SW Flash Fiction Anthology

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by FifteencentiKim » Mon Apr 27, 2020 12:33 am

(Tiny) Beauty and the Beast

"No one plots like Gaston, takes cheap shots like Gaston..."

Truer words had never been sung.

When Gaston had decided to hunt down the "Beast," leading a mob of enraged peasants, he didn't plan to take any chances. But that was the kind of huntsman that he was. Every trophy that he hung on the wall or skinned and laid out on the floor was the product of careful if unsportsmanlike preparations. Hunting the Beast was not going to any different. So both his arrows and his dagger were coated with a litte enchanted "something" that he had used for particularly difficult game in the past. A little something he had bought from a gypsy woman years ago, and which he was sure would work its magic on the Beast as well.

As it happened, it didn't. Not exactly. The enchantment on the Beast cancelled out the gypsy woman's little magic. Well, directly cancelled. But it did have an indirect affect.

As Bella laid crying over the Beast, professing her love, something happened. If Gaston had not indirectly interfered, the curse on the Beast would have been lifted, and he and Belle would have lived happily ever after. Instead, the gypsy's magic bent the curse in such a way that no one could have predicted, not even the enchantress.

As Belle knelt over her fallen Beast, sobbingly professing her love over his still body, lights began falling all around her. Then one light struck her, encapsulating her in a rainbow of colors, before the darkness overtook her.

When Belle woke up, she wasn't sure where she was. She knew she was out of the rain, and someone had removed her cloak. They had even placed her on a warm furry rug of some sort. Shaking her head, Belle tried to get her bearings when something struck her.

"Beast!" she cried out, panicking, looking around for her best friend and the love of her heart.

"It's okay, Belle, I'm okay," Beast's voice rumbled. "Thanks to you, I'm better than okay."

Belle knew it was Beast's voice, but there was something different about it. On one hand, it was softer. But on the other hand, it was deeper. So deep, in fact, that the rumble went through Belle's body, though not in an unpleasant way.

"Beast?" she said, looking around, her voice and face bright with sudden hope.

And then his face appeared. But it was definitely different. It took up all her vision, as huge as it was. And then all of Belle's sense finally came into focus. She wasn't on a rug. She was in the palm of Beast's hand.

If this situation had happened when she had just met her friend, she would have gone into a catatonic state. But her heart was so happy that Beast was alive that the fact that Beast was a giant now (or she was shrunken) didn't phase her in the least.

"You're alive," she gushed. When Beast moved a finger his other hand to caress her face, she pushed her face into it. Then the fact that she was sitting in Beast's hand pushed its way to the forefront of her brain. "But...what happened? How...I mean, I'm in your hand. Am I a pixie? Or are you a giant?"

"You''re tiny, Belle," the Beast told her. "I'm not sure what happened. But we'll find a way out of this."

Belle nodded, relaxing back into Beast's hand. She wasn't sure what was going to happen, but her Beast was alive and safe. And that was the most important thing of all.

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by FifteencentiKim » Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:31 am

Harry Potter and the Shrinking Spell

"Sexualem queretur!"

James grinned wildly at the end result of the flourish of his wand. There on the table stood Hermione Granger, just fifteen and a quarter centimeters, frozen stiff as if in shock, all decked out in her Hogwarts' school uniform. James immediately scooped Hermione up, his probing fingers going for the protuberances extending from her chest.

They had all the give of hard formed plastic.

Of course, considering the fact that the Hermione Granger in his hand was a doll and had always been a doll, this was to be expected.

James set the Hermione Granger doll in his hand back to the table, along with the other dolls in his collection. Point of fact, the Hermione Granger he set down was actually Hermione Granger. The people who made the Barbie dolls had made a very limited Barbie with a wand and a Hogwarts' uniform. The limited run had been the classic Barbie hair and body shape, though it had been scaled down to almost half the normal Barbie height. This particular run had been limited mainly because of licensing issues. James had been lucky to get one of the few Hogwarts' mini-Barbies that hadn't been destroyed.

James set the Barbie doll down among the other unique, limited run dolls he had acquired over the last couple of years. He had an actual Hermione Granger, of course, modeled after Emma Watson, and other female characters. Some of them even looked very life like. Sadly, none had a lifelike "feel" to them. Of course, James laughingly thought to himself, none of them would ever feel lifelike enough to James unless they were an actual Hogwarts' female student who had been shrunk and magically transported to his house.

With a sigh, James put the Barbie and the other dolls back into their protective cases and then to their respective spots on their shelf. As James turned out the lights and closed the door, the eyes of one of the dolls seemed to flicker.

Or maybe it was just a play of the lights.

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by FifteencentiKim » Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:25 am


(A little flash fiction inspired by the inspiring artwork of Bobascher!)

Shrunken Timeout

"Unfair! Completely unfair!" Tiffany protested.

The protests fell on deaf ears, as her father carried her silently to the coat closet.

"At the very least, you have to punish Joey too. I thought you had rules against being a snitch," Tiffany argued.

Her stepfather paused, and took the time to lift Tiffany up to his face. "He'll be facing his punishment shortly. Now for yours."

"You could at least leave my phone the regular size," Tiffany whined, but her father returned to being silent, as he lowered Tiffany back to his side.

Tiffany sighed dramatically which, even if she had been full size, instead of fifteen centimeters tall, would have gone unnoticed by her father. He had his rules, and he had his punishments, and that was that. And Tiffany had invoked a punishment by using her cellphone at the dining table.

Actually, she had been punished for getting caught using her phone at the dining table. It was perhaps a fine distinction, but an important one in Tiffany's mind. Tiffany was heading out with her friends at supper, and had brought the phone to the table to send a couple of surreptitious texts to her friends to let them know she was coming.

Normally, her father wouldn't have noticed, as he was busy reading something related to his work. But her pervy stepbrother Joey had ratted her out. And so she had got shrunk.

Joey was one reason...ok, the main and only reason...she wished she her father hadn't gotten remarried. He was always trying to get looks at her coming out of the shower, or getting dressed. There was tension between the two merging families, but it seemed that the ones who butted the heads the most were the oldest child in each family: Joey and Tiffany.

Tiffany's father decided a week after the marriage to set up a list of rules. Break the rule, and something bad happened to you. You might get changed into an iguana, or paralyzed for an hour, or be given a bad case of temporary acne.

Tiffany tended to get shrunk a lot, because that was the punishment of bringing your phone to the table. Or getting caught using the phone at the table.

