and over the edge of the tub and then down, down, down to the bathroom floor. He had prepped a towel, folded up but still the size of a baseball field to me, and he now places his hand onto it, sinking it into the fabric. Instead of just dumping me off, he thankfully gives me a moment to run to the side of his hand and climb down myself. The towel reminds me of his bedroom carpet in that it is very plush, the fibers over half my height. It's pretty difficult to move in.

"Make sure to stay on that towel. I don't want to accidentally step on you. And just in case it's not as absorbent as you'd like, here," Leo rips off a paper towel sheet and places it beside me. "Now this won't take long, I'm just going to shower real quick."

He stands up to his full height and I flinch at both the massive blur of movement and the sudden sound of the water falling off of the giant’s body. A second later the even louder sound of the shower fills the room. I venture a glance higher, my eyes making their way up, up, up the skyscraper that is my captor as the heavy rain falls down onto him from the sky. I feel a wave of dizziness - it really is even more humbling to see him from floor level and seeing his whole frame like this.

The mist created by the hot shower makes its way down to me and I snap out of my reverie, realizing I was staring. My body is still quite wet, and the moisture in the air isn’t helping, so I start making my way to the paper towel. It takes me longer than it should to traverse an inch or two, as the towel threads are quite the obstacle. But I reach the paper sheet and duck down underneath it. I’m relieved to find that it’s warmer under here, and the paper helps me dry off faster.

Eventually, the sound of the shower dies down. For a panic-filled moment I have an intrusive thought and wonder if Leo plans to use the towel that I’m sitting on, but I hear him grab another one that was hanging somewhere and breathe a sigh of relief. I jump at the couple of explosive BOOMs nearby as the giant’s feet slap onto the tile. And then a moment later, I jump again with a yelp as the roof of my tent is suddenly lifted up.

“Oops, sorry,” says Leo’s voice with a chuckle as the paper towel is immediately dropped back down. “You kinda disappeared, just wanted to make sure that’s where you were.”

I peek my head out from under my shelter, but the giant has already stood back up, and he continues toweling off as he thunders his way to the sink. I watch as he examines something on the counter, then opens the cupboard underneath and pulls out a hair dryer. He sets it up and I plug my ears just in time, as even on the lowest setting the shrill whooshing sound reverberates through the room.

Leo aims the hair dryer at the counter but holds it quite high. At one point he looks in the mirror and aims the dryer at his hair before returning to the counter. I frown and pull back under my tent, hands still over my ears.

After several minutes, the whooshing sound stops and soon the rumbling footsteps approach again so I know to be wary.

“Knock knock,” Leo’s voice calls out from outside. I gingerly peek my head out. As familiar as the sight of the giant has become, his size always sets my heart beating a little faster. He’s holding something, another paper towel sheet, and gently sets it down in front of me.

“Your clothes are dry now if you want them back. I almost lost your shorts but thankfully they didn’t fly too far away. I had to use tweezers to pick them back up, they’re so tiny!”

I crawl out from under my shelter to take a look. Sure enough, my clothes are all there. I walk out onto the other paper towel to reach them and look them over. My bra is starting to fray but everything else is actually in pretty good shape.

“Thank you,” I call up begrudgingly.

“No pressure on putting them back on, of course,” says Leo with a cheeky grin, “Just wanted to give you the option.”

I glare at him and immediately start getting myself dressed since I’m now dry enough to comfortably do so. Some minute amount of normalcy is well appreciated, and I feel just that much less vulnerable now that I’m clothed. I glance up, wondering if Leo also plans to get dressed but it looks like he’s just opted to tie a towel around his waist. For now, I think with a dejected sigh.

The giant playfully takes one end of the paper towel I’m sitting on and starts lifting it so that I fall over and roll right off, back onto the fabric towel. “Ugh, what was that for?” I shout in annoyance as I get back up to my feet, so tired of him catching me off guard like that. The giant just tosses the papers aside.

“Just for fun. I’m going to pick up the whole towel now, okay?”

As if I have a say in the matter. Giant hands shimmy their way underneath the folded towel and everything lifts up into the air. This feels a little different, as if I’m hanging out in a field and a massive chunk of it just starts flying up in the air with me still in it. The softness of the towel is disorienting, though, I keep tripping and getting tangled in the strands. The sky changes color as we’re back in Leo’s room now, and as he sets my platform onto his bed I fall over again, tumbling over backwards. He laughs and gets down onto his knees by the bed so that he can get a better look at me.

“You’re really struggling down there, aren’t you? And I thought the carpet was bad. Can you even walk around in there?”

In lieu of responding, I take a few successful steps this time, but even though I don’t fall over I’m really having to push my way through.

“Heh, yeah I really hadn’t thought of that when I got the towel. It’s hard to imagine what it must be like for you… every little detail being so massive.” He idly moves his finger up near me, pressing down the fabric fibers right next to me before pulling back and letting them knock right into me. Somehow I stay on my feet. “How much smaller do you think I’ll make you?”

“Come on, man,” I shout up, pleadingly, “Isn’t this small enough?”

“Nowhere near enough,” he responds with a sigh.

“You said so yourself. I’m the size of a bug. I don’t think you’re wanting to hurt me, but sooner or later-”

“You’re the size of some bugs,” he counters, “You’re still way bigger than most ants. Or flies. Or fleas.” He lets out another dreamy sigh at the thought. “And don’t worry. You notice that bugs are a lot stronger than we are, right? Proportionally I mean.”

“Okay, but it’s not like I have an exoskeleton.”

“That’s true. You’re definitely fragile. So, so delicate. But even something like a mouse can survive from a much higher fall than humans, proportionally. You’re still more resistant to damage the smaller you go. I do have to be very careful, but I promise I won’t hurt you.”

The more we have these conversations, the more I feel I can be a little more brazen. “You’ve promised that before. But you almost crushed me underfoot. Almost swallowed me.”

“But I didn’t, did I?”

“I already have bruises.”

“Well, I am sorry about that. I will remind you that my original promise was that I wouldn’t hurt you… much.” He pokes at me and this time I don’t stay on my feet. I exhale angrily, not sure what to say to get him to listen. He stares at me for a little while thoughtfully, the gears turning in his head, before he seems to come to some sort of decision.

“Let’s get you out of that towel forest, little bug.”

Leo puts his index down next to me this time, and at first I don’t move, feeling too frustrated. But the sight of his thumb coming my way certainly gets my attention. I back up from it as it herds me towards his finger. Since he’s shrunken me to half an inch he hasn’t tried actually pinching me between fingers that are wider than I am tall, it’s too dangerous. But it’s like Leo has something to prove now, both wanting to show dominance over me and also demonstrate that he can do it without hurting me.

I move to climb onto his index but not quickly enough, and the thumb makes contact. I wince as I get compressed between the two digits, not being able to breathe for a second, as the giant sort of rolls me up the surface of his finger. I lay on my back on his fingerpad, gasping for breath, but demonstrably uninjured. His face appears above me with an incredibly smug smile. I give him my best death stare.

And then he’s moving again, and I flip over to cling to him as he stands up. The other hand appears under me, ready as usual to catch me if I fall off from my perch. I wonder where we’re headed this time, and after a moment I see something come up that I didn’t expect - a window.

“I want to show you something,” says the giant, a more serious tone to his voice.

He puts his finger on the window sill that is about waist high to him, this time giving me a break and letting me climb off on my own. Then he grips the bottom of the window with both hands. “Cover your ears,” he orders. I do, though the sound of him pulling the window pane up is still deafening.

Suddenly my senses are filled with the rush of fresh air, the humidity against my skin, the sounds of distant traffic and the smell of rain. It’s at this moment that raindrops start pitter-pattering on the nearby buildings, and bit by bit the droplets start whacking onto the window. The sun has already set, but there’s still enough light that I can see so much, even through the gridded bug screen - cars parked below, someone pulling out an umbrella as they walk down the street, birds taking refuge in a nearby tree. It’s sensory overload.

To my surprise, I notice Leo takes a step backwards, leaving me there on the windowsill, before he sits on the floor so that his face is more level with me. The expression on his face takes me aback. It’s not cold or angry, but it’s not his usual playful and carefree demeanor either. It’s kind of like… he’s just looking at me like I’m a person. Almost like we’re equals. Just having a normal conversation.

“Listen, Lily,” he says, “I’d like you to take a look out there and really think about your situation. Think about what you really want right now.” I keep staring at him, confused. He nods over to just beyond me. “There’s a hole in the bug screen there, on the bottom right. Just this once, I won’t stop you.”

I turn back towards the window, feeling my heart pounding in my throat. For a moment I feel exhilarated. Is he actually having a change of heart? Is he actually going to just let me escape? Can I actually get out of this situation?

But just as soon as I feel this, I realize the truth of it. My height is better measured in millimeters right now. I’m in a room three stories up. That person I see walking along that street would never hear me, no matter how loudly I screamed, even if I was standing right next to him. I could be crushed by all manners of things, eaten by all manners of animals, blown away by a gust of wind. And then, as if it was timed on purpose, rain begins to pour down in earnest.

This is just another mind game. Leo’s making me realize how hopeless this all is. That I’m completely at his mercy. That I need him right now, just to survive. Everything that I’d been brainstorming earlier, every potential idea I had for escaping him, all feels ridiculous in this moment. It’s all a fantasy. It’s all for nothing. Because I am nothing.

I hear a sudden shuffling behind me and look up just to see something monstrous to my right, heading right for me. A ladybug. One that’s almost as big as I am. I see it for a split second before Leo’s hand comes down, blocking me from the insect like a wall. The impact of his hand right beside me makes me stumble. I fall to my knees. And I am faced with a different sight.

It’s me. Well, it’s my reflection. There’s a raindrop that had splattered through the bug net and onto the windowsill. It sits there, a reflective orb, and I stare into my own eyes. I see a girl who is unsure, traumatized, terrified of what is to come. But what I see is also a person. Someone who has talents and flaws and hopes.

Someone who matters.

“You okay?” Leo says softly. Voice booming.

I get up to my feet and turn to him - his face is right next to me. There are tears in my eyes, but I look up at him fiercely. I might not survive the night. I might have to accept the impossible hopeless situation I’m in and submit to this man forever. Hell, I might even learn to “like it” one day as he implies. But no matter how small I get, I refuse to disappear. “I’m fine.”

The giant’s gaze softens as he regards me quietly. “Never lose that fire, love.” Then he smiles a little wider, the playful glint in his eye quickly returning. “After all, you’re really going to need it. Now if we're done with all that, I’m going to go ahead and close the window before I let in any more bugs.”

