The Many Worlds of Ritchie (M/f crush vore cruel)

SW stories that include violence or extreme injuries etc.

DISCLAIMER: Many of the stories within are at the border of what is legal to post. Venture forth at your own Peril
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Shrink Adept
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The Many Worlds of Ritchie (M/f crush vore cruel)

Post by gundam » Sat Oct 21, 2023 2:53 am


Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you made different decisions than the ones you had? What if I told you that you actually did but on a different Earth? Welcome to the world of alternate reality theory. It's believed that our reality is but one of an infinite number that exists. Worlds where things are different by tiny to the absolute extreme examples. A world where you're a movie star? A king? Or maybe something as mundane as deciding to drink tea this morning instead of coffee. Or maybe something insane as the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs never existed and dinosaurs went on the evolve into super intelligent beings that rule the Galaxy? It's possible because ALL possibilities exist just in another least in theory. But what if I told you it wasn't a theory at all but true? From our perspective we could call this world "World Prime" but from the world our story takes place we can call it Earth-717 for now...

Earth-717 is in many ways like our own. Humans are the dominant species. Most older countries still exist like China, Japan, Russia, and whatnot. For this world, the divergence began long ago in the final days of the Roman Empire. In our world Christianity survived the destruction of Rome and spread across the world. However, in this world it did not. The Catholic Church was destroyed during the Fall and slowly Christianity waned until it became a fringe religion barely hanging on. The consequences would butterfly into the future. The Christian Church wasn't around to stifle the progress of scientific discovery and Europe emerged from the Dark Ages far sooner. Catholic dogma didn't influence the Age of Discovery which occurred centuries earlier. While forced colonization still occurred, it was far less harsh. Newer nations looked different and had different names. Antibiotics were discovered and successfully eradicated Yersinia Pestis, the bacteria that caused Bubonic Plague. Centuries would pass with an Earth that had a population passing ours just 200 years ago. However, such advancements and prosperity come at a price. Resources grew thin, overpopulation became rampant. In 1950, Earth-717 had found a way to send humans to other realities. In 1952, the QRB or Quantum Reality Bureau was created to monitor such activity. Laws were made such as not interfering with lower advanced worlds and unauthorized travel. Those regulations are still in place in this world even today. However...

It was another Friday for Richard Brum or Ritchie as his friends called him, those being few and far between. Tweaking the Heisenberg compensators on Portal 91, so the gate would smoothly open and transfer another group of people to another alternate world, was his assigned task. To him it was beneath him. Just another menial task given by his superiors. Female superiors as it were. Ritchie despised them. Not the tallest, most handsome, or suave, Ritchie was beneath their notice barely even speaking to the man. Looked down upon most of his life by women had given him a dangerous complex regarding the fairer sex. If one had an inkling of his true feelings one would suggest therapy. Ritchie, however, had his own version of "therapy". He quickly adjusted and calibrated the part before closing the panel.

"Ms. Janis, I'm finished with the calibrations. If that is all may I leave early?" he asked.

She took her sight off the tablet in her hand and looked at him.

"...very well. You may go Mr..."

"Brum. Richard Brum" he replied. She nodded and shooed him away.

She had worked with him for over two years and still not knew his name. Just one more thing to validate his hatred of women. Ritchie clocked out, went to his hover car, and drove home. Ritchie lived out in the suburbs of Olympia City, an alternate version of New York City. Just a 15-minute drive when traveling at 140mph, normal for that highway, and he was home. He lived alone and had done so since his mother passed away in a shuttle accident when he was 18. That was 6 years ago but Ritchie was fine living on his own, especially now. He entered his home tossed his work coat on the coat rack and kicked off his shoes. Humming to himself, he filled a water sprayer with water and walked down into his basement. He flicked on the light and smiled at his works before him. Ritchie had a man cave of sorts but unlike sports memorabilia, music, liquor, or even games, Ritchie had something else, something far more unique...and sinister. To the right was an actual working dimension gate. Highly illegal to privately own but built with his own two hands. After six months of stealing a part at a time from work, he built it and it worked. The proof was in the center and left of the room. In the center on multiple shelves was clothing, very small clothing. Some doll size and others smaller. Some much smaller.

