Garage housing

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Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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Garage housing

Post by ShrinkMaster » Wed Sep 02, 2020 1:12 am

Warning! This is a purely fictional story and has absolutely nothing to do with reality!
It includes nudity, physical abuse and forced sexual acts.
(English is not my native language, so prepare for typos and figure out what I might have meant. I hope you can still enjoy the story.) ;)

Garage housing
by Shrinkmaster

For months Olivia was already looking for a new apartment, without success! It was not easy at all to find affordable accommodation for the student in this densely populated city. But time was running out, as her landlord family, who had the young woman living in a granny flat in the basement, planned to convert it into a party room before a big family celebration.

When her landlord, William Kuschnikov, heard about the plight of the young lady, he made her a proposal! The creation of a mini-apartment in his garage!

There was enough space for this, as the garage was not used for the family cars.
In addition, the costs for a ready-made mini-apartment including a miniaturization portal were kept within limits. Due to the shortage of housing, this type of habitat creation was heavily subsidized by the state. And so Mr. Kuschnikov would have recovered the costs through the rent within a few years!

Olivia found the idea of having to go through a shrinking portal every time she entered her apartment very strange. But what other choice did the student have?
And so, after a few days of consideration, the brunette young woman finally agreed.

A little shock came over the young woman when she read the newly drawn up rental contract. There it was noted in a subordinate clause that as soon as she passed through the miniaturization portal and became a mini, she would automatically become the property of the Kuschnikov family, the landlords, for this period of time.

William Kuschnikov explained to the slightly displeased young lady that this was a necessary clause for her protection, otherwise she would be considered to be "outlawed" as a mini without an owner! The legal consequences of living as a Mini only became clear to her now!
Olivia had been living in her basement apartment for almost 2 years now and knew the Kuschnikov family quite well. She also always had a very nice and friendly relationship with each other, which is why she finally decided to sign the lease.

Only a few days later the time had come! Olivia was a bit surprised how quickly everything happened. As soon as the garage door was opened, the girl, filled with curious awe, saw a plastic frame the size of a door. To take away the young lady's fear, Mr. Kuschnikov, as her landlord, first went through the miniature portal. Within a moment only a doll-sized man stood on the garage floor behind the frame and waved happily to follow her.

Astonished, Olivia also walked through the portal in awe. Only a moment later both persons were on the same level again!
William Kuschnikov led the young girl into her new home in his garage. Due to her shrunken size, the living space was almost 100 m² (1076 sq ft) and at an incredibly low rent!

The apartment was fully furnished and ready for immediate occupancy. Olivia already knew from her basement apartment that there were no windows. But Mr. Kuschnikov advertised the lack of windows and especially the sound insulation and emphasized that she would not be disturbed if someone had to get something out of the garage.

In order not to unsettle his future mini-tenant, he concealed one thing! When he ordered the mini-home, he ordered a milky plexiglasss ceiling that becomes completely transparent from the outside as soon as someone inside turns on the light. In addition, it was completely removable in one easy step!
After the complete inspection, the new landlord of a mini apartment handed over the apartment and garage keys and said goodbye.

In the following hours Olivia brought her things into her new apartment and completely furnished herself. In the beginning it was always strange to walk back and forth through the shrinking portal, but with time she got used to it quickly.

More than two weeks had already passed For the young woman, life in this mini-apartment had become a normal state of affairs. But what the part-time-mini didn't even suspect was that the transparent ceiling was tempting her landlord to visit the garage more often during the last days!

William Kuschnikov was zapping bored through the programs on his television when, on a cursory glance at his watch, he decided to rearrange the tool shelf in his garage.
No sooner was he in the garage and rather disinterestedly moved a few objects in his shelf than he watched with one eye from above with interest as the young, miniaturized student lounged on her "big" couch.

For William, it was fascinating to see how the small, young woman stretched her filigree limbs from her and had no idea that he was right above her in gigantic dimensions and could see everything!
Before she got up from the couch, Olivia stretched herself one last time. Her thin, grey T-shirt stretched strongly around her chest, making sure that the two soft curves were perfectly presented!

William was amazed when the young student went into her bathroom. He had already completely lost sight of his shelf and devoted all his attention to what was going on in this mini-apartment.

The father of a family could not stop smiling. Through her transparent roof, he probably sees the little student peeing!
But no sooner had he bent down to the apartment ceiling, he saw the little student under him taking off her top at close range!
No sooner had Olivia pulled her grey T-shirt up to shoulder level, her bra-less tits popped down like two soft tennis balls. Her dark, red-brown nipples matched her white skin perfectly.

