The Tourists. Home Life

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The Tourists. Home Life

Post by HHunter1 » Thu Apr 29, 2021 6:27 pm

First chapter of after Karla gets to the Miller's home. I likely will not add to this as frequently as the other story, as my writing output has slowed recently. But hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1


Karla awoke by being lifted. "Shh, shh." Micheal said as he moved her and Josie.

"What's going on?" Karla sleepily asked.

"I'm getting ready for work, you two can sleep more." he directed. Karla felt herself laid on a warm pillow. He pulled his shirt off and blanketed them with it. Josie snuggled and Karla found it a nice nest.

She watched him walk over to his cage. He reached in and she heard familiar whimpering voices. Micheal growled, "Sush, if you wake Karla and Josie I'll punish you." He turned and walked out of his room with Donna and Gabriel dangling from his hand.

Karla sighed and curled tightly to her sleeping friend. She welcomed sleep happily.

Karla heard a noise and sat up. "Oh, did I wake you?" Milly asked softly from the doorway.

"No no." Josie groggily said as she sat up.

"Did you two want to sleep more?" Milly offered.

"I'm ready to get up." Karla announced.

"You want to shower in the cage? I'm going to shower now myself, you can join me." Milly advised.

The friends looked at each other and shrugged, "Sure, why not." They both agreed.

"Where did he pack your clothes?" Milly asked.

"That bag." Karla directed. Milly helped them pick out outfits for the day. She carried them to her and Howard's room. They showered together like friends at the gym. Karla marvelled at Milly's body. Tall and slight, yet very appealing. If she didn't know, she would not have thought this woman never carried a child to term.

As they showered Milly offered them to try her shampoo and body wash. Karla missed the smells of Micheal, but it was nice to smell different to her towering teen owner.

As they dressed Milly asked, "Did you two want me to get you your own shampoo and things for when you shower?"

"That would be nice." Karla replied.

"You know, I was hoping Mike would leave you at full size for today." Milly announced.

"Really?" Karla asked.

"I was hoping to have your help with packing. You two don't mind keeping me company while I work?" Milly requested.

"Gladly." Josie agreed.

"I'm going to make an omelette, would you two want some? It will not be as good as on the ship." Milly offered.

As Josie agreed and they discussed more, Karla looked over at her host's cage. Glares, dirty looks, and fearful glances were returned. Karla felt a slight rush knowing she was more than those Shrunken. Milly talked to them like friends, family really. Those caged pets were her playthings. She accepted Milly's hand for transport. Asking as she stepped aboard, "Do you have cups our size for coffee?"

"You know I do for you two ladies." Milly replied sounding confused at the question.

Karla smiled at their audience, "Right, because we're special." She stated.

They went to the kitchen. Karla and Josie were placed on a bread box beside where Milly worked. The boys had gotten Milly a good supply of ingredients for Milly's omelette. "I guess I'll have to leave you two here for a bit. We need groceries."

"That makes sense." Josie replied.

"Another reason I wish he'd left you big." Milly noted as she cooked.

Karla sipped at her coffee. Peppers, ham, and shredded cheese combined with the eggs to make a nice breakfast. "Is there anything we can do to help?" She asked her human friend.

"Just be company." Milly noted. Breakfast, freshen up, and they start packing the library spare room. Well, Milly does. They discussed the books their giant friend was packing away. It was a pleasant morning.

Milly left them on the couch to watch TV while she left to get the real groceries for the house. Karla was disappointed to find no channel broadcasted her show. She tapped at her tablet while Josie watched teen sitcoms. They got great amusement to see they still showed episodes from Grace's show.

Nearly two hours after she left, Milly returned. "There is a package here for you." she noted with amusement to Karla.

The human woman put away groceries. Milly had brought home a salad and a small roasted chicken. As the three shared lunch, Milly opened that package for Karla. A shiny Standard sized Black Charger with fire engine red detailing. "Why are you receiving this?"

"The glasses Mr. Jacobs lent me allowed me to shrink it." Karla explained.

"Oh right." Milly noted.

In the package were also little clear plastic tubes labelled with the needed fluids of the car. Once lunch was finished and cleaned up after. Milly helped Karla reenter the fluids into her own little car as it sat upon a pile of paper towels. They gave the shiny lovely time to accept the refilling as they returned to packing.

After packing books and knick knacks for a few hours, Milly suddenly announced, "I think it's time for a break." She held her hands for Karla and Josie to step aboard. She carried them to the piano.

Karla could see it had a faint layer of dust atop it. At first Karla thought it was from the length of the trip. But it was deeper, as if this instrument had been somewhat forgotten. She found herself placed upon Milly's shoulder. Josie slipped upon the other.

Their human friend prepared a wash for polishing the dark wood beautiful device. Milly carefully wiped the smooth surface clean. She seemed to brighten as she removed the layer of dust. She finished and emptied the bucket.

Milly took them off her shoulders and offered them to step off onto the now gleaming surface. Milly open to the keys. She stretched her fingers and danced them across the pearlized switches. "Hmm, I need to get this tuned after we move." she noted to herself. Karla noticed no off tuned keys.

Milly started a soft song. It was a warm tune and inviting. Something she would have been perfect in a fancy hotel lobby. Milly smiled softly as she played a well remembered tune.

"How about this?" Milly asked with a smile at her Shrunken audience. And a joyous tune began. Karla and Josie knew this tune. They had danced to it when they were younger. They smiled and stood. They began trying to remember the routine. They were clearly out of practice. They giggled together at their shared missteps. They were rewarded by Milly joining in with the amused sounds.

Milly started a classical ballet tune. Karla sat and allowed Josie to perform. Josie had done some training in ballet. She glided on that shining platform like an angel. Milly clearly enjoyed the performance. Once the song ended she clapped for her little dancer. Josie bowed and clapped to her giant musician.

Milly's next song was an upbeat show tune. Karla took a turn dancing. She improvised her performance. Karla found she enjoyed the sensation of the music's vibrations through her feet. It was an interesting experience.

That's how they spent the afternoon. Milly picked a tune. And Josie and Karla would take turns making up their own dances to those songs. Karla and Josie delighted at the musical performance and Milly clearly enjoyed their performance.

"Well, you three having fun?" Howard's voice suddenly announced his presence. The three were so engrossed in their fun they didn't notice the guys had come home. They stood smiling in the living room doorway.

"Wow mom, you haven't just sat and played in a while." Micheal noted.

Howard came over and kissed his wife's cheek. "Are you going to play it for me?" He asked.

Micheal leaned on the piano behind Karla. She sighed happily as his powerful hand stroked her back. Milly started tickling the keys. Milly began to play and she and Howard sang some old song together. Milly was right, Howard was a bad singer. But it was a sweet sight, them singing to each other about time and wishes.

"I thought before supper we could take Mike and the girls to the new house to check it out. What do you think, my beautiful angel?" Howard said in a warm sigh.

"That sounds nice." Milly purred back.

"Give us a moment to put away the Shrunken we brought home and we'll zip over there." Howard advised.

The boys brought home ten of their catches each to enjoy. Howard had brought Milly ten of her pets as well. Karla was amused, Micheal brought home some of the sweet girls. Fun young playthings.

Micheal had to carry Karla and Josie in his jacket pocket. The playful boy tormented her with his fingers as he walked to the car. They stroked and touched at her, she reveled in his attention. Wondering if Josie was getting to feel the titan's touches. In the car they were allowed to ride on his lap, out of sight of the other drives and their passengers. Those wonderful colossal hands made great backrests for the ride.

They drove for a while. It was hard to tell much about where they traveled as Karla could only see up through the windows. But as Howard mentioned it was a gated community near their work, she knew it would be a few minutes at least. Watching building tops and lamp posts drift by.

They came up to a gate and a security guard. "Sorry, private housing." he stated.

"Yes, we bought a house in here. Just want to show our son the house. Here, one sec, I'll get my home owner's card." Howard replied. He wiggled about then pulled out his wallet. He handed the guard a card.

"OK Dr. Miller, enjoy showing off your new home. And remember, you might be Red Status, but if you're caught with openly displayed Shrunken by non-Company personnel, you could get in big trouble." the guard advised as he opened the gate.

"You're right, we just got so used to carrying them around on ship." Howard sighed.

"You went on the first collect cruise, how was it?" the man asked.

"Oh so perfect. Hope you get to take one yourself." Howard sighed happily.

"Third one, west coast of Africa. Hoping to collect some lovely African playmates." the guard smiled.

"That one will be interesting. Heard they are planning special precautions due to some areas' political unrest." Howard replied. "But yeah, dark skinned beauties should be found there." he finished as he started driving in.

"The guard was right Mike. Sad to say it, we need to keep Karla and Josie hidden outside the house. Sorry ladies." Milly noted.

"That's understandable." Karla was proud to hear Josie say.

They pulled into a driveway and got out of the car. A light blue two story house with a two door garage stood before them. Along the side opposite of the garage was a wrap around porch. There were stairs down the side of the garage. They walked toward the front door.

Inside was a massive living room. They walked through a short hall with the door to the garage on one side and the door to the basement on the other. After that a fair sized kitchen. It was open to the dining room, large with a little nook between it and the living room. Off the kitchen was a little hall holding a half bath and a laundry area.

Down to the basement was a fair sized finished area with a bar alcove. Off that was a small room for a bedroom or office. Another bathroom with a stand up shower. The back end was mostly unfinished with stairs that led out to the back yard. Howard announced that it would be for his tinkering, the weight bench, and storage.

They climbed the stairs to the second floor. The Master bedroom was along the front. It was huge with it's own bathroom and a walk-in closet that wrapped around the bathroom. Inside the back end of the closet was illuminated by a skylight. This area had caging on both sides. Clearly intended for Howard and Milly's pets.

Out of the master bedroom was a hall that ran the length of the house. Another bathroom was first. Three simple rooms with a normal closet shared that side of the building. In the front corner was an area with bay window seating. The walls were bookshelves.

"So, one of these rooms is mine?" Micheal asked. Karla wondered herself. They were slightly smaller than the bedroom he had at their current space.

"Nope." Howard answered. He led them back down the hall and opened a door that led out over the garage. Inside was a small apartment. "Your mother is worried you're going to leave us in a few years. So she's hoping to bribe you into staying with us for a few years with this.”

Just inside was a kitchenette with a small dining area. Around the corner was a full bath and a long living room like area. At the far end of the Living room was a door to the outside with a little porch. Off the living room was the bedroom area. About the size of the area he has at their current space. But with a walk-in closet area with a sky light. But it was simply caged off just inside, to keep his Shrunken contained.

"Really, our own place?" Micheal gasped.

"Yes, but no. You still live under our rules. We can and will pop in as we do with your bedroom now. But more space and eventually you'll be given more and more personal responsibility." Milly advised.

"OK, Karla, Josie, looks like we'll have to get furniture and things." Micheal suggested.

"Al is designing cages for our Shrunken closets. Should make great access to them." Howard advised.

Karla imagioned many fun games they could have with the Shrunken ladies he owned. His own place with his harem.

They left what would be their new home in a few weeks. Micheal placed Karla into his jacket pocket. The car started and they were moving. His powerful hand slipped into her pocket. That wonderfully cruel titan teen started fondling her in his pocket. She struggled to suggest he should wait until they were back in his room. But she was helpless to stop him from molesting him. She was shamelessly delighted in his dominance of her whole body with just a mighty hand. For the whole car ride she was his to play with.

They got back and Micheal pulled Karla and Josie out of his pockets. Karla gasped from the effects of Micheal's attacks. She was amused to see Josie panted as well.

The three human's started making supper together. Karla watched as Josie was suddenly snatched from Micheal's shoulder and onto Milly's. It was nice seeing them coordinate to make a meal.

As they ate Milly announced, "Karla got an interesting package today."

"Really, what was in it?" Micheal asked excitedly.

Karla answers, "It's a black seventy three Charger."

"Charger?" Micheal replied.

"Classic muscle car." Karla advised.

"Have you drove it yet?" Howard asked.

"The day I got to try making Shrunken. I drove it back to the ship." Karla explained.

"Guess we'll have to find someone to look after the maintenance of your toy." Howard noted.

"Karla knows about old cars." Josie announced.

"Really Karla?" Micheal asked.

"My dad showed me." Karla felt shy to say. She had gotten used to guys being weirded out by her mechanic skills.

"Would you mind tuning other cars?" Howard asked.

"No, it would be a nice hobby." Karla replied.

"Cool! You can look after Shrunken cars." Micheal cheered.

"Remember guys, she is only one per, ahh, Shrunken. Best not order a parking lot till we see if we have collected her any help." Milly advised.

They finished supper. "Can we take Karla and her car to the basement so she can drive her car a bit?" Micheal asked. Karla was rather excited of the idea of driving that black beauty again.

"Suppose you want to see the car too?" Milly asked Howard.

"Yeah, but dishes." Howard whined.

"I'll deal with them." Milly advised.

"Micheal, do you mind if I keep your mother company?" Josie asked.

"Oh thanks Josie." Milly answered, scooping the freckled beauty to her shoulder.

Howard carried the car while Micheal carried Karla. Howard carefully placed the car down. Karla took a walk around the muscle car. It's former owner had taken wonderful care of this lovely.

Howard whispered something to Micheal that generated an. "Oh yeah."

"What are you boys whispering about?" Karla requested.

"Sorry, dirty old man thought." Howard replied.

"What this time?" Karla sighed.

Howard snickered, "You would look good washing that car."

"Well if Micheal wants to see me wash it, I'd be happy too." Karla purred to her towering owner.

Karla climbed in and realized she didn't have the keys. Crossing her fingers she checked the glove compartment. There they sat. Sighing, she put them in and started her rumbling pet. It purred just like it did that wonderful sunny day.

She drove it around the weight bench. Weaved around the free weights. That Red lined stallion handled like silk. Karla wished she could drive this wonderful creation in the sunshine. She just had to imagine the open road in this massive basement.

When she finally stopped Milly and Josie had come down. She popped the hood. She had to look at the heart of her stead. The former owner didn't just take good care of this work of art Karla now kind of owned. He must have put a lot of work upgrading it. Carefully Karla leaned over to inspect the engine visually. It would be too hot to fidget with right now.

She had just begun viewing the engineering beauty when she heard both men give their own appreciative hum. She snickered, she hadn't thought about the pose she would be in to enjoy her new toy. Karla liked that Micheal still liked seeing her bend over things. Even knowing Howard, with his bus load of pretty playthings clearly liked the view she was displaying made her feel strangely sexy. She gave her displayed ass a little wiggle at them as her old self reminded her she hated men leering at her. But these weren't men, these were her Micheal and sweet Howard.

She took her time looking over the components. From what she could see the oil filter and a few other components were new. From their state, Karla guessed brand new. The clean up crew must have changed them. Course they drained the fluids, so that made sense.

She leaned back and turned around. "Liked the view?" Karla teased the giants staring admiringly in her direction. She got a bit of a rush from them blushing, even Milly.

"Is it in good shape?" Micheal asked.

"Perfect from what I can see." Karla called back.

"We'll have to order you a fuel pump for Shrunken cars." Howard advised.

"Well, if we are to order a small collection of pretty cars for her to tinker with, we should see if there is a Shrunken sized garage we can buy our tiny grease monkey." Milly advised.

Karla found herself on the back of the couch as they looked over the remaining vehicles for sale. Advising them on their choices. She wasn't as up to date on new cars. And not alot of classic ones were left.

She was saddened, but not surprised, there were human sized modified tools to look after Shrunken cars. But nothing Shrunken sized. There were some Shrunken sized tools, but they came with costumes. And it would be hit or miss if they would work for her needs.

As Micheal carried her to their room, Karla found herself fairly excited about the cars coming from what Micheal ordered last night, to what the family ordered that night. She could at least advise them on how to modify and tune their new toys. And likely get to drive them.

Micheal placed them on their bed and advised, "Wait here." and he turned to his still packed suitcase.

"What is he doing?" Josie asked.

"Looking at Shrunken outfits. Maybe he's collecting our other outfits for us." Karla suggested.

He returned and requested, "Put these on please." handing them each a pen striped skirt and button up blouse outfit. Karla's was a familiar tight grey skirt and pink shirt. While Josie was handed a black one with a sky blue top. As he turned Karla could see several copies of his schoolgirl outfits. She knew what her titan wanted to play.

"Why does he want us in these?" Josie asked, confused. But still pulling out the clothes to put them on.

Karla purred, "Because we are going to play teacher to a small class of students."

"In the play set?" Josie asked.

"Likely on his chest, or his cock." Karla hummed remembering the first time she played teacher.

Karla was aroused by Josie's expression change. It was as she now purred the question, "Are we to punish our students, or does he?"

Karla sighed, "We'll have to see what Dr. Miller is looking for from the students."
Karla was happy to see there was an elastic in her garment bag to bun her hair. She looked over at Josie. Her outfit hugged her curves beautifully. With her glasses and her reddish hair in a tight bun Karla found her sexy librarian fantasy.

Micheal came over with the ten young teen Shrunken he brought home today. Karla was sad not to see Donna and Gabreil in the mix, but their uniforms were in the wash.

The ten pretty girlies clumped together. A mass whimper came from them as Micheal began to strip his shirt off. Karla shook her head, some of these cupcakes had been his for most of the trip, they should know to be excited to be played with by now.

Karla clapped her hands and advised in her most teacher-like voice, "Class, come on class, this isn't the first time you've gotten to be Director Micheal's playthings. Calm down, I'm sure whatever he has planned, you'll all will get to experience part of it."

"But we don't want to." the long haired blonde he had plucked naked from a shower on his second port whimpered.

"Now stop being foolish. You've been one of my students before. You should know better. Behaved means better treatment." Karla reminded them.

The girl looked about to rebut her when she got distracted. Micheal was slipping his pants and underwear down, so Karla couldn't blame them for staring at the Behemoth. But they again reacted in fright. As she realized she shouldn't have put on the underwear and hosiery for her outfit, they would need to be washed now.

The pluckley side pigtailed brunette noticed her admiring the thick beast and questioned, "How can you like being molested by him?"

Karla walked over and cupped the girl's cheek, "Because I accepted my new life and my place in it. The sooner you do, the sooner you'll start enjoying his affection too."

The towering teen laid himself upon their bed. Gentily he scooped Josie and Karla and they found themselves slid just before his colossal face. "What lesson do you want our students to learn?" Karla softly asked her sweet giant.

"What do you think they should learn?" He replied.

Josie looked over at the tender schoolgirls then at her massive owner. "I have an idea if that's OK?"

Karla smiled at her lovely friend as Micheal hummed, "Sure, go ahead Josie."

"OK, bring them up." Josie advised.

Karla enjoyed the show. He was sweet to her and Josie. But the young Shrunken he grabbed in ones and twos by their torsos. Thigh high sock covered legs squirming helplessly in his powerful hands.

Soon the ten pretty plaything cowared on his wonderful chest. Josie walked toward them in an alluring heel toe sway. Karla noticed Micheal too also enjoyed her traveling. She actually circled the nervous group, gaining their attention.

"Evening girls. You may call me Miss. Josie for your lessons. That is Miss. Karla during lessons. And that powerful being is to be called Director Micheal at all times, or else." Josie began.

She smiled at Karla and took a deep breath, "Tonight's lesson is simple. You are to simply accept your new life, or at least begin to act like you have accepted it. One at a time you shall walk up to Director Micheal's sweet face and beg him to play with you. The best one getting a special reward of his choosing. Any refusing or clearly not trying as he sees it, he will punish. Any questions?"

The long haired blonde whimpered, "But we don't want to be played with."

"Then lie, because you are going to be." Josie seemed to mock the teen. She clapped her hands together and commanded, "Now line up and begin."

The first sweet little former Asian dancer started. Pleading adorably in thickly accented broken English to the admiring giant. She even called over her friend and began to explain that the second pretty didn't know any English and begged for her.

Josie grabbed her arm, distracting her from that wonderfully appealing display, "I think there is something wrong with me." her friend confessed.

"Are you feeling alright?" Karla lost care about the skimpily clad begging Shrunken.

"Nothing physical. It doesn't make sense, I don't find women sexually attractive. But if I thought Micheal would like it, that he would be aroused to see it, I would pin any of those girl's down and do things to them. Just knowing he's going to play with them sexually, I'm not just aroused. I'm lustful. I am fighting the urge to just walk down to that thick wonderful Behemoth and love it with my body." Josie explained.

Karla reached up and stroked her friend's cheek to comfort her. Josie accepted and Karla heart rushed and Josie nuzzled her face into the touch. It spoke to Karla greedly, "Just say Micheal would enjoy that, those four simple words and you could be making love to Josie on his chest while he watches."

Karla ignored that tempting offer and her clear want to step forward. Josie was clearly bothered by these urges, she should help her friend. "After he's done maybe we should talk to Micheal. He might be able to help you understand. But I know how you feel." Karla advised stepping away from her freckled love.

Josie looked over at Micheal's sweet face as he inspected his living dolls begging for his attention. Karla saw her gasp wantingly, "Yes, he should have his fun first." Josie sighed. Yes, Karla knew this feeling well.

They started appraising the presentioning girls to each other. Their delectable slender forms. How their skirts hung off the tops of those tight young asses. He had brought home three Asians, three brunettes, three blondes, and Karla's shapely young neighbor. All very appealing playthings for a boy his age. And for some reason, they were enticing as playthings to Karla as well.

His hands stroked at the trembling Shrunken teens as he spoke, "Oh you all were very appealing offers. But I think I have to go with." His hand then hovered over them. Many duck instinctively as that mighty digited appendage flew over them. Then his hand curled around the first sweet Asian girl and her non-English friend. "These two get the top reward."

The one that vaguely knew English was trying desperately to claim her terrified friend as his hands started taking their tops. "What guy can turn down two pretty Shrunken to enjoy at once." Micheal explained his reasoning. They lost their bras, exposing petite little perky mounds. He reached under those little skirts and carefully pulled down their little frilly panties down their trembling legs. He fixed their socks for them before pressing them together.

Karla mocked herself for being jealous. He lifted them and turned them so they lay with their legs toward his mouth. His dominating fingers pressed between their legs, spreading those dance toned limbs open. Those terrified sweets clung to each other tightly. He licked his lips as he hiked their skirts up. Sliding those clamping lips over their exposed thighs and ass cheeks. Wrapping that kiss around both of their slender waists. Fear filled breathing slowly changed to confused gasps to deep aroused breaths.

He turned to the remaining crowd. The Shower Blonde found herself in his grip. She pointed out, "No you picked the winners already."

"Looks like he has plans for you too sweetie." Josie arousingly mocked.

He quickly striped the blonde like the two Asian teen's before her. He then pressed her into being on her hands and knees. He snapped and pointed, clearly ordering her not to move through pantomime since his mouth was savoring Eastern treats.

The side tailed brunette was then grabbed. She squirmed and fought, but ended up mostly naked and placed on all fours directly in front of the blonde. He gave a soft flick to her ass for her disobedience. Karla gasped at the pleasing yelp from the helpless slender girl.

He reached for something. A white bottle with blue lettering, Karla knew what he had in mind. Her old self felt bad, was about to offer to take that thick touch herself. When IT reminded her, with one thing or another, he would someday penetrate all his pretty dolls.

He placed a small dollop of gel like substance on the small of their backs. They both yipped at the sudden cold. He rolled the tip of each pinky in one of the clear deposits. Both adorable innocent Shrunken pleading to know what he had in mind.

He moved his lube dripping digits to behind his two targets. They both suddenly know what he was planning. Frantically they begged him not to. They started to move, but he snapped his fingers and they stopped. They both confessed their inexperience. Pleaded for their virginities.

Giant pinky fingers pressed to them. He made little circles with his smallest digits. But they were so powerful that the girl's hips were forced to roll with his touch. They were pressed into each other. Mouths and eyes went wide as his slender fingers made entry. Soon he smiled as he poked his fingers in and out of his puppets. Their hips popped as he gently thrust his touch into them. They began grunting as they got to ride his powerful touches.

Karla was mesmerized. He was enjoying four helpless Shrunken at once. Sure two were clearly not realizing the gift they were receiving. But their whimpering as he dominated them with a touch just showed how much more powerful he was to all of them.

The trace was broken by Josie clapping her hands. "OK the rest of you, stripe like Director Micheal striped those four. Now girls, or does Director Micheal have to stop enjoying himself to make more examples out of some of you?"

The sight of two of them, as they likely saw it, being raped by colossal pinky fingers made them follow Josie's demand fairly quickly. They all stood in a loose line with just short pleated light blue plaid skirts and thigh high socks facing Josie. The occasional head would nervously look over a shoulder to the two digit riders.

The Asian's lollipops started to bellow together their first climax of this encounter as Josie walked up and down the line of topless teens. As they soften back to delightful moans she simply commanded, "Go attend Director Micheal's Behemoth. Any not doing a good enough job will be noted by Miss.
Karla and myself."

They six lovely Shrunken rushed over. Once there though, the group clearly hesitated to touch the tower penis. A wavy haired Brunette stepped forward and hugged her bare chest right at his tip. She looked disgusted, but started taking big long licks at his cock head. A slight tremor in his body told Karla he liked her efforts.

Soon the other five spaced themselves along that broad mass. "Can you help me get on top?" Josie asked.

"Yes, but what's the plan?" Karla asked.

"We walk back and forth along it. Explaining to our students the better ways to enjoy Micheal's cock." Josie purred.

"I'll stay down here for now, give the strugglers a helping hand." Karla advised.

They walked beside the wavy haired girl. She wasn't happy, but she was active. Karla boosted her luscious friend onto their titan teen's manhood.

She leaned along the brave brunette, "What's your name?"

"Vivian. Am I doing something wrong?" the girl replied between the tastes of Micheal.

Karla pressed firmly along the teen's body. She grabbed her tight ass cheek and cupped a perky breast. Remarkably the girl didn't attempt to pull away, just kept working herself along the Behemoth's eye. Close to the girl's ear she whispered, "That's a brave spot you picked. When he cums, you'll be covered in it."

"Does it hurt when it blasts out?" the girl asked.

"A little, but it's all thick and warm. It will coat you all over. Nice thing is he takes a pill that makes it taste just like milk chocolate." Karla advised as she grinded into the appealing teen's back. Matching the rhythm of her efforts.

"What should I do when he finishes?" Vivian asked to Karla's delight.

"What if I said the other girl's will be told to lick you clean?" Karla teased.

Remarkably, Vivian replied, "Would that earn me a non-fingering reward?"

Karla liked this cupcake. She gave Vivian's cheek a lick and purred, "Oh, I'm going to have to watch you." She then turned to inspect the other servicing students.

Karla looked at each girl grinding their chests and tasting Micheal's sensative skin. Suddenly Josie was missing. Karla stepped back to see Josie was leaning over the otherside reaching down. Likely a student not servicing properly.

She stepped back to see her old neighbor going through the motions, but not touching the Behemoth. She pressed into the back of the shapely Latina. Grinding into that firm ass and back. Which in turn rubbed those tits into the side of the beast. Karla held the girl's pretty face against the shaft, "Lick him. Lick him or I'll get him to play with the spider!" Karla explained, reminding that curvaceous plaything of the puppet he penetrated her with a few weeks ago. Tongue shined his sensitive skin. "Better." Karla said as she stepped away.

The students soon realized they had to pleasure the giant. So they reluctantly did so. Karla walked back and forth around Micheal's massive tip observing those lucky girls. As Josie swayed her hips back and forth along the top of the shaft.

Karla rounded the tip. The third Asian girl was stretching her barely five inch form as high as she could along the side of the shaft. On her tiptoes made her little round butt stick out slightly. She was massaging her perky A-cup mounds into the Behemoth. Licking almost passionately. Her face showed disgust, but she still put her all into her pleasuring their giant. It was sensually adorable.

Karla wrapped herself to the short girl. He hand reached under the short skirt and between her slender thighs. Karla was amused to find a slight wet pussy greeted her touch. Karla worked her touch along the girl's clitoris as she praised, "You're doing a good job pleasuring Director Micheal."

"If I not, he shove finger in me." Came a sweet accented reply.

Karla found herself kissing the girl's neck as she advised, "At some point he'll put something into all of you."

"Has he put finger in you?" the girl asked.

Karla sighed at the memory. Her other hand slipped up the sweet delight's chest. Karla snickered, the girl's nipple was firm. Likely servicing a giant aroused this one a bit. Karla's fingers tormented the firm mound as she spoke between nibbling her new toy's neck, "Oh yes, it's thick and powerful. I loved every second of it."

The nervious attendent asked, "Are you going to sex me?"

Karla stepped back and spun the girl around. She grabbed just under the girl's cute little ass and was aroused at how easy she could lift the slender girl. She pressed the girl's back along Micheal's shaft. Her mouth kissed and sucked at the girls neck. The adorable little plaything didn't resist, just accepted Karla was going to enjoy her arousingly sender form.

"Karla what are you doing?" Josie asked suddenly.

"I, ah, well." Karla was trying to think of an excuse or explanation why she was stealing one of Micheal's toys.

"Bring her up here so we both can enjoy." Was not what Josie would say, but was her voice.

Karla boosted the tiny beauty up and Josie pulled her aboard the Behemoth. Then her friend helped her aboard too. Karla straddled their wonderful giant's manhood the best she could. Between her and Josie was the lovely Asian girl.

Josie shuffled herself toward Karla which pushed the sweet lovely toward her. Josie hand cupped Karla cheek. Karla pressed herself tightly to the front of the Asian girl. Josie lips meet hers and they kissed while sandwiching their new friend.

Karla felt hands along her chest, her blouse loosened. Josie was undoing her top. Giggling at this, Karla reached around their companion and started undoing Josie's shirt for her. Snickering Josie directed the girl's face into Karla's cleavage. Then began nibbling on that pale neck.

Karla pulled Josie's shirt off her shoulders. Josie leaned back to fully remove the top. Karla tilted the Asian's head onto Josie's cleavage and suckled one of the young girl's petite breasts. The girl was clearly confused, but too fearful of upsetting the giant boy's favorite pets to resist or even question.

Josie started pushing Karla's shirt down her arms for her. The sweet little nipple was to tastey to stop savoring now. Once her arms were free, Karla started massaging thier sex doll with one hand. Stroking Josie's fine leg with the other.
Josie wrapped her arms around the two of them. pinning the slender teen tight to each of them. Nimble fingers unhooked Karla's bra. Karla helped her friend undo her's next.

Josie pulled Karla's bra down. And pressed the girl's open mouth over her nipple. The girl began to suckle wonderfully. Then those pillowy lips kissed the tip of her other breast. Josie licked and sucked on Karla's breast. Karla ran her hands over the backs of their heads. But she was very tempted to push the girl out of the way and have Josie all to herself.

Josie's mouth traveled up Karla's neck. Karla's lips soon meet them and tongues that need to taste each other devoured their chance too. Josie's hands arousingly danced over Karla's body. Freeing Karla to explore that most wanted womanly form. The Asian girl was pressed by their passion.

Karla felt Josie's attending hands slipped down Karla's back. Josie undid her skirt. Karla slinked herself up to slip out of her skirt. Josie eagerly started slipping her hosiery off Karla's ass. Karla leaned over the girl and shared another kiss with Josie.

Karla rubbed down Josie's back. Josie nibbled on Karla's neck as she undid Josie's skirt. Karla pushed the skirt and hosiery off Josie sweet cheeks. Hands explored again over naked forms and squeezing the Asian girl between them.

Josie pushed Karla down. Karla smiled at the look of Josie's expression as she directed the Asian's face between Karla's thighs. The girl's tongue began exploring. Josie straddled the girl's ass. She began grinding their plaything. Rubbing the sweet thing's face into her Karla's womanhood perfectly.

Karla enjoyed seeing Josie dominating the girl. Her friend purred, "OH he's watching us."

Karla leaned back and looked up at Micheal. He was making two lovelies gasping in his mouth. Two more grunting eroticly under his touch. Five more pretties working to pleasure his manhood. But still he was so focused on Josie and her enjoying their new friend's company.

Since he was watching them, Karla felt he might as well give him a show. She arched her back and pressed her breasts together. She cooed at her sweet titan teen, "Is Director Micheal enjoying the view?"

His tell-tale shiver stated he was. He let off adorable little grunts as she felt his bursts flow though her perch. She looked and that Vivian girl was standing there taking each load with her chest. The thick fluid oozed over her shoulders and down her girlish torso. Soaking her little blue skirt. She cuddled her back to his massive cock, Karla loved getting her titan teen off.

Josie's expression changed to her normal. She directed their Asian plaything to lay beside Karla. Karla rolled to her side and cuddled the sweet thing. Josie snuggled to the girl's back.

Josie sighed, "I kind of feel bad we didn't get this girl off first."

Karla started stroking the girl noting, "We still could."

"I'm not sure." Josie noted.

Karla directed the girl to lay flat on Micheal's cock. She started suckling the perky mound on her side. Josie seemed to accept the invitation. Her hand gently massaged the other mound as she leaned in and began kissing the girls lips. Karla snickered in her mind at how easily she was aroused by the sight of her dream girl making out with a pretty thing. Karla slipped her hand between the girl's thighs and petted the moist little pussy.

Karla noticed two things. Josie got more intense with her attention to the girl. And their thick bed was becoming rather firm again. Karla wondered if Josie noticed Micheal getting rigid again and was being aroused by that? Or was Micheal being aroused by Josie's deeping affection?

Karla slid herself down that sweet slender body. She lifted that little pleated skirt. Her hands pressed at those inner thighs, and they parted for her. Karla nuzzled and suckled in the quickly damping girlhood. The girl began softly panting.

Josie took over the girl's chest. Her mouth devoured the girl's perky breast. Her hand fondled the breast Karla had left free to enjoy. Her other hand played along the back of the Asian's head.

The girl gasped and moaned from the two older Shrunken's attentions. Karla felt a slender hand unbun her hair. Then those girly fingers racked through her hair. Silky skinned thights pressed and releasted against Karla's head. Karla looked up, Josie's hair was no longer in a bun, wild and loose the girl passionately ran fingers through those red locks.

Karla suckled the girl's sweet tight pussy. Clawing and kneading a tight little ass cheek with one hand. Her other hand was more brave, sneaking between Josie's thighs. Her fingers found that wanted womanhood. Karla was ecstatic to be pleasuring her longtime companion.

Karla was suddenly aware their laying place was moving. Karla looked, the two Asian girls he had been licking laid curled together panting high on his chest. His finger puppets lay on their backs, also gasping, hands massaging well used vaginias. Vivian sat inches from the tip of his cock. Thick semen coating her upper half. It was like a sensual battle field of his conquests.

Now the last four were pressed to the sides of the Behemoth. Two in each hand. His hips fucked his thick cock along their helpless little forms. But what she enjoyed the most, he again was watching her and Josie play.

It took over. It knew Josie would be more accepting of attention while under their giant's gaze. Karla leaned up. Lips kissed Josie's womanhood. Karla's tongue savored that delectable peach. Hands raced along those wanted thighs. Karla forgot that cute Asian, and hungry feasted on Josie's pussy. Josie rolled onto her back. Her hands massaged Karla's head.

Karla thought she heard a startled scream. Then powerful fingers lifted her. She didn't whimper, too focused at attempting to taste that desired slit again. She gasped excitedly as their owner's dominating hand turned her around. Laying her on top of Josie. As her mouth cupped over Josie's exposed pussy, Josie's mouth kissed deep into Karla's own wanting sensitivity.

Karla accepted her Micheal's wanted gift. Eagerly loving Josie in this demanded sixty nine position. It was an added rush as he began pleasuring himself with the other four girls. Knowing they could ride in passionate embrace while those others were made to stimulate their thick hard resting place.

Ravishing, Josie climaxed under Karla. Karla's mind exploded as she realized she brought that dream true. The rush was overwhelming. It wasn't till the wave flooded back did Karla realize they stopped moving. He was bursting again, four gargling voices whimpering as he covered their faces in his seed.

They laid there happily panting in the afterglow. The Asian girl, clearly uncertain what to do, was stroking them comfortingly. The three of them were suddenly scooped up and placed on the bed. Karla watched Micheal collect the other nine girls and pressed them together. Carrying his soiled toys to their new cage home.

Karla cuddled her friend. "You OK?" she asked.

"I don't know. Honestly Karla, I think I might be a little crazy. I just can't resist doing things to girls if I know Micheal will like seeing it. I feel less guilt with you, but with the likes of this girl." Josie explained. Grabbing the Asian pretty and stroking her hair in a comforting way.

"That isn't a bad thing. We are his to make him happy. To make our own lives better, we have to want to make him happy." Karla advised.

"Want is one thing, this is like a need." Josie rebutted.

"I know, I feel that need too. It's arousing to me now. Not just an act." Karla advised.

"You two like that one do you?" their towering teen asked as he leaned over them.

"Yes, she snuggly." Karla advised pressing along their Asian delight.

"Then she's the first of your new servants. What's wrong?" He noticed Josie's expression.

"I think I'm not right." Josie admitted to the boy giant.

"Why?" he asked.

"Well, please don't be upset." Josie replied.

"I'll try." he acknowledged.

"Well, when we do sensual stuff I get excited. I even get not just willing, but excited to do things with other girls if I know you will enjoy it." Josie explained.

His expression softened, "Oh that, I don't think you have anything wrong with you. I think you're just a Suited like Karla. At worse you might have a touch of an Eager to you."

"See Josie, he, wait I'm a what?" Karla just realized he had labeled her.

Giant fingers stroked her hair, and Karla couldn't help but to lean into that touch. "A Suited is a Shrunken that quickly adapts to their new life quickly. Finds ways to make their lives better. It was thought of as like a Shrunken legend, just Eagers miss understood. But as dad suggested, they would be likely to be discovered by gentle owners. And I seemed to have lucked out and gotten two gorgeous Suited to spoil."

"So, I subconsciously have a want to please you for better treatment?" Josie asked.

She also leaned into the fingers that came to pet her. "And you'll receive better treatment my pretty red haired Shrunken." Micheal purred to that dream girl.

"I think I oddly can accept that." Josie nodded.

"Lets get cleaned up for bed, should I cage your girl?" Micheal asked.

"Can we cuddle her tonight?" Karla asked.

"Joise?" he asked.

She looked up at him, then at the nervous girl. A smile came across her face, "Yes, it would be nice to have a body pillow tonight." She purred wonderfully up to their titan teen.

He smiled and gave off an aroused hum. "OK, but you'll have to sleep together on a pillow tonight." He countered.

Karla felt arousal rushing through her as Josie teased back, "OK, but where will we lay on in the morning?" That Suited description seemed to have made her feel better.

Micheal put on some PJ bottoms and a robe. Slipping the three of them into his pocket. He entered the hallway and the TV was going down stairs. He entered the Living room area and Howard was watching some police show. "Dad?" Micheal called.

"Yeah Mikey, sorry Mike." Howard replied.

"Would it be OK if I stay home tomorrow, I want to start packing." he asked.

"How are your reports?" Howard questioned with a smile.

"Up to date. My first amplified simulation is on Tuesday." Karla's kind colossus replied.

"Yeah, enjoy. I'll be staying home on Friday though if that affects anything." Howard advised.

"OK, thanks. Night dad." Micheal replied.

"Night Mike. Sleep well girls." Howard called back.

He took them up to the bathroom. As he readied the water for them, Karla started stripping her new servant of her remaining clothing. The girl didn't fight. Even when a giant hand scooped them out and placed them in the sink. Karla liked how he knew the perfect temperature for their water.

He let them rinse off before he used the sink. Once they all completed the evening ritual, they again sat in that deep pocket. Karla was delighted to see Josie join her in cuddling their new personal Shrunken.

He poured them on one of his pillows. It wafted with his scent. "What about pajamas?" Joise asked.

The lights went off and Micheal curled into bed. "Not for tonight, I want to hold you naked. Night my lovies." he explained.

"Night my sweet giant, Night my sweet Karla, Night, sorry what is your name?" Josie said.

"Aoi." the girl replied.

"Night Aoi." Josie finished.

"Night my sweet titan, night my darling Josie. Also night Aoi." Karla added her voice.

Karla snuggled to one side of their living Asian body pillow while Josie curled to the other side. Micheal's hand blanketed them all. Karla could tell the girl was uncomfortable being cuddled by two naked women while she was also naked. And a giant hand blanket probably didn't help. But the teen was warm and soft. All the love and snuggles help Karla doze off.
Last edited by HHunter1 on Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: CH 1: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by Sumcoolguy » Thu Apr 29, 2021 11:22 pm

Oh a new Asian servant/body pillow for them to covert. Thank you for continuing this story!

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Re: CH 1: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by HHunter1 » Fri Apr 30, 2021 12:15 am

Your welcome. Glad you enjoyed.


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Re: CH 1: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by ALittleConfused » Fri Apr 30, 2021 3:19 am

I discovered this site and your stories about a week ago and I haven't been able to stop reading. I really want to thank you for your work. It's been years since I've read anything that's drawn me in to the extent that The Tourists has.

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Re: CH 1: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by HHunter1 » Fri Apr 30, 2021 2:42 pm

Thank you. That's a big compliment. I'm glad your enjoying it. I hope you find more here as well as there are several good writers on this site. I would recommend some stories, but I've been a touch to focused on my material the last few months and haven't kept up with any of the new stories that have appeared. Hope I can keep you and others entertained.


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CH 02: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by HHunter1 » Mon May 03, 2021 11:51 pm

Chapter 02

Karla awoke and stretched along her new servant. The slender Asian girl was pretending to sleep pressed between Karla and her sweet Josie. Karla decided to play, genially she stroked the girl's nipple. Rolled it while massaging the pert breast it rested on.

"What are you doing to poor Aoi?" Josie asked.

"Just seeing something." Karla purred. She leaned her face down and started kissing and suckling the mound. The girl whimpered. "Oh your awake Aoi?" Karla teased.

Josie petted the pretty’s hair, "You shouldn’t pick on her like that."

Karla slipped her hand between those slender thighs, "Oh she has to get used to being our fun."

"You're being a bully." Teased Josie.

"Oh from the feel down there she likes it." Karla purred in her defense.

Suddenly their blanket lifted. Powerful colossal fingers pushed Josie away from Aoi and the thumb of that mighty hand moved Karla off her new pet. That boy giant scooped the sweet scared girl off the pillow.

"Hey where are you taking my servant?" Karla mockingly yelled at her Micheal.

"Oh I thought I'd give her a good spot to see my fun." he retorted.

"What fun?" Karla asked, trying not to giggle.

"Where he put me?" Aoi begged as titan fingers spread her leg wide. She popped out an "oh?" as lips kissed around her thighs and slender waist. "Ie, Ie, Ie!" Told the rhythm of Micheal's licking.

He pushed the blankets off his waist. Karla and Josie curled to each other at the bulge in his PJ shorts, their titan had some morning wood. He pushed his shorts down and the Behemoth stood thick and tall.

His hand scooped them off their pillow. They were pressed to the base of that towering shaft. Slowly he slid them the height. He hummed happily as the rose. Aoi moaned sweetly at the added vibration. He rolled them over the tip and slowly stroked them down that thick length.

Slowly he repeated that pattern. Leisurely enjoying the sensations pinning their helpless little forms to his erect penis. Karla loved the content smile he had around Aoi pleasured dangling form.

As the Asian lollipop made happy noises. Micheal pulled Karla and Josie from the Behemoth. Added a cold dollop of lube under their breasts to each of them. Repressed them to his hard cock. Slowly he used them to spread that gel like substance his grand length.

There he sat enjoying them. Slowly they went up and down the Behemoth. At a pace Karla felt comfortable cuddling and nuzzling that girth. Making strange love to her sweet titan's manhood.

Her legs stretched to wrap along the curve of that shaft. Hooking along Josie's leg as she also strained to feel that shaft slid along her womanhood. Karla used her other leg to stroke what little pleasure she could into her wonderfully dominating Micheal.

Karla rolled her breasts in the slicked tower's sensitive skin. Pressing and rubbing to his broad erection. Her face nuzzled the lubed surface, leaving a coating on her features. But that didn't matter, she was too focused on rewarding her owner with every ounce of pleasure she could generate.

There her towering teen laid. Stroking them slowly. Clearly enjoying owning them so easily. Karla was tempted to praise her boy giant for allowing her to slowly savor his sexuality. But she didn't want to cause an end to this wonderful attention. The whole time little Aoi moaned and gasped in loud pleasure. His budded tongue lapping her to climax several times.

He allowed their new servant to explode in pleasure for a sixth time. Then he pulled her from his lips like a spent cigar. Placing her on their pillow. Aoi might not like being their servant or his pet. But the smile on her face as she passed out showed she did enjoy special kisses.

His mouth free he began praising them, "Oh you two feel the best. Oh your bodies are so hot."

"What, I thought Donna and Gabriel were your favorites for this?" Karla teasingly asked.

"The big tit girls, they feel amazing, but nowhere as amazing as either of you alone. Both of you together, I want to enjoy this all day." He praised them sweetly.

Karla couldn't help but praise her powerful giant, "Oh Micheal, oh yes enjoy us." She regrets it as their pace slightly quickened.

"Yes, tell me more, talk to me." her titan lover begged her.

She could not refuse her tender massive lover. "Oh Micheal, I love sliding along your thick cock."

Josie added, "Use our bodies to make you feel good. Oh this feels amazing." His hand moved faster.

Karla knew he was enjoying this new pace too much to slow back down. He started lustfully praising, "Oh you two feel so good! Oh so good! I'm fucking your bodies! Yes fucking your hot little bodies!"

Karla arched forward as best she could. Lustfully she sang back, "Yes Micheal, fuck us! Fuck our bodies my sweet giant!" She heard Josie moan praise to their titan teen too. Karla didn't catch what she said. But she translated enough to know it followed her admiring words.

They traded praises back and forth. Micheal complimented on how enjoyable their inches tall bodies felt sliding up and down his thick cock. They thanked him for stroking their Shrunken forms along his thick girth.

Karla felt it coming, her body was enjoying this unique thrill. Sensations all over her body were singing pleasure in her mind. Her pussy longed to stretch over his penis. Her nipples danced along his sensitive skin. Her inner thighs had a firm shaft massaging them. Her face caressed along his girth. The whole time he sang about how sexy and beautiful they both were to him. How they were the hottest Shrunken in the world. Highest compliment in Karla's now world.

Just before she allowed that mix of delights to take her, his hand cupped her and Josie over the tip. They both giggled like happy children as thick warm fluid blasted on their pressed together bodies. Karla lapped and slurped greedily at the chocolate disguised cum spraying them. She heard Josie too suckling for her share. His cock pumped hard and long. Their extended ride built up a huge load to savor together.

Karla could feel the semen coat her face and chest. It flowed it to her raven hair. She could feel it slowly running between her breasts. But it tasted best off the tip of his cock. She licked greedily along the sweetened surface.

Micheal was moving. Then it got dark. His hand let go and the fuzzy sensation of the inside of pajama shorts pressed their back. The material held them to the tip of the relaxing Behemoth. So they continued savoring their sweet morning treat, knowing he would find that arousing.

Micheal was moving around. Hammocked between cock and shorts the girls giggled at an unspoken plan. As they slurped the sweet man chocolate they began grinding and rubbing that broad tip. Loving him in his bottoms.

It was having an effect. The mass pinned them firmer to the material. The tip slipped off them and the shaft held them in place as Micheal did what he was doing.

Karla heard water running. She purred, they were going to have a shower. Light and his hand wrapped around them. Karla found herself attempting to hold onto his manhood. But giggled happily as he overpowered her with no effort.

They were placed on a high shelf. As they watched their titan lover strip his shorts off. Josie purred giddy, "I hope this is how mornings he stays home are like every time."

He stepped in and smiled at them. Suddenly Karla and Josie were pulled apart. A five armed attendant guided water over her to rinse his earlier release off her skin. Josie had a handy friend helping her too.

Body wash was added to a couple tips each. Then their multi limbed friends spread it on their bodies for them. Greedily they got too friendly. But Karla and Josie eagerly forgave those arousing offences.

Hands rinsed them and added a couple spots of shampoo. They hugged around their bodies. Fingers gently stroked along their hair. Karla liked her hair being washed by someone. But this was beyond that. Warm in his hand as three powerful fingers gently massaged her scalp. The thumb and pinky cuddled her firmly to the palm.

Then her attendant began rinsing her hair and body. Lovingly freshening her skin. Yes this was a great start to her day. Hand washed by her Micheal.

She started. His pinky poked between her thighs. It brushed teasingly along her womanhood. Josie too straddled that tormenting touch. He had to know they didn't get off during his earlier play. This was just wonderfully cruel of him. Making Karla strangely enjoy it more.

They were guided to face the wall. Those three fingers began coating their hair in a rich conditioner. Thumb and pinky started holding their hips. He hummed, "We should do something while the conditioner sets." Pinky left and rounded tip poked just right.

Karla spread her legs as her hips popped up to give her lover easier access. He touched slightly firmer and those hips worked at that digit. Begging it a little deeper. It agreed and the knuckle burst into her. Karla gasped as her own hips greedily pumped on that thick substitute. The whole time he stroked her hair.

Karla looked over. Josie was arched out from the wall. Legs spread wide as her own hips worked sensually. Her sweet round ass was up and perky. She smiled at Karla between lusty gasps.

Karla loved how sexually posed Josie was in his hand. Her voice moaning breathy as he loved her hair and she loved his pinky. Her firm breasts jiggled with her fun. Karla's mind laughed at those stupid girls not wanting to experience this filling sensation.

Her hand moved her from the wall. She praised as her chest was pressed to Josie's. Under his watch and experiencing his touch Josie wasn't just willing to interact with Karla, but eroticly eager too. Her lips found Karla's. Karla greedily accepted her passionate kisses. Josie's hands grabbed at Karla's body and was lustfully feeling her. One kneaded a breast roughly. Pressing and rolling Karla's nipple. But this was just an invitation for Karla to love Josie with her hands.

Those mighty hands pressed them harder and they found themselves pinned chest to chest. Breasts pressed and stroked along each other. Josie cheek laid along Karla's as her red haired friend gasped "Yes!" softly in time with his deep touch.

Karla too found herself too weak to restrain her praise. Like the earlier fun, she wanted this to last as long as it could.

His giant pinky was a wonderful thick pleasure. But just the substitute for the one she really longed for. She looked down and happily gasped in excitement at what she knew she would see. His Behemoth stiffly waited to feast on their body's sensations.

She wasn't sure if he or her hips quickened in pace. But the sensation of pressure was building quickly. She hugged as tightly as she could to Josie. Her Freckled love clung just as tight to her. Their cheeks held firm together as their backs arch and their faces rose up. Both howled his success in pleasuring them to climax together.

He held firm as they released. Karla's mind flooded at the extraordinarily intense reaction. It seemed to last in her mind for minutes and not seconds. Any strength her body held drained. Once they finished they hung together, only standing by his hold.

They both gasped "OH!" as he freed his fingers from their hugging womanhood. He slowly lowered them and they kneeled limply on the shelf.

"Time to rinse out the conditioner," he advised. As soon as he began petting the hair treatment out of their locks Karla found herself fighting to stay awake. She was so spent and his touch was so comforting. She wondered if he would just let her sleep as he packed.

Then he advised, "Looks like I'm hard again." Karla felt her strength rush back. Would the whole day be a wonderful chain of love traded for love.

A mighty hand took her down. Josie was in her own dominating hold. Karla lost sight of Josie as they approached the happy thick beast. He held them a moment and Karla rolled her whole body to her spot on the shaft. Then it moved.

His hips now popped. Thrusting his devastating body quickly. This would not be a leisurely pleasuring like earlier. No, they were his pleasure. He was pumping hard. Grunting like an arousing savage beast. Karla was spread wide by his one hand. She knew he was enjoying her whole body. So she added her voice, "Oh Micheal you're so powerful!"

Josie moaned loudly, "Your cock is so silky smooth!"

Soon they took turns praising him. How dominating he was to honest descriptions of his Behemoth’s mass. Not that they needed to sing his praises long. That shiver came quickly. He held them about mid shaft as those mighty bursts blasted out. Not as long or intense as before. Yet Karla found great satisfaction in bringing him to release again.

He placed them back on the shelf. "Hope you don't mind waiting while I finish." he stated.

"Gladly." they purred in concert. Giggling at their shared statement.

They sat in the warm spray watching that towering form. Karla admired his toned form. He wasn't muscled, but finely fit. Arms well sculpted for holding someone warmly. Hints of abs. While the chest was soft enough to make a perfect resting spot.

"We should be technically ashamed of ourselves for sexualizing that magnificent boy." Josie arousingly growled.

"He's no boy, he's our towering titan owner." Karla purred back.

"Oh his finger felt so good this morning." Josie sighed.

"I liked him slowly enjoying us along his thick cock." Karla lustfully hummed.

"Someday we'll be full sized and that Behemoth will fill our pussy." Josie sighed.

"Oh, that will be a great day." Karla sighed.

They cuddled close. Both imagining different happy scenarios as they watched Micheal shower. Sad to see him finish with no more play.

As they dried a knock on the door. Milly's voice asking, "I'm about to make breakfast for myself. Would you like some Mike?"

Karla's stomach growled. Seems the semen didn't fill well. "Yes please. Scrambled and bacon if possible?" Micheal replied.

"Would Karla or Josie like some of my Omelette instead?" Milly asked.

"Please." Karla smiled in response to the question.

"Karla does. Josie wants to share my scrambled." He shared their responses to Milly.

Micheal carried them to their bedroom to dress. And down to the kitchen to be greeted by Milly's smile and coffee.

As Milly finished up she noted, "I was thinking last night. We need to get Karla and Josie some fall and winter clothing. Their town was warmer than ours."

"Yeah, I never thought about that." Micheal replied.

"Really how cold does it get here in the winter?" Josie asked.

"About six to seven on average. But some days are as cold as minus forty." Milly advised.

"Little colder than our winter, we usually get to about fifteen on average. Sometimes about ten Celsius." Josie replied.

"Celsius, we use Fahrenheit. So let's convert." Milly tapped her watch. "Oh that's about minus fourteen on average."

"Oh, yeah. That's cold." Karla worried. She never felt minus degrees.

"Found something to do today as a distraction from packing." Milly snickered.

They sat at the dining table and enjoyed breakfast as they looked through the Shrunken Clothing sites "Fall/Winter offerings." There were many cute options. Karla was fond of how the system displayed their "Ski Bunny" outfit on her scan. Cute puffy white jacket with tights and furry with almost knee high boots. It even came with Shrunken sized skis and poles. Though she had to ask Micheal to rescan her, that distorted terrified expression was long past now.

"It's cute, but I doubt that Jacket is lined well. I bet it's more for riding sheet covered hills more than snow covered ones." Milly noted reading the clothes description.

"Well, I'm going to order at least one for each of them for the skis at least." Micheal noted.

"Yeah, it's the skis you want to see Karla and Josie wearing." Milly teased as she tapped at her watch.

"Who are you texting?" Micheal asked.

"Well Mr. Nosey, I'm texting Gabs. I'm wondering when Josie's ID and collar will be here. Then guilt him into allowing Karla and Josie full sized so I can take them real cold clothes shopping. He owes us for what he did on the boat that night." Milly informed.

"Mom, he's probably busy right now." Micheal snickered.

"That's why the text and not a call. That way he can, oh that's him." Milly said. Being interrupted by a phone call.

"Huh, he must not be busy after all." Micheal noted. Karla figured the reason was more basic.

"Hello Gabs." Milly answered.

"Oh, I'll take one once we're done talking and send it. Yeah, the site has play clothes but nothing for them to really endure winter here as they travel for work and such." Milly said.

A minute or so passed. "Yeah, just a day or so." She listened, "But we'll need to look all around, they are not off the rack shaped you remember." She let him speak. "Yeah, nothing fancy or attention grabbing. They do that well enough on their own." She waited then purred, "You sure I couldn't keep them that size a little longer. I'm packing the house all by myself and could use the extra hands." She smiled, "Thanks Gabs, see you then." Quiet then, "No, I'm sure with their help we'll get it done. You bring some wine to keep our spirits up." she paused, "See you then Gabs."

She smiled as she hung up. Milly saw Karla's expression and blushed a little. "OK, Wednesday, after Karla's last inputting she and Josie will be full sized. Josie's collar and ID should be here Tuesday Morning once she passes processing on Monday. Oh Josie, hold still and don't smile." Milly stopped and took a photo of Josie. "They will be full sized till Saturday or Sunday to help me pack the house. Now, this time I am going to make them stay in the spare room, sorry Mikey. I hope you understand." Milly advised.

"Yes mom." he sighed.

"Gabs is coming over Friday and likely the weekend to help us pack. So, let me tell your father." Milly advised.

"OK." Micheal snickered.

"You girls OK not being regular sized for a few days?" She asked.

"If it gets what we need." Josie answered for them. Karla actually felt more anxious about being without Micheal's attentions for near a week.

"I think I'll invite Tanya and Sandy to join us, if you two are OK with that." Milly offered.

