Everything She Wants

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Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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Everything She Wants

Post by DiminutionMan » Thu Oct 28, 2021 7:27 am

Julia walked into her apartment, her arms full of shopping bags, and she struggled a bit to close the door behind her due to the unwieldy assemblage. Like many of the girls in her social circle, shopping was a therapeutic exercise to Julia, and she felt like she desperately needed it lately. Today’s therapy had been one for the record books, nearly filling her Mercedes with the various items she’d purchased. She wondered for a moment whether it would take her more than two trips to retrieve the rest of it.

But that could wait a few minutes, Julia decided as she deposited her bags on the floor, then stood upright and brushed aside a blond curl that had fallen in front of her face. She didn’t really feel like hauling more stuff around right now -- first, she’d have something cold and refreshing. She flipped the lights on, then walked over to the refrigerator and opened the door, pondering the wealth of beverage choices in front of her. None of them seemed like quite what she wanted to drink right now, but she felt content just standing there with the cool air wafting over her tanned skin for a while. The thin fabric of her sundress allowed the light breeze to pass straight through, and she shivered as a drop of sweat on her tummy suddenly felt wonderfully chilled.

“Tough decision, isn’t it?” came a female voice from behind her. A small yelp escaped from Julia’s lips before she could contain it, and she whirled around to see who had dared to trespass in her apartment.

Julia recognized the pale, raven-haired girl instantly. “Ashli,” she growled, admirably controlling the disgust and anger that she felt at the skinny girl’s presence. Julia still didn’t understand how Jason could have dumped her for this scrawny, antisocial little bitch. Her girlish, underdeveloped body didn’t begin to compare to Julia’s, and she’d barely said two words to anyone all semester. Ashli was still showing off that infuriatingly smug little smile that she carried everywhere, as if she was slightly amused by the childishness of everything around her. And standing next to her ....

“Jason?” The sting of seeing him here, with his arm around Ashli, punctured through Julia’s anger and abruptly shoved a heartful of hurt and disappointment in its place. It was all wrong. Julia belonged there, with Jason’s arm wrapped around her, but now this pretentious little nobody had taken her place. If Jason hadn’t been here at this moment, Julia wouldn’t have hesitated to scratch the ever-loving shit out of Ashli’s face with her fingernails, she was sure of it. But with him right there, watching her ... she lowered her eyes, turning back to the refrigerator. “Get out. I don’t want to see you right now.”

“Are you sure?” came Ashli’s voice behind her, with a slightly taunting tone. “I think you do want to see Jason.” Julia bowed her head slightly as she squeezed her eyes shut, forcibly suppressing a sigh and steeling herself for this encounter. It was true, though: she did want to see him, both romantically and literally. She turned back toward them, shutting the refrigerator door in the same motion, and turned her gaze to Jason.

It made her insides ache, to see what she had lost. What had been stolen from her. Jason’s physique was well-defined and muscular, but not overly bulky -- perfect for both showing off to her social circle, and for snuggling. At 6’2”, he was eight inches taller than Julia, big enough that he made her feel dainty in his arms, and still slightly taller than her even when she wore her tallest high heels. Her eyes shifted to his muddy-blond hair, a wavy mop of thick hair that she had loved to run her fingers through. Just looking over his features was sending a rush of emotions through her. Those piercing blue eyes, his still-kissable lips ... Julia took a half-step toward him before she stopped herself, fighting the rush of embarrassment that flooded through her.

Get control of yourself, she chided. With an effort, she tore her eyes from Jason, turning her focus to Ashli instead. A spike of anger surged inside Julia. That’s more like it, she thought. The hurt and sadness had made Julia flustered and uncertain; but anger ... well, she could channel anger into something useful. But even as she had the thought, her eyes slid back to Jason, who regarded her curiously as those horrible feelings came flooding back.

“Please --” Julia started, then hesitated when it came out sounding like a plea. She took a breath to steady herself, then began again more forcefully. “Just go, before I call the cops.”

“Relax, Julia,” Ashli told her nonchalantly. The quiet girl’s confidence was unnerving, so unlike the almost-silent demeanor that she had always shown around campus. The only reason that Julia even knew her name was that they were in the same dorm, and everyone had been introduced to each other during orientation at the beginning of the school year. After that, Ashli had been effectively invisible. That is, until the tramp had stolen her boyfriend. Not only had Julia lost Jason, but being dumped by him for a geeky nobody had put a huge dent in her social status. Julia had half a mind to strangle the arrogant little trollop right here, even with Jason watching.

“When we’re done here, you’ll have everything you want.” Julia was startled by Ashli’s quiet voice near her ear -- she had been so focused on Jason that she hadn’t even noticed the other girl’s approach. She felt a cool finger on her jawline and recoiled at the touch, taking a step back and pulling her eyes away from her ex-boyfriend long enough to glare at the unwelcome intruder.