Tiffany didn't even bother trying to argue with her father as he opened up the closet and deposited Tiffany in a jacket pocket. She wished her father had left her phone full sized. For some reason, her shrunken phone always had zero bars. Well, at least she could play games on it while she waited out her hour long punishment. And maybe her friends would still be waiting when she got restored to full size.

Unknown to Tiffany, watchful eyes were waiting for an opportunity to get her out of the jacket pocket and have some fun with her shrunken body.

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by Bobascher » Wed Apr 29, 2020 8:21 am

I love it Kim! Keep going...hey I see that Tiffany is 15cm and you are 15cm, is thus autobiographical??

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by FifteencentiKim » Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:58 am

Bobascher wrote:
Wed Apr 29, 2020 8:21 am
I love it Kim! Keep going...hey I see that Tiffany is 15cm and you are 15cm, is thus autobiographical??
The cellphone abuse? Probably. But 15 centimeters is usually my default setting. But not what I always use. For example, in Beast Town City Limits on the previous page, Daria transformed to 84 centimeters in height
Last edited by FifteencentiKim on Wed Apr 29, 2020 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by AB23 » Wed Apr 29, 2020 2:33 pm

That last story with Tiffany can def be fleshed out… Maybe she'll learn to not use her phone at dinner!

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by Bobascher » Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:16 pm

FifteencentiKim wrote:
Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:58 am
The cellphone abuse? Probably. But 15 centimeters is usually my default setting. But not what I always use. For example, in Beast Town City Limits on the previous page, Daria transformed to 84 centimeters in height
15cm is just about the perfect size to me :)

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by FifteencentiKim » Thu Apr 30, 2020 7:26 pm

AB23 wrote:
Wed Apr 29, 2020 2:33 pm
That last story with Tiffany can def be fleshed out… Maybe she'll learn to not use her phone at dinner!
People learning from their mistakes and the consequences thereof? There's a thought! :lol:

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by AB23 » Thu Apr 30, 2020 8:21 pm

FifteencentiKim wrote:
Thu Apr 30, 2020 7:26 pm
AB23 wrote:
Wed Apr 29, 2020 2:33 pm
That last story with Tiffany can def be fleshed out… Maybe she'll learn to not use her phone at dinner!
People learning from their mistakes and the consequences thereof? There's a thought! :lol:
Yuppp, a little playtime with her giant stepbrother might just be the thing to teach her a lesson!

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by FifteencentiKim » Thu Apr 30, 2020 8:57 pm


(Because apparently I can't look at a Bobascher picture without a story popping into my head :lol: !)

Little GTO, You're Really Looking Fine

"Wh-wh-wh--" was all Denise managed to stutter out before she was stunned into silence. Just a moment ago, she was just about to step into the classic car she had won at auction. Now, it appeared that she and the car were both resting in a giant hand. And it was that simple fact that had shut her brain down.

"I'm not quite sure whether you're asking what or why, so I'll answer both," a booming voice answered. The giant face that belonged to the giant hand suddenly filled the entirety of Denise's vision. "The what is simple. The end result, that is. Not the process. That is very difficult, and one has to have the right kind of mind to bend the rules of time and space to one's desire. But I digress."

The giant hand plucked Denise away from the car and put her on a nearby table. "The what is that you've been shrunk down to five centimeters. Your recently purchase automobile has shrunk down accordingly," the giant face added, casually pocketing the shrunken car in question.

"The why is just as easily explained," the giant face continued, as its fingers picked up the very tiny Denise. In the blink of an eye, Denise was suddenly nineteen centimeters tall. The giant hand adjusted, grasping the now larger (but still shrunken) Denise around her waist, the giant thumb nudging under her breasts. "You bought a vehicle my employers wanted. He enjoys collecting scale model vehicles that didn't start off as scale models." The giant shoulders of the giant face shrugged. "A waste of my talents, really, but he pays the bills, so who am I to complain? Any way, his agent was delayed, and was not able to reach the auction in time. So you were offered a generous recompense for your time, in return for the car. And you refused. My employer was not pleased."

"And that is why you were shrunken and taken, along with your car," the face continued. "And why you are your present size. My employer wants to express his displeasure, and your present size is just perfect for that. I must say, I would not want to be y---."

The giant face looked suddenly surprised as he stopped mid-word. He looked down at his chest to see a hole there, the rim of which was slightly glowing. He put Denise back on the table as if nothing happened, and managed to get out, "Well, that's something," before he fell forward, dead.

A faux Austrian voice said "Hasta la vista baby."

The owner of the voice was a giant gangly teenager (or regular sized really, just giant to Denise) with pale skin and a body which had reached its height but had not just quite reached its width. The giant teenager had one hand in a gun shape. Grinning at Denise, the teenager blew on the of tip of his pointer finger, which caused a small puff of smoke to emerge. With the other hand, the teenager reached for Denise, but stopped short of grabbing her.

"Come with me if you want to live," the teenager said. Not sure what else to do, Denise stepped into the teenager's grasp.
Last edited by FifteencentiKim on Fri May 01, 2020 12:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by Bobascher » Thu Apr 30, 2020 11:38 pm

(Because apparently I can't look at a Bobascher picture without a story popping into my head :lol: !)
That is high praise, Kim! Thank you for this piece of art! It was exactly the story in my head, except for that twist at the end, haha.

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by FifteencentiKim » Fri May 01, 2020 2:15 pm

Bobascher wrote:
Wed Apr 29, 2020 8:21 am
I love it Kim! Keep going...hey I see that Tiffany is 15cm and you are 15cm, is thus autobiographical??
And the back of my brain is fleshing out this story, and will let the front of my brain know when I'm done! :P

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by Bobascher » Fri May 01, 2020 3:18 pm

FifteencentiKim wrote:
Fri May 01, 2020 2:15 pm
Bobascher wrote:
Wed Apr 29, 2020 8:21 am
I love it Kim! Keep going...hey I see that Tiffany is 15cm and you are 15cm, is thus autobiographical??
And the back of my brain is fleshing out this story, and will let the front of my brain know when I'm done! :P
Good things come to those that wait! I know it will be a banger Kim! Beyond this, tiny brains are so much more efficient than big old stinky brains, so I am sure it will hit you like a flash before you know it :)
Last edited by Bobascher on Fri May 01, 2020 6:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by FifteencentiKim » Fri May 01, 2020 4:03 pm


(Another Bobascher story prompt!)