I take a deep breath. The moment is over and I’m pulled back into the unrelenting reality, even as I now carry this little pearl of self worth in my chest. Let’s see what this maniac has planned for me next.
If you’d like to support me and my work, please feel free to leave me a tip and I will be so grateful! https://ko-fi.com/littlestlily

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
Posts: 204
Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2022 6:09 pm

Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by littlest-lily » Sat Jul 09, 2022 6:43 pm

Chapter 10

Despite the fact that I'm quivering in the wake of the monumental crash that was the window shutting again… I actually welcome the relative quiet once it's closed. The world is overwhelming enough as it is. The rain creates a not-unpleasant white noise effect in the background.

Leo is settling into a cross-legged sitting position on the floor, and he reaches up to put his hand level with the windowsill, silently beckoning me to climb aboard. I step up onto the soft skin, carefully walking down the length of his middle finger until I reach his palm. He pulls me in, lifting me up to his face as he often does, looking at me intently. I stare right back into those dark eyes of his, close enough to see the little flecks of gold.

A chuckle resounds. “I should let you have some fresh air more often. It's getting harder to see your expression now, but you just look so determined. Like you can take on any challenge I throw at you.”

I look at him steadfastly. “Why, did you have a challenge for me?”

Leo raises his eyebrows at this before he smiles excitedly. God, I need to be careful. Just because I have this newfound resolve doesn't mean I need to go looking for trouble. Reel it in, Lily, I tell myself.

“You know I always do,” is his response. The giant pulls me further and further away, stretching his arm straight out ahead of him. “Let's see how far up my arm you can get. Think you could get all the way to my shoulder?”

I stare down the highway of his bare arm for a moment before cupping my hands around my mouth. “It'll take a while!” I shout.

He bends one leg up so that he can rest his arm on his knee. “I'll let you know if I get bored.”

I take a breath and then start the trek. I’m mindful of my footing, as it wouldn’t be impossible to fall off, but thankfully the road I’m on is quite wide so I’m generally able to walk normally. I try to keep a steady pace, as I really would rather he not get bored, while still conserving my energy. I can’t help but notice little humps cropping up on the sides of Leo’s arms, and I realize that they’re goosebumps. Apparently his skin is rather sensitive to my touch.

We almost have an accident when I get to the inside of the giant’s elbow and he twitches. He quickly cups his other hand underneath, ready to catch me, but I manage to actually stay steady on my feet. I glower in his direction. “What?” he says in return, “That’s a sensitive spot. Your little feet really tickle. It feels nice, though.”

Now that I’m past the elbow there’s a bit more of an incline going up to his shoulder. As I get close to his face I become cognizant of his breathing - it’s a little more labored and he holds his breath every so often and then exhales a little more heavily. I recognize the small sounds as ones of pleasure. I guess me walking on him really does feel nice. I wish I could do something differently to not get him so riled up, but I press on.

As I get closer to the top of Leo’s bare shoulder, I’m having to be a bit more careful with the elevation change, using my hands to help me get to the summit. And then it levels out again and I sigh with relief as I’ve made it to my destination.

“Touchdown!” says the giant, looking sidelong at me. “Aww, you’re so adorable right there. This is such a fun way to carry you around. Probably a little too risky when I’m not wearing a shirt though, you could slip right off with nothing to hold on to.”

“Yeaaah let’s not do that,” I agree.

“Heh. You just want to get back to my hands again, you little deviant,” teases Leo, “though I am more than happy to oblige. Let’s try something a little new to get you there though… Come a little closer. Can you grab onto my hair?”

I look up, surveying the dirty blonde, still slightly damp locks. His hair isn’t super long, but long enough that I could maybe reach some closer to his neck. I start making my way along his shoulder, taking the opportunity of being so close to his ear to call up, “Please be careful with me, Leo.”

I notice a couple more goosebumps near the base of his neck. Perhaps reacting to my helplessness. “Of course, love. You’ll be fine.”

I reach a spot where I can grab a few hairs, tugging on them a bit to signal to him. I wonder what he’s got planned this time. With one hand, the giant finds where I’m at and slowly pulls the hair strand up - I gasp as my feet leave the floor and I’m dangling now, gripping onto my makeshift rope for dear life. His other hand then slips underneath me and he gently lowers me back down. Well, I prefer this to getting pinched between his fingers, at least.

Letting go of his hair, I hop onto his hand, landing in the groove between his pinkie and ring finger. I’d like to crawl over to his palm, where it feels a bit more secure, but the giant is moving before I can do so.

And now I’m back in front of his face again, having survived another challenge, jumped through another one of my captor’s never-ending hoops. His eyes are a bit more heavy-lidded than they were before I climbed up his arm, his pupils a bit more dilated. I’m becoming very familiar with his body language and my body becomes tense reactively. Sure enough, here comes a finger - I try to step away but he easily pokes me, pressing me down into his skin, sliding me to his palm. He gently rolls me back and forth, moving his finger around in a small circle. I keep trying to right myself, to push him away, kick at his finger with my feet. Finally, starting to get tired and knowing that it’s useless, I curl into a ball and just lay there.

“No, don’t stop,” says Leo heavily, “I like it when you fight back. Or try to, even knowing that it’s useless. I love feeling your miniscule body squirm…”

I don’t feel inclined to give him that satisfaction, but he holds his finger down over me long enough that the pressure is too much, and I do start thrashing and pushing against him. He moans softly and it reverberates.

His finger lifts off and he’s bringing me up, closer and closer to his face - to his mouth, I realize in a panic. Leo notices me quickly backing away and he laughs softly. “Don’t worry, you’re not going inside this time,” he purrs reassuringly, but I’m not exactly comforted. His lips overtake me, covering my entire body - it’s dark and I can feel his deeper exhalations that turn into little moans as he runs his lips over my small form again and again. They part just enough to warm me up with an exhale, but although the entire experience is harrowing, he stays true to his word about not putting me inside.

Once he’s done kissing me and just looks at me on his hand again, I can see the arousal and excitement in his eyes have been amplified. He starts getting up from his sitting position on the floor, leaving the towel behind so that he’s fully naked again, and then he closes his fingers around me. In the darkness of his fist, I can’t see where we’re going but feel that he’s walking again. I hear some shuffling: a drawer opening, items being moved around and deposited elsewhere. Once he’s made whatever preparations, I hear him pick something else up - and from the sudden anxiety that completely grips me, it seems my instincts know exactly what that something is. It’s now that the dark cave starts lowering again.

My fleshy prison flips completely upside down as it descends, and in the dark I fall a short distance onto my back. Then the fingers open up again and I tumble through the air, landing on something soft and familiar. I’m in the thick fibers of the towel he had left on his bed.

Leo is back on his knees beside the bed, eyeing me longingly as I sit up.

“I’m going to ask you this question again,” he thunders, “How small do you think I’m going to make you?”

“Leo, no,” I whimper, though I knew this was coming, “Please don’t do this.”

“Oh, come on,” he says with a slight whine to his voice but still mostly amusement, “When is it going to sink in? Did you actually think that this was as small as you were going to get? Think again, love. It’s about to get wild.”

He lifts the shrinking device up into view and my breathing is getting faster. There’s nothing I can do. There’s nothing that can be done to stop this.

“I’m thinking I’ll just cut your height in half again, for starters,” says Leo thoughtfully as he fiddles with the machine. “I’m going to have to start inputting the sizes manually. It’ll be too hard to be accurate if I just hold the button. Brace yourself.”

Zap. The tingling sensation quickly spreads throughout my body as I shrink down yet again. Everything stretches further away, Leo’s frame climbs even higher, and I fall down, down between the fibers of the towel as they start stretching above my head. It’s already stressful to not see clearly when this happens, but the thick threads make things even worse as they all but completely obscure my vision.

The tingling stops and I sit there, on the verge of hyperventilating. It’s so weirdly quiet this time. My legs feel like jelly, although I can tell that even if I stood up, the towel fibers are still a little taller than I am. Shit. I look upwards and can see little patches of sky, but no sign of a giant.

And then I hear him.

“Oh Liiily.”

The fabric floor trembles as I hear a distant thump. There’s a pause before…

“Where aaaare you?”

Another thump, and I bounce up as the ground shakes. I have to get up. Now. I shakily scramble to my feet, and the fibers all around me are oppressive, but I reach up and can part them just enough to catch a glimpse of what’s happening.

A decent distance away, as tall as a pine tree, a giant pointer finger is touching the towel. Slowly, the middle finger moves in front and touches the ground too, making it shudder below me. He’s moving his fingers like legs marching along in my direction.

“You can’t hide from me,” the sing-song voice echoes. He laughs lightly. “Hmm, it looks like my prey has disappeared. Last time I found you by sifting through the carpet fibers… Looks like I’ll have to do the same here…”

Fuck, his voice is so loud. All of my instincts are screaming at me to get away, to run and hide. The part of me that knows there’s no use in that wonders if I should try and get his attention instead. I’m caught in between the two sides of my brain and the result is me standing there, frozen.

“I think I saw you dwindling down this way…” Another thump, and this one knocks me back down to the floor. I lose sight of the giant hand. “Let’s just start parting the threads then, shall we?

I hear a different sound, and I can tell his fingers are now sliding amongst the towel fibers, pushing them aside like a bulldozer. The sound circles in my general area, getting closer and closer…

The threads just ahead of me quiver and light suddenly filters in.

“Ah. There you are.”

The colossal digit is crashing into view like a truck, easily pressing aside the cloth obstacles. I crane my neck to look up and up, and a white fingernail is visible just above me, like a roof overhang. His fingertip alone dwarfs my entire body now. I continue looking up, past the immediate threat, and I’m looking at an eye that’s the size of a house. The giant’s face is taking up most of my vision now, as he observes me from a great distance that simultaneously feels way too close.

I gawk, don’t even feel the tears running down my face. All I can do is stare in awe. If Leo was already way too big before, him suddenly doubling in size is nothing short of mind blowing.

The dark eye gets even bigger as he leans in further, and it narrows as he’s having to squint. I finally un-freeze, recoiling back reflexively.

“How does it feel to be a quarter of an inch tall? What must the world look like… what must I look like to you? It’s hard to tell, but if I look close enough… I think I can see the fear on your face...”

He whooshes backwards, and though at first the sudden movement is terrifying, once I’m able to see more of him in the distance I feel like I can take a small breath. I see with a sense of growing dread that he is clearly enjoying himself, absolutely beaming.

“Take it all in, love. Get a good look. I’m probably starting to look more like a god now, huh? Do you understand how puny you are right now? You’re smaller than a corn kernel. More like a grain of rice. Or a little ant. Could I even feel you on me anymore?”

His finger is still next to me. He flips it over and it’s like watching a bus roll onto its back right in front of me.

“You might want to start climbing before I can think of a more fun way to pick you up.”

I’m terrified, but that last statement of his motivates me. I shakily get up to my feet. Take a couple of deep breaths. One step at a time. He hasn’t killed me yet, I remind myself. He seems quite aware of how tiny I am. I have to hope that he will be careful enough.

Fuck, this is scary.