During his work, Ritchie learned how the agency he worked for surveyed worlds. A probe would be sent through, and after a week or so would return with its findings. Well, most did anyways. What caught his attention was that some worlds reported that the humans living there were much, much smaller than normal. Be it a quirk of alternate physics, evolution, or even atmosphere composition, humans developed with bodies only inches or even millimeters tall. These worlds would be deemed "nonviable" but to Ritchie an opportunity to have some cruel fun. And so, he did. He remembered some of his travels as he looked upon what was clearly his trophies. A wooden sandal as big as his fingernail. It belonged to a cute Japanese Geisha on Earth-213 where Native Americans decimated English colonizers with their germs. The butterfly effect was North America was never colonized by Europe, Commodore Perry never visited Japan, and the nation stayed isolated even into 2022. He enjoyed toying with her until her mind broke. He looked on a tee shirt that easily fit in his hand. "Clinton/ Sanders 20'" written on it. It belonged to a cute campaign worker he found on Earth-411. He smiled remembering how she screamed as she slipped down his throat. His attention turned to a sword stained with blood no longer than half a toothpick. He remembered killing a warrior princess with her own weapon as easily as skewering a cocktail olive on Earth-1012. A world where the fall of Rome never happened. There were many more such gruesome trophies on those shelves. His pride and joy lay on the left side of the room though.

One could call it a trophy of sorts but to him it was a terrarium. Some people had ant farms. Ritchie had a human farm. It took a week to bring and set it up. Using a shovel, he dug out an entire 100 sq foot of a suburb full of humans no taller than four millimeters. Ant sized to Ritchie. If he had to guess, over 1,000 human lives he had kidnapped from their world and taken home with and all. Schools, a hospital, homes, apartments, streets, even a police station. The people could only watch as they were literally uprooted from their lives as nothing could stop him not even the military. Small little cameras he placed inside to watch their fear driven lives for amusement. Ritchie sprayed the entire thing with water simulating rain so the trees and grass would not die out. A daily chore he happily did. Once a week he left bits of food for them and watched as they swarmed it like the insects he considered them to be. At first they did not leave their homes for anything even after giving them his two rules. One, don't try to escape. It's pointless. And two, live out your lives. Go to school, work whatever. When they did not comply, he began flattening homes underneath his fingers not caring who was inside. They quickly got the message. At that time of day most people were either still at work, school, or attending their homes as best as they could. Ritchie used his phone and quantum computer to spy on them in real time. More than once he jerked off watching some woman doing something in her home with the thought he could crush her like a bug or worse anytime he pleased. Cumming as he knew he was their God. They tried to ignore him as they are doing now just to keep their sanity. Ritchie checked the camera feeds to see three high school girls walking down the street.

They appeared to be around 15 or so. Just mindlessly talking without paying Ritchie any mind as usual. He singled one out a blonde. He likes blondes and not the kindly way. The girls didn't notice the danger they were in until they saw their titanic captor looking dead at them. Instinct said to run. Logic said there was nowhere to run. Ritchie reached into his terrarium and plucked the blonde out with his fingernails. He knew she was screaming by the look on her minuscule face. Terrified by how she kicked her feet. At her size he couldn't hear her frantic pleas not to hurt her. He raised her to his face, opened his mouth, and began lowering her in. She thrashed even more and screeched as he casually dropped her onto his tongue. She found herself on a terrain of red wet bumpy flesh. A cavern before her with boulder sized teeth. He could just imagine her begging for her life. He pulled his tongue back in and paused feeling her move around. Falling in the darkness, her one body gave Ritchie the smallest of flavor. But Ritchie had other plans and lowered himself down to her friends. They listened in horror as the deep thud of a gulp could be heard. "Careful on the way home" Ritchie said chuckling to the survivors. One pissed her pants, the other in shock. And those who couldn't help but see the cruelty deciding to hug their loved ones tighter that night. As for the poor girl, she free fell right into his stomach. She barely lasted a full minute before her body digested into a collection of nutrients. Not even bones left.