Everything she wants? “Yeah, sure,” Julia laughed; a short, acerbic sound. “I want you out of my apartment. And I doubt you’re willing to let go of my boyfriend,” Julia spat, the words bitter in her mouth. She looked back to Jason -- what did he think of all this? Her heart skipped a beat when she saw that his eyes were still on her. When their eyes met, the small smirk on his mouth widened noticeably. Was he amused by all of this?

Ashli laughed softly, interrupting Julia’s thoughts again. “Well, I think there’s some room to negotiate on that point.” Jason broke into a grin, and they looked at each other like they were sharing an inside joke.

“Negotiate?” Julia’s reply was almost automatic, prompted by a flash of annoyance. But the feeling swiftly evaporated when Jason turned his head, drawing her attention to the two-day stubble on his face. She’d always loved it when he wore a little stubble; it perfectly accented his tanned skin, which was just a shade darker than her own.

“You say you want a boyfriend, but we all remember how much you bragged to everyone about your ‘amazing’ sex life,” Ashli responded in that quietly captivating voice. Her tone was bathed in condescension, to the point that it would have made Julia seethe regardless of the words. “I don’t think you’re interested in the romance at all. It’s clear that all you really want ... is Jason’s cock.”

“Oh, fuck off!” Julia shot back instantly, enraged by the not-so-subtle implication of her own sleaziness, and by the audacity of this little hooker to say something like that to her. She did want it, of course ... wanted it a lot, actually -- she hadn’t been lying when she bragged about their sex. It’s possible that she even wanted it more than she liked him doting on her, or more than she enjoyed showing off the hunkiest guy on campus as her boyfriend.

But Ashli couldn’t possibly know any of that. And Julia knew that she hadn’t been looking at Jason’s crotch, so she hadn’t given Ashli any sort of telltale sign during the conversation. Although, now that it was on her mind, Julia’s eyes were drawn in that direction now. She felt a bit of pride at the fact that she had avoided looking at the front of Jason’s shorts until now. Resisting the temptation for this long was a convincing demonstration of her iron self-control. As her eyes wandered over his bulge, she thought that she could see, in a couple places, where the wrinkles in his shorts were outlining the shape of his penis. Her body shivered slightly as she imagined taking his stiffening manhood in her encouraging hands, in her welcoming mouth ... in her achingly lonely kitty.

This time, it was Jason who interrupted Julia’s thoughts. “I don’t think she heard you, babe.” She looked up at him, seeing his eyes on her and his accompanying wide grin, then fought a blush when she realized that he had caught her staring.

“I said,” Ashli repeated quietly with that intolerably self-satisfied little smile, “that you can have Jason’s cock. All you can handle. More, even.” Julia looked at her, then at Jason, trying to determine what they were playing at. Had they set up a camera somewhere? Obviously, they wouldn’t just let her have his dick. His hard, throbbing, mouth-watering dick .... Ugh, it was hard to even think with Jason’s bulge right there in front of her. As her eyes were drawn back to it, she was sure that its prominence had grown somewhat over the past few seconds. And knowing that he was becoming aroused, becoming bigger and harder, escalated Julia’s arousal in response. She imagined the feel of him in her hands, rock-hard and radiating heat. She realized that she was panting in short and rapid breaths, her jaw hanging partly open, and she closed it with an effort.

“Don’t worry,” Ashli’s cool voice continued, echoing in Julia’s ears. “I know you think Jason has the most incredible cock in the world. And that you want it more than anything else.” Julia hadn’t really thought about it in those terms before, but she realized that Ashli was right. At the moment, she could hardly think of anything beyond his unparalleled manhood, and given the opportunity, she’d do practically anything to have it once more. Her social status, her family wealth, her beauty -- she’d give up any of it if she knew that it would guarantee access. But that was the rub, wasn’t it? She couldn’t trust that Ashli and Jason would actually deliver what they promised. What Ashli had promised, really -- Jason had barely said anything this whole time. There’s no way in hell that Julia would trust her.

Her attention was still fixed on Jason’s shorts, where she was certain that the bulge was still growing. Julia imagined having him in her mouth again, after these weeks without him, finally slathering him with her attention, and proving to him that she could pleasure him like no other woman. She heard a sound in her ears, and it took her a second to realize that it was coming from her own throat, a low moan of desire -- nearly a growl. The sound provoked a small laugh from Ashli, the first time that Julia had ever heard her actually laugh.

“Oh, I know,” Ashli told her soothingly, her voice tinged with amusement, as if she was placating a small child who was upset over something trivial. “It’s so hard to resist.” Julia felt Ashli’s cool fingers brushing her hair back behind her ears, and she could feel the dark-haired girl’s attention on her as if it were a physical presence. “But you don’t have to pretend anymore, Julia. We all know what you want. All you have to do is beg for it, and you can have his cock every single day.”

