Don't be afraid

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Don't be afraid

Post by Smait124 » Mon Jan 09, 2023 8:34 pm

Hello everyone, this is my first SW story.
There are probably a lot of mistakes in the text, since I'm from Russia and I can't write in English. The story was originally written in Russian, and then translated into English through an online translator. If you could translate the text better, I could send the original source in Russian later.

Elga is a 19-year-old girl with a slender body, thick long hair, a beautiful face with green eyes, expressive eyebrows and cute chubby cheeks. Height – 174 cm.

Dasha is a 20-year-old girl with a figure-skating body, the same long hair, a beautiful face with blue eyes. Height – 170 cm.

Evening. Elga is waiting for her friend Dasha to open the entrance door to let her into her house, where they agreed to watch a horror movie tonight. The door opens, Dasha holds the door so that Elga can come in. The girls hug and waste no time calling the elevator to go up to the 11th floor, to the apartment in which Dasha has been living for a little less than a year.

Elga and Dasha studied together at the College of Economics, after graduating last year, they got a job in different places, but this does not prevent their friends from seeing each other almost every week.

Entering the apartment and putting snacks for the movie on the sofa, Elga asked her friend a question - Have you already chosen a horror movie?

Yes, I decided to stop at the classics, have you watched the movie "Astral"? Dasha said, pouring drinks into glasses in the kitchen.

Opening all the packs of chips and sitting down on the sofa in front of the TV, Elga replied – "Astral"? It sounds familiar, maybe my friends once advised me to watch it.

Maybe it was me," Dasha said, handing a disposable cup of soda to her friend.

Silence fell, the girls started watching the movie, sipping soda and snacking on snacks. During one of the creepy moments in the film, Elga noticed that her tight T-shirt seemed too loose, and her skinny jeans were not so tight anymore. The film seemed so interesting that the Girl decided not to pay attention to such nonsense. Half an hour later, Elga noticed that her feet no longer touch the floor as they used to, and the socks on her feet look like bags.

I have to go to the bathroom, can you put the movie on pause? Elga said, perplexed by what was happening.

As soon as Elga got up from the sofa, she realized that her belt no longer copes with the task of keeping jeans on the belt. Therefore, holding her trousers, the girl went to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror by the sink, she noticed that the whole room had strangely increased in size, and the clothes on her body looked several sizes larger. Adding up 1 + 1, she was horrified to find that she had become smaller. This frightening conclusion made her dizzy, and the trousers from the belt finally fell to the floor, exposing her legs and white panties. Looking at the mirror again, she noticed that it was an order of magnitude higher than it was before, and the toilet room had increased in size.

knock knock

Dasha knocked on the toilet door and asked – Are you okay there?
Frightened by the sharp sound, Elga discovered that, following the pants, her panties began to slide down her legs, exposing her femininity. In fear of what was happening, she tried to hold on to her already big panties, but immediately mike began to put pressure on her. Under the weight of her own T-shirt, Elga fell and was trapped in the fabric.

Hearing strange sounds, Dasha decided to open the toilet door, but instead of Elga, she found a pile of clothes lying on the floor.

Elga, in complete darkness and frightened by what was happening, saw a light coming from a hole in a trap made of cloth. Climbing out, Elga found two huge pillars in front of her. Looking up, she realized with horror that these were the legs of her giant girlfriend. From the fear that overwhelmed her at this moment, the girl's eyes went dark and without making a sound she fainted.

Morning. Waking up from the sunlight hitting her face, Elga found that she was completely naked and was not lying on the bed at all, but on a pile of clothes and not in a friend's room, but in a room with bars instead of walls. The girl ran up to the bars and not being able to get out, looked on the other side of the iron bars and saw her friend's room many times larger than usual. Having put 1 + 1 together again, Elga realized that the nightmare she had at night was not a dream at all and the room she was in was an ordinary pet cage.

Realizing the horror of what was happening, she felt a familiar sensation. This strange feeling did not leave her, when suddenly she noticed the space between the iron bars, through which it was impossible to squeeze through, had become much larger and now it was almost safe to walk there. Getting out of the cage and looking around the new world, she saw a huge green log, coming closer, the girl realized that it was an ordinary pencil. After evaluating the size of the pencil, she came to the conclusion that her current height is no more than 10 cm. Realizing an even greater horror again, she watched as the pencil, and with it the whole room, grew larger.

Experiencing terrible fear, Elga ran in panic in the direction of the cage, when suddenly tripping over some object, the girl lost her balance and found herself in free fall. Having experienced a terrible fear, she landed on a soft surface. Lifting her gaze, the girl discovered in the distance in front of her the gigantic face of her friend. Looking around, Elga realized that she was lying on Dasha's huge tit, which is now three times her height. Heaving with inspiration, Dasha's chest rose, as a result of which Elga, numb with fear, rolled down her friend's giant tit. Experiencing terrible fear and landing on Dasha's soft stomach, the girl immediately ran away along her friend's stomach, losing centimeter by centimeter. She ran until she found herself in the thick grass of Dasha's black pubic hair, which was waist-high to Elga. Continuing to run, she was horrified to discover that her pubic hair was now taller than her, until it became as huge as tall trees at all.


Having fallen from a strong earthquake, Elga saw in the distance from the side of Dasha's face how giant trees from her friend's pubic hair bend. Having passed into herself, the girl ran away from the impending danger. Experiencing terrible horror, Elga heard a loud roar with which trees similar in size to skyscrapers bent. At the same moment, one giant hair fell so close to Elga that the poor girl was blown away by the shock wave and she flew away for many kilometers.

After landing, Elga found huge mountains of pink flesh around her, glistening with liquid flowing down them. Looking high up, she discovered an incredibly large fingertip massaging a giant oval pink mountain.

In a panic, the little girl realized that it was the clitoris, and she herself was in her friend's vagina. Realizing an even greater horror again, she watched as the finger became so big and so far away that it was out of her field of vision. Looking around, she heard even louder and stronger tremors, from which she lost her balance and fell into a huge lake of sticky liquid. Elga tried to get out, but all attempts were in vain. Tired and scared in the distance, she saw the incredible size of the tip of her finger, which was rapidly approaching her. Using the last attempts to get out, Elga was swept away by a strong blow of a huge finger. Her body was mixed with the sticky fluid of Dasha's vagina.
Morning. Dasha woke up from strange sensations in her pubis. She reached out to her pubic hairs, which she shaved last week, and relieved herself of discomfort. Suddenly, a feeling of lust enveloped her, and she decided to continue moving her hand towards her femininity. She smoothly and slowly ran her finger along the pubis, and then lowered her finger to her small clitoris and gently massaged it, rubbing her sensitive nipple with her other hand. After a while, she lowered her other hand into the vagina to give herself even more pleasant sensations. After 5 minutes of masturbation, the girl experienced a light orgasm, took her fingers out of the vagina and wiped them from vaginal juices on the sheet. Getting out of bed, she discovered that her tiny friend Elga had disappeared somewhere.

Maybe she got smaller and was able to get out, Dasha thought, heading to the toilet to empty her bladder from yesterday's drinks.


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Re: Don't be afraid

Post by Xinunar » Tue Jan 10, 2023 8:39 am

Maybe be a little afraid

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