Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

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Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by gtquik702 » Sun Feb 12, 2023 1:37 pm

What drove me to write this? I don't know
I stood, confused, opposite a gargantuan, luxurious armchair, a plump man perched atop it. "Welcome, hero," He began. His voice was prim and proper, with type 2 diabetes mixed in. "I have summoned you to this world, to end a world-ending threat."

Ah, it was a typical isekai scenario. I nodded to the king as a pair of guards came holding a strange device shaped like a gun. When they pointed it at me, a screen lit up above it reading, "Skillset alteration." I stood dumbfounded as the guards marched away.

"Hero, use this power to save our kingdom, I beg of you." The king said as I was ushered away by a maid.


I stared at my status screen.

HP: 100
MP: 100

STR: 10
END: 10
AGL: 10
INT: 10
WIS: 10
CHA: 10

SP: 52 (1/m)

Skills: Skillset alteration - The user can spend SP (skill points) to create, remove, or edit skills of either themselves or others. The more powerful the skill, the more SP it requires.

So apparently I could alter skillsets, which were the basis of power of this entire world. I rolled over in my luxurious bed, which I could use for the night before wandering out into the world to complete my quest, pondering my skill. By the looks of things, I passively gained skill points, but I couldn't find any other way to gain them. Unless...

"Skill creation:" I declared, "SP gain increase!"

A UI appeared in front of me which read "Confirm, 50 SP" and two buttons below. I thumbed the "yes" and a new skill appeared on my status screen.

SP gain increase: Multiplies SP gain by 2

And now with my new skill, I was earning SP twice as fast! I continued pondering what I should do in this world. I was no hero, and there was probably no way I was going after the world-ending threat the king had mentioned.

Then it hit me. I could create or edit any skill, and I had microphilia.

"Ooh," I said to no one in particular, "This is going to be fun."


I walked along the streets, shifting my backpack further up my back. I had been given 100 gold coins and a map to figure out where to go, which I gladly accepted. As I passed a few stores, a few caught my eye. Magic equipment, a bar, slaves... wait what?

I took a double take at the slave shop, and sure enough, the sign that was hung up outside the store read "Elven slaves". Out of curiosity, I decided to take a look inside and spotted a wide variety of cages, most of them occupied by elves. A stubby stout man at the counter grinned at me and jubilantly exclaimed. "Ah! Welcome friend! What are you looking for?"

A bit surprised, I responded, "Not much, just looking around."

He smiled and said, "Well then, allow me to show you around!" He grabbed my hand and enthusiastically ran around his store. I observed the variety of caged figures, many sickly-looking and unhygienic. However, when he lead me to a section of his store, all the elves were in perfect condition but wore a look pleading for help.

"These, are the cream of my crop. My very best." He pulled out the appraisal gun and appraised all of them, each one of them having a unique but powerful skill. "And each one of them for the low price of 1000 gold!" I stared blankly at him. "Uhh... no thanks, I'll pass." I turned to leave, but one elf caught my eye.

She had unkempt, dirty blonde hair, and a sick look in her pale green eyes. Her smooth skin was riddled with dark patches of dirt and scratches and was far too pale for a healthy organism. "How much is that one?" I asked.

The shopkeeper grinned once more. "Ah! So you're just looking for a companion? That one has a weak earth skill, so I'd say around 10 gold."

I smirked, "Perfect. I'll take her." I said, slamming 10 gold coins on the table. The shopkeeper smiled and offered his hand, which I took. Suddenly, I felt a rush of power and searing pain on the back of my hand. I quickly withdrew it to find a character etched into the back, which faded. "That symbol gives you full command over your new acquisition." He said before unlocking the cage, pulling the elf, and shoving her toward me.

She gave me a shy look and looked down as he gave me a multitude of papers, which I stuffed into my backpack.

When we were outside, I stared at her. Though dirty, she was beautiful. A perfect first victim to my skill and fetish. "So," I asked. "What's your name?"

"A-anything you want to call me m-master." She said.

I opened my mouth to object, but I thought for a moment. Hey, I was in a fantasy world with the power to do anything. Why not assert my dominance over this elf a bit

"Ok then, what about Ellania?" I said, blurting out the first elf name that came to mind. Ellania nodded, and we continued in silence. I thought about the things I could do. A regular shrink skill would be a classic, but a bit boring. I could edit a skill description to shrink the user upon usage...

"Master," Ellania interrupted my thoughts. "Could we get something to eat? I'm starving," she said, but she quickly added, "T-though of course you don't have to... you could feed me your scraps..."

"Nonsense" I stopped her. "I have a bit of a treat for you in fact..." An idea popped into my mind at this. I took a look at my status screen once more,

HP: 100
MP: 100

STR: 10
END: 10
AGL: 10
INT: 10
WIS: 10
CHA: 10

SP: 1214 (2/m)

Skills: Skillset alteration - The user can spend SP (skill points) to create, remove, or edit skills of either themselves or others. The more powerful the skill, the more SP it requires.

SP gain increase: Multiplies SP gain by 2

I had a good amount of SP gathered, and I was ready to create a new skill.

"Skill creation: Shrinkage"

Another UI appeared in front of me, which read: "Confirm? 1000 SP." This one was a lot more expensive than the SP gain, which confused me a bit, but I thumbed the button anyway.

Shrinkage - Allows the user to expend MP to shrink a target temporarily. The longer the duration or the smaller the target, the more MP this will use. 5 MP per magnitude, 1 MP per minute

I lead Ellania into a nearby bar and ordered a simple meal. Ellania's eyes lit up when I split a tiny portion of my meal and offered it to her. "Wow! Thank you so much, master!" She was about to attack the meal when I stopped her. "Wait, it gets better."

I held out my hand and expended all my mana points into reducing Ellania to 1/10th of her size for 50 minutes. She quickly vanished, leaving a pile of her rags behind. When she next emerged, I had to stop myself from having my way with her then and there. She was sitting there, a mere 16cm tall, naked and confused. Wow! This world was getting better and better.

With a shaking hand, I gently lifted her up and onto the table. Her body felt so soft and smooth in my grip, and her boobs were like small grapes between my fingers. "W-what have you done master?!" She exclaimed, tears starting to form in her eyes. "Well, a smaller person can enjoy a smaller meal better," I said, trying to stay composed.

When the realization hit her, she smiled and started shoveling the food into her mouth with her hands. I smiled while I enjoyed my own, getting a bit hard watching her. When we had finished, she still had around 30 more minutes, but I couldn't do anything too sexual with her yet, not in public.

"Hey, I have an idea." I said to Ellania as she had stopped eating. "Why don't we go to a nearby lake and I can wash you up?" She nodded enthusiastically. "That sounds great master!"

I lifted her up and dropped her into my pocket, carrying her rags in my backpack. When we had reached the lake, I fished her out of my pocket and lowered her into the water. She squealed a bit at the sudden temperature change, and even more when I started to "scrub" her with my fingers.

I massaged every inch of her body, getting the dirt of her skin, hair and other parts. I spent extra long on her breasts, causing her to flush a bit red at my touch. Finally, after 5 minutes, she looked much cleaner. The rags would just get her dirty when she got back to full size, so I decided to take her to buy new clothing.

I walked into a textiles shop, and queried about woman's elf clothing. The lady at the counter gave me a quizzical look, but obliged handing me a simple white dress.

After another few minutes, Ellania started to swell and grow back to normal, and I handed her the new dress, blushing and thanking me profusely. After wandering town a bit more, I sat down in a forest and pondered my game plan, while Ellania was practicing her skill.

The map was sprawled out in front of me, and my status screen was glowing in the darkening evening sky.

"Okay," I said to myself, "I'm currently in Sol Villa, and the king wants me to defeat this threat at this cave." I traced my finger along the path to the cave. "But there's no way I'm doing that." I said.

I looked up at my status screen

HP: 100
MP: 100

STR: 10
END: 10
AGL: 10
INT: 10
WIS: 10
CHA: 10

SP: 1174 (2/m)

Skills: Skillset alteration - The user can spend SP (skill points) to create, remove, or edit skills of either themselves or others. The more powerful the skill, the more SP it requires.

SP gain increase: Multiplies SP gain by 2

Shrinkage - Allows the user to expend MP to shrink a target temporarily. The longer the duration or the smaller the target, the more MP this will use. 5 MP per magnitude, 1 MP per minute

I would need more power if I wanted to survive in this world, so there had to be some way I could increase my stats. I couldn't be bothered to train, so I created a new skill.

"Skill creation: SP to stats!" I yelled.

"Confirm? 1000 SP" I had expected it to be more, but I'm not complaining.

SP to stats - Allows the user to expend 200 SP for a permanent increase of 1 in one stat

Okay, there was the hidden cost. Now I needed a way to earn more SP...

"Skill alteration: SP gain increase, times 3!" I said, prompting another UI to appear

"Confirm? 150 SP" Only 150? Bargain!

I stood up and gestured for Ellania to follow me, leading her back into the village and booking a room in an inn for us to share.

After a bit more exploration and thinking, I fell into bed and passed out instantly.

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by Prof Sai » Sun Feb 12, 2023 8:28 pm


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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by gtquik702 » Tue Feb 14, 2023 2:06 pm

I woke the next morning, and my brain decided to immediately worry itself with the mortal complications of money. Staring at my money pouch, I had 88 gold coins along with a random assortment of other coins. Ellania slept peacefully in my place whilst I thought about my solution.

"I could just create a new skill, or sign up to a guild..." I looked back at Ellania and realized.

I was in a fantasy world, and I had microphillia. A pretty good idea popped into my head.


I sat on the grass of the forest, pondering, thinking about how I was going to go about my plan. I asked about the races of the world, and Ellania told me that there were 3 "true" races in the world. Humans, Elves, and Dwarves, with humans being the superior race.

She said there had been a great war between these three races, but human intellect bested elven magic and skills, and dwarven strength, so it was common to see humans enslaving the other two. However, monsters were wandering around that seemed to materialize out of nowhere which humans hunted.

"These m-monsters provide food, materials, and magic items," She had said. So just like an RPG game...

I laid back on the grass and opened my status page.

HP: 100
MP: 100

STR: 10
END: 10
AGL: 10
INT: 10
WIS: 10
CHA: 10

SP: 1875(3/m)

Skills: Skillset alteration - The user can spend SP (skill points) to create, remove, or edit skills of either themselves or others. The more powerful the skill, the more SP it requires.

SP gain increase: Multiplies SP gain by 3

Shrinkage - Allows the user to expend MP to shrink a target temporarily. The longer the duration or the smaller the target, the more MP this will use. 5 MP per magnitude, 1 MP per minute

SP to stats - Allows the user to expend 200 SP for a permanent increase of 1 in one stat

I didn't know how to enslave others, so I decided to create life! When I tried to create the skill, it required over 10000 SP, so I had to wait a while unless I found alternative ways to earn SP.

"Hey Ellania," I called, "If you could make money in any way possible, how would you do it?"

She stopped staring at the flowers and looked at me, pondering. "W-well, I have always wanted to fight in battles against monsters..." She said, "And we could sell the remains."

I shrugged, "I guess that's our moneymaking method for the next few days. Let's go."


I had no idea how to fight...

As we nervously treaded into the "Adventurers Forest" I thought about some skills I could use to fight. I ended up creating a simple mana bullet skill for a cheap 200 SP. Ellania had decided to de-stress by picking flowers by the sidewalk until one attacked her.

She reached out and a mound of dirt leaped out of the ground, whipping her hand sharply with the flower on its head. She yelped in pain as she used her other hand to blast it away with an earth bullet. I quickly leaped in to save her and sent a barrage of magic bullets at the monster, shredding the large mound of dirt to pieces.

I went to observe the remains and picked up a glowing flower and rock. Sadly, I didn't have an appraisal skill or an appraisal gun, so I just stuffed them into my handy backpack and helped Ellania to her feet.

"T-thank you, master," She stuttered, blushing a bit and looking away. I sighed, not wanting to start an isekai-style harem, and continued along the path. Suddenly, a shiver down our spines and a rustling in the trees stopped our advance, and a humanoid... cat-girl leaped out?

"Eep!" Ellania yelped, diving behind me. "T-that's the demon of the forest!" The "demon" had cat ears on its head, a black tail, and looked pretty cute.

In a typical RPG fashion, a boss bar appeared, and boss music started to play. I was seriously under leveled for this...

Without a word, the cat-girl leaped forward, placing a large scratch on my chest.

-13 hp

"Ahh!" I screamed. It burned like hell. I staggered back, returning a few magic bullets in her direction. Using this time, I quickly checked my stats

HP: 87 (-1/m, bleeding)
MP: 52 (+1/m)

STR: 10
END: 10
AGL: 10
INT: 10
WIS: 10
CHA: 10

SP: 1864(3/m)

Skills: Skillset alteration - The user can spend SP (skill points) to create, remove, or edit skills of either themselves or others. The more powerful the skill, the more SP it requires.

