A wholesome teeny tiny little woman :)

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Shrink Aprentice
Shrink Aprentice
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A wholesome teeny tiny little woman :)

Post by coolguy69 » Mon Nov 28, 2022 4:42 am

One week after the incident, where Katie lost almost half her height, she had adjusted as much as one could expect. While she only stood 3 feet tall on her tippy toes, it didn't stop her from setting up for the party. She had gotten used to her new size, using stools to open doors around the house, and already was doing workouts, so she could support herself to climb up stools, chairs, couches, and her bed. Her friends knew about her dignified nature after the incident, and, after some mental adjustments, pretended that nothing had happened when they were around her, so things could be back to "normal" again. They treated her as normally as they could, anyways.
Unbeknownst to her, the curse she had been afflicted with shrunk her down eight inches below the shortest person around. As people showed up, she greeted them after stepping up onto a stool. People brought their families, significant others, and children, of which she was far shorter than them all. She gave them hugs and led them to the well-prepared kitchen, where she had spent many hours managing to create a hospitable environment of snacks, food, and drinks for relative giants.
But then there was Michelle's son, Ian. He was only four, and was 2 foot 10 at the time. As Michelle approached the door, Katie started dwindling down, slowly shrinking as Ian got closer. By the time they were at the door, she shrank down to 2'2" flat, perhaps 2'2 1/2" on her tiny tippy toes. While she noticed everything - including the stool - suddenly getting bigger, her friends had already known she was much smaller, and didn't notice a thing. They were used to her being small and struggling anyways, and for inclusivity, continued to act as if the situation was "normal".
And then he walked in.
"You're growing up so fast!" someone said to Ian, greeting him.
Katie, feeling obligated, said "Yeah". Her voice was noticeably teeny-pitched to everyone around her. "He's able to stand, now, too..." Had she been normal sized, she would have said the same thing, but with exclamation, not hidden fear. She looked up, awestruck at how enormous even a small child was to her. She couldn't even compare herself to her friends whos' legs out-matched her now - there was a new comparison that was even more daunting.
While her heart raced and she was noticeably shaken, Katie tried her best to keep her composure. She was used to this, after all.... she thought...
"Mommy, why is Aunt Katie so small?" asked Ian.
"Oh honey, she's a person, just like everyone else. Don't call her small." her mom replied.
"But look mom!" He patted Katie's head down, innocently, but with child-like enthusiasm and ignorance. His hand struck her head like a toy hammer bouncing on a rubber nail. Katie recoiled in fear, away from him, resisting her instincts to let out a scream. She composed herself, and was trying her best to stand "tall", as Good Aunts do when teaching children manners. But her bold posture only looked cute to everyone who saw her diminutive gesture. Respect was now earned, not given, to her.
"I'm your Aunt Katie, and I'm normal!", she squeaked out, with a tiny finger propped up to command his respect. He nodded at her, curiously, as if he had learned about a bizarre unspoken rule in sport.
"Okay Auntie.", he bellowed. Voices at her size became much deeper to her tiny ears.
Katie noticed the confusion on his face, and felt smaller than ever by this silent, authentic judgement. Blushing, she turned away and tried to focus back to the party.
And suddenly, she aptly noticed, how on Earth was she going to open doors around the house now? There were desserts in the other room - a stool by the door prepared - and they were left on the floor so she could manage them. But with this new setback, she had no idea what she was going to do - even with a stool, she only *might* be able to reach the door knob, and turning it was a whole other matter. But her dignity to stay "normal" kept her from asking for help....

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