Every single day. The words rang in Julia’s ears. She could have Jason’s beautiful, incomparable cock every single day. She still didn’t trust Ashli, but it was clear now that they both knew exactly what she wanted. And if she did what Ashli asked, if she begged for Jason’s cock, what was the harm, since she’d only be proving what they obviously already knew? If they were lying, if they did have a camera stashed somewhere recording this, Julia could find a way to play it off, as a prank maybe. Or whatever, she’d find some way to defuse the situation, as she always did with every potential embarrassment. But ... if Ashli was true to her word ... every single day. Some risks were worth the reward.

As Julia’s thoughts dissipated, she was surprised to find that Jason’s crotch was at her eye level now; she had already dropped to her knees without even thinking. She already knew the path she was on, and a glance upward at Jason’s expectant expression only solidified it.

“Please, Jason!” She had never heard her own voice sound so pathetic before, and she felt her hot blood rushing to her face in shame. But she pushed on, already committed to her course of action. “I need your cock, like I’ve never needed anything before! I’ll do anything, I’ll ... I’ll even let you do butt stuff if you want.” She dimly noticed his eyebrow raise -- that had been one of the few points of contention during their relationship. But instead of answering, he looked to Ashli, and Julia followed his gaze. She still wore that awful little smile, nearly unchanged, and Julia began to despair. She’d debased herself, made herself vulnerable like never before, apparently for naught. Julia’s voice quieted as she continued her pleas, lowering her eyes as she was no longer able to face those who would keep her away from her deepest desire. She tried to hold back her sobs as she felt that precious reward slipping away. “Please, Jason. I know you’re not a mean person. You wouldn’t want to hurt me like this, even if you have moved on. Please ....”

The ensuing pause was lengthy enough for Julia to start making plans for how to contain the damage in her social circle when word got out about this. Then, at last, she heard Ashli’s voice above, with an expectant tone: “Well? We told her that she could.” Julia’s head snapped upward with such a hopeful expression that Ashli burst into a short laugh before catching herself.

“Are -- are you sure, babe? You really want to go through with this?” Jason seemed to be asking more out of a sense of obligation than any actual uncertainty.

“Oh, I absolutely want to go through with this.” Julia watched Ashli’s small smile widen into something sinister, and a shiver washed over her spine. It was disconcerting enough that Julia actually began to reconsider whether she should continue with this. But then her eyes were drawn to the motion of Jason unbuttoning his shorts, and her momentary hesitation was wiped away, like it had never even existed.

Julia hurried forward on her knees, ignoring the harshness of the hard linoleum floor on her joints as she shuffled toward Jason. She reached him just as he finally drew out his semi-flaccid cock, and she could swear that a choir of angels burst into song. She gasped involuntarily at the sight of it, and cradled his member gently in both her hands. Perfectly sized, flawlessly shaped, even its coloration seemed immaculate. “Oh, God,” she whispered as she leaned in to place a gentle kiss on its head.

“That’s it, Julia,” Ashli encouraged gently. “You’ve missed the taste of your Master, so badly.” Julia ventured a long, slow lick up his hardening shaft, relishing the long-lost savory taste of Master. The taste of him on her tongue, his texture on her lips, began to satiate a deep-seated craving that she’d forgotten she had. It was hard to believe that she’d managed to survive for weeks without indulging in this. Unable to wait any longer, she sandwiched his head between her lips and slid him slowly, delectably toward her throat, loving the way that Master was so perfectly shaped for her mouth. He was the perfect size, too: long enough that it was an effort for her to bury him to the hilt, to force an inch or two of his tip into her throat, but doing so wasn’t beyond her capacity. It made her feel like pleasuring Master properly was just at the edge of her ability, which seemed somehow appropriate.

Julia felt a sudden dread in her stomach. Had she called Master “Jason” earlier, instead of addressing him properly? She wasn’t quite certain, and her mind was too preoccupied to focus properly on the question. If she had slipped up, and had disrespected Master in such a way, then he had been gracious enough to ignore the slight. It was yet another example of how generous he was to Julia, and it made her even more determined to pleasure him better than Ashli ever could.

“Master,” she whispered breathlessly, in between motions. “Am I doing well?”

His initial response was a low moan that sent a wave of accomplished satisfaction through Julia. “This is the best blowjob you’ve ever given, Julia.” She couldn’t help but smile around the hard shaft between her lips at the compliment, until he continued, “But you really should be naked for this.”

