And the Geek II

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Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
Posts: 146
Joined: Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:23 am

And the Geek II

Post by Xinunar » Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:20 am

An unauthorized sequel to "And The Geek Shall Inherit the SW Earth".

Warning/Spoiler - this might have a giantess and/or miniguy(s) in it. But it's mostly SW.

Chapter 1 – Rescue?

Russell Farber was frantic. His best friend, the girl he loved, had been kidnapped by the same guy who already raped and abused her: Brad Michaels, captain of the soccer team, body like Adonis, BMOC, kidnapper, rapist, and maybe even murderer.

'That's not much of a maybe,' he thought. 'Brad will kill her, either when he gets tired of her, or by accident. That's the biggest danger tonight - that he'll kill her by accident.'

Because April Watson, the girl Russell loved, wasn't just a kidnapping victim. She was also the victim of some weird shrinking effect. She was now about five or six inches tall. Russell thought five and a half, but he wasn't sure, and he really didn't care. Either way, she could be killed with a flick of Brad's finger. Brad could break her back by rubbing her against his cock too hard. And that was exactly the sort of sick, perverted thing Brad was probably doing right now!

Russell put his foot on the gas. He had to get to the police as soon as he could! He wasn't worried about getting pulled over. If that happened, he would just explain. He'd tell the cop about how his girlfriend shrank to about five inches tall and.... Russell slowed down.

He couldn't get pulled over. He couldn't go to the police. They'd never believe him. He couldn't go to April's parents; they wouldn't believe him either. In fact, April was supposed to be with him, this evening. He was supposed to have had her home hours ago. They'd think he did something. They'd call the cops - on him. His own parents? Not much better. They wouldn't believe him at first, but if he kept insisting long enough and hard enough, they'd have to. Because your parents have to stick by you. And they knew that he would never, ever in a million years hurt April. But even if he could convince his parents what had happened, they'd be more focused on protecting him than on rescuing April. And April needed rescuing - tonight!

Russell had to rescue April himself. But how? Try to sneak into Brad's room and grab her? Get a gun and either shoot Brad or threaten to shoot him, if he didn't give April back? That thought jarred him. Russell was a peaceful guy, not the kind of guy who shoots people - even jerks like Brad Michaels. But Brad had kidnapped April, raped her, and now he was sure to kill her, if Russell didn't do something. So, yes, he could shoot Brad - if he had a gun. But he didn't have a gun, so the whole thing was moot.

That left plan A, try to sneak in. Russell didn't like that plan. It didn't sound very likely. He didn't mind taking the risk, for himself; but if he got caught, he shuddered to think what would happen to April. He had to hedge his bet. The only thing he could think to do was phone a friend - r go to his friend's house in person. It was closer than his house, closer than his phone.

- - - -

Daryl Collins was Russell's second-best friend. He was a good guy, maybe not the best guy in a crisis situation, but he would have to do.

"Hey, Russell. What are you doing here, this time of night?" asked Daryl.

They stood in the foyer of Daryl's house. Russell didn't think it was all that late, but then he looked at his watch and saw that it was almost ten o'clock. He must have sat in the car with April longer than he thought. He wanted to kick himself. That's why April was in danger. If he had just taken her straight home….

"Sorry," he said. "Look, can we talk privately? It's really important."

"Just a minute," said Daryl. He went back into the den and told his parents that something was up with Russell, and he needed to have a private talk. Then he came back and let Russell upstairs to his room.

"April shrank," said Russell. "She's like, five inches tall, maybe six, and Brad Michaels has her. And he's going to kill her, if I don't get her back. Tonight! I don't think he'll risk taking her back to school with him, or leave her at his house alone. He knows I'll try to get her back. He knows how much trouble he'll be in, if I do, and if we go to the police."

He said all that in a rush. Daryl just sat there and took it in.

"Okaaay," said Daryl. "Cool scenario. Don't want to tell my folks that that was why you were having a crisis, but we'll work around that. We won't tell them. Just… you had some personal issues. They won't pr…."

"It's not a scenario," said Russell. "It's real. I know it sounds like a role play, or else it sounds crazy, but it's real. I'm going to Brad's, right now, to rescue her. I want you to wait an hour, then call the police."

"Yeah, that could work," said Daryl, scratching his chin. "Doesn't sound like a very fun session, though. What do I tell the police?"

"Tell them I went to Brad's to rescue April. Don't tell them about the shrinking; they'll believe you even less than you believe me. Just tell them…. Tell them that I saw Brad kidnap April - but that I don't think anyone will believe me, so I'm sneaking into his house to get her. Either I'm right, or I'm crazy; and either way, they have to send someone out to his house. With any luck, they'll get there in time to rescue both of us. Or maybe a couple of patrol men knocking at their door will give me the distraction I need to rescue April."

"Ok, sounds good," said Daryl. "So, I've called the police, and they're on their way. Are you already in the house, or are you waiting for them to provide a distraction?"

"Daryl! This is real! I'm really going to Brad's in a few minutes. I'm going to try to get inside, to rescue April," said Russell. "I don't know if I'll be able to get in before the police arrive or not. I've got to try! April's being tortured, right now, and I really think she'll be dead by morning, if I don't rescue her!"

Tears of anguish and frustration streamed down Russell's face. April was going to die, and it was all his fault. If only he had gotten her straight home or to the hospital, instead of sitting in his car, perving over her tiny naked body. He began to cry openly. He couldn't hold back any longer. He wanted to be a man for April. But he didn't feel like a man, right now; he felt like a little boy. A little boy, who was about to lose the most important thing - the most important person - in his life.

Daryl was shaken by Russell's tears. "You're serious?!" he exclaimed.

"Yes!" yelled Russell.

"Okay, okay. We need a plan," said Daryl.

"Yes," said Russell, sniffing back his tears.

Daryl thought about it, while Russell calmed himself down.

"Okay," said Daryl. "You're right about calling the police. We need them for backup, when everything goes to shit."

"When?" asked Russell.

"Probably goes to shit," said Daryl. "But we've still gotta try. And if one of us is inside before the police get there, then they can go in to get us, without a warrant. So, we've got to get at least one of us into the house before they get there."

"One of us" asked Russell. "Then who'll call the police?"

"My parents," said Daryl, grabbing a pen and a piece of paper. "They'll come to check on you soon, and they'll find this note. Let's see: Mom and Dad, April's been kidnapped by Brad Michaels. Swear to God. And he's going to kill her. Russell saw, but the police would never believe him. We're going to rescue her. Don't call the police before 11:00. You've got to give us time for one of us to get into the house, so the police can enter. It's the only way to save April. Please! You've got to believe us!"

He thought for a moment then added: "If they get there too soon, we're going in anyway - even if we have to charge the house, while police are yelling stop! That might get us killed, but if we don't, April WILL die! Just, please don't call them before 11:00."

"Okay," he said to Russell, "Do you even know where Brad lives?"

"Great time to ask," said Russell. "But yeah."

"That's where Brad Michaels lives - Captain of the soccer team," he said, in a weak imitation of April, gushing over her crush.

Daryl snorted. "Good. Then we need to go."

They snuck out of the house and headed to Brad's in Russell's car.

"Say, is April's father white?" asked Daryl, while Russell was driving.

"What? No. He's darker than she is," said Russell.

"Oh. I thought he must be white," said Daryl. "I met her mother at the band concert, and she's much darker than April."

Russell shrugged. "Just genes being random," he said. "Both my parents have brown eyes, but mine are blue."

"Anyway. She's really cute," said Daryl.

"Thanks," said Russell. "I mean, yeah, she is." Why did I say thank you? He thought. 'She's not my sister, or my girlfriend. I don't own her. But whenever someone says something nice about her…. I like it.'

"Hey, let's think about our plan, for when we get there," he said.

They drove by Brad's house, for a quick look, then parked a short way up the street and walked back to it. They left the keys in the ignition and left the car doors unlocked; in case they needed a quick getaway. The house was a good-sized colonial. It was in a cul de sac and backed to the woods. They felt pretty sure they knew which room was Brad's. There was only one room upstairs, with a light on, and it obviously wasn't the master bedroom. It was a pretty common house design, and the master bedroom had bigger windows than the other rooms. Plus, they could see shadows move on the curtains of the lit room. They figured that was Brad - probably abusing April that very minute.

April was mad at her body, mad at her libido - mad at the quirk in her personality that made her turned on by what Brad was doing. But she couldn't deny it. She was.

Thankfully, Brad hadn't inflicted much pain. He didn't want to break his new toy before he finished using her. The most he had done, when April refused to lick deep into his piss hole, was to flick her bottom repeatedly with his finger. He did that, ten times, and now April had her arms wrapped around the head of his cock, and her tongue was thrusting repeatedly into the hole, as deep as she could get it. She was fucking him with her tongue. Her bottom was burning, but her pussy was dripping wet. She was crying from the humiliation, but still her body writhed and humped against Brad's cock. 'Please, Russell. Please get here soon.'

Brad alternated between stroking his cock and stroking the girl who was pleasuring it. Her body was so soft, so sensuous. He loved the feel of her. He loved how she responded to his touch. He especially loved how she had almost cum, when he spanked her. He hoped she would cum, when he got a little rougher with her, but he was putting that off. He didn't want to think too much about it, yet. But he knew he couldn't keep her much longer.

Russell and Daryl walked towards the Michaels' house with their hoodies up. They were glad that it was chilly, so that didn't look too suspicious. As they got closer, they saw a car pull into the driveway, and Dave McFarland and Jeff Stevens got out. "Damn!" said Russell. They kept walking, as they quietly discussed how this might change their plans. Russell looked at his watch with worry. They couldn't wait much longer.

- - - -

Earlier, It was Dave who had stupidly said the obvious: "I can't believe Brad wanted to give up so easily."

As soon as he said it, he realized that it was true - he didn't believe it. And neither did Jeff. Brad hadn't joined them, looking for the girl, or putting pressure on Russell either. He had gone back to look in Russell's car, which was the obvious place for her to be. He had looked in the car, while they looked where Russell said. That was the smart way to divide the search - if you could trust your buddy to share.

They drove around a bit, after dropping Brad off, talking about what happened and what was likely to happen. And they pretty much came to the same conclusion Russell had: Brad couldn't afford to keep the girl for very long; she'd probably be dead by morning. That made them feel more cheated than sad. Plus, Dave had a situation where he probably could keep the girl. He had a whole basement to himself that was full of junk his mother would never get into. And he had a pet snake his mother was scared of. If he let the snake roam loose, and kept the girl in a terrarium, under a tarp and behind some junk, she'd be safe from both the snake and his mother.

They decided they needed to go over to Brad's and make him share. They told his mother that Jeff had left his homework with Brad, and he needed to get it. His mother guessed that they were either picking up or dropping off weed, but she didn't think it was worth the confrontation. She sent them on up to Brad's room and told them to be quick.

Russell and Daryl weren't thrilled about two more bruisers there at the house, but they didn't see any choice but stick with the plan. Daryl was rightly terrified, but April was his friend too, even if they weren't best buds, like she and Russ were. He hoped that if he was ever in trouble like April was, his friends wouldn't abandon him. He knew Russ wouldn't.

They double-checked the time, right before they got to the house. They already synchronized their watches. Daryl darted across a neighbor's yard, to go to the side of the house, while Russell sprinted up to the door. He looked at his watch and saw that he was cutting it close. He had to hope Daryl had enough time to get into position. At precisely ten fifty, Russell rung the doorbell and started knocking on the door, at the same time. There was a big door knocker in the middle of the door, which was mostly decorative, since they had a doorbell; but it worked, and it was loud.

Daryl had a thick cloth pressed to a window. As soon as he heard the first knock, he started breaking glass. This part of their plan worked well. Russell knocked, in sets of four: clack, clack, clack, CRACK! Clack, clack, clack CRACK! The last knock of the set was much louder than the first three, and that was the one Daryl used to cover the sound of breaking glass.

"What the hell is it?" said Mr. Michaels, when he opened the door. Another of Brad's friends was standing there.

"Sorry, Mr. Michaels, but I really need to see Brad," said Russell.

"Well, he's up in his room," said Mr. Michaels, indicating the stairway.

"Can you send him down?" asked Russell. "My mother told me not to go in. She's waiting out in the car." He turned his head and nodded to indicate an imaginary mother and car. Mr. Michaels saw Dave's car in the driveway, but didn't look closely to see who was in it.

"Brad. You've got another friend here!" called Mr. Michaels. "Come down and talk to him; his mother's waiting outside!"

Things had just been getting good, for Brad, when Dave and Jeff arrived. He was just about to blast her face with cum, when his mother announced that they were there, and he heard them come up the stairs. He looked around for a place to stash the girl, and his cock started spewing cum. "Fuck!" he said. It wasn't nearly as good, with him distracted. He grabbed some tissue and started wiping himself - dropping the girl on his bed, while he did. He was glad he locked the door. While wiping his spent cock, he noticed his VHS tapes. His bookshelf had several VHS tapes, some in boxes and some out. He stored them two deep, keeping the porn tapes on the back row.

"Yeah, yeah! I'm cumming!" he yelled, chuckling at his little joke. He tossed the tissue in the trash bin, pulled up his shorts and grabbed the girl off the bed. She looked half dead, was covered in cum and was limp as a used condom. He wondered if he should just go ahead and flush her. He probably would have, if the john wasn't across the hall. Now that he had cum, and she didn't look very sexy, she - or it - was kind of disgusting. But he decided to wait until after he talked to the guys. If he just marched across the hall and flushed her in front of them, they'd really be pissed. Not worth it.

He took one of the tapes out of its box and dropped the girl in, then set them both back in the shelf. He slid her into the back, wedged in between some other tapes, so she couldn't cause the box to wobble. He started to warn her that she'd better be quiet, but she was so spent, he didn't think he needed to. He put the tape he took out of the box in front of her.

"The fuck, dudes?" he said, opening the door. "I was just having a good wank."

"I bet you were," said Jeff.

"Yeah, yeah. We know you've got her," said Dave.

"What are you talking about?" asked Brad. But he didn't have the energy for a big act, so he just grinned sheepishly.

"Listen, Brad," said Jeff. "We've got it all figured out."

"Got what figured out?" asked Brad.

"How to keep her," said Jeff.

"My house, Dude!" said Dave. "My basement. It's perfect!"

"Oh. So you can have her all to yourself?" said Brad.

"Dave's not the one doin' that," said Jeff. He glared at Brad, when he said it, but then he added, "Look. You found her. We know she's yours, okay? But share for a while, Dude! Dave'll keep'er safe. She'll just be on loan - until you have a good place to keep'er. You an me go over there all the time, anyway. Imagine how much more fun it'll be, if there's a live, full-service stripper there - every fucking time!"

The doorbell started ringing, and someone began pounding on the door.

"Yeah. That could work," said Brad. He scratched the back of his head. "I need to think about it for a bit. Damn, that noise is annoying."

"Brad. You've got another friend here!" Brad's father yelled from downstairs. "Come down and talk to him; his mother's waiting outside!"

Brad looked at the other two, wondering who it could be. He shoed them out of his room, so they could all go together. He didn't like leaving either of them alone in his room, until he made up his mind what to do with the girl. When they got to the door, he wasn't surprised to see who was there.

"Wha'do you want?" he asked.

"I want April," said Russell. "You've had your fun. Now give her back."

"I don't know what you're talking about," said Brad.