"That would be nice." Karla cheered up a bit. It would be good to see friends.

The doorbell rang. Micheal slipped them into his lap as Milly went for the door. Karla naughty snuggle, causing her titan teen to gasp and to be chastised, "Not now Karla."

Several boxes were delivered. Milly stopped Micheal from opening them. Looking at an invoice from one box she advised, "That's more clothes you ordered on ship, you could take it to work and open it there for your Shrunken there."

She went through each invoice on each box with the sensible idea, they were already packed for the move this way. "OK, we should get some work done today since you stayed home. You mind if Karla or Josie keeps me company while I begin packing the basement?" Milly asked.

"I'll go with you Milly." Josie offered. Karla looked at her friend who smiled and nodded back. Her sweet friend was giving her time alone with Micheal.

The two humans did dishes as Shrunken rode on shoulders. They explained winter fun to the two who had never seen snow in real life. Skiing sounded interesting. Karla had water skied a few times. She wondered what snow skiing was like. Even snowball fights and snow angels had an appeal to them.

Milly and Josie left with a couple storage tubs from the container down to the basement. Micheal walked up to his room. He stood looking at his room. "Lego shelf first I guess. You OK on my shoulder, or rather a shelf?" He offered.

Karla was conflicted, snuggling his neck would be nice but a distraction to her might teen. Shelf would allow them to chat easier. "Shelf please." She answered.

She was placed beside a plastic brick building. He began lifting other constructed buildings and adding them to a tube. "Not taking them apart?" she asked.

He snickered, "No, it'd take too long. Plus it takes forever to reassemble. As it is, there will be a lot of pieces to reattach once we get to our new place."

"Are you excited? It'll be like your own apartment." she asked.

"Yeah, kind of. But I suspect it'll be a lot like here with just more room. Hey maybe while you're full sized we can go look at furniture for our rooms." he answered.

Our rooms warmed Karla's heart. "That would be nice. Do you have anything in mind?"

He laughed. "I haven't thought about it. Wasn't expecting to have to decorate."

"We could get a plan, then we could know what to look for." Karla suggested.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Oh, you know what, I should text Chrissy." he snapped alert. He tapped at his watch. "Hope she's not mad I didn't contact her once we got home." He sat staring at his watch like the girl was supposed to reply right away. "Guess she's busy." He noted and started packing.

Then his watch went off. He snapped to check it. "Oh I guess she's processing some of her unwanted males. Oh look at the selfie she sent."

There was Chrissy, her blonde hair in a tight bun. Karla found the girl looked adorable in her lab clothes and jacket. In the background were two tubs with a device connecting them. One side was naked Shrunken guys. The other was more, but they were bald and many seemed to be holding their balls. Karla didn't see anyone she knew.

Karla jumped, her watch went off. She kind of forgot she had a watch. It was Chrissy. "Not sure if you saw the pic I sent to our Micheal. Don't worry, I'm keeping Dan for my own, he is a good boy for me."

Karla had to ask, "Why are some of the males holding their balls?"

The response, "LOL, to increase chances of a successful breeding we give them a shot in the testicles that increase sperm output. It leaves them a bit tender for a day or so. Also swells their scrotum. Talk later."

Micheal finished filling his storage tub. Karla found herself moved to the bookshelves in the corner. He was moving books that were thick walls to her. She laughed at herself admiring his power as all he was really doing was moving some hard cover books.

Suddenly his finger hooked around her legs. Stroking up her limbs and over her ass he suggested, "Why don't we take a quick break." She giggled as that hand claimed her from the shelf and pillow lips began kissing her entire face. He was playful today.

Karla found herself on a pillow under his face. Lips pressed her affectionately. His dexterous fingers began stoking all over her body, slipping her clothes from her form. Lips took her breasts and that tongue snuggled already alert nipples. Karla lost her breath from his kiss.

Karla pressed her now naked body to that sweet face. Powerful lips suckled her with affection and all she could do with her's was pecks she expected he hardly noticed. But she had to keep kissing her giant lover. Stroking his skin with her hands. Rubbing herself to his smiling affectionate expression. His fingers caressing along her curves. Karla realized Micheal was making love to her whole body with just his face and a few fingers. She wanted to give him more. But also adored being his hand held partner.

His lips pressed at her thighs. Her legs spread wide to receive his mouth. Tongue pressed deeply along her womanhood. Karla ran her legs along those silken cheeks. As he licked his nose stroked her stomach. She reached up and caressed the bridge of his nose. Kissing there and nuzzling her face to the feature. This seemed to excite him as his tongue made more intense affectionate strokes. Titan fingers warmed what she couldn't get pressed to his colossal face.

Karla's body made love to Micheal's face. Her mind a flood of happily accepted attention. His every touch was a delight on her skin. He was being so gentle with his affection. He could easily crush her and all he was destroying was her self control. Karla felt like she was his treat, and she hoped he savored her all day.

His powerful lapping again overwhelmed her ability to just enjoy his tasting of her. Her back arched and her arms pressed into the pillow she laid upon. Her legs pressed into his cheeks attempting to pull him tighter to her body. She didn't just moan out, she exploded out, "MICHEAL, YOU OWN ME!" His digits kissed her face as the climax stretched her features. Through the whole pleasure flood Micheal kept suckling her womanhood.

She laid there weakly panting after the rush. Her titan's mouth freed her. He rose up. She faintly remembered not wanting those eyes to see her naked, now she curled to display for him. Wishing she could see him admiring her so lustfully all the time. Her body was tired, but he was literally towering over her. She arched like he liked to see and cooed, "What fun now Micheal?"

"Oh so Hot!" he gave his highest praise. Better, he undid his pants as he did so. Karla's heart pounded at it coming. Out of it's fabric prison emerged that broad Behemoth. It's thick length shadowed over her tiny form. She had a clear memory when this situation was terrifying. Now she found it wonderfully arousing.

He began lowering that massive tip toward her, so Karla spread her limbs wide to accept its arrival. She could feel the weight of it as that beast rested upon her. Her Micheal was a gentle giant, only touching her with it. He held the Behemoth at bay.

Karla remembered when this situation was terrifying. When she performed pleasuring to this titan for special treatment. So recent, but it was a lifetime ago. Now she wasn't performing. Karla was ecstatic to satisfy her Micheal. He was as much her pet as she was his now.

She shook her hair out of her face, he gasped at her messed locks. So Karla fluffed her hair for his viewing delight. Karla bowled her body to that broad tip. Stroking his cock with her legs. Hands caressed along his sensitive end. Pressing her breasts into his manhood. Giggling Karla licked and kissed the end of his private. He made sounds that showed her efforts of her miniature body was actually having an effect.

Karla looked along the Behemoth, Micheal wasn't masturbating as she loved his cock. He was watching her love his manhood. Karla felt a rush, her sweet owner was mesmerized by her. She felt so adored.

He was playful, Karla decided to be too, "You enjoying your Shrunken oh Director Micheal?"

"OH Karla you feel so Hot!" Micheal praised.

"I don't feel hot, can you warm me? Spread your warmth all over me?" Karla teased her titan teen. She clings her legs to him as best she could. Stroking his tip with her entire body.

"Oh yeah. That's great! Yeah, I'm going to cum on you." Micheal adorably whimpered.

Karla made a dramatic showing of licking at his manhood. She snickered how she had long stopped dreading his climax. She encouraged her giant lover with a little dirty request, "Oh Michael cover me in it, cover me in your cum!"

She felt his shiver. She dropped her legs so she could brace her feet to arch her chest against his tip. The first blast hurt, as did the ones that followed. But there was a gratification to feeling his seed flooded over her torso. She again slayed the Behemoth with pleasure. His flow was warm and thick. She now liked how it felt flowing down over her skin. Like she was bathing directly in his love.

Micheal sputtered as his pleasure painted her curves. "Oh so Hot! Oh so Hot!" he chanted. This added to Karla delight.

He fell back into a seating position panting from her dirty dance. Karla giggled at herself as she ran her hands wide through her coating. Painting her inner thighs with his semen. Stretching and rolling in it like a cat in heat. She wondered to herself when she had gone from hating when a guy cam on her to wanting to bathe in Micheal's seed.

"We should clean up." Micheal managed out.

"But I'm all lubed up now." She cooed. Karla could go for more attention.

"Maybe later," he sighed, scooping her from her puddle. "Oh, I have to change my pillow case," he added. Carefully slipping the pillow from it's covering. Karla was surprised to see it come out dry.

Pants done up he snuck them to the bathroom. Karla stepped into the clear warm water. She might have enjoyed the arrival, but she didn't want to stay soaking in his seed all day. His hands joined her in rinsing off. Helping clean the evidence from her body for her.

He lifted her out and handed her a cloth. He sat on the tub, looked level at her as she dried off. She barely concealed herself in the cloth and asked, "Enjoying the show?"

He blushed. "Just thinking it's been a few days since we last played just the two of us." He hummed.

Karla hadn't thought about that. She loved sharing Micheal with Josie. It was even fun to pleasure her titan with lesser Shrunken. But yes, it had been a while since it was just the two of them and it was glorious to have that time with him.

"Guess we should go back to packing." He advised as he lifted her. Holding her close to his chest. Karla cuddled, which got her head patted sweetly.

Once in his room he gathered her clothes for her. Karla had just finished dressing as Milly called up, "You two want lunch?"

"OK mom, we'll be right down." Micheal called back.

Milly made sandwiches while Micheal chopped up veggies for the side. Josie looked at Karla. A knowing smile came across those freckled features, "Good alone time?" she asked.

Karla could feel her cheeks redden. "Yes." she honestly replied. "Are you jealous?" She was worried.

Josie's smile stayed as she answered, "Horrible strangely enough. But you are his first Special. Miss the alone time?"

"Yes, honestly. But it's even better with you there." Karla explained.

"What are you two talking about?" Milly asked.

"Nothing." They both sang like they had when they were on Dance Trips.

"Best not to press." Milly noted.

Lunch was nice. Nibbles from the human's sandwiches as they talked about what could be packed and what would need to stay out longer. Sure they were being fed like pampered pets. But they were talked to like family. Karla was amused at how comfortable with her new life she was.

"So do I get Karla's company this afternoon?" Milly asked.

"I'm OK with that." Karla advised.

"Sure then." he sweetly petted Josie. "It'll be nice to spend time with Josie."

They split up again and Milly started packing her China and crystal. "You understand why you can't stay in Micheal's room while your Full sized right?"

"I'm uncertain. You let me stay while we were on the ship." Karla acknowledged.

"My poor boy is just not ready to handle that yet. I shouldn't have let you stay in his room with him. I know you just want to make him happy, but that is something beyond what Mikey is ready for. You're been a great Shrunken for him. Sweet and obedient. But your affection for him is just beyond what he's ready for." Milly explained.

"I supposed that makes sense." Karla admitted. She remembered their time on the ship. As much as she enjoyed their experience, she did manipulate her Micheal a bit much.

"Glad you understand. So, are you excited to really start your new job in a little over a week?" Milly asked.

"Yes. I think it'll be a good experience. How does Data Inputting feel?" Karla asked.

Milly shrugged, "I've never had it done."

"Nothing you'd like to learn?" Karla asked.

"Yeah, but I'm still enjoying being a spoiled housewife. Maybe I should look at picking up a productive hobby. Video editing or the like." Milly mused.

"Would you enjoy that?" Karla asked.

"I don't know." Milly answered with a sigh.

"Have you considered playing again? You seemed to enjoy that yesterday." Karla suggested.

"I did, but I was also enjoying the company I was playing for." Milly complemented.

"Josie and I enjoyed that greatly. You know Micheal is looking to expand Shrunken performance. He has quite a few dance trained Shrunken, maybe you could borrow a couple and make a small act." Karla suggested.

Milly laughed softly, "I don't think he'd spare the performers I'd enjoy most."

"It would be nice to dance to your playing." Karla mused.

"I was thinking about singing. I think you two would sound wonderful as a duet." Milly teased.

"Mom was the singer not I." Karla replied.

"You just haven't tried. Someday I'll coax a song from you." Milly noted.

"Maybe someday." Karla replied. Pleased with Milly's confidence in her.

"I know a song Mikey likes. I could teach you." Milly offered.

"That might be fun." Karla replied. For the rest of the afternoon Milly packed and taught Karla the words to an old song. Familiar but Karla was unsure why. It was a nice experience.

Howard came home. He greeted Milly and Karla and headed to the kitchen and started making supper for them all. Micheal and Josie came down. From Josie's express she got some alone play as well. They just talked about their days as Howard cooked a stir-fry.

Karla found the evening relaxing. Supper with the family then they all cleaned up. They gathered in the living room and simply began watching TV. Micheal stroked her and Josie like content kittens.

Karla suddenly found her giant's hand coiled around her. He said his good night to his parents. And up the stairs to his room. She could see he had done quite a bit of work that afternoon despite the time he must have taken to play with Josie.

They found themselves laid upon their new pillow. Micheal happily pulled Gabriel and Donna from his Shrunken cage. Karla could hear them foolishly whimper and plead as he stripped them. Karla wondered why they still even bothered. It had to be clear to them now he would enjoy them. That obedience gave rewards.

He placed the naked busty pair on his bed. Karla sighed as the titan began stripping himself. Delightfully Josie also sighed. The Behemoth was only slightly stiff. Seemed his plans were arousing. But only slightly.

He lifted the girls and laid himself down. He poured them near his groin. He simply commanded, "Stroke my cock." The busty pair cringed and reluctantly approached the Behemoth. They were smart enough to press themselves to his manhood. Using their body to pleasure him and smartly licked and kissed their owner's shaft.

Micheal lifted Josie and Karla upon his bare chest. Josie was lifted and he slowly began stripping her. "How are you two adapting to living here?" He asked as he worked.

"I'm rather comfortable here, all things considered." Josie breathy voice confided.

"I am excited about my new job starting soon." Karla purred as she watched Micheal strip Josie.

"Good, I want my special Shrunken to be happy." he sweetly advised. He placed a naked Josie down and scooped Karla up. She couldn't help but arch herself in his grip for his visual enjoyment. "Guess I'm just worried. I like it when you two are happy." he explained.

Josie looked down toward where the busty pair labored and asked, "Does that mean you're hoping we’ll go play?"

"Actually, I want to just spend time snuggling you two if that's OK. Once I want to finish up I'll stroke with those two." He advised.
Karla again enjoyed how skilled her Micheal was at stripping her tiny clothes off her.

He slipped her upon his face. Josie was lifted to the other side of his face. He stroked colossal fingers along them. Karla nuzzled her resting place. "Are you excited about data inputting on Monday?" he asked.

Karla sighed, "Yes, what's it like?"

"You go into a pod, and after an hour or so you come out knowing more. It's a bit tiring but relaxing too." He seemed to have trouble explaining it in his mind.

"What should I expect from Processing?" Josie posed her worry.

"Really you'll lay in a bed, they drug you. You'll remember flashes and foggy images. That's just about it." Karla informed her friend.

"Does it hurt at all? Anything to make the results better?" Josie noted.

"Not really. It's a mental exam. You can't really prepare for it." Micheal advised.

"Well, I hope I pass." Josie advised.

They laid there snuggled together. He stroked them lovingly with his massive hands. They massaged at his smooth skin. Karla loved laying on his face like this. His warmth resonated through her. Like a bath without water. Even the sounds of those two lucky Shrunken foolishly whimpering as they got to service their owner seemed like a smoothing lullaby. She closed her eyes for just a moment.

Karla awoke on her pillow. The bed shook. Micheal was on his knees. His arm was pumping the brunettes along his shaft. He grunted at his cock pleasers, "Ride it you little bitches! I'm going to cum on you! I'm going to cum on both of you!"

Karla laughed at her first flash of emotion. She was amazingly jealous. She wanted to be one of those bitches. To release his pleasure. To be covered in his semen.

He began stuttering as he finished. She sighed as his mighty body pumped thick cum over those busty toys. He was happy and she relished his sexual joy.

He took his semen soaked Shrunken to their cage. PJ shorts covered his manhood and he left to freshen himself.

He returned. "Oh, did I wake you?" He asked.

"I'm not sure, but I'm OK if you did." Karla replied.

She received a stroke along the side of her head. "I'm so glad I caught you." he praised.

"I didn't like that then. But now, I'm glad I'm yours." she replied.

His giant lips kissed her face. He smiled, "I was always glad I caught you." he teased.

"I'll make it up to you, my sweet owner." she returned his kiss.

"You already have. Now, let's get some sleep, we have packing to do tomorrow." he advised.

He turned off the lights. His hand slid her close to the slumbering Josie, covering them both in it's warm hug. Josie turned and cuddled her naked form along Karla's. Karla sighed at the dual sweet sensations.

"Night my lovely Karla." he noted as his eyes closed looking upon her.

"Sweet dreams my wonderful Micheal." she replied, closing her's for the night.

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Ch 3: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by HHunter1 » Sun May 16, 2021 7:19 pm

Feeling a bit low today so I thought I'd post another chapter here. Hope no one minds. Mostly character stuff with little erotic elements. Sorry.


Chapter 3

f/f on M

Karla awoke to an inviting sweet smell. It was a wonderful way to wake up. Her mouth watered and her stomach growled at this intriguing scent.

Micheal's face scrunched up adorably. His massive nose twitched. It reminded Karla of how a rabbit's nose wiggles when it sniffs. His eyes popped open and a wide smile shaped his face. "Dad's making pancakes."

He leaped out of bed. He gathered some pajamas for them and poured them beside them. "Quick, get dressed," he commanded. Karla clad herself. Josie groggy followed suit.

Micheal rushed them down stairs. They entered the kitchen to Howard greeting them, "Hello Mike, ladies. Sleep well?"

"Sure did, what did you do to make mom angry?" Micheal replied with a grin.

"What makes you think she's mad at me?" Howard replied.

"You only make pancakes on holidays, special occasions, and when mom is annoyed with you." Micheal teased.

"I opened the packages that arrived yesterday and took out what was in them." Howard snickered.

"Cool, I want to see what came." Micheal chirped.

"Dining room. I'll bring you three your pancakes." Howard replied.

They entered the room. In the center of the table was a mix of items. A tank, some cannons, and a statue of a man in an old fireman's uniform. Micheal placed them on the table and Karla and Josie rushed to that monument.

Karla felt a tear slide down her cheek. She wanted to kiss him for this gift. His hand stroked her body. "Oh it arrived." was all he simply said. Like it wasn't anything more than a simple trinket.

"You have no idea what this means to us." Josie replied.

"Well, it's yours now," he answered.

"Pancakes." Howard advised.

Micheal sat down. Howard placed a plate before him. Several giant pancakes were stacked upon it with some sausages.

A mini table and two tiny chairs were placed by Micheal's plate. Two little plates and utensils were placed on the table. But the heart warming thing was Howard had made them a couple tiny pancakes of their own. Not a cutting from a bigger pancake, but a couple tiny purpose made pancakes.

Karla sat down. Howard had cut off a couple of the ends of sausages to give them a few sausage patties. Each golden breakfast pastry had one melted chocolate chip in them. He had managed to add just the right amount of syrup.

Karla poked it with her fork. Her knife sliced into the slightly crispy outer surface. She was greeted with a stronger waft of that delightful scent that had awoken her. She lifted a bite to her mouth. Warm buttery fluffy cake with just an accent of vanilla holding the perfect amount of the syrup. She closed her eyes and enjoyed this delectable breakfast treat.

"Last night's treatment and now pancakes. You're well on your way to forgiveness. Maybe you could offer me a little extra special enjoyment before Mikey wakes up and I might forgive you." Milly was heard cooing from the kitchen.

"He's already eating some pancakes." Howard replied.

"Of course he is. Well dish me up a few then." Milly giggled. She walked in with a smile, "Morning. How are you enjoying breakfast?"

"These are amazing." Josie answered.

"Oh my Howard has many hidden talents." Milly purred.

They ate the delectable breakfast. Howard even made them seconds. A relaxing shower followed. Micheal carried them to dress in his room while sweetly nuzzling them. He gathered their clothes for them. They were barely dressed when there was a knock at his door.

"Are you guys dressed?" Milly asked.

"Yes?" Micheal replied.

His parents entered. Milly and Howard walked over. Milly scooped up Josie and Karla found Howard lifting her. "We are going to borrow these two. So you will not be distracted. Have fun packing." Howard explained.

"But can't one stay with me?" Micheal asked.

Milly snickered, "You'll get them back. We just want to hang out with them today. And you will likely focus better. Really, we just want to have their company."

"OK, but be nice to them." Micheal whimpered.

"OK, we are going to pack up my music books and things from around the piano." Milly advised.

"Work bench in the basement." Howard replied.

Howard carried Karla down to the basement. He placed her on the workbench and grabbed a storage tub. "So I have a bunch of small tools. As I pack you could see if I have anything you could use to maintain the cars we bought." he offered.

"Thanks, it would be nice to work on them. Do you work on your car?" Karla asked.

"I know how they work. I can tell you the parts. But once that hood goes up I'm lost." Howard admitted.

"But, you design and make devices that teleport people." Karla was amazed.

"Yeah, but that makes sense. Combustion engines just fog my mind." Howard confessed.

"I would not have any clue on your devices." Karla stated.

He began explaining the principles and the devices needed to create his miracle. Karla attempted to tutor him on the structure of a car engine. They both greatly enjoyed the talk. Both learned quite a bit, but neither really understood fully the others' expertise.

Suddenly his watch went off. "Huh, Milly wants to know what we want for lunch. Chinese?" He said.

"Sure." Karla answered.

"Oh, guess Gabs is coming over to help pack today." he grumbled.

"You don't like Mr. Jacobs?" Karla asked what she already knew.

"He's trying to change my family. I know Milly loves me and would never leave me. I'm just unnecessarily jealous. But he bought one of the big houses and travels all over. I didn't want one of those big houses. I like to travel, but I'm more of a homebody." He explained. He snickered, "Course, if I was to just be mad at someone for changing my family I would be annoyed with you and Josie."

"Why us?" Karla asked.

"Well my little friend. I don't talk to any other Shrunken like we talk. I don't see you like them. I see someone that's my friend, not someone to be played with." Howard explained.

"I'm glad we are friends." Karla announced. "It does make my life easier."

"I do have a problem with it." Howard sighed.

"What, have I caused you a problem by being Micheal's favorite." Karla worried.

"I own your Aunt. As much as I like you as a tiny person, I still see her as a Shrunken. But I feel guilty playing with her now." Howard explained.

"You're not thinking of selling her are you?" Karla asked.

"Honestly I had considered donating her to Jeff for his factory. You know your family's lovely features would sell well." Howard started. Then he pointed at Karla, "But I figured that expression would be the reaction. And a Karla unhappy with me would mean a Mike unhappy with me. I don't want any of that."

"You could give her to Micheal." Karla suggested.

"How comfortable would you be with being played with together by Mike?" Howard asked.

She hadn't thought about that. Her Micheal was an affectionate owner. He would want to play with her only slightly older aunt. He would enjoy the idea of both of them at once in different scenarios. Josie was an additional pleasure during their fun. Even other Shrunken was arousing to satisfy Micheal with. But it was disturbing the idea of her family members pleasuring her titan. "You're right. I'm not comfortable with that." she replied.

"Besides, sooner or later the other Shrunken will learn of her connection to you, or at least to one of our special little ladies and she might be in trouble." Howard advised.

He lost interest in her. Karla didn't want Micheal exploring his interest in her. She would likely soon be discovered as connected to the better treated Shrunken. Karla didn't like the idea of her as a breeding Shrunken. "Sandy." Karla realized.

Howard was confused, "What about her?"

"She has my and Josie's moms looking after Waiten Shrunken children. You could give her to Sandy, she would add her to that bunch. My Aunt would be protected and looked after without anyone playing with her." Karla suggested.

"Would she be OK suddenly being a den mother?" He asked.

"Well, no, but we could just explain her options. I'm not sharing my Micheal with her though." Karla announced.

"Understood." Howard agreed with a smile.

"Thank you." Karla said.

"You're welcome our little Karla," he replied. He reached down and stroked her head. Karla found she enjoyed this affection. She felt he was just showing affection. No want or attempt to access her more private areas. Just a sweet petting, like a hug from a friend.

The doorbell rang and she was scooped into the affectionate hand. Up the stairs. Mr. Jacobs' voice. He was greeting Milly. She greeted him back. Howard stopped at the slight ajar door. "He would be better for her." he whispered to himself.

Karla stroked the giant's thumb and he shook his head and looked down. "She loves you." Karla countered.

Howard snickered and nodded. Karla realized he didn't mean to say that out loud. He clearly had some doubts about his worthiness to have Milly's love. His face showed that clearly. He hesitated to enter their interaction. She could see in his eyes he expected Milly to come to her senses and leave with that other man. To him, the better man. Like he had tricked her into this relationship. Howard's boisterous self assured friendly nature was a mask he wore. Karla now saw it slip, he was a nervous man with delusion of inferiority. In his own mind, not good enough for his own wife's love. Milly was wrong, he wasn't jealous, he was terrified he was right. Guilty to have stolen her heart.

"I'll get Howard." Milly said as movement headed toward the basement door. Karla watched that terrified self doubt vanish as the mask readjusted under a happy looking smile.

He opened the door as she got there. "Hello the most beautiful lady, is lunch ready?" he hummed in a cheery tone.

"You goof. Yes, Gabs just brought it in. He bought too much so I hope you two are hungry." Milly replied. Her smile was warm and delighted at seeing the slim lanky man. Karla could see Howard's doubts were just in his mind. Milly was enthralled with her husband. She leaned on him and gave him a sweet peck. To her Gabs was just a friend. He had no chance at her heart as long as she could be with Howard. That she wasn't just content in her marriage. She cherished it.

But Howard's eyes mirrored that from himself. He couldn't see that. But he also couldn't show her his doubts. A door for her to use to leave him in his mind. He didn't want that, but Karla was worried he might see that as the better option for the woman he loved. Sacrifice himself to better her. Karla had a new job in her heart.

"Hey Gabriel, not working today?" Howard said as Mr. Jacobs entered the room.

"I'm still on call. But I thought I'd take the chance and throw on some work clothes and help a friend out." the man replied. He wore black jeans and a plain grey tee with a small pocket. The material had a silk like shine to it. The shirt and pants looked almost freshly pressed. Even his work clothes seemed fancy. Karla hated to admit it, but he did cut a very attractive figure.

"You didn't need to buy us lunch as well." Howard noted.

"Oh, it's no big deal. I don't usually get to share lunch with friends." Mr. Jacobs retorted. His eyes switched to Milly as he spoke. He clearly didn't doubt where Milly's heart should be. But wouldn't risk losing his spot in an attempt to gain it.

The men seemed ready to butt heads in a dramatic scene of macho posturing when Micheal's voice sang out, "Do I smell Chinese?" He came into the kitchen and stopped. His expression hardened. "Hello Mr. Jacobs." he huffed. Karla felt odd pride knowing he wasn't over the incident on the ship yet.

"Hello Micheal. You can call me Gabriel. Hope I selected dishes you enjoy." Mr. Jacobs clearly ignored Micheal's tone toward him.

"Cool." Her Micheal replied.

They gathered at the dining room. Mr. Jacobs had brought soft drinks and disposable plates and the like. Karla and Josie were placed by Micheal's plate. Mr. Jacobs' eyebrow raised like they were cats allowed upon the table during dinner. But he didn't say anything about it, instead he asked, "How is packing going so far?"

"I think we're doing well. I think with the coming help we could move by next weekend." Milly suggested looking at Howard.

Howard nodded. "Should I request the truck for that Saturday or Sunday?"

"Wait, why not just shrink the container once packed and put it in your trunk and save on the moving truck fee." Mr. Jacobs asked.

"How would we do that?" Milly asked.

"Karla, are your glasses still full sized?" he asked.

"Yes." Karla replied.

"They can shrink the container. Your driveway is shielded fairly completely. If you're careful you could shrink that container without your current neighbors seeing." he suggested.

"How would we resize it back up?" Howard asked.

"I have a resizing device. I'll bring it over on the day you move and make sure security keeps any non-Company eyes from seeing. They could use the practice." Mr. Jacobs offered.

"With Gabs and the two girls at full size we could haul in the boxes fairly easily." Milly advised.

"I guess we'll take you up on that offer." Howard replied.

"Well, then we should eat and get to work. So you could get into your new home as soon as possible." Mr. Jacobs advised.

They began eating. "So, is this the Josie I heard about?" Mr. Jacobs asked.

"Yes, I'm Josie." she replied.

"Are you aware I own the Samantha that attacked you on the cruise ship one evening." Mr. Jacobs replied in a tone like he bought a simple object she once owned.

"I was not. But what does that have to do with me now?" Josie asked.

"I feel you are owed. I have been informed Mike gives you servants. Shrunken that must obey you. Well I plan on breeding her a bit, would you prefer a female or male servant. I would also like another's opinions on potential breeding stock to match her with." Mr. Jacobs said as if he was offering to breed cats with Josie. Karla wondered if this was effort to win points with Micheal more then allow Josie some revenge.

"Oh, I don't know. I couldn't own a Shrunken." Josie replied.

"It technically would be Mike's Shrunken. But it would be your selection." he replied.

"I'm not sure." Josie said.

"Oh little one, let yourself be a little petty. She attempted to kill you. I plan on letting her know of your reward for her misdeed. I like tormenting my Shrunken and I like rewarding my friends. Since you're special to my friends, let me do this. Let me give you this greedy gift." Mr. Jacobs said cheerily. His eyes flipped to Milly and back, yes this was a ploy. But a fun one.

"It could be fun to watch her react to knowing." Karla suggested to her friend.

Josie looked at her friend. Then to Micheal. "OK, Mr. Jacobs. I will help you torment Sammy." she agreed.

"Look, if Milly and Howard allow you to talk to them as equals, you two may call me Gabriel." He stated. He seemed uncomfortable giving the offer to lesser beings.

"That's sweet of you Gabs." Milly advised.

"Oh, not all that sweet. She's a feisty one that hasn't accepted she's my pet yet. I like watching her react to her being tormented." Gabriel snickered cruelly. "I'll send a suggestion list Dr. Grant sent me of possible males for her to Karla's tablet. Once you've selected a few I'll let him know. Do you want to be the one to tell her Josie, or should I?" Gabriel offered.

"I want to." Josie said slowly.

"I'll bring her next Friday when I come over to pack. I'll lend her to you for the night as you'll be full sized till after the move is complete. You can play with her for the night if you promise not to permanently harm her." he added.

"I promise." Josie replied in an evil tone Karla never heard her use before. An arousing playfully evil tone.

They finished lunch. Gabriel asked to help Howard to move items from the garage. Micheal was sent to pack the spare room. While, to keep their sweet owner from being distracted, Josie and Karla got to be Milly's company as she packed living room knick knacks. She was especially careful in wrapping their monument for the move.

An hour or so later the men returned. "We're going to finish packing up my workbench. Pizza or Mexican for supper?" Howard said in a chipper voice.

Milly grinned. "I think we should call it South Western from now on."

"South Western it is then," said Gabriel. Then they wander to the basement.

"Why did you want to call it south western?" Karla asked.

"I saw how you flinched at Mexican. I'm enjoying spoiling you two. Besides, South Western is a more accurate description." Milly explained with a warm smile. Her hands stroked them comfortingly. Karla felt honored by Milly wanting to spoil them.

The men brought up several loads. They were talking more cordially with each other. They clearly chatted about a subject of shared interest. Supper it became clear, Micheal's entertainment branch idea. As they ate tacos and guacamole, the three men talked out plans. The way Gabriel talked he was clearly very excited about a Company entertainment branch using Shrunken. Offering to send her sweet owner a list of contacts that would help in this endeavor.

After supper, Mr. Jacobs left and Micheal brought them to bed. They changed for bed and texted Chrissy. The two distant young lovers began chatting. It was sweet. He placed them in his lap. Petting them between messages.

Karla found herself cuddled between Josie and his manhood. Warmed by his body heat. Laying upon soft pajama bottoms. Curvy body pillow snuggled tight. She sighed as he lifted his mighty body to lay flatter along the bed. She stretched along that thick slumbering beast. So relaxing she delighted in her mind.

Karla awoke still bedded in his lap. The room was dark. Her titan teen somehow shut off the lights and came back to bed without waking her. Did he play before bed? She was sad she didn't help him release before bed.

She rolled out of Josie's hug. His mass was warm. Karla pressed herself to his thick shaft. He seemed to be getting firmer as she grinded herself to him. She was certain her sweet giant forgone his pleasure for her comfort. She should thank her massive lover. Pleasure him for his kindness.

She climbed upon the still slumbering Behemoth. Josie quickly snuggled into her spot along him. Karla crawled along it's surface. At the tip she slid down the ramp made by his shorts. She made her way to the waist band. She stifled a giggle as she stripped off her own Pajamas.

She wiggled her naked form under that pressing band. Hard effort was worth it once inside the cotton cavern. There was that mighty length staring at her. She crawled down it's side. Rubbing like a cat along it as she traveled. She used the inside of the shorts to help mount the Behemoth. She giggled joyfully as she pressed herself into its sensitive skin. Kissing his smooth flesh as her body stroked at the small area she could reach. Wiggling up the shaft toward it’s broad tip. His cock hardened under her affection. It pinned her firmly to his shorts. She couldn't move from that spot now. She attempted to pleasure her way to freedom, only for the colossal cock to pump in a happy reaction. Even asleep she was his helpless pleasure pet. Karla wondered if she would be crushed or slay the wonderful beast.

"Karla, are you in here?" Josie called in a giggled whisper.

"Yes, at his tip. He's got me pinned." she happily whispered back.

"You didn't look to see how it would stiffen once you started playing did you?" Josie's voice asked.

"No, I just wanted to play. Do you know if he played before he went to sleep?" Karla asked. Her mind told her it didn't matter now, but her curiosity pushed her.

"I don't know, I dozed off. I was so comfortable." Josie purred. Karla was certain her friend was cuddling along their Micheal's shaft.

"How did you do this on the ship?" Karla asked. His warm shaft was nice to be held upon.

"He was already hard when I snuck in. And I started lower and moved up as he shifted more space along his shaft. I'll start working up from his balls and to see if we can't free you." Josie purred. Karla was certain Josie was as excited to play as she was to help unpin her from under his shorts.

Since she was there anyway. Karla began lapping at his tip. Cuddling his hardened shaft. He mumbled in his sleep in an arousing tone. She still had room to move her limbs, so she stroked along him. His cock pressed her tightly up and folded her body around the curve of his titan like girth. She gasped, finding great delight being caged like this. She did the one thing she could move to do, she kissed his skin.

He shifted. It hurt as he pushed her into his shorts. But she could move again once he finished. Karla was tempted to go back to loving the tip of his cock. But she slithered her way down him instead. His warm skin was satiny to wiggle along. Her heart pounded with excitement. Her womanhood moaned to pleasure her Micheal.

Karla gasped. A warm soft hand grabbed her calve. It released her leg and Josie's voice whispered, "Sorry Karla." Karla turned over onto her back. She shimmied down that thick girth. Her breath was heavy as arousal rushed through her. Josie was crawling upon her. Her sensual body brushed over Karla's. Karla heard Josie breathing heavily, passionately. "Karla, we should move down to start playing with him." She whimpered alluringly. Lips pressed to hers. Mouths opened and tongues coiled together.

Their bodies pressed together. Karla found Josie's neck in the dark. Josie's hand stroked Karla's leg. Karla knew Josie was only compliant to her loving that shapely body due the likelihood of Micheal discovering them entangled in his shorts. He would play with them. She shouldn't take advantage of her friend's arousing compliance. Karla couldn't resist the chance to make love to her Red Haired Dream. It didn't help her morals to have Josie hand guiding her mouth to that firm breast. Greedily she suckled that delicious nipple. Their bodies coiled together. Hands explored curves as wanted hands traveled Karla's curves. Karla couldn't resist making love to Josie on this most erotic location.

Suddenly Micheal shifted again. They were pressed tightly between his shaft and his shorts. This only seemed to encourage Josie. Her pillowy lips now took Karla's breast. That tongue danced along it's domed top. Josie's body wiggled down Karla's. Josie's lips began kissing a path down along Karla's stomach. She seemed to be headed to an unbelievable location. Her Freckled friend brushed her mouth along Karla's sensitive outer womanhood.

Karla expected a tease. Some curious licks. But no, Josie deeply devoured Karla's pussy. Karla back arched. Her hips popped up to offer Josie's more access to that sensitive location. Josie greedily accepted and suckled hard on. Her wanted tongue drove deep into Karla’s womanhood. Her friend's hands raced over her aroused skin. Karla was Josie's oral puppet. And she danced her into a powerful climax.

Micheal shifted again. Karla wondered if maybe he was awake and playing them. He never shifts this often while he sleeps. No she realized, he was reacting to the little naughty pixies playing in his shorts.

Karla guided Josie up her form. Her Josie slithered over Karla's body. Karla was jealous of Josie's smart positioning. Stretching herself face down along Micheal's massive cock. Those sensual hips placed that sensitive slit inches from Karla's eager mouth. Karla stroked along her friends womanhood. She grinned at her cheeky owner. Josie's vaginal fluids were sweet, but now they were down right vanilla. He must have been feeding them pellets that flavored their intimate liquids.

Karla covered Josie's pussy with her mouth. Suckling the dessert flavored vagina passionately. Her hands ran over and kneaded Josie's firm ass. She could feel Josie's body working to pleasure their sleeping giant. Karla’s attentions made Josie's hips dance along her face. As thrilling as receiving a climax from Josie was, making that red haired beauty succumb to her attention was better.

Josie's body recovered from the physical reaction. Karla could feel Josie moving, turning. Josie's curves snuggled their way down her body. Karla slipped onto her side. Their bodies pressed to each other. Karla's mouth returned to work. Josie's mouth kissed deep along Karla's womanhood. Their bodies coiled and entwined. Karla's hands traveled over curves excitedly, Josie's playfully traveled Karla's form. Josie's desire was fueled by a likely discovery by Micheal. Karla realized she should feel bad for taking advantage of that. But she just couldn't resist loving Josie physically. Karla lost track of how long their erotic face to womanhood dance in the pitch dark shorts upon a giant erection lasted. But eventually they wonderfully wore each other out.

Josie rolled over. Karla knew her friend's face was inches away in the dark. Lips meet sweetly. "He didn't wake up." Josie giggled.

"No, I'm amazed." Karla sighed.

"We came in here to pleasure him. We should do that." Josie sighed. Snuggling close.

"Just have to catch my breath." Karla said, squeezing her Josie closely. Karla allowed her eyes to rest. Josie nuzzled her face along Karla's neck and chest. It was so warm and comforting in this fabric cave. She let down her guard and sleep ambushed her.

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Re: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by ALittleConfused » Mon May 17, 2021 6:48 am

You got me hooked to the story, not just the sexy stuff, so I really don't mind getting to see a bit more characterization. Whenever I see a new chapter posted it brightens my day up a bit, so I hope your day brightens up as well.

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Re: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by HHunter1 » Mon May 17, 2021 1:13 pm

I'm Glad you enjoyed. I kind of worry when I post a chapter that's mainly character/world building that I bore my audience. But I can't really kept a story going without the occasional Lego session.

I honestly like sharing. It does make me feel a bit better. I like entertaining people and sharing my creative ideas. Since I don't have anyone in my personal life to do that with, I guess your stuck with my rambling word splatters. :P


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CH 04: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by HHunter1 » Wed Jun 09, 2021 3:22 pm

Chapter 04

M/f+M/f+F/m,m Mouth Play

Karla awoke when her bed jumped. It quickly settled with a shiver. Her Micheal's voice was heard saying, "Ohh, there you two are." She could feel her phallic mattress firming under her.

Suddenly she was pressed into the fabric of his shorts. Causing both her and Josie to giggle. Then a powerful hand stroked over the shorts where they were trapped. They both made a different happy noise as the attention worked them into his shaft. "You two know it's not safe to sleep in there." he scolded them.

His waist band lifted and he peeked at his erotic prisoners'. "What are you two doing in there?" He asked, still stroking them through his shorts.

"We were worried you went to bed without playing." Josie advised in a happy cooing tone.

"So we thought we'd fix that for you. But we got distracted." Karla lovingly purred at her titan.

"Distracted by what?" he asked. Karla looked at Josie, who smiled back with a playfully gleam in her eyes. They stretched their necks toward each other. Their lips met and they managed a fairly intense description of what distracted them. "Oh so Hot!" he praised.

"Did you two have sex on my cock?" he gasped.

"Yes." they both snickered up to him.

"And I slept through it?" he whimpered.

"Sorry Micheal. We could go again if that would please you?" They offered in unison.

His hand reached in and around them. He began vigorously pumping them along his shaft. Seemed the idea of them pleasuring each other upon his manhood was too much for their boy owner this morning. In quick order their naked forms brought about that telltale shiver. He cupped them firmly over that broad tip. His body pumped hard. Thick warm cum blasted over them. Karla found herself jubilant at being his pleasure.

He laid there for a few moments. His hand kept them held at that rounded end. Karla found herself lapping at him. Chocolate flavor covered her tongue. But she wasn't after that, she hoped he felt her miniature licks. That he was receiving her loving tastes. She realized how belittling being made to do this would have been weeks ago. But now she wanted him to know she was his very loving pet.

Her colossal lover shifted about. The shorts no longer covered them. That caging hand moved them to lay together upon the top of his girth. She looked at the cum covered smile of that red haired beauty. Karla couldn't resist licking some off of a freckled cheek. Josie's tongue kissed her cheek. The two encoiled their semen slicked bodies. Karla's mouth was suckling and savoring the white reward off that curvy plate. The only place his load tasted better than from the source, was off Josie's silk smooth skin. Her face, her neck, her tits, it all tasted of his love.

Josie pushed her onto her back. The usually reserve woman was pinning a complaint Karla to a rather rigid giant shaft. Josie smiled at Karla then slinked down Karla's body. Karla spread her legs and stretched along her man bed. Karla jumped as Josie's mouth sucked at her pussy. Her friend was eager to eroticly entertain their towering teen. And Karla was rewarded by her woman love tonguing her excited womanhood.

Karla allowed the sensations to wander through her body. Her back massaged his thick cock. Her hands stroked the Behemoth.

Karla looked down at her giant encouraged friend. Karla was jealous of that crimson haired genius. She laid her body face down along his surface again. As Josie devoured Karla's sensitivity. That gorgeous body was getting to love their owner's manhood. Karla laid back down and looked up Micheal's towering form. He was watching them intently. Josie's tongue lapped her clitoris and Karla arched her back. Micheal's eyes sparkled at her display. She didn't feel so bad not being able to love his cock, as his eyes were clearly loving her form. Too much love made her overwhelmed with pleasure.

As Karla was catching her breath she felt Josie suckling kisses up her body. Her long wanted lover's face hovered over hers. "My turn?" That sweet voice asked.

Karla flipped on top of her complaint Josie. She kissed that body eagerly as she moved herself into position. Her body stretched along that Behemoth. Happily wiggling along his smooth skin. Josie's moist pussy was presented before her. Some strands of Micheal's recent release still glazed across it. Then the vanilla memory from last night came to mind.

Karla covered that bare strip with her mouth. She suckled his flavor from those lips. Her tongue split them and dragged along that sensitive length. Josie's new flavor mixed with Micheal's seed taste.

Karla pressed her body tight to her giant's cock as her lips and tongue pleasured that alert clitoris. She could feel Josie writhing from the sensations she was giving her. Karla greedily wanted to give her more.

She slipped her tongue to Josie's canal. She dragged the tip of her tongue firmly along the outer edge. She poked into that narrow space. Licking deep into her friend. Karla knew Josie wasn't a virgin. And despite Micheal's gratifying massive fingering on a few occasions. Josie was still amazingly tight to lick into.

Then an image came to Karla's mind. Her red haired friend, full sized, laid out on a bed. Karla's Micheal holding those sensual hips. Shoving that long thick cock into that gorgeous body. This firm cunt stretching around that massive girth. The pleasure they would give each other. Karla was no longer licking Josie, she was ravenously tongue fucking that vanilla favored pleasure hole. Josie exploded into climax.
Karla got up. The want to sixty nine with this goddess again as the writhed on their titan's manhood was enticing. But he had other plans. She was helpless to stop him from placing her beside her red haired lover. His cruel hand didn't allow them to coil together. No he forced them tightly along that vast cock. He ran them along that imposing length. They were helpless in his mighty hold. Karla found herself lustfully elated to be in his control. What she still had control of was eagerly attempting to add to her titan teen's pleasure. He wasn't long using them.

Another man seed bath brought happy girlish giggles from them. Despite the pain when each blast landed.

Micheal laid in pleasure exhaustion. Karla too found herself breathing hard from the erotic fun. Josie's cum covered face was right there. And his seed again tasted so good from those lovely features. Despite his strong hold, they again began savoring the chocolate flavor off each other's body.

"No, no more!" he commanded as he pulled them apart. Holding each in their own hand. They didn't fully submit, as they curled along her touch and placed kisses on his skin.

He held them in his view. "You two are naughty little things." He happily scold.

"Put us down and we'd happily show you more naughty behavior." Karla tried to tempt her Micheal.

"Later, I'm spent right now." was the sad reply.

He placed them in the same hand then wiped his spray from his free hand with a tissue. Karla curled to Josie to display for their giant some more. But Josie shrugged her off with, "He said later Karla. Let him recover."

Karla was a bit disappointed but proud of Josie's adaptation to being a good Shrunken. Suddenly Karla was surprised as Josie placed an affectionate kiss on her lips. "Oh don't be so pouty." Josie teased.

As they headed to the bathroom Karla wondered what that meant. Was it a tease? Was it because Micheal was there? Could she be more comfortable with showing Karla affection? Was she actually genuinely affectionate?

He started the shower and placed them in. Josie hugged her. "What a fun morning." She purred.

Karla happily hugged her naked friend, "He did seem to enjoy it." she agreed.

He entered and began to shower. He offered them cleaners. Karla was rinsing off when Josie started splashing water at her. Karla splashed water back at her. Giggles followed as they flung water. Karla grabbed her friend's arms. They play wrestled a bit.

Micheal began giggling at their silly actions. They snuggled under his gaze. "Having fun?" He asked.

"Yes. Can we have a bath sometime soon? So we can swim?" Josie asked.

"Maybe tonight," he offered.

"Thank you." she purred.

"I'd love to go for a swim." Karla added her voice to the idea.

"Well, if you're both looking to have a swim. I guess I'll have to have a bath later." He surrendered.

He took them to his room. He handed them outfits. Cute little dress with a frilly skirt. Karla didn't know when he ordered them, but she liked how Josie's dress hugged her curves. It made her feel playful, like dancing. She especially liked how Micheal looked at them in these.

Breakfast smells greeted them as they got down stairs. "Morning Mike, Karla, Josie. Cute dresses." Milly greeted them. "Dad is making eggs over easy." Seems they had plans to dip Shrunken in their yokes like Howard had done on the ship. A naked busty African American woman was trapped in a glass by Howard's spot. Milly had a fairly endowed Latino man waiting in her improvised clear cage.

"I'd rather scrambled. But that might be fun." Micheal said. Placing Karla and Josie on the table and scampering upstairs.

"Oh good, I worried he might pick one of you two." Milly snickered.

"Why do you have naked Shrunken in glasses?" Josie asked.

"We enjoy our soft yolk eggs by dipping Shrunken in them." Milly explained.

"You enjoy that?" she asked their human lady friend.

"Oh yes. Better than dipping toast." Milly said. She leaned down, "When you're full size, we'll have some while the men are at work. You'll see."

Micheal returned. He slipped a trembling naked Peyton into his holding glass. She was clearly uncomfortable under Milly's gaze. "That's a pretty one." Milly noted.

"I have her mom too." Micheal noted.

"Oh, you should breed one of them. They'd make wanted kittens. Probably fetch a good price." Milly noted.

Micheal stroked the glass containing Peyton. "Maybe. I think it’ll be the mother if I do." He noted.

Howard entered. Eggs, hash browns, and fried ham pieces. "Morning everyone. Oh that is a fine dipping Shrunken Mike. Sorry, your mother insisted on fried eggs."

He was pulling Peyton out. Her shapely legs kicked as she whimpered. "That's OK dad. I want to try eating them this way anyway." Micheal noted.

The men folded their living utensils so their ample chests were well positioned for dipping. Milly posed her Shrunken male crotch out. Karla snickered, it seemed the idea of that lovely blond giant suckling warm yoke from his cock and balls was somewhat appealing to the attractive male Shrunken. His rigidness should help Milly break her yokes anyway.

The three began eating like this was a normal way to savor their eggs. The females whimpered as skilled giant tongues cleaned yellow from their helpless breasts. Milly’s boy toy gasped in strain as giant full lips kissed yoke from his manhood.

"Oh, sorry girls. Hunger got the best of me." Howard noted. He slipped his pet back into the glass. He left and returned with their seating. "Hope you don't mind sharing." he said as an egg was placed on their table. A bit of a hash brown and a piece of ham was on the platter for them to share.

"Thanks Howard." Karla stated. Lifting her miniature utensils.

"It's odd watching them eat like that." Josie whispered.

"You get oddly used to it." Karla replied, slicing off a bite of egg white.

"It doesn't seem right." Josie shuttered.

Karla smiled and purred, "Really, cause I'm looking forward to trying it."

"Glad I'll be full sized at that time." Josie teased.

The humans began discussing packing plans as the nibbled ham or lapped yoke covered sensitive parts. Milly wanted them to work together in the limited attic upstairs. The men clearly didn't want to, but surrendered the need too.

Milly was just dipping into her second yoke when she sighed, "Dang it."

"What Honey?" Howard asked.

"I should have grabbed a female. He went off." she grumbled looking at the scared spent man.

"Go grab another." Howard suggested, like she just dropped a fork.

"Be right back." she noted carrying the male by his calves.

"I really don't want to pack the attic." Micheal grumbled.

"Me either. But she's right. We will have to do it at some point. Might as well be today." Howard countered.

"I guess." their boy giant grumbled.

Milly came back with a very young handsome Shrunken male. The miniature lad wasn't as excited to be dipped and licked as the man before him. But one trip to Milly's lips stiffened his shaft. Though his expression still showed discomfort.

They finished their breakfast. Karla found herself on Milly's shoulder for the clean up. As Josie got to be on Micheal's. After they finished it was up to the crawl space along the top of the house. Howard had a few boxes down already, they were labeled as different holiday decorations.

Up they went into the rafters. It was a dusty afternoon. The three humans going through boxes. Old photo albums. Family heirlooms that they didn't have room to display.

Karla was amused at the small collection of old magazines that the Company used to use to sell items for Shrunken. It was disguised as a catalog for expensive fashion dolls. You could even order the dolls if a person wanted. But reading the descriptions and you were in the know, you would see the real reasoning for the publication.

Howard had a box of old photography equipment, a hobby long left to collect dust. He smiled at the early digital camera. "Why did you stop?" Josie asked.

"Lack of willing models." he sighed. "Couldn't pester Milly constantly," he explained.

"You have a whole cage of models now." Josie suggested.

"Doubt they'd be willing." he joked back.

"Might be people willing to look at fun photos of non-willing models." Josie suggested. "When you share them, just claim photoshop."

"Yeah, there probably is an interest in that. Would I have a couple of willing models to get back into practice?" he asked.

"I would be glad to pose. Well, with some restrictions." she replied.

"Understood, no naked pudding shots." he teased.

"Exactly." she laughed.

Karla found herself being lifted. Rested on Milly's shoulder, the woman opened an album. Baby pictures of their loving giant. Micheal was too busy going through a box of Howard's old makeshift Shrunken playsets to notice them enjoying the adorable images.

By lunch they had two thirds of the attic divided into four piles. Keep, yard sale, garbage, and Company sensitive garbage. That last one became the topic of lunch conversation over finger foods. "It would be a bunch of boxes to lug to work." Howard sighed.

"Couldn't we just burn them?" Micheal suggested.

"Did you see the pile sweetie?" Milly asked.

"Yeah, it would be a big fire," he sighed.

"Guess we'll have to pack it and dispose of it slowly from the new place." Howard said in disappointment.

"Would we be allowed to shrink it?" Karla asked.

"How, oh right, your glasses." Milly realized.

"I don't know, we'd need permission." Howard stated in a cringe.

"Oh don't be silly. I'm sure Gabs will make sure it's OK. Especially since it's sensitive material." She said with a snicker.

"I think he's helping us enough." Howard countered.

"He doesn't mind helping us." Milly explained.

"He doesn't mind helping." Howard started. "I'm going to go through some more boxes." He finished.

Karla grabbed one of Howard's fingers. He was trembling. "Can I come too?" She asked the giant man.

"Sure," he said with a sad smile. He lifted her to his shoulder. And turned to leave.

"But you barely ate any lunch?" Milly questioned in a worried tone.

"I'm not really hungry." he noted as they traveled to the stairs.

"She loves you, you know that right?" Karla asked.

"Yeah, but I can't provide like Gabriel Jacobs can." Howard whispered back.

"A home, food, a wonderful son, joy, humor, as I remember it, very enjoyed sexual experiences, what is it he can give her you don't already give in spades?" Karla tried to boost her owner's father.

"He just can do things. Permission to shrink problems whenever, your collar, your glasses. He could spoil her." Howard whimpered.

"I only needed my collar because of your deal with Jeff. The glasses and shrinking are nice extras, but are not necessary. Besides, he needed to lend me those glasses to do a favor for him. As for getting spoiled, you know what she calls her life? A spoiled housewife, she thinks you spoil her." Karla attempted to counter his self doubt.

"Really? But she likes high class things and he's always going to high class things." Howard dismissed Karla's argument.

"She likes high class things. But she told me she loves how you make her laugh." Karla informed.

"Thanks. I know you're trying. I just can't believe she chose me. She's my dream wife, it's hard to accept this is real." Howard explained.

"Well it is. And it's my life too now. So accept Milly loves you because I like seeing you two together." Karla advised.

"OK my little counselor. I will try." Howard replied.

He opened a box and snickered. "Well this should be at work."

"What is it?" Karla asked.

"It's my old research notebooks. Should get them archived." he stated.

"That's a lot of note books." Karla observed.

"Yeah, early stuff. Would you believe I wasn't originally hired for research?" Howard asked.

"Why were you hired?" Karla wondered.

"I was an accountant." He answered.

"How did you come up with the teleporting idea?" she couldn't see the connection.

Howard smiled and explained, "I was part of the finance team for the gravity slingshot research team. I noticed the pay difference between us on average compared to the research members average. So with permission of my then boss I started being Inputted in the morning and did my duties in the afternoon. Soon I was fully knowledgeable on the very team we were crunching numbers for and transferred to that team. As we worked on a project an idea came to me and I presented it. I was given a small research team and it grew from there."

"So, is it hard to advance like that in the Company?" Karla asked.

Howard looked at her and sighed. "Not for a person." he replied in a sad tone.

"I hadn't thought about me." Karla noted to comfort her friend.

Smiling, he leaned down, "Want to know the best part of gaining my own research team?"

"Sure." she chirped.

"As a research head I was invited to all the charity and business functions in my area. I decided to go to one. And there I met the most beautiful pianist ever." He hummed.

"What happened?" Karla playfully asked. Hoping to hear his interpretation of the events of that night.

"I pestered her. That poor lady was just trying to play for the crowd and I was a drunk nerdy ass. I realized I was being an ass, so I apologized and started to leave." he stated.

"Then what?" Karla pushed.

"She made the best decision of her life and became curious about that cute drunk nerdy ass." Milly cooed. Hugging her husband.

"Hey, I was telling my story." Howard playfully whined.

"Our story, my sweet." she purred. Rewarding him a kiss.

"Well, if that's how you put it." Howard happily said.

The humans began filing through the last of the boxes. Once they finished there. They traveled as a group to go through the stored boxes in the basement. Karla marveled at the quick progress they three were making. They had lived in this house for over a decade. But they were packing and sorting at a pace that would see them easily leaving here in about a week.

The adults discussed the unwanted but usable items. They had planned on a yard sale. But if they moved on that Saturday, would they have time? The Howells did plan on helping, maybe splitting the group was suggested. Or just donating the items to a refurbishing store. They would have to hang onto the house till after Company carpenters finished removing the installed Shrunken cages. They could even come back and do the sale the following weekend.

Milly sighed, "Guess I should go make supper."

"OK, we'll keep at this." Howard replied.

"I'm taking company." Milly noted and lifted Karla and Josie.

"OK." Micheal submitted a pout.

In the kitchen she prepared beef ribs sighing, "Should have put these in the slow cooker."

"I'm sure they will taste great." Josie told their towering lady.

"Thanks. Wondering if I should fry the veggies with a little butter or boil them?" She asked.

"Butter tastes great." Karla offered her opinion.

Milly cut up potatoes to roast with the ribs. And placed them in the oven. She prepped the vegetables, green beans, onions, and some little corn cobs and left them to wait in a bowl. As the meat and potatoes roasted she would base them with a broth and barbecue sauce mix she whipped up. The kitchen smelled wonderful.