The words were a dagger in Julia’s heart. How could she have overlooked something so obvious? She shed her clothes in record time, slipping the sleek dress down her hips so that she wouldn’t need to part her lips from Master’s deserving cock. The rapid whirlwind of activity caused Ashli to laugh, a short and derisive sound. Julia felt the heat in her face, and redoubled her efforts to make up for the inexcusable oversight.

“Such a good little slut,” Ashli said in her softly mocking tone, as she slowly gathered Julia’s blond locks of hair to hold them out of the way. Finally, the worthless pest was doing something useful, holding her hair out of the way. If only Ashli would stop talking for a while, Julia would finally be able to concentrate properly. But Ashli continued, clearly oblivious to how awkward she was in this situation. “It’s obvious how much you love this, Julia. Your Master’s cock is your entire world, isn’t it?”

Julia withdrew him from her mouth for a moment to regard the magnificent phallus in her hands. “My ... my world,” Julia repeated absently. She was surprised all over again by how impressive the hot pulsing organ felt in her hand. Master’s manhood was truly second to none, and surely deserved its place at the center of her life; she was determined not to waste this opportunity. How had she been so lucky, to have a second chance at this, even after Ashli had taken him away? Maybe it was fated somehow, or maybe her Master was simply exceedingly generous. Whatever the reason, Julia would make the most of her chance. She took him into her mouth again, pressing firmly with her lips and tongue as he entered. She heard his deep moan above, and she moaned to match him as she felt the warm rush of satisfaction surge through her. In the past, she’d moan while pleasuring him, knowing that the vibrations would help her to drive him wild. But this time, it was involuntary, and it felt somehow more right that she was deriving so much pleasure herself, directly from the act of pleasing him.

It was so easy to lose herself in the rhythmic act of pleasuring Master, pulled away from herself by the sensual feel of him on her fingers and in her mouth, combined with the rising internal euphoria that was fueled by Master’s enjoyment of her. This was what she needed to do, what she was born to do. What greater purpose could there possibly be for a man and a woman, if not to bring each other to such great heights? She could feel his arousal, pulsing between her lips and swelling in her throat, and she knew that the air was thick with the scent of her matching arousal. Julia couldn’t imagine a more perfect moment.

Until, inevitably, the moment was broken by Ashli’s clumsiness. “Don’t you dare finish too soon,” she said warningly, presumably to Master. Julia pushed the words from her mind as soon as she heard them, trying to ignore the irritating girl and focus instead on what truly mattered. Ashli continued speaking, at the far edge of Julia’s awareness. “So, what do you think? Do you like our new pet?”

Master stifled a moan of pleasure, then chuckled throatily in response. “A perfect little cock-worshipper, just like you promised.”

“And I always keep my promises.” Then, a blessed silence, finally letting Julia concentrate properly again on pleasuring his succulent cock. When Ashli spoke again, Julia was so annoyed that she could have screamed, if she wasn’t so intensely focused on her duty. “Although ... I did say little cock-worshipper, didn’t I?” Ashli mused, with an odd emphasis on the word little. “Seems like I’ve only kept half my promise. So far.” A bit of uncharacteristic joviality had crept into her voice, and though Julia was only dimly aware of what the girl had said, a nervous tension welled up inside her. She didn’t want to think about what the words meant, instead channeling her anxious energy into redoubling her efforts on the thick manhood in her mouth. It felt good to push the anxiety to the back of her mind and simply focus on this single thing, to pour her energy and focus into what mattered most. The repetitive sensations in her fingers and lips were a soothing balm, almost meditative.

Ashli’s voice broke into Julia’s awareness again, quiet and breathy, close to her ear this time. “You love how big he feels, don’t you, Julia? Your fingers wrapped around his huge cock, so thick that you can barely stretch your lips around him ....”

It was starting to annoy Julia, the way that Ashli kept interrupting her simply to state the obvious. Not that Ashli was wrong. Julia loved the way that Master filled her mouth, so large that she could barely take half of his length. She could have sworn that she had memories of taking the entirety of him, all the way to the hilt, but that couldn’t be right -- she could never have forced anything this thick so far down her throat. It must have simply been a daydream, an aspirational image of herself pleasing Master as he deserved. Pleasing him as she never could, in reality. She felt a sudden onrush of inadequacy, and enlisted a second hand to stroke his iron shaft, belatedly realizing that she’d been using only one hand, which was obviously insufficient with her fingers barely reaching halfway around him. He deserved better than that, and she couldn’t bear to feel like she was giving Master less than he deserved.

Julia was barely aware of Master’s wordless exclamation above her, followed by an incredulous “You can do that?” She wasn’t sure what he meant, and truthfully, it didn’t matter to her. All that mattered was pleasing the massive organ before her, proving that she was worthy of the task, that her feelings of inadequacy were unwarranted. Julia stood below him, pushing herself to the limit, desperate to deserve his approval, and he towered over her, as he always had. She could feel him throbbing in her mouth, stretching her lips slightly with every pulse. Her jaw ached from holding it so far open, straining to keep from scraping her teeth on his skin, and her throat felt bruised from her repeated attempts to take him deeper than she could handle. But she hadn’t yet pleasured him well enough, couldn’t possibly do it well enough. Yet she had to try.