William had to kneel down to get as close as possible to the apartment ceiling. He was now less than 10 centimeters (4 inches) away when Olivia slipped off her black sweatpants and panties and unknowingly stretched her white, bare ass towards her landlord.

William had to be careful not to breathe too much on the plexiglass ceiling, to cloud his view! How he would have liked to give the little woman a good pat on her bare ass!

After the little student had got rid of her two socks and straightened up again, she looked between her legs with her head down and examined her pubic area. It almost seemed to William as if the shrunken student was presenting herself to him, almost wanting to show off.

Completely unaware, Olivia tugged at her well-groomed pubic hair with her legs slightly spread, unintentionally revealing her protruding, fleshy pubic lobes to her huge landlord.

When the miniaturized girl went into her bathtub to take a shower, the aroused family man already begun to massage his privates through the fabric of his trousers! When he grabbed the hard bulge, the huge man compared "his" dimensions with those of the naked young woman directly below him by eye and was sure to easily outdo her!
Indeed, William imagined how it would feel to squeeze the small, filigree body against his cock and rub it along!

While Olivia unsuspectingly, directly under her gigantic landlord, set the appropriate water temperature of the shower tap, William took the opportunity to free his dick, which had turned to steel at the sight of her! As soon as Olivia had showered off her entire body, she turned the faucet off again, grabbed her body lotion and started to apply cream.

At first the huge voyeur only believed in his imagination due to his increased horniness, that the shrunken woman under him was paying special attention to her breasts and her intimate area when applying the cream. But all of a sudden the young student squatted in her tub and really started to finger her creamed pussy!
With closed eyes and panting mouth she pressed her little head against the back wall above the only doll sized bathtub.

With her free hand Olivia turned on the shower faucet again and let thick, hot drops of water splash on her little body. Almost simultaneously, she and her landlord, located directly above her bathroom ceiling, accelerated the stimulating movements. Until the view for the huge voyeur suddenly became duller!
The hot drops of water simply produced too much steam, which settled on the plexiglasss ceiling directly above the doll-sized bathtub!

The father of a family driven by pure lust did not want it to end like this! He grabbed the ceiling of „his“ apartment and carefully lifted it aside. There she was again! As clear as never before, he saw the little student still crouching in her tub with her eyes closed.

The living brunette haired Barbie fingered herself even wilder than a few seconds before! William could hear her loud moaning noises for the first time. Only a moment later Olivia quickly pulled her fingers out of her cunt, which immediately caused a small, clear gush to pour out of her grotto and splash into the tub right in front of her. The squirting made the little woman collapse trembling. THIS was by far the hottest thing William had ever seen!

In the past few days William thought several times during his "observations" that he had the "hypothetical" right to drag his little mini-tenant out of her apartment, since she was his property according to the rental contract!
But after what he had just seen, the theory was over! William just couldn't help but put his outstretched finger between the wet thighs of his shrunken renter.

Olivia immediately felt this strange pressure on her dilated pussy and opened her eyes. At the sight of this huge foreign body between her legs, the little woman jumped up in panic and retreated to her bathroom wall.

Her horrified look quickly followed the long, gigantic arm that protruded into her bathroom until she looked steeply up into the gigantic face of her grinning landlord!
But immediately afterwards something else appeared above the bathroom wall and blocked her view.

As Olivia's gaze adjusted in a fraction of a second to the huge object directly above her, the first thing she noticed was this tube-like structure on the underside.
Only at second glance did the miniaturized student realize that it was the foreskin frenulum of a gigantic and bulging cock!

Immediately Olivia's escape reflex kicked in! In her panic, she tore down the shower curtain and tripped over the edge of the bathtub with her legs. William was having a great time watching the shrunken student fall out of her doll bath. Like a startled mouse, the naked mini-tenant was on all fours, fleeing from this huge man.

William's play instinct was fully aroused! And so he chased the soaking wet thing with his huge hand from room to room until the little one had finally reached the apartment door. Olivia ripped open the door, stormed out and ran towards the saving portal. But the little student never even got near the giant plastic pillars. Instead, she immediately ran into the giant hand of her landlord, who completely enclosed her shrunken body! Totally defenseless, Olivia instantly lost the ground under her wet feet.

William grabbed the Mini's thin arms in his firm grip and lifted the kicking young woman from the garage floor. It was almost breathtaking to hold this shrunken and completely helpless thing in his hand.

With eyes wide open Olivia looked into the gigantic face of her landlord. Only her shoulders and a large part of her breasts were looking out of the top of her huge hand. William examined her little face more closely. The wet brunette hair and the pale complexion made her dark, broad eyebrows stand out particularly well and made her big eyes look particularly clear. Everything was rounded off by her narrow nose and her soft-looking mouth.