Small Debt Relief

"You son of a bitch! You can't do this! That's my baby!" Christy screamed. Bob didn't restrain her, but then he didn't have to. When you're only fifteen centimeters tall (give or take a millimeter), shouting at someone is the ultimate exercise in futility.

In this case, Christy's 'baby' was her eighteen year old daughter Wendy, also fifteen centimeters tall, and also not in a position to resist my actions. Instead, she was sitting on my palm, her legs pulled up as she clutched them to her chest, all the while just quietly starting at me.

Bob could have probably stopped me if he wanted to. But the goofy smile he had on his face said he didn't want to. And who could blame him? I had just bailed him out of a huge gambling debt to some very, very unsavory types, and left him a nice chunk of change to re-energize his little mom and pop business, Well, just a pop business now. Mom's role in the business and their marriage was greatly diminished. That was a sort of bonus for Bob. That and doing all the paperwork that made his wife and daughter officially disappear. What can I say, money equals power, and I got lots of money. Lots and lots of money.

In Bob's defense, he had been a little reluctant to handing over his daughter at any size. But he was faced with the real possibility of those unsavory types he owed money to doing unsavory things to his daughter. So when I promised that I wasn't going to hurt Wendy in any way, he agreed to the whole deal. He knew I am a man of my word.

And I am a man of my word. I'm not going to do anything to Wendy. Of course, she's not for me. She's a gift for my second son Brian on his eighteenth birthday. He's kind of a wimp, and I don't want him getting used by women. So Wendy's going to be a nice little practice run for him to show he's got balls. But Brian's a bit soft, so he probably won't be too rough on Wendy.


Shrinking Christy was as much for my benefit as it was for Bob's. Full sized Christy would have been a danger to my arrangement with Bob. Shrunken Christy would be shown her place by Bob, and not even be a second thought to me.

As to emphasize her new status, Bob poked her in the back and sent his tiny wife sprawling on the table top.

Yep, I thought, Bob's going to have a lot of fun with Christy at her new size. Until he got into debt again and had to sell her off. But that would be his problem, not mine.

Bob looked at Wendy one last time, guilt in his eyes. Not enough guilt to try to stop me from leaving with his daughter and thus cancelling out our deal. But it was still there.

"I,,,it'll be okay, Wendy. You'll see," Bob finally got out. On the tabletop, Christy was sobbing.

"Okay, Daddy," Wendy spoke for the first time since getting shrunk down.

I left husband and tiny wife as I carried out my newest acquisition.

"Where are you taking me now?" Wendy said, her voice void of any emotion.

"You're going to be my son's birthday present. Behave, and it'll be better for you," I told her. You'll notice I said better, not good. As I said, I'm a man of my word. However, I don't always tell everything that needs to be told. But that's just good business,

Wendy nodded, a resigned look on her face as I slipped her into my jacket pocket. That look on her face made me wish I hadn't promised not to anything to her. But, she'd probably be more receptive to what Brian wanted if I didn't take first crack at her.

Still, it isn't always easy to be a man of your word.

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by Bobascher » Fri May 01, 2020 6:20 pm

Kim - you beautiful little sprite! This is absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for writing this story, I am just glad to be a source of inspiration for your artistry :)

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by FifteencentiKim » Sat May 02, 2020 8:10 pm

Dream a little dream about me

Sometimes in dreams, you have no idea why you showed up where you showed up, what happened before you showed up, and what you're supposed to do next. Sometimes in dreams, you have the popcorn seat, watching from a third person perspective as the dream you goes about their business.

And sometimes, you know exactly what is going on, and what is about to happen, even if you don't want to.

Fifty-seven year old Kathy Ireland was having one of those dreams.

In this dream, she wasn't in her fifties. She was in her late twenties, and filming a scene from the movie "Necessary Roughness." She appeared to be wearing just a towel, waiting to have her turn at the showers. In reality, she had a little bathing suit underneath.

Except in the dream, she wasn't wearing anything underneath the towel. And she wasn't in a locker room, or a movie set made to look like a locker room. She was on a vast brown plain which she knew was a giant table. And above her, a giant face loomed.

"So nice to have you back with me, Ms. Ireland," the face said, as a giant hand came swooping down to grab her. Except the hand just went through her. Well, almost through her. The giant hand felt...wispy, for lack of a better word, as it passed through her,.

"Damn, thought I had it that time," the giant face said, a pensive look on its face. "Well, until next time, Ms. Ireland..."

Kathy sat straight up, wide awake, as she looked around her darkened room. Her husband was on his side, facing away from her, fast asleep. Nothing around the room seemed amiss.

Kathy laid back down, closing her eyes, forcing herself to go back to sleep. In a shorter time than she thought possible, she was fast asleep.

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by FifteencentiKim » Sun May 03, 2020 12:47 pm

Satin tights

"You have some very, very weird fetishes," Lucinda laughed, adjusting the bustier of her costume. It was a replica of the same costume that Lynda Carter had wore almost a half century before, though it had been adjusted for the fact that Lucinda was two cup sizes larger than Lynda Carter had been when she first wore it. The damn thing felt like that it was going to fall off at any moment, even though the shop owner had assured both her and her husband that it wouldn't.

Truthfully, Lucinda would have just preferred just to run around nude. One of the great things about the Process was that it felt like the world's greatest body scrub. Every square centimeter of her body felt fresh and tingly. Or maybe she should she should say square millimeter, Lucinda thought with a giggle.

"Are you ready yet?" a booming voice yelled from another room.

"Almost," Lucinda yelled back. It seemed counterintuitive, but the odd physics of the Process left her voice normal, instead of diminished like the rest of her body. "There's a lot more to this costume than meets the eye."

"And soon there'll be a lot less," the booming voice chuckled.

Lucinda almost asked why they just couldn't start off with her nude, but she kept her peace. This was the first time they had qualified for the Take Home version of the Process, and the seventy-two hour version at that. When they were initially informed they had been tentatively approved for the take home version of the Process, Lucinda and her husband had spent the weekend making up their fantasy "to do" list with a sixteen centimeter tall Lucinda. They then sat down together, weeded out and combined their list, then sent it in via email to their designated Process analyst. That was the most embarrassing part, having to set down with someone to discuss their mutual shrunken woman fantasies, but they had had Beverly as their analyst for the last three times they had used the Process. The woman knew how to put her clients at ease.