As she waited for the time to start the veggies she started packing the unlikely to be used kitchen items. A large Mixer, mixing and salad bowls, a couple of tea pots, and the like. The whole time coaching her tiny companions on the song she started teaching them the day before. Continuing that teaching once she started stir-frying the veggies.

Milly called down to the guys to come up for supper. "Oh, ribs smell great." Howard praised.

They sat down to eat. "The group contacted me. We are going to meet-up in a bit on video chat." Micheal explained.

"Oh good. Say Hi for me." Milly added.

"Guess no swim." Josie pouted a little.

"He'll take us swimming soon." Karla comforted her friend.

Josie smiled shyly saying, "I know. I was just looking forward to it." She sighed, "But it will be great to see the kids."

"Yeah, I miss them too." Karla agreed.

"What are you talking about?" Micheal asked.

"Nothing that can't wait till later." Karla said.

They ate the wonderful meal Milly made. Micheal and Howard cleaned up as the ladies watched the news. Karla felt conflicted, there was a story about the disasters down the eastern South American coast. They were buying the Company's story of a series of unrelated town wide disasters. The reporter seemed more concerned about how the tourist trade was just starting to recover from the pandemic when these disasters hit and how it would react to these new happenings then the amount of people lost from the listed towns. It was eerie seeing the woman standing in a park from one of the towns the cruise collected from mentioning how ghost town tours were being organized for many of the now empty towns. Pigeons and other wild birds, but no people in the background. No dogs or cats. No cars or monuments. Just an empty park and blank windows in the building. And the world just accepted that. The Company had that power to make whole towns vanish and no one wondered why nothing but vacant buildings and empty parks remained.

Karla jumped as Milly's hand stroked her back. "Karla, are you OK? You pale as a ghost." she asked.

"It's just, whole towns disappear and no one questions the Company's story?" Karla managed to gasp.

"Oh, some will question, but security will handle them before they become a problem." Milly replied. "Oh, that didn't help, did it?"

"No, how do they have such reach, such power?" Josie's voice trembled into the conversation.

"Don't think they, you are now us." Milly attempted to smooth uncomfortable nerves. "It's for the better. Less people means less pollution. Less hunger. You are home here, cared for. Don't think they have and realize we have. You work for the Company and it will work for you."

"But what about the people that don't work for the Company. Who are pets? Many are abused or even killed for the amusement of their new owners." Karla had ignored everything but her own happiness and safety. Now those thoughts were back and flooding through her mind. Her Micheal could be playfully cruel, but never outright hurtful. It was easy to forget, many didn't find a home as spoiling as hers.

"They are not people any more Karla. They are Shrunken. They need to obey their owners now to survive. I feel bad for the ones who were collected by vicious owners. But these efforts will cut down on pollution, overpopulation, food shortages, even other plagues and diseases." Milly explained.

Karla looked up at the woman, "But I'm now a Shrunken. Do I need to obey to survive."

"You're our Karla, our Josie. You may be Shrunken. You may need us to provide for you two. But if you just keep being Karla and Josie, we'll keep trying to spoil you two. I think we are a better family together." Milly said, lifting them to her face. They were nuzzled by their giant friend. They hugged back. Safe in her hands.

"Just so many people." Karla whimpered.

"Yes, and I would love all of them to find homes like you two did. But we know that isn't true. So we should not dwell on it. Just focus on caring for each other. You're safe my little ladies. Mikey loves you two. Howard and I will protect you. You may be a Shrunken, but you're not pets to us. Or the Grants, or the Watts, or the Howells. You're our girls." Milly consulted.

Karla was comforted knowing she wasn't seen as a pet. Held safely by Milly from the increased dangers of the now larger world. She wasn't expecting to react so intensely to the reminder on the news. The idea that so many people were now Shrunken. So many are not safe like the ones in this house. Used and enjoyed sure, but looked after and safe.

Karla pressed herself to Milly's cheek. Home, she was home here. Cared for almost like family. Even for the lesser Shrunken it wasn't so bad here. The human's play often was pleasurable for the Shrunken. The Asian girls Micheal played with the other night climaxed in his lips a few times. Milly made two guys cum while enjoying her breakfast. Karla had to reason Howard made his pets moan happily, she had experienced his skill filled attention herself once.

But others, with humans that got off torturing their pets. The fact that many of the Grant's Shrunken were now being made to forcible breed for them to sell the offspring. No, she couldn't worry about them. She had a space here, a home, family and friends. She just needed to think about something else then how she got here.

"What's wrong with them?" Micheal's sweet voice asked filled with worry.

"There was a news segment about the towns we visited." Milly explained.

Karla turned, reaching for her giant. His gentle colossal hand lifted her. She and Josie were brought to his face. Protected, he comforted, "Your home now my special. Don't worry, no one will take you from here. No one will be mean to you two." Karla sighed, her towering teen held her. Loved by her Micheal.

"Why don't you take them up to your room? I think they'll feel better once they see Chrissy and the others." Milly said. Karla could hear the hope in her voice.

"OK, good idea." their titan softly replied. They were held to his chest above her heart. Cuddled together in one mighty hand. The solid thud inside that building wide torso was soothing.

In his room he grabbed his tablet. He laid on his bed. His chest was flat to lay upon. But his hand blanketed them still. He worked his device one handed, leaning it on his knees. He hummed the tune from the song Milly was teaching them. Their family love was shared with her and Josie. His finger stroked her hair. While Josie's was petted by his thumb.

"Micheal, I'm better now. I'm sorry I got so worked up." Karla announced.

"It's OK. It can't be easy getting used to your new life." he sympathizes.

"It's just so scary what the Company can do." Josie stated.

"Only if you're not in the Company, which you two are now. So, it's going to look after you now. Alright?" he replied.

"Does it bother you at all how they can just make whole towns disappear?" Josie asked.

"No, they would have vanished eventually. This way it's better for the world." Micheal repeated the Company line.

"I suppose." Josie attempted to accept.

"Are you alright talking to everyone?" He asked them.

"Yes please." Karla answered.

"I would like to see them." Josie noted.

"Cool, I'm going to sign in." Micheal announced.

Micheal brought up a program. A beep and Chrissy's cheery face in a pink room appeared. "Micheal! I miss you so much! Hello Karla and Josie!" she stated.

"Hey Chrissy, I miss you too." He responded.

Another beep and Sandy's sweet face suddenly joined them. "Hello all! So good to see you!" she happily said.

"How have you been doing?" Chrissy asked.

"I'm alright. I need to say something real quick before Chris comes on." Sandy replied.

"Go ahead." Micheal allowed.

"He let it slip while we were texting that he got into a fight with his cousins on his first day of school. They gave him a black eye from what he said. So try not to react to it, I think he's a bit embarrassed." she quickly explained.

"But he's OK?" Micheal asked.

"Yeah, guess he has some other news." Sandy replied.

"Oh his cousins. If you were there, Micheal, they would have thought twice." Chrissy huffed.

The program beeped. But even with warning they still all gasped. Chris didn't just have a black eye. But most of his right side of his face was purply blue. "It's really not that bad." he answered their startled reaction.

"What happened?" Micheal asked.

"After the first day of school. I got off the bus. I knew my cousins would be getting off the bus too. They came at me. I blocked Dan's punch. But Will kicked my legs out from under me. As I fell Dan kicked me in the face." Chris explained.

"How did you get out of that?" Chrissy.

Chris had an odd expression. "Seems, for some reason two Company Security Officers were watching me. They grabbed my cousins and pulled them off me. Then they took me to a Company Clinic. The doctor there checked me over, this is just a big bruise. Looks worse than it is. Mom was mad! Oh she gave Aunt Susan an earful. The next day before school a delivery came. I am to be data inputted once we move west. No more school for me. It even included suggested secondary education. They are looking after our move, there is a big blue shipping container in our driveway. We will be your neighbors in two weeks Chrissy."

"That's great." Chrissy cheered. "I just wish we all could live near each other." she added.

"Who had the security men watching you?" Micheal asked.

"I don't know. But whoever it was, they are having that attack on me added to the charges from the trip. Danny has Company problems, so he is avoiding me all together." Chris stated.

"He should be made Shrunken and sent here to be a breeding male." Chrissy snared.

"Who would want any Kittens from him?" Sandy questioned. Then she looked up and blushed.

The other three began laughing. They slipped from there to other young teen interests. Karla found herself stroked like a loved cat by Micheal. They chatted and planned. Hoped to see each other as a group before the next cruise, but lamented the unlikely hood of that happening. It made Karla happy to see them together again even if it was over electric means. Micheal's attention just enhanced that joy.

They said their goodbyes. Leaving Chrissy and Micheal smiling at each other. "I miss you Micheal." the blonde pouted.

"I miss you too Chrissy." he sighed back.

"Karla, are you keeping our man happy?" the girl asked.

"As often as he'll let us." she purred back to her pink clad friend.

"I've been practicing Special kisses. I don't like how the girl feels, but I like how you feel. So hopefully on the next trip Micheal and I can make-out and you can see if I've gotten better for you." Chrissy cooed.

Karla remembered the last time she was involved in a make-out session with these two. Trapped in their mouths, their budded tongues making love to her tiny body as they held each other close. It was intense with an inexperienced Chrissy, a practiced one was an exciting thought. "Looking forward to that." Karla gasped.

"Goodie." Chrissy slowly replied, licking her lips suggestively.

The tablet fell over. "Oh shot!" Micheal exclaimed. Seems their conversation was arousing the Behemoth. Micheal lifted the device, "Sorry, it slipped." He lied.

"No problem Micheal." Chrissy accepted the lie. "Oh, Josie, I'm looking forward to kissing you too." Chrissy hummed.

"Oh, OK." Josie nervously accepted.

"Well, it's late and you have to pack in the morning. You three have a good night." the sweet giantess stated.

"You too. Text me tomorrow, maybe we can meet up for a Battle Jumpers game soon." Micheal suggested.

"It's a date." Chrissy giggled. Leaving the chat.

"Well, she's right. It is late." Micheal said, scooping the two of them off his chest. They were placed on the bed and then the tablet. He went and stripped off the clothes from the day. Karla giggled at herself sighing at the semi-erect penis, she was so his pet. He pulled up his shorts and suddenly announced, "Shot!"

He came over and leaned down in front of Josie, "I forgot about the swim you wanted. Sorry Josie."

"It's OK. We got to chat with everyone." Josie accepted.

"Here let me make it up to you," he said. His powerful hand lifted Josie. Soon that Freckled beauty was gasping as colossal fingers stripped her clothes off her and caressed her soon exposed erogenous areas. That sweet giant tilted that naked redhead and slipped her to his lips. She soon dangled there clearly happily forgetting about the missed swim as gasp after gasp told of affectionate Special Kisses.

Karla soon was grabbed. She danced with his digits to help her titan teen to remove her unnecessary coverings. The power he restrained as he touched love over her made it even more arousing. She panted with lust as her giant slid her naked form over her gorgeous Josie's stripped form. His lip slipped over her ass and hugged her waist. Her hips soon joined the dance. The two of them grinding their bodies together as his tongue savored their pussy's.

Karla noticed he didn't go to bed. He collected them each one of the shirts he gave them once they arrived home from the trip. He placed them on his nightstand, clearly intended for later use.

He then traveled to his cage. Whimpered voices helped to bring on her first climax. Josie too reacted soon after. Karla hazelly realized he was stripping playthings. Donna and his Gabriel of course. Then Grace and that wonderful lovely Sofia. Then Peyton soon found her way naked in his container. Last was the slim side pony tail wearing brunette. Her sweet voiced foolish pleading was erotic.

He brought the container and it's six sumptuous living dolls to his bed. He laid down. He held open his shorts. Then one by one he lifted them and slipped them between the shaft and his shorts. Donna then Gabriel at his base. Sofia, then Grace midway. Peyton and the lithe Brunette at his tip.

His hand encased Josie and Karla. Wrapped around them both, like a cruel grip. Pressing Karla's torso tightly to Josie's. Karla liked how dominating this grip was. She was helplessly held by that towering teen. Her breasts pinned to Josie's firm pair.

She heard her goliath lad order those lucky six, "Please me or I'll please me."

His lips hugged their lower bodies tightly again. Tongue ignited their hips to action. Light returned. Karla looked down along his body, six squirming bumps trapped along his Behemoth attempting to tame that thick beast.

Karla couldn't focus on the six slaving to service her giant for very long. That tender titan's hands came to the two of them. Petting, stroking, massaging them. They both kissed thanks to the digits that stroked their faces.
Gasped appreciation as those fingers traced their hanging legs. Moaned as they eagerly accepted their breasts affectionately rubbed.

Karla lost track of time and number of emotional releases as her Micheal made love to the two of them. Time after time she arched from the touching and tasting from him. Added to the ease of pleasure was her ability to enjoy Josie's naked form so thoroughly. The fact Josie was being so intimate with her body just made her more a puppet to pleasure. Over and over she climaxed. Deep licks of that incredible budded beast. Caressed love from magnificent fingers. Grinding massage from that curvaceous body. Full pillowy kisses along her skin. Tasting that silky freckled skin back. At some point her body could respond to her want to touch Josie any longer, Karla went limp. Danged in Micheal's hands and rocked in his lips.

Soon after her sweet owner lifted her from his lips. Warm wonderful smelling chest was their destination. They laid wrapped together where he placed them. "Does that make up for not taking you swimming tonight?" her giant lover asked.

"Yes." They both sighed together.

"Do either of you want anything?" he offered.

"No, Micheal." they both murmured.

"Should I get your PJs to you or just let you rest for now?" he said with clear glee in his tone.

"Rest please." they again agreed.

"OK." was all he said.

Josie snuggled close. His bare chest radiated heat, keeping them well comfortable with no need for a blanket. Though a fingered one would have made this a perfect sleeping spot Karla thought.

She was well on the edge of sleep. But the wonder of what he was going to do kept Karla's eyes barely open. She was expecting him to stroke the six to his own climax. Instead he lifted his tablet.

Karla attempted to bridge the gap between him hearing her and allowing the now sleeping Josie to stay asleep. "What are you doing?" she asked warmly.

"Looking at playsets and things. You know, toys for us to enjoy our collection once we move." he explained softly.

"You're not going to finish?" she wondered.

"In a bit. I'm really enjoying them rubbing at my cock." he explained.

"Are you not worried they might get you off on their own?" Karla suggested.

"Not really, I mean they feel great trapped in there cuddling my cock. But they are not you." he replied.

Karla delighted at the odd praise. It didn't hurt that it brought a petting from his free hand. She watched him flicking through playsets. Her Micheal liked the monster ones. Looking at dinosaur sets. A King Kong figure. Even an amusing beach playset with a seagull puppet called Sandy Fries.

Suddenly he noted, "Oh, Chrissy sent me a text about an outfit she thinks will be fun for some of our games." He flipped over to the Fantasy clothes tab. He brought up her scan data and opened the page for a Dark Empress dress. The low neck was decorated with gold colored embroidery. It was a loose dress with slits up the long skirt for her legs to peek out of.

"You want me to be your evil queen?" she asked playfully.

"You would look so Hot in that outfit. I like how it shows off your legs." he purred. His fingers lovingly stroked those very limbs as he admired the digital image of her in that dress. That outfit was added to his cart.

"And one for Josie.'' He flipped to her scan data and brought up an outfit labeled Cruel General (Female). Chrissy was right, that outfit would look amazing on Josie. The corset breast plate would boost those perky breasts. Better, the shiny tights hugged her fine ass cheeks amazingly. They would rule Micheal's Shrunken with an iron fist Karla joked in her mind. He added that to the cart.

He went back to looking at playsets. He now focused on ones where his Dark Empress and his Cruel General could pillage his helpless Shrunken peasants. Karla read along the other sections on the site for things that could be ordered. Puppets, clothes, extra accessories. One near the bottom caught Karla's eye. She asked, "Micheal, can we look at Mounting Animals?"

"You think I should order a Mounting Animal?" he sounded confused.

"I know there'll be a lot of extras like a barn and saddles. But I like horseback riding, it might be fun to ride another animal." She explained.

"Oh, you want Riding Animals." he said, scrolling lower to reveal that under Companion Animals and above Display Animals.

"What's the difference?" She wondered.

"Well simply, Riding Animals a Shrunken can ride. Mounting Animals ride a Shrunken." he said as the animal options for riding loaded up.

"How would a Shrunken carry a, oh never mind." Karla had started. Then the memory of Mr. Jacobs' pet rat pleasuring itself in Sammy's womanhood came to her mind. She made a mental note to look over those later. A hard rat fucking might be a good way to discipline any of Micheal's disobedient Shrunken.

"Well, what would you like to look at?" he asked. Distracting her from the mental image of a certain former Shrunken thief being pumped by a Gerbil.

She scanned the choices. Rats, Gerbils, Shrunken Horses, then she squealed, "They have bunnies we can ride?"

"Yep." he brought up the Rabbits. Normal rabbits, floppy eared ones, even amazingly fuzzy choices. The site listed All Ridding Rabbits were bred and trained to accept being saddled by people or Shrunken. They are affectionate and gentle with your Shrunken. They are docile with a love for being ridden. A video showed a floppy eared cutie softly nuzzling a Shrunken girl stroking it's fur.

"Oh, can we get some?" Karla asked.

"I don't know, I have a lot of Shrunken to take care of already." Micheal pointed out.

"But according to this, you could have the Shrunken clean up after them, groom them, and feed them. You'd just need to supply the bedding and food. It would give your pets something to do when not being played with." Karla countered.

"I don't know? Saddles and a pen." he replied.

Karla looked up at him. She gave her best puppy dog look as she pleaded, "Please Micheal? I would be so happy." She pulled back her arms and arched her back. She bounced, adding, "Don't you want me to be happy?"

He let out an adorable whimper. Then he said, "Let me talk to my parents before I decide."

She hugged his fingers. "Thank you Micheal!" She purred.

"That's not a yes. Just maybe." he reminded her.

"Still, I'll need to practice straddling and riding on something just in case it becomes a yes." She teased. Cuddling her naked body to his digits.

His hand coiled around her. Then the other wrapped around her. His fingers easily overpowered her helpless form. Karla found herself spread eagle in his hold. He freely touched her all over. Firm strokes between her thighs. Her breasts rolled under the pads of his fingers. Her legs were being rubbed all over. Her ass was squeezed by his dominating attention. Touches kissed her face. Karla had thought herself spent for the night a short while ago. Now she excitedly submitted to more affection from her massive Micheal.

He was toying with her. Teasing her with suggestive touches. Karla was in a lust filled lather. Michael had clearly learned how she loved being his helpless plaything. Any attempt she made to deepen his touches he countered. She strained with all her Shrunken might. And he kept her restrained with no effort. She was a tiny slave to his enjoyment. Karla loved every torturous second. She gasped with pleasured sounds at his domination.

"It's getting late. I should go to sleep." he teased as he felt her all over.

"But you have Shrunken in your shorts." Karla gasped.

"I can't stroke them. My hands are full." he purred.

"Stroke me too." Karla heard her voice reply eagerly.

"No, I should put you down I think." he mocked her lust. Licking his lips as he spoke.

Karla whimpered, "Oh Micheal, you cruel giant."

"Oh am I so bad?" he asked as he played with her helpless body.

"You got me so aroused. Now you're going to just put me down? That's very mean." she panted at him.

"I think you like me playing with you like this." he cooed.

Karla surrendered, "I do Micheal."

"Why?" he asked.

"Because you're so strong. I'm nothing but a helpless Shrunken in your hands." Karla praised.

"You're my special Shrunken." he corrected.

"All yours. Your special Shrunken." she cooed.

"Do you like when I play with my Shrunken?" he questioned.

"Yes, play with them! Dominate them! You own them, use them!" It spoke for her.

"What do you like to see me do to them?" he egged It on.

"I like seeing you grab them. Strip them as they foolishly whimper. How you touch them as they plead you for mercy. How you give them your pleasure instead." It sang.

"Should I dominate you too?" he offered.

"YES!" Karla's voice called.

"Oh Karla!" he gasped. Powerful lips wrapped her waist. His hands released her. Karla arched up in his mouth. Her hips pumped hard as his tongue re-tasted her. Gloriously humming his enjoyment of her flavor. Karla burst from the sensation quickly. She didn't fall though. Instead she continued to cowgirl his massive tongue tip as it lapped her excited pussy.

His hands slipped into his shorts. Karla heard muffled whimpers from the fools inside. His colossal arms began working those six lucky lovelies along his thick shaft. They should have sung praise to their giant owner. If they didn't enjoy it like their whining proclaimed, that would get him done sooner. Besides, the sooner they began enjoying his pleasure, the better for them.

Karla herself didn't praise him. Not that she didn't want to. The words choked her throat. No, she was in no hurry to end this. But she couldn't restrain those sounds for much longer. Then a gift was laid before her on his nose, a groggy Josie.

"Karla? Are we playing again?" the sleepy redhead questioned.

Karla didn't answer. Josie's legs were straddling their towering teen's nose. Delectable vanilla flavored pussy angled perfectly in Karla reach. Karla hooked her arms around those shapely thighs. The praise for Micheal was trapped as Karla drove her tongue into Josie's sweet pussy. Suckling there brought more vanilla flavored liquid.

Karla swooned as Josie moaned, "OH Karla!" Her red haired lady hooked her legs around Karla's upper torso for a better grip. Eager hands messed Karla's hair. Tapered hips grind Josie's pussy into Karla's accepting mouth. Karla's hand found a firm mound. As Micheal's force filled licks drove Karla mad with passion. She in turn attempted to drain that passion into Josie. And from the music flowing from that angel, it was working.

Josie Climaxed. Arching up along his giant nose. Karla felt Micheal's shiver, and his mighty body arched. She could feel the blasts from his thick cock pumping through his towering body. Several girlish voices whimpering and choking as warm cum bathed their lucky bodies. Karla surrendered and rode her own passion release.

Karla collapsed, head pillowed on Josie's silken skinned inner thigh. Micheal's steamy breath shimmering over her own skin. Josie's hand loving stroking her hair as far as that sweet lover could draped over Micheal's face. Sleep edged her mind.

Suddenly she found herself tilting over. She watched Josie drop to the pillow beside Micheal's head. Then mighty lips allowed Gravity to take her to. She looked up annoyed at her boy giant. Before she could say a word he was announcing, "Sorry, I kind of made a mess on both my hands. I didn't know how else to get you two off my face without smearing cum on you."

It was sweet in a way. Didn't want to make them messy with his seed. He grabbed a few tissues and wiped his release from his hands. From the movement in his shorts, he must have moved the bulk of his riders to his tip to be showered in his cum. He walked over and peeled them out of his shorts. Placing them in his cage to clean themselves of his enjoyment. Wiping the added seed from his fingers with another tissue.

"Let's clean up for bed." he advised. Taking them, their pajamas for the night, and a change of shorts for himself to the bathroom. He moistened a cloth with warm water and stroked the sweat from their bodies. Then the semen from his groin. They freshened for bed and donned the clothes for sleeping in.

Karla found herself dozing even as Micheal carried her back to their room. Josie coiled around. Her head was also drooping. He poured them on their pillow. Karla was aware he lifted his tablet to move it off the bed. But the soft pillow and snuggly redhead kept her from seeing his return.

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CH 05: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by HHunter1 » Fri Jun 18, 2021 5:35 pm

Chapter 5

Many Character/World Stuff
Little f/f Torment
Brief description of Bestiality and Vore

Karla awoke. Josie snuggled close to her still sleeping. Micheal was missing. She looked around the room but he wasn't there. She wondered why they were left on their pillow. Josie stretched and sat up, "Huh, where's Micheal."

"I don't know?" Karla answered.

"Did you text him?" the redhead asked.

"Oh right." Karla snickered. She kept forgetting about her watch.

Before she even started typing the door opened. Micheal walked over, "Oh your up." Karla stretched up as his hands surrounded them. She felt relief at his return. "Mom's making brown sugar oatmeal for breakfast." He advised them as he started carrying them down stairs.

They sat at the table. "Morning girls." Howard greeted them.

"Morning Howard." Karla responded.

Milly brought out steaming bowls. "Morning ladies, sleep well?"

"Yes Milly, that smells good." Josie noted.

"Old family recipe for spicing up oatmeal." Milly said with a smile.

Karla loved the fact they were given a place to eat with them. Even had bowls their size to enjoy Milly's creation. She delighted in knowing they saw her and Josie in such high standings. She scooped a bit of oatmeal. She wasn't an oatmeal fan, but she would give Milly's a chance. It was warm and sweet with nice accent flavors. It was good for oatmeal, but not a breakfast she would request.

"So what are the packing plans for today?" Josie asked their human family.

"Well, that's something we want to talk to you about." Howard timidly said.

"What?" Karla asked.

Milly sighed. "We decided we need to take the Company sensitive garbage and a few other things to Howard's office."

"OK, so we'll be going there this morning then?" Josie asked.

Milly and Howard looked at each other. Micheal looked at the floor. "Actually with all the stuff we'll need to lug. You two should stay here. That being said, and I hate to say this, but you'll need to stay in Micheal's cage like Shrunken." Milly cringed out.

"Oh, that makes sense." Josie replied.

"It's just for today. So we can get rid of that stuff. And this afternoon so we can load the boxes piling up in here into the moving container. But you'll be with us for lunch and out as soon as we can keep the doors closed again." Howard explained.

"Couldn't we just stay down here on the couch while you do that. We'll stay out of sight." Karla offered.

Milly smiled, "I know you would. Really we are more worried about a cat or something that might get curious and come in. We just don't want to take a chance of anything happening to you two. You understand."

"Safe from predators. I understand." Karla replied trying to sound chipper.

"You'll have your tablet. And if you need anything just text me." Micheal added.

"Thank you for your concern. I'm sure we can handle a day in the cage." Josie stated.

They began planning their efforts for their day. Karla felt a bit down. She wanted to be with her family all the time now. But this made more sense. Besides, it might be nice to lounge around all day for a change.

Micheal scooped them up and headed to his room. "So, do we have time to play before you go?" she asked her tender titan.

"No. Mom really wants that stuff out as soon as possible. I'm not even going to shower. But I was thinking maybe a long bath after I'm done." he advised.

"A bath sounds wonderful." Josie cooed in agreement for them both.

"What would you two like to wear today? I still haven't put your clothes in the cage since I didn't think you'd use that one." Micheal asked.

"You pick Micheal, that way you can enjoy stripping us for the bath even more." Karla purred at him.

"Karla, no play remember." he whimpered at her.

He opened the cage. Many of his living dolls still slept. Karla snickered as her cruel giant tapped his nails on the bars loudly to rouse them all. "Now, Karla and Josie are spending the day in the cage to keep them safe as I help move stuff. What they say is the law. If you disobey you'll answer to me. If they are unhappy when I come to free them, you'll answer to me. If they are hurt in any way, you'll answer to me. Everyone understands?" He growled in his enticing mean voice.

The cage was filled with scared and nervous nods. Well except Amanda who's eager expression showed she wouldn't mind some of Micheal's punishment.

"Now, since my pretty princess will be staying here today, and you are to serve them, I better see you all in your sexy maid outfits when I come to collect them. Well, unless they want you in different outfits?" Micheal started.

Karla waved him close. He lifted her up to his face. "Slave girls." she purred.

"Oh better, change that, I want you all in your slave girl outfits. Well, why are you not changing?" he demanded.

They unhappily began stripping to change into their Owner's requested attire. Well, except Amanda who removed her clothes and seemed to be having trouble finding her outfit as she searched by arching and bending before Karla's towering teen.

"OK you two, any problems let me know. I'll be right back with your clothes." he advised.

He placed them in and wandered over. Karla looked at Amanda still presenting to Micheal. "He sadly doesn't have time to play. Sorry Amanda."

"Figures. I haven't gotten touched since we arrived here." she pouted.

"He's planning on us having a bath later. I'll try to make sure you can come swimming with us too." Karla consoled.

"Him, naked in a giant pool. Yes please.” She wonderfully sighed. Then a thought hit her, "You're not planning on making me do things with you today are you?" she timidly asked.

Karla admired the former dancer's fine naked form. Then sighed, her long term plans for Amanda would be easier not tormenting her. But a little tease wouldn't hurt. Karla swayed over to the clear discomfort of Amanda. She pressed her barely clad form along that long haired beauty. Whispering in her ear she shared, "No, I'm planning on making you the head of the Shrunken since I know you'll look after things as Micheal likes. You OK being the top girl?"

Amanda didn't answer. Micheal's voice distracted her. "Oh so Hot!" he praised.

Karla found Amanda's arms around her. Pressing her tighter. Her ass was suddenly bared to that towering teen as slender nailed fingers arousingly squeezed her cheeks. Amanda purred up at Micheal, "Just making your Karla a happy lady Director Micheal."

He reached in and placed the outfits he chose for them on a bed and Karla currently Standard sized tablet. Then he curled his finger around Amanda's head. Petted the Eager Shrunken. Karla could feel the girl's heart pounding in excitement. "Good girl. You make Karla a happy lady and I'll reward you." he praised.

"Well, I need to get going. Hope you have a good day, my specials." he noted.

He turned to go get dressed. Amanda watched him lustfully. "I'll keep his pets inline for him Lady Karla." she answered.

Karla turned to watch the show herself. "Good, I need a smart girl I can trust for that job."

"I'll need a team." she advised.

"Yes, we'll have to figure out who would work best and be trusted. He is going to be setting up a hierarchy. But with my help." Karla agreed.

"I'll work up a list of good candidates." Amanda noted.

Micheal came over. "I need Karla for a moment." he advised Amanda.

"Yes Director Micheal." She purred as she bowed in such a way to display her exposed breasts.

He coiled his hand around her and lifted. Josie soon followed. "I'm going to miss you two today." Giant lips attempted to sweetly kiss their cheeks. But they caught their faces as they both kissed him back.

"We'll miss you too." They both cooed together. Then caught the twined response and giggled like school girls.

"I'll text when we are returning with lunch." he said, placing them back inside.

Karla cringed as the door latched, trapping them inside. "See you soon." Josie called out as he walked across the expanse that was his room.

Once he was gone Karla felt herself sigh. Then snicker as Amanda and Josie also sighed. "Well, let's see what he picked out for us." She suggested to Josie.

"I'm going to go put on my Slave outfit." Amanda advised them.

"Go ahead. Oh, send up Aoi. I might need help dressing." Karla requested.

"Yeah, no problem." And Amanda wandered down the cage.

Karla lifted the dress with her scared expression attached. She began laughing. "What?" Josie asked. Karla showed her friend Micheal's picks for them to wear. Josie broke into laughing too. Seems when he called the princess he was intending for them to dress the part. Puffy dresses with long silken gloves and tiaras.

"I think I'll wait till he texts to get dressed." Josie managed out.

"I think that's a good idea. I need to get him to order us some sweatpants and baggy sweaters for days like this." Karla took that suggestion.

"You want me Lady Karla?" Aoi's heavily accented voice noted her arrival.

"No I, actually yes. I'm going to curl up in this bed and browse on my tablet. I want you to cuddle with me." Karla hummed at the cute Asian girl.

"Yes Lady Karla." She nervously accepted and started toward the bed.

"Aoi, I want you to cuddle me naked." Karla tormented the young teen.

"Yes Lady Karla." She replied with a clear cringe.

"You're not planning on enjoying Aoi are you?" Josie asked.

"I might get playful, why? Do you want to play too?" Karla offered.

"I was thinking, Micheal hasn't played today. It might be nice if we restrained too as a sign of support." Josie suggested.

Karla looked at the pale naked slender thing crawling into the bed. Then at her wise friend. "Yeah, that's a good idea. But I'm still getting naked cuddles." Karla noted.

"I'm going to go talk to the girls. See what they usually do when not being enjoyed. I'll be back soon." Josie stated.

"OK, I'll be here." Karla noted. She watched Josie walk away. Micheal's old shirt barely covered her ass and when she walked the bottom of her cheeks peeked out from under it. Karla suddenly really regretted agreeing to Josie's suggestion.

She walked over while stripping her shirt off. She slipped into the bed and pulled the slender Asian's body tight to her. Satin smooth skin felt so enticing. Her smart new servant handed her her tablet and nuzzled her face along Karla's neck. Karla stroked her silky black hair. She laid there just enjoying the girly cuddle. Her mind brought a memory of other cuddle times in a cage. She sighed, wondering how her former favorite busty servant was doing.

She lifted the tablet and began tapping at it. Aoi shifted, curiosity making her want to look at the device. "What are you looking up?" the girl asked.

"Clothes, playsets, and the like. Director Micheal likes variety." Karla purred at her living body pillow.

"I don't like the frog. It's scary when it's tongue grabs you." the girl advised.

Karla snickered. "You see his spider puppet?" she asked as she browsed.

"Oh he's so mean." The girl cringed. "Oh sorry, please don't be mad." She panicked.

"He's not so mean. Just playful." Karla let the statement pass.

"May I speak." Aoi asked.

"Sure, this once." Karla permitted.

"He kidnaps us then rapes us. That's mean." she pointed out.

Karla smiled, Aoi was technically right. "Could be worse. As Owner's go, Micheal is the best you could hope for." Karla advised.

"How could any be worse?" Aoi asked.

"Let's see." Karla stated. Bringing up the Company's search engine. She typed in Mounted Animal videos. Many sites were quickly listed. She clicked on the first sight. Then on the very first video.

A pretty blonde, about early twenties, in a cheerleader-like outfit was in a cage with wood chips. A nasally male voice described, "After winning the big game, Roger Rattingan came home to enjoy his reward." A rat in a little football jersey was slipped into the cage. The girl loudly screams. She begs someone off screen to take her out. Not to do this again. Roger sniffs around then seems to focus on the blonde. He scurries toward her and the girl attempts to run. But she is soon cornered. Out of desperation she attempts to climb the bars. But this just presents her to Roger. The Rat quickly arched over the smaller Shrunken woman. She begins screaming no repeatedly till she screeches. Then her whole body rocks as the rat begins pumping. The woman's leg dangled loosely as the rat's longer length lifted her feet off the ground. Her expression twisted in disgust and discomfort.

"That's not real." Aoi countered.

"Really, cause there's this one." Karla opened another labelled Hamster Gang Bang. In it a dark haired woman is in a cage. A Hamster tackles her and mounts her missionary style. She screams as the rodent penetrates her. This attracts another Hamster. Despite all her efforts the rodent maneuvers its phallic to her mouth. Soon it arches its back. The tip could be seen stretching the woman's throat. The first one squeals happily and hops off. Seeming another was waiting it's turn as it wiggled on her and took over. The Camera pans out to show the cage has eight to ten Hamsters in total in with the woman. Then it pans back to focus on the main action. Karla stops it as it had a long play length listed.

"No, no! People don't do that." Aoi just couldn't accept the images.

Karla found she was enjoying tormenting the girl with the truth. She clicked on one called Hank the Gerbil likes Asians. It was recently posted. A cage with a large mix of naked Shrunken ladies. Karla figured this was another ship guest from the selection amount. A smiling man opens the cage door and slips a Gerbil in. The Happy rodent whips it's head back and forth at the trembling beauties. It hops in a cute little circle. Then makes a bee line through the crowd. A Slim Asian in her late teens screams and fails to run away. The Gerbil hops on top of it's target, pinning her. The rodent makes happy grunting sounds as it's back end thuds into the pretty thing. She grunts too, but not happily.

"She kind of looks like you." Karla torments.

"Why, why do they do that?" Aoi pleads.

"Because they can. Shrunken are their pets. Living playthings really. Does Micheal's attention seem so bad now?" Karla questioned.

"No, not as bad. He doesn't have vermin like that right?" Aoi wished.

"Not yet. But if his Shrunken can't learn to be playful. He might buy some for punishment purposes." Karla threatened.

"OK, OK. I rub him better next time." she whimpered.

Karla noticed a tab. A subcategory. "Let's see what vore videos are." she stated.

The first one started. A woman in her fifties or sixties was in an aquarium. The bottom was sandy with a few large stones and a log. A bright light glared down on her. She screamed, "Please don't do this. I have a family, two daughters."

A man's voice replied, "Yeah I own them too. They feel great on my balls right now. Don't forget your granddaughter, she's really wiggling on my tip. And when they get old and wrinkled I'll probably do the same to them."

"No please, not my girls. Let us go please, I'll do anything!" The woman begged. Then the man snickered. "Looks like you awoke Attila." Suddenly in the background a lizard's head wobbled over the log. It crawled over toward the woman who offered heaven and earth to just be taken out of the tank. Karla wondered how they bred and trained a lizard to want to mount a Shrunken. It's size would likely crush that woman. Then the lizard's tongue shot out and the screaming woman was dragged into the lizard's mouth. Karla paused the video just as the lizard snapped it's jaws to drag the struggling older woman deeper into its mouth.

Karla froze. Vore as in devour. She enjoyed when Micheal play ate Shrunken with puppets. It was erotic. She kept pushing the fact that some owners ate some of their Shrunken out of her mind. It made a sick sense that some would enjoy watching them be eaten by other pets. She scrolled down the page. Twelve or so videos of Shrunken being eaten by different animals or people. She looked at the pages. There could be that many. But the numbers exceeded the page display. Her finger hovered over the last page button. She could figure out how many there were. How many Shrunken were eaten, most alive. She shut the page. She didn't want to know that.

"Are you OK?" Josie's voice asked.

"No." Karla advised.

"What's wrong?" Josie asked.

"Director Micheal is a nice owner. He does not feed us to lizards." Aoi whimpered.

"Oh shit." Josie gasped. Karla felt her friend snuggle with her. She slipped Aoi between them. The poor terrified teen trembled as they both cuddled her. Karla closed her eyes. She didn't think she would fall asleep after that sight. But the naked warmth from her two companions and the security of the cage and covers managed to slip her to slumber. But that sleep wasn't restful as nightmares of giant hungry lizards filled her subconscious mind.

She awoke to see a smiling Josie across a slumbering Aoi. "Feeling better?" Josie asked.

"No worse. I'm not even sure how I was able to sleep." Karla responded.

"What did you see?" Josie asked.

"I was showing Aoi Michael was a nice owner by showing her Mounted Animal videos." Karla started.

Josie interrupted, "Mounted Animals?"

"Oh right, you were asleep. The Company sells small animals, rodents really, that are bred and trained to enjoy humping Shrunken." Karla described.

Josie sighed, "Of course they do."

"Well, on the site they listed vore under that topic. And I got curious about what that was." Karla advised.

"And it's?" Josie asked.

Karla swallowed hard. "It's Shrunken being eaten, usually alive from what I saw."

"Really, that's horrible. It wasn't real." Josie replied.

"No, sadly it was." Karla whimpered.

"That's disgusting. How could they do that?" Josie gasped.

"I watched a woman beg for her life right before a lizard snatched her like an oversized fly." Karla exclaimed.

"No, it must have been video editing, CGI or something." Josie refused to accept.

Karla cringed and brought up a video. A fish tank with piranha swimming around. A woman's voice is heard, "Time for my fishies to eat." Six older Shrunken suddenly plopped into the water. The fish darted for the helpless Shrunken desperately attempting to swim to safety. They didn't get far from where they landed.

"Oh, I think I'm going to be sick." Josie gagged, holding her hand over her mouth.

"It's just, it was so cruel. Not playful cruel like Micheal, vicious and mean spirited. The man filming was relishing this woman's terror and death. Allowing her to struggle helplessly as a big lizard literally ate her alive. That one, did that woman really need to torture those Shrunken like that." Karla described.

"A fate these ladies are safe from because Micheal owns them." Josie pointed out. "Let's do something fun to get our minds off those images." she suggested.

"What?" Karla asked.

"Did that Gabriel fellow send you that list of suggested mates for Sammy's breeding yet?" Josie said with a hopeful smile.

"Let's see." Karla liked that idea. A good distraction from the nightmares.

They snuggled tightly around the slender Asian teen. Karla was aware Aoi was awake, but she didn't need her interacting for how she wanted to enjoy that slender form. Her and Josie giggled and joked about the Shrunken Male choices. How some might not be that bad to be humped by for twenty four hours or so. An interesting feature was they gave an estimated digital assessment of what a male and female offspring might look like with the selected sperm donor.

Karla jumped. She somehow had her watch on vibrate. "Micheal is on his way home. We should get dressed."

Josie slipped out of the bed. "I like that he bought us Princess dresses." she giggled.

"You know that means he likely wants to strap us to something to be rescued by a horny giant." Karla noted.

Karla swooned at the response of, "That sounds like fun."

Aoi got out of the bed to help them dress. Better, Amanda sent up the others to help ready them for the titan teen's return. They clearly were disgruntled about having to service them. But fearful of the Giant lad's possible punishments.

They were dressed and hair done up in fancy styles for his arrival. Karla wore a bubblegum pink dress while Josie's was a honey yellow color. "You look good as Peach and Daisy." one of the girls pointed out in a grumble. Karla snickered, Mario game Princesses, that's where these dresses come from.

Micheal entered and rushed to the cage. "You two are so pretty."

"Oh no Karla, a giant. I hope he doesn't eat us." Josie jokes.

Karla wanted to play too. But those words, eat us, brought the image of the wiggling middle aged woman in a monster's mouth. She froze.

She was suddenly aware Micheal was lifting them. "Maybe just a nibble," he joked. Karla trembled as she was brought to his mouth. Then her sweet giant attacked her face with kisses and that image melted away. Karla would have felt safe even if Micheal shoved her entirely in his mouth. He was her titan after all.

She watched as Josie next received playful peeks. "I so want to play an evil giant and princess right now with you. But lunch is downstairs." He stated.

They had burgers and fries. Fast food for a fast lunch. Karla sighed happily. On their plates was a bit of a fry and some chicken nugget cut smaller portions for them. "Well, I hope the meal is suitable for your majesties." Howard teased.

"Ignore him, how was your morning?" Milly asked.

"Alright. Yours?" Josie replied.

"We collected a lot of junk." Snickered Milly.

"Karla, are you feeling OK? You look a little pale." Howard asked.

"Yes. I'm alright." Karla answered.

"Are you sure? We have eye droppers for medicine for your size. I can sit with you while the boys load the container. I don't want you to be sick if we can help it." Milly offered.

"No, I just saw something that isn't sitting right in my mind." Karla admitted.

"What did you see? Did one of the Shrunken in the cage do something?" Micheal asked.

"No, I was showing Aoi, our new servant girl, how other Shrunken are being treated. So I looked up Mounting Animal videos." Karla started.

"Oh, Mounting Animals. A friend of mine has one. Sad part is one of his Shrunken has started liking it." Howard said, shaking his head.

"Well, there was a section listed for Vore videos." Karla continued.

"You know we'd never do that type of thing right?" Milly asked.

"I know, it was just so disturbing to see." Karla expressed.

"Yes they are." Milly said, stroking Karla's head. "We’ll keep you far from that type of thing. You girls are safe.” She reassured.

"I know. I was just bothered by how many there were." Karla explained.

Milly sighed, "You poor girls have been encountering many things that disturb you the last few days."

"The owner was so gleeful at dropping those Shrunken into their death." Josie sighed.

"Maybe you should show Micheal's Shrunken, give them an idea what they could be facing instead if they had been collected by another." Milly suggested.

"I don't know. I like them to be scared of me." Micheal noted.

"Wouldn't it be nice if they were compliant out of fear?" Howard asked.

"They are too small to resist in any real way. Besides I like how they sound when they whimper. How they feel trembling in my hand." Karla was certain Micheal was going to add more, but remembered he was discussing this with his parents.

"Well, they are yours to do with as you like." Milly accepted.

"Well, I do have one question. Karla and I were looking at riding animals. She asked me about Rabbits." Micheal informed them.

"Regular or floppy eared ones?" Milly cooed to Karla.

"Either." Karla answered.

"I heard rabbits are a lot of work to look after." Milly advised.

"The sight advises that the rabbits are trained to be looked after by Shrunken. Micheal has so many, they could look after the bunnies. It would give them something to do when not being enjoyed by Micheal." Karla suggested.

"You know that's not a bad idea." Howard remarked.

"What do you mean?" Milly asked.

"Well, we have so many little playthings. They will become listless without something to keep them active. Sure we can demand them to exercise and give them books and games. But that will only go so far. Caring for animals and art crafts would likely give them an escape outlet." Howard explained.

"You say we all should buy our Shrunken pets and crafts." Milly questioned.

"Might be an idea to look at." Howard suggested.

Karla felt a gentle stroke down her back. "What other ideas do you have for your family Karla?" Milly questioned.

"I will let you know." Karla found herself purring at her human friends' attention.

"Hate to break up this nice chat. But the sooner we finish eating. The sooner we can sit down with the girls and look up Shrunken distraction ideas." Howard advised.

"He's right ladies. Sadly we have to get eating." Milly sighed.

Karla and Josie ate their chicken and fry quickly to let their family get to moving the already packed boxes to the moving container. Micheal gently carried them back to the cage. Placing a kiss on their head before placing them into the cage.

Karla snickered. Aoi waited in the bed still naked. She petted her Asian toy's head. "Should we go back to looking at Sammy's possible sperm donors?" Josie asked.

Karla turned and sighed happily. Josie was stripping off her princess dress. Karla soon followed suit. Again they curled around Aoi. Looking at more choices. Teasing to get Aoi to play along. The little Asian Shrunken seemed to have a preference for dark skinned Shrunken males. The fact that the males were displayed nude often brought pink to the young Shrunken's cheeks. The three made a list of preference mate choices to be sent to Sammy's new owner. Karla felt bad, but the idea of breeding little Aoi appealed to her. Especially to her preferred male stock.

As Karla was sending the list to Mr. Jacobs she heard Josie ask, "Aoi, what were some of your hobbies? Besides dance I mean. Did you paint or anything?"

The girl looked nervous. Like Josie would harm her for a wrong response. She whimpered, "I made doll clothes."

"Really, cool." Josie responded. "Based on anything, or just made up your own style?" Josie requested.

"Sometimes I tried to copy something I saw on TV. Sometimes I just made stuff I thought looked good." She added.

"Have you tried full sized outfits?" Josie pushed.

"No, just dolls." Aoi replied.

"If Micheal bought materials would you try full sized, well, our sized outfits?" The redhead queried.

"I'm not that good." The Asian girl cringed.

"But, you enjoy sewing?" Josie inquired.

"Yes. For dolls." The girl agreed.

"Cool, let's ask the other girls what they like to do as hobbies." Josie suggested to Karla.

"We're naked. Best we got is Princess Dresses." Karla noted.

"You too good to question the peasants your majesty?" Josie teased.

"Aoi, get dressed. We are going to question the other girls in this cage." Karla announced.

The girl seemed happy to put on her slave outfit. Karla and Josie slipped their frilly outfits over their forms. Aoi helped once she finished cladding her body. They walked down to the other girls, encountering Amanda. But soon word spread through the cage of their interest in hobbies. Karla was surprised at how open the Shrunken were with their interests. Karla made sure they were informed that just because they took this information, didn't mean they might gain access to their old hobbies.

Karla observed the girls seem more comfortable with Josie than her. This was likely due to her spending more time with them in the cage. Even though Josie would just as likely direct them into Micheal's shorts for his pleasure. They saw her as a confidant where Karla was a cruel giant director.

Even with this, they shared arts, entertainment interests, and sports. Suggestions for forming dance troupes or sport teams were raised. Crafting guilds and art classes taught by skilled Shrunken. The idea of animals to ride brought hopeful expressions from the small grouping of Micheal's collection. Just the chance to be more than playthings brought up morale in his pets. Karla admitted her hope some of these ideas might come to pass once the Millers moved brought smiles. Even thanks for her future efforts bending the giant boy to these hopes. Even timid offers to be more compliant to their owner's wants if that would bring caged freedoms.

The room's door opened. "Supper time." Micheal announced. The girls, even the ones offering their bodies for the group's hobbies, cringed away from the Titan teen. Karla and Josie did not. Curling into his grip eagerly. Snuggling his touch as they were lifted out of that cage. "You two make me feel so special." he purred at their tiny cuddles.

Barbecue Steaks and flame roasted potatoes. Thin cut carrot strips mixed with yellow and green beans baked in tin foil with butter and spices. It all looked amazing. Better, the human's spoiled them by cutting them bits off the food choices to make Karla and Josie their own plates to share the meal.

They shared their findings from Micheal's small portion of his collection. Praise from the adult humans. Talk about looking up the costs of the likely hobbies was more likely on the next night. Human's wanted to relax and clean up after supper. Karla got the feeling Howard and Milly wanted to do more than have bath after the meal. As they made clear playful looks toward each other. It was sweet to see, especially after Howard had been so self-doubting lately.

They cleaned up the dishes. Milly allowed Karla to sit upon her shoulder. Karla was surprised, Josie was on Howard's shoulder. But once dishes were finished being cleaned, dried, and put away. Micheal claimed them both back. Howard playfully chases a giggling Milly upstairs to their room and their own bathtub.

Micheal brought them up to his room, each having their own shoulder to ride. He in turn was snuggled on both sides of his neck. He gave no warning or expiration to his housed Shrunken. He just opened the cage and reached in. One by one he pulled out a little pretty and stripped them. The Shrunken would squirm and whimper as his fingers took clothes and liberties. Karla had to agree with her Micheal, compliant Shrunken might be fun, but this was delightful. Ending his collecting of his pets with Amanda, who went the opposite way. Which was amusing to watch in it's own right.

He carried the container with all seventeen of his pets and his robe to the bathroom. He started filling the tub. He pulled his specials from his shoulders and placed them on the rim of the sink. Micheal pulled out the bracket that held the plastic seating shelves for his Shrunken to swim from. The attachment looked easy, but took Karla’s sweet giant a few moments to secure.

Once he finished that titan teen turned toward Karla and Josie and gave an arousing smile. Karla watched as eager hands encoiled Josie. The redhead gasped and purred as his fingers took her from princess to plaything. The beauty giggled happily as he placed her naked form in one of the gridded tube shelves.

Karla soon received her own turn. Skilled digits began taking her clothes. Loving touches teased her. Stroking and rubbing sensitive spots while he stripped her. Karla had to fight the urge to beg at her boy owner. But unlike those other fools, she wouldn't be begging for freedom from his attention. She would plead to be his pleasure toy. She held her tongue and was placed beside Josie on the first shelf. Disappointment ebbed as that curvy lovely snuggled to her back and wrapped her arms around Karla's body suggestively. "Hmm, that was fun, wasn't it." The redhead purred in Karla's ear then kissed just below it.

They stood cuddled together as their colossal lad stripped himself. He clearly had enjoyed his tormenting of them as the Behemoth wagged thick and firm above them. Their sigh of appreciation drowned by sixteen voices, cringing and whining. He turned to gather a towel for himself and clothes for the living dolls.

Karla hummed aroused as Josie grind herself into Karla's back. Her hand kneaded Karla's breast, rolling a sensitive nipple in her palm. Karla gasped, "Tease." toward her dream girl.

Josie's hand lifted and turned Karla's face. Those pillowy full lips pressed Karla's. Tongues were entangled. Josie leaned back with a wanting look, "Maybe not. But if I don't let you go now, I will not get my swim." Then stepped back.

Karla wanted to ask more. That look, Josie's lingering eyes. Was her willingness while Micheal's plaything an excuse to express her real feelings? Or was this just more of his presence arousing effect on Josie.

The water stopped. Karla turned to watch as Micheal stepped into the tub. Sitting with his knees up despite the ample room in their basin. He smiled at them as he reached for the contained Shrunken.

He reached in and pulled three out by their torsos. Playfully he dropped them into the water like bath toys. They bobbed to the surface and began swimming for the shelves, fearful to use the giant for his provided islands. One girl was having issues. Micheal scooped her up and poured her into the second shelf.

He repeated his fun with a gleeful expression. Shrunken swimmers made their way to the shelves. He fished any strugglers out and deposited them in the second shelf.

Only one took advantage of the islands he provided. But Amanda wasn't sunbathing on that broad tip. She was making sure the dome shaped island stayed firmly above water.

Micheal leaned back and turned on some music. He looked content to just rest in the warm water.

"Excuse me?" A timid voice spoke behind Karla. She turned to see the long haired blonde Micheal had fingered the other night. "What does he expect us to do?" she asked.

"Swim." Karla said in confusion.

"To his thing? Are we to be like Amanda?" The girl trembled out.

"Oh he would love that. But no, he actually just wants you to have fun swimming for now. Or just relax in the bath. Your choice?" Karla advised.

"Is he going to drown us or something?" The girl couldn't accept this wasn't more insidious.

"He might bob you under playfully. But he will not purposely drown any of you. Josie thought a nice swim might make you all feel better. That is all this is. Afterwards, I make no promises. Now, just water fun." Karla explained.

"So, I can swim and he will not rub me against his thing or shove anything in me?" The yellow haired girl asked.

Karla smiled, "Well if you want his attention, we could ask."

"No, I really just want to swim." the girl chirped. Then walked to the edge and dove into the deep water. Karla sighed as other little mermaids joined her. Less skillful swimmers paddled around the shelves they rested in.

"That was sweet." Josie teased.

"It was the truth." Karla responded.

"Come, let's go for a swim too." Josie said approaching Karla. Her two hands grabbed Karla's cheeks and planted a playful kiss on her lips. "Catch me if you can!" The redhead offered then quickly dove into the bath. Karla quickly followed the perky view.

Josie's lead was slowly being countered by Karla's slightly better skill. But the freckled delight was a clever prey. Using Micheal islands to her advantage. Karla thought about increasing her efforts to catch her gorgeous friend. But the chase was too much fun. Josie swam behind Micheal's back. Karla followed.

Karla found her lady want waiting. The space allowed her to press one foot on the tub and the other to Micheal's back and hold herself above water. Karla swam over close to Josie who looked to be dealing with an internal struggle. "You OK?" She asked Josie.

Karla found herself pulled tightly to Josie's body. Lips met and they were making out in this private cave. Josie's hands lingered over Karla's body. Karla's head rushed with desire. She strained to pull herself from her dream, "Josie, are you OK?" Karla managed.

"I love you Karla." Josie replied.

"I love you too." Karla reassured her red haired dream.

"More and more we are played with by Micheal. The more we perform to arouse him. The more I want your touch. Watching him love your body with his massive hands aroused me. Maybe it's being a Shrunken? Maybe I've just lied to myself and was always aroused by you? I'm just not sure, but I want to find out." Josie confessed.

"Maybe you're just excited since we are swimming around a naked Michael." Karla offered an out for her lady desire.

"The other night I realized this was more than a triggered response. We made love to each other. Yes we were in his shorts on that cock, but I forgot about that and was mesmerized by your closeness." Josie advised.

"Really?" Karla gasped. Her heart pounded. Josie wanted her as more than a friend. Did she gain another gift from being collected by Micheal?

"Let's see." Josie moaned. Then she pulled Karla tight. Lips seem to agree with that assessment. Josie's hands reinforced the concept. Karla's hands explored all the curved options. Josie pulled back gently, "Will you help me explore this?" Josie asked.

"You know I've always wanted to help you with that." Karla purred.

"We better swim back out before Micheal notices us missing and panics." Josie sighed.

"We'll talk more about this later." Karla offered.

Josie gave her a peck on the cheek, "Who says we'll be talking about it." She teased and dove under Karla. Karla soon followed that round ass.

They enjoyed the swim time Michael allowed them. But even watching a small crowd of tiny naked beauties swimming around him, he got bored. He collected the girls two at a time. Wrapping them in one cloth to share. Then placed them softly back into the container.

Only three gained their own clothes. Karla snuggled her fluffy oversized towel as he placed a disappointed Amanda into the container. Josie giggling at the long haired former dancer's request to serve.

Micheal slipped them both into a pocket of his robe. Lifting the container he asked the contents, "Did you enjoy your swim?"

Several voices nervously answered positively. "Then we should do that again." he said sweetly.

The Shrunken were jittery at the causal interaction. Karla liked that they were expecting a different bath once back in his room.

Their Micheal fooled them all. Well, most, Amanda was again disappointed. He carefully placed them back into the cage. Then grabbed his tablet while headed to the bed. He placed them on a pillow before stripping off his robe. Karla was disappointed, the Behemoth was limp. He slipped under the covers naked and tapped at his tablet.

"Micheal, did you want us to climb on your cock?" Karla offered.

The boy smiled at them. "No, I think I just want to relax. Today wore me out and I'd likely not be much fun for you two. Here." he replied. Handing them their hair brushes.

They sat on that pillow combing out each other's hair. Micheal opened the toy section to the bath toys. He skipped the beasts and monsters. Instead find tub attachable slides. He yawned and laid the tablet down on his chest. He held a hand over his face, their sweet titan looked exhausted. Soon his breathing became regular and soft. He had dozed off.

"The lights are still on. Should we wake him?" Josie asked.

"I'm not sure if we can. But I don't like the tablet being on while sitting on his chest like that." Karla replied.

They both got up and pressed at the sleeping giant. He stirred and lifted the tablet. Shutting it off. He then gathered their brushes and put everything on his nightstand.

