The Tourists: Alex's Trip

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The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by Underscore » Tue Mar 09, 2021 9:19 pm

Hey Everyone, thanks for checking out my first official piece, not only on here but for writing in general. I hope you enjoy and please, leave as much feedback as you like. It all helps.

As you may know, Hentai Hunter 1 has an amazing piece on here under The Tourist and has recently launched his own side piece under The Tourist name. If you haven't read them, I cannot stress enough how good they are. Anyway, we've been working together and he graciously allowed me to pen my own piece into his world and I've finally been able to share its beginning with you all. Again, I hope you enjoy!



Chapter 1

Rose started her day like any other, being roused from her sleep by the yelling of her parent's downstairs. She didn’t have a clue what the argument was about and given how often they’d been happening of late; she didn’t care. Hauling herself out of bed, her long slender legs sweeping out from under the covers and treading her way over to her dress mirror. She stood for a moment taking in her reflection. Her long crimson red hair a shaggy mess, her perfect figure hidden behind a loose-fitting black tank top and thin pink shorts. The only noticeable shape given to her form came from the two pairs of assets she had, a nice set of Fs and a firm round ass. Gifts from her mother's side she scoffed, the only things these had gotten her were weird looks from the guys around town and rather unpleasant advances from friends of her father whenever they came by.

She was snapped from her thoughts by said father barging into her room, no knock of course.
“Geez Dad, a little warning, I could’ve been naked!” she yelled towards the rather dishevelled looking man, a scowling look adorned his face.
“Look, I ain’t got time for this, I need you to open up the shop, and I need it done now!”
“I’m not even dressed yet!” she returned.
“Look, less lip missy, you’re 25, living under my roof rent free. If I say ‘jump’, you jump, none of that ‘how high’ backtalk. Now jump to it! Dressed like that you might be able get some fresh sales in off some rich folk off the fancy boat!” he called back, tossing a set of rusted keys at her and leaving the room, bellowing a sleezy laugh as he did so.
She scowled, taking a look around her room, rotten exposed floorboards, cheap furniture falling apart against stained walls adorned with old video game posters, the likes of The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Mario.
The fancy boat? Must be another tourist cruise. Guess I better get to it then. She scoffed, looking down at the keys.
“God, I wish someone would just take me away from all this!” she whispered aloud to herself, slipping on a pair of fluffy pink slippers and heading downstairs, passing by her mother who didn’t even shoot her a glance.

- Rose’s father owned an old run-down game store, up the hill on the edge of town. He had opened it back when games were just becoming mainstream, made a fortune. Explained how a man like him managed to land her mother, a popular model at the time. He had failed to change up the business as times changed and before long, he wasn’t even making enough money to run the place, only opening when tourists were in town or on weekends. Nowadays tourists were in town a lot thanks to the borders reopening but those that found their way up to her father's store were few and far between, and the only repeat customer they had was ‘Creepy Steve’ who lived a few doors down, though he only ever bought the cheapest things he could find, trying to get Rose’s number. After she blew up at him once, even he stopped coming by. The town was dying and nothing she did, short of selling herself online, seemed to open a way out. -

Rose made her way through a door in the back into the shopfront, the same rotten floorboards as her room above but with layers of dust, the same dust that covered the shelves, stock and the glass windows and door. Reaching the door, she put the key in, unlocked it and took a step outside. Rose took in a deep breath, the sea breeze so much nicer than the stale air inside. Taking a look down the road she could make out the hustle and bustle in town, a massive cruise ship sitting at the dock. There seemed to be quite a commotion going on but she just shrugged it off as all just rowdy tourists arguing about the ridiculous, jacked up prices on the junk the locals peddled. She returned to the store, flipping the sign to ‘OPEN’ behind her, before making her way to the back of the store and walking behind the counter to the left. She leant over, resting her top half on it, as she pulled out her phone and began flicking through apps.
I doubt anyone will come by so might as well catch up on some shows while I’m here...

A few hours in, she had caught up on the latest episodes of My Hero, Black Clover and started a new show called Fire Force, seemed to be a generic boy’s show but it was entertaining enough. She was now just playing through a gacha game on her phone when an unfamiliar bell ringing snapped her attention away.
Someone had just come in the store? I wonder who it its Steve again here to get another look in. But to her surprise it wasn’t the sweaty, overweight man struggling to fit between the shelves she expected, no this was a tall yet slim younger man, maybe early twenties, jet black hair with small frame glasses perched near the end of his nose. He wore a classy black shirt with spotless navy jeans, a simple look yet it yelled ‘money’. Under his arm was a strange box, slight shadows could be seen though, they seemed to be moving ever so slightly but Rose waved it off as a trick of the light, probably all the dust.
“Uhm Hi....can I help you there?” She called out somewhat eagerly.
“No, just browsing, thank you” He returned somewhat uninterested, his gaze not even turning her way, instead just perusing up and down the shelves, stepping sideways closer to the counter.
“Oh...ok...if you change your mind, I’m here if you need me” Her mood a little soured from his tone, she returned her attention to her phone.
A few moments later a light array of thumps on the counter roused her back. It was that young man, he’d put some items on the counter, a few SNES cartridges, she recognised a mix of well-known and obscure titles.
“I’ll take these please, and one of the SNES consoles” He motioned, pointing to the wall behind her.
“O-of course, I’ll just get that for you” Rose had barely turned around when she heard a strange whir and a click, the shelf she was looking at now seemed miles above her, but that couldn’t be right, she was sure she hadn't fallen over, it was like everything around her had become massive.
Her thoughts were shaken from her as a series of massive impacts moving behind her stole her attention, looking around the man had made his way behind the counter, he had stopped and she could see through the glasses, his piercing blue gaze was directed purely at her. He wore a smirk that sent shivers down her spine. He bent down and reached his massive hand toward her, the speed of his movements was unbelievable, so much so that she didn’t even have to time to move away before she was gathered up in a fleshy prison, moving at lightning speeds through the air up to his face, he opened his hand mere inches away. She couldn’t help but sit there, awestruck, as he raised his other hand toward her, brushing a finger up her bare leg and pressing into her chest.

After what felt like ages, he finally spoke “Hmm, guess I’ll keep you”, as his invasive digit ran rough circles between her breasts. He retracted the finger, that arm now grabbing a console off the shelves, the hand she sat in now tightened around her and with rocking motion, made its way back round to the front of the counter, with a click, a section of the lid opened on the strange box he came in with, Rose was hovered over the opening when the floor beneath seemed to slide away and she was suddenly dropped in, the roof slid back and the flap clicked shut, looking around she recognised people from all across town, must’ve been around 40 people in here, Male and Female, Young and Old, Beautiful and Hideous, even ‘Creepy Steve’ was in here, all just as small as she was but in varying states. Some were in floods of tears being consoled, others passed out in shock, one girl in particular was standing in the corner cackling away as if she’d lost her mind. Rose could make out the rustling of a large bag outside the box, likely for the items the man was now stealing. The box became rocky and people were shuffled around the place, seems they were now on the move.
What's going on here? What happened? ...What's going to happen to me? These thoughts raced through her mind over and over again, eventually taking over, everything fading to black as she collapsed to the floor unconscious.

Rose was roused from her rough slumber, that chattering from those around seemed to be getting more and more panicked, her interest was stolen by an unfamiliar voice, commanding “Next, ... Up here, ... Lid off”. Those were the only muffled words she could make out, as the world around her seemed to shift upward and land harshly on a hard surface. Suddenly she was forced to shield her eyes with her arm as the box shook, the whole lid lifting off and the sun piercing in. Getting back to her feet, her vision adjusted to the blinding light.
“Ship Pass” the gruff, unfamiliar voice beckoned.
“Oh Course, here you go”, she heard in a familiar voice.
That guy from the store!
“Ahh Dr Laughlin, Welcome back aboard. How was your first time out? Get in a good haul?”
“It’s Alex, please. And the haul was fine, managed more than I expected.” His face appearing over the edge of the box, his eyes scanned around her, pausing a few times, but her stomach sunk as their eyes met, he seemed to linger on her face, then slowly examining her every feature as a second face peered over the other side, lasering in on Rose instantly.
“Well Alex, I’m inclined to agree, Oh and please, call me James”
The two faces retraced from Rose vision, taking a second to herself she looked around, all the others in the box with her pressed together as far away from her as possible, looking at her with the same terror she felt. Outside of the box, the two men continued their conversation;
“Speaking of haul James, I rounded up a few items I’d like to keep personally, namely a games console and games, I also rounded up any vehicles I came across. What’s the process for keeping these any of these items?”
“Vehicles? That’s not something you should be able to...Oh my apologies, I see you’ve been given special permissions. In that case, I’m sure the clean-up crew will be thankful for the help! As for your question; items like the games stuff or material possessions, you can just take those onboard with you, no problem. Items like vehicles or animals are prohibited onboard for fear of any mess they make, you know, the housekeepers have enough on their plate with all the Shrunken. But any of those you round up, you’ll get ship credit for, I’m sure the clean-up crew won’t mind shipping a few things per haul back to your home as thanks, just leave on of your tags on the items you want to keep and you’ll get credits for the rest.” James chuckled
“Ahh, makes sense to me...”
Their conversation was interrupted by a third voice.
“Hey, James, would you mind cutting it short, we’ve still got loads to get through?”
“Sure, sorry about that Frank. Now, Dr Laug,,,Uhh Alex, what sort of range we’re you looking to keep?”
The young mans head reappeared over, scanning everyone again before uttering
“Let's go with females only, between fifteen and forty-five, with personal assessments up to fifty”
Rose heard another click when suddenly a blue light seemed to scan back and forth under them with a whir, lights started appearing on each of the people within, an array of colours. The few children, younger teens and most male within targeted blue, older female teens, Rose and the majority of women green. Some older ones had purple or blue. The few left were marked with red beams, those seemed to be somewhat random though.
“Sorry Alex, seems you’ve got a number of Unacceptables with you” the man declared as a second click and violent whir seemed to stir outside the box. Rose ducked as low as she could as a gloved hand intruded into the box and soared towards her, she felt the horrible, rubber texture scrape over her head then leaving. Looking back, the hand had snatched up Creepy Steve behind her, his arms flailing and voice screaming at her for help before disappearing over the edge. The blood curdling scream she heard next would haunt her for the rest of her days, the whir sound grinding for a second as the scream faded. The hand came back, someone else marked red disappeared and another scream and grind could be heard, she wasn’t sure how many times it happened as after the fifth she forced her hands over her ears, she couldn’t take any more of the screaming.
After all the reds were gone, the whir stopped but the hand kept coming back, this time for the children, ripping them away from whoever they clung to. A woman tried to fight the hand as it came for her baby but with a flick of a finger; she was forced to the ground, sobbing, crying out as her child went up and over. On its last few trips, the hand gathered up the older adults, the really old just being taken away but the few marked purple were held above the box for a few moments, some returned to the box and others taken away.
Rose heard the snap of the latex glove coming up and looked around, the 40 or so people that had originally been in here had all but gone, barely 12 or so remained.
“We’ll I’d say you’ve certainly earned a fair bit of credit, eh Alex?”
“I’m sure I’ll be able to find some nice things for my little Shrunken”
An uneasy feeling came over Rose with those words, so much that she wanted to throw up.
Shrunken? What does that mean? Is that all we are now? Some kind pets for this sicko?
“Treat em well and you might some real keepers there. In my experience, treats work better than punishments so find out what the good ones like and the rest’ll follow suit soon enough.”
“Appreciate the advice, James”
Those were the last words she heard as the lid closed shut and the box was moving again, a slight sway as if her kidnapper had a chip in his step.
The swaying continued for some time, enough time for the crazy girl to come back round and cackle away to herself huddled in the corner, the crying mother had all but run out tears and wails at this point. Clearly wherever they were going wasn’t close to where they came in. She heard a beep and what sounded like a lock click, they had arrived. A few more steps and sways and the box came to rough landing. The lid ripping fully off and that dark-haired horror coming into view.
“Well little ones, welcome to your new home, for the moment atleast.” a cruel grin stretched over his face.
“Now, save me the trouble and strip, I want to see you all in your glory in the time it takes me to come back, anyone still clothed when I do...well, here’s hoping you're not attached to those clothes cause I won’t be gentle in getting my way...” He paused for a moment, seeming to look each of the others over, a familiar feeling came over Rose as thick appendages grabbed at her, a rough thumb squeezing her against two digits at her back, lifting her with such ferocity she came clean out her slippers. Dropping her, landing on her ass against his open palm, his visage mere inches away.
“Cept you, you’ll be joining me tonight cutie” he declared as he took a few steps away from the box giving her a chance to look around, the room was a massive, luxury suite, the bed twice the size of her only dinky one, a small dollhouse perched on the bedside table infront of a series of bay windows, leading round a curve to a fitted desk with a sharp, sleek computer atop. Swivelling her head to look back, the container she had just been in sat on a set of drawers, above it, a series of interconnected glass cages, there looked to be beds and fully equipped bathrooms in them. She gulped, assuming that was going to be her living arrangements from now on. She’d have broken down in tears if she wasn’t equally as filled with wonder at the rest of the giant room, the luxurious tone beyond her wildest dreams. However, her wonder didn’t last long as her captor moved out of that room into what looked like a shared room, a couple of other doors leading to similar rooms she thought as she was deposited on a desk, next to her a strange machine, with straps and holds, a glass tube encasing them, her heart sank it looked like some kind of torture device. She started crawling back for it when she hit the warm fleshy wall that was his hand. His body coming into view as he sat at the desk, clicking a few buttons, the machine came to life.
“Careful there little Shrunken, wouldn’t want you falling, would be such a waste”
His ears perked and eyes narrowed
“You say something?”
“My name’s Rose, not Little Shrunken”
“Rose....nice name, it suits you” His hand scooping her back onto her feet.
“And you are?” She grilled, shrugging off his touch.
“Name’s Alex, Alex Laughlin” He smiled, bringing his face down onto the desk infront of her.
“What do you want with me Alex?” her voice stumbling, body quaking in fear.
“I mean, I have what I want, You. Hate to tell you but you’re mine now, my little Shrunken, basically my pet” his finger stroked at her back.
“I’m not a pet! I’m a person!” fury in her tone, forcing a laugh from him
“Uhhh not anymore, I’m afraid, you’re just a pet, free to do with as I wish. Sooner you get that, sooner your life becomes easier. Now, do me a favour and get those rags off”
“Wha...why? No! I won’t do it” she declared, stomping her foot on the desk, fists clenched. His head drooping in defeat, a sigh escaping him, before his eyes coming back up with a pleading expression.
“Look Rose, I’m trying here. Just cause you’re my Shrunken, same with the rest in there, doesn’t mean we have to be enemies, we can be friends, I want us to be friends, it will make both our lives easier. You can struggle, fight, do whatever you want but I’ll get what I want either way. I’d rather treat you like the beautiful creature you are than some toy to be used and ignored. Please, just so the smart thing and cooperate. Treat me with respect and I’ll treat you with some too.”
Rose paused for a moment, trying to take it all in, coming together as tears began to stream down her face.
“I...I... I just...why?”
“I can't pretend to understand what this is like but the sooner you adjust, the better you’ll feel, but until then, just, please do what I ask.” he pleaded, a finger reaching over her shoulder and gently rubbing her cheek.
“Ok fine...guess I've got no other choice” Rose scowled, shooting daggers at Alex as she pulled her black tank top up over her head and threw it down, her bare breasts bouncing slightly, as she bent over, slipping down her cute little shorts, stepping out of one side and kicking the garment off toward his giant face, bouncing off the tip of his nose.
“Well, it’s a start, I suppose you deserve a reward for your cooperation” A wicked grin came over him as his other hand snatched her up, her breasts cupped by his thumb, arms pinned by her side and legs flailing as he leaned back in the chair. His eyes looked her over as his other hand came up and pinched firmly at her breasts.
“Woah, those are real?” He muttered under his breath, his fingers moving their attention around her body, catching a feel at her ass, stroking up her leg, Rose felt a strange feeling begin to stir in her lower regions.
Am I getting turned on by this?
His finger slowly travelled down, around the back of her leg and under her foot, causing her to burst out giggling, her legs flailing even more, Alex chuckled as well, her smile was gorgeous, her skin like silk. He had hit the jackpot with this one. Bringer her closer to his face, he wedged his finger between her feet and began to slowly stroke up and down, getting progressively further up with each pass. Rose could feel her body begin to betray her, her legs refusing to close and instead starting to open up, she was beginning to sweat, her mind aflurry of thoughts, fighting off her body's desires.
He’s about to rape me. Rape me! And here I am, wanting him to do it, to do me, to treat me like a toy for his sick pleasures.
She could hate him later, she would hate him later, but for now, she just wanted that invasive digit in her womanhood, she wanted to feel his breath wash over her, his fingers all over her body. All feelings of rage disappearing in a sea of pleasures.
Alex finger had reached her upper thigh and spread her legs wide with no effort, a familiar damp on his finger and sweet fragrance in his nose, grinning hungrily, he knew what that meant.
As if reading her mind, the hand holding her opened up and tiled back as she lay there, exposed to his pervasive eyes. His perusive digit doing slow, teasing circles around her burning nethers, his other hand setting to work, stroking over her body, grazing her heaving breasts, tickling at her awoken nipples.
“Enjoying this are we?” he teased.
“Y-yes” she weakly mustered between baited breaths
“Do you want me to continue?”
“Then I need you to promise to do somethings for me”
A-anything!" She squeaked
“You’ll do anything I ask”
“Then, what are you?”
“I’m me”
“Not who, what are you?”
She said nothing. His finger closing in on her pulsing vulva, stroking lightly at the opening as he repeated.
“What are you?”
“I’m your pet, your toy, whatever you want me to be!” she called out, her feet finding the edge of his hand and pressing her own hips up and down against his finger.
“And what do you want?” He enquired, raising an eyebrow at her actions.
“I want you to use me, play with me, finish me!” She screamed, as he retracted his finger from her, a disappointed sound echoing from her.
“Attagirl” he whispered under a hushed breath as he pursed open his lips and brought them around her lower half. Forcing her legs to straddle against the sides of his face, his tongue replacing where his finger used to be, pressing firmly before beginning to lick ferociously as her most sensitive spot.
He wanted to drag it out more, her squeaks and squeals were like music to his ears, her taste was indescribable, but he had things to do, places to be, so his elative distraction couldn’t go on much longer.
She felt him speed up his lashing, her burning passion ablaze, she couldn’t help but flex her hips in pace with him, her arms grasping at his nearest finger, holding the digit tight to her chest as she smothered it with passionate kisses, her heaving demeanour reaching closer and closer to her apex until at last, her whole body felt ashudder, with a final heave, her back arched clean off his hand before collapsing back down in an awe of glory. She held the finger tighter, struggling to regain her breathing. His face retracting from her, he gave her a cruel cool blow over her sweat soaked body as he licked his satisfied lips.
“Did we enjoy that, my little Rose?” he teased
“Ye....yes....” she weakly muffled between heavy breaths, placing another kiss on his chest pressed digit.
“I’m glad, I hope this will be the beginning of a very rewarding relationship” he cooed with a gentle, almost smile.

