A Short Day at the Park - Updated 8/4

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The Grither
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A Short Day at the Park - Updated 8/4

Post by The Grither » Tue Jul 26, 2022 2:44 pm

I was inspired by this thread: https://shrunken-women-board.com/phpBB3 ... f=8&t=4238 to write this one. I hope you like it:

“So I take one of these”, Melanie said holding the orange pill up, “and I shrink how much?”

“We’ve been over this a million times now Mel, you’ll end up between three to four feet tall” Lisa said to the taller girl, getting rather irritated after explaining this so much. Especially since she didn’t agree to this plan in the first place.

Melanie went over to the wall where she had made some marks. She looked way down at the three foot one and saw that it only came up to her waist. The four foot one, on the other hand was about chest high. Still small but not as scary as three feet. She was beginning to have some doubts but when she remembered the difference between a child’s admission and an adult one she got her nerve back. Besides, even if she did shrink to three feet tall it would only be until she was in the park. After that she’d go to the nearest bathroom, take the restoration pill, and come back out her normal 5’10 self. Worst case, she’d be small for a couple of hours if the park was packed and they had to sit in traffic and then wait in a long line to get in.

“And this one will bring me back, right?” Melanie held up the pink pill, it was a lot smaller than the orange but she figured it had to be since it was made for people less than half normal size

Lisa just nodded and went back to getting ready,

“This is really dumb, you know that?” She said to Melanie, “You’re going to leave yourself as helpless as a child just so you can save a hundred bucks. I’ll lend you the money if you really need it that bad”

“It’s not the money, it’s the principle!” Melanie argued, “This place used to cost about $50 not even ten years ago but now it’s over $200 and they haven’t added much at all”

“Sure, that sucks but if you hate it so much we could always just not go” Lisa already knew what Melanie would say to that so she didn’t wait for a response and went on,

“you can sit here in your underwear while you wait to turn yourself into a munchkin but some of us need to get ready” then went into the bathroom to dry her hair

Melanie started to reply but stopped when she heard the hair dryer going and knew Lisa wouldn’t be listening anyway. She emptied the contents of the bad she brought with her and looked through the clothes. Her cousins had kids who just outgrown the size range she would be for a short time so she offered to take them to drop in a donation box but not until after she had some use out of them.

She arranged them by size from smallest to largest and as she looked at the pile of the smaller ones she really hoped that she wouldn’t get that small. Even if it wouldn’t be for long the though of being smaller than both of her short friends wasn’t appealing to her, she always made fun of them for being short so she knew she was due some payback even if only briefly. Plus being four feet tall she could at least pass as a very small adult, three feet on the other hand would be nearly impossible.

“Well, enough stalling. Let’s get this over with” Melanie said to herself as she popped the pill in her mouth and swallowed it with a large drink of water. She hoped that maybe if she drank more with it the effects would be diluted and she’d end up on the larger side of miniature.

She waited for the telltale sensation of falling that would indicate that the shrinking had started but nothing was happening yet so she got up and began pacing back and forth. While she did she heard a knock on the door and went to answer it. The third member of their group, Maria, was waiting anxiously to be let in.

“Well?!” She excitedly asked, “Did you take it yet? Are you any smaller?” She was so giddy she could barely contain herself. Like Lisa, she thought the idea of shrinking yourself just to get a child’s admission was overkill but unlike her she was very excited at the thought of seeing the mighty Melanie reduced to the size of a child. She couldn’t wait to tease her about it.

“Calm down midge… er, Maria”, Melanie answered realizing now might not be the best time to use her nickname for her soon to be larger friends, “I just took it and it should start any minute now”

As soon as she finished that sentence she felt her bra loosen and slide down, revealing her right breast. Maria saw this and laughed,

“I know we’re close but you don’t have to flash me”, she noticed that Melanie was just a little bit shorter than her at that point so she added, “shorty”

Melanie suddenly felt lightheaded and the falling sensation began. She was ready for it but it still knocked her on her ass where she decided to stay until the shrinking stopped. She stared at the floor and watched in amazement as it seemed to stretch out in front of her. While she did this Maria got closer to watch and her feet came into view so Melanie got to watch them grow to a ridiculous size as well. She kept waiting for everything to stop growing, which it finally did after a few minutes.

When another minuted passed without any more shrinking she slowly turned her head to look up and was greeted to the giant face of her formerly petite friend.

“Holy shit Mel, you got tiny!” Maria said with a huge grin on her face. Although she’d read that this would happen Melanie was still surprised to hear Maria’s voice was now deeper than she was used to. That also meant her own voice would be higher, something she knew was going to amuse the hell out of Lisa and Maria.