SP gain increase: Multiplies SP gain by 3

Shrinkage - Allows the user to expend MP to shrink a target temporarily. The longer the duration or the smaller the target, the more MP this will use. 5 MP per magnitude, 1 MP per minute

SP to stats - Allows the user to expend 200 SP for a permanent increase of 1 in one stat

Magic bullet - Allows the user to fire magic bullets at the cost of MP. The more MP used, the stronger the bullet.

I flung my fist forward, slugging the cat demon in the face as hard as I could. It barely did anything, and I was met with yet another scratch on my arm.

-13 hp

I hissed in pain and withdrew from battle a bit. The cat demon had barely any scratches on it! I had to approach this differently. I took a glance at Ellania who was shaking like a leaf, I couldn't send her out to die. Then I mentally facepalmed. Of course, what else was I thinking?

I dove forward once more and powered up my shrinkage skill as much as I could with my remaining MP. The cat demon leaped, and I fired off the skill. I watched as the demon shrink mid-air, latching herself onto my arm, merely tickling my skin with her tiny claws.

I plucked her off my arm with two fingers and got a good look at her. Her clothes had dropped off when I had shrunk her, and I wasn't disappointed with her figure. She was petite but somehow managed to fit proportionally massive breasts. I couldn't measure the exact size, she was still slashing at me.

Unfortunately, she was a monster, and I did what an adventurer does. I threw her onto the ground as hard as I could. When she got back up with a bit of difficulty, I took her in my grasp and started to squeeze. The bloodlust in her eyes had been removed and was replaced by fear.

I ignored her cries of pain as I continued to tighten my grip, squeezing my eyes shut and looking away as I did so. This was going to get messy...

Then, I heard a UI notification. "You have subdued the demon. Do you wish to form a contract?" A what?

I loosened my grip on the demon, and she collapsed to the ground, barely alive, but still breathing. I thumbed the yes button on my UI notification, and the back of my hand flashed with another symbol.

"Ellania, please explain," I said slowly.

"W-well master, you have formed a contract..." She said, in as equal shock as I was. "B-basically, if you form a contract, they are under your command and forced to obey you. It a-also gives them intelligence."

I stared back at the tiny demon on the floor and noticed another UI notification. "What would you like to name the demon?"

"Uhh... Neko? No, that's uncreative. Niki? Equally uncreative but it's better. I'll go with that."

The demon was still unconscious on the floor, so I picked her up and handed her to Ellania for safekeeping.


When Niki came to minutes later, she screamed in fear, causing Ellania to drop her in shock. I let Niki drop to the floor and sighed. "Well, that's a fair bit more intelligence than last time." I turned and pinched Niki by the sides, raising her to eye level.

She squealed and frantically tried to cover up with her arms. Her ears drooped and her tail wrapped around her legs in a way that I could only describe as downright adorable. 'H-help!" She squeaked, "Who are you? Where am I?"

I stopped her flurry of questions by laying a finger over her mouth. "You're Niki, a demon I formed a contract with."

Niki stopped panicking and I lifted my finger away. "A... demon? Wait! So... all my dreams... were real?" She started to tear up. I guess she had spontaneously sprouted a conscience as well. I sighed again and placed her on the floor. "It's fine, you were supposed to attack people. It was hardwired into you. No one blames you for attacking us"

She grabbed my hand and cried into it. "T-thank you!". I couldn't help but feel a bit of pity for this demon who nearly tore us to shreds. When she let go, she once again noticed she was completely exposed and covered up again. I ignored this and turned to Ellania, who was watching on in fascination.

"Ellania, could you please take care of Niki until she grows back?"

"S-sure master," She said, gingerly taking hold of Niki, smiling at her.

Despite my slight annoyance and anxiety, I couldn't help but smirk. A new doll for my collection...

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by FalseWyvern » Wed Feb 15, 2023 8:52 am

This is good please do more đź‘Ť

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by jeffrey-dallas » Thu Feb 16, 2023 3:43 am

You have the isekai tropes down nicely. The only thing that was missing was "Truck-kun". :D

A shrinking power would be nice to have -- forming an SW harem will just be absolutely essential to your survival... right?

Sorta related -- I just got a new Blu-Ray of Konosuba episodes. Konosuba is the antithesis of regular isekai. It takes all the cliches and screws with them. It also has an excellent funny English dub. Anyway, I nominate the three main female characters for shrinking -- and a few of the minor characters, too.

Please continue your story!

"You're like, really tiny."
"Thanks. I had no idea."

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by gtquik702 » Fri Feb 17, 2023 8:12 am

Niki nervously twirled her ears as we entered the survival store, her pink polka-dot dress flowing in the wind. Upon entering the store, we were greeted by a disinterested young woman, who briefly gave us a show of her wares before passing out at the counter. "Huh, that reminds me of me when I was younger." I thought to myself.

After staring at the map for some time, I made the executive decision to move to the next village which was larger and had more potential. "Okay... Tent, sleeping bag, rations," I mumbled, pulling items off the shelves. Ellania was keeping Niki occupied. Surprisingly, despite her shy nature, Ellania warmed up to Niki.

I pulled up my statistics panel which had grown in the past seven days.

HP: 200
MP: 520 (+2/m)

STR: 20
END: 20
AGL: 20
INT: 52
WIS: 20
CHA: 20

SP: 165(5/m)

Skills: Skillset alteration - The user can spend SP (skill points) to create, remove, or edit skills of either themselves or others. The more powerful the skill, the more SP it requires.

SP gain increase: Multiplies SP gain by 5

Shrinkage - Allows the user to expend MP to shrink a target temporarily. The longer the duration or the smaller the target, the more MP this will use. 5 MP per magnitude, 1 MP per minute

SP to stats - Allows the user to expend 200 SP for a permanent increase of 1 in one stat

Magic bullet - Allows the user to fire magic bullets at the cost of MP. The more MP used, the stronger the bullet.

Life fabrication - Allows the user to expend MP to create an organism of their choosing. The MP cost depends on its stats, skills, size, lifetime, etc.

I had to put my plan to sell shrunken beings temporarily on hold as I needed insane amounts of MP to just create a lifeform that survives just a year. Though, this might be perfect to create a sex toy...

We exited the store, ready to begin our expedition. The journey might take up to a week on foot, but it would be well worth it.


I dropped the heavy backpack to the floor as Ellania started to make a campfire. Niki was out trying to catch a rabbit for our dinner. I decided to practice making a temporary lifeform with my skills. As I used it, a UI opened up, prompting me to select different options on how to create this new being.

"Let's see..." I muttered, "Human, female, 23 years old, 3 inches tall, 1 hour," I said, letting the system randomize appearances. I watched as a figure manifested in front of me. After the bright glow dissipated, the figure morphed into a beautiful young woman with long wavy brunette hair and brown eyes. She was also naked and 3 inches tall. Perfect.

"Wow," I breathed as I observed the woman frantically look around, trying to take in her surroundings. "What happened? Where am I?" She paused. "Who am I?"

I didn't hesitate and plucked her off the ground, her screaming as I did so. "Let go of me!" She squealed. I ignored her protests and started to prod her and inspect her. My skill was incredible! It created a replica of a tiny human, down to the very last detail.

That's when the greatest idea for a skill came to mind.

"Skill creation: fetish to SP!" I declared.

A UI appeared, prompting me to spend 3000 points for this skill. I thumbed the yes button. It would be a valuable investment. The familiar skill description appeared in front of me.

Fetish to SP: Whenever a user's fetish is fulfilled, 100 SP is granted to the user. Cooldown 1 minute

Perfect. I turned my attention back to the tiny human in my hand and started to inspect her more intimate parts. I used a finger to start pressing her breasts. She screamed and tried to pry my finger away, but I continued. They hardened when I started to rub them, and I decided to move on.

I ran my fingers up and down her thighs, enjoying the soft sensations. I went further up and started rubbing her clit. She half moaned half screamed and put up less of a resistance to stop me. I continued this way until she finally climaxed.

I pulled my finger away, and it was covered in the sticky wet goodness. I smiled and dropped her in my underwear. I still had under an hour with her. After setting up the tent, I would have my fun...


After the tiny woman had been covered in cum multiple times, her hour was up, and she spontaneously died. Huh. I simply tossed her into some nearby bushes and checked my status screen.

HP: 200
MP: 520 (+2/m)

STR: 20
END: 20
AGL: 20
INT: 52
WIS: 20
CHA: 20

SP: 5655(5/m)

Skills: Skillset alteration - The user can spend SP (skill points) to create, remove, or edit skills of either themselves or others. The more powerful the skill, the more SP it requires.

SP gain increase: Multiplies SP gain by 5

Shrinkage - Allows the user to expend MP to shrink a target temporarily. The longer the duration or the smaller the target, the more MP this will use. 5 MP per magnitude, 1 MP per minute

SP to stats - Allows the user to expend 200 SP for a permanent increase of 1 in one stat

Magic bullet - Allows the user to fire magic bullets at the cost of MP. The more MP used, the stronger the bullet.

Life fabrication - Allows the user to expend MP to create an organism of their choosing. The MP cost depends on its stats, skills, size, lifetime, etc.

Fetish to SP: Whenever a user's fetish is fulfilled, 100 SP is granted to the user. Cooldown 1 minute

The inner gamer within me desired a new skill, one, especially for growth. Since the "Fetish to SP" skill had presented its potential, I could create some other skills that improved my skills. My mind flicked back to the times I played all those RPGs. Whenever I used a skill enough times, it would level up and improve. I could create a skill similar to that right?

"Skill creation: Skill level up!"

-5000 SP

"Skill level up: When a skill is used, it has a small chance to level up. When a skill levels up, an aspect of it will improve automatically without the use of SP"

That was nice I suppose. Not what I expected, but what else could I expect?

"Master!" Ellania stuck her head into the tent. "Your dinner has been prepared!"

I stepped outside and found a steaming bowl of soup waiting for me. By the looks of it, it had some sort of fresh meat in it, Niki must have caught a rabbit. I was about to dig into it when I noticed both Niki and Ellania had very small servings. 'You guys know there is more, you don't have to save it all for me right?"

Ellania blushed and looked away, "M-master, I was wondering if you could shrink both of us again, so we could enjoy a larger meal... Of course, you don't have to if you don't want to..."

I grinned, "Whatever made you think I wouldn't do that? Of course." I stretched out my hand as they both shrink to 3 inches tall, their clothes dropping to the floor. I warp a hand around the two of them and place them next to their respective bowls of soup. Niki stares in confusion, and Ellania looks delighted. "T-thank you!" She said as the started to use her oversized spoon as a makeshift bowl.

I simply smiled and tucked into my meal.


I laid on my back and watched the stars. The two ladies were bathing in the nearby lake and requested privacy, which this time I granted. I reflected on my experience in this world. It felt like a dream, a long-lost dream which I was living out.

I heard shuffling in the bushes as Ellania and Niki appeared, dressed in sleeping wear. "Master, we are ready to sleep," Ellania said. I nodded and joined them in the tent. Three sleeping bags were laid out, and I just flopped into one, exhausted from the day's events.

Before I was about to drift off, I felt a touch on my arm. It was Ellania, looking a bit frightened. "M-master, I'm scared. I-I've never been out in the woods before, can I sleep with you?"

I looked around at my sleeping bag. "There's not enough room for both of us," I commented. Ellania's head dropped, "I understand master," She turned to leave, but I raised my hand, using all my MP and shrinking her to 1/5 of her size. She tripped over her now gigantic clothing as I grabbed her leg.

"But if you're a foot tall, then we might have enough room," I said, playfully dragging her towards me and holding her on my chest. She laughed and snuggled in, and we both drifted off to sleep.

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by gtquik702 » Sun Feb 19, 2023 1:53 am

The next town was in sight as we continued to lug our heavy backpacks across the plains. It had been a few days, and I would never take a good bed for granted again. We encountered some monsters along the way, but with our combined efforts, we fought them off. Sweat poured down my forehead as I dragged the tent, sleeping bags, and heavy backpack along.

To distract myself, I thought about the possibilities at the next village. Our money was getting low, only about 10 gold coins left, but we could sell off our monster bits for extra cash.

I checked my status screen again, to view my options.

HP: 200
MP: 520 (+2/m)

STR: 20
END: 20
AGL: 20
INT: 52
WIS: 20
CHA: 20

SP: 40182(5/m)

Skills: Skillset alteration - The user can spend SP (skill points) to create, remove, or edit skills of either themselves or others. The more powerful the skill, the more SP it requires.

SP gain increase: Multiplies SP gain by 5

Shrinkage - Allows the user to expend MP to shrink a target temporarily. The longer the duration or the smaller the target, the more MP this will use. 5 MP per magnitude, 1 MP per minute

SP to stats - Allows the user to expend 200 SP for a permanent increase of 1 in one stat

Magic bullet - Allows the user to fire magic bullets at the cost of MP. The more MP used, the stronger the bullet.

Life fabrication LV: 3- Allows the user to expend MP to create an organism of their choosing. The MP cost depends on its stats, skills, size, lifetime, etc. When created, the organism's life is extended by 4X the original amount.