Below, only Olivia's doll-sized feet protruded from his closed hand. William stroked over these filigree toes and soles, which ended in a panicky kicking! But there was still one very important thing to finish!

Olivia looked directly into the gigantic face of Mr. Kushnikov. As if she didn't have enough panic at this sight, it suddenly went down again!
Directly in front of her this gigantic, upright standing cock of the older man revealed itself again. The monstrous glans was already covered everywhere with a glittering film.

Suddenly, Olivia felt a firm pressure on the back of her head. William pressed a finger against the little head of the shrunken student to hold it in position. Then he straightened his stiff cock and guided the young woman's small mouth unerringly into the thick drop of precum between his pisshole.

The screeching of the mini-tenant quickly stopped when her entire chin and mouth was plunged into this glassy, thick drop of slimy, giant precum. Olivia's last breath filled her lungs with this extremely strong-smelling cock-steam.

Once the little Barbie face was squeezed into his giant cockhead, the man in his mid-forties let his slimy cockslit glide up and down over Olivia's entire face. Whenever William noticed that she was desperately gasping for air and forcedly swallowing his cock slime, he let the helpless mini-student breathe for a short moment before he pressed her little face back into his cock hole.

Only after a few minutes, which for Olivia were infinitely long, did he release her little head from his slimy slit. But instead of giving the little one a break, William immediately squeezed his young renter with a firm grip on the underside of his extremely hard cock!

Olivia felt this tube-like structure between her squeezed breasts running along her flat stomach. At first she braced her little feet against the gigantic, leathery scrotum of her landlord. But William didn't want to break her legs like matches at his swollen ball-sac right after the first jerk-off movement! So with a short jerk he pulled her long, thin legs up the sides of his cock. As soon as he saw her small, light-coloured soles of her feet appearing on the left and right side of his cock, he started!!
Olivia was absolutely powerless against what followed!

William hurled his cock as hard as he had seldom done before, without any consideration for the shrunken young woman in his hand. Olivia's entire body was rolled along this gigantic cock of her landlord again and again at a horrible speed. She tried to scream for help in panic, but her little face was pressed so violently against this fleshy monster that all her desperate cries died away.

Only once William interrupted the torment of his mini-renter. Olivia's little face protruded just above the giant cockhead. The little one looked totally exhausted and was clearly close to fainting! But the huge man didn't care at all! Instead, he just squeezed another drop of slimy precum out of his glans and spread it all over Olivia's small, maltreated face. Immediately afterwards, the torture of hell continued.

For William, it was only a few short minutes that passed far too quickly for him. But the feeling of the small, living doll on his penis was just too great! And so he accelerated his already violent wanking to the maximum at the end.

Olivia believed the end had come for her! But suddenly the giant stopped the inhuman spin and loosened his grip. Olivia was able to catch her breath for the first time in a long time! But immediately afterwards, her landlord's giant cockhead revealed itself to her.

Before the shrunken student could prepare herself, she poured a hard stream of white giant sperm over her! It came so suddenly and forcefully that Olivia immediately choked on it.
William's geyser spat four more loads of sperm over the young doll before the giant slowly squeezed the last bit out of his dick, flooding Olivia.

With shaky legs the man in his mid-forties released his empty dick. Then he used his oversized index finger and massaged his sperm into the exhausted doll's little mini cunt.

Olivia wiped the massive sperm from her face. Fearful she looked at her gigantic landlord and pushed a big load of thick, white cream off her upper body. What would happen to her now, the young woman wondered.

William looked at the small, frightened creature in his hand and thought about his next steps. He couldn't leave her so dirty!
His wandering look through the garage got stuck at the small sink on the opposite side. On the way to the small porcelain tub, William saw a roll of thin yarn on the shelf, so he had an idea! He laid the young woman with her bare back on the cold shelf. Then he grabbed a long piece of the yarn and wrapped it tightly around Olivia's little wrists several times. Olivia let her landlord do it easily. What could she have done in her miniaturized form against it?
After completion, the giant man simply grabbed the living doll again like an object from the shelf and went to the sink.

There he set the young woman down in the flat, white washtub and grabbed the long end of the yarn. William pulled the yarn tautly up and attached it to the round faucet. Olivia's arms were pulled up steeply by the dew-like yarn at her wrists. Her little feet only touched the cold porcelain floor with the tips of her toes.

At the sight of the mini-bondage girl, William tapped himself on the shoulder, how perfectly he had managed the length of the yarn! Playfully, he tapped his still dirty leaseholder and let her swing through the big sink until she (with some effort) brought herself to a standstill again with her little toes in the middle.

