Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

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Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by gtquik702 » Mon Feb 27, 2023 12:05 pm

(Here's the recruitment thread: ... =17&t=5006)

The darkened chamber glowed with a brilliant blue-purple light as the wizards readied the ritual circle. The King sat back, watching as they began to chant, prompting the circle to glow even brighter. Then, a burst of white light and a glowing orb appeared in the centre. "S-sir!" One of the wizard's said. "Something's gone wrong!"

"Hm?" The king commented. "What's happened?"

"The portal! It-it's not closing! We're expecting to receive multiple heroes!"

"Multiple? Interesting..."

Then, the portal briefly flashed as a figure stepped out...

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by gtquik702 » Tue Feb 28, 2023 12:03 am

Chocolate appeared, looking quite confused. He was wearing simple casual clothing, and looked as if he was about to go out for a day with friends before being teleported here.

"Welcome hero..." The king said appearing quite bored. "I have summoned you to this world to combat a world ending threat." A pair of soldiers came up to Chocolate, using a strange device shaped like a gun on him. A holographic projection appeared above him, and it showed the words


Everyone looked on in confusion.

"H-hero, please use this... power... to save the world to the best of you ability...?" The king stuttered out. A pair of maids escorted Chocolate to a spare room within the castle to reside the night. He was also handed 100 gold coins and a map of the world.

As Chocolate reached the room, a maid whispered in his ear before leaving, "I don't know what the king was thinking, but I quite like you." She smiled and left.

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by chocolatejr9 » Tue Feb 28, 2023 1:40 am

I just stand there for a minute, staring blankly into nothingness at... whatever the heck just happened. Though in my defense, they KINDA rushed through the introductions, and now I'm a "stranger in an unknown land", or however the phrase goes. That's the last time I agree to go out to eat with friends I hadn't seen since high school...

Well, there's not much else I can do ATM, so I decide to accept the king's offer and go to sleep.

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by gtquik702 » Tue Feb 28, 2023 9:20 am

The next morning, you are whisked out onto the streets and you bid farewell to your... You don't know exactly what they did for you. They dragged you out of your world, and dumped you somewhere in... wherever this place was. But, you are on the streets, with 100 gold and a map. The location of the cave you are supposed to explore is marked.

Though you have a feeling you don't really want to go...

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by chocolatejr9 » Tue Feb 28, 2023 7:40 pm

As I look over my map, I quickly realize I know nothing about anything here. I look around, noticing a bunch of people wandering around town. Maybe if I do a bit of talking, somebody will be willing to lend me a hand...

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by gtquik702 » Tue Feb 28, 2023 11:59 pm

You decide to approach a nice looking lady running a stall. She looks middle aged, but has the same feeling a nice grandma would give you. What would you like to say?

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by chocolatejr9 » Wed Mar 01, 2023 12:19 am

"Excuse me, ma'am? Forgive me if I come off as rude, but I'm new around here, and know... basically nothing about anything. Would you perchance be willing to help me, at least for a bit? Unless you're busy, of course: I'd feel bad getting in the way of your work or anything."

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by gtquik702 » Wed Mar 01, 2023 8:55 am

The lady smiles at you and says, "No, not at all! I'd be happy to help out a newcomer!" She takes a deep breath and starts explaining.

"So, the village we are currently in is called Sol Villa. The community here is small, even though the king resides here. I don't really know much about the surrounding villages, but I know about Rogscille, which has a slightly larger population. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by chocolatejr9 » Thu Mar 02, 2023 1:18 am

"Well, the map I was given had this cave marked on it, so I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to go there." I show her the map in order to give her an idea, "But like I said, I'm new here. I was given some gold, but I'm not sure how best to use it. Do you happen to have any advice on that?"

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by gtquik702 » Thu Mar 02, 2023 2:38 pm

"You have some money hm? Well if you have enough, I'd recommend buying some gear, or if you want a bit of fun, a companion slave. Those are worth about 10 gold."

She points you in the direction of the slave shop. The sign reads "elven slaves"

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by chocolatejr9 » Thu Mar 02, 2023 6:19 pm

"I'm not sure how I feel about owning a slave, but I COULD use some companionship. I'll look into it." I begin to make my way towards the slave shop, "Thanks for the help, Ma'am!"