Fetish to SP LV: 2: Whenever a user's fetish is fulfilled, 200 SP is granted to the user. Cooldown 1 minute

Skill level up: When a skill is used, it has a small chance to level up. When a skill levels up, an aspect of it will improve automatically without the use of SP

I had not spent any SP in the past few days, and let the level up skill do its work. This left me with a hefty amount of SP I could do whatever with. I decided to invest half to increase my SP gain to 15/m, and keep the rest on hand in case I needed it for anything. Then I realized, I mentally facepalmed. I should create an appraisal skill, it would help me out a lot.

"Skill creation, Appraisal!"

-10000 SP (Yikes)

Appraisal: Allows the user to view whatever entity's statistics they like.

Interesting, so if I tried it out on Ellania...

Entity: Ellania
HP: 350/350
MP: 420/420 (3/m)

STR: 12
END: 35
AGL: 27
INT: 42
WIS: 30
CHA: 7

Minor Earth manipulation: Allows the user to manipulate a small piece of the element "Earth". The more MP that is used, the more Earth can be used.

Interesting. I decided to mess with Ellania a bit and test out my skillset alteration on others...

-3000 SP

Random shrinkage (passive): Every minute, there is a small chance that the user shrinks to a random range between 100% and 1% of their full size, growing back after 10 minutes. This can happen for a maximum of once per hour.


My thoughts were stopped by a rustling in the bushes, and a goblin leaped out. All three of us stood on guard as it leaped. Niki slashed at it, I shot at it and Ellania threw up the earth beneath it. It was thrown backward into a tree, as its items dropped.

We started moving again, eager to get to the new city. Frankly, we've had enough of these random goblin ambushes.


The sun started to set, and we set up camp. What our party did at this point was routine now. Ellania sets up the campfire, Niki goes hunting, and I set up the tent. In the middle of setting up the tent, I heard a scream from behind me.

I whipped around and watched as Ellania started dwindling. I internally laughed. The skill I created earlier was taking effect. Now the question was, how small would she get? I continued to watch as she slipped into her clothing, and noticed how this shrinking was far slower than mine.

After a bit, Ellania crawled out of her clothing, three inches tall. "M-master! Why did you do that?" I stared, "I didn't shrink you," I said. Ellania looked on confused, "W-what do you mean?"

"I didn't use my skill on you." I said, "Didn't you notice how the shrinking was slower?"

She pondered this for a bit and nodded. "Okay, master." She crawled out of her clothing and looked around. "How am I supposed to cook now?"

I picked her up and lifted her to the pot, handing her the massive spoon. She shrugged and accepted it, stirring the pot.

After 10 minutes of me carrying Ellania around, she started to grow before my eyes. “Woah!” She yelled as I put her down gently. “I’m growing back!”

I switched off the stove and inspected the stew while Ellania grew back. It looked great, all we needed now was for Niki to come back from hunting. When I turned back to Ellania, she had not put on her clothes yet.

“Oh, sorry,” I said, turning back, but Ellania stopped me. “Master,” She said with uncharacteristic confidence, “You have been nothing but kind to me, and, I want to pay it back.”

She ran her hands down her body, presenting her body fully to me. “Please master, is my body pleasing to you?”

I took a moment to process what she was doing and smiled. “Of course, but there’s one way you can make it better.” Ellania tilted her head in confusion. “How so?”

I reached out my hand and reduced her back to 3 inches tall. I grabbed her and lifted her to my face. .”Like this.” I said, starting to massage her body with my hands. She felt so soft, so… smooth. Ellania didn’t resist, letting me feel her up with my hands.

I ran my fingers over her, feeling the hard lumps that were her breasts. She moaned in satisfaction, as I continued. I lifted her closer to my mouth and started running my tongue over her voluptuous figure. She tasted strangely sweet, a bit like syrup.

I moved my attention further down, licking her thighs, and rubbing my fingers over them. When I got to her hole, she was already hot, sweaty, and on the brink of climaxing. “Y-yes master!” She exclaimed, prompting me to start gently rubbing it with my finger.

She screamed in delight and a strange yellow, sticky substance coated my fingers, similar to honey. I assumed that this was elven cum. Ellania looked at me expectantly, and I showed her the substance on my fingers, and she motioned for me to… put it in my mouth?

I did so, and it was extremely sweet and delicious. Its taste was not dissimilar from honey, strangely enough. Without missing a beat, I raised Ellania to my mouth and continued licking her, more of the delicious sweetness flowing into my mouth.

Eventually, we had enough. Ellania was coated in my saliva, and I was partially covered in her cum. I took her to the nearby lake to clean up a bit.


When Niki got back Ellania was still tiny. We figured out that around 10 minutes had passed during our “fun” and another ten when washing up. Out of those 20 minutes, I gained a whole 4000 SP from my skill.

We sat around the campfire, chewing on bits of bread and stew, and gazing at the stars in the sky. After a while, we resigned for the night and went to bed. Ellania requested to be shrunk again to sleep with me, and I accepted her request.

After today, I figured out that my power had so much more potential than I realized, and I was going to have fun.

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by gtquik702 » Sun Feb 19, 2023 12:45 pm

Another part today, cuz I felt like writing

As we entered the new town of Rogscille, we were met with a bustling street, much busier than the one at Sol Villa. I looked at the variety of new shops it had to offer, and an extra stand that caught my attention.

“Step right up! Pay a gold coin, win a fight against the mighty elf, and win 100 gold coins in return!”

Ooh, that would be nice. I pulled up my stats screen to see what I could do

HP: 300
MP: 1000 (+3/m)

STR: 30
END: 30
AGL: 30
INT: 100
WIS: 30
CHA: 30

SP: 19245(15/m)

Skills: Skillset alteration - The user can spend SP (skill points) to create, remove, or edit skills of either themselves or others. The more powerful the skill, the more SP it requires.

SP gain increase: Multiplies SP gain by 15

Shrinkage - Allows the user to expend MP to shrink a target temporarily. The longer the duration or the smaller the target, the more MP this will use. 5 MP per magnitude, 1 MP per minute

SP to stats - Allows the user to expend 200 SP for a permanent increase of 1 in one stat

Magic bullet (Not concealed) - Allows the user to fire magic bullets at the cost of MP. The more MP used, the stronger the bullet.

Life fabrication Lv4 - Allows the user to expend MP to create an organism of their choosing. The MP cost depends on its stats, skills, size, lifetime, etc. When the organism is created, its lifetime is multiplied by 8

Fetish to SP Lv2: Whenever a user's fetish is fulfilled, 200 SP is granted to the user. Cooldown 1 minute

Skill level up: When a skill is used, it has a small chance to level up. When a skill levels up, an aspect of it will improve automatically without the use of SP

Appraisal: Allows the user to view whatever entities statistics they desire

Conceal: Allows the user to conceal certain skills so that others can’t view them through appraisal. Default set: concealed

Yeah, I could work with that. I turned my attention to the female elf on the stage, who looked exhausted, with scratches and dirt coating her, and appraised her.

Hp 5760
MP: 5690 (26.5/M)

STR: 506
END: 576
AGL: 657
INT: 569
WIS: 265
CHA: 21

Sword dance: Increases user attack speed with swords by 100X for 10 seconds. Costs 1100 MP
Ice manipulation: Allows the user to manipulate the element “Ice”
Atmospheric freezing: Allows the user to gather and freeze water to form ice.

With those skills, I could see why she was dubbed “The mighty elf”. Though I did need those coins, and I had a few thousand SP to spare…

Secretly, I decided to modify her skillset to make it more favorable, and more… fun.

I appraised her again and surely enough, those changes I had made were there.

Sword dance: Increases user attack speed with swords by 100X for 10 seconds. Costs 1100 MP
Ice manipulation: Allows the user to manipulate the element “Ice”. Costs 10 MP for every second the ice is maintained.
Atmospheric freezing: Allows the user to gather and freeze water to form ice.
MP to size: The user’s size will be shrunken to that percentage of MP left, with a minimum of 1%
Stats reflection of size: The user's percentage in size also determines the stat total.

In addition, I needed to buff myself, and I knew just the thing.

Uncanny instincts: Allows the user to subconsciously dodge every dodgeable attack for a minute. Costs 1000 MP

And after burning the last of my SP on intelligence, I was ready to challenge the elf.

“I’ll challenge her!” I shouted, stepping up onto the stage and handing the man a gold coin. A collective “Ooh” came from the audience as the man snickered.

“Alright then.” He shoved the elf towards me. “Give him hell Luna” The elf nodded with a pained expression and formed two swords midair. I activated my uncanny instincts as she charged.

I felt my body move out of the way automatically as I returned with a punch. Woah! This felt amazing! It whipped her over the face but didn’t leave a single scratch behind. The Elf gave me a sad smile as her swords started glowing.

Suddenly, her head dropped to my chest height as she tripped over her now massive clothing. “W-wha?” The audience gasped as she struggled with her clothing and I took the opportunity to kick her away.

“What a twist!” The man said, unaware of the full potential of the skill. “Is this a skill?” The elf activated her sword dance again and diminished further. By my calculations, she should be at 60% strength. She charged at me, her swords becoming literal blurs as she swung.

Somehow, my body managed to dodge every single swipe as I watched her face morph from one of pain into one of shock. Then, something shocked both of us. My body dived away from a swing, I activated my shrinkage skill with as much MP as I could use.

I watched as her swords clattered to the ground and her clothing dropped to the floor, just as my uncanny instincts faded. The audience murmured. “What happened?”, “Did he win?”, “What skill is that?” I stared at the clothing on the floor, and I didn’t see the usual lump. How small did I shrink her?

Suddenly, I heard rustling from behind me as a hand covered my mouth. “Now that you have defeated her, you will be my new champion.” Wait what?! I panicked, kicking backward trying to pry the man off me, but I felt a fogginess in my mind start to creep in.

I watched as the man held out a hand to the audience as it started to glow with dark red energy. “If any of you tries to stop me, I’ll end you on the spot.” The symbol on his hand faded away, and a new one formed. Wait, was he trying to control… me?

Suddenly, the hand fell away and the fogginess left. I turned around to see a child-sized Luna, fully naked at his legs. She had an ice sword in her hand and had just slashed his waist. “Y-you!” He screamed. He started to glow reddish-black as he charged. I took the time to get some space and appraise the strange man.


HP: 405 (-5/s blood sacrifice)
MP: 1023 (+13/m)

STR: 53 (X10)
END: 102
AGL: 23 (X10)
INT: 120 (X10)
WIS: 13 (X10)
CHA: 123

Blood sacrifice: Allows the user to experience a steady drain of HP to increase stats, every HP leads to an extra 2X multiplier to each stat except for END and CHA.

I watched as the battle between the two raged on, but the unknown man had the upper hand.
Luna grunted and used her sword dance, shrining another 20% but placing multiple well-timed slashes across the man’s chest, knocking him to the floor. The man, enraged, got back up and his aura flowed even more.

I watched as the man socked Luna so hard she flew across the stage and into a nearby wall, getting knocked out instantly. “Now,” He growled, “Where was I?” He turned back to me. Crap. He slowly walked towards me, hands crackling with energy. “Since I lost a servant, you’re going to have to replace her…”

I was out of MP and SP, I couldn’t do anything as I watched him approach, getting closer with a menacing glare until he suddenly collapsed onto the floor. I appraised him, and nothing happened. Was he… dead? Oh, he overused blood sacrifice.

I ran over to Luna, knowing he was a lost cause and picked her up bridal style. She was slowly growing back but was still unconscious. I took one look at my group and they nodded, encouraging me to bring Luna along with our party.

Another member of the SW harem acquired.

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by gtquik702 » Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:29 pm

In a similar fashion to Niki, Luna jolted awake. We were alone together in the inn while Niki and Ellania left to eat dinner. When we searched the man’s body, we found over a thousand gold coins, which should solve our money issue for now.

“Hey,” I said simply. Luna looked around panicked before calming down. “Y-you.” She said quietly. She brushed her light blue hair to the side as she whispered, “you’re the one who saved me.”

Despite her quiet tone, I could still hear her. “Saved you?”

She nodded “From that devil of a man,” She continued, “When he wanted you over me, he released the contract on me to take you instead.”

“Huh, interesting…” I said.

Suddenly, she got out of the covers and bowed toward me. “As such, I am forever in your debt.” Then she realized she was completely naked and hastily grabbed the sheets, blushing a bright red. I chuckled a bit and asked. “Why don’t you follow us around then? We could use a swordswoman in our party.”

She nodded. “I’ll be glad to join you in your adventures, although I have a strange curse placed on me. Whenever I use my skills and mana, I shrink and become weaker.”

“O-oh. That’s my skill. Don’t worry, I’ll remove them for you.”

-3000 SP

“Your skill is to shrink and weaken people?”

“Yeah… something like that.” It would probably be suicide to inform people of this world about my true skill. She nodded and looked around the room, searching for a form of covering. “Ah, clothes,” I said, handing her the clothes that had slipped off during our battle. She muttered a word of thanks as I turned to let her dress.

After a bit of time, Ellania and Niki came back, chatting together happily. I called them over to have a quick discussion.

“Okay, now that we’re in Rogscilla, what should we do? Our money isn’t going to last forever, and I still don’t have enough MP to make that shop yet.” Ellania shrugged and Niki looked around aimlessly. “You could apply for a guild,” Luna suggested, “Or train to get your MP up.”