"Is that what you plan to tell the police?" asked Russell. "Look, April doesn't want anyone to know about the shrinking - besides me, her parents and a few close friends. Give her back now, and all the police'll ever hear is she mysteriously disappeared. Don't, and we'll have to take our chances with the government."

"You're full of shit," said Dave. "You think the police'll believe some wild-ass story about-"

"Hey!" said Jeff. "Dude might have a tape recorder. Try'n to entrap us, or somethin'."

Russell saw Daryl walk across the hall, behind the other guys. He tried to keep his face stony.

Daryl ran into Mrs. Michaels at the top of the stairs. "Sorry. I forgot my bookbag," he said in a whisper.

Mrs. Michaels just nodded her head towards Brad's room and continued on towards her own bedroom.

Daryl went into Brad's room and closed and locked the door behind him. "April," he called, quietly. "April, it's me, Daryl. I'm here to rescue you."

It took April a couple of minutes to recover from the 'sex session' she had with Brad. She didn't want to think of it as having sex with Brad, put it was a sex session of some sort. It sure felt a lot like sex, or like she imagined sex felt. It felt like masturbating - only more intense, like a hundred times more. She hated how good it felt. But now, she just felt awful!

She heard Brad talking to Jeff and Dave. She wondered if she should try to make a noise, but she didn't see much point. She was very miserable, and she wondered how much air she had in the small box. She wished she was big again. Why couldn't she get big again? Somehow, she made herself small, just by wanting to be cute. Now she wanted to be big. She wanted to be powerful! She wanted to beat Brad Michaels like a toy drum, like a… steak that needed tenderizing. Gah, why couldn't she get big?

She tried to will herself bigger until she was exhausted. She tried pushing on the sides of the box, as hard as she could. She imagined herself like Samson, in the movie, pushing against the pillars of the coliseum. She slumped back down in her uncomfortable prison. The sides of the box were just wider than he hips, so her arms were cramped, it wasn't wide enough for her to lie down, and she started to notice the lack of air. Then she heard Daryl.

Daryl was looking around the room. He had started at the chest of drawers. Underwear drawer seemed a likely place. "April, if you hear me, just shout as loud as you can," he said. Of course, he didn't shout as loud as he could. He tried not to think about how bad Brad would hurt him, if he caught him here. At the same time, he hoped this wasn't all a joke. He still had a hard time believing April could have shrunk.

"Daryl? Daryl! Daryl, I'm in here!" shouted April. "I'm in a VCR box! Daryl Help! VCR box! VCR box."

April knew that, at her loudest, her voice wasn't very loud, and she had only barely heard Daryl's voice. She shouted as loud as she could, but she felt her voice get weaker with every shout. She was running out of air. "VCR box, Daryl. Vcr box…."

Daryl heard her. Her voice was so faint…. At first, he wasn't sure he really heard it. And he couldn't tell where it was coming from. But then he heard, "VCR." He saw them on the bookshelf, and he raced over to them. "April, I'm here," he whispered. "Shout out."

He started flipping unboxed tapes onto the floor. Then he started lifting the boxes, quickly, one by one. He figured he could tell by hardness and heft, if it had a tape in it. Then he heard a bang on the door.

"Open up, dickwad!"
Last edited by Xinunar on Tue Jan 04, 2022 12:53 am, edited 2 times in total.


Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
Posts: 146
Joined: Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:23 am

And the Geek II .2

Post by Xinunar » Wed Dec 15, 2021 6:25 pm

Chapter 2 - Growth spurt.

Russell thought it was just possible that Brad would hand April over without a fight. "You've already had your fun, Brad. Just hand her to me, and we'll never bother you again."

Unfortunately, now that Brad had the idea there might be a tape recorder, he wasn't in much mood to negotiate.

"I don't know who this 'her' is," said Brad. "I think you'd better leave, or I'm going to call the cops."

"Yeah," Dave and Jeff agreed - in stereo.

"I've already called them," said Russell, "or my friend has. They have instructions to call the cops at eleven, so I guess their calling them now. But it'll still take them some time to get here. If they find her in your room, you know you're in trouble. You could go to prison - for life. Just give her to me, and we tell the cops it was a false alarm."

"Yeah?" said Jeff. "What friend is that? Your imaginary friend, like your imaginary tiny girlfriend."

"Wait," said Dave. "I did see him walking with someone. Where is your friend?"

Dave tried to peer past Russell to see if his friend was behind him.

"He's not here," said Russell. "I told you, he's calling the police."

"He wouldn't need to come here to call the police," said Brad. Russell didn't say anything.

"Fuck! They're playing us!" said Brad. He turned on his heels and ran towards his room.

Russell tried to follow Brad, but Dave and Jeff held him back.

"Don't you get it?" said Russell. "The police will be here any minute! With Daryl already up there, they'll have probable cause to go to his room! They'll see the evidence - either kidnapping or Murder! What'd you do with her clothes? They still in Brad's bookbag? Let us go, or you'll go to prison!"

"Shut up!" said Dave. He punched Russell in the gut, making him keel over.

"Come on! We've got to help Brad!" Jeff yelled. He turned and ran.

Dave hesitated, torn between joining Jeff and Brad and hitting Russell again. He looked back at Jeff, then looked down at Russell. And Russell punched him in the face.

Russell had grabbed a couple of small wrenches at Daryl's house, which he put in his pockets. When Dave was distracted, he grabbed one of them. Now, it gave his punch extra heft. He hit Dave in the side of the face, sending him reeling. Russell then raced after Jeff and Brad. He had to get to April! He just had to protect her long enough for the police to get there - assuming Brad didn't have her hidden so well they couldn't find her. He just had to hope Daryl already found her and could protect her until he got there.

Brad got to his room and found the door locked. "Open up, Dickwad!" he yelled. He slammed his body against the door.

Daryl was frantic. He heard April once, but now he didn't. He started frantically pulling out the tapes. Then he just tilted the boxes in the back forward. That was enough to tell that they had a heavy tape inside. Then he tilted one that felt empty. He pulled it down to about forty-five degrees, so he could open the top and look in.

Brad slammed into the door again, busting his way into the room. He saw Daryl had pulled down the box with the toy girl in it and was about to open it. With a roar, he charged into Daryl, knocking him away from the bookshelf and leaving him battered and stunned. Brad didn't give him time to recover. He punched him in the head before he could get up. Dave was knocked unconscious and fell on the floor.

On the bookshelf, the box holding April fell onto its side. The floor April was lying on suddenly became a wall, which pitched April forward, so she sprawled on the new floor. April was almost unconscious, from lack of air, but being jostled gave her a small burst of adrenaline and energy. The top f the box was no longer out of reach above her. It was just a few feet in front of her. She crawled forward and pressed her mouth to the folded flap of the box top. She sucked in the delicious air.

She pressed her body against the sides of the box, causing them to bow outward. This created about an eighth-inch gap between the side of the box, and the tab of the lid. Now she could breathe and look out. She saw Russell hit Jeff from behind, right as he came in the door.

Unfortunately, Russell wasn't much of a fighter. He had neither aptitude, nor training. All he had was desperation. Even with the extra heft from the small wrench, Russel's blow was so week, it did no real damage to Jeff. In fact, it hurt Russell's fist more than it hurt the back of Jeff's head. Jeff turned to face Russell.

"Sucker punch me, will you?" he said. He grinned evilly, as Dave wrapped his arms around Russell from behind.

Seeing that Dave and Jeff had Russell in hand, Brad made a decision about April. He was going to flush her down the commode.

If Russell was telling the truth about the police, Brad had no choice but to get rid of the girl. If the police heard all this noise, they'd come straight upstairs, with no need of a warrant. If they found the tiny girl, he could go to prison. He looked back at Daryl to make sure the geek wasn't about to jump up and sucker punch him. Then he strode over to pick up the box with the girl in it.

April saw Jeff punch Russell in the gut, while Dave was holding him. She screamed, but no one paid her any attention. She shut her eyes because she couldn't bear to watch. Russell needed her, and she couldn't do anything. She was just too small! She needed to get big again. Big, big, Big!

Then she felt it - a kind of dropping sensation that made her afraid that she was getting even smaller. But it was followed by a rising feeling, like an elevator. She felt the walls of the box push out and rip apart around her. She stumbled forward and one knee landed on the rough, uneven ground. She opened her eyes to steady herself and launch herself at Russell's assailants. That's when she saw that it wasn't the box she felt ripping around her.

It was the room!


'Gosh, I hope I'm not breaking any board rules. Hey, look! I just broke through the fourth wall!

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
Posts: 146
Joined: Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:23 am

And the Geek II.3

Post by Xinunar » Sat Dec 18, 2021 12:18 am

I don't know if anyone likes this or not. But it is starting to get to the good part.

'I'm Ginormous!' thought April.

April would have stood fifty-one feet and ten inches, if she had been standing. Kneeling on one knee, and crouched over, as she was, the top of her head was barely higher than the top of the Michaels' house.

'And I'm naked!'

Of course, April had been naked most of the day; and she had been much more vulnerable when she was tiny. But she felt even more exposed now, out in the open. She felt her pussy clench, and her skin warmed from blushing.

'The guys can see every inch of me,' she thought.

"The guys!" she said out loud.

She began to search through the rubble at her feet, for her tiny friends - Russell and Daryl, who had come to rescue her. She found Dave and Jeff first. They both looked half conscious, but they looked okay - not that she was very worried about it. She put them on the roof, draped over the ridge, so they wouldn't fall. While placing them there, she saw who she assumed were Brad's parents. They stood in the hallway outside their bedroom, looking at the wreckage of what had been a large section of their house. They looked both scared and bewildered. She leaned forward, so her face was just a few feet in front of them.

"Go back to bed. You're having a bad dream," she said.

She scowled.

Mr Michaels fainted.

Mrs Michaels ran back into her bedroom and dived under the covers on her bed.

April found Russell next. She lifted some rubble off him, and he started getting up. She kept searching until she found Daryl. He looked in the worst shape. She grabbed the bed and shook the debris off it and looked for a spot to set it. She found a bare area on the floor, almost right under her, but it was tilted. She pushed down the high part with her hand - exerting about thirty-thousand pounds of force, though she didn't know that.

With the floor mostly level, she put the bed on the floor and carefully lifted Daryl into the bed. He groaned, and his eyes fluttered open. Seeing April's giant face in front of him, he squeezed his eyes shut again.

"Russ, are you okay?" she asked Russell.

He looked up at the ebony giant. Even though, after seeing her tiny, he wasn't *all* that surprised to see her giant, he still trembled beneath her. He couldn't help it. Towering over him, she looked… awesome!

"I - uh, I'm fine," said Russell.

"Let me put you next to Daryl," she said. "I'm worried he might have a concussion, or something."

She wrapped her hand around Russel and picked him up like she would a small doll.

"A-April!" Russell exclaimed, nervously. He might have said more, but the ride was over before he could.

"Maybe you should lift his eyelids. They always do that in the movies, when people might have concussions," said April.

"They only do that, if they know what they're looking for," said Russell. "Hey, Daryl? You okay, Man?"

Daryl groaned and opened his eyes again. "Is there a giant, naked, black girl squatting over me?"


"Oh, good," said Daryl. "One more thing off my bucket list. Oww, I ache."

"He's okay," said Russell. "Hey, where did Brad go?"

April looked around for Brad and found him under a fallen bookshelf. He was unhurt; he had stayed still, hoping she wouldn't notice him.

"You - you leave me alone!" he shouted. "The army's going to come and blast you!"

April frowned. She thought about smashing him, but she was basically a peaceful person. And he did give her some orgasms. She blushed again, remembering how she responded to his abuse.

"He might have a point," said Russell. "We need to get you some cover. Maybe in the woods?"

"Daryl!" he exclaimed. "You need to call your parents and tell them not to call the police! Where's a phone?"

There was a cordless phone in Brad's room, which luckily was lying on the floor in plain sight. April carefully picked it up and gave it to Daryl. Even more luckily, it worked.

"Call your parents," said Russell. "Tell them *not* to call the police. Then call 911 and tell them you think there's been an explosion. Don't tell them about April. Play dumb. Say you don't remember anything. You don't even know how you got here. Pretend you've got a concussion."

"I can do that," said Daryl, holding his head. "Can you dial my house?"

Russell dialed Daryl's house; he gave the phone to Daryl when he heard it ringing. He looked around for anything they might use to clothe April, but there wasn't much. He grabbed up some blankets that might could make a bikini top and loin cloth.

"You need to get into the woods, but I don't know what we should do with these jerks," he said to April.

Brad made a mad dash to get in his house, but April spotted him and grabbed him with one hand. Brad screamed like a baby and thrashed in her hand. April wasn't sure what to do with him. In spite of all he had done to her, she still didn't want to really hurt him. She looked around for something to help keep him quiet. She saw something out in the yard that could help her hold him, and saw a pair of his underwear, lying on the floor. April shifted Brad in her hand, so that she could use her thumb and forefinger behind his back, while still holding him. She picked up the underwear and ripped the elastic off.

"Here, Russ," she said. "Stuff this in his mouth and use the elastic to tie it in place."

Brad started to thrash about, to keep Russell from putting his shorts in hiss mouth, but April reached up between his legs and started squeezing.

"Open wide and hold still, or what's left'll look more like a pussy than a cock," said April.

Brad opened his mouth as wide as he could. He made a long "ahhh" sound, until Russell gagged him. He continued to make a muffled wail, until Russell finished, and April finally let up the pressure on his cock and nuts. Dave and Jeff watched this from up on the roof. Both of them decided to be as cooperative as possible.

"Would you believe it?" said Daryl. "My parents never checked on you. They just went straight to bed."

"What'd you tell them?" asked Russell.

"Not much," said Daryl. "I told them to burn that note and just play dumb, if the police ask them anything, and I'll explain when I get home. I don't know what I'm going to tell them then."

"Nothing!" said Russell. "Just… you have a concussion; the less they know the better. And they should stick with telling the police that they thought you were in bed."

Hearing sirens in the distance, April grabbed the long garden hose she saw in the back yard. She gave it a gentle tug, and it ripped off of the faucet. She wrapped it twice around Brad's chest, under his arms, and tied it in a granny knot behind his back. She then tied the two ends behind her neck, which left left Brad dangling on top of her chest, like a pendant. She then scooped Dave and Jeff up in her left hand, and bent over to give Daryl a big kiss. She used the hand holding to two boys to keep Brad from bumping into him.

"Thanks, Daryl," she said. "I'm going to do something really nice for you, as soon as I can. Just remember, you don't remember anything. You don't even know why you're at Brad's. If I can get back to normal, I don't want the Men in Black to come looking for me."

She grabbed Russell and ran off, into the woods.
Last edited by Xinunar on Thu Feb 03, 2022 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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And the Geek II.4

Post by Xinunar » Sun Dec 19, 2021 12:11 am

Geek II.4 - Into The Bush

April walked deep into the forest - over a hundred yards, to her, which was actually close to a mile. Brad's house backed to the National Forest, so the woods were deep and thick; the trees were so tall, a few of them were even over her head. The branches brushed against her, as she walked, but they felt soft as feathers to her. She knew they wouldn't feel like that to the boys, so she was very careful not to let any scratch Russell, and only a few scratched Brad, Dave and Jeff.


April found a clearing, of sorts. It was an area big enough for her to sit down, with only a little underbrush and a few small trees. There were several large trees surrounding it, tall enough that she would be hidden, if any nosy black helicopters flew by. April had always envied the pretty blonds and redheads. Her best friend, Missy, was a strawberry blond, and she was so pretty…. But tonight, she was glad she had dark skin and darker hair. She felt very well hidden in the forest.

