The Far left/right/left/up/square/triangle/start

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The Far left/right/left/up/square/triangle/start

Post by Prof Sai » Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:52 pm

DocRick wrote:
Mon Sep 11, 2023 3:20 pm
HHunter1 wrote:
Mon Sep 11, 2023 2:00 pm

I will have to point out that it's the conservatives banning books. Especially books on actual history and societal problems. As for the statues they want taken down, I agree that symbols of racism and hate shouldn't be placed in areas of community. If they are actually of historic significant then they should be moved to museums and labelled correctly.
Partially incorrect. Conservatives want to ban sexually explicit books from schools and school curriculum. The Democrats want to ban any book referring to slavery or segregation because it was they that owned slaves and they that fought against desegregation, and they don't want children to learn that fact.
HHunter1 wrote:
Mon Sep 11, 2023 4:04 pm
Wow you have a very confused information on who is doing what in your country. Historically yes it was Democratic Party that was against desegregation. But those leaning have been flipped. Conservative are now the ones trying to hide the past mistakes of the United States. They are the ones looking to hide Red Lining, the harshness of slavery, and the treatment of minorities. If you look into the groups pushing for the banning of books you'll find they are run and/or supported by conservative money.

We are so going to the Flamez selection.
The American crisis today is that the far left is turning in to the far right. The left used to be the party that embraced science and wanted a world founded on justice and truth. The right was the party of power, televangelists, and "we've always done it that way." It is different in some ways. The current woke purge doesn't have the government backing of the red scare. But it is still horribly unfair, and a witch hunt. It used to be the liberals who understood that oppression does not necessary come from government. Now no one seems to understand anything.

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Re: The Far left/right/left/up/square/triangle/start

Post by Little Sally » Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:01 pm

Prof Sai wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:52 pm
Now no one seems to understand anything.
Hey, that'll be me for one! :lol:

Do I suspect there's nothing much happening on The Process nowadays Sai?
sally g, reincarnated.

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Re: The Far left/right/left/up/square/triangle/start

Post by Prof Sai » Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:21 pm

Little Sally wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:01 pm

Do I suspect there's nothing much happening on The Process nowadays Sai?
The Discord has some activity, the original site, not so much. New people can't join, and it keeps blacking out, so why be there? Fine for an archive, I guess.

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Re: The Far left/right/left/up/square/triangle/start

Post by DocRick » Thu Sep 14, 2023 1:50 am

HHunter1 wrote:
Mon Sep 11, 2023 4:04 pm
Wow you have a very confused information on who is doing what in your country. Historically yes it was Democratic Party that was against desegregation. But those leaning have been flipped. Conservative are now the ones trying to hide the past mistakes of the United States. They are the ones looking to hide Red Lining, the harshness of slavery, and the treatment of minorities. If you look into the groups pushing for the banning of books you'll find they are run and/or supported by conservative money.

We are so going to the Flamez selection.

"Wow you have a very confused information on who is doing what in your country. "

From this comment, I take it you do not live in the U.S.? If so, you must be learning your facts from fictious history schoolbooks or the Liberal Media. Let me set your straight. For example: The Left/Democrats had slaves. They started the Civil War to keep them, under the guise of "states' rights", which they are trying to take away today. Then, they started the KKK and Jim Crowe Laws. They fought desegregation all the way into the 1960's (look up George Wallace). They started the Red Lining under FDR to keep blacks from moving into white neighborhoods, preventing blacks from buying foreclosed white people's houses during the depression. They fought the desegregation of our military. They fought the equal rights movement of the 1960's, lambasting the Kennedy brother's for going against the party on these issues, finally (conspiracy theorists say) killed both of them. After Red Lining was outlawed, they created what we call "Projects", which is low-income housing, targeting blacks away from the upper white housing areas. Also, a thing called "Section 8" which was money given to low-income people, mainly blacks for the first couple of decades, to rent houses in, you guessed it, areas away from the rich white Democrats. In 1990 when I started my police career, the Projects and Section 8 areas were 95% black. Now, we have a criminal and traitor as Executive Leader and criminals and traitors in the Congress and Senate that are profiting off "The Green New Deal" by investing in our economical and geopolitical enemy, China because that's where all the parts to make the "Green Shit" comes from, while U.S. companies got locked down by Covid Mandates for two years. Our "open borders" are letting in upwards of 2 to 3 million illegal immigrants to get votes, but since they got here, they have gotten the shaft by the same Left leaders that invited them. BLM made millions and millions of dollars from donations and the heads of that movement bought 9-million-dollar mansions in and around Hollywood, and the poor black citizens they promised to help, got NOTHING. Though I have always disagreed with some things my country's leaders have done, right now, I feel like I'm living in the decline of the Roman Empire.