“It’s so difficult, isn’t it?” Ashli’s voice again, quietly insistent, cut through her awareness despite Julia’s attempts to ignore her. “Trying to please such a ... prodigious cock, one that’s so far beyond your talents. So enormous that you can’t even circle it with both hands.” Master must not have been fully hard, because as the other girl quieted, Julia felt him swell in her mouth, causing a sharp pain in her lips as she was stretched past her limit. She quickly withdrew him, trying to content herself with rubbing her mouth and hands along his shaft, until it was pulled up over her head, to where she could barely reach. He hadn’t been standing at his full height -- Julia couldn’t think of any other explanation for his sudden movement to the edge of her reach. Why didn’t he stay lower, where she could service him better? She moaned, not in pleasure this time, but an embarrassingly pitiful sound, driven by her desperate need to please Master, and her inability to do it properly.

“Aww, I think our pet needs a little help,” Ashli said with a small giggle. Julia would have glared daggers at the ridiculously tall girl, but her attention was focused where it belonged, on more important matters.

“Please, Master,” she heard herself whimper. “I need to ....”

Julia gripped the massive column near its base, and with a desperate heave, she pulled herself off the ground and up to it, surprising herself with her own strength. She licked voraciously at the bottom of his shaft, eager to make up for the lost time, and moaning unconsciously as her gratification returned. Her feet dangled awkwardly for a moment before she bent at the waist, lifting her legs until they were level with her hips and wrapping them around Master’s thigh for support. Confident that she was now securely anchored, Julia turned her focus entirely to pleasing Master.

She heard a pair of chuckles above her -- his deep and rumbling, hers high and lilting. “She’s so dedicated,” Ashli said to him, as if she wouldn’t do the same if given the opportunity. Julia marveled at the throbbing pole in her arms, thicker than her own legs and nearly as long. Unfortunately, she could only reach a small portion of its surface, barely half of the underside. She hoped that it would be enough to please Master.

Julia heard the sounds of kissing high above, and felt a rising panic as her fear seemed to be confirmed. Were her efforts so insufficient that Master was distracted, that his attention had wandered? She anguished at the mere thought of it. There must be something that she can do better, something that he couldn’t ignore. She thought frantically for a moment, wondering if she could climb entirely atop his manhood, before she realized her mistake. Of course -- she’d entirely neglected Master’s balls. It was no wonder that he had found her efforts to be unsatisfactory. But now she would rectify her error, would service him properly.

Slackening her grip on Master’s base slightly, Julia lowered herself to Master’s sac, reaching out with her tongue to lap at his wrinkled skin. She could feel his short, stiff hairs from not having shaved in the past few days, sharp on her tongue. But she had to persevere, needed to show that she was capable of pleasing him. Using her precise fingers, she pulled on his skin, smoothing out wrinkles so that she could rub and kiss and lick at every square millimeter of his sac, cleaning the pungent, masculine sweat from the skin as she went. His balls pressed against her as she shifted position slightly, and the twin heavy masses were a comforting presence here, in Julia’s rightful place beneath Master’s cock.

She was just starting to lose herself in her task, to feel like she was finally atoning for her previous oversight, when she heard Ashli’s voice again. Determined not to be distracted this time, Julia did her best to ignore the velvety assertive tone, but still the words pierced through her consciousness.

“You’re so enthusiastic, Julia. But how can a pet as small as you truly please such a magnificent cock?” Julia felt the angle of Master’s shaft steepen as Ashli pulled it upward with a fingertip for emphasis. “You’re not sure it’s even possible, are you? Not when it’s larger than your entire body, so thick that you can’t even wrap your legs around it. You’ll have to work especially hard to please your Master.”

Master was clearly aroused by Ashli’s words, and Julia felt him grow in her arms. He must have especially liked what she said, because Julia couldn’t remember him ballooning this swiftly in the past, so rapidly that her hands were sliding from his skin as she tried to retain her precarious grip. Julia cried out despondently as she realized that she couldn’t possibly hold on, that she would surely fall, making her failure plain for both of them to see. Then, suddenly, there was something underneath her, pushing her up, until she lay on top of Master’s throbbing pillar. She was so eager to resume her ministrations, to make up for the few seconds that she had been unable to pleasure him, that she didn’t even look to see what had helped her up.