Groggery he staggered to the light switch and made the room dark. He returned, laying on his side. Karla felt him pull their pillow to his chest. His arm dragged across that soft surface and encoiled them to his naked chest. He murmured something about "my specials."

Karla felt a naked Josie slip into her cloth and snuggle close. "Guess we should follow suit. Night Karla." she said. Placing a kiss on Karla's mouth.

Karla curled to that redhead eagerly. Pillowing her face between Josie's perky breasts for a change. "Night my Josie." she replied. Easily dozing warmed by her two lovers. Nested with one, protected by the giant other.

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Re: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by UncannyWellington » Mon Jun 21, 2021 8:48 am

Hey, thanks so much for posing this story, especially the "Mounted Animal videos" sample descriptions. If you're familiar with me at all, you are aware of my predilection for SW/rodent interactions. :D

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Re: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by HHunter1 » Mon Jun 21, 2021 9:12 pm

Well, I'm glad you enjoyed those. I know not everyone is comfortable with them so I don't write them often. But I wanted to show the world for Shrunken can be harsh. A contrast to how the Miller's and friends treat theirs. Though I do believe kidnapping and sexual assaulting is harsh. So I guess they are to show others get treated more harshly?

I hope that makes sense.


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Re: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by Ghostwriter44 » Tue Jun 22, 2021 1:28 pm

Yes I loved the scenes of Karla witnessing the absolute cruelty of some of the owners in this chapter! I don’t even like animal mounting nearly at all but the cruelty of it all just really worked for me in this chapter and I loved it and the vore aspects. That level of cruelty and callousness, especially for the non-keepers (although I do wish a keeper or two would meet their cruel demise every now and then to keep them on their toes), is what I’m hoping to see in Another Guest more (I do love that story tho so that’s not a complaint). Lovin all these chapters and sorry I don’t post my thoughts very often! Just know I’m checking this forum daily (more than once daily even) for any updates 😂

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Re: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by HHunter1 » Tue Jun 22, 2021 5:34 pm

Well, I am glad you are enjoying them. I haven't gotten as much done on The Other Guest story as I was hoping. (Stupid life.) But I hope to keep you entertained. I check both the forums a few time a day. I poor self option really takes a bit of a hit when I get praise.
Thanks again!


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CH 06: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by HHunter1 » Wed Jul 07, 2021 10:47 pm

Chapter 06

Karla awoke. Smiling up at an affectionate giant boy looking down on her. He reached down and gently began tracing over her body with his finger. She snickered, she had forgotten she was naked. His touch took advantage of that.

Josie awoke and cuddled her naked form along Karla. Pillowy lips kissed at her shoulder. Only leaving as a giant digit stroked along her cheek. Karla turned to face her redheaded angel. Josie cupped Karla's cheek. Lips now pressed Karla's and they welcomed each other to the new day. "Oh so Hot!" Micheal praised.

A colossal hand scooped them up and poured them onto bare chest. They coiled together and returned to kiss each other. This wasn't the first time Josie made out with Karla to gain a boy's attention. But Josie's hands were never this into the act. Her body was never that wonderfully performing. His hands wrapped around them. Massaging and fondling them. Not hindering them from rubbing and caressing each other's bodies.

"Oh so HOT! I want more." he greedily growled.

They both looked at him and purred, "Get more Micheal."

He scooped them and stood up. Placing them on his shoulder as he traveled to his cage. Karla lounged along that stage. Josie snuggled to her top. They giggled and traded pecks.

Karla looked and became distracted. Oddly Grace and Donna were awake and dressed already. Well, dressed as close as their outfits would count. Grace wore a cheer uniform. Karla was fairly certain the already mini skirt was hiked higher up those amazing legs. Donna wore her maid outfit. The top only buttoned enough to be straining to hold those melons in. They looked up and saw Micheal approaching. Karla waited for the whimpering and begging.

"Oh Director Micheal. Are you going to make poor little me stretch my legs around your big dick?" Purred out Grace pulling that skirt further up her thigh.

"No Director Micheal is going to cum over my big firm tits!" Donna moaned.

Karla was confused. Just yesterday they were scared to swim near him in a lake sized tub. Now they were calling to him like cheap hookers at port. Micheal opened the cage and reached in. They both described what they would do for him or things he should do to them as they actively pushed at each other. Both struggling to be the one he grabbed.

Donna squealed as he lifted. She arched and praised his might. Describing sensually her feebleness. She was soon naked, begging to be placed in his shorts. Karla watched as he put her in and she didn't just press herself to his shaft. She passionately grinded to it.

He looked back at the cage. The other girls had approached the front of the cage. Schoolgirls, nurses, and a rainbow of other skimpy outfits greeted him. Sofia even barely wore her Wonder Woman outfit. A chorus of famine voices pleading to be his sex toy. Mixed with catty retorts why the other girls didn't deserve a chance. She felt Micheal's breathing begin to race. His hands reached in and Shrunken after Shrunken came out. Lustfully praising his dominance. Imploring to ride back to the bed in his shorts.

"What is going on?" Josie asked.

"I don't know. Do you see Amanda?" Karla responded.

"Up top, she's dressed?" Josie replied.

There was the long haired beauty. She was in what looked like a pants suit. The shirt was actually done to her neck. She was waving at them. Karla wondered if they woke up in an opposite world. "Micheal, can you grab us Amanda?" she asked him.

"What Karla?" he replied. His gasp sounded confused. She looked and her sweet titan's cheeks were bright pink. She looked down. There were between six to eight mounds pressed tightly by his shorts to the Behemoth. All writhing like crazy. No wonder he's confused, Karla realized.

"Amanda, my servant, can you bring her here?" Karla asked again. Feeling pride that he chose to focus on her over the orgy in his shorts.

"OK, sure. That one on top right?" he panted.

"Yes, her." Karla confirmed.

He reached in and his hands just started stripping Amanda. She at least acted like herself as the giant boy stripped her. He placed her face down over Josie. "I'll tell you in a moment." the girl advised.

Soon Micheal had his living and suddenly eager living sex dolls stripped. Those not lucky enough to be in his shorts rode on a container. All presenting like cats in heat. He reached the bed and placed the three of them on their pillow with a, "Have fun!"

He then laid on the bed. Slipping his shorts down. Revealing the barrage of wiggling beauties. He poured the container on his chest. They squirmed over each other to reach that thick long cock. They struggled for the best positions. All grinding lustfully. Many verbally praised his massive manhood between oral affection. Others begging to be dominated like the playthings they were.

"What is happening?" Josie questioned as she stared in confusion.

"So, did you watch certain disturbing videos with Aoi?" Amanda asked.

"Yes, why?" Karla responded.

"She described them after the swim. In detail. She had it in her head that Shrunken that didn't make Micheal happy may be sold to people that do those types of things. Which started a discussion about the volume of his collection. How he casually gave away one to the old man looking after his collection till his family moved. And it was decided he was likely to sell the lackluster play things. So, they all decided they would be his best pet." Amanda described.

Michael's eyes were as wide as saucers. His hands jumped from one Shrunken to the next. Molesting his favorite feature on them. Peyton's ass was squeezed. Marcia's legs stroked. Gabriel arched her back to stick her ample bosom out for him to roll under his fingers. Many an ass perked up, presenting pussy's as they verbally tempted him to touch deep. Karla was certain many of the young teens were virgins, but they still whined as they were not stretched over his pinky. This wasn't a mass enlightenment. This was a mob whoring for perceived survival. Sexually begging to live.

"They don't realize he wouldn't give them to people that do that type of thing?" Josie asked.

"Nope. They just could only think, so many of them, one of him. And you two have his top spots. I would advise not going near them right now. They are aware how much he likes seeing you two enjoy them. They are so scared of being eaten they'd likely gang rape either of you if they think he'd enjoy watching it." Amanda advised.

"Right now if he was going to sell any of them, it would likely be to Chrissy for her father's factory." Karla clarified.

"We might not want to tell them that. Though better than eaten alive. I doubt they would be in a big rush to be forcibly fucked to pop out babies for the Grants to sell to whoever." Josie suggested.

The three watched as the crowd loved the Behemoth. Several girls that didn't gain a prime spot on his cock decided on another approach. Wrapping around each other to display their willingness to interact for his viewing pleasure. Soon his hands just pressed many of the crowd and stroked their helpless forms. He let them go and arched. He began cumming hard. Sofia and Donna struggled at his tip. With each of them attempting to be the receiver of the cum. And then straining under his flow.

The crowd rushed his semen like it was the first sustenance they had seen in days. First arrivals sliding into the thick fluid to coat breasts and faces in his seed. Sofia and Donna soon regretted their prime spot as many of the other girls decided sucking the cum from them in front of Michael was a prime display of servitude. They were pinned down. Mouths attached to firm mounds or between thighs. Both girl's voices loudly begged to be released between grunts caused by the gang rape they were the focus of.

"Micheal, save them!" Karla heard her voice call out.

"But it's so Hot!" he rebutted.

It agreed. Part of her understood his want to watch that longer. She might even have suggested manufacturing similar scenes at one point. But the girls were savaging them. Possibly injuring them. "Please, for me?" Karla requested.

Giant hands reached down and scattered attackers. Both girls clung to his fingers as he lifted them above the fray. They clearly were crying. The crowd looked for a clue from the titan teen for their next plea to live. Many Shrunken pressed their cum glazed bodies together as they waited.

"Put the girls away please." Karla begged her owner.

"You're not jealous are you Karla? You know these Shrunken mean nothing to me compared to you and Josie right?" He stated.

Karla felt the crowd's eyes upon her. She wanted to run for her life. Why did he have to say that? "No Micheal, we are not jealous. We want them to clean up so the three of us can enjoy them again later. Karla and I want to enjoy your favorites from your collection with you." Josie stated. This seemed to ease the tension. Karla was glad Josie was such a quick thinker.

He started lifting the crowd into the container one by one. Karla was disturbed by the offers being suggested by them as they were put away. Many involved what they wanted Karla or Josie to do to them for him to watch. Mostly what they would do to Karla or Josie for him to enjoy.

He reached for Amanda. "Not this one Micheal. We want to deal with this one in the shower for not being as willing as those good Shrunken were." Josie suggested.

"OK, what a great morning so far." Micheal praised.

He took the crowd to his cage. "You're going to punish me for not being like them?" Amanda asked.

"No, I just wanted them to think that. I want you to explain to Micheal what caused that this morning. Maybe between the four of us we can avoid other girls being gang mauled like poor Sofia and Donna." Josie suggested.

"Violently, violently gang mauled. Playfully mauled wouldn't be bad." Karla advised.

"Right, violently." Josie sighed.

Micheal came back. He pulled on his robe. His hand clenched and nabbed Amanda. He scooped Josie and slipped her into his pocket. Karla followed suit. They walked to the bathroom. He placed Amanda on their shelf and lifted Karla and Josie to that level, "What should we do to this uncooperative Shrunken." he asked.

"You need to hear what she has to say. She knows why those girls were so attentive earlier." Josie advised.

"What, didn't they just accept that this is their life now?" He asked.

"They were told about the videos Karla and Josie saw yesterday. They think if they don't try to please you, that you will sell them to people that might feed them to things." Amanda described.

"Was that why they were so hot?" Micheal questioned.

"Yes, they think you'll sell them to their cruel deaths if they don't perform." Amanda explained.

"I wouldn't sell them blind like that. If I was to sell them, it would be Jeff's breeding. Unless they tried to hurt Karla or Josie." Micheal admits.

"Micheal, they could have hurt Sofia or Donna in an attempt to show you that obedient display." Karla advised.

"Yeah, I guess they could have," he accepted. He placed Josie and Karla on the shelf. "What should we do about that?"

"Well, you shouldn't tell them if you did sell them it would be as breeding stock." Josie pointed out.

"That makes sense," he noted.

"Micheal, perhaps it's time to explain your plan to put them in a hierarchy. And explain the responsibilities of each tier." Karla suggested.

"Really, shouldn't I wait till we move and tell them all at once?" he questioned.

"If you tell us now, we could explain it to the others once you move." Amanda suggested. Karla could hear Amanda restraining herself from begging to be played with.

His finger stroked over the long haired Shrunken's head. She leaned into the touch and arched along its path. His praise drew out an excited gasp from his pet. "That's a good idea." he noted as he touched her. Micheal moved his touch to a finger across both of Amanda's breasts. Her shoulders pushed the mounds into that attention. He rolled them asking, "You think this one would be a good one to put in charge for now?"

"She is an Eager, so you know she'll work to make you happy. Besides, she resisted her wants to make sure you can look after your Shrunken." Karla reminded him. As Amanda hummed arousingly.

"Well then, I guess she should be rewarded," he teased. Running his finger along Amanda's curves. He scooped the Eager up and directed her legs toward his lips. Amanda spread those limbs wide and literally cheered excitedly.

He wrapped his lips around Amanda's waist. The former dancer praised repeatedly, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She pressed her legs to his cheeks and stroked them along his face.

As he orally delighted his faithful Shrunken he started the shower. Karla and Josie jumped together as the first of the water spray was cold. Micheal then striped off his shorts. His rewarding Amanda was making him semi-stiff. He stepped in and warm hands began helping the two of them moisten their bodies while pressing them both together.

He added shampoo to his finger tips. He turned Josie so she faced toward Karla. Then their powerful young titan pressed them together. As the pads of his fingers rubbed shampoo down the strains of their hair. The palms of his hands made them grind their bodies together. Karla guided Josie's mouth to hers. Karla relished the fact that Josie accepted her kisses. Hands stroked each other's curves as their towering teen hummed happily around a gleefully moaning Amanda.

His hands left, returning with body wash. He added his touches to the ones Karla was receiving from Josie. The redhead rolled with the caresses he was giving her.

Karla wondered what his plans for them were. Clearly clamped special kisses were out as Amanda filled his lips. Would he separate them and run them along the Behemoth till it roared white pleasure. She honestly hoped he would tease them with his pinky tips as they were pressed together. Both longing for the day they got to ride his real thick shaft.

He pulled them apart. She spread herself to wrap to his thick shaft. He surprised her. Dragging her soap lavished body along his broad chest. She giggled, he was using the two of them like living washcloths. Rubbing their tiny forms over his massive one. Though she did notice his cock received a few more passes than normal.

He placed them on the shelf. He shampooed his hair as they rinsed off. Rinsing the cleaner from his hair shortly after that. Playfully he turned them and made them bend over. Karla waited for her legs to be spread and her chest pinned to the wall. Waited for her hips to roll with pokes stretching her pussy.

Goop landed on her back. She watched as he added some to Josie's back. He lifted them again. He ran them over his hair. Using them to spread conditioner over his locks with their back. Coating their own hair in the act. He held them close to his scalp, adjusting their curve along his head with a massaging hold of their breasts. Karla never thought about what his hair was like. Light brown and soft. Longer than she realized, but not in a way that it hung off his head. She now had an interest in riding on his head. To roll in his hair like it was long soft grass.

Karla and Josie on their shower shelf. They coiled together looking up at their towering owner. He was slipping Amanda from his lips. Seems their giant made short work of the Eager's wanting pussy. She panted and gasped with a broad smile on her face.

His hand coiled around them. His fingers guide water to rinse the hair treatment from their heads. Helping them balance with a firm hold of their chests. Some strokes missed their hair and caressed their faces instead. Those were greeted with playful kisses. He decided he was done with their hair and wrapped his hands around them.

He lifted them back to his hair. Facing down he covered their heads with his fingers to keep the water from flowing over their faces. They giggled as they ran their hands through his hair. Helping him remove the conditioner from his hair now. Karla figured he would likely be done sooner doing this himself. But she found this wonderfully fun.

He pulled them down and looked at them. "That was fun." he praised.

"It was." Josie giggled. Looking down she added, "We're not finished are we?"

"Nope." he chirped. "Need to free my hands to deal with that." he purred, pressing them together.

Karla attempted to protest. But his lip running over her ass choked her words in her throat. Tongue pressed to their pussys and they both gasped in arousal. They set aside their arguments for his pleasure. Josie laying upon her gave Karla the chance to attend to Josie's neck and chest. Soon they were making love to each other as colossal tongue savored, eroticly, their sensitivity.

Karla's guilt tainted her pleasure though. Her Micheal needed pleasuring. But her sweet owner was tasting them to satisfaction. Was he waiting for his turn? Amanda's tired but excited voice bellowed out. His arm was pumping, he was being stimulated too. Then a concern happened, would Amanda be enough for the Behemoth. Her or Josie had pleasured the thick beast into submission. But all the others had to be paired or more to be handled along that monster.

Karla's mind jumped off that train of thought as his lapping and Josie's writhing exploded in Karla's mind. She came back just in time to trigger her Freckled dream into her own pleasured overload. Josie returned and attacked Karla's sensitive skin. Wrestling another orgasm from her. Karla sought sweet revenge by suckling those firm mounds, and won the redheaded climax. So they struggled to overload the other with loving touches. Trading sensual victories back and forth in that titan teen's powerful lips.

Karla found herself and Josie pulled from where Micheal suckled them into sexual delirious states. "Too Hot! Too Hot!" her loving giant screamed. Her tiny body pressed to the warm hard shaft. Amanda had failed to submit the Behemoth. Karla arched around that mighty girth. She would make her Micheal happy like always. He huffed as his arm dragged the two of them along his length. Karla wanted to praise him to satisfaction, but found only happy grunts sounding from her. Josie also made similar carnal sounds from the other side of his manhood.

Karla felt his shiver of pleasure and screamed out, "YES!" She looked up along his shaft. Inches from the tip was a kneeling Amanda. Soon her face disappeared in a thick white blast. Michael's body pumped hard. Karla could feel the flow progress inside the beast. To release it like a cannon at Amanda. The Eager rocked back with each load that hit her. Her weird mental state refused to allow her to avoid a drop of his cum shot at her. She leaned forward as the next burst released. Just to be forced back again.

Karla found her and Josie held tightly to that broad chest. His heart joyfully pounding inside. "You two are just too much for me." that wonderful boy exclaimed. They snuggled to that warm smooth skin.

Michael placed them on the shelf. Then forced Amanda to rinse his shower off her body. Then he shut off the shower and offered the three of them washcloths to dry off with. Amanda turned to Karla and Josie. "I'm so jealous. That was so much fun. I could do that everyday." She praised the situation.

He put his robe on and the three rode in his pocket to his room. Micheal approached his cage and the girls again began begging to be his toy. He raised his hand and they stopped. "I will not willingly sell you to someone that will eat you or feed you to something. I will not sell you unless you attempt to seriously hurt another of my Shrunken. Even then I would just sell you blind. I never would directly sell you to one of those people. So don't try to hurt each other and you all should have a long life as my happy pets. After we move I will be ranking you into groups. The higher ranked girl will likely be made to make me happy more often, meaning the lower ranked ones will have more chores. That means the higher ranked ones will be in charge of who does what. Any problems will earn punishments from me. Any questions?"

The crowd of girls made no sign to question his dictate.

"Now this one." he started lifting Amanda.

Karla interrupted, "Micheal, her name is Amanda."

"Oh, OK. Amanda will be in charge for right now. Likely going on to be in the council of Shrunken at our new home. She will continue to take notes of possible interests. I'll reward you all with there. She will also note your names down for rank standings as obedient play will earn you rewards, like higher standing. Understand that means, Me, then Karla and Josie, then Amanda. I will gladly punish anyone not obedient up too and including selling you blind for server infractions. Higher rank means less cleaning and stuff. In charge of spreading the chores evenly. But more play by me. Everyone got that?" he declared.

They nodded and mumbled agreements to the boy giant's dictatorship.

"Now another good position is as Karla and Josie's personal servants. Many of you might want to think about that. Special cage, special treats, and better standing. But you must do whatever my special ladies demand. Help them dress, do their hair, lick their pussies. Whatever they want or again punishment from me. Volunteers will be looked upon favorably. But make no mistake, they will have a staff that will make them happy. Think about it." Micheal explained.

Micheal stood up and walked over to his bed. Karla and Josie were carefully placed on their pillow. He brought them clothes for the day. Then dressed himself. They wandered down to breakfast.

Breakfast was shared. It was a fairly unexciting day compared to the start of the day. The humans packed the living room while they kept them company. Sandwiches for lunch and back to packing. It was uneventful, but a nice day. Howard made supper, pork chops, mash potatoes, and peas. Dishes were done by Milly and Micheal. Karla rode her Micheal's shoulder. While Josie made Milly giggle over something they were not sharing.

They entered the living room where Howard had the tablet. On the coffee table were two small cages. Inside one was a familiar blonde about Karla's age. The other held a handsome guy also about her age. "Oh good you brought them down." Milly noted.

"What's this?" Josie asked.

"We took a page out of your books. We conscripted these two to find out what hobbies our Shrunken have. We thought we could look at what we could order. Should be a fun family activity." Milly explained.

"Cool, here mom hold Karla, I'll get April." Micheal announced.

"Amanda." Karla corrected her wonderful owner.

"Amanda, right. Be right back." he started towards the stairs.

"Don't forget a cage to keep her from trying something stupid." Howard noted.

"He'll not need it. Amanda most likely stupid act would be striping to presnt to you. She's an Eager." Karla advised.

"Lucky kid." Howard snickered.

Milly sat down and placed Karla and Josie in her lap. "Is there anything you two do that you want to take up again?" she asked, starting the tablet.

"I hadn't thought about it." Karla advised.

"Well let's see what you need for bunny rides." Milly suggested opening the tab for Riding Animals. Right to bunnies Karla squealed. "Well, let's see what they suggest to have for the little cuties." she cooed.

Micheal returned with his tablet and placed Amanda on the coffee table. "Oh she's a cute one." Howard noted, petting the long haired girl. Amanda couldn't help herself, she arched into the giant man's touch.

"Yeah, she's an Eager." Micheal noted running a finger along one side Amanda leaned into.

Howard dragged a finger down her front. Amanda gasped, pressing her front forward. "Doesn't mind a touch huh?" Howard noted.

"Nope." Micheal pressed a finger between her thighs. Amanda began pumping her hips. Karla could tell Amanda was in her glory being fondled by two giant men. She looked like she was close to orgasm just from the attention.

"Should we move so you two can molest her in private?" Milly teased.

"Right, she's here for suggestions she gained talking to Micheal's Shrunken." Howard sighed and leaned back. Clearly Amanda was disappointed.

"Let's make a possible list and look at selections after that." Micheal suggested.

The men talked to the three coffee table Shrunken about what they found out. Milly looked at the Riding Rabbit accessories. Bedding, barn, feed, saddles, there was a lot to order. The site was smart, showing videos in the corner of different adorable bunnies bounding around a grassy area with a Shrunken in a little saddle. This seemed to encourage Milly to keep looking happily.

"Look, Al sent the plans from our cage rooms." Howard leaned to show them. Micheal came around to see. He had cages like tall apartment buildings. Areas for basketball court, soccer, a little stage area. It was like a little village with tall apartments instead of houses. The cages even had little elevators designed in them.

"What are those green areas? Is it Astroturf and plastic plants?" Karla asked.

"No, low mowed short blade grass and short plants to keep the air fresh. See, he has spot sprinklers and drainage." Howard pointed out.

"Wow, can a Shrunken take care of that?" Karla stared in wonder.

"Yeah, he has a list of accessories for maintenance, including human or Shrunken options." Howard answered.

"That looks like a lot of work. Should we ask him to tone it down?" Milly suggested.

"Huh, looks like he's coming up next week. Company carpenters already requested for next week. He wants them built before we move in. Why didn't he ask to stay with us?" Howard noted.

"That's why he's coming up because Gabs hired him to remodel the cages in his rooms too. It's Gabs that likely made him build ours before our move. I'm going to have to have a word with that man. Betty is going to need help packing for them to move across the country. Oh wait. No he's sending her Company Movers to help her pack and paying for their move. He is really trying to make up for that issue on the ship." Milly explained.

"We better look over these plans and see if anything needs to be added or changed tonight so he can adjust before he comes up." Howard sighed.

"I wonder if Chris is coming?" Micheal sighed.

They looked over Micheal's cage first. Milly noted a good spot for a bunny barn. Wondering if Al could just build one instead of them ordering one. Karla was certain she was getting a Riding Rabbit if Milly had her way. Milly and Howard didn't direct questions about cage features toward Micheal. He even requested advice of what would be best for his cage room from Karla. By time they got done emailing back and forth ideas and responses with Al it was late.

"Dang, Mike bed, no playing." Milly ordered.

"Ah Mom." he sighed as he collected Josie and Karla.

"No, ah mom. You have work, Karla's first Data Inputting is tomorrow and Josie has her Processing. You all need your rest." Milly pointed out.

"Right." he said in realization as Karla got her shoulder to ride on. He placed Josie on hers and grabbed Amanda. "How are we going to get them back home?" he questioned.

"I'm going to get them." Milly answered.

"Thanks mom." Karla's titan responded.

They wandered up to their room. Amanda was re-caged and he handed them their tees for them to wear to sleep in. "What is Processing like?" Josie asked nervously.

"Really they get you to lay in a little bed then dose you with something. You’ll likely pass out. You will likely sleep till Tuesday." Karla advised.

Josie looked confused, "Really, you remember anything?"

"Nope, foggy impressions of images. But no, once they dosed me, I was out." Karla replied.

The lights went out. Micheal slipped into bed. Scooping them up and placing them on his chest. "Micheal, what is it like to be Data Inputted?" Karla inquired.

"Well, you sit in a pod. They show some relaxing videos. Like a nice forest walk or sailing on a mountain lake. They usually play oldies or classical music. You go in not knowing and come out knowing." Micheal described.

"They don't show you what you are being taught?" Karla asked.

"Nope, it's Inputted while you relax." Micheal noted. "We better get to sleep so we all need our rest for tomorrow." he said stroking them both.

"OK, Night my Micheal, night Josie." Karla sighed snuggling to her friend.

Josie angled Karla's face and placed a soft sweet kiss on Karla's mouth. "Night Karla. Night my Michael." she purred.

A warm hand stroked them both. "Night my specials. Thank you for being so good to me." The hand blanketed them.

Karla laid there on a warm giant chest. Cuddled by a shapely redhead. Held by a sweet giant. In the house were two human adults that talked to her like a person despite that she was technically a pet. Tomorrow she will start learning how to do her up coming job. Loved and cared for. She sighed and pulled herself tight to Josie. What a wonderful life she has as a teen boy's living doll she thought as she dozed.

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CH 07A: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by HHunter1 » Wed Jul 14, 2021 10:30 pm

Chapter 07A

"Karla? Karla wake up?" Micheal's voice softly called. Karla lifted her head. A smiling Josie stroked her hair as a sweet expression marked Micheal's face as he looked down. "Time to get up beautiful, we got to get ready to start work." he softly purred. Karla's heart raced, she loved that he called her beautiful.

He carried them to the bathroom. Helpful and curious fingers help take off Karla's shirt. Then she watched them assist Josie. He turned on the shower and Karla lamented that she couldn't return the favor to her kind owner. Out of his shorts, Behemoth looked heavy. She would have been happy to slide her hand along it to ease her Micheal of the effort of carrying it himself. Josie hummed, helping their boy sounded to be on her mind too suddenly.

He placed them on their shelf. They curled together, Karla loved aligning herself along Josie's back. He stepped in and stopped. Their shelf was at a good level for him to see them pressed together and rubbing each other's bodies as they faced him back. "Oh no Josie. Looks like we are in a big handsome giant's shower as his toys." Karla cooed loudly.

"Oh I hope he doesn't rub us all over that massive body." Josie sang loudly.

"Sorry girls. I didn't adjust my alarm. We need to shower, dress, have breakfast, and go. Little time for fun." Micheal whimpered. He clearly wanted fun.

"Enough time to ease the problem we caused?" Josie arousingly inquired.

"But then you wouldn't get your fun." their sweet titan teen advised.

Josie started grinding her back along Karla's front. "Oh Karla, you feel so good stroking along my back. Do I feel good being rubbed along your length?" the redhead teased.

"Oh I hope so, let's find out." Karla liked this game.

They didn't get to find out. Massing hands grabbed them as Michael grumbled, "Fine, come here." Karla couldn't help but giggle joyfully as their towering lad pressed them along his erection. His hand started sliding them for a quick release. He made the cutest grunting noise as he pumped them.

He was in a hurry. Karla figured they should encourage him. Micheal being happy was her main focus after all. "Oh Josie, it's so thick and hard!" She called out.

"Yes, yes it is. Long and smooth along my tiny body!" Josie called back.

"Oh! Oh, He's so strong. Pressing me so I'm stretched around this mighty shaft!" She added a bit of aroused gasping to her tone.

"Hmm, yeah, hmm, yeah! But gentle, I don't feel like I'm being crushed. More like I'm loving this big cock!" Josie moaned delightfully.

"Yes! Yes! Like my whole body is being fucked by this thick Behemoth! YES!" Karla eagerly returned.

Josie didn't get to reply. The shiver was quickly followed by the sensation of a powerful burst roaring up his beast's shaft. "YES! YES!" he praised them as he sprayed cum onto the tub floor. Karla snuggled and kissed at his Behemoth as the pleasure sprayed out of his body.

He placed them on the shelf again, rewarding them both sweetly with, "You two are so Hot!"

They hugged wonderfully together. Snuggling together as they sang back, "Thank you Micheal. It feels good to make you happy."

He snapped his fingers. "No, apart, we don't have time." he commanded. They, while giggling like naughty children, slipped apart. No more fun this shower Karla accepted. But eyes lingered on a curvy redhead and her colossal teen lovers. More arousing was catching the looks back at her.

He brought them to their room. This morning he placed them in with their clothes to pick out their own outfits and dress while he did the same. Karla picked her short, tank top, and hiking boots outfit. Leaving the toy holsters and guns as usual. He lifted them out of their outfit collections. They both giggle again. Josie also wore the same adventurer outfit. Those shorts were made to display that round ass. That tank hugged along Josie's perky breasts perfectly. Karla wanted to go exploring, but not leave their bed.

But that was not to happen. They came down to see Milly sipping coffee. "Oh about time, give me Karla and Josie." she ordered.

"Why?" Micheal asked.

"So my girls can dress properly for their day ahead." she said in an amused tone slipping them from their owner's hands. She started away advising, "Tell your father to have their coffee ready once we return. Karla takes her black. Josie takes a drop of cream and three pinches of sugar." Karla blushed at how much they received from their owner's family.

Up into Milly and Howard's bedroom. Milly placed them on the bed. "Howard will take you to work. That's where the Inputting and Processing stations are. Both take about the same time so I'll collect you both around lunch time. We'll come home. Josie will sleep and Karla will keep me company as I pack. Sounds good?" Milly advised. She was rummaging through a box that arrived the other day.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to spending the day hanging out with you." Karla admitted.

"Oh thanks Karla." Milly replied in a happy tone.

"I'm not looking forward to sleeping all day." Josie jokes.

"I'm betting you'll look adorable. Ah, here, your clothes for the day." the human woman stated. She sat on her knees and handed them the outfits she found. Karla wanted to cry. She was strangely so happy. It wasn't low cut and tight. No, loose and covering. Pink sweatpants with Micheal's written down one leg in grey. A matching pull over hoodie. A loose tee with "Love my Owner" written on it in bright pink letters. Big wooly socks and sneakers finished the outfit. Karla looked over, Josie was adoring a grey and pink version of her own. "There, that should be more comfortable for hours of laying in pods." wonderful Milly advised.

"Why?" Karla gasped, overwhelmed by such a wonderful gift.

"We have to spoil our little ladies. I figured you didn't want to wear boy-picked clothes all the time." Milly purred.

"But we're Micheal's?" Karla rebutted.

A tender stroked hand ran down them both. "Oh please, you two stopped being Micheal's on the ship. He might get to play the fun stuff with you. But Howard and I plan on taking advantage of your company when we can." Milly praised. "Now, dress. Your going to be late." she commanded. Then opened the packaging for them.

Karla slipped on the pants. The interior was so wonderfully fluffy. She slipped on the tee. She stopped. Bundling a bunch she took a big sniff. The shirt smelled of Micheal's body wash. "I notice you two sniff at his chest when he carries you near there. I figured it was that scent you enjoyed." Milly noted their reaction to the fragrance. "Oh, speaking of which, I'll be placing these in the shower for you two. You'll have to decide which you like. Or perhaps he will." She held up a pump shampoo bottle. Yellow it was label, "Honeysuckle Morning." Karla leaned up, there was a mix of colored shampoo, conditioner, and body wash bottles. All womanly scents.

"Thank You so much Milly!" Josie called up toward the woman.

"Oh hush. I told you, I’m spoiling you." Milly countered with a warm smile.

They dressed and she brought them down to breakfast. "Oh cool. You look great in those." Micheal praised. Even in baggy comfy outfits, they still attracted caresses from their colossal boy.

"Oh good, breakfast is ready." Howard noted.

Scrambled for Micheal, Josie, and Howard. Milly shared her omelette with Karla. Howard and Micheal discussed what they had to work on today. Milly leaned to the girls, "There are more outfits in the box. Maybe before I start packing Karla, we could go through them. Not all are relaxing outfits. Many are what I figured would work better as work attire then Micheal's selections for you."

"You didn't have to do that. I will be able to order my own clothes soon." Karla just couldn't get over how nice this all was.

"And you will. But for right now, spoiling you. Get over it." Milly teased.

"I'm sorry I'm not going to be able to hang out too." Josie apologized.

"We'll hang out tomorrow while Karla is having data beamed into her brain. And part of Wednesday Morning. Then us three and the Howell girls are shopping! And you'll be helping me pack on Thursday. Actually I'm being spoiled this week it seems." Milly explained.

Breakfast finished. Karla and Josie were rushed up stairs for teeth brushing and the like. They had to be placed in tubes that Micheal slipped into a pocket of his work bag. He kindly left the top open for them. Goodbyes from Milly at the door. Karla could barely see, but did manage to glance at the sweet kisses Howard received from his loving wife.

In the car they started on their way. Micheal reached in and stroked their hair. Karla watched out the part of the window she could see. Wires, house roofs, and, on the throughway, the tops of big trucks. She didn't like traveling like this. But she had to to keep her owners safe. Besides it did give her the chance to playfully kiss at Micheal's finger tip. Gaining snickers from her wonderful towering teen.

They parked and Micheal began walking. The wave of the bag hanging off his shoulder twisted her stomach a bit. Voices stopping them for questions. Howard responded with clear authority. Micheal's reply to adults less firm. Clearly not comfortable at being commanding older people. She felt bad at his nervousness. But she felt disgust at the several female voices purring their questions toward her Micheal. They cooed at Howard as well and she hated them on Milly's behalf. She felt an odd delight as neither man seemed to notice and replied the same to them as the males voices.

"OK, see you later dad." Micheal announced his parting ways with his father for the day.

"Don't forget to send me an update this afternoon." Howard replied as his voice traveled away.

They walked a bit. He entered an office. "I have an appointment for a Processing for one of my Shrunken."

"Oh you must be Dr. Miller. Yes, a Shrunken named Josephine." a sweet voiced woman replied.

Micheal's hand reached in and Josie's tube was lifted out. "OK, we are here. Don't worry Josie, they will take very good care of you." he comforted her.

"OK Micheal. I'll do my best." Josie replied.

"Oh isn't she sweet. Dr. Miller is right, little one, we will treat you better than Grandma's fine China. Oh and so pretty. If you have any problems you adorable Shrunken you let me know and Janette will rap some knuckles. That goes for you too Dr. Miller, any complaints. I like our Red Status guests happy honey." the woman explained with a warm tone. Karla caught a glimpse of the woman. An African American woman with a lovely welcoming round face. Her expression gave Karla the clear impression her friendliness was her natural state and not an attempt at Status jumping. Karla really liked her hair, lusciously thick curls hung off her head. Like a wonderful happy willow tree came to Karla as a good description.

"OK, my mother will be picking her up after she's done. Were you given her number?" Micheal asked. Karla hummed, he sounded so mature. She was such an easy sell on him now.

The woman read off a number, "Is that it sweetie?" she asked.

"Yes, any problems let me know immediately. Thanks." he noted.

"You'll be the first to know. Honey, we haven't lost a guest yet. And this little lady is too cute to start with. She'll be safe or angry Janette will go on a rampage I promise." the woman said with a comforting pride.

"OK Josie, see you tonight. Just relax, it'll be fine." Micheal said. Karla was certain he was kissing Josie's head.

"I will try." Josie's little voice replied.

As they began walking away the woman cheered, "Have a good day Dr. Miller!"

"Have a good day Janette. You too Josie!" Karla's colossal lad responded.

Karla faintly heard Janette saying to Josie, "Now sweetie let's get you to the Shrunken pod. What great owners you have. Many drop off poor Shrunken dressed like whores."

They began to walk. Then mighty teen fingers scooped her out. Karla stretched along her usual shoulder perch. Many a "Good Morning Dr. Miller '' was said as they walked. Micheal responded with a greeting to each by name. Karla found herself glaring at the persons that purred their greeting a little too much for her liking. None paid any attention to the angry faced Shrunken on the young man's shoulder. He had to stop to go over some data on a pad someone handed him. But they arrived at her stop.

Before them at the counter was a middle aged man in jeans and a light jacket. "Chuck?" Micheal asked.

"Oh morning Dr. Miller. Karla right? Morning." the man replied.

"What are you doing here?" Michael asked. "Oh and yes, she's Karla."

"I'm being Data Inputted to know how to run and maintain the size adjusting device for Karla." he noted.

"I suppose, I never thought about you learning how to do that." Micheal snickered at his own lack of thought on the matter.

"I'm glad your dad approved the extra Data Inputting I requested." the former janitor noted.

"Extra?" Michael asked.

"Yes, I am going to know all about the device. Not just running and maintaining. But how it works and how to take it apart and rebuild it. I'm not taking a chance I might mess up anything in this new job for you two." the older man said with pride.

"Thanks Chuck. Hey, you enjoying those Shrunken we gave you?" Micheal inquired.

Karla got a kick out of the man's slip of expression. He was clearly happy with his new pets. "They are very well looked after." was all he replied.

"OK, Mr. Simon, your booth is ready. Sorry you'll be sharing a room with some spoiled Shrunken." a woman's voice grumbled.

"That would be my Spoiled Shrunken I believe." Micheal snapped.

The woman looked up harshly. A fairly attractive light brown haired woman in her late twenties or early thirties. Her expression switched quickly, as did the woman's posture. Karla didn't like how she displayed before her Micheal. Her hummed response didn't endear her to Karla either, "Oh Mikey. I've missed your visits. I missed the fact it was your Shrunken. How lucky for it."

"She is not IT Lorina!" he growled.

"Oh, if you insist. You've grown to be such a handsome man. Will you be visiting little me more to educate your pretty pet?" the woman purred at Karla’s titan teen. Karla sneered and snapped a pic with her watch, Milly will learn of this tramp.

"I'll be dropping her off the next three days. Mom will pick her up. Karla better get the best care." Micheal had wonderfully missed the cougar's stalking him due to his annoyance at her treatment of his Karla. Karla thanked him with a rub and kiss.

"OH she'll be handled delicately." the woman said, swaying as she walked towards Micheal.

"Oh I can carry her in then if we are sharing a room." Chuck said, stepping between the woman and the boy. This Lorina flashed a glare at him. But eased it to a lurid gaze at Micheal. "If that's what Mikey wants." she cooed.

"OH sure, Chuck is going to be helping Karla with her resizing for work. You OK with that Karla?" Micheal responded.

"Yes, Chuck will be good." Karla purred to her owner. Snuggling at his neck.

"Karla, don't, not here." Micheal giggled nervously. Karla revels in how he reacted to her Shrunken touch but missed the human woman throwing herself at him.

Micheal handed her over to Chuck. "Take care of her Chuck." he said with a sad tone.

"That's my job now, Dr. Miller." Chuck replied.

"OK, mom will get you when you're done. Hope you have a good day." He said to her, Kissing her head.

"I hope you have a good day as well, Micheal. See you tonight." she replied. She wasn't happy to be away from him. But this was for their benefit.

He walked away as the woman cooed, "Have a good day Mikey."

He stopped, "I'm Micheal now Lorina. Later." and he left.

The woman turned to Chuck, "OK, I'll take it from here." she sneered.

"No, we're good. Lead us to the Inputting room." Chuck said firmly.

"Fine." she replied in a huff and started walking. She stopped and pointed, "This one. Dr. Woodward will be in to set you up." and she walked away.

Chuck stepped in and shut the door. "Phh, I don't like her." he huffed.

"She was a little too forward towards Micheal." Karla growled her agreement.

"Yeah, a lot are. I always like how the lad ignores their advances." Chuck chuckled.

"You think he notices?" Karla asked.

"He does have trouble with some of the more lovely workers. But yes I'm sure he notices, but is too smart to fall for it." Chuck explained.

"He is such a smart guy." Karla sighed. She was so lucky.

"He is fond of you little one. I'm guessing you have him wrapped around your little pinky." Chuck complimented.

"I am one of his Specials." she admitted. Then a thought, "Does Howard notice the women throw themselves at him?"

"They could run up to that man naked and he would just talk to them like always. Not Milly, not interested. Well, unless he could shrink them as pets." Chuck noticed.

"Really?" Karla liked his devotion.

"Oh yes. Just ask him about Milly and he gets weak in the knees. None of the Status chasers even notice. Us none chasers laugh at their efforts." Chuck cheerly responded.

A tall older man with salt and pepper hair opened the door. He was fairly handsome for an older man. Like a teacher, schoolgirls would have had a crush on. "OK Mr. Simon, let's get you ready to learn. I'm Dr. Woodward. Now I apologize, the booth for your Shrunken. It will smell strongly of cleaners. It's been awhile since we Inputted a Shrunken here and we had it in the back of a storage room."

"She's not my Shrunken. She is Dr. Miller's. Micheal Miller." Chuck clarified.

"Oh, sorry. Your Inputting requests are connected I just assumed. Sorry. Well kick off your shoes and take off your jacket. Once you are ready lay on the bed of the pod and get comfortable." Dr. Woodward advised. "Oh, place, ahh, Karla, on the table by her pod so she can kick off her shoes and get ready too."

Karla stood looking at the odd device. It, like the human version, was shaped like a teardrop. The bottom had an angled padded area with a pillow at the top. The top of the canopy had a screen and speakers at the spot that would sit at the occupants face level. She noticed nozzles along the canopy and along the sides. More speakers were along the edges of the bottom. The whole interior was a soft purple grey color. Relaxing just to look at. That made her wonder why the outside was in a bright cherry red plastic with chromed silver highlights. She figured once it was closed it would look like a racing car. Then she realized, they put kids in them, the exciting exterior could fire imaginations. Possibly easing kids to enter.

She did as instructed. Laying on the pad. It was like laying on a cloud. The surface was a familiar silky smooth feel. Then she thought of camping and she realized, Mightlore. The Company's amazing stretchy fabric.

"Comfortable?" Dr. Woodward asked.

"Yes." the both replied.

"OK Mr. Simon, I'm going to place a drop in each of your eyes. Helps keep them moist while you watch the screen. Here is a cloth for any runoff. Ready?" The tall man asked.

"Yes Dr. Woodward." he replied.

"Plop, plop, ready to fly?" the Doctor asked in a cheery voice then snickered. "Sorry, used to kids for this."

"I'm ready Dr. Woodward." Chuck announced while snickering.

Karla watched as the pod was closed. She got a little nervous as Chuck vanished into the plastic tear shaped box. Dr. Woodward walked over. He leaned down. "Now, I'll have to place one drop on your nose to get your two little eyes. Please try to hold them open. Here's a cloth to wipe your face. Ready?" he advised.

"Yes." Karla was nervous reply.

A finger softly pressed to her forehead and tugged ever so slightly to help hold her eyes open. An eye dropper hung over her face. Then liquid flooded her vision then the Doctor announced, "Plop!" The finger freed her head and she lifted the blanket sized cloth to her face.

"OK, you can hang onto the cloth for any runoff. Relax and enjoy." he announced.

Karla took a deep breath as he clicked the lid close. The screen softly began to brighten. It was curved, she noticed, filling her vision like looking out at the world. Tricking her brain into thinking she wasn't held inside a plastic box. Green grass and trees waving in the sunshine. Soft ballad she didn't know started as the screen image moved forward. She could feel the breeze displayed before her. Faint scent of flowers teased her nose. Looking over into a grass filled pen filled with playful kittens. She found herself lost watching the fluffy little creatures flock in the grass. Snickering as they meow at each other. She had no idea how long she just laid there watching kittens, but she just couldn’t stop watching them fumble around.

The image walked away. Then she walked out of a dark tunnel and through a forested area. The scents of woods filled her nose. Sunshine warmed her skin as birds sang happy songs in the trees around her. Little critters skittered on the edges of the trail. Upbeat song teased just out of earshot. She found herself hoping to share this walking path with Micheal at some point. Then she remembered, she wasn't outside or even walking.

Then the scene changed. An inner tube was placed on the water. Then she sat in it and slowly started drifting. The sun was hot but the water cooled her feet. She could smell the freshness of the liquid surroundings. More nature sounds greeted her as she hummed along with the music, one of her father's favorite bands. She knew these songs well. Only thing that would make this better would be an ice cold adult beverage.

The screen slowly faded. Then the pod opened. Karla thought that was quick. Then she noticed she was starving. Like it had been hours since breakfast. Her body was stiff like she had just woken up for the day. Chuck looked confused too as he stretched out his limbs. She looked at the clock on the wall. Noon? How, it was around eight when the doctor closed the pod just moments ago. She stretched herself to get her limbs back to working state.

"How are you feeling, Mr. Jones?" the Doctor asked.

"Like I just woke from a deep sleep. How long was I in there? It feels like you only closed it a few minutes ago." Chuck asked what Karla wanted to know.

"Four hours. You are now certified to operate a Shrunken adjustment tube. Tomorrow you'll learn how to build and repair one." Dr. Woodward said with a waiting smile.

"Course I know how to operate a tube, that, wait. That's why I came here." Chuck was confused.

"Yeah, it will feel like you always knew that. But it is new in your brain. Don't worry about it. That is just how it works." he explained.

He stepped over. "How about you Karla? How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Groggy but good." she replied.

"Ready to handle spreadsheets and shipping invoices?" he asked with an odd tone.

"Of course, no right I was learning that in there." Karla marveled how it just seemed like walking, she just knew how to do that stuff.

"And the fact we are having a conversation in Japanese." The doctor asked.

"Why would that, oh my." Karla's brain raced. Spanish and English she knew. Didn't she know Japanese before? No, but it felt natural to talk to him in it.

"You'll learn more East Asian languages tomorrow. With French, German, and other European one the next day. Since you'll be talking to Company members all over the world you'll need a lot of languages. Relax, your mind will access them the same as if you grew up speaking them." Dr. Woodward tried to reassure.

Karla was having trouble relaxing. What languages did she now speak? What ones are her original ones? She suddenly realized why she needed three days of Inputting. She could do the job Jeff and Howard rented her for now. It was the Languages that she was being Inputted that needed the extra days.

"Karla's ride is waiting. Mr. Jones do you think you could carry her out to Mrs. Miller or should I?" the Doctor asked.

"I'll carry her to Mrs. Miller." Chuck advised. He wandered over and offered his hand. Karla climbed in and Chuck carried her to the lobby. "Hello Mrs. Miller." He announced them to Milly.

"Hello Chuck. Thanks for bringing out Karla. What's your plans now?" Milly said, scooping up Karla.

"I'm stopping by your pets to check on them. Then I'll go catch the bus and head home. Not sure what I'll do this afternoon." Chuck advised.

"How far is the bus stop from here?" Milly asked.

"Fifteen, twenty minute walk." Chuck answered.

"Why don't I just drive you home." Milly offered.

"Oh, you really don't need to do that." Chuck countered.

"Oh, you'll look after Karla while she's here. It will be worth it." Milly advised.

"Do we need to go get Josie?" Karla asked.

"No look." Milly held Karla over her breast pocket. Curled inside, along Milly's breast was a sleeping Josie. She looked so comfortable.

"Let's get us all home." and they headed through the complex toward Karla's soon to be offices. "So, how are you doing looking after our pets?" Milly asked.

"Good. They are being made to clean up after themselves. So I basically just need to pick up the garbage and fill the silos. Laundry is done every couple of days. I honestly don't interact with them very often." Chuck explained.

"Oh, while we are here. Can we give Micheal's a way to write down their hobbies and interests?" Karla asked.

"That's a great idea. Yeah, let's leave them with a way to note those down." Milly replied.

"Why?" Chuck asked.

"To give them outlets." Milly responded.

"Oh, so they don't go stir crazy. That makes sense." Chuck understood.

"Oh, how are you making out with our own Shrunken?" Milly inquired.

Chuck blushed. "I am enjoying them immensely. They are very obedient."

"Well I'm glad. It just seems fair for you looking after our Shrunken while we wait to move." Milly acknowledged.

"I honestly didn't think I'd ever own a Shrunken. Let alone three lovely ones like you Miller's gave me." Chuck noted.

"No plan of going on a cruise yourself?" Milly asked.

"Mrs. Miller, you know a low rated Yellow like myself would never afford a month off, yet alone splurging on a fancy trip." Chuck reminded her.

"Oh, yeah. Your new job doesn't make it easier?" Milly wondered.

"Yeah, it will add to my status, but I'll still be a Yellow for a while. And yes, I'm being paid much more than a lowly Janitor. But I will be looking to improve my living arrangement. A bit more conveniences the Company has to offer." Chuck explained.

"Oh, I suppose. Sorry, Howard has had me spoiled so long I don't think about things like that." Milly snickered.

"I understand. It's not a worry for you. But even as well off as you are, I have to say you and your family still treat me better than some lesser members of the Company." Chuck complimented.

"That's because you're so good to us. And I expect you'll keep that up with our Karla once she starts working here." Milly advised. Karla enjoyed a stroke of her hair.

"She is Dr. Miller's so I will treat her as I would treat Dr. Miller." Chuck noted the Company's dictate of property treatment.

"Karla is Mike's in many ways. But we see her as ours. This wonderful Shrunken went from living pretty plaything to an advisor, confidant, and frankly, a friend. Please look after her intently, as a Shrunken she'll run into detractors and bullies. She'll need support here." Milly stated. Karla beamed at being called a friend by her owner's mother.

Chuck nodded. "Yes, you can count on me."

"Our friend is running a Shrunken breeding factory. We could talk to them about maybe offering you a discount. They are very fond of Karla and will be happy to know of your support." Milly suggested.

"That isn't necessary." Chuck repeated.

"So I guess I'll do it for you anyway." Milly teased.

They arrive at Hallway Eight. Chuck opens the door and walks to the room being used to store the Miller's Shrunken. Chuck grabs a broom and dustpan. Milly gathers some paper and pens. "Milly, can you place me in Micheal's collection pen?" Karla asked.

"Will you be safe?" Milly worried.

"Oh I think so. I got a feeling they will be fearful of my giant friend." she replied.

"OK, I'll be keeping an eye on you. Scream if there is trouble." Milly advises.

"I will." Karla stated as Milly lowered her in.

The Shrunken inside gave her glaring looks mixed with fearful glances toward Milly. As Milly supplies some paper and pens for them to manage out lists for Micheal, Karla swaggers over towards them like their superior that she is. Calling out, "Where is Shawna? I want to talk to Shawna!"

"I'm here Karla." the former thief struts over toward her. Karla is surprised she didn't make it to Micheal's bedroom. That body is sculpted for his enjoyment. Karla is also glad, Shawna is a former human that handled Shrunken before becoming one from bad actions. She had accepted that she had to submit.

"Shawna, I have a job for you." Karla advised.

"Alright shoot. I could use something more than wandering in circles to do." Shawna replied.

Karla smiled, "Director Micheal is making a list of hobbies his Shrunken used to do. He is looking to give them stuff to do in their future new home."

"Karla, that's foolishness. They don't make paint brushes, paint cans, or canvases for Standard sized Shrunken. Only hobbies the Company wants for it's pets are as playthings." Shawna points out.

"Look, just make the list. Let Micheal and his family worry about the how's. Speaking of, they made friends with the Howell's. They will likely help." Karla advised.

"The toy makers. Well, at least it's something to do. Alright, how do you want me to do this?" the sculpted Shrunken asked.

"Make a list, I think. Dance, painting, Micheal is looking at buying riding animals. Don't go into every subsection. If a girl does ballet and another jazz, just list them as dance. We'll make subsections once we know what we can do for them." Karla commands.

"Cool, how am I to note these." Shawna asked.

"Paper and pens." Karla points to the pile.

Shawna laughs. "Can you have that man and woman cut them down to smaller sized sheets? And I can't promise great writing using a post sized pen."

Karla nods. "I'll ask. Just do your best. By this time next week you'll be in Micheal's new cage. I've seen the plans, it looks amazing."

"Good to know. Just a reminder, a cage, no matter how nice, is still a cage. Even with these nice touches, many will never be happy." Shawna advises.

"That's their choice. How about you?" Karla asks.

"I hope for Standard size painting supplies. Being Director Micheal's pet is better than what I could have been sold into. I am honestly happy to be his plaything as his pampered pet. You might not believe this, but I feel safer and happier as a teen boy's sex doll then I did as my father's helper. Micheal will enjoy me at his will. Dad would have sold me like this to a cruel torturing owner without a moment's doubt. Hell, he pimped me just to gain a chance to steal a Shrunken or two. Paid for my surgeries to tempt clients and marks."

Suddenly the former thief hugged Karla, "My first was a middle aged man, I was about our Owner's age. Just to get a better price for a Shrunken the man cooked alive and ate. Thank him for freeing me from that."

Karla was taken back. She could feel the tears dripping on her neck. She wondered if this was an act. A way to gain sympathy. No she was certain just the offer for a chance for her to enjoy life, even a prisoner life, was more than she expected. That she didn't have to sell herself for her father's profits. She wouldn't be strange men's sex slave. Now she would only have Micheal's kind attention. She strokes the woman's brown hair.

The sculpted woman pushed her back softly. Wiping her eyes. "Sorry, I have had too much time to remember my life lately."

"Micheal is going to be setting up a Hierarchy like the Company has. I'm sure doing this will help you be graded high." Karla lets the incident fade. To support the woman with hope.

"You think he'll rank the Shrunken that attempted to try to help steal you high?" Shawna shakes her head.

"I think proving you're an obedient and helpful Shrunken will help him to get over that." Karla advises.

"You're going to talk me up aren't you?" The woman seemed reluctant for that idea.

"Yes, if you do your part." Karla gives Shawna a way to feel she earned her higher standing.

"I'll do that for you." she responds.

"You ready Karla?" Milly calls.

"Yes, but can the paper be cut up for easier use by Shrunken?" Karla asked her towering friend.

"Right, I should have thought of that." Milly says. Snickering at the lack of realization.

"There are paper slicers and scissors in the offices." Chuck advises.

"Hey Karla, let's go look at your offices." Milly noted lifting Karla and placing her upon her shoulder.

They walked to the room Howard determined for her office. Inside was an open room. Looked like they took down the wall between two rooms to make one large area. At the door was a receptionist desk with a back wall. Six tall walled cubicle offices are set up in the center in two three box L-shapes. Making an interesting hall between the two sets. In one corner was a copier printer device bracketed by files cabinets and storage cabinets. The Corner by the window is a sitting area with a fridge, coffee maker, and microwave. Cabinets line the wall. In the other corner of the window is a large office. "Want to see your office Karla?" Chuck asked.

They walk over and Chuck unlocks the door. In the center was a big desk. Personal file cabinets and storage cabinets. On the cabinet by the door is a cage. Seating inside as well as other options. Seems the Company expected their office provided workers to bring Shrunken to work from time to time. It was a huge room inside the bigger room.

Milly walked around the desk, "This is a great office Karla." She walked over to the window. "Oh look, there's Mikey." she points across the courtyard.

There was her sweet owner. He looked so smart in his lab coat. He had two large white boards covered in letters, numbers, and symbols. Stationed around him in a semi-circle was a group of adults in lab coats. They were in a very interactive conversation directed by her Micheal. Karla was looking forward to seeing that sight on a regular basis.

As they left her office she asked, "What is with the other offices?"

"For your department heads?" Chuck responded in confusion.

"Department heads?" Karla echoed.

"Karla, this is a Company wide endeavor. Did you think you'd be looking after this all by yourself. As more sites get set up, you'll need to hire a department head per continent." Chuck advised.

"Hire, they will let me pick and command humans?" Karla asked.

"Yes. If that is what Jeff hired you for. Processing would have determined your acceptability for this. You'll be one of, if not the highest paid rented Shrunken in the Company according to Gabs. You will make the world a better place helping more and more Company members gain their own Shrunken pets." Milly praised.

"Oh wow." was all Karla could say.

Karla's mind raced. This was a busy day. She still struggled with what she knew when she woke up, and what she learned in that pod. Now she learned she will not only help Jeff and Chrissy ship their product. But running what she just learned is an important Company deviation. Her, a teen boy's pet.