Maria reached a massive hand down to Melanie who took it, in awe of how huge it was. Her whole hand from wrist to fingertips could fit in Maria’s palm with room to spare. Maria on the other hand couldn’t get over how tiny the hand she was holding had become. And so much weaker, she could tell that Melanie was holding on tight but she could barely feel her grip.
She meant to just give her a little help up but not being used to the size difference yet she ended up pulling harder than she should which sent Melanie shooting up and off her feet. Maria got nervous and let go causing her mini friend to land back on her ass again. She quickly jumped up and yelled

“OW! What the hell Maria?!” She yelled out in what she had meant to be an angry voice but to the giant girl’s ears sounded high pitched and squeaky.

Although she did feel bad she couldn’t help but laugh at the chipmunk voice coming from her once imposing friend.

“HAHAHAHAHA! Oh man, Mel you sound hilarious. You’re like a little mouse girl, you should hear yourself!”

“I am NOT a mouse girl!” Melanie protested while crossing her arms against her chest which she now noticed was completely bare. This only made Maria laugh even more

At this time Lisa was done with her hair and came out of the bathroom to see the much smaller Melanie yelling at what to her was a giant woman. She missed the first part but she could hear her say something about not being a mouse. Like Maria she found the cuteness of her voice amusing and most of her annoyance from before went away.

“She’s right Maria”, Lisa said in Melanie’s defense, “she’s definitely bigger than a mouse”, Melanie was about to thank her for the help but then she added, “I’d say she’s about as big as a cat” and the two laughed some more

“Fine! Whatever! Enjoy this while you can because I’ll be back to my normal size in a little while and then we’ll see who’s laughing. Plus, you guys both sound like big ugly ogres”

Melanie got up and went over to the wall to see the damage. When she got there her heart dropped when she saw that her head was just below the three. She bent down to lift the yardstick she had dropped there earlier and after some effort managed to get it to stand up. When she tried to measure herself against it she lost her grip and it fell again. Luckily for her, Lisa was over her laughing fit and saw that her tiny friend needed help.

She squatted down as low as she could, still leaving her significantly taller than Melanie, and held the ruler up while the smaller girl stood against it. When she was straight against it Lisa leaned in and checked the number.

“You’re 2 feet 11 inches tall”

“That’s IT?!” Melanie squeaked, “I thought you said three feet was the lowest!”

“That’s what the package says, besides you’re pretty much three feet tall. Your head is sort of in between the eleven and zero”

“Anyway, I need to get dressed so we can get there and get this nightmare over with”

Melanie went over to the bed where she had laid out the clothes and realized that her head didn’t even reach the top. As expected Maria started laughing even more as she grabbed the side of the mattress and began climbing. Before she could begin however, she felt a pair of huge hands grab her on each side and she was lifted and gently placed on the top of the bed. She turned to see Lisa standing over her with a sheepish grin

“Sorry, I just thought you’d want to get up there faster” when Melanie didn’t reply she added, “And if it makes you feel better you’ve lost a ton of weight”

Melanie just ignored her and went to the smallest pile of clothes. Although all of the clothes were childish these were the worst and she never thought this would be what she’d end up with but she got on her knees and started to sort through them. It didn’t take long to decide what she wanted, the least childish shirt was just a pink t-shirt with a pig on it. It was a little tight in the chest area which she would have been ok with but she needed to look like a kid, not a small adult so she went for another slightly bigger one. It was looser and she was able to hide her figure but it had “Daddy’s special little girl” written on it which just felt creepy. Since it wouldn’t be for too long she just went with it.

She then grabbed some jeans but was mortified to see that they were too long for her so she tried on another pair and the same thing. This was the case for all the pants, something that prompted Maria to suggest they cut the legs off and she could wear mini daisy dukes. She added that she’d make all the other kids in daycare go crazy which made her and Lisa laugh hysterically once again.

Finally she got to the dress. She’d had no intention of wearing it but seeing how long the pants were she realized she had no choice. As she pulled it up she realized it was a little loose on her waist but her hips held it up without the need for a belt. She was also embarrassed to see that the dress, which was meant to be knee length at most, was an ankle length dress for her. She wanted to just abort the whole plan right then but she’d come this far and wasn’t going to do this for nothing so she kept going.

Since no one donated old underwear, she had to buy some new ones. She went over to the package and after struggling to tear the package open she felt a large presence looming over her and looked up to see Maria standing over her,

“It’s ok sweetie, let momma open the big tough package for you” as she took it out of her hands and easily tore it open

Melanie didn’t even dignify her with a response, she just bent down and pulled a tiny pair of underwear out. Or it would have been tiny if she were normal sized, on her current state they were like granny panties, she could already tell they were going to be a little big on her but she figured it was better than accidentally exposing people if she bent over or fell while she waited to get into the park so she pulled them up and after some adjustments managed to get them to stay up.