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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by HHunter1 » Fri Mar 12, 2021 7:23 pm

I'm glad your sharing your story. Hope people are enjoying it. :)


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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by Bobascher » Mon Mar 15, 2021 10:35 am

The hook grabbed that few paragraphs introducing Rose’s life reinforced although her life wasn’t stellar, she had one. That way when she was grabbed and it was just casually noted that he might as well take her was a true power play. Awesome :)

Shrink Adept
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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by Underscore » Tue Mar 16, 2021 8:02 am

I'm really glad you both are enjoying it. I plan on having Rose as an integral pillarof the story, a lot of it being told from her view early on so having a little intro to her life to flesh her out a bit more seemed like a good idea. I had originally only planned for Rose to have a background but if you're enjoying it, I'll see about doing something similar for particular pets later on as Alex goes about his hunts.

Thanks for the feedback too, I'm super grateful!


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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by Underscore » Tue Mar 16, 2021 8:22 am

Chapter 2

Rose stirred as she was deposited softy, the cold chill of the desk meeting with her sweat soaked back sending an awakening shiver down her spine, her once satisfied eyes forced wide open in surprise as she shoots upright. Alex had turned his attention back toward the machine in the middle, turning the glass tube round to have some kind opening to the restraints. She took this opportunity to regain her sense of modesty as she began to crawl towards her discarded clothing, her knees still trembling from her lustful episode. Alex spotted her movements from the corner of his eye, turning to enjoy the view as her perky ass gently swayed side to side, opting to speak just as she reached the tank top.
“I wouldn’t bother if I were you.” he admitted, Rose turning back, a mixture of confusion, sadness and anger. Please don’t tell me he wants me to stay naked forever... I don’t want that, anything but that.
“It’s not what you think, Sure, keeping you naked would make things easier, but you’ve been a good girl so far, so I’m going to reward you. You won't need rags like those anymore” He added, his hand moving over towards her, his forefinger slipping under her soft navel and flipping her over onto her back again. The digit then moved to her side gently, forcing a ticklish giggle out of her as his thumb sandwiched her other side. He lifted her up and over to the tube, she wasn’t sure she’d ever get used to that sickening feeling of weightlessness. He let her down at the tubes opening and nudged her toward the restraints.
“What’re you doing to me?” she asked, turning back to face Alex, who replied;
“It's a device for scanning your body, gives me your exact measurements which helps when it comes to ordering clothes and... well, other outfits.” Something about the way he said ‘other outfits’ she didn’t like, but maybe, just maybe, it wouldn’t be all bad. She had always struggled to find clothes that fit, now a machine would do it for her, for most women that would be a dream come true if it wasn’t for the nightmarish reality, she was now a living barbie doll.
“Now, get in position and I’ll strap you in, try not to move. Oh, and you’ll want to close your eyes, the machine can be pretty bright.”
She did as he asked, stepping in, her feet on the markings and her arms held up on poles, she felt like a sacrifice in a giant monster movie. He strapped her ankles to the bottom of the poles and her arms atop. She instinctively shut her eyes out of embarrassment of the position she was in as the machine came to life. Alex closed the tube off and she was barraged with different coloured lights, up and down and over again, it only lasted a minute at most before the tube opened and she felt his giant fingers work the straps to release. She expected him to pull her out but instead sat patiently, his eyes clearly taking in the view. But she noticed something subtle, like he was fidgeting uncomfortably.
“So, are you going to come out, or so you want to spend all day in there?” He asked somewhat playfully.
“If I don’t, you'll just take me out anyway, not like I’ve got any ‘choices’ left, do I?” Seems Rose had found her spunk again as stepped out, chest puffed as if she was trying to stand tall.
“Good Girl! Nice to see you at least understand that much, now come on, we’ve got stuff to do before tonight” His tone led off in Rose’s mind. What was happening tonight, and what ‘stuff’ did he have to do?
She soon had her answer as her being was ripped from the desk, captive to a claw that raised her to his chest and started moving, back towards the bedroom they’d come out of.

Alex stepped back into his room, the sunlight still piercing through the windows. Checking clock that sat on the far wall above the computer, it read 4pm.
“Ahh perfect!” he started as he looked down as his little Shrunken “Looks like we’ve still got about 2 hours until dinner, should be enough time to get a rush order in for you, get cleaned up, ready and out we go, sound good?” he smiled. Rose just unsurely nodded her head; she had no idea what he was talking about but apart from the kidnap, he hadn’t done anything to hurt her. Apart from the rape but no matter how much she wanted to; she couldn’t get angry at him for it. She enjoyed her first time far too much for that, if anything, even as a pet, a Shrunken or whatever, she wanted him to do it again, even just thinking about it made her legs squirm, something he clearly noticed but for the wrong reasons.
“Ok, ok, I’ll put you back down, careful struggling, I don’t want to drop you, that’d be just a waste” He spoke to the dangling Rose as he moved over to the bed and opened his hand wide. She let out a shrill scream of terror as she plummeted before thumping onto something unbelievably soft. She fell back, breasts falling to her sides, her heart racing and chest heaving again. She could make out him laughing, it was strange though, it wasn’t some menacing laugh of power like she expected, it was a nice laugh, like a funny joke had just been told, the contagious kind. And like that, Rose genuinely smiled for the first time that day, even laughing alongside her captor. For a moment, she forgot where she was, what she was. A sense of nostalgia of the good old days before all her friends moved away to the big cities to live their dreams. She was reminded of nights spent sitting up playing Mario Kart, getting drunk, back when all her worries were Highschool exams and her dad finding out she was stealing his booze. She was awoken from her lovely daydream as a massive force landed next to her, the power of such sending her back into the air briefly, but she kept her eyes shut, trying desperately to go back to her dream world. A looming shadow moved overhead and landed beside her with a softer thump, another soon after that on her other side. Finally roused back to reality as those warm tendrils enveloped her naked form and lofted her skyward. She landed more gently this time, another strange yet adoringly soft fabric greeting her skin, though this one was warm, and moving. Rose immediately feared the worst and sat up bolt upright, eyes scanning around her, to her relief he had just sat her on his shirt as he lay on the bed, his focus away on a tablet, he seemed to be scrolling through some sort of fashion website, interested, Rose shifted her body to face the device as he paused then shook his head and continued.
“If you see anything you like, speak up, I’ve already got tonight's outfit picked out for you.” he commanded, somewhat monotone. “There’s a few outfits I want to get you but play your cards right and I can be generous”. Rose turned back to face him nodded and returned her attention to the tablet. She missed the first few things he bought and was sickened by some of his new choices, deep red lingerie, garters and stockings. Bunny girl and reverse bunny girl outfits in both white and black, various sets of little booty shorts with tube tops or short tank tops so that her gratuitous underboob would be showing. But some of his others surprised her, luxury underwear, delicate accessories, makeup kits tailored to her features. Even sports bras and workout shorts, some yoga pants and swimwear, both skimpy and beautiful. Clearly, he intended to keep her in good stead given the size of the wardrobe he was buying her, though it turned her stomach to know he traded people she grew up with or around to afford her nice things. His final choices surprised her as he clicked on the costumes tab, most of which she recognised.
A beautiful red and black rose wedding dress belonging to...
EVO3 from GFL?
A tight black two strap dress with lots of slits all over, looked just like...
A schoolgirl outfit and a set of demon wings, obviously...
Rias from Highschool DxD?
And lastly, a series of outfits, a long purple dress, a little gothic lolita dress, a silver knights armour and a catgirl costume, all from one...
“Erza Scarlet?” she thought aloud
“You say something Rose?” he asked, his head tilted down towards her, his eyes puzzled.
“Hmm, no, nothing” she nervously replied, not intending on saying anything. As much as she loved how some of the things on there looked; she just couldn’t, not with his blood money... though she was now curious, when he picked out those costumes for her, he moved though the items like knew exactly what he was looking for. A message came up on screen as he finalised the order. ‘Your rush order is being processed. Other Items will arrive within 24 hours’
Rose rolled her body onto its side to look up at him. What rush order? I didn’t see him do anything different to say what was and wasn’t a rush order, he must've ordered something before letting me see.
“So, what say we get cleaned up while your stuffs on its way?”, the words beckoned though a sweet smile but hungry eyes.
“Uhhh, what do you mean by ‘cleaned up’?” she asked, somewhat trepid of the answer.
“Duh, like a shower? A bath? What did you think I meant?”
“I didn’t know if it as some sick code for something you people do to people like me” she returned, less aggressively than he expected, it was like she had just asked for the time, like it was normal.
“Dunno, honestly it might be, some of us do horrible stuff to you Shrunken, stuff you wouldn’t imagine, but think about it for a second, if I planned on doing something like that, would I have just spent a small fortune on a wardrobe for you? Heh, small fortune” He chuckled, eliciting a tired expression from his lovely Shrunken.
“Come on, after today are you honestly saying you don’t want a bath?”
“I suppose you’re right” she sighed, dropping her head before a slight smirk came to her face. She started shifting around to get to her feet.
Alex watched her form like a hawk, he couldn’t help but shift slightly, an uncomfortable pressure building in his jeans, making a mental note of something he’d have to relieve before heading out. His shift made her stumble but eventually she got to her feet, hand on her hips, legs elbow width apart, she looked like she was striking a superhero pose, he might’ve felt the slightest bit intimidated if she wasn’t naked or the size of a figurine. Her next move however surprised him, Rose took her hands off her hips and threw them straight up in the air. Alex was stunned, and he wore just that expression. Rose giggled a little.
“What? You’re just going to pick me up anyway, this way it's on my terms” He gave her a doubtful look.
“Ok fine, the way you were carrying me like some kind of doll hurt, you had my arms pinned behind me, if I’m going to be manhandled like a toy then atleast let me be comfortable, yeah?”
He opened his mouth to speak but hesitated, dropping his head with a little scoff before reaching round to pick her up, his hand scooping round her form but keeping loose, letting Rose shimmy around, putting her arms down on his thumb and forefinger. Once she gave him a little nod, he gave her a gentle lift. He couldn’t help but laugh as her little fingers dug into his, lifting her up above his head as he slung himself upright, feet over the edge and began making his way into the ensuite bathroom.