She was aware that the two humans were chatting about future efforts. They drop off the more manageable paper to their Shrunken. Then they wandered through the halls of her future working place. Out to the parking lot and into Milly's car. Karla shook her head, Milly was saying something to her.

"Karla, are you ready?" Milly noted.

"Ready for?" Karla stuttered back.

"I'm about to drive off the compound. I need to hide you in my purse. Are you ready to be placed in there?" Milly advises.

"Yes, sorry." Karla responds. Milly slipped her into a tube hidden in her purse.

"OK, you'll have to direct me. Where is your apartment?" Milly asked Chuck as she started down the road. Chuck gave an address. Advising her to take a numbered route.

"That was a good idea separating my males and females." Milly praised.

"Oh, thank you. I worried the males might have taken their frustrations out on the females. The next exit." Chuck replied.

"How long does it take you to get to work?" Milly asked.

"About an hour or so depending on traffic." Chuck advised.

"Thought about one of those new apartments in the gated community the Company is building. You'd be able to walk to work in about the time it took you to walk to the bus stop." Milly asked.

"I just don't get paid enough." Chuck sighed.

"Really, still?" Milly inquires.

"Well, I don't know. I hadn't really looked into it since my pay raise." he admitted.

"Well, you should look into it. Save you a chunk of time. I'll have Howard pick you up tomorrow. Save you that long trip." Milly stated.

"He doesn't have to do that." Chuck counter.

"He'll pick you up on his way. Around seven thirty, quarter to eight." Milly dismissed the man's argument.

"The next right. You're not going to let me argue this, are you Mrs. Miller?" Chuck sighed.

"No, and my name is Milly." Milly chastised.

"The greenish blue building. Thank you, for the ride home and my ride to work tomorrow." The man submitted.

"I'll drive you home tomorrow. This is a small effort for you helping Karla." Milly smiled.

"Already planned. See you tomorrow Mrs. Miller." he said leaving the car.

"Tomorrow, and it's Milly." she countered.

"Allow me that one thing." he replied walking away.

"Fine." Milly replied, shaking her head.

They drove away, Milly noted, "Bet you're hungry."

"Yes. Starving really." Karla agreed.

"Mikey was always so hungry after his Inputting. We'll go over what they Inputted into you over lunch. It helped Mikey accept what he then learned." Milly advised.

"It is so strange. I don't feel like I learned anything, yet I spoke Japanese with Dr. Woodward. I didn't know that language yet I feel like I knew it as I do English and Spanish." Karla tried to describe.

"Yeah, that has something to do with how the information is entered into your brain. Only thing they can't teach is physical skills. I've read your pronunciation with new languages will be a bit off till you've practiced them a bit." Milly advised.

Deciding to change the subject Karla asks, "Get much packed this morning?"

"Some. Not as much as I would hope. I made spicy chicken vegetable soup instead." she smiled.

They pull into the driveway. Milly carried them into the house asking, "You think Josie would be OK sleeping in Mikey's cage?" She asked.

"I'm sure. Amanda will look after her." Karla figured.

Milly walked them up. The gathered Shrunken looked nervous at the human woman. She opened the cage and slipped Karla in. "Amanda?" Karla called out.

The long haired beauty came into this chamber. Followed by Aoi and her Asian friends. "Amanda, Josie is sleeping after going through Processing. Could you make sure she's looked after. I'll turn on my tablet so you can contact me once she's awake."

"Sure Karla. Actually this will give me the chance to list out Director Micheal's Shrunken interests." Amanda accepted her task.

Aoi turned to the other lovely young Asians saying, "Even asleep we are slaves to their wants."

"Yes, yes you are." Karla sneered at the girl's disrespect. The group's eyes went wide and Karla realized she had understood and responded in Japanese. The looks on their faces made her realize they had been using their language to complain in secret in front of her and Micheal. Saying things, likely insulting, freely. Karla wished she had caught herself before she spoke. Wondering what else her servant had been saying.

"Have you always known Japanese?" Amanda asked with a smile.

"No, they Inputted it into me this morning. It's a bit disorienting." Karla explained.

"Cool, can I have that done?" Amanda asked.

"Maybe someday later. Please take good care of Josie." Karla responded as she activated her tablet. Making sure to limit access options. She knew Amanda wouldn't attempt to access things she shouldn't. It was the others she worried about.

"It would be helpful for me to know some of the other languages in Director Micheal's collection." Amanda unnecessarily advised as she accepted the device.

"I know, just not sure what is involved in arranging it. So, maybe someday." Karla smiled at her top helper. Cupping her cheek in her hand. She turned to get back to Milly's hand she requested, "Let me know when Josie feels up to being up. She will be groggy and fog brained for a bit after she first wakes up. So please don't rush her."

"Yes Lady Karla, honestly it's nice having her visit." Amanda said with a smile.

"Talk soon, I promise." Karla said as Milly took her from the cage.

"Looking forward to it." Amanda cheerly replied waving bye.

Milly left her son's room. Noting, "She seems like a smart Shrunken."

"She is in her way. She is an Eager, for men only though." Karla responded.

"Shame. Let's get you fed." Milly acknowledged with a smile.

Karla was placed on the table. The little meal table was there already. Seemed Milly had planned ahead and set up the dining spot. "I'll be right back. We'll go over the Inputting data while we have lunch.”

Milly came back. Bowl of soup with a couple of biscuits cut in half and buttered. A small bowl with a nib of buttered biscuit was placed before Karla. "Now this is a project I've been working on for years. I had it at a function years ago, but I can't quite get it right." Milly explained.

She stirred her bowl watching Karla. Clearly waiting for her to sample the liquid. She raised a spoon full to her lips. It was alright. Clearly Milly used a hot sauce of some kind to gain the spicy part. But it killed most of the chicken broth flavor. The veggies were a good firmness. "Fresh vegetables?" she asked.

"Yes, broth is canned though. What do you think of the taste?" Milly wondered, leaning down.

"Too much hot sauce." Karla answered honestly.

"Too hot?" Milly asked in a surprised tone.

"No, the flavor is overwhelming. Not bad, but not something I would order at a restaurant." Karla noted.

"Yeah, that was my impression too." Milly sighed. "Any suggestions?" her giant friend asked.

"What peppers have you tried to spice it with?" Karla asked.

"None. The waiter at the time said the chef used a sauce." Milly answered.

"Huh, I wonder if it was a self made sauce. Not having tried it, I'm not sure what to suggest." Karla pointed out drinking more broth.

"Maybe I'll make a non-spicy version and we'll try different pepper blends." Milly suggested.

"Sounds like a plan. That way even if it's not the same as the original, we might find one that is still enjoyable." Karla encouraged.

"So, let's see what was Inputted into you." Milly stated, pulling out a print out from her purse. She unfolded it and took a second to read then announced, "Alright, so the first fifteen minutes was for retention density." She paused looking at Karla. Milly was smart, knowing Karla would have a question.

"What is retention density?" Karla asked the expected question.

"It's like an IQ test. Basically, as it was explained to me, it's your brain's ability to accept and retain the data they are broadcasting in the pod. Wow, your ratio is just under Mikey's levels." Milly noted with a proud sounding tone.

"His must be good." Karla praised. Then the image of him in his lab coat. Maybe she could convince him to bring that home. She suddenly wanted to be his helpless test subject.

"Very, a touch higher than Howard's even. When he first started getting Inputted they wanted to get him a doctorate before he was eight. I made them wait to Input his first Doctorate till he was ten. Let Mikey be a kid a bit longer." Milly noted.

"You still call him Mikey." Karla observed.

"Yeah, I still see him as that very curious little boy. He was such a cuddler when he was little." Milly sighed. "He'll always be that boy in my mind I think."

"I could see if I can get him to let him call him that directly again." Karla offered.

"No, I have to let him grow up. Thanks though." Milly replied.

"You're welcome." Karla felt a bit sad for Milly. Her attentive titan was her human woman's little boy. It couldn't be easy chatting to her about Micheal knowing they sexually interacted. Shrunken or not.

"Back to this." Milly lifted the paper. "Next forty five minutes was all the data you need for doing your job. If you have eight Shrunken in a cage, what is the likely amount of pellets needed to keep them nutritionally healthy for a week?" Milly asked.

"Pellets, about a kilogram depending on activity levels. Why?" Karla responded. Then she realized she had no idea about pellet amounts when she woke up this morning.

"That is helpful to know." Milly noted with a teasing smile.

"That is so disorientating. Just knowing stuff I didn't know before but it comes to me like I've known it my whole life." Karla tried to share the sensation.

"Mikey said similar things after his sessions too." Milly responded. "Looks like you'll read reports and fill out your own without any need for Jeff or Howard's help from now on. Next hour and a half they input level three Mandarin Chinese."

Interrupting Karla asked, "Level three?"

"Yeah, ahh, Dr. Woodward made that woman print me out a chart for that. Here, level three is about a high school level. So like you spent twelve years of schooling learning the language. So about the level of a Chinese student in high school." Milly explained.

"Wow. They taught me two languages as well." Karla sighed.
"Yeah, Level three Japanese filled out the rest of the morning." Milly noted on the sheet.

"They plan on adding more in the next two days." Karla said out loud to try to accept this concept.

"Yeah, you speak Spanish right?" Milly asked.

"Yes, technically English is my second language." Karla advised.

"Then I'll call them to update your list. No point Inputting what you already know." Milly advised.

"You know that woman hit on Micheal when he dropped me off?" Karla asked.

"Lorane is a Status whore. But since she hasn't actually done anything she's safe. Dr. Woodward keeps a better eye on her than you might have noticed. He's a good man. Sad he can't seem to find a lady." Milly stated.

"Maybe he's gay?" Karla suggested.

"No, just no luck with ladies. Well, some luck with Shrunken anyway. From the rumors he owns his last three ex's. They didn't pass Processing." Milly snickered.

"He was allowed to keep them?" Karla asked.

"Yeah, they knew about the Company but never became Company Ladies, why not." Milly retorted.

"I guess that makes sense. Speaking of, how did Josie do?" Karla asked.

"No official word yet. But between us according to Janette. She passed, but just. She will have to be retested before she starts her job. If she's not more loyal to the Company by then she'll be turned down for the position." Milly cautioned.

"She'll pass." Karla wished aloud.

They finished lunch. Milly took her to the spare room to finish the little left there. Her human friend teases her by asking her questions on Shrunken logistics. The fact she knew a Breeding male should have it’s sperm tested every three breeding sessions or after every second failed attempt to breed worried her. Especially since a female was to be tested after every second or after each failed breeding attempt.

Food amounts and ideal temperatures. Even the fact a citrus drop should be added for every hundred milliliters in a water bottle. Prompting Milly to text Howard to pick up Citrus drops from the Company store. Milly hadn't even known about their benefits till now.

Milly finished the spare room and the books and items around the piano. She was working in the living room when the guys came home. "Oh, I didn't dig out anything for supper." Milly snapped at herself.

Howard walked over and kissed her lips sweetly. "I got that, you two keep packing away. Micheal, help your mother and Karla." he stated and walked, almost skipped, into the kitchen.

"You sure Honey?" Milly asked as he traveled.

"Oh, you, calling me Honey. I'm going to blush." Howard teased as he disappeared into the kitchen.

Milly sighed in contentment. Then she turned to Micheal. "Mike, go up to your room and check on Josie. See if she's up and feels like joining us for supper." she commanded.

"OK mom," he said, reaching for Karla.

Milly's hand covered Karla. "No, she's my company. She's staying with me. You may give her a hello kiss though." Milly demanded.

A kiss on her head. He asked, "How was your day?"

"Good, still having trouble coming to terms with what I learned today." Karla admitted.

He stroked her hair, she leaned lovingly into the caress. "You'll adjust. I know you will. Well, I guess I should check on our sleeping beauty upstairs." and he left.

When he returned, in his hand was a very groggy Josie. Karla figured she should have been left upstairs. Likely the redhead demanded their Owner bring her down despite this. "How are you feeling Josie?" Milly asked.

"I'm awake." she replied.

"Yes, but how do you feel?" Milly asked again.

"No, I'm done sleeping. What's for supper?" was the mumbled response. Karla was certain her friend was only sitting up due to personal determination.

Somehow Howard made them seasoned chicken wings and salad. Karla found herself practically feeding the barely sitting Josie. They spoke about their day. Micheal complained he and his team were stuck. They couldn't calculate a solution for distance teleporting along a planetary curve. Karla felt bad, he clearly blamed himself. Howard pointed out he would get it at some point. But Karla could see her sweet owner took it as a personal failing; he hadn't managed even a theoretical solution yet.

"Well, I have good news." Howard said, giving his boy a worried look.

"Oh really what?" Milly requested. Karla saw the same concern in the woman's eyes.

"The first shipment of teleporters has left the compound. Headed to the west coast." he said.

"West coast? Is Mr. Grant's factory a location receiving one?" Micheal asked hopefully.

"Yes. I will be traveling there in a couple weeks to finalize the installation. It will make Company shipping from that coast to us that much easier." Howard answered.

"So, can I come too?" Micheal asked.

"Sadly no. Though someone is requested to accompany me on the trip. Karla will be needed to set up a statuette office there for herself." Howard looked like he had been planning on keeping that fact to himself.

"Well, at least she will be able to visit Chrissy." Micheal sighed. "But once it's operational we can visit back and forth right?" he hoped.

"You know it's been determined that till there is a certain percentage set up they would only be allowed for Company business." Howard reluctantly replied.

"Right, it's not fair for us to take advantage." Micheal sighed.

"But, Karla will be able to travel back and forth for work from time to time. So, if you happen to have her carry gifts as she travels, that would be OK." Howard attempted to cheer him up.

"Thanks dad." Micheal accepted the attempt.

"So, will she be full sized?" Milly asked.

"No. They don't want to have to staff the plane beyond the pilots. So I'll have to carry her as one of my carry-on Shrunken. There is a private club in town like the Half Mass Club from the ship. Company will be resizing her there and driving her to Jeff's complex. I've made sure Jeff or I will be with her for those sessions." Howard advised.

"You know just because she's one of your carry on Shrunken doesn't mean you can, you know." Micheal growled.

"I know. Actually the plan was that she would be staying with Chrissy if that helps." Howard informed him with a smile.

"Yeah, you'll get to visit Chrissy Karla." He took that as a victory.

"Looking forward to it." Karla admitted.

Dinner finished Micheal and Milly went back to packing as Howard did the dishes. Karla watched on a throw pillow with a dozing Josie coiled to her. She stroked that red hair as the human's put things in boxes in hushed tones. Howard joined them once the dishes were air drying.

Chrissy texts Micheal and Karla found herself back in their room. On their pillow wonderfully snuggled by a drowsy Josie attempting to add to the video chat with the bubbly blonde. She was clearly excited for Karla's visit, though openly stating her preferred visitor. Karla wasn't hurt by that. Josie was out again before the chat was over.

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Ch 07B: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by HHunter1 » Wed Jul 14, 2021 10:31 pm

Chapter 07B

Micheal set down his tablet once finished and turned on the TV. Teen sitcoms Karla snickered. He stroked her hair and asked, "Chocolate Mint Ice Cream?"

"Yes please." she purred.

He wasn't gone long before returning with a bowl of the frozen treat. He sat down on the bed. Then smiled, "I should get a Shrunken to enjoy this off of."

"Micheal, wait!" Karla requested.

"What?" he replied.

Karla pulled her arms back and did her little wiggle for him. "You have a Shrunken right here." she eagerly offered.

"Oh, but it's so cold. I don't want you to suffer that." he sweetly advised.

"You'll just have to warm me with your mouth all over my body." she tempted her giant teen.

His fingers lingered along her body. "Are you sure?" he whimpered. He clearly liked the idea.

Karla rolled herself along his touch. Moaning in a playful whimpered tone she asked, "What, don't you think you'd enjoy licking ice cream off my naked skin?"

He lifted her up. The wonderful sweat suit outfit was wonderfully easy for him to strip her of. His fingers caressed her bared body and she began to wonder if they would be enjoying melted ice cream later.

But her titan folded her arms back. Pushing her breasts out, He lowered her to a green mound. She tasted the flavored cream as he stroked her chest into the mound. Almost immediately she began to shiver. He was right, it was really cold on her skin. He lifted her to his lips as she was about to beg him to get another living spoon. Then his lip’s warmth hugged her chest. The tongue's heat radiated through her torso. Arousingly that budded surface wiped the coating off her.

He pulled her from his lips, "You OK for more?" he asked.

"Please." she begged. The torture of the cold just made his savoring that much more enjoyable.

He dipped her again. Chilling her to her core. Then suckling her with lust filled warmth. Repeatedly she was acceptably tortured to receive delicious reprieve. Cold stiffened nipples were brushed to aroused stiffness then back again. His tongue made sure the mounds on her chest were well cleaned and warmed.

She found herself turning. Legs held bent and spilt. Her inner thighs and pussy dragged along a softening frozen cream mound. She shivered from her core as he pressed her legs together. He slipped her waist deep past his lips. Mouth warmed her lower limbs as the tongue spread them again. He hummed at the flavor found there. Karla shivered with sexual delight as her hips pumped to help him find all the cream.

He pulled her loose and coated between her thighs again. Mouth heated her as tongue inflamed her pussy. That eroticly cruel giant lapped her just to the edge of release. Just to pull her horribly free and re-flavor her. A few more dips left her womanhood begging.

That spectacular monster then flipped her again. Breasts dug deep and savored. She hardly even noticed the cold anymore. Now it was the time between tastings that was the torture. That hot mouth on her. She didn't care if it was her tits or womanhood, she just wanted him savoring her. He would drive her to the edge only to flip her and drive the other way.

She became vaguely aware he was stroking her naked form to wipe out the remainder. She giggled as she found herself sitting in the bowl, her ass and legs being swirled along the bottom to collect the melted cream. She wanted him to enjoy ice cream like this every night. Tongue gathered the last from her lower curves. He suckled her vagina to climax, she figured it was for being a good spoon.

Karla found herself being moved. Warm hard shaft pressed into her chest. She spread to pleasure her towering teen more. Now her mouth savored his skin. As tiny as they were she knew he felt her lips and tongue's efforts.

He moved her chest with just a few fingers. Feeling how easy he puppeted her whole body with just a few holding digits was a rush. She nuzzled her face along his cock.

Then her head shot up. There was a new touch. Her hips arched her ass up, thick round pinky tip pressed between her thighs. Her orally awoken pussy stretched under his slight effort. The knuckle popped into her and she gasped loudly. Then he popped that thick point back out and she moaned.

Now she was his puppet even more. Her chest stroked atop his cock to stimulate his enjoyment by a couple of his fingers. Her hands eager to help caress pleasure into him. Her legs stretched wide along that incredible girth rubbing circles. Her hips being popped as his smallest finger gave her a hard fucking. Her full form was his to play with and she loved him enjoying her.

Suddenly she flipped backward. Finger gone from between her thighs. Legs strained as she was positioned atop the Behemoth's tip. White flood painfully entered her body. She arched as the bursts overflowed her. The pressure finishing what that wonderful pinky started. His thick released pleasure made her sing out in climax.

She hazily became aware she was still hanging from his tip. Hand held her firm as warm cum flowed around the curves of her waist. A trickle dripping from the toes of both her feet. She could feel her sweet Micheal still gasping from the effects of his climaxed release. A climax she drove him to. She felt so happy she satisfied him again all by her tiny self. He was happy and she lived for that now.

Tissues wiped her trophy from her legs. She surrendered it by stretching them out as best she could for him to wipe off. He cleaned his seed off them both of them enough to sneak out to the bathroom in his robe.

She giggled in her content state as he used a warm cloth to polish her skin. "That was fun Micheal. Can we enjoy ice cream like that again?" she begged.

As he cleaned himself he responded, "But weren't you cold?"

"Yes, but you warmed me up so well between dips." she purred.

"You really enjoyed that?" he asked.

"You licking a coating of cream from my most sensitive areas. Yes Micheal, it was amazing." she gasped at the memory.

"I don't think I'll think of ice cream the same way again." he purred, sending shivers along Karla's spine in delight.

They finished getting ready for bed. He took her to their room. Then he took the bowl. She slipped on the shirt and panties from her clothes from the day. The pants were comfortable enough to sleep in. But she liked how Micheal's eyes would linger at her bare legs more.

He returned and shut off the light. He curled into bed. Hand covered her and Josie. A finger stroked her bare leg. Yes, not donning the pants was a great choice. "Night my Special Karla." he hummed softly.

"Night my special Micheal." she purred back, snuggling his hand.

They laid there in their bed. Karla hugged poor Josie, still feeling the effects of the Processing. Warmed by Micheal's colossal hand. What a wonderful spot to sleep she thought as she started to doze.

"Coating!" Micheal bolted up in the bed.

"What about it?" Karla asked, sad her fingered blanket was gone.

"I got to get dad to take me to work." he announced, leaping out of bed. Lights flicked on and he looked in their clothes box. "Here, wear this." and he tossed a garment bag on the bed. Leaving.

Karla struggled to make it to the bag. She heard Micheal knocking on his parents door calling for his father. She smiled at the jeans and brown tank top. She knew this outfit. Her first outfit for Micheal.

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CH 08: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by HHunter1 » Mon Aug 09, 2021 8:09 pm

Chapter 08

Karla started getting dressed. Micheal had left their door open and Karla could hear him talking with his father. "What is it Mike?" Howard asked.

"I need to go to work." Micheal excitedly answered.

"No, it's night time." a confused sounding Howard stated.

"I know, but I thought of something." Micheal replied.

"Can't you just write it down for tomorrow?" Howard suggested.

"I need the calculations on the boards at work. If I don't go tonight I might forget." Micheal sounded panicked.

"Alright, alright, let me get dressed." Howard surrendered.

Micheal entered and began getting dressed. "Oh good you're dressed. Sorry to keep you up late." he said to her.

"It's OK. I'm glad you want me with you as you work." Karla cheered him.

"You're the best." he said, hooking his hand around her. He slipped her upon his shoulder and grabbed his work bag.

He opened the door and Milly was walking over. "You need your sleep." She pointed out.

"I know. But if I don't write out this theory tonight I'll lose it. And I think it's the key to solving the problem." Micheal explained.

"Fine, let me make you some snacks since the cafeteria will be closed. Should I bring Karla and Josie into my room for the night?" She asked.

"I'm bringing Karla to keep me company. But if you would look after Josie that would be wonderful. She's still sleeping in my bed." Micheal noted.

"Don't forget Karla has Data Inputting in the morning. She should rest." Milly advised.

"It's OK Milly. I don't want Micheal to be there alone." Karla advised her owner's mother.

"OK, wait for snacks." Milly commanded as she headed down stairs.

Micheal helped his snacks be prepared. Karla could hear him repeating something over and over under his breath. She was worried at first. Then figured he was working to remember his breakthrough. He finishes some carrot sticks when he states, "Pellets and your tablet." and he darts up the stairs.

He finishes gathering these supplies and finds his father waiting. Karla suddenly was scooped off his shoulder and caring fingers slipped her into a carrying tube. The cool night air slipped in from the open top of the pocket she rode in. Street lights and dark blocks of buildings were visible as they passed. The guard at the gate was surprised to see the two top scientists coming in late this night.

Micheal got out and entered the building. A hand reached in and Karla regained her shoulder perch. The building was eerily quiet. "Thanks for coming to keep me company." he praised.

She snuggled his neck. "I am your Shrunken." she reminded him.

"I suppose. Still I'm glad for your company." he advised.

They entered his lab. He stepped over to the Shrunken cage and pulled the lounging couch out and placed it on the desk by the white boards. He then began explaining what he thought of thanks to her inspiration. Something to do with the polarity of the form an object takes and how the Earth magnetic field coated the planet like the ice cream coated her body. Karla had been Inputted a lot this morning, but advanced physics wasn't any part of that. But he didn't need her to understand. Just needed to express his thoughts aloud to her.

Karla tried to stay alert for her sweet Micheal. Be his company and muse. Watching him add numbers, symbols, and letters to the boards. Green was Howard's main calculations. Red was his team's attempts to modify to gain distance for teleporting. They could already reach hundreds of miles. But they wanted anywhere in the world from anywhere else. Blue was his marker color, and he spread his idea across the white board in an inspired fury.

But technobabble and the late hour weighed heavy on Karla's eyelids. She was still feeling the relaxing effects of what brought this train of thought to her owner. She teased herself remembering that surprising fun way of savoring ice cream. But even arousing memories only helped her be alert so long. She laid her head down just a moment. Her eyes just needed a short rest.

Gentle fingers shook her awake. "Karla, Chuck will be here soon to take you to Inputting. You should eat." Micheal advised.

"Did you get everything down?" she groggily asked.

He yawned and smiled. "Yes, thanks to you being all cute while you slept." he teased.

Karla looked. She was under a gigantic white sheet. No she snuggled to the cotton fabric, his lab coat. "Sorry, I got sleepy." she apologized.

"No, I'm glad you got some sleep. I really just needed you near me to remind me of what had brought the idea into my mind. Now eat." he explained.

Karla grabbed a pellet. She ate them so often now she didn't even take notice. But she really missed breakfast with his parents and Josie. She wondered what they were having this morning as she ate a vanilla flavored cylinder. She forced a cherry one down too. She knew she only needed one for the morning. But figured a second would help her feel less hungry after Inputting.

"Micheal, are you going home to sleep?" she asked.

"Naa, I have a small couch in my office. I'll nap there as my team error checks my noted calculations. If I didn't slip up, we'll do some simulations on the computers this afternoon." he explained.

"But, you'll be so tired tonight." She was worried.

He kissed her head then purred, "You'll just have to make sure I go to bed early tonight then." Karla liked that idea kissing his bottom lip back.

"Dr. Miller, you're here early." a male voice noted.

"Yes, I had a burst of inspiration so dad drove me in to do an over nighter." Michael explained.

"A hindrance of being in charge at such a young age." the man in his early forties or so replied. Karla got the feeling he wasn't happy being under the watch of a teenage boy.

"Yeah, but dad got me here. So, it worked out." Micheal mumbled out his counter. Clearly uncomfortable with confronting the older man.

"Well, this time." the man retorted. Adding, "Guess I'll start looking over your notes to see if you missed anything in your excitement."

"Yes please." Micheal agreed. "Oh, Dr. Evens, this is my Shrunken Karla. She'll be working here soon as a liaison with Grant Factories." He introduced her to the man.

"Grant Factories?" the man said in confusion.

"OH, they are a breeding factory. They will be selling Kittens in a few years." Micheal explained.

"Oh, well welcome Karla. Please don't take this the wrong way, but it's a bit of a shame you're a liaison and not a breeding Shrunken. Your Kittens would be prized pets. But your presence will keep our golden boy here encouraged, so worth the trade off." the man said. It was odd, he eyed her over. But his tone was like he was describing art. He didn't leer but she felt he was attracted to her. No, not attracted, more appreciated her appearance.

"Oh Mikey you're here already. What a great surprise to start my day." a female voice cheered. Karla looked, a tall girl was walking toward them. She was attractively shaped. Easily displayed under her open lab coat as a button up red shirt only mostly done up stretched over her C-cup chest. Her long shapely legs displayed under the suggestion of a black skirt. Her long hair in pigtails was dyed a bright purple. She swayed along waving her hips like a flag in a changing wind. Karla was so tired seeing ladies eyeing her Micheal like this one was. But at least she was closer to his age, Karla guessed she was eighteen at the oldest.

"Hello Jenna." Micheal stated. From his tone this was one of the girls he didn't fully ignore her cooing as Chuck described. He cleared his throat and advised, "Please call me Mike now. Jenna Murphy, this is my Shrunken Karla."

The girl smiled. Karla got the weird interpretation of the girl's reaction. She liked Micheal being firm with her. "Sorry Mike." she purred. Then turned toward Karla. "This is one of the special ones you told me about?" she asked. Karla got nervous as the teen girl's eyes began to sparkle.

"Yes, she will be working here next week," he replied.

The purple haired being squealed excitedly. Then dashed toward Karla, her pigtails dancing wildly. She placed her face at Karla's level. "Oh my oh my, she is sooo cute. Look at her long hair. And her little jeans show her pert little tush. And perky finger pillows. And that smooth tan skin, ahhh. Are you a good little Shrunken? You make Micheal a happy boy, you lucky girl. Whose a good Shrunken? You are." she babbled at Karla. Bobbing her nose at the end.

"Thanks?" Karla managed out.

"You must like having this one to play with Mikey. Oops, Mike." she purred looking up toward him.

Karla looked at her lad. He had that expression she usually enjoyed on his face. Then she realized why. His underling's cleavage was on display before him. She was practically on her knees before him. Looking up with her mouth in a suggestive oh shape. Her tongue unnecessarily moistened her lips.

"Slip on your ambition again Dr. Murphy?" a female voice called out.

"No Dr. Halifax. Just looking at Micheal's special Shrunken." the purple haired girl growled.

"Shouldn't you be looking at the table then Jenna?" a pretty chubby bottle blonde came into view. She looked like she recognized Karla. Then nodded.

The girl stood up and looked at the woman. "Must have eaten a second breakfast fast this morning to be here already." she sneered.

"Hello, Karla, right? Remember I was helping test teleport pads when you first visited? You were full sized and we sent you through." the woman described ignoring the younger woman.

"Yes, I remember you. I thought you were part of that team." Karla now recognized the smiling woman.

"I help out there to help keep this team up to date on any new engineering developments." she explained.

"She is just hoping Dr. Steven's will let her travel on him." Dr. Murphy snarked.

Loud clapping, "OK, if we are done with the catty ladies show, I'm sure Dr. Miller wants us to go over his new calculations. You'll have to circle each other later." Dr. Evans snarled.

"Oh, am I late?" a voice called out.

"Glad you could join us, Dr. Peters." Dr. Evans sneered.

In the door was a short thin African American man in his mid twenties. He looked like he was a nerd character that fell out of one of those teen sitcoms Micheal watches. He even had one of those pocket things with pens in his shirt pocket. He walked in like his shoulders were too heavy for him.

"OH, is that a team Shrunken, she is really curvy." he sputtered out looking at Karla.

"She's Karla, the Shrunken Micheal is very fond of." Dr. Halifax softly explained.

"Oh dang. Sorry Dr. Miller. I didn't mean to be mean." The man looked like Micheal might hit him.

"Teddy, it's OK. Just apologies to Karla. She will be around a lot as she's being rented to work for Grant Factories here." Micheal said like he was talking the nervous man down.

"The Breeding factory. Will they be breeding Shrunken here?" he gasped. His eyes wandered on to Karla. His cheeks brightened and Karla got the clear impression she was being bred in his mind.

"Teddy, go to the bathroom." Jenna advised turning the man. That just made Karla look, and she was bothered at what she noticed.

"OK, I've been up all night noting some inspiration that Karla brought to my mind. Once Teddy is back I want you all to work together making sure I didn't make any typos or miss a process in the formula while I take a nap. Blake, Dr. Evans is in charge. Dr. Halifax, Chuck is coming to take Karla to Inputting. Could you sit with her till he gets here?" Micheal commanded.

"I'd take good care of Karla for you Dr. Miller." Jenna cooed.

That usually cute expression passed his face. But Micheal shook his head. "No, Jean and Karla seem more comfortable with each other." he countered.

"Good, you heard the department head, let's get to work." Dr. Evans barked before Jenna could make another leering offer.

Micheal came over. "Sorry, I need some sleep. See you at home." he softly relayed. Kissing her head.

She leaned up and kissed his bottom lip. "Have a good nap my Special Micheal." she sighed.

"I will my Special Karla," he replied. He headed to a room in the corner. Karla took note of where it was for when she's peeking over from her office in the future.

"So, do you prefer Full or Standard size?" Dr. Halifax asked, sitting down.

"I know it doesn't make scenes but Standard. Micheal walks with me on his shoulder and I feel right there." Karla explained. Noticing she sighed the last bit only after she had said it.

"He is really fond of you. And another named Josie. I thought poor Jenna was going to burst into tears when he said he found a girlfriend on his trip." Jean said with a bit of glee.

"Should I worry about her?" Karla asked.

"You, no. That reaction to you was genuine. She likely thinks you're as adorable as she said. His girlfriend, miles away, she should worry." Jean informed her.

"She's my friend." Karla bluntly stated.

Jean smiled, "Then as my own form of sucking up, we'll be friends and I throw monkey wrenches into her ploys at him."

"You're not interested in him?" Karla tested.

"He's too young for me. He's cute and that status would make a woman's life easy. And the fact you told me he's hung like a monster. That does sweeten the idea. But I couldn't. He's just a kid. And a good guy overall." Jean answered.

"What can you tell me about his team?" Karla asked. That Teddy one returned. His looks kept coming. He was trying to hide his slips, but it was obvious. Jenna directing him to focus at the boards helped some.

"Well, let’s see, there's me. Gorgeous and wonderful. The dream of a woman. And dang smart too." She started with a humorous tone. "But I'll let you learn that on your own over lunch. Ahh, the older guy is Dr. Blake Evans. He applied to head this team and lost to Mike. He is a bit bitter, but too prideful about his work to cause this team any problems. Also Mike picks him to captain things like this all the time, and he likes that. He's like the dad of the group. And heaven have mercy if anyone picks on his kids. Dry humor, it's hard to know when he's joking. He likely will only talk to you if need arises."

She pointed to the purple haired girl. "Dr. Jenna Murphy. Parents wanted an actress/model, she wanted science. This is a compromise as she can be in local commercials and print ads done in the evening or weekends. She finds most Shrunken adorable. Like puppies. So don't expect great conversations with her. But on the same note, if she thought wearing you like a hat would gain her Michael, you would find yourself on her head. I think they are planning on going on the Asian Cruise, FYI. On her side though, she's not as mean as she shows. She keeps secrets like a priest and even her jabs are her way of encouraging others. Though why she thinks I should date Dr. Stevens is her own creation, we've been friends since we were kids. If you do get past that reaction of hers and she accepts your not the ticket to the Mike train, she will likely become a good friend."

"And that is Dr. Theodore Peters. Poor Teddy has the social skill of a slug. Sweet and good intentioned, but awkward and oblivious of how humans interact. He seems to have a crush on every pretty girl he encounters. But just can't talk to them without reacting embarrassingly. It took months for him to chat with Jenna and I without needing to visit the washroom. I swear some days he was pulled from a bad sitcom. Honest to a fault though and a physics genius. He'll have a big chunk of those new notes looked over in an hour or so. Funny thing is Jenna has taken him under her wing to help him learn how to interact with people. Like a big sister. Though I worry he's seeing it differently and will end up broken-hearted." she described.

"So, Dr. Evans thinks he should be in charge instead of Micheal." Karla asked.

"Yes, but I think that's just because he's so young." Jean replied.

"Teddy is a hopeless loser. But a good guy." Karla suggested.

"Sadly. I really hope we find someone for him." Jean sighed.

"And Jenna is nice, but looking to marry a Red Status member." Karla clarified.

"I'm not sure. She only started cooing at Mike a few months ago. She was always late and flippant about her work and he gave her a written warning. Ever since he was stern to her she became googly eyed at him. Though that might just be because she realized her boss and Company bigwig was a thirteen year old boy. And she figured easy prey. I don't know his girlfriend so I have nothing against her. But I think Jenna would be a caring girlfriend even if it was just for status at first." Jean honestly explained.

Before Karla could go deeper the blonde noted, "Oh look, Chuck."

The man walked over. "Ready to have knowledge blasted into your brain?" he asked.

"As I ever will be." Karla sighed. Chuck lowered his hand and she climbed in. "Talk to you later Jean." Karla said, waving to her hopefully new friend.

"Looking forward to it." the woman responded.

As they walked toward the Inputting office Karla asked, "How are you doing today Chuck?"

"Good, You?" he cheerfully responded.

"I'm alright. How are you dealing with yesterday's Inputting?" Karla wondered.

"I'm not really sure if I even used any of the new knowledge. It helped to go over the list of what they taught me." He said.

"I kept running into things I know that I feel like I always knew but also realize I didn't know before yesterday." Karla described.

"It is disorienting when that happens." Chuck agreed.

They walked into the Inputting office. "Hello Mr. Simon. Once Dr. Miller arrives with his pet I'll lead you in."

"I have her here." Chuck said lifting Karla for a better viewing angle.

"Fine, follow me." the woman huffed. Karla got a kick out of Chuck swallowing his amused reaction. Back to the room from yesterday. "Dr. Woodward will be in soon." and she walked away.

Chuck walked over to the table holding the Shrunken Pod. "Guess we should get comfortable." He said and lowered his hand to the table.

Karla stepped off his hand. "Thanks Chuck." She responded to his act.

"Your welcome Karla. Hope your Inputting goes well." He responded.

Karla agreed, "I hope the same for yours." Karla slipped off her shoes and laid upon her pod. She took a deep breath wondering what she would see today.

The door opened, "Hello, now if you're ready, huh, guess you are. Alright you first Mr. Simon for drops." Dr. Woodward spoke. He walked over to Chuck, "Ready, good. Plop, plop! Ready for adventure!" Karla heard Chuck snicker. "Sorry habit." Dr. Woodward apologized. Then shut the pod.

He wandered over. "OK, same as yesterday. PLOP!" and Karla's vision went blurry. Cloth touched hands and she wiped her face. "Have a good experience." the man said seemingly looking for a phrase less kid focused. He closed the pod.

The screen brightened. Karla found herself running toward a cliff. Broad colorful wings on her back. She could feel the warm strong breeze along her face. Then her vision leaped off that cliff and was sailing in the sky. Happy sounds reached up to her as she floated above a lovely forested area. Greens of many shades. Then to her side was a new friend. An Eagle has come to investigate the strange guest. It floated along with her. It's feathers gleamed beautifully. It looked at her with a regal expression. Gorgeous and amazing, Karla couldn't help but watch her sky companion. Sadly it cawed it's goodbye and flew away with grace and speed. Karla watched as the ground slowly lifted to her. She started to lift her legs to land, laughing at herself as they hit the top of the pod's lid.

Karla marveled at how immersing these little movies are as the scenes changed. Now she walked into a cafe. People are chatting in friendly tones as sweet smells mixed with rich coffee scents. Karla's video body sat watching people walking by the large picture window of the building. A horse drawn wagon trotted to a stop. Little pink piglets waddled around in the wagon. Little stout noses peeking out here and there. Children wandered up and treated the happy squilers with fruit. They even wagged their tails at the sweet food they are offered. Karla wanted to go visit these cute pink pups. Her video self rises and opens the door to leave.

She steps out toward a series of cars on a track. The air is filled with carnival sounds. The smells of deep fried food and cotton candy teased Karla. She sat in one of the cars and a bracket hooked over her shoulders to hold her in. Then the little train started. She rode along the track up a large hill. Then crested this rise and the rollercoaster rushed through its track. Karla leaned with the turns on the displayed track. The air rushed past her. She even felt the rumbling of the cars along the track. Once her ride finished, she stepped off this rollercoaster and then was stepping onto another. Ride after ride she got to enjoy. Loops, twirls, and simple rushing drops. This was wonderful fun.

She stepped off a rollercoaster and onto the deck of a small sailing ship. She watches as her video self sits at the end of the boat. The vessel cut through the water with great ease. The sky was a gorgeous blue with puffy pulled cotton clouds. They sailed along just in view of the coast. Her vision looked into the water. Dolphins skipped along the surface. Flipping and clicking greetings. Dancing with the bow. She looked up and a cute little town was coming into view. She felt comfortable, welcome to see this tiny port town. They even had a large towering automated lighthouse. Then she realized why she felt so welcome, like arriving home, this video showed her former home before the Cruise had come to collect Shrunken. Her heart ached and tears trickled down her cheeks.

Her screen darkened and her pod opened. Karla used her cloth to wipe her eyes. That forgotten memory of longing for her old home darkened her thoughts. That wanting for what she perceived as her freedom hung heavy across her shoulders. That life, that place no longer existed. Her life was with Micheal now. Her home was with the Millers. They cared and looked after her, she needed nothing. Wanted nothing. Free to pursue interests she would have never had access to in that past existence. Yes she was at the whims of a fourteen year old boy. But he wanted her to be happy as much as he wanted to enjoy her.

"Hello Mr. Simon. How are you feeling?" Dr. Woodward asked.

"Groggy, like yesterday." Chuck responded.

"Well, unlike yesterday, you now have a practical doctorate in resizing technology. Now it's not an official doctorate as you don't have the fundamentals needed to have that. You wouldn't likely be able to develop or advance the technology. But I am certain you can maintain or even build your own devices if you really wanted to. Not like you'd need to." Dr. Woodward explained.

"Am I getting those fundamentals tomorrow?" Chuck asked.

"No, tomorrow will be a short session for you. Lets see, yes, security fundamentals and the like. You are being Inputted to be the office liaison for the compound as well as the Adjustment Tube Operator." The Doctor explained.

"Really, great." the former Janitor stated.

"Oh, Karla. Are you alright?" the Doctor asked.

"Yes, my eyes just watered a bit. Can I ask you something?" Karla asked.

"We will be giving a print out of what we taught you to your owner." Dr. Woodward replied.

"No, not that. How do you decide what videos are shown?" She inquired from the man.

"The pod takes a reading of your mind to access which from a library will help you retain the information Inputted, why?" He explained.

"Just a strange mix is all." She lied.

"Yeah it can be. Hope it didn't jumble you too much." the man smiled.

"Mr. Simon, do you mind taking Karla to her Owner?" Dr. Woodward asked.

"Certainly." and a hand was offered to Karla to ride upon. She stepped in and was brought to a smiling caring Milly. Josie sat on her shoulder, her feet hanging down. "Hello Mrs. Miller. How are you today?" Chuck asked.

"Good Chuck. Yourself?" Milly replied.

"Good, here's Karla. I'm going to go attend your collection." He advised.

"Well, since I'm your ride home, we'll come help. This lovely Shrunken is Josie by the way. You'll be resizing her too once her job starts." Milly introduced as she scooped Karla out of his hand.

"Nice to meet you Josie. Another of Mike's catches?" he asked.

"Yes I am. Nice to meet you too." Josie replied.

Karla was placed on Milly's shoulder. They walked through the halls toward Storage Hall Eight. Karla wondered if she could have that renamed. Since it's now her office space. Anything was better than letting that reminder cloud her day. She waved to Shawna while Milly reloaded the silos. Chuck gathers the garbage with a switch of a shelf and a sweep of a broom. He poured clothes into a mesh bag. The humans chatted about Shrunken care. Karla was able to actually add to that discussion thanks to the data she had Inputted into her mind. They finished and Milly led them to her car.

Milly carefully slipped her then Josie into travel tubes in her purse. Through the tube Josie's voice slipped through, "What's wrong?"

"One of the videos they showed as I was being Inputted was of a person on a sailboat. It turned out they filmed it in the water by our home town." Karla informed her friend.

"Oh Karla, I'm sorry that happened. Why is it we keep getting reminded of our past?" Josie lemented.

"It's like we are being taunted for this new life. Like a punishment for being happy with the Millers." Karla sighed.

"Do you ever miss your past life?" Josie asked.

"I miss certain things. Not needing to be hidden in public. Being able to go or do things for myself. There are times I'd like to be full sized for Micheal. But slaving at the store to barely pay rent. Creepy old men tourists asking how much I was. Not knowing what to do with my life. That I don't miss. We're cared for here. Looked after. I have a job I'm looking forward to doing despite knowing what it supports. Funny, when I was Full sized and could do things for myself on the boat. I just kept finding myself wanting to be this size again. Sleeping on our owner's chest. Being hugged by his hand. Riding on his shoulder." Karla replied.

"You sure it was his shoulder you wanted to ride on?" Josie teased to cheer her up.

Karla hummed, "Well, not just his shoulder."

"I miss reporting. Walking on my own, especially at sunset. I don't know what I'll miss when I'm full sized for a few days. I find myself enjoying being a spoiled pet. And you know I'm enjoying, savoring, when Micheal plays with us. But I oddly miss looking after my own needs. Even the bills stacking up. I think I like the struggle." Josie sighed.

"Would you go back if you could?" Karla worried.

"I wouldn't mind. But I also like being part of the Miller's family. I think I just need my own job. Or some sort of responsibility. This pampered life carried like prized pets isn't what I ever wanted. I always wanted to be doing things on my own and not be looked after. No rich man's trophy wife." Josie explained.

"You think I wanted to be a trophy wife?" Karla asked, wondering why she didn't miss her past life more.

"Wanted, no. Turn away from the right offer. No. I always figured you would catch some rich guy's eye and get whisked away to a better life. In a big house with lots of clothes and your every want looked after. Saying it out loud, I guess you kind of did." Josie described.

"I suppose I have. Best gift is you’re with me." Karla praised.

"I keep thinking I would have lost my mind without you being here. And I do feel free to explore myself more. Just, need an outlet that isn't sex related." Josie stated.

"We should talk to Micheal. Maybe he has an idea." Karla suggested.

"Why not Milly over lunch?" Josie questioned.

Karla was about to reply because we are Micheal's. But, Milly would be fine to talk to about this. Micheal was a good Owner, he would want his prized Shrunken Josie happy. "Yeah, let's do that." Karla agreed.

They dropped Chuck at his home and arrived home. Milly made soup and crackers to share for lunch. She sat and looked at them. "What?" she asked with a confused look on her face.

"I need an outlet, something to do while I'm waiting for my job to start." Josie announced to their human friend.

"OK, what do you have in mind?" Milly inquired.

"I don't know. I was wondering if you had any ideas." Josie parried.

"Well, why don't we start with what you like to do as a hobby." Milly suggested.

"I really enjoyed being a reporter for the short time I got to be one. Maybe I could do something like that. Maybe write editorials from a Shrunken's perspective about Company news stories or Shrunken reviews about products aimed at Shrunken use." Josie offered.

"Do you mind if I'm frank?" Milly asked.

"No, go ahead." Josie accepted.

"Well, if you're writing them as a way to relieve boredom then go ahead. If you are writing them for others to read, don't bother." Milly said with a sympathetic expression.

"Why?" Josie wondered.

"Honey, we don't care what Shrunken thinks about things. I only care what you two think about things because I've gotten to know you as, I need a word. Hmm, well like you were people. Do you know how many Shrunken I've done that with?" Milly explained.

"I'm guessing two." Karla added in.

"Yep, I honestly would have a hard time telling you a name of any of my own Shrunken. Very few other Company members bother, Shrunken are just living toys. Hell, many treat their dogs and cats closer to people than their Shrunken. Remember how I used to talk at either of you when you first became Mikey's." She reminded them. Seeing Josie's expression she added, "If you are OK with a small audience, I know we, the Grants, Watts, and especially the Howells would read your articles."

"I guess. I just thought maybe if I could write again it would help. Give me something." Josie sighed.

"How comfortable are you with writing fiction?" Milly asked.

"I used to do some of that before college. Silly romance stuff, why?" Josie replied.

"Well, because as a connoisseur of bad romance books I noticed there is an odd trend in Company romance writing. The Perfect Pet/Owner pairing. It's many Shrunken males and female owners. But there are a few where a female Shrunken is treasured by their male owner. We keep the fact you're a Shrunken secret, they might publish your works if they are, good enough isn't right. Accepted is really a better description. And just so you know, there are a surprising amount of smut readers in the Company. The more erotic the better it seems. Though, no writing about my son." Milly explained.

"Really, I guess I could do that. It would be something to do at least. Is there any genre? Fantasy, science fiction, possibly western?" Josie requested.

"Yes is the best I can say. Last book I finished was about a warrior male shrunk and learning to love being a Princess' pet. Currently I'm reading about a space pirate and her newest booty, a strapping male Shrunken doctor. The girls and I were about to start a book club once all the moving was done. I'm sure they wouldn't mind being your editing team slash brainstorming group." Milly illuminated.

"So, really I could write just about anything as long as I made it romance." Josie announced what she took from the conversation.

"Yes, as long as your romance is on the erotic side. Also if you're not comfortable with that. Teen romance stories, Chrissy and Sandy read those. Chris I guess reads adventure books. So, Shrunken/Owner adventures would also work. That game Micheal wants to play, with the little figures and weird dice, that's like stories too right? You could try your hand at writing scenarios for that." Milly suggested.

"I never thought about writing Treasures and Towers adventures. I wonder if I could. You think Micheal and the others would playtest for me?" Josie wondered.

"He has been dying to play since he heard some people at work talking about it. I'm sure if he's playing Chrissy will want to be part of it." Milly pointed out.

"Micheal doesn't read stories. Why?" Karla requested.

"Ahh, he can't turn off his science learning. He used to like superhero stories and the like. Then he was Inputted and now he is taken out of any sci-fi story that fails to be accurate with it's Science. I think that's why he likes the idea of that game. Magic, not science." Milly explained.

"But we looked at all kinds of superhero costumes and items." Karla countered.

"Superhero, or Superheroine skimpy costumes to strip his Shrunken out off?" Milly rhetorically asked.

"Yeah, I skipped the reason." Karla agreed.

"So, you and the other ladies would read my stories? Give me suggestions?" Josie continued her conversation.

"I can't speak for Betty and Tanya. But Honey I know Debbie and I are suckers for a good raunchy story. Just no eating or maiming of the main characters. Villians, that's more open." Milly answered.

They finished lunch. Milly started packing her private library while discussing the finer points of her romance story preferences. Karla found herself amused at Milly's writing reviews. Karla was glad they were friends. Otherwise she figured Milly would have displayed her preferences in stories. Possibly with them. Micheal wouldn't like that.

They went down to the kitchen. Karla sat on the bread box watching Milly prepare stuffed chicken breasts. Josie rode on Milly's shoulder as the two were still brainstorming Josie's first story. A superheroine and the love she carries in her utility belt. Looked like Josie had her outlet and support in that endeavor.

Supper was ready shortly after the boys got home. Which gave Karla and Josie a little time for their towering teen to snuggle them both with his face. He was in a great mood.

"So, did going to work in the middle of the night work out for the best?" Milly asked the question she already knew the answer to.

"Yes, all the computer scenarios went well." He responded. Adding, "I think we are now on our way to world wide location to location teleport without chaining. At least it should increase the distance between locations. Making Ocean crossing easier."

"On our way? I thought that was the solution." Karla asked.

"No. Sorry, beautiful. But closer than before." he consulted.

"Well, progress is great. With your efforts we'll be the main shipping method of the Company." Howard praised.

"What would that mean overall?" Karla asked.

"Well, even bigger paychecks. Micheal likely being Red Status on his own. Securing my standing more. World wise, less emissions from transports carrying Company materials and products. Also less need for protecting shipping materials. So better for the environment. Oh, less governments poking into our shipments so more freedom for Company Business. Less need to curry favor or circumvent officials. Better world all around." Howard described.

"What would be next after Micheal solves the distance problem?" Josie wondered.

"I'm going to work on eliminating one pad. Teleport to and from using one pad. Possible, that would lead into location to location teleporting without need for the target to ever touch the teleport pad whatsoever." Micheal suggested.

"Oh that would be great. Shipping all over the world." Milly smiled proudly at her husband and son.

"Wait, what would keep you from teleporting people without their consent?" Josie asked.

"Oh, it's already written in the Company rules we can't teleport Company Members without permission unless it's an emergency or security reason." Howard advised.

"Micheal, Josie is looking at writing stories. Possibly even adventures for Treasures in towers." Milly announced to their sweet owner.

"It's Treasures and Towers mom. But that's cool. Would you be willing to run them for us or just want to write them?" Micheal asks.

"I hadn't put much thought into it yet. But I would like to play test my ideas." Josie responded.

"I would suggest if you're looking to get them published, even self published, you leave out the fact you're a Shrunken till after you sold a couple. That way if or when it comes out, it would add a novelty to your stories." Howard advised.

"She's also looking to write books for me." Milly praised.

"Oh mom, you had to get poor Josie to write those types of books." Micheal sighed, shaking his head.

Ignoring his son Howard asked, "What Genre are you planning?"

"Not sure if I am even writing romance or possibly adventure. Fiction of some kind is all I decided so far." Josie replied.

"Well, from what I've heard, you should write what you know. But if you want to write a Sci-Fi story and have questions, let me know." Howard offered.

"I will, thanks." Josie accepted.

When supper ended the boys were left to clean up. Milly took Karla and Josie into the living room. Like a port day on the ship, shopping the next day had to have a plan of attack. "OK, so Tanya and Sandy would be meeting Josie and I at the house. Then the group would go get Karla and the two of you will be made full sized. We just have to decide which stores will have the better selection of winter gear, and possibly just cute outfits, for us to buy." Milly advised.

"By us, you mean for Josie and I?" Karla teased.

"Yes, of course. But if we happen to come across ones that would look good on Sandy, or Tanya, or even me. We wouldn't want to limit our horizons." Milly joked back.

"No, limiting ourselves would hamper our ability to find the best options." Karla playfully agreed.

"Right, see, that's why you're a Special Shrunken." Milly mused. "OH speaking of special, let's look at Josie's collar."

The woman slipped them off her lap and grabbed a simple white box. She slit it open and pulled out the packaging. Then Josie's US photo ID and passport. Karla found the name appealing, Josephine Michelle Miller. She was strangely enjoying the idea they both got to carry his name now. Like Micheal had now married them both.

Then Milly pulled out Josie's collar. "Dang it Gabs. You never do anything in half measures do you? I'm going to have to talk to that man. It's going to be hard enough to have two lookers like you two blend in around here. But he then adds these to your necks." the human grumbled warmly. Smooth shiny black silk collar. In the center was a golden brooch in a simple oval surrounding a gleaming leaf green emerald. Karla could only think how gorgeous it would look wrapped around Josie's neck.

"Wow, that's really pretty. Is that Josie's collar?" Micheal's voice asked.

"Yep. You like it huh?" Milly asked.

"Just like Karla's, it will pale to its wearer." their sweet owner announced. Both of them grinned goofy at his wonderful compliment.

"Yeah, you are right about that, my silver tongued son." Milly teased her child.

Milly and the girls were contacted by Tanya. They sat at one end of the couch planning out the afternoon plans. Micheal sat at the other side chatting to the group. The idea of Josie running them a T&T game was of great interest. This distracted Josie from the shopping discussion. Howard was chatting with All about the cages in the new house. Karla caught enough to know he was arriving in town the next day. And the work crew he requested was not only approved, but doubled. Making Al less the head worker for one cage at a time, and now a foreman for both cages at once. They were making final plans for both cages. Including a specialized barn for riding rabbits, bringing a smile to Karla.

As the evening slipped on, talks ended. Micheal and Josie started looking through some hard cover book with an image of fantasy warriors riding on horses through a forest. Looked like Josie was now going to be running the teens through adventures in that silly game. Milly had grabbed her current distraction novel. Karla assumed when the woman was rubbing her feet together she had reached another steamy scene.

Howard turned on a hockey game. This didn't hold much interest to Karla till she noticed it's similarities to football. Linesman, goalie, and forwards. But enough different to give it a new feel. Soon she managed to be on the arm of Howard's chair rooting with the human man for his selected team. Karla wondered if she could share her sports interest with her giant friend.

"Come on Karla. I'm going to bed." Micheal announced reaching for her.

"But, I'd like to finish watching the game." she pleaded with her owner.

"I could bring her up after it's done." Howard offered

His lip pouted out. "But I want us to go to bed." he whimpered.

Karla realized he didn't want to take her up to sleep. Hockey wasn't that interesting. "OK Micheal. Let's go to bed." she purred.

"Night girls, night Micheal." Howard announced.

"Sleep well you three." Milly wished.

They were only part way up the stairs when Karla began snuggling into his neck. Nuzzling her face into his smooth skin. Pecking her tiny kisses where she could reach. She was fairly certain Josie too was adoring him from her shoulder. A hand wrapped around her body and fingers teased her breasts over her brown tank top.

"What's the plan, oh loving owner?" she worshipped in his ear.

"I want to try something different." he intrigued her imagination.

He closed his door and walked to his bed. That hand took her from her perch. Josie's fingered companion left her on her perch. Karla gasped happily as both hands took her clothes like turning pages in a book. Course this book wanted her pages turned. He stroked her naked form like a lost treasure. Josie was kissing and grinding to his neck. This was heaven with a view of a sexy angel.

Then that cruel boy let Karla go. She just began to panic when she started sinking softly in fluffed up blankets. Looking up from her comfortable pit she got to enjoy watching Josie's body being lovingly exposed. Josie was far from resisting his affectionate stripping of her curvy body. Karla kept herself interested in his plans. She delighted as his hands stroked the red haired angel's naked form. Suddenly that Freckled beauty was slipped into Karla's blanket hole. A wonderful command of, "Have fun till I get back." came from the colossal teen.

As he wandered toward the cage, Karla reached around her lady love. Josie pressed her lips to Karla's. Their bodies rolled in the indent in his blankets. Hands ran over backs, along the curve of ass cheeks, and along tone thighs. Josie had long gotten over whatever in the past kept them apart. And Karla worshiped her body as an eager reward.