Her last item to find was shoes. She found a pair of white sneakers with pink frill that while too wide for her feet, fit enough to stay on when she walked. It wasn’t ideal but it would work for now.

Once she was dressed she hopped down off the bed, landing harder than she planned but recovering quickly, and said

“Ok you big dummies, let’s get this over with”
“Not so fast little lady” Maria said, grabbing her by the arm and lifting her up

She carried her into the bathroom and sat her on the counter

“You can’t go out with your hair like this, everyone will think Lisa and I are terrible parents”

“Ha ha!” Melanie replied, “you two aren’t my parents. You’re my annoying sisters”

“Nope!” Lisa added, “We’re your annoying BIG sisters. And Mom and Dad said we’re in charge so you do what we say”

Melanie could tell she wasn’t going to win this so she just crossed her arms and said,

“Fine! Just get it over with!”

Maria gently lifted and turned her around until she was standing in front of the mirror, something that drove home how ridiculously small she now was, then gently gathered her hair and pulled into a little ponytail. It took a few tries since she was working with such a small head and Melanie swore at her as she pulled her hair more than a few times but she eventually got it and the three girls agreed it was time to go.
Last edited by The Grither on Fri Aug 05, 2022 3:03 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A Short Day at the Park

Post by Teenytinyone » Wed Jul 27, 2022 12:27 pm

Very cute! Great start, looking forward to the rest of the story, thanks for sharing! :)

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Re: A Short Day at the Park

Post by chaser984 » Thu Jul 28, 2022 3:05 am

I love it. It's the kind of sexy-cute I look for in SW fiction, and I hope you keep the adventure going.

Describing the shrinking as a feeling of vertigo was a nice touch. I hadn't given much thought to what rapid shrinking might feel like.

The Grither
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Re: A Short Day at the Park - Updated 7/29

Post by The Grither » Fri Jul 29, 2022 4:31 am

Melanie got down from the counter with a little help from her friends then went to grab the bag holding her change of clothes for when she was big again plus the restoration pill. It was heavier than she was used to but that wasn’t too much of a problem, the bigger issue was that she couldn’t carry it with the shoulder strap since she was so small it would drag on the ground if she did.

After trying without success to adjust the strap so it was short enough for her she gave up and decided she would just carry it in her hands. It was like carrying a large piece of luggage that made walk awkwardly and she knew she looked ridiculous doing it like this but she wasn’t about to give Lisa and Maria, who were watching with huge smirks on their faces the whole time, the satisfaction of telling them she needed help with something so simple.

She left the room while Lisa held the door, walking under her outstretched arm and down the stairs. It was slow going and she almost fell more than once, something that made Maria go down ahead of her so she could catch her if that happened but she made it eventually.

While they were in the lobby and heading out to the car Melanie called out “SHOTGUN!”

Lisa started to say something but Maria shot her a look to keep quiet and the two smiled knowingly as they approached the car.

In her diminished capacity it took Melanie longer to reach it but when she got there her giant friends were waiting, Lisa in the driver’s seat and Maria leaning against the passenger’s side front door looking at her phone. She found it odd that she hadn’t already gotten in the car and seemed to be eagerly waiting for something but she was too tired from lugging the bag all that way to worry about it.

She approached the much taller girl and without looking up, tried to nudge her out of the way so she could get into the passenger’s seat. When that didn’t work she tried again but harder. That did make Maria move but not by much and she could tell that she mostly moved because she wanted to, not because of the insignificant force from her shrunken friend. The whole time she just ignored her and kept typing away at her phone

“Come on, don’t do this Maria” Melanie said with a sigh, “Just let me in, I know you think this is hilarious and you can tease me all you want but don’t physically push me around when I’m so much smaller than you. I never did that to either of you”

Maria just smiled and said in a tone that one would use for a child,

“Oh Mel, I’m not pushing you around because you’re small, I’m doing this because it’s illegal for you to ride in the front seat. Look”

She held her phone down to Melanie’s level so she could see what she had been reading. Melanie took the phone in both hands causing her to drop the bag which Maria picked up and held onto while she continued to read.

As Melanie read the website she realized with a sinking feeling that she was indeed too small to ride in the front seat. Sure, there was a good chance they wouldn’t get pulled over but it wasn’t just that. If they got into an accident the airbag could deploy and break her little neck. As soon as she saw that she handed the phone back up to Maria, who took it easily in one hand while keeping the bag that had been weighing her down just as easily held with the other, and said

“Ok. You have a point, I’ll sit in the back”

Maria clapped and said

“I knew you’d see it that way!” Then she opened the back door and after reaching over Melanie to place the bag in the seat behind Lisa, lifted her up and placed into the other thing the website mentioned someone her size should sit in while riding in a car, a car seat.

“What the hell is this?” Melanie cried out as Maria held her down with one hand and strapped her in with the other, “I didn’t agree to this! Get me out of here right now!”