Ritchie left them alone to go back to want he really wanted to do, terrorize another world. He turned on the transition terminal and plugged in his quantum logic drive into the slot. There he uploaded coordinates for new worlds that fit his liking. Selecting from the list he viewed the data.

"Earth-901. All prime standard composition regarding gravity, atmosphere, yadda yadda. Divergence is abolition of nuclear weapons after Cuban Missile Crisis...whatever the hell that is. Ah. Human technology is level 6 with humans averaging a height of 3.27 inches. Perfect" Ritchie said grinning.

He told the terminal to dial into the coordinates as he changed his clothing. For a level 6 world he didn't need to worry about protective clothing. His electroplasma force field used to sterilize germs was enough. Bare chested, shorts, sandals, and of course his return bracelet was all he wore as the gate began to open a hole in space time. "Don't wait up for me" he chuckled at his terrarium as he stepped through.
Last edited by gundam on Sat Oct 28, 2023 2:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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Re: The Many Worlds of Ritchie (M/f crush vore cruel)

Post by gundam » Sat Oct 28, 2023 2:54 am

Chapter 1

He stepped out of the portal and let his feet sink into the soft ground. The grass was as fine as moss, no trees in sight, just fields around him. It was as he expected, everything much smaller in scale. Speaking of which he was able to see in the distance for what was miles for this world. Not far away a simple two-story home barely reaching his shin and further off more homes closer together until it was a town.

"Think I'll introduce myself" he said as he began walking towards the closest home.

Plainview Kansas was a simple town their family had called home for three generations. Quiet even by national standards. The worst crime that took place there was the occasional kid stealing candy from the store. Only the sheriff and his four officers owned guns. The father was in the backyard playing catch with his 10-year-old son. His wife watering her flowers. Their 16-year-old daughter trying on clothes to decide what to take to the spring dance being held at school in just a half hour. Ritchie was only a minute walk away and quickly approaching. At first the father thought a storm was coming as he could hear faint booms. The wife for a moment thought it was an earthquake as the rocks lining her flower bed shook with each step Ritchie took. She quickly dismissed that idea as Kansas didn't have earthquakes. Whatever it was grew intensity and frequency. Ritchie had stepped up his pace. The boy was the first to see him dropping the baseball in his hand in disbelief. His father turned to see what he was staring at. His wife turned wondering what cast such an odd shadow over them. He screams snapped her husband out of his shock and grabbed his son running him into the house. His wife quickly following behind them. Ritchie got to them just as the woman entered the home. She tried to shut the door, but Ritchie bent down and reached in tearing off the door from its hinges just by poking it. The door roughly fell onto the woman knocking her to the floor. Still reaching, he grasped around until he felt a leg and began to pull. The woman began screaming and her he and left his son grabbing her hand. It was useless of course with a giant being far stronger and he ended up pulling them both free of the house.

"Uhhgh. Let go you idiot. Not like you can save her" Ritchie scoffed.

The man wouldn't as the giant shook them around. Ritchie forcefully pried him off and callously tossed him over his shoulder. A second or so later a wet thud came from the cornfield behind them. Ritchie eyed his first catch. Around three inches tall as expected, around 37...maybe 38 years old, brown hair and hazel eyes. Typical little...very little housewife. He turned her right side up before placing her in his palm.

"Scared? I asked you a question you little shit!" he yelled at her as she didn't immediately answer. She nodded. "Please don't hurt my kids! Don't hurt them!" she begged. "Kids as in plural? Only saw the boy" he said to her.

The giant began looking through windows quickly spotting her daughter who had been staring out of the window. "Gimme gimme" he chuckled poking right through the window and reaching in. Out came a screaming teenage girl who looked very much like her mother. Long shirt, white panties, and nothing else.