Once she got all the parts of the costume on, Lucinda turned and twisted, admiring her own trim form in the costume. Of course, it was her fit body that was responsible for her and her husband becoming involved in the Process in the first place.

The whole thing began in 2002, when Lucinda was a sophomore in a Seattle suburb high school. Seattle and Vancouver were the binary stars of a hitech solar system, when a company called SwiftTech came out of the closet, as it were. SwiftTech had developed a method by which it could temporarily shrink a human being, in seeming defiance to the laws of physics. The industrial application was limited, so the founder of the company decided to explore the possibilities of its recreational uses.

With caveats, of course.

SwiftTech had learned early on that, while the Process was usable on any adult human being, not everyone was psychologically equipped with being shrunken, or dealing with a shrunken person. Granted, with their limited pool, it was difficult to come to any hard and fast conclusions, but they had determined early on that it seemed only women were able to mentally handle being shrunk, and even then the woman had to be in a strong (or potentially strong) one-on-one relationship.

So in 2005, after thorough governmental testing and vetting, SwiftTech opened up a recreational Processing facility in Vancouver.

And the lawsuits began. Not in Canada, of course, though there were a few there. But in the litigious environment of their neighbor to their south, it was a free for all.

At root of the lawsuit was the fact that the psychological screening process only allowed women to be shrunk, and only those who were involved with a single partner. The SwiftTech people calmly explained that, to date, these were the only couples who they could feel assured of guaranteeing their safety. SwiftTech assured everyone that they were, of course, striving to create a more inclusive technology and that, with the more applicants they got, they were sure they would be able to create a psychological profile wherein a man could be shrunken, but since they did not have such a profile yet, for the safety of all, they would only be shrinking women who met their narrowly defined psychological profile.

This response infuriated the entitled American masses, who insisted SwiftTech provide the technology for all, make it safe for all, and be held financially liable when the technology was used outside of SwiftTech safety parameters.

As can be expected, pirated forms of SwiftTech technology made it out beyond SwiftTech and Canadian borders, and the end result of the use of that bootlegged technology was disastrous and fatal, often horrendously so. Lawsuits were filed against SwiftTech, and at one point there was even a call in the US Congress by its more radical members to detain any and all SwiftTech employees traveling in the US for human rights violations.

SwiftTech kept calm and weathered on. The fact that it had other technology valuable to large corporations and Western governments, was acting with a moral compass (a rare trait in corporate behavior), and was operating in a non-American country that frankly got tired from time to time with its southern neighbor attempting to dictate to it, allowed it to come out of the whole thing unscathed.

It also caused Vancouver to become an entertainment hub, as more than a few celebrities wanted to have one of their partners Processed for the weekend. Of course, many of the celebrities didn't make the screening process, but quite a few did. One of the surprising few were Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey, who were going through a rough spot in their marriage while she was filming Dukes Of Hazzard. Jessica would later quoted as saying the Process had saved her marriage. It must have, as Nick and her had recently celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary.

Jessica Simpson was who inspired Lucinda and her husband Morton to try the Process in the first place. The two had met at a tech symposium about eight years prior to Lucinda putting on the Wonder Woman outfit. She had been a computing genius with dark exotic looks (thanks to her First Nations ancestry on her mother's side), and he had been a good looking boy genius with green eyes and dirty blonde hair whose startup was just getting noticed. The sparks flew and they were married within six months.

Three years, prior to Lucinda donning her Wonder Woman attire, she and Morton were sitting on the couch having a "Potato Night" (as they called their binge sessions), watching an episode of "Whatever Happened To?". The particular episode was discussing Jessica Simpson, who had transited out of her acting and singing career into a fashion line aimed at middle income women. Jessica, now in her forties (but still looking as good as in her younger days), was being interviewed, and was talking about going through the Process. The screen flashed to a picture of Jessica in the pink bikini made famous from the Dukes of Hazzard, standing in the palm of her husband, who had a shit eating grin on his face.

"You know, I used to look that good," Lucinda said wistfully.

"You still do," Morton responded, one of his hands immediately moving to cup one of Lucinda's shirt covered breasts, easily a match for the bikini clad breasts on the screen.

"Stop it," Lucinda giggled, pushing Morton's hand away. Lucinda frowned, lifted up her shirt, and pinched her stomach. "I definitely don't anymore. Monday I start a regimen."

"I'm with you," Morton said, sitting up.

"No, I mean it." Lucinda paused, then looked at the television screen. They had moved on to another topic, but Lucinda was thinking about Jessica being shrunk.

"You know, Jessica was saying in an interview the other day, that going through the Process slowed down things...well, you know, settling."

"Sweetheart, she has plastic surgeons and beauticians and the whole thing waiting for her to wake up in the morning so they can go to work on her," Morton replied.

"Yeah," Lucinda said thoughtfully, chewing on her lip.

"Would you want to be shrunken?" Morton asked, surprised by this fact.

"I don't know," Lucinda said, then she slapped her stomach, "But not like this I wouldn't."

"So why don't we decide goals for ourselves tonight, for sixty days from now, and if we both meet them, we'll apply for a spot at the SwiftTech Processing Center," Morton replied.

"Can we afford it?" she asked.

"I*'ve never seen the numbers, but I don't think it's that expensive," Morton answered. "As I understand it, the bottleneck with them has always been the screening process, not the fee. I know a couple of vendors over there. I'll call them tomorrow."

"Then we're going to do this," Lucinda said excitedly. "I mean, set goals, meet them, and then go to the Processing center."

"Of course we are," Morton replied. "Are we or are we not Vancouver's next hottest hitech power couple?"

This got a laugh from Lucinda and, when Morton pulled her on his lap, this time she didn't resist the advances of his hands.

As it happened, a day pass at the Processing center wasn't all the expensive. It was the equivalent of the cost of a cruise...well, two cruises, for a small family. If said family booked a reasonably nice pair of cabins.

But Morton's company was doing reasonably well, and he and Lucinda could afford it.

Lucinda had never thought about being Shrunken before, but for some reason, it gave her all the motivation to stick to her goals. Obviously, it spurred Morton on too. At the end of the sixty days, Lucinda was in as good a shape as she haf been on her honeymoon. Better even.

The initial Processing Analysis was intimidating and embarrassing. Beverly, the analyst assigned to them, was a very nice person, but some questions just cannot be made unawkward, not matter how nice the person asking them was.