Maria just ignored her while she continued buckling her in, at one point leaning right over her which caused her massive breasts that were barely contained by the tight halter top she was wearing to press into her face almost smothering her.

“Hey! Get your oversized tits out of my face!” Melanie demanded

Maria laughed at that and leaned back, pressing her breasts close together while saying,

“These? But I thought you said they were too small before” she looked toward Lisa and added, “What was it she used to call us again Lise?”

Without missing a beat Lisa replied,

“The itty bitty titty committee. Not very original if you ask me”

“I agree” Maria said “Besides, it’s not my tits that are oversized, it’s you who are undersized. Sorry if little old me is too much for you”

Then she leaned back, closed the door, and got into the front seat.

“Like I said earlier, laugh it up you two. This isn’t going to last long and things will be back to the way they should be”

“That’s assuming we let you take that restoration pill” Maria said with a slightly sinister tone. “If we keep it from you, who’d gonna stop us little girl?”

Melanie couldn’t tell if she was joking at that point and for the first time since she shrank was getting a little nervous. When she didn’t say anything for a few minutes Lisa spoke up and said,

“Relax, she’s just kidding. We’re only going to tease you a little more” she gave Maria a look who added,

“Yeah, seriously. We’re your friends, as much as we may look like it to you right now we’re not some evil giants who are going to lock you up in a little cage and keep you as our mini slave for the rest of your life while we make you do all kinds of kinky shit with us” she laughed before adding, “although you probably would make a great little slave. I bet you’d give great foot massages at that size”

“Maria!” Lisa snapped, “That was oddly specific and you’re not making it better!”

Maria chuckled again but then turned around as much as she could to face little Melanie,

“I mean it. We’re really not going to do anything weird to you, we might get annoyed that you tease us about being short and of course we’re going to take advantage of this time to get some playful revenge but I swear that’s all we’re doing”

At this size, Melanie could see more details in Maria’s larger face and although she wasn’t an expert on reading facial expressions she felt comfortable enough with what she saw to know she could trust her friends.

She smiled and thanked them both then asked how much longer the ride would be.

“Oh great, the kid’s already asking if we’re there yet” Maria joked then after a pause while she checked the GPS, “according to the map we should be there in about 30 minutes… no wait, 45 minutes… no, 1 hour… shit, sorry it’s an hour and a half now. Damn! The traffic is red from here to the park”

Lisa could tell Melanie wasn’t looking forward to spending any more time than was absolutely necessary small so she tried to comfort her,

“I promise I’ll get us there as fast as I can”

“It’s ok” Melanie said a little dejected but understanding, “I knew this was a possibility”

“That’s the spirit!” Maria said then in an attempt to distract them from the situation said,
“So, Mel what’s with this guy you’ve been seeing? Dave? Don? Something with a D, right?”

“Dan” she replied, “Well, I’m not really seeing him yet but we’ve been on a few dates so far and it seems like things are going in the right direction. I think you guys will like him, he’s really sweet. The only problem is…” she paused, hesitant to bring this up

“Yes?” The two girls in the front asked in unison, “what’s the problem?”

Melanie laughed as she said this,

“Well, the problem is that he’s a little shorter than the guys I usually date” when she could hear her friends stifling a laugh she went on, “It’s ok. I know it’s funny now. But seriously, he’s like 5’6 or something. I wore heels, you know the ones that makes me 6’3”? Those, on our last date and it felt weird to tower over him by so much”

“Ouch!” Lisa said “How did he take that?”

“I asked him if he minded and he said no but I couldn’t tell if he was just being nice or if he really did care. That was a few days ago and he’s been replying to my texts since then so I think we’re good. I guess if we start dating I’ll stick with flats for at least a little while”

“Bullshit!” Maria exclaimed, “you’re a beautiful tall woman. You don’t need to be ashamed of that, if he doesn’t like it that’s his loss” Melanie was touched to hear her normally silly friend speak so seriously about her for once. Until she added, “Besides, you’re not the tall one of any group anymore” with a snort

“And she’s back” Melanie said and the three girls laughed.

They rode in silence for the next half hour until Melanie noticed they stopped moving. At her size she couldn’t see out the window so she asked what was going on.

“Some asshole tried passing everyone on the shoulder but they hit a ditch and flipped so now everyone is stopped to gawk” Lisa explained

“Ooh, I wanna see that!” Melanie exclaimed as she started to undo the buckles holding her into the carseat. It took a little more effort than she expected but she was out soon enough and stood to watch the guy who had just flipped his car because he thought he was too important to wait like everyone else. There wasn’t really much to see though so she went to sit back down. Unfortunately Lisa didn’t realize her mini friend was standing back there and traffic had just started to move again so when she stepped on the gas Melanie lost her balance and tumbled down to the floor.