She sat in a lotus position, with her legs loosely crossed. She hesitated to put the boys into the space between her legs; they'd be staring right at her pussy! She giggled at how daring she was being. She set the boys in her hands down on the ground between her legs. She reached behind her neck to untie the knot in the hose, but it had become so tight, she wound up breaking the hose. She set Brad down with the others.

Brad crumpled to the ground, but he didn't look hurt. Dave and Jeff looked up at her in terror. Their eyes darted to her pussy, but they immediately craned their heads back and stared at her face. Fear had focused their thoughts, so they were both thinking the same thing: They did *not* want her catching them with wandering eyes.

Russell looked up at her in awe, rather than terror. His eyes roamed over her body admiringly. He saw that her focus was on him, and she was smiling. She liked him looking at her, liked that he thought she was pretty. She had always been self-conscious of her B-cup breasts, so small and inadequate, compared to Missy's full-C's, going-on D's. But hers were a pretty shape, and now they were the biggest tits in the world! She swelled her chest, proudly.

Russell liked! She was magnificent, and he thought she looked even bigger than before. His eyes wandered inevitably downward, to the giant gash that was right in front of him.

"Ape-rill!" he said, embarrassed. He turned his head away.

"What?" asked April, innocently.

"You're over sharing…. A little," he said, shyly. April giggled.

"What a wuss," said Brad. He was sitting up now. He looked at April and Russell with different flavors of distain. April's body had no appeal to him, like this. And he was still afraid, but he had largely mastered it.

April frowned. "Russell's right," she said, covering her pussy with one hand. "I've given you guys enough of a free show. Time to pay the piper. I want you all to get naked - now."

Dave and Jeff froze in place.

Russell looked very uncomfortable. "April?" he pleaded.

Brad said, "No way. You can fuck yourself."

April scowled. "Yes, I can," she said. "And guess what I can fuck myself - with? Dickhead. Now, do you want to start minding me, like a good pet? Or do you want a demotion, from pet to toy?"

"You wouldn't da-" started Brad.

April, who was now sixty-six feet tall, reached out and pinched Brad's belt, on either side of his waist. He tried to push her away, but she barely even felt it. She pulled his pants and belt outward on either side of his hip. The tine of the belt cut into the leather, like a knife, and the belt split down the middle, from the tine hole, to the tip. The belt and pants broke in the back, and April kept pulling. Brad fell on his ass, as his legs were pulled wide apart.

"Wait! Wait!" he yelled. "I'll take them off! I'll take them off!"

April let go. "What are you guys waiting for?" she said to the others.

Dave, Jeff began taking off their clothes, as fast as they could. But April reached down and grabbed Russell before he could decide if she meant him too. She brought him up to her chest, and made her hands into a bed, with Russel on it.

Russell was lying on a large bed, made of very firm, but still soft flesh. One side of the bed pressed against the wall that was April's chest. On the wall, on either side of the bed, were April's huge tits.

"Russell Farber," she said. "If you don't get naked, right now, you are going to get the most expensive present I can afford, as a thank you gift, for rescuing me."

"Um? That's what I get, if I *don't* get naked?" he asked.

April nodded. "Instead of three wishes."

"Three wishes?" asked Russell.

"Uh huh. Three little pieces of paper, you can write whatever you want on: blowjob, bondage, anal…. Whatever you want."

Russell was out of his clothing in record time. April laughed.

With Russell naked in her hands, April looked at him closely. She brought him up to her face and kissed him. Her huge lips felt warm and surprisingly soft. Her kiss covered his face and neck and shoulder. She pulled back, and her tongue darted out; the tip of it brushed against his lips. He pushed his own tongue out and licked and sucked the tip of her tongue. April loved the feel of that, and she wiggled her tongue as delicately as she could - just a few millimeters, side to side, forward and back.

While kissing Russell, April looked down at the other boys and saw that they were all now naked. Brad had managed to get out of the hose she had tied around him, and it laid on the ground at their feet.

"Good," said April. "It looks like my pets can be trained, after all. You three line up for inspection and stand at attention."

They minded her. Daryl and Jeff stood sharply at attention, but Brad slouched and didn't look up at her. April decided not to waste time correcting him. She had something in mind that would take him down a peg, but first, she had business with her best friend. She let them stand there, while she turned her attention back to Russell.

"You know I'd never hurt you," she whispered, while pecking at his body with her lips.

"I know," said Russell, sounding a little less than certain.

Russell sat in April's hand, with his feet hanging over the edge of her palm. April brought him up to her mouth and licked his foot. He jerked in surprise, and then she licked the other one. After the initial surprise, Russell liked the feel of her giant moist tongue on the soles of his feet. April took both feet inside her mouth and massaged them with her tongue, as she worked her way up his legs, taking more and more of him into her mouth. The tip of her tongue flicked against his balls and cock. It was less than half an inch long to her, but it was hard, harder than Brad's had been.

April surprised herself, with the way she was acting. Yesterday, she was so meek. And today she felt so powerful. She could hardly believe it.

And Russell…. He had been so firmly in the friend zone, it was more like the brother zone. They had grown up right next door to each other. He was so like a brother to her, it made her ache to know that he wanted her in a different way than that. She felt like his barely-hidden desire was slowly pushing them apart. She hated it, but she didn't know what to do about it. She just didn't see him that way.

But this evening, she felt so warm and protected, so loved, when he rescued her from Brad. And then he rescued her again. And now she saw him in a whole new light. Now, he could be her… lover? Sweetheart? Yes, but she also wanted something else - like the way she felt with Brad, when he didn't go too far. No - the way she felt with Russell, when he had her alone in his car, and she knew that he would protect her and never hurt her - but he *could* stick her in a bird cage, if he wanted to. It was like he owned her. He was her… master.

She mulled that word over in her head. 'Master.' Yesterday, she would not have admitted she wanted one, or would ever accept one. She read 'The Story Of O' - five times? It turned her on, but she didn't think she *really* wanted to be like O. But she did want a guy with a dominant, *masterful*, personality - a guy like Brad. That was why Russ couldn't be her boyfriend - much more than because they grew up together. But Brad had showed her how much she really - really - wanted to be dominated, to be owned.

But not by Brad.

April wanted to be owned by someone nice, someone who deserved her. And when Russell rescued her - twice - he proved that he deserved her. Russell didn't have the kind of personality to make her his. But now, he didn't need to; she was already his. She gave herself to him, when he rescued her earlier. She felt owned by him now - *was* owned by him - even though he was about five inches tall to her.

She looked down at her new pets with a devilish grin, as she took Russell's waist into her mouth. Her pets helped her feel masterful, even though it was not really her nature. She was grateful to them. She didn't think she could ever be dominant, without tiny Brad and Dave and Jeff bringing out her dominant side, her mean side. And she needed this now, needed to explore this with Russ, to see if it was what he wanted. If it was, then she would gladly give it to him.

April continued to give Russell a most unusual blowjob. She teased, caressed, sucked - very carefully, very delicately - and pleasured him every way she knew how. She ran her tongue down and up the crack of his ass, cleaning him like a mama dog cleans her puppies. She let her tongue rub under and around his cock, pleasuring the entire cock at once, the way no normal tongue could. She hoped that made up for being unable to user her throat. She let her full, lush lips flutter softly against him. All, while she held him in her left hand and gently stroked his body with her right index and middle fingers.

"April… I… I can't hold it, much longer," said Russell. "I'm going to cum!"

April hummed contentedly. The vibrations massaged Russell's entire body, every inch of it, sending him over the top. His cum was such a tiny thing to April, like a drop or two, from an eye dropper. But it was ambrosia to her. So much better than Brad's. She and Russell relaxed contentedly, and she glanced down at her pets.

"I guess, you guys are tired of standing at attention, huh?" asked April. The three of them nodded.

"Okay, while Russell is taking a well-earned break, I want you guys to give me a little show. Make yourselves cum."

"April! I can't!" shouted Jeff. "A guy can't get hard, when he's really scared." Dave and Jeff agreed, meekly.

"What about you, Brad?" asked April.

Brad sneered. He wrapped his hand around his cock and began to stroke it. He looked at her casually, like she was a porn show, one that barely held his interest. But it was enough for him to cum. She had to give Brad this much: he was virile.

"You guys try to do like Brad," she said to Jeff and Dave. "Don't be scared. Try looking at my body; you both thought it was cute, earlier. If you can't do it… If you really try… I'll see what I can do to help."

Dave and Jeff looked relieved. They tried to follow Brad's example, with limited success.

"April, what are you doing?" asked Russell. "You really want to watch those jerks jerk off?"

"Yeah, I kinda' do," said April. "Pay back."

"Also," she whispered, "I have a neat idea."

April set Russell down and did a little housekeeping. She broke some of the smaller and medium-size trees and made a bed for herself. Russell didn't think the bed looked comfortable, just a bunch of leaf-covered branches. But then, he imagined that goose feathers looked like leaf-covered branches to April, a few hours ago. April broke one tree at about ten feet up and set her three pets on the log, ten feet in the air, where she could easily see them, when she laid down. She broke and twisted a few of the branches on the broken tree, so that the guys could stand on the log and hold on to one of the branches for balance.

She laid down and got comfortable to watch the show. She put Russell on her chest.

"Why don't you rest a bit? Get ready for round two," she said. "I know you're not interested in watching those jackoffs. I'm not really either. It's mostly just payback. Do you like the open air, or do you like my hand covering you?"

"Hand," said Russell. "It's a little chilly. And maybe you could put my shirt over my feet."

He rested his head on her left boob and started biting and sucking on her nipple. It was too big to fit in his mouth, but he was still able to make April writhe and moan in pleasure. Pretty soon, he felt recovered from his orgasm and had another erection.

April was a little disappointed when Dave and Jeff drained their nuts, even though it was cool that they came almost together - her little synchronized swimmers. She had more than half hoped that they would need help, so she could order Brad to help them - with his mouth! But maybe it was for the best. She expected she would have had to inflict some pain on him before she could get him to do that, and she wasn't really good at the cruelty stuff.

"Feel adventurous?" she asked Russell.

Russell was nervous. He wanted to say, yes, but he was afraid his voice would crack, and he wouldn't sound cool. So, he scooted over to the side of her chest and positioned himself to slide down. He held onto her nipple to keep from sliding off.

"Help me down," he whispered. "It's about a ten-foot drop." When he felt her fingers touching him, he let go of her nipple, trusting that she would slow his slide.

Russell landed in the pile of branches April was using for a bed.

"Rats. That would have been cooler if you were lying on solid ground," said Russel. He climbed out of the branches and headed down towards April's hip. He ran his hand down her side, as he walked, which made April shiver. She loved his touch, and she loved his new take-charge attitude. He was being so bold with her now - now that he knew she wouldn't bolt like a shy filly, if he tried to kiss her.

"Lift your leg," he said. "Unless you want to wait, while I walk all the way around it."

April giggled and lifted her leg high enough that Russell could walk under it. She also splayed her legs open.

Russell walked under her leg, running his hand along it, as he did. He wanted to rub her bottom, but he didn't want to ask her to lift her legs that high.

He approached her labia reverently. It was beautiful - like a giant black orchid. With nothing but the moon to see by, her dark-caramel skin looked truly black, but he could still see the delicate folds. She was damp, making her skin glisten in the moonlight. He rubbed his hands over her labia majora, while he kissed and sucked her labia minora. Of course, he could only suck little pieces of it. But he ran his tongue over it, in long swipes. At first, this dried out his tongue, but then she began to get wet - very wet. Russell loved the taste of her. He pushed her open so he could bury his head between her folds and lick and suck and bite her clitoris.

April screamed. Car alarms went off in the distance. Her back arched, and Russell had to back up, or risk getting crushed. Brad, Jeff and Dave watched in awe. They were temporarily deaf.

"Russell? You okay?" she asked, after a few minutes.

"More than okay," said Russell.

April sat up. "I want you inside me," she said.
Last edited by Xinunar on Fri Feb 04, 2022 4:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Geek II.5 Getting Small

Post by Xinunar » Sun Dec 19, 2021 8:22 pm

"I want you inside me," said April.

"April!" said Russell. "If I was inside you, when you came like that, I'd be crushed!"

"I won't cum, with you inside me," said April. "I'll pull out - promise."

April giggled.

"Yeah. You joke," said Russell. "That is what a guy always says - right before he makes a girl pregnant. But you won't make me pregnant. I'll be dead."

"No, Russell. It'll be just like when you were in my mouth. I won't cum, or squeeze, or…. or anything. I just, I just want you to be the first one in me. Please?"

Russell sighed. "Like before, with your mouth?"


"Let me sit on your hand and get situated," he said. "Hey, grab somebody's shirt and spit on it, so I can wipe my feet off."

April grabbed Brad's shirt and spit on it before giving it to Russell. She let him climb into her hand, and he wiped his feet. "You're so good to me," she said.

"Yeah, yeah," said Russell. "Get me closer."

Russell pushed his foot into her vagina, then added his other foot. April moaned softly.

Russell found that her vagina was plenty roomy enough; it was just very awkward trying to go in this way.

"Hey, April, I've got an idea," he said. "Give me that garden hose."

April cocked an eyebrow, but she gave him the hose. Russell tied a simple knot in it, at about seven feet, and slipped his foot into the loop there. He sucked on the end of the hose. It was hard to draw any air.

"Maybe break it a few feet past the knot, so I don't have to draw air through so much hose," said Russell.

"Are you really going to do it?" asked April. She broke the hose about ten feet past the knot. She didn't think he needed that much - but someone else might. This was the shorter section of hose, from when she had to break it to get it off her neck.

"In for a penny," said Russell. "If I kick with the hose leg, that means help me out. If I kick with the other leg, help me go deeper."

He pushed his way into her vagina, head first. He was glad she didn't have a hymen; he wondered where she lost it, but decided he shouldn't ask. He kicked with his free leg, and April pushed his bottom with her finger. Soon Russell was completely inside her. He struggled to draw breath through the hose, but it was worth it. 'Where no man has gone before,' he thought to himself. The walls of April's vagina pressed against him, but they were soft and yielding. Russell moved about, so she could feel him, then he signaled for her to pull him out.

"That was wild!" he said.

"Did you have plenty of room?" asked April.

"Lots. I mean, it was kind of like being in a sleeping bag, but one made for two people to be able to snuggle."

"How about three people?" Asked April.

Russell froze. Then he smiled broadly. "Yeah, there's probably enough room. It went way back, past where I was. But you'll want to give a longer hose to whoever goes first."

"No!" shouted Brad. "No way!"

"I'm not doing that, either," said Dave. He started trying to climb down from the high perch they were on.

April grabbed Brad with one hand and Dave with her other. She sat back down, cross legged, a few feet away from Russell. She placed the two jocks between her legs and grabbed the other one off his perch.

"Oh, you are going in," said April. "The only question is, do I shove you in, or do you go nice and gentle, like Russell did?"

She gave them a minute to think about it, while she readied some hoses.

"Why do you even want us to go there?" asked Brad.

"Why did you want me on your cock, while you jerked off" April asked, angrily. "Now, get in there, before I just start shoving."

Brad pushed his way in, much as Russell had, followed by Dave, who helped push brad in deeper. Finally, Jeff pushed in, after Dave. April had him stiffen his legs, and she pushed him in by his feet, like she was giving him a boost. She was so wet by then, that Jeff slid up next to Dave. Their faces were pressed into Brad's crotch, which they hated worse than being in April's vagina.