"You're really scared how aren't you? That heart pumping faster. Instincts screaming to protect your offspring. Yes, that's better. I could do anything to her. Squeeze her in my hand until her insides pop out like a tube of toothpaste. Crush her under my shoe. Turn her into a cock toy. Or I could simply eat her. Decisions decisions" Ritchie said sighing. "NO! Let her go I beg you! Me...use me if you want but please...let her go" she begged. Ritchie tore off the girl's shirt and with slightly more effort ignoring her kicking legs as he next went for her panties. "Yeah I'm just gonna eat her" he said grinning as he brought her to his mouth.

The girl went in headfirst screaming. With a finger on her little bare ass, he pushed her inside his mouth. Within seconds only her kicking legs until he slurped them in. He paused leaving just her bare soles poking from his lips until they disappeared into his mouth as well.

"You know, I've eaten a lot of humans and I've found that on each world they taste slightly different. For example, your daughter, she tastes like sweet ham. And oh, those micro favors" Ritchie said as he used his tongue to pin the screaming teen to the roof of his mouth sucking on her. "For example, she doesn't want to, they never do but my tastebuds are just raking her labia right now causing her pussy to get wet. That nice sweet musky flavor is to die for...literally. I'm going to be nice and make her orgasm before I swallow her. Fun thing about it is she can hear what I'm saying, and she can't stop it. It's biology" the giant said sucking and stimulating the girl even further.

"Oh! There it is! She's cumming!" Ritchie said smiling. He looked dead at the woman's face and swallowed. The woman screamed as her daughter made a small lump in his throat and disappeared past his collarbone. "YOU MONSTER! You fucking monster you ate my little girl. What did we ever do to you?!" she screeched. "You personally nothing. Women as a whole a great deal. Just your shitty luck being born a woman on this backwater world and as for you..." he said pushing his shorts and boxers down to his shins. As soon as she saw his cock she knew what he had planned. She sobbed pitifully as he tore her clothing off leaving her naked. "I got your daughter off. Only right you return the favor" he said plastering her to his shaft and jerking. Her crying rose and fell as she went up and down his giant dick. Her tits quickly rubbed raw. Her pussy moistening from being rubbed on his skin.

"All you fucking females are good for is taking dick! toy!" he yelled as he came. A week's worth of pent up cum came out like a geyser coating the woman completely as she laid in his spermy hand. It wasn't until he relaxed he realized she was dead. Her head bent at an awkward angle. No doubt her neck broken somewhen as he jerked off with her. "Useless like the rest of em'" he muttered callously dropping her corpse to the grass below. Ritchie pulled up his shorts and underwear back up. He bent down and looked inside the house one last time. "Don't worry kid. I don't eat boys. Girls on the other hand like your big sister....HAHAHA!" he laughed standing up. The boy heard his footsteps get fainter and fainter. He finally stood up and ran outside to where his mother fell. He stood there in mental shock seeing her naked body soaked head to toe in a giant man's cum. Her eyes frozen in death, her neck bent at an unnatural angle, her body reeking of semen. One would argue it would've been more kind to kill him instead of living to see that.

Ritchie walked down the simple road knowing the people had to know of his presence by now as he passed several houses. It took little time to reach the first part of town. People feeling at his sight. Running to their cars. Like a child, he began kicking them like toys laughing as they flew high and far to crash and sometimes explode. Crushing some under his feet, a few he went out of his way to turn into roadkill. About to select another victim, he paused seeing a bigger prize. The high school. Dozens of cars and students entering the school for the dance. He had come into the town so quickly none knew of the carnage he had wrought just a few miles away. Then warning sirens went off. Students paused and looked at the sky wondering why the weather sirens would go off on a sunny day. Then very quickly they saw why. Some stood there questioning if what they saw was real, the rest bolted into the school gymnasium. They quickly barred the doors even though some were still left outside.