She landed on her back in an awkward position behind Maria’s seat with a loud thud followed by a cry of pain that in her squeaky voice caught their attention immediately.

Maria turned to look and when she saw Melanie lying on the floor of the backset in pain she told Lisa to pull over.

She did as she asked and light flooded in as Maria opened the backdoor to check on her.

“Are you ok?!” She asked, then “What were you thinking? You could have gone through the windshield!”

For the first time since she shrunk herself it was Melanie’s turn to make a joke,

“Relax Mom, I’m fine. I just lost my balance”

Maria was going to say something but stopped herself and instead just ran her hands along the tiny girl’s body asking her to say something if anything hurts. When she said everything was ok, she lifted her up and put her back in the seat.

After she had the buckles done up again she scolded her,

“And you stay put this time missy or I swear to God we’ll turn this car right around”

They all laughed at that one and Lisa pulled back onto the road and continued the journey.

The rest of the journey was uneventful and they passed the time with Lisa and Maria insisting that Melanie sing for them, she was always a very good singer and now that her voice was so high it was like listening to a chipmunks version of everything. Toward the end even Melanie was getting it, she was tempted to unbuckle herself again so she could dance in the backseat but she had learned her lesson.

Finally, after what felt like way too long, they arrived at the park. As expected the parking lot was full so they were quite far from the entrance. Melanie had herself unbuckled fairly quickly but was unable to open the door, she could pull the handle but at her size she was unable to get enough force to push it open while keeping the handle pulled out. Being unable to do something as simple as opening a car door made her so glad she was almost done being little.

Lisa went around and opened the door for her tiny friend. She was going to climb out on her own but when she looked down and saw how high she was decided against it and let Lisa pick her up and place on the ground in front of her.

Once down she soon realized she couldn’t see anything over the cars. She was used to be able to see over all but the largest vehicles but now she was eye level with most door handles. Maria noticed this and offered to let her ride on her shoulders which she declined.

“Fine, be that way” she said, “but I’m going to carry your bag for you. I saw how much trouble it gave you back at the hotel”

Melanie wanted to protest but she realized she had a point and agreed. Before they began the journey to the entrance Lisa squatted down next to Melanie and said,

“Are you sure you don’t want one of us to carry you? We’re really far from the front gate”, she could see the stubborn look in the smaller woman’s eyes so she offered a compromise, “Ok, how about this? Let me lift you high enough to see over the cars and if you still want to walk we won’t bug you again. Deal?”

“Ok, fine. Deal” Melanie said and was immediately grabbed under the arms by the much larger Lisa.

Lisa was amazed at how light her shrunken friend was, she knew she’d be lighter but she didn’t realize she’d be this much lighter. With little effort she held up a little over her head so she could see further then said,

“See? We’re really far. There’s no shame in letting us carry you”

“Yeah”, Maria chimed in, “And seriously, if someone offered to carry me I’d jump at the chance. Just think of it as one last adventure as Mini-Mel”. It was a nickname they started calling her on the ride and although she wasn’t thrilled by it she knew it wasn’t for long so she just went along.

Now that she could see the distance and after Maria’s words of encouragement she agreed and Maria swooped down and lifted her onto her shoulders immediately.

Aside from the strangeness of riding her usually shorter friend who was now a giantess capable of carrying her with little effort, Melanie also found it weird that despite being up as high as she usually was at her normal height, or actually even lower considering Maria wasn’t very tall, it still felt like she was more like 15 feet up. She gripped her hair tightly when she started walking out of fear of falling.

“Ouch!” Maria exclaimed, “Not so tight”

Melanie apologized and the three went on their way to the entrance, Lisa carrying the bag with the change of clothes and Maria carrying their mini friend.

The Grither
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Re: A Short Day at the Park

Post by The Grither » Fri Jul 29, 2022 4:33 am

Teenytinyone wrote:
Wed Jul 27, 2022 12:27 pm
Very cute! Great start, looking forward to the rest of the story, thanks for sharing! :)
Thanks. I have the story mapped out, I just have to write it now :)

The Grither
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Re: A Short Day at the Park

Post by The Grither » Fri Jul 29, 2022 4:34 am

chaser984 wrote:
Thu Jul 28, 2022 3:05 am
I love it. It's the kind of sexy-cute I look for in SW fiction, and I hope you keep the adventure going.

Describing the shrinking as a feeling of vertigo was a nice touch. I hadn't given much thought to what rapid shrinking might feel like.
Thanks :)

The Grither
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Joined: Sun Feb 11, 2018 5:00 am

Re: A Short Day at the Park - Updated 8/4

Post by The Grither » Fri Aug 05, 2022 3:03 am

As the three made their way to the entrance, Melanie was taking in the sight of all the other giant people around her. Until now, aside from her friends and a few others she saw in passing at the hotel, she hadn’t really seen too many normal sized people and could almost pretend it was just Lisa and Maria who had grown. Now that she was out in the world and watching them casually walk by like everything was perfectly normal for them, which it was, she started to really feel her smallness.

