When The Peaches Fell

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Shrink Master
Shrink Master
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Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by CKent45 » Mon Jul 19, 2021 6:21 pm

All this time sharing my story with you I have focused on my personal life, and mostly on the women in my life. I’ve tried to give an idea about what was going on in the world through my own experiences, but I haven’t really talked about what was happening on a bigger scale. I guess overall, the bigger picture was kind of out of the scope of my personal story up to this point.

I really should have paid better attention to the what was happening with the government and current events more, but I’d like to say that I had a lot on my plate at the time, so some things just tended to slip by. The riot that erupted at the mall on my first date with Shandra was the beginning of that larger world crashing in on me and pretty much everyone else, but at the time I just thought it was more of a one off. Normalcy bias is a real thing, I guess, and it’s not something I recommend letting yourself fall into.

I didn’t really look into that riot, but if I had, I would have found that that particular event wasn’t the first, but more importantly, it wasn’t the last either. Normally, if you’re going to have this kind of violence, people tend to come out in warmer weather, so I guess that goes to show how important this was to the white knights and their angry matriarchs.

By the time I had gotten to the first time Shandra and I had slept together, things had basically erupted into a full on war on Christmas. I’ve heard people talk in hyperbole about it before, but this was definitely the real deal.

The day after I had done my best to try to comfort a stranger in the middle of her spurt, that was when I realized I couldn’t just write these things off as random events anymore and that things were not ever going back to normal. As far as I was concerned, the world was spinning out of control and it was only going to get worse, but I couldn’t see yet where things were leading.

That morning, I woke up to the sound of sirens and looked out my window to see black smoke billowing up not far from where I lived. I dressed as quickly as I could and ran out to find the church near my apartment building on fire and the fire department struggling to get control of the flames.

On the far end of their parking lot was what looked like a base camp forming to deal with casualties and I could see a man comforting a woman who was covered in ash and sobbing heavily.

I walked through the crowd of onlookers, trying to find anyone who was talking about what was happening, or anyone who knew anything at all, when I noticed a lone guy, rather gaunt and pale, dressed all in black with black died hair staring at the church that was now engulfed in flames, smirking at the whole thing scene smugly. There was just this look of sadistic satisfaction on his face that I had never seen before, and it made my skin crawl. I watched him from a distance and I also frequently turned to look at the police on the scene as well wondering if was just crazy for what I thought I was seeing in this individual until I heard a soft boom and turned along with several others to see black smoke rising from what seemed to be a few blocks away. I looked back at the guy again, and his smirk grew even more, though he didn’t seem to need to look to see what was burning.

I had a terrible pit in my stomach. So I ran to the nearest police officer, who tried to ignore me, but eventually listened as I explained what I had noticed. He looked at the guy and nodded, but told me he didn’t have time to deal with it at the moment as all of the officers on hand seemed to be busy dealing with injured people here at the church. On a hunch, turned and I ran as hard as I could in that direction and about a block down, I noticed that several others apparently had noticed and must have realized what I was running to because they were following me, their eyes trained on the black smoke plumes as well.

Unfortunately, I was right. In the chaos surrounding the church that was burning down, another church had lit up as well and people were still running out of the building, coughing, gagging and carrying each other as I watched the flames begin to break the stained glass windows in the sanctuary down.

Oddly enough, other than the moans of people in pain and crying and the sounds of the building in front of me being consumed by fire, the scene was eerily silent. I expected to hear sirens, or people on their phones screaming for help.

I looked around and I honestly couldn’t understand why more units from the fire department weren’t coming several minutes in, but then I noticed an older man rush out of his home with several buckets and a large wrench and up to the closest fire hydrant to the church. A moment later, two men ran over to assist him, then two police squad cars arrived and ran out to join them and before I knew it I was caught up in a bucket brigade, desperate to control the flames as much and as long as possible until better help could arrive. More neighbors filed out of their homes and ran up with fire extinguishers and eventually, we were able to push the flames back enough that a parishioner at that church was able to run in and access a fire hose that was part of their internal safety systems.

He was so desperate to save his church, that he powered through holding onto the fire hose that was stationed near the entrance to the old church despite that fact that the metal parts of the hose were so hot they literally seared the skin on his hands. He battled the blaze himself despite getting burned badly, refusing to back down even an inch. In the end, he wound up with third degree burns on his arms and hands, and second degree burns throughout much of the rest of his body.

Again, no other emergency vehicles arrived, so first aid was left to a nearby homeowner who was a nurse at a hospital and one of the police officers drove him to the hospital once he was stable. Meanwhile, we continued to fight the fires back as residents began hooking lawn hoses together to get the range they needed to add more water to the firefighting efforts.

I was lucky there were plenty of people there who had their wits about them and were leading the charge and seemed to have at least some idea of what they were doing. I wish I could say that I was a leader, but I ended up exhausting myself running around and trying to keep up with all of the chaos unfolding.

And run I did. Constantly and not really taking a moment to rest no matter how out of breath I was. The entire scene was a living nightmare to me. When the one man who’d run into the main entrance to grab the fire hose there couldn’t continue, someone else took over for him while he was carried out, but not until after this man had pushed the flames back deep inside the building again.

By the time I had made my way inside the building with a platoon worth of others, the fires had been driven back by our bucket brigade and were contained to the sanctuary and a few rooms around it. Throughout the building you could see strings of garden hoses, several of them tangled around each other as people ran back and forth with no real understanding of what they were doing to coordinate their efforts better.

A few times the hoses tangled up so badly that a few people would run to the nearest connection, unscrew it and then force it back together again without even bothering to search for the source and turn the water off.

Hoses were everywhere, and I think every house in a two block area had pitched in to make the lines long enough to run water in from every house in each of the cardinal directions from this church. There were also blankets entering in from everywhere, which we used to cover and attempt to smother any flames that were small enough to do so.

I never got my hands on a single hose. Most of my time was spent running buckets of water back and forth and sometimes carrying a wounded person back out to the nurse and the cop seeing to injuries.

As we got better control of the situation, water was everywhere and suddenly you had people, still frantically trying to save the building running back and forth and constantly slipping and falling over each other, especially as we became more and more fatigued in our desperate battle. I remember at one point when I had to help a woman untangle herself from a several garden hoses she’d managed to get caught up in as three guys ran back and forth around each other as they unwittingly tied the woman up with their water hoses.

At this point I guess my protective instincts kicked in and I yelled at each of these guys, scolding them on what they were doing as I tried to free the woman. Two of the men literally ignored me while another flicked me off and cussed at me before going on about his business. I tried to give them instructions, but by that point I wasn’t getting anyone’s attention anymore without starting a physical confrontation.

It was at this point that another man stepped in from behind me, a middle aged man who I have a difficult time describing because of the amount of soot and ash covering his face. He simply told me to focus on the woman, which I did and he stepped in, grabbing the shoulders of one of the men, and pointing him straight ahead at a burst of flames and smoke that were billowing out of a storage room of some kind, then he went on to the next nearest man, pulled him back, and they fished his hose out and around until it was untangled from the others and he pointed him to assist the first man until he heard otherwise.

The third man took him longer to untangle from the other hoses, and he made a much larger ruckus, but by this point this new man had two people yelling in support of him and eventually they worked his hose free, which gave him a lot more length to work with.

From there, things finally turned a corner as this new man sorted the would be fire fighters into duos and then teams and ran back and forth directing them in a much more organized manner and suddenly you could see the progress develop into a slow and steady march deep into the heart of the sanctuary and around it slowly quenching the flames as I returned to bucket duty, running water back and forth from across the street at a neighbor’s house.

Several hours later, I was exhausted, covered in soot and sitting on the curb, staring at the building that we’d only partially saved. The fire department never arrived.

I remember walking through the burnt remains of the church. The main sanctuary was all but destroyed, with several large pieces of roof fallen through and the pews charred and broken. The altar was toppled and to the right of the pulpit was the skeleton of a Christmas tree, burnt and charred. Deeper in the building, I visited several classrooms for young children that were mostly destroyed as well. In the kindergarten, the little table the kids would sit around was completely burned down and the child-sized chairs were mostly melted piles of plastic with warped metal frames stuck to the ground.

That evening, I turned on the news for the first time in months and listened to nearly constant reports from around the city and even around the country of the exact same thing happening. There had been enough fires that there just weren’t enough units to deploy to all the emergencies. And for some reason, the news was extra careful to couch their words and remind viewers that there was no real evidence that this was all due to intentional acts of arson, and certainly no proof that it was coordinated. I also noticed that the local news made no mention of how neighbors had managed to stop complete destruction of the church I had been at with a bucket brigade.

I felt like I had been hit in the chest with a sledgehammer. I just wanted to get through my life. I wanted to finish my school and get on a project to find a cure and I wanted to take care of the people I cared about and that was it. I didn’t ask to become a make shift fire fighter. I stared and stared at the TV, and I don’t know how to describe what I was feeling other than numb.

It was past dinnertime when there was a knock at the door and I opened it to find an extremely frazzled Julie. She took one look at the soot and sweat stains all over my face and clothes and nearly broke into tears. “Why didn’t you answer my calls?” she demanded to know.

I had to shake myself back to reality to realize I hadn’t looked at my phone the entire day. I checked it and sure enough, there were all manner of missed calls and texts from everyone, including my parents and even Dr. Jurek. It took me almost forty minutes of responding to everyone letting them know I had been at the fires, but I was alright while Julie watched me with immense concern in her eyes.

I was about halfway done when I heard her from the kitchen growl “I don’t care, get your ass over here,” then toss her phone onto the counter.

Once I had finished going through my full list of contacts and answering their questions, again with copy-pasted answers, Julie took my phone from me and tossed it aside, then knelt in front of me and took my hands while I sat on my futon. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…” I tried to tell her, but she shushed me and climbed up beside me and knelt there, pulling my head to her chest and doing everything in her power to try to soothe me.

Lisa was the next to arrive and she joined in with Julie. Then Rebecca and finally Yvonne.

“There’s no way Janelle can make it,” Yvonne informed Julie, who was quite perturbed at the lack of attendance. “She’s not even in town right now.”

“What about Lana?” Julie demanded to know.

“Can’t get hold of her,” Yvonne answered back, though Julie seemed unconvinced.

“What happened?” Lisa finally asked me.

I did my best to fill them in on all of the day’s events, and they listened as I described everything in detail, including the people we’d had to help who had suffered burns at the second church where I was part of the bucket brigade. I explained it to them, but I remember feeling almost as though the words I was speaking were coming form someone else’s mouth and it was as though I was completely disconnected from the world around me.

When I was finished, I learned that Julie hadn’t been the first one to try to come to my aid. Lisa had actually come by earlier after Janelle had begged her to, but had been turned away twice by police who had established a perimeter around the area mid day to keep people from coming or going to or from the neighborhood where I lived. Lisa and Yvonne went to work in my kitchen, insisting I get something to eat, even though I told them that I really had no appetite, while Rebecca and Julie practically dragged me to the bathroom to clean me up.

They stripped me naked and drew me a bath and pushed me into it and washed me, struggling to scrub all the remnants of my adventure that day off of my skin, but neither complained even once about it.

Julie was surprisingly attentive and refused to let me do even the smallest things for myself. Once I was clean, they helped me dry off and they even insisted on attempting to help me dress again, but that proved to be a little too frustrating for me to deal with.

That was how the events of the world at large came crashing in to my life. Between the five of us, we sat at my dining table and ate a late dinner together while they poured through their phones as we attempted to put together the missing pieces on what had occurred leading up to that day.

While I had been focusing on my drama with the girls and Shandra, the rest of the world had been taking a rather dark turn. Of course I was aware that things were happening, I knew about events, but I was shocked to learn of how widespread it all was before this point.

All but a few of the local malls responded to the eruptions of violence surrounding their Santa attractions by cancelling them altogether. Of those that remained, they became veritable ghost towns due to the rabid harassment children were receiving by these “activists.” All but two shut down altogether. Even those two had a constant police presence to provide some kind of safety net should things get out of control again.

This did lower the number of violent incidents almost to making them go away, however, when the first church lit up the night before I had woken up to sirens, it seemed clear that these “protesters” as the news was calling them were not satisfied with just taking normal Christmas festivities away from thousands of children.

The news didn’t cover it, but people at the two churches near where I lived were reporting on Facebook that in both cases, people were in these churches when bombs were thrown in through the windows before whoever had attacked sped off.

In all of the events where someone had been present when the fires began, this appeared to be the case. Police were obviously investigating, but the scale in which this had occurred indicated that this was a lot more than just a one off situation.

Then there was the constant escalation of violence. Holiday parades had been cancelled, and festivals shut down after the increasing number of violent events like the one that Shandra and I had witnessed. I hadn’t really been out much shopping since this all started, but the girls were reporting that stores were even taking down Christmas displays. The one thing I was aware of was the growing number of viral videos of people wearing festive clothes that were being attacked on the street, usually sucker punched in the back of the head from behind. I didn’t realize just how many there were, though.