A senior tried to drive between his legs only to be kicked so hard his neck broke from the g forces. A mercy as the car exploded landing a block away. The boys and teacher chaperones crushed to paste. One who had been outside smoking just stood there dumbfounded as a massive shoe came down on him. Any other day Ritchie would've eaten the female teachers outside but why fill up on them when more delicious victims awaited within. His wrist device hacked into the radio signals their cell phones used to get their view of the situation. They were furiously texting, calling police, their parents, streaming live feeds. The giant smiled at the terror he was inflicting. His cans indicated about 70 students inside not including teachers. Ritchie was slightly annoyed by the small population but figured a town of 350 people wouldn't have many high school students to begin with. Also, not like even he could eat them all.

"Little pig little pig let me come in..." he whispered shoving his fingertips into the sides of the roof and yanking. Concrete crumbled, metal groaned, plaster disintegrated as he tore the roof right off the gym exposing all of them to his eyes. They collectively screamed bolting for the exit into the school. Slamming his palm down right on those at the door he killed them instantly splattering their gore and blood over the wall, doors, and anyone lucky enough not to be caught. "Anyone else want to try?" he asked. They backed away into the center of the gym floor. "Alight everyone. So, some good news first. The guys can go. Don't care about them. Go on. Shoo" he said. The boys bolted, some with their dates clinging to them. The girls watched helplessly as they were abandoned by those they love and respected. "Now let's see who's left. You go over there, you too, and you..." he said point out individual girls. It soon became clear he was singling out the unattractive ones. The attractive ones became slightly smug thinking this giant would kill them because of their looks. That idea went up in smoke when Ritchie let them leave. One cute girl tried to slip in with the rest. "Where do you think you're going cutie?" Ritchie asked brutally flicking her in the chest so hard she flew out of her heels and slammed into the back wall with a wet smack. One overweight girl, constantly tasted by that girl and her friends, leaving the gym thought to herself that karma wasn't a bitch but a giant man.

The count had now gone from 70 to 49. "Take off your clothes all of you" he ordered. Not a single one obeyed. "Guess you didn't hear me" he muttered. He grabbed one at random and ignoring her screaming, placed his fingertips around both sides of her head and quickly twisted it. Her neck broke like a matchstick. He dropped her body to the floor with a thud. "Hear me now?" he asked. All of them quickly stripped naked as they cried and whimpered. "So much better. I feel like a kid in a candy store" he said grinning. He grabbed one, a brunette, and brought her to his face. "What's your name?" he asked. "La...Laura" she squeaked out. "Life flashing before your eyes? Birthdays, holidays, first kiss?" he asked. She nodded sniffling. "And they all led here. To me...and you" he said quietly rubbing his finger between her breasts. His finger went down her chest skipping her crotch and to her legs. He held both of them by the ankles with his fingers. "You're in pretty good shape. Work out? Sports?" he asked. "Cheerleader varsity team" she replied. "Ohh. I would've loved to see you in a cheerleader uniform. I don't have that in my collection" he whispered to her. He raised her legs up exposing her tiny ass to him. "Not bad" he whispered. He looked at her tiny bare feet. Her toes were painted blue. Ritchie sniffed them for a moment. Wasn't much to smell but a faint hint of sweat. His fingers let go of her legs and parted them. His fingertip began rubbing her tiny pussy making the girl twitch.

"Please...please stop" she whined. "Why? You're getting excited" he said showing his now wet fingertip. "No I'm not!" she said crying. "Liar and I'll prove it" he said bringing her to his mouth. Ritchie swallowed her legs first and pinning her in place with his lips around her waist. The tip of his tongue began teasing her bare clit. She tried holding it in his tongue pushing on her pussy. The suction of his mouth. Her mind was terrified, but her brain said to cum. Her slight whimpering turns to stifled moans. Ritchie tasted her sweet pussy and wanted more. Clamping his lips harder, he forced the tip of his tongue cruelly into her making her scream. Pain mixed with pleasure as she came coating his tongue with juices and a faint trace of blood. The giant almost laughed realizing he took her virginity. He began to slurp her in. "Oh god no. Please...someone hel..."