I step up to the side of the mammoth digit, surveying the wall of skin. The grooves of his fingerprint are far more pronounced now and can serve as handholds. It’s a steep climb, probably the closest to actual rock climbing thus far. But at least if I fall the towel would be a soft landing. I can do this, I say to myself, trying not to think about what will happen when I get to the top.

It takes me a minute to climb up as I figure out how to hold on to the stiff but still pliable ridges. Leo seems to be enjoying the show as he watches me closely. “There’s my little ant girl. It’s so cool to watch you. I can barely even make out your little hands and feet at all. Let’s see, your hand must be like… I don’t know, half a millimeter long? Jesus.”

Ignore him. I tell myself. Don’t think about it.

“I can still feel you though. Teeny, tiny little tickles. But you know what? Even just those tiny tickles are turning me on. You might be insignificant, Lily, but you’re not powerless.”

With one final hoist, I make it to the top of the finger. Knowing things are probably going to start moving in a big way soon, I scurry over to the middle of his fingerpad. His finger extends to the rest of his hand like a road. The one benefit to being smaller is that there’s enough room that I’m not so close to the edge. It’s very little comfort though.

“Let’s lift you up and get rid of this towel. I don’t want to lose you in there anymore. Slowly now…”

The force of being lifted actually knocks me down, and I lay there in a heap as I watch the world whizz by. This doesn’t feel very slow to me, but it’s a long, long journey as Leo rises up to standing. I hear a resounding “WHOMP”, him pushing the towel to the ground I assume, but I’m too busy looking up. I’m getting so close to his face again. God, what if I get sucked up in his nose when he breathes in? Nothing seems impossible anymore.

The giant marvels at me for a few moments. It’s unnerving to say the least, although these moments where he just watches me do give me an opportunity to get my bearings. “I just love seeing you on my finger,” he coos. “I could just keep you there… But where’s the fun in that? What should I do with you?”

He pauses thoughtfully and I’m quivering, waiting to hear his judgment.

“Actually, can you say something?”

“C-can-” I start shakily before stopping and taking a breath. “Can you hear me?” I shout.

Leo does seem to react, but then he shakes his head. “I could hear that you made a sound, but I can’t make out what you’re saying anymore. Hmm, maybe I could still understand you if I bring you to my ear. Otherwise I’ll have to get the shrink machine to transcribe what you’re saying. Okay, this might be the last time I hear your voice for a while. So tell me… what do you think we should do next, little one?”

And with that, he's moving again and I travel up and even closer to him, flying along the side of his face. Every detail is magnified - I can see the beginnings of stubble, normally imperceptible bumps and blemishes, and I even see that the bite on the corner of his lip that I gave him earlier today has apparently left a small mark. The hair on his head looks like a jungle, and jutting out like ancient ruins is the swirling outline of his ear. He moves me closer, and I watch the landscape shift as he tilts his entire head in my direction, until I'm looking directly up at the cave of his ear canal. The light dims as the finger-vehicle stops just inside the entrance of the cave. The tunnel goes in deeper than I can make out, dark and threatening.

“Try talking again.”


“Hello.” I can hear the smile in his voice. “Still a little faint, but much better like this. You'll be able to give those tiny vocal chords a rest soon. Have you thought about our next activity?”

“Leo, I…” A pause as I search for my words. “I just… I feel sick. Please, I can deal with being half an inch again. This is just too much. Please grow me back-”

That’s all I can get out before the finger elevator moves back down, a little faster than before, and I’m whimpering as I’m clinging to him for dear life. Before I know it I’m back in front of his face, which looks down at me with an expression that’s between a frown and a smug smile.

“Well, that’s disappointing. I’ll cut you some slack since I’m sure you’re still trying to recover from the shock of being smaller than a pea. I have faith you’ll get over it soon enough. I’m afraid that was the wrong answer though… You’re not getting out of this, love. And now you’ve wasted your opportunity, so I guess I’ll have to decide what comes next…”

My heart sinks. I do feel frustrated with myself, it’s zero surprise that he’s refusing to grow me back. I’m not sure what I should have suggested instead, but I know whatever it was would have been better than what he’s going to pick.

A devilish smirk creeps onto his face. “How about this… since we went through all the effort of getting clean, I don’t have to feel quite so guilty about it anymore… I think I want you at my feet again.”

My blood runs cold. Holy shit.

“What do you think? Hm? Oh right, I can’t hear you. I’ll take the silence as a resounding yes.”

My hands - no, my whole body is shaking.

“Get ready to truly feel like a little ant.”
If you’d like to support me and my work, please feel free to leave me a tip and I will be so grateful! https://ko-fi.com/littlestlily

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
Posts: 204
Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2022 6:09 pm

Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by littlest-lily » Mon Jul 11, 2022 2:19 pm

Chapter 11

And with his words reverberating in my ears, my world is shifting once more. The giant has gotten less careful about moving slowly. It’s like I’m getting punished for disobeying all over again. I think I might actually be sick.

“Let’s see, I’ll definitely lose track of you on the floor, the carpet strands would be like a forest to you now,” he muses absently, “I think I’ll just put you right back on the bed.”

He doesn’t let me climb off, in fact his finger is starting to tip before it even reaches the bed sheet. I slide, tumble, fall…

“Agh!” I yelp as I hit the ground, bouncing up several feet from my perspective. Thankfully it’s soft, and after rebounding a couple of times I actually manage to land on my feet, but there’s no time to be grateful. Not when there’s a moving mountain to pay attention to.

Leo grins down at me, circling the bed as his footsteps thunder. He lifts a leg and places one foot up on the bed.

The impact makes me bounce back again and fall over. I don’t have time to get back up before he hoists himself up, and I watch as this impossible mass lifts up, up, up…

“Shit!!” I scream. Another huge crash and I go flying. The giant is now standing, naked, at his full height up on top of the bed. He’s a few hundred feet away from me, but that is far too close. Each leg is as tall as the Eiffel Tower. His dick is like a rock formation, protruding enough to obscure my vision of the rest of him if he wasn’t leaning over to look down at me. His face is over a thousand feet away. He squints down at me and his voice echoes.

“Man, from up here you’re just a little speck.” He laughs. “Fee, fi, fo, fum…”

I’m busy looking up at him, but sudden movement makes me look down again. He’s started moving one foot forward, not lifting it but just sliding it in my direction. It coasts towards me like an oversized yacht.

I completely panic and run in the opposite direction. Sprint as fast as my legs will take me. My mind is blank, operating purely on instinct. The sheets are uneven, though, and as the foot gets closer the soft ground starts shifting under its weight. I trip and the sound of sole against fabric becomes deafening as he’s almost on me, I curl up in a ball, covering my head…

Things shudder to a stop, settling around me, and I feel warmth. I lift my head and see a wall of skin, the source of the heat, curving around me. I’m in a space between two toes. I gasp as there’s more movement, but this time it’s the bed shifting as the giant squats down. I look up to see his face grow closer.

“Sure enough… you fit so easily…” Leo mutters, “I don’t know if you can tell, but you’re between my fourth toe and pinkie toe right now. So pathetic. So adorable.”

I yell as the walls start closing in on me. Most of the light is blocked out and one of the walls knocks me over. Even as he pinches his toes together, there’s enough space between and under them that I’m not crushed. In fact, his "little" toe lifts enough that there's a gap I can escape through. I do so quickly, crawling underneath and coming back out on the side of his foot.

The giant doesn't seem to notice right away, but when he can't feel my body he looks closer and spots me. "Uh oh! We have a jailbreak!"

I wince and wait for him to put his foot back over me, but instead I’m suddenly thrashed around as it’s like the entire mountain that I’m at the base of suddenly collapses. I’m having a harder and harder time keeping track of what’s going on around me the smaller I get - in the chaos I see a leg swing over me, a giant dick approaching, a face coming into view. So much is falling all around and then I’m thrown up in the air as there’s a heavy impact that BOOMs onto the bed.

The figurative dust settles and I finally figure out what simple movement has happened: Leo is now sitting down on the bed. He’s a couple of feet (although to me it’s hundreds of feet) away from where I am and he’s settled his legs so that his feet are on either side of me, soles facing inwards. Even as I take this in he starts moving again as he brings both of his feet closer, turned so that he encircles me with his soles, which stretch up and up on either side of me like massive walls. He keeps them a few inches apart with me cowering in the middle, and then I look up to see his expression as he looms over me with that goddamn playful grin on his face.

“I’ve got you surrounded,” he teases, “Put your hands up where I can see them. Actually, nevermind, I’d have to get real close to see them.”

One of the walls gets even closer to me, sliding along and making the ground shake. I crane my neck up to see the top as I back away in fear - the sole of his foot alone is almost 100 feet tall.

“No, no, get closer…” the giant coos gently, “You felt so good last time. I want to know if your touch still tickles… Go on.”

He holds still, waiting for me, and I gulp. I force myself to approach the wall of flesh, still very slightly damp from the bath. I put both hands out and touch the skin, running my hands along the ridges. It’s quite warm and softer than the last time I was at his feet, also presumably due to the bath. I jump backwards as Leo twitches slightly.

“Mmmm… I’m sure you’ve noticed but I’ve always been a little ticklish. But when it’s such tiny sensations like this it actually feels really good.”

Leo’s hand creeps in my direction as he absently reaches towards me. I yell as I see his fingers suddenly appear over the top of the foot wall, and I take several steps backwards. His hand just sort of hovers above me for a while as he seems deep in thought.

“Hmmm…” he finally says, “How about we try this way…”

The hand briefly pulls away, and I follow its trajectory upwards to the giant’s face, more specifically his mouth. He licks the tip of his index finger, and then it starts rocketing back down in my direction. It’s approaching me like a missile, and he hasn’t explained what he’s about to do so I gasp in terror as he’s barreling right towards me. I turn to run, he slows down just enough to carefully aim, and then the finger wall slams into my body. A careful motion, but he presses me into the soft ground, a moment of darkness and fear and pressure against my back. I feel the wetness of his saliva that’s on his skin and I’m shocked to realize that it’s actually sticking—

“Oh god, oh god, ahhhhhhhh!” I scream as I’m being lifted right up and along with his finger, my back and legs adhered to it like glue. My arms flail as there’s open space all around and nothing for me to hang on to, and then I try to hold still as I feel like I might fall right off at any second. I watch the world whizz by like I’m on an intense roller coaster, Leo bringing me up hundreds and hundreds of feet in just a few seconds. He turns his finger to face him as he brings me up to his eye.

“Hey, glad that worked!” the giant says casually as I hyperventilate, “The sushi rice was sticking to my finger earlier and the size is about right so it gave me the idea. Hanging in there, love?” He chuckles, unable to hear my whimpers. “Okay, back down you go.”

The drop is even more intense than the climb as I rocket back down, the G-force making it so that I can’t breathe and my head spins. He’s apparently forgotten to move slowly when transporting me around. I somehow manage not to throw up.

