Misty the Former Boss Chapter 1 (humiliation, kidnap)

SW stories that include violence or extreme injuries etc.

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Misty the Former Boss Chapter 1 (humiliation, kidnap)

Post by sneaky21 » Thu Aug 06, 2020 4:03 pm

Shawn was a very guarded  and calculated person. He was 25 years old and was overweight and was single. He lived by himself and discovered that with every girlfriend he had he just wanted to fuck them and do nothing else, essentially making  them his personal whore. This consumed him so much that he never really hung out with his friends Eventually, every girl left him at some point in a short sex filled relationship.  Discouraged, he gave up trying to pursue another relationship, the last one he had was when he was 20.  He developed this social exclusion from constant ridicule in school. He learned at work however when he got the job at the bank, that customer service was his way to speak to people. It was like people had a professional obligation to be at the very least, courteous to him. He was a nice guy to everyone he met, but fantasized about having his way with the women at work. One in particular was his supervisor Misty. She was a wierd  personality, she didn't speak to many people at work. She came off as a woman strung out on drugs to many because she seemed easily startled. She had social issues as well  and couldn't look many people in the eye, as she hated confrontational. Misty would wear tight pants to show off her round ass  and very low cut tops at work to accent her still perky size C breast. Misty was aware she was an average looking woman, but she knew how to get her way in office flirting, constantly making the men do things like picking up a box, getting a bug, and talking about how strong they were and how she needed them to stay around more often. Ofcourse Shawn ate this up, he would love when she would bend over him in his cubicle to borrow one of his pens, and he would see her ass right in his face, and then look at him with a disgusted look on her face as if he shouldnt be checking her out. She genuinily was a computer guru, and had been in her position for 10 years and once Shawn got promoted he became her assistant. She had a sense of entitlement at work and dished all her workload on Shawn, She hardly worked her required hours at work, and blamed Shawn for every down fall that occurred. He loathed her, but at the same time she intrigued him. He wanted to get her naked somehow so he could fuck her just once. Misty knew all she had to do was flaunt her C breast and black shoulder length hair in a flirty manner, and she could essentially do as she wished. She knew that she could get away with anything because of her looks and her knowledge of the system.  

 Outside of work she had a small group  of friends and they liked to go to live music bars and drink while listening to music, she actually met her husband as he was playing in a local bar and had been married for 3 years. 

Having no friends gave Shawn lots of free time, and he often studied science. Shawn had always dreamed of owning a shrink ray, but knew there was no science to support it. Or so he thought. He found a web site from Japan that was linked to a site that said "Your dream size can be a reality!" It was a gun that when fired, beamed a ray of radiation that overtime would manipulate your body into whatever size you desired, but it had limitations, due to the radiation being lethal they restricted the design and the effectiveness of the device, and the overall power to operate the gun was insufficient. This machine was not government approved, and just a proto type that never caught on with investors, they were trying to quickly sell off the 10 units they made to cut their losses.  Feeling curious he went ahead and purchased it for the hefty price of $1400. It took three weeks to come, and when he opened the box and looked at it, he couldn't resist, as he pointed it at his box of cigarettes and almost instantly they appeared to shrink slightly. Inspired, he did more research and after 2 weeks of doing so he discovered that lithium would increase the process by providing a sudden jolt more then the gun was designed for, but it would increase the effectiveness of the gun. The radiation levels in the gun were more then enough to do irreparable damage to the matter it is fired upon and for organic material it would make physical growth impossible. The gun in theory could be used multiple times before it faded. The only problem was the amount of lithium was hard come to by. Over the course of the next two weeks he purchased lithium batteries in various stores in town, and built an adapter for the gun. He finally got it put together and decided it was time to test it on a living object. Walking outside his apartment he saw a stray cat that roamed the apartment complex, he lured it in with a bowl of milk and quickly closed the door when it came in. He pointed the gun at the cat and pulled the trigger in immediately the cat shrank to  the size of a cockroach. The cat was stunned and before it tried to dart off he grabbed a cup and quickly put it over the cat. He was excited it worked! He kept the cat for the next 6 weeks observing it to make sure the effects didn't  wear off. Unfourtunely during the last week he had the cat out of the container and it was following him around on the ground when he mistakenly stepped on it crushing the poor animal. Feeling bad  for killing the cat he decided to dispose of it with dignity, so he buried it outside his apartment complex, he only had to use a small gardening shovel and it took him less then 2 minutes. He finally had the confidence to try it on a human being now, and he figured if he is going to risk going to prison it would have to be someone worth it. He had just the person in mind, and started his planning for making Misty his living doll. He knew where she lived all he had to do was find a time to do it and an escape route.