And she disappeared into his mouth. The naked girls below watched in horror as he swallowed. One girl fainted. "Bet she never thought she'd lose her cherry to a giant's tongue. Her own fault for tasting so sweet. Oh. Don't mind if I do" he said plucking the passed-out girl from the floor and depositing her in his mouth. He tiled his head back and let her slide down his throat. "He's going to kill us all" a girl muttered pissing herself. "Hey!" Ritchie yelled slamming his fist down on her crushing her into meat and pulverized bones. "There will no passing and shitting yourselves. Ruins the taste. Here's the deal. My record for eating cute girls like you is 13 at once. So far I've eaten three. That leaves 9 to go out of 46. So as long as you don't shit yourself, don't try to escape, or piss me off, you got....doing the 80% of surviving. Pretty good odds right? I asked a question!" he yelled. Someone peed themselves and Ritchie plucked her in the head so hard it snapped her neck. "81% now. So again, good odds right?" he asked. They quickly nodded. "Let's make it more interesting. Have sex with one another. Go on! I want to see titties sucked! Pussies eaten!" he yelled. It took little time for them to pair up and begin making out on the cold gym floor. One girl was alone though. "Ah. You're alone" he said focusing on her. "Please. There's no one else. Please don't eat me over that!" she yelled begging. "Hmm...there only 45 of you and that isn't an even number. Not your fault. Go on. You can leave" he said. She stood there. "Want me to change my mind?!" he yelled. She shook her head and bolted for the door slipping on blood and gore on the way out.

Police had arrived outside in response to the utterly unbelievable calls they received. But there he was, a giant man as big as day. Ritchie turned around hearing the sirens. "Local law judicators. Police officers I think they call them. Oh, that's cute. They got chemical explosive based projectile weapons" he chuckled. Someone opened fire causing the other 12 to join in. Ritchie just stared amused as they emptied their guns. "Done already. Your pathetic weapons can't even get thought my electroplasma shield. Let me show you how it works" he said spotting an officer, a female reloading her gun. Ritchie grabbed her. She screamed firing her pistol at his face. Nothing. "Brains matches your looks. Not very impressive. You see how I'm unharmed. Even if I didn't have this shield your metal projectile things wouldn't even pierce my skin. My shield used magnetic deflection to literally push away your bullets I think you call them. That's its lowest setting. Now if I crank it higher like so..." he said using his free finger to tap his wristband. "You'll feel a tingle as you're in the field. A bit higher and you'll feel itching on your skin, then something like a sunburn, then sharp pain and spasms" he said as the woman convulsed between his fingers. "The field acts like a microwave oven exciting water molecules. What you're feeling is your internal organs beginning to cook. And then at its highest setting..." he said tapping it multiple times. Ritchie began to glow blue. The woman shrieked before bursting into flames.

One of the officers below puked. They watched helplessly as their friend and coworker went up like a road flare. Ritchie dialed back the field to normal and blowing out the woman. Just a blackened thing remained of her as he dropped her. When she hit the ground, she crumbled to ash leaving just a skeleton. "You get it now? You're over your heads you pathetic little primitives!" Ritchie yelled. He turned back to the gym. "Forgive me. I had to teach some of your officer people a lesson. People should know when they're conquered. The girls stared at him in disbelief. They had the faintest hope of police, maybe even the military of saving them. That hope went up in smoke...literally. "I didn't say stop. Get back to fucking" he growled.