I nodded. “Yeah, that would help. A guild would probably do both those things.” I said before standing up and getting ready to leave for the guild house. “You guys coming?” I asked, they all stood up and followed suit.


“Okay.” The clerk said, “So you want to register as a party?”

Ellania nodded, “Yup, the four of us.”

The clerk smiled at us, “Then I’ll get each one of you to sign these papers and fill out these forms and get you your guild cards.” The form mainly consisted of personal information and skills. I put shrinkage and mana bullet there, not wanting to attract unwanted interest. The paper just made us not blame the guild if we died.

When we received our guild cards, Niki excitedly jumped up and immediately attacked the quest board, coming back shortly after with a quest. “Collect the ancient treasure from an abandoned succubus cave!” She exclaimed, bouncing up and down excitedly. The quest was relatively low ranking and had a semi-decent reward of 10 gold.

However, as most of our party was exhausted, we decided to just do it tomorrow. We rented out another room in the inn for Niki and Luna to share while Ellania and I shared the current one. Again, I was about to pass out when Ellania sat up and poked my arm. I smiled and knew what she wanted…

Within a few seconds, Ellania was sitting in my hand, butt naked, presenting her pussy to me in a very alluring fashion. Wasting no time, I started rubbing, stroking, licking, kissing, etc. She was nearly instantly climaxing, coating my hand in her elven honey. I proceeded with licking it off, and sticking her entire lower body into my mouth, pleasuring her with my tongue.

I caressed her breasts with a finger and licked her thighs as all her juices were ejected directly into my mouth. She was screaming with delight as I took her out and started my rubbing procedure once more. Then suddenly, she moved my hand away. “P-please master, I wish to please you now.”

I gave her a confused look, and she gestured to my pants. I see…

With a bit of hesitation, I lowered my pants and underwear, revealing an erect cock. Ellania gaped a bit at the relative size, before jumping out of my hands and starting her work. It felt like heaven, and I couldn’t help myself. Within seconds, I was coating her with a layer of cum, but she kept going.

She wrapped my shaft in a bear hug and rubbed it with her whole body. I could feel her two breasts rubbing against me, and that made me even harder. Then she returned my favors by rubbing and kissing it, and I moaned with delight. With a final climax, we decided to end the night there. I got dressed and brought us to the bathroom to wash off.

And that’s another 2000 SP gathered.


We stood outside the cave, staring into its depths. The task said it was abandoned, but it didn’t make it seem any less ominous. Luna went in first, readying her sword, followed by me. It seemed we all had the feeling that something wasn’t right…

Room after room, we explored, each one empty, yet still eerie. One room was filled with the remains of unfortunate travelers who had also explored this cave… some looking quite recent.

Finally, we reached the last room and found the treasure marked on the quest. A glittering goblet etched with strange markings and enchantments. I reached out to grab it, then movement caught my eye. I spotted a statue crumbling, revealing a demon from within.

The demon had a humanoid appearance, with red skin, horns, and bat-like wings. She was also wearing incredibly revealing clothing. “A-a succubus!” Ellania screamed. We didn’t need any more prompting. I grabbed the goblet and bolted, the rest of my party following suit.

“Oh, leaving so soon?” We heard a seductive voice from behind us, and a strange feeling waged over me. I wanted to turn back? I shook my head and continued running, but each step slowly got more difficult as my mind fought back harder.

Then suddenly, my body stopped. The rest of my party looked back in confusion as I mentally struggled. “Good, I hate it when my visitors leave,” The voice came again, and the succubus came into view. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t break free of the force holding me. Instead, I mouthed to the rest of my party, “run.”

Niki pried the goblet out of my hand and continued out of the cave. The succubus scowled for a second but then smiled. “Ah well, I lose one treasure,” she caressed my face with a hand, “I gain another.” This was getting creepier by the second.

She ran her finger down my shirt, reaching my pants and feeling my penis. “Eh? Most men are harder than you at this point, you’re no fun if I can’t have sex with you. Give in to your desires.” She whispered in my ear seductively.

Wait, give in to my desires? Hehehe…

“Alright,” I said, “if you say so…” With a surprising lack of willpower, I raised my arm and fired my shrinkage ability, reducing the succubus to my “favorite size” for as long as I could. Her clothes dropped to the floor, revealing her whole, sexy body. Then, I picked her up and opened the fly on my pants.

“Well Ms. Succubus, you know what to do,” I said, dropping her into my underwear. And sure enough, I felt her little body at work. My SP was going to skyrocket from this one.


I left the cave, trying not to make it too obvious I was being pleasured, and we returned to the village, handing in our quest and taking our reward. After a torturous yet amazing 2 hours I returned to the inn and let loose, cumming all over my captive. I pulled the succubus out of my clothing, and she seemed very pleased.

“Ohh, you’re a unique one aren’t ya? I love this!” She moaned, licking my fingers which were covered in my juices. I quickly checked my status page,

HP: 300
MP: 1200 (+3/m)

STR: 30
END: 30
AGL: 30
INT: 120
WIS: 30
CHA: 30

SP: 43625(15/m)

Skills: Skillset alteration - The user can spend SP (skill points) to create, remove, or edit skills of either themselves or others. The more powerful the skill, the more SP it requires.

SP gain increase: Multiplies SP gain by 15

Shrinkage Lv 2 (Not concealed) - Allows the user to expend MP to shrink a target temporarily. The longer the duration or the smaller the target, the more MP this will use. 5 MP per magnitude, 1 MP per 2 minutes

SP to stats - Allows the user to expend 200 SP for a permanent increase of 1 in one stat

Magic bullet (Not concealed) - Allows the user to fire magic bullets at the cost of MP. The more MP used, the stronger the bullet.

Life fabrication Lv4 - Allows the user to expend MP to create an organism of their choosing. The MP cost depends on its stats, skills, size, lifetime, etc. When the organism is created, its lifetime is multiplied by 8

Fetish to SP Lv3: Whenever a user's fetish is fulfilled, 300 SP is granted to the user. Cooldown 1 minute

Skill level up: When a skill is used, it has a small chance to level up. When a skill levels up, an aspect of it will improve automatically without the use of SP

Appraisal: Allows the user to view whatever entities statistics they desire

Conceal: Allows the user to conceal certain skills so that others can’t view them through appraisal. Default set: concealed

Uncanny instincts: Allows the user to subconsciously dodge every dodgeable attack for a minute. Costs 1000 MP

Woah, that was a lot of SP. I stared at the Succubus, still in my hand, and decided…

“Skill Creation: Contract form!”


Contract form: Allows the user to force create contacts with any being, with a limit of 1

Perfect. A symbol flashed on the back of my hand and it floated above the tiny succubus for a second before vanishing.

“Well love, you forced a contract upon me, that’s pretty sexy. And I don’t mind if we can do this every day”

I nodded, “Yup, you’re going to be my farm from now on.” I said before stuffing her back into my underwear and watching my SP rise.

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by gtquik702 » Sun Feb 26, 2023 12:30 am

I stood in the open clearing, ready to train. Usually, I wouldn’t be bothered doing this, but the ladies were out to have a day in the village. So with Keyla, the succubus, in my pants, I began…

Deciding what to do. I sat down, thinking. Keyla was already doing her thing to my cock, so I had a steady stream of SP. I could work on my life manifestation skill again, hoping for the level to go up again. We needed this to make some money.

Then I had an idea. My upgrade skill had a loophole. It upgraded based on repetitive usage, not the amount of mana I spent. So if I just repeatedly spent a minuscule amount of mana on my life or shrink skill, it should be infinite levels… right?

Suddenly, Kayla hit a sensitive spot, distracting my thoughts and coating her with cum.

I sighed with delight and decided to work on my shrinkage skill first. I created a human woman 6 inches tall that would last for about 8 minutes. Due to the skill upgrades, it would last about an hour.

After watching the small naked woman in front of me gather her bearings, I started training, repeatedly reducing her in half for a minute, which barely cost any mana, and while the minutes passed, I had my fun…


After a few good hours of my training, I had no mana and a pile of tiny corpses. Anyone who saw this would be very confused…

I checked my stats screen

HP: 300
MP: 3 (+3/m)

STR: 30
END: 30
AGL: 30
INT: 120
WIS: 30
CHA: 30

SP: 62225(15/m)

Skills: Skillset alteration - The user can spend SP (skill points) to create, remove, or edit skills of either themselves or others. The more powerful the skill, the more SP it requires.

SP gain increase: Multiplies SP gain by 15

Shrinkage Lv 5 (Not concealed) - Allows the user to expend MP to shrink a target temporarily. The longer the duration or the smaller the target, the more MP this will use. 3 MP per magnitude, 1 MP per 5 minutes

SP to stats - Allows the user to expend 200 SP for a permanent increase of 1 in one stat
Magic bullet (Not concealed) - Allows the user to fire magic bullets at the cost of MP. The more MP used, the stronger the bullet.

Life fabrication Lv7 - Allows the user to expend MP to create an organism of their choosing. The MP cost depends on its stats, skills, size, lifetime, etc. When the organism is created, its lifetime is multiplied by 128

Fetish to SP Lv5: Whenever a user's fetish is fulfilled, 500 SP is granted to the user. Cooldown 1 minute

Skill level up: When a skill is used, it has a small chance to level up. When a skill levels up, an aspect of it will improve automatically without the use of SP

Appraisal: Allows the user to view whatever entities statistics they desire

Conceal: Allows the user to conceal certain skills so that others can’t view them through appraisal. Default set: concealed

Uncanny instincts: Allows the user to subconsciously dodge every dodgeable attack for a minute. Costs 1000 MP

Satisfied with my progress, I decided to end training today. I opened my fly and pulled Keyla out. She was covered in my sticky white stuff and pleasuring herself. I also noticed the entirety of my underwear and pants were coated in cum as well. I needed a shower…

When Keyla noticed she wasn’t hugging my cock anymore, she looked up at me and greeted me. “Hello Master, are you finished with me today?” She had a bit of a disappointed tone. I nodded. Keyla sighed as she reclined in my hands.

“You taste the best out of all the people I’ve met,”

When she noticed my mortified expression she giggled and waved her hand dismissively. “Doing worry about it. Now get me cleaned up!”


Our party gathered together, ready to discuss our new plan.

“So, I think we have just enough to rent a property for a bit” I started, “and I can start to sell my life forms. I’ve managed to get them to last about a week, and slightly less if I spawn a full-sized organism.”

Our party nodded in understanding.

“I think we saw an empty property we could rent out on the streets earlier today,” Ellania commented.

“Okay, let’s check it out then.”


A few hours later and we had ourselves a property of our own for 10 gold a day. It came with the “starter” furniture for our shop, and we were ready to open. We marketed our products as “tiny slaves.” People would buy that, right?

I also pumped all the SP I had into INT and WIS to increase my mana pool, increasing the maximum duration to a few months.

Within minutes of opening, I had a curious customer enter the store. “Hey, is it true that you’re selling slaves?” I nodded.

“Yeah. But these ones are 3 inches tall and last a few months.”

“Wait, then what’s their use?”

“Pleasure. You can do anything you want with them.”

“Hmmm…” the customer pondered. “I’ll take one. How much?”

“Well, it’s a silver coin a day, so if you’re going for the full time about 90 silver. The man shrugged and pulled out a large clump of silver coins and dumped the on the table. “That should be 90.” He said. I nodded and asked.

“How would you like your slave to look like?”

The man pondered for a bit. “Well, I think I would like it to be a female elf, with blonde hair and a nice figure I suppose.”

“Okay, I’ll be just a minute,” I said, going to the back. The ladies were there discussing the future of our store. I selected the options the man chose, adding “obedient” to the personality list. This caused a tiny elf to materialize in my hands, which I handed to the man.

“Enjoy!” I told him as he stared in wonder and left the shop.


After a few more happy customers, I decided to close up for the day, to find Ellania child size in the back, all the ladies surrounding her. “M-master! What happened?” Luna exclaimed. I stared at Ellania. “I’m not sure. I didn’t do this.”

Technically I did, but not directly…

Niki picked her up and cradled her in her arms.

“You’re so cute!” Niki said, rocking Ellania like a baby.

“H-hey! I’m not a baby!” Ellania said, struggling her way out.

I chuckled briefly at their antics and said, “We had a pretty successful day today, we should go out for a fancy dinner tonight.”


We sat inside what seemed like a medieval-style steak house where a variety of exotic meats were being served. I ordered two dishes, and Luna stared at me in confusion.

“Master,” She started. “There are four of us,”

I smiled and told her, “I forgot, you’re still pretty new to this right?”

“New to wha- woah!”

I interrupted her sentence as the three ladies dwindled to doll size. I lifted them all to the table to enjoy one dish as I consumed the other. Luna still looked like a lost puppy. “Go on, eat.” I said, “it’s not poisoned.”

She shrugged and tried to use her oversized utensils, but eventually gave up and simply created an ice sword that was used as a skewer. I smiled and tucked into my “Earthbull meat”, relishing the rest of the night.


One advantage of now owning our property was that we didn’t have to rent out the inn anymore, and we all shared a room on the upper floor. The disadvantage is we didn’t have a lot of space. However, space wasn’t an issue for me.