“It makes sense,” Yvonne shared with the group when they were finished briefing me on all of the events that I had let slip my overall attention. “I mean, Christmas is nice and all, but if it’s become too dangerous to do these things anymore, you might as well just shut them down.”

Much of that conversation was a blur, as was a good chunk of that day. The whole affair had been jarring for me to say the least, but I do remember when Yvonne said that very clearly. It was a wake up call for me and snapped me back into the real world. Before I could speak, I did notice a particularly nasty glare from Lisa and was a bit taken aback by it.

“When I was in second grade, there was a kid that beat the crap out of me every day. When I complained to the teacher about it, all the other kids labeled me a snitch and he got me every day on the playground and on the bus. I had to learn the hard way that the only way to deal with bullies is you have to stop them yourself.”

“How did you stop him?” Julie asked me.

“That was the year I started hockey. I kinda had to learn how to fight because we were always getting in fights on the ice.”

“So you beat him up?”

“No, it took me years to catch up with him so that I could even compete in a fight. He humiliated me in front of everyone one day. I tried to fight back, but he pinned me down and basically folded me like a pretzel and stole my pants and underwear in front of everyone and I snapped. When he was done humiliating me, I jumped on him when he tried to walk away and I just spazzed out on him, and then he beat me up, and then when he got tired, I went after him again and again until I managed to break his nose and knocked one of his teeth out. I woke up when the principal came to drag me to the office and I almost got expelled, but that boy didn’t want to mess with me again. It wasn’t worth his while anymore.”

“Wow,” Rebecca marveled.

“If you don’t stand up for what you believe in, then you’ll never stand up at all. My dad told me that when I was suspended from school after that fight. I’m lucky he supported me through all that.”

“I wasn’t up for fighting before my spurt,” Lisa complained. “I really don’t think I stand a chance now.”

“There are other ways to fight,” I assured her. “The people who are doing this are really stupid. They aren’t thinking at all. The only surprise is how far they’re taking things without getting any real consequences. The reason they’re doing all of this is because they’re on this ridiculous feminist cult thing. I can’t believe actual feminists aren’t out in force putting a stop to it. Your best advantage is that you’re all women. I’d bet that you can have most any of these guys eating out of the palms of your hands if you just play along a little with their bull crap.”

I thought it was a good argument, but it seemed to fall on deaf ears. Each of them just stared off in any direction that wasn’t mine and didn’t say anything in response. I would have liked to push it further, but I honestly was at my limits, and still reeling from everything I’d been through that day.

I was extremely grateful that they’d gone out of their way to be there for me, though. As good as that felt, I honestly wonder if they should have even bothered though. Things were finally settling in for the evening when Rebecca made the call.

“Okay, I think we’ve done everything we can. Time to head out,” she announced. I was honestly stunned by her announcement. Maybe I shouldn’t have felt like they would be staying the night, but I did. I didn’t realize how alone I was until they showed up and that announcement put me right back in that zone of isolation again almost instantly.

Again, I really was too discombobulated to even know what to say. I wanted them to stay, and I didn’t want to be alone, but I was feeling a little like I didn’t have a right to say so and the shell shock from earlier was settling back in again. It was enough that I didn’t even notice that all of the girls except Julie were already up and dressed in their coats while Julie sat there still on the futon holding my hand.

“Come on,” Rebecca ordered.

“I just thought that,” Julie mumbled, staring off into space, but Rebecca was having none of her sass. Unfortunately, Yvonne beat her to the punch this time.

“We all agreed,” she reminded Julie, who didn’t seem to want to budge.

“It’s alright,” I told her, squeezing her hand back. She offered me a rather unconvincing smile, then stood up when Rebecca tugged on her shoulder and dressed for the colder weather outside. I saw them all off and then returned to my place on the futon where I sat there alone, and I don’t really know for how long. I couldn’t even think about sleeping, and I couldn’t concentrate on much else so I just sat there in a fog until I realized that there was a knock on my door with growing urgency.
Check out my SW story Please..: https://ckent45.deviantart.com/


Shrink Aprentice
Shrink Aprentice
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Joined: Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:31 pm

Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by Knightstable » Mon Aug 02, 2021 4:52 pm

Hey I really loved that shrinking episode in the last chapter. All the small details regarding what's going on with the world really helps flesh this story out and make it feel real. Thanks again for sharing! I can't wait to read what comes next.

Shrink Master
Shrink Master
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Joined: Sat Jan 27, 2018 11:30 pm

Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by CKent45 » Mon Aug 02, 2021 5:31 pm

Hey Knightstable, I'm glad someone is still checking this out. I have the next chapter in the pipe and just about ready to post.

Minor spoiler for the next chapter related to tagging content and whatnot:
Just a warning to anyone here who is sensitive about content here matching the board's description. I normally don't give spoilers about an upcoming chapter, but in the next chapter, we are going to cross the streams a little bit and explore the narrator's fetish for giant women.
Last edited by CKent45 on Tue Aug 03, 2021 1:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
Check out my SW story Please..: https://ckent45.deviantart.com/

Shrink Aprentice
Shrink Aprentice
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Joined: Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:31 pm

Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by Knightstable » Mon Aug 02, 2021 5:49 pm

Sounds great can't wait to check it out! As someone who has a thing for tall women myself and especially fancies when tall women shrink, I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens with a certain character down the road :) Though I do have a question. We've seen that shrinking is generally considered a very negative thing in this universe but will we ever see a character that enjoys getting smaller?

Shrink Master
Shrink Master
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Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by CKent45 » Mon Aug 02, 2021 6:02 pm

Knightstable wrote:
Mon Aug 02, 2021 5:49 pm
Sounds great can't wait to check it out! As someone who has a thing for tall women myself and especially fancies when tall women shrink, I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens with a certain character down the road :) Though I do have a question. We've seen that shrinking is generally considered a very negative thing in this universe but will we ever see a character that enjoys getting smaller?
Check out my SW story Please..: https://ckent45.deviantart.com/

Shrink Master
Shrink Master
Posts: 300
Joined: Sat Jan 27, 2018 11:30 pm

Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by CKent45 » Mon Aug 02, 2021 6:20 pm

I got up and answered my door and stood there stunned as I stared eye to eye with Shandra, who seemed immensely relieved to see me finally and I watched as immense stress seemed to fall off her shoulders.

“Hey,” she greeted rather meekly, much more so than I would expect from such a tall, statuesque woman.

“Hi,” I muttered back, more from surprise than anything else. “What are you doing here?”

She stepped inside, but she did so only with half steps. Somehow, this made this woman who was of equal height to me seem rather small and delicate.

“It was an emergency,” she answered me softly.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her, stepping back as she nudged me gently and then shut the door.

“You,” she answered. “You’re not answering my texts,” she said and took my hand, leading me back to the living room.

“Sorry. The girls were over and I haven’t checked my phone in a while.”

“I missed them?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I answered.

“That’s too bad. I would have liked to meet them,” she offered. I smiled at the thought.

“Well, they don’t know about you yet. Also, you’re way taller than even the tallest of them and it seems like they’re setting up a pecking order based off of height.”

“So what you’re saying is that I can be their queen,” she teased, which got the first honest laugh out of me of the entire day. In turn, she offered me a rather sympathetic smile and put her hand against my cheek. “You lied,” she whispered to me. “You’re not okay.”

“I’m fine,” I denied, but she only shook her head at me.

“Can you tell me about what happened?” She was now holding both of my hands and leaning very closely to me.

“It’s a long story.”

“I’ve got time.”

“But it’s late. And don’t you have practice in the morning?” She smirked and poked the tip of my nose.

“Have you been stalking me?” she teased.

“Me and half of the state,” I answered back, trying to sound clever. She giggled at me and leaned over, snuggling up in my arms. This was supposed to be a position where I could offer her comfort, but instead I felt almost as though I was the one being held.

“I’ll stay up all night if I have to,” she promised me. “Tell me what happened.”

So I did. I filled her in on all the details and she kept it going by asking questions the whole way through. In the end, I found myself describing to her how helpless and inadequate I felt, just standing there and watching while others took the initiative and actually did something to fend off the fires until I had enough blood flow to my brain return so that I could run along following the lead of everyone else while running around like a chicken with his head cut off.

“You were the first one to run towards the second fire,” she pointed out patiently to me. “Leaders take a lot of other forms. You brought the people to the scene; it’s not your fault that you don’t know how to fight fires. How were you supposed to know there was a fire hose sitting at the entrance to the building? What were you supposed to do with a fire hydrant? Do you even have a wrench that could open one up? You did your part. You ran there first and people followed you, and that’s more than enough because if you hadn’t done that, maybe no one else would have even tried.”

“I’m sure someone else would have stepped up because someone did.”

“Facebook is flying with all kinds of discussion about what happened. I mean, no one mentioned you, but one thing I did hear over and over again was that the neighbors around that church were watching the whole thing in horror not knowing what to do until a crowd of people ran up. The wife of the guy who opened up that fire hydrant said that they were standing there with no idea what to do because they needed more people to even attempt something and then all of a sudden there was a crowd there. I think you’re too hard on yourself.”

I listened carefully to everything she had to say, and it really did help listening to her perspective. Before long we were just sitting there on the futon snuggling and I was starting to feel normal again.

“Feeling better?” she asked me after a good long while just sitting there and feeling her in my arms.

“Much,” I answered back contentedly. “I feel bad though. You didn’t have to come all the way down here.”

“Yeah I did,” she answered back, then leaned up for a kiss. A long and steamy one and when I began to feel something stirring within me again, I pressed against her and she whimpered a little bit, capitulating almost immediately and fell back making me chase her as we shifted into full on making out while lying there pressing against each other harder and harder while pulling on each other in a desperate bid to gain even more contact.

When I reached up and cupped her breast, she again whimpered and even grabbed my hand, pressing it even harder against her, reveling in the raw force I was leveling on her breast. I leaned down and began kissing the base of her neck and I could feel the goose bumps rising on her skin as I sensually worshipped her body. With every touch I offered her, she seemed to become more and more electrified, though she lay there, passively accepting everything that I had to offer her until I unzipped her jeans and she paused, staring at me with glossy bedroom eyes. At first I thought she was going to stop me, but instead, she stared at me, her mouth partially agape while she held my hand delicately at the opening to her jeans and she lay there, seemingly frozen.

She offered me the gentlest of kisses, then another and when I realized she was pressing and rubbing her thighs together, I reached in with almost no resistance from her and began petting her womanhood, making her moan intensely as she rolled back and opened her legs enough to offer me access to her wetted labia.

Shandra began breathing heavily, struggling to maintain our making out as I stroked her womanhood up toward a climax, which she steadily built upward to right up to the point where her back was arching and her legs quivering as I felt her edging to the destination I desired most. Then, she seemed to fill with resolve suddenly and she grabbed my wrist, pulling on it and making it abundantly clear she wished for me to stop.

I removed my hand from her womanhood and pulled back from our kiss; worried I’d done something wrong while scrambling in my mind to figure out what that might have been. “I’m sorry. I…” I told her, and then paused while she only smiled widely to me, then closed her eyes and swallowed hard, regaining her senses.

“It’s not that,” she assured me, struggling to catch her breath. “I just had something special planned for you tonight.

“More special than feeling an Amazonian Goddess climax in my arms?” I teased, hoping to get permission again to continue. She laughed at me interspersed with warm kisses.

“You just won’t let this whole goddess thing go, will you?” she teased me, and then kissed me open-mouthed.

“Nope,” I answered back with a smirk and began pressing my hand back toward her womanhood. She almost gave in, but at the last second, as I could begin to feel the dampness surrounding her sex, she changed her mind and grabbed my wrist again and pushed back against me.

“Your goddess wants something else,” she informed me. I could tell she was going for a regal tone of voice, one that conveyed confidence and authority, however it sounded more like borderline begging. Still, though, I was never one to force myself on anyone, so I humored her and obeyed as she pushed me to get up. Once we were both standing and eye-to-eye, she led me back to her bag and produced a pair of surprisingly tall platform heels. I wanted to say something clever, however, there was a lump in my throat that stopped me as I coped with the sudden realization that she was implying I would need to lean up in order to kiss her. Far, far up.

When my eyes met hers again, I was a bit surprised to see she was blushing. “Are you sure that you want to do this? I mean, you look kinda…”

“I’m fine,” she assured me gently and kissed me. “It’s just been a while.”

“Are you sure you want to wear these? They’re pretty high, and if your feet are smaller since you had a spurt, it might be a bit dangerous.” I was genuine in my concern, however, I don’t think she really believed me, given how hard I was already obviously becoming over the though of a much, much taller Shandra.

“I’ll be fine,” she assured me again with a kiss. “I got these in high school, before I was quite done growing. I was only just a little bit taller than I am now the last time I put them on and they were a little tight.”

“So… okay…” I mumbled, still struggling with my conflicting feelings.

