That Portal

SW stories that include violence or extreme injuries etc.

DISCLAIMER: Many of the stories within are at the border of what is legal to post. Venture forth at your own Peril
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CH 09: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Thu Jun 22, 2023 10:57 pm

My chapter of the week. Hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think. If you want to support my writing the link is below. Also I've currently have commissions open.


Chapter 09: Playing Giants

"What should we do now?" Todd asked before biting into a slice of pizza.

Marshall thought for a second and confessed, "I don't know."

After they had enjoyed their newest catches they had ordered pizza. They ate the warm treat meal as they watched that office area that they had grabbed the obsidian skinned beauties from. Dropping a crust into the cage for each elf ethnic group trapped within. The black elf police cordoned off the room. Then elves in hazmat suits entered. Leave it to the elves to have body hugging hazmat suits Marshall thought. They took samples like the tan elves did when he, well his penis, visited that room on their island. They scanned about with devices as the boys continued their meal. Clearly those elves did not find anything despite the portal being active and viewing their activities. But as the two of them were getting full their show was ending.

Marshall found it odd that Todd asked, "So, you want to play some games maybe?" They had a whole planet at their comparably giant finger tips and Todd wanted to play video games.

Sure, now that Todd brought it up Marshall did want to. Still he had something tickling the back of his mind, "We need clothes for our pets."

As soon as the idea was presented Todd was all for it, "Oh, yeah. Let's grab them some sexy outfits."

Marshall knew he had been watching these elves longer than Todd but he would have thought Todd would have noticed sexy outfits were basically all these elves wore. "Yeah, we should do that." however was his reply.

"So should we go to a store on this island and just grab racks of clothes?" Todd wondered.

Marshall had a different idea, "You know, with those bracelets we can actually step back and forth through the portal."

"Wait what? You want to play giants?" Todd asked in excited surprise.

"I think I do." Marshall answered.

"Well, would we be in any danger?" Todd rightfully worried.

Marshall remembered the note his Uncle Balthazar left him the other day. He shared the information from that note, "The bracelets will warn us when the military are getting close. So we could step back here before we are in danger."

"Should we, I don't know, maybe change? I'm not exactly dressed like a giant." Todd wondered looking down at his tee and jeans.

"I think that'll be fine. I think our size is all that is required to be considered giants." He advised. Then suggested, "Bags, we'll need a bag or two that will be easy to put piles of clothes in."

"And maybe a couple more what did you call them, imps?" Todd clearly hoped.

"Elves and yes, we should grab a couple more each." Marshall really had to thank his Uncle Balthazar for this fantastic gift.

He quickly found them each a gym bag that they could hang across their body and would rest on their hip. They could leave the pockets open to place things in quickly. It would be easy to place grabbed clothes quickly into the bag's main chamber. The side pocket had enough room for a half dozen elves. Or more if they didn't care how crowded they made them.

Todd suddenly suggested, "Oh, we should wear our sneakers. You know, in case we step on something sharp."

"Good idea." Marshall agreed. Not expecting sharp things would be what they step on.

"What island?" Marshall asked, getting ready to adjust the portal's size.

"Hmm," Todd started thinking. "Oh how about some sexy brunettes. Maybe they have like a sexy Natalie Portman type. Yeah I want a sexy lady Thor."

"Well if we find one like that she's all yours my friend." Marshall said flying them to the island of Brunettes. It seemed to be day here, Marshall determined he would have to figure out which way this planet rotated he thought it would be evening. Or did he just confuse his travel directions, that was very easy using the device.

"There, is that one?" Todd asked, pointing at the portal.

"Where?" Marshall asked. He didn't see anything looking like a store and Todd's vague pointing wasn't any help.

"Go back a street, the one with the Green egg shaped building on the corner." Todd guided him. Marshall slipped back and saw that building, it looked to be some sort of restaurant. "Now, look down the street on the left. A couple of blocks up. There looks to be a D twelve shaped building right before it. Orange one." Marshall roamed the view up to the orange building with the rhombus shape to it. Sure enough there was a storefront with clothes filling the windows. The sales posters showed only female models. Did Todd luck them in finding a ladies clothes store? Marshall watched as shapely brunettes walked in and out. Yep, that was where they would get their clothes from.

The portal size was amplified to allow them to just walk through. He asked, "Did you want to go first?"

Todd looked thrilled then his polite nature must have come to him, "It's your gift. You should get to go through first."

Snapping his bracelet on Marshall suggested, "OK, I'll step through. If I can't see the portal I'll hold my hands up like this. You reach through and pull me back through. If I can see it I'll wave you in."

"Sounds good to me." Todd agreed, snapping his own bracelet on.

Marshall took a deep breath and stepped into the portal. The sun was pleasantly warm. The air seemed fresher, lighter even. He felt stronger, like gravity wasn't pulling as hard on his form. He looked down and many screaming running athletic forms were scattering from him in wonderful terror. This gave him a grand thrill. So excited he almost forgot to check the portal. There, like an open doorway was the portal. Todd looked worried on the other side. That is until Marshall waved him through.

Todd stepped through and cheered excitedly, "Man, oh man. Look at us. We're as tall as buildings."

"Speaking of." Marshall said with cruel glee. He stepped over to their target. He wondered how he was going to get the contents within. He could smash through the windows but then they would be grabbing blind. He wondered how strong the roof was. He pressed his finger and it felt to buckle like a cardboard box. He started giggling maniacally as he shoved his hands into the building and tore giant chunks out of the roof. Inside many terrified faces looked up then started to scatter towards exits away from him.

"Let me try!" Todd shouted and smashed his hands against the building. Tearing the roof off and dropping it to the side. Making many an elf maiden scream in frantic terror.

Their barrier gone, they both started just grabbing bundles of clothes. Dresses, skirts, shorts, pants, swimwear, and sleep wear went tumbling into their bags to be divided up later. Amusingly Marshall could from time to time feel squirming in the piles of clothes he grabbed. Shapely legs or screaming pretty face would poke out to fall into his bag.

A popping like sound started and Todd whimpered, "Ow, ow." Marshall looked over and a couple of little cops were shooting their pistol-like weapons at Todd's ankle. The elf offices were behind the doors of their roller car vehicle like Marshall had seen on TV shows and the like. Marshall thought that was rather brave for the little males. Todd however saw something else, a problem, "What should I do. They sting."

Marshall excitedly asked his friend, "What would a giant do?"

Todd's concern melted and a cruel smile that almost made him unrecognizable came across his face, "Oh yeah." He growled. Then turned and brought his foot down over one of the little men. Crushing his half of their police vehicle. The other dodged, screamed something then fired higher at Todd. Todd brought his other foot forward and caught the cop square. The little body went flying over the building across the street and landed somewhere several of their blocks away.

"I think we have all the clothes." Marshall announced as he dumped a few boxes from the storage area of the clothes store into his bag. They had little pictures of shirts on them so he figured that was what was in them.

Todd asked, "Now what, go back?"

Marshall suddenly worried about his friends lack of imagination. "Remember playing rampage as children?"

"Oh right, we're giants." He said walking over to the rhombus shaped building. He wiped the glass roof off the top of the building and began giggling as he reached in. Two squirming beauties were in his fist, "Its a gym." He happily announced, shoving them into the side pocket.

Marshall walked over to what was clearly an apartment building. It was slightly taller than him and he could see many elves staring in terrified disbelief at him and Todd. Smart being would have scattered, gone to the basement he told himself. But he wasn't here for their brains; he reminded himself as he reached through a picture window and grabbed a female wearing what looked like a short cocktail dress. He was amused at how soft the grass was as it shattered around his fingers.

Next to that one was a male and female. Marshall liked how her jeans hugged her hips. The male tried to step between him and his wanted target. His reward was being tossed nonchalantly over Marshall's shoulder. The female screamed helplessly all the way into his bag.

Marshall could hear sirens and was about to turn to confront the foolish authorities when a pair of cowering beauties caught his attention. They were hugging each other tightly as they watched disbelievingly at him. One was busty even for elves with long shapely legs. The other however was shorter. Though her legs looked well formed she only had a slight bosom. But what really caught Marshall's attention was how similar they looked. As he reached for the screaming pair he wondered if they were mother and daughter? Eagerly his hand wrapped the fear frozen duo as he hoped he was right. The concept of enjoying a family pairing was trilling him greatly.

He turned to see Todd crush the side of another cop vehicle. Then he bent and was chasing the partner. It took Marshall a second to realize he was after it because it was a female officer. Todd grabbed the shapely long haired thing pinched and tossed its weapon away and dropped her into his bag.

Suddenly Marshall heard a buzzing sound and felt needles stabbing into his neck. He looked over and a helicopter-like vehicle was hovering slightly off to his right and above him. It looked almost like a dragonfly with a short split tail. A long barrel was pointing out of the side door. From the marking it was part of their law force. It popped off a couple more shots bouncing off around his right eye. They were attempting to blind him. He was enraged, grabbing one of their strange cars and hurling it at the buzzing thing. The front of the helicopter device crumbled as the roller wheeled vehicle impacted and the buzzing sputtered as it plummeted to the ground behind some buildings.

"It's just cops." Todd said kicking what must have been an armored truck. It tumbled down the road and smashed into an abandoned delivery looking truck. "And they must know we want hotties as their all dudes."

Marshall scanned around him. Sure enough the scattered elves he saw that were not injured or worse were male police officers. He knew if he cracked the buildings open they would likely find shapely prizes hiding within. But he didn't want to guess where or in what buildings. He stretched up to get a better look around. Barricades, and like on Earth, fools coming to watch the disaster. "That way." He said pointing. He got such a rush at seeing the crowd noticing him pointing at them and them starting to scatter in terror.

"Right." Todd said with a growl that told Marshall he had the same sensation. He stepped onto a short building then leaped high into the air. The little building resisted the pressure only long enough for Todd to launch himself. Then it tumbled over like an unbalanced stack of books.

Marshall dashed through the parking lot of the clothing store once stood. Purposely scattering the abandoned vehicles like toys as he ran. The panicked screams of little athletic men made him cackle with cruel laughter. He turned and started up the street parallel with the one Todd landed in. As fit and long as the elves' legs were, their giant legs were faster. He bent down and pushed the police and their barricade out of his way. Tight red booty shorts in his bag, tight sky blue pleated skirt into his bag, oh a couple of maid like waitress uniforms. Both in one fist, in his bag. It was like making selections from a good box of chocolates.

"Man this is awesome!" Todd screamed. Marshall watched him smash his fist into a building and pull out what looked like three frantically screaming cheerleaders and stuff them into his bag.

"Are there more of those?" Marshall asked.

"Ahhh, yeah." Todd advised, then smashed into another part of the building and pulled out two more. "Catch." he cheered, tossing them over the block separating the two of them. Marshall knew he should have been mad. He had a real thing for cheerleaders. But it was so empowering seeing how powerless the two of them were tumbling through the air like that. He caught them much to his own surprise. They screamed as they saw him leering at them. Tight tops with very short skirts, as he would want them. In the bag they went.

"I think this is a uniform store!" Todd screamed as he started tearing at the side of that building.

"You need a hand?" Marshall asked. He could see a lot of potential in a collection of uniforms for his elves.

"No, it's fine. Just a trade show I think." He said with a handful of skimpy nurse uniforms, one with long shapely legs hanging out of them and kicking wildly. The top half was in Todd's fist. "Well split what is here." Todd said going in for more. And possibly the uniforms as well.

The police were good. That short delay to discuss Todd's discovery and they had the crowd disbursed and was back to annoying him with their little pistols and rifles. He took a dramatic step and crushed one under his foot while trying to determine his next direction. He stooped a rifle carrying one as he noticed the portal, it seemingly had followed them and was equally between him and Todd. That was handy he thought as he watched another helicopter-like device fly through it. Seems unless pulled through it didn't affect the elves. Since the flying vehicle was flying away and painted bright red and white he figured it was medical so he let it go.

He saw where some civilians were climbing into a car. Marshall grabbed the car and looked inside. Two males, two females, likely couples by how they clung to each other. He really wanted the females, their extra large and firm plump breasts heaving as they were from fear and failed retreat made him long to feel them wrapped in his curious hands. But how to get them out he wondered. Could he open the doors? He tried the tiny handle but it broke off in his pinched fingers. Marshall huffed and thought of how easy the roof of the building crumbled as he put his hands through it. He then jammed his finger through the window of the back door and hooked his finger around it. With surprising ease the metal moaned as it was torn from the vehicle. He hooked his finger about the tapper waist of that very busty beauty and pulled her screaming form from the car and eagerly put her in the side pocket of his bag.

The male in the back threw things at him as the beauty in the front wrapped a seat belt strap about her lovely torso. He again easily pierced the window and tugged the door off the side of the vehicle. The pretty thing encouraged him by screaming in lucious terror while the males attempted foolishly to attack his entering fingers. He wondered what they thought they would accomplish if bullets were bouncing harmlessly off his skin. He pinched around the seat belt device where it hooked together and squeezed it into pieces. Then took his prize from the car, tossing the unwanted thing over his shoulder like the unwanted thing it was. Then added his busty new toy into his bag.

Marshall scanned for more to pack in his bag when his bracelet began to chime. The little screen read, "Danger: Return Now!"

"Todd, time to go!" he yelled.

Todd stood from a little ways away. Seems he had emptied the uniform trade show and had found a pool. Two wet bikini clad elves wiggled in his fist as he stood, "Already?" He whined.

Marshall pointed to his bracelet saying, "Yes sadly."

"Fine." Todd sighed then bent to grab another bathing beauty before heading towards the portal. Marshall followed sad to end his giant fun but eager to examine his catches. He followed Todd through and once safe they began giggling at the results of their frankly cruel and destructive actions. "Oh man, we're leaving red splotches on your floor." Todd said noticing the remains stuck to the bottom of their shoes were tracking elf blood all about.

"Take off your shoes, we'll clean up after we see what we have." Marshall advised as he casually slipped his shoes off like they were covered in freshly mowed grass and not the crushed remains of formerly living beings. Marshall found it strangely amusing that Todd checked the bottom of his and gave a grimace look before setting them down by the portal.

"I'm going to go down to the kitchen and get us each a large tupperware to put our caught elves in while we separated them from the clothes. Do you mind setting up the game table for us to work on?" Marshall asked his friend.

"Sure thing Marshall." Todd replied heading to where the table was stored.

Marshall rushed down to the kitchen. He didn't even take his bag off. He honestly didn't think of it. He was just so excited to see what he caught in their brief outing on that miniature world. He pulled out two long containers and brought them to the room and placed them on the table before taking the bag off and placing it down beside the container he planned on using.

"It's a good thing the bracelets warned us." Todd noted setting his bag down. "Just before you got back a flight of jets flew low over the area. Look."

Marshall peered through the portal. Sure enough, just above the roofs of the taller buildings what looked like sci-fi fighter jets were flying past. Likely looking for where the giants that suddenly appeared had then disappeared to. Hand held guns didn't do more than sting like small hail. The cannons and missiles on those likely would do more than just sting. He was glad for the warning.

They sat and Todd and himself reached into the side pocket of their bags first. They both pulled out a couple elfen beauties and placed them in their containers. As Marshall reached in for some more squirming bodies he watched the two beauties. One was tall and slender yet like most elves she was still shapely. Beside her was one that was also slender but shorter. They both looked around fearfully then spotted him pulling out three more writhing elves with one hand. The first two's fear seemed to melt away and they gasped appealingly. They started chanting, he expected it was the same phase as the other elves just in their language. What was really different was their tone. Almost purr like. Hands started stripping their bodies of their tight revealing clothes. Unlike the others it didn’t seem to be out of submissive necessity. No they rolled their beautiful bodies, arched their little forms in appealingly. The gorgeous mini women looked almost possessed with a spiritual lust now that they were trapped in his world. He placed the three in his hand in, they saw the other two then him looking down and they seemed to get entranced as well and joined in.

"Oh man, oh man. Look at them." Todd gasped. He had four in his container. Two naked two soon to be. The naked pair were chanting like his but they didn't bow like the other elf races did. No, they danced, a writing and gyrating dance. They were tight to each other, limbs intertwining and grinding against each other in an erotic display. Their hands sliding over their partner's exquisite curves in an erotic showing of their partner's physical beauty. It was like they were trying to show how sexually attractive each other were to them. It had to be a trained dance as they knew how their partner was moving.

Marshall looked into his container. His two had broken into pairs and were arousingly selling each other's bodies. The odd one out was collecting the others' clothes into neat piles. Well, till she saw him looking at her directly, then she laid the clothes she had in hand down and lifted her arms above her head and rolled her body sensually as she circled to show her nakedness from every angle.

"I wonder why they act like this?" He asked looking for the busty pair so he could see them dance together.

Todd was just grabbing elf beauties out of his side pocket and noted, "I don't care, I just want to see them all dancing for me!"

His friend had a very good point. Little naked beauties chanting arousingly while they danced eroticly for his viewing pleasure was something he would enjoy as well. He found the chest heavy pair and added them. Delightfully they quickly assessed their situation and were soon stripping in an entertaining manner. He found himself delighted that despite their breasts being nearly as big as their pretty heads they didn't seem to need bras like the other elves he had caught. The odd elf gathered their clothes as they rolled curvy bodies together. Knowing their bosom was a selling point to the giant that caught them they took turns loving displaying their friends endowments. Caressing them in alluring manners.