Inside, Rose couldn’t believe her eyes, even at this scale, the bathroom was bigger than her bedroom was. It had a sink big enough to be a pool, a shower that could cause a rain storm and a bath that could span a lake or two, the room was a brilliant white, apart from a strange wooden beam across the bath, on it sat a large circle of rocks sunk into the wood, one rock was alot taller than the rest and smooth down into the circle. Alex noted her interest.
“You like it, built that one myself” he admitted, rather proud of himself
“What is it?” curiosity on her mind
“It's a bath, made it like a Japanese hotspring, Hot water goes in from the bottom, colder water comes out over the top.”
“That's a bath?! Its big enough for like 20 people” She couldn’t hide her excitement.
He sat her down in the sink, her view of the bath now obscured, her shouldered slumped disappointed.
“Pretty close, it's got seating for 18 Standard or 12 Doll Shrunken.” His pride still in his tone. “I can tell you want to try it out, but we’ve got plenty of time for that, trips got over a month to go still and even then, I’ve got a better one at home...right now we’re in a rush, so we’re gonna have a shower together, get you dried up. Your little welcome gift should be here by then and off we go”
Rose had so many questions she didn’t know which one to start with. She just sat in the cold sink with her thoughts as he turned the knobs for the shower, water sputtering to life, he took a step back and rolled up his sleeve to test the water, nodding he turned back to face her. Raising his hand, he flicked her with some of the water, jogging Rose back to her senses with a pout, something Alex couldn’t help but double over laughing at.
“Aww did we not enjoy that, well let's get you warmed up” His cold wet shower hand grabbing Rose and setting her down on a high shelf, half of which was under the shower's downpour. Alex shot her a smile as she stood under the flow, the water running off of her every curve, he couldn’t believe he’d almost missed her on his hunt. Rose meanwhile couldn’t believe she was standing on a shower shelf like some kind of bottle. Alex started taking his clothes off, dropping to a pile which he swiftly footed back into the bedroom and set his glasses down by the sink-side before getting into the shower. The water immediately dampened his already shaggy black hair, poured off his slim yet muscled frame and down onto his little pet, soaking her red locks. Her eyes focussed ahead on his chest, feeling a strange tingling in her loins as the water traced down every line, every bump, she felt herself drawn forward, eyes now following the waters path. This was her first time seeing a man naked, her mind screamed no but her body moved anyway, bending over slightly to look down, she noticed something staring right back up at her, at a guess it must’ve been twice her height and wider than she was now.
“Like what you see?” the giant called down to her, her head recoiling back to him, face almost as red as her hair.
“Nothing to be embarrassed about my little Shrunken, I can always introduce you” He led off before planting a kiss on her torso, enveloping and exciting her breasts, lashing at the tiny nipples with his tongue. His hand came around and stroked down from her head, her back and teasing her backside. She tried backing away and pounding her fists on his face but neither the fingers nor lips gave any way. His fingers slipped under her arms and lifted Rose off the shelf, still kissing her soaking body, forcing out little yelps of pleasure from his pet, his other hand starting to work up his own pleasure down below.
After what felt like an age, he finally took Rose’s heaving chest out his mouth, a red ring on her from where his lips had held her. She struggled to catch her breath now in his grip. Another soft kiss pressed into to her face and down she travelled, past his smooth chest and abs, down to now face the beast she once stared down on.
“Well....say hello” he beckoned down as his hand moved her closer to his stiff manhood. Rose flailed wildly, but her kicks and screams only seemed to excite it more, she closed her eyes and wished she was anywhere else until she felt his warm girth against her skin, she couldn’t help but look, looking beast eye to eye.
“You remember when you said you’d do anything, well, this is anything, keep me happy, I’ll keep you happy. Understand my Shrunken Rose?” He said, pressing his pinkie finger between her legs and rubbing firmly against her. Her lust started running crazy again, pressing her head against his tip, kissing and licking every inch she could reach, her hips grinding against his finger initially but as he began to stroke her up and down its length, she ground herself to it instead, its warmth, its pulsing and its scent awakening her instincts buried deep within her. Between the feeling of her massive breasts and grinding hips and the ‘Ooo’s and Ahh’s coming from her tiny frame as she travelled its length was bringing Alex to his edge. One last upward stroke and Rose felt him rumble, he brought her up further, face to face with his tip again. She went to lick and kiss at it again but he pinched her hair back, forcing her mouth open. She was confused until his first load landed right on her face, forcibly swallowing some. He let her hair go, letting cough up whatever she could. His other hand began stroking again firing more of his juices all over her form, washing away with the shower water but she still felt disgusted, used, and she hated even more that she enjoyed it, being completely dominated.
“Ahhhhhh” he let out in relief. “I’d say we’re even from earlier” bringing her back up to the shelf and setting her down, she landed on her feet but turned away from him, letting the water rush over her, she shivered feeling his breath on her back, his mouth parted and give her backside a firm bite. Rose spun round and slapped at the face as hard as she could, tears in her eyes. His head pulled back and she started yelling up at him.
“How dare you? How dare you do this to me? Make me some kind of toy for your sick perversions? I had a life? Hopes, dreams? Why? ...Why would you take it all away from me?”
Alex just sighed; he’d hoped with how cooperative she’d been that he wouldn’t have to have this conversation but she must’ve just been putting on a brave face.
“Look, first you’re not a toy, you’re a Shrunken. There are much worse people out there, doing much worse things to your kind. Second, I don’t know what kind of life you had before but I’m sorry, that’s now over, like I said you’re a Shrunken, your quality of life is dictated by me. You want a good life? Be a good girl. You want to disobey or cause me trouble and I will hand you into the ship for credit. Credits I’ll spend on the other good ones. From there, anyone on the ship could get their hands on you, make you do whatever they want and I promise, you’d be hard pressed to find anyone that gives a damn what you want!” He was beginning to lose his temper. “I never went out looking for you, the rest I mostly picked out but I saw you, standing there, bored and alone, looking sad and miserable so I took you before anyone else could, I SAVED YOU! All I ask is a little gratitude and obedience is that so hard?!” He scoffed, angrily squirting some shower gel on her and then on himself. “Doesn’t matter, just hurry and get cleaned” he turned away from her, burying himself in his thoughts, trying to calm down. Rose meanwhile just sobbed and did as she was told, working up the gel into a lather on her head, washing any of juices out of her before focussing on the rest of her body, it was at this point she noticed something strange. Her chest seemed to feel tighter, tauter, firmer than before but the size was the same. Bending over she also noticed that although it’d been a week since she last shaved, her legs were perfectly smooth, and the little tuft of hair she had kept above her privates had disappeared. What? How?...
She was suddenly startled from her confusion by a rough thumping on the bedroom and a womans voice beckoned out; “Yo, Alex, your stuffs here, also got that chain cage you wanted to borrow”
“Ahh Perfect, thanks Jazz, just open the door and slide it in, I’m in the shower!” he called back
“Oooooh Mr Fancy taking a shower, you want company?” She teased back through the now open door.
“Nah, got plenty already” He joked back but shot Rose a glance, anger still in his eyes but she could see something else in there, a little bit of herself, Was that sadness in his eyes? She thought
“Aww well, you have fun with your little Shrunken, amma just get ready real quick, meet you out here in a bit.”
“Hey Jazz, who you bringing tonight?”
“Uhh was probably gonna be one of my new boys, why?”
“You mind bringing Eric, could really use his help with one of mine”
“Hmmm, sure...but I get first game at that new toy you brought back!”
“Consider it a deal, Miss Danvers”
“Pleasure doing business with you, Dr Laughlin”, the door clicked shut and Alex turned back to Rose
“Hey, you about done yet?” his tone a lot quieter, calmer and a touch nicer than it just was with her a moment ago.
“Gimme a sec, gotta rinse off” Rose answered coldly. Alex shrugged and stepped out, grabbing a towel off the back of the door, he gave his head a quick ruffle, droplets flying everywhere before moving on to dry the rest of his body. Rose’s face grew red, she was still furious but couldn’t look away from him. The sun coming into the room glistened off his body in a way that made her hot down below again.
“I’m done” she called out to him.
“Perfect, c’mere. Let's get you dried. You gotta get ready too” His hand wrapped around her and dropped her back in the sink bowl, a face cloth the size of a bath towel roughly deposited on top of her.
“You get dried, I’ll be back once I’ve got your stuff away” He left the bathroom, retrieved a bag by the bedroom door and moved back over to the bed, Rose could barely see his head go by over the rim, so she just got dried and figured she’d worry about everything else once that was done.

After a while Alex appeared back in the room, white shirt tucked into black trousers. He scooped up his now dry Shrunken and put her down inside the dollhouse next to the bed, its front panel swung open like a giant door, inside there was a living room and kitchen area on the ground floor. Rose immediately noted the working lights and hum of the refrigerator.
“Like your new home for the moment?”
Rose was completely taken aback. It was a dollhouse; she knew it was, but still. It was massive. Was this where she’d be living, she thought it would just be in one of those glass cages. But this? This place was nicer than her parents' house by a huge margin, she was struck in awe until she felt a flick on her backside.
“No time to stand around gawping, get that ass upstairs and get dressed, we’re going out.”
Rose did as she was told, she didn’t care what but she needed something on, something to feel human again but what awaited her, she could've cried at. In the master bedroom, with its on ensuite bathroom, on the softest looking king size bed she had ever seen, sat a long white silken party dress with a gold inlay pattern on the front at the chest.
“Thought you’d like a proper dress, there a bag at your feet, it's what the scanner recommended for your skin tone and the little box is shoes for the dress. You’ve got 10 minutes, let me get you some help to get ready and off we’ll go”.
Alex left Rose to it, she was so enthralled with the dress, nicer than anything she had ever seen let alone owned, that she didn’t notices the screams from the others he had collected, not until one was dropped right next to her. A girl, maybe 16 or so in a purple and pink see-through one-piece swimsuit landed next to Rose. A little chubby but well-endowed and nowhere near fat. She had dark brown hair with a reddish twinge tied up in a ponytail and gorgeous golden eyes. The poor thing was shaking as she leapt up and grabbed onto Rose in a hug.
She apologised repeatedly between tears but Rose just shushed and reassured her it was alright.
“Hey, less of that, we’re on a timescale here” Alex commanded into the room, fashioning himself into a black waistcoat with a silver etched design and buttoning it up.
“The poor girl’s terrified, give her some time! Listen sweetie, I’m sorry this has happened to you but just... do what he says for now and you’ll be safe. I promise”
“But....but...I wanna go home, I don’t want this”
“I know, shh, shh, shh, I know but it doesn’t sound like that’s going to happen. I’m really sorry. But, look I can atleast be your friend, we can help each other through this horrible thing, together. Would that be okay? My names Rose, what's yours?”
The girl stepped back, arms on Rose’s sides, she looked up with teary eyes and gave a nod
“I’m Violet”
“Nice to meet you Violet...” Rose trailed off “I’m really sorry to ask this but would you help me get ready, he seems to be getting antsy...”
Violet just nodded and looked around, opening up the makeup bag she poured it contents out on the bed as Rose put on the underwear, the set was white, likely so it couldn’t be seen though the dress. Rose sat on the beds edge as Violet grabbed the hair brush, got on the bed from the other side and started brushing Rose’s red luscious locks. Rose giggled, it felt so strange to have someone brush her hair for her, even it was out of fear of the giant outside. Violet clearly wasn’t thinking about it, she had a little smile on her face as she came round to Rose’s face and begun to apply makeup.
“Your hair’s lovely, and your face is flawless, you don’t even need much make up so I’m just gonna do a little blush, eye shadow, liner and mascara, does... does that sound alright?”
“Yes, please, that sounds wonderful” Rose acknowledged; she could see the impatient giant pace about the room over Violets shoulder but kept quiet and smiled so as not to worry the girl.

“Aaaaaand we’re done, time to get you dressed” Violet outed excitedly, picking the dress up off the bed and unzipping it at the back. Rose stepped into the dress, it fit snuggly to her form but not uncomfortably, especially in the chest, she probably could've gotten away without wearing a bra. The dress had a single strap leading down into a sleeve, her other arm and shoulder open with a nice but not too gratuitous view of her cleavage. A slit up the side made it easy to walk in however the shoes were white high heels with an open toe design, something Rose was very much not used to walking in. A little gold and white carry purse sealed the look.
“Wow, you look beautiful Rose!” Violet exclaimed.
“I agree, nice job kid” Alex called, his giant face making up the missing wall of the bedroom, Violet yelped and swiftly clung to Rose as his hand entered and reached for her.
“No! Don’t touch me!” she yelled, but Rose took a step forward towards the encroaching hand, stretching her arms out wide in a defiant fashion.
“Please, Alex, could you let her stay here instead? She’s terrified of you, and even you admit she did an amazing job! You said if we do what you say, you’ll reward us, please, consider this her reward for doing so well!”
The hand retracted and Alex gave a nod. Violet meanwhile could’ve cried, Rose was so strong, to stand up for her against that giant man. Rose turned to face the tearing girl.
“Ok, I’m sorry but looks like I have to leave you her, but I’ll be back, and then we can talk, and stay up late, and talk about boys or whatever, sound good?”
Violet just gave a smile and a nod and Rose was grabbed by the waist and yanked out of the room. The wall of the dollhouse slammed shut, Alex clicked a few locks into place leaving Violet now trapped inside alone, Rose felt horrible for leaving her like that. But before she could say anything, she was placed onto the shelf where the collection box sat, the screams of the others he’d taken as he moved over and put the lid back on, silencing them. He placed down infront of her, what looked like a metal birdcage, with an open latch door.
“Your chariot awaits Milady” Alex called down, holding his finger near the door to help Rose up into the cage. She nodded, made her way over and pulled herself up into the cage, one hand gripping the bar and the other his finger, causing him to chuckle as how ticklish her small fingers were on his skin. He latched the door shut behind her and she felt the weight lift off, metal jangled and her rise turned into a drop and a sudden stop. Looking around it seemed the cage she was in was suspended around the giant's neck, the swaying as he walked confirmed it. Stepping out of the bedroom they were greeted by a giant woman by Rose’s scale but rather short compared to Alex. She had dyed light blue hair with black streaks, she wore it long and wavey, her fringe covering one eye with dark accented make-up and matching blue eye shadow underneath. She stood in a black gothic dress with white highlights and thin hem and sleeves. The look did little to hide her well-formed arms, legs or chest. Around the woman's neck, tucked into her cleavage was a similar cage to the one she was in, in it was a broad-shouldered older man in a tuxedo, a little red rose in his lapel.
“Yo, what's good purple dude?” The woman called, stretching her arm out in a fist.
“Same schtick blue chick” He answered, matching her fist bump. On contact, they both blew their hands up making a ‘pow’ noise before letting out a mild fit of hysteria.
“You ready to go?” she asked
“Sooner we go, sooner it's over with and I can get back”
“What? Nah, soon as the dinners done, you’re coming with me to the bar to celebrate!”
“Uh huh, sure it ain’t so you can introduce me to your boy toy?”
“What Kurt? He’s sweet but we both know he can’t handle this” She motioned up and down her body
“True, true, maybe you’re just wanting to get shitfaced and don’t trust him to carry you back here and not to his room” he suggested sarcastically
“Bingo” she shot him a finger gun
“Fine, since you’re doing me a favour, I guess I can keep an eye on you” He sighed “You know, you’re 22, as in older than me, shouldn’t you be the responsible one?” The woman just shrugged.
“Speaking of keeping an eye, let's see what’s so important I had to leave my new toys behind to help you with”
Alex extended Rose cage closer to the woman, her face taking up Rose’s whole field of view
“Damn Son! You caught yourself a beaut! She seems calm enough though, why’d you need my big softy?”
“Just think she could do with an explanation, make her see sense? You know I’m bad at explaining things”
“True, true, like that time I broke the Old Man's vase and you tried to ‘explain’ it was you by giving a detailed report with times and shit?”
“What? I thought that would work, Uncles always liked numbers so...”
“Why do you still call him Uncle, you know he’s not related to you. Like Jacob, Dr Laughlin or even Dad would make more sense.”
“Just feels weird calling him anything but Uncle, just my weird thing.”
“You, as a whole, are a ‘weird thing’”
“Says the mini Pastel Goth”
“Hey, don’t dig at my style man, Mr Tall, Suited and Booted”
The two just burst out laughing again. Causing Rose’s cage to shake violently, she grabbed onto the bars to try and steady herself.
“Lets get this over with, first rounds on me once this meet and greets done”
“Sounds good” replied Alex, making his way over to, and opening, the main door.
“Ladies first” he said with a wave out to the hall
“Ooh such a gentleman, care to give a lady an escort?” she joked
“It would be my honour” he joked in return, tucking his other arm infront of him, leaving a gap at his elbow which the woman slipped her arm into as they both left the room.
“We at a table with your boss?” she asked
“Nah, I think Mr and Mrs Howell will probably be with other Reds, if they come at all, I haven't seen Sandy since yesterday morning so depends how she’s holding up. Looks we’re at table 42, seems to be a table for others that came solo like us”
“Well, that should provide some entertainment”
“Just don’t flirt with them all, I’d like to get some sleep and if you’re snoring is anything to go by....” She jabbed him softly in the ribs
“Anyway, looks like we’re here, time to get your game face on” she instructed as they each opened on of the double doors and entered the dining hall. Alex meanwhile just sighed a tired sigh.

