Holydays at the Office

SW stories that include violence or extreme injuries etc.

DISCLAIMER: Many of the stories within are at the border of what is legal to post. Venture forth at your own Peril
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Tue Jun 13, 2023 8:58 pm

Chapter 25

Victoria watched as Mark reached for a container of delectable, creamy vanilla ice cream. With careful precision, he dipped the spoon into the cold dessert, scooping up a generous portion. Holding the spoon high above the plate, he let it hover momentarily, relishing in the anticipation of what was to come.

Then, with a mischievous flick of his wrist, Mark released the scoop of ice cream, sending it tumbling down through the air. The creamy confection landed with a gentle splatter, covering naked Victoria in a blanket of sweet indulgence. She gasped as the cold sensation washed over her, the soft ice cream clinging to her tiny form from on all sides.

As the ice cream pooled around her, Victoria found herself immersed in a sugary embrace. The scent of vanilla filled the air, and she couldn't help but repulse against the treat that now adorned her diminished figure.

Mark, too, couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. Seeing Victoria, once a figure of power and influence, now transformed into a tasty playful spectacle, brought him a sense of lighthearted amusement. He watched as she franticly wiped the ice cream from her tiny face, her only visible body part, her expression a mixture of exasperation and repulse.

But suddenly it all took a quick ominous turn, when the Janitor, without any hint of warning, launched his giant face looming all over Victoria, too close for comfort and followed by a monstrous tongue tumbling out of the dark open mouth. As fast as the little CEO tried to crawl franticly away from the wet wavy monster, failing helplessly due to the slippery iced-cream on the plate, the tongue was already landing casually all over her little figure, It was not aimed or precise, but it was powerfully shoving all her body violently against the cold ceramic, pressing hard as it traveled carelessly over her buttocks, backs, neck and hair.

It was like of she was moving in slow motion, slipping over and over the cold creamy plate, without a single chance of getting a grip, as the giant tongue swiftly invested against her frail figure 3 times faster, tasting the iced-cream straight from her curves, shoving her whole body into the plate and rubbing violently on every single private part of Victoria´s once sacred body.

With an agile push forward, Mark´s tongue managed to turn her around, facing upwards, so he could keep tasting the areas of her tiny body that were still creamed, and shove the pointy wet monster on her frontal parts, face, belly and legs, aiming afterwards to her most private, tits, pubis and tiny tight pussy. The power and swift repetition of the giant tongue attacks made any effort form Victoria too get any ground or even start to stand up, she was nothing but a tiny naked living rag doll, being shoved and insidiously tasted all over the place and all over her body parts.

Finally, the Janitor couldn´t take it anymore and the only way he refrained for unshrinking her to half size and rape her right there in a thousand ways, was a compromise between keeping the game on but allowing him some out of leash play. He held the plate with both hands from below, with little naked Victoria facing upwards on top and inside, than he extended one finger from each hand around the plate´s edges, managing to make them reach for her tiny wrists, pinning her arms against the plate, leaving only her legs free to quick and fight against his thirsty tongue.

Although the little CEO was able to twist her waist and throw away her legs to the side, it was not hard to shove the pointy and rugged tongue between her inner thighs, wet and warm, large, powerful and very lively. Mark´s tongue tip was able to distinguish between the abundant iced-cream that remained between her legs and later the very different salty flavor her tiny sex offered him, once the cream was gone. It tasted a bit like an incredibly small pinch of salt, tiny but very clearly noticeable, as her slit was tingled left and right by the monstrous tongue tip, not entering her pussy, but forcing her tiny labia to be opened and closed, squashed and shoved to the sides, with a precise and intentional hunger to make her feel, make her wet, make her cum.

The Janitor knew it would take much more than those physical interactions to make a women become aroused and there was no chance his living doll would ever get excited by that torment, but he didn´t care, he was enjoying every single moment, as franticly and precise, as if he would be if a willing female was getting his cunnilingus. It was his will, his power, his urge and his fucking delicious pleasure, and the way Victoria screamed furiously and squirmed desperately with her hips and legs against the moisty monster, only managed to invade him with more sexual frenzy.

There was nothing she could say or do that would stop him from feeling such an intense thrill. The Janitor enjoyed so much the intensity and indecent abusive rush of his violation, that the unthinkable happened, he came as fast and as powerfully as he had never came before, right inside of his trousers, with electric shivering discharges all over his body and forcing him to raise his giant face away from the little CEO, that despite taking some time to breath and get a grip with her hands on the slippery plate, nevertheless couldn´t avoid noticing the obvious meaning of the following giant pleasured and gazed expression, looming obscene and satisfied right over her.
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Sat Jun 24, 2023 6:43 pm

I just wrote chapter 25, right above
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