She felt something brush her foot and when she looked down she saw a kid, around 7 or 8, running by that she could tell was a good deal bigger than she was. She shifted her focus to lower among the giants and realized that most of the kids her size were being pushed in strollers.

“Wow, I really am tiny now, aren’t I?” She said into Maria’s ear

Maria nodded her head, causing Melanie’s entire ride to shift leaving her worried she’d fall.
This made her wrap her arms around her forehead. At least, she tried to do that, at her size she couldn’t really get around the whole head, her hands couldn’t get past the temples on each side of the huge head.

“Crap, I’m sorry” Maria apologized and immediately stopped moving her head when she felt the commotion going on up there, “but yeah, you really are tiny now. It must be weird”

“You have no idea” Melanie replied with a nervous laugh

“Don’t worry though, we’ll be inside very soon and you’ll be back to being a tall girl in no time”, Lisa said from Maria’s side

“It can’t happen soon enough”, she replied looking at her hand while it rested on Maria’s head and comparing how small it looked compared to her scalp. As she was doing this the group of people they had ended up moving with reached the back of the line and for the first time Melanie was able to get a clear view of just how long it was

“Ugh!” She exclaimed, “this is going to take forever!”

“Nah, it won’t be so bad. These lines move quickly and we’ll be…” Lisa started but was interrupted by the tiny girl

“My body is smaller, not my brain” she replied, then added, “well ok my brain is smaller too but I’m not an idiot. I know this is going to take a while”

The three of them laughed at this and took their places in line.

They stood in silence for a while, the two normal sized friends checking their phones and making sure to move up when everyone else did and Melanie just watching all the giants she was surrounded by. It was a little scary but also pretty fascinating to see the world like this. Although she just wanted to get big ASAP at this moment she wouldn’t rule out shrinking again, maybe on a date with Dan, he’d probably enjoy being the taller one for a while. If she hadn’t blown it with him, that is, she’d have to give him a call later to see how he was.

“Hey! Mel! You listening?” Lisa suddenly shouted from her position next to Maria.

“Huh? Oh, sorry” Melanie said, “what’s up?”

“I said you should let me or Maria pay for you when we get to the ticket window. Most children don’t pay for themselves so it might look weird. Besides, I don’t think you’d even be able to reach the window like that”

“That’s a good idea” she answered, “I’ll send you the money right after I get big”

Lisa said that would work and before too long they were at the front of the line.

“Hi” Maria said, “Two adults and one child please”

This was it, the moment she had been waiting for. Melanie closed her eyes and braced herself for the girl behind the counter to either question her or just flat out refuse to sell her a ticket at a child’s price. Instead she just told Maria the total, scanned her card when she handed it over, and gave them their tickets.

She let out a sigh of relief but knew this wasn’t the end. Now they had to get into the park and past security. They stood in the much shorter line to get in and got to the front pretty fast. As expected the security guard took the bags Lisa and Maria were holding and opened them for inspection.

Melanie was worried that they’d ask why they had three bags or why one of them had clothes in a much larger size than either of them wore, maybe they’d even find the restore pill she had in a baggie in one of her pockets but none of that happened. The security guard just gave everything a quick scan, ran a metal detection wand over each of them, giving her a friendly smile when he did like he really believed she was a child, and sent them on their way.

“That was close”, she whispered to Maria

“How so?” She asked

“I know I’m the size of one but I don’t really look like a child and it’s not like these pills are secret, you can buy them in most pharmacies over the counter”

Lisa, who had been listening, joined the conversation,

“Sure but not many people would be willing to do something like shrink themselves just to save some money. Even if you’re going to get big in a few minutes it has to be pretty scary like that”

Melanie agreed and they continued on their way in.

Once inside, Maria went over to a bench where she reached up and removed Melanie from her shoulders. Standing back on the ground and now surround by giants on all sides once again drove home how small she was but that would all be over soon.

“Ok, give me my bag and I’ll head over to that bathroom” Lisa suggested she carry it for her until they got to the door and Melanie accepted the help

Once there, she reached down and handed the large bag to the small girl. She made sure she had it before letting go and couldn’t help smirking at seeing her struggle to carry it once again.

“Laugh all you want, I’ll be back to my old height in a few minutes and this will all be over”, Melanie said to the two snickering giants watching her walk away

Once she was in the bathroom she realized that it was a little more crowded in there than she would have liked, she considered looking for one deeper in the park since the bathroom at the entrance was bound to be the busiest but then she spotted an open stall.
It was the handicapped stall at the end so she rushed over there as fast as her little legs would go and after getting in, pushed the door closed, but soon realized she couldn’t reach the lock. After jumping and falling a few times she gave up and decided she’d just lock it once she was big again.