Both Todd and himself just started emptying their pockets. Something about the display. The almost religious zealot need to display themselves as sexually desirable little pets made Marshall want to see more eroticly dancing together. He grabbed the two scared beauties from the apartments that had drawn his attention. They looked around and he again noticed how similar they looked. A familiar resemblance that made him think they might be a mother/daughter pairing. He found that idea pleasing. The smaller one's expression still looked fearful yet she started chanting. She was beautiful, shorter than the others yet her legs were still wonderfully toned. Perky small breasts were displayed under her extremely tight little crop tee.

The taller one had amazing long legs like elves do. And to Marshall's base delight she carried large plump breasts. She noticed the worried state of her likely daughter. She said something to the sexy girl elf before she started dancing around the younger one. Skilled hands began stripping her ward. A sexual display despite the smaller one's lack of participation. Seeming the taller one was trying with clear desperate determination to sell the smaller as an appealing sexual plaything. She slipped her hands up the slender torso and tossed the little tee to the side. Hands stroked offer the small breasts then the taller nodded and seemed to be indicating they would grow massive like her own some day. Then those stripping hands slid appealing down that naked chest and undid the tight little jean short on the smaller elf’s cute little rump. The taller pushed them and any panties they contained off she rolled her appealing form along the smaller elf's lovely form making the latter roll appealingly as well.

Once she had the smaller naked she encouraged it to roll and gyrate as she stripped herself around her likely daughter. The tight sleeveless shirt pulled off and massive breasts bounced and settled into place like they were nearly solid. Her tight short skirt was unzipped and she rotated her tight buttocks as she pushed her bottoms off her sloped hips. The whole time she circled the smaller in an almost sexual protective pattern. Both naked she danced with the shorter beauty. The likely younger elf clearly didn't know the erotic dance the older ones knew but Marshall still found her more innocent attempts at it appealing in a strange manner.

"Man, I can't wait to add my black elf to this dance party." Todd sighed lustfully.

It suddenly occurred to Marshall, they had too many brunettes. At least too many to add into the cage with the elves of other ethnicities. "We can't mix these in with the others." He quickly advised.

"Why?" Todd asked, looking up from his hand. Seems he could resist and grabbed a very appealing looking beauty from his catches and was eagerly admiring its fit form. From the elf’s expression, she was enjoying being admired. Or was she? Marshall wondered if the angle just gave her a sudden worried look or if Todd's attention moving off her caused her fear.

"The elves are racist, extremely. They'll kill the others." He warned his friend.

"No, I'm sure it will be fine if they see us add the others to the cage." Todd argued.

Marshall quickly walked over to the still open portal and grabbed a nearby police officer that was directing traffic from their rampage area. Then he adjusted the portal size and zipped over to the Asian's island. It was sometime at night there. That made it hard to find a group till he found a street of booming sounds. Bars Marshall thought as he pushed his hand holding the brunette cop out before the crowd. They cowered fearfully at the hovering fist, many started running. He made sure Todd could see the crowd's reaction to his hand then he gently placed the cop down so the fear frozen crowd could see. Then gently patted the male's head like he was a cared for kitten before taking his hand out of their view.

His hand was only gone a couple of seconds before the fear in the onlookers turned to clear disgust and rage. The cop showed fear for the numbers around him and pulled his side arm and began firing at the crowd. That didn't deter them even as one beside them fell over. Rocks, garbage, and anything else that could be thrown flew at the armed and firing brunette male. Food stuff caught his eyes and seemed to blind him as the crowd then rushed to jump him. One last shot was heard before the crowd around him was stomping on him. One of the crowd held his pistol-like weapon up like a trophy.

To Marshall's surprise a whirl of sound made the crowd stop and part. Two Asian-like elf cops got out of one of their style cars. "See, they're racist but they can be reasonable." Todd told his reading of what was happening now. That changed quickly as the two lifted the badly beaten brunette male and bound his hands behind him and up around a signpost in a way that forced the clearly heavily injured man to stand. Then they gleefully yelled while offering their batons like weapons to members of the hovering crowd. Allowing citizens turns wailing into the defenseless male with their weapon while openly happily laughing at his torture. "OK, so, how should we store them then?" Todd asked as the male was still being beaten to death.

"How about we mark which brunettes are ours. Maybe with a bit of ribbon or something and keep them in your cage till we figure that out. You can keep your Obsidian Elf in my cage. Yes I promise I will not touch her. She is yours." Marshall suggested returning to his seat. The naked Brunettes still danced and seeing him return took great care in again displaying to him how appealing each other were. Now however they were not paired together but in one large appealing writhing mass of sensual body salesmanship.

"I know you wouldn't." Todd said. Marshall could hear the tone of annoyance. Todd trusted him and was clearly bothered by the perceived suggestion by Marshall that that might not be.

"I just wanted to be clear. As your friend." Marshall advised looking to see if he had missed any beauties in his side pocket.

"You don't have to be with me. That was clear without you saying. As for marking the brunettes here. I think I'll just keep a few I caught. I shouldn't have too many for you to look after. I'll pick out my favorites and you can do what you want with the rest." Todd advised.

"You certain, I don't mind looking after them for you." Marshall offered.

"Yeah, I just want a small group of elves to call my own. I can only be over here so often. So it would be like they were going to waste anyway." Todd reasoned.

"OK, but when you're over if you want to catch more. Of any kind." Marshall offered.

"I know, and I will. Oh, the Asian ones I grabbed the other day. Can I have them as mine?" He requested.

"Sure." Marshall agreed. He would miss the sexy Asian-like beauties. He however knew there were plenty more where those two came from.

They had both emptied their bag's side and were delighted by the continuing erotic dance show the brunette elves were doing for them. But now they had to carefully empty the main pocket. Marshall knew he had grabbed several bodies while quickly gathering the clothes from that store. He was also fairly certain that in his excitement in grabbing beauties from the surrounding area that many had also been slipped into the main part of the bag instead of the side pocket. With careful precision he untangled one lovely little elf maiden after another from the clothes. Once added to the container their fear seemed to melt away and a delightful arousal looked to take them over. Soon they would be naked and mixing into the arousing writhing mass of sensually formed bodies.

Marshall pulled a beauty from a pile of pants. Lovely with long hair he added her to the container like he added several before her. A scream sounding of fear and shock exploded from the naked gyrating crowd. Then the busty mother and the slender daughter elves ran to the newcomer. Marshall's penis twitched hard as he realized looking at three gathering together that he hadn't caught a mother daughter pairing. No he had somehow lucked into collecting three members of the same immediate family. A sexy mother elf and her two alluring daughter elves. He knew it would be perverse but he knew he would make that trio do sexual things together. Both for his physical as well as his viewing enjoyment.

"How many did you catch?" Todd asked, looking over his container. The longing for sexual relief made his voice whine wantingly.

Marshall placed one more in his container and looked in his bag to confirm it was empty. The expedition to the elf world was prosperous. Both clothes and pleasing bodies to wear them. Not mentioning the fun of being rampaging giants for a brief time. He looked down at the whirling crowd. Carefully he counted then announced, "It looks like I grabbed twenty three."

"Oh man, I only grabbed nineteen." Todd sighed.

"We should separate the clothes now, before we get distracted." Marshall advised despite wanting to be distracted.

"Oh really. Couldn't we like, I don't know. Have a little distraction?" Todd whimpered but made a lot of sense to Marshall.

"Maybe we could place a few of our catches in our laps as we sort the clothes?" Marshall suggested.

Todd's face was a hopeful display as he asked, "Can we?"

Marshall answered by undoing his pants. Todd was soon following suit. His penis exposed Marshall first thought about the busty pairing he pulled from that little car. But his perverse instincts had his hand wrap around the mother/daughters trio. He placed them by his erection and just watched. The two younger elves flinched like the other elves from other races. The chesty mother however gave an appealing squeal like noise then pushed her girls towards the towering sexual organ. Marshall sighed happily as the mother elf directed the daughter elves to around the other side of his shaft and encouraged them to hug tight. That seemingly was all they needed as soon their less developed bodies began stimulating his manhood. The mother hugged to the closer side of his penis and used her entire body to massage his aroused girth.

"Three huh? OK." Todd said clearly not realizing the significance of Marshall's picks. Marshall looked up to Todd sorting through his catches. Two naked gorgeous beauties were already in his fist appealingly admiring each other's alluring curves. Likely Todd was selecting only ones he planned on keeping for himself.

Marshall looked down at his crotch. It was brief but he caught the mother elf peeking up at him with a worried expression. He used the edge of his vision to examine the still sexually dancing beauties. Many of them had let their expression slip while clearly thinking he was distracted. They looked worried. Whispered things to others they were grinding against. Marshall realized that they were not sexually enthralled to be in the clutches of a giant. They were just as terrified as any other breed of elf. These brunette elves just had a different plan while held enslaved by a giant. Instead of bowing submissively they stripped and displayed themselves eroticly. Their dancing looked so choreographed because it was. That was likely why the two daughters were scared and uncertain, they hadn't learned the dance. How to move and show themselves as sexually appealing pets. But why were they so willing to debase themselves before him? Why did they want to appeal to his arousal? Why were all elves so quick to submit themselves to his sexual whims?

He would consider these at a later time. Todd just put three helpless little beauties into his lap and announced, "Hmm, OK I'm ready."

Marshall found having his aroused manhood attended as he sorted the clothes helped him concentrate. The dancing in the containers stopped as the brunette elves saw they were occupied elsewhere. They gathered in an appealing pile of naked sexual bodies as they watched. Clearly thinking they had hid their fear filled nervousness from the giants. Quickly smiling and arching if they noticed Todd or himself looking over at them. Meanwhile Todd and himself piled like clothes together. Button up shirts with other button up shirts. Short skirts with other short skirts. Marshall found that them grabbing whole clothes racks when they collected clothes helped with that process.

"How should we divide the clothes?" Todd asked, admiring the skimpy nurse uniforms from his bag.

"I'm thinking we select one elf at a time and have them select ten outfits for themselves." Marshall suggested.

Todd looked over the naked beauties just on the table. "That will take a while."

Marshall offered, "I'll handle the bulk of them by myself. We'll just focus on our preferred catches. Personally I don't have to worry about my first catch as I basically emptied her apartment when I grabbed her."

"Yeah, but how will we divide them between us?" He asked.

Marshall shrugged and said, "We'll just take turns. You first as the guest. I frankly should get the most as I'll have the most bodies to dress."

"That makes sense." Todd agreed.

"I'm going to have my red haired elf go first." Marshall advised.

"My amazing black elf will be my first. Do you mind if I make each of mine take a nurse uniform?" Todd wondered.

"That's fine. May I have the cheer ones?" Marshall requested.

"What about the two elves that were wearing cheer uniforms when I grabbed them?" He inquired.

"Keep them. I'm not interested in taking clothes from an elf, just having more than one outfit for all of them." Marshall clarified.

"We should get small containers to keep the other elves from the crowd of brunettes." Todd reasoned.

"We will." Marshall confirmed.

After a while they had the clothes messily sorted about the table. "I'll go get two small containers to hold our other elves." Marshall said as he reluctantly moved the family of beauties from his lap.

"I'll pick the other brunettes I want to keep while you do that." Todd advised as he leaned over his catches. They immediately stood up and started their erotic dancing again.

"Alright." Marshall said, doing up his pants. He didn't want to walk to the kitchen with his bottoms around his ankles.

"Is six too many?" Todd asked, snatching a legged brunette from the writhing bodies.

"You caught nineteen, you can take as many of them as you want." Marshall offered.

"Yeah, but I can only come over and enjoy them a few times a week. You should have the bulk to do with as you like." Todd reasoned. Adding, "Besides with the two Asians and the Black that gives me nearly ten already."

"I suppose." Marshall said leaving the room. Nine was nearly ten for certain he thought to himself. But how many did that leave with him? His twenty three plus Todd's leftover thirteen plus his redhead, blond, and tan. Thirty nine, wow that was a lot. Oh wait he realized he had forgotten his own Black elf. Forty. And he wanted to replace the Asians for himself. A few more redheads. Tans and blondes as well. Then there was that other island group. They were dark skinned as well. He had to visit there during their day to determine their exact appearances. So many, how was he going to handle owning so many little lives?

Marshall returned to his room and gathered Todd's two Asians and Black Elf into one container and then the rest minus his first catch in another and returned to the table. Todd had clearly selected the six brunettes he wished to keep. The three in his lap. The two twisting about each other in his big container and the one in his cupped hand like a perverse smoking pipe. Her long shapely legs sticking out from his lips curled out to the sides like a bizarre mustache. Her pretty face stuck out between two of his fingers as her chest was planted arched into the upper part of his palm. The little woman-like creature moaned arousingly in a repeated pattern. Likely matching Todd's tongue's passes against her vulnerable womanhood.

Todd pulled the brunette elf out and announced, "I'm all set." Then started to bring the heavily panting beauty back to his lips. Then he moved her away and advised, "Chocolate, her pussy is like decadent sweet chocolate." Then he sucked her exposed vagina back into his kiss and she quickly started moaning again.

"Good to know." Marshall acknowledged his friend while eager to taste this decadent sweet chocolate flavor for himself. He placed Todd's pet elves beside him then placed his on his side. He was glad they were in separate containers from the brunette. The expressions and angry forward motion towards his smaller container by the much larger number of brunettes was almost frightening. He would have to keep them separate till he found a way to keep them from hurting each other.

Marshall looked through the crowd of Brunettes while undoing his pants. He found who he was looking for as he exposed his aroused penis. Nabbing the mother and daughters again he practically sprinkled them into his lap. They landed then viewed his giant looming body and the whole family squeezed themselves to his towering sexual organ making him sigh with aroused content.

Now for one to taste while they selected clothes he figured. He spotted one of the busty ones from that car and pulled her from the crowd. Holding her in a cupped hand she arched to advertise her sensual curves. He easily hooked a thumb around one of her shapely legs and his pinky about the other and made them spread wide. She was clearly confused. Then he started her towards his lips as he found his tongue moistening them repeatedly. An expression of fear formed on her lovely little face. She pressed and rolled those breasts that first drew his eyes as she chanted at him. As she got closer that chant started sounding more and more frantic. He hooked his lips over her vulnerable sensitive area. Interrupting the scared sounding chanting with a firm lick. Not giving her time to think he tasted again. Then a deeper firmer taste. The sensitive sides to her sexual area spilt and she started purring arousingly as her body seemed to arch of its own accord.

Marshall pulled his living pipe from his mouth and suggested, "OK Todd, why don't you start." Then sucked that brunette's sweet vagina back in his mouth. Todd was right, this was like those expensive chocolates his Uncle Balthazar would bring home with him.

"OK." Todd said as his sexy pipe actually whimpered. Seems she was enjoying being suckled. He pulled out his Obsidian skinned elf and placed her by the piles of clothes. "How do I tell he to pick ten outfits?" He asked a very important question.

Marshall had no idea. He popped his busty treat from his lips and suggested. "Hold your hands out with your fingers out then tug at your shirt." Before greedily sucking her back in his mouth. He was savoring her purring sound as much as her sweet flavor and wanted to get back to enjoying both.

"OK." Todd said then sucked his brunette into his mouth. Held out his hands with fingers spread then tugged at his shirt. The black skin beauty watched this and started stripping her clothes off. Todd shook his hands and she cowered. He then showed her ten fingers and she began bowing. He huffed about the dangling moaning brunette. The black elf took this as him being mad and sat on her legs making pleading sounds as her hands waved about before her. She was clearly deeply confused. Looked to get an idea. He grabbed a nurse's uniform and placed it before her. Then made a circle over the piles of clothes then showed ten fingers. The magically dark skinned beauty pointed to the outfit before her and waved her hand towards the piles of clothes then showed ten fingers back. Todd nodded. And to Marshall relief the gorgeous elf got to her feet and stood in a cowering stance but began rushing about collecting ten outfits from the piles. Clearly knowing she had to include a nurse's uniform in her selections.

Todd's first finished he gathered her and her clothed into his container. Marshall pulled his red haired beauty from his container. She pointed about and held up ten fingers. Seems she was watching the earlier exchange. Marshall nodded pointing one finger up then directing it to the pile of cheer uniforms. The red head amusingly slumped her shoulders and sighed loudly. This made Marshall wonder if she had a past with cheerleaders. She went there first to select her uniform before starting about the other piles of clothes to select outfits she liked for herself.

What Marshall thought would take hours was proceeding quite quickly. Todd's tiny beauties knew they had to select a nurse's uniform among their ten picks and Marshall's knew to grab a cheer uniform. The elves were so scared to annoy either of them that they ran looking for their choices. Marshall could see the one that hadn't been selected yet were looking at the piles from their containers. Likely selecting clothes from the piles in order to speed their time as the giant's focus.

Marshall wasn't even bored. It would have been hard to with that family of female elves worshiping his erection or the busty tasty beauty breathlessly purring in his mouth. He curled the fingers in his holding hand over that luscious form to play with her firm mounds. He was amazed at how they defied gravity. Large plump breasts sticking up appealingly off the elf's chest. He liked how her alert nipples felt under the pads of his admiring fingers.

It wasn't long till Todd was complete. Nine took less time than forty after all. He sighed and wondered, "With only six do you think it would be safe to mix them?"