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
Posts: 133
Joined: Tue Mar 09, 2021 2:48 pm

Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by Underscore » Tue Mar 16, 2021 8:31 am

Chapter 3

Rose thought that all of Alex blustering and pacing had been over the top, atleast until they’d arrived at the dining hall. A shining beacon of luxury, tables packed as far as the eye could see as they all began walking through. It seemed to be some kind of themed dinner. The halls pillars were adorned palm trees and ferns, the walls with old rifles, spears, shields, animal head trophies and inch to inch with black and white photos. It seemed to be some kind of hunting lodge aesthetic. The staff seemed to be hovering around in khaki shorts and button-up shirts, pit helmets to complete the look of old timey explorers and adventures. The guests not so much, they seemed to have dressed as luxuriously as possible and on every person there, hung an array of the same metal cage she now stood in. Looking around closer however, some didn’t actually have their victims in cages. Some were personally chained to their owners like jewellery. One rather obese man had a tiny young girl, naked, dangling from his tie knot, the woman next to him had young boys spread eagle in her hoop earrings, over by the desert table, people of all ages were dipping naked Shrunken under the chocolate fall and licking them clean. She still couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that a cruise ship full of these people just picked apart and kidnapped her entire town, let alone the fact most of them were now in this room, tiny dolls kept captive in cages or worse, for their new rich owners, it disgusted her to her core, so much so she doubled over, grabbing at the cage bars to hold herself up. She would’ve have thrown up if she had anything to throw up. A strange motion caused her to stumble further as her cage was raised up, the giant face of her owner coming into view.
“You good?” he asked, a smidge of concern on his face.
Rose just shook her head, a mix of sad, scared and furious.
“Look, I tried but I can't get out of this thing, I don’t wanna be here just as much as you, just ... I’ll do what I can but this is your new normal I’m afraid. We’re about to have dinner with others with their own Shrunken, it’s a mixer afterall. Please though, if you see anyone you know in a cage or worse, don’t make a scene, just stay in there and keep quiet. I’ll explain later but just do this for me, yeah?” His voice and face clearly pleading
Rose gave a sad nod, almost inaudibly adding. “I’ll try, promise”
“I appreciate that, sooner this is done, sooner you and Eric can have a much-needed talk.” Alex smiled down to her.
“She all good?” The woman Alex was with piped up, her head barely poking into view
“Nah, think she’s a bit down seeing how everything is, would’ve liked to ease her in but that’s never been The Company way. Think she’ll need a drink too once this is all over.”
“Aww, if I'd known you'd brought a drinking buddy I’d have left you at home” the woman gave Alex a nudge.
“Ha, ha, very funny” His attention turned to Rose “We’ll not be here any longer than we need to be, so just stick with me, throw on that brave face you wore earlier, if not for me, do it for that little Shrunken girl alone in your house. I know you want back to her.” It sounded like a threat, the way he said it, but his tone was soft, almost considerate, like he was trying to help. Rose got back to her feet and gave a proper nod this time. Alex smiled and lowered the cage to hang by his chest, however he moved his hand up to cover up Rose’s view out.
“Aww look at you being all nice, you know she’s not a person anymore right, you don’t have to be so nice to a Shrunken.”
“I just wanna keep her keen, I don’t wanna have to turn her in. She’s got promise”
“Ahhhh so that’s why you wanted me to bring Eric, you think if she hears about how good a life you can give her from another Shrunken, she’ll listen and do what she’s told like a good little girl. You’re an open book friend.”
“Speaking of friend, have you seen who’s at our table?”
The woman took her attention of Alex as they walked through the sea of diners, some in extravagant suits and dresses, others more casual shirts, trousers and skirts. A table near the back stood out however, a colourful array of characters stood out through the tiny gap Rose could see between Alex massive fingers. Facing toward them we’re three Asians, A young man, maybe late teens early twenties sat in an outlandishly coloured hoodie with matching baseball cap, t-shirt, A pair of headphones around his neck and probably jeans on underneath the table. He was sitting playing away at a game on his phone, jostling around like he couldn’t sit a peace. Next to him was his exact opposite. An elegant woman sat, still as a leaf. Adorned in a light pink gown-like dress with a deeper pink flower petal design, a matching bow tied around her light brown hair. She was talking with a little boy sat on her other side fashioned in a dark blue sailor suit. Next an empty seat and from there Rose could only see the backs of two gentlemen. One had shaggy light brown hair and sat in a tan suit, he seemed to be an older man, maybe late 30’s from the little side glimpse she caught of his face. Lastly a blonde man in a navy-blue suit. He seemed to be enjoying himself but there was something off, the way he sat, dressed, even laughed. It reeked of pretentiousness, something Rose was all too familiar with. Beside him were two empty seat and back around to the Asian man.
“Oh great, stuck at the kiddie’s table, and Carter’s here too? This'll be fun” The woman with Alex spoke sarcastically
“I know right, and here I was looking forward to a nice, dreamless meal with some new company” Alex joked back as they reached the table.
“Guess it’s ‘divide and conquer’” Alex announced letting the womans arm go and making his way to sit next to the Asian man as she went round to sit between the older man and the child. It wasn’t until they were this close, she noticed, the table set with mirror polished silver, the glasses lined and etched with gold. However, the centre piece seemed to be a large flower display of amazing colours, in the middle sat a wooden disk, separated into sections by bamboo poles and twine, clearly designed to hold the Shrunken anyone brought. A way to show them off to the other owners, something else that made her sick to think about.
“Oh look, seems they let some trash blow in” the blonde man announced as Alex sat down.
Alex just scoffed and tried to ignore him, however the woman he came in with piped up as she sat between the plain man and little boy.
“It’s funny you say that, I had the same thought seeing you here, Carver”. The rest of table laughed but the man just growled and scowled, obviously frustrated his taunt had backfired so spectacularly. The table settled and turned eerily quiet, clearly no one wanted to break the ice. Alex was still keeping his hand over Rose’s cage. That was until the woman Alex came with pulled her cage out her cleavage and deposited it on the desk, opening the latch and letting her Shrunken step out onto the table.
“Guess I’ll go first then. Jasmine Danvers, my mother handles the American warehouses for the Shrunken playsets, manufacturing, shipping, that kinda thing.”
The plain man spoke next; “Hi all, I’m James Woodward, I’m a location scout for The Company. I help scout out towns and locations suitable for out little stop and shops, I actually scouted some of the towns on this trip so if you’re feeling thankful and generous, I accept tips in form of pretty ladies” He was clearly outdated at the table and trying to joke his way in, but he was trying way too hard to get anywhere. He set his cage on the table and out stepped a well-formed young woman, short cut blonde hair. She was clad in an American flag bikini and a white open jacket, too small for her to close. She visibly recoiled at his touch which just made him smile more. She’s probably old enough to be his daughter Rose thought through the gap in her owner's fingers. Fingers which soon left and let the light in at her. The cage now coming down onto the table, a single finger returned to offer Rose a hand out as the other hand unlocked the cage and swung open her door. She slapped her own cheeks, trying hardest to wear a brave face as she stepped out into the light, grasping at his finger and relishing in the little chuckle she heard come from him.
Before Alex could introduce himself, the young Asian man next to him leapt forward towards her on the table, his face uncomfortably close, Alex instinctively cupped his hand behind her.
“Aww dude, please, you gotta trade me! I’m dying for a natural Katarina!”
“Not for sale I’m afraid...” He started off, looking up. Jazz tilted her head quickly as if to encourage him to talk to the man.
“Besides, she’s more a Miss Fortune anyway, way too stacked to be Katarina”
The man hung his head and retreated from Rose in defeat but chuckled nonetheless.
“Spose your right, kinda jumped the gun on that one.” continuing his chuckle
“It's all good, I’d be the same if you had an Ahri out here” He turned back to the table.
“I’m Alex Laughlin, I handle all things administration to do with the Shrunken playsets on behalf of the Howells, Logistics, development, testing, reports, that kind of stuff.” This time it was James’s turn to lean across the table.
“Hang on, Laughlin? as in Dr Jacob Laughlin? The guy who pioneered the evolution of very shrinking tech that’s let us gather up our Shrunken prizes, who took it from the blocky rifle sized tech in the 80’s to the sleek implants we all have today? that Laughlin?”
“Yeah, he’s my uncle” Alex admitted, though he seemed to shy back from it.
“Guess I’ll go next” The Asian man interrupted.
“Names Daewoo Song, I’m a tech guy, started in physical repairs but now I’m part of the team coding the work tablets, the security systems built in to everyone's are my own design.” clearly proud of that little fact. His hand dug into his t-shirt neck an after some motions, he pulled out a woman Rose recognised from highschool. Black hair with a little white streak and what looked like cat ears, she was in some kind of string outfit with tufts of black fur covering her privates and around her neck, wrists and ankles. It even had a large fluffy tail but given how she seemed to walk; it wasn’t exactly attached from the outside. Regardless it caught Alex attention and not in a good way for Rose.
“That's pretty awesome, I'm guessing Dangerous Beast from Fate?” Alex asked
“Bingo, my man!” Daewoo returned, a soft cough from the elegant woman next to him however, quickly silenced him and Alex.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you all, my name is Sakura Sato, this is my little brother Kaoru. Our father is the head of security for the Asian branch headquarters”. From up her very loose gown sleeve, her slender hand with pink painted nails appeared, producing a cage not dissimilar in design to Rose’s but instead of metal, it was made of wood, more like the table centrepiece in that regard. In said cage, stood a rather worried looking dark young man, in a similar gown to his owner, this one dark brown and black, tied closed around his waist. The little boy raised his hands above the table, producing a mature sobbing woman, both his hands around her waist, she had short black hair and thick framed glasses, completely nude bar a pair of pump shoes still on her feet, her skin flush red with little smears of brown across her body though mostly down her legs and across her well-rounded chest, her body also glistened as if she was wet, clearly the boy had been visiting the chocolate fountain recently. Rose looked closer and could see the disregarded remnants of a dark long skirt and matching blouse. A white shirt atop the pile led Rose to believe she was originally dressed like some kind of teacher. Sakura unlocked the latch on her cage and let the man step out. Rose recognised his face from working in the liquor store her dad went to, always nice to her but his effeminate tone always made Rose think women weren’t his thing.
“Now Kaoru, let her go to talk with the other Shrunken”
“Aww but I wanna get more chocolate.” the young boy pouted, his tiny grip on the woman tensing up, making her squeal and struggle in pain, her hand pressing against his fingers on either side, digging into her stomach.
“Now, now, there's plenty of time for desert later. It’s time to be polite” She replied, leaning over and placing her hand gently on his wrist, the grip released and the still sobbing woman scrambled over to the centrepiece, as far from the boys reach as she could.
“Carver, Carver Johnstone” the blonde man interrupted, clearly becoming impatient for his turn.
“My father’s in charge of financial distribution for The Company. As well as negotiating Asset and Holding acquisitions, he determines the activities budget for the most crucial departments” Carver finished with a smug smile and head tilt, as if he was looking down his nose at the rest of the table. From below he produced a large golden cage, inside a young blonde woman, adorned in a rose gold ballgown, matching gloves and even a tiara. Clearly, he was trying to show off, though the only person buying any of it was the old man, James, next to him. The woman’s face was familiar but her heavily done up face and curtained hair style made her features hard to distinguish for Rose. She looked like a literal princess, even the way she walked seemed regal, her hands pinched at the hem of the gown, lifting it as she paraded out the cage onto the table. Though few steps in her high heels slipped and she stumbled but managed to catch her balance. Though from the look on her face, you’d think she’d died. All colour drained and she spun round to face Carver.
“I ... I’m sorry, I slipped on the table, it wasn’t my f....”
Her words were cut short as Carver flicked his finger off the womans face, sending her spinning off her feet and sliding across the table, hard enough she travelled all the way to the centrepiece. Rose began to rush toward the unmoving woman sprawled on the table but was met with Alex’ wall of fingers scooping her back towards him, even closer than she’d been standing before. She turned and stared up at Alex, his face surprised her. It was down, winced to the side with eyes closed, as if he was in just as much pain watching. Rose just calmly placed her hand against his and it retreated.
“I do apologise for that wretched display of grace; seems I overestimated this Shrunken thing’s ability to walk in a straight line” he outed with a disgusted tone, eyes baring down on the womans unmoving body
“Eh, these things happen” James shrugged off, his Shrunken frozen in fear at the whole affair
“Sakura, he made his go weeeee! Can mine do that?” Kaoru piped up, tugging at his sisters' sleeve. Her expression similar to Alex’, eyes closed, looking down, her offhand covering over her mouth with its drooping sleeve. She leaned down and whispered something into her brothers' ear, his smiling expression changed, he seemed angry now. The wonder gone, he looked away from Carver and back to eyeing up his on Shrunken, recoiling just out of his reach. Daewoo just shook his head a little.
“Damn, what a waste” he ushered quietly.
Jasmine meanwhile was clearly furious, her teeth barren, fists scrunched so much she was shaking, it seemed only the touch of her little man, his hand resting on hers, seemed to be holding back her fury.

Luckily the wait staff soon came round, breaking the tension by handing out menus. Rose had to hop back quickly, stumbling slightly as one was nearly dropped on her, the waitress just smiled and moved on to placing one on Daewoo’s place setting. His Shrunken edged closer to Rose while he was distracted, eyeing up the waitstaff
“Rose? Rose! It's me, Anna.”
Rose grabbed the girl, pressing her face into her chest in a hug.
“Of course, I know it’s you. I’m so glad to see someone, I just wish our situations were better.”
“What the hell happened to us, one minute I’m asleep in my room, next I know my clothes are being torn off me and I’m stuffed into a box full of the women from around my neighbourhood?”
“I have no idea, Anna. From what He’s said, seems we’ve all been taken as pets for these sick people, atleast we seem to have gotten better owners than some.” Rose admitted, her tone a bit too casual for the situation, atleast in Anna’s eyes.
“Owners???! Are you crazy, they’re kidnappers, rapists and probably murderers going by that over there!” She outcried, pulling out of the hug, her exposed form jiggling under the array of string and fur. Her angry expression suddenly changed, a massive hand behind her pinched at the tip of the tail and dragged her back, tears began welling up.
“Help me Rose! Don’t let him take me away!” she cried out. Rose began to reach out but hesitated. Anna was lifted off the table, dangling by the tail, screaming in pain.
“Sorry about that” Daewoo outed, towards Alex
“It’s cool, gotta ask though, that tail how’s it...”
“Attached? It’s the buttplug one, plus its attached to the rest of the outfit. This little one had a really tight ass, more so with the firming process so I wanted to use it first. Throw her in at the deep end, ya know?”
“Yeah, I get that, doing mine the other way, starter her off light and ease her into it” Alex hand now scooping Rose up, sitting on the edge of his palm, legs dangling off.
“Ahh I get ya, ain’t got time for that long game stuff but, eh, everybody's got their own way of training their Shrunken.”
Daewoo roughly dropped the teared-up Anna into one of the sections in the centrepiece. She immediately fell to the floor, trying to pry the tail out of her ass, but with ever little tug, she just squealed. Eventually giving up and resigning herself on the floor like some kind of animal. Rose Continued to sit on Alex hand as he begun flipping through the menu. Rose couldn’t believe the range of dishes on offer, most of which she wouldn’t even begin to try and pronounce. Alex wore a pondering expression, flipping back and forth between two pages, clearly unable to make up his mind. It took a good few minutes, and a nudge from Daewoo, for Alex to un-zone himself and pick his food, deciding on the Steak strips in a Honey & Whiskey Glaze on a bed of Sweet Potato Fries and a side of Asian Slaw. Rose’s mouth practically foamed just thinking about the food, she hadn’t eaten all day after all. She looked up and Alex and tried to wave for his attention but he was too busy talking with Sakura, still keeping a refined and elegant look but seemingly quite the talented tongue for conversation, though either Alex was immune to her charms or too dense to notice them. She was prying into his personal life, however subtly, mostly to do with his Uncle. Alex however just kept laughing the topic off, trying to change it back on her about life in the Asian HQ, he’d managed to narrow down from her name and dress that she was Japanese, her older brother and mother also worked for ‘The Company’ and were setting up a new Shrunken breeding location within Japan itself, the children of these Shrunken, they sickenly dubbed Kittens. Though at times it was difficult for Rose to hear what Sakura was saying over Carver boasting about his catches to James, the older man eating it up like it was going out of style. Daewoo was trying his hardest to flirt with Jasmine but she was just toying with the poor man, it was plain to see for everyone there. Kaoru, left out of the talks, was just telling his Shrunken all the games he was going to do with her, it would normally seem innocent enough but something about the way he said made it sinister. Just when the poor woman thought he was disinterested, he would swipe at her, trying to grab anything he could hold but she remained just out of his reach.
The conversations continued; the table clearly separated in two groups: The rich snob and the ass kisser on their own with the rest all dipping in and out of each other's. Sakura was sitting playing with her shrunken, her fingers had found their way inside his robes, spotting the food coming she lifted the man and herself from her seat, bowing as she left, stating she would be right back, the other three just shrugged. Rose saw the waitstaff coming with the food and her stomach grumbled. However, her tiny hopes for a nice meal were dashed as Jasmine lifted and slid her Shrunken into the centrepiece as her plate came down to her setting. James, followed suit but not before pulling the little white jacket his Shrunken clung off her body, leaving her tanned skin completely exposed bar the US flag bikini. He lifted her by her forearm and deposited her from a rough height into her section. Carver bore a disgusted look as he lifted and dropped the body of his unmoving princess into the section infront of him with an audible thump, Rose noted a small red pool on the table where she had previously lain. Sakura eventually returned to the table, her shrunken nowhere to be seen. Though given how as she sat in her chair, she seemed to shuffle uncomfortably, her face becoming flush, she could make an educated guess, the guess confirmed as Sakura’s hand appeared from up her sleeve and stuffed the gown her Shrunken had been wearing into his cage. She then reached over, gathered up the discarded clothes of her brother’s Shrunken and stuffed in the same cage. Reaching back, she gathered up the flailing woman into the centrepiece with the rest, an audible sound of disappointment echoes from the young boy. Alex lifted Rose up to his face, planting a soft kiss on her face before slipping her off and in with the rest just as his plate came down. Rose stomach growled as she saw the food, looking up to Alex, his eyes were focussed on her but seemed to be darting back and forth of behind her, then it hit her, she was out of place. She should’ve been next to Anna but there was a space, instead Alex had out her next to Carver’s limp victim. She quickly spun around and reached through the bars, managing to reach the delicate woman's arm she negotiated her hand down to the wrist, feeling for a pulse. It was feint but definitely there. She returned, waving for Alex attention and giving a smile and nod when she got it. A look of relief came over his face before turning back to continue the previous conversation in between bites of food.