She reached into the bag and grabbed the pill and small bottle of water she brought to take it with. Holding the pill in her hand now she was glad they made it so small, she didn’t think she could swallow a normal sized pill at this size.

Then she picked up the bottle or water. It was one of the mini bottles they sold but to her it was almost a liter, more than enough for what she needed. Once again she realized this wouldn’t be as easy as she thought when she couldn’t get the twist top off. She thought about going back to ask Lisa or Maria but after a couple more tries managed to get it loose enough to twist off.

This presented her with another challenge, she couldn’t hold the water with just one hand so she needed to set it down while she put the pill in her mouth. She placed the pill on the bag, not wanting to get it anywhere near a bathroom floor, then put the bottle down and was finally ready to do this.

As she brought the pill to her mouth, she heard the stall door swing open and felt something hit her in the back, hard. The force knocked the pill out of her hand and she watched it fly through the air, seemingly in slow motion, before landing on the floor and rolling. As she saw it roll she thought it was going to be gross to swallow something that touched the floor but she didn’t have much choice.
Unfortunately that choice was removed when she watched it roll right into a floor drain and drop out of sight.

At the same time she saw that she was also sent flying forward from the force of the giant knee that hit her square in the back when some giant oaf came barging in without even looking.

She didn’t have time to turn around or even stand up before the giant clumsy woman said,

“Oh my god! I’m so sorry little girl, I didn’t know you were in here!” Then added, “But you really should lock the door when you’re going potty”

Melanie turned around to face the giantess, who had already squatted to be as close to her level as possible. She could tell she was younger than her, probably around 18 or 19, and had a hot nerdy girl look. She was wearing overalls with a shirt that left her midriff exposed bearing the name of what she assumed was her college. Her hair was a shade of red that she was sure was dyed and her large green eyes were covered by what were the most stereotypical nerd glasses she’d ever seen. In her current state it was hard to tell how tall anyone was but just by looking at her figure she assumed this girl was on the shorter side, maybe even shorter than Lisa and Maria. Not that it mattered at the moment, she was literally a giant to her now.

“Oh shit! I’m sorry, I thought you were a kid” the younger girl said, clearly very sorry, then after getting a closer look at her recognized immediately what was going on, “Wow! You took Shunt too? Why? Did you want to save money on admission and pay the child’s fee too? I get it but there’s no way I’d ever do something crazy like shrink myself just to save a few bucks”

The girl was talking a mile a minute, barely stopping to breathe. Melanie just stared up at her and waited until she was done. She paused once more, seeming finished but then went on,

“What a small world! Ha ha, no pun intended, my brother and his girlfriend did the same thing. But now they needs an ‘adult’ to ride with them on some rides”, she did air quotes around ‘adult’ and kept going, “and they can’t even go on some of the bigger roller coasters even with someone sitting with them. You guys really screwed yourselves”

Melanie waited for her to start again but when she didn’t she finally spoke,

“Well, I wasn’t planning on staying small the whole time. I was just about to take the restore pill and grow back when you barged in and knocked it out of my hand”

The giant girl in front of her seemed impressed with that idea,

“That’s super smart! I bet Steve and Dawn are going to wish they had thought of that when I tell them. They…”

Melanie interrupted her, her patience almost at an end,

“Yeah, that WAS the plan but like I said you came in and knocked me down. Now the pill is gone”

The girl looked horrified at hearing that,

“How is it gone? What did I do? I’m so sorry!”

As much as she wanted to stay angry at this girl she could tell she really didn’t mean it and was legitimately sorry,

“It’s ok. You didn’t do it on purpose, the pill went down the drain over there” she pointed a few feet away toward the offending drain

“Is that it? Hold on, I might have something I can open it with”

She dug around into her purse and pulled out a small multi tool,

“Everyone always laughs at me for carrying this thing but who’s laughing now” she paused as if waiting for an answer then answered herself, “no one, that’s who!”

She then stood up and before going over to the drain turned and locked the door,

“There, now this won’t happen again” she started to ask Melanie why she didn’t just lock it herself when she got in there but a quick look at her size then the height of the lock gave her the answer so she stopped.

She went over to the drain and after a few moments of trial and error managed to find the right tool to remove the cover.

“Ta-da!” She proudly exclaimed, but when she took a look into the drain pipe her enthusiasm went away, “Oh, oh no! I’m really sorry”

“I wish this girl would stop saying sorry” Melanie thought to herself then, out loud, asked

“What? What’s wrong?”