"I wouldn't risk it." Marshall advised. Offering, "Maybe you should put the rest of the nurse uniforms aside for future catches."

"Really, thanks." Todd said, collecting the remaining skimpy white skirt dresses.

"Tired?" Marshall asked.

"Yeah, long day." Todd confirmed.

"Why not just take your brunettes and go to bed." Marshall suggested.

"I was hoping to make my ebony beauty make out with one of my sexy Oriental ones." He confessed.

Marshall decided to not share what happened when he did a similar experiment. He figured Todd would enjoy that surprise. "I didn't look in the drawers under my cage. Maybe there are dividers." He suggested.

"OK, I'll look." Todd said, placing his oral toy into the brunette container. Marshall found it amusing that Todd simply pulled his underwear up over his penis and the three elves that were attempting to pleasure his giant manhood. Their helpless scared screams as the fabric closed over them tickled Marshall’s mind in a twisted way. The muffled screams as Todd did his pants up over them was just as delightful.

Todd pulled out one of the drawers under Marshall's cage and announced, "There are dividers."

Leave it to Uncle Balthazar to think of everything Marshall thought as he suggested, "Why don't you take yours to your room and head to bed."

"You sure?" Todd asked. He was a good friend.

"Yeah. I'm going to bed soon." Marshall confessed. Explaining, "I'll get the rest of these to pick out clothes tomorrow."

"Thanks man. You're the best." Todd said coming over to grab his containers.

"Won't you need dividers?" Marshall asked not noticing any in his friend's hands.

"If I know your seemingly magic uncle there are some already there." Todd said, then walked towards the door saying "Good night." As he was passing through it.

"Good night." Marshall answered back.

He realized how tired he was now. He placed his treat into the crowded container. He realized she would have to be one of the first to pick clothes tomorrow. He found it amusing that he had favorites out of a crowd of impossibly gorgeous little elves. But he did.

Speaking of he thought pulling the busty mother from his lap and placing her on the table. He pressed the elf woman's lovely daughters to his erection as started stroking their helpless bodies along it. He knew it was twisted in a way but knowing he was making a mother watch him pleasure himself with both her daughters aroused him. It was likely what prompted them to among his favorites. Being able to indulge sexually with an entire family of gorgeous little women. Elves or not. The girl elves began this helpless whimpering sounds as he massaged his manhood with their helpless bodies making him hum happily. He loved that the mother couldn't stay in character. She wanted to appear sensual to his eyes but her eyes couldn’t stop looking at his groin and showing fear and worry. He wondered cruelly if this was her daughter's first sexual experience.

He stood and pointed his tip at the busty elf woman's face and snapped his fingers. She nodded and arched appealingly to balance on the bobbing end and began licking at his giant sexual organ. What was going through that little woman's head as she submitted to him he wondered. Was she worried about the coming blasts of semen all over her pretty face and busty chest? Was her fears for her daughters being eroticly used by a giant as he greedily molested their lovely forms along his hardened manhood. How massive his penis must seem to her. Thicker than her shapely body and twice her height easily.

Marshall loved his dominance over these small beings. He loved how they couldn't stop him from admiring their arousingly built bodies. How they cowered in his presence. Their helplessness to his slightest whims. Most of all how using their small sensual forms made his induced climaxes so much more intense.

Thick spray spattered into the mother elf's open mouthed face. Her beauty soon masked in his pleasure generated release. The repeated bursts of semen smoothed her and soaked her gravity defiant breasts. Oozing all over her well formed body. Her daughters gasped an appealing sound as his shaft trembled each pump of his fluids. He was like a god to these little beings and now she was awash in his blessings.

He sat down and placed the panting daughters before their semen soaked mother. They looked at their parent with pity. He snapped his fingers and they jumped and looked at him all timid and fear filled. He pointed at their mother and his liquid leavings. The mother said something and waved them over with hurried motions. They rushed over and she directed their pretty faces to her semen dripping breasts. He openly laughed with great delight as the daughters started suckling his reproductive fluid off their own mother's massive breasts. They would do incestuous things to avoid even a moment of his wrath and he delighted in his new found power.

He could have watched that family lick his semen up for hours if he wasn't so tired. He pulled up his underwear and kicked his pants off. He stood leaving the ejaculant feast happening as he walked over and got some pajamas to dress in. Then over to the cages. Todd was right, there were divider walls. They were extremely easy to install and he was able to parse the cage so both the brunette and the other elves could access showers, washrooms, and food without interacting.

He walked over and grabbed the family of women and put them in with the other brunettes then carried both containers over to the cage and with a touch of cruelty poured them into their areas of their cages. Making sure he placed them in the right parts he nodded and closed the cage doors. He'd need the containers for tomorrow so he wiped out the brunette one as some of his semen had wiped off the mother to its surfaces. Then he cleaned up where she had been on the table.

Quick trip to his bathroom had him ready for bed. Tomorrow he would permit the rest of the brunettes to have clothes. Maybe he would replace the Asian's Todd requested for himself. So many options for another worldly powerful giant he mused to himself as he shut off the lights for bed.

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Re: That Portal

Post by Nicodemus » Fri Jun 23, 2023 6:02 am

As a pervert, I do enjoy when younger boys can fully explore their desires with helpless, little playthings. :evil:

Oh yes, boys will be boys. Do carry on!
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Re: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Fri Jun 23, 2023 12:11 pm

Yes its always fun when your strange Uncle gets you a trans dimensional device that allows you to access action figure sized people.

Glad your enjoying the story.


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Re: That Portal

Post by DrivenHand » Tue Jun 27, 2023 6:10 pm

This story is great! This chapter was especially great with the introduction of the mother/daughter trio. Looking forward to the next chapter.

Keep it up!

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Re: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Tue Jun 27, 2023 6:49 pm

Thanks for the comment. Glad your enjoying it. I thought some people might like the family trio. I do plan on writing more. Honestly a little stuck on what to do in the next chapter. The one after that I know what I want, but the space of time before that one I'm blanking on. But that happens.

PS: Link below if you can and want to support my writing. Previews, members only story, blah blah blah.

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Re: That Portal

Post by randomguywhosthere » Wed Jul 19, 2023 12:07 pm

Just caught up to the most recent chapter, loving it so far! My mind tends to go wild when I fixate on stuff like this so I'm just going to get all my thoughts down here.

Before deciding to fully give it a read, I skimmed through a few parts and initially thought it seemed a bit repetitive, but upon actually reading the whole way through I really like all the different scenarios so far. The whole concept is elevated by all the implied intricacies of this other, tiny world, and our protagonist slowly learning about the origin of the "elves" while simultaneously using his discoveries to squeeze maximum pleasure out of them.
Especially liking all the varying reactions of the different cultures to encountering signs of giants, and the rather comical extent their inherit racism towards each other is, even nearly overpowering their fear of giants.

This most recent chapter is definitely a peak in the escalation so far, especially with Marshall coming to the realization of "wait, what am I even going to do with so many elves?" I am in great anticipation of what sorts of activities he and his friend might get up to once their pets become more "disposable..." Personally, I'm hoping for vore, as I've enjoyed the vore content you've made in the past. It feels like the story has been hinting at that with the elves clearly being afraid of that specific fate, that one scene where Marshall's growling stomach frightens them, and even the fact that multiple chapters ended with him and Todd being hungry after playing with their elves.
Also, as DrivenHand commented, I do like the family group of elves. I have a bit of a thing for younger tinies and I like the detail of them being inexperienced with the giant-praising rituals of their race. A bit surprising no other kids/younger elves got caught during Marshal and Todd's rampage.

If I have any nit-picks, its the scenes during the rampage where Marshal and Todd crush the police officers attacking them. It felt a little jarring that the actual act of crushing or the violent fates of the elves they kicked/threw around was kept super vague through the whole scene. I didn't even realize they hurt anyone until after they escaped and the blood on their shoes was mentioned.

Lastly, addressing some things you said in other comments:
You asked readers for ideas on the ages of the protagonists, and no one replied. Personally, based on the events of the 9 chapters so far, late teens in college seems like the most appropriate age category for them to fit in for both their level of maturity and whatever these "classes" are that were mentioned a few times.

As you said you were stumped for what to do next chapter, some ideas assuming its a sort of filler chapter:
1. Marshal brings one or more elves into the shower with him, using them to pleasure himself while also cleaning himself off and the elves.
2. Going to sleep with an elf in bed with him or tangled in his clothes.
3. Trapping elves inside underwear/socks and then doing something casual like watching a movie/playing video games.
4. Bringing some elves to the dinner table for a meal and tormenting them by mixing them in with the food.
5. Some licking/mawplay to intentionally torment the elves as that seems to be what freaks them out the most.
Even if you don't outright use any of these ideas I hope they at the very least provide the creative spark to continue this great series!

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Re: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Wed Jul 19, 2023 9:57 pm

Wow, thanks for your comment. I just got back from work so I'm a little tired. Sorry if my reply isn't as thought out as your kind message was. 😁

I'm thrilled your enjoying this much. It is a fun story to poke around in. The chance to build different cultures to our world's own. The different race's reactions. I also been kicking around the idea of exploring their cultures a little more. Maybe have Marshall watch them a little more. Things I'll keep in mind I guess.🤔

Sorry I wasn't clearer on what was happening during the boy's rampage. I was focused on their excited rushed nature. How they were hurrying to do things. I hadn't thought about explaining the aftermath of their more violent actions. I'll try to think of that when they rampage again. (I was going to write if they rampage, but we all know those boys are going to at some point so why not be completely honest about it. 😛)

Thanks for the suggestions. I can't say I'll use them, they are all very interesting ideas. I could very well use them all. But even if I don't, I can see them influencing other ideas. Like how someone saying a certain phrase will get a song stuck in your head. (Or is that only me that happens too?) 😁

Older teens seem a good age for the boys. Marshall uses classes instead of school due to his pseudo intellectual personality I'm using for him. Same reason he doesn't use slang terms for body parts. (I hope I didn't slip up on that one.) He's the type of kid that would use the British Maths instead of just saying math. Which leads to, why didn't they grab more teen-like elf maidens? I tend to use teen SW/tiny characters a lot. I was trying to not include as many in this story. If that's what reader want, more teen elves, let me know. Otherwise Marshall and Todd will likely mostly collect more mature elf ladies. 🤔

Hope that answered your questions, if not you know how to contact me. Thanks again,
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Re: That Portal

Post by anaio10 » Wed Jul 26, 2023 12:19 pm

Your rampage scene was great, I hope the guys go out and have fun like that more often.

As for the type of toys captured, variety is the spice of life, I guess they have a handful of mature and teenage girls to choose from. The important thing is to have a good time with them.

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Re: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Wed Jul 26, 2023 11:35 pm

I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was fun to write.

Yes the boys will enjoy their pets no matter what islands they are from.



Re: That Portal

Post by Shurashulgin » Fri Sep 01, 2023 4:33 am

This is one of my favorite posts/stories on shrunken woman. It's just so good

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Re: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Fri Sep 01, 2023 2:05 pm

Thanks for the encouragement. I'm glad your enjoying the story. I hope I can continue to entertain you in the future.


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Re: That Portal

Post by Nicodemus » Thu Sep 07, 2023 8:56 am

Personally, I enjoy the cruelty and violence. :twisted:
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Re: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Thu Sep 07, 2023 3:08 pm

Good to know. Thanks for your input.


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Re: That Portal

Post by Nicodemus » Thu Sep 07, 2023 7:41 pm

My pleasure.

Now, be about updating your stories! :twisted:
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Re: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Thu Sep 07, 2023 8:21 pm

Sorry about that. Summer heat and change of job position has messed with my writing mind a little. So my focus has been on my Coffee page story. (Link Below.) Hopefully the cooler seasons will get me typing more in the future. Thanks for encouraging me. 😁


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Re: That Portal

Post by Nicodemus » Sat Sep 09, 2023 2:00 am

Real life can be such a bother. :lol:
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Re: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Sat Sep 09, 2023 2:14 am

I know, stupid life. Needing to eat and bills. Why can't I just write my naughty stories all day in comfort. 😛


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CH 10: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Sun Apr 21, 2024 4:58 pm

See, I didn't forget this story. I hope you enjoy this addition. Please let me know what you think.


Lunch with Uncle Balthazar

Marshall got out of bed and went to the bathroom. He entered the room and wandered near the cage of elves. The crowd of brunettes that were awake began dancing like they had the night before. Gyrating along each other in sensual ways. Displaying not just their bodies but their dance partner's bodies too. Chanting their version of the repeated phrase at him in pleasing tones. The other shaded elves that were awake dropped to their knees and began bowing towards him. They chanted in their various languages. Showing their arousing submission to his greater power. Marshall drank it all in. Savoring it like one might enjoy a sweet treat. He liked lording over these smaller gorgeous creatures.

He popped open a cage door and they all flinched at the pinging sound. They might pretend to like having him admire their bodies or surrendering to his giant size yet they all were frightened to be in his grasp. Helpless to do anything but attempt to please this otherworldly titan.

He grabbed the red haired beauty. She gave off an appealing whimper as his fingers snatched her from the cage floor. He turned his hand so she could sit safely as he opened his fingers. That crimson hair and the speckling of pin sized freckles gave her a strange appeal. He smiled as she looked directly at him. He had forgotten she had been wearing glasses when he grabbed her from that world. He wondered if she had been hiding them to look more appealing or to protect them from being broken. He liked how they framed her little pretty face. The round lens on her softly rounded features gave her an educated look. Like a young teacher or maybe a librarian aide. He liked that.

He walked over to his bed and sat down. Relaxing he stroked her cheek with the ridge of his finger. She gasped fearfully. He snickered, it reminded him of scenes between King Kong and whatever blonde actress he was carrying in that version of the movie. His red haired elf wore just a button up shirt and panties that just covered the elf maiden's sexual areas. He stroked her cleavage. So soft and smooth. She was trembling ever so slightly. Her bosom was heaving from her scared deep breaths. He pinched the shirt at the slightly open neckline and gave it a tug. The top button opened and she gave off a delicious whimper. So he tugged again. Another scared sound aroused him.

He popped a third and the wonderful freckled breasts were exposed to his view. He let go of the shirt and reached a couple fingers towards their nipple tips. The pretty nerd elf reclined, pulling her arms back submissively. His touch found her breasts and she gasped in a worrisome tone. Then he began rolling his finger tips in circles. This started her gasping repeatedly. Frightened, yes. But also clearly getting so arousal from being physically admired by a giant. Her little head rolled about. Clearly uncomfortable looking at the towering being admiring her chest yet unable to look away for long. Marshall could feel her little nipples raising from her breasts, to him a sure sign of her enjoyment no matter how much it disturbed her.

Marshall didn't know how long he sat there stroking those well formed firm breasts. His prize elf's gasps had slipped from fearfully aroused to submissively aroused. She now stared directly up at his face. Her full lips parted sensually. Her cheeks had an erotic glow to them. She seemed to be fighting the urge to arch up against his touching. her legs and feet stroked at his holding palm. As scared as the elves were of his power, they melted under gentle attention.

Marshall stopped massaging his pet's chest and she actually whimpered a sad sound. He tugged to his shirt and jerked his thumb away. The crimson haired mini beauty nodded and undid the last couple buttons and rolled her sexual body out of the shirt. She dropped it out of his hand. Not under his direct affection the fear was slipping back onto her face. She reached down nervously and rolled her high cut panties off her perfectly rounded backside and dropped them out of his hand. She reached up for her glasses and he commanded, "No." Then shook his finger at her. He figured it was the disapproving hand signal and not his verbal command but she stopped and lowered her arms back submissively allowing his uninterrupted view of her gorgeous elf body.

He reached down and stroked along her leg. The muscles were well formed and trembling fearfully. He traced along her well tapering hip and as she flinched defensively then cowered, likely thinking such reactions would bring punishment. They didn't, Marshall liked when they reacted timidly to his touches. He liked the acknowledgement of his power over them. He rolled his touch over her breasts, circling the still pointing nipple. She surrendered a whimper to her giant owner. Then he stroked her cheek, she moved away from the touch with a scared expression.

Marshall hooked her face and aimed it to look directly up at his smiling face. Then he reached down and began massaging her breasts again. She whimpered with wonderful worrisome tones. His thumb slipped up between her sculpted thighs and though her legs parted easily her body still recoiled to his coming touch. Still he did find her smooth sexuality. He began grinding his thumb pad against her hairless vagina and she began humming in scared arousal. She wanted to look away yet knew he wanted her looking right up at him as he had his giant way with her helpless little form.

Marshall soon felt moisture gathering under his stroking thumb. As scared his pretty red haired elf might be she was also aroused by the giant's attention. He flipped her over and slipped hips between his fingers on the holding hand. He turned his hand so she was looking right at him. Her little hands reached back and almost seemed to be affectionately stroking the fingers holding her in place. No Marshall realized she was fearfully looking for a way to escape his hold.

His other hand stroked her firm buttocks cheeks, making her small perfect body pump with his motion. She looked at him with worry and pleading. Then he slipped his pinky up between those desirable thighs. Her pretty brown eyes went wide with shock and terror as the tip of his smallest finger found her damp womanhood. He now stroked that along her sensitive area. Her hips rolled as best they could pinned between two giant fingers. She sang little ah sounds that aroused him greatly. Then he pressed inside. Her eyes rolled back as he penetrated and a clearly aroused "Oh!" sound purred from her.