The conversations continued for quite some time, throughout the desert course, Rose sat bored, she was grateful for the rest, letting her try and compute everything that had happened in such a short amount of time. However, watching everyone else eat just made her hungrier. Her boredom was only interrupted by Sakura scooping out her brothers Shrunken for him to go back to the chocolate fondue. The woman grabbed at anything she could and held on for dear life, a swift flick from Sakura’s nail to her backside soon sorted that and the woman was handed off to the boy who immediately left and made a B line for the desert table. The thought of Alex drenching her in chocolate and licking her like he did earlier entered her mind. She panicked, her face bright red, she tried shaking her head and slapping her cheeks, anything to get it out her mind but nothing was working, she was on the verge of tears. She couldn’t understand why she felt like this. She felt the anger, she felt the sad so why was lust winning out. She was interrupted as the squeak of chairs moving filled her ears. Everyone's was getting up to leave, Alex swapped contact details with Sakura and Daewoo, Jasmin did the same before everyone reached in and retrieved their Shrunken centrepiece, Alex fished her out, his fingers hooking under her arms and dropping her on his open palm. His head still didn’t look at her, still talking away with Daewoo about videogames, mostly League of Legends, seems Daewoo was really good, Alex seemed to know enough to talk about but kept steering the conversation to more story driven games. Rose stomped her heel into his hand to get his attention, she was starving, feeling light-headed from her emotional overload. Instead of looking her way, his hand just closed up, knocking her to her side and pinning her down, a bit too firm to be comfortable, as she struggled, he just tightened his grip until she stopped. Eventually Daewoo left back to his suite, attaching Anna to a necklace chain by the tail, exuding more screams of pain. Sakura bowed and toddled off, retrieving her chocolate faced brother from the fondue and off they went. Carver turned to leave, still talking business with James.
“Pleasure as always, Carver” Jasmine taunted, he just glared back. Alex looked into the centre and added “Forgetting someone?”
“Nope, it fits being a decoration than a Shrunken, a nice tip for a waiter, if it's even still alive” Carver chuckled and scoffed as he left. Alex dropped Rose to the table and bent over, a finger waggling in her face.
“That was rude! I know you’re hungry but stomping your foot into me is a sure-fire way to a punishment. You were doing so well the rest of the dinner so I’ll let this one slide but next time I WILL bend you over and give you the spanking of your life, understand?”. She felt like a child being talked down to by a parent, she just nodded with a sad expression.
“Good” his finger stroked at her cheek, down her shoulder and scooped under her hand, walking her back to her cage latching it shut.
“Hey Jazz, do me a favour?”
“You’re bills piling up boy” she joked back
“You mind taking her to the bar ahead of me, give her a pellet?”
Jasmine paused but Alex eyes darting to the centre gave his intention away
“Sure, I gotcha, but the first rounds now on you”
Alex smiled, picking up the cage out the centrepiece and left with it.
Rose felt her cage lift and was met with Jasmins beading eye
“He really did get lucky with you, you’re gorgeous” Rose noticed Jasmin lick her lips staring at her causing Rose to back away to the other end of the cage, Jasmine laughed in response.
“Oh, come on, I’m not that scary. Plus, I wouldn’t rob Alex of that body you’ve got. Now let's get to the bar, get a drink and get you fed” Rose cage turned sideways, Jasmine hand closed around it, swinging as she walked. Rose saw the lights of the hall fade; a cool ocean breeze filled her cage accompanied by the deep bass of pounding music, flashing lights followed as Jasmine turned a corner, ripping through the black night sky. Her cage eventually righted and slammed down on a hard surface, the hand retreated and cage door swung open. Rose stumbled around a little trying to make her way out, collapsing to her hands and knees as she fell out. A shadowed loomed over her, expecting to see Jasmines features as she looked up, it was a hand, her size. Rose looked further up to meet the eyes of Jasmines Shrunken. Jasmine sat behind, an arm either side of them on the bar counter. She was busy flirting away with the bartender.
“Thank you” she outed, taking his hand and being pulled up to her feet
“New shoes?” he joked
“You could say that” she joked back
“Eric, Eric Danvers”
“Danvers? You related to Jasmine?”
Eric just laughed
“Sorry, I forgot you were a newby. No, I’m not related to my mistress. I’m her property so it's only natural my name reflects that.”
“There’s nothing ‘only natural’ about this whole thing!" Rose declared, stumbling slightly, holding her head. Eric stroked at Jasmines arm, shouting something up to her Rose couldn’t make out over the music. The bartended dropped a small table and a couple chairs next to her, a tiny plastic bowl, the size of sink basin to Rose, filled with water atop. Jasmine dropped a couple of weird looking pellets on the little table out of what looked like a TicTac box.
“If you’re that hungry you better sit and eat one of those” Eric spoke as he ushered ed behind Rose and guided her into the seat, pushing her chain into the table. Rose picked up one of the pellets, it was rather large, she didn’t know if she could swallow it or not. Eric figured she was scared of what it was so ate the other, swallowing it down with the water out the bowl.
“I promise, it's alright, its berry flavoured” he added with a smile as he took the other seat.
Rose just swallowed hard before putting the pellet in her mouth, she struggled and leapt for the water, drinking as much as she could to clear the pellet from her throat, putting the empty bowl down and coughing.
“The first ones never easy, you can also chew it in bits if swallowing whole it too much” Eric supported
“First one? What do you mean first one?” A worried look on her face
“Oh wow, uhh ok. Guess were starting the Q&A then. Right upside, these pellets are specially made to give us Shrunken all our bodies dietary needs, downside, it's because at this size, out bodies can't really handle people food, like we can eat it alright but it doesn’t do as much for us as it used to, we need the pellets to supplement the difference and keep us healthy. That said, just ask Alex if you want normal food, he’d probably be happy to give you some if you asked nicely. He probably doesn’t cause he doesn’t see the point since it won’t really do anything for you.”
“You speak like we’re not people anymore”
“Cause we’re not” he returned nonchalantly, “We’re Shrunken, exotics pets for those under The Company’s umbrella”
“But I don’t want to be, I want to be me, my old life!”
“Afraid that’s not in the cards, Alex owns you now. You’re his Shrunken. I’m sorry but that’s the way it is.... If it makes you feel any better, you lucked out on him.”
“What do you mean, what part of this is lucky??!!” She slammed her hand on the table. Eric just calmly placed his hand over hers.
“I get that this is scary, nothing even compares to the fear you feel right now but I promise you’re safe. Alex is a nice guy, you’re actually his first Shrunken so I imagine he can be kind of harsh...”
“Harsh??!!” Rose interrupted, “he had me strip naked, used me like a sexual lollipop and then rubbed me over his dick and forced me to swallow what came out!”
“I get that right now that seems horrible, but think about that for a second. He had you strip, willingly. Rather than just rip your clothes off you. He gave you the first sexual experience, why? And when he used you on him, he probably did that to keep HIM in line, it’s the way he’s been taught to do it, to keep you as a Shrunken in his eyes and not something more, he probably felt you two would get along really well but needed to establish that you were not equals. He was letting you know from the start what he expects, and what he can give......You saw at dinner how much worse your life could’ve been like. You could’ve been shrunk by anyone at that table, can you honestly say Alex was the worst choice.”
Rose mind flashbacked to the shower after she slapped Alex, when he shouted that he saved her, suddenly she knew what he meant, her eyes teared up.
“I know Alex asked my mistress to bring me to help you adjust. He does want this to go as well as it can. He’s not a bad person, a bit shut in, not many friends but it's our collective hopes that some Shrunken will help him out his shell. He’s too smart for his own good but he needs to learn to turn the brain off sometimes.”
“But, why? Why would he do this to me?”
“It’s not entirely his decision. The Company everyone here works for determines the towns the cruises visit. The guests just get to go out and shrink everyone there, keeping ones they want, trading in ones they don’t. Once the guests are back onboard, a clean-up crew goes through the town with a fine-tooth comb. Either way, everyone in that town goes. It’s why I said you got lucky.”
“I guess when you put it like that....” A second shadow loomed over the two. Alex had returned, whispered something into Jasmines ear, something that rewarded a hug before she introduced Alex to the bartended. Rose couldn’t help but smile a little at him.
“So, tell me, Rose, do you have any more questions?”
Rose returned her attention to Eric, the smile on her face.
“I guess the first question is, what is my life going to be like?”
“Hmm, tricky, this is the first time Alex has had his own Shrunken, but I can take some educated guesses if you want?”. Rose nodded in response
“He’ll seem pretty demanding, likely lay out some ground rules and threaten to punish you if you break them but his intentions will be good. He might not show it but the kids desperately lonely. He’d rather have a good relationship with his Shrunken. Shrunken are pets but there's no law to say you can’t love your pets, right?”
Rose still winced at the idea of being a pet
“Trust I think is what he needs. Trust in what he asks you to do. If you do, he’ll trust you, and you’ll have the run of the place. If you don’t, he’ll keep you in a cage and only use you as he needs. Costumes and playsets are something else you’ll need to get used to. He’s a massive nerd so he’ll probably want you to dress up and play the part....and then he’ll do sex things with you. My advice there is to accept that’s gonna happen, there's no fighting that. So, just take the initiative. First time I went into Mistresses underwear of my own accord, I didn’t feel used. I felt the power they feel, to have a giant panting at my tiny touch, there’s no way to describe it. My reward was to have the same done to me.”
“Alex did say he’d rather reward us for being good” Rose admitted tenderly. Eric just nodded in a ‘there you go’ way.
“Can I be honest with you?” Rose asked
“Of course, I can’t promise secrecy but I can promise my ear atleast”
“When he did that to me, I enjoyed it....I wasn’t angry at him for doing it, more that I liked it”
“I’m guessing you didn’t get out much before this”
“No, not really. My dad was a deadbeat, my mom Ice cold. I just woke up and lived the day and went to sleep. Nothing exciting every happened.”
“And now you have all these new sights, wonders and experiences to take in. It's a rush and you don't know how to feel?”
“You wanna know a secret, he feels the same” Eric whispered. Rose’s head flicked up to Alex. He was watching and listening to Jasmine and the bartender talk but it was like he wasn’t there. Lights on but no one home.
“It’s all new for him too, difference is he’s trying to let his body tell him what do to. Maybe you should do the same thing. You could have a nice life, but you need to give as much as you want to take, and he’ll do that.”
“You speak really highly of a guy that kidnaps and keeps women as sex pets.”
“Cause, I know that if he didn’t someone much worse would.”
“Simple as that?”
“As simple as that. I’ve known him for almost 7 years now. I know it won’t mean much, I’m as much a stranger to you as he is but, give it time. Meet him halfway all that shit” Eric laughed, Rose chuckled a little, feeling a bit better about her situation. Not so much what Alex did to her, more so how much worse off she could’ve been.
“So last question, can Shrunken drink?” A confident smirk on her face.
“Doesn't take much to get us drunk, also doesn't mix well with the food pellet....but why not ask?”
“I did....I just asked you?” Rose now a bit confused.
“Not me, your owner. He’ll have to order your drink anyway”. Rose tried to wave Alex down but he wasn’t looking no matter how much she waved her arms.
“How do I get his attention?” She pouted
“Remember the pecking order, don’t expect your owner to come to you, instead, go to him if you need something” Ereic offered, his hand motioned her toward Alex. Rose toddles her way over in her heels. Clearly not confident in her ability to take normal strides. She reached her arm out and rubbed at the back Alex hand resting on the bars edge. He spotted her and lowered his head to her, his ear pressed close and other hand cupping around them to keep the music out.
“Can I have a drink?” Rose asked harshly
“What?” Alex replied, feigning being unable to hear her. Rose just sighed.
“Can I have a drink, please?” she asked again, a more polite tone in her voice. A little squeal escaped her as his finger stroked her hair all the way down her back, resting on her ass
“Good Girl, of course you can, just one or two though. I’m sure Eric warned of your new diet and its complications”
“He did...He’s nice...Thank you for asking Jasmine to bring him” She went up on her toes and kissed the lobe of his ear causing Alex to blush. As she tried to go back down, she lost her balance and fell back but she was caught by a pair of giant fingers who helped her back to her feet and held her there as she turned to face the bar.
Alex waited for Jasmine to finish her drink before announcing he’d get the next round adding;
“Oh and Kurt, you mind pouring a couple Shrunken measures, think they’ve earned it”
“You know, I really shouldn’t....but a friend of Jasmine is a friend of mine so...” Kurt looked over his shoulders to make sure no one was looking
“What does it want?” Kurt asked, eyes on Rose but she had a feeling it wasn’t her face he was looking at. Alex fingers nudged at her belly, her breasts bouncing atop his finger.
“Oh, Uhh I’ll have a Vodka and cranberry please” Alex nodded and repeated
“SHE’ll have a Vodka and cranberry, Rum and Coke for me”
“Make that two of each” Jasmine added
Kurt shrugged and turned to the shelf of booze, looking around again to see if anyone was watching before grabbing two bottles off the top shelf, making the drinks and returning them as quick as possible. He placed the four full sized drinks on the counter along with two fresh little bowls. Alex took the bowls and half-filled them, one with each drink and set them down on the little table. He gave Roses stomach and chest one last stroke before cupping her and lifting her gently over to the table.
“Thank you!” she screamed up at her owner but he’d already turned back to the conversation of the giants. Rose smile dropped a little. Jasmine noticed and nudged Alex, who flicked round to see the now pouting face. He dragged his glass over to the table.
“How about a my first Shrunken” Alex posed. Rose lifted the bowl and tapped it off his glass.
“To my first owner, I guess” She chuckled bringing a smile to his face. A smile he hid behind his drinking glass.7 Kurt and Jasmine resumed their talks. Eric shared stories with Rose as they drank. Just about what being a Shrunken would be like. She didn’t like it all but it didn’t seem like it would be anywhere near as bad as she thought. Alex just sipped away at his drink, pretending to listen to Jazz and Kurt but really, he was listening to Eric and Rose. He really liked this one, she had made him go off plan on his hunt and there was something about her he couldn’t put his finger on it. Whatever it was he liked it. He had plenty of time to explore his other Shrunken, they were his afterall but right now, this little creature had his undivided intentions.

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Shrink Master
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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by HHunter1 » Wed Mar 24, 2021 8:41 pm

I'm enjoying rereading your chapters.



Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by BigManEd » Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:32 pm

I was really enjoying this story as well. Just this whole series really! I do hope you continue this one too :D

Shrink Adept
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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by Underscore » Thu Apr 15, 2021 9:44 pm

Thanks!!! Glad you're enjoying it. Should hopefully have a chapter or two for you coming tomorrow night if my job lets me have some time to work on it

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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by Underscore » Mon Apr 19, 2021 8:26 am

Sorry for the long wait but have a double feature as an apology, chapters 4 & 5 for you're reading pleasure. Hope you enjoy!!