Beverly was also very blunt with them, telling them more than ninety percent of eligible couples who applied didn't pass the screening.

It was with excitement and trepidation that Beverly and Morton reported to the Processing Center, where they were assigned a room similar to that of a mid-range hotel room. They were given a list of do's and don't, made to sign a very long and detailed waiver, and then given a safety briefing where they were required to verbally acknowledge hearing each section on camera. The security briefer was very clear when he stressed that Morton's mouth was the only orifice the shrunken Lucinda could have contact with.

That didn't bother Lucinda. Morton didn't do that to her at full size. She didn't know why anyone would expect her to do it to him with her entire body when she was shrunken.

The security briefer then went into detail about what Morton was and was not allowed to do with his mouth. Apparently, there was a thing called "vore," the practitioners of which who, when they got a hold of pirated Process technology, ended up dying grotesque and very, very painful deaths.

Then Lucinda stripped of her clothes and was Processed. She stepped on a plastic circle with a hard rim and waited.

Suddenly, she as covered with plastic. The first time it happened, she thought about all those warning labels on plastic bags, explaining they weren't toys and could asphyxiate your child. Lucinda was sure she was going to choke, and it felt like she was fighting forever to break free of the wrap.

And as quickly as it began, it ended. Lucinda was standing completely nude on the floor, looking up at a giant Morton.

All the fantasies they discussed went out of Lucinda's mind, as she looked up at a giant Morton. They stared at each other for a silent minute, then Morton leaned down to pick her up. Lucinda initially cringed at the sight of Morton's giant hand, but then forced herself to stand up right as Morton picked her up.

The two initially had a quiet conversation about their different perspectives, and Morton ran a finger over her arm, and asked her how that felt. Lucinda said it felt nice, different but nice, and how her skin felt all tingly.

The next thing Lucinda knew, she was being held in front of Morton's face, his tongue doing circle eights around her breasts. Morton had always loved her breasts, and she loved the attention he gave them, but this was a whole new level of pleasure. When Morton took both of her breasts between his lips, it sent her over the edge. It was the first orgasm she had ever had with just her breasts involved, and it was spectacular.

The next couple of hours were a sexual frenzy. Morton took care with her, of course, to the point that Lucinda became a little frustrated with him. But it was still the best sexual experience of her life.

They were both a little embarrassed afterwards, but when they moved to the bathtub, Lucinda felt that she and Morton had the most open discussion of their marriage.

The couple wouldn't get to play with the pink bikini until their second Processing session, but they didn't mind. They did mind when the buzzer went off, warning them the Process would reverse itself in an hour, but they dutifully obeyed the "no touch" policy during the last hour, instead enjoying the open discussion that had started in their bath.

It seemed that the Process had opened up a whole new world to them. They had had a wonderful sex life before, but it was simply amazing now. They kept to their ritual of setting sixty day achievement goals before applying for another Processing goals. But these were easier to achieve now. It seemed everything about their lives was more energized.

Now they had qualified for a seventy-two hour Process session in their own home. Of course, SwiftTech had sent out a security and medical monitor team to get their home up to par, and that had cost extra, but Lucina's husband didn't mind the extra expense at all. And the team had been very subtle, using vans with cable and repair logos. When it came time for Lucinda to be shrunk, Morton had remained in the room to make sure there were no problems.

Now he was patiently waiting in the next room, ready for the chase to begin. To be honest, Lucinda was tempted to let Morton just catch her right away, so he could strip her, touch and lick her, and then end the first of many sessions with Lucinda riding not-so-little Morton. That was one of the side effects of the Process, now that Lucinda was used to it. It made her more than a bit randy.

But Morton really wanted his fantasy, so she'd indulge him. "Ready?" she yelled.

"What's the safe word?" he yelled back.

With a grin, she replied, "Lilliput. Now catch me if you can!"

With a whoop, Morton ran into the room, ready to catch his tiny Wonder Woman and the love of his life.

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by FifteencentiKim » Mon May 04, 2020 4:53 pm

A shout out to my friend Bobascher for creating the attached image for me

This woman in the attached image is Lela McCain, a newlywed who, along with her husband, live in my SwiftTech universe created in my flash fiction story just above this post entitled "Satin Tights." Lela is going to be the subject of three upcoming flash fiction pieces entitled "Brunch," "Wedding Night" and "Paper Anniversary." The scene in the image is from "Wedding Night." Thanks again @Bobascher!
Shybride.jpg (1.24 MiB) Viewed 8971 times

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by Bobascher » Mon May 04, 2020 5:03 pm

Thanks Kim! Be gentle on the little cutie, she didn’t want to get into the picture. I had to trick her and shrink her when she wasn’t looking. So she is a bit delicate! Or just make her life hell, I trust you to be entertaining always :)

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by FifteencentiKim » Mon May 04, 2020 7:54 pm


The Theia Club had to be fancier than any place that Lela had ever seen, and Lela had worked at the Shelby County Country Club. Not as part of the waitstaff. But she had been part of the cleaning staff since she was thirteen. And the Shelby County Country Club was nice. It was very, very nice.

But the Theia Club was waaaaaay nicer.

The folks at the SwiftTech Process Center had been very nice about getting her and Jeff dressed up for the brunch that she and Jeff had been invited to. They had been very nice about everything. They had even let Lela and her new husband stay for free in the room where she and Jeff had...where she had been...and Jeff had...and they had...

Lela still couldn't think about what she and Jeff had done in that room, both with her shrunken and then normal sized. All she knew was, if she knew that sex was going to be THAT good, well...she and Jeff would have still waited, but it would have been a lot harder to wait.

For the umpteenth time, Lela wondered if sex being THAT good had anything with her being shrunken. If so, she felt really, really sorry for everyone who couldn't get shrunk.

Not that Lela had ever expected to get shrunk. She knew of the technology, of course. Who didn't? And the whole concept had made its way into movies, television shows and other avenues of society's media consciousness. But being shrunk was only for the rich and famous, and not even always fr them. Anytime you read about a socialite or aging actor dying while on vacation in the Caribbean, rumors always circulated that some illicit shrinking technology was involved. Supposedly, at least one casino on Macau had the technology, but again, no one ever really knew.

The technology was outlawed in the United States, of course. Old, white rich progressives condemned it as being inherently racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. Of course, these same old, white rich progressives ate at places like the Shelby County Country Club, where the only non-white people in the place were the ones cooking, serving and cleaning up after them.