While Misty went out for one of her vacations Shawn would have the perfect way to manipulate the schedule at work to ensure he knew where she would be for atleast the next 3 weeks. He knew that once he did it, there was no going back. Should he get caught kidnapping yet alone shrinking her, he would be going to prison, and his life would be over. He made the decision to have a lethal injection nearby him as a last ditch effort, he would rather die then have the world consider him a freak. On the other hand he thought about the pros of getting a shrunken woman, that he could do whatever he wanted to with, knowing he would own her for as long as she lived. It was a risk he was desperatley willing to take!

Misty was off on this particular day. He knew that it was his time to strike, nobody would suspect him. Also it was 9:30 am, and her husband would be at work until least 7 pm. She was alone in her house sitting in her living room enjoying the day to herself as her husband was at work. She was doing laundry, and had alot to do, she was excited to finally be off since Shawn  purposely manipulated the schedule to ensure she worked 6 straight days. Her husband was at work and there were no visitors planned for the day she figured no pants should be needed since she knew the dryer always made her sweat when it was on. She wanted to be comfortable  and proceeded to fold  the first round of her clothes while watching her soap opera in her favorite pair of white panties and a bra with a plain yellow t shirt. 

He finally made it to her back yard having parked his car at his designated spot, and walked 2 miles through the tree line keeping off the main road  the to keep people's suspicions down. He carried his duffel bag and his prized shrink ray. He knew by hearing her speak to her friends at work that the back door was broken and that she was pissed that her husband hasn't fixed it yet. Sure enough when he got to the doorstep it was easily opened. He crept up in the kitchen and saw her watching TV. He thought to himself, "This is it, either this 34 year old woman is gonna be mine or I am going to die, there is no going back now." He then said "Hey Misty!" really loud in this caused her to jump up screaming. Without missing a beat he pulled his shrink ray out and pointed it at her. She dwindled very rapidly became the size of a Barbie doll with the matter of 30 seconds. He went to the living room and found his prize on the floor in a state of shock, not knowing what to do. She thought she was dreaming as her giant dog was jumping up and down and licking her face.  As Shawn  approached, the dog growled at him, not feeling intimidated but didn't want to hurt another animal he took the dog and placed him in a closet. When he came back to the couch he found her up on her feet and examining her huge surroundings, She looked up and saw who it was... She stepped back quickly and fell backwards as he walked towards his prize. She screamed, Shawn?! What have you done to me?!! "It looks like I shrank you, how do you like your new size?" "Why are you doing this? What did I do to you?" She screamed as he quickly picked her up by her torso, and he took her to the couch where he sat her in his lap, she was fighting him the whole way now completely sobbing and crying. Feeling a sense of power over her he welcomed it, then he thought its  time for it to become real for the both of us. He screamed at her as she shook her tiny frame, "Shut the fuck up!" And she quickly tried to control her sobs.He smirked and said "Thats a good girl." With that she shot him a dirty look and he shot a dirty look right back at her, he said "don't underestimate the situation that you are in little girl". She angrily and sarcastically said "What situation is that?!" he said "The fact that you are my slave now!" Almost instantly she realized what he was talking about started to spazz out in his hand but she could not get free, she was too small, and he was to strong. She said "I'm not your slave", and he replied "oh yes you are, I own you now  and  I want see that little ass of yours!" He then turned her over and placed her over his left knee , with her legs dangling off the side, slowly savoring the moment he pulled down her white panties but he didnt remove them all the way,  just to her ankles.. He told her  "spread your legs, and if your panties hit the floor you're going to get it!" And with that her panties stretched around her ankles to the point where they wouldn't fall. He  then took his index finger and middle finger and massaged her ass in a clockwise motion, and once every other stroke he brought his index finger over her pussy. As her body started to betray her, she started to moan and her panties dropped to the floor.He smiled knowing it was going to happen, and said "Why did you disobey me!?" " I'm sorry!!" She screamed, But he already was pushing her back down on his leg. He said, "You will never defy me again, I am your superior, remember that!" He started spanking her little ass, after about 10 whacks he got a good rhythm going, and continued smacking her for 5 minutes, ignoring her cries of pain. He made her ass so red it was actually hot to the touch. He smiled and turned her over. And placed her on his right lap, she winced as her tender ass brushed against the fabric of his blue jeans, she was trying to avoid eye contact, he commanded her to look up, as she slowly raised her head he could see her face was flushed and she had tears streaming down her face. He said ok" Misty now it's time for you to know the rules, you can think of them as your commandments, and  you will have consequences immediately should you break one, and there will always be new ones added . Ok #1. You will address me as "Master" and your name "Misty" is subject to change at my discretion. #2 Should you ever try to escape me, or call for help somehow, then your sister will be joining you as my slave too. #3 You will be submissive and never be combative with me, You will be confined to a cage and free range only when I tell you that  you can, other then that you will not speak unless spoken to. He then said, "Well little one it's time to go", he placed her on the floor close to his feet. he said "put your panties on slowly for me,  and I better not see you knees bend or you will be punished again".  She then looked up at him with defeat in her eyes and asked"how can I....  yyyes master." She then had to think quickly how to do the task he said to do correctly, so she straightened her legs and pirched her ass out and bent her torso with her hands out to catch her fall. With her fists on the ground slowly she put on her panties on by alternating her weight with one fist on the ground  and one hand yanking them up over her red, still warm ass. Crying in pain and at being humiliated and terrified of what he would do to her next. It took an intense 3 minutes for her and she was drenched in sweat. He bent down and picked her up and smiled. "Good girl"he said to her and patted her on the head.