Chapter 4

Alex stumbled into his room, an equally drunk Rose clutched firmly in his unsteady hand floating between chest and head height on the man, his fist occasionally knocking against the empty cage around his neck with a ringing clang sound echoing in Rose ears.
“Night Jazz!” he called out, slinging off the chain cage and setting it next to his collection box.
“Ahhhhh bed sweet bed” he sighed, swinging his arms wide and collapsing in a T-pose, side-on onto the bed. Rose screamed as loud as lungs would allow as the human rollercoaster went down. Her scream muffled as her hand ride impacted onto the soft pillow.
She felt herself lifting as her giant rolled onto his back and sat up.
“I’ve got an's a stupid one but you up for it?”
Rose hiccupped and nodded.
“Surey! Can’t be any worse than what's already happened today!” she japed, bobbing slightly from side to side
“I knew you’d come around!” His eyes sparkled as he brought her up and planted a soft kiss on her tiny face. His thumb and finger massaging her breasts under the dress causing her to giggle.
“Easy, easy big boy, don’t ruin my new dress”
He huffed pulling her away
“Awww fine, you win this round my little flower. Now hop along and get that little friend of yours to help you into something more comfortable, don’t take long though, I’ve got to get things sorted with the rest of my pets, her included” He talked down to her as his other hand worked the latches off and slid the front of the dollhouse open. Violets head perked up as the light flooded the room, waking her from her tearful slumber. She screamed in terror as his hand reached into the bedroom towards her. Alex opened his hand dropping the woozy Rose flat onto the bed next to Violet with a bounce.
“Rose! You came back!” She immediately latched onto the woman, burying her head in to the cleavage of the white dress.
“Of course, silly, I told you I would be” Rose soothed, stroking the top of Violets head.
“I was so scared, I thought he’d done something with you when you’d been gone so long. Like he was torturing you, or eating you...I don’t know what was going through my head! I’m so glad your back!” The girl was weeping again but Rose pulled back and tilted the girls head up to face her. A hand rested softly on her young face as Rose leant forward, a deep kiss formed between their lips. Rose hand travelled down the girl's neck, along her arm, fingers teased as the swimsuit fabric, coming to rest on a soft barren thigh. Violent pushed away gently on Rose’s chest, parting their lips and looking at her. Violets eyes no longer filled with fear but replaced with confusion.
“Rose?....what was that for?”
“I couldn’t think of a better way to say it’s going to be alright...*hic*”
“You could’ve just...I mean.... have you been drinking?”
“Lil bit” Rose sharply replied.
“I got to meet with someone whose lived like this for a lot longer than us, nice guy, we shared a few while our owners chatted away.”
“Ow...Owners? What do you mean owners?”
Rose sighed, she felt so bad having to tell this girl what her life was going to be like, she knew in her head it’s the best of a bad situation but she couldn’t think how to tell her, luckily, she wouldn’t have to; Violets eyes suddenly filled with terror and the room filled with her screams. Rose rolled over to see what the commotion was about and was greeted with her one-eyed shower friend protruding in through the open wall, pulsing eagerly.
“Shh, Shh, it’s gonna be alright Violet, this is.... just something we need to get used to. Our lives as people are over. We’re glorified pets now, something called Shrunken” The beast retreated from the room and flew downwards, a sea of flesh and hair passed by until a face came to peer in.
“That’s exactly right Rose, no need to be so scared little one, do as your told like a good Shrunken, keep me happy and you can live a nice life, full of ‘rewards.’” Rose shuddered in a mix of slight disgust but mostly anticipation at that word, she knew exactly what kind of reward he meant.
“Speaking of, I want you both out of those clothes by the time I return, though, that swimsuit is a nice fit” He added, his face retreating as a hand reached in, a single finger outstretched. Rose lay there expectedly but is passed over her and stroked Violet gently up and down. Rose could tell from her expression the girl was frozen with fear, unable to even speak as the massive digit explored her form, she could feel the ridges of his fingerprint against her exposed legs, coming up it slid under her arm, forcing it up passed her head, slowly exploring it, up to her tiny fingertips. As it came back down, it came to rest on her breast, pushing and pulling at her form, massaging her tissue, causing her heart to race even faster than before. Eventually the prodding probe retreated.
“Now hurry up you two, time’s a wastin’”
Rose rolled over to console Violet quickly, not wanting to see what angering her owner looked like but was surprised by what she found. Violets eyes cried fear but her flushed face and heavy breathing told a different story.
“Vi....Did.... did you enjoy that?” Rose outed quietly
“I...I... Did....I don’t know why but...that felt really good” Violet gave Rose a worried look but Rose just returned a smile.
“We can talk about that later but right now, we better do what he says” Rose sat up and motioned towards the zip on the back of her dress, Violet got up on all fours and began to give her a hand, pulling the oversized metal down, exposing Rose’s open back and taking in a deep breath, the older womans scent filling her nose.

Meanwhile Alex, now satisfied with brief interaction with Rose’s little friend, strode his naked form over to his suspiciously quiet collection box, cracking the lid off slowly he found most if not all of them huddled together asleep in one corner. A strange smell wafted upwards, causing him to recoil, looking to the opposite corner, he’d clearly left them in there too long that they had to concede the need for a proper bathroom and instead use their current container. Atleast they’d appreciate a proper bathroom once he got them put away, after his fun he thought. He noticed there was one girl sleeping away from the group, a young blonde thing. Unlike the others, she was on her back, out flat with limbs outstretched, almost like she was comfortable. She had a little black leather jacket scrunched up and under her head like a pillow, while the tight grey top, tiny black skirt and long black thigh-high socks did little to hide her supple shape, filled in all the right places. He snapped his focus away from her captivating form and back to the main huddle. He considered shaking the box to wake them all up but that would just be too much hassle, trying to hush them all at once to speak over their inevitable shrilling, instead he lowered one hand in, fingers flat and facing up, using the other hand, he nudged them slightly, as gently as he could onto his fingers, cradling them together. He started with the ones in the huddle, picking the ones on the outside up and depositing them gently on the worktop next to the box. Once out he planned to rouse them awake. The first one didn’t scream but tried to crawl away, but a single stern look froze her in place. The next he wasn’t so lucky with. One look up at his looming face, accompanied by his nude form and the colour in her face drained, he could tell as she breathed in, her intent to scream. He quickly jabbed a finger to her chest, knocking the wind out her, bringing that finger back up to rest on his lips in a shush, the same stern look in his eyes. The coughing woman just nodded and stayed quiet. This repeated until all that was left was the outsider, smile strewn across her face. As he went back into the box for her, he saw a slight motion on her face, her eyes shutting quickly.
Clearly, somebody’s awake. He smirked, his fore and third fingers pinning her arms down while his middle finger pressed firmly to her chest, stroking up and down, her top making its way up with each stroke, exposing her soft navel.
“Still not budging, huh?” Alex whispered. “Guess, I’ll have to do that”
His middle finger started moving in slow circles around her ribs, up and grazing her gratuitous underboob and back down playing at the band of her skirt. Subtly moving his pinkie finger up between her legs, barely scraping at her eager thigh flesh, one look at her face and he could tell she was on the edge of breaking. Alex licked his lips and pressed his pinkie forward under her skirt, meeting against the soaking fabric hiding her love button, her eyes flew open, an exasperated squeal ebbed out as tiny hands raised and griped at the fingers pinning her down.
“Well, hello there” he called down to his blushing, panting prize. “Let's get you out of there with the rest, we can pick this up later”. His pining fingers moving over and under her shoulder, gripping her like a claw and hoisting her out, releasing her next to the rest. Alex lifted the collection case off and down to the floor, he’d need to clean that out once he was done and had his Shrunken away. Turning his attention back to his pets.
“Alright all of you, lose the clothes” A wave of horrified looks came across them.
“Did I stutter? I said lose the clothes! Or would you rather I take if off you by hand, cause I promise that’ll be even less pleasant for you than if you just do what your told.” One of them clearly decided neither was an option and made a mad dash for the edge and leapt off but rather than the hard, cold floor she was expecting, she was met with a warm, fleshy one. One which started rising away from her intended demise.
“Aww, no need for that now. Be such a waste to lose one of my pets on day one”. He spoke, rolling over his handheld captive to look at her. A mature woman, likely in her mid 40’s looked back up, deep green eyes and dark hair looked up.
“Well, I guess it really is your unlucky day. Congrats, you’re gonna be an example to the rest. Now do me a favour, and struggle as much as you can. More you do, less they will, got it?” He added, a hungry smile came over as he pinched at her shoes, slipping them off and tossing them down into the collection box. Her sporty socks soon followed not for lack of her flailing legs, revealing pink painted toenails. He brought her closer to his face and opened his mouth. Seeing where she was heading just caused her to flail and scream more. Bringing her feet as close as possible to his mouth before slamming his jaw shut, teeth echoed a loud clacking sound. The woman looked down in terror, expecting to see a horrific sight but the sudden rush of relief at seeing her feet intact, her head fell back in exhaustion. Exactly as he needed. The second she stopped flailing, he hooked at the band of her jeans and in a single movement ripped them off and discarded them. A nice pair or lace panties floated down separately revealing a nicely shaved vagina. His finger scraped against it as it pried under her button-up shirt, causing the still woman to come back to her panicked ways.
“Nice to see you keep yourself clean. I hope the rest of you aren’t just listening to the show and are doing what I asked” A muffle of gasps and hurried scrambling below filled Alex ears.
“Now let's finish up” He returned, a quick snag of his fingers and the buttons all popped off, the fabric flew open. A flush chest held captive by a tight lacy white bra. A second quick snag and it parted too. Pinning her arms above her head, he firmly griper her wrists, shifting his hand she now dangled freely for the others below to see. Raising his other hand, his forefinger dragged up the back of her kicking legs, pressed hard at her ass, parting her cheeks enough to put even more fear into her before moving up under the back of shirt and bra, up far enough the tip of his finger came out the collar against the back of her neck. Alex curled his finger and with a final tag, the shirt ripped against her shoulders, the rag floated down onto the edge of the box, the bra soon following, the woman continued screaming as Alex curled his hand back under her and let her arms go, surprised that even through all that, the woman just looked at him with anger, not a tear to be found, infact, she hadn’t cried at all throughout, just lashed out.
I didn’t take you for having this much spirit and as much as I like playing like this. I’m not much for breaking Shrunken down any’s not my thing, nothing I do short of torture will get you to do what I say... but I know someone who likes more of a fight. Alex pondered
“You know, looking at you closer... I don’t think you’re my type. Still, you’ll make a perfect souvenir, my Uncle likes them with a bit more miles on the clock.” Looking up to the wall, there was a white pillar directly infront splitting a series of wall mounted plexiglass cages, the ones on the left were smaller, each with their own little beds, toilets and mini showers. The ones on the right were larger but had multiple beds, and facilities and were all connected by little tunnels.
“Welcome to you new home for the time being until I can gift you.” Planting a little kiss on the woman's chest as he opened one on the left and dropped her roughly in.
“Hope you enjoy the view, whatever you see will be twofold with your to-be owner, he likes breaking his in.”