And if you would actually read what I had typed, I didn't deny the Right was for banning books, but it was sexually explicit books from 9 year olds, while the Left wants to ban great literary works that happened to make them look bad by showing them for what they were in the past. If they have changed, why are they trying to hide the past? Just say, "Hey, that was past Democrats, but we changed when we realized they were wrong". Why? because they haven't changed.

"They are the ones looking to hide..........the harshness of slavery" Do you watch "The View" in the country you live in? The statement made was some slaves learned skills that helped them establish successful livelihoods after they were freed". No where did anyone say it wasn't harsh, cruel or inhumane. That's your Leftist controlled media twisting words and leaving out important words in their reporting.

And by the way, I didn't read this in books or from the Right Media. I was born in 1961 and have watched a lot of this happening during my lifetime, living in a, you guessed it, a Democratic run city that used Red Lining until 1968 (Three high schools, one mainly white, one mainly black and one mainly Hispanic) and started building Projects in 1969 and their policies have turned my hometown from a thriving industrial blue-collar city to a ghetto.

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Re: The Far left/right/left/up/square/triangle/start

Post by Elana » Thu Sep 14, 2023 3:07 pm

DocRick wrote:
Thu Sep 14, 2023 1:50 am

"Wow you have a very confused information on who is doing what in your country. "

From this comment, I take it you do not live in the U.S.? If so, you must be learning your facts from fictious history schoolbooks or the Liberal Media. Let me set your straight. For example: The Left/Democrats had slaves. They started the Civil War to keep them, under the guise of "states' rights",...
Nobody denies that the Democrats was the party for slaveowners in the 19th century...but history did not stop there.
And during the first half of the 20th century those parties reversed what they stand for.

Todays democrats are what the republicans used to be. ... forms.html

And for the outside the USA standpoint.

There are two ultra conservative, extreme right parties taking turns ruling that country :P
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Re: The Far left/right/left/up/square/triangle/start

Post by DocRick » Thu Sep 14, 2023 3:46 pm

Elana wrote:
Thu Sep 14, 2023 3:07 pm

Todays democrats are what the republicans used to be.

There are two ultra conservative, extreme right parties taking turns ruling that country :P
I will agree on one the 1930's and 40's, socialism (e.g. Nazi Germany) was considered Far Right. Now socialism is considered Left wing.

The only true Far Right Conservatives I see in the U.S. is the Religious Right, which is really no different than any extremist religious group, such as the Taliban or Isis. Americans are becoming more and more stupid as time goes on. We have a party in power that is destroying the economy and weakening our military and in general, portraying feebleness, resulting in Totalitarian regimes to become emboldened and putting the world at risk of global warfare, but a large percentage of Americans will ignore all of that for ONE issue that really doesn't exist, but they've conned into believing it and continue to vote them in. Our once greatest cities, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Baltimore, even Washington D.C, all more closely resemble Beirut or Mogadishu, crumbling into urban decay of homelessness, drug abuse and rampant violent crime under decades of "leadership" of Left Wing Mayors that get rich while their voters get screwed.

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Re: The Far left/right/left/up/square/triangle/start

Post by Elana » Thu Sep 14, 2023 7:02 pm

The socialism aspect is not why the Nazis were considered was the nationalist part.

Also people who do anything to get rich are by definition not left wing :P

On the extreme left you would find the true communist...who want everyone to have the same.(and if it is just slightly left from the center they would be in favor of social laws that make true poverty almost impossible)

On the right you find the guys who say I should have the most...and the less like me you are the less you should have.

Also weakening your military seems fine.
You could get rid of 90% of it and still have the biggest one in the world.