A dark form loomed above them. They bothered to look up at that titan teen and giggled in shared arousal. Only in his underwear. And that seemed only to hold the two squirming shapes along his giant thick cock. From their shape Karla figured it was Donna and Gabriel. And from the movements they were learning, participation would be rewarded. One mighty hand coiled around them. Pinning them arousing tight together. As he easily lifted their Shrunken forms, they kissed and touched. These felt good, but they were more for their giant owners' viewing enjoyment. And his expression sang of his eager viewing.

The towering teen laid upon his bed. Karla felt herself being pulled from Josie's form. Then the hand she was in placed her on his loving face. Along his nose. Josie along it's other side. Fingers began massaging her form. Loving her body with his nose as his body's substitute. Karla pressed herself tight to his facial feature. Hooking her leg over the end of his nose. Finding Josie's sculpted limb was already there. Karla kissed and grinded along that rise as his hand loved her curves.

Karla lustfully wondered what his plan was. Would he thrust his pinky in them like he had done before. Penetrating them both as they writhed passionately upon his face. Did he just want to feel them love his nose? Leaving them there to stroke those lucky busty bodies along his Behemoth. She longed to know. But was too busy absorbing his attention to disrupt it by asking.

His hand flipped her face up. A gasping Josie was raised over her. Slowly the red haired vision was lowered. A few inches from laying over Karla he turned Josie. As those toned thighs straddled Karla's head she drove her mouth over that bare wet pussy. If her Michael wanted her to sixty nine with her Josie. Karla would gladly do that. Her tongue drank along that now vanilla flavored grove. Though she snuggled, Josie seem eager to follow Micheal's unspoken request too.

Micheal's hands returned. Fingers found Karla's skin, caressing passionately. If her body was being explored so thoroughly, then she figured Josie's was being loved as well. Karla, pinned along his nose. Touched by her giant lover all over. Her sensitivity was suckled by Josie's passionate pillow full lips. Her lady love's tongue is alluringly flexible. Those wanted hand's touches were now a reality. That desired body allowed Karla to express those desires. Karla kissed her long restricted love deeply where only a lover's tongue should travel.

Karla could feel herself edging closer. She fought the climax. Determined to make Josie explode first. To savor that release upon her body. But how much longer could she last? A thick stroke teased along her womanhood just below those pillowy lips allowing a skilled tongue to lap. Karla lost the race this time. Arching under Josie's shorter frame as sensual pleasure was too much for Karla. Some revenge was had as Micheal teased Josie's sensitivity and the redhead went off.

Karla felt them flip and she now pressed lustfully on top of that Freckled dream. But this didn't hinder Josie's returned passion. Or slow Micheal's wonderful attentions. They grind to each other and licked deeply along womanhoods while titan fingers ruled the exposed areas of their bodies. Climaxes happened and they were turned again.

He wanted the three of them to make love the only way they could at their size differences. And she loved them both as best as Karla could manage.

Lust died down. Want lingered but released passion had drained strength. Karla wondered how long he had let them lay on his face as they sucked at each other. How many times did he flip them to enjoy the sensations of their back arched over her cheek. How he was able to hold his arms up to love their tiny bodies' curves.

Then Josie was lifted off her and turned. A content smile crossed those charming features. Back along his nose she laid. Karla turned and snuggled there as well.
His body began shaking. Busty girls were being stroked to pleasure him now. Karla was happy, she didn't want him to end this without him reaching his own climax. His shiver happened rather soon after his arm began working. He gasped an ah sound to announce each burst of his seed.

He laid on the bed for a while, just taking happy big breaths. Karla laid along his nose copying this action. She could hear Josie happily following suit. If not for the cum coated brunettes, Karla figured the three of them could have wonderfully dozed off for the night.

But her towering teen lifted her. Then Josie off his face. He staggered to the cage. White soaked lucky brunettes were pulled from his shorts. He placed them in his cage. He was done with them, they would have to clean themselves of his semen. He wiped the residue from his fingers and stripped the wet underwear from his waist. Tissue cleared what remained on the Behemoth.

He put on his robe and grabbed his PJ shorts. Karla and Josie were concealed in his pocket. In the bathroom he washed them gently with a warm cloth each. Using those clothes afterward to clean his genitals. Back to the bedroom in that pocket. Pajamas outfits were brought to them. Karla laughed at the effort it took her to simply pull on booty shorts and a low neck soft tank top.

Lights went out. Warm bare colossal chest was their bed. It's satiny smooth skin, a dream to lay upon. Giant hand covered them as Karla curled to Josie. Josie cuddled back to Karla.

"Night my lovelies." he purred warmly.

"Night our Micheal.'' They sang together.

Karla felt sleep welcome her for the night.

Karla woke. Something was shaking her shoulder. There Josie was looking at her. She knew that worried expression. She had caused it herself many a dance trip with a foolish adventure likely to get them both into trouble with chaperones. "What Josie?" she whispered.

"Something is bothering me." Josie unnecessarily advised.

"What is it?" Karla asked.

"At supper, while talking about the future plans for teleporting technology. Howard specified they had rules against teleporting Company members without permission. Why do you think he mentioned it was for Company members?" Her sweet friend asked.

"Likely because non-Company members will not be allowed to teleport at all." Karla reasoned.

"You think so?" Josie inquired.

"Yeah, what else could that mean?" Karla requested.

"Yeah, you're probably right. What else would that mean? Thanks Karla, sorry to wake you." Josie stated. Karla could see worry still held those exquisite features. But a kiss and a whispered "Goodnight Karla." seem to ease that away.

"Goodnight Josie," Karla replied. Snuggling her sweet lady close. Those curves cuddled sleep back quickly.

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CH 09: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by HHunter1 » Thu Aug 19, 2021 5:47 pm

Sorry I haven't been posting regularly. Little distracted lately. Hope you enjoy this next chapter.

Chapter 09

Gentle giant fingers scooped under her body. Karla found herself lifted off her warm boy chest bed. She opened her eyes. Micheal had her. He slowly rolled with his hand holding Josie to that smooth mattress. He was so careful not to allow gravity to affect the red head too much with his movements. Pouring the sweet beauty onto his warm pillow. She lifted her head and asked him, "What's going on?"

"Just getting up for work. Karla has to come for Inputting. Thought you might like to sleep in some more." Their sweet giant offered.

She stretched that curvy form. Then rolled over and cuddled to where his pillow still held his warmth. "OK." she purred. He pulled the sheet up and covered her Shrunken form. She tugged it over her shoulder. A thin sheet to him was a thick blanket to her. Karla sighed at how comfortable she looked sleeping in the indent of his head on the pillow. The foam was regaining its dimensions around where her body laid upon it.

"I think we should get our clothes and dress in the bathroom after we shower." he advised. Karla nodded, letting that sleeping beauty sleep.

He placed her in with her clothes. She looked but didn't see anything among the low cut sundress or the ass hugging shorts she felt would be good for shopping with the girls later. She had an idea. She tapped on her watch, thanking Mr. Jacobs for such a helpful device, she asked, "Milly, do you have an outfit that would work good for shopping for clothes I could wear today?"

"You didn't pick anything to wear?" Micheal asked softly.

"No, they are all lovely, but too showy for me to blend in to go shopping today." she whispered back.

Her watch went off. "Of Course, headed upstairs. Meet you where?" Milly replied.

"Micheal, your mother is coming up to let me look through the outfits she bought me. Let's go see her." Karla advised.

His hand lifted her from the box. Milly was at the top of the stairs waiting. "Here, give me Karla. You make sure all your and the girl's clothes are in your hamper so I can wash them this morning. You're Shrunken's outfits as well." she commanded as her long fingers hugged Karla.

"Yes mom." Micheal replied. Slipping back into their room.

"Have you packed for the next few days?" Milly asked as she carried Karla to her room.

"No, sorry, I didn't think about that. Do you mind helping Josie pack a bag for me?" Karla asked.

"Oh, I get to help pick clothes for our pretty Karla. Why do you think I'm doing laundry this morning." Milly gave a teasing smile.

"Thanks Milly." Karla sang.

The woman placed her on the bed. "Shopping huh." She said looking into the box of clothes in her room. "Yoga pants, on that ass, no, that would attract too much attention. Ahh here." She handed Karla a garment bag. Black jeans with holes torn in them. A tee, looking a bit large for her frame, with a faded Wonder Woman symbol. A long knitted sweater with a tie belt. Grayed white Converse sneakers finished what spectators would see. "The jeans are how Micheal likes them on you, fitted. But the sweater should keep eyes from lingering on your ass as we shop." Milly advised.

"Prefect, thank you Milly." Karla replied.

A peck on her head and the woman said, "Spoiling you two, remember."

"Still thankful." Karla explained.

"Just makes me want to spoil more." Milly answered. Karla was hugged against the woman's face.
They exit and Micheal was placing his hamper outside his door. "Josie is still sleeping." he started.

"I'll check on her. You take Karla and you both get ready before you're late." Milly interrupted.

"OK mom," he replied. They traded loads.

He started the water and stripped off. "Karla, why didn't you strip for the shower?" he asked.

Karla purred, "I was hoping you wanted to strip me, oh Director Micheal." He answered with affectionate action. Nimble colossal fingers made short work of her skimpy sleepwear. But it was long enough effort for the Behemoth to fully stiffen. As they stepped in she playfully asked, "Are you going to be a mean giant with your helpless little me?"

"How mean?" he eagerly questioned.

"Fun mean." she purred.

"I know." He gushed. She was spread wide along the tip of his girth. She squealed.

Instead of running her along his length. His titan hips pushed that thick monster over her. Karla was pinned by its mass. But she didn't feel crushed, just restrained. His body's power could snap her tiny bones. But he somehow was able to have her feel its might rumbling over her but not harm her. He was pumping, fucking her tiny form and it felt marvelous. She could only grunt with the forward thrusts, but she hoped he liked her song.

Karla missed this. She loved Josie. Adored watching her pleasure Micheal. Was entranced watching him pleasure her. But she still missed the times they had just the two of them. Giant and pet. She wouldn't trade having Josie as part of their threesome. But just every now and then she wanted to be alone with her Micheal. Likely Josie wanted these moments from time to time. Being hugged around his towering shaft as he fucked their body.

He stopped pumping and wrapped her to his tip. Mean fingers pulled her hair and she yelped "OW!" Only to find her open mouth pinned to the opening at the head of his massive cock.

She quickly filled her lungs through her nose and held that breath. Just in time as her spectacular cruel owner shivered. Thick cum filled her mouth as her throat struggled to swallow. The next load came before she could clear its path. Warm seed oozed between her lips and his penis end. Drooling on to her breasts. The next again couldn't all fit despite much being blasted deep down her throat. The semen flooded her facial features. Stung inside her nose. Eyes felt a slight burn despite clamped eyelids. Load after load she struggled to hold as much of the artificially flavored syrup inside as possible, but giants ejaculated more than a Shrunken could swallow. She wanted him to play cruel giant, and he did in spades. And she loved him for it.

She felt him move her from his manhood. Wet shelf. A finger started to wrap around her waist. She grabbed its tip and begged through cum coated lips, "No Micheal, I want it in my stomach."

"But Karla, it's not food." Was his sensible response.

She regretted opening her eyes, wanting to look at him. "But Micheal, you feed me so much. I want to savor it." She purred despite her eyes burning. Rubbing her semen sticky stomach like she had eaten a great meal.

"Oh so Hot!" he exclaimed. "If you're sure?" he questioned.

"Thanks for playing mean giant." She praised him. Water splashing upon her face, easing the sting in her eyes.

"Did you really enjoy it? I wasn't too mean to you, was I? I never want to hurt you." he sweetly advised.

She smiled. "I did enjoy it, greatly. And I know you'll never hurt me, that's why it's fun to play your helpless captive every now and then. I still owe you a grateful fairy saved from a certain spider web." she purred. Ignoring her old self, reminding of his early play. Back when she was less comfortable with the titan teen and he was less caring about her comfort during play. Ancient history she chastised her memory.

"Oh yeah, maybe I only save a couple fairies. Others get to pleasure the Daddy Get Some spider?" he suggested.

"Oh, those saved fairies would be so eager to display their thanks." she arched for his eyes to linger on.

"Oh yeah. Hot fairies." he gushed. Then let out a very sad whimper. "We need to finish up. We need to get to work." He reminded her while attempting to ignore his re-hardening penis.

"Then we should shower quickly. After you rub me over that hard cock of yours to ease that strain." she teased.

Towering teen hand scooped her again. He rubbed her along his shaft this time. Micheal praised her the whole time with, "Oh Karla you feel so good! Oh so Good!" To reward such praise she arched along that shaft for him to get a better feel. It worked, he jumped as each burst blasted from him. She gasped happily as her sweet owner sprayed thick white loads toward the drain below.

Back on the shelf. "No sexy talk or poses." he commanded.

She sighed and ran her hands through her wet hair to make sure it was just water there. "As you wish, Micheal." she answered.

He turned away and noted, "No, too sexy. Just showering." She couldn't help but giggle at him being so cute. She attempted to shower in a not sexy manner. Guess that didn't help as her boy owner only looked at her to offer cleaners. And fought his want to linger.

On the plus side, Milly placed the yellow girly shower soaps in this shower. Honey scented cleaners made her feel good and clean. She would actually miss that teen body wash scent. But she knew a good source to find that scent.

They got dressed. Karla slipped on those jeans. Milly was right, they were fitted alright. They wrapped to her like they were shrunk for her specific curves. But they didn't feel like tight jeans. She was amazed at the range of movement her legs had in these pants. Better was the amount of focus she gained from Micheal watching her dance around on the sink edge. "Work, have to go to work." He whimpered adorably. The comfy sweater covered things, which helped her titan teen focus.

Breakfast was scrambled eggs all around. Milly confirms plans with the Howell ladies by text. Karla was looking forward to seeing adorable Sandy again. Howard and Micheal were going to the new place after work to see Al and the progress from his first day in the room-sized cages. From the sounds of it they would have guests for supper tonight.

"Karla, are you feeling OK?" Milly suddenly asked.

"Yes?" Karla replied, confused by the question.

"Why aren't you eating?" Milly asked.

"Oh, just not hungry." she replied. Seeing her human friend's concerned look she added, "Just a little nervous at being made Full sized again." Which was true, but not the reason she wasn't eating. Not that she could tell Milly it was because her son pumped her stomach full of his chocolate flavored seed.

"Relax, you'll do fine. It's only for a few days." Milly reassured her.

"OK, I'll try to eat." Karla hoped that would help Milly. She took a bite. As she chewed she figured it would be a good thing anyway. Micheal's cum was thick and heavy. But it didn't keep her filled for very long. She would need solids to get through her morning.

Kisses goodbye and they were headed to work. Karla reminded herself this would be how she would travel to work most days. She hoped to get used to it soon. She wished she could just sit somewhere where she could get a real view of the world rolling by. One bonus, loving finger stroking her hair. They stopped for Chuck. Pleasantries passed between them. Talk of weather and last night's hockey game.

They arrived and Karla found herself upon Micheal's shoulder before they entered the building. Howard went off to start his work. Micheal and Chuck walked the same way for a while. His office was somewhat in the same direction as the Inputting office.

They stopped at the crossroads. "Guess when I see you later you'll be Full sized." Micheal sighed.

"Don't you like me full sized?" Karla pouted.

"You're too hot when I can hold you in my hand. Full sized, is a bit scary for me." he admitted.

She stroked his face, "You're hot to me no matter what size I get to be. You'll always be special to me, Michael. I just want you to be happy." Karla attempted to reassure him.

"Really, even if you could get away at full size?" he questioned.

"Why would I want to leave such a wonderful guy?" she purred, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"You’re too wonderful." he sighed.

"No, I'm too lucky. Thanks to you." She hummed. He hugged her to his face. She hugged as tightly back as she could. She would miss this the next few days.

"OK Chuck, take care of her." Micheal begged.

"I will not fail at that, Dr. Miller." Chuck's noble replied.

She watched back at him watching them walk down the hall. Her heart felt heavy, he was so uncomfortable with her at Full size. How was he going to handle her and Josie like that?

They stepped in the Inputting office. "Oh, you have Mikey's Shrunken again today. Well then, follow me Mr. Simon." that woman directed.

Dr. Woodward was already in the room. "Oh good. You're here. I am ready for you Mr. Simon. But Karla. Since you are already fluent in Spanish, we have a free selection for you. Now, did you want another language? Or another skill you'd like to learn? Or even just be finished early?"

"I'm not sure." Karla replied. Then she had a thought, "Do you have a program for modern car mechanics? For car repair?"

"Yes, you want that added instead," he offered.

"Please." she cheered.

"I'll add it once you've started. Speaking of, let's start." He advised.

Chuck placed Karla on the table beside that Inputting pod. She walked up and sat upon the bed. Kicked off her shoes and laid down. She looked over, Chuck was doing the same.

"Since she'll be here longer. I'll be starting with her. "OK, Mr. Simon?" the doctor said moving toward Karla.

"Certainly," Chuck advised.

Finger on her forehead. Cloth handed to her. The nozzle of the dropper hovered over her face. "Ready?" She nodded nervously. She didn't like this part. "Plop!" and her vision was flooded. She wiped her face. The lid shut.

The screen warmed to light. She found herself walking to a group of chairs. She sat and a herd of puppies rolled playfully into the grassy area. They chased balls and fought over lengths of rope. They wrestled and tumbled. A sharp whistle and they bolted towards Karla’s view in a clumsily big paws wave. She jumped at the sensation of cold noses on her ankles. She could feel warm tongues wrap to her fingers. Karla marveled at how believable the sensations were in the pod. Something gained the little friend's attention and they bolted away, tails wiggling frantically as they tried to run.

The image changed to a forested walk. Thick fence of trees on either side of a well groomed trail. Evergreens and other trees she didn't know. White bark that looked as if it was peeling off the trunk. Lovely in its way. Birds played among the branches. Singing welcoming tunes. A woody nature smell filled the area. She took a deep breath of the crisp air. Cooler like in the high parts of the mountains. She laughed, no like later in the fall would be like around here. She wondered if this was near. Yesterday showed her where she was from. Could today show her a welcome area near her new home. Then people walked past. The man looked familiar, or maybe she wanted him to be. No, she knew the woman. Jean Hailfax from Micheal's team. She knew where this was. Karla strived to remember every detail. Sights, sounds. What she was wearing. A wooden bridge over a bubbling stream. She was climbing up a hill. Another bridge over a gorge. Her heart sang, Karla was certain she saw the complex pass by on her right down the hill. Could it really be just by where she now lay. Would Micheal walk with her there? Could he take his Shrunken there.

Karla wanted to see more of the lovely spot close by. But the image changed. She was entering a theater. She sat and music started. Several girls in tutus skillfully entered onto the stage in step with the music. They flowed and pranced. Karla was never comfortable doing ballet, but always found it lovely to watch. They pranced off with the music. Then new music and new dancers. Karla couldn't guarantee these two dances were from different performances. But she had been to enough dance school recitals to recognize watching one. But this wasn't the usual Saturday morning dance school students. No, these were determined and focused young ladies. They hadn't practiced once a week together and then alone in basements and back yards. They had these routines drummed into them. And that effort and discipline was lovely to watch sail across the black stage. Karla heard a miss played note before she saw a misplaced toe. Dance after dance she was mesmerized by the grace on display.

The lights went up and she shuffled out for intermission. And she was riding on a train. Lovely gardens and exotic trees with bright flowers. Yellow, blues, reds, and oranges. Like rolling along a massive quilt on a sunny day. She just loved watching the beauty flow past. Karla relaxed at the views.

The screen faded and the pod opened. "Hello Karla, how are you feeling?" Dr. Woodward asked.

"Alright. Hungry." she replied.

"How do you enjoy speaking German?" he asked.

Karla smiled. It wasn't as discouraging as the first day. The language spilled out like she spoke it her whole life. Though she accepted it easier that she didn't speak it when she came in this morning. "I like it. Should help me do my job well." she replied.

"Good, you seem to have come to terms with your Inputting." He advised. He offered his hand, "Let's get you out to your fan club." She slipped on her sneakers and climbed onto his palm. He carried her towards the lobby.

A slender red haired girl in little pigtails was holding a tiny redhead with puffy pigtails. They were chatting happily. The young girl looked up and smiled. "Karla!" Sandy cheered.

"Here you go, Mrs. Miller. She's ready to start on Monday." The man said, handing Karla toward Milly.

"Can I carry her? Karla, would that be OK?" Sandy asked.

"I'm good with that." Karla agreed.

"Here you go. Hope to teach you more, Miss Miller." The doctor noted as his goodbye.

Karla found herself raised up. Sandy asked, "May I?" Karla was confused. Then she realized what her slender friend was asking. Permission. Karla opened her arms wide. She was pressed to the girl's smiling cheek. She hugged there. Sandy admitted, "I missed you!"

"I missed you too." Karla agreed with the girl.

"Lets go get them sized up to help the Millers with their move sweetheart." Tanya advised. They began walking. Sandy trailed behind the two women.

"Are you hungry Karla? I was always hungry after Inputting." Sandy shared.

"Yes, very." Karla shared. At the same time she had a curious thought. What must it be like to be Sandy's Shrunken? She was so sweet and gentle.

"Goodie. We are going to get you two resized first of course. Then head to a sit down restaurant for lunch. It's one of my favorites with many options. Streak to pizza. Oh, Josie and Milly packed you a suitcase for the next few days. It's in my jacket pocket. Then we are going shopping. I heard you don't have any winter coats and stuff. Oh dang it I'm rambling aren't I?" Sandy spoke.

"It's OK. I missed you too." Karla advised.

"Thanks Karla. That’s sweet of you to say. I know I'm just Sandy." She sighed.

This poor sweet girl was hard on herself, Karla thought. "You are not just Sandy, you are Sandy who is my friend, looks after our moms, and makes us feel safe." Josie countered the girl's self doubt.

"Really Josie? Thanks. I want to be your friend." The girl shyly replied.

"Are, you are my friend." Josie firmly stated.

"Are my friends. I have friends." she whispered.

"Yes, Josie, Micheal, Chrissy, and I. Even a boyfriend, or are you breaking Chris' heart?" Karla reinforced Josie's statement.

Lip got bit. "You think he still wants me to be his girlfriend."

"I think he'd be sad if you didn't want to be." Josie informed her.

"I like you guys. You make me feel wanted. I like having friends." Sandy surrendered.

"We like being your friends." They both cheered.

Sandy took a deep breath. Karla assumed it was to accept she had friends. Then she sweetly explained each story on the planned shopping exclusion. Seems little Miss Sandy was into clothes shopping. She was clearly excited to have them to pick out possible clothes for. Like living Barbie dolls.

Milly tapped a card and the hall door opened. "Guess whose security card was waiting at the reception desk?" She teased. Karla's face on the plastic rectangle. Her own key.

They walked into a room. There was Chuck typing at a computer attached to a resizing tube. "Who wants to be my first test subject?" he said with a smile.

"I will." Karla yelled.

"Collar?" he asked. Milly pulled out her silver and ruby clasped collar. He placed it on the table beside some pills.

"Chuck, what are the pills for?" Karla asked.

"One rebalances your chemical levels. That one helps with the balance change being made bigger. And the red one allows your body to keep your Standard sized body's more elastic properties." Chuck explained confidently.

"Right, the size change makes a Shrunken slightly more limber and their bodies more stretchable for insertions. Allowing them to resettle to their more firm state after play. Passing these traits onto Kittens." Karla spouted out. Smiling, she didn't know she knew that.

"Right. Ready?" Chuck happily offered.

Sandy walked over and held her hand over the floor of the tube. Karla used the girl's thumb to slow her descent. The slender sweet girl stepped back and Chuck closed the tube.

"WAIT!" Sandy screamed.

"What?" Milly asked.

"I forgot Karla's suitcase." A panicked Sandy yelled.

Chuck opened the tube. "That's OK sweetheart. Just give her it now."

Sandy pulled out the suitcase from her pocket. Karla accepted with a "Thank You." and a happy smile.

The Tube shut. Suddenly she was looking eye to eye with Chuck. He opened the tube and guided her to the table. Pills were in her free hand. She shoved them in her mouth. Then a glass of bubbly water. She didn't like the taste, but it helped with the dizziness and upset stomach.

"Oh wow, Karla, you're so curvy and pretty." Sandy gasped. Then she stumbled out, "I mean you're always curvy pretty, just it's big now. Not that I think you are a big woman. You are now a Full sized curvy pretty instead of a Standard sized."

Karla leaned down and hugged the girl. "Thank you." seem to claim the girl. She marveled, how did she not realize Sandy was barely over four feet. She then remembered even a four foot person would seem gigantic to someone barely over five inches tall.

Karla pointed and Sandy walked over and helped Josie on to the floor. Handing Josie her suitcase. Then Karla's friend was human sized. Chuck helped her to the table and the pills to help balance her body. Milly handed Josie a gift she wasn't expecting, her own watch. Sandy warmly giggled.

Josie looked at the girl. "What is it? Am I dumpy, pretty." she said with a grin. Karla hated how Josie viewed her wonderful body.

"No, with your red hair and freckled nose. At full size you could be my big sister." The slender teen beamed.

Josie hugged the shorter redhead. "I'd love a cute little sister like you." Karla sighed.

"Could we pretend for today then?" Sandy asked.

"From now on, though, I guess when I go back to Standard size I'll be the little sister." Josie teased.

"OK Big sister." Sandy gushed.

"Well, daughters. Karla, Milly. How about lunch?" Tanya asked.

They walked to the car. Mothers chatting about clothes. The suddenly sisters playing at teasing each other. Sandy got good fuel when she caught a few guys checking out Josie on the way by. Not that Josie didn't assume they were actually looking at Karla. Karla knew better. Clothes fitted to those curves, not oversized baggy ones. Displaying that perky ass instead of hiding it in size too big pants or frumpy skirts. Guys liked what they could see. Karla greedily agreed with their lingering eyes.

The restaurant was as Sandy advertised. From fast food to fancy dishes. She hoped they could come here again. It was hard to pick. So she copied Milly and got a quarter roasted chicken and garden salad. The dipping sauce was savory. If she ordered it again she would get fries to dip in that sauce.

It was great to ride in the car and be able to see out the windows. Sandy hugged her arm. Seems she missed them.

Karla kept looking to see what was special about this city. Why did the Company set up Howard here? Why did it set-up anything here? But nothing stood out. She smiled as they pulled into a mall parking lot. It was because nothing special was here to attract curious eyes. Hide where no one would think to look for anything.

Shopping was mostly Josie and her standing in the dressing room as Milly, Tanya, and Sandy brought them things to try on. Seems Sandy wasn't the only one excited to play dress up with them. Once they tried on and displayed everything brought to them. The ladies took a quick look for themselves. This was the routine at the next store as well.

The third, maybe fourth store was a clothing overstock warehouse store. Huge dressing rooms. Karla was sharing it with the play sisters. From how they connected you would think they had been playing sisters for years not hours. Teases and in jokes Karla somehow missed being part of.

Suddenly Josie asked, "What is it Sandy?"

"I wish I had curves like you two." she whimpered.

"You mean like leggy Karla. Not dumpy built like me." Josie reflected.

"I wish I was shaped just like you. Karla is pretty. But you're all sexy. Nice sized boobies. Your bum does that nice round up thing. I'm just skinny and flat." Sandy looked to be slipping into that, no one likes me Sandy again.

Josie walked over and turned the girl sideways in the mirror. "You're just young yet." she started.

Sandy interrupted with, "Chrissy's my age and she has boobies you can see." Karla had to stifle a laugh. Not quite fast enough from Josie's glare.

"You have breasts, perky cute ones." Josie complimented.

"Allena has big round ones. Chris likes big round ones on girls with dark hair." The girl really was hard on herself.

"Chris likes you for you as a person. The less you worry about or even think about that nasty brat the better. You're pretty and a gorgeous person. I think once you hit a growth spurt you'll blossom to match. Besides, your bum rounds up too, see." Josie pointed to the girl's rump.

"It is kind of like yours. Do you think I'll get curvier?" Sandy requested.

"Sandy, I think you're a beautiful young woman. Curvy or not, Chris is a smart boy who wants your attention." Josie praised.

"What if a nice curvy girl gets his attention." This girl couldn't stop doubting herself.

"Come on Karla, I need your help to find something." Josie commanded. Karla got dressed. Followed Josie out to the floor. She figured she knew what Josie was looking for. Treasure was discovered and brought back to the dressing room. She handed the teen dress to Sandy. "Put this on."

It was a cocktail style dress in baby blue. It was clearly not a style Sandy would have picked for herself. But once on with the shoes Josie found while waiting made the slender teen look like a well-formed young woman.

"Smile and hold still." Josie commanded. Then to Karla, "Is he on my contacts list?"

Karla looked over her shoulder. "Yes there."

Josie had hardly sent the message when Sandy's watch went off. "YOU SENT CHRIS A PIC OF ME IN THIS DRESS?" Sandy sounded panicked. "Oh, he says that the dress is nice, but he rather I was happy with what I wear. I'm too pretty to be worried about wearing dresses I don't like." The girl tapped at her watch. "Oh, I look like an angel no matter what I wear. I'm so buying this dress." She looked like she was going to happily cry. "You're the best big sister ever." Karla stepped back to let them hug.

Her watch went off and Sandy snickered. "Now he's trying too hard. He's putting my head on badly dressed people and saying, see still pretty. I might actually be mad at him now." Karla quickly sent him a message to stop.

Trunk full of needed winter clothes. And not so much needed fun clothes. They headed home. The boys were already there and packing. Patrick and Al had joined them. "Pizzas are on their way." Howard announced.

"Good. Where's Micheal?" Milly asked.

"Packing his room." Howard answered.

"You three go see if you can help. He's behind as you're well aware." Milly advised.

They got to the door and Karla almost entered. But worried he might not be packing but playing she knocked, Sandy didn't need to see the Behemoth. Micheal called for them to come in. He had four boxes partially packed. Looked like he would be packing one spot then get distracted and pack another.

"Oh you're so full sized." he whimpered.

"Sandy, Josie, and I are to help you pack." Karla hoped saying Sandy first would help him focus.

"Oh, hey Sandy. Thanks for helping Karla and Josie find winter clothes. Oh and helping me pack this mess." Micheal greeted his friend.

"You don't mind a girl packing your stuff?" she worried.

"Nope, I packed my embarrassing stuff before you came," he admitted. Then realized he admitted that. "Well, let's get working." he quickly stated.

Supper arrived and they all gathered together. It was nice to see them together even if a big chunk of the group wasn't here. They chatted and planned. Looked like the Howell clan would be helping lugging things into the new house. As well as Al. So ten people will be helping. Hopefully that would be enough.

"Daddy, don't Josie and I look like sisters?" Sandy asked Pat.

"Sure do Sand-dollar." he agreed.

"If it was OK with the Millers, could I spend the night?" she asked.

"Sorry, not tonight my sweet strawberry. We didn't bring any clothes or your toothbrush." he said in a sad tone.

"You're coming to help pack tomorrow. If the girls don't mind sharing the spare bed. You could stay tomorrow night." Milly offered.

"Guess you're sleeping over tomorrow night little sister." Josie announced.

As Sandy said "Goodie." Karla wondered how big the spare bed was.

After supper a bit more packing was done before the Howells left. They planned on being back in the morning early enough to bring the boys breakfast before work. Al left when they did. He would have an early morning making sure the Miller's cages could start being filled in a few days.

The Miller's relaxed for the night. Milly sat at her end reading more of her novel. Howard found another Hockey game. Local team or league Karla wasn't sure which. Still fun to watch. Micheal laid on his end of the couch. He was reclined along Karla. His head resting on her bosom. She liked this because she could play in his hair while watching the game. Josie, a lucky girl, was lying along his side cuddling to him. They were looking at videos giving advice to people new to running Treasures and Towers. Karla enjoyed this cuddle pile they had going. Proud Micheal wasn't showing how much he was enjoying snuggling with his two favorite Shrunken in an embarrassing way.

After a bit Micheal sadly rolled out of his love pile and announced, "Well, off to bed." He kissed Josie and told her, "Night my special Josie."

"Night my special Micheal" she sighed back. Karla could tell Josie understood but wasn't happy with Milly's no full sized Shrunken in bed rule.

A sweet kiss and a nuzzle as he said, "Night my special Karla."

Karla nuzzled back, "Night my special Micheal." Her heart ached not to be joining him.

Josie went next. Then Milly. Howard made them popcorn to finish watching the game. "I wish I could borrow you to watch hockey more often," he announced.

"You might have a Shrunken that would enjoy watching it." Karla suggested.

"Bah, that would be forced. This is more organic. More comfortable." he described.

"Maybe Micheal will leave me to watch some nights." she suggested.

He laughed. "It's not Micheal. You wouldn't be able to handle it. I saw how much you wanted to puppy dog behind him earlier when he was going up to bed."

"I am used to doing that. Guess that's just a silly Shrunken thing." She mocked herself.

"Naa, it's sweet. You might not have noticed but he stopped part way up the stairs. He was looking for his pretty girl even knowing Milly's ruling." Howard advised.

"Really?" Karla sighed.

"Yeah, it's adorable how the three of you are in love like that." Howard stated.

"No, I'm just fond of my owner." she defended.

"Right, if you could, you would be planning your three's wedding right now. I feel bad that it is going to always be this way. But at least you'll always be together." Howard countered.

"Thank you Howard." Karla sighed sadly.

"Your welcome Karla. Thanks for allowing them to spoil you. Him to show he cares. Milly, well a different type of care. You and Josie are wonderful additions to the Miller home." he kissed her cheek. "See you in the morning." And he wandered upstairs. Karla was an addition to their home, a happy tear leaked out.

She shut off the TV and made sure the other lights were out on her way up to the spare room. She felt pride knowing Howard trusted her to do that. She slipped in and got her pajamas and tooth brush to get ready for bed. Slipping back to place her clothes on top of the suitcase. She curled under the blanket. She sighed, the bed was huge.

Pillowy lips pressed hers suddenly. Her arms coiled around her wonderful attacker. They arched and touched in that loving kiss. Josie lifted her face back and Karla purred, "I thought you'd be asleep."

"Can't sleep. Keep wanting chocolate." Josie cooed, kissing Karla's neck.

"Maybe they have some in the kitchen we could sneak down." Karla hummed, enjoying the attention.

Josie looked her in the face. "Sneak, yes. Downstairs, no. I know a closer source." She alluringly suggested licking her lips.

"No, Milly would be so mad if she caught us." Karla realized she was now the one attempting to avoid trouble. Josie the adventure seeker.

Josie nibbled at her ear. Tempting her with, "I guess we better be quiet then." She slipped out of bed holding Karla's hand.

This was wrong. Milly would be upset. Micheal is likely not ready for one yet alone both coming to pleasure him at once. But her heart raced. Josie had a naughty smile going. And pleasuring Micheal was her life now. Josie led them out into the hall. The stifled naughty childish giggles as they slipped into their room.

Quiet as mice they shut the door. There waiting for them was their teen owner. Lying face up. His hand cupped on his chest like he was holding invisible tiny versions of them. Karla started to circle to the far side of the bed when Josie held tight.

Karla turned to see what was wrong. Josie stepped close and started slipping her shirt off her chest. Karla lifted her arms to allow her freckled love to succeed. Then that gorgeous red haired angel lifted her arms. Karla slipped that shirt up feeling slender hands slipping her booty shorts off her ass. So once Josie's shirt was off Karla slipped her hands down that back and over that firm perky ass. Soft flump told her Josie's shorts reached the floor. Their bodies pressed together and they kissed. Grinding naked forms playfully together.

Josie pressed her cheek to Karla's. Aiming her view to the slumbering sweet lad. They looked at each other and nodded. Karla pranced to the far side. As smooth as glass they slipped under his blankets. They curled along him. He was so cute while he slept. Little smiled gasps told them he wasn't awake, but he knew they were there. Josie carefully moved his arm. Both ran their hands along his bare chest.

Happy sleeping owner encouraged them. They both began planting little playful pecks on his bare chest and neck. Pressing their naked bodies along their wanted owner. Josie's hand grabbed Karla's and led it down. Thick hard shaft was straining to escape his shorts. The Behemoth knew they were there to worship it. Josie was looking at Karla. Karla leaned over Micheal and mouths celebrated their new life together.

They started to slink down. Karla looked at Josie. She never considered sharing a man with even Josie. But this was different, special. She looked up at Micheal. She was certain if she ever convinced Josie to move past loving as a friend that she would never share that goddess with another. But sleeping special Micheal wasn't sharing. She needed to watch them love each other as they loved her.

Their eager hands wiggled his shorts down just a touch. That broad tip peeked. Josie giggled. "What?" Karla whispered. Her tongue lustfully lapped her lips.

"When I was small I kept wondering if it looked so big because I was so small. But here, now. That's a huge cock on our boy." Josie growled hungerly.

"What's going on?" a sleepy Micheal voice asked.

"Shh Micheal. We just came to give you a good night kiss." Josie purred.

"Why are you down there?" he was rousing.

"It's where we plan on kissing." Karla cooed as shorts were pulled down to his knees.

"OH, wait. If mom catches us we'll be in trouble." He babbled.

"Then be quiet or she'll hear." Josie advised. Pillowy lips parted and she dragged her tongue up his erection.

He left out a cute whimper and pleaded, "Too Hot! Too Hot!"

Karla joined in licking that meaty staff. He whimpered. She knew she should stop. He wasn't ready for this. But she got a taste, she wanted more. Karla kissed and suckled at that titan cock. Having power over him for a change was intoxicating. The mental images of the fun she would reward him with if their situations were suddenly reversed. Would a Shrunken Micheal like her giant mouth suckling him to climax.

His tip was lifted. Josie was holding it up for her as that red haired lover sucked their boy's shaft. Karla stretched her lips and pressed her mouth over the end. Her jaw hurt, but so worth his pleasured distressed noises. At this angle she could only really work at his tip. But his panting told he liked that.

She slipped off the end. Back to licking at him. Claiming her man with her tongue. Josie rolled to a better angle. Karla lifted that heavy shaft. Those full lips stretched over his end. An arousing calm look came over Josie's face as her mouth slipped back and forth over his end.

A hand pressed the back of Karla's head. Forcing her mouth to that broad shaft. Josie's eyes popped open. Micheal's hand was on the back of her head. Then his hips exploded into action. "Oh Hot! Oh Hot!" he stated in a repeated harsh whisper. Josie's eyes closed as if him forcing that thick cock into her throat was actually bringing her pleasure. Karla pressed her tongue to the shaft. If Micheal wanted to fuck their mouths he could.

He stopped and his body jumped as burst after burst was fired into Josie's mouth. She hummed happily with each powerful pump. Shortly his hands let go and fell limp to his bed.

Karla lifted her head. Micheal's eyes rolled unfocused as he whimpered. "Sorry, too hot. Sorry."

Josie wiggled her mouth off his cock with a sucking sound. She reached over and pulled Karla close. Lips pressed and Karla's tongue accepted Josie's invite. In Josie's mouth was a thick sticky chocolate flavored goo. Karla was happy Josie wanted to share. Once it was divided they pressed their cheeks together to look at Micheal. Giggling they showed their sweet teen their shares and made sure he knew they swallowed. "Oh too Hot!" he let them know he saw.

They suckled the tip of his wilting manhood clean. Then rubbed his chest. "Good night, Micheal." They purred together.

They slipped off the bed and gathered their pajamas. They quietly slipped out of his room and streaked to the guest bedroom. They snuck inside. Giggling once safely inside. They got dressed with content smiles on their faces. Curling together under the covers.

Josie's tongue licked across Karla's lips. "Just making sure none was left there."

Karla returned the flavor. The next few moments were making sure they hadn't missed any in either mouth. "Night Josie." Karla purred after they finished.

"Night Karla." Josie sighed and nestled her face in Karla's cleavage. That warmth helped Karla fall asleep.

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CH 10: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by HHunter1 » Thu Aug 26, 2021 6:19 pm

Sorry about all the sm content. Just fit the chapter better. Trust me sw will stay the usual focus of this tale.

Chapter 10
Description M/F Sexual assault.

Karla stretched as being awake became close. This seemed to invite Josie to press tight. Karla ran her fingers through Josie's hair as she laid her head upon Karla's chest. This was a wonderful way to greet the day. Only one more thing would make it better, from the sound of it he was in the shower. She agreed with the unspoken idea of lying snuggled with Josie a little while. Her lady love rewarded this decision with sweet kisses along Karla's jaw line.

Karla looked at her freckled dream. Pillow lips pressed warmly to Karla's. Josie stroked Karla's cheek and through her hair. Karla caressed Josie's cheek and through her hair. She was so content looking at Josie's affectionate smile. "I never thought I would feel like this. I loved you for years. But I never considered being with you like this. This idea was just so foreign. Now, I can't see why I never gave you an expression of my feelings. This makes me feel so whole." Josie confessed.

"You always expressed your love. Advice and conscience. There to just listen if I needed it. Not to be mean, but I think being out of your parents' influence allowed you to be more yourself." Karla replied.

"So your saying, becoming a pet allowed me to be free?" Josie questioned.

"I love you, Josie. If this type of thing happened back home. I wouldn't share you with anyone. But as Shrunken, I love being with you and Micheal. I'm not sharing you with him. I'm loving you and him. Our relationship wouldn't work in the world we knew. But this feels so right in this one. So perfect." Karla announced.

"So you're saying our threesome is our proper place." Josie asked, resting her head on Karla's chest.

"Proper, I'm not sure. Right in it's own way. Yes." Karla purred.

"Yes, it does feel right in it's own way." Josie agreed.

"Are you happy here Josie?" Karla worried.

"I, mostly. I still long for my dreams. Miss my family, friends. To be free to do for myself. I've gained here. I am so better off than others pulled into this life. Life of a Shrunken. I've accepted love and gained love. I could even learn languages or history if I ask and in a day or so I would have a new language or have a doctorate in a period of history. I can write for the enjoyment of it, Micheal and his parents are happy to provide me with all this. But what have I really earned? Would I have earned any of it?" Josie lamented.

Karla squeezed her snuggle companion. "Course you have. You're a good Shrunken to sweet Micheal."

"So I get these things for being a good little erotic pet?" Josie whimpered as she stretched along Karla.

Karla brushed her fingers through that wonderful dark red hair. Kissing the forehead underneath questioning, "Don't you me exotic?"

"Think about it." Josie snickered nuzzling into Karla's neck.

"Oh, I suppose." Karla giggled. She squeezed her lounging partner and inquired, "No matter what I say you're going to find a way to say you didn't earn it aren't you?"

"No, well. Did I?" Josie sighed.

"Just can't stand being spoiled can you?" Karla teased.

Josie kissed Karla on the cheek. "No. Why do I have to find things wrong?" Josie wondered.

Playing with Josie's locks Karla thought for a moment. "What would your mother think if she found out you allowed yourself to express our love for each other?" she asked.

"Oh, let's not tell her please." Josie begged.

"And how did your parents feel about Tina Lopez?" Karla requested.

"They thought she was a spoiled tart who took advantage of Mr. Lopez. A gold digger. Huh, I wonder what her life is like now." Josie offered.

"So basically here you are free to love as you want while being spoiled like Tina was. So everything you've been taught was wrong for people to do." Karla suggested.

Josie rolled off and onto her side. Offering the query, "Huh, I am loving not just a woman, but two people at once, while given everything I want. And I don't have to do any work. So you blame my parents for me not being fully happy here?"

Karla rolled so she could lay face to face with the freckled beauty. "Likely you also feel guilty for going against Church coupling beliefs knowing you. But that just makes you cuter." Karla teased, placing a playful kiss on Josie's lips.

"So, what should I do?" Josie asked.

Now Karla nuzzled to Josie's neck. "Just learn to relax and enjoy being a spoiled erotic pet." she cooed.

Josie held her tight. "Yeah, that's going to be a lot of work."

"Hmmm, you're worth it." Karla sighed.

They laid there for a short while. Karla was in heaven having Josie playing in her hair as she was pillowed on her bosom. Sadly Josie's responsible nature struck. "I think I heard the Howell's downstairs."

"You're saying I need to leave this silky valley." Karla sighed.

"Please don't call my chest that." Josie grumbled.

"Fine." Karla playfully huffed. Then rubbed her face vigorously into Josie's cleavage. Joyously generating a giggle from her victim. Ending it she asked, "Guess you think we should get up and dress so you can see your little sister?"

"It's sweet. I really do like how we are connecting. So, yes lazy butt. Get up!" Josie cheerly demanded.

"Fine, but I'm owed a day just lounging in bed with a skimpy dressed you." Karla announced.

"Good luck, between work and Micheal, when do you think that will ever happen." Josie suggested.

"I think I can convince him if he's invited too." Karla purred.

"That would be a perfect day." Josie hummed.

They got up and Karla looked to see what was packed for her. Milly really had spoiled her, a faded pair of blue jeans and a tee. The jeans felt like she owned them for years as lazy day jeans. A hoodie to finish the outfit. Scented like her sweet Micheal. Josie wore a similar outfit for the day.

They headed down stairs. "JOSIE!" Cheered Sandy. Josie was quickly hugged by the young teen. Karla got a sweet hug from Micheal. Ending in a soft kiss. Josie led Sandy upstairs with a carry case, they came back down giggling like naughty children. Breakfast was waffles and fancy toppings and sausage patties. Micheal and Howard rushed so they sadly could get on their way to work. Karla liked her goodbye kiss, though was sad it was a goodbye kiss. Josie seemed to enjoy her kiss as well.

Once breakfast was finished and cleaned up. Karla, Josie, and Sandy went up to Micheal's room to do the bulk of his packing for him. Josie and Sandy went to the book shelves to gather the remaining books. Karla entered his closet to gather gizmos and toys into a box. Karla enjoyed watching the red heads interact. They adopted the sisters' idea ideally. Sandy clearly looked up to Josie. Josie enjoyed chatting with the younger girl. Karla let them have some space, she did have a close relationship with Chrissy, why couldn't Josie have a connection to one of Micheal's human friends.

Karla was in full packing mode when a sweet voice called to her. She looked up at a smiling Sandy. "Yes Sandy?" she announced her attention.

"What career are you going to play?" the young teen chirped.

"What do you mean? Play career?" Karla replied in confusion.

"Sorry Sandy, Karla doesn't play T&T. She wouldn't even try it." Josie explained.

"Why not?" Sandy asked.

"Oh because it's not a sport. She thinks it's silly." Josie answered.

"But it's fun. You should try it." Sandy pushed.

"It's just not something I'm interested in." Karla countered.

"But Micheal thinks you're going to play." Sandy advised. Karla sneered at Josie smiling from behind the girl. She clearly knew of their sweet owner's thoughts on this matter. Now she had a problem. Karla didn't have any interest in this silly dice and toys game. But would Micheal allow her not to play. No, that wasn't it. Could she disappoint him by saying she didn't want to play.

"Fine, what are careers?" Karla sighed.

She was then subject to different types of warriors and wizards. It was just a jumble of ideas and skills for those warriors and wizards. Peppered by so called races and their effects on the different classes. Ones were better for certain ones over others. Karla was dizzy with information. She should have asked for this Treasures and Towers Inputted instead of modern car repair.

As Karla was contemplating her own character questions when Josie asked Sandy. "What about you Little Sister, what do you want to play?"

Sandy sighed into thought. Then replied, "I'll likely play a Priest or other healer so I will not be in the way during combat since I'm so little."

Josie looked at her in amusement. "You are slender, but that doesn't mean your character is. You could play a brutal Orc or powerful Assembled. So if you want you could play a Warrior or Templar." she suggested to the young red head.

"I never considered that." Sandy looked almost excited. Then her eyes went wide, "Could I play a Berserker?"

Josie snicker, "Of course, Orc or another race?"

"Oh a tall big Orc Berserker woman." Sandy purred.

Before more could be discussed, lunch was called.

They came down to five settings. On the middle of the table was a small cage with several of Milly's Shrunken males held within, naked. "Where's daddy?" Sandy asked.

"He went home to look over some product development of that game Alex suggested. So just us girls for lunch." Tanya explained.

"Oh that scary game. I'm surprised daddy likes it so much." Sandy whimpered.

"He says it has selling potential." Karla got a feeling there was more to it. But she didn't want to ask.

"So, what's for lunch and why the centerpiece?" Josie asked, pointing at the tiny nude men.

"I promised you two a chance to try over easy eggs our way while you are full sized. And since I get the feeling the boys will be home tomorrow to pack and we’ll likely be treated to Howard's pancakes again. I thought lunch today would be the best time." Milly cooed.

Karla sat, a plate with two freshly fried eggs. She felt a bit of glee at getting to try this. She reached in for a dipping male. She folded her catch as she smiled thanks at Milly. Then a little male voice called at her, "Karla, what are you doing?"

Karla looked in her hand. Her former neighbor Carlos was held in her fingers looking scared and confused. "Oh good pick Karla. He's one of my favorites. Such a virial young Shrunken. You'll get several dips with him. And a good amount of area for your yoke." Milly purred. Turning her own selection for her own dipping.

"Karla, isn't that Carlos?" Josie asked.

"Yes." Karla said. Looking at the young Shrunken male. He was only a couple years older than her Micheal. He was in fine shape, toned in an appealing way. Fairly well hung, nowhere as large as Micheal. But Milly was right, it would hold a good taste of warm yoke.

"Are you going to use him?" Josie sounded disturbed. That was why he was here.

"Karla, run your finger along his cock gently, he'll stiffen right up nicely." Milly advised.

Karla reached up and felt the little penis' weight on the tip of her finger. Milly was right, a little attention did the trick. Couse back when they were humans Karla figured the younger guy had a bit of a crush on her. So her attention might have quickened the blood. She moved so his Shrunken tip pointed at the yellow bubble. "Just a slight tap and he should pop the yoke for you." Milly advised.

Karla gave a slight twitch of her wrist and he penetrated the yoke. He whimpered a little, but seemed OK. She gave his package a good coating of the thick goo. She lifted him, licking her lips. His face was a conflicted expression. So she decided to clear things up for him. Her lips encased the yellow covered area. Her tongue found a fun toy. Little Carlos made a startled, and aroused, gasp.

"Well Karla, what do you think?" Sandy asked gleefully.

"I like it." she purred, giving the young Shrunken a wink.

"Go ahead Josie. Give it a try." Milly encouraged the redhead.

"I don't know if I could." Josie said looking at the buffet of handsome Shrunken males.

"Oh just pick one, fold him so his penis is out and dip. It's all good." Tanya directed.

"This is her first time playing with Shrunken." Karla reminded them.

"Oh, looks like we might have to delay this afternoon's packing." Milly cooed.

"Go ahead big sister. You'll like it I promise." Sandy encouraged Josie.

Josie carefully reached into the container. She selected a very robustly built man. It wasn't Josie's usual man preference. So Karla figured it was a pick to avoid any of the teen pops contained. She timidly adjusted the man to a more dippable position. "OK, now rub his dangler to plump it up." Sandy advised.

Josie stroked the man's penis. He wiggled in her grip. Seeing Josie's timid efforts the man began begging her to free her. He was clearly not being plumped as Sandy described. Milly advised, "Rub it on your lip. Give him a little taste of what he can expect."

Josie moved the man to her mouth. He made a clear gush of enjoyment at her attempt to prep him for her eggs. She moved him from his lip. The little man looked disappointed. "OK, he's hard, now do I just poke my yoke with his penis?" Josie asked.

"Yep, just make sure to check his length so as not to tap your plate." Tanya advised.

Josie looked and snickered. "Oh I think I have lots of room." She positioned her living utensil over her egg. He gasped and Josie was coating his crotch. She moved his yellow cover erection to her plump lips. She suckled his manhood. An evil smile crossed her face. She hummed a savoring sound. Suddenly the man called out in pleasure and Josie jumped. Josie gave her dipper a snarled glare. She pulled the muscle built man from her mouth and snap, "Stupid prick cam already!" The table burst into laughter.

"Guess you gave him too much of a taste." Milly teased.

Josie looked at the Shrunken man with annoyance. "What do I do with him now?"

"Oh right, I forgot to get discard containers." Milly sighed. Getting up and leaving to come back with a carrying bucket each.

Josie dropped her first male in with annoyance. Grabbing more to her guy choices from the main container. They all began enjoying their eggs.

Each of the humans described their preferred methods of yoking as they called it. Milly liked to suckle her current dipper till he almost climaxed. Only to leave him hanging to nibble bacon and toast till he calmed down some. This mostly worked.

Tanya liked a rotation plan. Once a male seemed about to release she would place him in her container and slip another out. Switching between four lovely little males. Sandy just suckled her little dippers. When they couldn't take any more of her kiss she would cheerfully announce what flavor Milly had made them. Mock the little man's endurance. Then pick another. She, unlike Josie, clearly liked bigger lads.

Josie seemed to either get very sensitive males with each pick, or, as Karla figured, those pillowy lips and flexible tongue was just too much for them. She figured that was why Micheal reacted so strongly when they were kissing him goodnight the night before. Karla also liked Josie's expression as she dipped and sucked. This was her first real taste of what handling Shrunken was like. She was starting to really understand the rush of dominance and power. Karla was certain Josie had accepted her new life when she pulled a young Shrunken male out with hardly a look and gave him a big trill.

Karla, though, savored the first egg off of handsome young Carlos. She could see why he was one of Milly's favorites. He was rather resilient. If she was honest she was sad he hadn't cum from her attention sooner. The fun made her feel better. Handsome little man with a good endowment she could roll on her tongue. If they did breed her, she knew who she would ask for. Once she savored all the first yoke she thanked the boy thoroughly. He gasped her name as she felt his little release. Smacking her lips as she smiled at him, "Hmm, Strawberries." Then put him in her container. Her other dippers were disappointments after Carlos.

As they ate their meal they slipped into breakfast preferences. Milly told of the first time she had Howard's pancakes. It was the first night they slept together. He had given her a good night. Then she awoke to those buttery delights. His mother's recipe. Milly joked if she ever planned to end it with him she had planned on copying that recipe first. She still hadn't even looked at it.

Patrick also had a special breakfast. Tanya didn't know what it was called. He made breakfast sandwiches, but he made these doughy buns for them. Filling them with poached egg, ham, cheese, some sweet peppers and fried onions and veggie mix with a sauce he mixed together. She knew there was mustard in the sauce. But it was a slight flavoring over all. She established her dislike for mustard, but loved Pat's morning soldiers. That was what his father called them, so that's what he knew them as.

They chatted for a little while. Savoring coffee, well except Sandy had a green tea with a touch of honey. Karla got amused, Josie's discomfort was clearly gone as she fiddled with her longest lasting dipper's Shrunken junk as she made him lay spread legged on her dirty plate. He was ready for another egg that was not arriving.

Tanya and Milly spoke of plans once they were neighbors. Milly makes plans for her and Josie to come over and help the Howell's pack. She even offered to ask Gabs for the use of the Glasses he left with Karla, but Tanya dismissed that as their driveway wasn't shielded from the street.

Karla looked at her used Shrunken. She had used four for her eggs. Tanya had rewarded her four after her eggs were done. Milly had exhausted six little men for her meal.

She was surprised at Sandy's total, nine male's were dropped in gasping to the container beside the slender girl's plate. Karla was disturbed and amused. The young girl was pushing her dinner collection around in the container with the spoon from her tea. She wasn't speaking loudly. More of a whisper at the mainly large built Shrunken. Taunting them for being small, asking how they liked being looked down at.

But the grand total winner was Josie's pillowy lips. Sixteen tiny men moaned her praises. As she growled at each for not lasting long enough for her to enjoy her eggs. The guy on her plate, about their age, was the only one to not get snarled at. Karla figured that's why he was being rewarded with a cock rubbing at the end of her finger now. The amused look etched on Josie's face told of her new found enjoyment of toying with the tiny man.

"OK, enough sitting, we have stuff to do." Milly announced. "Sandy and Tanya do you mind washing up my toys while us three wash and dry the dishes?" she asked.

"Certainly." Tanya said, collecting the Shrunken and taking them up stairs.

"Karla you wash. I'll dry, Josie can you go gather the dishes from the table for us?" Milly directed. Josie stepped into the dinning room Milly lend over, "Would she like a few of Micheal's girls for her bath?"

"I don't think she'd be comfortable. She sees them as Micheal's pets and somewhat her friends." Karla advised.

"We could borrow some of Howard's. He'd be OK with that? There are all kinds." Milly offered.

"No, that should be OK." Karla said to her human friend. Then something occurred to her. "Why do you have so many Shrunken? Besides Josie and I, Micheal only has seventeen here."

"Oh, they have brought home some for me. Howard has too. Micheal told Howard he wants to wait till he can move them to his big cage. He doesn't want them crowded in his cage here." Milly explained. Josie came in with her load of dishes. Karla couldn't advise how sweet she thought of Micheal's treatment of his pets.

They just finished dishes when Tanya and Sandy came into the room. "All done?" Tanya asked.

"Yes." Milly smiled.