Minutes passed and as one tired out, he plucked them up. Ignoring their begging and pleading, he ate them. Their partner quickly running to the nearest couple to show herself still useful. Then another would be eaten as they watched her shapely legs and feet disappear between his giant lips and a lump travel down his throat. Eventually they began to fight for a girl to fuck just to stay alive. A deadly game of sexual musical chairs with the loser devoured. One girl was so ferocious she slammed another's head into the floor over and over until she stopped moving. Ritchie let her go he was so impressed. Well, that set a bad precedent as worn-out girl turned on girl. Hair pulling, choking, fist fighting. The loser crushed under his thumb like a sick Caesar casting his vote. It finally came down to 12 survivors. And Ritchie still had room in his stomach for a few more. After 20 minutes, each one was exhausted. He began getting picky with his choices. A blonde, all the blondes as he hated them the most. 8 survivors. The redhead because she has cute feet. 7 survivors. Brunette be used she smelled nice. 6 survivors. By this point he had eaten 10 of them total since arriving but skipping lunch caused the teenager he devoured when he first arrived fully digested by now. So he counted her as a half. She next chose a black girl because she cried the most out of the six. Part of Ritchie regretted eating her as she had a better body than all the other survivors. Sure, he liked to devour the fittest, but he would've liked to prolong his enjoyment of her. 5 survivors. "Please. You said you'd let us go" one begged. "I said I'd let you go after I've eaten my full. I haven't" he told her. She fell to her knees crying. "What did we ever do to you!" one screamed. Ritchie plucked her up. Smaller than the others. Mostly likely a freshman making her 14, 15 at most. "Being born pathetic. Whatever God you believe in shouldn't have made you bite sized" he replied coldly before tossing her into his mouth and slowly chewing. At first, it sounded like the eating of corn flakes. The crunching sounds though caused by her bones. Then a wet squelching sound like eating steak. Ritchie swallowed what was left. "And now it's just you four" he said chuckling. "Oh fuck you! You were never going to let us live. You might as well..."


"Kill you?" he said looking at the pool of blood growing under his fist. The girls closest to his fist was covered in blood spray. She began laughing hysterically. The other two looked at her. "Don't blame her. It happens all the time. One of you loses her mind. It's actually interesting to watch really. I usually let them live as it's no fun torturing a nutcase. But she's so cute and yummy looking. Come here. Ritchie will take care of you" he said picking her up. Ritchie opened his mouth and to his surprise she climbed in. He could feel her laughter echo in his mouth as he swallowed her. Now it was down to two. Ritchie belched. "Getting full here but I got room for one more" he said grinning.

"Eat me" one said.

"Pardon? You really want me to eat you?" he asked. "Yes please. I want you to suck on me, rape me with your tongue. I want to feel myself sliding down your throat" she replied. It was exceedingly rare for one of his victims to ask to be eaten. Especially one that still appeared sane. Curious, he picked her up. She appeared to be 16 years old, black hair, brown eyes, her finger, and toenails painted black. In our terms a goth. He laid her in his palm. "You're sure?" he asked. "Do it. Do it! Eat me! FUCKIN' EAT ME!" she screamed as she began fingering herself. The giant was more than amused at her. "You're different and I like different" he said grinning. He quickly snatched up the other girl. "WAIT! EAT HER! SHE FUCKING ASKED FOR IT! NOOOO!" she screeched as he shoved her into his mouth. The goth girl finger fucked herself listening to her once classmate screaming for her life in his sealed mouth. The girl crawled out from between his lips poking her head and arms out. She reached for the goth girl begging for help. The goth bent forward roughly kissing her and smiling. "YOU CRAZY BITCH!" she screamed before being sucked back in. "Swallow her. Swallow the little whore" the goth grunted. Ritchie smiled and gulped. "Ohhh....fuck..." the goth moaned cumming. "So, what now?" the goth asked panting. "Home" he replied tapping his wristband. Ritchie stood up and walked through the portal leaving the devastated little town behind.

Ritchie returned to his basement. "Everything is huge!" the girl said looking around. "No shit. What's your name?" he asked. "Lexi" she replied. She saw his little human ant farm of a town. "Is that real?" she asked. He carried her over to it. He placed her inside. "What do you think?" he asked. Lexis was astonished to find even though small to him, she was a giantess to the people she could see hidden away in their homes. "Have a little fun while I got take a shower" he said leaving her.

She looked rough a window of a random house to see the family inside starting back in fear. "This might actually be fun" she said with a wicked grin.

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Re: The Many Worlds of Ritchie (M/f crush vore cruel)

Post by Terrok » Sun Oct 29, 2023 12:38 pm

"He began to slurp her in."

I loved that line! Great job, I really enjoyed the misogyny parts in the story too, thanks for posting.

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