 " Where is your purse?" she reluctently told him the kitchen, and he carried his new pet into the kitchen and found her purse. He put her on the counter next to him and looked inside her purse. He found the car keys and $120 cash, and put them in his pocket for safe keeping. Opening her wallet he took her driver license, credit cards, social security card and anything else with her name on it, and took his scissors out of his duffle bag. "Your life as you know it is now over", He said to her, as he cut them all up into small pieces , she was fixated on the microwave in the corner. He  looked over at the microwave and he saw her cell phone on top charging. " Don't worry Misty you couldn't use this phone even if you tried, its too big for you ha ha", he took it apart and pulled the chip out chopped it up as well and placed everything into a clear plastic bag. Putting everything in the duffelbag and leaving Misty on the counter,  he went back to the living room and let the dog out of the closet and placed him in the kitchen with the dog gate up. he looked at Misty and said, "Take one last good look at your old house and dog, because you're never going to see it again." she pleaded with him "Please! Please let me go, just make me big again and leave! I won't tell anyone, besides you're never going to get away with this!".. He smirked and said "watch me"... He picked her up and placed her in the duffel bag  and zipped it shut sealing her in darkness. Inside the bag she couldn't sit down because her ass was still in pain from her brutal spanking earlier. She had cried all she could,and could no longer produce tears, she was becoming dehydrated and weak but thought maybe Ill wake up and this will all just be a horrific dream. She was still in denial that she was the size of a barbie doll and being kidnapped by her assistant of 3 years at work. She knew he checked her out at work, and that is why she didnt really speak to him unless she had to. Misty didnt think he was bad looking, rather just an insecure marshmellow that she could manipulate. She couldn't believe Shawn would or could do something like this, yet alone him shrinking her, Then it hit her again, that she had been shrunk. "I'm in  a bag!! What is happening???!! Let me out of here you sick freak!" she screamed and was conpletely freaking out as her new master picked up the bag and headed towards the door. She heard him jingling her keys that had the distinctive jingle bell that her grandmother gave her. It was no use she lost her balance and fell brushing against the fabric of the bag and screamed  in pain. Then rolled over and laid flat on her stomach in the bottom of the bag in complete exasperation.