With all three guys inside her, April took a deep, relaxing breath. She felt like she could finally let go of the anger she had towards the three of them. She was already sitting in the lotus pose, so she placed her hands on her knees, palms up, with her middle fingers lightly touching her thumbs. She took deep breaths. And every time she breathed out, she got smaller. Soon, she was back to her normal height.

"Oh my God!" said Russell. "They…. Are they okay, in there?"

"I think so," said April. "They probably didn't even feel anything. It just makes me a little lightheaded. I doubt they noticed that, with everything else going on."

"Let's get them out of there," said Russell. He looked at the three hoses, coming out of April's snatch. They narrowed sharply, where they entered her, like they had been stretched out. He could not tell which hose went to which jock.

April reached inside herself with two fingers. She found a foot, and slowly pulled until Dave plopped out, onto the ground. She did the same with Jeff. The two guys lay on the ground, panting heavily, catching their breath. April stood up, careful not to step on them. She strode over to Russell and wrapped her arms around him. They were all still naked.

"Hey," she said, "I've got an idea."

Russell grinned. His cock was already getting hard again. April bent over and helped make it grow faster. At her normal size, April was so petite, Russell could lift her easily and set her down on his cock. As he pushed into her and let her come down onto his hips, he felt the string-like hose slide against his cock. Then he felt something that had to be Brad. He pulled slowly on the hose until Brad slid down beside his cock. Brad flailed and pushed against his cock. This gave Russell the physical and mental stimulation he needed to cum.

He kissed April fiercely, while she was wrapped around his waist, and his cock shrank inside her.

"You are mine!" he said.

"Yes!" she breathed.

He kissed her again and bit her lip. "You are *not* giving me three wishes!" he said.


"You are giving me all the wishes I want," said Russell. "You are mine!"

"Yes! Yes!!" April yelled orgasmically. She shrank an inch with each yell.

Russell pulled back from her, and they both stared at each other, in surprise.

"Get him out!" said Russell.

He set April down and tugged on the hose until Brad slid out and fell into his hand. He was covered in Russell's and April's cum. Russell and April walked over to a pile of clothes, and Russell wrapped Brad in Brad's own underwear. He did this one-handed because he would not release April's hand. If she was going to shrink even more, he was going to make sure he had her in his hands. He wouldn't risk her getting lost in the leaves.

Brad had been shocked, when the enormous cock slid into April's pussy with him. 'They're both size changers!' he thought. It made a kind of sense, when he thought about it. They were aliens, or something. That made more sense to him than a cute black girl hanging with a ginger-haired dweeb.

He was grossed out and humiliated when the giant cock slid against him, especially when the head pressed into his face and started spouting cum. But he was hard, too. Something about being part of a couple of giants' lovemaking made him feel week, and hot, and excited. Then they pulled him out. He fell into the giant's hand, and they wrapped him in some kind of rough fabric.

Dave and Jeff yelled and begged for April to make them big again, but Russell and April ignored them. Russel sat down next to a tree and held April in his lap.

"It's okay," he said. "I've got you. Even if you shrink again, everything will be all right. Your parents will still love you. I'll still love you. Missy will still be your friend; she's used to you being tiny."

"Ugg," groaned April. "She'll make even more fun of my tiny tits."

"Does that bitch make fun of your tiny…. I mean, does she make fun of you?" asked Russell.

"She just teases," said April. "Did you say you love me?"

"Duh," said Russell. "I've always loved you. I'll love you, no matter what. I loved you as Giant Girl, and I loved you as Arrietty. Gosh Shawn was an idiot. I would have never let you move to another house. I would have kept you safe forever."

"Really?" asked April. She nibbled on his chin and settled back against him. It had been a long, long day. April relaxed and shrank back down to five and a half inches tall.

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Re: And the Geek II

Post by AB23 » Tue Dec 21, 2021 7:16 pm

Awwww. Is Brad smaller than April is now though?

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Re: And the Geek II

Post by Xinunar » Tue Dec 21, 2021 10:43 pm

AB23 wrote:
Tue Dec 21, 2021 7:16 pm
Awwww. Is Brad smaller than April is now though?
No. April is 5.5" 1/12 her original height. With Brad in her, she shrank from 66' (792") to 5'4 (64") a factor of 12.375. Brad was 6'1, so now he is 5.9". He was 1" taller than Jeff and Brad. He is now 1/12" shorter.

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Re: And the Geek II

Post by AB23 » Tue Jan 04, 2022 7:26 pm

Any chance of a continuation of this? It's a very good story.

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Re: And the Geek II

Post by Xinunar » Tue Jan 04, 2022 11:52 pm

AB23 wrote:
Tue Jan 04, 2022 7:26 pm
Any chance of a continuation of this? It's a very good story.
Thank you! To be honest, I've been disappointed with the lack of feedback. But I do have another chapter mostly finished.

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Geek II.6 School Days

Post by Xinunar » Wed Jan 05, 2022 5:49 pm

Russell gathered up the three tiny guys, along with about half the clothes. He had to leave some of the clothes behind; it was just too much to carry on a mile hike back to the road. The guys were buried inside the bundle of clothes, and April sat on top of it. She sat with her lower half inside a shirt sleeve. After a few minutes, she pulled it up around her and settled down for a nap. Inside the bundle, the three guys yelled, pleaded and threatened for April to grow them back, but their voices were muted and didn't bother April or Russell.

Approaching the road, they could see the flashing lights from police cars and fire trucks at the Michaels'. Russell and April were glad that the car was a few blocks away from it. When they got to the car, they were surprised to find Daryl sleeping in the back seat.

"Dude, you were supposed to go to the hospital!" said Russell.

"I'm fine," said Daryl, sounding weak. "I didn't want to be part of all that. April, you're small again!"

"Yeah, and guess who else is," she said.

Russell set the bundle down in the passenger seat and put the tee shirt with April in it into his lap. Daryl saw the bundle of clothes. It took him a moment to think why they had a bundle of clothes. He figured it out when he saw Dave wiggle his way out of the bundle.

"No way!" he exclaimed.

- - - -

"You better have one hell of an excuse," said Jack Farber, as soon as Russell stepped into the den. His mother, Marie, and April's parents, Wil and Pam Watson, were also there, glaring at him.

"April got kidnapped, and we had to rescue her," said Russell. He had a tee shirt in his hands, with April hidden inside it.

"Hi," said Daryl, coming in behind him. He headed back to Russell's room to put the jocks, still buried inside a bundle of clothes, in Russell's gerbil cage.

"That… would do," said Jack. "What?"

"What!" exclaimed Pam and Will together. Pam jumped out of her chair. "Where is she? Is she okay?"

Wil glared at Russell suspiciously.

"She's fine, but uh, you might want to sit back down," said Russell.

"I will NOT sit down!" said Pam.

April stood up, in the middle of the shirt sleeve, holding one side of it in front of her. "Hi Mom. Hi Dad," she said. She waved at them with one hand, while holding the cloth in front of her with the other.

Russell grinned because he could see her cute tush.

Pam sat down. Then she leaned forward to peer at April in disbelief.

"Mom," said Russell, "could you go borrow one of Jenna's Brat's outfits for April? She's kind if naked, right now." He sat down in a chair near Pam Watson. He pulled the other side of the sleave up to cover April's bottom. If the 'rents hadn't been there, he wouldn't have done that; he could stare at April's tush for hours.

April recounted what had happened to her. She glossed over some parts; she didn't go into any details about how Brad treated her, other than that he molested her and wouldn't let her go. She got to when she fainted, when Russell first got her away from Brad, and let Russell tell his part of the story from there.

"I hated scaring her like that," said Russell. "But I had to make Brad and his crew think I just wanted in." He continued his narration from there.

"Why didn't you bring her straight home?" asked Wil. He held himself rigidly in his seat. He was angry, but he knew he should hear Russell's side before he reacted.

"I… don't know, exactly," Russell admitted, hanging his head because he knew he should have. "My heart was pounding a hundred beats a minute, and April was lying there unconscious, and I wasn't sure if I should take her home or to the hospital, and I didn't know if you and Mrs. Watson would be home, and I just needed to catch my breath."

Wil settled back in his seat. He could understand that.

Russell felt ashamed of himself. What he said was true - mostly. But the biggest reason he had pulled off the road with April was just to spend time with April. She looked so cute lying there, unconscious, vulnerable and adorable. And he wanted her to wake up with him - not in a hospital bed, and not back home with her parents. He had rescued her, and he wanted to be the first person she saw when she woke up. He knew that was selfish of him, and he didn't want to confess that selfishness to April's parents.

He continued to tell his part of the story, up to the point where a gigantic April exploded into the room. April took over the story from there, again glossing over… a few things.

"Then I held the three guys - uh, in my lap, and I started to shrink; and when I got back to normal, they were as small as I had been, about six inches tall. I set Dave and Jeff down, but I held on to Brad to, uh, have a talk with him. But then I felt myself shrinking again, so I set Brad down, because I didn't really want to make him the size of a bug."

"I do," said Pam Watson, fiercely.

"I want to kill them, all of them," said Wil. "Where are they?"

"No, Dad," said April. "They're being punished enough. And we already gave them to Daryl, as his reward for rescuing me, so we can't do anything to them, now. They belong to him."

"Daryl?" asked Marie Farber. "What's he going to do with them?"

They looked over at Daryl, who was standing in the entryway to the hall, leading to the bedrooms.

"Keep them for decoration, mostly," he said, "and pets. I've got a fifty-gallon fish tank in my room, but the fish all died. They'll look good there - much better than fish."

The adults all stared at him.

"I know he's a jerk, but Brad is sooo gorgeous," said Daryl. "Dave and Jeff aren't half-bad either."

He shrugged sheepishly. Wil and Pam smiled. They were satisfied with the arrangement.

- - -

"You don't think the Michaels know who you were?" asked Jack.

"I don't think so, we both wore hoodies and I looked down, when I talked to them. like I was shy," said Russell.

"I'm sure Mrs. Michaels hardly noticed me," said Daryl, "and I kept my head down too."

"They looked right at me," said April. "But it was dark, and I was huge, and they wouldn't know me anyway. They probably think it was an alien."

"Or a demon," said Daryl. "Not that you look like a demon, but when you were fifty-feet tall, and back-lit by moonlight, you were pretty scary looking. Hot as Hell, but scary."

"I thought you were gay," said Wil.

"Hot is hot," said Daryl.

They talked late into the night. April tried several times to grow again, but with no luck.

"We should try again later, at my cousin's farm," said Marie.

"Why would she have any better luck there?" asked Jack.

"She might be afraid that she'll overshoot and wind up fifty feet tall again," she said. "That fear could be holding her back. Outside, with us all standing way back, she can relax and not worry about it."

That night, April slept in a make-shift bed, in a shoe box, beside her parent's bed. They called the school and said she was sick. Mrs. Watson stayed home for two days to take care of her, and that weekend they went to Marie's cousin's farm. Marie told her cousin that Russell wanted to launch a homemade rocket. The rocket was just a dummy, but April sat in a box beside it, on a picnic table, in the middle of a field - and tried to make herself grow.


That evening, the Farber's had the Watson's back over for dinner. They knew their neighbors had to be stressed, trying to deal with this. Pam Watson looked like she hadn't slept in days.

"We'll keep trying, of course," said Wil, "but I don't know what are we going to do, in the meantime. Pam and I both work; we can't take many more days off, right now. But I can't stand the thought of leaving her at home, all alone. Also, April is going stir crazy. I hate to say it, but she might be better off in some kind of facility, than to be a prisoner in her own home, indefinitely. We could go public. Say nothing about the boys, of course; but if April is a celebrity, the government won't dare lock her in a lab. I don't like it, but we're running out of options."

"I could take care of her," said Russell.

"The hell you will," said Wil.

"While you're at school?" asked Jack, dismissively.

"Yeah…. Wait, I've got to get something," said Russell. He ran to his room to grab something. As soon as he opened his door, Dave, Jeff and Brad started shouting to get his attention. He gave barely a glance at the three naked boys in his old gerbil cage. He hoped Daryl would get them some clothes before the next time he visited, at least loin cloths or something. Or he could just toss a cloth over the cage; that would work.

"Notice anything?" asked Russell. He stood in the middle of the group, held his arms out and turned around slowly. No one saw any difference.

Russell reached into his shirt and pulled out a hard-plastic glasses case. He reached his hand down to April, and she climbed into it, from her mother's lap. Her mother was surprised that she went to Russell so readily. If she was shrunk to five inches tall, she'd want her mommy!

Russell put April in the case and held it up for people to see how roomy it was. April pressed her hands against the plastic, in a classic terror pose, and yelled, "Help! Help! Let me out!" She was obviously playing, but Russell handed her back to her mother because the woman looked so anxious.

"Is she supposed to stand up all day?" asked Wil Watson. "Or lie down?"

"I'll put two together, with plenty of air holes, and a mat and cushions down at the bottom, so she can stand up OR lie down. She'll be more comfortable in class than I am," said Russell. "And the hard plastic will protect her from any accidental bumps."

"No way," said Wil. "I'm not having a sixteen-year-old boy keeping my daughter under his shirt all day."

"But Daddeee!" April cried. "Russell wouldn't let anybody hurt me. Shouldn't this be my decision?"

"No. You're sixteen too," said Wil.

"Grandma was already married when she was my age - and pregnant with you," she said.

"That was a different time," said Wil.

"I don't know, dear," said Pam. "April has special circumstances."

"I'll take real good care of her, Mr. Watson," said Russell. "I'd never let anyone hurt her."

Wil knew he was fighting a losing battle. He saw the looks of love pass between the two kids. Russell had crushed on his daughter for years, but she hardly even seemed to notice. 'Ha! She's still Daddy's girl,' he had thought. But he always knew it was only a matter of time before this boy or the next knocked him off the top of the hill.

Wil changed his position from objecting to negotiating. He wanted to make sure that Russell was taking every precaution and would attend to April's comfort, but especially safety. He and Pam weren't thrilled about the arrangement, but they didn't see many options. This way, she could keep up with her classes, for however long it took before she got back to normal, and she'd be able to talk to Russell throughout the day, and to Daryl at lunch time. April also wanted her best friend to be included, but her parents asked her to wait a bit before telling anyone else.

The following Monday morning, Pam had to get back to work; Russell came to get April about twenty minutes before the bus was due. He showed them the carrying case his mother had made. Marie Farber had worked through the weekend, making things for April. She did a lot of crafts, as a hobby. She sewed, and had experience melting and molding plastic to make artificial flower arrangements. The case was made of clear plastic, about seven inches by seven inches. The back was slightly curved, to fit snugly against Russell's chest and abdomen. The front was more curved, so that the case was almost two inches thick in the middle, but less than an inch thick on the sides. There was a quarter-inch-thick mat on the bottom and several cushions that would help April be comfortable. She also sewed several button holes in one of Russell's shirts, so April would be able to see out.

Pam Watson gave Russell a note, to give to the school, saying that April still had the flu.

April's first day back at school was mostly uneventful. There was a lot of talk about the three jocks who went missing. Brad had been BMOC, so most of it was about him. Also, half his house had been destroyed, and the papers said it was a gas explosion, but the neighbors said it didn't sound like an explosion, more like a tree falling on the roof. And the boys were just missing - no bodies in the wreckage. The Michaels weren't talking to anyone. The news report said this was unusual, but they didn't speculate.