“They’re one foot platforms,” she informed me, making my throat go completely dry. “And the last time I wore them… well, I’ll just say that my boyfriend at the time became a massive dick when I had a growth spurt in high school and shot up taller than him. I got sick of it, so I went out and bought these just so that everywhere we went he would be forced to look way up at me. But now, I thought I could use them to make someone happy instead of get back at them,” she offered rather seductively, even though she was blushing even more heavily and seemed even more embarrassed than before.

“You still don’t seem that comfortable with this,” I noticed.

“I have been thinking about this ever since I learned about your giantess fetish,” she told me and kissed me. “Come on. I can see how excited you are.”

I wasn’t about to argue, and I watched her intently as she sat at my table and put her platform heels on and strapped herself in, casually looking up at me sensually with a playful smirk. A moment later, she planted her feet on the floor and looked up at me with mischievous grin. She then held her hand out, palm down, giving me the best regal impression she could muster, though I could tell she was still a little embarrassed by the role play.

“Well?” she asked me in an aloof tone.

“Well what?” I asked, grinning down to her.

“Do not ‘well what’ me, little man,” she scolded me rather effectively. “Your giantess goddess is telling you to behave like a gentleman and offer your hand so she can stand. Do you expect her to squat and groan herself up like some commoner?”

I didn’t know what to do other than gulp. She waved her hand at me more emphatically, struggling to contain her smirk, so I offered her my hand as asked and helped her to her feet. She rose up until we were at eye level, her bending at the waist and she gripped my shirt in her fist and smirked at me.

“I’ll forgive your impertinence this time,” she told me and pulled me close for a hot, steamy kiss. She grabbed me and leaned on me, I think intentionally trying to put as much weight on me as she could and then she stepped a little more closely, allowing her to bend a little less at the hips and force me to angle my chin upwards to meet her kiss, then she repeated in partial steps, closer and closer until I was literally on my tiptoes reaching up to meet her kiss far above me.

I could feel the heat emanating from her skin. Either she was just as hot as I was, or she really was embarrassed and was pushing herself to her limits of her comfort zone to offer me this exceedingly rare treat. It was difficult to tell which was the case, but I was certain she was enjoying herself because as she kissed and made out with me from above, she had to pause for a quick moment to literally catch her racing breath and I could feel her heart pounding as she pressed my head against her bosom to lean down and kiss me.

I didn’t really realize how unstable a position I was in standing on my tiptoes until she began kissing me again and grabbed me, and pushed me back and back and back and back until she had me pinned up against the wall. She finally stopped kissing me and stood upright, staring down and down while I craned my neck up as though I were a child staring up at a statuesque woman.

Her embarrassment seemed to subside a little and she leaned against me, pressing her breasts directly into my face.

“You’re so cute down there, little man,” she teased. I grinned up at her and reached around, cupping her firm ass in my hands, but she grabbed my wrist and slapped the back of my hand as a mother would her child. “Not without asking,” she commanded me. I nodded, but she seemed unsatisfied with my response. “Answer me,” she said, the authority in her voice growing with each attempt she made to play the part of an actual giantess. “You heard me, little man. Answer me and address me appropriately.”

“Yes my goddess,” I answered her. She smirked again at me and then slapped the back of my hand again.

“I am not just your goddess,” she warned me. “Say it,” she commanded.

“Yes my giantess goddess,” I answered her. She grinned at me and leaned down, bending at her hips again, kissing me sweetly as a reward.

“Very good, my little man,” she praised, again in a regal and aloof tone of voice. “Now, what do you say?”

“May I please touch you, my giantess goddess?” I asked far more subserviently than I had expected to hear from my own voice. Even she seemed surprised.

“Ohhhh,” she cooed, petting my cheek. “You’re so adorable. How could I deny such a sweet request from my little toy?” I could only gulp. She giggled a little, struggling to maintain character, then took my hand, stood fully upright again and placed my hands on her ass once more. “Is this what you want, little man?” she asked of me.

“Yes my giantess goddess,” I answered her, struggling to power through the frog in my throat.

“Well, then, go ahead. Grab,” she taunted me, despite the fact that I was already squeezing rather firmly. “Go on. You heard your giantess goddess. I can’t even feel you. Grab me. Hard.” I tightened my grip, harder and harder until my hands ached from the strain, but she remained steadfast and aloof. “Are you that small and weak, little man? Can’t you show your giantess goddess how a real man treats a woman? Or are you just a little man?” she mocked.

I squeezed even harder, so hard that in pulling her against me, I actually lifted her slightly off the ground and she chirped in surprise as she realized I had removed her from the floor and she jerked, unsure of herself or her position, then she giggled at me and resumed character.

“I suppose I can feel something. However, you are so little and weak, I think I will have to do the real work,” she taunted.

Shandra stood fully upright and grinned down at me, blushing a little. She was doing a very good job with her role-play; however, she was struggling a little. Not that I cared. I was so used to smaller women who loved being taken control of and having this Amazonian goddess standing over me and dominating was new and refreshing. Yes, I got a bit of this from Brooke, but the truth is that there was always a feeling of hunger for power and a touch of sadism. Shandra was playing the part very well, especially for her first time; however, it felt more playful, and less vindictive. This was more than anything, a gift for me, and it was one I wasn’t going to be able to turn down.

She then waved me upward with a single finger and I rose to my tiptoes, straining for a kiss, which she was going to make me work for. When I could stretch no further, she grinned at me and leaned down, offering me that long sought after kiss and put her hands under my arms, as though she were about to lift me.

She of course, was not nearly strong enough to even partially lift me, especially like this, but standing on my tiptoes, I was unbalanced enough that she easily shoved me up against the wall and then grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head. Again, I didn’t feel like there was anything near approaching the force needed to actually hold me in place like that, but I was too enthralled with this fantasy to even pretend to fight back.

Shandra kissed me open mouthed and I was surprised to feel her tongue force it’s way into my mouth, attacking my own tongue vigorously as she continued her game of dominance and even reaching down in an attempt to pull up on my body, further lightening my connection with the ground until she ran out of breath and giggled a little at me.

There was no doubt she was enjoying herself as well.

“Well, little man, what do you think I should do with you now?” she asked, then paused dramatically.

I struggled for a moment, and then opened my mouth to speak, but she slapped my face, though it was a very soft and gentle slap. Still, I was a little shocked.

“That was a rhetorical question little toy,” she scolded me. “I’ve already decided.”

I blushed and grinned at her. “What have you decided?” I asked, too amused by her behavior to stop myself and I received a rather scornful glare from her.

“Would you care to rephrase that, little man?” she mocked me, shoving me back against the wall again playfully. I gulped, not because I was necessarily afraid, but because I was struggling to even keep my mind working in this whole charade. She watched me patiently as I struggled and then she bent over and whispered in my ear, “your giantess goddess is in a very giving mood tonight. Speak to me properly, and I will reward you.”

That was as good an incentive as any, so I quickly got my head back in the game.

“What would you like to do with me, my great giantess goddess?” I asked her in an overly sweet, passive voice. “I’ll do anything for you. Anything for my Amazonian goddess.” Once again, Shandra’s character slipped a little as she tittered a bit at me, but she quickly adjusted herself, then leaned down once again to kiss me and reached far down to squeeze my already hard cock through my pants.

“I will tell you, little toy,” she cooed in my ear softly. She then stood upright and closed the distance between us so that I was forced to stare almost straight up in order to meet her eyes. “Very good. You are such an obedient toy,” she teased me, then ruffled my hair. “Strip,” she then ordered boldly.

I gulped, not expecting such an order, but this only seemed to irritate her. “You heard me. Strip. Remove your clothes,” she ordered rather regally. “And do it quickly.”

She then stepped back to allow herself a better view of me, all the while glaring icily at me, so I obeyed, quickly pulling my shirt off and discarding it and then unzipping and dropping my pants before stepping out of them.

I now stood entirely naked in front of her, rather embarrassed to be in such a state in front of a goddess towering a foot above me while she put her curled hand up to her face to help keep herself from giggling. I stood there, and without thinking of it, my hands instinctively moved to cover up my manhood from her penetrating gaze.

“No!” she scolded sharply and slapped the back of my hand. I removed my hands, placing them intentionally at my sides while she lowered herself to a squatting position and tapped the head of my penis with the tip of her finger and giggled. Then she stood up again and took another step back, swinging her finger in a circle to signal me to spin around for her. “Slowly,” she added.

I turned and began to showcase my entire body for her as asked and then, when I was facing the wall I actually yelped a little when she slapped my behind rather sharply.

“Did that hurt, my little man?” she asked as she stepped up behind me and wrapped one arm around my chest and grabbed my cock with her other hand from behind me while whispering in my ear.

“Only because you’re so strong, my giantess goddess,” I answered her, and then I found myself gasping as she suddenly began stroking my cock hard and fast while she held me from behind and bit the bottom of my earlobe.

“Do you like it when I’m rough with you, little toy?” she whispered heavily into my ear.

“Yes ma’am,” I answered obediently and as a reward she stroked even harder and faster to the point where my knees began to buckle.

“Do you want to cum, my little toy?” she asked stroking me ever faster and building me to a rapid climax.

“I want to please my giantess goddess,” I barely managed to mutter through my slipping senses. “Please, goddess, I’ll do anything for you.”

“You wish to please me?” she asked and suddenly stopped stroking, though she gripped my cock hard in a vice like grip.

“Yes, my goddess,” I answered obediently. I felt her straighten up from behind me again, releasing my cock and then she spanked me again before forcefully turning me around to stare up at her.

“Really?” she asked, intentionally staring down at me. “And just how do you think you can do that with that little thing?” she mocked.

“I’ll do whatever you want. Whatever it takes,” I offered. She stifled a laugh, and then righted herself again.

“I think it will be amusing to see if you are up for the task. You are so small, after all,” she pondered aloud. She then bid me forward until we were standing only an inch or two apart and I was forced to look straight up at her again. “I suppose you wish to see your goddess’ soft, supple flesh?”

“Only if my goddess deems me worthy,” I answered obediently.

“Do you wish to see your goddess’ body, or do you not?”

“More than anything,” I answered obediently. “But it’s not my place to ask. I am your servant.”

She smiled and poked the tip of my nose with her finger and then began bending at her knees while lifting her hands above her head until she was squatting in front of me.

“You may remove my shirt,” she offered. I pulled up on her blouse and lifted it over her head. Once it was completely off, she grabbed my hand just before I was able to toss it aside and stood upright, staring down at me between her firm breasts. “You will not toss my garments aside haphazardly. Fold it, and then you may set it on the table,” she informed me.

I did exactly as asked, however, she was displeased with the results of my folding her blouse, so I was forced to do it again while she bent forward at the hips, leaning on my shoulders and reaching down to stroke my cock to make sure I stayed hard while I performed my duties. Once I had set her blouse aside, I was then allowed to unzip her pants and slid them down her extremely long legs, and thankfully, there was just enough room to slide them over her platform heels, and once again, I was instructed to fold them properly, though this time as I went to put them along with her blouse, she smacked my ass again.

“Move more quickly, little toy,” she warned me with a wink.

Once I had returned, she allowed me to remove her bra and before I was allowed to put this garment away as well, she grabbed my head and forced it into her chest, where I was at a near perfect height compared to her like this to suckle on her nipple while she pushed back against me until she walked me back to the wall, pressing her breast into my face.

She switched me between breasts, cooing softly to me as I suckled on her, then she pulled on me and shoved me past her toward the table where her other clothes sat and smacked my ass again. This time, though, she stumbled in those high platform heels and screamed a little as she tumbled, barely managing to use the wall to keep herself from falling over completely. I looked back with concern, but she waved me on and fixed her hair, while also grabbing her chest following the start she’d received. I ran to the table and back to her, where she stood above me once more and bid me to remove her panties, but to do so slowly.

I looked at her white-laced panties and swallowed a little, and began peeling them from her hips, inching them down ever so gradually, just as ordered. At first, I marveled as her hip bones were revealed, then down as they slowly shifted toward her mons pubis and I could feel my eyes go wide as I lowered myself along with her panties and was now up close and personal with her soft, tightly trimmed bush.

Down I went until I was squatting and she stepped through her panties for me and I was left holding them and when I tried to stand up, she placed her hand on top of my head and stopped me. I looked up at her and marveled at the site of Shandra standing there far above me, staring down at me between her breasts as I looked up between her thick, muscular legs that were shoulder width apart, allowing a perfect, unfettered view of her already wet pussy.

She kept me there, making me enjoy the unrivaled landscape scenery of her body, then grabbed my ear with her thumb and forefinger and pulled up on me, bidding me to stand, then shoved me to deliver her final article of clothing to the table while swatting my derriere once more.

