Tales of the Spindrift: A LOTG fanfic

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Tales of the Spindrift: A LOTG fanfic

Post by LittleNikki » Tue Jun 27, 2023 12:08 pm

Inspired by forum posts created by Jeffery Dallas elsewhere, this will be my take on the LOTG series using modern actresses


Captain Stephanie Burton, age 42, seasoned suborbital pilot, former military pilot with multiple combat and special operations flights under her belt


First Officer Danielle Erickson, age 28, new employee to the company, experienced fighter pilot, still flies in the reserves


Betty Hamilton, age 27, aspiring painter and sculptor who works as a flight attendant to pay the bills


Maryam Wilson, age 29, dot com genius who is often called the new Tesla. Owns ten percent of the suborbital transport company


Valerie Scott, age 38, award winning actress and modern sex symbol whose career has recently reached its apex and is beginning its slow descent


Barrymore "Barry" Lockridge, age 18, shy high school senior, published poet, recent orphan and heir to a small fortune held in trust


Alexandria Fitzhugh, age 38, on the watchlist of several law enforcement agencies, including Interpol. Currently masquerading as a Lieutenant Commander in the British Royal Navy. Has a memory stick that contains half a billion euros worth of cryptocurrency, which she keeps close to her person at all times

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Re: Tales of the Spindrift: A LOTG fanfic

Post by LittleNikki » Tue Jun 27, 2023 6:07 pm

Location: VIP Lounge, Shanghai Suborbital Port and Depot

Stephanie raised her cup in a mock toast at the large Chinese man staring at her from another table in the lounge, The man's face did not change its stony expression. However, when the man realized Stephanie was not going to break eye contact, he was the one to look away first.

"You'd think after six months of making this run, the Chinese would stop sending someone to follow us," Stephanie remarked to her table mate.

The other woman looked up from her huge plate of food and asked, "Did you say something?"

"Never mind," Stephanie replied, the left corner of her mouth turning upward. "Go back to your food." The other woman nodded and returned her attention to her plate.

Stephanie shook her head, again wondering how a small women like Danielle Erickson could put away so much food all the time and still not got gain a gram of weight (Danielle was easily fifteen centimeters shorter than Stephanie, who stood one point seven meters tall). Danielle had been flying Stephanie's right seat in the Spindrift for the last six months now, and the other woman's eating habits and weight remained constant.

Six months ago, when the suborbital annex of the Shanghai International Airport opened up, the Chinese only allowed one of the three spacelines to fly a ship into the airport: Allen Orbitals, the oldest of the three suborbital companies. They allowed Allen Orbitals to fly the only suborbital flight to or from anywhere in China: the weekly Vancouver-Shanghai route. The only caveat the Chinese had was that Stephanie Burton had to be the one to fly the route.

On paper, this made sense. Stephanie had been with Allen Orbitals for almost a decade now, and had flown everything in the company's fleet. Before that, she had flown for the US military. And there was the rub.

Stephanie was one of the best pilots Allen Orbitals had. But she wasn't the only good pilot the company had. And though she no longer had ties to various covert American operations, she had been at one time one of their top "go to" pilots. And Stephanie was sure the Chinese were aware of this fact.

You would think this would make Stephanie one of the pilots the Chinese didn't want flying the two hour route between Shanghai and Vancouver. Instead, the Chinese insisted Stephanie was the only one who could fly it.

So every Friday afternoon, Stephanie and Danielle would fly the handful of passengers who were willing to pay exorbitant fees to cut nine hours flying time off their trip. The two women would stay at the airpiort hotel until Sunday morning, living and dining at the company's expense, all the while being shadowed by someone who Stephanie assumed worked for the Chinese Ministry of State Security. Then Stephanie and Danielle would fly another small group of passengers to Vancouver.

There were worse ways of making a living.

Danielle ordered another plate of food while Stephanie turned to her own dinner, finally ignoring her Chinese shadow. As Danielle dug into her "seconds" with gusto, Stephanie could only marvel at how Danielle could "put it away."

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Re: Tales of the Spindrift: A LOTG fanfic

Post by jeffrey-dallas » Thu Jun 29, 2023 1:45 am

And we're off! Looking forward to this! :D

If my Google search is working right, the actors are:
Vanessa Lachey (Capt Burton); Nicole Beharie (Erickson); Emma Watson (Betty); Yasmine Al-Bustani (Wilson); April Bowlby (Val); Stephi Chin-Salvo (Barry); Jaime Murray (Fitzhugh). Kinda appropriate to have Rita Farr in the cast... Do you have folks in mind for Kobick; Dr. North; the entomologist; etc.? But most important -- who will play Chipper the dog?! :roll:

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Re: Tales of the Spindrift: A LOTG fanfic