The sole of his foot is coming back into view, no longer sitting on the bed like a wall, but tilted upwards like a platform. Leo finally slows down as he approaches, and I gasp as I feel one of my legs detaching from the finger coaster, though I don’t fall quite yet. The giant gently lowers me onto the skin of his sole, and I fully detach from him as he starts rolling me against him.

The foot twitches and shudders below me and I can hear sharp intakes of breaths and small chuckles as my tiny body is pushed all around, tickling his sole. He keeps his touch light so that I’m not pressed into him hard, but the bumping and jostling is disorienting and I know I’m adding bruises to my collection. Subconsciously I’m noting that it seems Leo was right - I feel like I surely would have been crushed by now if I was normal size getting handled like this. Nevertheless, from my perspective, I feel like I’m getting knocked around by a bus. He plays with me for minutes on end, and I start figuring out how to anticipate each shove, how to slide so that it doesn’t hurt so much, but it’s wearing me out.

He finally switches his trajectory and I notice we’re heading towards his upturned toes, until he finally slides me in between them, continuing to roll me along the sides of his toes, taking a little more time here to apply some pressure before sliding me back out and then moving on to the next toe.

“Like a little piece of lint,” Leo muses from far above. When I’m between his big and second toe he pulls his finger away for a moment and just watches me there. I slowly get to my feet, trying to make sense of the giant digits around me, but the stability doesn’t last long. The giant chuckles as he’s flexing his toes to see me bounce around, and as I scramble to try not to fall out, my movements cause him to let out a small moan.

He reaches back down for me, pushing me with a fingertip off his foot so that I fall onto his palm. I’m gasping for breath at this point, and thankfully the giant moves more slowly now as he lifts me up. He also bends forward deeply, meeting me halfway instead of bringing me all the way up to his face. His eye gets close, so close, as he looks me over carefully.

“You look okay… Definitely disheveled but I think I’m maintaining a good streak of not hurting you, right? See, you can handle more than you think as you get tinier.” He pulls back a bit so I can see more of his face. “How does it feel getting so up close and personal with my massive body? It felt wonderful rolling you around down there, I just want to feel your tiny body on every inch of me…”

His pupils are dilating again until they’re almost bigger than I am. I’m aching from the inside out, starting to feel numb from the sheer overwhelm of him. I’m scooting away backwards on his palm, just trying to get further away from him, and he looks even more aroused at my reaction. He puts a finger down behind me, impeding my progress, and he pushes me back towards him instead. I get caught on a wrinkle in his skin and his finger slides over me, rolling me along the surface of his palm.

Leo makes a sound between a laugh and a moan. “God, you’re so helpless. I’m completely dominating you even by accident... Lily, look at me.”

I push myself up, taking deep breaths, and we make eye contact.

“I’m getting so hard and I’m going to put you down there. I’m guessing you’d rather I not dump you into my crotch from my palm but instead put you down gently. So. I want you to make your way to my fingertip.”

My gaze falls back down, gazing out at nothing. He could easily move me himself to his finger or wherever he wants. He’s either showing an amount of kindness by giving me some autonomy, or getting off on making me march towards my doom. Probably some mixture of both. I feel numb.

Don’t disappear, says a voice inside my head. Keep moving forward. You can do this.

I take a deep breath, and with weak but renewed resolve I get up to my feet. I turn to see the giant index outstretched, his other fingers loosely curling in. I hold my head up, taking another deep breath, and on I march.

I remember back when he made me do this at an inch tall, and although the journey is quite a bit longer this time, there’s more than enough room to feel steady on my feet. I travel up and down the hills of his palm and along the road of his finger, reaching his fingerpad and turning to look up at him as I sit in the middle of it.

Leo smiles at my obedience. “Good girl.”

Here we go. The first thing the giant does is readjust himself on the bed. He leans back, and unlike last time he’s not going into a sitting position, but lays down so that the lower half of his body is flat on the bed, while his mid back is still held up by the pillows so he can see what he’s doing. I then watch silently as he brings me down to his crotch, steeling myself as I get closer and closer to his cock that’s looming like a water tower. Unlike last time, he brings me to the other side of the shaft, towards the base of it, just above his balls. The scent of the musk washes over me, despite the recent bath, and I almost gag at the intensity.

“This is your stop,” says the giant and he waits so that I can climb off of him.

I almost don’t do it. Not only does it still feel tricky to scale the side of his finger, but it just feels like an impossible ask to willingly climb onto a building-sized dick belonging to a very horny giant. But finally my body starts moving and I make my way down from the finger. I actually lose my grip about halfway down and fall a few feet to the bottom. Leo winces with pleasure at the sight and feel of this.

His hand leaves my side and I’m left on my precarious perch. Since he’s laying flat and is quite erect, his cock is almost horizontal underneath me, only having a slight upward incline from my perspective. He’s placed me just an inch or so up his shaft. I stretch my neck as I peer just over the edge of the tower I’m on, seeing a grove of pubes down below, then look back towards the bulbous hills that are his balls. What a landscape to be left on.

“Start climbing up,” rumbles the giant with quickened breath, “I gave you a little head start.”

I move a bit and can feel the tightness of his warm dick underneath me. Every dozen steps or so it feels like he twitches in pleasure, the occasional surge causing me to stop and crouch in order to not fall off. But I keep putting one foot in front of the other, making my way towards the looming head in the distance. I wonder if he’s going to put his hands around me like he did last time. The amount of pressure he put on me then would surely crush me now, right? Maybe at this size I could slip between his fingers? Climb up onto his hand? I feel so unprepared to handle this.

But he doesn’t reach for me quite yet, getting enough enjoyment out of just watching and feeling me on his dick. The incline gets a little steeper the higher I go, and I start using my hands to half-crawl, clinging to him through any small movements. I get to a bump and am afraid to move forward, my brain pulling up the term “frenulum”. I know this area is going to be extra sensitive.

“I can see you hesitating,” says Leo softly, and I glance up to see he is indeed watching my every move, “I won’t let you fall, little ant. Keep going.” His fingers appear around me, hovering there to catch me just in case.

I grit my teeth and gingerly step forward, and between the tickling and the anticipation, the giant winces loudly as his hips clench, and I do nearly go flying, barely managing to hold on. “God, you’re so small,” he groans, “How are you feeling this good…”

Knowing it’s going to be a bumpy ride, I keep pressing forward, just trying to get to my destination as quickly as I can now. This whole area seems quite sensitive and Leo’s moans of pleasure echo around me as I climb. I’m at the base of the head, and just the head is such a massive structure to me, and as it’s quite smooth I’m not sure how I’m going to make my way up.

“Good job, little ant,” the giant gasps and his fingers approach, “You’ve made it. I… I want to see what you’d feel like… inside…”

Leo’s thumb is right next to me and starts pushing me upwards now along the surface of the head. Inside?? I think in a panic, What does he mean by-

And I watch in horror as the other hand is carefully pressing the head of his dick, and I see a gaping hole just up ahead. He’s not… he’s not going to put me in the slit… no…

“No, no, no, no!” I scream frantically, and I turn and try to climb his thumb, but he pivots it and starts pressing me up against the edge of the hole.

“I don’t want to force you inside,” moans Leo, “just… just get in…”

I’m breathing hard and still struggling against him as he pins me to his skin - he’s too big to easily get me in himself but he’s not relenting and, like with everything else, I’m not getting out of this. Panic surging, I finally put one leg in, then the other…

“Ohhhh..!” The giant’s voice rings out, and his thumb shoves me further down and holds me in place, obscuring my vision for a moment and leaving me in total darkness with an intense pressure on every inch of my body, before I feel a surge underneath me and I’m suddenly pushed up by an enormous volume of fluid. The vibrations of the moan echo in all directions as I slip out from under his thumb, and before I understand what’s happening I’m plummeting through the air, freefalling for a couple of seconds before landing on warm, soft ground.

I lay on my back, covered in a thick clear liquid, looking upwards. The giant cock is now above me, looming a few dozen feet up, and I notice that under and around me are dark hairs curling upwards like twisted wires. I’ve fallen into his pubes.

“Lily?” A giant hand pushes the cock to the side and I see Leo’s face up above, his eyes searching until they suddenly light up as he sees me. “That’s where you went. Sorry, I guess you did end up falling. Didn’t consider how you’d get pushed out. Soft landing though, right?"

I breathe a sigh of relief. I get to my feet, eager for him to get me out of this hell hole.

Leo sees my demeanor and smirks as he guesses at what I’m thinking. “Don’t relax just yet. That was precum, not the real deal.”

My heart skips a beat as I take this in before I feel a growing dread. Sure enough, I realize his dick is still hard and his cheeks still flush. Oh god.

“I’m just getting started. And you’re about to get smaller.”
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Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
Posts: 204
Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2022 6:09 pm

Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by littlest-lily » Tue Jul 12, 2022 4:40 pm

Chapter 12

No no no no no no.

“A lot smaller."

And I realize he’s holding it. He has the shrinking device in view, aiming it at me.

"You felt fantastic… I almost blew my load right there… but I want to try and make this last again… I want to see you shrink more…"

Time seems to slow dramatically for a moment. I can hear my own breathing, the sound of my heartbeat in my ears. I can't fathom where I'm going next, it seems impossible. If I'm any smaller, will he even be able to pick me up? Do anything with me? Will he even be able to see me? Am I just going to be trapped on his crotch forever? I just have to pray. Pray that my body can take it. I did just fall over 30 feet with no harm. Though maybe it's just the adrenaline. Maybe it’s all about to end for me after all.

"Ahhh!" I gasp as my entire body gets hit with the tingling sensation at once. I'm out of time. I fall to my knees and the falling sensation continues as the space I’m in opens up around me dramatically as I get smaller and smaller and smaller…

My vision clears and the first thing I'm hit with is the vibration of the ground. I can feel the giant moaning, and the echoes of his voice far above are incredibly loud, yes, but incredibly distant. I look around. The texture of the skin below me isn’t quite the smooth expanse it used to be as I can see every blemish and bump. And all around are hundreds of dark, thick wires that curl up into the sky, creating a jungle that stretches into every direction. They form a bit of a canopy, and the sky beyond is a mass of shapes, many of them blurry in the distance, that I can’t quite figure out.

The sound of the echoing voice amplifies and rattles through me as I make out a word.


The ground rumbles and shakes, and the blurry shapes in the sky are shifting. I look up and around wildly, desperately searching for some clue as to what is going on. Is that… that can’t be… his face… Wait… is that

“Ah… ahhh..!” I cry out as my breath quickens - something is coming into focus, heading my way, incredibly massive. A falling building, a skyscraper… but in the very familiar shape of a finger… descending like a massive spaceship a few hundred feet north of me…

I brace for the cataclysmic impact, but the digit slows and hovers just over the jungle canopy for a moment, pausing before pushing aside a few dozen of the wires - pubic hairs, I realize. I start taking in the rest of his hand, stretching across the sky in the distance like a floating landscape.