There wasn't any talk of a giant girl.

"That could be good, or it could be bad," said Daryl. He and Russell were apparently sitting by themselves, in the lunch room. They kept their voices down. But they weren't at all suspicious looking; everyone was speculating about what happened. "Maybe no one believed them, or maybe they even thought it was a hallucination. But maybe the men in black are looking into it and told them to stay mum."

"The Men In Black," said April, giggling. Her voice came from Russell's chest, sounding like he had a tiny cheap speaker there.

"Hey, it's not like in the movies, but the men in black are real. Black helicopters are real."

"And giant black girls," said April.

"Yeah. Huh," said Daryl.

"I wonder what kind of footprints she left," said Russell.

"Hey, I'm right here," said April.

"People will get suspicious, if I'm always talking into my chest," he said into his chest.

"Maybe you should put me in your pants," said April. "Then people will just think you're talking to your willy: 'Grow. Grow. Come on, Grow!'"

Daryl and Russell laughed.

"Still no luck with that? Growing, that is?" asked Daryl.

"Do I look like I had any luck with it?" asked April.

"I can't see you," said Daryl. "You could be like eight inches under there, for all I know."

A guy passing by shot Daryl a look.

"And it would be none of my business," said Daryl, more loudly. The guy walked on, and Daryl dropped his head against his chest.

"I wonder if it's kind of like that," said Russell. "I mean, April's impotence joke. I can't 'grow' whenever I want to; I have to be horny."

"Which you are, just about all the time," said April.

"You just think that because I am, whenever I'm around you," said Russell.

"Aww," said April.

"Will you guys get a room?" asked Daryl.

"Anyway," said Russell. "Maybe it's the same way for April. Maybe she just needs to be in the right mood, or have the right stimulation. She got giant sized, when she was angry…."

"Maybe we can all get beat up again, and April will spring forth and save us," said Daryl.

Imagining that, April felt the falling sensation that she now associated with changing size. She suddenly remembered where she was. If she grew now, she might crush Russell! The feeling left, as quick as it came. She told Russell and Daryl what happened. This was exciting news, and they decided to experiment with it later - when they weren't in a crowded lunchroom.

Pam and Wil Watson were stressed. Obviously, they were worried about April. What if she never grew back? What should they do?

"Maybe we should take her to see someone," said Wil. "If she has some mental control over it, and it certainly sounds like she does, a psychiatrist might be able to help her. Maybe hypnosis, or something."

"Yeah," Pam agreed. "I just don't know who we could trust. Anyone who sees April is going to see fame and dollar signs - or scientific discovery or patriotism, or some such nonsense. None of those end well for our little girl."

"And we're letting a sixteen-year-old boy take her to high school, tucked under his shirt?" said Wil.

"What are we supposed to do, keep her in a bird cage, while we're at work?" asked Pam.

"Who says she needs to be in a cage?" asked Wil.

"We've had rats get in this house before," said Pam, "and a raccoon. She can't use the phone if there's a fire, or even if she just needs help. And there are twelve people who know about her, and two others who saw her, even if they don't believe what they saw. I wake up five times a night to check on her, and that's with her sleeping on our dresser; I'd be a wreck if she was all the way over in her room. She needs constant protection. And I trust Russell."

"Yeah. He's a good kid," Wil grumbled. The Farbers had lived next door since Russell and April were toddlers. Russell used to sleep over, on a regular basis. He was almost a part of the family. Almost.

"Speaking of her sleeping on the dresser…," said Wil.

"I know," said Pam.

"I need some relief!"

"I know!" said Pam. "So do I!"

"We could let her sleep over at Russell's," said Pam.

"The hell we could," said Wil.

"They used to do it all the time."

"When they were pre-teens!"

"Either we trust him with her or we don't," said Pam. "They've got a good three hours, unsupervised, before we get home in the evenings. What could he do, at night, that he couldn't do then?"

"Guys think different at night," said Wil. "End of a long day…. End of a long day, hanging out with his cute girlfriend, he's going to need relief, just like I do. Think he's going to settle for jacking off, with April sitting on his bedside table? And how could he even do that, without her noticing? And what if she gets pregnant?"

"He's not getting her pregnant," said Pam. "But if he does, he'll marry her."

Wil ignored her self-contradiction. "You want our daughter to get married at sixteen?"

"If she can't grow back, I want her to have a protector," said Pam. "One I trust. One who's devoted to her. Can you see her dating any other boys, in her condition?"

"No…," said Wil.

"Let me talk to Marie about the possibility of sleepovers," said Pam. "If she'll allow it, we'll set some ground rules."

Russell and April could hardly believe their parents were letting them have a sleepover. They had put a stop to that, when they were about ten. The new rules were freaky, but still… April would be in his bedroom - all night!

The first rule was that his door would be left open, at least three inches. His parents would be able to peek in on them, and they would hear if they got rowdy - or passionate. That was bad enough, but the second rule was that April would be sleeping in a cage!

It wasn't a very strong cage; it would fall apart if April grew too big for it. And there was no lock on the door. But there was an electric bell, that would ring in his parents' room, if the door was opened, and actual bells all over the cage, that would ring if it was jostled. The cage would be anchored to Russell's bedside table with a bicycle lock.

April yelled at her parents, when she saw the cage. How could they dare do such a thing to her? She was not an animal. She was not a prisoner. She was not a slave! Her father looked down at his feet and said nothing. Her mother simply said that she didn't have to go to Russell's, if she didn't want to, but if she did, this was where she'd be sleeping. She explained that it was not just to limit their opportunities for hanky panky, but was for her safety. The idea that someone could slip into Russell's room and grab April, without him even knowing it, terrified Pam and Wil.

The weird thing was, even though she yelled and whined about it to her parents, when they weren't looking, April looked like she kind of liked it. Russell guessed that it made her feel more secure, even if it was humiliating. But out of the corner of his eye, she didn't just look okay with it, she looked turned on by it.

Standing on Russell's bedside table, April eyed the cage suspiciously. April wore a simple dress that Russell's mother made for her. The doll-sized girl had gotten Marie's crafting energies going; it was a joy to make tiny clothes for her. She remembered what a help Pam and even Wil had been, when Jenna was born. With all that was going on, the Watsons had to be stressed half out of their minds, so the Farbers were happy to help out. In less than two weeks, since the shrinking, Jack had already fired up the grill three times - which, as Marie recalled, had been Wil's main contribution, when she was expecting Jenna.

She looked at the cage warily, but also embarrassed and maybe even excited. Russell would never admit that he was looking forward to seeing her in it. It wasn't like he was going to lock her in, or anything. It was just…. Damn, it was going to look hot! He wondered if he could talk her into posing in it, while he took some pictures.

"Why didn't you want to tell your parents that you felt like you were growing earlier?" asked Russell. They had a couple of hours, after school, before his mother would be home. This was why Russell thought it was dumb for his and April's parents to worry about them doing something at night. He had plenty of time to do whatever he wanted to do with April, right now.

"I didn't want to get their hopes up, for one thing," said April. "Or give them any reason to change their minds about me spending the night. Also, if it's controlled by my feelings, I thought we could explore our feelings a little better without them around."

"That sounds like a good idea," said Russell. He ran his finger up and down her side.

April's dress was made of the softest silk Russell's mother could find, because she knew the material would seem twelve times thicker and courser to April. The sheer silk felt like a puff of air against Russell's finger. With no bra or panties, and the thin fabric clinging to her skin, she could have just about been naked. The side of his finger rubbed down from April's shoulder, while she steadied herself by holding onto his thumb. As he went lower, he curled his finger to rub her bum with his fingertip. April hummed contentedly and leaned forward, so her silk-covered breasts rubbed against the pads of his thumb.

"I… don't think that's helping," said April between deep breaths.

"You could've fooled me," said Russell, as he ran his finger back up to her shoulder. The dress lifted with his finger, and he caught a peek of her milk-chocolate colored bottom before it dropped back down. Russell had seen April fully naked, so many times in the past two week, he was surprised a little peek was still such a thrill to him. But it was. It so was.

"No, I mean not helping me get big again," said April. "You're making me like being small too much."

"Hum, let's see," said Russell. "You got big, when you got angry and aggressive. Maybe we need to get you a little bit angry."

April asked, "How do you meemf?" But Russell squeezed his thumb and finger together, so his thumb pressed her from the front and his finger from the back, and he lifted her dress right over her head, leaving her completely naked.

"Russell!" she yelled. She blushed and tried to cover her tits and pussy with her hands.

Russell dropped the dress and went back to stroking her with his finger. This time, he didn't just use one finger; all four fingers ran lightly around April's back. Lightly to Russell, that is. April had to grab his thumb for balance. Russell pulled his thumb down and away from her, making April bend over and thrust out her bottom. Russell slid his pinky up and down the crack of her ass. He could feel wetness, as the side of his finger brushed against her taint. He crooked his finger upwards to rub her pussy from the back.

"Russellll," she complained, between moans and sighs. "Oh, Russell, no…." Her protests were weak and meaningless. She knew that if she yelled at him sharply, he would stop. She tried to do that, but oh! Yesss. No, she shouldn't. Ahh, yes. That was the spot.

Russell's pinky felt like a man's leg to April. There was no way he could penetrate her, but it slid between her lips and brushed against her clit. She thrust herself against it. It was almost enough. Almost…. Russell brought his index finger around, to rub her right tit and used his thumb to rub her left. To April, it was almost like he was standing behind her, bringing his knee up between her legs and rubbing her tits with each hand. She bent down and bit the side of his thumb, bit it hard.

Russell could feel the bite. He wondered if it would leave a mark. He hoped so. A little eighth-inch crescent on the side of his thumb, to remind him that this was real. Something that, even if she broke up with him later, she could never take away. April bit down even harder, as she came. Then she slumped into his hand.

Russell carefully reached into the cage, with April in his hand, and placed her on the tiny bed there. Silently, he thanked his mother for her attention to detail. The bed looked like a bed, with silk sheets and silk-covered pillows. He thought about putting her under the cover, but that would have been difficult, with one hand. And she just looked so pretty, lying naked, on top of the covers. The light-blue silk made a perfect background for her light-brown skin. He closed the door of the cage and grabbed his camera.

Shrink Aprentice
Shrink Aprentice
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Joined: Sat Jan 01, 2022 12:02 am

Re: And the Geek II

Post by ralgar » Thu Jan 06, 2022 1:07 am

well that was interesting and i do hope there will be more.

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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Joined: Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:23 am

Geek II.7 Pets

Post by Xinunar » Sun Jan 09, 2022 2:23 am

“Russell! What are you doing?” April yelled. Seeing him taking pictures of her quickly snapped her out of her post-cum bliss.

“Capturing the moment,” said Russell.

“Are you crazy? I’m stark naked! I just came! And I’m in a cage!”

“I know!” said Russell. “It’s the hottest thing ever! You look fantastic!”

He snapped picture after picture.

“God, you look so pretty,” he said, in an awe-filled quiet voice.

That brought April up short. She had been about to lay into him, and then he said that. And he looked at her like… like she wasn’t just a pretty girl, or a pretty naked girl. It was like she was the most precious thing in the world to him.

“Come on, April,” he said. “Do some sexy poses. You’re in a bird cage! You’re my tiny slave girl.”

“Russell, stop,” she said, with a voice that was both irritated and playful.

“Make me,” said Russell. “Come on. Bust out of that cage.”

“Are you trying to make me mad, so I’ll get big?” she asked.


“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Well, you’re really cute like this. I kind of just want to keep you this way forever.”

“Russell!” April whined and tried to cover more of herself with her hands and arms. But she also blushed and had to hide a grin.

“I can’t help it,” said Russell. “I feel like I have to be honest with you. It’s an amazing turn on, having you in a cage like this, having you tiny. It’s almost as good as hanging out with you and doting on you. And with you completely in my power, I feel like I can say things like this, when I never could before. And if you get upset about it, I can laugh it off, as trying to help you get big again.”

“Well, I’m not laughing,” said April, sullenly. “You’re being mean.”

Russell slumped. “I’m sorry, April. Here….”

Russell opened the door to the cage and handed April another dress. He figured she probably didn’t want to put back on the one she’d been wearing all day. This was a very sheer, white cami with whiter dots on it. They looked like bubbles, rising in a fish tank, with a white background. The contrast made April look even darker than she normally did. It was very low cut, in the front, and showed miles of cleavage. Well, an inch of cleavage, but it looked like miles on April’s tiny body.

Russell silently thanked his mother. He wondered if she realized how much of April a one-inch plunge would show. She was having a hard time fitting the tiny girl. The breast cups on the dress were another example. They should be acting like a built-in bra, holding April’s breasts up. But they were too big. The cups were a fraction of an inch below April’s breasts, giving no support at all. Fortunately, April’s breasts, weighing about a thousandth of a pound, didn’t need any support; and the large cups gave the illusion that April’s tits were bigger than they were. Not that Russell minded April’s small (now tiny) titties, but the illusion did look good on her.

“You know I’d never, ever want to make you unhappy, don’t you?” he asked.

“You wouldn’t?” she asked, pouting. “You’re not just like Brad, wanting to keep me as a tiny plaything?”

“Well…. How do I answer that?” he asked. “I can’t help it that you turn me on like this – even more than you used to.”

“Oh?” said April, climbing into Russell’s hand. “Having a tiny slave girl turns you on?”

“You're not my slave girl,” said Russell. “But you would make a very cute one.”

“Cute?” asked April. She got up on her knees and knelt on Russell’s hand, with her hands behind her back, and thrust her chest forward. “Cute is what you call this?”

“No.” Russell croaked. “Gorgeous!” He reached out to touch her, like he couldn’t believe she was real. She pressed her head against his fingertip and smiled up at him.

Image (**Illustration courtesy of McShrinker)
April had smiled at Russell many times, and recently she even gave him what looked like shy looks of love – if he could dare hope. But she had never given him a look like this one before. It mixed love and even adoration with raw sensuality. And she looked so beautiful and so happy that Russell was frozen in place.

“It is kind of exciting, isn’t it?” asked April.

“Yeah,” Russell agreed. “But aren’t you scared?”

“Not when you’re holding me,” said April.

“No. I mean scared that you’ll be stuck like this,” said Russell.

“Stuck like what? You just said I was cute and adorable. There are worse ways to be stuck,” said April.

“Yeah, of course you are. But you were that already,” said Russell.

“But am I more cute now, or less?”

“I don’t think I should answer that,” said Russell.

“You already did,” said April. “You said, seeing me like this really turns you on.”

“Yeah…. But aren’t you afraid you won’t be able to do things like everybody else?” asked Russell.

“Who wants to be ordinary?” said April.

“And you’re not worried about living in bird cage, on my dresser?” he asked.

“I’m sure you’ll let me out, from time to time,” she said.

“Heh. Yeah, I think I’ll let you out right now,” said Russell. With one finger, he pushed her dress down and back at her cleavage, letting her breasts pop out.

“Russell!” she squealed.

“Yes?” He reached under her dress and lightly stroked her kitty. He hoped his mother never got around to making her any underwear.

“You’re being very naughty,” she said, pressing her pussy against his finger.

“You like me naughty,” said Russell. “You had me deep in the friends zone before I started being naughty. You were chasing bad guys like Brad.”

“I wasn’t chasing him,” said April. “I was just longing for him.”