After the older man had repeated this playfully a few more times, he thought it was time to clean the little woman!
Due to the cool air and the cold washbasin floor Olivia's little body began to shiver. In addition, the swinging around on the dew-like body was extremely exhausting. But when the gigantic older man in front of her suddenly grabbed his huge, tree-like penis again and moved even closer to the sink, the little student's alarm bells rang again! And rightly so!

William had come up with his very own method to get rid of the completely dirty mini-renter from his drying reproductive cream. The big man pulled back his foreskin a short distance and concentrated for a moment.
Olivia stared directly at the gaping glans slit diagonally above her. By the time it dawned on the bound student what her giant landlord was up to, it was already too late! A firm, warm stream of stinky giant piss poured over her entire body like a flood!

William took his time with his shrunken renter. He radiated the young, helpless thing with relish from top to bottom and took a little more time in some places. One of them was the Mini's little face.
Olivia desperately tried to turn away from the monstrous jet of warm giant piss but her small, slippery toes could not find a hold on the piss-soaked porcelain floor.

Finally William noticed how he gradually ran out of urine. He moved a little closer over the sink and pressed the helpless student's little head directly into his pisshole! Olivia's mouth and nose were literally flooded by William's piss! She felt her stomach fill with the warm, steaming and extremely smelly liquid. "Luckily" for the little one, it was over after a few seconds!

William squeezed the last drops from his cock directly into Olivia's mini mouth and then retreated. Immediately, the small, tied up renter choked liters of urine from her completely overfilled stomach (at least by her standards).
William had to laugh at the sight. He had not expected so much! "Poor thing," he thought, not being entirely serious, and put his empty pissed cock back into his pants.

But now it was time for a real cleaning! And so William slowly turned on the tap above Olivia's steaming body and let cold water flow over the shrunken thing. Then he squirted a few drops of hand washing soap into his hands and started to soap Olivia's little body completely.

It goes without saying that he let his creamy finger slide particularly thoroughly between Olivia's thighs!
The comparatively huge man could easily feel this small, narrow slit between the thighs of the living doll. Despite several attempts William was not even able to sink his finger into this extremely narrow hole. The soft, greasy slit always stretched quite a bit, but at the latest after half of the fingernail, his oversized finger slipped out of the much too little gap of the screaming girl.
For Olivia, it felt as if something far bigger than a baseball bat was trying to get to her innermost self!

When William had finished cleaning, he turned off the faucet again and loosened the thin thread. He pulled the little student by the thread up in front of his face. The cold water made Olivia shiver all over her body. William grabbed the shrunken woman with one hand, but instead of releasing the shackles, he went back to the shelf with the little one. The thing with her narrow slit had left him no peace, so he had an idea!

Once again Olivia was moved to the shelf. But this time her landlord made sure that she crouched down with her hands and knees, using his fingers as thick as logs.
With the order not to move, Mr. Kushnikov let go of her and rummaged around in the shelf just below her.

In fact, Olivia was afraid to move a millimeter. Only a few seconds later her entire body was again embraced by a huge hand. William put a finger between her shoulder blades and pressed her upper body onto the shelf. Held in this position, only the small, bare bottom of the young, helpless woman stood up. "Perfect," thought William and looked at the two tiny openings.

Panic rose again in Olivia! She knew what a sight she had just given the huge man!
A sour metallic smell rose up in her nose, it was bike chain oil! The next moment Olivia felt something cold and very greasy running down between her ass cheeks!
"Oh God!" thought the shrunken girl, her always so nice and courteous landlord had actually just oiled her back entrance for God knows what!

In fact, Mr. Kushnikov had grabbed a screw, also oiled it and actually put it right up against Olivia's shrunken asshole! The pointy metal-monster effortlessly pierced the extremely small anus of the student. Immediately afterwards William started twisting the screw turn after turn in the ass of his shrunken, young renter!

Panic and horror spread almost immeasurably in Olivia! But her landlord had his living toy perfectly under control. Slowly William turned the screw, well greased with bike chain oil, between the luscious mini ass cheeks of his screaming renter.

Olivia felt every single turn of the monstrous screw in her guts! Not only did the giant screw penetrate deeper and deeper into her intestines, but with each additional turn, her tight asshole widened a bit more!
Just when the increasingly wild screaming student thought she was going to tear, she felt a thick plug between her extremely dilated ass cheeks. It was the big screw head!

William was amazed and at the same time a little proud of himself. He had actually managed to insert the entire screw into the small, living thing.
Admittedly, the screw had not been too long, but still he was not sure at first if it would work at all.