Walking over the dog gate he exited the house through the front, he locked the door to her house and got into her car and put the duffel bag in the passenger seat. He started the car and her cd player came on and her mixed disk she had made, and  he laughed to himself at the reality of him stealing her car with her in it! He felt powerful. He drove to a wooded area about 4  miles away. the land was an old hunting club that was hardly ever hunted, and often times left abandoned, he drove until he was about a mile off the road and got out of the car with the duffel bag.  He pulled his shrink ray out and shrank the car to the size of a matchbox car. He then opened the duffel bag and put the car in the opposite side Misty was in. Feeling victorious he couldn't resist  looking at her and  seeing the fear in her eyes again. He opened the duffel bag, the sudden light change startled her, she then saw his giant face look in and her face drew the fear he wanted, and  pulled her out. He held her and saw her breast swaying through her shirt. He wanted to play with them, he then quickly pulled off her yellow shirt. He held her by her hips  as she was in just panties and bra  He then smoked a cigarette as he massaged her tits  through her bra, making sure to blow smoke into her face just to see her cough and make her tits jiggle for him. When he finiished his cigarette. He put her back in the bag, and gave her shirt, and told her to put it back on. She said "yes sir"quickly did as she was told. He gave her a stern look, she looked up in terror. "What is it? She asked. "While I like that you called me sir, I believe I commanded you to call me master!" he replied. She fell other knees  in the bag pleading up at her giant captor through the zipper and seeing his stone cold face. " Master please I am so sorry, please master don't hurt me again!" she was almost hyperventilating, Shawn smiled as he thought to himself,  "she is breaking faster then I thought she would". "Shut up!"he yelled into the bag. "You just try be quiet and be a good little girl for me on the way home, and I may forget your first broken rule" Feeling like that was her best possible option, she then tearfully said "Thank you master!" He didn't reply, as he zipped the bag shut and started walking. He walked the two mile journey to the car very lazily making sure the bag hit every fallen branch, Misty lay flat on her stomach in the bottom of the bag, as she was being tossed around, she held her mouth closed with her hands trying not to make a sound, she didn't want to disobey him again. When Shawn arrived at the car he was so excited,he thought this is it I'm almost home free! The drive was very peaceful he listened to his sport radio station, and only had to drive a span of about 20 miles as Misty lived very near Shawn to begin with. When he opened the door to the apartment, he quickly came in and cut the light on, he shut the door close and put the duffel bag on the coffee table. He made it, He had a married 34 year old woman who was his manager, half naked and shrunken to the size of a barbie doll in a bag right in front  of him, he felt like he had won the lottery. 

Shawn unzipped the bag and picked her up and placed her standing on the coffee table as he put the bag on the floor. "Welcome to your new home!" he said to her as she was examining his living room at how massive the furniture was.  She wanted to cry, but put a cheap grin on her face, trying to hide her fear. "How long are you going to keep me?"  "For the rest of your life, I'm going to train you to be my little obedient whore, and your life purpose will be to make sure my dick gets hard and  I get off every night" he replied. She couldn't say anything, and just put her head down. Not 2 hours ago she was relaxing on a normal day off, and now she is a shrunken sex slave and completely helpless. Alright my little slave I want you to do the sexiest dance you can muster, and take off your clothes presenting them to me. "Remember your life depends on it." He put on a rap song with a good rhythm, knowing she never danced.  He laughed at her as she attempted to twerk for him, but it still pleased him. She surprised him as she pulled her shirt off and tried to swing it around sexy while her other hand unclasped her bra and her gorgeous breast were finally exposed. She then dropped to the ground and he saw her cute little ass hit the ground and as came back up slowly and with her hands did a cute little swaying motion as she pulled her panties down. The song kept playing, so she improvised the best she could  by taking her panties and putting them in her mouth and crawling around on the coffee table like a dog. When the song went off, he waited as she went back and gathered her clothes up and looked up at him as if giving him her most prized possesion, she placed them in his hand and he wadded  them up and put them in his pocket. He told her "you have to earn the right for clothes." He then picked her up and massaged every inch of her body, she then screamed as he brought her tiny body to his face and started licking and sucking her tiny tits, her nipples got hard and he could tell she was feeling it whether she wanted to or not. Without  warning he licked straight down her stomach to her pussy. Forcing her to spread her legs open, he proceeded to lick her pussy and then started massaging his tongue in it the best he could. After only one minute she was having an orgasm as she moaned, she climaxed! And went limp falling on his face. He pulled her off his face and put her on the couch as she was early panting trying to catch her breath. Her pussy was still soaking wet as she dripped on the cushion. Standing up he said "it's time you saw what you're going to be dealing with, ans he stood up getting completely naked, came back to the couch and sat  back down. Picking her up he placed her on his naked lap with a good view of his hardening dick. "Aright little girl I want you to climb on and start sucking the top of my dick." Sha..Master, please don't make me do this, I cant even suck my husband's dick, it makes me sick to my stomach." " Well I'm sorry little girl, I want my dick sucked, so your going to have to learn to get over that! Fucking figure it out whore, and start marching or you'll be dead!" She realized he meant what he said and then promptly walked to his penis, and straddled it like a horse. She maneuverd her way out towards the end of his penis, focusing on her orders she leaned over and started licking the head of his penis as best as she could. Then opening her mouth, she started sucking as much of his dick that she could fit in her mouth. While he barely felt it, he knew she was suffering, as she stopped several times to gag. After 10 minutes of her attempting to suck his massive penis, he then told her to lay down and hug it as he turned her around so he could see her face. He said "alright little girl wrap your legs around my dick, and squeeze as hard as you can".  She did as she was told, and with that he started to move her entire body up and down as she realized that she was jacking him off. She held on for dear life as her body moved up and down his shaft, her pussy kept rubbing against his penis causing her to moan again. The faster and faster he moved the more rapid she moaned and her body started to betray her again. Finally he pushed her up to where her head was above his penis, and blew his load directly into her face. It shot over face and on her head she had it all in her hair. Shawn  couldn't even tell she had black hair,as his seed oozed down her hair, to her backside, her breast and stomach. He let her go and she fell backwards in exhaustion with her legs still strattled on to his penis. "Good girl" he said. "Now clean this up!", wiping her face of his cum, "with what master? " " your mouth you dumb bitch, start drinking  my cum now!" she then sat up, she was so sick to her stomach but she had to keep going, she could do nothing to stop him,  and then she started drinking the cum that was coming down off of her face, It tasted horrible, salty and becoming cold,  he smiled with glee as she gagged and choked on his cum, He leaned back and started watching his sports show and lit a cigarette while she was having to take fast gulps of his seed so she would vomit it up. After drinking what felt to her to be a gallon, she looked up at her master with his cum dripping off of her face and pleaded "master I can't drink anymore, please let me stop." feeling satisfied he let her stop, " don't worry, you will get used to the taste of my cum."  got a paper towel and handed it to her and said clean my dick the rest of the way off now, she grabbed the massive towel and started cleaning her face. Seeing this Shawn yanked paper towel back from her, and said I told you to clean my dick! Not your face, how dare you defy me you ungrateful little whore!" He then picked her up and put her in punishment position again, he could see her ass was already bruising up from her long spanking earlier that day. He then proceeded to slap her ass and began to cry as the pain overcame her. He gave her 20 licks and then told her you don't get to be cleaned off until I tell you that you can,"I warned you to never disobey me, and you did anyway. This is what you get, now I think it's time for you to go in time out little girl." he carried her into his room where she saw what looked like a hamster cage, only with very tight wiring. You could barely see through it, he had the cage under to concrete blocks,there was no way for her to escape. He then opened the cage and put her in on the wood chip bedding, and locked the door with a padlock. "If hear a sound out of you, you will get punished again and it will be worse than before. Do you understand?!" she quickly said "yes master", and lay down in the bedding,  and buried her head in it and started crying as quietly as she could, she cried for 10 minutes or so and then finally passed out.