So Lela never expected to be shrunk. She never expected to leave the small little town of Gypsum she had been born and raised in. She expected to meet some nice young black man who worked at the country club just like her, they'd have a few kids who would grow up to work at the country club, and that would be that.

Instead Lela met Jeff McCain.

Jeff was one of the sweetest, nicest guys Lela could ever hope to meet. He was also a scion of one of THE Shelby County McCanns. So naturally he was meant for debutantes with alabaster skin, not young black girls like Lela. Even when Jeff had stepped in to stop Lela from being molested by some of his drunk friends at the Country Club, Lela never expected to fall in love with Jeff, or have him fall in love with her in return.

But they did. Neither Jeff's family nor Lela's approved of the match. Lela's family was worried Jeff was just using her. Jeff's family thought Lela was beneath him. They would have threatened to cut Jeff off if he didn't discontinue seeing Lela if it wasn't for the fact that the patriarch of the McCann family had found it amusing that his grandson was consorting with the hired help. He even gave the young couple a honeymoon trip, But there was a caveat attached to it.

Jeff and Lela had to go to the infamous SwiftTech Processing Center and apply for a Twenty-Four Hour Processing Experience.

Since keeping Jeff's grandfather amused was the only thing keeping Jeff from being disowned, the pair agreed.

It was the most embarrassing experience in Lela's life. The analyst that had been assigned to them, Beverly, was a very nice woman, but she asked Lela some very direct questions that still made Lela blush when she thought of them.She and Jeff not only had to tell Beverly they were waiting until after they got married to have sex, they had to tell her how fat they gone (strictly touching, and all above the clothes). Beverly had to talk about her "personal grooming" habits, and other such things.

By the end of the questioning session, Lela and Jeff were both wondering if keeping Jeff's grandfather happy was worth it, especially since less than ten percent of people who applied for a shrinking experience at SwiftTech were ever accepted. And Lela wasn't sure she wanted to be shrunken.

Then Lela and Jeff found out they were accepted. They kept the news to themselves, of course, if for no other reason they weren't sure how they felt about it. When they arrived at the Processing Center after their wedding, both were feeling a lot of trepidation.

It was the most fantastic experience of Lela and Jeff's life, both with Lela shrunken and unshrunken. And the staff waited on them hand and foot. They even got Jeff and Lela the proper attire for their brunch invitation to the Theia Club.

Of course, when Jeff and Leia discovered that all the members of the Theia club were customers of SwiftTech, they both balked. They were very VERY happy with their experience of Lela being shrunken, but neither of them wanted to join some kind of weird sex club.

Beverly finally talked them into going, but Lela especially was doing so with reservations.

As soon as they walked in, the young newlyweds felt that all eyes were on them. When they were escorted to a table, they were immediately joined by another couple, Morton and Lucinda Cohen. Morton looked like an older version of Jeff, if Jeff had another fifteen years of living, while Lucinda was this beautiful Native woman with long dark lustrous hair who had a musical laugh and whose smile lit up the room.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Morton took Jeff off for "guy talk," leaving a very nervous Lela with Lucinda. Lucinda patted Lela on the hand, which almost made Lela jump out of her skin.

"Relax," Lucinda told her, "Nobody here is going to bite. This is just a...well, it's an odd little club, since half the members have been shrunk down to sixteen centimeters, but it's also a sort of support base for new people entering our world. And we help each other out as well. Financially, socially, that sort of thing."

Lela looked around, a look of concern on her face. "Are all these people expecting to have sex with me and Jeff?"

Lela wasn't sure what kind of reaction to expect from Lucinda, but laughter wasn't it. "I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you, I promise," Lucinda said wiping her eyes. "It's just that...well, I can understand your question. All things considered, I suppose we do seem like sexual deviants to outsiders. But trust me when I say that you are looking at the most monogamous group of people in the world. Let me show you a trick. I want you to look at Jeff and think a loving thought at him."

Lela looked dubious, but did as she was told. Jeff suddenly looked surprised, turning around to look at Lela with a quizzical look. Morton said something to Jeff. Jeff didn't look convinced, but seemed to concentrate as he looked at

"Oh!" Lela responded, a surprised look on her face.

"Thanks to the process, you're now linked, for lack of a better word, to the one person in the world who literally completes you on any level you can care to think of. And the sex was pretty incredible, wasn't it? Both sizes?" Lucinda asked, an amused look on her face.

Lela turned crimson, nodding. She asked timidly, "So, I mean, you had before and after, so is after...?"

"Oh yeah, the sex after the Process at regular size? Definitely worth the price of admission," Lucinda confided. "One of the reasons why couples are monogamous here. Definitely no reason to stray. We even had some couples who were semi-open in their relationship that went totally closed after the process. It's why there's the screening process. If you're mentally equipped for all the changes, it's a blessing. Otherwise, it will definitely do a number on you. It's one of the reasons we have the Theia Club. You can be friends with people who know you don't want to stray, because they don't want to either, and understand it's almost physically painful to even consider the possibility."

"So why is everybody staring at me and Jeff?" Lela asked.

"Because, up until now, the youngest couple we've ever had have been twenty-four and twenty-five. Most of us are in our late twenties to our thirties, and the oldest anyone's ever been the first time they went through the process is forty-three. So you're the first couple we've ever had here who was so young. We're all a little envious of you, finding your true love right out of the gate. And all the Nons were very excited about meeting Jeff," Lucinda explained.

"Nons?" Lela asked, starting to feel relaxed.

"It's shorthand," Lucinda explained. "All of us who have been shrunk are Esses, those of us who haven't, are Nons. Nons are always the dominant ones in a relationship, the breadwinners in traditional lingo. Not that we Esses are 1950s housewives, but the Nons in our relationships are the ones who take the risks and win. And before you ask, our lesbian couples are strictly Nons and Esses. No crossovers. I don't understand the psychological profiling," Lucinda concluded, "But it's what works."

"You said the...Nons...were interested in Jeff?" Lela asked.

"Oh, absolutely. Everyone of them is hoping to make Jeff their protegee. And trust me, we have a lot of connections here. Where were you and Jeff planning to go to college?" Lucinda asked.

"Well, Jeff was going to attend Williams Preparatory School for a year, before going to college. I was just going to get a job to help us make ends meet," Lela said.

"Nonsense," Lucinda replied, standing up and pulling Lela up as she did so. "My friend Vivian is a dean at BCU. Let's go talk to her now."