I laid down beside 3 doll sized women, (4 if you count the succubus in her jar, pleasuring herself) and thought about my journey so far…

I was brought to this world by a king to save the world from a threat

I met Ellania as a slave in a slave shop,

I met Niki after fighting her in the forest,

I met Luna after recently fighting her in the village,

And all the while I was training and getting stronger. As I closed my eyes for the night, I wondered where the future would take me next…

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by gtquik702 » Mon Feb 27, 2023 9:57 am

*About a month later*

I was starting to enjoy my life in this world. We had piles upon piles of coins due to our surprisingly successful business. My stats were starting to increase at a rapid rate, and I had my very own harem of women who could be shrunk to doll size whenever I pleased.

I was stacking jars filled with shrunken slaves up onto the shelves. They could last up to a decade now, which meant I had to revamp the cost system to a gold coin a year. Ellania came out of the “crew room” counting yesterday’s profits, which amounted to a few hundred gold coins.

And of course, my stats were looking pretty incredible compared to a month ago…

HP: 2000
MP: 5000 (+20/m)

STR: 200
END: 200
AGL: 200
INT: 500
WIS: 200
CHA: 200

SP: 625000(100/m)

Skills: Skillset alteration - The user can spend SP (skill points) to create, remove, or edit skills of either themselves or others. The more powerful the skill, the more SP it requires.

SP gain increase: Multiplies SP gain by 100

Shrinkage Lv 5 (Not concealed) - Allows the user to expend MP to shrink a target temporarily. The longer the duration or the smaller the target, the more MP this will use. 4 MP per magnitude, 1 MP per 5 minutes

SP to stats Lv 3- Allows the user to expend 50 SP for a permanent increase of 1 in one stat

Magic bullet Lv 2(Not concealed) - Allows the user to fire magic bullets at the cost of MP. The more MP used, the stronger the bullet. The bullet’s strength is doubled when fired.

Life fabrication Lv 12 - Allows the user to expend MP to create an organism of their choosing. The MP cost depends on its stats, skills, size, lifetime, etc. For every year, the organism costs an extra 100 MP.

Fetish to SP Lv8: Whenever a user's fetish is fulfilled, 800 SP is granted to the user. Cooldown 1 minute

Skill level up Lv 2: When a skill is used, it has a slightly higher than a small chance to level up. When a skill levels up, an aspect of it will improve automatically without the use of SP

Appraisal: Allows the user to view whatever entities statistics they desire

Conceal: Allows the user to conceal certain skills so that others can’t view them through appraisal. Default set: concealed

Uncanny instincts Lv 2: Allows the user to subconsciously dodge every dodgeable attack for a minute. Costs 900 MP

I had more SP than I could ever use and was still earning more by the minute. I gave Kayla a permanent shrink skill so that I didn’t have to constantly spend SP to keep her small.

“Master, it’s nearly time to open!” Niki yelled from across the store as she helped stick 10 GC price labels onto the new “products.” I had decided to prepare a bunch of “base products” and display them, and let people order custom ones if they wanted.

I sat at the desk and created a tiny new woman to play with while I was waiting. I still marveled at my amazing lifeform creation skill, and the accuracy it had. And due to my practice, it barely costs anything for any lifeform under a yearlong lifespan.

I ran my finger up the woman’s side, her attempting to escape my grasp. I fondled her a bit before a regular came in.

“Ah! Welcome back! The usual?” I greeted

The man nodded, slamming another gold coin onto the desk. I created a blonde, beautiful 3-inch-tall elf with glowing blue eyes and handed it to the man. She seemed enthusiastic about being handed to the man and almost immediately started pleasuring herself. I guess that’s what “horny” gives you…

“You should stop breaking her you know,” I said to the man, “They’re supposed to last a year.”

He shrugged. “She breaks herself. It’s weird.” He replied.

After a few customers simply chose their slaves off the shelves, Luna took over as I went to take a break in the village.

I strolled around and saw a new poster. “Wanted: Ereline Irwine” I stared at the magic photo and saw a woman who was wanted apparently for theft. I continued and went into a bar, ordering a drink.

A tap on my shoulder distracted me from my thoughts, and I turned to see a figure covered in a dark cloak who said, “P-please, I need your help.” Without a second thought, I stood up and followed this mysterious figure out into the street and between two buildings.

The alley we had gone into was dark, shady, and exactly the type of alley I would expect to get robbed in. Then, sure enough, the figure dropped her hood to reveal the face projected onto the poster earlier. She pulled out a knife and held it at my throat. “You know what I want. Give it to me.”

I sighed and took out my money pouch, emptying the 100 gold coins onto her palm. She grinned and pulled her hood back up. “Pleasure doing business with you.” She said before turning to leave out of the alley

What she didn’t expect was for me to reduce her to the size of a doll when she tried to leave. Her empty cloak fell to the floor as I fished around in them, seizing a miniature figure.

When I withdrew her, she was fighting back. Punching, screaming, slapping, etc. I also noticed she did quite have a curvy figure…

I decided to turn her in for the reward and began walking to the nearest bounty Hunter station. I ignored the strange stares we were receiving and continued down the streets. Eventually, I was at the station, handing the miniature thief in and ensuring that she would grow back later.

Upon returning to my store, I was met with a dusty brown pouch filled with glittering pieces. “Master! Some guy came in and bought nearly our entire stock!” Luna yelled in excitement. “Wow!” I replied, “I wonder what he needed all of them for though…”

We counted our total profits and decided that we needed a safer place to put all of this. I decided now would be a great time to use my SP.

“Oh yeah! I picked up a portal skill from someone!” I lied. I still couldn’t reveal my secret.

“Skill creation: Portal”

-10000 SP

Portal: Allows the user to create pairs of portals that cost 10 MP/m to maintain per pair. Portals can be of different sizes.

Two birds with one stone, a new shrinking method and a way to store our gold. I decided to make the small safe at the back our “pocket dimension”. I emptied it and formed a small portal there and a larger portal in front of me. Theoretically, this should make our storage space over 100 times larger.

I also instructed our party to never take directly from the safe, because all the money would be tiny and unusable, and instead, I created a permanent pair of portals they could use.
And so the day went on, until the closing hour, after which I decided to test the new shrinking method.

“Hey Ellania,” I said while the others were packing up. “You up for a night of fun?” She smiled and nodded eagerly, following me upstairs. I hung a do not disturb sign on the room, indicating me and Ellania were “de-stressing.”

“Okay,” I said once the door was locked. “I want to try something else today,” I summoned a pair of portals, one 1/12 the size of the other. “Can you stand over there by the full-size portal?”

She did so, and I reached into the smaller portal, my fingers coming out the other at 12 times the normal size. Ellania screamed in shock. I grinned and pushed my hand deeper into the portal and wrapping around Ellania and pulling her back out of my portal. Sure enough, it was as if she had been shrunk by my skill, though this time I had the luxury of tearing her clothes off.

I began with her top, gently pulling at the fabric and lifting it over her head, revealing her miniature C-cup bra underneath. Usually, all of this simply falls off, but not this time. I turned her over and fiddled with the clasp a bit, her enjoying the sensations. When it finally came off, I didn’t hesitate with lifting her to my mouth and sucking on the breasts.

She moaned and I continued stripping her, pulling off her pants and underwear, getting us to the stage we were used to. “Well master,” She said, “Are you ready?”

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by gtquik702 » Thu Mar 09, 2023 1:55 pm

Sorry, I got a little lazy with this chapter
I stared at the paper hanging on my store door.

“The Irwine sisters are coming for you”

Irwine, wasn’t that the surname of that thief I had caught last week? That means that the siblings of this thief caught wind of what I did to their sister and… they were after me now?

“Master? Aren’t you worried?” Ellania asked, hugging my arm.

“Worried? Not really, though I do feel a bit underprepared.” I stretched and tore the poster down, bringing it inside. As the others were opening the shop, I sat down on the couch and pondered.

“Well, I need to train, but I also need to run the shop.”

I laid back, “I think I’m limited on time…” I thought back to my previous life in my previous world. What did the characters do in their training arcs?

I jolted upright, an idea forming in my mind which was flashbacking to the times of Naruto.

“Skill creation, clone!”

This skill will cost 1000000SP Confirm?

Excuse me WHAT?!

I checked my status window:

HP: 2000
MP: 5000 (+20/m)

STR: 200
END: 200
AGL: 200
INT: 500
WIS: 200
CHA: 200

SP: 2050000(100/m)

Skills: Skillset alteration - The user can spend SP (skill points) to create, remove, or edit skills of either themselves or others. The more powerful the skill, the more SP it requires.

SP gain increase: Multiplies SP gain by 100

Shrinkage Lv 5 (Not concealed) - Allows the user to expend MP to shrink a target temporarily. The longer the duration or the smaller the target, the more MP this will use. 4 MP per magnitude, 1 MP per 5 minutes

SP to stats Lv 3- Allows the user to expend 50 SP for a permanent increase of 1 in one stat

Magic bullet Lv 2(Not concealed) - Allows the user to fire magic bullets at the cost of MP. The more MP used, the stronger the bullet. The bullet’s strength is doubled when fired.

Life fabrication Lv 12 - Allows the user to expend MP to create an organism of their choosing. The MP cost depends on its stats, skills, size, lifetime, etc. For every year, the organism costs an extra 100 MP.

Fetish to SP Lv8: Whenever a user's fetish is fulfilled, 800 SP is granted to the user. Cooldown 1 minute

Skill level up Lv 2: When a skill is used, it has a slightly higher than a small chance to level up. When a skill levels up, an aspect of it will improve automatically without the use of SP

Appraisal: Allows the user to view whatever entities statistics they desire

Conceal: Allows the user to conceal certain skills so that others can’t view them through appraisal. Default set: concealed

Uncanny instincts Lv 2: Allows the user to subconsciously dodge every dodgeable attack for a minute. Costs 900 MP

EXCUSE ME WHAT?! As it turns out, I had severely underestimated the power of 100 SP/m and leaving it alone for a few days. I shrugged and hit yes.

Clone: Allows the user to create a direct duplicate of themselves, connected to them. It will share the user’s stats. It is not sentient and must receive orders from the user. It cannot use active skills. When created, each clone will use up 20 MP/m

Perfect. I also poured SP into my WIS to increase my MP gain, and with that, I created a clone.

I didn’t know what to expect, it was an exact copy of me. But for some reason, I felt connected with it indescribably. It was connected to my stats so…

I created a miniature lifeform and handed it to the clone of me with the instruction, “Have fun.” Without hesitation, the clone of me started to tease the miniature woman, and within seconds my SP was going up. That was going better than I expected.

I hurried the clone into the private room and created a tiny woman that lasted at least a year and called it a day for my training.


When the store closed, and profits were counted I laid back in bed with a tiny naked Luna, Niki, and Ellania on my chest. I decided that tomorrow, I would go out, make some skills, and train. Who knows when the Irwine sisters would show up?

I felt a light tap on my finger to find the three girls looking at me with seductive looks. I grinned and started the beginning of a fun night.


With over two million SP points in my inventory, I was ready to start some skill-making. I sat on the grass in the forest, thinking about the various skills I would need for a battle. I start with some basic elemental skills, putting a minor hole of around 10000 SP in my pocket.

Then, I turned my attention toward my existing skills, and how to strengthen them. I pondered how I could strengthen them without spending a ridiculous amount of SP every time. Then I thought about my level-up skill, what about evolving that?

I edited my level-up skill, spending as much SP as I could, before ending up with this.

Level up: Whenever a skill is used, there is a chance that it levels up, greatly strengthening without the usage of SP. Passive skills will automatically level up over time whenever activated. Whenever skills reach increments of 5, they will evolve, being changed fundamentally

I stood up, ready to start training.


I wiped the sweat off my brow. A few hours of training did wonders for my stats.


HP: 2000
MP: 5000 (+20/m)

STR: 200
END: 200
AGL: 200
INT: 500
WIS: 200
CHA: 200

SP: 20300(300/m)

Skills: Skillset alteration - The user can spend SP (skill points) to create, remove, or edit skills of either themselves or others. The more powerful the skill, the more SP it requires.

SP gain increase Lv 3: Multiplies SP gain by 300

Shrinkage Lv 12 (Not concealed) - Allows the user to expend MP to shrink a target temporarily. The longer the duration or the smaller the target, the more MP this will use. 1 MP per magnitude, 1 MP per 10 minutes. When a target is shrunk by this skill, all their stats will be divided by the magnitude they are shrunk.

SP to stats Lv 3- Allows the user to expend 50 SP for a permanent increase of 1 in one stat

Magic bullet Lv 23(Not concealed) - Allows the user to fire magic bullets at the cost of MP. The more MP used, the stronger the bullet. The bullet’s strength is X20 when fired. The user can combine this with other skills to have them activated at a distance. The user can spend double MP to fire a barrage of bullets.