Post by LittleNikki » Thu Jun 29, 2023 7:43 am

jeffrey-dallas wrote:
Thu Jun 29, 2023 1:45 am
And we're off! Looking forward to this! :D

If my Google search is working right, the actors are:
Vanessa Lachey (Capt Burton); Nicole Beharie (Erickson); Emma Watson (Betty); Yasmine Al-Bustani (Wilson); April Bowlby (Val); Stephi Chin-Salvo (Barry); Jaime Murray (Fitzhugh). Kinda appropriate to have Rita Farr in the cast... Do you have folks in mind for Kobick; Dr. North; the entomologist; etc.? But most important -- who will play Chipper the dog?! :roll:
Well, I have listed the actresses on YOUR LOTG threads, so you probably could have saved yourself a Google search! ;)

For some reason, I keep on thinking Owen Wilson for Kobick, even though he just doesn't seem to fit the story line,

And the role of Chipper is still nebulous too. It might even get written out! :shock:

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Re: Tales of the Spindrift: A LOTG fanfic

Post by LittleNikki » Fri Jun 30, 2023 12:02 pm

Location: Grand Cinema district, Shanghai

As Valerie walked between the velvet ropes, arm in arm with Shi Zhang, she was all gracious smiles and waves for the cameras, occasionally giving an affectionate hug to her younger co-star. Inside, though, Valerie was seething.

Valerie was present for the Shanghai premiere of her latest movie, The Infinites, one of the many superhero genre films that had been saturating the world over the last few years. In the past, Valerie would have been cast in the indisputable lead female role. The younger Chinese actress walking beside her would have only appeared in the extra five minutes that had to be added to the Chinese edition of a film to ensure it was distributed to the Chinese market.

Valerie still had a major role in The Infinites, but now she was cast in the nurturing, supportive role, with her romantic storyline more endearing and less sizzling.

The sizzling role went the younger Chinese actress Valerie was walking side by side with. Valerie thought of Shi Zhang as China's answer to Pamela Anderson, with enough silicone and plastic in her to ensure Shi Zhang would be well preserved centuries after her death. Valerie consider the blue dress Shi was wearing to show off all her artificiak assets especially tacky.

All of it was completely unfair, in Valerie's eyes. All Shi was supposed to have was five minutes in the film, and that was only supposed to be seen in China. Instead, the little upstart was being swooned over as she emerged onto the international scene.

Worse, Shi was just as nice as the Chinese propoganda machine made her out to be.

Valerie forced herself not to grind her teeth out of frustration, reminding herself that this time tomorrow, she'd be back in her palatial home in British Columbia.


Shi Zhang, actress, age 26
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Re: Tales of the Spindrift: A LOTG fanfic

Post by jeffrey-dallas » Sat Jul 01, 2023 2:06 am

Val's role is about to get even smaller.... :roll:
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Re: Tales of the Spindrift: A LOTG fanfic

Post by DocRick » Sat Jul 01, 2023 3:46 am

"Worse, Shi was just as nice as the Chinese propaganda machine made her out to be.".........nice girls don't do well in Giant Land.

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Re: Tales of the Spindrift: A LOTG fanfic

Post by LittleNikki » Sun Jul 02, 2023 8:25 am

Location: Conference room, Ministry of Finance, Shanghai Commercial District

Riva Jadhav tried to keep a compassionate smile on her face for Barry's sake, but inside the twenty-six year old analyst was dying for the sake of the teenager.

Less than a fortnight ago, mere days after her eighteenth birthday, Barrymore "Barry" Lockridge lost her parents in a terrible accident.

To add to the tragedy, Barry's parents had been Samuel and Andrea Lockridge, two of the most influential investors in the world. Which meant the Lockridge's adoptive daughter and sole heir was not going to be given the proper time to come to grips with her grief.

The Lockridge family had been traveling to London, where they were scheduled to travel on one of the Spindrift's sister ships from London to Vancouver, and from there to their home in northern California. Unfortunately, a ground transport accident claimed the lives of Barry's parents, though Barry herself emerged from the accident unscathed.

Barry had been allowed a short ceremony to bury her parents, then had been sent on a round the world trip, rather than allowed to return to her family's home. The reason was simple. Upon her parents' death, several trust funds kicked in, which would cover the teenager's expenses. At different points between now and her twenty-fifth birthday, Barry would gain direct access to several small fortunes, any of which would make her a wealthy young woman. But on Barry's twenty-fifth birthday, Barry woud gain control of her parents' shares in Lockifen, one of the world's biggest and most influential investiment funds.

It was no wonder that political and financial leaders around the globe wanted to get a first hand look at the heir apparent to the Lockridge economic empire.

Riva had been the junior member of a workgroup visiting London from Lockifen's offices in Mumbai when Barry lost her parents. The multilingual Riva was tapped to escort young Barry across the world, with the main reason being that nobody was too worried about a junior Indian analyst using her brief connection to the grieving heiress to establish a power base.