The little ass, with the thick metal head screwed into it, looked really good to bite into! The screw had finally stretched Olivia's little asshole so far that even her labia were pressed wide apart and her wet, shiny, pink inside was pushed out! Even a few windings of the screw were visible.

William couldn't stop himself and lick through Olivia's open labia with his big, rough tongue tip. The protruding clitoris of the young student felt like a miniscule nub. William was surprised to be able to feel this little love button at the top of the gaping pussy with his tongue!

The man, who was busy with pleasurable licking, saw not far away from him an older, empty jam jar, which was meant to store small parts, then he had an idea! He let go of his little sex toy and grabbed the jar. Olivia was able to move freely for the first time since the giant screw was forcibly introduced. But she hardly dared to do so, as she felt every little movement directly on the giant screw deep inside her.

She saw Mr. Kushnikov jab a few airholes into the lid of the large glass container. It quickly dawned on the shrunken student what thery were for!
Whimpering, she begged her huge landlord not to put her in there. But William didn't care at all about the little doll's pleas! Instead, he grabbed the dark-haired Barbie and stuffed her into the big jam jar. After the lid was closed, Olivia could not even sit upright on her knees in her glass prison. In addition, the extremely deep-seated giant screw forced the lower part of her upper body straight and the wide screw head touched the bottom of the glass!

As if she were just an ordinary object, Olivia was placed on the shelf. She saw her landlord carefully and accurately repositioning the plexiglasss ceiling on her former mini-apartment as if nothing had happened.

William got up again, walked towards the garage door and took a quick glance at the jam jar: "It's time to advertise the apartment for a new cute renter," he winked at the wedged student and closed the garage door behind him.

[Since in most cases I only write down my first impressions, don't be afraid and feel free to add chapters to ALL my stories if you want to.
Everything I publish is for the public and can be changed as you like and published again everywhere as long as the content is allowed there, no matter if it is my original or the edited one.]
I don't like playing with dolls,
I like to play with little woman!!

Shrink Master
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Re: Garage housing

Post by Bobascher » Wed Sep 02, 2020 6:27 pm

Awesome story :)

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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Re: Garage housing

Post by shrinker_s » Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:48 pm

Good to see you posting MasterShrinker.
Looking forward to revisiting your old stories, plus maybe a few new ones.

Shrink Adept
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Re: Garage housing

Post by SciFiCrazy » Thu Sep 10, 2020 8:49 pm

I too am glad to see one of your stories on here. Your an amazing writer. Hoping to see more like the one with the two boys that return from camp early and find their family on a little shrunken vacation in their home. As well as maybe the continuation and additional content that was added by shrinker_s.

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Shrink Aprentice
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Re: Garage housing

Post by Doll_size_girl » Fri Sep 11, 2020 12:24 am

I have got to see more of this!! Is there any continuations?

If this is what you write, then I hope with all my heart that you will post more of your stories. ^-^

I never saw your works, I don't know how I could have ever missed you on VSW. If you have more stories already made, I hope you will post them here soon. This is so close to perfect, I definitely want more of your stories.

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Shrink Adept
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Re: Garage housing

Post by ShrinkMaster » Fri Sep 11, 2020 8:28 pm

Thank you all for the great feedback!
Unfortunately it is very rare that I continue a story. I have too many ideas that are much more suitable for their own stories.
Therefore I always encourage you at the end of each story to add your own chapters. ;)

Out of several hundred ideas, I published only about 30 on VSW.
Many of my ideas are not written down completely, and I still have to translate them (english is not my native language).
If only I was not so lazy... :P

I will post stories here from time to time (old and maybe also sometimes completely new).
Over thirty of my old stories in one go would flood your senses. :lol:
I don't like playing with dolls,
I like to play with little woman!!

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Shrink Aprentice
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Re: Garage housing

Post by Doll_size_girl » Sat Sep 12, 2020 10:22 pm

I would so legitimately be tempted to commission a continuation of this one lol.

I understand, and I would even suggest you post your not translated ones somewhere so that people could see them. You may not ever translate them all, so if you put out all the non translated ones at least people could still find them ^-^

Maybe I want to be overloaded :p
I do look forward to seeing what you have. I understand what you're saying and I hope that you will eventually be able to post all the things you have made. It would be very sad if you only posted a few then had a bunch just hidden away.

It's fine to move at your own pace, I also have the lazy lol. But I hope you stick with it, as long as you have great ideas then I think sharing them is an amazing thing to do. I have only seen this story but am about to check out another post you made. If all of your ideas are like this one then I am sure you are perfect for this. I look at so many stories and only some get it so right. We all have different taste but it is so nice when you find something that fits your taste just right. I like your style and I hope you show us some great things ^-^

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