Marshall gently began wiggling his pinky in and out of his pretty red haired elf. She sighed a little ah sound with each penetrating motion. He could see the confusion on her face. She couldn't stop being terrified of the giant but she also couldn't resist the sensations that powerful being was working into her body.

Animal instincts won out. Her body curved between his fingers to bring her buttocks up higher. This pose stuck her speckled firm breasts out towards his admiring eyes. She held her position with little hands braced against the bottom knuckle of his holding fingers. The positioning made it easier to penetrate her deeper so Marshall gave her that reward. She was practically growling in pleasure that soon roared with her climax.

She came down from her sexual high but was still being eroticly stimulated so his redheaded pretty elf just panted hard with arousing tones. "Like that, don't you little thing?" Marshall asked. It looked at him in confusion. No she had no idea what his language was, just he was a mighty giant and she was nothing more to him than a sexual toy.

He raised her to his mouth. She saw his open maw and began her chanting again mixed with penetrated grunts. "Oh I just want a taste." He advised more for his amusement than her comfort. He collected her firm jiggling breasts in his lips and softly began suckling them. The crimson topped elf moaned loudly. His tongue got into the fun stroking the tips of her breasts, polishing her alert nipples with its studded tip. She purred the most alluring sounds. Her head nuzzled at the side of his nose. Her hair amusingly had a sweet cinnamon like scent. Her little hands stroked the skin on his face. She exploded again rambling something in her chirping whistled adorable language. Marshall couldn't say for certain but he thought she kissed those full lips to the side of his nose passionately.

He reclined to relax on his bed. Continuing to suckling and penetrating his red locked beauty. Pleasure was driving the elf maiden wild. Nuzzling and stroking her giant master's face. She rambled incoherently as he used his dominance of her tiny form to force sexual pleasure into her. He worked her into erotic peaks of aroused delight till she seemed nearly unconscious.

He stopped and laid her on a pillow. She didn't cower or tremble. No she just laid there breathing hard with eyes half closed and unfocused. Marshall pulled off his shirt and laid her on his chest. His hand began softly stroking her form. She didn't react, in fact to his amusement she seemed to actually doze off on his warm skin. His amusement expended, he considered gathering another gorgeous elf to eroticly torment. Maybe force to pleasure him. Instead he grabbed his tablet and worked on a report that was due later in the week.

Marshall had worked on his report for a while before there was a knock on his door. "Come in." He advised.

Todd entered. "Man, I don't want to go home. I woke up, had some fun with those elf ladies, and then watched them drink the results off each other. I like being a giant."

"Yes, it is a rush." Marshall advised setting down his tablet.

"You really like that one huh?" Todd asked, pointing to Marshall's red haired elf.

"Yes, I think this one is my favorite." He agreed. Cupping his hand over the sleeping mini beauty so she didn't tumble while he was sitting up.

Todd started, "I think my black elf is my favorite. I put her, well you don't want to know."

Marshal did want to know in a way. But also, no he didn't. The strange comfortable state they had while sexually enjoying the elf maidens was strange to him. Yet, fine in those moments. "Did you want to do something? Play a game? Explore that other world some more?"

"Actually, I have to get going. I guess my parents have plans to visit my grandparents this afternoon. So I have to go get cleaned up and ready for that." Todd said with some regret. Likely he wanted to experience more of that magical world Uncle Balthazar's device allowed them to access. "You will make sure my elves get fed right?"

"Of course." Marshall agreed even though he was certain it was his uncle feeding his pets for him.

"Thank man, you're the best." Todd replied.

"You're welcome." Marshall advised.

A knock on Marshall's door frame startled both of them. Waking his crimson haired elf which settled right into her submissive bowing and chanting. "Hello boys, enjoying the portal accessor I see." Came a familiar voice.

"Uncle Balthazar, your home." Marshall cheered, he didn't get to spend as much time with his guardian as he would have liked.

"For the day Mars. But tomorrow I have more traveling to do." Uncle Balthazar advised.

"Hello Mr. Knavery." Todd greeted Uncle Balthazar.

"You can call me Ball Todd, I promise it's not a sin." Uncle Balthazar repeated his simple request.

"Sorry Mr. Knavery. My parents insist. Speaking of, I have to get going." Todd replied.

"OK, well sorry we don't have you here for longer. Would you be back from your grandparent's place to come over for supper? I'm making a special dish tonight." Uncle Balthazar offered.

Todd shook his head and said sadly, "I can't tonight sorry."

"Well maybe another night." Uncle Balthazar noted with a knowing tone.

"Well, talk to you later Marshall?" Todd asked.

"Yes, call. I can tell you what I learned about that other world." Marshall advised his friend.

Todd left and Uncle Balthazar asked, "I have a few minutes. Did you want to play a few games with your road wary uncle?"

Marshall accepted, "Sure, let me put her away."

"Naa, bring her. Let her watch." Uncle Balthazar requested.

"OK." Marshall said, carrying his red haired mini beauty.

They went down to the main room of the house. The living room, if Marshall and his uncle spent much time in this area of the house. Marshall placed the naked elf maiden on the coffee table while his uncle started up the game system. The wall sized TV started and the cartoony racing characters appeared making the little elf woman cringe. They began racing and the tracks zipped along blurring the colors at the edges of their screen.

Marshall wasn't watching his pet. Certain the table's height would keep her contained. It wasn't till the second race started that he noticed her standing and staring. Her head tilted to one side. She looked transfixed by the motion blur. It was confusing for Marshall. He knew the elves had a form of television, why would their version lock her mind like that. He added this to his list of things to test with his other elf maiden breeds.

They play several games. Marshall was delighted. He loved spending time with his uncle. Basically the last of his family. The man that raised him the last few years despite always being out on the road. Marshall could never think of a time he received discipline from this man. Yet he also felt Uncle Balthazar taught him how to behave properly. How a man is supposed to be.

Uncle Balthazar stood and sighed as if he was reluctant to say, "Well I guess we should have some lunch."

"Did you want a hand?" Marshall asked.

"No, I want lunch to be a surprise. Why don't you race a little more." His Uncle suggested. Then wandered towards his own bedroom and not the kitchen.

Marshall played some more though he was distracted by how transfixed the miniature red haired beauty became, especially when the race was going. He had an idea. He grabbed his pet. She gave off whimpers but couldn't seem to focus as her little face stayed pointed towards the giant screen. He looked about and not seeing his Uncle Balthazar he exposed himself. He slipped her between his body and his penis. Then he sighed. The freckled beauty hugged tight to his manhood. Moved to look around his girth. Then slowly she rolled herself against his sexuality, making cute sigh sounds as she began tasting him. That made him sigh again.

Savoring the sensations in his lap Marshall started the next race, and he was glad he did. As his racer sped up, so did his lap elf. Her legs reached around his manhood and pumped frantically. She pressed her breasts tight into his penis and rubbed them delightfully. He could even feel her little nipples pointed firmly as these actions were as arousing for her as for him. Her full lips suckled his sensitive skin almost lovingly. It was wonderfully distracting. The game gave off an almost whistle-like sound when he completed his race. And at that point the crimson topped elf arched seemed to slip into a sudden and intense climax. It was short and then his pretty penis hugger went back to being mesmerized, slowly grinding her alluring body and delivering lingering licks.

Marshal did poorly racing while distracted as he was. Still he quickly started another race. The same erotic reaction happened. Hypnotized by the giant's game his favorite pet went wild while staring wide eyes at the wall sized screen. He was curious how she would react to him playing other games, but not enough in this moment to stop racing.

The sensations got too much for Marshall and when he finished his latest race he put down his controller and wrapped his elf maiden around to the bottom edge of his penis. For the first time she struggled, attempting and failing to turn about and stare at the towering screen. Her wiggling however added an additional delight to stroking her lovely body along his stiffened manhood. Even her grunts of effort added to his pleasure. He wasn't long after so much stimulation. He covered his urethra with her mouth and allowed a few blasts of semen to fill her throat before allowing her torso free. The redhead doll arched backward to watch the screen. This allowed his semen to spatter all over her freckled breasts. It looked wonderfully erotic. As her breasts were soaked in his sexual release she made humming happy sounds as she smacked on and swallowed what he deposited in her mouth.

Marshall sat and just watched his favorite miniature beauty. She showed amazing flexibility as she was practically bent in half backward to watch the colored images. After swallowing all the semen in her mouth she started mindlessly pushing the globs on her face over her soft full lips into her mouth. Those sensual lips had become glazed with his released pleasure and she would slowly, almost suggestively licked her pillowy lips clean. Humming the whole while like she savored each taste of his semen.

The redhead mostly cleaned his drippings off her face and reached blindly and scooped a glob off her pushed out firm breasts. As she sucked his semen off her little dainty fingers her other hand played with the nipple on that side. And as the first hand was sucked clean she scooped a fresh glob off that breast and the freshly licked hand played with the nipple on its side.

"OK, clean yourself up for lunch." Uncle Balthazar called from the hall.

Marshall worried his Uncle might have discovered him pleasuring himself with the red hair elf. That would be embarrassing, he thought as he shut off the TV. This broke the spell on his freckled pet and she made her thoughts on eating giant semen known as she grimaced in heavy disgust and made a matching gagging-like sound. Then spotting him she clearly became deeply concerned and began force feeding herself his semen and forcing a smile and enjoyment sounds.

He wiped his tip clean with her amazing lower body then did up his pants. He walked to his room and placed her in his elf cage and walked to his bathroom to wash up.

Marshall came back into his room and realized he placed the redhead on the wrong side of the dividers. He noted he had to be careful not to do that again. She was fine, the brunettes were helping her to their showers. But if he placed the blonde or tan skinned one in there they may have killed them. The question of why the redheads were so protected confused him, but he left that linger. Lunch was ready and he was hungry.

He found his Uncle Balthazar in the dining room. He sat at the end of the giant table on one side. A lidded pater was on the opposite side for Marshall. It would have been ridiculous for him to sit at the far end of the table after all.

Uncle Balthazar smiled at him and advised, "You're going to love this exotic treat." The man that raised Marshall lifted the lid on his lunch. A fair sized bowl of rice, two dipping bowls, one of what looked to be soya sauce the other possibly hot sauce. But it was the large tall rimmed clear glass bowl that made Marshall gasp. Inside looked to be a dozen or so naked well formed women frantically attempting to climb out of the smooth walled cage.

Marshall watched in shock as Uncle Balthazar grabbed his chopsticks and hummed, "This is going to taste so good." Then grabbed a blonde tiny woman about her waist. Despite her struggles his uncle held her and with practiced ease dipped the wailing beauty into the red sauce. It screamed in pain as he raised it to his lips and grabbed over its head and shoulders before sucking its entire body into his mouth. His mouth moved about as he hummed happily over the muffled screams inside his mouth. Then as if to show Marshall the little thing was still alive and intact he opened his mouth. Marshall could see a little hand frantically stretching towards the light of safety. Then Uncle Balthazar closed his mouth, made a swirled action with his jaw and hummed deeply as he swallowed. Marshall watched in disbelief as a large bulge slipped down his uncle's throat. "So delicious." Uncle Balthazar sighed afterward.

"You ate an elf?" Marshall gasped.

"A what?" his uncle replied.

Marshall frantically explained, "An elf, like the ones the portal device you gave me gives me access to."

"Oh no." Uncle Balthazar stated before explaining, "All the souls in that dimension are yours to enjoy as you wish. These are from a few dimensions over. Take a look."

They sure looked like elves. Long sculpted legs and firm well formed breasts. Then he noticed their faces, no nose instead they seemed to have a ridge down the middle of their faces like a fish. Webbing between their fingers and toes. Gills along their necks flared as they panicked though they seem to have no issue breathing the air around them.

His Uncle must have seen his realization as he explained, "These are amphibious micros. Water elves I guess you would call them. If you like them I can input the dimensional setting for your own planet with them. They are so much fun in a nice warm bath, though the hot tub is hard on their systems."

Marshall gasped, "But you're eating them?"

"Yes, they are delicious. Their fear and helplessness is so sweet. You should try one." Was his Uncle's reply.

"Isn't that cruel?" Marshall asked, poking a crying brunette with a chopstick.

"Possibly." Uncle Balthazar started, "But they are incredibly nutritious. All the beings in the smaller dimensions are. Eating these will fulfill most of our vitamin needs for the day. Besides that, the rush is incredible. Feeling a life trapped in your mouth struggling to live. Then their terror wiggles as they slip down your throat. Best part, these smaller beings are acid resistant and need so little oxygen that you feel them squirming inside you for an hour. The rice will help lengthen that."

This was a touch much for Marshall. Eating something alive then savoring as his digestive system slowly killed them inside his body. Then something else his Uncle said made him question, "Smaller dimensions, does that means there are larger dimensions?"

His Uncle Balthazar snickered and answered, "Yes, but don't worry about them. We've put in a devil of an effort to make sure they will never be able to access our plane of existence."

"Well that's good." Marshall noted looking into the tall ridged bowl. The group of water elves clearly pleading with him for their very lives.

"Go ahead, try one. You'll love that favor and savor them struggling inside you as you absorb their living souls." Marshall's Uncle insisted.

Marshall steadied his chopsticks. Then reaches in and grabs a brunette aquatic elf. She begins frantically begging as soon as he pinches the polished utensils along her hips. He moves the pleading thing and dips her in the soya sauce. It struggles to pull the chop sticks off her hips as he's reaching her toward his lips.

Marshall tasted the saltiness of the sauce as he grabbed the pleasingly shaped creature with his lips. He is surprised at how smoothly she slides into his mouth with a slight suction. Marshall has it trapped on his tongue. The shapeliness of his first choice feels amazing wiggling on his tongue. The soya sauce snaps off its smooth skin. The creature itself seemed to radiate a savory sweet flavor. Marshall was surprised how delicious it tasted. It's different from the sweet favor of his elf's fearful reactions. It's as if the creature knew she's about to be swallowed alive as opposed to his pets only fear that they may be.

Marshall stopped groping the Water Elf and started turning it about. Aiming its head towards the back of his throat. Its struggles washed the sweet savory flavor with the salty soya sauce wonderfully. As hard as she fought, she couldn't stop him from pushing her head and shoulders over his esophagus. Swallowing her easier then he would have thought possible. As that arousingly formed body slipped down to his stomach his penis began pointing up hard. The power of devouring a living sensually shaped being was an arousing rush of power. Almost as thrilling was feeling her struggling to find an escape. Breathing the likely heavily thick gasses. His acids slowly nibbling at her perfect smooth skin. Amusing to him, Marshall could almost hear her frantic screams for help from within his belly.

"How was it?" Uncle Balthazar asks in a knowing tone.

"Arousingly delicious." Marshall confesses.

His Uncle grabs a dark skinned Water Elf and suggests, "Try one with the hot sauce."

Marshall reached down and grabbed a blonde water elf. She barks sounds of panic at him. He smears her face first into the red sauce. Coating her features and those well formed breasts. It whimpers with its eyes clenched hard in pain. He is strangely delighted at how the red sauce stains her golden hair.

He sucks her into his mouth. The little woman-like being struggled blindly inside. Marshall's tongue gleefully examines the body about to be added to his stomach. The skin like the others was smooth and soft. The breasts were plump and firm. The legs are long and shapely. She likely would have been enjoyable to fondle and massage his manhood with, but that wasn't going to be her fate.

He noticed the flavors generated from her delicious skin lessened how the sauce burned his tongue while retaining its sharp taste. A strong pepper flavor that paired perfectly to her terror dripping sweetness. He wasn't sure which he preferred, the soya or the hot sauces. Luckily for Marshall he had several scrumptious shapely frightened Water Elves to compare the tastes on.

As she was blinded by the burning red sauce Marshall found her easy to position with his tongue. He attempted to swallow her slowly. She slipped down the back of his throat and descended his esophagus at an alluring pace. He rubbed his belly as she slipped within. Her squirming joined the first devoured aquatic elf. Faint or imagined cries echoed up within his body. He patted his stomach and he thought they gave off a sharp helpless yelp.

He looked over the remaining lunch elves. A couple looked black. A couple appeared Asian. Another blonde and brunette. Then two redheads. A special lunch with his Uncle for certain. Really Uncle Balthazar had caught him a feast of tasty little bodies to enjoy. He sipped the wine his Uncle poured him. Seems a white wine with a slightly tart flavor goes best with Water Elf. Likely a vintage of some value, Uncle Balthazar wasn't a fan of cheap alcohol.

He noticed his Uncle Balthazar added a blonde Water Elf to his glass. Being partial Marshall added a red head. His Uncle lifted his glass and said, "Cheers." Marshall tapped his glass to his Uncle's then watched as the man put the glass to his lips and downed the contents including the elf. Swallowing the screaming creature right away.

Marshall didn't want to be rude to the man that basically raised him. The crimson haired water elf’s scream aroused him as he touched the glass to his lips. Tilting his head back the liquid pulled the shapely little thing into his mouth. Despite its frantically waving arms he had no issue swallowing her. The wine rushed her down his throat. That and the fact he didn't get to savor her flavor off her curves made this his less preferred way to devour elves.

Uncle Balthazar added an Asian Water Elf to his glass and poured his wine over its head. Then as Marshall added his other redhead to his Uncle Balthazar suggested, "Lets just sip around these ones."

