System 03785

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System 03785

Post by HHunter1 » Wed Jun 15, 2022 10:29 pm

Something a little different this week. Hope you don't mind. Just had this idea and wanted to write it out. Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 01: Discovery
2* M/f,f Soft Vore.

"Arriving at the sixth planet inward of unsurveyed system 03785. Scanners show a mild debris field circling the planet within its single satellite's orbit. Much of which is metals and other minerals. It's unusual for such a small planet to have its own asteroid field." Murre recorded as they approached the mostly blue planet.

Grilyn announced, "Electronic signals indicate life with a low level tech advancement. Putting up counter measures to keep whatever dominate life form from detecting us."

Murre rolled his eyes. "Great, life forms. So much for getting a commission from this survey now."

"There's still a possibility. If they are listed below Alliance intelligence levels." Grilyn suggested.

Murre pointed to the artificial satellites floating willy nilly about the planet. "They have accessed, if limitly, space."

"Yeah but the readings I'm getting shows they are also pumping volumes of toxins and poisons beyond their planet's ability to resolve. Heck, looks like they are still using combustion and fossil fuels. How smart could they be?" Grilyn pointed out.

"Yeah, but I still have to log it." Murre said, sighing.

"Wait, let's take a look first. Some plant and animal samples to get a reading on the planet first as Spire Corporation hinted at in such situations." Grilyn aimed to tempt his friend and work partner.

"It was hinted at due to it being against Alliance law to do that." Murre explained to his slightly shifty friends.

"Found a population center. Making scan of what appears to be the intelligent life." Grilyn said ignoring his friend’s worry. "Oh wow, they look like us but so adorably tiny."

"Really, like how tiny?" Murre questioned.

"Like, five to seven ticks." Grilyn answered. "Look, these ones look like Phins."

"Phins have appealing females." Murre shifted his seat to see the images on Grilyn's screen. "Wow, they look just like them."

"Poor things only have a digestive stomach. Oh Krone! No way." Grilyn gasped.

"What?" Murre asked, trying to figure out what reading excited his friend.

"The Keralin in their skin is almost the same chemical mixture as fordehyde crystals." Grilyn said with a strange smile.

"Fordehyde crystals? So does that mean what I think that means?" Murre asked.

"Yeah, exposing them to more sensitive areas of our skin or holding them in our Appendix stomach would have the same effect as fordehyde." Grilyn happily explained.

"So would they be safe to interact with or should we note them as a biohazard?" Murre inquired.

"No, they'd be fine to handle. You'd have to have one in you or stroked along your genitals or eyeballs to get a reaction. Best part, since its a natural source there would be less side effects from coming off the high they'll create." Grilyn said in a leading way.

"Grilyn they are an intelligent race." Murre reminded his friend.

"Not a listed intelligent race. Spire would pay top dollar for a natural For-keratin resource like that. Better, a customer could keep one or two as a pet and the Spire could sell accessories for them like cages and little outfits. They would be worth more than any of the other resources in this back water system. Our largest commishion ever better." Grilyn tempted.

"But they are intelligent. If the authorities found out we didn't report them." Murre worried.

"Just classify them as semi-intelligent. Then, if the authorities have an issue with the collection and sale of them, it'll be Spire that deals with it. Not us tired lonely survey jockeys making a labeling error." Grilyn suggested.

"I would like a Fordehyde high with less eye pain the next day." Murre could see the benefits from a slight miss labeling.

"Yes, I mean we should test a couple first." Grilyn hinted.

"We do need to get some animal samples. And since they are only semi-intelligent." Murre was quickly warming to the idea.

"I have found a sampling of Phin-like females away from any major population center. Fit and skin warmed by their own physical activity." Grilyn noted typing the four targets location into the drone's computer.

"None on the planet will see?" Murre was still a touch worried.

"No, well, maybe a slight few. But it's not like they would be telling on us to the cops." Grilyn snickered, launching the drone to catch their pretty samples off a mountain trail.

"Let me know when they arrive so I can hide us on the back of the planet's moon. Hate to get spotted out in the open while enjoying the high." Murre advised.