Life fabrication Lv 17 - Allows the user to expend MP to create an organism of their choosing. The MP cost depends on its stats, skills, size, lifetime, etc. For every year, the organism costs an extra 20 MP. The user can add skills to their life form for extra MP

Fetish to SP Lv13: Whenever a user's fetish is fulfilled, 1000 SP is granted to the user. Cooldown 1 minute

Level up: Whenever a skill is used, there is a chance that it levels up, greatly strengthening without the usage of SP. Passive skills will automatically level up over time whenever activated. Whenever skills reach increments of 5, they will evolve, being changed fundamentally.

Appraisal: Allows the user to view whatever entities statistics they desire

Conceal: Allows the user to conceal certain skills so that others can’t view them through appraisal. Default set: concealed

Uncanny instincts Lv 2: Allows the user to subconsciously dodge every dodgeable attack for a minute. Costs 900 MP

Fire control Lv 7: At the cost of MP, the user can create and control the element “Fire”

Earth control Lv 8: At the cost of MP, the user can create and control the element “Earth”

Water control Lv 6: At the cost of MP, the user can create and control the element “Water”

Air control Lv 8: At the cost of MP, the user can create and control the element “Air”

Was I starting to get OP? Absolutely. Would I be ready for whatever attack I was facing? Also absolutely. I was essentially unstoppable… Right?
Last edited by gtquik702 on Thu Mar 30, 2023 2:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by jeffrey-dallas » Fri Mar 10, 2023 1:17 am

Was I starting to get OP? Absolutely. Would I be ready for whatever attack I was facing? Also absolutely. I was essentially unstoppable… Right?
You better hope so.... :shock:
"You're like, really tiny."
"Thanks. I had no idea."

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by Rusco57 » Fri Mar 10, 2023 2:22 pm

Good story so far...
Love the shrinking of the harem...

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by gtquik702 » Sun Mar 12, 2023 11:44 pm

The next day, sure enough, a shady-looking gang of figures, all dressed in black cloaks arrived at the storefront. What I didn’t expect was for them to knock and when I answered it, for them to kindly escort me to the forest.

Though I’m pretty sure they simply did it to avoid getting confronted in the village itself. When we were a good distance from the village, they flipped back their hoods and drew their knives. Then, a woman who I assumed to be the leader came forward and held her knife at my throat. I sighed, all hopes of a peaceful negotiation gone.

“Hey punk,” the woman growled. “I heard what you did to our sister. You’re going to pay for that!”

I wanted to pretend that this was going to be a challenge, but it wasn’t…

I pumped my SP to raise all stats by 50, and decided to taunt them a bit…

“Wait, since she’s your sister, doesn’t that mean you’d be equally as curvy?”

I saw the leader’s face blush before she yelled. “Why you-“

But I cut her off by grabbing hold of her arm and uppercutting the pressure point in her hand as hard as I could, causing the knife to fly up and away from my neck. I finished up the combo by slamming her in the chest with a mound of dirt I gathered with my skill.

With the leader down for the count, the rest of the siblings rushed me, so I activated “uncanny instincts”

“Geez,” I said between dodges. “How many children did your parents have? And why are they all female?” I backflipped over a knife swing, launching myself into the air with my air skill. I stretched out my hand and fired a skill-infused mana bullet at one of them. I landed as their clothes crumpled to the ground.

“B-big sis! We weren’t told he could do this!” One of the sisters yelled. The leader got up and dusted herself off. “Then I’ll finish him!” She drew a sword as the other sisters backed off.

“Oh no! She’s got a big sword!” I said before promptly shooting it with my shrinking mana bullet, turning it into a shiny toothpick. The leader looked shocked before I simply shot her with the same bullet.

“Well then, now that she’s dealt with…”

I held out my arm and charged the “barrage” part of the skill.


I walked out of the police station with a full bag of gold coins. Turns out, those sisters had a massive bounty placed on them, so that was a nice bonus. Also, as it turns out, all the sisters were quite voluptuous, and I had gained quite a few thousand SP while bundling them up in discarded clothing…

So now, with our money issue solved for basically the rest of our lives, I decided to talk to the girls about our next decisions.

“I want to go on more adventures!” Ellania said, and the rest of the party seemed to agree. I shrugged and we left for the adventure’s guild to pick up some more quests. Then, Ellania dropped into her clothing, about a foot tall. I don’t regret making that skill random.

*About a week later*

I walked out of the tavern, sipping a mana restoration elixir. Our party had returned from our last F quest before we were promoted to rank E adventurers, murdering a horde of rabbits. Niki was probably the most willing to do it, and I helped by showering them with a flurry of mana bullets. Ellania was quite upset by this, and she just sat in my pocket for the duration of the quest.

We arrived back at our shop and I collapsed into my bed. Since we wanted to pursue adventuring, but couldn’t abandon the shop, we had to take turns looking after it. I stared at the ceiling and opened my stats page.

HP: 2000
MP: 5000 (+20/m)

STR: 250
END: 250
AGL: 250
INT: 550
WIS: 250
CHA: 250

SP: 3025500(300/m)

Skills: Skillset alteration - The user can spend SP (skill points) to create, remove, or edit skills of either themselves or others. The more powerful the skill, the more SP it requires.

SP gain increase Lv 4: Multiplies SP gain by 400

Shrinkage Lv 12 (Not concealed) - Allows the user to expend MP to shrink a target temporarily. The longer the duration or the smaller the target, the more MP this will use. 1 MP per magnitude, 1 MP per 10 minutes. When a target is shrunk by this skill, all their stats will be divided by the magnitude they are shrunk.

SP to stats Lv 3- Allows the user to expend 50 SP for a permanent increase of 1 in one stat

Magic bullet Lv 25(Not concealed) - Allows the user to fire magic bullets at the cost of MP. The more MP used, the stronger the bullet. The bullet’s strength is X20 when fired. The user can combine this with other skills to have them activated at a distance. The user can spend double MP to fire a barrage of bullets or make the bullet explosive, also allowing the effects of any spells to have an area of effect.

Life fabrication Lv 17 - Allows the user to expend MP to create an organism of their choosing. The MP cost depends on its stats, skills, size, lifetime, etc. For every year, the organism costs an extra 20 MP. The user can add skills to their life form for extra MP

Fetish to SP Lv14: Whenever a user's fetish is fulfilled, 1400 SP is granted to the user. Cooldown 1 minute

Level up: Whenever a skill is used, there is a chance that it levels up, greatly strengthening without the usage of SP. Passive skills will automatically level up over time whenever activated. Whenever skills reach increments of 5, they will evolve, being changed fundamentally.

Appraisal: Allows the user to view whatever entities statistics they desire

Conceal: Allows the user to conceal certain skills so that others can’t view them through appraisal. Default set: concealed

Uncanny instincts Lv 2: Allows the user to subconsciously dodge every dodgeable attack for a minute. Costs 900 MP

Fire control Lv 9: At the cost of MP, the user can create and control the element “Fire”

Earth control Lv 10: At the cost of MP, the user can create and control large amounts of the element “Earth”

Water control Lv 8: At the cost of MP, the user can create and control the element “Water”

Air control Lv 9: At the cost of MP, the user can create and control the element “Air”

I forgot to put these in the last chapter
Portal Lv 5: Allows the user to create pairs of portals that cost 2 MP/m to maintain per pair. Portals can be of different sizes. It also allows users to create portals to “pocket dimensions” for an additional 8 MP/m

Clone: Allows the user to create a direct duplicate of themselves, connected to them. It will share the user’s stats. It is not sentient and must receive orders from the user. It cannot use active skills. When created, each clone will use up to 20 MP

I continued staring at my statistics, and I decided what to do. I loved the feeling of power, of getting stronger, and dominating others in fights. I created a new skill, using my precious 3 million SP…

Time dilation plane: Allows the user to freely enter and exit another dimension with an infinite empty expanse where time is significantly sped up

This should allow me to get stronger without worrying about the shop and my companions. So, with one final glance at my companions in bed, I disappeared to my new plane of existence.

*1 hour later?*

I reappeared in my bed a month later, or so it seemed. I had gotten much stronger, but it was the loneliest month of my life. I sighed and settled back into the bed, relieved that I was next to my companions once more. I did not want to use that dimension anymore unless necessary.

“Master?” I hear from Luna, “Are you alright?” I look over and see the three girls staring at me from the opposite end of the room.

“You disappeared for an hour and reappeared suddenly, what happened?” Ellania asked.

I smiled at them, unsure if they could see me in the dark. “Well, I’m fine. I just wanted to try something new.”

I heard mumbling and then, “goodnight master,”

“Aw, you guys are going to bed?” I created a portal underneath their bed and a smaller-scale one above my hand, causing the bed and the three girls to tumble out onto my hand. A month away from them was lonely, but now…

“This night’s just getting started”

And plenty of SP ensues.

my stats page is getting massive. I should start going to 2000 words

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by Rusco57 » Mon Mar 13, 2023 2:50 pm

That's pretty darn good but what about Kayla the Succubus? Does she get to play as well? Maybe with one of the girls?

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by gtquik702 » Wed Mar 15, 2023 11:21 am

Waking to screaming and the smell of smoke probably wasn’t a good sign. I quickly bolted upright and darted to my window. The village was in ruins, many buildings incinerated or still ablaze…

And a dragon in the center, spewing flames everywhere. This was fine…

I turned back to the bed and found the three girls still a few inches tall, naked, asleep, and covered in my cum. I quickly used my water manipulation to get them cleaned up and awake.

“What’s happening, master?” Ellania asked, yawning.

“Wait… dragon?” Luna asked, smelling the air. I nodded and Luna immediately paled. “Master!” She exclaimed, jumping up. “We need to get out of here now!”

Confused, I summoned the portals to return them to normal size, and they found some spare clothing. What was so dangerous about…

Then my mind processed that it was a dragon.

I grabbed the jar that Kayla was in and used my portals to warp us out of the building and I started running into the forest. Hopefully, this should be safe enough. Calming down, I took a glance back at the dragon who I watched flying away in the other direction. My companions and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Luna,” I said, leaving Kayla in my pocket dimension for now, “does that dragon attack much?” She nodded.

“Every year, the dragon comes and burns part of our village, stealing most of the village’s treasures as well.” She scowled. “We’ve tried taking it down, but it’s too strong!”

“Wait, did you say it has all the treasures?” I asked, a mischievous glint in my eyes.

“Well, yes, I think…”

I stood up and declared, “we’re going to find that dragon den and take all its treasures!”

The other three stared at me dumbfounded.

“WHAT?! Are you crazy?!” Luna exclaimed. “We’ve tried taking it down already!”

“But I haven’t,” I replied. “And I want to.”

Luna opened her mouth to object but instead replied, “well, if anyone can do it, it’s you, master.”

*A few hours later*

And so, we began our glorious quest of stealing the dragon’s stuff. The village had supplied us with everything we could need, and we started moving after I had stuffed everything into my pocket dimension.

“This is like the time we moved from Sol Villa to Rogscille,” I commented

The trip was supposed to take a year, but I had a portal ability and lots of mana. I could warp us forward a fair distance from each portal, so I estimated it would take a week or so.
The sun started to set, so we pulled out the rations and tents from the pocket dimension and set up camp.

We gathered around the campfire I had lit with my fire skill and chewed on our dried jerky sticks and such. It was an uneventful night with the only notable thing being Ellania shrinking to 1 inch tall for a few minutes.

Then, we bundled together in the tent and slept the night away.


We stepped up to the base of the mountain. Usually, this would be a few months climb…

I summoned a portal and stepped through it, motioning for the others to follow. The week had been an uneventful yet exciting one. We all trained a bit (if enjoying the feeling of Kayla in my pants was training) and the various ambushes kept us all on edge. I opened up my stats page to check if I was ready for this…

HP: 2000
MP: 3569 (+20/m)

STR: 250
END: 250
AGL: 250
INT: 550
WIS: 250
CHA: 250

SP: 22807900 (700/m)

Skills: Skillset alteration - The user can spend SP (skill points) to create, remove, or edit skills of either themselves or others. The more powerful the skill, the more SP it requires.

SP gain increase Lv 7: Multiplies SP gain by 700. The user can sacrifice MP regeneration to boost this number temporarily

Shrinkage Lv 17 (Not concealed) - Allows the user to expend MP to shrink a target temporarily. The longer the duration or the smaller the target, the more MP this will use. 1 MP per magnitude, 1 MP per 20 minutes. When a target is shrunk by this skill, all their stats will be divided by the magnitude they are shrunk. The user can also spend 50 MP/cm to reduce a target’s size permanently

SP to stats Lv 5- Allows the user to expend 10 SP for a permanent increase of 1 in one stat. The user can also use this skill on others

Magic bullet Lv 31(Not concealed) - Allows the user to fire magic bullets at the cost of MP. The more MP used, the stronger the bullet. The bullet’s strength is X20 when fired. The user can combine this with other skills to have them activated at a distance. The user can spend double MP to fire a barrage of bullets or make the bullet explosive, also allowing the effects of any spells to have an area of effect. The user can now fire a laser of mana with the same effects.

Life fabrication Lv 21 - Allows the user to expend MP to create an organism of their choosing. The MP cost depends on its stats, skills, size, lifetime, etc. For every year, the organism costs an extra 10 MP. The user can add skills to their life form for extra MP. When created, the user can apply MP to instantly create a contract with the being.