“Crap…” the voice thunders, “Where is she…”

“Fuck,” I gasp, and I’m not even clutching my ears in pain but just hugging my body, almost feeling the words more than hearing them. I fight the panic, try to slow my breathing, try to think. This might feel like an otherworldly experience, but in reality Leo’s looking for me on his crotch right now. I look up at the sky again and I’m starting to make sense of it. Off to the side is a mountainous structure that must be his penis, still erect. There’s the curve of his abdomen heading up. And further still, higher than I’ve ever seen clouds go and filling up the sky… yes, that’s his face. He’s sitting more upright now and leaning over so that he can better see in my direction. But he’s still so, so far away. How on earth will his eyes ever find me down here? Jesus Christ, how small did he make me?

On a much closer scale, the finger continues its journey in the air, moving away from me and pushing aside more of the hairs.

“Lily? Do I need to get the tracker? Or can you show me a sign?”

I’m reminded of when I had shrunk down to a quarter inch on the bath towel. My reaction at the time was freezing up when I knew he was searching for me. I know it has to be different this time. I know it’s much too dangerous for him to not know where I am right now. Yes, he’ll find me eventually with the machine, but the sooner the better. I have to try and get his attention.

Forcing my arms to move, I start swinging them above my head. “Here!” I yell, before feeling stupid as there’s zero chance that he can hear me. I jump up and down a couple of times, and his skin seems to twitch slightly in response but it's not enough for him to realize it's me, nothing’s working. I look at pubic hairs around me, wondering if I could climb one, but I don’t think it could hold my weight. Wait a second. That’s a good thing. Surely that means I can move it.

I run to the closest hair a short distance away. It’s incredibly tall but not very thick - about as big around as a small tree. I grab one with two hands and push. It shudders, the follicle holding strong but the hair itself drooping a bit to the side.

The finger stops. A single hair moving might be hard to glimpse, I think, but the feeling might be perceptible. I keep shaking the wiry tree.

The giant remains motionless for a moment before rumbling again, “I can feel you, don’t stop… Down here?...” And the floating digit starts heading in my direction. “Wait…”

And then it moves faster, making me jump at its sudden approach - I let go of the hair, take a couple of steps back, falling onto my butt as I stare up at the fleshy building that’s only looking bigger…

The hair I was just pulling on - along with dozens if not hundreds of others nearby - gets slowly flattened and crushed under the weight of the nearing digit. I jump again at the sight of a second digit, a thumb I think, appearing on the other side of me, also pulling the hairs aside…

“Hold on. Is that… yes. That’s you, isn’t it Lily? That little speck…”

A rolling wave of thunder echoes around me, through me, shaking me. Laughter.

“Holy shit. It’s hard to imagine ahead of time just how it’ll look, even when I know the exact size I’m going to make you… When you walked in here today you were just a normal girl looking for some fun with a normal guy. And now look at you. Nothing but a speck in a forest of pubes on a god’s body.”

He’s laughing again. Probably just a soft chuckle but it rattles me to my core.

“Okay, don’t move…”

A moment later something new comes into focus above me, something that is wide and long and flat. Embedded near the end of the structure and moving my way is a dark, slightly bulbous circular shape. It’s become such a guessing game, but I figure out that he’s holding his phone, moving the camera towards me.

“I have a magnifying glass in my bedside table too, but maybe this’ll work… Besides, I need another picture of you… Aww, I can juuuust make out your face when I zoom in. Hey there, love. Smile for the camera?”

Needless to say, I don’t. The camera shutter noise echoes even louder than his voice does from such proximity and then the phone disappears, a distant clanging noise indicating he put it back on the nightstand.

“Let’s see, I have the ruler handy too…”

I can tell what I’m looking at quicker this time since he’s told me. The impossibly long, flat shape is slowly approaching me.

“Any guesses as to what your size is, love? I’d be curious to know after all this how close to the right answer you were…”

I’m not in the mood to play, and I’m feeling very distracted by the ruler as I feel like it’s going to land on top of me. I can’t help but put my hands over my head and cry out as it lands, a gentle landing that to me booms and makes the ground shake.

“I’m going to need you to cooperate here. In fact, I hadn’t even thought of this… can you still understand what I’m saying? If so, climb up on the ruler now.”

I hesitate, but honestly I can’t even process whether it would be better to act dumb or not at this point. I’m too scared to defy him. I shakily hurry over to the long metal shape, and as I arrive I realize that the ruler is actually a little thicker than I am tall. I gulp, but instead of spending any time processing that, I take a few steps back, and with a running start I jump up, just catching onto the top. I’ve never been good at pull-ups, but with a monumental effort (considering how worn out my body is at this point), I manage to hoist myself up, scrambling to the top.

“Good. You’re on the metric side, just so you know. Find a line, anywhere’s fine... Lay down.”

I look down at the thick black lines on the cool blue-gray metal. At this point I don’t need to lay down to figure it out. I can tell just by looking. But I do what he says, positioning myself between two of the lines. One of them is just below my head. The other’s just below my feet.

As I’m laying there, staring up at the now clearer view of his head, I see a smile spreading across his face.

“One millimeter. You are one fucking millimeter tall, Lily.”

Hearing it makes it even worse. I wonder what his point of view must be like, try to picture what he must be seeing right now. It makes me feel sick.

“This, right here. This has always been the goal.” I look up at his chocolate, sparkling eyes and for the first time since I’ve been this size, it's like my vision comes into focus and I actually recognize him as Leo. Not a series of blurry shapes or massive body parts, but a guy... One who's in complete control of my fate. And one who’s really, really enjoying this. “In all the RPs I’ve done online, all the art and stories that I’ve found, this size has always been my ultimate fantasy. And here you are, my little speck. I finally have you in my grasp.”

I can’t handle looking up at him anymore and get to a sitting position when he adds. “Well, almost in my grasp. Let’s change that.”

“Ahh!” I shout as the ground suddenly jumps up and I almost roll off the edge. He’s lifting the ruler back up, with me on it. Up, up, past the top of the pubic hairs, past Mt. Cock, up and up and up. He’s doing it so slowly, so that I see every inch of his abdomen as I rise, but the elevator is still too fast and I’m too close to the edge but I’m too scared to move.

Without meaning to, I look down and I can’t breathe, dizzy at the sight of how high up I am. But that’s right when the giant slides his hand underneath the ruler, making contact with an echoing thump. The ruler begins to tilt, and I slide smoothly towards the edge, not having a chance to get my bearings before toppling off and onto his palm.

The landscape has absolutely changed here. We’re not just talking about the rolling hills of his hand, but also the thousands of grooves and wrinkles crisscrossing in every direction. All the little trenches would make it very easy for me to trip now if I tried to traverse this landscape. Not to mention the amount of time it would take to traverse as his hand is closer to the size of a cruise ship now.

And apparently we’re not done moving upwards. His whole hand continues to rise, and I look up to see his face that’s approaching. The closer it is, the more it takes up my vision - just his face could be my entire sky. It was so hard to see from down at his crotch, but now I’m seeing more and more detail in staggering proportions.

He keeps bringing me higher, and it’s starting to really feel like the sky is falling. I realize he’s bringing me right up to an eye, wanting to get a good look. I actually cover my face for a bit, trying to take a second to get a hold of myself, until the elevator finally slows to a stop.

“Look at me.” His voice is so close, so all-consuming.

I look up and the eye of god lies in front of me. It feels like there’s a claw gripping my heart, squeezing and injecting it with anxiety. I’ve never felt so naked, so vulnerable… so small. The eye blinks, and the sheer force of that sends a wind gust that makes me wince.

“You’re just a little fleck on my hand... Hold up your arm.”

I let out a choked sob, compose myself, and then do as he says.

“Yeah, I can see that. Hold up a finger?”

I point straight up.

“No… that I don’t think I can quite make out. Yell something.”

I cry out, shouting nothing in particular but just letting out a scream. It echoes against the canyon of his face.

“Nope. I can’t hear you at all. Okay now, walk towards me.”

He is truly testing my limits right now. But I do so. One foot in front of the other. Towards the giant eye. I try to focus on something to keep me grounded. First I pick an eyelash, absently think about how it could probably support my weight, but the thought of me hanging from it for dear life isn’t helping my anxiety. I focus instead on one of the gold flecks in his iris. Just think about how pretty it looks contrasted against the brown.

“Alright, that’s enough.” The voice sounds amused and I stop walking with a relieved sigh. “Don’t want you slipping off the edge. In fact, can you go back? I’m afraid to move right now.”

I turn around, finding it a lot easier to walk in this direction. I do finally trip at one point on one of the ridges in his hand, but I manage to not fall over.

“I can still feel your little movements. Just barely…” the giant purrs. Leo waits until he’s satisfied with my position on his palm before he pulls me away to a more manageable distance from his face. His head turns to the side, the scale of the movements enough to make me feel nauseous, as he seems to be looking for something. A moment later he turns back towards me.

“Since I can’t hear you anymore, let’s test this out. I want to try the function that can transcribe your speech.”

I recoil reflexively at the sight of the shrinking device, even without his intention to shrink me. I’m momentarily blinded by a red light and I shield my face.

“Okay, it’s tracked you, and now… It should be in sync with you and detect your speech, no matter how small or quiet you are. Say something?”

“I… can’t…” I choke out weakly.

There’s a short pause as Leo watches the machine and then his face lights up. “Amazing. It works.” Then he looks in my direction. “And clearly you can. Take a deep breath, sweetie. Anything I could do to make you feel more comfortable? Other than growing you back?”

I pause for a moment. What a ridiculous question. “No.”

His eyes dart to the screen for a moment then look back at me as he chuckles, and I fall over from the ground shaking. “Good to know. Sounds like you’re doing just fine then, huh?”

I sigh, sitting up and rubbing at my face before speaking with a bit more resolve. “Could you just… hold still? Give me a second to calm down?"

There's a pause as Leo reads the screen and he smiles, looking encouraged that I'm talking more. "That I can do. Just forgive me if I stare at you with love and awe in the meantime, 'kay?"

"Whatever," I mutter under my breath before tensing up as I remember… He did say the machine can pick up on what I say no matter how quiet I am. I should watch what comes out of my mouth, just in case.

"Hold on, just one more bump so I can lean my hand on something. Then I’ll be still, I promise.”

Sure enough, there’s a bit more shaking as Leo bends his leg up to rest his hand on his knee again. And then I sit, hugging my legs and burying my head into them, closing my eyes and breathing deep. Nothing is completely still or completely quiet at this size, even ambient sounds like the giant’s breathing, the rain on the window, and the AC churning in the background are like a dull roar vibrating against my skin. But it’s enough to slowly take stock of where I’m at and gain my composure.

A full two minutes pass by before I lift my head again. Leo is still watching me, still transfixed by the sight of my tiny body on his hand. It’s shocking that he’s actually respected my wishes for this long.