When I returned this final time, she stood over me, only a couple inches from me, then wiggled her breasts in my face before reaching down, needing to stoop a little to grab my cock, which was rock hard and achingly angling up for the far off target of her womanhood. “Look at that little thing,” she teased me, and then shoved my head down to look at it with her. “How are you supposed to please your goddess with that little thing? You can’t even reach my divine lady parts,” she said, standing upright and stepping closer to emphasize that my cock came nowhere near the target of her pussy from her high perch above me. She then pressed her body against mine and pressed her thighs together and against my dick, rubbing them together against it. “Look how far it is from even being able to reach your giantess goddess’s pussy.”

“There are other ways I can please my giantess goddess if I’m too small for her,” I offered. She tipped my head up as far as it would go and leaned down, kissing me aggressively with an opened mouth, then down further to kiss my neck and bite my earlobe again.

“Bold claims, little man,” she whispered headily in my ear.

“Please let me try, my giantess goddess,” I begged her. She stood upright again and forced her breast into my mouth once more, grabbing my head firmly as I suckled once more as I could feel her body shiver with pleasure from it. She then yanked my head skyward and pressed her entire weight against me.

“Show me,” she commanded.

Carefully, I took her hips and turned us around so that she was the one standing against the wall and I petted the insides of her thighs until she spread her legs to a little more than should width, staring at her beautiful muff.

“Less gawking and more pleasing,” she commanded as she tipped my chin upward again to meet her penetrating gaze. I nodded and pressed against her, my mouth quickly finding her breast again and my fingers dancing along the length of her labia, making her gasp and shutter with pleasure as I finally found myself back in a position where I could offer her some pleasure again.

I loved how sensitive Shandra was, and how she purred and shook when I played with her pussy, rubbing it and stroking the length of her labia, then pressing my finger against the precipice of her vagina, working my finger around in small, concentric circles, teasing her with the possibility of penetrating her, but holding back as I massaged the rim of her womanly opening. The result was beyond rewarding. The more I teased her with the possibility of pressing my finger up inside of her, the tighter she seemed to become enamored with the possibility of feeling a part of me inside of her.

She grabbed my head with both hands and pulled on it, pressing it hard into her breast, whimpering as I sucked harder and faster on her nipple and then angled her hips forward, practically begging me to press my middle finger up inside of her, however, I continued to hold back and shifted to focusing on her clitoris, which made her entire body shudder and nearly collapse.

In response to her failing knees, I slid my fingers back along her labia and unceremoniously inserted my middle finger up inside of her. Shandra froze and gasped at the sudden shift and I grinned, loving how much this Amazonian goddess loved the feeling of being penetrated.

Shandra let out a little whimper, another characteristic I was learning to enjoy. It wasn’t the same as some of the girls who would moan loudly or even scream, but there was something about the way she would whimper that drove me on and motivated me to pleasure her more and more until she collapsed, which she seemed to be at genuine risk of doing at that moment.

Shandra was definitely doing her best to maintain an air of control over me, as any good giantess would, however, I noticed her strength failing her over and over again as she attempted to grab my head and force it into her bosom, but then her grip would weaken over and over again as she succumbed to the very pulses and waves of pleasure she’d ordered me to provide her. And provide them I did, to the very best of my ability. There was just something about being towered over by this strong, powerful woman while she was bent to my lustful will that was beyond intoxicating.

I pumped my hand up and down against her pussy, jamming my finger in her and marveled at how she would whimper at an ever-higher pitch of voice with her hips spastically thrusting at me and her knees buckling so that her body weight was largely resting on my hand. When this would happen, I would grind my palm into her womanhood and grin as she would hug my head and her whimper would rise in pitch again until it was little more than an airy squeak, then she would battle back to control of her glorious, Amazonian body and attempt to reassert her control over me until her legs did finally give out for real and I was forced to wrap an arm around her waist and pin her up against the wall as I fingered her through her entire climax, which was an impressively large and long one.

When she was finally finished, she panted and tremored and carefully removed my hand from her sex as she randomly twitched from the over stimulation and leaned on me to keep her upright while hugging me tightly as drops of sweat dripped off of her smooth, caramel like skin onto mine.

“You,” she panted, struggling to maintain her voice, then gulped several times because her vocal chords refused to cooperate. “You did well, for such a little man,” she finally preached in what she intended to be her regal and aloof character she’d created however, her voice waivered and fluctuated unevenly as she attempted her half praise. “I’ve had better, though,” she told me, then attempted to stand and staggered left and right and almost fell over until I grabbed her hips and helped her remaining standing.

“I will please my giantess goddess better next time,” I swore to her, which made her giggle nervously at me because she seemed to know how earnest I was about it.

It took her a bit to recover, but as she slowly did, she stood upright again, still leaning on the wall for support and tipped my head up to force me to stand on my tip toes in order to make out with her while she hugged me and petted my back and occasionally squeezed her thighs together to grab my cock and play with it.

Eventually, she was solid enough that I felt her body straighten fully, almost completely out of the reach of my ability to kiss her any longer and she grinned down at me playfully.

“I think you’ve earned your reward, little man, however, you’re still so little. How exactly to you hope to reach your giantess goddess’s divine pussy from so far down below?” she teased me while rubbing her thighs together around my hard on.

I tried to respond, honestly, but I had an enormous lump in my throat and all I could do was gulp hard, which really seemed to amuse Shandra so she leaned forward, bending at the hips and kissed me open mouthed while reaching far down to stroke my dick with her hand, then she stood upright, pulling my dick along with her so that I had to stand on my tip toes while she squeezed it tightly.

“I suppose I shall simply have to help you out, then, my good little man,” she glowed and then led me back to the dining area by my dick and then leaned over the table and lowered herself down, spreading her legs wider and wider as I watched her muff gradually descend and her labia spread to meet my very eager cock. I want you to imagine a woman standing a foot taller than you, whose breasts while standing upright are directly in front of your face and then imagine as she turns around, bends at the waist and leans on a table as she steps wider and wider, first her feet shoulder width apart, then twice shoulder width and on and on as she lowers her body down to bring her glorious pussy down to a level your can access what was once well our of reach. And I want you to imagine those perfect labia, those succulent lower lips parting for you as she descends lower and lower until she is practically performing the splits with her legs and laying on her torso across the table. Such was the amazing sight my eyes beheld.

Suffice it to say that I stared dumbfounded at her with a completely parched, dry throat.

“Ask your giantess goddess politely to enter her,” she smirked back at me, practically giggling as I gawked at her heavenly form.

“My amazing giantess goddess, may this mere mortal please feel her divine womanhood? I know I’m unworthy.”

“Come and enjoy your reward, little mortal,” she answered back in a tone befitting a true monarch.

I stepped up to her and stared down at the round, muscular ass and her spread wide labia, and then I pressed the head of my penis against her, my eyes going wide by how tight she was. It was amazing to me how turned on she was by all of this.

I had to dip my knees a little to press through and begin to enter her, listening as she gripped the edges of the table in her fists and whimpered back to me as I began to fill her “Deeper,” she begged me in a very small voice, though that hardly distracted me from such an incredible experience. “Deeper,” she whimpered again, reaching back to my hands, which were placed on her rump, grabbing it tightly. She grabbed my wrists and yanked me forward, so I did as requested and pushed myself all the way in to an incredibly satisfying whimper.

“You’re giantess goddess can hardly feel you, little man,” she squeaked. It was an obvious lie, but a sexy one nonetheless. “Make sure you don’t hold back. I want you to make your insignificant presence known,” she squeaked, but with gritted teeth.

I liked her being in charge like this, and I liked pleasing my giantess goddess even more. I rammed my hips into her hard and fast while she buried her face into the surface of my table, whimpering and squealing with each collision as I pounded her. “More, little man, MORE!” she demanded, reclaiming a little more of the tenor in her voice that had been lost in her little squeals, but not a lot.

I shifted my hips left and right, pressing into her in multiple angles in a bid to elicit another orgasm from her, and she definitely appreciated my efforts. She appreciated it enough that her footing slipped in one of her platform heels and it toppled, sending Shandra’s hips askew, but even so, she commanded me to keep going. I grabbed her ass as hard as I could, which also seemed to build the pressure up within her and leaned my weight on her as I pounded her from behind like this, but in the end, I was far too excited by everything and I unexpectedly exploded inside of her just as I was getting to the point where I thought I might get her to climax with me. I thrust spastically my last couple bursts into her womb and then fell forward over her, before sliding back and dropping to my knees.

A moment later, she slid back as well and curled up on my lap on the floor. She may not have reached the destination I wanted to bring her to, but she purred in my arms nonetheless, even after she had managed to clumsily pry her platform heels off of her feet.

She curled up tightly enough that after a while, I scooped her up into my arms and carried her to the bedroom where she lay against me, wrapped up in my arms as tightly as she could manage, still purring away. “You liked that,” she teased me.

“That’s an understatement,” I answered back and smiled when she reached up and kissed me. “You seemed to like it too.”

“You’re pretty fuckin’ hot,” she complimented me.

“Even though I’m just a mere little mortal?”

“Giantess goddesses adore their pets more than anything else in the world,” she teased me. “Especially after how good you just did.”

“I didn’t manage to get you off again,” I answered with a bit of guilt in my voice. She looked up at me and stared with mild surprise.

“Are you serious?” she asked me, and all I could do was nod. “Let me tell you something,” she began and straightened out, leaning up to me. “I have had one, that’s ONE boyfriend who ever got me off, and he didn’t do it nearly as well as you did earlier. All the boys I’ve ever dated treated me like I was… a trophy. They could pound like little bunny rabbits, but they never even tried to get me to climax. In fact, the first time I ever climaxed, I did it by myself, when I was home alone. I had to teach myself how to do it. My boyfriends have always been clueless about my body and how to make it work. You have gotten me off every time we’ve gotten together.”

“Yeah, but only once tonight,” I explained.

“Brendan, that wasn’t one orgasm, that was THREE,” she explained to me. I was genuinely surprised to hear that. Even though it was a powerful orgasm, I hadn’t seen any evidence that it was more than one while it was happening. “You stubborn little boy,” she teased me with a cheeky grin. “You started the one and you wouldn’t let up and the first one rolled straight into the second and then the third. Trust me. You did more than enough to satisfy me tonight.”

“I like getting you off,” I answered her and she grinned and giggled at me.

“You’re gonna have to slow down tiger,” she warned me. “I can’t climax as much as you’re trying to get out of me. I have my limits, you know.”

“I’d like to explore those limits,” I bantered back playfully.

She of course laughed at me and curled up more tightly in my arms. “I couldn’t cum again tonight because you wore me out. You already passed my limit.”

“Yeah, but the last time we slept together, you were climaxing almost non stop.”

“Do you have any idea how pent up I’ve been the last three years?” she laughed at me. “You know, what? After that, my coach was PISSED because I was coming up short when jumping for spikes the next day in practice because my legs were still weak from what you did to me. Amber even warned me to lay off the sexcapades because I couldn’t perform on the court and it was pretty obvious I was glowing.”

“You say that as if it’s a bad thing.”

“It’s a horrible thing if I get caught!” she laughed at me, then kissed me. “I’ll take that risk, though,” she added.

“I still can’t bring myself to see turning your legs to jelly as a bad thing,” I told her after a long moment of silence. Shandra pinched me and giggled at me, then snuggled back into my arms.

We lay like that for god knows how long, easily over an hour. I wasn’t sure if Shandra was still awake, but I certainly was. I felt better than I had earlier. I felt better by leaps and bounds, but I was still unsettled by the coordinated fires and explosions set around the city and the pain and suffering I’d witnessed the entire day. I was certainly tired enough that I should have fallen asleep, but just the same I couldn’t shut my brain down enough to fall asleep.

Eventually, Shandra lifted her head, either because she had woken up or because she was still awake that entire time as well and she looked at me with a soft smile.

Another simple gesture that eased my heart and I smiled back. “I don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth…” I began tentatively and she grinned at me while her eyes sparkled.

“Then don’t,” she quipped back.

“I’m worried about the chance you took coming out here to see me tonight.”

“When my quad-mates learned that you had been at the fires and helping out there, they insisted I come see you. They’re covering for me.”

“Then I seriously owe them.”

“Good luck trying to make good on that,” she teased with a twinkle in her eyes. “It’s okay. I’ve got it covered. I kind of thought the others would be here though. Why on Earth did they leave you after what you went through?”

“Time out, remember?” I answered her in a lackluster voice. Shandra sighed and pressed her head against my chest, shaking it.

“Are you keeping me a secret from them?” she asked.

“No, but I’m also not spending time talking to them like I normally do. Normally, all I need to do is tell one of the girls something and they share it with all the others almost immediately. But right now I hardly hear from any of them. I didn’t even know that Janelle was out of town.”

“When do you think the right time to tell them about me is?” she asked.

“I’m not sure. I don’t want to put it off for too long, but I’m also thinking right now isn’t the time. Not if you want to try to get in their good graces. I mean it’s the perfect time if you just want to go it alone with me.”

“You think they’d dump you if they found about me?”