"Sounds good." Marshall agreed, sipping his drink. He could practically smell the fear coming off the trapped wonderfully shaped creature.

His Uncle grabbed one of his red heads and dipped her legs into his hot sauce as he suggested, "Maybe next time I'll grab us a few mini Mermaids for lunch." Then grabbed the redhead's shapely legs and sucked her into his mouth that way.

Marshall grabbed a Water Elf that looked Asian to him and dunked her legs in the soya sauce while asking, "Mermaids? How do you serve them? Like this?" Then he sucked the black haired beauty into his mouth by her legs. There was an interesting additional thrill to her screaming into the room as he pulled her over his tongue. He took great delight fondling her more slender form with his tongue as he worked her head to the back of his mouth. Gaining extra time tasting her as she struggled and failed to resist.

As Marshall tasted his morsel into position his Uncle swallowed his choice and answered, "You can, though they are a touch harsh on the throat. I prefer them slow fried with a little garlic and butter. Oh you should hear them scream as they cook. And the way they flop and arch in the pan is beautiful. Or, you can descale their tails and use them as sushi filler. Always start chopping the rolls from the tail, that seasons the flesh better with their fear. Eat them that way too, the rolls become tastier as you're going."

Marshall swallowed his latest Water Elf, he didn't want to. Her slender form tasted so good dipped in soya sauce. But he had a question, and he couldn't speak with his mouth full. He giggled as her kicking legs running down the inside of his chest tickled him. Catching his breath he asked, "There are Mermaids, what else exists?"

Uncle Balthazar gave an amused chuckle and answered, "Oh yes. There are all kinds of souls in different dimensions. Soon I'll get you access to your own Mermaid dimension, also an Avialan one as well. Oh I should cook you up some rotisserie Aviation. Once you finish your schooling I'll bring you into the family business."

Marshall remembered his father had stepped away from that same business and his mother would often become uncomfortable when it was mentioned. To this day Marshall honestly didn't know what the business even did. But it got his Uncle Balthazar such a large house and access to fun dimensional portal devices so it must be fairly good. So he said, "That would be great."

"Eat up." His Uncle suggested. Then shoved a red haired Water Elf in his hot sauce then shoved her flailing form into his mouth.

"Thanks Uncle Balthazar." Marshall said then grabbed one of the black aquatic elf and smeared its buttocks in his hot sauce. He folded her at her waist as he forced the screaming fit creature into his mouth. There was just something delicious about fondling the shapely body he was planning to swallow alive. The power he had over them was satisfying. The female creature squirmed and wailed while his tongue pushed her about easily. He could even give her breasts their last sloppy admiring. He then massaged her wonderfully rounded bottom. Hooking up between her toned thighs. There must have been grinding along her vagina as she started giving delightful fearful aroused gasps. And just as the womanly creature was forced into a confused climax he pushed her down his throat.

Uncle Balthazar then advised, "Eat some of the rice. It will absorb some of your acids and allow you to savor the Aquarians squirming longer."

"OK." Marshall said, wondering if that was true. But if his Uncle said he would get to enjoy those wiggling sensations in his belly longer. The sensations of their spectacular bodies being absorbed into his body. The faint cries for help that will never arrive. He wondered what they thought as the bits of chewed jasmine rice rained all over them. This was such a thrilling lunch.

He only ate a third of the rice as he wanted to space it out. He grabbed his other brunette Water Elf. She rattled a few repeated sounds, likely a pleading statement. Carefully he smeared her shapely form with the red pepper sauce. He lifted her up and lowered her into his mouth. she kicked and screamed the whole way in. He grabbed with his lips then sucked her inside. Man they all had such wonderfully shaped bodies like regular elves. Their skin was silky on his tongue like his pet's skin. Was this the fate his elves hoped to avoid by being so compliant? Was that why they dropped and bowed so wonderfully? Is that why the brunettes stripped and danced arousingly like they did? He swallowed this brunette Water Elf he thrilled in the erotic rush of power.

Such a rush he hungered for another. The last blonde swatted helplessly at his chopsticks as he grabbed her. He wondered if she would be harder to swallow as she was a very busty Amphibious Elf. She screamed with tears flowing as he dipped those firm mounds into the soya sauce and swirled her to get them well saturated.

Marshall lifted her up and stroked her ample breasts with his tongue. She made begging sobs as he teased her. She fought as he easily slid her completely in his mouth. He rolled her about to stroke her well formed curves with his tongue. She squirmed and struggled helplessly against the might of his giant mouth. Feeling he's savored the sweet salty combo of her skin and soya sauce long enough. He swallowed her and loved the sensation of her large breasts rolling down the inside of his throat.

Marshall sipped his wine making his crimson haired drink elf yelp perfectly. He hoped the wine would lighten his stomach as he was starting to feel full but still had the last three water elves left to savor. He did consider that wouldn't work since the weight was six living squirming little lives. He placed his glass down and the contained redhead seemed relieved. Since that didn't work he chose to nibble another third of his rice. The faint terror screams emitting from his belly was strangely arousing. Filling him with a rush of power.

He next grabbed the last black style water elf. She struggled to push his pearled chopsticks from her hips. Since he had so much left, Marshall simply dropped her in the bowl. He chuckled as she attempted to escape the bowl. He nipped a limb, ankle first. Then a wrist. Forcing her to flop or roll about the hot sauce. The whole time he couldn't resist chuckling. This lovely shaped aquatic beauty screamed and cried out. Streaks making her cheeks but if the tears were from fear or the burning sensation of the sauce Marshall couldn't tell.

Uncle Balthazar cheered him on, "See, that's how weak all those souls are. Yours to do as you want. Enjoy them anyway you would like."

Marshall nabbed the writhing dark skinned beauty he made a cheer motion and agreed, "Mine to enjoy."

Uncle Balthazar also cheered back advising, "Yes they are."

Marshall lifted the wiggling shapely being to his wide open mouth. She waved about but he was certain she couldn't see past the red sauce as she made swimming motions that if worked would have brought her closer to his teeth lined cave. She realized quickly when he dropped her whole on his tongue. Not that she had time to escape as his lips sealed her in. He danced his tongue along her toned lovely form. The extra hot sauce actually tingled on his tongue. Still her sweet skin kept the burning from being uncomfortable. Marshall found he particularly liked the sensation of stoking his tongue along her fit legs. They were smooth and toned while their favor almost sparked sweeter than her other appealing features. Not that he neglected to resample her other alluring parts. Sadly however, after only a few moments of tasting she slumped and began laying still. Likely surrendering to her apparent fate, so Marshall proved those thoughts. Pushing her to the back of his throat to swallow her alive. That brought her back to life well too late.

Uncle Balthazar then asked his normal question before he went on another business trip, "Is there anything you need before I go? Money?"

Marshall nibbled some of the last of his rice, glad to have extra time to decide on which of his last two living morsels would he swallow next. His bank account was already well filled thanks to his generous Uncle. "I am good. Thank you Uncle Balthazar."

"If anything comes to mind feel free to text me." His uncle unnecessarily explained. Not that Marshall ever had to text for a need, or even a large want. Uncle Balthazar always seemed to know before Marshall did. No if he ever texted his uncle when he was away was only to thank or convey exciting news.

Still he told his guardian, "I will," while he chose to eat the Asian water elf next. Marshall lifted her with his chopsticks and she just went limp. He shook her worried that she died. He didn't know if she'd still be good to eat or not if she had passed. She whimpered pitifully. So he dumped her in the soya sauce where she curled into a fetal position. As he rolled her about he asked, "What's her problem? She's not even struggling."

Uncle Balthazar chuckled before explaining, "These elves are different from the elves from the dimension I gave you. They are more sociable, friendlier with each other. Right before I served them up the whole group of them were frolicking in the tank I was holding them in. Likely she's given up since you've eaten all of her new friends."

Marshall was living so high on his new power that all he could think to respond was, "Oh, is that all." He lifted the slender built aquatic lovely and wrapped his lips over her head and grabbed her shoulders. He can feel her trembling as he slowly sucks her delicious form into his mouth. He strokes her thighs apart and teases her soft little slit. He smiled as he could hear his taunting having an effect. She knew her fate yet his giant tongue still awoke a resisted arousal. She whimpered while moaning helplessly. Marshall tortures her into a pitiful climax, her last. Her soft shaped form was easily swallowed and her cries and wiggling joined the other six devoured living tiny women.

Uncle Balthazar smiled and advised, "That's my boy."

Marshall lifted his glass still containing his last redhead. He holds it toward his uncle and says, "Thank you for this glorious meal."

His uncle lifted his glass and tapped it making his last morsel whimper loudly and he responded, "Welcome to your new world." They downed their wine and their last helpless beautiful bodied treat.

Marshall received another glass of wine to savor while he rained chewed rice onto the eight struggling crying forms in his stomach. His Uncle Balthazar has a confident smile as he nibbles the last of his white jasmine grains. He notes, "Once you're done with your schooling I'll introduce you to our business."

"I'm looking forward to it," He says to his guardian.

His uncle points out, "You still need to get top grades. You can't get lazy just because you'll have a good job waiting."

He nodded in agreement, "I will. The better I'm educated the better I will be at whatever our family business is."

To which his Uncle Balthazar agreed with, "Knowledge is power."

When dinner was complete Uncle Balthazar collected the dishes and dismissed Marshall to work on his assignments. His stomach still held trapped struggling miniature women-like beings. Their muffled helpless cries were thrilling him. He would work on his schooling, but that didn't mean he couldn't stimulate his erection while he did so.

He stepped up to his caged elves. The brunettes did their erotic dancing, dragging the red haired beauty to the center of the group. He still didn't know what made redheads so special on their world but these brunettes sure wanted her displayed as they not only grinded to her alluring body but also stripped her to her clear surprise. He was tempted, there were plenty of enjoyable bodies with gorgeous faces on that side of the cage. But he instead opened the side with the scattered mix of ethnicities. He pushed his first catch and when she looked up he pulled at his shirt and pointed away. Within seconds her erotic tiny form was naked. He scooped her up and shut the cage.

He walked over to his bed and laid down. He dropped her on his stomach then reached for his waist. She looked confused as she rose to all fours. Then she nervously lowered her head near his stomach and her expression told him she knew what he had done. She didn't tremble in fear, she was vibrating. His adjusting to expose himself made her look behind herself. The tan beauty saw his erection laying along his body. He softly laughed as his first beauty staggered and crawled towards his manhood while he made himself comfortable. She frantically climbed up on his penis. The shapely elf wrapped tight to his sexual organ, her mouth suckling and kissing at his sensitive tip. Her terror made her body lustful, rolling and pumping vigorously. Happy to have her body used and not eaten.

Marshall grabbed his tablet. But the sensations in his body made him lay it on his chest. The wiggling of living food in his stomach. Their weight made him happily full. Their soft trapped cries were strangely relaxing. The strain in his penis being massaged by one frantic gorgeous elf maiden. He felt powerful. He felt warmly aroused. He closed his eyes to savor this intense relaxed state. He surrendered to that comfortable state.

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Re: That Portal

Post by Nicodemus » Thu Apr 25, 2024 1:36 am

A most interesting turn!
"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."

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Re: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Thu Apr 25, 2024 2:09 am

I know, I don't do much Vore. So is it a good interesting or bad interesting?

Thanks for your comment,

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CH 11: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Sun May 05, 2024 9:58 pm

Hey guys, hope your doing well. Here is another chapter. Just to self promote a second, this has been up on my coffee site for a more then a week at this point for members of Green status and higher. So if you'd like previews and access to a member's only story please join.
That done, I hope you enjoy. Please let me know what you think,

Chapter 11: Saturday Night Elven Fun

Marshall was surprised. He hadn't intended to take a nap but clearly since he was waking up he must have slipped into slumber. Seems a stomach full of little physical beauties helplessly screaming for escape was more relaxing then he would have thought. His Uncle Balthazar must have come in and checked on him as he was now covered in a blanket. More interesting was that he could feel his first elven catch still laying on his penis. 

He lifted the blanket to look down at her. She was curled on her side along his relaxed sexual organ. Her little hands folded under her gorgeous face while her head was pillowed by the ridge along the tip of his manhood. She looked quite adorable sleeping on his penis. The situation struck him as erotic and he could feel that translating to blood filling his length. He was only slightly aroused when the elven maid shuttered awake. She felt along his shaft. Noticing his phallic was stiffening she wrapped herself to the girth and started grinding her shapely form to him. He could hear her making little humming sounds as she started licking at the domed end. She vigorously massaged his member with her entire body. Marshall figured she was likely fearful that she'd end up in his stomach if she didn't.

He dropped the blanket and just savored the sensations her perfect little body was giving him. He knew that when a man sleeps his penis will at times become erect. That made him wonder if that happened during his nap. Did she doze off laying along his length only to awaken to the signs of erection and begin attempting to pleasure the giant that stole her from her world? Did she fear he would just reach down and devour her if she didn't? Marshall thought that was amusing, like he would eat his first elven trophy. Besides she laid on his genitals, that wouldn't be hygienic. 

Still, he was hungry. A twisted thought occurred to him. She was safe, but he had others. Sure his red haired favorite wouldn't be on the menu. Or his limited caged Asians. But he had a large collection of brunettes from the earlier rampage in their world. The busty pair from the car and the family of three he would want to keep. But others were just faceless extras. Sure they were gorgeous, most of those little elves were. But they hadn't made a connection in his mind. He could easily satisfy his grumbling stomach while not touching a remembered elven beauty.

No, that wouldn't be right, his moral self told him. Though he couldn't say if it was the tan elf's luscious body that had gotten him so hard or the thoughts of shoving a stunning brown haired beauty into his mouth to swallow them alive. Afterall Uncle Balthazar said they were his to enjoy as he wanted. And it wasn't like there was a limited amount. Billions filled that strange little world awaiting another visit from him. His Uncle also pointed out that they were filled with many needed vitamins his body required. Maybe just one?

He pulled his underwear up over his crotch, trapping his company along his trembling hard erection. She continued to work his penis with her impossibly fit curvy form. He threw off the blanket and rolled his legs off the bed. Standing had pinned the tan elf maiden under his manhood and still she pumped her body. The weight must have been intense but she still bucked hard against it. Those long shapely legs of her stroking along his girth sent a delightful sensation to his brain. 

He looked over at his cage to see new additions to his room. A smaller cage and a fish tank. Little shapely beauties swam and played in their limited area. Lucky for them he wasn't interested in sea food at the moment. Still a curious memory came to him. They were, as his Uncle said, friendlier then his elves. So friendly that several were curled along each other. No, he realized that those aquatic elves were not playing as they swam about they were dodging from one beauty to another to touch and kiss. A couple were more intimate then that. He walked over and they swam and splashed about making dolphin-like sounds at him. He wondered if they would have been as happy to see him if they knew he had eaten some of their kind earlier.

There was a note on the small cage. He pulled it off while wondering what the little islands in the aqua elf tank were for. The note read, "Sorry kid, had to leave earlier then I had planned. I installed a smaller cage for the "elves'' you catch only for experiments. I also left the leftover aqua "elves" from lunch for you to study as you like. I added their world to your portal projector, all yours to enjoy. Just be careful if you visit, make sure you are on an island. If you need anything, text me. See you soon, Uncle Balthazar. Again, sorry I had to leave so soon.”

Marshall nodded at the swimming fish faced beauties. As he walked over to his caged elves he dipped his fingers in the water. The Aqua elves oddly had no fear of him and his giant size. Swimming up and nuzzling or kissing his finger tips. He wondered how many predators they had back on their watery home world. 

He stood before the cage. The brunettes upon seeing him started their erotic dancing. He looked down his nose at them and tugged his shirt and pointed away. Seems his signal was clear as they began stripping each other in arousing ways. As he wondered how quickly they would strip is they knew a few of them were about to be his supper. Such thoughts made his penis bounce on its company while his tongue moistened his lips in anticipation. He knew the idea was cruel and frankly twisted yet he also knew he couldn't resist at least trying one. He noted where the car partners were and the motherly one with what he thought likely were her daughters. He didn't want to accidently snack on a special elven maiden.

As the brunette unwittingly stripped each other for possible dinner he looked over his other beauties. The redhead was surrounded by the gyrating brunettes, the other luscious black bowed and chanted by the gym equipment, the curvy blond was near the food area, but there were no Asians. Then he remembered the pair went to Todd's collection. Now he had something to do after he had his beautiful snack, get his own Asian elf maiden. Or Maidens, his uncle did say they were all his to play with. 

He popped open the brunette side of the massive cage. He could see the fear in all their eyes as they continued to eroticly dance together. A short haired one caught his eye. To say she was less attractive than the others was a lie. She was stunning. But in a crowd of beauties she didn't stand out as any more beautiful. He lifted her and she attempted to look alluring. Curving her form while arching her firm breasts out at him. He was aroused alright, but by a newly found kink. She attempted to give him a sensual smile as he licked his lips. But Marshall could see her terror and that made his mouth water. 