“You good?” he booms.

“As good as I can be,” I answer begrudgingly.

A pause, a glance at the device’s screen. “You have to tell me what it’s like down there. What do you see?”

“It’s… confusing,” I reply, trying to think of what he might want to hear. “It’s hard to tell what I’m looking at half the time. Like your hand, it’s… it’s like I’m on a different planet or something. The landscape's like nothing I’ve ever seen.”

His eyes are darting back and forth between me and the machine as we converse. “What else?” he coos.

“Um. It’s loud. Like, so loud that I don’t even think my ears are fully hearing it? Almost more like my whole body is feeling the vibrations.”

“Hmm. Is it better if I whisper?” He asks with a hushed tone, and the whooshing sound that accompanies the whisper grates against my eardrums like nothing else has.

“No,” I say quickly, “No, please don’t. It’s worse, and I can hardly understand what you’re saying.”

“Interesting. I’ll just try to speak softly.”

Like cloud formations shifting, Leo’s head cocks slightly to the side as he observes me. I see to my right a large form snaking over the edge of his hand as the giant brings his finger in close to me. I cower but he doesn’t try to touch me, just slides it against the skin of his palm until it’s near where I’m sitting. The fingertip is an 80-foot behemoth, just the smallest part of it easily looming over me. The giant’s taking a moment to compare sizes, and then he slowly pushes down into his palm next to me, and I’m jostled as it makes the skin that I’m sitting on buckle in response.

As things settle again I catch the giant grin in the distance. “Your size is just absurd. I’m barely doing anything and it’s knocking you around. You’re beyond normal bug size now, Lily… You're nothing but a little flea. A freckle. The thickness of a coin would be taller than you… You're smaller than a sesame seed… God, it’s so hot to see you looking so insignificant.”

I grit my teeth as I bear through another of his monologues. “I don’t understand,” I mutter, half to myself, “How can this be hot? How can I even seem remotely attractive when I’m barely visible?”

It’s a rhetorical question, but Leo catches a glimpse of my words on the screen and answers anyway. “Aside from my particular kink… You’re still beautiful no matter how tiny you get, love,” he assures me. “In fact… you’re so cute that I just want to kiss you…”

“Wha-” I’m cut off as his hand starts moving towards his face again, quickly, too quickly… I’m heading right for his mouth. His lips are over 15 stories tall and stretch forever on either side of me, the slightest parting of his mouth would suck me into oblivion-

But before I reach him, the lips part as Leo flashes his teeth in a smile. “Just kidding.” Those two words rock me to my core, both from the sheer volume, as well as the exhalation when he speaks that blows me over and makes me roll back a few paces. Thankfully he pulls me away again before he continues. I sit up, my whole body trembling as I look up at him wide-eyed.

“I wouldn’t try that at this point. I could very easily swallow you by accident.”

I don’t appreciate the joke in the slightest. I keep my teeth glued shut so that I don’t start screaming profanities at him. But thank god, thank god, he’s not reckless enough to try something like that.

“But still,” the giant muses, “I really want to put you on me somewhere… anywhere… Just compare your tiny form against mine… Okay. How about we play a little game? I put you on my body. And you have to guess where you are. Ready?”
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Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by LittleNikki » Tue Jul 12, 2022 9:36 pm


Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by littlest-lily » Wed Jul 13, 2022 3:43 pm

Last one! Thanks again to anyone who read this~

Chapter 13

Before I can try to answer him, the giant's other hand comes into view overhead, becoming my sky before lowering on top of me. He's loosely clasping his hands together with me inside - I'm not in complete darkness but my vision is heavily obscured.

"No peeking!" the echoing voice teases.

And it's in this massive cave that I feel movement again as Leo begins lowering his hands. For a moment I try to mentally track where I'm going, but soon I realize there's no point, my sense of distance and scale are just way too out of whack.

"Can you make your way to the side of my hand? This way?" He tilts his palm slightly to illustrate the direction I should go (and it’s enough to make me fall over) before straightening his hand back out as he continues to lower it.

It’s difficult to traverse his palm in the dim light all while descending, and I’m still a ways away from the edge when the hand elevator comes to a jostling landing. Leo lifts his hand off and seems to notice this, commenting with a laugh, “You’re not even at the edge yet! That’s fine, I can wait. I want to see if you can climb down by yourself…”

It takes me another minute or so until the ground starts curving downwards towards the skin below. I take a second to look around, wondering if I can already tell where he’s putting me. I notice his looming face behind me, it looks like he put me not too far from it. Unless he’s trying to throw me off by bending a certain way?

Putting that aside for now, I survey the descent I have ahead of me. I opt to descend into the dip where his palm and pinkie join, thinking the extra lines and creases might offer me more handholds. For a little bit I scoot forward, holding myself upright and low to the ground as I make my way along the slope. But soon I have to turn around and put those rock climbing skills to use, utilizing the small grooves in his skin. The giant watches with fascination as the speck on his hand slowly makes its way down, scaling his skin like a cliff. It takes me another minute or two as I’m being cautious, but I’m finally able to touch down on the warm ground below.

The hand lifts away and disappears. I suddenly feel very vulnerable with nothing but skin stretching as far as I can see, apart from the giant’s looming head in the distance. Even here with such a wide open space it feels like I’m dealing with constant sound, subtle vibrations and shifting at almost every moment.

“So,” the giant says softly, his voice echoing, “Any guesses? Where are you, little one?”

“Um…” I look around again. Whatever I’m standing on seems to be sloping upwards. I venture a guess, “Your arm?”

A chuckle resounds across the valley. “I’m afraid that’s wrong. Wow, you really can’t tell? I can’t imagine what it all must look like to you. Here, I’ll show you a hint. See my finger over here?” Like a UFO, I see his hand float up to my right, and he extends a finger downwards, pointing at something that’s past the horizon. “Start making your way to it.”

I do so, scaling the slope of his body as I beeline for his hand. My mind is working, trying to get a grasp on the scale of everything - the more I think about it, the more I realize that this is too expansive to just be an arm. I start noticing that part of the non-stop stimulation around me involves a vibration that is actually quite regular. I try honing in on that feeling as I walk, noticing the pacing of the subtle earthquakes. Ba-bump. Ba-bump.

Oh. Duh, I think, and it’s at that moment that I’m high enough on the slope that I notice something in the distance. A discoloration at the top of the wide hill, coming to a peak. A massive nipple. I stop walking.

“Figure it out?” Leo chirps, noticing that I’ve stopped.

“Your chest,” I say immediately. And I’m looking around again, getting my bearings as I make out how his face connects, how distinct his heartbeat feels. Miraculously, it seems that at every size my brain is constantly adapting, constantly working to make sense of my surroundings and… get used to this.

“Ding ding,” says the giant with his grin in the distance. “And you are just so adorable crawling around down there. I want to see what you look like compared to my nipple… Although I have to say, you move really slowly at this size. I’m going to have to speed this up…”

I watch in horror as he lifts a hand up to his mouth… and licks the tip of his pinkie. My heart starts racing as I immediately realize what this means. He doesn’t have any more patience for my climbing. And I’m about to face yet another occasion where he might accidentally crush me.

Down it comes, like a hawk swooping down for its prey. My legs tremble as all I want to do is flee. I do stumble backwards a few paces as the finger nears, but I otherwise manage to hold my ground and brace myself.

The pinkie is decently smaller than the index, but it's still a mammoth structure. Leo places the length of it on his body so that he can slide the tip towards me. It's slowing down, but a slow moving train can still hurt. Much less a train that's sixty feet tall.

The digit slows to a stop right in front of me, and I glimpse the sheen of the saliva on its surface. In the background I notice Leo's expression as he squints with concentration, the tip of his tongue resting in the corner of his mouth. The wall of flesh suddenly surges forward, a miniscule movement for him but quite a different story for me, and the wind is knocked out of me as it makes contact, colliding into my too-small body. I'm knocked silly for a moment, though vaguely realizing I'm being lifted up.

"There we go! Stuck right on there."

Sure enough, as I come back to my senses I can feel the wetness of the saliva all down my front, the stickiness of the warm wall. My head is lolling back as the rest of me is stuck fast to his skin, and I find I’m gasping for breath. Battered, but alive.

Still feeling a bit dizzy and out of breath, I look around, being careful not to let my face touch the quickly drying wall and get adhered as well. The giant is transporting me up the hill of his chest, the pinkie hovering but keeping close to the ground. I stare in the direction of Leo’s giant face, and for a few moments I’m looking straight into his eyes, trying to connect and giving him a pleading look. But even though he’s staring straight back, we’re not making eye contact. I’m too small for him to make out that kind of detail from here. It’s humiliating… as if I didn’t feel insignificant enough.

“Much faster,” announces Leo and sure enough, if I crane my neck to look behind me I can see the nipple iceberg approaching. “Except now… hmm, how am I going to get you off? Can you get down, Lily?”

I see that he’s aiming the device at me and that I have an opportunity to speak. “Hold on,” I urge, “Let me think. You almost knocked me out cold when you hit me with your finger.”

“Such a delicate little thing,” the giant gushes, and I resent that there isn’t more worry in his voice.

I experiment for a moment, trying to pull my arm off of his finger. It’s difficult without any kind of leverage but I do manage to wriggle it free. I think it would take me a while to rip my whole body off though, no way would he be patient enough to wait. I look around at the landscape around and below me. Overall, Leo is not a very hairy person, and his chest is no exception. But I do notice that there are plenty of micro-hairs that dabble his skin, and every once in a while there’s a blonde hair that’s longer than the rest. I spot one that’s at about the right height but just out of reach. If I could only grab it…

“Still listening?” I ask the giant.

“I’m all ears. Figuratively,” he responds.

“I think I can grab onto a hair. Could you move me just a tiny bit towards your face? Wait, not–”

And like before, the smallest movement to him is a big lurch to me. I groan in frustration. But as luck would have it, I notice a different hair from what I was aiming is now within reach. Good enough. I stretch my free arm as far as it’ll go and wrap my fingers around the almost translucent wire-like hair. I pull as hard as I can and with a squelching sound I get my upper body free, my legs quickly following suit, and I finally fall off, landing in a heap.

“Hey, you did it! I’ll have to remember that trick for later. Now, up for a little hike?”

The giant pulls away his hand, and I get to my feet so that I take stock of this latest waypoint. I’m just on the edge of the areola, and the rough shape and scale of the area somehow reminds me of this past winter at the local park near where I live. It’s a very round plot of land, and during Christmastime they erect a massive 30ft Christmas tree right in the middle. I remember standing at the very bottom and feeling lightheaded staring up at the star on top. Who could have ever guessed that I would encounter a similar situation but with a giant nipple instead.

I take a second to feel out my limbs, noticing where the sore spots are on my body after the pinkie ride, and I stay mindful of them as I set out on my “hike.” The skin around his nipple is not quite pink, more like a light brown that gets darker as I head inwards. I’d never really taken notice of a man’s nipple before. This has been quite the intimate journey indeed.