"Yeah, Alliance would get an automatic report about what's here if we crashed on that planet." Grilyn said with a laugh.

The drone brought back its collected treasure and Murre landed softly on the dark side of that small moon. With a touch of fanfare Grilyn said, "And our samples."

Murre looked at the four lovely little creatures. Something about how scared they were of him helped block out he was about to break intergalactic law. Slender with different lengths of black hair like stereotypical Phinian females, only just a few ticks high. Grilyn said they were on a mountain trail. But from the heeled shoes and short skirts on a few of them it was likely a well groomed trail. This made Murre question how far they really were from a population center. But a strange arousal pushed that away for later.

"So, how should we do this? Flip a coin to see who picks first?" Grilyn asked in almost a whisper.

"Yeah, that seems fair." Murre sighed back. One of the samples was chittering at him in scared tones and that in itself was giving him a high he didn't know he wanted.

"Ship, flip a coin please." Grilyn requested the onboard computer.

"Result is heads." it replied.

"Great. But which of us is heads." Murre noted fighting the urge to drool.

"Right, well, how about we flip again and I'll be tails." Grilyn panted.

Murre knew why his friend wanted the unannounced result. In a different situation he might have argued why he should have that option. But that would waste time and he wanted to wrap one of those scared helpless beauties around his penis. So he could test Grilyn's theory. That’s what he told himself as his male-hood was becoming painfully stiff. "Computer flip a coin." he said, not realizing how dry his mouth was.

"Result is Heads" It replied.

"Yes." he cheered. Then he made his selection. The tallest of the group. Long appealing legs seem to make up the bulk of her limited height. Advertised out of her little white skirt with black socks that stopped just past her knees. She made such an appealing terrified sound as he grabbed her from the sample trey.

Grilyn immediately grabbed the one that had been pleading at them in that strange language. He was likely drawn to the fact the pretty thing had a larger bust stretching its tight white shirt then one would expect on a Phin like race.

Murre grabbed the other long legged one. He really liked shapely legs. Pretty like his first grab in a flowered light blue dress. At this point he didn't even care about the Fordehyde effects he could get from them. Just holding one in each fist was a high on its own. They must have seen him like some sort of god.

Grilyn grabbed the last cutie in flat shoes and a white light shirt short pants combo. Murre was about to ask how they were going to get them out of their clothes when Grilyn just started cutting them off his second pick.

Murre grabbed scissors and slipped it up the blue dress of his second pick. The shiny metal blade scared it still. Undergarments took a more careful hand. He was wondering how to get the blade under the jewelry when it gave up hands in surrender and just removed them for him.

He looked over at Grilyn. He had fully stripped his second pick and was dangling it over his wide open mouth. It made such appealing terrified scream sounds. Its lovely legs kicked in the air wildly as its little hands tried desperately to find a grip to hold onto Grilyn's fingers. Then he released it and the Phinian like beauty disappeared into his open mouth.

Grilyn hummed as if his new oral friend was delicious as his jaw worked up saliva around it to lube its trip to his Appendix stomach. Murre could see his friend was washing the tiny beauty about with his tongue. Playfully pressing its helpless little form against the inside of his cheek. The other three samples made the best scared chittering sounds as Grilyn played with his coming high. Then he tilted his head up and swallowed. A familiar gluck sound came from him soon after. His esophagus transferring the beauty to that secondary stomach like Grilyn had done thousands of times with Fordehyde crystals.

"Wait, can they survive in our Appendix stomach?" Murre suddenly worried.

"Oh yeah, plenty of air in there for such small critters." Grilyn answered. "Just be careful tomorrow morning not to flush yours into the bio waste processor." He added.

Then his eyes rolled back. His hit was taking effect. "Oh yeah that's better than crystals." Grilyn roared, leaning back in his chair.