Riva might have resented being made a glorified nanny if the hadn't discovered what a sweet girl Barry Lockridge was. Barry might be trying to present herself to the world as a bastion of serenity, but in reality she was a scared desperately looking for any life line the world would throw her. So Riva happily played the part.

It wasn't easy being Barry's lifeline. During the day, Riva stood by Barry's side as the teenager went through a gamut of bankers and politicians. At night, Riva comforted a young woman who had just lost her parents.

Finally, Barry and Riva arrived in Shanghai. All they had to do was suffer through a couple of meetings, and then Riva could put Barry on a ship back to North America. Barry had been talking about Chipper, the long haired miniature terrier she had at home. As Riva and Barry suffered through a meeting with one particularly insensitive bureaucrat, Riva squeezed Barry's hand under the table, as if to remind her young charged that she would be home with her beloved Chipper tomorrow night.


Riva Jadhav, financial analyst, age 26

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Re: Tales of the Spindrift: A LOTG fanfic

Post by LittleNikki » Mon Jul 03, 2023 10:16 am

Location: Chenggong Gemstone Exchange, Commerce District, Shanghai

The elderly Chinese man looked up from the velvet lined box with the four sizable rubies in it. The look he gave the white woman in front of him was one of clear distrust and suspiciion, The attractive brunette returned a look of pure innocence.

The Chinese man clearly wasn't buying it. But the rubies the woman had presented him were as advertised,

The elderly Chinese man put the rubies under the counter, then pulled out a briefcase and set it on the counter. He opened the briefcase to let the woman see its contents.

"All there, Ms. LeBlanc," the Chinese man told Alexandria. "Half a million euros, plane tickets to New York by way of Bombay, Istandbul and Paris, and all the paperwork you need to make your escaoe. You may inspect it, if you wish."

"No need," Alexandria said as she closed the briefcase. Alexandria gave the elderly man a beatific smile as she tucked the briefcase under her arm. "I'm sure everything is in order. Well, I'd best be on my way. Pleasure doing business with you."

The elderly man scowled as he watched the western woman leave his shop. Everything had unfolded as he and the western woman had planned, and he had gained possession of four valuable gems in compensation for facilitating the western woman's escape from China. And yet the man felt that somehow his European partner had bested him in the exchange.

A few blocks away, Alexandria ducked into a vacant alleyway, where she placed a small device inside the briefcase. She then abandoned the briefcase in the alleyway, and quickly walked away. The small device Alexandria had left in the briefcase was quickly reducing all the contents of the briefcase to ashes, which is what Alexandria wanted. She had no more need of the contents of the briefcase. They had served their purpose.

The elderly man in the store Alexandria had just left though Alexandria had committed a jewel heist worth about twenty million Euros. In exchange for facilitating Alexandria's escape from the country, the elderly man got a twenty-five percent cut of the take, in the form of the four rubies Alexandria had just handed over to him.

In reality, those four rubies were the only gems taken in the heist. The paperwork would make it look as if the elderly Chinese man had hired a thief to steal the rubies, paying the thief ten percent of the rubies' worth in exchange for her services.

Alexandria had needed to get into an air gapped oomputer system for her scheme. She knew her breach would be detected within a day's time, and whoever detected the breach would want to know what the interloper was after. So Alexandria gave the system owner's security something to look for: four stolen rubies.

In reality, Alexandria had been looking for entry into a semi-official international currency exchange system. Alexandria had drained approximately half a billion euros from millions of accounts, converting the stolen proceeds into bitcoin form. Now Alexandria had half a billion euros worth of bitcoins in a memory stick hanging in the form of a pendant around her neck on a simple silver necklace,

Sometime tomorrow evening, the authorities would be raiding the offices of Chenggong Gemstone Exchange, where they would recover the rubies. They would also find evidence that the hired thief, one Ms. LeBlanc, was fleeing westward. The authorities would give pursuit, but would never find the mysterious Ms. LeBlanc. It would be the only disappointment in an otherwise successful law enforcement operation.

Meanwhile, one Lieutenant Commander Alexandria Fitzghugh of His Majesty's Royal Navty would board the suborbital ship Spindrift for a quick and uneventful trip to Vancouver. She would then deboard the ship, and the attractive naval officer would disappear from existence just as quickly as she had come into existence. Meanwhile, Alexandria would begin living the life that five hundred million untraceable Euros could afford her.

A small smile played across Alexandria's lips as she headed toward the small apartment she had rented. There she would get ready for the final stage of the greatest and most successful scam she had ever pulled.