She was breathing hard and having difficulty talking, with Russell practically lifting her off his hand with one finger. Russell saw her almost lose her balance. He curled the hand she knelt on, to press his fingers against her back. He massaged her back, with three fingers of his right hand, while he rubbed her pussy with his left index finger. April moaned and undulated in his hand.

“And jerks like Brad are always misogynists and racists,” said Russell. “Maybe you long to be a tiny slave girl.”

“Ahh,” April moaned.

“Or maybe not a slave girl,” said Russell. “It’s not like I’m going to make you pick cotton. More like my tiny pet. Do you like being my pet and living in a cage by my bed?”

April came – hard.

When she recovered enough, she was very embarrassed. She looked up at Russell, tentatively. Russell looked back at her with intensity and concern.

“When you were a giant girl, I liked being your tiny pet too,” he said.

April relaxed back into Russell’s hand. Her secrets were safe with Russell. Not that she would tell him everything. What would be the fun in that? But she didn’t need to worry that he would judge her or reject her or think she was weird.

She was safe with Russell.

He was no help at all getting her back to normal though. She liked being tiny with him too much.


The next day, Daryl and Russell had a long lunch break. It was standardized testing week, and they didn’t have any test for the period after lunch. A lot of students simply went home after lunch, so the cafeteria was more than half empty.

“They’re… acclimating,” said Daryl, responding to April’s question about his new pets.

“I’m not sure I want to hear about this,” said Russell.

“I do. I do!” shouted April. Fortunately, they were far enough away from other students, that no one heard her, or at least no one noticed.

Daryl chuckled. “It sounds like your inner voice has other ideas.”

“That is not my inner voice,” said Russell. “That’s my yaoi-loving girlfriend.”

“Russell!” yelled April, struggling to keep her voice down. “My secrets are supposed to be safe with you. You’re not supposed to tell people things like that!”

“That wasn’t a secret,” said Russell. “I only inferred that from what you just said. It’s not like we’ve ever watched yaoi together.”

“I have a whole collection, at my house,” said Daryl. “We can do a marathon, this Saturday.”

“Yay!” said April.

“I did not agree to that,” said Russell.

“I guess you can just let Daryl take me for the day,” said April.

Russell scowled. “I’ll bring something to read, while you two watch cartoons,” he said, sourly.

“Yay!” said Daryl.

“Anything you want to tell us about your pets – that won’t trigger me?” asked Russell.

“I have been conducting tests,” said Daryl.

Russell and April both blanched. “Daryl!” April exclaimed. “You can’t…. We’re still people!”

“Don’t compare yourself to them!” he snapped. “Anyway, I’m not torturing them – much. I’m not talking about dissecting them or anything. I wouldn’t *harm* a hair on their heads.” He snorted at a private joke. “The most I’ve done is pluck some hairs, so I could look at them under a microscope and test their strength.

“Here’s something interesting. My hair is about twelve times stronger, which sounds right because it’s 12 times thicker. But it should be a hundred and forty-four times stronger. But, overall, the guys are about seventeen hundred times weaker than I am. I asked Mr. Thompson, the physics teacher, hypothetically, how strong should a tiny person be; he said, the shrinking factor, squared. And that should go for both how much they can lift, and how – uh – durable they are. They are both tougher and weaker than they should be.”

“Oh, And a sixty foot woman should collapse under her own weight.”

“So, what do you make of all that?” asked Russell.

“I have no idea,” said Daryl. “But at least it’s good that they’re more resilient than they look. I mean, still be careful and all, but she’s not glass filigree.”

“Hey! You said you wouldn’t *harm* a hair on their heads,” said April. “But then you said you plucked hairs to test.”

“Not from their heads,” said Dave, smugly.

“And now we’re back to things I didn’t want to know,” said Russell. April giggled.

“It really does make you look bigger,” said Daryl, wagging his eyebrows.

“You didn’t really pull out all their…?” asked April.

“*I* didn’t,” said Daryl. “I let JJ and DD do it. And, so far, only BB got ‘groomed’.” He tried to avoid saying Jeff, Dave and Brad. People were still talking about the missing boys. And besides, those weren’t their names anymore.

“He deserved it,” said Daryl, with a fierce anger in his voice.

“What’d he do?” asked April. “I mean, besides what he did to me. I thought we decided he was being punished enough for that.”

“You don’t want to know,” said Daryl.

“Yes, I do,” said April. “I still feel responsible. I want to know that they’re not being treated… too badly.”

“He doesn’t deserve your sympathy,” said Daryl. “If you knew, you might bust through the roof – or have nightmares.”

April and Russell both took in sharp breaths.

“I want to know,” said April. “I can handle it.”

Daryl looked back and forth, from Russell’s eyes, down to his shirt. He couldn’t see April - no eye peeking through the button hole. Not even a shadow behind Russell’s shirt. But he could see her in his mind’s eye. His friend’s neighbor and long-time crush, who he’d only gotten to know, since she shrank.

“I set up a nanny cam, before I even put them in the tank,” said Daryl. “He.… (Daryl didn’t even want to call him by his cute new name of BB.) He blamed the other two. He said, if they hadn’t shown up when they did, he would have flushed the bi– uh, April, and they’d all be sleeping in their own beds.”

“I’ll kill him,” said Russell.

“Never mind, Russell,” said April. “He’s a small, pathetic creature – like Gollum. You be like Bilbo and show him pity.”

Russell forced himself to calm down. “If anyone here is like Bilbo….”

“I’m Gandalf!” said Daryl, grabbing it before Russell could.

“Russell?” said a voice behind him. Missy Haverwood sat down in the seat next to Russell.

“What has happened to April? Did you get her pregnant?” she asked.

Missy thought she heard something, but she ignored it. Probably a stomach rumble.

“What? No. Of course not,” said Russell.

“Then what’s going on?” she asked. “First she said she was sick. Now, she’s gone to ‘stay with her Aunt for a while.’”

That was the best the Watson’s could come up with. The best the Farbers could come up with either. They had all tried to think of a good excuse for April to suddenly disappear. They decided to leave it ambiguous. But there are only two reasons a high school girl goes to live with her Aunt. Either she’s pregnant, or her parents are having some kind of trouble – probably heading towards divorce. It irked Pam and Wil that people would jump to one of those conclusions.

“I don’t know,” said Russell. “But I know she’s not pregnant. And definitely not by me. We weren’t even – you know.”

“Yeah, I know,” said Missy, deflating a bit. “Have you even talked to her?”

“Sure. Lots,” said Russell. He felt a frantic tapping against his chest.

Oops. One tap for yes or good; two taps for no or bad. He should not have said that.

“I mean, we had a talk a week or so ago, when she first left,” said Russell. “She was pretty closed-mouthed though.”

“She was with me too,” said Missy. “It’s hard to believe she would just disappear like that, no good reason, sounded weird on the phone…. Very suspicious.”

“Yeah. Heh, I… miss her too,” said Russell.

“So, Russell,” said Missy. “Does April ever talk about me?”

Russell felt another frantic tapping on his chest.

“Um, No?” said Russell.

The tapping stopped. April didn’t have enough signals to deal with this situation.

Missy gave a derisive snort. “Unbelievable,” she said. “She knows I like you. And I’ve been patient, while she sorts out her feelings for you. But she’s had you in the friends zone forever, and it was long past time for her to admit you’re fair game. And now she’s left, for who knows how long, and she didn’t even say anything?”

“Um?” Russell paused a moment to see if April would tap. “You like me?”

“Yes,” said Missy. “Mostly because April says what a great guy you are and tells me about the goofy and sweet things you do. And she’s my best friend, or was my best friend, so that put you off limits. But she can’t just put you on a shelf forever, while she goes chasing after guys like Brad. Who has also gone missing, with very suspicious timing.”

“No. Brad’s missing, missing. April’s just not here,” said Russell, suppressing a nervous chuckle.

“Well, to heck with both of them,” said Missy. “Russell Farber, I like you. Do you want to go out this weekend?”

“Well, I uh….”

While Russell stammered, Missy leaned in and gave him a kiss on the lips. Russell was like a deer in headlights. He didn’t know what to do. He responded – a little longer than he meant to.

April pounded on his chest. “Russell! Russell, you stop that!” she shouted.

Then April’s shouts turned to panic. “Russell! Russell! Get me out of here!” she screamed. “Russell, get me to an empty room! Russell, I’m going to grow! I can feel it. Get me to an empty room!”

Missy was surprised to hear the sound of April’s voice, coming from Russell’s chest. She assumed it was a speaker, maybe a walkie talkie, but why would April do that?

Daryl grabbed Russell by the arm. “Russell, run!” he yelled.

Russell was bewildered. First, he found out that one of the prettiest girls in school liked him. April knew it, and she didn’t tell him, keeping him on a shelf, like missy said, while she chased jerks like Brad. He could hardly believe April would do that to him. Then Missy kissed him, right on the lips. And he knew he shouldn’t kiss her back, at least not until after he confronted April. But then April was shouting at him, and it took him a while to understand what she was saying. It took Daryl shaking his shoulder to get Russell to act. He jumped out of his seat and ran out of the cafeteria. He couldn’t think what room would be empty, so he headed to the library. It might not be empty, but he could give April some cover by ducking into the stacks.

Russell ran out of the cafeteria, with Daryl and Missy right behind him. He only got about fifteen feet down the hall, when April burst forth from his chest. Her growth was so rapid, it was explosive, like an air bag deploying. To Russell, it was like he ran into a wall. He was knocked back, and April was knocked forward. Both of them fell to the floor.

Only one of them was naked.

Daryl and Missy reached the big double doors of the cafeteria at about the same time. They both saw April burst out of Russell’s chest.

Missy screamed.
Last edited by Xinunar on Sun Jan 09, 2022 4:15 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: And the Geek II

Post by ralgar » Sun Jan 09, 2022 3:45 am

Well this in an interesting development, wonder where it will go.

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Geek II.8 The Friends Zone

Post by Xinunar » Thu Jan 13, 2022 11:52 pm

SOLs were stressful for Principal Marge Arrington. Her performance would largely be measured by the students' performance on the Standards of Learning tests. The students were also stressed, and the tests disrupted their normal schedules and gave them plenty of time to get into mischief. So, she had all the students with free time in the cafeteria, where she could keep an eye on them.

Today, she was sharing her lunch with Tom (Coach) Adams, Abby (Nurse) Palmer and Cass Williams (English lit teacher). They were all done eating but continued to pick at their food, for lack of anything better to do. She was about to suggest that Cass walk the rounds, when she thought she heard a soft cry, from across the room. She looked and saw three students, two boys and a girl, apparently arguing with each other. One of the boys shook the other's shoulder.

"Russell, Run!" he said.

The other boy seemed to snap to a decision and took off running. The first boy and the girl both followed him. So did Marge.

The first student ran out into the hallway, veering left, towards the classrooms. Temporarily out of her line of sight, Marge heard him yelp and a thump, like he had fallen. The other two stopped in the double doorway so abruptly that Marge almost plowed into them. The girl screamed. Marge ran up to them and shoved the boy out of the way. This put him fully into the hallway, and Marge and the girl beside each other in the doorway.

"What's the ma…?" Marge didn't finish her question. Lying on the floor, in the middle of the hallway was the boy who first ran out of the room, and a small and very naked black girl. African American, she reminded herself. It took her a moment to react to the situation.

"Get back in here!" she said to the standing boy. "You too, Missy." She recognized the girl now. Junior. One of the basketball cheerleaders. The other two did not look hurt, so she turned her attention back to the cafeteria.

"Students, stay where you are!" she yelled, with long-practiced authority. "Abby, I need you. Coach and Cass, help me guard this door. I don't want anyone leaving the cafeteria, until I say so."

"And Coach, don't you look out here either," she added, when he got closer. Trusting that her staff would follow her directions, Marge turned back to the two children lying in the hallway.

"Oh, shit," said the boy, struggling to get to his feet. "April, you okay?" He went over to the naked girl, apparently concerned.

"Don't touch her," said nurse Palmer. "Let me check."

In fact, April had fallen on her back, from a height of almost five feet. She had instinctively twisted to try to catch herself, but she hit the floor hard enough to stun her and give her a few bruises, as well at bump her head.

Russell took off his shirt and handed it to Nurse, as if on auto pilot. Marge thought the shirt looked already ripped, in front, but didn't have time to think about it. The white boy was staring at the naked black girl now, and Marge couldn't allow that, even if he did give her his shirt. She grabbed him by his shoulders and turned him around.

"You stay right here and help guard the doorway. Do not turn around, unless Nurse asks for your help," she said. To the other two, just inside the doorway, she said, "You two stay right where you are."

Turning back to Nurse Palmer, she asked, "How is she?"

"I think she'll be fine," said the nurse. "But she should lie here for a minute." She draped the boy's shirt over the girl's chest and placed the girl's own hands over her vagina.

"Okay," said Marge. "I'll run to the office and get clothes and blankets. Everyone else, just stay put!"

Fifteen minutes later, the four students were sitting in Principal Arrington's office. April looked the most uncomfortable, in some too-large clothes from the Principal's closet. She kept extra clothes there because - high school. Russell was also wearing a borrowed shirt, but it fit him a little better. His torn shirt and the ruins of the plastic case he had under it were sitting in a corner of the room. Marge was looking forward to that explanation, almost as much as she was April's.

"Care to explain why you were running around naked, in the school hallway?" she asked, now that April - April Watson, Marge had all four students' files in front of her - now that April looked recovered enough to answer.

"No," said April, shaking her head.

"I see," said Marge.

"And do you want to explain your torn shirt and that strange case you had under it?" she asked Russell.

He had an easier time answering. "Well, the torn shirt is from when I bumped into April. We were both off balance, and she grabbed my shirt when she flailed about. And the case was just something - uh, something I was showing Daryl."

"But what is it?" she asked.

"It's a, uh…. It's a pet carrier," said Russell. "You know for like hamsters and gerbils. You can use it to, like take them on a plane, if you need emotional support. It's my invention."

"Yeah, Russell knows I'm into pets, but I like manly pets," said Daryl.

"Don't interrupt," said Marge. "What kind of pets do you have, hamsters or gerbils?"

"Just rats," said Daryl. "White rats."

April snorted.

"I don't see anything funny here, young lady," said Marge. "And what's you're part in all this, Missy."

"Nothing!" said Missy. "I was talking to Russell…."

"Kissing Russell," said April.

Everyone looked at her.

"Probably," she said, and sunk back down into her oversized shirt. April felt that sinking feeling. She struggled to shake it off. She didn't know if she wanted to shrink down to nothing, to hide her shame - or get big and grab Russell and Missy and… toss them into some mud, or something. She couldn't think of anything good to do with Russell or Missy, so she decided not to get big - yet.

"I was talking to Russell," said Missy, "and he suddenly ran out of the room, so I followed him."

"Can I call my parents?" said April.

"All of your parents have already been called," said Marge, earning a round of groans. "Perhaps we should just wait until they get here."

"Shrink!" said Russell, suddenly. "Uh, I mean, maybe we should call April's therapist. He knows what's going on."

April looked at Russell suspiciously. She was still mad at him for kissing Missy, but she got what he was saying. Her parents had arranged for her to talk to a psychologist, on the phone. They didn't tell him about the shrinking, but only that she had been through a traumatic ordeal. The semi-plausible story had Russell using the gun his father kept in the trunk (he didn't) to rescue April from some attackers.

Marge nodded her head. "We'll talk to her parents first," she said.