The ground starts shaking as I walk and I hear a shuddering inhale echoing from the giant. I look up at him, wondering what’s happening, and see not only the familiar sight of arousal on his face, but also a bit of surprise.

“Wow. This is new for me,” says Leo thoughtfully, “I’ve never thought of this as a particularly sensitive spot. I was curious if the feel of your tiny body would make a difference… I guess it does… And just the sight of you down there…” He trails off for a moment, before adding with a bit more urgency. “Go on, climb to the top.”

I've almost reached the figurative Christmas tree, which in reality is more like a tall fleshy hill. The skin here is a little bumpier and intricate, providing plenty of foot and handholds. Here goes nothing.

I start climbing up the nipple, and seeing as how the rock walls I typically climb are taller than this, I'm relieved to find it a relatively easy task. Or I would if this damn giant could hold still. I make good use of the wrinkles in the skin, holding on through every little earthquake as Leo twitches and shifts to my touch. I can feel his heart rate quicken as his breathing gets more labored.

The sighs and moans fill me with a sense of dread. Like I've asked myself several times throughout the night, what happens next? What will my captor do once I reach the top? Am I marching towards my own doom?

I'm about to find out as the hill tapers off and I crouch on the very top of his nipple, still holding on to him just in case. I actually have a slightly better view of his body from up here, can look out across his chest and make out his other nipple on the opposite side. Then my attention is suddenly brought to his face as Leo starts laughing softly.

"Well, I certainly enjoyed that," he says with a sigh, "If only I could have you climb every bit of me… All in due time. I'm going to make you this size so many times, we'll both become experts on how to handle it." He's interrupted by his own body's pleasure as he winces audibly. "But I… I can hardly control myself right now… Okay, it's time to get back on my finger, love…"

I crouch deeper as I recoil from the sudden movement when the giant’s hand appears. He extends his index finger, sidling it up next to me like a ship coming into dock.

"Can you climb up on it, now that you're higher up?"

This ends up easier said than done. Leo’s trying not to bump into my perch and knock me off of it, but that also means I can’t quite reach his finger. Not to mention, in his aroused state there’s a slight tremble to his fingers that’s probably imperceptible to him but would make it harder for me to climb.

“Hold on. Your trick from earlier gives me an idea.”

I watch as the giant reaches his other hand up to his forehead and I frown, confused and figuring I probably just can’t see properly. Then Leo yanks a hair off of his head and brings it down in my direction, his hand rocketing over at a staggering speed. Thumb and forefinger stop just above where I’m at, dangling the single hair down to where I’m sitting.

“Grab on.”

I carefully get to my feet and step over to the blonde strand - it’s not quite as wide as his pubes were, more like a thick rope. I grab on with both hands and, worried he might yank my arms out of my sockets, wrap my legs around it too.

“Ready?” he asks.

“Y-yeah,” I respond, bracing myself.

Up I go, too fast as usual, but I keep a good grip. I squeeze my eyes shut as I swing through the air, but the trip is mercifully short as a couple of seconds later, I’m deposited onto his fingerpad with a crash.

“Perfect,” purrs the giant, “We’re getting good at this. Look at you… down at my favorite spot… Come on up here, little speck…”

I hold on tight to the finger, curling up so that I can bury my head into the ground. I’m so sick of going up and down. So tired of being handled so casually like this. God, when is this going to be over.

I wait, feeling like I’ll never get used to this kind of vertigo, and once the escalation finally stops, I slowly uncurl myself, peering up. Those massive chocolate eyes are gazing at me - maybe from here we actually are making eye contact. He’s holding me just a couple of inches from his face and I can see, hear, feel his arousal. His breath is quick with excitement.

“I can’t take this… you have to get smaller, Lily... I’m going to shrink you again on my fingertip. And this time…” He pauses, takes a shaky breath. “I looked it up before all this… I looked up what’s the smallest size the human eye can see. According to Google, that’s about a tenth of a millimeter.”

My body is both on fire and ice cold. I can’t move.

“Ten times smaller than this… So that I’ll just barely be able to see you… Look down at your own hand, love. Soon you’ll be smaller than that.”

And I do look down. Stare at my own hand resting on the ridged skin of his fingertip. It easily fits in the groove between two ridges.

“Fuck, this is so hot. Shrink for me, Lily. Shrink down…”

I don’t even see the device come into view this time. I’m frozen. The tingling hits and I just keep staring, falling, dizzy…

My vision clears and I come to my senses at the explosion of sound. I don’t even know how my eardrums haven’t burst by now. Maybe they have, as I no longer feel like I’m hearing anything. My body is shaking, vibrations overwhelming me so that I don’t even recognize the feeling as speech as first. But then I start making out words…

“Where… Oh god. I can’t… I think I see you… but I’m not even sure if that’s you…”

The sound is one thing, but my brain is now processing the visuals too. I don’t see the swirls of the giant’s fingerprints anymore. I realize I’m on a slanted surface and I figure it out without actually being able to see it. I’m inside his fingerprint. Just like my hand was moments ago, I’m sitting between two ridges. Not knowing what else to do, I try climbing up the side of the ditch. I’m now sitting at the top, staring across the massive expanse of trenches stretching in all directions.

The only other thing I make out is what’s above. Leo’s eye is now my entire sky.

“Hold on a sec,” the landscape thunders.

Above me is a confusion of movement, too blurry, too massive to figure out. I’m vaguely aware that I’m moving too, and I don’t even know if I’m detecting micro movements and the giant is trying to sit still, or if he’s actively moving me somewhere. It’s too much.

After a moment, I think I see the eye above me again. Something’s different this time, it looks incredibly warped, but I can’t quite figure it out. The vibrations are back, but not words this time. It’s the distinct sound of laughter.

“Yup. That is you. I’m having to look through a magnifying glass to make out your form.”

Just as I’m getting my bearings there’s more movement - he must have put the magnifying glass away again.

“We should be able to communicate still… Say something, Lily.”

I can’t.

“...Hello? Can you still make out what I’m saying?” he says after a pause.

“Barely,” I whisper.

The device miraculously picks up what I say. “Okay, good. Jesus, little speck. What the world must be like for you. It’s hard to even keep an eye on you. I could lose you so easily… I’m your world now, Lily… And I’m sorry, I don’t think I can take the time to let you get accustomed to this… I’m so hard… You’re just too tiny…”

There’s a pause, and I’m vaguely aware that the finger is moving again, although again I can’t quite figure out the speed at this point. But the eye is gone now, there’s just a confusing mass of whooshing blurry shapes above.

“I’m going to set you down on a notecard,” the giant’s voice announces. And before I know it, I’m no longer on the finger. I must be falling, but I can’t make sense of anythi-

WHAM. I’m on a different bumpy surface now. I have no idea how far I’ve fallen or how I’m alive. My whole body is just numb at this point. A moment later I make out a shape focusing into view, a building sized cylindrical… something… The building crashes into the ground in the distance and there’s an earthquake as the structure moves, making its way around my position. Before it lifts away, I think I’ve figured out that it’s a pencil.

“There. It’s so easy to lose track of you. Just stay in the circle.”

I don’t budge. It’s not like my legs are working anyway, and the circle must be hundreds of feet in diameter.

“Everything is just so much bigger than you are. You’re just barely there… Like a speck of dust… And still not small enough, Lily… You need to keep shrinking. Right now. Keep getting tinier. Shrink… shrink… shrink down…”


And just like that. I watch as the girl I’ve fallen in love with over the past few weeks, the woman I’ve seen dwindle down throughout the night, down into a tiny dot on a page, just… vanishes from view. I’ve shrunk her juuust past the point of being able to see her. My dick swells at the sight. I’m so fucking close.

I grab the magnifying glass, pass it over the small circle I’ve drawn on the card. I see a shadow of a fleck… She’s still down there, invisible to me now without the magnification… I almost drop the shrinking device as I hurry to switch to tracking mode. I want to ask her one last time.

“Can you still understand what I’m saying, little one?”

I wait for a minute, fixating the screen of the device. Nothing. Something I hadn’t mentioned to Lily yet is the fact that the tracker can monitor her vitals as well. It’s one of the reasons I’m so confident that she’s proportionally more durable as she gets smaller. I can see in the corner of the screen that she’s physically fine. But the rest of the screen, where I can normally see what she’s saying, is blank.


No response. Looks like she can’t make out my words anymore. What must that even be like? My dick swells again.

I lean forward from my sitting position on the bed. I gingerly pick up the notecard with both hands, lifting the paper and its precious cargo off the bed sheets, and gaze lovingly at the small circle. I want her on me. I want to be her everything right now. And I want her. Fucking. Smaller.

Judging by the drop she had from my finger to the notecard itself, I’m confident she can take this. I can feel the precum oozing out now and I grab on to my cock with one hand while still holding the notecard with the other. I start tilting the notecard, picturing her microscopic body tumbling off… Then I quickly use the tracker again to make sure.

Yes. There she is. Not only are her vitals fine, the laser is pointing right to the end of my dick, just safely out of the way above the piss slit. I can’t even feel her body, I think with a moan, and, just in case she actually can hear me, I say the rest out loud, “The tip of my dick is your entire world, Lily. And it’s about to get bigger.”

I don’t even need to aim the device as it’s locked on to her now, and I just hold the button down as I pump. “Shrink, Lily… Get tinier for me…”

I think back to when I first saw her today. The feeling of her lips against mine as we made out, the sight of her shrinking for the first time, becoming so delightfully short. Smaller…

I relive the feeling of her warm, doll-like body in my hands, her fighting me, her submitting to me, and I loved every bit of it. Smaller…

I shudder at the thought of her dwindling down as I held her, feeling her heart racing like a little mouse, my fingers completely dominating her like a toy. Smaller…

I remember her face as she fell under the inch tall mark, beautiful and overwhelmed and mine as she became nothing but a bug… I curl my toes as I recall how she felt between them, bite my lip as I can still taste her tiny body. Smaller…

I'm intoxicated by thoughts of her becoming nothing but a speck on my body, feeling her ridiculously tiny movements as it gives me goosebumps… Even as I lose sight of her when she goes beyond what humans can see, I know that she's down there, I know she will just keep shrinking as long as I keep holding on to this button…

I'm right at the edge, gasping out to her, “So pathetic… Just so fucking tiny... Completely microscopic… and getting smaller… and smaller… and—”

I throw my head back with an intense moan as cum erupts out of me, my mind blank, my muscles tensed, my entire body straining with intense pleasure as I release and become her everything.


At this point… I feel like I’m just kind of floating in space. I can’t really hear anything, see anything, feel anything… At least, nothing that makes sense. Even time isn’t making sense anymore. How long since I heard his last words? How long since I was blinded by the red tracking laser? Am I… dead?

And then, after what feels like forever, I feel it rumbling through me. A voice?