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Re: Tales of the Spindrift: A LOTG fanfic

Post by LittleNikki » Mon Jul 03, 2023 10:26 pm

jeffrey-dallas wrote:
Thu Jun 29, 2023 1:45 am

The "real" Chipper will be left on Earth. But not to worry, Barry will still get a Chipper!

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Re: Tales of the Spindrift: A LOTG fanfic

Post by jeffrey-dallas » Tue Jul 04, 2023 1:45 am

Earth has some great genetic lookers. Another reason the Giants would probably want to come here. :D
Barry had been talking about Chipper, the long haired miniature terrier she had at home.
Miniature... ;)
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Re: Tales of the Spindrift: A LOTG fanfic

Post by LittleNikki » Tue Jul 04, 2023 12:49 pm

jeffrey-dallas wrote:
Tue Jul 04, 2023 1:45 am
Earth has some great genetic lookers. Another reason the Giants would probably want to come here. :D
Barry had been talking about Chipper, the long haired miniature terrier she had at home.
Miniature... ;)
Since you seem conversant with the novels, do they ever discuss the dimensional lock in the novels?

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Re: Tales of the Spindrift: A LOTG fanfic

Post by jeffrey-dallas » Wed Jul 05, 2023 1:44 am

Since you seem conversant with the novels, do they ever discuss the dimensional lock in the novels?
I've dug out the first book and will go through it for stuff. :geek:
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Re: Tales of the Spindrift: A LOTG fanfic

Post by jeffrey-dallas » Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:02 am

Some info can be gleaned through some reviews people wrote about it on Amazon. As has been mentioned before, the books are much different and detailed than the series. Time to flip through the book!
https://www.amazon.com/Land-Giants-Murr ... ll_reviews
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Re: Tales of the Spindrift: A LOTG fanfic

Post by jeffrey-dallas » Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:38 am

A LOTG wiki has this on the dimension lock:

The only established method by which Earth people may reach the planet is some sort of high-altitude spacecraft, passing through what one giant calls a "dimension lock" which seems to act more as a space warp or wormhole. The first (and only) mention of the phrase "dimension lock," by a giant in the second episode of the first season ("Ghost Town"). The giant refers to the space warp as "our dimension lock", as if it were built or at least known by the inhabitants of the giant planet. The Spindrift crew just calls it a space warp. The term wormhole is never used. It is not entirely clear what the term dimension lock means.

Although several episodes show that at least six other flights have landed on the planet, no episode shows that anyone ever successfully returned to Earth. The first mention of other visitors from Earth was in episode 2 ("Ghost Town"), where another ship was described as crashing long ago without any survivors. In episode 4 ("Underground") another Earth ship is described as crashing three years prior with no survivors.

Several episodes show crews surviving the initial crash, only to be killed later. The episode "Brainwash" has a crew of little people surviving long enough to build a radio station that can communicate with Earth. They are killed shortly thereafter. The episodes "Golden Cage" and "The Lost Ones" show there have been a few survivors of other crashes. Only the Spindrift crew seems to have survived long term, with its party intact. The impression given is that Earth people do not do well for long in giant captivity.
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Re: Tales of the Spindrift: A LOTG fanfic

Post by LittleNikki » Wed Jul 05, 2023 7:33 am

jeffrey-dallas wrote:
Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:38 am
A LOTG wiki has this on the dimension lock:
The onscreen representation of the issue, including the wiki entry, I was familiar with. But just the Amazon reviews of the novels were fascinating in and of themselves. I appreciate that part very much, as well as you digging into your own copy of the books.

I'm still internally debating how to deal with access between the two worlds, and if Stephanie had any foreknowledge of it and the existence of the Giant's world, though I am sure Maryam can deduce it. I also know how Kobick will be introduced, ajd that Inspector Kobick will indeed be a woman, but I'm still casting for the role!

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Re: Tales of the Spindrift: A LOTG fanfic

Post by jeffrey-dallas » Fri Jul 07, 2023 1:45 am

Inspector Kobick will indeed be a woman, but I'm still casting for the role!
I still have a soft spot for Gillian Anderson or Jodie Foster.
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Re: Tales of the Spindrift: A LOTG fanfic

Post by DocRick » Fri Jul 07, 2023 2:22 am

Melissa McBride, "Carol" from "The Walking Dead". "Just look at the flowers".

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Re: Tales of the Spindrift: A LOTG fanfic

Post by jeffrey-dallas » Thu Feb 01, 2024 3:35 am

Hello! Just checking to see if this "little" project is still a thing or not? :?:
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Re: Tales of the Spindrift: A LOTG fanfic

Post by DocRick » Wed Feb 07, 2024 12:55 pm

jeffrey-dallas wrote:
Thu Feb 01, 2024 3:35 am
Hello! Just checking to see if this "little" project is still a thing or not? :?:
It would appear the AI craze has left this in the back of the file cabinet.

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