"But I..." Lela started to object, but Lucinda cut her off.

"No buts," Lucinda insisted. "If you didn't have college potential, you wouldn't have passed the Process screening. We'll work things out. Trust me. Now, the club does have a few rules, but they're to make things run smoother. Number one, don't rush the celebrities. They'll want to meet you, but people come here to mingle, not to get swarmed. Number two, never mention Doctor Who. Number three..."

As Lucinda listed the rules, Lela wasn't sure what she and Jeff were getting into. She simply was glad that they had.

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by FifteencentiKim » Tue May 05, 2020 11:17 pm

(A flash fiction story inspired by the philosophical opinion expressed by Bobascher on the subject of Shrunken Men. Spoiler: There is a shrunken man element in this story, and the story is more than a bit mean spirited, especially at the end.)

Sneaking back into the house was easy. Of course, it would have been even without the aid of the SiMpson Corp, but they were paying the bills, and they had known what they were doing so far. No need to second guess them now.

Bob looked down with glee at his father and stepmother from the railing of the second floor. Normally he would be looking down on them with disgust, but today was going to be different. Today the shrinking device from SiMpson Corp was going to arrive. Technically, the device was going to his stepmother, who thought it was going to change how things ran in the household.

She was right, but so wrong in the way she thought it was going to unfold.

Bob had been fifteen when his Dad brought home Deedra. She was a hot little blonde in her late twenties who was probably thirty percent silicon, and was a walking talking definition of golddigger.

Bob and Deedra took an instant dislike to each other. And Deedra had Bob's father under her thumb, in more ways than one.

From Day One Deedra began emasculating Bob's father, both in and out of the bedroom. Bob had even walked into the master bedroom one time to see his father wearing a collar and diapers. Bob would discover there just wasn't enough weed and beer to kill the brain cells that held that memory.

Deedra would have probably drained Bob's father out of all his money if Bob's father had any. But he didn't. Bob's mother had had all the money, and she had left it to Bob in the form of a trust. Bob's father drew a more than comfortable monthly allowance from the trust, which paid for groceries, trips, clothing, etc., but he couldn't touch the trust. Even the house which he and Bob lived in, including the utilities, taxes and the like, were taken care of by the trust.

When Deedra married Bob's father, shortly after Bob's sixteenth birthday, she began enjoying that same very comfortable lifestyle. But Deedra didn't want comfortable. She wanted it all.

Unfortunately, the nature of the trust prevented Deedra from getting anything beyond the allowance going to Bob's father. Bob himself couldn't touch the trust until he was twenty-five. And if anything happened to him before then, the trust went to a charitable foundation. Bob's father would not get anything, including the house.

Deedra, however, wasn't satisfied. You looked and looked and found a loophole.

If something happened to Bob after his eighteenth birthday which incapacitated him, the control of the trust reverted to Bob's father. And if something happened to Bob's father, something permanent, Deedra got control of everything. She could ship an incapacitated Bob off to a continual care facility he would be guaranteed never to emerge from.

So Deedra began planning and plotting. And during the duration, she began grinding Bob's father under heel. And she planned to do so literally very, very soon.

SiMpson Corp was making the giantess fantasies of women like Deedra a reality. Their internet commercials contained testimonies of dozens of satisfied customers. Of course, a discerning eye would note their were no actual men involved in the commercials, just CGI animations. But Deedra was too focused on what she could do to Bob's father when he was shrunken to be too discerning. And besides, SiMpson Corp had promised to help her deal with the problem that was her stepson.

As Deedra began entering a contract with SiMpson Corp, SiMpson Corp reached out to Bob. By the time the shrinking device was shipped to Deedra, the ultimate plan was set into motion.

Bob grinned as he watched Deedra gleefully sign for a package, then began tearing it open as soon as the delivery guy had left.

"Ready to get what you deserve, you little wimp?" Deedra sneered at Bob's father as she pointed the device at him. Bob's father just gulped and nodded. With a laugh, Deedra pushed the button on the device.

Instantly, Deedra and her husband disappeared. With a gleeful whoop!, Bob ran down the stairs, a small wire cage in his hand. As he reached the bottom of the stairs, Deedra and her husband, now both fifteen centimeters tall, were emerging from their oversized clothes.

Before his father could react, Bob picked him up, threw him in the cage and put the cage on a nearby table. Making sure the door was locked, Bob sneered, "Let me show you how you should have handled Deedra, Dad."

Deedra had been watching Bob the whole time, stunned at what had happened to her. Her brain was so focused on what should have happened, what she was expecting to happen, that it couldn't deal with the reality before her. It was only when her eighteen year old stepson turned his attention to her that she belatedly realized she was naked. She grabbed part of her blouse, pulling it up to her chin, trying to protest "Robert, I..."

""None of that, Deedra," Bob sneered, reaching down and snatching his stepmother around the waist, as she feebly tried to hang on to her blouse for cover. "Time to see those thirty-six double dees."

Deedra was going to ask how Bob could have possibly known what size bra she wore, while simultaneously fending off the questing fingers trying to feel her breasts, when she found herself being overwhelmed by the pleasure those fingers were causing.

"You're probably wondering how this all feels as good as it does," Bob noted, as he placed a finger on each of Deedra's breast, right on top of her hard, pink nipples. Deedra's arms had fallen to her side as she didn't even make a token resistance to Bob feeling her up. "Damn Deedra, these things are huge! When I get you back to normal size, I am going to fuck the hell out of your titties."

"But as I was saying, what shrank you down converted your silicon to flesh. Don't ask me how," Bob said as he used his fingertips to bobble Deedra's breasts. "I don't understand how shrinking people is possible in the first place. Don't worry, they'll still remain perky. But it makes your breasts more sensitive. That and your body is now linked specifically to my pheromones. So I'm told this is going to send you over the top."

Without warning, Bob lifted Deedra up to his face and sucked both her breasts between his lips. Deedra went nuts, thrashing around as the sensation of having every square millimeter of her breasts massaged and suckled gave her the biggest orgasm she had ever had.

Bob was grinning evilly as he allowed Deedra to push herself out of his mouth. As she caught her breath, she managed to squeak out "Why?"

Bob nudged Deedra's legs apart, which she did not resist. "Damn, Deedra, you're a natural blonde." Deedra blushed, but moaned in pleasure as Bob's index finger planted itself squarely on her mound. The moan got louder as Bob's fingertip made a small rubbing circle.