"I think she was sleep walking!" Russell blurted out. It was the best he could come up with, and he thought it was a good idea to let April in on it.

April glared at Russell. She took a big breath through her nose. "I might have been," she agreed.

They didn't say much, after that, until parents got there. Missy didn't have much to say, at all. She was as confused about all this as the principal was, but she managed to act like a part of whatever this was, enough to not get sent back to class. Actually, she was more confused than the principal, since she saw April burst out of Russell's chest, like something from 'Aliens' or 'The Thing'.

"Oh, my God," she thought. "April's the one who got me to watch those movies! What was she trying to tell me?"

Marge also asked about the torn doll's dress and tiny cushions they found in the hall, but that only got her blank stares.

As soon as her parents got there, April started talking. She decided to stick with the story they told the psychologist, and wanted to talk fast, before anyone else said anything that would conflict with what she said.

"So, my parents sent me to live with my Aunt because I kept having these nightmares; I was so scared those rats, rat bastards, were going to come back for me. But then I got homesick, so I came back home yesterday; but then I had another one of those dreams, and when I woke up, I was in the hallway."

"Naked?" asked Marge.

"In my dreams, I keep stripping off my clothes because they [hic] because they did that," said April. She cried into her hands, rubbing her eyes.

Marge was incredulous. Sleepwalking was incredibly rare, in the first place. And there were too many other things about all this that just didn't smell right.

"Why did you run out of the cafeteria, like that?" she asked Russell.

"I thought I heard April, and then Daryl heard her too," said Russell. "She's been having these night terrors, where she calls out my name. We live right next door, so her parents come get me."

April pursed her lips. She would have been fine with that story earlier. But then he had to kiss Missy.

Russell was proud of himself for that bit of fiction, but then he saw April's expression. 'Man, I am so deep in the dog house, I don't know how I'm going to get out of it. Move over, Rover.'

Luckily, Marge did not see April's expression. She looked to the girl's parents for confirmation, and they seemed to agree with everything he said. Even the psychologist confirmed the broad outline of their story, after April and her parents waived confidentiality - that the girl was assaulted, seemed to be suffering from severe PTSD, and to have fixated on her rescuer. He even confirmed that April went to live with her aunt. He didn't know that she was back; he wanted her to come to his office - tomorrow, if possible.

The whole thing was just too outlandish. It had the stench of lies. And April had no good explanation for how she got to school, in the first place. But the alternative was that April was streaking through the halls, on some sort of lark, or a dare or penalty. That sounded most likely, but she couldn't imagine the parents, much less the psychologist, backing up her story. In the end, she had no real choice but to accept it. And keep her eyes open.

All four students headed out of the school together. All of them, except April, had their own cars. April would ride home with her parents.

"You owe me an explanation," said Missy, as they walked out to their cars.

"I owe you? You had your tongue down Russell's throat!" April said. She kept her voice down, but the anger was clear.

"You left! And you knew I liked him too," said Missy. "And how can you even be talking about that, after you," she dropped her voice to a whisper, "popped out of Russell's chest. Are you an alien?"

"No," said April, testily. "At least, I don't think so. And I didn't pop out of his chest. I popped out of that pet carrier thingy."

Missy stared; slack jawed. Not that popping out of his chest would have been better. (It would have been worse, now that she thought about it.) But now April confirmed that it hadn't all just been a hallucination. Also, that meant April had been hiding under his shirt, when she was coming on to Russell.

"You left," she said, sullenly. "You hardly said a word. And you knew I liked him. I waited a long time to say anything because I knew it would be awkward. But you can't say, hands off him, while you chase other guys and galivant around the country."

"I wasn't galivanting," said April. "I was mostly in Russell's bedroom - in a bird cage."

"What!? He did that to you?" asked Missy. She was outraged!

"Yeah," said April, smiling.

"Mom! Can I go over to April's?" Missy asked her parents.

"Absolutely not," came the response.

April waved at her, as she got in the car with her parents. She frowned at Russell, and Russell looked sullen, not meeting her eyes.

- - -

Pam and Wil were overjoyed to have their daughter back to normal. They felt bad that her and Russell's relationship had hit a rough patch, but that was normal for teenagers, and they felt things had been going a bit too fast anyway. Pam had a talk with April and could certainly see why she was upset.

"That's why the girl code exists," said Pam. "You don't date your best friend's guy friend. This is why. It leads to hurt feelings all around. Now, I hope you haven't lost either friend. I'm sure you haven't. But this is the sort of thing that could wind up losing them both. Missy should have known that, and so should Russell."

"Yeah," said April. "I can't believe he kissed her, with me right there under his shirt. What a jerk! But it's hard to stay mad at him, after he rescued me, and all." She plopped back on her bed. "Ugggh! What am I gonna do?"

"He was a jerk," said Pam. "And I think this shows that he's not boyfriend material. But he has been your friend for a long time, and I'm sure you'll forgive him, eventually. But forgiving him doesn't mean going back to him. Just go back to being friends. That was a relationship that worked."

April and Russell hardly spoke to each other, for the next few days. Russell felt guilty for kissing Missy, though it had all happened so fast he really didn't have a chance to think; but he also felt hurt and betrayed that April had never told him that Missy liked him. April felt guilty for not telling him about Missy, though she had her reasons, good reasons; but she also felt hurt and betrayed that he kissed Missy, right in front of her!

Friday night, Missy's parents let her go over to April's. Missy had not told them or anyone else about what she saw, or what April had told her.

"You can shrink down to the size of a mouse?" asked Missy.

"Sort of," said April. Missy arched an eyebrow. April continued, "I can. But I can't really control it. It seems to be tied to my emotions. When I feel small, I get small. When I saw you kiss Russell, I just had to get big again."

"But why were you hiding? Why were you small?" Missy asked.

"I told you. I can't control it," said April. "I was stuck at five and a half inches tall for over two weeks!"

"Russell really was keeping you in a bird cage?!" Missy exclaimed. "Why haven't your parents murdered him?"

"It was their idea," said Missy, hanging her head in embarrassment.


"They wanted me out of their bedroom, so they could screw," said April. "And they made Russell keep me in a cage, so we couldn't"

"Oh. Chastity belt for Thumbelina," said Missy. Then she said, "Ewe. If he could screw you at that size, you can have him!"

"No!" said April. "We just fooled around."

"Okay…," said Missy, pondering it. "So, you were feeling small, so you were stuck small - until you saw me kiss Russell, and then you got big."

"Yes," said April.

"Sounds like you owe me, big time," said Missy.


"Sounds like."

"You didn't even know I was there," said April. "You sure didn't know that would happen. You were kissing him behind my back."

"Come on, April," said Missy. "You were gone. We had no idea when you'd be back or if you were ever coming back. How long is the proper waiting period? Especially when you weren't even dating him in the first place, and had no plans to date him. You want to have your cake and eat it too - and leave it to rot, at the same time."

"Guh, I know…," said April. "I guess I'm mostly mad at Russell."

April told Missy a slightly edited version of what had happened to her. She stuck with Russell's story about the men who kidnapped her, only clarifying that it happened after she shrank, which explained why the men had been able to easily take her behind the buildings without her screaming for help. At her parents' insistence, she did not tell Missy who the three 'men' were. In fact, she did not mention Brad, Jeff or Dave at all. She also didn't mention becoming a giantess. She gave Missy the PG13 version of her and Russell.

"I still can't believe he kissed you like that, right in front of me," said April, sniffing and holding back tears.

"Really, I kissed him," said Missy.

"He kissed back!" yelled April.

"He did kiss back," said Missy.

"Yeah," said April.

"Do you want to call him?"

"Yeah…," April admitted. "I mean no! No, he was a jerk."

"Hey, maybe he did it to get you to grow back!" said Missy.

"Yeah, I thought of that," said April. "But he would've told me, after it worked."

"Except he's also mad at you," Missy pointed out.

"Yeah…," said April.

"Do you want to break up with him?"

"I don't know…," said April. "Maybe we should go back to being friends. He's been like a brother to me, for as long as I can remember. You don't get mad if your brother kisses another girl, do you?"

"No," said Missy. "Maybe I should fix mine up with you, then I can have Russell."

April frowned at that, and Missy laughed. "C'mon. Let's invite him over and you two can make up."

About thirty minutes later, Russell joined the two girls in April's rec room. (In the absurd way of parents everywhere, Russell was not allowed to simply join them in April's bedroom.) Russell had tried to hold out, let them wait before he came over, but thirty minutes was all he could manage. He had spent that time showering, shaving (his straggle mustache), and general grooming.

"Okay, Russell, what did you do wrong?" asked Missy.


"You're going to say what you think you did wrong, then we'll add comments, hopefully forgive; then April will say what she thinks she did wrong," said Missy.

"[Sigh] Okay. I, uh, I kissed you - back. I should have stopped you, when you leaned in to kiss me, and I definitely shouldn't have kissed you back. But it all happened so quick, and I was thinking about what you just told me. And I'm still mad about that! What the Hell, April?"

"We'll get to April in a minute," said Missy. "Are you sorry about what you did?"

"Yeah…," he said, sullenly.

"That doesn't sound very sorry," said Missy.

"No, I am sorry," said Russell. "But, like I said, it all happened so fast. And I'm still very upset about what she did."

"So, two wrongs make a right?" asked Missy.

"No," said Russell, grudgingly. "Just…. I feel bad about that, but I'm also mad at her, at the same time."

"Okay, April. What did you do wrong?" asked Missy.

"I guess I should have told Russell you might be interested."

"You guess?" asked Missy.

"It's complicated," said April.

How's it complicated?" asked Russell. "I would've told you if Brad Michaels or one of the other jocks you're always mooning after was interested in you. And that's even though Brad was a jerk, and I wanted you for myself!"

"See?" said April. "Complicated. You had a thing for me, but you're also my best friend, and Missy is my other best friend, and if you two started dating, it would be complicated. And I had all kinds of messed up feelings about you, so… more complicated."

"Messed up? How messed up?" asked Russell.

"I don't know…." April whined. "It's like, in sex ed they taught us that people have an instinct not to screw their brothers or sisters."

"That instinct's stronger in girls," said Missy.

"Maybe," said April. "But anyway, it doesn't come with a DNA test. If you grow up with someone, so he's like your brother, he's going to be in the brother zone."

"Hey, I coined that phrase," said Russell.

"And that's the way you are, or were," said April, "most of the time. But sometimes not. Like I said, messed up."

"It sounds like you knew I was crushing on you - and you enjoyed it," said Russell.

"Yeah," April admitted, "but I didn't know what to do about it. I'm sorry."

"And I'm sorry to you too, Missy," she said. "I shouldn't have kept you away from Russ, if I wasn't going to claim him for myself."

"That's true," said Missy. "You've been very naughty."

"I know," said April, looking down.

Missy had only been teasing. She wasn't really angry, and didn't really have anything to be angry about, unlike Russell. But seeing April's attitude, she decided to tease her some more.

"What do you think, Russell?" she asked. "Should we forgive her?"

She placed a hand on his chest and struck a seductive pose with him. Russell picked up on this tease. He squared his shoulders and placed a hand on the small of Missy's back, possessively. April's eyes widened.

"I suppose," said Russell. "I probably need to start thinking of her more like a little sister."

"Shame she isn't tiny," said Missy, "then you could date me and keep her as a pet."

"Could do that anyway," said Russell. He and Missy posed like a power couple, ready for April to take their picture.

"Guyyys!" April whined. "You're so mean!"

Missy and Russell smirked smugly, but they could only hold it for a second before they started to laugh. April dwindled rapidly.

Missy laughed, but Russell choaked on his, as soon as he saw her start to shrink.

"April! April, what are you doing?" he asked, rushing over to her. "We were only teasing. Everything is fine! Don't shrink!"

But it was too late. April could sometimes hold back her shrinking for a few seconds, as she had when she fished Brad out of her. But that was like holding back tears, or a laugh or an orgasm. Sometimes they just came in a rush, and there was no holding them back. It took only four seconds for her to shrink from five and a half feet, to five and a half inches.

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Geek II.9 Friends and Lovers

Post by Xinunar » Sun Jan 16, 2022 7:18 pm

"Oh, wow!" said Missy. She looked down at April, sitting naked in a pile of clothes, on the couch. April looked cute, and tiny, and demure. She looked up at Missy without lifting her head any more than she had to. Missy reached out and stroked April lightly with her fingers. She could scarcely believe how smooth and soft the tiny girl's skin was. Her hair, which was naturally rather coarse, now felt like the tips of the finest goose down.

Missy noticed Russell tense protectively when she reached out touch her friend. She smiled at that. "Can I hold her?" she asked.

"Hey!" said April, looking up at her crossly. "Shouldn't you be asking me that?"

Missy started to apologize, but she April looked so cute, pouting, that she said, "I always ask pet owners if I can hold their pets, even if they obviously want to be held."

April gasped in indignation. She exclaimed wordlessly, but it just came out as a squeak.

Russell said, "Sure, as long as she wants you to."

April glared at Russell. She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it back again. And when Missy moved to pick her up, April climbed into her hand, still pouting but cooperating.

"Remember, even if something startles you, you can't drop her or squeeze her," said Russell.

Missy brought April up to her face to look at her more closely. She cupped her hand, so April could sit comfortably, and to help keep her warm. She pet her like she would a small animal, and her nakedness seemed completely normal. April continued to pout, but she also responded to Missy's touch.

"She's so adorable!" said Missy. "Your lucky to have such a pretty one."

"Yeah," Russell agreed.

"Pretty one, what?" asked April. I'm the only one.

"The only girl?" asked Missy

"You think I'm a pretty girl?" asked April.

"Very," said Russell.

"I think you're much prettier than I am," said Missy.

"What?" said April. "You've got that soft strawberry-blonde hair, blue eyes, skin Cinderella would kill for, and tits like Dolly Pardon. I've got black (she touched her hair), brown (her face), tiny brown (her tits), more brown, a patch of black and still more brown."

"You're gorgeous, April," said Missy. "Quit showing off. Don't you think she's gorgeous, Russell?"

"I keep telling her," said Russell.

He came up close to Missy and put one arm around her waist. His and Missy's faces were only inches from each other and less than a foot away from April. April got a warm, tingling feeling, seeing the two giant faces looking at her adoringly.

"I think I've got the prettiest girlfriend in our school," said Russell.

"Thank you, Russell," said Missy. "But we're talking about your pet, right now."

April stared at Missy with her mouth wide open, a look of shock on her face. But April wasn't so dark that they couldn't see her blush, nor so tiny that they couldn't see her nipples get stiff and erect, as close as they were. She struggled to get up, but only wound up kneeling, with her knees shoulder-width apart, arms flailing for balance. Russell placed his hand behind her, and used his thumb and pointer finger to bring her hands down to her sides.

"I meant I've got the prettiest pet and girlfriend in the whole State," he said. He kissed Missy, while he stroked April.

April opened her mouth to object, but Russell's little finger slipped up between her legs. His rough skin rubbed against her wet pussy, and her objection turned into a long moan. While kissing Russell, Missy pinched April's tit with her thumb and finger, and April's moan turned into a mewl and then a wail. Her eyes darted back and forth from Russell to Missy. Each giant had one eye on her, while they passionately kissed.

And that's how April's mother found them

- - - -

"What happened?" asked Will, the moment the door shut behind April's two friends.

"I shrank - again," said April. She cringed. She was still mortified at how her mother had found her and infinitely grateful she had not told her father.