Julia straddled his enormous dick, and the feeling of his immeasurably powerful masculinity between her legs renewed a deep ache inside her. She wished that she could feel Master’s cock inside her, in the way that she could never have it at her size, wanted it so badly that it almost hurt. But she wanted this even more, to straddle his immense girth, to feel on a visceral level just how godlike he truly is, and to know that even though Master could be giving his cock to a woman his own size, he was choosing to give it to little Julia instead. Master was so good to her, and she quickened her efforts, ever eager to prove that she deserved such kindness.

She scooted forward, squishing her soft little breasts against Master’s pulsating head, and wondered if he could feel her hardened nipples through his thick skin. Her small hands caressed as much of him as they could reach, and her shoulders were sore from the effort of trying to create enough sensation to please Master. Julia couldn’t rest though; she had to give Master her best possible effort. It was arduous and exhausting, but also exhilarating, and immensely satisfying. Her hands repeatedly sought out his veins, where she could most intensely feel his throbbing heartbeat, where she felt closest to her Master. Gradually, she fell into a sensual rhythm, becoming lost in an idyllic existence with only one purpose. As certain as the motions of the sun or the rise and fall of the tides, Julia knew that her small life could have no greater meaning than this.

She could have spent eternity there, if not for Ashli. “You’re so adorable on your Master’s cock, little Julia.” As ever, Julia could hear the smug undercurrent in the giantess’s voice. “Pleasuring him seems like such a monumental task, doesn’t it? Your entire tiny body doesn’t even reach halfway across his head, but you can’t give up, can’t bear the thought of not giving your Master enough pleasure.” Julia burned to hear Ashli’s thoughtless amusement. Not everyone was lucky enough to be born at a size similar to Master. Someone like Ashli obviously didn’t appreciate her own good fortune in life, nor the fact that Julia made up for her small size with her unrelenting dedication. Julia was certain that Ashli never would have shown this kind of perseverance for anything in her entire life.

Something shifted in the ground underneath Julia, but when she opened her eyes for a quick glance, she didn’t notice anything amiss. She could see Master’s finger and thumb behind her, the knuckle of each massive digit as long as Julia’s body, stabilizing his enormous shaft as its base. She probably had simply felt the reverberation from Master’s fingers contacting his colossal manhood with their powerful grip. With that brief mystery solved, Julia turned back to her duty, licking and kissing the ground as she used her entire body to caress a tiny fraction of Master’s cock.

From the corner of her eye, Julia saw Ashli kneel down in front of her, until her massive lips were situated directly in front of Master’s cock, and her eyes loomed high above Julia. “Such a good little pet, Julia,” she cooed, the soft words carrying farther than seemed possible. “Now it’s time for your Master to cum. Make him cum for your goddess, and seal your position as his tiny slave.”

Her goddess? Realization finally dawned in Julia’s mind -- it made so much sense. Who else would be worthy to have Master’s cock, to truly have it, in the way that Julia could never possibly have it? She felt a sudden rush of guilt and shame at her earlier mistrust of her goddess, when Julia had somehow thought that she was simply Ashli, a mere rival of her own. Looking back, the thought seemed so ridiculous now, that someone as small and weak and ... unworthy ... as Julia could even dream that she was in any way comparable.

Julia prostrated herself before the regal, titanic face. “My goddess! Please forgive me, I didn’t know!”

Enormous hazel eyes sparkled above Julia as they regarded her with amusement, and a quiet chuckle washed breezily over her. “Oh, I like this, little Julia. We’ll talk about your ... penance ... later. But for now, you have a job to do.”

Her goddess was right, of course. Julia turned her attention back to the pulsating hard ground beneath her, each insistent heartbeat like a fresh demand for her attention. She wasn’t sure why her goddess had waited for so long to reveal herself, but she must have had her reasons, and Julia was now determined to atone for her earlier misguided behavior. It was the least she could do, after treating this divine woman so suspiciously just minutes ago. But now, she would make up for it. Julia would bring Master to his orgasm, so that her goddess could taste him, as only she deserved to. And in doing so, Julia would prove that she was worthy to serve them.

She knew that at her inconsequential size, she could never bring Master to orgasm through direct sensations. She was simply too small, too ... insubstantial. Fortunately, she had additional tools at her disposal. She remembered the time, so long ago now, when she had known Master as simply Jason, before she knew his true stature. She remembered the things that he had liked, things that she had been reluctant to perform at the time.

Julia rolled over onto her back, scooting forward until she could anchor her heels on the lip of Master’s head, and spread her knees apart, revealing her very center. Back then, Jason -- Master -- had asked her to talk dirty to him, had liked to watch her diddle herself. She hadn’t enjoyed it back then, but the thought of debasing herself for Master now sent a thrill through her body, stoking her heat as it settled in place between her legs. She ran a finger along the length of her minuscule slit, feeling the dripping wetness of her womanhood. No, her pussy. Her cunt. Master would want her to use dirty words.