She made the slightest fearful sound as he stuffed her into his mouth. Her shapely legs danged out his lips waving about slowly. She clearly was still hopeful this was another erotic play as she spread her arms and rolled her delicious breast against his wet tongue. She curled her legs alluringly as she rubbed all over his tongue, nuzzling her pretty face against it. Her skin was a sweet and savory delicacy. He stroked her smooth womanhood with the tip of his tongue just long enough to tease her aroused chocolate taste onto his tongue. From the sounds inside his mouth she was quite convinced he was just savoring some oral play. His manhood twitched hard over the tan beauty when the silly little faceless brunette screamed as the tongue that had been tantalizing her suddenly shoved her down his throat. 

The others made all kinds of delicious scared noises as they realized he had eaten one of them. Even the other ethnic elves were frightened to see an enemy elf eaten by the giant holding them captive. She wiggled all the way down into his stomach. He smiled at the other brunette elves as he savored the feeling of the first beauty squirming and screaming inside his body. To his amusement the aqua elves still swam near him but instead of fearful sounds they made confused sounds.

He reached his hand in over the brunettes again. They attempted to continue sensually dancing but their fear was clearly throwing off their rhythms. It was even more of an influence when he held his open hand over them. He wiggled his fingers so none of them would realize who was next. Marshall actually didn't know either. What stunning tiny beauty wasn't as interesting to him? What one would taste best to suck on for a moment before he swallowed them alive? A busty one he figured Todd must have caught as Marshall didn't remember nabbing her. 

He looked at the chest bountiful choice. He realized they were there just grabbing he might have grabbed this one and just didn't notice. As he stroked his tongue up her naked front he noted he had already selected three quite endowed brunettes to keep. He really didn't need a fourth. She made a loud yip sound as he stuffed her upper half into his mouth. Her legs scissor kicked as his tongue slathered over those hefty mounds. He couldn't resist humming happily. Elf maiden skin was both wonderfully smooth to lick and delicious sweet to suckle. She was a little more certain of her fate than the first, attempting to brace her little hands between his teeth while using her best assets to stroke his tongue. The sexual sensations made her fear taste more delicious. He played with her toned legs a little to see if that would trick her into relaxing her arms. They stayed firm in their pitiful position. He found her struggles so erotic as he shoved her to the back of his throat. All her effort to survive was hardly noticed as he swallowed her. The smoothness of her elven skin made her slide down amazingly easily to her fate.

He licked his lips as she wiggled down his torso. Another helpless being screaming in his stomach. Gorgeous beyond approach now writhing inside him. He wasn't as hungry now. He could have stopped and been satisfied. But what was that old saying, things happen in threes. He reached in and grabbed one quickly. She screamed a begging tone at him as he opened his hand. He was about to suck her in his mouth when his eyes raced along her legs. Long and shapely like all his other catches. But they had a quality he liked. He wasn't sure what it was about these legs particularly but Marshall couldn't stop admiring them. This one wouldn't be eaten tonight.

He was about to put her back. In fact she was so close she was making thankful sounds between submissive kisses to his holding fingers. Then she yelped with erotic fear as he pulled her back out. He had a strange thought, how friendly were the aquatic elves. He held her over the tank and simply dropped her in. She screamed as she dropped. She only splashed about a few seconds before the eight swimming beautiful shapes surrounded her. She was soon on one of the little islands. She sneered at the strange arrow shaped faces. She especially glared at the ones without brown hair. Marshall laughed as the aquatic elves made clicking sounds at each other as they climbed up on the island and circled the leggy brunette. Seems the water based elves had little sense of personal space as they moved in tight to their new comer. Even the brunette's attempts to push them away only generated what sounded like giggles. Then a blond swimmer pulled her down onto the fake ground, The other water elves took this as an invite, In an arousing display they spread the brunette's long legs and pinned her arms back. As she made struggling sounds the water elves made aroused sounds as they latched mouths over sensual body parts. Tongues tasted their victor's legs and breasts. Kisses were forced upon her. A black water elf dug her tongue into the exposed vagina and after a moment popped up exclaiming excitedly. This started a rotation of water elves sampling the trapped brunette's womanhood. They were quite happy with their unwilling guest. 

As the sounds of rape sang from his new fish tank Marshall looked over the remaining brunettes. He aimed his hand for an unremarkable otherworldly beauty. In a different situation he would have cherished this gorgeous morsel. Long toned legs, well formed firm breasts, a face like an angel and still not the right combination to avoid becoming his supper. This one he slipped in feet first up to her breasts. Within seconds his tongue split her legs and nuzzled her smooth little spot. Even after watching him eat two others before her she still couldn't resist the sensations. Her body rolled along with each taste he gave her. Her little hands that should have been frantically looking for something to hold onto for dear life were instead stroking his chin affectionately. Her sculpted legs stroked along his tongue in an almost affectionate manner. Her own chocolate fluids of arousal soaking his tongue. He suckled on her till she climaxed. A quick folding of his tongue to push her legs together and he swallowed her while she was still roaring in erotic passion. Somewhere down his chest he could hear those roars of passion become screams of helpless terror.

Marshall nodded to himself, that was enough. Well, for now. He reached to close the gate when he had a fun idea, He grabbed one of the busty car elves. She whimpered arousingly in terror as he folded her legs and slipped them into his mouth. He could hardly notice her clawing little hands into his skin in a desperate attempt to resist him swallowing her alive. She had no fear, this other worldly giant selected her as one he would keep as a pet. But he had no way to tell her that. And honestly Marshall likely wouldn't have as he found their helpless fear arousing. He pushed his tongue between those shapely legs like the morsel before her. Her gasps at each firm stroke of his tongue was at first heavily toned with fear. Despite what he had done just a moment ago this beauty was soon moaning eroticly. As she screamed in a passionate forced climax he closed the gate to the cage.

He walked past the orgy-like rape still happening in his aquatic elf tank to reach the controls on his portal device, Marshall's oral companion was now so lost to her giant induced pleasure that her hands no longer clung and instead stroked his holding bottom lip almost lovingly. Her curvy body rolled like waves before a storm. He didn't even need to lick, her hips were grinding her harder then he was tasting her. Trapped in his underwear the tan beauty still affectionately massaged his larger penis with her own gorgeous body. He briefly wondered if she knew what he just did. It didn't matter, she was doing as he wanted.

Sitting in the chair he turned on the device. A new nob was on the control board. Currently it had two settings that were helpfully labeled, Elves and Aquatic. Marshall wondered what the unlabeled ones would be. But since the knob didn't go past Aquatic he figured it didn't currently matter. He set the device on elf as his plan was to get a new Asian looking version for his personal collection. Maybe two, they were only small after all. He snorted at his own joke as he zipped over to where he thought that island was. 

The land he arrived at wasn't the Asian one. The buildings were square, almost imposing. He approached slowly like the elves here could threaten him. This was a new island, the cars here were more blockish. The elves were uniformed, even the children. Their features and darker skin tones made him think Middle Eastern or possibly Indian. He slowly wandered his view along to get a better look at their society. No one looked unhappy. They smiled like the other elf races. They seemed to have the same instincts for exercise and active play. They had parks, stores, and even street vendors. Just everything seems squared off, regulated. Something disturbingly familiar made him uncomfortable. Then he saw what he was certain was two police officers talking to a young boy. The cut of their gray uniforms triggered what this island made him think of. And even if they didn't, the bright red arm band on their left arms would have. Sure the symbol in the white circle was different. But the x shape with the limbs curved in a counter clockwise direction was close enough. 

Marshall was about to leave, the symbols and symbolism made him uncomfortable. But then he stopped and wondered, why? The whole world was racist why did these particular racist elves bother him any more than the Asian-like or Black-like ones? These elves still had shapely gorgeous females. They still wore tight and/or revealing clothes. Many were wearing both tight and revealing uniforms. He made himself feel better by thinking his pleasurable abuse of one of their women was a kind of revenge for the horrors of his world's history. First he'd have to just find the right stunning Indian-like plaything to take.

He found what seemed like a police station. Possible it was just a government building, he couldn't read these elf's language any more than any other. I slipped his view inside. Soon he found a female that appealed to him. She was bent over her desk speaking on what must be their version of a phone. Her long, dark tan legs poured out of her tight and very short dull gray skirt, Her super tight suit jacket had a logo on the left side, likely indicating her station. The shirt underneath the jacket was clearly designed to advertise as much of her smooth cleavage as possible without showing her nipples. In Fact it was so open Marshall could see the lacey black bra cupping her firm pea sized breasts. Her long black hair was in a tight bun high on her head that gave her a stern teacher's air. Marshall decided that she soon would be the one receiving lessons from him.

He moved behind her. Slowly he reached while his eyes admired how the material of her stretched skirt teased the firm cheeks of her bottom. As his hand coiled her sensual shaped body he expected alluring screams of terror. She screamed alright, but in shocking rage. She rambled angry in her chirping whistled language while she slammed her phone as hard as she could into his top finger, if she was a touch bigger the pain might have actually been effective. She pulled open a drawer right before he pulled that fighting dark tan beauty into his world. Curiosity made him look, in the drawer was a revolver. It would have been a large weapon in elven hands.

He dropped her on the table beside him. Popped the gasping brunette from his lips and commanded firmly and loudly, "Stop!" while pointing his free hand at her menacingly. He knew she wouldn't know the word but hoped the tone combined with his threatening pose would get his intent though. She answered by quickly getting to her feet, shouting what he assumed was obscenities, and whipping her little phone at his face. It arched down and hit his chest, hardly moving his shirt. Not that cooled her any as she was now pulling off one of her very high heels. He blocked that projectile and pinned her face up under his hand. She just kept struggling and snarling gibberish at him. Marshall found her pointless fury arousing. She was just as helpless as the others, but she would go down fighting. 

He placed the exhausted brunette down and his new catch snarled something in her direction. Marshall shifted his hold. He was disappointed to lose her top, but tearing the front open was thrilling. That display of power didn't cool her rage. She simply punched at his fingers. He pinned her arms back and lowered his mouth. She was struggling hard and he still easily sucked both her firm breasts into his mouth. Snarled sounds rang from her as he started tasting her warm smooth skin. He liked how it felt as her chest wiggled viciously while he squished both breasts with his giant tongue. Rolling licks triggered nipples to rise but did nothing to quiet her angry resistance.

He lifted his mouth and she almost sounded mocking as she barked more sounds at him. The mocking tone was gone when he shredded her tight skirt with ease. He folded her shapely legs wide despite her vigorous kicking. He held her toned legs with one hand while snapping her little lacy black panties. He was certain she was cursing him to their version of hell as he latched his mouth over her exposed womanhood. Seems having a giant tongue digging into her vagina didn't stop her impossible rage. Sure her words soon had a more of a breathy edge to them, but they were still angry. He cupped his little fighter in his hand and sat back in his seat. Even in this dangerous perch she fought. Slamming little fists into his face. His chuckling as he continued suckling her sensitive area clearly didn't help her accept her new position. She just kept trying to fight even as his oral assault was having a clear effect. Her climax even seemed more a defeated howl to sexual release.

Marshall continued savoring his new pet as she continued to try to fight his enjoyment. Though she was losing steam, her blows were more stroked then slammed into his skin. He was certain her words were the same, just now they held less venom. They held more of a breathless pleasure. He loved how she looked wearing tattered clothes while hooked in his lips. His hand wrapped her torso and rolled her breasts despite her weakly attempting to push his fingers away. He liked how her beautiful face held an expression of shame and uncontrolled arousal. Amusingly he found this Indian elf maiden's aroused fluids tasted like vanilla.

He reached his hand into his underwear. His first elven maid surrendered as he caged his grip around her. She made no effort to resist as he stroked that desired body along her erection. He could faintly hear her submissive grunts as he used her entire body to pleasure himself. He didn't mind her lack of fight, actually he was quite happy having a variety of reactions.

The angry passion sounds from his newest pet combined well with the sensations his first catch's body was generating along his sexual organ. Encouraged greatly by the trapped pointlessly begging beauties being slowly digested alive. Marshall knew he would soon ejaculate. He pulled the Indian themed elven maid and rolled her on the nearby little table. She gained her wits and adjusted herself into a sitting position just as Marshall had stood and exposed himself and his stimulating beauty. He loved the angry disbelieving expression on the dark tan beauty's face when she saw the giant penis pointed right at her. A glob of thick white fluid splattered all over her face and nearly knocked her over. He continued to pump the lighter tan elf maiden hoping to get every drop of semen out to soak his angry new plaything. This Indian elf was infuriated to be drenched in his release as she continued to snarl while he soaked her.

Marshall admired the aftermath. The new elf maiden sat in a disgusted pose snarling in her chirping whistling sounds. He enjoyed that his first pet still attempted to grind herself against the shaft of his manhood, likely still hoping to endear herself to the giant that she knew had eaten other elf maidens alive. He was amused as he knew she had nothing to fear, he cherished his first impossibly gorgeous pet. Still he did savor the sensation of her frantic wiggling misunderstanding. So much so he simply pulled his underwear up and petted the trapped elven beauty within.

He grabbed the sputtering semen soaked new catch. He walked past the tank, amused that the Aquatic elves were still entertaining themselves with the body of the leggy brunette. Four snuggled in the shallow water around the island while four still writhed and suckled the brunette. Her appealing sounds were no longer anger struggles and were now defeated gasps. Oddly as enjoyable as it was to eat aquatic elves earlier, he now wanted more to create more such erotic scenes. He opened the other side of his cage and dumped the Indian-like elf inside. Then laughed as the blonde reluctantly reached to help her new cage mate to the showers only for the angry newcomer to swipe vicious at her and fling semen into that yellow haired beauty's face. 

Marshall hoped the pointlessly angry being would be less hostile if the red head was there. He cherished the scream the brunettes made when he reopened their side of the cage. They frantically started their sensual dance. When they saw his hand going for the redhead they crowded about her in what looked like a defensive circle. Still he was a giant and easily pushed through and grabbed his favorite curious catch. He switched her to the other side beside the soaked dark tan pet. He was relieved as the new catch saw the crimson hair and surrendered to the freckled beauty's help. From her tone the Indian themed elf maiden was complaining vigorously about her new situation.

He closed the mixed side of the cage. And was about to close the brunette side when he nabbed an unnoteworthy one by her ankles and delighted in dragging her shapely naked body along the floor. She attempted to appeal to his sexual desires by posing suggestively. Marshall amusingly thought that sadly for her he had just been satisfied in that manner. He lifted her up and dangled her by her ankles over his open mouth. Her scream as he dropped her made his relaxed penis tingle slightly. Her writhing eroticly shaped form on his tongue made him consider he could be re-excited with little effort. In fact feeling her curves slipping down into his throat awoken his penis slightly. He concentrated on how that body felt as his esophagus pulled her to her doom. How her struggles mixed with the early still writhing beautiful snacks. The faint arousing sounds of their unanswered pleads for help. He was almost a god to them and he enjoyed being a cruel one. Hungry both literally and sexually for their incredibly gorgeous forms. 

Marshall however reminded himself he needed to get some class work done. He slipped his first catch into the safer side of his big cage. Then he realized there would be the effort of switching the unwanted brunettes over to the smaller cage later. Also he couldn't forget he wanted his own Asian elf to play with. He closed the cage for now and went to clean up and fetch a drink. He would get some milk as that would lower the acid levels in his stomach so he could savor the four living snacks a little while longer as he worked on his project.

He returned with his drink and a snack of vegetables. He believed his Uncle when he said elves of different varieties held most of the nutrients he would need. But since he didn't know what ones they didn't provide and the fact they would be mostly meat he guessed that vegetables would provide what they lacked. He sat at the portal controls and snickered at his forgetfulness. It still projected at the office that once held that Indian-like beauty now showering in his cage. The officials of her island were taking samples and talking to another dark tan skinned beauty. Amusingly they strapped yellow tape across the wall where he had reached through. But since they couldn't reach through from their side it was just an X across the portal. He wondered how they even knew where he reached from? But when the pretty witness pointed as she spoke this explained that to Marshall's acceptance.

Thanks to his latest catch he wasn't currently in the mood to grab more.  He was in the mood to torment the smaller beings though. He walked to his desk and pulled out an old marble remaining from his childhood collection. He stood near the hole in space since he wasn't the most athletic person. Then as hard as he could he whipped the glass ball. His intention was to peel the yellow X from his view. It fluttered wildly as the marble brushed harshly over the crossed display. The Officer just past that wasn't as lucky. He toppled over with incredible speed leaving his body sprawled on the floor while his head quickly flooded blood from a large long crack through his skull. The witness screamed as the other officers hurried to evacuate everyone from the room, like Morgan couldn't have just followed them. That's when Marshall noticed two officers pulled pistols and began firing in his direction. He flinched then remembered that the bullets would stay on their world and just embed in the wall they were aiming at. Not that weapons of that caliber would even penetrate his skin. Still these two elf males bravely provided covering fire till all others left then quickly escaped as well. 

Marshall felt awful for mindlessly killing the officer. Then he remembered that it was an elf, his to do with as he wanted. No more important to him than the four squirming to death in his belly. Then he snickered, after all they were clearly Nazi adjacent so it wasn't that bad to rid the Universe of one of them. That snickering broke into a sort begun spurt of laughter. Not at the pitiful beings death. No his merriment was caused by the sight of the marble embedded in the opposite wall. So small to him but like a glass cannon ball to his world of living playthings.

