Does anyone have “Nathan’s Pets”?

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Does anyone have “Nathan’s Pets”?

Post by zozo98 » Tue Nov 29, 2022 2:08 am

I think it was called Nathan’s Pets, It was a story about a guy that shrinks his neighbor, his mom and then his ex, in the end he kept them as pets.

It was in the old forum way back, idk if anyone managed to saved it somehow.

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Re: Does anyone have “Nathan’s Pets”?

Post by Aussie_Lurker » Tue Nov 29, 2022 8:08 am

Edit: hmm, that link doesn't work anymore. Try this instead:


....and here is the accompanying story

Nathan got a bit shrink ray heavy recently. His dad invented it but was out of town for a few days, since then, Nate shrunk the couch, the TV, some cars but then, things took a turn. He shrunk his next door neighbor, Lara and snuck behind her til she was the pool room. She was laying down next to the pool in a colorful bikini and Nate got “excited”. She spotted him and attempted to chase him away. Only Nathan pulled out his ray gun and last thing Lara saw was a blinding blue light as Nate saw her dwindle down and picked her up from the roof pool. Next she woke up laying on sawdust and surrounded by what looked to be playground equipment. She was close, it was a playground…for hamsters. Lara ended up in Nathan’s cage for his hamster, Freckles. Freckles had another cage for him. Lara pounded on the glass but to no avail, no one could hear her muffled screams.

However, his snooping mom, Janet came by to check on Nate, she and her husband were split for 4 years but she looked for Nate…and saw what he hid in his room. She comforted Nate and told him to get her back to normal. Nate, being the arrogant teenager, decided to have his mom join Lara. One minute, Janet was yelling at Nathan and the next, she was squeaking at Nathan. The shrink caught her off guard as she walked away from Nathan only to be suddenly surrounded by an arena of fabric as she cowered back into her yoga pants only to be grabbed by Nathan's massive hand. Janet was dropped to the glass cage where Lara greeted her.

“You’re his mom, why did he shrink you?”
“Dunno but to be honest, I wanted my ex to shrink me. That actually why I came.”

Nathan had one more target, the other next door neighbor…and his boyfriend John. Nathan was bisexual.
“Johnny, can you come over? I have something to show you!” Nathan told over the phone.
As John came, Nathan explained about the shrink ray, John was thinking this was a prank but then, he was escorted to Nate’s room.
After lifting a towel, the aquarium showed the two nude miniature women.
“Wow, amazing but you have to free them, they aren’t toys Nate,” explained John.
“Why not?”
“They’re people like us.”
“And what about me? I thought you said I was your boytoy?”
“Yes but Nate, this isn’t right.”
“I’m sorry John…but now you’re my boytoy!”

John shrunk down and was drowned in his clothes. Nate plucked him out and threw him into the tank.

“Now, I think that’ll do, my pets, I’ll get collars for all of you and maybe even more friends. Maybe I’ll collect more from the building or the apartments next door. Until then, I’ll get food for you pets. Oat bread?”
“Yeah…” John sighed with squeak.
“And some lettuce.” Lara yelled with her high voice.
“Honey, can we get some clothes?” Janet said.
“Maybe, depends if you all behave during the honey mustard bath.”
As Nathan left, his pets looked up as Nathan enclosed the roof and all three were wondering if they’ll get any help but for now, all three were reduced to things they only saw pets do, distract themselves.
John went inside the cardboard tube, Lara bent down and sucked on the water tube and Janet excisered herself on the hamster wheel.

That’s all they were now, pets.

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Re: Does anyone have “Nathan’s Pets”?

Post by Aussie_Lurker » Tue Nov 29, 2022 8:16 am

Ha ha, just realised I edited the SM from my version of the pic. If you want the original pic, then you may need to use the wayback macine to find the old SW forum that was around 7 years ago

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Re: Does anyone have “Nathan’s Pets”?

Post by Enigma12 » Tue Nov 29, 2022 4:51 pm

What was it called back than?

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Re: Does anyone have “Nathan’s Pets”?

Post by Aussie_Lurker » Tue Nov 29, 2022 8:03 pm

Enigma12 wrote:
Tue Nov 29, 2022 4:51 pm
What was it called back than?
SW Realm

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