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by gtquik702 » Thu Mar 02, 2023 11:34 pm

As you walk into the store, you are met with a surprisingly warm and welcome atmosphere, with a jolly plump little man sitting at the desk. "Ah a customer! Hello! What elven slave can I interest you with today?" You take a look around. There were a large variety of slaves, most looking decrepit and unhygenic. Then you see one that catches your eye. She has dirty blonde hair, and light green eyes to match. She looked quite sick, but had a hopeful glint to her eyes.

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by chocolatejr9 » Sat Mar 04, 2023 1:32 am

"How about that one?" I point to the one you just described, "I'm new to this adventuring thing, and could use a companion. This one looks like she'd be particularly helpful."

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by gtquik702 » Sat Mar 04, 2023 9:40 am

"Oh, that one?" The shopkeeper says, "I doubt she'd be good for anything except good looks. She has a weak earth skill, so I'd value her at around 10 gold. Though for you my friend, i'll sell her for 8." He holds out his hand for you to shake.

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by chocolatejr9 » Sun Mar 05, 2023 3:31 am

"Eh, nothing a little training can't fix, I bet. It's a deal!" I shake his hand and give him the gold.

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by gtquik702 » Sun Mar 05, 2023 7:07 am

Something I should explain, a contract is a magical bond formed between two targets, a master and a subject. The subject has to obey the master no matter what
The instant chocolate touches his hand, his hand sears with a burning pain, and a symbol forms on the back. Chocolate withdraws it quickly, and the man chuckles.

"Sorry, I should have warned you. That is a symbol signifying your contract. Now your slave is forced to obey your every command."

He unlocks the cage and the elf steps out. "H-hello master," She says nervously, waving at Chocolate.

Meanwhile, at the kings castle, the portal glows bright again and a man steps out. He had a casual set of clothing, and was fit with a black jacket with white stripes over it. His dark eyes flicked around the room in confusion, and he wiped his chocolate brown hair out of his eyes. In his arms was a calico cat, equally as confused.

"It's as we expected!" A wizard yelled, "There is another hero!"

"Ah, another one? Interesting," The king commented.

He cleared his throat and continued, "Welcome hero, you have been summoned to fight a world ending threat, please use your power and whatever,"

Underscore stared as a pair of guards came up and appraised him, showing a pair of skills, shocking everyone in the room once more.

"A pair? That's unheard of!"

Forgot to mention, they can't see the skillset manipulation

Ultimate tamer
Size manipulation: Contract

A maid comes and hands Underscore a bag of 100 gold coins and a map, before he is whisked out of the throne room with the instruction of: "Go to the cave, and defeat the threat."

So, with his calico cat and his money, Underscore is on the village street, feeling incredibly confused.

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by Underscore » Sun Mar 05, 2023 9:43 am

Underscores initial confusion finally wavered, he had heard everything but hadn't really taken it in one n account of the whole being summoned to another world, he was playing a fantasy RPG at home just a moment ago. Realising he had not idea what was going on, he turned back to speak with the maid.

"Wait what? Where is this pla..." the door behind him was already closed and the maid gone l, simply leaving him in the street with cat in his arms and a bag of gold in hand.

'Well Rio... This sucks but I guess we might aswell get on with it... See if we can't find a way home or something." he shrugged, a small meow of acknowledgement came from Rio.
He began hatching a sort of plan. First he would need to invetstigate his own abilities, equip himself based on those skills ('after all, I'm not gonna die in a place like this!') , hopefully find some allies and then go investigate this cave... Allies? Didn't that wizard guy say something about being 'another hero'? This gave him a little bit of hope, thinking he wasn't the only one here.

He put the money away in his pocket and began looking around, perhaps an adventurers hall would be nearby and could help him out with accessing his skills and point him in the right direction for a wand shop or a blacksmiths.

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by gtquik702 » Sun Mar 05, 2023 11:17 am

Underscore looks around a bit, noticing countless buildings, including one that reads "elven slaves."

"Interesting, I guess this place has slavery." He comments. He continues walking, not particularly interested, before coming across a blacksmith. He enters, before inhaling a large breath of smoke. He and Rio cough, before a gruff voice says.'