“I’m so sorry, but I don’t think you’ll be getting that pill back”

“What do you mean?” Melanie asked as she went over to stand next to the giant girl. She had hoped she’d back away when she got closer so she could get a better look but she was kneeling right on the edge so she had to squeeze her tiny body into the small space she had left. Luckily she was small enough to make it but she didn’t feel comfortable feeling her boobs pressed against the back of her head and hoped she’d back off soon.

But either way, when she looked down she could tell what she was talking about. Even if she could reach her hand down there to the bottom, it was filled with foul smelling black water. She considered trying anyway and dealing with the very likely poisoning she’d endure but she knew the pill was dissolved by the point and it would be futile.

“Shit!” Both girls said in unison and despite the situation they both found that amusing and ended up laughing for a moment. When they regained their composure the larger girl said,

“By the way, my name’s Brittany” and held out her hand

Melanie reached out and grabbed two fingers which filled her hand and shook

“I’m Melanie”

“Nice to meet you Melanie. Would you like me to carry you out of here? It’s the least I can do”, she paused then added, “But first, would you mind turning around? I… uh… came in here for a reason and I won’t kick you out but, well you know…”

Melanie understood, and having no desire to see that, went over to the far corner and turned her back while Brittany finished what she had to do.

When she was done she exited the stall and washed her hands then asked if Melanie was ready to be lifted.

Melanie nodded and Brittany reached down, grabbing the smaller girl under her butt and balanced her on her hip then proceeded to leave the bathroom.

Lisa and Maria were waiting outside the bathroom waiting patiently for Melanie to appear.

After twenty minutes passed Lisa spoke up,

“Do you think she’s ok? It’s been a while”

“I’m sure she is She’s probably just using the toilet or something” Maria answered but then thought about and said, “But I’ll go check just to be safe. Wait here”

Before she could enter they saw Brittany leaving carrying what they were fairly certain was Melanie, still just under three feet tall and looking upset. They rushed over to see what was happening.

“Mel? Are you ok?”

Lisa asked, getting ready to confront this strange girl now carrying her friend. She was pretty sure she could take her, the girl was pretty small, a couple inches shorter than she was, and didn’t look very strong.

“Is this your friend?” Brittany asked then handed her over to Maria while she explained the situation.

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Re: A Short Day at the Park - Updated 8/4

Post by Teenytinyone » Fri Aug 05, 2022 12:49 pm

Uh oh! Melanie should've been more careful! Heh great work :)

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Re: A Short Day at the Park - Updated 8/4

Post by Teenytinyone » Wed Aug 10, 2022 12:56 pm

Made a little render for the story :)

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Re: A Short Day at the Park - Updated 8/4

Post by chaser984 » Wed Aug 10, 2022 6:12 pm

Solid chapter and illustration. I look forward to seeing how the rest of Mel's day goes.

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Re: A Short Day at the Park - Updated 8/4

Post by Ellie187 » Sat Dec 24, 2022 2:28 am

I really loved reading this.. I hope more gets added

The Grither
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Re: A Short Day at the Park - Updated 8/4

Post by The Grither » Thu Dec 29, 2022 3:40 am

Ellie187 wrote:
Sat Dec 24, 2022 2:28 am
I really loved reading this.. I hope more gets added
Thanks. :)

I do plan on finishing it and I thought I had it planned out but I changed direction and lost inspiration. Hopefully I'll get it back soon

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Re: A Short Day at the Park - Updated 8/4

Post by Teenytinyone » Sun Jan 01, 2023 8:30 pm

The Grither wrote:
Thu Dec 29, 2022 3:40 am
Ellie187 wrote:
Sat Dec 24, 2022 2:28 am
I really loved reading this.. I hope more gets added
Thanks. :)

I do plan on finishing it and I thought I had it planned out but I changed direction and lost inspiration. Hopefully I'll get it back soon
If you do I'd be happy to make another render :)

The Grither
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Re: A Short Day at the Park - Updated 8/4

Post by The Grither » Fri Jan 27, 2023 5:21 am

Teenytinyone wrote:
Sun Jan 01, 2023 8:30 pm
The Grither wrote:
Thu Dec 29, 2022 3:40 am
Ellie187 wrote:
Sat Dec 24, 2022 2:28 am
I really loved reading this.. I hope more gets added
Thanks. :)

I do plan on finishing it and I thought I had it planned out but I changed direction and lost inspiration. Hopefully I'll get it back soon
If you do I'd be happy to make another render :)
Thanks, that would be great. I look forward to it :)

I'm still stuck on this one but I've started re-writing an older story of mine. It's more about my other interests, TG and fairies, but it still has plenty of tiny woman content. If you're interested, I posted it on Giantess City a couple years ago. I'm currently adding more detail and taking out some of the sillier magic aspects. I'm a lot happier with the re-write but if you want to see what it's about here you go:


I'm hoping to get motivated to do more writing this year :)

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