“I’m not sure. I’m also not that worried about it. I’ve kind of reached my limit.”

“So four were here, one is out of town for some reason, but what about the last one?”

“They didn’t say. I’m pretty sure it’s because she had a hot date, though.”

“They are lucky to have you, especially given the state of things these days. I can’t believe they’re out looking for something else.”

“Well, I don’t have a career yet, no money, no house… It’ll be a while before they’re small enough that I can keep them all here in a one-bedroom apartment together. If you want to meet them, I’m thinking we should start with Julie. She’s definitely the leader of the group and this all started with her, even though she’s not exactly in the position of alpha anymore.”

“The two biggest ones are. How tall are they?”

“Five foot six.”

“Pffft… I’ve got them hands down, then. At least until I start having my accelerated spurts.”

“I can talk to Dr. Jurek about it, see if there’s anything you can do,” I offered.

“I already did. There are a couple options, but the school isn’t going to just let me do them, and if I push the issue it’s going to raise a lot of questions.”

“So she knows about you and me?” I asked.

“No. Absolutely not. I asked her about how she’s managed to avoid any spurts the whole time I’ve known her. It took a little bit of pushing, but she eventually told me about her treatment program and she admitted to the down sides to mine. I told her that all the food and other restrictions were driving me crazy and that I wanted to try something new. That was when she explained what my future was looking like and how she wasn’t going to be able to sneak me onto another program. She’s not the only PhD working with us, after all. Besides, her treatment program isn’t as fool proof as ours is. Well, not as fool proof for as long as it works.”

“Did she tell you how bad it would be once the spurts start kicking in?”

“She doesn’t know. It could be catastrophic and fast, or I could lose my size in a trickle. She said that the smallest woman she has ever worked with was on the beta version of our program, though and she said she was really, really tiny.”

“She told me that woman was 27 inches tall,” I answered her.

Shandra lay there and contemplated, though I had difficulty reading any kind of expression from her. I guessed that she was using her amazing poker face to keep me from seeing how stressful that revelation was.

“She did tell me that the spurts happened over the course of a few months before they got her stabilized,” Shandra eventually shared.

“So how do we stabilize you? Before it gets to that point?”

“That scared of losing your giantess goddess?” she teased.

“That scared of you going through pure hell,” I answered back stoically. “You admitted how terrified you were going through your first spurt. I don’t want you to have to go through that.”

“It’s going to happen. There’s no stopping it,” Shandra answered me. “Just… be there when it happens. That’s all I want.”

“But if we can find some way to push them back until…”

“Just be there with me,” she insisted. “I feel safe with you. I think that’s the best thing I can have when it happens.”

I continued to be unable to sleep for the remainder of the night, though Shandra stayed up with me, comforting me and soothing me every time I tensed as I thought of the day’s events and even fooling around with me a little as the night went on. Eventually, we agreed that I would approach Julie first, just as I had suggested and hopefully arrange a meeting if Julie didn’t completely lose her shit over my new fling outside of the main group. In the end, she did want to try to fit in with them, so she asked that I find as clean an opportunity to break the news as possible. After all, this was the only opportunity she had to avoid living a constantly shrinking life under her father’s oppressive thumb.

She left around 4 in the morning and slipped back into her dorm under the cover of darkness, sharing a text of “made it” to me when she was safely back in her room. It had been a tough day, but thankfully, I’d been saved by the women in my life.
Check out my SW story Please..: https://ckent45.deviantart.com/

Shrink Aprentice
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Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by Knightstable » Mon Aug 02, 2021 7:21 pm

That was amazingly hot! Great chapter.

Shrink Master
Shrink Master
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Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by CKent45 » Mon Sep 13, 2021 4:30 pm

A couple days passed before I saw any of the girls (including Shandra) again. Even though I didn’t see them, I was happy to hear from Julie the next morning first thing, though the conversation felt rather platonic. Plenty of safe words about her being there for me without any fooling around and caring about what happened to me. I really felt like I was losing grip.

I also traded texts with Shandra where I shared with her the latest from the girls, as well as the significantly cooled and less playful banter I was receiving from all of them. Strangely enough, she got right on advice to try to hook them again, because once she heard specifics about why I felt like something was off, she agreed. She even passed the phrases and conversations being had to her roommate, who also strangely seemed to be on board with the whole harem idea, and she also agreed that my “relationship” with the girls seemed to be in the death throws.

I normally have a pretty good memory, especially about these kinds of things, but honestly, the short conversations I had with Julie left me feeling numb. Julie just felt distant and when I reached out and texted the other girls, they barely even responded, even Janelle.

Shandra made it a point to call me and talk to me after a couple days, though I noticed what a hushed tone she was speaking in as we talked. She gave me some advice on how to spark some interest again with some text messages, however it didn’t work and I didn’t receive a response from any of the girls.

To make up for it, Shandra and I had lunch together in an abandoned classroom the next day where we abandoned the drama of the girls and focused on each other. True to Shandra’s word, as hot as I was for her, she focused on playing and having fun together and we ended up getting in a contest over who could come up with the craziest pick up lines.

“Our future children could save the world,” I bantered, but only got a snicker and an eye roll.

“Our divorce will be an epic tale that will be passed down for generations,” she quipped back.

“And why would you think I would ever let my goddess divorce me?” I asked back.

“Planning on keeping me prisoner when I’m too tiny to run away from you?” she teased.

“Planning to make you feel so safe, so cherished and orgasm so hard over and over again you’ll never want anyone else.”

“I noticed you had to go down the whole orgasm road again,” she smirked.

“You’ll know when I go down that road again. I’ll make sure you never forget it.”

“Bold talk from a little mortal man,” she teased, crawling up and kneeling so as to loom over me.

“If this mortal has only one life, than I will use it to bring my goddess so much pleasure she’ll carry me in her heart for all eternity.”

Shandra finally laughed and blushed and fell down against my chest, letting me wrap my arms around her. “Okay, you win,” she relented.

“I was going to win either way because you’re with me,” I told her.

“Okay, now you’re just being cheesy!”

“I have to get the bad lines out before I can master the good ones.”

“Maybe use the bad ones on your other girlfriends,” she laughed at me, and suddenly I was feeling much more serious again without being able to help it.

“Hey. I could make it work with just the two of us,” I offered. “Why do you want the harem thing so much?”

“Once my treatment program wears off, I’m going to get a lot smaller a lot faster than other women,” Shandra answered me, curling up and snuggling a little closer to me. “I’m going to lose my ability to drive before most women, and I’m going to lose my ability to take care of myself sooner too. Besides, you don’t know what life with the rich and famous is like. My dad always paraded me around like his favorite object. He always had friends over and they partied and drank and smoked weed, but I was always kept up in my room and he was always trying to intimidate my boyfriends.”

“Well, he’s 6’8” and a wall of muscle. That’s pretty intimidating.”

“You have no idea how isolating my life has been. I finally was starting to have a life of my own when I went to college and then the smurfening started. And the closest thing I have to a best friend is my roommate. Don’t get me wrong, she’s great, but we’re both in this for other reasons than because we’re such good friends.”

“What other reasons?”

“I’ll tell you soon enough. My point is that in my little world, I’m basically the alpha queen bitch and even with the girls I have in my little clique, I have to keep up an air of authority. Before long, I’ll be on the road to tiny town on an express ride and I’m not going to be able to alpha anyone. But you have a group of women who are there together just to support each other and I don’t need to be big and in charge anymore. And it beats the hell out of what my dad has in store for me. He’s already shown me the plans for my new room if I shrink smaller than five feet tall. I don’t even get to design my own space.”

“You’ve admitted that the relationship I have with the girls is probably dying. The only one I’ve heard from since yesterday is Julie.”

“We can win them back,” Shandra insisted. “I don’t want to be isolated like this anymore.”

“Whatever the future holds, I will never isolate you,” I promised her.

“What about this Caitlyn?”

“Would you like to meet her this Christmas?” I offered and Shandra’s eyes lit up and sparkled for me instantly. “I think you two would get along great.”

“Think so?”

“I’m sure of it. You remind me a lot of her.”

“Why’s that?”

“You’re both so hard core on living life to the fullest.”

“Right now, I’m just grasping at straws.”

“I’m just a straw?” I whined.

She grinned and laughed at me and reached up, petting my cheek. “You’re so cute!” I kissed her and we remained like that, her wrapped in my arms and smiling to herself.

“Hey, if you date me, I promise to let you walk around naked in front of me all the time,” I eventually told her in as sleazy a voice as I could manage. She began snickering uncontrollably in my arms and looked up at me.

“If you date me, I promise to let you collect all my used tampons when I’m done with them,” she joked and broke out into uproarious laughter when she saw how hard I cringed at her offer.

“Okay, I give up!” I conceded making her laugh even more.

“I win!” she declared, waging her shoulders tauntingly at me.

“You volleyball players are so competitive!”

“Awww! Are your wittle feewings hurt?” she teased.

“You know, I’m still big enough to put you over my knee and spank you.”

“Promises, promises,” she teased me. Just for that, I swatted her butt for her, making her chirp and then look up at me with coy eyes.

That lunch was the high point of that week, and seeing Shandra really made my day, and as luck would have it, that evening brought word from the girls in the form of a text from Lana, however, that long awaited contact didn’t provide me the relief I was hoping for.

“Hey. I know we’ve done this before, but this time it’s not a game. We need to talk and it’s not good. When can we see you?” she wrote.

I was in the middle of eating when I got that message and replied that I would be over right away and then looked at my messages with Shandra and decided not to contact her, since I knew she was at practice still and wouldn’t see the message for a couple hours yet at least. I’ll just say that receiving that message ruined my appetite.

I headed over to Lana’s and was greeted by Lana who smiled unconvincingly and hugged me, then ushered me in gently. “It’s not quite what you think, but it’s not good,” she informed me and then led me to the living room where Lisa, Rebecca, Yvonne and Julie were waiting, all with somber looks on their faces.

“So it’s that bad?” I asked as I looked around the room. Lana sighed and sat me down on a chair they had set out right in front of the couch three of the girls were sitting on and then she joined them, all five facing me and Lana took my hand. I couldn’t help but notice the conspicuous lack of Janelle’s presence.

“We had a hard time deciding whether we should do this as a group or send one to tell you,” Rebecca informed me with an uncharacteristic amount of sympathy.

“Well, I suppose getting five breakups from one person might have been a little easier,” I grumbled. Julie turned away, clenching her jaw, then she opened her mouth to speak, but came up short and chose to remain silent a moment longer.

“It’s not like that,” Yvonne assured me.

“Then what’s it like? You all have been distant lately and this whole time out thing has gone a little far, so pardon me for reading into that,” I lectured them.

“Which is EXACTLY what I said,” Julie declared unhappily. Well, at least she didn’t seem to be fully on board with goings on. Again.

“It’s about Janelle,” Rebecca interrupted. I looked at her and waited for an explanation, but she seemed unable to go any further.

“Is she okay?” I asked. I was suddenly extremely concerned.

“Yes and no,” Lana answered me. “Mostly yes.” When she paused, Julie sent a rather nasty glare to Lana, an unspoken demand. I could see Julie’s patience was at her limit. “Okay, so Janelle told us to tell you that she was taking control of her stress levels. She said you’d understand that,” Lana explained and I instantly understood that Janelle’s message was referring to her oncoming spurt that she was trying to avoid.

“Maybe?” I answered noncommittally. “Where is she?”

“There’s no easy way to put this, so I’ll just come out and say it,” Yvonne offered. She then gulped and gathered her strength. “Janelle is gone, and she’s not coming back again.”

“What? Why? She…”

“She felt like she had to do this,” Yvonne answered me.

“Why?” I demanded, begging them to understand why I’d lost the one girl who’d been open and honest about her feelings more than any of the rest.

“We can’t tell you,” Lana insisted calmly. “Sorry.”

“OH BULLSHIT!” Julie finally erupted.

“Julie, we talked about this,” Lana informed Julie calmly and softly, trying to reign in her rage. “You know we can’t talk about it with him.”

“FUCK YOU AND YOUR RULES! She can’t just up and disappear and leave him in the lurch like this!” Julie roared.

“You know what happens in group stays in group,” Rebecca insisted.

“No more secrets,” Julie ordered. “Especially after this. Tell him.”

“We can’t, Julie. The only one with the right to do that is Janelle. If she hasn’t told him already, then we can’t make that decision for her,” Lana explained calmly and rationally.

“Janelle has a stalker,” Julie told me bluntly. “And he’s a lot worse than just a stalker.”

“Julie, you can’t!” Rebecca screamed at her.

“Fuck off, Becky,” Julie growled back. Rebecca despised being called Becky and stewed hard over the renouncement of any authority the larger women had. “You know how close they were! It’s fucking wrong to leave him in the dark!”

“She didn’t tell him, so she obviously didn’t want him to know,” Lana told Julie more forcefully.