Alex attention now changed targets. Looking down, the others had all stripped like he’d asked. He stepped over, his manhood now level with them all, letting them huddle in fear and whisper for a few moments before hunching down to get a good look at the rest, mostly young like he’d planned but a group huddled around another mature woman, she seemed to be comforting the young ones. She spotted Alex looking directly at her and stopped dead, her bottom lip quaked. Taking in her features she wasn’t too much to look at, quite a tall blonde, long shapely legs, and an enormous bosom, looking closely they seemed somewhat swollen, little tiny bite marks on the teats gave it away, she was a new mother.
“I like it when my Shrunken do as I ask, good girls” he praised with a sincere smile.
“Now let's get rid of those old rags, you won’t be needing them anymore” Scooping up all the clothing into one hand and discarding to the collection case like the rest. He stretched his arms out to either side of the collection, counting them as he brought his arms together, forcing them into one group all together. Still 10 to play with? I did really well for my first outing. Damn Jazz bet I’d only get 3 keepers. Suck it Jazz! The thought rolled around in his mind as he closed his arms in, dragging the shrunken against his bare chest and pinning them there with a single arm as he got up and stumbled over to the bed in his drunken state. With his free arm he dragged a breach towel that had been sitting on the bottom of the bed up, covering the sheets. Sitting down, he twisted and swung his legs up. He shifted around and moved his legs, the soles of his feet came together, forming a circle with his legs. His upper half still swaying, he gave his Shrunken a grin as he released his arm. Their little naked forms sliding downward against his. He could feel their tiny hands and feet struggle to grip onto anything, he couldn’t help but laugh at how much they all tickled. Most landed with their own little thumps against the towel between his legs, however, the little outsider instead clung to his erect dick, she pressed her body against the shaft and tried to hang on, her arms barely making it half way around his girth.
“My, aren’t we ever the eager little bull rider, seems you know your place, the rest of you could learn from this one” He addressed to his pets below.
“Now here’s what's going to happen, you’re going to worship your new owner. Use your hands, feet, bodies, mouths, whatever you like to keep me, or rather ‘it’ happy.” His orders ringing down as one hand pressed his Shrunken rider to his stiff member, stroking her up and down at a smooth pace.
“Oh, and don’t forget these too” he added, pulling his erection back to reveal a pair of shaven balls.
“Do a good job and I’ll give you a reward, but I better not catch you doing nothing or everyone gets a punishment! So, for the sake of your fellow Shrunken, you better not slack off!” Releasing his beast and its little rider who slid down and started to grind her hips into his base, her body clung to the shaft as she heaved her chest across its length; he could even feel her tiny hard tits and tongue trying to cover as much of him as it could. He reached back, twisting his torso toward the bedside dollhouse, an awaiting naked pair stood, just watching his fun.
“Same goes for you two, let's get you to work” His open hand stretching toward them, his eyes locked on the shaking Violet before Rose stepped infront, her arms wide.
“What's the meaning of this? Just when we we’re getting on so well little Rose?” he pouted.
“It’s not what you think... she’s scared, so maybe you could just let us come to you... we did as you asked afterall?” Rose clearly had worry in her eyes, she wasn’t sure how he’d react, she just hoped not like Carver at dinner.
“Hmm you make a good point, I’d rather you come to me anyway rather than me having to fetch you when I want you.” His hand flattened at the floors edge, his thumb up offering them a hold for them to step on. Violet clung to Rose’s back, peeking round to look at the flesh elevator that awaited them
“All aboard already!” Alex demanded, his hand shifting slightly against the edge, rocking the house. Panicking, Rose stepped off the floor and onto his hand, dragging Violet with her. Alex chuckled; their little feet tickled in his palm, swinging them round infront of his chest.
“Aww, don’t you two look cute, I could just eat you up!” He menaced before returning his attention down below, an array of trembling faces just staring down his cock and the ‘Oh, Ah-ing' one grinding into it.
“ Shrunken should get to work already, or do you want punished?!” he beckoned down, a loud murmuring started as they all scattered around, most ran in, hands stroking its length, a few seemed to be going the extra mile and were licking and kissing it. A couple however ran the opposite way. One, a dark skinned your girl was trying to pry her way between his feet, the other, the blonde mother was gripping at the hairs on his legs, trying to climb her way out. He let them continue their futile efforts as he pried Rose and Violet apart, pinching Rose with his other hand, he deposited her below, curving his finger he slipped her under his girthy mass, letting the bed press her against his underside, her face level with the base of its tip. Without instruction she began lapping at his member, heaving her chest into its spine. Little Violet tried covering herself with her arms.
“Sorry little one, I’ve got some punishments to dole out so I’ll just have to snack on you for being so good while we we’re out.” His smile sincere, his finger stroking lightly at her back, parting her cheeks as it passed. With a quick flick of the wrist he pulled his hand out from under her, pinching her with his other hand and lifting her up, dangling her above his head as it recoiled back and parted is massive maw, a steamy breath escaping. His tongue did a lap of his lips as Violet closed her eyes and felt herself drop into the wet cave below. Something solid pressed into her below her breasts as something wet and soft enveloped over them. Her eyes shot open as something wet and fleshy split her legs and began teasing at her inner thighs, she couldn’t help but exclaim ‘Oh’ after ‘Oh’ at the new yet terrifying sensations she was feeling being in this giant mouth. Meanwhile Alex, now enjoying the taste of his pet turned his attention back to his escapee’s. With a single swing of his arm, he lashed out and snatched them up tightly in his grip before they could even make a sound. Bringing them up to his face, for a better view of what he was doing to Violet, the girl now crying out in ecstasy as his tongue firmly danced about her womanhood. His eyes shot them a stern glare, opening his palm he flipped them over, asses in the air and pinned them both down under his thumb. He teased lightly at each backside, giving each cheek a little pinch and roll, stirring them both up into a whimper before retracting his finger, pressing firm against his thumb and releasing, his nail making a loud smack off the taught cheeks. It was hard for Rose to tell which was louder, the sound of the spank or the scream of the woman. He continued for a few rounds, making sure each shrunken was punished equally. He stopped after he felt Violet arch hard and go limp against his lip. He let his unruly’s go, sliding down his chest and flopping onto the towel, facedown either side of his manhood. Retracting his exhausted Shrunken lollipop, tongue savouring the taste of her legs as he pulled her out slowly. He lowered her down, sitting her atop the middle of his beast facing toward the tip. Alex looked around as his collection worked, the two he’d spanked had crawled their way over and were massaging their tiny hands into his balls, the dark-skinned girl still sobbing was even kissing and licking at them, trying to avoid another punishment.
“That’s it, good girls! “He exclaimed. “The rest of you better keep up, anyone lags behind and you and the Shrunken either side of you will be getting a spanking too.”
He could feel them all begin to rub harder, more started pressing themselves to it, he could feel their bodies betray them, tiny breasts with hard nipples pressing into his throbbing manhood. One seemed to be quite enjoying this, he could feel her nibbling at him. Figuring her deserving of a reward, he ran his finger around the backsides of his harem, narrowing down his happy capture. Another young dark-skinned girl, long curly black hair but a thicker build. He pinched her by her wide hips and raised her aloft, she struggled against his motion, trying her hardest to grip his member to no avail. Taking a moment to examine her, spreading and holding her legs apart to spy at her soaked slit, looking further up her form, a pair of taught breasts stood, reasonable at her scale but her face was familiar, almost identical to the girl he’d spanked red raw, first town and he’d already got a set of twins, not even Alex could hide the smile the thought gave him before parting his lips and slipping her womanhood in, legs resting outside on either cheek, feeling her thighs tensing against his skin with every lap his budded probe rewarded. Her hands griped at his top lip for support as his left her, grabbing up another Shrunken, prying her legs apart and rapidly stroking their pussy with the other hand's pinkie finger until he felt that forceful arch and inevitable collapse against his palm. He put her down against his leg, facing his erection head on. A single pointed finger issued a stay command before retreating and snatching up another for the same treatment. He repeated this over and over until all that was left were his two punished, two riders and Rose held firmly underneath. He removed the eager blonde and stood her infront of its head, without instruction she embraced it, licking like a wild beast at its eye. Rose below could feel something dripping onto her head, mistaking it was a sign of Alex arrival. Alex couldn’t help but exclaim at this indescribable feeling of that talented little tongue as it worked. He quickly grabbed up his punished, one in each hand, pressing them to the sides of his shaft, overlapping one hand over the exhausted Violet and the other under Rose as he began slowly stroking the four against his length, ignorant of their pleads to stop until a shaking feeling silenced them all. A wave of audible relief came over Alex as he came, his first burst knocked his licker flying back against his legs with the rest, adjusting his hands so that each subsequent burst sprayed the faces and bodies of the others, the sounds and cries of disgust along with the sights of the glistened bodies almost brough Alex read for round two if it wasn’t for the alcohol still in his system. He let go of Rose and Violet and brought the others to the tip. Wiping his tip across their navels and legs before dropping them with the rest of his afterglowed pets.
“Well, I hope that was a valuable lesson for what I expect from all of you going forward. Now that we have that out the way, let's go over the rules.” An audible silence came across as they all started back up at him, fear written across most of their faces.
“First rule, you will all address me as Master, those who do not will have one warning, after that and you will be punished. Second rule, if I speak to you, you will respond. The same consequences apply. Third, you will not do anything to harm yourselves or other Shrunken. I don’t care if you have anything against any of the others, that was your old life. That shit stays behind, you’re my Shrunken now. Same if any of you even think about starving yourself, I will force you to eat, and any of you that try to help or keep quiet about these things going on, will be equally as punished. Are we clear?!” He deemed down, a sea of quiet, sight nods and sad defeated expressions returned, Alex meanwhile slammed his hand down on the empty space between them.
“I asked, ARE. WE. CLEAR?” a demanding and anger tone shook life back into them, calling back a unanimous; “Yes, Master!”
“Good Girls, now let's get you tidied up and away to your new homes for the night, tomorrow we’ll get all you good ones set for new clothes, and you bad ones can get a chance at redemption. Sleep on what you want to do with that info.” He spoke, staring daggers into the thinner black girl and the older mother as he gathered up the sticky forms of all but Rose and Violet, pressing them together into a pile in one hand as he got up and opened the large cage with the other, dropping the pile in and closing the door. He watched for a few seconds as they scrambled to peel apart, and rush to the shower section, some collapsed into the foetal position and others scrubbing themselves ref. His little rider however pressed herself to the glass infront of his face, planting a kiss and leaving behind a little pink mark from her lipstick and outline of her breasts from his load as she retreated to the nearest bed and started licking herself clean of his release. Alex meanwhile departed to the bathroom to clean himself up quickly and returned, turning off the light as he passed, closing over the dollhouse and scooping up his Rose and Violet combo, throwing the used towel to the floor and slipping into bed, depositing the two on his bare chest.
“Well, was that the stupid idea you were expecting my little flower?” he asked, a finger stroking at her crimson locks. Rose fumed, she thought he’d just talk with them all, pet them not rape them all in some kind of Kaiju shooting gallery, angrier that she enjoyed it. Some of those people used she knew from around town, most not for good reasons and watching them get sprayed by this giant man filled her with confused, conflicted feelings. Remembering Erics words she crawled up his chest and kissed at his bottom lip, perched on her knees.
“No Master....but thank you for it” her tone utterly defeated but she tried to smile through it. Crawling back and hugging into the unconscious form Violet.
“That Shrunken, whats her name?” he asked tenderly
“It’s Violet....” she replied, a hand raking through the girl's hair gently.
“I see, I’ll remember that, she tasted quite lovely” Rose shuddered at the words but grazed them off. A hand came up, pushing them over slightly, a deep thumping sound could be heard under her, a giant's heartbeat. Somehow it was oddly soothing, a reminder that although his behaviour was monstrous, her ‘master’ was still human. The giant hand soon fell over her and Violet, its weight was heavy but not uncomfortable almost like a weighted blanket, and the touch was blissfully warm. Soon Rose and Alex both joined Violet in her state of unconsciousness. Rose’s last though being I just hope he’s not a snorer.

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
Posts: 133
Joined: Tue Mar 09, 2021 2:48 pm

Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by Underscore » Tue Nov 23, 2021 4:57 pm

Sorry for the massive delay. Busy Life, Demanding Work and Episodic Depression. Name a worse combination hahahahaha

But anyway, here we are with the first half of Chapter 5. I think I'm going to have to take another Leaf put of HH1's book and do Morning and Evening chapters cause when that writing bug hits, it hits hard and I can't stop typing away hahahaha. Hope you all enjoy, lemme know what you think 👍

Kimd Regards,



Chapter 5

Rose groaned awake; she couldn’t believe the weird dream she had been having. She’d been shrunken, kidnapped and treated like a sex pet for a stranger aboard a cruise ship full of others doing the same thing to her whole town, typical that she meets a nice guy but only in her dreams and he’s a kidnapping rapist on a ship full of worse people. Another groan escaped her, her head was thumping, everything felt like it was moving. Her hand flopped down, expecting to find the edge of her creaky old bed but instead found a rough, warm and fleshy texture. A texture that seemed to be moving. Her eyes immediately shot open and she tried to sit up, but found herself weighed impossibly down. A quick jerk down and what looked like a massive thumb pinning down her chest greeted her vision. Oh..No, no, no, no “NO! It wasn’t a dream? ..... Is this really my life now?.. This can’t be happening” she drooped in a mix of disappointment and disbelief.
“Afraid so little Shrunken” A weakened yet booming voiced called above her. The massive appendage lifted off of her and upward with such ease she couldn’t help but stare in awe. Twisting round, she scrambled onto all fours, eyes following the appendage as it pinched the bridge of a giant nose with an echoing groan.
“Hmmmf, G’morning uhh....Rose” the voice strained. She could feel her whole world shake as his chest reverberated under his words.
“Morning....” she offered back weakly, slowly coming round to the experiences of the day before. His hand shifted slightly revealing a piercing blue orb, its gaze fixated on her sending shivers down her spine.
“I...uhh........Master?” she meekly added, the giants hand flattened out, covering his eye again as he recoiled back, further into the massive pillow.
“Urgh...I can’t believe I actually ordered you all to call me that. Last time I let Jazz talk me into a fifth round of shots.” he exhaled, the vibrations of his voice in his chest under her feet served to remind Rose just how small she really was but she perked up anyways.
“ not want us to call you that?” She asked, an air of hope finding its way into her voice.
“No, it’s fine, what’s done is done. I had planned for you all to call me by my name rather than a title, maybe make you all fear me less and more willing if there was some familiarity between us, but I suppose it might help keep the pecking order. Guess we’ll just have to let time tell us which is right. Shit, what time even is it?”
He shifted his torso up to look at the clock, waking up Violet with a scream as she and Rose tumbled down, Violet landing on his barren thigh and Rose below his navel, A series of prickly hairs tickled at her soles as something warm and fleshy now rested on her back.
“Jeez, its only 10am? No wonder I'm hungover with barely any sleep. Better get something to eat, you’ll all be hungry too I bet”
Violet scurried over to Rose trying to escape his gaze forcing slight giggles out of the giant as he peered down.
“You two have behaved pretty well on your first day so you can eat with me, then we can see about getting clothes for you and the rest” He directed towards Violet before he shifted further up, the warm and textured sensation rolled up Rose’s back before being cast aside as his hand embraced her and Violet in a single grip, their chests pressed firmly against each other coming face to face. Violet looked terrified but her expression soon softened as Rose leaned her forehead against hers.

Alex sluggishly climbed out of bed managing to throw on a fresh pair of boxers and an unbuttoned shirt as he trailed his way out the room into the shared space, making a b-line for the kitchen facilities up the back of the room. Rose felt herself drop onto a cold surface, Violet landing atop her, he had deposited them on the breakfast bar, grabbing a tall glass, setting it next to them and then a frying pan. He turned his back on his Shrunken, his attention on the now heating hob and fetching some ingredients from the fridge. Eggs, bacon, milk... Those were all Rose could make out past his frame. She guessed he was making himself an omelette. He seemed quite content as hummed to himself as he cooked, there was something familiar about the tune he was humming but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. As everything began sizzling in the pan, he turned back, he scooped some ice cream into the glass, and topped it up with milk and some syrup and ice cubes. He slammed a metal cup atop the glass causing Violet to yelp as began violently shaking the mixture. After a minute or two of shaking he took off and rinsed, dried and put away the metal cup. Occasionally glancing at his two Shrunken who just sat there, Rose cradling Violet, stroking at her hair as the young girl just followed his every movement filled with trepidation. He smiled softly down at them before turning his attention back to the pan, a quick toss of its contents and the sizzling returned, the top a little burnt but he seemed unphased, still humming away.
Another minute or so passed, a few consistent shakes to check it was loose before sliding it out onto a nearby plate before carrying it over next to his Shrunken, He cut off two small pieces and scooped them closer to Rose and Violet.
“Well, you two, it isn’t going to eat itself.” he gestured them toward the plate. Rose nudged at Violet and the two crawled toward the rim, taking up one of the pieces each. Rose took the first bite and Violet soon followed. Alex just lowered his head, his chin resting on the bars edge watching them with a gentle smile. Rose could feel his soft breath enveloping her body. She did find it strange that he wasn’t eating around them but rather just watching them, as if waiting for something.
Once they were finished, they both turned to meet his gaze. He looked down at them expectantly.
“Well....did we enjoy that?”
“Y-yes, thank you Master” Violet chimed up, surprising both Rose and Alex equally, both wearing the same shocked expression.
“Glad to hear it” he replied wiping the look on his face back to his normal, blank expression, extending a finger and gently petting Violet's head. “Now, time for me to get started” he outed as his fingers travelled from Violet and found their way around Rose’s waist. Swiftly hoisting her aloft. Before she could react, she found herself suddenly dropped into an ice cold, white liquid. She had to struggle hard to stay afloat in the thick, freezing waters. After the initial shock had run its course through her, she had no idea how much time had passed in the frozen waters she found herself trapped in. Looking through the frosted glass, she could barely make out the shadows. It seemed Violet was running back and forth towards the giant head. Given how his head was moving, Rose guessed Violet was literally feeding him. Clearly, he was enjoying the food given the sounds he was making but every so often she would see something extend out from his shadow and move up and down on Violets, it seemed to linger at certain places. The strange part was, the sounds Violet was making, Rose would’ve sworn it sounded like Violet was enjoying it too, but that couldn’t be right. Rose herself was shaken from her thoughts as the cold began so set in, she was kicking with all her might but between the thickness and the temperature, it was getting harder and harder to keep going, she had already lost feeling in her feet and hands. The more she thought about it, the heavier her limbs seemed to get, panic was starting to set in, her head swivelled, looking for something, anything to grab onto to hold her up but there wasn’t anything. She started splashing wildly, she’d have yelled out for help but the cold was making it harder to breathe let alone scream.

The splashing sounds caught Alex ear from where his head sat, he’d been enjoying his little feeding. It surprised him more that he didn’t even have to ask, as soon as he’d moved Rose away, the normally timid girl scrambled and started breaking off pieces of his omelette and held then out him, the pieces were tiny to him but in her arms they looked massive. He couldn’t help but steal a few licks at his pet while he was there. Her reactions to that surprised him just as much, instead of recoiling like he expected, she stood there and took it, a few times he would’ve sworn she leant into it. It hadn’t even been a full day since he’d claimed her, no way she could to be adjusted that quickly. ‘She’s either putting on a really convincing brave face like Rose clearly is, or I’ve broken her already.... I did go a bit too far last night, goddamn zero alcohol tolerance... Maybe I should apologise to them for how I treated last night?.. No, they’re not people Alex, you need to remember that, you shouldn’t lower yourself to that. Maybe I should ask Uncle, he’s a lot more experienced with Shrunken than me. I don’t want them to think I’m cruel after all. I just need them to understand their place now and we can have a mutually beneficial relationship.’
Alex thought train was derailed as the splashing intensified. “Whoops, forgot about you Rose!” he called out, his fingers diving in and pulling her soaked and sticky white form out the glass. She looked exhausted and he could feel her shaking. Knowing he needed to heat her up quickly, he tilted his head back and placed her into his mouth up to her neck. Feeling that she was still shivering, he began lapping at her naked body. The sweet flavour of the shake mixed with her natural taste was intoxicating. He couldn’t help but savour every lick. He could feel her tiny toes scrunch against his buds, her feet struggle and slight giggles escape her as his tongue tip danced and pressed against the tiny appendages. The giggles continued as he travelled up, savouring at her legs. Exploring all around, not a single inch went untouched by the rough probe as it orbited her waist, lapping up every drop of her former liquid prison that still clung to her. His breath bore down on her face from his nose above her and the sounds of enjoyment echoed throughout her body, the sensations and vibrations she felt were enough to bring her to her edge, a sudden violent impress between her legs pushed her far past her limit. Her back arching in reaction, thighs quaking and body tensing. A powerful wave of pleasure resonated across every inch coming to a head as she couldn’t stop herself from crying out “Yes, Oh God Yes!!” before it all suddenly vanished from her, her body collapsing, heaving and revelling in the afterglow as short-lived as it was, finding herself dragged back out the warm mouth and being encompassed in the massive hand, travelling back down to table height.
“That should make up for my lapse in judgement yeah? Good” he beckoned down as he reached for her former glass prison with his other hand, chugging down its frozen sea of contents, his grip on her tensing slightly, almost in reaction to him finding out just how cold it actually was and warming her up, but Rose shook that thought off. He kidnapped her to be his pet after all. Her thoughts were interrupted as he slammed down the empty glass with an audible ahh of enjoyment before a strange beeping began quietly echoing in the room. Alex’s attention lashed across the room to the clock then back towards the table.
“Damn, lost track of time again, come on, gotta move” he outed scooping up Violet mercilessly in his other hand and quickly moving into his room. “Sorry bout the mess, I’ll clean up once I’m out” he yelled toward the other door, a stifled groan of hungover female acknowledgment echoed out to them before Alex scrambled away, closed his own door and shuffled toward the now loudly beeping computer.