Murre had to try that. He never saw Grilyn get so happily high so quickly. He forced the begging beauty in his mouth waist deep. Then the texture of its skin played on his tongue and he hummed in delight. So smooth and wonderful. His tongue explored greedily and found the small beauties female-hood. It made appealing frightened noses as his tongue overpowered its legs and stroked that little patch of hair and sensitive skin. Then it slipped into unhappy oh sounds that had their own appeal. It was getting aroused. He could taste it.

His own eyes rolled back. His tongue sought more of the creature's natural lubricant. His body tingled like never before. Grilyn was fascinated. Watching the pretty new pet moan and gasp as Murre suckled on it for its pleasure juices. Oh it waved about in his lips. Arching its back appealingly. Her slender little hips began bucking in a way that helped with Murre's oral harvest. Then his body rushed as the lapped pretty treat climaxed in his mouth.

That was better than a crystal high. It was like he climaxed too. He didn't have to check to make sure he hadn't as his maleness was painfully hard. What a delight these creatures were. No matter what Intergalactic law was he was not giving up his new pets if he could get highs like this from them.

He sucked the slender body into his mouth. Oh, how sweet the whole body tasted after its forced climax. Murre was immediately hoping he could train them to be accepting. A partnered created climax would likely taste even sweeter. Soaking it completely in his spit he swallowed the squirming mass. Popping open the path to his Appendix stomach. Oh it was such an ego rush feeling it wiggling helplessly as it thought it had been eaten alive.

Then it was where he needed her to be. He could feel her moving inside his safety stomach. The lining of that moist air filled stomach greedily sucking the chemical reaction being caused from her skin contacting his thin skin. Sharing that with his brain and making the Universe seem suddenly perfect.

Grilyn grabbed his busty pet and started cutting its clothes off. "Better get her naked before I'm too high to see straight." He announced.

"Yeah, I'm already getting haziness at the edges of my vision." Murre agreed, snipping his scared first pick's clothes off.

"Computer, play my retrospective list." Grilyn requested. Synthetic produced music began playing.

Grilyn wrapped his busty pet to his phallic and gasped, "Ahh oh, hmmm." Murre looked. The little creature must have thought if she didn't delight him then Grilyn was going to eat her too. It grind and rubbed its shapely little lovely body at Grilyn's penis. The man closed his eyes, hand held her at his tip. The pet worked herself at the top of a male-hood several times larger than her entire body.

Murre pouted some as his new pet was clearly frozen with fear. He wrapped its wonderfully long legs around his shaft and pressed its perky little mounds into his sensitive skin. Slowly he dragged its little helpless body up and down his length. Oh he was getting so high from the two sources. That mixed with the sexual dominance he had over his sex puppet just made even being away from civilization for weeks at a time just marvelous.

There the friends sat for a long time. Absorbing the reaction inside them while their phallic were stimulated and absorbed a reaction externally. Murre thought how pretty the colors of the music was as he stroked his beauty slowly along his erection.

The notice advising it was late made them look and snicker at each other. Grilyn smacked his mouth and accepted, "I guess we should get to bed for a while." Then pressed the tired busty beauty. Quickly he stroked his shaft with her stimulating form. As he reached climax he pressed it over his tip. As his friend made an amusing expression and grunted ah sounds Murre found himself watching the small creature's limbs flailing about in hopeless attempts to escape the semen flood. It was a delightful sight.

As Grilyn staggered towards his bunk Murre sped up his own stroking. He had to feel his new pet squirming at his own tip as his seed was bursting all over it. Its legs felt amazing along the sides of his shaft as he body mated the pretty little thing. Up he placed it, he especially wanted to see what his semen would look like all over its pretty face.

Murre wasn't disappointed. The delightful thing wiggled for all its worth. Those smooth legs made to wrap around his girth stroked and rubbed in enthralling ways. His shaft twitched hard as his semen burst in thick globs over that little Phinian like face. She clearly didn't like the look and effect of him claiming her sexually like that, but he did.

He now staggered to his room. He placed his pet in the sink and washed up. Hoping the overflow would be enough to rinse her for the night. Plopping her into a high walled sample tray with a dry cleaning cloth to dry off with and use for its bed. He now finished cleaning up his groin from that fun. He flopped on his small bed realizing how inebriated he was from those little beauties. How better surveying will be with a few of them on board.