“Can you see my tiny cunt, Master?” Julia called up, hoping that her little voice carried far enough for him to hear. She spread her lips for him, inserted a finger into herself, then followed it with a second, feeling her hungry little tunnel stretch to accommodate them. “See the way I’m finger-fucking myself? I can’t help it, Master! Laying here, so tiny on your gigantic cock, it makes me so hot and so wet!” She was certain that Master would love this, and -- even better -- every word was true. She quickened her thrusts, partly for her own pleasure, but mostly so that Master could see her frantic arm movements as she frigged herself for him.

“Oh, shit,” she heard Master rumble high above, and she knew that her efforts were having the desired effect. “Fuck, Julia, that’s so hot.” She felt the ground rhythmically shake in time with the strokes of Master’s hand on his gargantuan shaft. Julia always loved the feeling of accomplishment when she brought Master close to orgasm, the rush of pride that she would always get from knowing that even at her little size, she was capable of provoking such an enormous reaction.

She stopped thrusting temporarily, sliding in a finger from her other hand and pulling in opposite directions. “Oh, Master! I’m gaping my tiny cunt for you, but I’m so small and tight that you can’t even see it!” She’d never done this before, had even had the temerity to refuse Master when he’d asked months ago. But now, exposing herself like this for Master, pushing herself to do things that she’d previously considered beneath her dignity -- it simply added more fuel to the fires within her. Between the ground’s rhythmic rocking, she could feel it rise and stretch slightly under her, its heat intensifying, and she recognized the telltale swelling of Master’s dick, signaling to her that he was close to orgasm now. She only hoped that she could keep her own impending climax at bay; it would be so shameful if she couldn’t control herself enough to let Master come first.

Julia turned back onto her stomach, then pulled her knees in underneath her hips, lowering her shoulders to the ground so that she could present Master with the best possible view of her little ass. She was still working at her dripping pussy with one hand, and she used the other to pull one cheek to the side, showing Master the part of her that she had so often forbidden him, in that long ago time.

“Do you like my little ass?” she asked, circling a fingertip around the discolored dot at the bottom of her small crevice. “I want to play with it, just for you, Master!” Her thin little fingers were well-lubricated already, and as she began to push with her index finger, it easily slid inside, triggering a harsh gasp at the novel sensation. “Oh God, Master! It’s actually in my ass! It’s so ... overwhelming!” Tiny fingers working at both her holes were driving her quickly insane, their dueling electric sensations radiating through her entire self. But she knew that she had to give more -- her finger was only one knuckle deep in her backdoor -- no, in her asshole -- and Master would want her to take it deeper, to take it all. She pushed further, and her body convulsed, the intrusion more than she could withstand. But she continued, ignoring what her unworthy body signaled, crying out as she pushed deeper and intensified the electricity, until her last knuckle finally rested against her forbidden entrance. Master would love this. She imagined his cock -- or at least, one just like it, but sized appropriately for her -- filling her minuscule ass even more than this. The thought sent an arc of energy through her little loins, and she pulled her finger away from her tiny, needy clit as she struggled to contain herself. She couldn’t come yet, needed Master to cum first.

“I wish this was you, Master! So deep in my tiny asshole!” She felt the ground rumble in time with Master’s loud roar, and knew that she had finally pushed him over the edge. There was no mistaking the powerful contractions of his colossal muscles as they pushed a firehose of fluid through the enormous shaft. Julia looked up, her cheek still pressed into Master’s skin, and watched as her goddess licked easily at the tip of his head, catching everything that he had to give, and somehow making the lewd act seem elegant and majestic. Julia was already well on her way over the brink, but the confluence of these two titans before her eyes transported her there instantly. Waves of pleasure radiated through her, deep and intense, making her exclaim into the taut skin of Master’s cock as her legs shook uncontrollably. Her newly-deflowered anus clamped with surprising strength around her finger, and she felt a trickle of fluid running asymmetrically, mostly down her left thigh. She gave up on trying to control her erratically-moving hips, and after a couple seconds she collapsed to one side, and simply lay there as the roiling tsunami engulfed her little body, far beneath the notice of her betters.

Julia felt so contented, laying on her side in her post-orgasmic glow, feeling the occasional aftershocks of Master’s earthshaking orgasm. She saw movement in the corner of one eye, and looked up to see that her goddess still had her lips sandwiched around Master’s tip. Was he still cumming? She felt a rush of excitement. Julia had done her job well, right? Maybe she would be rewarded with some of Master’s cum. She rose to her knees, the question on her lips. But ... she couldn’t ask it. It wasn’t her place to ask. Julia lowered her head meekly. If she was deemed to be deserving, then surely they would allow her to have some. But to ask for it ... well, that was simply too presumptuous.