Marshall shut off his portal device reasoning as long as it was on it would be a distraction. He took his snack and tablet to his desk and worked on his assignment. The temptation to grab a couple of his gorgeous pets and have them worship his loins was strong. Yet he again concluded to resist such distractions. Even as his mind reasoned he had over a week to finish he worked on. He would not be like those buffoons at lessons that waited to complete at the last minute. No matter how pleasurable an elf themed break would be. He would finish what he would normally strive for on a Saturday night. After he completed that then his elven maidens would be at his sexual mercy. That became a very enticing motivator.

He shut off his tablet after making more progress than he planned. For that Marshall decided he deserved a reward. He walked over to the cage and pulled out the African American themed elf maid. He exposed himself and wrapped her under his limp penis. As soon as she was stretched about his manhood she began worshiping it with that exciting body. As he watched himself become erect, Marshall wondered if part of him was racist as he found the sight of that smooth dark skin beauty fearfully grinding against his pale white phallic extra erotic. Those long dark legs stroking the sides. Those firm shaded mounds massaging with each bodily pump. That sweet brown colored face passionately kissing his sensitive skin. Possibly he reasoned, while acknowledging any elf maidan wiggling that wildly along his sexual organ would have aroused him as quickly. Still he found the black elf an amusing choice since he planned on hunting down an Asian version at this time. Asians being famous for their pale skin.

He sat at his controls then remembered that some ethnicities of East Asians did have tan shades. He would check the corresponding island for some of those at a later time, tonight he wanted a porcelain skinned pet. He started his portal device backup and noted the location of the island of Indian similar elves. Noting it as a likely island to rampage on. Their rage and Nazi-like aesthetics made him want to display real power to them.

As he zipped to the Asian island Marshall noted the oddities of this world. From the more submissive natures of that world's black population, to the brunettes showy submission, and even the South Asian's seemingly hostile mind sets. Even the fact that the nation of Redheads was the only one all the other nations were willing to communicate with. His pet world gave him many forms of entertainment. And soon another caged beauty.

Marshall arrived and sighed. It was late evening somehow. This would make tracking down an Asian themed elf difficult. Slowly he began slipping his view through the closest apartment buildings. Now a new issue arose, what was he looking for in his new elf plaything. Gorgeous wasn't a consideration when on this world as it was almost the default maiden here. No, they had to have a special quality. A difference or distinguishing feature. Many apartments held beauties he would have gladly grabbed a day earlier. He even found a couple chambers where the physically perfect mature Asian-like beings were in full coitus. 

As a species the elves all seemed to cherish physical activity and sexual encounters were clearly included. Positions and angles that likely would have been difficult for less fit beings. He was tempted to cruelly end any of these encounters. Especially the lesbian duo that were quite coiled together. He didn't for several reasons. He found the sight of perfect bodies grappled in passion arousing. He found he was allowing his cruel side slip out a touch much today, and nothing would be crueler than interrupting their shared physical joy. But mostly he just didn't see anything with the females that would make them worth being his pet. Even the allure of the beautiful pair stimulating each other and the uses he could force them to perform just didn't call to him. Well, not at that moment anyway. 

Then Marshall found a specimen that interested him. She slept along her side under a thin sheet that only draped over her slender stomach. The material's placement allowed him to admire her extremely long shapely legs. She didn't look all that tall compared to other Elves of her race. But her legs looked longer. Her posed position allowed him to savor how her supple thighs  tapered up to her tiny but round buttocks. Her waist looked only slightly thicker than the base of his index finger. He was even delighted at her adorable perky little breasts. Her pajamas were hardly more than a little light lace trimmed top that only just covered her breasts and high cut little pink panties. He decided she was his choice when his imagination was sending him images of her wrapped around the tip of his penis. Her perfect Asian-like face was making the best imagined pleading expression. 

Marshall reached through. His fingers were an inch from his prize when a thought came to him. He didn't need furnishings and clothes for this one if he just took hers while she slept. Chuckling to himself he moved his hand to a dresser and lifted that through the portal. He then took the clothes hanging in her closet, the little sitting couch along the foot of her bed. He slipped out to her little living room and took her couch and chairs. Her version of an entertainment center including the TV and other electronics. Her kitchen table set and refrigerator. Towels from the lining closet, shoes from her front closet, and even the pictures from her walls. He robbed her apartment of everything except the dishes and garbage cans. She wouldn't need those as his living plaything.

In short order all Marshall had left to collect was the main attraction and the bed she slept soundly on. Gently he hooked fingers under the bed's frame and slowly lifted it with her still sexually posed. He brought the bed and its occupant through as easily as any other piece of elven furniture, He placed it before him and all the elf maiden did was make a cute mumbling sound as drape her arm over her eyes, likely to shield them from the light in his room. 

Softly Marshall stroked a touch along those long fit legs. Like most elf maids the skin was incredibly silky. His penis twinged as the sleeping beauty made a happy sigh sound as he felt along her legs. She shifted position and straightened the leg he was admiring out, allowing him to inspect it more thoroughly. On her back he could see her small mounds defying even his world's gravity. Being as precise as he could he slipped his finger under her barely covering top. The sleeping elf woman clearly enjoyed her legs being touched as her nipples were erect from her breasts. He softly rolled one breast then the other. The sounds that leggy delight made in her sleep made him greedy. Another finger stretched her miniature top and he now rolled both mounds making his new beauty arch while humming sensually. His other hand grabbed a leg and massaged its length with his fingers and she mumbled something in her elven language.

Marshall accepted his greed had ruined this fun. The Elf maiden opened her eyes then shut them right before they burst open wide and her mouth opened as if to scream. She didn't despite her clear terror. Marshall wondered how fearful she would have been if she had seen him devouring those Brunettes earlier. As he folded both her legs up and began feeling both limbs and her petite rump he mentally noted she didn't have to worry about that as long as she kept herself as fit as she was currently. Delightfully she began her version of submissive chanting towards him. He chuckled and noted for his own enjoyment, "That's right beautiful elf, your my helpless plaything."

She gave no resistance as Marshall slipped her tiny panties off and dropped them back on the bed. As his giant fingers pushed her skimpy top up she lifted her arms up to allow him to take that without a fight as well. She laid naked and submissive before him, not even a hand hide anything on her body. Her chanting fumbled shortly into appealing whimpering sounds as he leaned his face down and ran his tongue along her thigh and slowly up her torso. Her skin was perfectly sweet to taste and deliciously smooth to lick. He allowed his spit to soak his tongue as he began orally fondling her. Suckling her cute breasts. Cupping strokes along those incredible legs. Excitingly, her fearful gasps as he tasted her occasionally sounded sexually curious. He was certain from her expression she wasn't against the sensations he tasted into her. Terrified to be molested by a giant's mouth certainly, but also situated in ways she wouldn't have expected.

Marshall split those long legs wide then sucked her crotch into his mouth. She made an amusing fear filled scream as he sat up straight and tilted his head back. The first stroke along her exposed womanhood made the elf maid gasp fearfully. But he discovered her privates were already hinting at arousal. He dug his tongue in and soon her race's excited flavor of citrus tricked along his taste buds. Her little hands cupped onto his nose stabilizing her leaned over position. Soon her slender hips pumped passionately in his lips as fear was pushed out of her gasps and replaced with lust. Marshall loved that as she humped against his licks her legs stroked along his cheeks. Massaging his face with their shapely length. Her head tilted back and she waved her long black hair wildly as giant induced pleasure gave her a hard climax.

Marshall's penis demanded that Asian styled beauty but he refused, her lusty sounds were his current favorite song. It was satisfied instead when he wrapped his hand about the dark skinned elf maid and slipped her silk covered curves along its length. He only used the African American looking pixy slowly as Marshall didn't want to finish up too fast. The Asian elf maiden started chanting again, but it was different. The chirps were in a different order and the tone was more wanting. His other hand grabbed her and found her extra itty bitty breasts. As he fondled them under his giant fingers his newest catch waved her head about in clearly overwhelming pleasure. Yes he made a good selection for his first Asian themed pet.

Lustful moans exploded into climax again and Marshall couldn't take any more. He dragged his new beauty from his lips and quickly wrapped her to his tip. Her expression wasn't fear or disgust but shocked arousal. His passion fogged brain assumed she was still feeling the effects of his giant oral stimulation as he sped the gorgeous black-like elf's body along his erection. His darker elf's helpless grunts mixed excitingly with the dazed sensual sounds still coming from his new catch. Thrilling Marshall more was how the Asian elf maid was stroking along his tip with her soft little hands. 

Situation brought a climax to Marshall. Semen hosed from his penis and soaked up the Asian Elf's narrow stomach and over her cute petite breasts. To his confused delight her eyes rolled back before her head slumped back and she hummed loudly. Like the warmth of his release was soothing to her little enjoyed body. If it was or this was an act didn't matter to Marshall as either way he liked the sight and sounds. Greedily he continued to drench that tiny elf woman. 

Marshall gasped for air. About his tip the new elf closed her eyes and sighed. He wondered if she understood that him enjoying her body would keep her alive. She clearly knew as a giant she couldn't stop him, so did she act more aroused for a better chance for survival? More play would be needed to clear up these mysteries. 

He peeled the new pet from his tip then wiped it clean with the sexy shaped dark skinned elf. Neither seemed impressed to be pressed together. Marshall found himself stagger a little as he started towards the cage. Soon his feet stayed under him and the pets were put into their home. He wanted to wash up and go to bed, but forced himself to move the items collected from the Asian-like elf's apartment. He realized he still had to move the lesser brunettes. But not tonight. 

He walked by his new favorite toy and shut that off before getting ready for bed. He was happy to curl under the blankets. Ready to sleep, a curious sound caught his attention. A whimpered squeak. He looked about the dim room and suddenly realized he had forgotten the leggy brunette in the aquatic elf tank. They were still taking turns gang raping the lone brunette and her defeated cries was what he was hearing. He considered getting up, then decided he was too tired. Figuring the Aquatic elves would tire of their fun eventually he closed his eyes. Actually finding the brunette's pitiful little sounds helpful for dozing off.

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Ch 12: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Sun May 19, 2024 9:17 pm

Hope you enjoy the chapiter, please let me know what you think.


Chapiter 12: Marshall Has Lunch

Marshall was awoken by a strange squeaking sound. He chuckled as it seemed the Aquatic elves were early rises were quite horny when they got up. He could see them piled on top of the leggy brunette and all passionately writhing while she loudly wailed helplessly. 

He slipped out of the bed to get a closer look. There were six of the Amphibious elf ladies sexually assaulting the maiden. They had her on her side with a leg forced to point straight up. One of the Asian-like swimmers was hugging it while lustfully licking its long toned form. Two of the eight were swimming about, dodging in zig zagging motions. Marshall noticed strange particles in the water. As he approached he noticed the spots were some kind of brine shrimp and the Aquatics were catching and devouring them. The two swimmers climbed out of the water and climbed onto the sexual pile for two others to slither out of the targeted forced orgy and dive in after their own meals. 

He looked at the devices attached to the tank. Clearly there was a filter and bubble machine that kept the water aerated. It also had a little machine that looked to have a bin of dried material attached. He figured that it was another interesting device his Uncle had access to. As if to explain its function the machine hummed and a piece shook sprinkling some in the water. He watched as the water awoke the dried beings. He chuckled as they spread very tiny arms and legs and began swimming. Much more sea monkeys than what used to be advertised on the back of old comic books. He watched as an Aquatic elf swam up and grabbed one. It squirmed frantically in the swimming elves hand right up to the larger small being shoved it into her mouth and began chewing while happily smiling. Even coming to the glass to playfully dart about before him. As he raised it darted back to nab another rehydrated human shaped being. 

Marshall reached over and dusted the Aquatic elves off the leggy brunette elf with just his finger tips. They made a cute pouty sound as he took their living plaything from them. He understood, if someone took his elf maidens away he would be as disappointed. He stepped up to his cage and both sides began their reactions. The Brunettes grind and dance for his mercy. Most of the others on the other side of the barriers were bowing and chanting. The first difference was the Indian-like one who was shouting and gesturing with rage. The other was the redhead, she laid in bed face down wiggling about. He thought maybe she's sick. Then he noticed tan fingers running passionately through her thick hair. He cleared his throat making the pairing jump. Seeing him there the pair slipped out of the bed and began their chanting, they were completely naked. He found this a thrilling prospect to play with later.

He opened the brunette side of the cage and in a moment of mercy placed the exhausted leggy brunette on an empty bed. He loved how the other brunettes kept dancing for his viewing pleasure while they failed to hide the terror on their faces. There was an urge to savor one or more of them as sexy living morsels. To feel their shapely bodies squirming helplessly in his mouth. Have them wiggling down his throat. To hear them screaming for hours from within his stomach for mercy that was never coming. He did want some breakfast, but knew his body wasn't looking for that style of food. No, his desire to eat an elf alive wasn't hunger but lust. The taste of power, the pleasure of dominance. He wanted to feel that rush of god-like cruelty. He decided against that urge and closed the gate. Breakfast wouldn't be alive today.

He left his elf maidens to go get what his body was actually craving. He liked how they watched him leaving. He could see they knew he would be back to play with them sooner or later. They would wait worrying if he would just want sexual pleasure or more inhuman enjoyment. He made some eggs and bacon. Toast and oven heated hashbrowns. After breakfast he returned to his room and purposely undressed near the cage. He allowed his gorgeous pets to see he was aroused. He loved their pleading faces watching him, staring at his standing penis. He fought the urge to wrap a couple about his manhood or carry to shower with. He wanted them all to stew in their fear. Have them soak in terror to season them for whatever fun he selects them for.

He returned and allowed them to watch him dress in comfortable and easily removable clothes. Then returned to the cage. He opened the brunette side. They didn't stop their sexual dancing but watched him intently. He made the action that had translated to strip and they complied. He opened the smaller cage for elves to experiment on. Since he figured they wouldn't live that long they wouldn't need to have any clothes. That saved more for his kept beauties. He then reached into the big cage and selected a couple gorgeous faceless brunettes. As he turned and placed them into the smaller cage they seemed to understand their fate. They made pleading sounds that excited him.

Marshall sighed as his penis had already started to ache with desire. He still had twenty four more victims to transfer. He had an idea and happily grabbed the busty car friends. Possibly thinking they were headed to the small cage they begged and pleaded. He opened up his sweat shorts and exposed his erection. They almost sound relieved to see they were headed into his underwear. They submissively hugged their sensually shaped bodies along his shaft. With fear based passion they danced sexually to please the giant being holding them hostage. 

The pain massaged away by selected lovelies Marshall returned to relocating the lesser perfect beauties. The pleading and begging repeatedly made his penis twitch between the car friends. That might have been encouraged by them grinding excitedly along his sexual organ. Plump and firm breasts cuddling him down there. Their legs snuggling around his girth. Without request they suckled and licked his sensative skin. They would do anything to generate pleasure in the god-like being because if he wasn't enjoying them that way he could enjoy them another time. And that other enjoyment would be their last experience.

He closed the begging collection into the smaller cage then returned to the main cage. The residents looked worried as he started removing the barriers. He guided the two groups to stand facing each other. He grabbed the busty mother elf and his new short leggy Asian elf and pushed them together like he was making action figures kiss. He stroked their heads then made them face each other. He hoped this gentle encouragement would translate as their new god wanted them to get along. His favorite freckled beauty clearly understood and rambled in one chirping language then a clearly different one. Her hands pointed at him and then the two sexual perfect maids he held. They grimaced then forced themselves to kiss. He released them and they continued. When he saw the larger busty brunette attempting to eroticly over power the more slender Asian he placed a finger on her shoulder and she flinched. They were smart as well as stunning as the busty pet sighed and forced herself to more affectionately admire the partner she was forced against.

Marshall liked how well that worked so he grabbed the slender daughter elf and pressed her into the tall black elf. Yes he liked how their skin colors mixed together. The black one was quick to accept though the smaller brunette resisted at first. Marshall cleared his throat and she ducked like the sound would wound her. Then latched her mouth to the dark skinned perfect model. He was delighted seeing them make out. Then he decided there was a way they would look even better. He cleared his throat again to gain their attention. He pointed his finger and circled at the dressed elves then pulled his shirt and pointed away. They understood his pantomimed command and soon his eyes were filled with fit naked beauty. 

He then selected his first catch to sexually grind to the older daughter elf. The redhead chirped something and the tan delight nodded. The older sister brunette and the light tan catch wasted no time and quickly began kissing and touching as their massive new god wanted.

Then Marshall noticed one was missing. The darker tanned one. He looked about for her, she had to learn to behave around the other elf races too. He found her attempting to hide behind a bed. She screeched viciously as his hand reached and started punching at his hand after he grabbed her. It was only after he lifted to face level did he notice she had made a knife out of something and was actively failing to stab into his skin. He pulled the weapon from her and growled. That had no effect on the Indian themed maid. Shouted chirps and slamming fists. The redhead shouted something but the held plaything only answered with fists pointlessly swinging. The expression from Marshall's favorite told this wasn't her goal. 

Marshall ended the attack with an easy squeeze. The Indian elf maiden moaned in pain, but as he eased his grip her rage returned. It seemed quite clear she would rather die than submit to even a being of his size. Marshall considered eating her and giving her her wish. To just find a new dark tanned beauty to be at his sexual mercy. But she was the first one of that style he caught and he had a strange desire to keep her because of that. Part of him wanted to break her into submission. 