He rolled over trying to remember for the next morning to classify the population of that world as only semi-intelligent while privately contacting their Spire rep to tell them what they really found. He smiled, they'll want samples too. They could get them samples too. He closed his eyes. That helped stop the walls from breathing. The hum of the ship and the relaxed state of his body was perfect for going straight to sleep.

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Re: System 03785

Post by HHunter1 » Sun Apr 07, 2024 3:41 pm

Chapter 02: Sampling

Murre awoke expecting his eyes to be trying to explode from his skull like they did after a Fordehyde high of such intensity. He opened them and they felt fine. He swung his legs off his bunk expecting his body to protest like a hard hit of Fordehyde usually caused him. No ache in his muscles, he kicked his legs. Actually he was feeling great. He did notice one side effect, he had an erection.

Movement out of the corner of his eye. The Phan like cutie that had given him the best high of his life cowering and speaking its gibberish language. Her slender naked body hid behind a little washing cloth. He was tempted to solve his one side effect with that lovely little form. But that would put him out for the day. Later, she would certainly be put to use later.

That got him thinking of the other one. His Appendix stomach was readied to be emptied of his living Fordehyde dose. Likely the little thing would be happy to be allowed out of his insides. He walked to his waste disposal unit. Gave his waist a twisting stretch to open the right path. Placed a catch strainer over the bowl. He sat and relaxed his Plyanal. He snickered, the little thing was wiggling about as she traveled inside him. Such a delightful sensation. Then a little plop sound. He raised up and looked. The Mini Phan was soaked in the lubricating mucus from his Plyanal canal. The Graying semi clear fluid like material oozed over her wet naked body. Clumping her hair amusingly about her pretty face. He switched the strainer to the sink and twisted his body again to release his bodily waste. Finished, he freshened them both up.

He allowed the two mini Phan's to get reacquainted as he dressed. Grilyn wouldn't appreciate him coming out naked. He grabbed the two small female creatures by their lovely legs and pulled the clothes from their frantic hands. He walked out into the main room of the ship with them dangling from the fingers in one hand.

"Morning Murre." Grilyn said seeing him approach. Grilyn must have been feeling good to have gotten up and started work before Murre did.

"Where did you put our samples from last night?" Murre asked.

"I placed them in the bin by navigation. I tagged mine with a yellow bind strip about their left wrist." He answered.

"OK, I'll do the same with these two in blue." Murre replied. "You must have gotten a good night's sleep being up and chipper so early." He noted as he pushed the left arm of one of his Phan-like pet's into the tagger. Requested blue and watched as a plastic strip was wrapped about its wrist.

"I did." Grilyn said before adding, "But that's not what got me going so early." He typed at the control panel before him, "Look at this. There are so many different kinds of these creatures." One of the screens was a college of images. Several different shades of skin colors and hair colors. Different regional areas indicate a higher percentage of facial ranges and shades of skin. Murre had the sudden impression of the screen being like a menu at a fancy Fordehyde bar. Seems Grilyn thought the same, "I was wondering if maybe the different versions of these creatures had different Keralin percentage or possibly different effects like the types of Fordehyde. Or they might simply be different flavors as we suck on them before swallowing them to our appendix."

Murre looked over the readings along the bottom of the screen. Deciphering the data he explained, "The reading doesn't show any real difference in the Keralin levels among the varied breads. Though their melanin in their skin might make us process them like different types of Fordehyde crystals. And they might taste different."

"So the only real way to test that would be to grab a variety of them and try them?" Grilyn asked.

Murre knew what he was really asking, "We shouldn't just go crazy grabbing some from here and some from there. They are primitive but the more we collect samples the more possible they will notice."

"What if I noticed a fairly mixed gathering on a small island away from large population areas." Leave it to Grilyn to already be looking for a big score of Fordehyde based fun.