When her goddess had finally had her fill, and her heavenly lips finally parted from the tip of Master’s manhood, Julia scrambled awkwardly forward, hoping that some of his sweet emission had been left behind for her. Julia’s spirits fell when her eyes scanned Master’s skin, finding that he had been licked completely clean. Then her goddess stood, wrapping her long, elegant fingers around his column behind Julia, squeezing him gently.

Julia shivered slightly at the melodic sound of her goddess’ voice, far above. “Well? Is she a keeper?”

The ground twitched slightly beneath Julia as he answered, his voice gravelly and resounding. “Fuck, babe. You’re the best.”

Julia stifled a squeal when she noticed that the flexion of Master’s cock had squeezed out another small droplet of his seed, as if it was destined just for her. She leaned forward precariously, risking that she might slide off of him completely, then scooped up the droplet with one hand. The liquid was warm in her hand, and thick enough to stay together in a single glob as she drew it hungrily back to her. Julia scooted back hurriedly, sitting cross-legged on Master’s head as she finally tasted his cum, sucking a small portion of the droplet into her mouth. She closed her eyes as she savored the taste, swirling her tongue around the viscous fluid before swallowing it with an effort.

There was something still in her mouth, left behind in the small amount of fluid that she hadn’t swallowed. It felt almost like short hairs in her mouth, but each strand was ... moving. Wriggling. Julia gasped reflexively when she realized that she was actually feeling Master’s sperm, swimming relentlessly in their mindless quest to create new life. Renewed heat surged through Julia’s body, and she regarded the mass of white liquid in her hand with a new reverence. She felt an urgent need to have it all inside her, in the center of her femininity. She paused for a moment -- was she really worthy of Master’s seed? -- before her desperate desire pushed the question from her mind, and she lowered two fingers between her legs before pressing a small glob of his super-thick cum through her entrance, then fervently worked the fluid deeper into herself with short, rapid thrusts.

She could feel them inside her, Master’s powerful sperm burrowing mercilessly through her tight little tunnel, destined to conquer her vulnerable womb. It was driving her wild, not just the feathery sensations traveling the entire length of her hot little pussy, but also the idea of Master unconsciously ravaging her. She was so puny and insignificant, so far beneath him, that he was plundering her tiny cunt without even realizing it. Her sweat-slicked hips thrust themselves into the air as she pressed more of Master’s precious fluid into her diminutive sex, moaning raggedly through her short gasps as the unnatural sensations within her multiplied.

Julia was caught now, her miniature body trapped in an unending cycle of lust and pleasure. She turned over so that she could rub her microscopic clit on Master’s enormous cock, feeling the heat of his manhood along the entire length of her body even as she felt him invading her deepest and most private sanctum. Her movements were no longer in her own control, sliding and rubbing frantically on the rough ground. They became faster and more desperate, more urgent, quickening to a pace that Julia hadn’t through herself capable of, until finally her body locked rigidly in frozen tension, every muscle in her little body straining as her climax finally exploded through her every molecule.

She lost awareness for a time, until there was a sense of falling ... falling and rolling. When the movement ceased, Julia slowly pushed herself up onto one elbow, looking around dreamily. Maybe she was actually dreaming -- she seemed to be laying in a transparent upside-down dome, its diameter maybe fifty percent larger than her height. Under the clear surface, she could see the tips of giant slender fingers, with a golden chain laced between them. She heard a sudden click to her right, and looked up to see that a second dome had snapped into place from above, enclosing her in a spherical glass shell.

“What ...?” Julia looked up to her goddess in confusion.

“Shh, that’s enough for now,” her goddess replied soothingly. “If you’re a good little pet, I’ll even let you climb all over his cock again tonight.” She lifted the thin, lengthy chain, then fastened its two ends behind her neck, leaving Julia’s protective case suspended between her goddess’ perfectly-shaped breasts.

Julia beamed. Her goddess must be especially pleased with her, to place Julia in such a privileged position, around her divine neck and so close to her heart. It strengthened her resolve to demonstrate that she could be worthy of such treatment.

She would be the best little pet ever.


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Re: Everything She Wants

Post by Hand-Holder » Tue Nov 02, 2021 3:01 pm

Ohh boyyy, grab on to my cock if you want to save yourself from dying, is just geniousss, I must steal this one for my stories but I promise to create a whole different scenario, just god dam preciousss
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Re: Everything She Wants

Post by Enigma12 » Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:03 am

Why aren’t there more stories like this one here?

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Re: Everything She Wants

Post by DiminutionMan » Tue Nov 09, 2021 5:38 am

Enigma12 wrote:
Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:03 am
Why aren’t there more stories like this one here?
Because I need to write more, I suppose. :)

Thanks for the kind words, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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