"How did you shrink? Why did you shrink?" he asked.

"I don't know. I just do," she didn't look him in the eyes. April was a horrible liar.

"April, Dear," said her mother, "if we could figure out what the trigger was, it might help us get you back to normal."

"I don't know…," April whined. "It just sort of happened."

"What were you doing or talking about, right before it happened?" asked Wil. Pam cringed.

April sighed. "It was embarrassing, okay? Somebody said something that made me blush, and all of the sudden, I'm shrinking. I feel small; I get small."

"What was it? This is important, April," said Will.

"Dad! I just told you, it was embarrassing! Don't make me repeat it; I might shrink down to the size of a jelly bean," said April.

That made Pam and Will back off. But April didn't really think she would. Five and a half inches seemed to be her small size; her giant size was more flexible. And if being embarrassed was all it took to shrink her more, she would already be the size of a jelly bean. It wasn't embarrassment, exactly. It was a certain mix of embarrassment and excitement. That's the way she felt, when Missy said she could be Russell's pet - excited, but embarrassed to be excited. But she'd rather shrink to a twelfth again her size than tell her parents that.

Pam decided to talk to April alone, since there were some things that the girl obviously didn't need to talk about in front of her father.

"Mom," said April, when they were alone, "we weren't doing anything - before I shrank."

"But, as soon as you shrank, you all decided to get freaky?"

"Mommm, it wasn't like that!" said April. "I shrank, and they were both comforting me and telling me everything would be all right."

"By kissing each other?"

"I kissed them both, right before you got there," April lied. "But Mama, if I'm going to be stuck like this, Russell deserves to have a girlfriend he can kiss. Besides, we're not like lovers. We're more like best friends. Isn't that what you wanted?"

Pam narrowed her eyes. "Should your best friends be holding you, while they kiss?"

"Yes?" said April. "Why not?"


"Mom! I just shrank!" said April. "Missy picked me up to comfort me, and both of them were letting me know everything would be okay. It was a tender moment." God, her pussy was still tender.

"I worry about you," said Pam.

"I know," said April.

"All the time!" said Pam.

"I'm never safer than when I'm with Russell - except with you and Dad." Said April. "But I can't be with you and Dad all the time, Mom."

"I don't want him turning you into his pet or toy," said Pam.

"Don't be silly," said April. "I have him wrapped around my little finger."

April was barred from having sleepovers with Russell or Missy, until further notice. But they were still allowed to come over. She even got to go to the movies with them. Her parents weren't thrilled about that, but they had to let April have a normal life, as much as possible. At the movie theater, Russell slipped his hand under Missy's shirt to play with her tits, and Missy slipped her hand under his shirt to play with April.

Officially, April had become an agoraphobe - a shut in, only seen by her closest friends and family. Even her therapist only talked to her on the phone. His diagnosis was that it was caused by extreme PTSD, from being attacked. But in reality, she went to school every day. She and Russell were doing well it all their classes; they did their homework together every day.

- - -

"Welcome to Chez Moi," said Daryl.

Russell stepped into Daryl's basement, his mancave, with April sitting on his shoulder. The basement was unfinished, but very livable. And it was huge, running the full length and breadth of the house. The only part of it that wasn't Daryl's was the laundry. But Daryl had claimed laundry duty as his own, so effectively, it was all his. It was the first time Russell had been down there, since The Day - as they had started calling the day that April shrank, was kidnapped, was rescued, grew and shrank her abductors. And it was the first time April had ever been there.

April and Russell had spent the past thirty minutes chatting with Daryl's parents. They knew about the shrinking, but this was the first time they had a chance to meet April. Russell had mostly just stood there, while April talked to Mr. and Mrs. Miller.

"And I wasn't rescued," said April, continuing an earlier conversation. "If anything, I rescued you."

"You assisted in your own rescue," said Russell.

They went back and forth like that, while Daryl indulged them. He interjected a little, but realized this was mostly banter between boyfriend and girlfriend.

Daryl's basement was the perfect man cave, with a futon, ping pong table and Nintendo game cube. On one side of the room was something covered with a blanket.

"So, they're over there, huh?" asked April.

"Yeah. They're probably out and about, right now. I opened the kennel, as soon as we got here," said Daryl.

"Kennel?" asked April.

"Right. I don't want anyone to find them by accident," said Daryl, "so they're trained to run to the kennel, and lock the door behind themselves, whenever they hear someone out here. If I check, and they're not locked in their kennel, they're in trouble. But they've been good for a while now, so I just hit the remote to unlock it, as soon as I get here - most times."

"I guess I should check on them," said April.

"You don't have to," said Russell.

"No. I was the one who shrank them. I'm responsible," said April. "I mean, I trust Daryl and all, but it's not right to give one person total power over another person. Even you have my parents and your parents making sure you don't abuse me."

"Little do they know," said Russell. April nuzzled the side of his neck.

Daryl lifted the cloth to reveal a one-hundred-gallon fish tank/terrarium. Inside were several bonsai-like plants, an assortment of toys and a crate that had to be the 'kennel'. There were also three young men or older boys. Two of them, Didi and Jayjay, were working in the garden. Beebee was exercising, bench pressing two pill bottles. Daryl had drilled a hole near the top of each bottle and connected them together with an eighth-inch dowel.

"Didi, Jayjay, Beebee, come greet April and Russell," said Daryl.

At that, the three boys set down what they were holding, ran to a position near the front of the glass, and stood at attention. Each boy was wearing a loin cloth, about a half-inch square of cloth over their privates, held up by strings that wrapped around their waists. Didi's cloth was blue, Jayjay's was green and Beebee's was pink. Russell raised an eyebrow at that, but he didn't say anything. They all had very muscular and well-formed bodies, but while Didi and Jayjay looked like models, Beebee looked like a body builder. He wasn't ripped, like Schwarzenegger, not yet, but it looked like he was headed that way.

Daryl ignored the boys, while he lifted the top - a screen that no six-inch boy could hope to break through. He checked and replaced a few amenities for them, giving them fresh food and water. He replaced a small bag of trash and a cup of waste. There was a top on it, with a long hole cut in it, that he simply set aside.

"Didi, your day to clean and reset the toilet lid," said Daryl. "Jayjay, the garden is looking good. I'm proud of you for that. You guys too, but I know it's mostly Jayjay's." Beebee and Didi looked pleased by this praise, and Jayjay positively beamed.

"Beebee, are you doing your share of the chores?" he asked.

"Yes Dave. You can ask the guys," said Beebee. The other two nodded agreement. "I was just trying to get in a few reps, when you got here; I added another tic tac to each bottle."

"Oh, really? Hey, wait. Is that fifty?" asked Daryl. Beebee beamed with pride and expectation.

"Well, we'll have to see about getting you your reward this evening," said Daryl. "Unless you want it now?"

Beebee looked at Russell and April nervously and shook his head.

Daryl chuckled. He reached into the tank and caressed Beebee with his index finger. With the tip of his finger, he massaged Beebee's bottom. Beebee luxuriated in the caress. He pressed his face against the side of Daryl's finger and gave it a little kiss.

"Okay, I'm going to let you guys talk to April for a bit, while me and Russ play Mario," said Daryl. "April, do you want in the tank with them? I can guarantee they won't try anything."

"Uh, I'm just not ready for that, Daryl," said April. "Maybe later."

Daryl set a small block of wood on the table, in front of the glass. This gave April some elevation - slightly more than they got, from the dirt and moss they stood on - so her eyes were slightly above theirs. And he showed her how to use the sky tram he had set up, which would take her from the table, over to the desk, where he and Russell would be.

A few minutes later, April rejoined them, with a "Wheee!"

"Russell, you've got to make me one of those, in your room," she said.

"Won't that make Jenna suspicious?" asked Daryl.

"Oh, we gave up trying to hide me from Jenna a couple of weeks ago," said April.

"I worried she wouldn't be able to keep it secret," said Russell. "But she understands that bad things would happen if anyone finds out about April."

"Now we have girl time together about three times a week," said April. "It's fun."

"She really looks up to you, you know," said Russell.

"Yeah, I know," said April. "I try to give her a good role model. So, I give her the Disney version of our relationship. Speaking of - I talked to the trio. Sounds like you get a little bit kinky there."

"Worse than you and Russ?" asked Daryl. April blushed.

"You do a bit more dominance and sub stuff," said April. "More than a bit more."

"Sounds like I need to step up my game," said Russell.

April blushed even deeper and cleared her throat. "I guess a bit of that was necessary," she said.

"And also fun," said Daryl.

"Ahem. In any case, I think, overall, you're treating them well," said April. "They seem… content. More than they would be in a regular prison - especially from what I've heard about how rapists are treated. I approve."

"I'm glad," said Daryl. "And I think you're right that I need someone to play Red Cross for my little prison camp."

"Better than they deserve," said Russell.

"Well, they say revenge is sweet. But it's not good for you," said April. "Shrinking them was enough revenge for me. Now I just want to keep them out of trouble, in the least-cruel way we can."

"How can such a small girl have such a big heart," said Russell, leaning forward to cover one side of her face with a kiss.

"Aww, Russell, that was so… corny. Gag me with a spoon," she said, laughing. "No more Disney channel for you!"

- - -

"Are you sure she's okay with this?" asked Russell.

"It was her idea," said Missy.

"Total one eighty from when she got so upset, when we kissed," said Russell. "But I don't want to hurt her."

"We won't," said Missy. "And that was different. It was like we were both cheating on her. Now, we're including her in everything."

"Yeah…," said Russell. He moved to kiss her, and her lips were like honeysuckle.

Missy was incredibly beautiful. A month ago, he would have said that April was much prettier, and he would have meant it. But now, Missy was just as pretty. Although April was objectively pretty, it had been Russell's devotion to her that made her the prettiest girl in the world. Now, he was devoted to both of them, and he could not have said which was prettier. He could hardly believe he was able to have both of them, at the same time. He held himself up with arms that seemed both stronger and weaker than before, and slowly slid his cock into her.

April pumped her fist, in a steady rhythm, cheering her lovers - her Master and her lover, her two best friends - on. She loved that she got a ringside seat to Missy losing her virginity - much the same way she had lost hers. The walls of Missy's vagina felt - wonderful. Cool air blew against her face, from the small hose, connected to an air pump. This made it much easier for her to breathe than it had been for the guys. Still, she now knew what a gift she had given them. She felt sorry for normal-sized people - they only got to feel this around their cocks, or tongues, or fingers. She felt it around her entire body. Her fingers stimulated her own vagina, and that felt fantastic - so much better because of all the other stimulation - but the sensation around the rest of her body felt a hundred times better than that.

And then her hand was pushed away from her pussy by Russell's enormous cock. It slid up her front and scraped against her lips, feeling oh so much better than her fingers had, even though it could not penetrate her. This new amazing sensation made her forget to breath, and almost made her forget to pump. She again pumped her fist in a slow steady rhythm. Now, both Russell and Missy could feel it, and it added even more to their pleasure. The steady beat meant April was fine; she was enjoying this. (Oh, was she ever.) If she started pounding frantically or stopped pounding at all, they would get her out, right away.

Then Russell too began to pump, and April's orgasm came in wave after wave. And all the while, she managed to pump a steady rhythm.

The end.

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Re: And the Geek II

Post by ralgar » Sun Jan 16, 2022 8:21 pm

That was good and congratz on finishing, though any chance of maybe one shot sequal where are they now type thing

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Re: And the Geek II

Post by Xinunar » Sun Jan 16, 2022 9:03 pm

ralgar wrote:
Sun Jan 16, 2022 8:21 pm
Any chance of maybe one shot sequel where are they now type thing
Greedy, greedy. Always wanting more.

Mini Vacation still has about 16 chapters I need to polish up and re-post.

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Re: And the Geek II

Post by ralgar » Sun Jan 16, 2022 9:10 pm

Sorry, Its mosty I just want to know how their relationship would have developed after u know they are out of the horny teenage phase of life, like would Russel and Missy stay together, would April want to stay a toy, if not what then, and if so what then to, would missy leave, would Russell eventually find a new girl if missy did leave, and what would April do in that instance, that kind of thing.

I am sorry if that came across demanding or anything, I just find there is very much a dirth of proper follow ups in my opinion, even an epilogue would be enough ( not directed to u that was more in general statement of this particular genre). Also yes i am fine with waiting, i didnt mean right now, I just meant eventually.

Also i am looking forward to more mini vacation, that is and interesting take, I do like it.

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Re: And the Geek II

Post by Xinunar » Sun Jan 16, 2022 11:35 pm

ralgar wrote:
Sun Jan 16, 2022 9:10 pm
I just want to know how their relationship would have developed
You'll like the epilogue for Mini Vacation. It's longish.

But in this case, I want to leave their futures open because April has so many possibilities. April is not stuck as a sylph. Her size depends on her moods. But she's very submissive, so she likes being tiny. But she also imagines herself becoming a superhero. Giant Girl smashes bad guys, then goes home to be hubby's tiny pet. Russell might marry Missy, and they keep April for a pet. Or Russell might talk April into spending more time normal sized, so they can be a proper husband and wife.

April also has thought about letting Missy have a turn in the shrinker. For that, she would just have to grow, shrink Missy, screw Russell, then grow back. What could possibly go wrong?

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Re: And the Geek II

Post by ralgar » Sun Jan 16, 2022 11:50 pm


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A complex situation, but well written!

Post by Supernaut » Thu Jan 20, 2022 5:58 am

It would not be for me. Too much like The Black Sabbath Song 'Tomorrow's Dream".

However, Most of the people (good people too) that I know would be gladly into it. Me? I can't divide my heart like that.

The size-shifting is a clever and creative touch. Very cool and unique.
My best friend gave me the best advice ;)
He said each day's a gift and not a given right
Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind
And try to take the path less traveled by
That first step you take is the longest stride

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Re: A complex situation, but well written!

Post by Crys » Thu Apr 14, 2022 5:22 am

Supernaut wrote:
Thu Jan 20, 2022 5:58 am
It would not be for me. Too much like The Black Sabbath Song 'Tomorrow's Dream".

However, Most of the people (good people too) that I know would be gladly into it. Me? I can't divide my heart like that.

The size-shifting is a clever and creative touch. Very cool and unique.
I agree on the divided heart thing. When I first wrote it, I intended to have Russ and April end up together. Still, I’m glad to know it inspired someone to finish it! I never could get back to this one.

Someone’s gonna have to tell me what a sylph is, though. I’m old school, so she was just part Fae in my mind! 😂

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Re: A complex situation, but well written!

Post by Xinunar » Thu Apr 14, 2022 10:12 am

Crys wrote:
Thu Apr 14, 2022 5:22 am
Someone’s gonna have to tell me what a sylph is, though. I’m old school, so she was just part Fae in my mind! 😂
I am very glad that you liked it.

Catster's world of Sylphs: One day, (a day ever after known as 'The Day') a small % of the world suddenly shrank. Ever since, people simply randomly shrink. It seems to be completely random. You have maybe a 1/1000 chance of shrinking (sylphing) every year.

These shrunken people are not considered human. The official theory is that the person dies (or maybe is transported to another universe) and is replaced by an exact doppelganger about 1/12th their size. The sylphs have almost no rights and are kept as pets.

On The Day, several million people around the world suddenly and inexplicably shrank. So, there were several million people with stories like April's original story. (But very few as well written.)

Catster's comics can be found on Deviant Art. His World Of Sylphs has been the inspiration for a lot of other SW writers.

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