"Sorry about the smoke, what can I get for ya?"

Underscore looks up and sees a muscular mountain of a man, a hammer in hand and a blazing furnace behind him.

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by Underscore » Sun Mar 05, 2023 11:30 am

'Elven Slaves?' Huh, guess it's one of 'those worlds'... Might be handy if I can't find any proper allies, I suppose slaves might have to do but not for now.

"That depends. *cough, cough* I'm sort of 'new' to all this. I'm told I have skills but I don't know what they are. I don't suppose you have any idea how I do that? I'd also like to get some armour and a weapon... Maybe a shield would be good too. Do you have any in stock?" he asks with a smile, tapping his hand against his pocket.

Rio splutters out another meow.

"Oh and I don't suppose you happen to have a leather shoulder bag... Or even a sort of large quiver for me to carry my companion here. Would be tricky to do anything without a free hand hahaha" he let's out a half nervous chuckle, hoping to joke with the man and not offend the mountain of muscle that could probably crush a boulder for fun.

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by gtquik702 » Sun Mar 05, 2023 11:33 am

Luckily for Underscore, the man chuckled lightly. "Skills are a pretty common thing around here, those that have them usually just bring up a status screen they can look at. I'd show you, but my one is only visible to me. I've got a skill that allows me to make fire twice as hot," He said before waving a hand towards the fire, causing it to burst even hotter, "As for your equipment, how much are you willing to spend?"

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by Underscore » Sun Mar 05, 2023 11:52 am

He started poking at his chest... Nothing... Maybe it's an at will thing he thought, closing his eyes he muttered 'status screen', 'status screen' under his breath and opening his eyes.

There it was, a classic style RPG status screen. Looking over his stats... 'not very heroic, they look pretty normal for starter stats' he considered with a disappointed tone before looking further down at his skills. 3. He had 3 skills. He flashbacked to his time at the throne room where they said he had a pair... Maybe there was one they couldn't see. 'Skill Manipulation' that had to be it, a skill to make new skills, thats a hero's power if ever he had seen one. The other two were interesting. Especially that second one... He'd always hidden his desire for shrinking people now he suddenly had the power for it granted only for his tamed creatures but maybe that skill manipulation would come in handy.

"Well I seem to be some sort of Tamer so what would you recommend me?" he asked shaking his head back to the reality around him.

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by gtquik702 » Sun Mar 05, 2023 12:01 pm

"A tamer? Interesting..." The man pondered for a second before responding, "I'd say something light, like leather or a cloak. Since you're going to want others to do the fighting for you while still being able to withstand some hits. I also wouldn't recommend a shield. I'd say I can whip you up a good set of armour and a shortsword for... 40 gold? Oh yes, I'll throw in a leather bag for your... companion for free."

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by chocolatejr9 » Sun Mar 05, 2023 4:29 pm

Still rubbing my hand from the impromptu tattoo visit, I thank the slave owner and walk out with my first companion. Looking down at her, I explain "So I know we're supposed to be master and slave, but to be honest I'd feel bad treating you like a lesser being. Are you willing to try being friends at least?"

As I say this, I look around a notice what appears to be a blacksmith. That might be a good place to go next...

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by Underscore » Sun Mar 05, 2023 4:48 pm

"Agility and Mobility are key then for me... Leather armour sounds like the best bet with a short sword just in case. That sounds great and I really appreciate the shoulder bag and the advice" he smiled, digging out the money from the pouch he was given in the throne room and placing 40 gold coins on the table next to the blacksmith.

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Re: Isekaied into a fantasy world for lots of size changing fun

Post by gtquik702 » Sun Mar 05, 2023 11:01 pm

The man smiles and walks to the back of the store, retrieving a set of leather armour and a shortsword. As Underscore examines it, he is surprised by its quality. "Hey, as a blacksmith, you don't have enough time to make every personal order right? I stock up on the basic stuff." As Underscore slips the bag on, Rio excitedly jumps inside and purrs.

Then, the door clatters open behind him and another coughing fit ensues. "Why is there so much smoke?" Chocolate asks, closing the door behind him. Accompanying him was his elf slave Which you have yet to name. "Ah! A new customer!" The man says, "What can I get for you?"

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