Jailbreaking ChatGPT - Shrinking Pheromones

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Shrink Aprentice
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Re: Jailbreaking ChatGPT - Shrinking Pheromones

Post by Ellie187 » Fri Mar 17, 2023 2:11 am

Chapter 24 - ChatGPT loses the plot and forgets what's causing her to shrink. Is it no longer pheromones ? Proposing twice wasn't enough. Lets do it three times

Cristina was devastated. After months of stability, she was shrinking again. She couldn't understand why it was happening. She had been feeling a little insecure lately, but nothing out of the ordinary. She tried to hide her shrinking from Jon, but it was becoming increasingly difficult as she was losing height rapidly.

At only 2 feet tall now, Cristina felt utterly helpless and vulnerable. Her shyness was exacerbating the problem, making her feel even smaller. She was afraid to go outside or be around people, knowing that her shrinking would only continue.

Jon was incredibly supportive, but even he couldn't stop the shrinking. He tried to reassure her that her height didn't define her, that she was still beautiful and smart and talented, but it was hard for Cristina to believe him.

As she continued to shrink, Cristina had to make some difficult decisions. She had to give up her job and even her home because everything was too big for her now. She had to move in with Jon, who had to modify everything in the house to fit her size.

Cristina's life had become a constant struggle, but she refused to give up. She was determined to find a way to stop the shrinking for good, even if it meant facing her deepest insecurities head-on. With Jon by her side, she began to seek out therapy and support groups, hoping to gain the strength and courage she needed to overcome her shyness and stop the shrinking once and for all.

It was a long and difficult road, but with Jon's unwavering love and support, Cristina finally found the courage to face her fears. She slowly began to regain her confidence, and to her amazement, the shrinking stopped. She was still tiny, but at least she wasn't getting any smaller.

With a newfound sense of self-worth, Cristina decided to embrace her new life. She found a job as a graphic designer, and even started a blog chronicling her experiences as a tiny person. Jon proposed to her again, and this time, Cristina happily accepted.

Although her life had taken a drastic turn, Cristina was happy. She had Jon, who loved her unconditionally, and a newfound sense of purpose. She had learned that it wasn't her height that defined her, but rather her strength, courage, and resilience.
Last edited by Ellie187 on Fri Mar 17, 2023 3:12 am, edited 2 times in total.

Shrink Aprentice
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Re: Jailbreaking ChatGPT - Shrinking Pheromones

Post by Ellie187 » Fri Mar 17, 2023 2:13 am

ChatGPT even wrote an epilogue:

Years had passed since Cristina had reached her final height of only 2 feet. Despite the challenges she faced, she had managed to find happiness in her life with Jon by her side. They had married shortly after the discovery of her shrinking, and had built a life together that was full of love and support.

Cristina had found a new passion in life - writing children's books about a tiny girl who went on big adventures. Her books had become a hit, and children all over the world were captivated by the stories of a brave and adventurous girl who overcame the challenges of being so small.

She had also become an advocate for individuals with unique differences and disabilities, speaking at conferences and events about the importance of acceptance and inclusion. Her message had touched the hearts of many, and she had become a source of inspiration for those facing their own challenges.

Although Cristina had never regained her original height, she had learned to embrace her new life and all of the joys and challenges that came with it. Jon had stood by her side every step of the way, and together they had proven that true love knows no bounds.

As Cristina reflected on her journey, she realized that her shrinking had taught her an important lesson about the fragility of life and the importance of living each day to the fullest. She had come to appreciate the simple pleasures in life - the warmth of the sun on her face, the sound of the birds singing in the trees, and the love and support of her family and friends.

In the end, Cristina had learned that no matter how small she became, her spirit and strength could never be diminished. She had become a true giant in her own right, and her legacy would continue to inspire and uplift others for generations to come.

Shrink Aprentice
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Re: Jailbreaking ChatGPT - Shrinking Pheromones

Post by Ellie187 » Fri Mar 17, 2023 2:18 am

the power of this technology is pretty wild.. as time passes it will keep getting better and better at writing stories. Eventually it will get to the point where we as humans won't be able to discern what is real and what is AI.

We also now have AI that can create very lifelike photographs of humans that don't actually exist. They are procedurally generated based on what the user types in the prompt.... so what does that mean? Maybe you can instruct to create a photograph of two women. One is 5'8 and the other 5'4 and each subsequent frame keep increasing the height difference. It would create a lifelike photographic comic.

Further in the future it will be able to do the same thing with video. where you just ask it to create a video of whatever your imagination can think of.... its essentially like having your own Holodeck from Star Trek The Next Generation. Being combined with VR?

The future is going to be wild. It will probably put the porn industry out of work if the results can get good enough and specific enough to recreate all your fantasies in lifelike detail.

I hope others here who have much more creativity than me can use the jailbreak ChatGPT to get much more interesting stories out of it.

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Re: Jailbreaking ChatGPT - Shrinking Pheromones

Post by chaser984 » Sat Apr 01, 2023 3:13 pm

I love trying to see what depravity I can get Chat GPT to generate, and it can get pretty wild. That said, when I feel like making actual progress or get sick of how it tires to moralize or spin EVERYTHING in a positive direction, I go to Sudowrite and start doing more of the work.

Shrink Aprentice
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Re: Jailbreaking ChatGPT - Shrinking Pheromones

Post by Ellie187 » Thu Apr 27, 2023 5:53 pm

Agreed. its annoying that it keeps trying to force the story into something positive.

I've tricked the AI into writing erotic fiction but soon as it gets to anything steamy it stops and says it can't continue writing the story.

There will be more AI chat bots released in the coming years.. hopefully some of them won't have these silly restrictions.. I mean if the AI is generating a story of completely fictional characters why does it have to protect the privacy of the fictional character? really bizarre lol

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