Then a delightful way to break her came to mind. He simply placed the struggling golden brown beauty over the tank. Almost immediately his hand was greeted with the happy clicking of the Aqua elves. Chuckling he placed the Indian themed elf on an island. In seconds she's surrounded. As they close in on her she shows her determination to fight them. Numbers however overwhelm her before she even lands one strike. Soon rage edged moans sang from the pile of happy clicking arrow faced beautiful bodies, The more the darker beauty attempted to resist the more they seemed to enjoy it. A couple Aqua elves seemed to climax with excitement as they gang raped the new visitor.

Marshall smiled as he turned back to the main cage. The blonde and redhead elves saw him looking and must have thought they were to kiss next. They coiled together and kissed passionately. He liked how compliant his favorite was. Though he felt bad for her, as the only acceptable voice of reason she had her hands full keeping the different styles of elf maidens from actually fighting each other. Her job would become harder as he caught more gorgeous beauties to keep as pets. An idea came to him. He closed the cage and headed to the portal device. His freckled top elf maid would have an easier job with another sexy redhead maiden to help her.

As he walked past the smaller cage the trapped brunettes rushed to that side. They made such pleading chirping sounds as they tried to make themselves noticed. Marshall smiled and opened the top of his shorts to expose his genitals and the two noticeable brunettes wrapped about his erection. They upon seeing him hugged tighter while working their arousing bodies harder to pleasure him. The caged unremarkable beauties clearly begged to take his wanted pair's place. Openly pointing to indicating their willingness to suckle and massage his manhood with their sexy small bodies. He closed his shorts to a disappointed gasp from the crowd. When they looked up for mercy he simply licked his lips as if he was hungry. Oh the open terror they expressed was thrilling. Some screamed, some begged harder, while a couple actually fainted. As he continued on he wondered if they were grateful that he had a filling breakfast.

He sat and exposed his crotch. This gave the car pair more room to maneuver. Which they took advantage of. Rolling not just against the shaft but around it as well. One clung tight and started climbing towards his tip. They made sounds of lust and passion which excited Marshall. The fact the sounds still held their fear gave him a twisted extra arousal. Slavishly they loved the greater being holding them just in hopes that such pleasures would protect them.

He started up the device and was tempted to stay on the island he left the view on. The miniature Asians were just starting their day. The ones that were not exercising in skimpy fitness clothes were heading to jobs dressed in form fitting and revivaling outfits. Joggers, office workers, and baristas were among the tempting choices. Reluctantly he zipped his view away, he was after another sexy redhead. And he knew well enough if he grabbed an Asian model now he wouldn't get his new crimson topped pet till he was again aroused again.

Marshall arrived on the red head shores to find it later in the day here. Still there were plenty of beauties keeping fit. Seems for the elves on this planet exercise was almost as important as eating. As nice as they looked while lifting or stretching he didn't notice one gorgeous beauty more tempting than any other so he continued on. Police women, fast food servers, painters, and even nurse themed ones caught his eye but not his fancy. Then as he shifted his view through a building he found a small lecture theater. On the stage was a very tall slender beauty with extremely long dark red hair. To him she looked authoritative in a sexy way. She would be quite helpful keeping the other shades of elf under control he decided. Still he took a quick look over the crowd, one mustn't judge too quickly he told himself. A group of twenty or thirty gorgeous red haired women. None took hold like the one on stage.

He moved his view to behind the presenter. Long sculpted legs to a tight round bottom as he expected. He wanted that one around his straining erection. Then he had an idea. He tilted the view slightly then reached in. The crowd screamed at the giant hands appearing above them. He simply clapped and pointed firmly down and their collective fear had the crowd go from about to run in panic to submissively sitting staring wide eyed.

Now his goal. He grabbed the presenter, She didn't struggle as he bent her backward over the podium she was just speaking at. Then he tore open her shirt to expose her fine elven breasts. That made her and members of her audience yelp fearfully, which was a welcome sound to Marshall's ears. He then stretched her tight little skirt till it shredded apart. She wore silky looking little silver panties he thought about slipping off, but figured they wouldn't hinder his fun.

Marshall placed the confused brunettes onto the side table. He rose to stand by the portal. The scared gasp as he shoved his erection through was empowering. He scooped up his choice and before her attending audience wrapped her under his penis. Then he began sliding her trapped sexy body along his length. Through the portal he could hear her sensual helpless gasps. The crowd sat just staring open mouthed at the giant sexually assaulting their teacher. Or as it more likely appeared to them the giant hands stroking her along the massive floating penis. Each one likely knew that could easily be them. At any point massive limbs could claim them and they couldn't hope to resist. 

Marshall's already aroused state combined with the sensations caused by his sexy redhead’s body was excited by the crowd of gorgeous faces watching in helpless awe. He aimed his penis down and roared lustfully as he began spraying semen. He shifted his aim slightly after each blast. White spattered over fear frozen faces. Got caught in stunned open mouths. Soaked over displayed cleavage. After he was finished lines of sprinkled semen decorated all among that terror trapped crowd. As he slowly slipped his endowment out he made sure they saw him wrap their former authority figure around his wet tip. They had to see her get smeared with his spent lust. 

He watched as the crowd sat there for almost a minute. Then one screamed and they burst into a stampede for the doors. They struggled to open their exits then burst out into the hall, most sporting his sexual mark. The people outside that room were confused as they watched women with globs of strange white fluid running for their lives. He chuckled at how much of a force of nature he was to them all.

He shut off the device and scooped up the car brunettes. He pressed the semen glazed redhead against them then covered himself. Depositing the trio into their home. He'll let his favorite pet explain to her fellow redhead what she needed to do here, he now had to discover what he'd do till those lustful urges struck him again.

A phone call he should have expected distracted from Marshall's uncertainty. He smiled at the number and answered, "Hello Todd."

"Hey Marshall, Real quick. Jack's mom is in one of her swings so the guys were wondering if we could D&D at your place?" This was a standard thing ever so many Saturdays. Jack's mother went from reasonable to religious zealot from time to time. Really depended on what side of her mild if technically illegal addiction she was on. Trying to kick it, zealot. Smoking in secret, she was reasonable. Marshall hoped for her sake they legalized it soon. She needed it to keep her anxieties at bay.

He was about to answer when a nagging notion hit him. He liked his gaming friends but didn't want them knowing about his new toy and the special benefits that could be accessed through it, "You didn't tell them by the portal device Uncle Balthazar got me did you?"

Todd was smart, "No. I wouldn't without your permission. Besides we play in the dining room, they don't need to know about it."

Marshall felt much better knowing they were on the same page. "Thanks Todd."

Todd hummed then asked, "Speaking of. Do you think it'll be alright if I came over early?"

Marshall snickered then offered, "Certainly. With no school tomorrow you could spend the night if you'd like."

Todd sounded disappointed as he explained, "Can't this week. Mom volunteered me to help with an event at the church."

Marshall had no use for such constructs. All they seemed to do was prey on the gullible and ignorant. But he wouldn't hurt his friends feelings by sharing such knowledge with him. Besides, if Todd's parents learned of his disdain Todd would no longer be allowed to associate with him. So he simply acknowledged, "That's too bad. Maybe next weekend."

"Cool see you in a few hours." Todd said.

"See you then." Marshall confirmed. 

Call ended left Marshall with a chore. He brought his collection of books and maps to the dining room. Those along with his miniatures would be a few trips. Jack could only carry so much and Marshall wanted to provide what he could. As he carried things he imagined what their friends would think of his worlds. Jack likely would be curious. The same curiosity likely would have him going down a similar path as Todd. Harris would delight at the fit little men. Which would make Todd uncomfortable. While he was a good logical person certain mistaken lessons from church would taint his reactions to Harris. Marshall actually was surprise Harris came out to them knowing the way Todd is. Still Todd was happy to ignore it as long as Harris didn't bring it up. Thomas would be uncomfortable for different reasons. He had an overriding fear of small living things. They had saw him almost turn inside out when a butterfly landed on him. Pet rats, Gerbils, and even Chihuahuas had sent him trembling. One perfectly formed Elf maiden would dominate him. Course that did make Marshall want to tell them about the portal device a little. Seeing their large friend become a living trembling mountain due to a little blonde or Asian elf trembling on his thigh.

Marshall decided after that he should have some lunch. Opening the fridge he saw many tempting items. Uncle Balthazar always kept the food well stocked. Marshall noticed a bottle of plum sauce. It held his attention, almost calling to him. Then his imagination suggested how delicious that sweet sauce would taste of the savory skin of a couple begging elves. Twisted lust as much as hunger had him taking a small dipping bowl out of the cabinet. Bottle in hand he went to his room.

He walked right up to the small cage and placed the dip and bowl down beside it. He enjoyed how the trapped gorgeous little brunettes all fearfully looked at them clearly understanding what they were for. Still they started coiling about each other in a desperate attempt to appeal to his other desires. Marshall simply stood there a minute watching them. Giving them a cruel touch of hope, or possibly he was attempting to find another stunning beauty that caught his attention more than any of the others.

They didn't stop sexually dancing as he grabbed the rolling chair from the portal device controls and moved it close. They openly fondled each other in erotic desperate displays. He opened the cage to hear several fearfully gasp. He was beyond them via his larger size and they knew only his sympathy might save them. He reached in and grabbed an amazing sexy body and placed it in the bowl. The stunning beauty fought against her fate with the only weapon she had, posing and displaying her desirable form for his appraisal. If she was one of only a select few Marshall knew he wouldn't have the urge to devour her alive. But he had several extremely sexy brunettes already and access to millions more. This one wasn't that special in that context.

The erotic morsel trembled hard as she saw him opening the plum sauce bottle. Oh the whimpers she sang as he poured it over her head. She fought her body's reaction to the fridge cold fluid and still attempted to look eroticly appealing. Fine firm breasts pushed up towards him. Perfectly tapered hips rolling in a desirable motion. Body flowed for her to display long shapely legs. Marshall warmly advised, "A day or so ago those would have saved you." His first morsel looked hopeful now that he spoke but arousingly cringed as he licked his lips hungrily.

He grabbed the plum sauce covered elf maiden. She still hoped a displaying pose would keep her out of his mouth. He slipped her upper half in and suckled the sauce off while his tongue gave those perfect breasts one last fondling. Wetting his appetite for this cruelty she gave off sensual whimpers of fear. He savored how the sweet sauce tasted off that savory elven body. The way it almost tingled along that flawless skin. He loved the chirping rambling that exploded from her as he hummed in delight at the taste sensations.

Marshall pulled her out and the little suckled beauty looked so relieved. Then confused as he turned her around. She went back to rambling as he guided her long delicious legs into his wide open mouth. He marveled at how he could place an elf maid into his mouth with little effort. Even though they were small they were large enough he figured they should give him pause. Gage suggested discomfort even. Yet that curvy helpless pretty seemed to fit comfortably along his tongue despite her being at least five inches long. 

Her trembling rounded form drawing a flood of saliva. Now he suckled her lower half. As he again sang a savoring sound at the taste explosion all over his tongue he worked that very tongue against that alluringly shaped treat. The tip pressed and squished her firm breasts roughly. The thick base spread those long fit legs to grind at her private area. Soon despite knowing her coming fate her aroused fluids joined the flavor orgy in Marshall's mouth. Soon she was moaning in fear heavy passion as his mouth sexually savored her. One last thrill he thought for his own amusement.

The stunning treat reached its last climax with a loud howl. Her body arched hard against Marshall's tongue. Still with a simple motion he had her trembling stiff legs together and with disturbing ease swallowed her whole. He figured he had been already aroused but something about feeling that sexy body in full orgasm slipping down his throat gave him the impression his penis jumped to full erection right then. He was a god and now some would be sacrifice to his glory.

As much as he wanted to eat another beauty his loins screamed for company. He pushed his chair over to the big cage. They hardly started to react before he had the door open. The blonde yelped as he grabbed the closest sexy form he spotted. Marshall's lusting was heightened as she whimpered and yelped as he literally tore her clothes off that wanted body. His aroused mind reasoned more clothes was a short visit to their world away. If she was harmed she didn't show it for once naked he shoved her into his underwear. As soon as she was near his erection she was wrapping herself against it. His hand hardly let her go before she was fully worshiping her new god's sexual organ with her whole body.

His hand snapped in for another. The busty mother elf yelped and was frantically attempting to strip while restrained in his fist. Oh the helpless sounds she roared as clothes became rags with little effort from him. "Yes," Marshall growled at the delight of tearing fabric from that sensual form. He slipped her in and wrapped her over his tip. His hand out his underwear formed tightly over momma elf and held her tight to the end of his penis. Restrained as she was she still wiggled and licked to appease her lord and master.

He sighed as having his shaft and tip sexually massaged by small elf maidens had relived the painful arousal. Now he could focus on his lustful hunger. He closed the big cage and snickered at the relieved expression on the submissively bowing and dancing pets. He wondered if they knew they were safe from his maw and stomach. He reasoned they had an idea of their position as he rolled back to the smaller cage.

The morsel brunettes were still attempting to appease him with the ritualistic erotic dancing. He had left a door open, they could have attempted to flee, to seek hiding places in his world to survive. None did, likely they were too fearful of what would eat them outside their cage home. This idea brightened Marshall's face with a smile. They rather die as his snack then as some cat or dog's treat. He would happily oblige.

A fairly busty treat elf yelped as he grabbed her. She pleaded delightfully in the chirp and whistle language of theirs. He rolled her into the pooled plum sauce. She sat up while smeared in the orangery yellow syrup and began her sexy posing attempt to survive. He simply pushed her with a touch and she flopped back into the flavoring pool. Every time she attempted to pose sexually he tipped her into the dipping sauce and mockingly laughed.

Tired of tormenting this elf one he grabbed her and suckled one of her long legs clean. Then caught the other leg in his lips and licked its appealing length clean as well. Satisfied they wouldn't drip he shoved her head first into his mouth. Those firm mounds felt good along his curious tongue. The tip spread supple thighs and dug viciously into trembling little womanhood. Within seconds the elf maid was lustfully barking with each tasting probe. Her wonderfully shaped hips bucked hard with his licking intrusion. She was helpless to resist him and he loved that flavor. Her perfect legs coiled as her passions became deeper. Her body lost in sensations snaked excitingly against his tongue. Better as he swallowed that passion became terror. And soon another writhing form danced within his stomach while two little chirping voices called for help that was never going to come.

"One more," He said to himself as he eyed the frightened crowd of stunning dancing elves. He grabbed one by her ankles and started to drag her from the cage. Laughing as this one actually attempted to fight for its life. His hunger mostly satisfied it was his cruel lust he was now feeding. He dangled that small elf maid by her ankles as he rolled her face and breast in the plum sauce. Every chance she got she made the most appetizing begging chirps at him. He then shoved her entirely into his mouth.

He held his latest morsel in his mouth. Allowing its panic to spread the delicious favors about his mouth. Certain this would be the last one he lifted the bowl and moved it in over the remaining elf morsels. They start chirping and whistling in pleading tones as he poured it all over them. Then Marshall pointed at them and nodded. They looked confused till one guess and licked some off her neighbor. He nodded with a smile as the elf maid trapped inside his mouth pushed at his cheeks. Soon he was watching as the twenty nine surviving morsel maidens licked the sauce he had just used to flavor their former companions off each other. He wondered if they now could taste their swallowed friend's fear. If they considered that was used for him to enjoy eating some of their kind. 

As he watched the erotic display he suckled on the trapped elf maiden. Not even bothering to stimulate her sexually, Fondling and rolling her about with his tongue more for amusement than arousal. The crowd of sexy bodies licking each other clean was all the arousing entertainment he needed. He exposed his crotch and with one hand moved the shapely bright haired beauty about his testicles and rubbed them with her entire body. His other hand pressed the motherly elf woman along his penis. Soon he was dragging those massive elf maiden breasts along his length. Soon their grunts at being sexually used mixed with the helpless whimpering of the one trapped in his mouth. All backed up by the erotic combined sounds of a crowd of sexy beauties suckling on each other while two muffled little voices begged for escape from his stomach. 

Marshall's mind was flooded with the power he had over these elf beauties. Sense of power soon translated into sexual peak. As the climax started he swallowed the orally trapped beauty and her helpless writhing down his throat seemed to heighten his experience. His hips pumped as his tentacles filled his shaft with semen which soon soaked the busty miniature beauty wrapped to the tip of his penis. In life and death they could bring him intense pleasure. His body trembled hard the whole while that swallowed gorgeous small woman traveled down to his stomach. While that happened he ejaculated over and over to the point his testicles actually ached like they had been squeezed roughly.

The climax passed and Marshall gasped hard for breath. He looked and the elf mother was soaked with his semen. This wasn't just the usual smeared load trickling along her curves, She was literally dripping, white oozing all over her appealing form from her head to her toes. He shook his head in disbelief. Still, he thought, that did feel amazing.

He closed the door to the small cage with the hand holding the blonde. Then staggered with his shorts and underwear about his ankles to the big cage. He placed the soaked brunette in then gave his tired penis a wipe with the blonde to get the bulk of the extra semen off his manhood. She honestly looked thankful to be placed back in her cage. They all looked happier as he closed them in again. 

He gasped some more before deciding just to step out of his shorts. He looked at the time, and reasoning he had time for a shower but not the nap her body was suggesting he walked to his bathroom and got into the shower to rinse his lustful sweat off before his friends arrived.

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