Fetish to SP Lv 28: Whenever a user's fetish is fulfilled, 5000 SP is granted to the user. Cooldown 30 seconds

Level up: Whenever a skill is used, there is a chance that it levels up, greatly strengthening without the usage of SP. Passive skills will automatically level up over time whenever activated. Whenever skills reach increments of 5, they will evolve, being changed fundamentally.

Appraisal: Allows the user to view whatever entities statistics they desire

Conceal: Allows the user to conceal certain skills so that others can’t view them through appraisal. Default set: concealed

Uncanny instincts Lv 6: Allows the user to subconsciously dodge every dodgeable attack for a minute. Costs 400 MP. If allowed, the skill can also automatically use skills and attacks.

Fire control Lv 17: At the cost of MP, the user can create and control large amounts of the element “Fire”. This skill can also be combined with other elemental skills

Earth control Lv 21: At the cost of MP, the user can create and control huge amounts of the element “Earth”. This skill can be combined with other elemental skills

Water control Lv 13: At the cost of MP, the user can create and control large amounts of the element “Water”

Air control Lv 17 - At the cost of MP, the user can create and control large amounts of the element “Air”

Portal Lv 14: Allows the user to create pairs of portals that cost 1 MP/m to maintain per pair. Portals can be of different sizes. It also allows users to create portals to “pocket dimensions” for an additional 8 MP/m. The user can create a pair of portals at a location if they have been there before, and create portals based on line of sight.

Clone Lv 3 - Allows the user to create a direct duplicate of themselves, connected to them. It will share the user’s stats. It is not sentient and must receive orders from the user. It cannot use active skills. When created, each clone will use up to 10 MP

Contract- allows the user to force a contract upon a being at the cost of MP. Max 1 being.

Well, I had 22 million SP so I suppose I had enough. “Well guys, are you all ready to fight the dragon?” I asked. The three girls nodded eagerly.

We cautiously treaded into the deep cavern, me lighting a fire spell in my hand that illuminated the walls of the cave. As we walked deeper into the labyrinth, Ellania swore she could hear something, something big.

Then, the roar. We all froze and looked up at the monster opposing us. It was a gargantuan dragon, flames shooting out of its nostrils. It opened its mouth and attempted to burn us alive, but I diverted the flames with my skill.

We backed up and threw everything we had at it. I quickly appraised it to see how powerful it was.

Entity: Ruby

Hp: 12600
Mp: 18279(72.6/M)

STR: 1392
END: 1260
AGL: 261
INT: 2652
WIS: 726
CHA: 547

Dragon transformation – At the cost of MP, the user can transform into a fire-breathing dragon.

Wait, so this thing was a thing transformed into a dragon? And it was using MP to do so?

-1000000 SP

Mana drain - allows the user to drain all the MP from a target. Cool-down 1 day

I stretched out my hand and activated the skill, and sure enough, the dragon began diminishing and gaining more humanoid features. When the transformation ended, I was standing in front of a petite woman with bright red hair and eyes. She looked around in confusion and then at me.


She didn’t finish because I shrunk her to 1/12 of her size and stuffed her into my pocket dimension. I’ll deal with her later. I smirked at my party and chuckled at their dumbfounded looks.

“Looks like this anime protagonist is speeding through these arcs,” I joked

When their looks changed to confusion, I laughed and said, “don’t worry about it. Come on, let’s get all this treasure into my dimension.”


We returned to the village and declared our victory against the beast. To prove it I pulled the now full-sized Ruby out of the pocket dimension and asked for an appraisal tool. When the villagers had verified that it was in fact the dragon that had terrorized them, they discussed what to do with her.

“Execute her!”

“Capture her!”

“How are we supposed to contain her if she can turn into a dragon?”

“Someone place a contract on her!”

I piped up, “could I keep her as a slave?”

They all looked at me, some looked pleased, others suspicious.

“Should we give that much power to him?”

“Well he did take her down in the first place, it would be nice,”

“What if he turns against us?”

“Do we have other options?”

After a bit of debate, the villagers came to a unanimous decision to leave Ruby in my possession. Ruby looked a bit relieved but still terrified. I gave her a sorrowful look and motioned for her to hold out her hand.

I had upgraded my contract skill so I could now hold a max of 2 beings under my control. “I’m sorry, but the villagers want me to do this.”

I grabbed hold of her hand and placed a contract with her. She didn’t struggle, just looked at me and nodded.

After a brief conversation and a few oaths with the villagers, we made our way back to the store and noticed it was relatively unscathed given that it had probably been blasted by an inferno after our departure. The only signs were a mildly scorched exterior and a few items that had been upset.

“Most of these buildings were fireproofed by a spell,” Luna said, observing the damage. That explained why there weren’t too many things destroyed. We showed Ruby around the place, gave her a room and we flopped into bed, exhausted.

And as the day drew to a close, I smiled. Another harem member.

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by Rusco57 » Wed Mar 15, 2023 3:24 pm

Great!! I love redhaired slaves!!

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by gtquik702 » Sun Mar 19, 2023 11:34 pm

Another month passed, and strangely enough, I was beginning to feel boredom. I had piles of money, a harem, anything I ever wanted, but it wasn’t enough anymore. As I was caressing tiny Ellania’s breasts, she asked

“Is something wrong master?” She said,

I sighed and said, “well, in all honesty, I’m feeling a bit bored.”

“Am I not enough for you master?” Ellania asked, a bit saddened

“No! It’s not that! It’s just… we haven’t seen anything new in a bit. We should go out sometime as a group. To some other village or something.”

Ellania thought for a moment. “That would be a good idea master!”

I smiled at her and continued to rub her little lumps. I had gotten better after many months of “training”. Ellania moaned in delight as I licked her delicious cheeks, separating them with my tongue and harvesting her sweet syrup within. It still surprises me that elves had sweet cum, it was almost asking for them to be sex toys.

I ran my tongue down the length of her back, causing her to shiver at my touch. I massaged her entire body with my hands, feeling every curve and putting a bit of pressure on her sensitive parts.

When we both had enough, I left her on my chest as we both drifted off to sleep.


The next day, we were off to the next village! I left a clone in the shop as we stuffed everything into the pocket dimension. This time, I took Kayla out to enjoy the view. As we stopped to take our first break, I checked the new more detailed map of the region.

“Hey Luna, do you know what the kirri clan is?”

Ruby piped up. “Oh them? I think it was an elven village I destroyed a while back. They should be pretty harmless.”

I stared at the map in confusion. If they were harmless, why would they be marked on the map… oh well. It might be outdated.

We continued our walk through the forest which was getting denser by the second. Suddenly, an arrow appeared out of the bushes and stabbed my arm.

-27 hp

I grunted in a bit of pain as I removed the arrow, blocking more that came with my air manipulation skill. Suddenly, we were surrounded by a group of elves, holding various weapons and using various skills.

“Master? What do we do?” Luna asked nervously.

“Get ready to fight!” I replied, my hands lighting up with mana.
As they charged, I hit some of them with mana bullets and earth skills, using fire to push others back. The others weren’t faring so well. Ruby, Ellania, and Niki were out cold, Kayla was being inspected, and Luna was furiously using her skills to no avail.

Then, I felt a dull pain in the back of my head as I blacked out.


I awoke to the sound of scraping and an excruciating headache. After I got my bearings, I noticed I was placed in a prison cell, alongside Ruby.

“I apologize, master, as it turns out, they were not harmless.”

“You don’t say…” I groaned in pain as I sat up and checked my hp alongside my stats.

HP: 865(2.5/m)
MP: 5000 (+20/m)

STR: 250
END: 250
AGL: 250
INT: 550
WIS: 250
CHA: 250

SP: 3447782900(1300/m)

Skills: Skillset alteration - The user can spend SP (skill points) to create, remove, or edit skills of either themselves or others. The more powerful the skill, the more SP it requires.

SP gain increase Lv 13: Multiplies SP gain by 1300 from all sources. The user can sacrifice MP regeneration to boost this number temporarily

Shrinkage Lv 23 (Not concealed) - Allows the user to expend MP to shrink a target temporarily. The longer the duration or the smaller the target, the more MP this will use. 1 MP per magnitude, 1 MP hour. When a target is shrunk by this skill, all their stats will be divided by the magnitude they are shrunk. The user can also spend 20 MP/cm to reduce a target’s size permanently. When the target is small enough, the user can force a contract for the cost of SP

SP to stats Lv 5- Allows the user to expend 10 SP for a permanent increase of 1 in one stat. The user can also use this skill on others

Magic bullet Lv 31(Not concealed) - Allows the user to fire magic bullets at the cost of MP. The more MP used, the stronger the bullet. The bullet’s strength is X20 when fired. The user can combine this with other skills to have them activated at a distance. The user can spend double MP to fire a barrage of bullets or make the bullet explosive, also allowing the effects of any spells to have an area of effect. The user can now fire a laser of mana with the same effects.

Life fabrication Lv 21 - Allows the user to expend MP to create an organism of their choosing. The MP cost depends on its stats, skills, size, lifetime, etc. For every year, the organism costs an extra 10 MP. The user can add skills to their life form for extra MP. When created, the user can apply MP to instantly create a contract with the being.

Fetish to SP Lv 33: Whenever a user's fetish is fulfilled, 5500 SP is granted to the user. Cooldown 30 seconds. This ability can also amplify any skills that achieve the user’s fetish.

Level up: Whenever a skill is used, there is a chance that it levels up, greatly strengthening without the usage of SP. Passive skills will automatically level up over time whenever activated. Whenever skills reach increments of 5, they will evolve, being changed fundamentally.

Appraisal: Allows the user to view whatever entities statistics they desire

Measure: Allows the user to view an entity’s current height.

Conceal: Allows the user to conceal certain skills so that others can’t view them through appraisal. Default set: concealed

Uncanny instincts Lv 6: Allows the user to subconsciously dodge every dodgeable attack for a minute. Costs 400 MP. If allowed, the skill can also automatically use skills and attacks.

Fire control Lv 17: At the cost of MP, the user can create and control large amounts of the element “Fire”. This skill can also be combined with other elemental skills

Earth control Lv 21: At the cost of MP, the user can create and control huge amounts of the element “Earth”. This skill can be combined with other elemental skills

Water control Lv 13: At the cost of MP, the user can create and control large amounts of the element “Water”

Air control Lv 17 - At the cost of MP, the user can create and control large amounts of the element “Air”

Portal Lv 17: Allows the user to create pairs of portals that cost 1 MP/4 minutes to maintain per pair. Portals can be of different sizes. It also allows users to create portals to “pocket dimensions” for an additional 4 MP/m. The user can create a pair of portals at a location if they have been there before, and create portals based on line of sight.

Clone Lv 5- Allows the user to create a direct duplicate of themselves, connected to them. It will share the user’s stats. It is not sentient and must receive orders from the user. It cannot use active skills. When created, each clone will use up 8MP/m. The user can “switch” with the clone, allowing the user to transfer their consciousness into the clone temporarily.

Contract- allows the user to force a contract upon a being at the cost of MP. Max 2 beings.

Mana drain - allows the user to drain all the MP from a target. Cool-down 1 day

Turns out that bash and everything before I woke up did a number on me. Just how strong are these elves?

A female guard walked past, so I quickly appraised her to get a rough idea of how strong the general warrior was.

Hp: 4500
MP: 5000 (25.4MP/m)

STR: 643
END: 450
AGL: 678
INT: 500
WIS: 254
CHA: 174

Sense: The user can passively know the position of every living being in a 10m radius.

Woah. These elves were powerful. And I had a strange feeling that this was one of the weaker ones.

Okay, maybe if I used my crazy quantities of SP then I could obliterate them, but where was the fun in that?

“Why don’t you try turning into a dragon?” I asked Ruby, but she shook her head.

“If I did, I would probably squash you to death,” Ruby replied.

“Okay fair enough,” I said. I held out my hands and started blasting the bars with fire, hoping to burn or melt them. Unfortunately, the fire is bright, and that attracted the guard’s attention.

“Hey! Inmate! Stop that!” The guard yelled, pulling out a weapon that I did not want to test its function.

“Okay, I’ll stop.” I resigned.

“Your trial is in an hour.” The guard glared at me. “Behave until then.” She looked quite beautiful. I would love to get my hands on her…

I shook my head. When the time comes, I will…

I decided to prepare a bit for the trial, and an amazing idea entered my head.

-30000 SP

I replaced my shrinkage skill with

Size manipulation Lv 23 (Not concealed) - Allows the user to expend MP to shrink or grow a target temporarily. The longer the duration or the smaller or larger the target, the more MP this will use. 1 MP per magnitude, 1 MP hour. When a target is shrunk or grown by this skill, all their stats will be divided or multiplied by the magnitude they are shrunk. The user can also spend 20 MP/cm to reduce or increase a target’s size permanently. When the target is small enough, the user can force a contract for the cost of SP

All I needed to do now was just sit back and wait for the trial. This was going to be fun.