“There you are.”

“Huh?” I whisper, dazed. I realize my eyes are closed, judging by how heavy my eyelids feel. I vaguely notice that I’m laying on my back.

“Hold on a sec… I’ll be able to hear you again in just a little bit…”

My eyes flutter open. I gaze up at the sky, at the strangely colored clouds that slowly form into vaguely human facial features.

“Hey there, sleepy head. Okay, you’re still less than an inch tall, but I don’t want you to fall off so I’m going to pick you up now…”

Everything is moving, shifting all around me. I feel pressure against my shoulders and I’m sliding now, getting dragged onto a new surface. The face in the sky becomes familiar. A massive monolith that’s looming over me. Although… maybe not quite as massive as the last time I saw it…

“There we go. Hang in there, love… Almost theeere, and… okay. Three inches.”

And just like that, everything stops moving. I can suddenly see a little better, think a little clearer. I try to lift myself up, propping up onto my elbows first, as I take a look around. Holy shit. I’m bigger again. A far cry from my normal size, but even at my tiny stature I’m feeling huge on Leo’s palm. I look up towards his face, realizing it doesn’t take up my entire sky anymore.

“Welcome back, Lily,” the giant says with a grin.

I could cry. I shouldn’t be happy to see him like this. But the relief of not being smaller than a speck of dust is so great that I can’t help but smile back.

“Is this… really…” I start, trailing off.

Leo takes a guess at what I’m saying. “It’s all done. For tonight at least. You’ve been such a trooper, and you’ve made me feel beyond amazing. You’re getting a well deserved break.”

I push myself up to sitting, glancing around at the giant fingers loosely curled around me, still taller than I am. The relief is still overwhelming, but it becomes a little dampened at the dawning knowledge that it’s not all over. It’s not like he grew me back to original size. It’s not like I’m about to go back to my normal life.

“So… what happens next?” I ask tentatively.

“Well, for starters, I wanted to show you your new home,” answers the giant, “When I was prepping for all this, I figured three inches tall would be a decent ‘home base,’ if you will. So I got something appropriately sized.” He pauses, cocks his head as he looks me over. “You okay if I stand up? You still look a little shaken.”

“Oh, do I? I can’t imagine why,” I respond, almost laughing at the absurdity of it all.

“Well, you feel okay enough to be sarcastic, at least. You’re going to have to tell me all about your little trip to the Quantum Realm or whatever. But judging by how you look right now, I’m guessing you don’t really feel like it quite yet.”

“You’d guess right.”

“Heh. Hold on, little one.”

As the giant stands up from his bed and I reflexively crouch to account for the extra movement, I look around the room, still so relieved to be able to see and hear and feel everything normally. Well, not normally… it’s weird how accustomed to this I’m getting.

Leo walks to his desk, lowering his hand to rest it on top so that I can get off. I do so, sliding off of his palm, and I feel comforted by the sturdiness of the wood under my feet. I notice the piece of paper that’s still lying on the desk, the drawing of me that’s a third of my current size.

“Hang tight for a second,” says the giant as he moves to a chest of drawers nearby and starts pulling together another outfit. Good. I’ve had enough oversized nudity for one day.

Once he’s tossed on some clothes, he then goes to pull a big cardboard box out from under the desk, sliding it out and opening it. I crane my neck to try and see what's inside, and it’s only once he carefully lifts out the contents that I see it.

A dollhouse. It’s two stories high and quite realistic; it looks more like a detailed miniature than a plastic toy. Even from my perch on the desk I can tell that I’m the perfect size for it… Leo really does look like a giant at the moment, easily handling what looks like an actual house.

He tenderly sets it down on top of the desk beside me, chirping “Home sweet home” and taking a seat at the desk. I look up at the house with a feeling of both awe and dread. A sobering depiction of what my future holds.

“Take a look,” says Leo as he pulls open the front door. “You can probably tell that this isn’t something I just bought at Target. It’s custom built to be much more functional than a normal dollhouse.”

As he speaks I go ahead and curiously walk to the door frame, peering inside. I’m initially wondering if this is just an actual house that was shrunken down, along with all of its furniture, until I start noticing a few telltale signs that this was built small to begin with - oversized screws and the like. The walls are mostly white, the furniture a mix of neutral colors. It’s not unlike the aesthetic of Leo’s apartment, actually.

“There’s electrical wiring so the lights and heating and stuff all actually work, I just need to plug it in. There’s even a plumbing system that uses this water tank in the back here, which has a sanitation chamber and everything.”

It’s pretty remarkable, and to me it might even be bigger than the house I grew up in. But… it’s not home. Even just looking into the house, I can see through a window and the view of giant shelves and art supplies is disconcerting.

“I figured you might want to take an actual shower,” the giant says with a slightly sheepish tone, and I glance down at myself and realize I’m a mess. “The main bedroom upstairs should be stocked with some extra clothes. But let me know if you need anything.”

As he speaks I see him through the window - he's fiddling with the house, unraveling the cord that's coming out of the back of it and plugging it into a nearby power strip. I take a deep breath and turn to step back out onto the desk. I look up at my captor, trying to muster a sense of resolve.

“Leo… we need to talk.”

The giant, now finished with the setup, looks down in my direction and then slowly sits back in the chair. His eyebrow is slightly raised, but he doesn’t look all too surprised. He leans back in his chair, nodding at me. “Sure thing.”

“You… you know I don’t want to be here.”

“I do. Not yet at least. I can’t exactly blame you.”

“Right. So I’ve gathered a few things.” I start counting on my fingers. “Number one. You plan on keeping me here. Presumably forever.”

Leo looks at me keenly. I don’t think he was expecting me to be this composed. But he answers, unruffled, “That’s right.”

“Two,” I continue, “You would rather I be happy.”

He nods, gaze softening. “Of course.”

“Three. I don’t think you’re an idiot. You know that after everything you did tonight, everything you’re saying you plan to do… that it’s impossible to have both. Even with all of the niceties you’re offering, you can’t expect me to just accept all of this, to forget my family, my friends, my career, my autonomy, my freedom? How exactly are you expecting for this to all play out?” I feel my voice begin to waver but continue resolutely, “Are you just hoping stockholm syndrome would eventually take care of it? Or what?”

He’s quiet for a few moments. I try to read his expression. For the first time since I’ve met him, I think I see… shame? I’ve definitely surprised him.

“Cutting right to the chase,” he says with a sigh. “Listen. I get that I’ve been a horny dickhead all night, and that it probably doesn’t help my case here. But believe it or not, I’ve been thinking through this for a long time. And I’m confident that I can make this work. You can still have all of those things you used to have.”

“What?” I ask with an exasperated laugh, “How?”

“I can give you all the resources you might need in miniature. A computer, a phone, internet access. It’s all possible. There are plenty of opportunities to work remotely. There are a million different ways to explain your absence to friends and family and still keep in touch. I’m happy to take you outside, to travel, to do anything you might want to do. That actually sounds really fun to me, it’s the type of stuff I’ve dreamed about. Hell, we could even get to the point of regularly returning you to normal size.”

I gawk at him.

“Now, obviously,” he continues, “I don’t want all my little secrets to get found out. There would need to be a certain level of trust between us, certain limits. It can’t all happen overnight. So. How about we do this… Think about all of the things you want. Every little thing that you’re worried about. A list of demands, if you will, anything that could make you happier or more comfortable or more fulfilled. And then tomorrow morning, we’ll talk about it. Point by point. I’ll listen to all of it. And we’ll figure out solutions. It probably won’t be perfect, and that’s okay. We can revisit stuff as time goes on.”

I continue to just stare at him. I’m starting to feel confused. He’s almost sounding reasonable right now… or he would be if he wasn’t a kidnapping criminal. But at the same time, what are my options here? Maybe I should at least be thankful that he shows some amount of care. Maybe it’ll lead to… something. I don’t know. I suddenly realize how very, very tired I feel.

Leo exhales sharply through his nose, a quiet laugh. The old spark in his eye has returned and he gently slides his hand behind me to touch my back. “At the very least,” he says softly, “Let’s call it for tonight, yeah? You look exhausted. I’ll give you your space. Just try to get some sleep, okay?” He leans in, and I’m too tired to pull away as he kisses me carefully on the top of the head. “Goodnight, love.”

And with that, my giant captor gives me one last smile before pulling his hand away, standing up… and walking out of his bedroom.

The emptiness around me is dizzying. I slowly turn and step into the dollhouse, not bothering to bathe or find a bedroom or anything. I walk to the first soft surface I find - the living room couch - and collapse onto it. It’s all just too much to process. I can’t do it anymore. All I know is, I’m alive. Battered, scared, lost, but still here. Somehow. Tomorrow is a new day.

And with the dull sound of rain quietly falling outside, I close my eyes and drift off into sleep.


Aaand that's it! I do have a sequel that I plan to post that goes into Leo & Lily figuring out their new life together, and it veers much more into gentle/slice of life/slow burn territory while also dealing with the fallout and complications from this initial crazy night. This all started out as just a little passion project for me, but about halfway through I was getting attached enough to these characters that I really wanted to delve into them more and develop more of a story.

Anyway, if you enjoyed part one or are interested in part two, do let me know! :)
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Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by Firewall » Thu Jul 14, 2022 2:49 pm

This has been a great read. I have also been reading the Raindrops stories on your DA. I'm positive that "Lileo" will eventually find some middle ground with their new living arrangement.

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Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by littlest-lily » Thu Jul 14, 2022 3:48 pm

Firewall wrote:
Thu Jul 14, 2022 2:49 pm
This has been a great read. I have also been reading the Raindrops stories on your DA. I'm positive that "Lileo" will eventually find some middle ground with their new living arrangement.
Ahhh, thank you so much! I'll be starting to post Raindrops on here soon too as at some point I'd like to be updating all the places with the same thing at once haha. I feel like Raindrops is so different that I figured it would bore the majority of people - which is fine, this has very much been a creative space for me to explore different things. But it feels nice to know someone's interested and I'm not just sharing for no reason :) It's been really fun for me to figure out how their relationship might evolve over time and how the two of them are changing, both in reaction to the size differences and just as two people.
If you’d like to support me and my work, please feel free to leave me a tip and I will be so grateful! https://ko-fi.com/littlestlily

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i am insane
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Re: Rain on the Windowsill

Post by i am insane » Fri Jul 15, 2022 1:08 am

Interesting. Very interesting. Now that he has her, Leo has to win his girl over instead of just.... dominating her. Good luck, guy, you'll need it, lol. There was a brief, brief time there, when she was bigger, that she was a tiny bit interested, but beyond that? Yeah, she's not having a good time, my dude.

I'm interested in the second part, for the record.

BTW, since this site is new to you, I feel like I should point out we have a second SW site now, instead of just one; for the first time since god knows when! Anyways, its a site that Jitensha made, and here's the link if you're curious.
Power is choice.

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