And for economic damage, are you in a parallel universe?
Not only was there no particular outstanding bad decision under Bidens Government
The Dow Jones index went from 30996 to 34948 or in other words the actual economical worth of us companies went up by 11.2%
That seems to be a completely normal increase(the most favorable for the same time span under Trump would be 11.5% and the least favorable would have a big decrease as Corona destroyed a fair comparison basis)

And of course from the outside view, the democrats look like the slightly less insane party from the two insane rightwing choices you restrict yourself to.
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Re: The Far left/right/left/up/square/triangle/start

Post by Prof Sai » Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:19 pm

DocRick wrote:
Thu Sep 14, 2023 1:50 am
The Left/Democrats had slaves. They started the Civil War to keep them, under the guise of "states' rights", which they are trying to take away today. Then, they started the KKK and Jim Crowe Laws. They fought desegregation all the way into the 1960's (look up George Wallace). They started the Red Lining under FDR to keep blacks from moving into white neighborhoods, preventing blacks from buying foreclosed white people's houses during the depression. They fought the desegregation of our military. They fought the equal rights movement of the 1960's, lambasting the Kennedy brother's for going against the party on these issues,
It is deeply dishonest for you to blame current democrats for that while ignoring where the actual PEOPLE who did those things went. In the 1960's and '70s, the democratic party embraced civil rights, and drove out all the people who supported such things. The racists and segregationists renamed themselves the "Reagan Democrats" and the "Reagan Revolution." This is why the south, which was formerly a democratic stronghold, became a republican voting block.

Democracy dies when people treat politics as a sporting event. The objective is not to defeat the enemy team. If your enemy is half of America, then you are not an American. Real Democracy is when people strive to find at the true understanding of the world, and then to implement the policies that best benefit everyone.

Some things that Democrats have tried have failed, or even made things worse. I open this thread with a rejection of some of that. But what have republicans tried? What have they done? All of their policies are just do nothing and hand money and power to the wealthy, while dumping their pollution and unlucky people on nearby states.

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Re: The Far left/right/left/up/square/triangle/start

Post by DocRick » Thu Sep 14, 2023 11:15 pm

Prof Sai wrote:
Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:19 pm

Democracy dies when people treat politics as a sporting event. The objective is not to defeat the enemy team. If your enemy is half of America, then you are not an American. Real Democracy is when people strive to find at the true understanding of the world, and then to implement the policies that best benefit everyone.
First thing you said I agree with. Did you see Biden's "Red Light Speech" Blood red background with two Marines flanking him and saying Republicans are terrorists. How about the "If you don't vote Democratic, you ain't black". That statement is racist as Hell. Biden, actually his party, as he's not smart enough to create any policies on his own, have caused more division in the U.S. than any party since 1860. Yes, Kennedy and Johnson, who were Democrats, were pushing for equal rights, but their party wasn't. Probably the reason JFK and RFK were assassinated, and Johnson was a one term president.
Prof Sai wrote:
Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:19 pm
Some things that Democrats have tried have failed, or even made things worse. I open this thread with a rejection of some of that. But what have republicans tried? What have they done? All of their policies are just do nothing and hand money and power to the wealthy, while dumping their pollution and unlucky people on nearby states.
The U.S. economy was booming under Trump so he must have been doing something right, and all races and sexes were benefiting from it. Personally, I don't like the guy, other than he's not a politician, but results speak louder than ideology. Obama did NOTHING for blacks or anyone else and he profited greatly from it. Clinton did nothing. (Bush Jr didn't do anything either to be honest) Reagononomics was working until Clinton pulled the plug on his policies.

My father was a white collar racist Democrat. He once told me, "Republicans accomplish nothing and Democrats F------- everything up."

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Re: The Far left/right/left/up/square/triangle/start

Post by Prof Sai » Fri Sep 15, 2023 12:42 am

U.S. companies got locked down by Covid Mandates for two years.
Who was president when covid started? Who appointed Anthony Fauci? Who put his signature on those covid relief checks that you despise Biden for? And do you think that there was no covid outside the US?
Obama did NOTHING for blacks or anyone else
Republicans spend eight years screaming bloody murder about Obamacare, and then when they took power they couldn't even describe a better system, let alone pass anything. They came within one vote of abolishing it anyway - despite having no idea what the consequences of that would be. That would have plunged American health care [edit:] into chaos just two years before the pandemic.
Probably the reason JFK and RFK were assassinated, and Johnson was a one term president.
And why was Reagan shot? Do you just automatically blame everything on democrats?
The U.S. economy was booming under Trump.
Too delusional to continue.

Edit: You say you want to talk truthfully, but you keep quoting republican talking points that just have no basis in reality. I understand the things you have seen with your own eyes, but the causes may not be what the media tells you.

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