"Goodie." Sandy cheered. "Time for your bath big sister!"

"But we are still packing?" Josie questioned.

Tanya and Milly grabbed her arms and started leading her towards the stairs. "Oh silly. not that bath." giggled Sandy.

"What do you, oh you mean, really?" Josie realized what was happening.

The four of them directed Josie up the stairs towards Milly and Howard's room. Stripping clothes off her as they went. They pulled her through their bedroom and forced her into their giant tub. Karla was delighted at the expression on Josie's face. She was clearly touched to be the subject of this Company ritual for ladies.

Sandy grabbed the first bucket and gently poured those lucky Shrunken males over Josie's perky breasts. She broke into giggles as the males attempted to grab a hold to stop their tumbling. She stuck out her chest as if to display the two little men hanging from her nipples.

Tanya then poured another bucket. She wasn't privy to Milly and Karla's chat as what must have been some of Howard's pets screamed pitifully as they began sliding down Josie's torso. Karla felt giddy as Josie's eyes sparkled looking at those little wiggling forms. Karla could tell she was now understanding the thrill of the power over smaller Shrunken.

Milly handed Karla a bucket of males. "Your turn." she advised.

Karla stepped over and showed the bucket she was holding. Josie giggled and stuck her chest out. Karla and her giggled as the males were helpless to stop her from cascading them over that freckled canvas. Josie announced, "I never thought they would do this for me."

"Of course we would. You're one of our special girls." Milly noted while coming over with the last bucket. "Hope you don't mind so many females." Milly noted as she added hers on top of Josie.

"Not really my preference. But I'm just glad to be included." Josie modestly said.

"Ready to have real fun?" Sandy squealed.

"I guess." Josie cautiously answered.

Sandy started the water. The tiny Shrunken started scrambling to not below water. Josie started giggling at them, wiggling over her skin. She reclined to give them more room to scramble. She reached down and lifted a form out of the madness. She gave it a look. And tilted her head. Then laid the lucky little guy on her face.

Karla saw for sure Josie was going to move past those old thoughts of right or wrong. She was tormenting the little male by playfully trying to catch his junk with those full lips. And from how he was reacting, he wasn't fully opposed to the idea of her lips trapping his cock.

Once the water was at a good level Sandy shut off the water. Josie lounged in the Shrunken bath. She raised an arm or knee at the water line. Let a few Shrunken grab on then she pulled that arm or knee back under. Best was when she submerged her breasts and those beached there spread in the water. Only one that stayed out of the water was lucky young Shrunken she held to her face. Her lips hooked around him tight. He was gasping.

They drained the tube. "Josie, you want to pick a few to play with and come out once you finish. We'll go back to packing." Milly offered.

"You sure Micheal will not mind?" she asked.

"He wasn't mad at me for my fun after my bath." Karla advised.

"OK. I'll do that." Josie purred.

"Big sister, take one of the big shoulder ones and slip him in head first, it'll feel really good." Sandy purred excitedly.

As the left Josie stretched out. Karla's last sight was Josie taking a broad little man toward her womanhood. He struggled helplessly in her slender fingers. The faced Shrunken writhed in her full lips, his little voice could faintly be heard gasping in pleasure. As Karla shut the good an arousing moan came from Josie.

They were packing as a group for about an hour before Josie came down stairs with a broad smile. Sandy came over and hugged her. "Thank you little sister. You were right about those shoulders." She looked up at Milly, "I didn't know where to place the Shrunken. So I left them in containers on your bed. Sorry."

"No problem. I'll go up and put them away. Did you have fun?" Milly replied.

"Yes, I understand better how you feel. Why you enjoy owning Shrunken so much.” Josie purred.

"I’m glad you enjoyed it. We could have more fun some other time." Milly cooed as she went up the stairs.

They spent the afternoon packing here and there through the house. The men came home with Chinese for supper. Patrick brought paper plates and compostable utensils. Micheal came right up to Karla and Josie. "How was your day?" He asked.

"Good, how was work?" Karla asked before planting a kiss on his cheek. Cuddling to him. Josie curled to his other side and snuck a kiss on his other cheek.

His cheeks brightened and he sighed. "Very good. Looks like my idea is going to be the key to distance teleporting." he purred under their attention.

"Enough of that you two. We have to eat and head out." Howard announced playing at shooing them away from Micheal.

"Where are we going after supper?" Micheal asked.

"Well, you will need some furniture for your apartment. Couch and things." Howard advised.

"Can I come too?" Sandy asked.

"We are going to peek around ourselves, Sand-dollar." Patrick advised.

"Goodie!" Sandy cheered.

"Now, while we are in public we'll need you two not to be so cuddly with Micheal. Or you might attract attention." Howard advised.

"That makes sense." Josie sighed.

As they sat to eat Micheal began explaining how his idea worked to expand the teleporter's range. Karla didn't understand much. But he was so excited to explain it to her she just let him ramble. After supper was a quick clean up with the disposables.

Karla soon found herself in a furniture store looking at couches and entertainment centers. She was helping her sweet boy to plan out his little apartment. He was a brilliant scientist. But had no eye for furniture. He just worried about functionality. It wasn't long before the men left her and Milly to pick out items for house and apartment. They were helpfully advised by Tanya, and the playing sisters.

Soon they were talking about room color schemes and painting ideas. The way Milly was talking made Karla feel like Milly let slip her mind that Josie and Karla would not be staying Full sized. They would be delivering their choices to the new house the next day.

The drive home Josie traveled with Howells. Karla sat in the backseat with Micheal. Fingers linked together on the seat.

His watch went off and he was texting. Karla got a text herself. It was from Chrissy. "Are you playing T&T too?"

She typed back, "Likely Micheal will want me too."

Chrissy replied, "Yeah, he is really excited about it. I never played/cared about T&T."

Karla liked that she wasn't the only one being made to play to make Micheal happy. "I never did either. But I have too as Micheal's Shrunken. You could say no."

She received the message back, "Micheal's so excited about it, so no I can't till I try it."

Karla replied, "That's nice of you."

Chrissy messaged back, "Guess we'll learn what Josie has planned in this game once you all get back."

"What do you mean?" Karla asked.

"We all are meeting via chat to talk about it. Pick careers and such." Chrissy informed her.

Karla typed a reply of, "OK, thanks for letting me know." She looked over at Micheal. He looked back at her and gave a warm smile. Her heart fluttered. Karla added, "I'm strangely looking forward to it now, knowing you'll be there with me making our Micheal happy."

"This will be fun together." Chrissy noted.

They pulled into the drive and got out. Sandy said goodnight to her parents and the Howells left for the evening. Then they stepped into the house. Micheal announced, "We are going to video chat to Chrissy and Chris about T&T. So, I'm going to say goodnight now."

"OK, but don't stay up too late." Milly advised.

"We won't." the two teens replied.

They started up the stairs with Josie behind. Karla felt a hand on her arm. Milly asked softly, "Should I request those two keep the door open?"

Karla looked up at them as they chatted back and forth. "No, I think they're just friends. But if it makes you feel better, Josie and I will keep anything from happening." She advised her human friend.

"Thanks Karla." Milly replied.

She caught up to them in Micheal's room. He was setting up his tablet so they all could see. Sandy sat on the bed with her hair loose, wrapped behind her was Josie combing those red locks. Sandy had a clipboard with paper. Looked like she would be the group's secretary.

Karla sat beside them. Micheal sat before her. She coiled her legs around him and tugged him close. He leaned lightly upon her, giving a slight happy purr like sound. She started playing in his hair. He sighed delightfully.

The first image appeared. Chris smiled, "Oh cool. Karla and Josie are Full sized." His cheeks went bright red and he gasped, "Oh, Sandy. Your hair is down."

The slender redhead nervously questioned, "Do you not like it down? I could put it back up."

That smart boy replied, "I don't think you could wear your hair in a way that didn't look beautiful."

"Oh Chris." she shuddered adorably.

Chrissy slipped on about this time. "Hello all. Oh Sandy, you should grow your hair out, bet you'd look great with shoulder length or longer hair."

"What do you think Chris?" Sandy asked.

"If you want to. It's your beautiful hair, no matter what it's length." he replied.

"OK, I'll think about it then." she sighed. "Lets chat about Treasures and Towers."

That's what they did. Karla only vaguely paid attention. Careers and races mixed together and held little of her attention. But she did enjoy being able to cuddle her sweet Micheal. Playing in his hair. He was focused on the discussion. Still he was enjoying her attention as he purred a lot of his responses. The one thing that was clear at the end was what everyone was planning on making. Sandy would be a Berserker Orc, Chris planned on making a Human Priest. Chrissy would be an Elf Caster. Micheal would be a Lilliputian Burglar. And she would be a Half-Elf Hunter, whatever that meant.

They said their goodnights to Chris and Chrissy. Sandy announcing as their images disappeared, "Well, I should get ready for bed. Night Michael."

"You know Sandy, just because Chrissy calls me Micheal doesn't mean you have too. Mike would be fine." He offered.

"OK, goodnight Mike." She replied. Snickering, "Seems weird."

"Whatever you prefer, just not Mikey." he warmly replied. He leaned his head back, "If Sandy is getting ready for bed, you should too."

"Are you sure Micheal?" Karla asked him, stroking his face.

"Yeah, don't want mom mad at us." he smartly pointed out.

"As you wish." Karla purred.

He turned and his lips pressed hers and she felt as weak as a kitten. "Get some sleep. Be a busy couple of days. Night my special Karla." He then reached his hand over and pulled Josie close. His lips pressed hers and those pillowy lips parted. It was an arousing display. If Sandy wasn't awkwardly still in the room, Karla knew she would have pounced her teen owner. "Night my Special Josie." he sighed.

"Night our Special Micheal." they both purred with a hint of sadness.

They left their room. Karla was at least reassured he would be pleasured as he was headed towards his caged pets as they left. Sandy went straight to the bathroom and they prepped for bed.

She led them into the spare room and she nervously asked, "You don't mind if I have a little fun before I go to bed do you? I brought some to share if you'd like." On a shelf of the room was a small travel cage. That must have been the contents of the case she brought with her that morning. Inside were six robust Shrunken males. Sandy sure did like her male pets buff.

Karla was surprised to hear Josie reply, "Thanks Little Sister, I wouldn't mind some fun before bed myself." Karla couldn't refuse now.

"Goodie!" Sandy replied. Then started stripping. The men looked fearful at the tiny girl taking her clothes off. Josie nodded and they followed her example. The slender girl approached the cage. Her usual walk quickly morphed into a confident strut. "Hello little pretties. Who's going to please their Giantess tonight?" she growled at the trembling body builder shaped pets. Karla had to stifle a giggle as they all fearfully raised a hand.

Sandy looked back at them and smiled. Then back to her pets. "Now we have special company tonight. Who will be Karla's weak little toy?" She snarled at the muscled mini-men. They all looked worried to respond, but slowly they guessed by raising their hands. "I can't hear your tiny voices!" snapped Sandy.

"I will Giantess!" they barked back like well trained pets.

"Better, now who would like to pleasure big sister Josie?" she demanded.

"I will Giantess!" they all repeated. Karla found this amusing. If this was Josie or even Chrissy mocking these tiny buff males she would have been aroused. But she never expected such treatment of or reactions from Sandy or her Shrunken. Karla was proud of the usually shy Sandy.

"BEG!" she roared.

The males tripped over themselves literally begging the three towering naked females to use them as living sex toys. Karla liked the power rush that brought. Only pleasing her own titan teen felt better.

Sandy looked at them and with a strange confidence offered, "Go ahead and pick two each. I know whoever is left will please me or face an angry Giantess. Oh, if they fail to make you happy, let me know. So I can punish that failure." That last statement brought a sinister smile to the usually sweet face.

"Yes Giantess." they playfully replied.

Sandy's confidence faded. "No, I'm Sandy. They call me Giantess, not you two." she rambled.

"Sorry Sandy." Josie replied. "Now let's see what Little Sister brought to play with."

Josie strutted over. She popped the cage and pulled two buff forms out. She held one in each tightly coiled fist. Karla gasped at the gleeful expression on that freckled face. The power over what normally would have been much larger males was a rush for Josie.

Sandy waved her over. Karla stepped over and reached in. They were all good choices for what she figured Sandy would suggest. So she didn't care so much. But she did push one down with a flick of her fingers, rejecting him. Not that she saw a flaw, but just because she could. Soon two trembling miniature brutes were trapped in her fists.

Sandy reached in and grabbed the last two out by their legs. She held them at eye level, "You failed to be selected by my friends. You better make me forget to punish you tomorrow once we get home by being great playthings tonight!" she demanded.

Karla was shocked as the slender redhead then pressed one upside down between her labia with an aroused growl. The male was clearly wiggling between them, but Karla was certain he was swimming to please his Giantess.

"Let's lay on the bed and I'll explain what I like to do." Sandy gasped. Her pet was doing well.

They laid Sandy between them. Karla and Josie pressed a robust little form between their own womanhood's lips like Sandy had placed hers. The tiny powerhouse along her sensitivity began working. His feet found her clitoris and massaged it. "These weak cuties feel good don't they?" Sandy cooed.

"Yeah, that's nice." Josie sighed.

"Fold their little arms along their sides and start them inside your girl's spot." Sandy directed.

Karla used her fingers to pose her plaything as she was commanded. The male knew what this meant and struggled not to be held that way. Her own juices slicked him adding to the difficulty. But soon he was trapped and a rush of sensual power came to Karla as she slipped him towards her canal. His broad shoulders gave a stretching sensation. His pitiful struggles were a erotic bonus.

"Now work them in and out as deep as you like. They get all panicky at this point. Whimpering after that they thought they would drown. They won't, but it sure does feel good." Sandy explained. She began sighing little oh sounds.

Karla pushed her choice in as she heard Josie start softly moaning. He did wiggle trapped in her pussy. His tiny powerful form sparking interesting sensations. Karla leaned up, she was curious how far Josie was pressing her helpless brute. She was holding his thighs and pumping hers slowly in and out. He wasn't fully unhappy as his rigid cock wagged as Josie played with his form.

But she started, gaining Josie's attention. She sat up as Sandy growled, "Did he punch you Karla? Just close your thighs and let him know how weak he truly is!" But that wasn't it. Sandy's slender fingers held her inserted muscled toy by his ankles. He was trapped from there up inside the tiny girl. As she was making his feet disappear with her hand movements. Her toy must have been over six inches tall, and all that was wiggling inside their slim friend's girlhood.

Karla and Josie looked at each other with worry. But Sandy's aroused voice spoke her next direction, "Now with the second, I like to roll on my booby bump, sorry nipple. Make them really grind into it."

Karla decided to ask about her insertion techniques later and laid back down. Josie must have agreed as she followed.

Karla watched Sandy's other hand press her second toy over her tiny breast. She split his legs with her slender fingers. Then began rolling his penis and scrotum over her nipple. Her next direction was at that Shrunken, "Don't you cum on my booby!" she hissed.

Karla pressed her second over her breast as she watched her young friend torment her pet. The redhead girl rolled and pumped the Shrunken's manhood at that tip. Her warm soft skin made him react. His cock was quickly pointing. The whole time Sandy snarled, "Don't cum! If you cum I'll punish you! Don't cum you pathetic little thing! You cum and you'll be in trouble! Come on you weak little cutie! Hold it in!"

Karla leaned back and closed her eyes. If Sandy could slip her's in that deep, so could she. Her borrowed Shrunken did begin to struggle frantically. It felt amazing, she would have to try this with one of the girls. Her breast rider was poking her. She folded him to straddle her own nipple. His little cock rolling over her sensitive point felt delightful. The overpowering of two strapping forms was sexually empowering.

Soon Sandy started chanting, "Don't cum little one! Don't cum my weak cutie!" She let off a gasp of climax and closed her thighs tight. Pressing the other to her chest. "Oh good boy!" she sighed.

Karla soon felt her body builder power lift her to orgasm. She too pressed her breast rider to her breast. Josie exploded shortly after that. They laid there panting as happy friends.

Sandy looked at Karla and smiled then at Josie. "Oh, I'm sorry Big Sister. I'll make him pay for that."

"It's OK, I was pumping him rather eagerly." Josie replied. Karla saw the problem. Josie's nipple rider had cum on her breast.

A rather sinister growl came from Sandy, "No, they know they don't cum without permission." She began rolling her guy again as she taunted, "Isn't that right little one?" The man was clearly straining to hold off his own release. He nodded at his owner. "Oh good sweet boy." Sandy purred. She lifted him and added, "Guess you should be rewarded." She stuck her tongue out and dragged the tip along his erection. That was too much for the male. "Did I say you could cum little one?" Sandy snarled.

"No Giantess. I'm sorry my Giantess. You are just too much woman for this pathetic weak little man!" the Shrunken pleaded.

"Your what?" Sandy demanded.

"Weak, you are so big and powerful. I'm little and yours to enjoy." the male announced in a hope filled beg.

"You might not be punished." Sandy teased.

"Thank you beautiful Giantess. Kind Giantess!" The male praised that minor hope.

Karla looked at her tit rider. She lifted him and pressed her lips around his manhood and wiggled her lips. He was whimpering as she tempted him to release. Fear of what that sweet girl would do made him fight to resist. Karla didn't really want him too. She was satisfied by the one attempting to wiggle free below. But she found tormenting him fun. She had not given him verbal permission to climax. So if he did, Sandy would punish him somehow. He knew that. And he was aware she knew that. She also had the belief Sandy enjoyed their punishments. She liked making her human friends happy. She held him in her lips. Now she wrapped the tip of her tongue around his cock. Only a few strokes and she was tasting a hint of bubblegum flavor.

"Oh Karla, did he cum while you were having fun?" Sandy asked knowingly.

"Yes he did Sandy." she cooed.

"I'm sorry Giantess. She was making my dick feel so good." the toy whimpered.

"As good as making your Giantess happy?" she countered.

"No, Giantess. Your happiness is everything." he replied.

"Seems not little one, cause you chose to cum in Karla's mouth." Sandy rebutted.

"But she was stroking my." the man started.

"Silence cutie! We'll talk more at home tomorrow." rumbled that little teen. She looked at Karla with a happy smile, "Well, we should put them away and get to bed." The little teen gathered her living toys she skipped over to the cage.

"Sandy, shouldn't you rinse them off first?" Josie asked.

"They have water, they will rinse themselves or I'll be mad. They will make sure not to use it all, or go thirsty." Sandy chirps. She turns back, "Do you mind if we snuggle a bit?"

"Certainly, come here Little Sister?" Josie invited.

The girl squeals, "Goodie!" and rushed over. She curled in between them. Karla curled to one side, and Josie to the other. The girl hummed a happy sound. Karla held her tight.

Karla noted how similar cuddling Sandy was to cuddling to her Asian servant Aoi. They were so similarly built. But where Aoi was arousing to press against. Sandy was sweet. Too cute and mousy to find sexual. The closest was watching little Sandy torment her muscled pets. No this was more like cuddling a teddy bear then a sensual girl. Karla could happily doze here laying along this girlie slender form.

"Sandy, when you were enjoying your Shrunken in your vagina. He was rather big and tall, were you not worried you would break your hymen?" Josie asked with concern.

"I don't have one." Sandy replied in an odd tone.

Karla wondered aloud, "Did you lose it horseback riding or from something else?"

"Karla." Josie harshly whispered. Karla looked at her friend and saw the concern masking her face. She looked down at the young teen. Her expression was a clear attempt to hide pain. Karla's heart broke, how much has happened to this sweet, kind girl.

"I lost my virginity last year." the teen trembled out.

"Oh Little Sister. What more has happened to you?" Josie whimpered, hugging Sandy tight.

"It was my fault. Should have known better." the usually adorable girl mumbles.

Karla pressed tightly to comfort her slender friend.

"Tell me what happened?" Josie encouraged her.

"Daddy and I went to the last Company Annual Chess tournament. I was hoping I could finish that year. But Allena was there, and she made friends. I was walking back to my room when her friends found me. They cornered me and started reminding me I wasn't wanted. They trapped me there and wouldn't let me out of the corner. Suddenly a man came out of his room and chased them away." Sandy started. her voice trembling.

She continued, "He offered me a chance to calm down in his room. I just wanted to hide. Be safe from those mean girls, I didn't think. He led me in and sat me on his bed. He got me a wet cloth to wipe my eyes and some tissues. I managed to start to gain control when he told me it was awful how those girls treated such a pretty little thing like me. I suddenly realized what I had done."

Her voice cracked as she described, "I knew I had to get out of there as he ran his hand along my leg and under my skirt. I tried to leave and he grabbed my shoulders. He told me he made me feel better, I was to make him feel better. He was so big and strong. He dragged me onto the center of his bed. I panicked, I couldn't stop him so I just laid there. He lifted my shirt and kissed my neck. Then he pushed up my bra and sucked on my boob hard. It hurt. He was heavy on top of me. I was pinned. He lifted my skirt then pulled down my panties."

She let out a soft whimper then continued, "He forced my legs apart. Then he undid his pants. He pressed his tip and just shoved it all in me. It hurt so bad. He just kept humping me. Telling me how good I felt. How if I told anyone I let him put it in me that other men would know I would let them put their things into me. He pulled it out and sat on my chest. He rubbed his thing there till he sprayed it on my chest. He pulled my bra over it, then my shirt. He thanked me for being a good girl, reminding me other men would want their turn."

She shuttered, "I got out and around the corner. But I couldn't see, I was crying so hard. Someone grabbed my shoulders and led me to my room. Next thing I knew it I was being held on daddy's lap and explaining what happened to two Company Security agents. A Company nurse looked me over and gave me a pill just in case he had gotten me pregnant. Daddy wanted to leave, but I insisted he stay and win. Please don't tell Chris I did that."

"Sandy, dear girl, you didn't do that. That man forced himself on you. It wasn't your fault." Josie attempted to comfort their young friend.

Karla was heart broken for her young human friend. Much had happened to the young teen yet she was still a sweet and kind girl. Sandy shuttered and asked, "You think he'd be OK that I went into that room with that man?"

Josie kissed the girl's forehead and answered, "He will understand you were not thinking clearly and that horrible man took advantage of you."

"Really?" Sandy gasped.

"I believe so, he seems such a good lad." Josie reassured Sandy. They held tight to their trembling teen. Trying to comfort her from the past attack. She cried openly in their protective hug. It wasn't lost on Karla that the wounded girl they were comforting had just finished sexually abusing a few tiny men. But their life was to be used for enjoyment, her attack was monstrous.

"Thank you, I feel better being able to share that with friends that care for me." Sandy trembled out.

"Do you know who helped you to your room?" Josie asked.

"I know they knew my name. But I was so disoriented, I didn't see who it was." She sighed.

Karla couldn't help but ask, "Do you know what happened to the man?"

Sandy looked at her and simply said, "Mommy said we have a very good garbage disposal."

She took a moment to settle down more. Then sighed, "I guess we should get dressed for bed." They got up and dressed. Just to curl together again. The shared emotion brought them close. Despite her past, Sandy was still such a sweet girl. Though it helped Karla to understand her nervousness and self doubt. Karla soon fell asleep curled around Sandy, hoping she felt protected by her embrace.

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Re: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by GiantMe » Fri Aug 27, 2021 9:01 pm

Love your Tourist stories, they're very enjoyable to read.

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Re: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by HHunter1 » Sun Aug 29, 2021 12:08 am

Thanks GiantMe. Comments are a big help.

Sorry to plug, but I do have a buy me a coffee account if anyone would like to and able support my writing, link bellow. Yeah, I'm not great at self promotion. Sorry.

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CH 11: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by HHunter1 » Sat Sep 04, 2021 9:43 pm

Sorry, wanted to have this edited for Thursday but didn't sleep well. I hopefully have a new Chapter of the Other Guest ready for next week. Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 11

Karla awoke to someone nuzzling her cleavage. She opened her eyes to see a little red haired head rubbing her face into her chest. Two adorable green eyes peeked up at her. "Oh Karla, I'm sorry. Your bobbies were just so snuggly and silky."

Karla wasn't sure how to take this. Was Sandy being sexual with this invasion or just cute? "I'm really sorry. I woke up with my face between your bobbies. It was so comfortable and felt so nice on my cheeks. I kept snuggling you without permission, didn't I?" the girl explained further. Karla felt she could see in the girl's eyes she had honestly just enjoyed the sensation.

"It's OK Sandy, it's time to get up anyway." Karla replied. Hugged the girl's head and pressed her face into her cleavage. Rubbing her chest over the girl's face, "I like cuddling you too." The slender teen giggled from the attack.

"Karla, stop smothering the girl." Josie teased.

Karla let Sandy go. "But she likes snuggling." Karla countered.

"Oh does Little Sister?" Josie playfully growled. "What about snuggling me?" Josie playfully pressed her breasts against Sandy's head.

Karla pressed to the other side. "No she's snuggling me!" She jokingly argued.

As they playfully argue who's chest she should snuggle. The slender redhead giggled out, "I love having sleepovers with my big sisters. You two make me feel like I'm not a hand-me down."

"Oh, Little Sister. You're not a hand-me down. You're a gift." Josie explained.

"We are glad you're our friend." Karla agreed.

"But you know how my parents ended up having to look after me?" the girl whimpered.

"They talk about how great you are in their lives. You have to stop letting those who don't know tell you what your lives together means." Josie demanded.

"And we are rewarded with your friendship since we are just Shrunken." Karla announced.

"You're not just Shrunken to me." Sandy noted.

Karla and Josie nuzzled their noses on her cheeks, both saying in unison, "Then we are doubly gifted."

"I wish I had found you two." Sandy purred.

"After seeing how you treat your Shrunken, I'm glad you didn't." Teased Karla.

The living doll tilted her head as if in thought. Shortly she replied, "No your right. I would have pushed both of you into my girl spot you’re so sexy. This is better." The three snickered at this confession.

They laid there for a bit. Cuddled as three friends, well, two lovers and an adorable pixie. Sandy's nose sniffed like a little rabbit. "What's that smell?" she sighed.

"Howard is making pancakes." Karla and Josie announced.

They rushed downstairs. "Morning girls." Milly greeted them. Offering the older girls their preferred fixed coffee. They were soon given those golden treats with ham slices. Micheal soon joined them with good morning kisses which Karla felt was just as sweet and delightful as those special pancakes.

The older Howells arrived soon after. After breakfast and clean-up the whole group began packing. Milly was right, Howard and Micheal chose to stay home to help. Best part was the fact Micheal would sneak a hug or kiss from her and Josie whenever he got a chance. Around noon Milly called out requesting lunch requests, it seemed Mr. Jacobs was coming and bringing lunch. Micheal requested Sushi, and that pricey option was agreed on.

He arrived and Karla heard Milly greet the man. "Hello Gabs, whoa, what happened to your eye?"

Mr. Jacobs snickered and replied, "Seems Mr. Watts was still upset about my collecting Karla that night."

"You know, he's right. I should blacken the other one for that." Milly firmly declared.

"Yeah, well this time I'll duck and then text my security team. Instead of attempting the other way around." Mr. Jacobs joked to his crush.

"Get in here so we can eat and get back to packing." Milly commanded.

The group all playfully mocked Mr. Jacobs for the injury. He had brought a wide variety of Japanese food items. It must have cost him a fortune. After the tasty treat Milly, Josie, and Sandy went over to the new place to wait for the new furniture to be delivered.

The men began moving the current furniture to the container. They had the couch to the door when Mr. Jacobs called out, "Karla?"

"Yes Mr. Jacobs?" she replied.

"Can you go get those glasses?" he asked.

"OK." Karla was going to ask why, but she figured she knew. Soon enough she was reducing every large piece of furniture that didn't disassemble. Packing them like trinkets. A fact Milly wasn't too happy to learn about once she arrived home. Especially about her prized piano being wrapped in tissue paper in a random box.

As the packing continued Karla was approached by Tanya. "Sandy is so happy today. Thank you and Josie. I think she needed time with friends. I'm so happy she found some finally."

Karla could see the woman's eyes welling up. She hugged her, "We are glad to be her friends. She's had such a rough short life. Yet she's still so sweet and kind. I'm surprised she doesn't have dozens of friends already."

"She doesn't have much luck with new people till Chrissy, Micheal, and all of you found her. According to his mother Chris is star struck by her. I was beginning to think she would never find anyone who would see how special she is. Now she's got a pack of friends. I know it must be hard to accept as a Shrunken, but she really thinks of you and Josie as much her friend as Chrissy and the human teens." Tanya praised.

"I do have one thing I need to ask about. She told us what happened to her at the last Chess tournament." Karla started.

"My poor baby. Bullied then assaulted." Tanya whimpered. She looked Karla in her eyes, "That creature wasn't Company thank goodness. Security sent it to me and I disposed of him. Sorry you can't make him pay. Unless you're wondering about how we can play with Shrunken, but not overlook when it happens to us?"

"No, I understand, we Shrunken are to make our owners happy. And yes I would have loved to help make that Shrunken pay. I understand your actions fully. Just, why would she tell Josie and I?" Karla asked.

"She trusts you. You're like wise pixies to her. She is going to want to ask you about all kinds of things. Hopefully Micheal doesn't mind." Tanya explained.

"I'm sure he'll be glad to allow her to chat with us privately." Karla guessed. "Although Sandy didn't know who helped her back to her room. Do you?"

Tanya looked away. She huffed out a breath and noted, "I rather it was someone else. But it was Allena, she called Company Security and let Patrick know Sandy was hurt. She didn't know for certain what had happened to Sandy, just that she was hurt and it had to do with that being. If it wasn't for her, he might have gotten away with it."

"That was good of her." Karla responded.

"In her own twisted way Allena sees our Sandy as a friend. She was furious at that thing for what he did. Guess she ripped a strip off her friends for letting Sandy be alone with it. If she would just stop being a little bitch like her mother she might even become a halfway OK person someday." Tanya advised.

"Why don't you let Sandy know who it was if you know?" Karla wondered.

"I honestly think it would make it worse. The person that sent that pack of jackals on her that made her stumble into that creature's room was the one who helped her to safety afterward. Sandy would likely take that as a sign she's just the world's punching bag. And if she lets that slip in, I worry even more what she might do." Tanya illuminated.

"Allena never said either?" Karla asked.

"And let her mother know she didn't take an advantage over Patrick in that tournament. Never, especially since even distracted as he was, he beat her out of the top spot." Tanya reasoned.

Karla sighed at the odd dealings of the Company and its people. "How did Agnus not find out?" she wondered out loud.

"Not her zone she watches or her family. So even if she learned of the attack, she likely decided it was poor Sandy's own fault." Tanya growled.

"What a messed up family." Karla stated.

Tanya hugged her. "Your right Karla. I'm glad you're in with our mixed up bunch."

Karla felt odd pride, "Thanks." was all she could say.

The day was a busy one of packing and loading. Every book and Nick Knack. Dish and glass. Chair and bobble. Loaded into that light blue container. Anything destined for the yard sale was stacked into the garage. Unwanted Company sensitive materials were put into Mr. Jacobs' car for transport to Howard's research complex. They took a brief break to have sandwiches and fries for supper. But by early evening they had all but the mattress from the beds and some blankets, clothes for the night and next day, and cages and carrying containers for containing their pets in the living room. toilet trees stayed in their bathrooms and the remaining food stayed waiting in the refrigerator to be packed. The container and their items were secured for the night.

Suddenly Patrick announced, "OK Sand-Dollar, go pack up your things. Time for us to get home for the night."

"Oh, can't I stay the night with Josie again?" the girl whimpered.

"Sorry my bright spot. We will see them tomorrow to help them unpack though." he replied.

"OK." she sighed. Then hugged Josie hard. "I really liked staying with you two. Thank you!"

"You're welcome, thanks for staying with us." Josie replied.

"Once we are neighbors we could do that more often please." Sandy noted.

"I'd like that." Josie admitted.

"Well, I should be going to. Meet you all at the new place tomorrow. Be very careful about shrinking that container tomorrow." Mr. Jacobs announced.

"We plan on getting up bright and early. Less chance people will be around." Howard advised.

"Sounds good. I'll drop off that stuff in my car on my way home. Let me know when you're on your way so I can get Security set to shield the resizing. And bring the resizer over too I guess." he suggested.

"Will do." Howard agreed.

They had made a triangle with the mattress. Karla sat on the one her and Josie would be sharing for the night. Sadly Milly refused to allow them to cuddle Micheal for the night even with her in the room. They opened a bottle of wine Mr. Jacobs brought over. With Milly and Howard sharing stories of the old house. Triumphs celebrated and hardships overcome. Micheal was embarrassed when they began sharing baby Mikey stories.

"Well, since we have to get up early we should get to bed." Howard sighed.

"Yeah, I guess he's right." Milly teased.

"Beat you to the bathroom." Micheal announced and bolted up the stairs. Karla and Josie, giggling , chased him. They brushed their teeth with their owner like happy children. Milly and Howard snickered at them as they went to their room to use that bathroom to freshen up.

They traveled back to the mattresses each cuddling Micheal by holding on to an arm each. They sat curled to one side each. Nuzzling their faces into his chest and neck. Stroking their hands over where they usually slept. Karla could tell he was getting very aroused and they should stop cuddling their sweet owner. But he purred so happily as they pressed along his sides.

Milly's voice called over, "OK you two, stop that and get to your bed."

Karla turned Micheal's face to hers. She pressed her mouth to his and gave him a deep good night kiss. He was gasping after. Josie turned his face to her face and also deeply kissed their teen owner. Together they purred, "Good night Michael."

Adorably he stammered out, "Good, good night my specials."

"Hey, where's my goodnight kiss?" Howard teased.

They smiled and walked over to the man and each playfully pecked his cheeks. They then curled around Milly and hugged their owner's mother and gave a long kiss to her cheeks. "Howard, I think I'll sleep in the spare bed tonight." Milly teased.

"But they're my Shrunken." Micheal whimpered.

"I was joking sweetheart." Milly pointed out.

"Oh, OK." Micheal mumbled.

Karla slipped under her blankets and Josie laid beside her. Josie wrapped her arms around Karla's head and hugged her to that perky pair. Karla sighed at being able to rest her head on such firm pillows.

"Everyone ready?" Howard asked.

"Yes." They sang out in chorus. Then the lights went out. Howard slipped into bed and the loving arms of his wife. Karla soon fell asleep with the song of soft breathing.

At some point there was movement. Karla groggily looked and Micheal was heading to the bathroom near the kitchen. Karla realized she now had to go too. It was a benefit of being full sized that she didn't have to wait for him to move her to a toilet. She sleepily took the stairs to the bathroom there.

As she returned Karla looked down at the mattress. She must have gotten turned around by climbing the stairs. Micheal's mattress was still empty. But what she figured was her bed for the night had a couple in it. She guessed that it had to be Milly and Howard since there was a feminine form in the other bed alone.

She quietly slipped into her bed and curled to that form. It's head hugged over hers and those long lithe legs hooked along her legs. Karla snickered at how much taller Josie seemed to be laying down. She rested her head on the nice little breasts. Then she realized this person was taller then she was. Those breasts were nice, but not the Shrunken firm set she was used to cuddling to. This was Milly.

Karla started to rise up. Milly's arm hugged her head back to her chest. Karla was about to attempt to wake the woman for her freedom when Milly purred in her sleep, "No, I want Karla cuddles. Stay and tell me what you're naming my grandbabies." Karla lost all want to leave. Her heart raced in joy. Did Milly really want her to have Micheal's children? Could she even do that as a Shrunken? She hugged the woman who gave her such a heartwarming complement. Sleepy fingers slipped into her hair. She was held lovingly. Like she was Milly's own child.

Movement came to the bed. A groggy sounding Howard sighed, "Oh, alright." and moved towards the empty mattress.

Karla sighed and let sleep retake her. Dreaming of showing Milly the babies she had earned from her Micheal.

Karla woke some time later with long fingers combing through her hair. The room was being teased with daylight. "Morning cuddle bunny." Milly whispered, kissing Karla's forehead.

"Morning Milly." Karla sighed back squeezing that lithe form.

"What rewarded me with your company for the night." Milly cooed, stroking Karla's black hair from her face.

"I mistook this for my bed. And once I curled up to you, you hugged me too tightly to leave." Karla sighed at the caring attention.

Milly turned, asking, "How did you do that?" The snicker as she rolled back, "Oh, cause of the couple in your bed I take it."

"Yes. Did Micheal go to the wrong bed?" Karla asked.

"From how my son's face is buried into Josie's cleavage. I would say he found the right bed. Remind me to be mad at him later. Right now, I just want to enjoy these relaxing cuddles." Milly softly sang.

"You're not mad I took Howard's spot?" Karla wondered.

"No, Howard doesn't cuddle in his sleep. Even if we start holding each other. He gets too warm. So this is a nice treat. Suppose you want me to let you loose." Milly offered.

"No. Please don't get upset, but this reminds me of cuddling with my mother in a way. I miss this feeling." Karla confessed.

Milly kissed her forehead again, "I'm good with that Sweetheart."

They laid there close together. Milly playing affectionately in Karla's hair. But a question sat in Karla's mind. She didn't want to ask in case it broke this nice connection. The idea ate at her though. "Milly, you said something last night when you grabbed me."

"Oh, nothing embarrassing I hope." Milly said in a light tone.

Karla took a deep breath, "Might be. Ahh, you asked me what I was going to name your grandbabies."

Karla felt the woman's arms hug her tight. "Opps." she sighed. "Secret time Karla. When I slip and let myself wonder what Mikey’s children might look like. I don't think blonde haired, blue eyed ones despite Chrissy being his girlfriend. I've been envisioning them having tan skin and gorgeous brown eyes like their wonderful mother."

Karla felt tears slip down her cheeks. "Really, but I'm just a Shrunken." she choked out.

"No my girl, you're our Special." Milly countered. Wiping tears from Karla's cheek.

"Could I even have human babies now?" Karla blathered out.

"Not for at least a decade if you don't want me to kill you." Milly jokes. Then added, "I really don't know. I think maybe if your tubes were reactivated while full sized and you stay full sized for the full term. But I'd have to ask Jeff for sure. And I'm not ready to explore that idea yet."

"But, you want to explore that idea at some point?" Karla hoped aloud.

"You'll be a great mom if it happens Karla." Milly commented.

"Thank you Milly." Karla whimpered happily.

"When it's just us, you can call me mom if you'd like." Milly sighed warmly.

Karla hugged her tight, "Thank you Mom."

They laid snuggling tight. Then soft kisses could be heard. It seemed that Micheal and Josie were awake. Milly sighed and whispered in Karla's ear, "Mom time." She sat up and cleared her throat loudly.

Howard sat bolt up and blurted out, "What? What did I do?"

"Morning Mom." Micheal shyly answered.

"Morning Milly." Josie's voice was tinted with guilt.

"Is that your bed Mike?" Milly attempted to sound firm.

"Oh sorry, I guess I took his bed." Howard tried to cover for his son.

"OK, Howard we should go to our room and get dressed. Mike, girls, up to your room and quickly get ready for a long day of lugging." Milly commanded.

"Really, all three." Micheal started.

"Now hurry, we have a busy day ahead." Milly commanded.

Karla started to get up when Milly grabbed her and waved her close. "Quick fun only, we have to get going."

"Thanks mom." Karla replied.

"Oh, I was talking to myself." Milly joked with a wink.

She grabbed her clothes for the day and raced to their room for one more quick play session. She entered to find Micheal leaning on the wall. A topless Josie pressed to him running fingers through his hair. Micheal's mouth capped one of her freckle decorated breasts. Karla shut the door and barely had her top off before Josie was tugging her in to join them.

Josie's lips pressed to Karla's as they clouded their sweet owner's vision with their breasts. Karla shuttered, Micheal's mouth grabbed one of her breasts. That skilled tongue coiled around her nipple. Karla could have played in this standing pile all day, but Milly said quick fun. Her hand reached down to push his shorts down only to find Josie had started without her.

His shorts fell and they wrapped their hand around his girth. Interlocking their fingers to wrap that thick cock. Together they began giving their endowed owner a cooperative hand job. Grinding their breasts into his sweet gasping face. Karla whispered breathlessly at her Micheal, "Oh Micheal, it's so thick. Oh Micheal you're too much for my pussy." Josie shared her own encouragement to the imaginary fucking that Behemoth was giving her.

Micheal's mouth began wildly jumping from one breast to another. Karla gasped hard whenever one her nipples had its chance to dance with Micheal's tongue. His hand slipped into her shorts. Curious fingers found her clitoris and massaged it lovingly. Soon his owning touches were edging her toward climax. She pledged to herself if he beat her to that goal she would drop to her knees and choke that thick cock down her own throat as his trophy. Then she lost by winning as he began to jump as each burst fired out from his manhood. They cuddled him as the well loved pets they were. Only after he finished did they realize they could have savored that chocolate flavor they both so craved now.

Karla had to fight the thought of going to her knees anyway. She knew her and Josie's mouths could reload that mass for another spray fairly quickly. But Milly said quick fun. Besides if they pleasured him again so soon he might have a hard time getting the energy to move. "OK, we should clean up and dress before your mother realizes she sent us all in here." Karla advised.

"You two are so HOT!" Micheal praised.

Karla's heart melted at that high praise. She bit her lip, the pain helping her resist the urge to thank him deep in her throat for those words. Josie was again the more responsible pet, "Thank you Micheal. Now let's get cleaned-up and get dressed. It’s a busy day, remember."

"Yeah, busy day." he sighed, slipping his hands from their shorts.

They wiped up his puddle and dressed. Bagging up the soiled clothes they used to soak up the white release.

Karla and Josie picked the yoga pants outfits Milly had bought them. But Karla looked at the pants. Yes, yoga pants stretch. But these looked more like yoga kid's shorts. She reached in and the material had a silky familiarity to them. Karla folded them out to read the material listed on the inside. "These will not fit us?" Josie noted.

Karla snickered. "Yes it will, they are mostly Mightlore." She then slipped a leg in and the cuff hugged her ankle while the leg easily stretched along her skin. She pulled the other leg on and up over her ass. The Material hugged her every curve in that silken feel.

"OH so Hot!" Micheal sighed. Karla felt her ass, the material had hugged there to display her cheeks clearly. Luckily it came with a long button up men's style shirt to cover her backside. Otherwise they might have a hard time keeping Micheal focused. She turned to watch that magic material hug over Josie's pert round ass. Karla sighed, yes the long shirts would help keep people from being distracted.

They finished and started back to start packing the last few items. "Hey, mom and dad aren't down here. Karla, go see how much longer they will be." Micheal requested.

Karla wandered to their door. She was about to knock when she heard Milly gasp, "Yes Howard, right there!" Karla turned, she didn't want to disturb what sounded like a good time.

As she was headed down the stairs. Micheal looked up and asked, "Where are mom and dad?"

"They said they will be down shortly. We should finish up packing while we wait." Karla lied.

Josie started packing up the bedding while Micheal started putting his few Shrunken into the Collection case from the trip. Karla went to the kitchen to pack the remaining unpacked food.

"Wow you two take forever to get dressed." Micheal announced.

Karla peeked. Their grins said dressing wasn't what took so long. Howard went to unload his cage while Milly entered the kitchen. Karla teased, "I guess we were too quick with our fun."

Milly playfully slapped her shoulder, "Don't make me think of my son doing things like that you naughty girl."

Soon the five of them had the mattresses and clothes packed into the container. Shrunken filled cases are discreetly packed into the car trunk with the food. "OK Karla, the four of us will watch the road and neighborhood. When I give you the all clear I'll wave at you like this. You shrink the container for us. You OK with that?" Howard asked.

"Yes Howard." She felt proud that he trusted her with this.

He hugged her and kissed her forehead. "That's our girl." he praised and walked to the hedge blocking the view of the driveway. She placed the glasses on her face. Micheal gave an adorable look. She would have to get more fake glasses if he liked the look of them on her that much. Howard waved.

Karla turned and looked at the blue container. Then like how that nice Alex guy had explained how to shrink a car she imagined the container shrinking. How it would look at Standard size. And suddenly a little blue box was at her feet.

"OK, lets get that in the car and head out." Howard advised.

"We should go to Jake's Café for breakfast!" Micheal suggested.

"I'll let Gabs know we are stopping for breakfast on the way." Milly advised.

Karla lifted the box. It was heavy, like a cinder block. But she managed to carefully place it in the corner of the trunk reserved for it. And they were off to breakfast and their new home.

Jake's Café was an older style dinner. A nice older woman greeted them and led them to a booth. She clearly recognized the human Miller's, but gave her and Josie confused looks. They being a bit snugly packed on both sides of Micheal probably added to that. But nothing was said. It was good eggs benedict for a cheap dinner breakfast. Way too many roasted potatoes.

They continued on to the gated Company community and began driving toward the house. Apartment buildings edged the community then many houses. On the hill area could be seen several mansion style houses. "Howard?" Josie spoke.

"Yes Josie?" He replied.

"How many people work at your complex?" she asked.

"Little over a thousand, why?" he replied.

"Is that all the Company people in this area?" She continued.

"No, I think there are just under two thousand all together. Many are Yellows if that helps." he explained.

"How many houses and apartments are here?" she asked.

"I don't know. They are still building here. We could take a drive later and take a look. Why?" Howard sounded concerned.

"Well, if I miss my guess from this small sample I'm seeing. I think there are more houses and apartments here then the Company has personnel here." Josie let her reporter instinct out.

Howard stopped the car. They were at the house. He mumbled out, "You might be right."

"Oh good, you're here." Mr. Jacobs announced his presence.

Milly got out, "Hey Gabs. Everything ready?"

"Sure, get the container where you want it as I get Security to lock down the area." he said with a smile.

Karla pulled the container from the trunk. Josie helped carry it to it's spot. She whispered, "This area is for more than the Company people in the area. They have something more planned here."

"As long as Micheal and the others are safe, I'm OK with whatever the Company does." Karla replied softly.

"I'm just too curious." she sighed. The mystery was exciting her.

"Are we ready?" Mr. Jacobs asked.

"Sure are Gabs." Milly replied.

"OK team, GO!" Mr. Jacobs spoke into his watch. Karla shivered as every clear view from the driveway suddenly had cars, trucks, and fencing blocking it. Mr. Jacob pointed a pistol-like device at the box. As quickly as it had shrunk, it was it’s right size again. "Good job team." Mr. Jacobs stated in his watch and the cars, trucks and things slipped from view. "Let's get unpacking," he said with a smile. His two shadows appeared in jeans and tee shirts like he summoned them from the Earth itself.

Howard opened the box and Milly started directing the helpers to where the boxes went. Josie approached Mr. Jacobs. "Hello Mr. Jacobs. Can I ask you something about this neighborhood?"

"Josie right? You can call me Gabriel. Oh, I remembered last night you could borrow that Shrunken and didn't bring her yesterday. I'll get her from the car, you can stay full sized till Monday night to enjoy using her. I'll be right back." Mr. Jacobs replied and walked over to his car.

"He ignored my question." Josie grumbled.

"We are Shrunken. Unlike the Miller's and their friends. We are not that special to him. What we want isn't important." Karla advised her friend.

"Still bothers me." Josie sighed.

He walked up with a little carrying case. "Here, take her where Milly is having you sleep tonight. You'll need to fill the water bottle and plug the cage in. But I left plenty of food for it in there. Have fun." he turned and jogged over announcing, "Milly, that looks heavy, let me get it."

"I think he purposely avoided me asking him again." Josie advised.

"Well, maybe later. Best get Sammy there in whatever room we'll be sharing till Monday night. Shouldn't let that bitch go thirsty for too long." Karla suggested.

"Right." Josie snorted. Then headed over to Milly.

Karla went over and placed Micheal's container over her shoulder and lifted a box of food from the car. Heading in, Milly praised, "Oh good. Thanks Karla, I forgot about the food."

"You keep directing. I'll bring them and the Shrunken in and put them away." Karla offered.

"Thanks Sweetie." Milly cheered.

"Your welcome mom." Karla braved. Rewarded by the woman smiling warmly at her.

She placed the box on the counter and then started towards the stairs. Micheal stopped her. "Are those mine?" he wondered.

"Yep. Just taking them to your room." she purred to him.

"Al finished the cages. You can release them right inside. Silos have food so they can go exploring. Thanks Karla." he advised, heading back out to grab another box.

Karla walked up and into her Owner's apartment. Past the small kitchen and dining area. The full bathroom and it's massive tub. Through the living room and into the bedroom. Then to the walk-in closet that would soon be his pets' new home. She stopped. On the outside wall was a familiar cage. Her penthouse cage from the ship. A tube ran from it into the wall.

She opened the door and gasped. It was it's own little village. The cages lined the walls looked like they could hold an army in the many tiny apartments. Light beamed in from a sky light illuminating the shared area. A small wall blocked a small area behind the door to keep pets safe from the massive wooden panel. There were grey road-like paths on the floor. Several large grey panels left open areas. Other open areas had soft real grass and tiny plants to be trees.

Four little building-like things sat on the floor. She looked at the one connected to the wall. It was a small parking garage, likely for her Shrunken cars.

The next closest had big bay windows. She looked in. It was a tiny fitness center with a good sized pool. The upper floor looked to have several dance studios and other rooms that would work well as art classes and the like.

The other was an open stage with seating. The partial dome looked to have all the rigging and tiny lighting for performing plays and other stage shows. The road around it was wider here with a solid wall and long straight sections on either side of the stage area. Then Karla giggled. It was a race track for her to drive fast on. She had to thank Al next time she saw him.

The last building had fencing around it in a big grass field. It looked like a large barn with several side doors. She giggled, it was her bunny barn.

She started over to where she left her container when she noticed the buildings were latched down. Noticed the same types of latches on the grey open areas. She squealed, they were for adding more buildings later. They could have movie theaters and other things for Micheal's pets to contain themselves.

Karla opened the container and began lifting those lucky Shrunken out to explore their new home. "Holy smokes." Amanda exclaimed at the room-sized cage.

"I know, there is a stage, a gym with a pool. Dance rooms. A barn for riding bunnies. Remember you get first choice of rooms as one of Micheal's top Shrunken.'' Karla excitedly advised. Looking forward to exploring the room once she was returned to her proper size.

"Thanks boss, I'll take a look around and let you know what I find." Amanda replied.

Karla started to leave. But there was a panel on the wall. It was labeled weather and listed from clear to downpour. Next to it was a thermostat dial listing winter to mid-summer. She had to see, so she turned the weather dial. Soon a panel slipped over the skylight. Sprinklers started misting. Then she turned it more and showers of fair sized drops began falling in the caged area. She could hear a few different little screams from Shrunken caught in the inside downpour. She reached in to feel the rain. It was freezing. She quickly flicked it off. She realized she left the temp turned all the way off. She found the dial for the room temperature and adjusted for a sunny summer day in the room. Offering the girls dry clothes to change into before she left them to explore. Noting she would have to show Micheal those fun dials.

She got back downstairs to find the Howell's had arrived. Tanya was putting away the food and Sandy was bringing in one of the containers. "Hello Karla, where does this go?" the red-headed sweetheart asked.

"If you let me grab the other one I can show you and take it where it goes." Karla suggested.

"Sure, Milly said you could show me around. I wonder how different it is to our place." Sandy advised.

Karla rushed out to the car and carried the last container and box of food in. Leaving the food in the kitchen she gilded Sandy up the stairs. "Is that Micheal's apartment?" she asked at the top of the stairs.

"Yes, isn't it an apartment in your house?" Karla asked.

"No, Dad and Mom had it converted into a workshop and office since they work mostly at home. These rooms here are my room and down this hall is a door for a guest room." Sandy pointed out the differences. Where the Miller's had three small rooms and a large library area.

They entered their room and into the cage room for Milly and Howard's pets. It was nearly twice the size of Micheal's. A large sky light lit this room too. But a human sized path with Shrunken sized walls lined it. One side was for Milly's and the other housed Howard's. They had smaller paths. Less likely any of them would be allowed to drive a car.

They each had a fitness center but no other little buildings besides the cage apartments. Though there were a couple grey panels if the Miller adults wanted to add a few later. Each side had their own weather control panel.

"Wow, I can't wait to see what Mr. Watts makes my cages look like." Sandy said, marveling at the room.

"You're going to have two. One for kids and one for your play Shrunken." Karla asked.

"Technically three, have to keep male and female cages separate. But yeah. Maybe I can show you later." Sandy responded.

"I hope so." Karla confessed as they began placing Shrunken into the assumed sides. Karla figured the side with the larger weight options in it was for Milly's males. That side was shorter, and Karla wondered if they were sharing the females.

The rest of the day was a blur of lugging and unpacking. Al had come at some point to help. Around lunch a variety of pizzas arrived, Mr. Jacob's handy work. Karla was amused to notice he was avoiding Al. The Company moving branch was able to take away the container by early afternoon. Now it was assembling and placing furniture. Not to mention resizing the ones Mr. Jacobs had her shrink. But placing a standard sized piano down and returning it to the right size was much easier than trying to move a full sized one.

Fried chicken and the fixings arrived for supper. It was clearly Mr. Jacobs' handy work again. Karla got the clear feeling it was to show off in a way for Milly. Howard clearly noticed too, but he was the one that had Milly snuggle up beside him while the meal was eaten.

After supper Karla was in Micheal's apartment helping him set-up his new furniture. Josie and Sandy were with them as they worked together. Micheal had chosen to turn the little dining room area into a small library since he would still be eating with his parents. The shelf-like trim along the top of the ceiling would hold his lego sets since he had new toys he would rather play with.

They were just starting his entertainment stand when Pat called up, "Sand-Dollar, we have to get going, my sunshine."

"OK dad!" Sandy called back. She turned to them, "Night Micheal, Karla." She turned and hugged Josie with a sweet, "Talk to you soon Big Sister."

"Night Little Sister." Josie happily replied. Then the slender little teen practically skipped to the stairs.

"It'll be nice to have her nearby to hang out." Micheal said of his new friend.

Micheal was trying to hold two of the press wood boards aligned to connect them. "Here Micheal let me hold that for you." Karla said as she sat near her owner. He was so close, she couldn't help but press to his warm form.

"OH you need this piece." Josie walked over holding a metal bracket. She kneeled on his otherside and was pulled into his orbit.

Karla felt herself rub her breasts into his shoulder as she nuzzled her face to his neck. Josie was grinding her perky pair to his other shoulder, sneaking pecks to her side of his neck. Micheal was too busy gasping to connect the boards.

Karla moved his face and savored his mouth passionately. Her hands now rubbed his torso. She let his lips go to kiss his neck. After all Josie should get to kiss their sweet Micheal too. And kissed him she did, dropping the bracket to stroke his body. They traded his mouth back and forth as their hands explored his form. Karla gasps as his hand found her Mightlore clad ass. Josie and her found a very firm Behemoth ready to slay their longing lusts for their owner.

Karla knew she should back off. He wasn't ready for these pleasures. Milly would be furious if they took advantage of their teen owner. But she was his Shrunken pet, here to make him happy no matter what her size. She would just have to ride him to pleasure then help him accept their actions after.

Josie and her were just starting at his belt when a throat cleared in the doorway. Karla and Josie both jumped away from Micheal like dogs caught in the garbage. "You will not get that together that way." Howard teased.

"Dad we were just putting this together." Micheal stumbled out.

"And that is?" Howard asked in an amused tone.

"Shelves? No, it's the entertainment stand." Micheal fumbled.

"You two, Milly is looking for help putting the library together. I think I'll be a less distracting help for poor Mike. And no I will not tell Milly what I walked into." The man directed.

"Yes Howard." They both said, like scolded children.

Howard stopped them, "Oh don't be so sad. We can't have Milly mad at our girls now can we?"

"No Howard." Josie replied.

He smiled warmly, "Such wonderful additions to our family. Go help mom before she gets curious."

"OK dad." Karla tested.

As they walked Josie asked, "Did you just call him dad?"

"We are more than just interesting pets. They see us as family." Karla advised.

"Hmmm, I am so happy about that for some reason." Josie sighed.

Karla wiped an overwhelmed tear from her freckled cheek, "Because it's more than any Shrunken should expect." She kissed the redhead beauty's forehead.

They walked into the Library area. Milly smiled at them ,"Just Millers in the house now." she announced.

"How can we help mom?" Josie tested.

Milly's eyes went wide, then her face glowed into a smile. She grabbed them both, "What wonderful finds my boy brought us." They stayed in the loving hug for a moment. Milly stepped back. "I'm trying to organize books by topic, I have some done. If you two want to start putting those ones on that top shelf I'll try to gather more together."

They worked at it for hours. Placing books on shelves, only to move them to fit with others better. Soon they were just making piles of topic or book styles so they wouldn't have to keep moving them around.

Milly yawned and stretched. "OK ladies. I think we should call it a night. The spare bed is set up for you, with the cage with that borrowed Shrunken. Teach that bitch what happens to those Shrunken that hurt my girls." She stood and twisted, "Glad we'll have you Full sized till Monday night. I'll be glad for your help." They both received a motherly kiss on their foreheads as they wished the woman a good night sleep.