The screen flipped to indicate an island in what the computers reasoned was the more tropical belt of the world. There was a large grouping of these creatures. Just seemingly out on the beach. Not harvesting anything or in combat like Murre would expect such primitive beings to be doing in such numbers. "What are they doing?" He muttered.

Grilyn reasoned, "Well, if we were looking at pictures from home I would say they were having a wedding."

Murre snickered, "You don't think they practice binding ceremonies like civilized races do do you?"

"Chairs set to watch. A central focal point for the couple or couples. Alcohol levels in several are higher than they should be. And all that prepared food. I would say they do." Grilyn pointed out.

"It's a bit cruel to collect them on their binding day isn't it?" Murre asked.

His partner knew him too well. The viewer focused on a small gathering of lovely formed natives. All with golden hair like he has never seen in any other race. Their fit yet curvy bodies were tightly wrapped in dresses that were basically just tubes of fabric that just covered from their breasts to just under where their vulva were. Several showed off their chest endowments while the small selection all clearly had long toned legs. "I don't know. I think I can forgive us." Grilyn suggested.

"Can we really gather all without getting noticed by their sensors? None of their authorities would notice?" Murre felt his resolve weakening as his breeches tightened.

"Yeah, our scanner shows simple radio and visual scanning. Our shields will reflect all they got without any strain. We simply zip down. Teleport the lot of them and zip back here." Grilyn suggested. Murre could see his friend was already plotting the course.

"We'd have to wait till our rest period to try the different shades. We can't let them make us fall behind." They were on a schedule.

"Our sensors got most of what we needed last night as we slept. We can get the rest as we circle the planet. Then it'll be a little while before we get to the next planet. We'll have to sort them via physical sex anyway. That will keep us alert as we travel. Look, they have brown ones." Grilyn explained while changing the viewer's focus.

Oh that looked delightful. Darker brown skin like the chocolate harvested off of Hernest Six. Murre liked how this verison of the specise's rumps rounded from their body. Well, the two on display did anyway. He really wanted to sample it in many forms of that word. "Fine, but like I said, no Fordehyde hits till tonight."

"On our way." Grilyn purred.

The ship rounded the planet's moon. They weaved through the covering of artificial satellites. Catching their scanning drone shortly after entering smoothly into their atmosphere. Murre typed quickly. They only wanted the little bipedal creatures. Chairs, tables, and other objects would be ignored by the collection beam. That would also keep them from getting every bird, rodent, or whatever. Just the bipeds. Little lovely naturally Fordehyde producing bipeds.

They came over the group. Their technology would never see them but it was clear by their terrified reactions their eyes could clearly spot them. Murre activated the beam and within a few seconds the gathered guests and workers were collected into a large sample table on their ship. Their scared panicked sounds were strangely arousing.

"Course set for scanning pass and then on to the next planet." Grilyn said excitedly. Then his hands clapped together as he cheered, "Lets get sorting."

Murre sighed to try to keep his own excitement low. They both walked over, one to each side of the table. The little creatures huddled into the center. Murre could practically smell the fear coming off them. He was most surprised by how aroused this made him. "Ship, two bins please." He said finding his throat dry.

Two smaller tables folded up to the same level as the main table. Then containing sides rose up to make bins. He looked at Grilyn and Grilyn looked back at him. They both snickered like youths that got away with a minor misdeed. Then their hands reached in for targets. The terrified screams. The chittering helpless sounds. Oh it was almost as much of a rush as swallowing one of them into his appendix stomach was last night.

They barely had a dozen shorted out before Grilyn grabbed one of those yellow haired beauties and used a laser scalpel to slice the clothes off her. He then popped it into his mouth waist deep with its head and torso dangling past his lips. It started making appealing surprised scared sounds. "What did I say?" Murre snarled.

Grilyn hooked his fingers along its waist and slipped it out long enough to reply, "Man, I just want to know how the golden haired ones taste. Besides, it'll only give me a slight buzz as long as I don't swallow it down to my appendix. Relax. Try one." He then sucked on its long legs making it slip back between his lips to gasp appealingly some more.