She awoke in pitch darkness, she had no idea what time it was or even what day it was. She couldn't see anything. She for one moment thought it was all a dream. But as she rolled over onto her side she felt the woodchip bedding stuck to her. His cum had dried on her and the wood chips were stuck to her body. She stood up and felt her head itching, trying to rub her hands through her hair, she came out with a handful of dried cum. She instantly started crying, "This can't be my life now". She thought to herself, "I had a husband, and he understood me. How is it possible to shrink somebody, and why is he so mean to me? " Misty sat on her ass for the first time, and while it was still tender she could tolerate sitting on it. She was freezing cold, her nipples were hard and she started to shiver. Remembering what he told her, she stayed quiet, and tried to hold out hope that he would let her go one day. "If I'm a good girl" she sarcastically said to herself. She hated that a guy that was almost 10 years younger than her, was now calling himself her master, and treating her like an object. As she picked at the dried cum, she thought about how she had'nt sucked a dick since she was a 16 year old girl. She was peer pressured to do it and gagged on her boyfriends dick and vomited in his lap. The boyfriend never saw her again. She tried again when she first dated her husband, but she would always get sick because she hated the taste. She even told her husband that she never would suck his dick on their wedding night, and he was ok with it. She grew sick to her stomach when she remembered how much cum she had been forced to drink, and her stomach was literally full of his cum.  Her stomach was actually protruding out a little bit, she felt like a whore. She laid down shivering in the wood chips, crying, just wanting the nightmare to end. 
"signing off, I'm alright in bed, but I'm better off with a pen"

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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Re: Misty the Former Boss Chapter 1 (humiliation, kidnap)

Post by shrinker_s » Thu Aug 06, 2020 5:27 pm

Nice start...I believe these were the ones posted on VSW - good to see.
Looking forward to the rest.

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Shrink Adept
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Re: Misty the Former Boss Chapter 1 (humiliation, kidnap)

Post by sneaky21 » Thu Aug 06, 2020 5:32 pm

shrinker_s wrote:
Thu Aug 06, 2020 5:27 pm
Nice start...I believe these were the ones posted on VSW - good to see.
Looking forward to the rest.

yes they were. (I wrote this like 3 years ago) I had to dig through and find the pieces of the story in my old email. I'm getting the rest out soon
"signing off, I'm alright in bed, but I'm better off with a pen"

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