“Still jealous because he was closer to her than the rest of us?” Julie spat back. “I’m done arguing with you. Either we can stay here and I’m still telling him everything or he and I leave and I tell him everything.”

All I could do was watch the argument unfold in front of my eyes, unsure what to say and still shell shocked over the sudden loss of Janelle.

“So what’s it gonna be, princess gargantuan?” Julie asked defiantly.

“Just tell him,” Yvonne consented, crossing her arms and scowling.

“It’s only fair,” Lisa confirmed, leaving the both Lana and Rebecca stewing in the mess of a loss of authority over the smaller women.

“Janelle has a stalker, but like I said, it’s a lot worse than that,” Julie continued. “He… has a history with her.”

“What kind of history?” I asked, still shell shocked.

“The kind that started all of Janelle’s intense psychotherapy,” Lisa answered and then Julie and Lisa both set about filling me in on all of the sordid details of the true Hell that Janelle had been living the last several years.

Several years before that, Janelle had never felt particularly comfortable with her uncle. He’d always just come off as creepy to her and she struggled with this when it came to family functions because her family always dismissed her concerns out of hand. He was her aunt’s second husband and had married her when Janelle was only five or so and even then, Janelle felt extremely awkward around him and complained about how he would look at her. It made for a bit of family tension, but her parents were always on Janelle to be polite and stop making accusations.

This dynamic went on until she was thirteen and started to blossom into womanhood and then his fascination with her and his leering eyes seemed to intensify when she was at family functions. In fact, they intensified to the point that Janelle went out of her way to skip family functions as much as possible.

Then, when she was fifteen, Janelle was home alone while her parents were out for a couple days at a couple’s event. Her parents felt that Janelle was mature enough that she could be on her own for an evening without them there, and they checked in with her multiple times that day as well, just for the sake of being cautious.

Then she woke up in the middle of the night with her uncle’s hand covering her mouth and his entire body pressing down on hers. She of course had locked all of the doors that night. They even had a security system, which she had armed. Apparently, her uncle had swiped a spare key to the house years before and had managed to gleam the code to the alarm at some point by watching Janelle’s parents disarm it. He had been literally waiting this entire time for Janelle to be alone so he could make good on his urges and now was his time.

He raped her, which also had proved to be Janelle’s first sexual experience of any type, and he did so several times throughout the night and when he left just before daybreak, having carefully avoided any bruises or marks on his victim, he shared Polaroid’s he had taken of each of Janelle’s friends. Some of these photos were through windows at night, others were telephoto shots from afar of them waiting for the bus in the morning or waiting after practice for their rides, or all manner of other situations.

The entire point, which he explained explicitly to her, was that he knew each and every one of her friends, he knew everything about them and if she said anything to anyone about their evening together, he would take as many of them down with him as he could.

His final proverbial knife to her was a demand she stop avoiding him when he was visiting, otherwise, he would make good on his threats towards her friends as well, and thus began the living hell that Janelle had been living through.

Janelle proved to be surprisingly resilient, despite the Earth shattering abuse she’d begun to endure, and endure it she did for years. When she earned her driver’s license, he actually made her drive to deliver herself to him for his pleasure until Janelle carefully arranged to ask her aunt for some tea that day when she otherwise would have been out with their kids. The ruse only partially worked as her aunt arrived only a few minutes after Janelle did and her aunt didn’t see anything that would be directly incriminating.

She did, however, seem to get a bad feeling about the energy in the room when she walked in, and it was enough to raise that first hair of suspicion towards Janelle’s uncle.

Julie and Lisa also told me the graphic details of what Janelle’s uncle would do to her, and it made me sick and my stomach turn. Some of it was in line with the fantasies Julie had told me about that she had trouble with now due to her growing anxiety issues. Some of it was far worse. Still, though, he was always exceptionally careful not to leave any marks on Janelle, other than the emotional ones she was bearing under ever increasing strain.

And, of course, he kept very close tabs on her friends and eventually her boyfriends and he would leave reminders for her at unexpected places and times that he was monitoring her life with disgusting granularity.

When her first boyfriend went to his car in the morning to find the tires shredded and driver’s side door peeled off, Janelle took that as a sign that her uncle didn’t approve of him and promptly broke up with him.

However, their sessions together also became less and less frequent as Janelle’s aunt seemed to be becoming more and more suspicious of him, leaving less time and space for him to interact with Janelle.

The only real relief arrived when Janelle went to college and for the first time in years, she actually managed to go the entire school year without having to interact with him at all, though her family certainly did their best to make her feel guilty when she ignored Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and Easter with them.

Her uncle, of course, adapted. In her sophomore year, she realized she couldn’t hide form him any longer when a good friend of hers had been forced off the road while driving back home at night for Thanksgiving and had ended up in the ICU for her troubles. Once that precedent had been set, he followed up with the same threats by him leaving clues that he had intimate knowledge of her social circle at school as well, despite the distance. This man was an absolute monster and he dominated every aspect of her life, and Janelle went along with it because she knew that even if she turned him in, he was likely to damage or destroy more lives before he was taken down.

On and on this went until three years before Julie and Lisa shared the story with me when he’d managed to get some alone time with Janelle in a secluded location where he took out his frustrations at having been separated from her for so long. It was during this particularly rough session where Janelle was being raped when she had her first spurt, which magnified the fear and anxiety one hundred fold for Janelle and excited and titillated her uncle even more, despite it being just a minor spurt. When he realized she was shrinking, he actually laughed uproariously, and began beating her brutally and mercilessly.

He taunted her loss of what little power she had in his hands and boasted he would fuck her until there was nothing left of her and that was when she finally shattered in the wake of that spurt and suffered a complete mental breakdown.

He left her for dead in a shack in the middle of the woods until the owner of that land stumbled across her and called the police. When they arrived, however, Janelle was beyond consoling and was a stuttering, stammering pile of emotional wreckage at that point.

It was painfully obvious to police and EMT’s what had happened, though they had no evidence whatsoever as to how to investigate or prosecute what had happened to Janelle. Moreover, Janelle was in no shape to recount events, and she ended up being committed, bordering on catatonic following the catastrophic culmination of years of insufferable abuse capped by a shrinking spurt that obliterated what remained of her resistance to this life of fear and torture.

Janelle’s workplace proved to be surprisingly supportive when they were informed of what had been done to their new employee. They voluntarily kept her on the payroll and did whatever they could to get her the help she so desperately needed and then, three months after the fact, she shared one of the earlier stories of her uncle raping her with her therapist.

The next nugget that she let slip was the photos her uncle would leave for her to let her know the threat to anyone she cared about when a representative from her employer was visiting her and when that representative shared that with her therapist, the hospital got law enforcement involved and boy were they involved. The police interviewed her constantly for weeks as carefully as they could and the ball really started rolling when an officer noticed Janelle’s uncle sitting in a car outside the mental hospital with a telephoto lens and he was arrested on the spot.

The investigation was absolutely ruthless. Janelle’s entire family was dragged in abruptly and warrants were issued not just for her uncle, but also Janelle’s parents, her grand parents and her other aunt and uncle. They made it their mission to leave no stone unturned and though little was uncovered at first, eventually, investigators managed to find a hidden camera in Janelle’s old bedroom, as well as in the shower she would use while growing up. These led to a wired connection to the family’s Internet and eventually to her uncle’s laptop, which was encrypted at all levels.

More warrants were exercised and that was when all of the horrifying details of Janelle’s experiences were finally revealed to her family.

Hearings were closed to the public and Janelle only managed to testify once, but six months later, Janelle’s uncle was headed off to prison for as many of the crimes as they could fully pin on him, and Janelle was free for the first time since she was fifteen.

A few weeks later, she was released from the hospital and welcomed back to her employer with open arms. She was connected to all the best help they could find and eventually that led to the support group, where she met Julie and the others and eventually she was cajoled into giving me a chance.

For Janelle, the spurts represented far worse than the sense of fear and loss of power as her size was slowly robbed of her. Every spurt was a full reliving of her rape, torture and abandonment in a shack in the middle of the woods to be left for dead and the fear that each spurt would bring with it another man who would delight and glee from her diminution while he lorded over her. It was Julie’s fears and emotional destruction times one thousand.

Fast forward to present day. The reason Janelle had not been present when the others had gathered following the fires near my apartment was because Janelle was out of town talking with detectives in her hometown after she had received a set of Polaroid photos of Julie, Lisa, Yvonne and… me. The girls explained that one of the photos was looking up at me standing with a woman that had the exact same description as Dr. Jurek out a window in the middle of a conversation and I realized that photo must have been the one where Dr. Jurek and I had been conversing following the first time Shandra had surprised me with lunch in the science center.

The police back home had confirmed her worst fears. Her uncle was indeed out of prison. Apparently, the governor had ordered the release of a number of violent felons and Janelle’s uncle had been just one. I was aghast to learn that a whole host of sex offenders, drug dealers and even a few murderers had been released in a wave of sentence commutations and it had all happened without any reporting from the media.

“But why?” I asked, utterly dumbfounded and beside myself.

“We don’t know,” Lana answered me. “The point is that Janelle’s uncle is loose again, he knows where she is and he knows most of us.”

“She told her employer everything and showed them the evidence. She didn’t tell us much, but they worked with the police to line up a new job for Janelle out of state. She only took what she could fit in her car,” Yvonne finished.

And there you had it. Janelle was gone from my life and never to come back again. Just like that.

“She couldn’t face you,” Yvonne added. “She wanted to, she really did, but she just couldn’t. I’ve never seen her shake that hard before, not even when she had her last spurt. She didn’t want to do this, but she basically had to.”

“No she didn’t,” I countered defiantly. “I could have been there for her. I could take this guy if I knew he was out there.”

“Janelle said the police don’t think he’s alone this time,” Julie added.

“It doesn’t really matter,” Rebecca interrupted sullenly. “Janelle’s not in witness protection but she’s in the closest thing they could get to it. Janelle already looked into other options to stay, she just couldn’t make it work and not only that but she said she hasn’t been in this bad of shape since they found her in that shack in the woods. She said you’d understand when we told you that she was taking control of her anxiety.”

I did understand. I understood exactly what she meant. This wasn’t just a battle to keep her serial rapist off her back; it was her battle to keep from suffering a catastrophic spurt, based on Dr. Jurek’s advice. I understood and it hit me like a freight train. Tears started streaming down my cheeks almost immediately as I came to terms with the loss.

“If she had just talked to me…” I pleaded, but Lisa already seemed to have an answer for that as well.

“She asked about taking you with her. Her uncle is especially focused on you. They snuck Janelle out under the assumption that he was focusing on you first and hopefully he’d lose interest in you when he realized she disappeared. We even talked to her about the possibility of us all meeting up with you both later, but she said the police weren’t having any of it.”

All I could do was cry, and Julie was the first at my side, doing everything she could to comfort me. “A really bad week,” Julie consoled me. A moment later, all five of them were with me and they sat with me until I was all cried out.

“How long have you known?”

“We got a little information at a time,” Lana explained to me as sympathetically as she could manage. “But only a few days. We knew why she was out of town, or at least the basics of it, but we didn’t know she wasn’t coming back again.”

“And this guy? What about him?” I wanted to know.

“For now, he’s basically free to go and do what he wants. The governor completely let it him out without any conditions along with several hundred others.”

“Several HUNDRED?” I erupted. I couldn’t believe my ears. “How is this even possible?”

“We don’t know,” Yvonne assured me. “We just know it’s happening.”

“I’m sorry,” Julie offered, letting me cry on her shoulder again. I felt humiliated letting myself break down like that, but then, I really couldn’t help it either.

“Julie,” Lana began after I started to calm down again. “We need to talk about you always skirting the rules.”

“Go fuck yourself. He has a right to know what’s going on.”

“And if Janelle’s uncle goes after Brendan? What then?” Lana pointed out.

“What? You’re afraid he’ll learn that Janelle abandoned him?” she spat viciously back her.

“That’s not fair,” Rebecca fired right back. “You know Janelle didn’t want to do this. You know she wouldn’t have even considered it unless she didn’t have any other choice.”

“It doesn’t matter why she did it,” Julie insisted. “She still did it. I’m not even mad at her for it, but that doesn’t change how fucking much it hurts. You think he’s the only one that cared for Janelle? She has been one of my closest friends ever since I started group and now she’s gone without even a goodbye.”

Lisa sat and watched Julie, but seemed to have her mind full enough that she couldn’t really offer much in terms of support or argument. It really wasn’t clear what she wanted to say, she just seemed to be stuck observing at this point.

“We can’t keep breaking the rules like this,” Lana insisted. “There are reasons why what happens in group stays in group. We swore to her we would never share what she told us about what she’s been through. How would you like it if we told Brendan all about your past?”

Julie turned a bright red, partially from embarrassment, but also partially in fury and I could see both sides battling each other while she struggled with the decision of whether to attack or capitulate to Lana’s cold arguments.