"You're probably not interested in this right now, but the reason you're shrunk is because I know you wanted my money. And the company you contacted to shrink dear old Dad..." Bob adjusted his seating so his father could clearly see his wife writhing in pleasure under Bob's touch, "Well, they are primarily about the shrunken male, as the emphasized letters in their title suggests. But that's just the above board business. Their real business is about getting rid of the simps in our society. The uber beta males. And if a guy wants to get shrunk by a woman, that qualifies in the company's mind as a simp. So they contact guys like me, the ones caught in the crossfire. I , like the other guys contacted, add my financial support to the company...which I will have in a couple of years, and in return---you're not listening, we'll talk later." Bob lifted Deedra one more time to his mouth, his tongue sliding between Deedra's legs. Deedra shrieked at the sensation, having her second only "mega" orgasm in her life within fifteen minutes of her first.

"So," Bob said, lowering Deedra away from his face as she caught her breath. "Your choice. I restore you now, and let you ride me cowgirl style, or keep you your present size for now, and let you ride my cock."

Deedra refused to meet Bob's eyes as she caught her breath. Finally, she answered, "I want to stay this size for a while."

"Let's head to the master bedroom. For the new master," Bob said smugly. Bob held Deedra in one hand while he picked up the cage holding his father with his other hand.

"What are you going to do with him?" Deedra asked. The tone of her voice held no embarrassment in it whatsoever.

"Him?" Bob said, shaking the cage holding his father. "He can watch until SiMpson Corp comes to pick him up in the morning."

"What will they do with him?" Deedra asked.

"Make him officially disappear in a way that won't be a problem for us," Bob said, then added with a laugh. "Probably shove him up a dog's ass or something. That's probably what Dad wants, anyway." Bob's father quietly sobbed in his cage as Bob undressed to continue his enjoyment of his shrunken stepmother.

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by Bobascher » Wed May 06, 2020 2:57 am

That's great Kim! I wouldn't have given Deedra the choice. She is now my toy for the mess she caused.

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by FifteencentiKim » Thu May 07, 2020 5:57 pm

Just saw this woman take a contract to move a giant (six meter tall) Power Ranger. There's a story in there somewhere :lol:


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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by Bobascher » Thu May 07, 2020 6:07 pm

I have a few Power Rangers that she can move...does she offer a reduced rate??

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

Post by FifteencentiKim » Fri May 08, 2020 6:35 am

(Author's note: This is very loosely based on the reality show "Shipping Wars." I say very loosely based because I have only seen one episode, the one in which Jennifer Brennan, pictured above, is transporting a twenty foot tall replica of a power ranger. And I know almost next to nothing about power rangers as well. My interest had just been piqued because, when I turned on my television, there was Jennifer and a few other people in a warehouse discussing how to transport a giant power ranger replica to a party of some sort. So if you're a fan of the show and I don't do her character justice, you have my apologies!)

Big Cargo

"So how am I supposed to move you?" Jennifer asked the six meter tall power ranger. The power ranger didn't answer, but Jennifer didn't expect it to. She probably would have freaked out if it had.

It was nine o'clock at night, and the small warehouse was abandoned, except for Jennifer. The night watchman who had let her in would be making his rounds in a couple of hours, but had told Jennifer he didn't have time to hang around for her to inspect her cargo for tomorrow. If she wanted to stay more than a few minutes, she'd have to be locked in with it until he came back around sometime between eleven or midnight.

Jennifer was initially going to take a pass on staying, but some obstinacy in her nature made her opt to remain in the warehouse. So the nightwatchman locked her in with a grumble, promising to be back in two or three hours.

The power ranger wasn't the most unusual object she had ever hauled, Jennifer thought to herself. It was the first time she had ever shipped animatronics. She had only ever encountered the technology directly once before, and that was as a teenager at Disney World. The guy who had contracted her to ship it told her that it would be easy to break down into three parts, but he would need to be on hand in the morning to disassemble it.

Jennifer walked around the immobile power ranger, thinking she shouldn't have agreed to stay with for a couple of hours after all. There wasn't really anything for her to do. She was, however, looking forward to seeing the animatronics at work.

She was about to get her wish.


Jake Statfitz was in his van, about half a kilometer away, doing final preparations himself to move his giant power ranger. Strictly speaking, it wasn't animatronics, though. It was a virtually reality controlled robot. Once you got linked into the set, you could hear and see everything the robot saw, as well as get some limited tactile feedback.

To put all this technology in a robot used for birthday parties and shopping center openings seemed like a waste of time, and it was. Which was why Jake had been happy to have his robot featured on a reality show about shipping unusual objects. If he could get even five minutes of national exposure, it could mean getting the financial backing he needed to get his project really off the ground.

Jake had been more than a little irked to have his creation described as 'animatronics' by the producers of the show, but he knew that when his powerranger was delivered and set up, he'd have the opportunity to really show what it could do.

Jake had just interfaced with the giant power ranger, ready to completely shut it down, when he saw Jennifer and the night watchman enter the viewing range of the power ranger's helmet. Neither one was aware the robot had been activated, but then all its sensory devices were safely tucked away behind the face shield of the giant ranger's helmet.

Jake had to admit he was enjoying the view of being able to look down into Jennifer's tank top. For a forty-year old mom, Jennifer had a shape that was the envy of women half her age.

Although Jake was enjoying the view, he was starting to get impatient for Jennifer and the watchman to leave, so he could begin the remote steps necessary for complete shutdown of his ranger. He was more than a little miffed when he heard Jennifer was going to stay. When the watchman left, though, locking Jennifer in, some deviltry got into him.

For some reason, the combination of the view down Jennifer's top and the fact that she looked only fifty centimeters tall to him was having an affect on Jake's libido, Part of him was telling himself to shut down the sensors, take a couple hours nap and get to work once Jennifer was gone. But he just couldn't stop watching her move around.

When Jennifer turned her back on the Power Ranger, looking at something else in the warehouse, Jake found himself virtually reaching out and grabbing Jennifer around the waist. She immediately started squawking and yelling out obscenities, but Jake paid her no mind. He lifted her to the power ranger's face shield, adjusting his grip so that his "fingers" were grasping her around the waist just under her breasts and she was facing the face shield.

As Jennifer began futilely pound on the power ranger's face shield, still shouting, it suddenly hit Jake what he had done?

Leaning back in his control chair, he thought to himself, What do I do now?

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