The time of the trial had come, and my companions and I were lined up on a stage in front of many, many armed elves. Was this their version of a firing squad? Seems like a bit of a harsh punishment for trespassing…

I looked around at the crowd and noticed they were all female for some reason. Oh well, it’ll make this much more satisfying. A very muscular elf with brunette hair and brown eyes walked up onto the stage and glared at us.

“We do not like visitors from the outside…” the woman growled. The elves behind her cheered and hissed at us.

“Today, you will make a choice! Swear your allegiance and become a slave to the Kirri clan, and we will show you mercy.” She pointed a spear at my throat. “Refuse, and we will turn your body into a bloody pulp.”

“Yeah, that’s a no from me,” I said without hesitation, activating uncanny instincts. In the blink of an eye, I teleported all the girls except Kayla out of there. Instead, I teleported her into my hands.

“Master,” Kayla said calmly as I dodged the incoming projectile. “You know we both don’t have any blood fetishes,”

“I know. But I’ve got another plan. You’re getting a promotion.” I said as I activated size manipulation, increasing my size to 12X while increasing Kayla’s to 144X, making us roughly equal in height.

“Ooh, I like this!” Kayla said in excitement as she started undressing. I sighed and smiled. I’ll let Kayla be Kayla…

In the meantime, I have a village of elf girls I want to capture. Due to all the increases in stats, I could barely feel any of their attacks. I reached down into the crowd and tried to scoop up a handful of elves, managing to procure a good amount of figures cowering in my hands. After admiring them, I deposited them into my pocket dimension.

I looked over at Kayla, who was on the floor, fully naked and moaning. She had crushed a few houses and other structures by rolling around. I looked at her and noticed she had stuffed a few elves into her pussy and her cleavage. I sighed and continued on my rampage.

Another swipe at the crowd and another handful of girls gathered. I would have so much fun with these guys later. Some elves trying to escape were quickly blocked by the massive earth wall I summoned, and gathered up by either myself or Kayla.

Finally, the village had been cleared of elves. We kicked down the houses and other structures to find any stragglers, and once we were satisfied, we lowered the walls and buried the evidence.

Once the effects of the skill wore off I removed Kayla’s permanent shrink skill so that she would be the same height as Niki roughly and I asked her to put on some clothes. Then I teleported the group back to us and explained.

“Wow master, you never fail to amaze us!” Niki said, dangling a tiny elf by the foot.

I smiled and thought for a bit. I had a good idea of how to contain the elves.

-1000000000 SP

Dimensional creation: Allows the user to create a new world with qualities of their choosing in a new dimension. This world can be connected freely by portals created by the user. Costs 1000000000SP to make 1 world

I opened my pocket dimension and charged a mana bullet with the largest harmless explosion I could muster and fired the infused spell. If I calculated correctly, all the elves should be a few inches tall now. I created a new world similar to Earth, with monsters and all, and sent them into the new dimension. Now I could access them wherever I wished.

I turned to the group and smiled. “We should keep moving. We’ve been delayed enough by this encounter.” We found our items in the wreckage and continued on our journey.

Today, I definitely wasn’t bored.

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by Rusco57 » Tue Mar 21, 2023 2:19 pm

Mmmm...elf dolls, beats any Barbie toy!!

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by Rusco57 » Wed Mar 22, 2023 3:23 am

Another thought about the Elf habitat, if there's big scary monsters that could prey on the little Elven females, Isekaied could select the 6 best, fittest, strongest, attractive females as 'beasts of burden' carrying the gear for him and the harem. To ensure their compliance, the monsters are deleted from the habitat. The compliance of the Elves ensure the safety of their tiny brethren.

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by gtquik702 » Sun Mar 26, 2023 5:18 am

Thanks for the support everyone! I'm contemplating whether or not to make a "season 2", so I'll see how much motivation I have when I get to the end.
I gazed across the hill over which once stood our destination. It had been completely decimated, turned to ash. But by what?

“Master, what should we do?” Niki asked.

“We should probably check it out,” I said, trekking down the hill to the destroyed village. When our party reached the base of the hill and made it to the village, we started inspecting it for any survivors.

We searched through the piles of rubble, tossing aside charred planks and stones, revealing nothing but more ash. Eventually, we reached the largest building, and when we removed the planks, we found a strange metal hole with a few stones covering it. Ruby lifted it off as we climbed into its depths.

“Master, I heard coughing,” Niki said, her cat ears twitching. I shrugged and followed the direction in which Niki had heard something. Sure enough, there was a moldy wooden door covered in moss and other various signs of age. I cautiously pushed it open to reveal a large room containing a group of people huddled together.

“Who are you?” One of them asked.

“Are they gone?” Another asked, “Is it safe?”

“Wait,” I said, “what happened.”

“That demon came that’s what!” A voice, seemingly agitated yelled out

“Demon?” I inquired

“Yeah! That stupid demon that comes every time to just blow us up!”

“I didn’t see any demon…”

“Wait, so it’s safe?” Another voice piped up. I nodded slowly. The villagers got to their feet and started climbing out of the metal hatch from earlier. I follow suit and find each villager at their pile of rubble and gently pouring a strange liquid into it. The next thing I know, the materials have been restored and the villagers were piecing buildings back together.

When I approached one of them to ask what was going on, they explained.

“Every now and again, a demon attacks our village. We don’t know why, and they don’t steal anything. They just burn everything to the ground.” She holds up the potion. “This is a potion the village alchemist made, and it returns materials back to the original state.” I nodded in understanding.

“I see…” I said, looking around. The foundations for most of the buildings were complete and they were nailing them together. I decided to help out because I had nothing better to do. Finally, the buildings were complete, and people were busying themselves with restoring the village further. The sun was setting, so I decided to pitch the tent and pay a visit to the elves.

I leaped into the portal and found a tiny village at my feet. I had made the world scale the same as the elves, making me feel like a giant above the tiny figures. Not even a minute passed before I had elves firing tiny arrows and slashing at my feet, a few of them launching skills toward my face. I shrugged them off and bent down to pick one up. I was going to need one for my next plan.

I swiped up one at my foot, stripped, and observed her. She was quite slender, with b cup breasts, and a bit on the smaller size at 4 inches tall compared to the average 5 inches. She had dark hair and eyes and an Asian appearance. Perfect. I exited the world and returned to the tent.

“Hey, Kayla! I have a surprise for you!” I called out. Kayla looked at me with a mixed inquisitive and seductive look. She was so gorgeous… I presented her with the elf in my hands, and she immediately pounced, tearing off her clothes and stuffing the tiny thing into her pussy. Well… I can’t say that wasn’t expected.

Part 2 of my plan was to create a new skill…


Sexual share – allows the user to share any sexual sensations their contracts are feeling. Can be toggled on and off

I nearly instantly collapsed due to the sheer intensity of the feeling. I immediately got hard and SP started pouring in. Succubi must have enhanced sexual feelings…

Hopefully, I could get used to this, I can’t exactly convince Kayla to stop.

*A month later*

I had become acquainted with the village folk, and we were going out and doing our own thing. Some people here were quite interested in my wares as well. With Kayla in my pants, I decided to check my status screen.

HP: 2500(2.5/m)
MP: 5000 (+20/m)

STR: 250
END: 250
AGL: 250
INT: 550
WIS: 250
CHA: 250

SP: 81158032000 (1300/m) this is getting insane…

Skills: Skillset alteration - The user can spend SP (skill points) to create, remove, or edit skills of either themselves or others. The more powerful the skill, the more SP it requires.

SP gain increase Lv 13: Multiplies SP gain by 1300 from all sources. The user can sacrifice MP regeneration to boost this number temporarily

Size manipulation Lv 24 (Not concealed) - Allows the user to expend MP to shrink or grow a target temporarily. The longer the duration or the smaller or larger the target, the more MP this will use. 1 MP per magnitude, 1 MP hour. When a target is shrunk or grown by this skill, all their stats will be divided or multiplied by the magnitude they are shrunk. The user can also spend 15 MP/cm to reduce or increase a target’s size permanently. When the target is small enough, the user can force a contract for the cost of SP

SP to stats Lv 5- Allows the user to expend 10 SP for a permanent increase of 1 in one stat. The user can also use this skill on others

Magic bullet Lv 31(Not concealed) - Allows the user to fire magic bullets at the cost of MP. The more MP used the stronger the bullet. The bullet’s strength is X20 when fired. The user can combine this with other skills to have them activated at a distance. The user can spend double MP to fire a barrage of bullets or make the bullet explosive, also allowing the effects of any spells to have an area of effect. The user can now fire a laser of mana with the same effects.

Life fabrication Lv 23 - Allows the user to expend MP to create an organism of their choosing. The MP cost depends on its stats, skills, size, lifetime, etc. For every year, the organism costs an extra 5 MP. The user can add skills to their life form for extra MP. When created, the user can apply MP to instantly create a contract with the being.

Fetish to SP Lv 36: Whenever a user's fetish is fulfilled, 6000 SP is granted to the user. Cooldown 30 seconds. This ability can also amplify any skills that achieve the user’s fetish. This ability is amplified based on the degree to which the user is satisfied

Level up: Whenever a skill is used, there is a chance that it levels up, greatly strengthening without the usage of SP. Passive skills will automatically level up over time whenever activated. Whenever skills reach increments of 5, they will evolve, being changed fundamentally.

Appraisal: Allows the user to view whatever entities statistics they desire

Measure: Allows the user to view an entity’s current height.

Conceal: Allows the user to conceal certain skills so that others can’t view them through appraisal. Default set: concealed

Uncanny instincts Lv 6: Allows the user to subconsciously dodge every dodgeable attack for a minute. Costs 400 MP. If allowed, the skill can also automatically use skills and attacks.

Fire control Lv 17: At the cost of MP, the user can create and control large amounts of the element “Fire”. This skill can also be combined with other elemental skills

Earth control Lv 21: At the cost of MP, the user can create and control huge amounts of the element “Earth”. This skill can be combined with other elemental skills

Water control Lv 13: At the cost of MP, the user can create and control large amounts of the element “Water”

Air control Lv 17 - At the cost of MP, the user can create and control large amounts of the element “Air”

Portal Lv 17: Allows the user to create pairs of portals that cost 1 MP/4 minutes to maintain per pair. Portals can be of different sizes. It also allows users to create portals to “pocket dimensions” for an additional 4 MP/m. The user can create a pair of portals at a location if they have been there before, and create portals based on line of sight.

Clone Lv 5- Allows the user to create a direct duplicate of themselves, connected to them. It will share the user’s stats. It is not sentient and must receive orders from the user. It cannot use active skills. When created, each clone will use up 8MP/m. The user can “switch” with the clone, allowing the user to transfer their consciousness into the clone temporarily.

Contract- allows the user to force a contract upon a being at the cost of MP. Max 2 beings.

Mana drain - allows the user to drain all the MP from a target. Cool-down 1 day

Sexual share – allows the user to share any sexual sensations their contracts are feeling. Can be toggled on and off

I stared at the insane amount of SP I had and contemplated what I should do with it. I decided to stay in the village to fight the demon because I could. I held on to the SP, just in case I needed it later. However, tonight I promised my party a night of fun. The sun was slowly crawling below the horizon, so I hid in the tent and waited.

The first one to enter was Niki. Immediately, I made her drop into her clothing and I picked her up. I haven’t spent much personal time with Niki, so this was nice.

“Master? Are you going to play with me?” Niki asked her tail and ear twitching. I smiled and nodded at her, starting to trace her figure with my finger. She shivered as I ran my finger down her side. I played with her tail, noting that she was aroused by this action. I continued my journey up to her well-sized breasts and fondled them till they became hard.

I continued with this until Luna stepped into the tent, at which she also fell victim to my skills. I pleasured them both at the same time, inserting my pinky fingers into both of their pussies as they sprawled out on opposite hands. Since I was out of fingers, I ran my tongue up Niki who was in my right hand, and she screamed with delight. I wrapped my tongue around her ample breasts as she pleaded for me to continue. Luna was not left out, I sucked and inserted my tongue between her legs, harvesting the sweet elven cum.

Right on cue, Ellania walked in on the party. She started stripping and laying down next to me, waiting for me to shrink her. I appeased her and she immediately attacked my cock, rubbing and kissing it, causing a stream of cum to flow and coat her.

Finally, Ruby walked in, and her fate was no different. I gathered the four girls in my hands and somehow pleasured them all at once. My tongue and fingers were hard at work, ensuring that each girl had a bit of attention and that I had my variety. Fortunately, Kayla was already receiving her pleasure due to the sexual share skill, and her quirk that amplified it.

When the moon was high in the sky, each girl had enough, and we all collapsed.

“Oh yeah, the shrinking won’t wear off for a few days,” I informed them. They all cheered.

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by Rusco57 » Sun Mar 26, 2023 11:55 am

Mmm...There's a lot to be said for shrunken elves.
Very good story so far. I hope you continue...

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by gtquik702 » Thu Mar 30, 2023 1:58 pm

Just a quick announcement, I'll be taking a break from this story for a bit. I'm not sure when I can continue, but I'll hopefully be back to writing soon.

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world as a microphiliac

Post by Rusco57 » Thu Mar 30, 2023 2:13 pm

Disappointed but understood.
Take care, see ya!!

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