“I’m not going around asking you spill all your dirty little secrets to me,” I interrupted. “But after everything we’ve been through, where do you get off just leaving me in the dark about everything?”

“Think about how hard this would have been for him if we didn’t tell him everything,” Lisa finally interjected. “I’m not saying it’s right, but just think about how badly it would have hurt his ability to trust us going forward if he knew we were keeping this from him.”

“So you think that’s worth breaking the rules,” Rebecca insisted. Funny how those two were so often on the same side.

“The rules exist to protect us. Well, who’s going to protect Brendan, huh?” Julie argued angrily. “And if we don’t protect Brendan, then who is going to protect us as we keep shrinking? You know that he can just up and walk away from us, right? Nothing is keeping here except how much he’s trying to take care of us. I think that’s why you’re always acting like control freaks and need to decide for him everything that he knows and everything that he doesn’t.” Suddenly I could see Lana and Rebecca now turning a deep red as their own rage quickly built up.

“I’m not interested in spilling all of Janelle’s secrets,” I interrupted, hoping to avoid an all out battle right then and there. “I don’t want to go into all of your therapy sessions or push you into telling me things you’re not ready to. But maybe, just maybe, you should start thinking of when I will actually start getting to know some of these things about you. We just lost Janelle. Who’s to say when anything could go wrong?”

“Maybe we are taking too much for granted,” Yvonne suggested.

“I can’t believe you’re taking her side,” Rebecca accused Yvonne; apparently ignoring everything I had just said.

“Enough!” I bellowed. Julie was totally right about all this bullshit about hashing out “muh feelings.” I was seriously at my wit’s end. “How many times do I have to say this? We just lost Janelle! She’s gone! She was the only one that was able to get along with everyone practically all the time. How many dinners, wine tastings, shopping trips and excursions has she gone on with all of you? Doesn’t it bother you that she just disappeared from all of your lives?”

Julie didn’t need to be reminded of this. What I had just said was where she’d been the entire conversation, and Yvonne seemed to largely be there as well already, though what I said did rock her more than a little. Lisa seemed to become detached, while Rebecca started crying for the first time and Lana struggled to fight her tears back.

That pretty much knocked the fight out of them going forward. Now each of them were finally in the same place, forced to directly deal with circumstances well outside of our control. There were a few attempts at returning to discussing things, especially attempts at conversations along the lines of “what do we do now,” but I shut each one down repeatedly. I just didn’t have it in me anymore to argue with them or to facilitate their near endless arguments.

To their credit, we stayed together pretty late that evening, but eventually, they sent me home, though both Julie and Lisa said nothing in the midst of that decision and they both stared at me with a forlorn expression when I left.

Guess losing my most dedicated lover of the group wasn’t enough to end my time out.
Check out my SW story Please..: https://ckent45.deviantart.com/

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Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by Knightstable » Mon Sep 13, 2021 8:33 pm

That's really shitty for Janelle :( I hope they can catch this asshole. Thanks for another great addition :)

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Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by Prof Sai » Wed Oct 20, 2021 7:33 pm


I just discovered your story and am now about a fifth into page one. I don't really read long stories often, so I thought I'd drop down here and wave.

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Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by CKent45 » Wed Oct 20, 2021 11:38 pm

Prof Sai wrote:
Wed Oct 20, 2021 7:33 pm

I just discovered your story and am now about a fifth into page one. I don't really read long stories often, so I thought I'd drop down here and wave.
Hello there Sai! Why thank you! I know it's a lot to invest in a story like this one, which is why with my other main story I try to keep it relatively episodic.

I really appreciate you giving this story a chance and I hope that you can find things in it you enjoy. I'm continuing my best to continue to improve my writing skills so I can earn readership like yours!
Check out my SW story Please..: https://ckent45.deviantart.com/

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Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by Xinunar » Fri Nov 26, 2021 9:05 am

Just finished chapter one. Very good start. I am enjoying the story.

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Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by fuzzyduck14 » Fri Dec 03, 2021 11:22 pm

Cute story, really enjoying it.

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Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by MrWitness » Sat Dec 04, 2021 9:47 am

Cute? This is outstanding! :)

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Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by CKent45 » Fri Dec 31, 2021 3:47 am

I am happy to hear that there has been interest in this story lately. Sorry for the delays, but I'm learning a new job and am also powering through another project I hope to share soon. Next update to When the Peaches Fell is in the next post.
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Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by CKent45 » Fri Dec 31, 2021 3:47 am

Shandra was a big help in dealing with everything. The next day, she snuck away from her escorts and we found a quiet room in the arts center to have breakfast where I told her as much as I felt I could about Janelle’s disappearance. She was surprisingly supportive and didn’t complain once about my withholding information from her regarding Janelle’s sudden departure. In fact, she was the first to bring up all of the things she was holding back from me to share at a later date.

What I did tell her was that Janelle was in real danger due to someone from her past stalking her and that she was starting new somewhere else for her own safety. She also listened to all of the arguing that had occurred and struggled to find any solution to the near constant bickering that was becoming commonplace in this relationship.

“They don’t know how lucky they are,” Shandra pointed out towards the end of my recounting of events. “Even the girls who I live with that I consider to be friends, we’re not that close and half of the stuff we talk about we have to do in code or with signals. They have each other and all they can do is take each other for granted. You have no idea what I would give to be in their place.”

After that, I made sure to keep things light, and Shandra was more than ready to get on that train. Since we weren’t really in the mood for joking, we simply started kissing, and before long it became a playful game of chasing each other’s lips to steal one from each other in turns and before long, all my troubles seemed to fade away, albeit only briefly.

Later that day, Dr. Jurek and I had lunch and she watched me quizzically, wondering about my distracted state. “Seven at once does seem to be taking its toll on you,” she admitted.

“It’s six now,” I informed her. Dr. Jurek lifted her head and paused, taking my loss seriously.

“What happened?” she asked me.

“Janelle has the worst of all stalkers. Remember that day we were standing out talking by the windows down the hall?” It took her a moment, but she managed to recall and nodded for me to continue. “Well, this stalker was sitting outside taking pictures of us talking. He left it on her doorstep as a threat to her.”

“Oh my,” was all Dr. Jurek could muster. I could see the color leaving her face.

“Janelle left town a few days ago for her own protection. She’s not coming back. I guess the thing that pushed her over the edge was the advice you gave her on keeping her stress under control.”

“I’m sorry, Brendan,” she offered genuinely. “If there was one of them I would have wanted to see you with, it would have been her. She seemed so sweet. And she absolutely adored you. I could see that instantly.”

“I can’t help but feel mad at her,” I admitted. “I know it’s not fair. I know she did what she had to do, but… I just wish that she would have just given me a chance.”

“I don’t think I can blame you for feeling the way you do. But you know she didn’t do it for selfish reasons, right? She’s probably trying to protect you too,” she offered.

“That doesn’t make it any easier.”

“No, but I’m not trying to make it easier. Just make sure you understand it.”

“What I don’t understand is how a convicted rapist can just be released from prison to go and do it again. How is this even possible?”

Dr. Jurek stared into my eyes as though she was staring directly into my soul. It was almost the same look she had in her eyes before she revealed all of her previous work related to studying the shrinking of women everywhere. I perked up, waiting to see her response, but she faltered.

“Any theories on why something like this could happen?”

“I’m studying to be a molecular biologist, not a political science major,” I answered back. She seemed amused by my answer and grinned at me, then leaned on her hands, partially obscuring her smile from me.

“Can you come up with any theories, then?” she asked after she collected herself again.

“I can’t shake the feeling that it’s connected to the riots and church burnings.”

“You think it’s all the same thing?” she challenged, observing my reaction with great interest.

“I doubt it. I just feel like it’s connected.”

“What evidence do you have?”

“Not much. I haven’t been paying that much attention to all of this because I’ve had so much other stuff going on. It’s just… I noticed that the police seem to either not even respond when a riot breaks out or they stand on the edges of the conflict and just let it happen. I’ve seen a lot of pictures and footage of that, but no one seems to ever bring it up. It seems to me that if the governor is releasing violent felons, and police aren’t reacting to violence in the streets, someone down on capital hill is playing games of some kind.”

“That’s good evidence, I think,” she concluded. “What does it prove, though?”

“It’s not proof of anything. It’s just evidence that I’ve noticed. I don’t understand why no one else is talking about it, though.”

“I’m impressed how objective you’re remaining despite how personal all of this is to you,” Dr. Jurek praised me.

“If you know something, I’d appreciate you just letting me into the loop.”

“And what makes you think I know anything other than conspiracy theories? What makes you think my opinion is even credible here?”

“Because the only thing you’re interested in right now is my objectivity,” I answered back. “You’re not looking at this trying to prove something, you’re observing and trying to convince me to develop a hypothesis that I can test.”

“And what is your hypothesis?”

“I don’t have one yet.”

“Keep it simple then,” she encouraged. “What can you test based off of the limited information you’ve gathered so far?”

“I’m not really versed in social sciences,” I answered back.

“No, but perhaps you could still learn something by using what you’ve picked up from the harder sciences. Humor me.”

I sat and stewed and pondered her question, frustrated that she refused to simply tell me. “Do you have to test me on everything?”

“I’m you’re professor, so yes,” she answered me.

“Oh, so you’re going to hide behind a title when we both know women are always testing constantly, whether they’re a science professor or not?” I asked. Her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped at me, stunned that I had actually had the audacity to accuse her of something like that. “Go ahead, present your evidence that I’m wrong,” I told her defiantly. Her eyes narrowed and her look of shock skewed into a smirk.

“Just proof that women make excellent scientists,” she finally declared with a touch of sarcasm in her voice.

“And professors,” I teased back with a smirk of my own.

“You are getting far too personal with your professor.”

“You know you’re a lot more than just a professor to me, right?” I asked her and I could see a look of conflict wash over her, her smile actuating between a smirk and a bashful grin.

“That was definitely not professional,” she scolded me, albeit weakly.

“I think I’ve proven how professional I can be with my coursework. I also think you should know how important it is to me to have someone like you that I can talk to and how important your opinion is to me.”

She suddenly relaxed a little bit and absorbed what I had to say for a good long moment. “I still want to hear your hypothesis.”

“Why? I don’t know that I have the time or the energy to test it.”

“And how would you test it?”

“I would start reviewing public records of the felons that were released recently and I would look for histories of arson or terrorism in those cases, among other things. I’d also look into who the attorneys were of these felons and see if I could find any correlations I could find. I’d want to look over past news stories and broadcasts and see what other obvious events they declined to cover, and that’s about it since I’m not sure how much more I could even consider adding to my plate right now.”

Dr. Jurek sat and nodded to me as I went through my list, obviously pleased with my analysis. “Just humor me and tell me your hypothesis then,” she asked more than told.

“I think it’s all connected,” I answered her. “I don’t know that it’s all directly connected, but I think the same people are involved in all of these things that are going on. I feel like the white knights and their matriarchs are being given free reign to do just about anything they’d want and that’s encouraged them to become more and more aggressive. I think that it goes all the way up to the governor, and I feel like knowing he and senator Bronson were here on campus in a joint press conference not that long ago talking about protecting women and using the same language as the white knights isn’t a coincidence.”

“So you think the governor is orchestrating all of this chaos?”

“I don’t know. I’d lean against it, though.”


“Because if he was too close to people like that, it would likely get him caught, whether he was keeping the press from covering it or not.”

“So you think the governor is stopping the press from covering these issues.”

“Someone is, but based on the looks on the faces of reporters when I’ve seen them asking questions, I don’t know that they’re really being forced. They never covered that riot at the mall where they destroyed the winter wonderland that I saw with my own eyes, and the press hasn’t been talking about these white knights or the crap they’ve been pulling for years now. I mean, I could be wrong, but at this point, I need some evidence to show otherwise. I don’t see how you can release hundreds of violent felons at once and say it was an accident, though.”

“Not bad,” she praised me with a smile. “The problem is that much of this is all conspiracy theory. I agree with you that the governor released those felons on purpose. In fact, he wasn’t the only one. New York, California, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Washington State have all done the same thing in the last couple months, and those are the states that I’ve just found out about so far. All of them did it to no press coverage and I only discovered it because I came across several stories of convicted felons attacking people when they were apparently supposed to still be serving time.”

“What is going on?” I asked her earnestly.

“I don’t know,” she answered me forthrightly. “But you are right about it all being connected. I don’t think it’s possible to connect all of the dots, though. What I can tell you is things are about to get worse.”

“Worse how?” I asked. I couldn’t help but feel a chill up my spine given her ominous tone.

“I’m not sure yet, but have you noticed how segregated men and women are becoming? I know you’re up to your neck in women right now, but you are definitely an outlier in this area.”

“I’ve noticed,” I admitted.

“Did you know that K-12 schools are segregating classes by sex now? There was an executive order mandating it by the next school year, but most schools are already well on their way to it by now.”

“No,” I answered breathlessly. I didn’t really know what else to say.