"We do have Sammy to play with." Josie purred cruelly. The evil tone was arousing to hear from that freckled goddess.

"Guess we should go tell her Mr. Jacobs is going to breed you a servant from her." Karla cooed. Josie stepped in close and pulled Karla in tight. Pillowy lips kissed Karla's mouth and they shared a deep kiss.

Josie started leading Karla to the guest room by her hand. Both giggling like cruel children. Josie pulled her into the room. The door was barely closed before that red haired dream was nibbling Karla's neck. She could feel Josie's fingers undoing the buttons on her shirt. Karla's pulse raced. She attacked the buttons on Josie's shirt.

Josie won with a head start. Pulling the long shirt off Karla's shoulders. Her face slipped into Karla cleavage. That excited minx popped Karla's bra open in a flash. Karla gasped as plump full lips sucked to her breast and a talented tongue savored her nipple. Karla had a hard time focusing on removing Josie's own top and bra as Josie orally teased her.

Josie's hands hooked the top of Karla's fancy yoga pants. That shapely form shimmied down Karla's chest and legs. Taking Karla's pants with her. Then firm freckled breasts stroked Karla's skin as Josie stood back up. "Well, do I have to take off my own too?" Josie requested.

Karla loved this new acceptance from her long wanted lover. Karla reached down and slipped her hands so she could get a feel of that round ass as she freed it from it's covering. Her face nuzzled that silk smooth skin. Even after a laborious day Josie still smelled like a sweet treat.

On her knees Karla saw a real sweet treat. Karla's mouth latched onto Josie's moist pussy and her tongue drank in the vanilla flavor greedily. Karla delighted as hands clawed through her hair and Josie's eager hips pumped into her mouth.

"Karla, we have a toy." gasped Josie. Karla was tempted to keep licking Josie's sensitivity. She reasoned if Josie really wanted her to stop, those hands wouldn't be pressing her face firmly to that tight pussy. But she wanted to torment Sammy.

Karla slipped up on her shorter friend. She found a passionate kiss as she stood up. "Play time." Purred Josie. Tempting Karla to slip back down.

Josie led Karla to the bed. Then she pranced to the small cage on a shelf. Karla could hear that little bitch begging the goddess she attempted to kill to keep her from her current owner. Karla noticed her tablet on the night stand. Perhaps someone knew she would be staying in the room and would want to use it. She started it up, Sammy should see who she would be bred with.

"Get over there." Josie snicker. Karla looked up to watch a terrified Sammy float through the air and bounced onto the center of the large mattress. Giggling Josie jumped on making the athletic Shrunken bounce helpless into the air again.

Karla flopped heavily on to the other side. Josie's weight kept Sammy from bouncing again. But she did stumble and fall on her face. Karla thought the outfit Mr. Jacobs put on her was fitting for that fit body. Like something a marathon runner would wear if they didn't mind the shorts riding up between their ass cheeks. Little ass displaying shorts and a sports bra-like top that boosted Sammy's fine tits.

"Look what we have to play with Karla." Josie growled sexually. Poking little Sammy and knocking the athletic pretty on her ass.

Karla grabbed the dark haired Shrunken by the ankles and lifted her. Lightly swirling her in the air she teased, "We might be able to have some fun with this." She flicked her wrist and let Sammy go so she would fall on her back onto the mattress.

Sammy quickly swung herself up on her knees. Crawling toward Karla she began begging, "Please Karla keep me here. I'll do anything. Don't send me back to that man."

Karla pushed the little Athlete over. "Mouthy little thing isn't it." she taunted.

Josie pinned Sammy down mockingly, "Too bad it didn't have a good owner to treat it nicely." Josie's fingers began pulling that barely a top off Sammy's chest.

Karla grabbed those shapely legs and started to slip those mini shorts off that firm ass. "Yeah, she might have had a high spot among a sweet owner's collection." she jeered.

"I'm sorry, I didn't believe you! I really didn't know." Sammy whimpered.

"Oh, thought Director Micheal was lying to you Sammy?" Josie growled.

"Yes, but now I know." the Standard sized Shrunken confessed.

"Oh is being a rat's fuck toy to much for you?" Karla teased.

"Really?" Josie snickered in an odd mean reaction.

"That was the one he calls Bert. The one he calls Ernie is worse. Please, I'll do anything not to go back to that." Sammy pleaded.

"What does Ernie do that is so bad?" Karla's curiosity made her ask.

"He, he likes going for the face." Sammy gasped out.

"You mean?" Josie giggled.

"Yes, he shoves it in your mouth. You have any idea what it's like to be choking on a rat's dick while his oversized balls are smacking you in your face?" Sammy described.

"No, cause our owner is nice. He will not even keep Shrunken around that tries to kill his other Shrunken." Josie snapped.

"I am so sorry Josie. Anything you want to make it up to you I promise!" Sammy grasped for straws.

"You know if you hadn't attempted to kill me all I would have wanted is your friendship." snarled Josie so angrily that Karla recoiled in fear. Josie's mad face twisted to a cruel smile. "But you are going to be giving me something. Mr. Jacobs, your owner, is planning on breeding you. Seems a Shrunken can bring a baby to term in like three months. See, they will strap you down in a cage. With your pussy up for easy access. They will inject a male Shrunken with a hormone mix that will basically make him a sex crazed thing for about twenty-four hours. They will put him in with you and he will fuck you over and over again. Dumping load after load of his semen deep into you. Course, if you don't get pregnant that time, they do it again in about a week. Mr. Jacobs let us pick the males they put in with you. Show her Karla." Josie explained in the most horrible gleeful tone Karla had heard from her usual restrained friend.

Karla brought up the list of the males. Josie started, "We thought you should start with this one. Seems our human friend Chrissy named him Charles. Fairly well endowed and fit isn't he. Over and over again he'll shove that beast into you. Pumping you over full with his cum."

"They, they can't do that. We are people." Sammy clearly still hadn't accepted her new life.

"Oh they can and will. Best part, to make up for what you did. Mr. Jacobs said the first baby girl you give birth to will be mine. They will raise it and educate it. I guess Shrunken kittens growl fast for their first three years. So in just a few years your little girl will be my servant, my personal slave." Josie showed a callous side Karla never knew she had in her.

Sammy showed concern that her future child would be owned by someone, "What are you going to do to her?"

Josie shrugged, "Likely treat her like my own little treasure. It's not her fault you tried to kill me."

Josie coiled fingers around the dark haired beauty, "I'm bored of this." Karla was about to try to claim her friend down. But that shapely redhead pressed her body to Karla's. Josie whispered arousingly, "You should put the tablet on the nightstand." Karla's eyes went wide as she felt Josie's fingers overpower Sammy's powerful little body and slip her deep into her womanhood. Karla had to struggle to place the device safely on the little table. Josie was pumping Sammy's tone wiggling body in and out of her accepting pussy. Those pillowy lips were back to kissing Karla's breast lustfully.

Josie's body pinned Karla down. One hand fucking Karla with a wonderfully uncooperative Sammy. The other clawed into Karla's ass cheek lustfully. Those full lips and flexible tongue suckled her breast passionately. Karla pulled Josie's hair out of their pig-tails and combed through those silken red strands. Josie lifted her mouth and purred, "I wonder if the other tastes as good.'' and Karla struggled to get air in as that loving mouth kissed her other breast. Only stopping to tease, "Hmm, yummy."

Karla attempted to roll to show her appreciation of Josie's attention. But Josie put her leg out and stopped that movement. She tried to wiggle the other way and was gently blocked. Josie's mouth lifted and she commanded, "No, you lay there and take it." Latching over the other nipple. Karla could not disobey such a luscious order. So she stretched out to give her eager freckled dream easier access. Which the curvy beauty writhed wonderfully against. Pumping the squirming Sammy exquisitely in Karla's womanhood. Karla rubbed along Josie's back and through her red locks.

Feeling that long longed for naked body grinding on top of hers. Those delicious lips devouring her nipple, only stopping to savor the other. The feel of that fit living vibrator desperately failing to resist being fucked into her highly stimulated pussy. Karla couldn't take it any longer, she climaxed from her lady love's attention.

She came back to the world with Josie playfully pecking along her jaw line. Josie's hand trapped Sammy deep inside Karla's womanhood. The squirming inside her felt amazing. "Did that feel good?" Josie purred in Karla's ear.

"Oh yeah, thank you." Karla gasped in response.

Josie pulled Sammy out. Karla was amused to watch Josie shove Sammy into her mouth. Josie's looked to be licking Karla's juices from that fit little body humming out, "Hmmm." like it was a treat. Karla found the occasional bump in Josie's cheeks from Sammy helplessly struggling just past those pillow lips, extremely arousing. Josie slipped the toned plaything out and cooed, "Show me." Holding Sammy toward Karla's face.

Karla took the begging wet Sammy in her hand. Josie flopped off her and stretched out on the bed in a very inviting display. Karla rolled over and pressed Sammy's head and shoulders to a very wet pussy. The Standard Shrunken fought hard against Karla's fingers. Karla loved overpowering that little woman who once used her strong body to sexually use Karla. Better was watching Josie's eyes roll back in pleasure as the struggling form slipped deep within. Karla kissed that gasping mouth and coiled her tongue to Josie's.

Kiss over Karla now tasted Freckled firmness. Her free hand then kneaded the other perky breast. Eagerly, she fucked Josie with the Shrunken that had attempted to kill her a few weeks ago. Bringing clear moaned pleasure to that lovely redhead. Karla shoved her fingers deep, barely holding Sammy's tiny ankles. Stroking inside Josie's womanhood with the wiggling athlete. Soon gaining the song she longed to hear for all those years.

Karla released Sammy and pulled her hand free. Pressing Josie's thighs together with her own legs. She looked at the sweet glowing beauty. And was rewarded with another deep and long kiss.

After the kiss Karla raised up to look at that exquisite face. Sucking vanilla flavored liquid from her fingers. Josie gasped, "You left her inside me."

"Yes I did my love. How does it feel?" Karla purred.

Josie arched her back. "She is squirming so hard, it feels amazing. I wish we could share her." she breathlessly replied.

Karla had an idea. "Maybe we can." she advised. Karla curled back and taped Josie to open her legs. She hooked Sammy's kicking legs and slipped her part way out. Pinning those toned limbs, Karla moved so her legs straddled between Josie's. The brilliant redhead turned her body to help with the maneuver. She slipped those Shrunken's long toned legs inside herself. Her labia glazed Josie's.

Soon they were pumping their bodies together. Sensitive outer lips of her womanhood kissing Josie's outer lips. Little Sammy panicky wiggling deep only frantically squirming out and into the other wet hole. Karla loved seeing Josie's features in a ravishing expression of pleasure. Her heart raced seeing Josie admiring her back. Josie allowed sensations to sing through her. And that song brought the tune to Karla's lips. Soon the both laid coiled together panting in gratified exhaustion. Sammy, still caged between them, struggled for freedom by shimming back and forth inside them both.

Josie gave the Shrunken room to escape first. Karla pulled the spent little athlete out and plopped her on the bed like the used sex toy she was. Karla laid alongside Josie and they held each other like the lovers they are.

"I hate to say it, but I want to do that again at some point." Josie confessed.

"I'm sure Micheal wouldn't mind us borrowing one of his once and awhile when we are both Full sized." Karla suggested. Kissing Josie's cheek.

Josie's eyes went wide. "We didn't say goodnight to Micheal!" she exclaimed.

Karla bolted off the bed. How could she have forgotten to say goodnight to that sweet boy. She grabbed her shirt and pants. She wouldn't need underwear for this. Josie dumped Sammy into her little cage and grabbed her clothes.

They snuck to his room. The lights in his apartment were still on. They found him sleeping uncovered in his underwear. The poor sweet teen looked to have flopped onto his bed, wore out from the day, and passed out. They pulled blankets over him. Kissing his cheeks they softly whispered, "Night our Special Micheal."

Adorable, he mumbled in his sleep, "Night my Special Ladies." They shut off his lights as they left him to sleep.

"I'm going to grab a drink and be up in a minute." Karla advised.

"OK, I'm going to brush my teeth and be in bed." Josie sleepily explained.

Karla was surprised to see a light on in the living room. Howard was sitting on the couch watching some old movie. "Howard, is everything alright?"

"Oh, hello Karla. Yeah, my old body is complaining about all the lugging so I can't sleep. I didn't wake you, did I?" He replied.

"No, I just came down for a drink before bed." Karla reassured him.

She grabbed a drink and walked back into the room. "What are you watching?" she asked.

"An old comedy called Cannon Ball Run." he replied.

Karla sat on the couch beside him. "What is it about?"

"A fictional car race across America." he answered, offering her some of the blanket he had covering his legs.

Karla coiled along his side like she had done many times with her father in her old life. Howard hugged her close like her father had done all those times. Her head rested on his chest. He warmly stated the answer of her internal question, "You know, if I was able to pick out my own daughters, I would be lucky if they were as wonderful and smart as you and Josie."

"Thank you. That means the world to me." Karla gushed.

"Just don't call me Daddy, I still find you too sexy to hear you say that." he teased. She snickered but decided not to test that any time soon.

Karla was warm and relaxed. Howard's presence was reassuring. She felt so safe. The movie was amusing, but the day and the hour tricked her eyes closed.

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CH12A: The Tourists. Home Life

Post by HHunter1 » Fri Sep 10, 2021 2:40 am

Sorry, didn't get as much writing done as I hoped. Hope another chapter here will make it up to you guys.
Chapter 12A

Karla rubbed her face into her smooth skinned pillow. She knew this warm platform well. She preferred it as her bed when she was her right size. But the soft boy skin felt amazing on her cheek. The faint scent of teen body wash was intoxicating. She hugged herself tight to Micheal's body, hoping to lay cuddled to him for a while. She wished she had slipped off her shirt and yoga pants to feel his skin against hers. She sighed, his fingers found her hair and was stroking through it.

Suddenly Micheal blurted out, "Karla, what are you doing in my bed?"

Karla sat up. How did she even get here? Last she remembered was watching a movie on the couch with Howard. "I must have crawled in while I was sleeping." Karla reasoned.

"Well, you better get out of here before mom finds out." Micheal worried.

"She already knows." Josie's voice advised.

Karla looked as the lovely redhead stepped into the bedroom doorway. "Relax, Howard and her put you in here last night after you dozed off watching a movie." Josie explained.

"Why here and not with you?" Karla asked.

"Milly didn't think I was dressed enough for Howard to bring you in with me I guess." Josie replied as blush marked her cheeks.

"Why were you not dressed enough?" Michael adorably asked.

"I was waiting to cuddle naked with Karla." She teasingly answered their sweet owner.

"Oh so Hot!" he gasped. Karla agreed.

"Come on so Micheal can get dressed and we can all have breakfast." Josie directed.

Karla snuggled to Micheal. Nuzzling her nose along his neck she had to ask, "Do we have time for some quick fun?"

From Josie's expression Karla could tell she was fighting the urge to curl to his open side. "No, Milly is waiting." She whined in response.

"Oh, OK." Karla pouted. She slipped a loving kiss on those sweet lips then purred, "See you downstairs Micheal."

Josie slipped onto the bed and kissed him with a happy sound. "I so wish we had time just to snuggle together." She whimpered, clearly forcing herself back off the mattress.

Karla could see Micheal was wanting more attention. She could have easily started servicing her tender owner's wants. The sight would have dissolved Josie's resistance. Karla just knew it. But Milly would be mad. Mad they took so long to come to breakfast. Mad that she gave Micheal the pleasure he wasn't ready for. Mad she tricked him and Josie into the bed for fun. She slinked off the warm pad. "See you soon, Micheal." She managed out with a sad sigh.

As they walked away Karla heard the room to the Shrunken open. At least he wouldn't come down to breakfast completely wanting.

"What is it about him that just makes me lust to pleasure him?" Josie sighed. Karla got the feeling Josie was more bothered she didn't follow her own instinct than the fact she now had that instinct.

Karla still answered, "He's our sweet owner. His happiness is our happiness." She purred at the idea of gaining his happiness.

"Yes, serving him is its own reward." Josie purred along. They stopped and giggled at their infatuation. It was ridiculous, they were several years older than their teen owner. Clearly they should not be so easy for him. But Karla could not help but notice they both tilted their heads in the hopes of hearing him call them back.

They came into the new kitchen to be greeted with a smiling Milly. "Morning Karla. Sleep well?" she asked.

"Yes thank you." Karla shyly responded.

"Oh relax, I put you in that bed. Well, Howard did with my help." She snickered.

They set the table while Milly finished cooking food. Micheal soon joined them. Karla greeted him with a warm hug and a quick kiss. As much as she enjoyed this access to him, she found herself longing to be on his shoulder again. Or what she really longed for, fondled by his powerful giant fingers. "Morning again, Micheal." she said to him, with a touch too much purr.

"Morning." He cutely giggled at her attention.

He hadn't recovered when Josie cozied up to him and gave her own quick kiss. "Scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast." She cooed.

"Oh good." their boy gasped.

"Oh would you two leave my son alone." Milly teased.

"Sorry." They both playfully pouted.

"Sit, dish, eat." Milly stated.

"Where's dad?" Micheal asked.

Milly sighed, "Your poor dad had real trouble getting to sleep last night. So I'm letting him sleep in a bit this morning."

"Oh OK." Micheal replied.

"So it is just us Millers today. The Howells are starting packing for their move. I'll likely visit and help them with that this week. Josie you OK coming along for that I figure.'' Milly started.

"I would be happy too." Josie agreed.

"As for today I thought the group of us could go room to room unpacking and shelving everything. Sound good?" she advised.

"Yeah, does that include my place?" Micheal asked.

"Sure, you have a lot left?" Milly replied.

"No, mostly books and such. Should I get dishes and things for my kitchen?" he wondered.

"Yeah we should. And some snack things for your fridge and cupboards. But you will be eating your meals with us young man." Milly stated.

"OK mom." he agreed.

"Should we tackle the kitchen first then?" Josie asked.

"Yeah, then arrange the living room better. Then up to Mikey's place, sorry Mike's place. Then the big job, finishing the library." Millie suggested.

"I was going to go to work and bring home some of my pets. Would you like to come with me or should I just take your collection containers?" A groggy Howard asked.

"Why don't we all go? Then on the way back we can stop by the old house so I can get my car. I'll take Mike out to buy some dishes and things for his place and you can come here and put our little playthings in their new home." Milly commanded in suggestion form.

"Well I guess I could come back here alone? Wait, there isn't any breakfast left." Howard whimpered.

"I'll make you some eggs and bacon once I finish eating." Milly advised.

"And I'll come back with you to put the Shrunken away." Karla offered.

"Really Karla?" Micheal asked in a pout.

"Clothes and things Karla likes to shop for. She's not much for dishes and silverware." Josie informed him.

"Oh OK." was Micheal's adorable pouty response.

"You eat, I'll make my own breakfast and catch up with you all once I'm done." Howard went into the kitchen.

"I would like to take a quick shower if that's alright?" Karla asked her owner's family.

"That would be nice." Josie added to the request.

"You two could use my shower." their sweet owner offered.

They looked at each other and smiled. A shower together would be wonderful. But responsible Josie had to ruin it. "I think we'll be quicker in two different showers."

"One of you could use the upstairs shower." Milly offered.

"I'll use Micheal's." Karla stated.

"You two shower and we'll do dishes." Milly offered.

"But you cooked." Karla countered.

"It'll be quicker." Milly pointed out.

They had just finished as poor Howard was sitting down. Karla started walking up the stairs to go shower when Josie stopped her. "You mind if I use Sammy in the shower?"

"You really enjoy dominating Shrunken don't you." Karla teased her friend.

"Yes. I'm actually looking forward to helping Micheal play with his once I’m small again." Was Josie's giddy response. Karla loved how her eyes were sparkling at that wonderful fun.

Karla grabbed Josie's cheeks and gave her a deep kiss. "It's not small, it's Standard sized silly. I bet Micheal will enjoy that." Karla corrected her lady lover.

"Right, Standard size. Now if you'll excuse me I have a Standard sized Shrunken to make my bitch in my shower." Josie cooed while teasingly pressing herself past. Karla watched that perky round butt bounce up the stairs under that long shirt. Secretly cursing that same sweet ass for suggesting they take separate showers.

Karla entered Micheal's new apartment. She sighed, technically her new apartment too. The smart lad had brought a few towels into his linen closet. She took a second to consider bringing a friend or two into the shower with her. But decided against it this time.

She prepped the water and stripped off her clothes. The shower worked well. A good spray and pressure. She reached for the yellow honey shampoo. But sitting there was his body wash. She was so weak for her owner, she picked up the bottle.

Just a dab on her fingers, she just wanted his scent. She sniffed the blue gel like a hard up addict. She began imagining a scenario. He snuck up to his apartment. Slipped into his bathroom and into this very shower. Powerfully he would bend her to present her womanhood to himself. His hand would grab her hip as the other directed his thick tip along those sensitive lips. Karla's own fingers would have to stand in for his marvelous manhood.

She stroked along her own womanhood. Teased like he would tease her with his tip. Rolling it and rubbing it up and down that tender length. Then he would press it hard, two fingers were nowhere near his girth, but they would have to do at this time. Though it was unlikely his Behemoth could massage her clitoris at the same time, unlike her thumb.

She pumped her pussy roughly like he would be fucking her in this imagined situation. She gasped and begged for his lips like she knew she would if her Micheal was in here with her. Her other hand stayed holding her face so she could relish his scent through her fantasy. She stroked herself to an acceptable climax. Not as intense as it will be once he stretches her over that thick monster. But enough for now.

Karla allowed herself to catch her breath and cool down. Then rinses the blue from her fingertips. A bit of girly shampoo to start and she began her shower proper.

She finished and dried off. Then she realized a problem. She didn't grab any of her full sized clothes. She was glad the towel was long. She even joked to herself that it covered her better than some of the outfits Micheal had bought her on the boat.

She simply walked to the guest room. Seeing none of her owner's family. Josie's shower still going as she passed. A quick listen to the door told of the redhead's own Micheal play scenario. She wondered if Sammy still wanted to stay here.

Karla searched through the suitcase. She found nice jeans and a red long sleeve shirt with a square neck. The shirt was a bit tighter than she expected. But it was flattering. She came downstairs and received an appreciative whimper from her boy.

They were putting away pots, pans, and kitchen appliances. Josie finally came into the room. Milly snickered, "Do you two coordinate your outfits?" Josie wore jeans and a black long sleeve shirt with a square neck.

They followed Milly's plan for the morning. The kitchen came together quickly. The living room was a different story. Howard and Milly just couldn't decide where things should go. They didn't fight, just couldn't see why the other one liked the other spot better. But eventually they found an arrangement they could agree on, for the moment.

They went up to Micheal's apartment. Setting up Knick knacks and arranging books. "Hey, what's for lunch?" Micheal asked.

"I hadn't thought about it. I'll go make us something." Milly started.

"Milly, wait. We'll make lunch today." Josie offered.

"Really, that's sweet." Milly accepted.

Josie waved Karla along. They went down stairs. "What are you thinking about making?" Karla asked her friend.

"I noticed they have a few cans of tomato soup. So, grill cheese and tomato soup on this grey day." Josie advised.

Karla looked out the living room. It was a dreary day. This lunch would make a nice comforting meal. Karla looked after the pot warming the soup and helped assemble sandwiches. Josie cooked them to a golden brown. Happily they took up the meal to their human friends. Who were grateful for the warm lunch.

"After dishes we should head out for the errands." Milly suggested.

Howard nodded. "Yes, sounds good. We should make a list of things he'll need before we go." Paper was brought out and items like dishes to curtains were added to it as they happily enjoyed the food Josie and Karla made for them.

Milly leaned close to Josie and her. "Thanks for making lunch."

"You're welcome. Glad we could actually help for a change." Josie replied.

Milly hugged Josie, "You two help more than you realize."

After they finished eating, Josie and Karla brought the dishes down to the kitchen. Josie looked at Karla as she started the water. "You sure you don't want to join Micheal, Milly, and I shopping for the finishing touches for his apartment?"

"I trust your tastes. Besides, it would be mean leaving Howard alone to pack Shrunken in their cages. I couldn't do that to him." Karla replied.

"You're not planning on taking advantage of time alone to play with the newcomers?" Josie teased.

"Not till now." Karla snickered.

"Then why not come with us?" Josie pressured.

Karla stopped to think. "I want them to know this is their home now. That Amanda is a leader and to help them adjust to their new life."

"None of it has to do with you dominating them and letting them know your Micheal's favorite and their queen?" Josie wondered.

"We are his favorites and their Queens." Karla corrected.

"Oh I have no doubt our sweet boy is highly fond of me. But if he was forced to pick between us my beautiful Karla, I have no delusions who would be his pick. His first love, Shrunken or not." Josie advised. Placing a sweet kiss on Karla's cheek.

"You think?" Karla felt herself doubt this idea looking at that Freckled Goddess.

"No Karla. I know, but thanks for the confidence boost." Josie smiled warmly.

"We'll, your Sandy's favorite.'' Karla teased, trying to hide her pride at being Micheal's top Shrunken.

Josie began laughing. "Little Sister is so sweet, but I am so glad Micheal and you found me and not her. I don't think I would have adjusted to this life being pressed up inside that girl."

"Better than Chrissy. That perky ass would likely be up and you'd be being bred as we speak." Karla advised with amusement.

"You know what I just realized?" Josie announced.

"What?" Karla requested.

"Of the four of them, Chris, the other boy, is the one we have no idea how he treats his Shrunken." Josie advised.

"I know once he started hanging out with Micheal he seemed to want a Shrunken trained to support him." Karla remembered.

"He wanted a version of you." Josie teased.

"Maybe, kind of. He likes busty dark haired girls." Karla said what she knew.

"Oh, creepy thought. Like his mom." Josie cringed.

"That might have influenced his preferences. But I doubt it's more than that." Karla reasoned.

"Suppose. Boys do tend to look for their mother's traits in their girlfriends." Josie repeated the rumored description.

Karla sighed. "You think Micheal sees some of Milly's traits in me?"

Josie giggled, "You are so smitten with our sweet boy."

"Yes, yes I am." Karla cooed. Now kissing Josie's cheek.

"Well, dishes are done. We should go tell the humans we are ready." Josie said.

Karla sighed happily.

"What?" Josie asked.

"You called them humans. Makes me feel like you're accepting our new lives." Karla advised.

Josie actually blushed a little before confessing, "Being Micheal's pampered pet isn't a bad life."

They entered their apartment. Micheal smiled at them and Karla felt weak in the knees. "Karla, you still have your collection case too." he stated in an amused tone.

"Yes, Mr. Jacobs didn't ask for it back." Karla replied.

"Cool, so I have two to fill to bring home girls." Micheal cheered. Then he stated, "But you should have said something."

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize you wanted another case." Karla submitted to him.

"No silly. You have a Shrunken pouch attached to your strap. I could attach it to my work bag strap and you wouldn't have to travel in a tube inside the bag. You would be able to see more." Micheal explained.

Karla sighed at herself. She had forgotten all about that little pocket.

"Let's get going. The sooner we go the sooner we can get back to making this place our home." Milly suggested.

As they went to Howard's car, Micheal advised, "We decided to get mom's car first. Do you mind going with dad to collect both cases full on your own?"

"No Micheal. You know I'm glad to help you out." Karla purred, sneaking a kiss to his cheek.

"You're the best." he praised. Brushing her hair from her face. Karla leaned into that fleeting touch like a cat.

Karla sat on one side of Micheal. Josie on his other side. She would miss being able to look out windows once she was returned to her Standard size. But the rediscovery of that pouch would help with that. Suddenly another thing started. Micheal's hand stroked her thigh, teasing close to the inner thigh. She melted at his tantalizing attention. If his parents were not here she would have given him better access.

They stopped at the gate. "Hello, Dr. Miller and family?" the guard asked.

"Yes." Howard replied.

"You should have been given this yesterday. Sorry." The guard handed him a device.

"What's this?" Howard asked.

"It tells the gate you're coming so it will open automatically for you. All residents get one for each car they own." the guard explained.

"We are collecting my wife's car. Do we get one now or when she returns with the vehicle?" Howard asked.

"I'll get you one now, Mrs. Miller." the man announced. "Hope you love living here." he said, handing them a device.

"Thank you. We hope we will too." Milly called across.

They drove back to the old house. Karla was sad to be losing her thigh massage. But it was probably for the best. "OK, we'll go shopping. You two have fun." Milly started.

Then there was an older lady's voice. "Howard, Milly. I wanted to say goodbye before you moved. But then suddenly that big container was gone and you were driving away. Those movers were quick. I didn't even see their truck lift that big metal box."

Micheal leaned, "Mrs. Hoult, neighborhood watcher."

"Who are these lovely ladies?" the woman asked.

"Hello Mrs. Hoult. Yeah those guys were in and out in a blink. I'm surprised you didn't hear that truck pulling that container onto the truck bed. But if it makes you feel better, we are having a yard sale next Saturday for things we didn't want to move so you will be able to say good bye then." Howard advised.

"Oh, do you mind if I join that? I have some things I would like to get rid of." the woman advised.

"Certainly." Howard accepted.

"Mrs. Hoult, this is Karla and Josie. Sorry Howard hadn't introduced them." Milly stated. "Girls, this is Mrs. Hoult. She makes the best lemon squares around." Milly explained.

"Oh, Foreign exchange students at Micheal's fancy school?" the woman asked, in a suspicious tone.

"Yes, Micheal offered to show them around and they became fast friends." Howard leaned into the idea.

"Can I talk to you two over here a second." The woman requested of the parents.

As they chatted. The woman kept giving Karla a look. Then she seemed to gasp. Then she looked to sternly explain something. Howard and Milly gave her reassuring looks and looked to put her at ease.

She came back. "Well it's nice to meet you Karla, Josie. I hope you find your stay in our country peaceful. Sorry, our state. Hope to see you next week, I'll make squares." Then she looked at Micheal, "Aren't you a lucky young man." Then she turned to say goodbyes.

Milly waited until the woman was out of ear shot. "If she ever asks you're both sixteen. And you both have a crush on Micheal."

"So we're competing to be his girlfriend?" Karla teased.

"No, your long time friends. So, much like you two are now with him." Milly advised.

"So she thinks he has two slightly older girlfriends?" Josie snickered.

"No, she thinks it's a scheme to get green cards. Taking advantage of Micheal to sneak into this country. But I didn't tell you that." Milly sighed.

"Well, in a way, she's right." Karla teased. Gaining giggles from both other ladies.

They split into two cars. Karla found herself too delighted to be in the front seat. They started and Howard asked, "So are there certain ones from Micheal's collection he wants you to bring home?"

"No, he didn't request anyone in particular. Milly have any she requested?" Karla asked.

"She gave me a list with descriptions. I don't even know when she found the time to write it out." Howard said in an amused tone.

"Your self? favorites to bring?" Karla inquired.

"Honestly I think I might just go all evil giant and grab whoever. I like watching them run in terror of being played with. Any you want to feel wiggling in your hands?" Howard wondered.

"Few, mainly I have one I plan on keeping there as a cage leader. Any of the others I think Micheal would enjoy having home to enjoy." Karla mused.

"Look at the cage Al built?" He asked.

"It's amazing. I love the buildings. Also Micheal's has spots to add more buildings. Plus he built me a garage and a road system to drive my cars around." Karla gleefully noted. "You and Milly's cages don't have as many building slots, why?" she added.

"Besides a few things, we are not as likely to have as many distractions as Micheal is going to. But we also don't have two ladies to keep happy." Howard teased.

"He does spoil us a bit too much." Karla lamented.

"Naa, you're good Shrunken. You two deserve to be spoiled. Guess you haven't noticed your cage is outside the main one." Howard advised.

"I did, there is a tube leading into the main cage. I guess I'll have to climb to go visit." Karla said.

Howard smiled, "No, there is an elevator in the wall that goes straight into the parking garage. When I heard Micheal was giving his Shrunken status like levels. I asked Al to build you a meeting room for his top pets. You'll be able to stock it with tastier pellets and other treats. As well as a sitting and or gallery room. The third gives you Standard sized controls for the weather in the main cage. Al had trouble with that one."

"You arranged that for me?" Karla questioned.

"Of course, we have to spoil our top girls." He teased. "Oh the roof opens up so if you want we could place that statue Micheal ordered in your gallery for you." he offered.

"Please." was all she could say.

"Al suggests you and Josie stay in the private cage, using the other rooms as closets and personal rooms. Possibly bunk a few of your servants for cleaning and such. But they will be trapped there as only a watch can operate the elevator or open the outer doors of the garage." Howard explained.

"This is too much." Karla complained.

"Bah, little girl you and Josie are our Specials. Keep being your helpful self and you will have earned all your perks. Ahh, we're here." Howard countered.

"Hello Dr. Miller, your guest?" the guard asked. His eyes not examining Karla's face.

"Karla Miller, Grant Breeding liaison. She'll be working here. We are just here to collect some of our Shrunken to take back to our new place." Howard explained.

"OK, nice to meet you, miss." The guard replied as the gate opened.

Karla snickered, "He's not likely to see me often."

"Nope, but he did have a good look this time." Howard teased.

"Howard! He was objectifying me." Karla declared.

He just laughed out, "Really Shrunken pretty was treated like an object."

"You're horrible today." She scolded playfully.

"Let's hope my pets agree." he countered.

The complex was nearly as empty as the other night. But Howard was greeted by a few of the staff. Karla tried not to snicker as she noticed certain ladies had a talent for popping their top button or two before saying hello. Usually followed with dirty looks at her.

"Karla, do you like to drive motorcycles?" Howard suddenly asked.

"I never tried, why?" she answered.

"I have a few on hold. Just trying to decide if I'll order them." he noted.

"You could let your pets use them." she advised.

"Naa, I like them to walk about my cage. Keep their legs all shapely." he mused.

"So I should ride in cars and such to make my legs unshapely." Karla teased.

"Like Mike doesn't exercise them enough. Just thought you might like them. Then I could tinker at them from time to time." he suggested.

"Will I have room in my garage?" she wondered back.

"Yeah, besides its module, we can explain the bottom right to the outside wall if we want. Adding new rooms or even a lift to store smaller vehicles out of the main chamber." He explained.

"Thanks again." She couldn't believe the gifts she was rewarded in this life.

"Hey, after we put the pets away we should set up the workshop downstairs. That way we can tinker when we want." he suggested.

"I'd be glad to help." she said as he opened the hall to her offices and the contained pets.

They entered. Howard approached his girls. They made clear fear filled noises. Karla had to chastise herself for being slightly aroused by their reaction to a Miller giant.

She kneed by the cages for Micheal's living dolls. Humming gleefully as she received a similar reaction. Shawna approached, "Hello Karla, what brings you here today?" The shapely brunette asked.

"Collecting some of Micheal's pets to bring to their new home." Karla explained. "I am going to leave you here to be the head girl till we can get all the girls to the house. You OK with that?'' She added.

Shawna nodded, "Makes sense, who do you want?"

"Hmm, I don't know. I'm taking about eighty. I should have brought a bag for clothes." Karla advised.

"It'll be tight in those cases with girls and clothes. But I think you could do it if you don't take too long getting home." Shawna estimated.

"Naa, better not. Guess sixty this trip. We'll be collecting groups all week I figure." Karla guessed.

"Likely take you all week with the treasure trove our Director Micheal has collected." Shawna replied with an odd note of pride.

"Well, best get to work." Karla noted.

"You want me to get them out for you to pick from." Shawna offered. Before Karla could answer a dramatic little screech came from where Howard was collecting his mini pleasures. Urging Shawna to coo, "That way is fun too."

Karla leaned into the cage area and grabbed one of the camper cupcakes, little blonde wiggler. Yeah this will be fun. Shawna took note of who Karla nabbed. The former thief had a fair idea of whose clothes were in which cage rooms. Karla grabbed from here or there. Shawna got a few brave ladies to bring out the snatched Shrunken's clothing for her.

As random as it was there were some known favorites of Micheal's purposely grabbed. The busty MILF and her horse girth straddling daughters. Grace's former co-stars. The chocolate beauty Edith. But just as many former dancers, camp cupcakes, and car show models. A wide variety for Micheal's enjoyment.

"Thanks for the help. If you have any problems let me know. I start work tomorrow." Karla offered Shawna.

The artificially shaped lovely gave a playful salute, "Thanks boss."

Karla went over to where Howard was collecting. His box seemed to be packed. Now he was going through Milly's list looking for her requested action figures. "Need a hand?" she asked.

"Please," he replied, placing the list between them.

Karla looked at the bottom description and started looking for a likely match in the male buffet. "Howard, are you and Milly mixing your females?" she wondered.

"Yeah, it didn't make sense to keep them separate since we share females anyway. Why?" he answered.

Karla spotted a match to the description. Taking liberties with her hold she explained, "Just noticed only two cages yesterday when I was putting away the Shrunken. And I figured that was why. Just curious if I was right."
Karla smiled, Milly had good taste in male Shrunken. They finished finding Milly’s wanted play boys. They filled the container with random squirmier. They walked out carrying their living load.

As they approached the car Howard asked, "Would you like to drive home?"

"Sure." She purred. And he gave her the keys. She followed his instructions, which included a quick snack pick-up at a burger shop. It was a nice treat with a side of onion rings. As they approached the gate to the community it opened as the guard had described.

Once home they split up as Howard took his load to his room. Karla entered Micheal's cage room and placed the containers on the floor on the door side of the wall. "Amanda, Donna, Gabriel where are you?" she called out. Figuring they would be best for showing the arriving Shrunken about their new home.

She looked across the room and saw little arms waving. She stepped over the wall and gathered her requested helpers. Explaining as she returned to the door. "I've brought some of the others home. Could you show them around and arrange apartments? Actually, are there cages that are bigger than others?" Karla started.

"Yes, the top ones are. Some of the girls have claimed them already though." Amanda explained.

"You three are likely fine. But some of the girls will likely have to move. Micheal will be arranging you all at some point." Karla advised.

"I'll let them know and have everyone move to the smaller apartments. The threat of Micheal's punishment will help." Amanda replied. Karla got a kick at how the Eager Shrunken purred Micheal's punishment.

"Thanks, I'll try to get you rewarded." Karla acknowledged.

"Please do." was the long haired former dancer's reply.

Karla set the three down by the wall. Then popped the first lid. Fresh whimpers startled out. She started switching them to the elaborate cage. She figured she didn't have to alert Amanda and the other two. As the others came to greet the new arrivals as she added them in. Girls and clothes added, she switched to the next container. She was a bit annoyed when Grace's former co-stars gave the Leggy toy's warm welcome a cold shoulder. But Sofia comforted the sweet-faced beauty.

She jumped as Howard's voice noted, "Wow, Al did a great job in here."

"All done placing yours away already?" Karla asked.

"I wasn't as, let's say, gentle as your being. Want a hand?" he asked.

"Sure, if you don't mind being gentle." she teased.

He reached in and nabbed a Shrunken. His hold gave him a good feel of the shapely little body. Karla was glad, his hold of her at that size wasn't a liberal with her form. He snickered, "Are those three arranging tour groups?" He wondered.

"Yes, they are good Shrunken." She praised Amanda and the busty pair.

"My boy is a lucky one." Howard noted.

"We are lucky to be owned by such a sweet owner. I can see where he gets his handsome features from." Cooed Amanda from the cage.

Karla giggled, "Micheal's Eager."

Howard couldn't resist stroking Amanda's head. The pretty pet arched into his touch. "Very lucky boy." He purred himself.

They finished and shut the door. "OK, workshop?" he asked.

"Sure." Karla agreed.

They went down to the unfinished part of the basement. Soon they were putting hooks in the press board and hanging tools. Place jars of bolts and screws on shelves. Boxes of electronic scrap inside cabinets. "How much of this stuff do you have?" she teased.

"Too much. But maybe with a little assistance we can put some toys together." he offered.

"That would be nice. Since I knew Spanish already, Dr. Woodward allowed me to pick another course, so I picked Modern Auto repair." she advised.

"Speaking of, we should sit down at some point and look at the online store. They have human sized tools for tinkering with Shrunken cars. Maybe a compromise cooperation thing and you could help look after the cars." Howard suggested.

"That also would be nice." Karla warmly replied.

As they worked and discussed future projects his watch went off. "Oh, they are home. I'll let them know where we are and see if they want help. Unless you want to leave this?" he offered.

Karla felt a bit guilty, but responded, "I'd rather work on this if they don't need our help."

He smiled, like her dad would when she offered to help fix the car over shopping with her mother or friends. "Thanks Karla." Howard responded. His watch went off, "Looks like you got your wish."

They got to arrange and set up the work area for the rest of the afternoon. His watch went off again to alert them that supper was ready. Karla hadn't even noticed how hungry she was till that chime happened.

"Having fun in the workshop?" Micheal greeted her.

She hugged him tight, "Yes, thank you." She purred. His lips pressed hers and her knees went weak. Her owner was such a wonderful kisser.

"OK you two, Karla, wash up, Micheal set the table." Milly directed.

Ham steak and creamed potatoes welcomed Karla at the dinner table. She got to hear all about the shopping trip from Josie. Karla let her girly friend ramble on about dishes and curtains. Karla found herself losing track as Josie described flower patterns over circle patterns. But on the plus side, her smile was beautiful to watch.

"Karla?" Micheal's sweet voice broke her mesmerized on those full lips.

"Yes Michael?" She blankly looked at his smiling face.

"Are you going to help with dishes or go back down with dad to set up the workshop?" he asked.

"Workshop if that's alright?" Karla hoped.

"OK, I'll text you when we are going to chat with the others." he agreed with a smile.

"We're talking to the others?" Karla was confused.

Josie laughed at her, "I thought you stopped paying attention to me."

"Sorry, you were so pretty talking about plates and such." Karla teased in defense.

"Remember once you're done chatting the girls will have to come out. I know they're yours, but I think certain temptations might be a bit much." Milly commanded.

"I know, I still think I should be able to have them snuggle me while I sleep." Micheal sighed.

Josie leaned in, "They discussed this in the car. He misses us."

"I miss him too." Karla agreed.

Karla followed Howard back down to the workshop. They didn't get much done as he had brought his tablet and they started looking over the tools for Shrunken cars. Howard sighed at one point and advised, "Karla you know I might not leer at you as much any more. But I still find you a very appealing Shrunken right?"

Karla was a bit nervous, "Thank you?" she responded.

"So you'll understand if I ask you to move to look at the tablet. Since every time you want to see better you press your breasts into my shoulder. And I find them massaging me a bit distracting." he added.

"Oh Howard, sorry. I didn't notice." she apologized.

"No, I didn't think you did. But I sadly couldn't stop noticing." The man blushed.

Karla hugged him and kissed his cheek, "I guess I've just gotten so comfortable with you."

"I'm glad," he replied, hugging her head. "Now, let go and come to my side to look."

The Company had great little screwdriver-like tools for different socket wrench sizes. Twisters for carefully disconnecting electric connections and opening fluid thanks.

Karla's watch went off. "Sorry Howard, it's time to chat with Micheal's friends."

"OK, I'll put some of these in the cart. We should take an inventory of what I have that will be useful for this before we order the tools." Howard advised.

"That sounds good." Karla replied. She was proud she had something she could do with him. A hobby with her owner's dad. A father daughter like activity.

She found Micheal on his bed holding his tablet. Josie was happily curled to his side with his arm wrapped around her. Micheal's arm opened and Karla was pulled to that open length of her owner. His arm pressed her into his body and Karla sighed, she missed her Micheal.

Her hand held one side of the tablet while Josie held the other. Karla said hello to the friends. She knew they were talking about getting together for video Battle Jumpers. But Micheal's fingers were playing with her hair, she nested her head on his chest. She was so content.

She forced herself to attempt to pay attention. Despite the scalp massage her sweet Micheal was giving her. Trying to arrange a night where they could meet in game and battle together. Time zones were the biggest hurdle. Then Chrissy asked a simple question, "Sandy, who will you play as?"

Sandy's eyes went big with fear. "I don't play. I'm terrible at video games."

"Oh come on Sandy, it will not be as fun without you there." Micheal encouraged.

"Can't I just watch?" she mumbled.

Then her grand weakness, Chris noted, "But it would be so much fun if you played with us."

"If you want me to. But I don't know any of the characters. Also I'm really bad at the game." Sandy whimpered.

"Hey you should get a remote Jumper so when we get together we can all practice to win Chris and his family a third trip.'' Chrissy suggested. Clearly undeterred by her friend's discomfort.

"You'll need to pick a Shrunken as your pilot too." Chris piled on.

"Oh, really. I guess I could ask one of my Waiten moms. I wouldn't want to risk getting one of the kids hurt." Sandy cringed.

"If it's OK with Micheal, I'd be glad to be your pilot. I can even teach you a few tricks to the game." Josie offered.

"Really Big Sister? You'd do that for me?" Sandy looked hopeful.

"Big sister?" Chrissy questioned.

"They gave each other nicknames." Micheal explained rolling fingers through Josie's red locks. Her eyes shut in delight. "I'm glad to lend you Josie for Battle Jumpers. I have ordered Shrunken sized controllers for her and Karla to play as well."

"I should get Daniel a controller then huh Karla?" Chrissy pushed that old song. "What?" the blonde questioned. Karla realized she had rolled her eyes, easier to hide while a few inches tall compared to over five feet.

"If you want to keep him in practice." was all she could say. She had hoped the incident on the island between her, Chrissy, and Micheal had put the want for her to hook up with Dan behind Chrissy.

"I don't know if my parents will buy me a Shrunken controller. Oh, I have to find a Shrunken to use too." Chris announced.

"You have Extra Credit right?" Chrissy asked.

"Yeah." Chris responded.

"That's Umiko, you should use an Asian girl." Chrissy advised.

"Oh, I have an Asian I can use. Thanks Chrissy." Chris noted looking off screen.

"Hey send me her stats and I could order you Umiko's outfit and a controller for her." Micheal offered.

"I'm not comfortable with that." Chris countered.

"Hey, aren't you being Inputted once you move?" Micheal asked.

"Yeah." Chris answered.

"What are you doing after that?" Micheal continued.

"What do you mean?" the brown haired boy asked.

"Are you going to work or are your parents making you wait?" Micheal clarified.

"I am taking electrical. Dad will be teaching me the practical while I work for him." Chris explained.

"Paid intern?" Micheal asked.

"Yeah why?" Chris inquired.

"OK then, I will get you a Shrunken Controller and Umiko's outfit. You pay me back. Like a loan." Micheal offered.

"I guess I could live with that." Chris surrendered.

"Now we just need Sandy to find a Jumper." Chrissy advised.

"Should I be looking now?" Sandy asked.

"Milly is bringing me over when she goes over to help you guys pack. We can take a break and look then." Josie offered.

"OK." Sandy agreed.

"Sorry guys, it's late here and mom will be waking me early tomorrow to help pack." Chris lamented.

"Cool Chris. We'll chat later." Micheal noted.

"Night Chris." Chrissy added.

"Would you, I mean could we chat privately before you sign off?" Sandy requested. Knuckle soon between teeth.

"I would like that." Chris almost whispered, scratching at the back of his neck.

"I'm going to log off after that. So night as well.'' Sandy shyly announced.

"Night Sandy, thanks for the help packing and moving." Micheal stated.

"Talk later?" Chrissy asked.

"OK." Sandy agreed.

The two nervous teens left the chat. Chrissy smiled, "Do you miss me, Michael?"

"Yes, you're my girlfriend." he bluntly replied.

"Even with Karla and Josie being around at full size to be enjoyed?" she pushed.

"Mom doesn't let me play with them." wasn't the reply the bubbly blonde was looking for.

"Your hopeless Micheal Miller." She sighed.

"I don't understand?" he announced.

"That just makes you adorable." she teased.

"What do you mean?" he requested.

"Well, what would you do if I was there right now?" she suggested.

"Kiss you." he quickly announced.

"How?" she requested.

"Oh, like this." he stated. Karla felt his hand lift her head so she was facing him. His lips pressed hers and his tongue coiled with hers. Her pulse raced. It was deep and passionate.

"Oh was that a good kiss Karla?" the blonde requested.

Karla took a deep breath to settle herself. "Yes very." She replied what should have been obvious.

"What else would you do?" the blonde gasped out.

"Kiss your neck like this." and with that his lips teasingly suckled the skin on Karla's neck. She liked this game.

"Hmmm, would you say anything?" the teen girls begged.

"No, I would be kissing your neck?" Micheal questioned.

"You would whisper how beautiful you think I am?" she suggested.

"Don't you know you're gorgeous?" He was hopeless but lucky.

"You really think I'm gorgeous?" she purred.

"I just said that, didn't I?" he requested.

Chrissy sighed. Then added, "Karla, can you teach our Micheal how to sweet talk?"

Karla giggled, "I'll try."

"You girls make no sense." The poor lad grumbled.

"Well, I have reports to do. We should have our first confirmed batch of preggos from the ones we collected on the trip soon. Course those not will have the fun of going again. Wish us luck." Chrissy explained.

"Good luck." they replied in unison. And the blonde sighed off. Karla started to reluctantly get off that warm chest. His hand cupped around the back of her neck. Those lips began playing along her neck again. It felt so nice. She sighed as her owner showed her wonderful affection.

Karla knew Milly wanted her and Josie to leave once the call was done. If she caught them pleasuring Micheal she would be mad. But she was too weak to pull her neck from those lips of her teen master. She allowed herself to be his affection's slave. Josie, good, responsible Josie would say something soon. Remind them of the rules, no Full sized fun. Nothing yet?

Karla managed to open her eyes. Josie's lips were too busy brushing along Micheal's neck to speak. Her hand stroked that warm chest encouraging the shared affection. The boy's fingers were pulling carefully the elastic off one of those puffy pigtails to release a cascade of gorgeous silken strands.

Betrayed. Karla was too weak to counter Micheal's commanding attentions. His happiness was her purpose now after all. But she had to try since Josie had now become the trouble maker. "Micheal, your mother wanted us to leave once the call was done." she managed.

He guided her face toward his. "Shh, I want to play with my favorite Shrunken." he commanded. Sealing the order with his mouth to hers. That talented tongue danced with hers. Well, he was her desirable master, she should do as her owner wants.

His lips went back to tasting her tan skin. She leaned back to place his tablet off the bed. She turned back and that playful lad nuzzled his face into her cleavage. So she pressed and released the sides of her breasts to massage those sweet features. He began licking the tops of mounds like they were scoops of ice cream. A maneuver she hated when guys did that. But this wasn't some guy, this was her Micheal. If he wanted her to be his sweet treat, she hoped she tasted delectable.

His face sadly left its nest. He turned away from Karla and was welcomed by pillowy succulent lips. Josie's hair was a loose mess. Watching those two making out was spectacular. Then Karla noticed a soft boy's neck within range to kiss. She pressed her body to his. His skin smelled of her new heaven, and tasted of ambrosia. His hand left her back and squeezed her ass cheek. Making a happy squeal slip from her.

He directed Josie up his form. Now those perky freckled mounds pressed around his eager face. His tongue lapped them vigorously. Josie's arms hugged his head and pushed his features deeper between those firm tits. Karla wanted a turn, from either of them.

Josie let go and Micheal rested his head back. Josie and her nuzzled, kissed, and suckled his open neck. His hand returned to the back of her neck. She found her face aimed toward the wonderful destination of Josie's face. Full succulent lips opened for Karla's tongue. They kissed passionately. Affection gleefully shared with each other on that warm stage. Their audience praised that top acclaim, "Oh so HOT!"

He led their faces to the sides of his face. They both began leaving nuzzling kisses to those adorable cheeks. Then came a grand test for Karla. Micheal whimpered anxiously, "I want to put it in you so bad, take off your shirts!"

Karla knew he was overwhelmed. He wasn't ready for full sized play. But his body wanted it. He would forgive her for obeying his demand. Hell, her dripping pussy was begging to be destroyed by the Behemoth. But she had to be his top Shrunken, his good pet.

She sat up and begged, "Micheal, you need to take a second and try to think clearer." Course this might have worked better if she didn't immediately strip off her tight shirt. But she only had so much restraint when it came to Micheal. And right at that moment she was fighting the want to strip her pants off as she undid his with her teeth.

Josie stroked his face in a compassionate manner. She added, "Think Micheal, are you really ready for this. I know we are only Shrunken so it wouldn't count as your first. But it might taint things for you later." He stared at her intently. Though it was at her bra clad chest, but at her.

"But it would count to me," he sweetly revealed. Karla had to push the image of her straddling him and giving him a cowgirl thank you.

"Then we should make our first time, full sized, special." Karla pleaded to him. As that naughty boy undid her bra.

"Special, yeah. But it hurts. I want you so bad." He begged.

"We could go get a couple of the girls and stroke it with them as you enjoy our breasts." Josie wonderfully suggested.

"Yeah! Yeah, go get some quick." was their owner's command. His arms released them.

They both jumped from the bed and raced toward the cage room while giggling like naughty children. The door was barely opened before Josie was snatching an unsuspecting Grace from just inside the wall. That musical voice nervously sang, "Does Director Micheal want another performance?" Josie didn't answer with words. No, her stripping the leggy toy should make that clear even to that innocent lass.

Karla looked for her target. She knew who should help them pleasure their titan teen but couldn't see her. "Amanda?" She gave up looking and called.

"Yes Karla?" was yelled from near the bunny barn.

"I want to stroke you along Micheal's cock." Karla growled at the little long haired beauty.

You would have thought the former dancer's clothes had caught fire at how fast she was stripping them from that toned body. Karla lifted the practically naked happy plaything. She was fully naked by the time Karla turned to carefully walk from the room.

They returned to a naked and very erect Micheal. They coiled to his sides. Kissing at his accepting neck. Rubbing his chest with their naked little assistants. Karla couldn't help but giggle at Amanda's attempts to help stroke her body to Micheal's chest. It would have been easier to roll her along if she was trying to resist.

They pressed their living sex aids to his hard cock. It was radiating heat he was so aroused. Amanda immediately coiled to his girth. Josie's fingers linked with Karla's like they had the morning of moving day. They started slowly working the two shapely tiny bodies along his massive manhood.

Karla pressed her chest to his. Unnecessarily grinding her breasts to that silken skin. His gasping said he was fine with that. She started kissing his cheek on her side. Josie did the same.

His hand explored her hair. His arm pressed her tightly to his torso. Slowly Josie's head started down their Micheal's chest. Full lips kissed that smooth path. Micheal's hand guiding to a clear destination.

Soon Josie hummed happily as her lips pressed at the tip of the Behemoth. That lucky freckled dream was happily licking and suckling that thick end. Stretching her lips down more and more of that desired shaft. Karla found herself jealous. Though she couldn't argue, if she had a penis, she'd want those fully pillowy lips wrapped around it too. Really, she had several spots where those lips felt amazing around.

His hand started guiding her head. Her heart raced for her turn to attempt to choke down his shaft. But he wasn't moving her down. No, she was rewarded with angel lips. His tongue was ecstatically welcomed. Karla found it hard to remember to rub Amanda to his shaft. Luckily that Eager Shrunken had taken the little movement as an invitation to grind herself to the side of that amazing girth.

There they laid, in a writhing pile. Four women excitedly working to pleasure a happily accepting young man. Karla knew how absurd this was. Still she rejoiced when his body jumped, declaring they succeeded. His mouth left hers to gasp with each hard shutter. Karla looked at lucky Josie, getting another thick glob of his pleasure shot down her throat with each bounce of his body. She giggled as Amanda cheered in her hand at the regular accomplishment.

"That was so HOT!" he sighed. Karla had to agree. Though next time she would grab a bunch of Standard sized Shrunken. So she could feel them squirming between his chest and hers.

She was just starting to cuddle to his chest when he suddenly became annoyingly responsible. "You two should go before mom suspects anything."

"OK Micheal." They both replied like good Shrunken should.

"Do you want us to put these two away?" Josie asked as Micheal kissed her cheek goodnight.

"Please, I'm going to get ready for bed." he answered. As Karla's cheek received a similar kiss.

He got up and headed to his bathroom. They carried Amanda and Grace back to the cage room. "Thank you Karla! Thank you so much!" Amanda praised.

"I owed you a treat." Karla replied to her servant.

"If that was a treat, feel free to spoil me with them." She purred.

They placed them in. Josie put Grace right by her pile of clothes. Who nervously dressed looking at those watching her with pity. Amanda directed Karla just to put her down. She strutted confidently naked toward where most of her garments lay scattered.

They returned to the bedroom they longed to stay in and reluctantly collected their shirts and bras. "We better put on our bras before we leave. Hate to try to explain to Milly why we are carrying them in our hands." Josie smartly advised.

"What about your hair?" Karla asked. Admiring the sexy messy look on her dream girl.

"Huh, that I think will get a pass." she replied.

They left Micheal's apartment and entered a dark hall. It was later than they suspected. They stopped in the bathroom along the way to freshen up for bed. They entered the bedroom they would share for at least one more night. Tomorrow Karla hoped for the return to sleeping on Micheal's chest under his protecting hand.

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