Grilyn was more knowledgeable about biochemical matters. And it wouldn't be the first time they worked a boring survey with a slight buzz. He spotted the brown skinned one that really caught his eye earlier. She screamed as he grabbed her. The laser scalpel set not to cut living flesh he easily sliced the coverings off the handheld beauty. Murre caught the feet in his lips and sucked her slowly like a thick noodle. Oh that smooth skin along its lovely legs felt good slipping between his lips. He enjoyed the little pop sensation as its rump was drawn into his mouth. His tongue worked at its thighs as it struggled to hold them together. That was delicious fun. It was repeating a sound, likely a request to stop or similar statement. He liked how powerful he was to this lovely small being.

The legs parted, his tongue hooked along its privates. Murre hummed happily, he liked the rich sweet salty flavor of its sexuality. It did indeed have a different taste to the Phan looking samples from last night. He couldn't decide which he liked better however. The end of his tongue felt like it could penetrate deeper. He poked inside his dark skinned treat and she began moaning an exquisite helpless sound. He continued to orally stimulate his choice while his body warmed with a slight Fordehyde buzz.

He looked at Grilyn. His golden haired sample was holding her head with her eyes rolled back. Grilym smiled telling he found his tip could slightly enter his living treat as well. Murre lift his hand and they celebrated their luck with a grand slap. Then they went back of sorting the males from the wanted females. Murre found it hard not to remove the clothes off another attractive female and wrap his penis with it. But that would slip his Fordehyde high past his ability to work.

There they worked. Moving males to one bin while placing the females to another. They would need the bulk of them to give over to Spire Corporations. Yet they could likely keep a couple for themselves. Well, maybe four total. A variety pack, they deserved that for this gold mine discovery.

Murre was savoring the light high of his oral sample. Its moaning and gasping was a delightful addition. He also liked the scared likely pleading sounds from the ones they sorted. Even their largest and fit ones were helpless before them. But it was the attractive shaped females he enjoyed lifting more. The scream of terror as he reached for one. They're squirming in his fist. The feel of their curves as his fingers examined their bodies.

Suddenly Grilyn's oral plaything burst into what was clearly a sexual pleasure climax. And a split second after Grilyn's head tilted back like he too reached his peak. His body trembled hard Murre was worried his friend was having some sort of seizure. Grilyn began loudly happily humming like his mind was overloaded with delight. He stood like that till the female creature's climax ended then Murre watched the golden haired thing get sucked into Grilyn's mouth. There was the tell-tale Glurk sound of Grilyn's throat opening the path to his appendix and the bulge slipped down the side of Grilyn's neck. He snickered then staggered to the closest chair and sat clearly blitzed on Fordehyde.

Murre was about to pull the dark skinned beauty from his lips to yell at his partner when his selected treat arched in his mouth and bellowed something. A burst of its vaginal liquid spurted over his tongue. Then his mind suddenly was flooded with perfect happiness. Every inch of his body radiated joy. He never felt so much joy and pleasure. He had great Fordehyde highs but this was more intense. It felt like it lasted hours and not the few gathering of seconds it really was. The dark skinned treat calmed and the explosion of delight was fading. Murre had to hold onto it just a second longer. He felt the smooth skin of its torso sucked between his lips. He opened to the path to his appendix and felt the wiggling living hit get swallowed. He staggered to his seat and poured himself into it.

"Computer, play my retrospective list." Murre managed out and Grilyn's music selection started. Murre sat in a haze, wondering why last night's treat didn't hit him like todays. He snickered, it sounded like it climaxed. What if it hadn't? Or could it be the more they enjoyed the natural Fordehyde the more they absorbed it? Could the different versions of these creatures have different intensities? Oh this song was one of his favorites. His hand raised and it kept time with his nodding head. This was a great high.

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Re: System 03785

Post by Gargantuman » Sat Apr 13, 2024 4:02 pm

More please!! Haha.

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Re: System 03785

Post by HHunter1 » Sat Apr 13, 2024 4:33 pm

I will try. Glad your enjoying it.


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