“But you have noticed that uptick in stories lately of male abuse of women. I can’t go more than a couple days without turning the news on and seeing a story about rape or domestic violence, and the story is always about a man abusing a woman. However, I spoke to colleagues in other departments and here is the odd thing: physical abuse of women has turned downward sharply in the last three years. There are very much cases of extreme abuse and violence committed against women and those cases seem to have become more extreme. However, there are two separate studies happening on this campus right now and both of them have noted that cases of male to female physical abuse has dropped drastically in the last few years. Female to male abuse has risen exponentially, though.”

“That seems… counter intuitive, given what’s going on.”

“Well, this is where theory comes into play. It’s all speculation beyond that, but I personally feel like it makes sense.”

“How does it make sense? Women are smaller and weaker than they’ve ever been. I would think that this would just make abuse cases go up, not down.”

“You didn’t listen to me. I didn’t say that abuse cases went down, I said that the abuse flipped from men committing the abuse to receiving it.”

“That still doesn’t make sense.”

“The data is very clear. It’s occurring. At least based off of reported cases. Convictions of abuse accusations are up exponentially though as well.”


“Fewer calls are coming in of men abusing their wives or girlfriends, but overall, convictions when a man has been accused has gone up to around 87% of all accusations leveled resulting in a felony conviction.”

“So… you are saying there is clear evidence that fewer men are abusing women than before, but more men overall are going to prison for domestic abuse?”

“Yes,” she answered me forthrightly.

“This doesn’t make sense,” I told her, still struggling with the contradiction.

“You need to keep that objective mind you had a moment ago,” she informed me patiently. “Just trust me that the data is very clear. I can get it for you if you want to see it. The study was concluded last month, but the school is barring it from being published.”

“Barring it?” I asked, shocked again.

“Yes, barring it. The dean has said that she is concerned about the greater messaging that will be created by releasing such a study.”

She then went on to describe more of the studies to me, and I was absolutely gob smacked. It was a lot of data to go over, and a lot of back and forth’s. However, what she shared was that of the calls that were made relating to domestic abuse, calls to police were down 57% over the last three years. Charges pressed against men initiated by the supposed abused female were down 49%. While this was going on, cases of alleged male to female abuse brought to court were up by14%. The difference seemed to be coming from the healthcare and education systems. The studies noted that teachers and healthcare workers had been incentivized to look into the lives of mothers and patients more closely and report even the smallest of evidence, which was then followed up on vigorously.

The result was a massive increase in cases where charges were brought on these men by third parties, and dozens of individual cases were singled out as examples of women who never even knew their husband or boyfriend was under investigation until a warrant was served for his arrest. Once an arrest was made, that man’s odds of being acquitted of that charges, most of which were made based on the most circumstantial of evidence, were actually fairly low. In most of these cases, the wives and girlfriends of these men weren’t even allowed to testify in trial at all under the reasoning that forcing a woman to face her attacker constituted cruel and unusual punishment.

The conclusion of the study was that there had been a sudden and deliberate shift in domestic abuse investigations to target men and prosecute them.

Meanwhile, police reports of women abusing men dropped nearly 100%. Now, the number of female to male abuse cases had always been low, but a 100% drop in those cases seemed odd. What made them seem more odd was evidence that there was a dramatic increase in married men or men in relationships presenting to clinics, urgent cares and emergency rooms with “unexplained injuries.”

These injuries included bruises, cuts and lacerations and even broken bones. I listened to Dr. Jurek in disbelief, but she doubled down on her assertions and even turned on her computer and began going over the data with me. Based on the data, everything she had said was absolutely true and then some. She actually seemed to be speaking conservatively based on what I saw with my own two eyes.

The surveys were incredibly thorough, and they were more than transparent regarding the assumptions they made. For instance, the increase in “unexplained injuries” was assumed to be cases where husbands and boyfriends had been abused but either was unwilling to report it as abuse or it simply wasn’t recorded as such. The paper only assumed the increase was related to domestic abuse, and not the baseline that had existed before the smurfening began. In fact, the increase in female to male abuse based on these assumptions gave the benefit of the doubt to the females here by intentionally overstating the baseline.

Now, of the cases that were left that were much stronger cases to be brought of male to female domestic abuse, those cases were far more brutal and damaging to the female, even when Dr. Jurek took into account any reduction in size based on what she could pull together on her own (the scientists making this study were not allowed to even acknowledge shrinking spurts at all).

When she finished with presenting me all of her data, I was troubled to say the least.

“So what exactly is the conclusion here?” I asked after I had had enough time to consider everything presented to me. “How is it that men are becoming less violent and women more violent?”

“That’s a bit of an oversimplification,” Dr. Jurek corrected me. “On the whole, men are becoming less aggressive and violent toward women. Of those that remain violent toward women, they are becoming more violent, while across demographics, women are all becoming more aggressive and violent toward men.”


“The researchers want to conduct more research. They want to look into the mental health conditions where domestic abuse is occurring. They also want to study the reaction of men in relationship to women based on a number of factors, including size. They’ve been denied funding though.”

“There’s a lot more going on here than just a shift in attitudes between men and women,” I pointed out.

“The researchers are actually pretty incensed. They’re pretty sure that shutting down their research did not come from anyone like the governor or Senator Bronson, however, they felt like there was a shared clique between the dean who had shut down research and the circles that advised those two people. It wasn’t so much an edict as it was a shared philosophy. But that is a little outside of what the study was covering. The theory that they want to test is that while it’s true that males tend to be more aggressive than females, they are theorizing that protection is actually more hard coded into males than we previously thought.”

“You think that men not reporting being abused is more than just a pride thing?”

“That and the refrain from abuse of women that seems to be occurring right now. They are theorizing that the worldwide shrinking spurts have had more than one psychological effect on both males and females. For females, they are getting noticeably smaller and weaker in a world where they had always been, quite frankly, the weaker sex. Physical abuse was always something men could generally expect to conduct throughout history without any immediate repercussions because of the strength differential; however, this was more of a dominance issue. They theorize that men have relied on that strength to assert dominance, sometimes excessively so, because women tend to use other methods to assert dominance, most of those being… well, psychological warfare. This isn’t a value judgment, or anything like making excuses for it, that’s just the theory they want to test. Regardless, women still had a certain tier of physical strength that you could say was… well; it was still an adult level of strength, for lack of a better word. Well, now we are in a world where that weaker sex is sliding even further down the scale in terms of physical strength and they are in general slipping back into a preadolescent or even child level of strength, who’s to say it will even stop there? As a result, women are becoming desperate and it’s causing them to lash out and attempt to assert dominance in any way possible.”

“Meanwhile,” she continued, “males are hard coded for many things, protection being one of them. There is an old, rather cruel saying when it comes to abusive husbands where he says ‘well I’ll hurt you but I’ll never touch the kids.’ The scientists are beginning to wonder if there is something evolutionary that gives that some tentative connection to reality. As males watch the adult females in the population reducing in strength, this other programming is coming into the forefront and they are acting on it by refraining more and more as adult females of our species from a vulnerability perspective slide back into a much earlier state.”

“You mean in terms of raw strength and power, not like age wise or anything like that?” I wanted to confirm and she nodded.

“Women are still women, but there is a conflicting signal occurring where the male mind is trying to balance this new state of adult women who are becoming more child sized and child strengthed. Intellectually and sexually, we are still every bit the equals to men, but in this raw sense, we’re regressing, triggering that protective programming.”

“But they’re not allowed to study this theory.”

“Oh, they’re studying it. They’re just barred from any funding to study it.”

“Dr. Jurek, does science even exist anymore? I mean, we’re not allowed to talk about what’s clearly happening right in front of our eyes. I’ve noticed several professors are shorter now than when I first came across them and I’ve even seen a couple women have spurts right in the middle of a class and we’re expected to simply ignore it. We can’t even acknowledge that half the world is shrinking. We can’t talk about what you said regarding letting men into the projects, which is true. I know men aren’t overall smarter than women, but men do tend to have a stronger correlation to aptitude in STEM categories. But we have to ignore that so that men don’t get credit for saving all the shrinking women and people like me have to fight tooth and nail just for a hope and a prayer to get into one of these projects. Then you go and tell me that bonafide scientific research is being silenced and shut down regarding changes in human behavior.”

“Science doesn’t cease to exist just because we’re being stopped from practicing it,” she reminded me.

“You know what I mean,” I answered back firmly. She grumbled something under her breath and was forced to confront my question.

“There are other studies that are going on in other universities that suggest we are losing our grip on rationality as a society, almost as if on a societal level we are regressing intellectually at an accelerated pace these last couple of years. They might be right, or it just might be that the level to which our emotions are being triggered is overwhelming our reason.”

“How are our emotions being triggered?” I wanted to know.

“Oh, don’t think that you’re immune to this, Brendan,” she warned me. “Would you have gone into molecular biology if you hadn’t been so moved to try to find a cure?” she pointed out. “Was this really your life’s dream?”

“I really wasn’t sure what I would do. When this all started, it just gave me a purpose, that’s all.”

“That purpose wasn’t strictly rational, though, was it? You had an emotional response and that drove you to find a career path that would allow you to help with putting an end to this… well, for a lack of a better word, pandemic. I suppose I can let you have credit for pointing out that I’m sacrificing my entire life for the same thing.”

“That’s more self preservation,” I offered, attempting to throw her a bone.

“It’s still an emotional response. What I need you to realize is that our objectivity is more at risk now than it ever has been because these outside events are affecting us personally. If you continue to move forward on this path, you’re going to need to master these emotional responses more than you have already, because things are only going to get worse from here.”

“Worse how, though?”

“Haven’t you noticed that all of the events occurring around us seem to have the effect of dividing people and driving them further apart? Classes segregated by sex? A state that is breaking up relationships intentionally? Roving bands of thugs that intimidate men into never approaching women?”

“So what’s next?” I asked, fully comprehending what Dr. Jurek was positing to me.

“I’m not sure,” she admitted. “I personally feel like all of these events couldn’t have just occurred as a stand alone complex on their own.”

“So you think this is all orchestrated?”

“Not the way you’re thinking,” she informed me. “But either way, we are moving headlong into a very dark place as a species. Back to your original problem, though: I think that Janelle is a victim of a system that is taking advantage of what’s happening to us and using it for their own benefit.”

“It feels like some shadowy group caused the smurfening just to do this to us,” I suggested, but Dr. Jurek shook her head at me.

“No. I’m almost certain that the smurfening wasn’t manufactured to do this to us.”
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Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by Knightstable » Tue Jan 04, 2022 3:41 pm

I love seeing this continued! :) Can't wait to read more.

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Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by ralgar » Thu Jan 06, 2022 1:06 am

it was nice to see this continued and i hope u will continue with more.

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Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by CKent45 » Thu Jan 06, 2022 2:39 am

Knightstable wrote:
Tue Jan 04, 2022 3:41 pm
I love seeing this continued! :) Can't wait to read more.
Always happy to see your feedback my friend. Thank you.
ralgar wrote:
Thu Jan 06, 2022 1:06 am
it was nice to see this continued and i hope u will continue with more.
Thank you Ralgar! You will definitely see this continued. I have three stories going right now, this is one, Please.. is another, and I hope to add more to that one soon since I've been neglecting it.

The third is where the majority of my energy is going right now. It's called The Goddess' Retreat and I am determined to finish the story completely before posting since both Please.. and When The Peaches Fell have both been post as I write kinds of stories. Please.. has so much more to go and When the Peaches Fell still has a healthy number of plot points to cover before Brendan's story is over.

When I finally have The Goddess' Retreat finished, I will post it all with no pauses in between chapters. Right now I am leaning toward a chapter a day, since it will all be written, proofread and edited before I begin and I will just keep posting until I'm done. Since there won't be any more work involved with it, it should give me a chance to focus better on the other two stories and progress while still continually providing content. Right now I'm around the climax of the story as a whole which means I'm entering the later stages.
Check out my SW story Please..: https://ckent45.deviantart.com/

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Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by MrWitness » Thu Apr 07, 2022 1:15 pm

Hi CKent44,

Hope you're fine! I wait for more, patiently ;)

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Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by CKent45 » Mon Apr 18, 2022 3:20 am

hey Mr Witness! Sorry, been hard at work. I literally just finished writing the last line of The Goddess' Retreat and now I will go back and proofread and edit as necessary. It's long, but I don't feel like I need to consolidate and truncate anything for this forum. Once I have that done, I plan to post a chapter a day here and when that is complete, I will post it in its entirety on DA.

And as promised, once I start posting that story, I will refocus on Please.. and When the Peaches Fell again, posting as I complete sections. Any feedback is welcome!
Check out my SW story Please..: https://ckent45.deviantart.com/

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Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by AB23 » Mon Apr 18, 2022 3:26 am

We're back…!

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Re: When The Peaches Fell

Post by Knightstable » Mon Apr 18, 2022 6:21 pm

Thanks for the update! Excited to check out the new story :)

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