Rose felt herself drop roughly onto the desk, Violet soon followed and scurried over to her. Both found themselves staring up at the cinema sized screen as it lit up an image of what looked like a younger Alex, maybe early teens with a middle-aged man on a beach which served as a backdrop to a screen filled edge to edge with icons, a few touches from Alex's giant hand later, the beeping stopped and the face of a much older man appeared. Salt and pepper hair adorned a wrinkled, dishevelled face, greyed features but deep, dark eyes cut through. The backdrop seemed to be that of a similar beach as before but from a much further and higher angle, there seemed to be a low, aged stone wall directly behind the man, the strange standout was the lab coat the man wore, hardly beach attire Rose thought.
“Hey, Hey Kiddo, how goes the Vay Kay??” the excitement was palpable from just a single sentence.
“Good Morning Uncle, I see Jaz has been teaching you ‘Hip Lingo’ again” Alex replied formally
“I can neither confirm nor deny the allegations made against me” the older man chuckled off, a chuckle echoed by Alex as he dropped and shook his head sarcastically
“We both know that means yes, Uncle. But as for your inquiry, the trip is going fine, a little hiccup with the ship messed up the first day’s plan but worked out for the best” Alex replied and gestured over to the plexiglass cages over his shoulder. At the same time, Rose found the rough grain of his finger press into her back and stroke up and down the length of her naked body, causing her to shudder and cling tighter to Violet whose attention stayed glued to the screen.
“Nice haul Kiddo! I’d call that great for a first time out!” the man encouraged.
“Indeed, just have to ensure they receive the proper training. I’d hate to have to leave any unruly Shrunken behind.”
“That would be a bit of a waste but I guess neither of us have the time to do it here, should’ve seen you’d have such a logical decision made this early on rather than just indulging in them like I would be at your age” his words caused Alex to shy away slightly embarrassed “.... Or you’ve already done that hahahaha that’s my boy!” The man announced, clapping and reclining with a hearty laugh, enough to rock the man from the old iron style seat he was in.
“Look, it wasn’t my fault, Jaz convinced me to go out celebrating at the bar, I had way too many, you know how she gets! And I just...did it” Alex outed, breaking his monotone, formal language for a more casual tone.
The man continued to laugh a bit before chiming back in “Yeah... She’s like her mother like that, any excuse... I’m surprised you got served, you’re technically underage for the ship but let me guess. Jaz had the bartender wrapped round her finger and he didn’t even look your way?”
Alex just nodded
“Some things never change... Anyway, tell me how your first hunt went. We’re taking a break from the lab so I want to hear all about it.... “
Alex quickly regained his posture and resorted to his formal tone as he regaled the man with yesterday’s events. About the ship coming to shore, all the places he visited, people he took and where, he went into great detail about when he took Rose, Violet, and the Mother in the cage. Taking Violet as she came back in from a swim at sea, as she screamed to him for help after finding her guardians gone and the beach empty but with all their stuff still there. Rose felt Violet tense into her as he chuckled about agreeing to help and shrinking her as soon as her back turned. A rather cruel thing to laugh about, even given the already horrific circumstances Rose pondered. The Mother he had seen coming out a run-down apartment block, saying that ‘the reds must’ve missed it thinking it was abandoned’ whatever the ‘reds’ were.
“Wow.... You certainly had a good run kiddo. Wish I coulda been there on your first hunt”
“I’d have liked that but alas, when you get a breakthrough, you must follow through”
“Did.... Did you just quote me at me?? Well, aren’t we the little genius?” the old man feigned recoil as he laughed
“Speaking of, how goes the follow-through?”
“Nothing concrete yet, just a few hypotheses and formulae that work theoretically but we’ll need a couple practical runs, hopefully on the next cruise with some fodder to check out”
“You could always use some of mine if you want to try it on?”
“No no no, we’re not using yours as lab rats, they're your Shrunken, for you, for working so hard. Not for my lab experiments.”
“I’ve got plenty of credit from my first dumps and helping round up some cars and materials for the clean-up crew. I could pick up some fodder from the store or keep a few unsavouries from the next ports?”
“I really appreciate the offer but we’d be best trying it on some fresh ones first before trying to reinforce already used Shrunken then see if we can adapt it”
“True, that does make more sense... “
“Anyway, you’re supposed to be enjoying yourself, not thinking of my work... How’s your little secret projects going?”
“Well its still going, and still secret! I’m not spoiling any till their done”
“Ach, you’re no fun! “
“Well, I believe you’re fun enough for the two of us. Plus, I’m not having you blow it to Jaz! We both know if she asked and fluttered her eyes, you’d crack like sugar glass in a gale!”
“Ouch, talk about cold blooded.”
“Just calling it like it is, Uncle. Speaking of call, I think someone’s trying to get you” Alex pointed toward the screen corner, a little black thing seemed to be shifting behind the older man, bobbing up and down on the stone wall.
“Oh, you’re right... “ the man turned his back to the frame and returned, a Shrunken woman adorned his palm in a full maid outfit. Causing Rose to perk up to her feet, subconsciously walking closer to the screen to make sure her eyes weren't playing tricks on her.
“Ahh little Maria, how’re you doing?”
The woman stood and bowed like a proper maid towards Alex, taking the hem of the skirt daintily in both hands and raising it in a curtsey as she did.
“Master Alexander, I am very well thank you for asking. If I’m not being too forward, I understand you’ve recently undertaken your first Shrunken gathering. If it is no imposition, I was hoping that I may see your collection?”
“Not at all Maria, unfortunately the room layout makes it difficult and I’m yet to scan most of them to send you their details. I do have these two to hand however.” His face wandered down toward Rose, before she could react, he snatched her up in his left hand, his right lifted Violet like a prize in a claw machine. He rolled and opened his hand, allowing Rose to get to her feet, the other hand came over and let go of Violet, standing her on his open hand alongside Rose in front of the screen. Both Rose and Violet tried to cover themselves with their arms but Alex quickly moved their arms back to their sides. Both the handheld Maid and older man leaned forward taking in a long look at them, she could tell the focus was more on her than Violet causing her to struggle as hard as she could to get away but the slightest flex in Alex grip soon put a stop to that.
“Wonderful catches Master Alexander. Will both of them be available for play or are they off limits? Personally, I’d love to see how limber your crimson beauty is.” Something about the look on her face sent shivers down Rose spine.
Before Alex could answer, the maid was pulled away and interrupted by the older man. “Did you just come to find out about some more playmates for yourself? You’re incorrigible Maria. Now scurry along before I choose to play with you” as he leaned out of screen chuckling and lowering his hands to the ground before coming back in sans maid.
“Maria never changes does she?” Alex joked
“Some things never will.... Did I hear you right, you haven’t scanned most of them yet? How have you been training them?”
“These two haven’t needed any punishments yet, only two of the others have needed corrected so I spanked them red raw.” Alex admitted rather downheartedly
“I see... And how did you feel about that?”
“Honestly Uncle, I didn’t enjoy it. Sure, they’re Shrunken and mine to do with but it felt kind of, overly cruel but at the same time, the law needed laid out...”
“I know, that’s usually the way it ends up, but I fear you may be too gentle for your own good when it comes to keeping Shrunken... That said, not every form of punishment appeals to everyone, I know Jasmin will have been taught to punish and reward them sexually, ever her mother in that regard but you have never expressed much interest in that avenue of teaching... Maybe you should punish them materially?” the man offered with an upbeat tone.
“What do you mean Uncle?”
“Rather than physically punishing unruly shrunken by spanking or breaking something, instead reward good behaviour with gifts, clothes, furnishings that sort of thing and punish by removing clothes and furnishings from disobedient Shrunken.” Alex hand tensed slightly under Rose and Violet. Rose turned back up to look but Alex face was expressionless, his eyes looked at her but couldn’t see her, is if they were looking right through her.
“An interesting hypothesis, I had already explained that well behaved Shrunken would be rewarded by being moved from the display cages to my personal bedside abode. I hadn't considered upgrading the display cages themselves as a separate form of reward. Clothing may interfere with my intentions for some of them but it would also provide opportunity to display their obedience. I really should scan them now and get naming and assign roles and...” A thunderous bang came from the screen, shouts of man off camera swearing profanities in a thick Scottish accent could be heard amidst a dark smoke wafting into the background.
“Well you should get on that Kiddo, sounds like Harry’s just about blowing up the lab and I’m pretty sure I should stop him or you’ll have no home to come back to.” The man joked with an air of panic in his voice “Now enjoy the rest of your trip and call me if you need anything at all”
“I will Uncle, thank you. Give Maria and the others my best.” Alex rushed out.
“Will do, catch ya later kiddo!“ the man beckoned as the screen went blank and then back to the screensaver. An audible sigh exuded from Alex; his warm breath rushed over Rose causing her to shiver from the gust. His eyes opened, this time focussing in on her, she forced a warm smile to the surface. Everything she’d heard was a lot to take in, she wasn’t sure of anything right now until she’d have time to process it all.
“Well, I’ll let you get ready while I get the rest of them sorted” Alex outed as he shifted his way over to the bed, opening up the wall and dropping Rose in the bedroom of the bedside dollhouse, closing the wall behind her. Violet called out to Rose who watched from the glassless window as Alex walked away carrying Violet off back out the room. Her eyes wandered over to the women in the wall cages, all huddled together, scrambling away from him as he walked past, except for one blonde woman who seemed to rush after him, pressing herself hard against the glass, as if to get or rather give a better view, she was getting strange, oddly threatening looks from the rest. Looks which she seemed to copy and fire in Rose’s direction, causing her to retreat back into the room. Letting out a defeated sigh, she decided she would eventually take a proper look around the place, she had a feeling she was going to be spending the rest of her life here in this tiny prison. A sad thought as she sat on the edge of the bed. Taking time to realise all that was going on and without anyone else depending on her this second, she couldn’t hold back the tears anymore, she pulled her legs up, cradling her head to her knees as the endless floods poured out. ‘A pet, is that all I am now, just some guy's little sex pet to parade around and show off like a glorified trophy, and just as discardable...’ thoughts of the women from last night's dinner came through, the image of that dolled up princess, blood coming from her head and thrown away like nothing froze Rose’s blood cold. Surely, he wouldn’t do that to her. She'd actually slapped him and all he did was yell, the worst he’d done so far was spank someone... even he seemed repulsed by that brutal display. Rose felt a warmth over her skin, exactly like his hand that night as he cradled her away from the violent dinner sight, it was warm and comforting, reflexively, Rose leaned back into the warmth but her eyes darted open as she fell back onto the bedsheets. She lay there for a second, clearly her body was playing tricks on her, but what she couldn’t understand, and what really scrambled her brain, was although her body made her feel the hand of her massive captor around, why was it she found comfort in it. He’d robbed her of any future, used her as a sex toy but still, when she thought of him, all she could picture was his smile and dinner and his gentle touch that night. Now her mind wandered to a new thought. Which was the real Alex? The heartless captor, eager to please himself. Or the Gentle Giant, perceiving himself as her saviour, who’d given her the best night of her life after her worst day?

Violet found herself roughly deposited onto a cold wooden desk wedged between the two bedroom doors. Alex towered over her as he pulled out the accompanying wooden chair from under the desk, perching himself to sit before looking over his shoulder with a sigh. He soon righted himself and headed back up the back of the main room toward the kitchen where the remnants of his breakfast and dishes lay where they’d been left. Taking them over to the sink, he started up the taps and left his back turned to rest of the room, leaving Violet to scramble to her feet. She had tried being more ‘receptive’ to her situation this morning but everything her captor had said to the man over the computer had reminded her of the fear she had felt throughout yesterday. It was clear he had no intention of ever letting her go and instead, he planned to keep her forever if she obeyed, and who knows what if she didn’t. Taking her chance, she scanned across the room. A huge suite reeking of luxury, between the polished marble floor, mahogany furnishings and a massive white leather couch facing off the biggest tv she had ever seen. Strewn on the coffee table sat dusty boxes that looked like vintage video games from before Violet was even born. Beyond this massive living room looked to be the suites main door. She didn’t have a plan on how to get out, she just knew she had to. She began running frantically all over the desk, looking for anyway she could get down but she couldn’t find anything at the front and didn’t feel like taking her chances jumping to the chair and then being sat on before she could get down from there. Looking toward the back of the desk, there were a few textbooks with titles like ‘Advanced Engineering: The Scale Model Makers Guide to the Miniverse’, ‘Raspberry Pi for Dummies’ and ‘Programming 101’, the rest continuing along the themes of making models, 3D printing and micro-robotics. The last book caused Violet to pause for a moment, the spine read ‘Introverts Handbook to People-ing'. She could feel her curiosity wanting to look at this standout book further but the sound of glass clanging snapped Violet back as she looked upward toward the top of the books. A strange glass chamber sat atop, taking a step back to look closer, there seemed to be metal restraints inside. Restraints that seemed to be the right size for someone her size. Fearing it some kind of prison or torture device, Violet sprinted to the back of the desk, praying for some kind of power cord or anything she could climb down and get the hell out of here.
Reaching the back however caused her heart to sink. Nothing. Not a single thing she could use to climb down. Her next reaction was looking for anything she could use to hide. The pile of books sat too close to the back edge; a tiny nudge of the desk would lead to a massive drop for her. Looking to the left side, there was an ornate yet oddly shaped jewellery box sat. Violet approached the box, standing taller than she was looking for how to get inside, eventually eying the answer just over her head. She gripped and pulled with all her strength at the golden stud latch, its sudden pop sent Violet stumbling back onto her pert backside with a miniscule thump on the wood. She quickly scrambled back to her feet, hoisted the lid up as high as she could and squeezed herself over the rim, stumbling once in, the lid slammed shut behind her, a metallic click sealed her fate, the latch had locked behind her. She tried pushing with all her might but the lid wouldn’t budge at all. A sudden storm of rolling thunder and a proceeding earthquake dropped Violet to her knees, a meek squeak edged out as she slapped her hands over her own mouth and held her breath hoping her hiding place was good enough for now and she could worry about escaping later.

Alex dropped into the chair, finally done with his dishes, he could get back to his task at hand, scan, shop for clothes, and then organize the retrofit of the cages for the rest of the trip and the rest of his intended catches. If he got it done quick enough, he’d research the ships next stop and sort out his wishlist. However, it became quite obvious that something was missing, that little shrunken girl he’d brought through to scan first. He reached and tilted the book pile toward him, checking she wasn’t hiding behind them. No Luck, next he tilted himself to look under the desk, nothing. He righted himself a bit too quickly, getting hit with some room spin, lurching forward, he slammed on the desk to catch himself. An audible squeak found its way to his ears as his head hung low to the desk.
“Aww did we try to hide in the box and get stuck little Shrunken?” he called down with an air of sarcasm as he flicked the latch open, followed quickly by the lid, flooding Violets eyes with the blinding light of the room.
“If you wanted to see what was in there, you just had to wait till you were scanned and I would’ve picked one out for you, but since you’re so impatient, go ahead and pick one now” something sinister in his tone sent shivers down her spine as she looked around. Strewn on hooks around the walls of the box were what looked like tiny dog collars, they varied in material from soft and rough fabrics to soft leather, some had a lacey flower design and other studded and spiked. The only thing the same was the tags, little silver heart shapes with numbers on them. Violet just stared at the display around her, frozen eyes wide in horror. He really was making them his pets.
“What's the matter, stagefright? Well, that’s alright. We’ll get you scanned and then pick one out, you can pick one out for Rose too since it looks like I’ll be keeping you two together.... unless you try escaping or hiding from me again, understood?”
Violet turned back as massive fingers pressed into her gut and back pinching and hoisting her up to his massive face.
“Ye...Yes Master...” she whimpered out in defeat.
“Glad we got that sorted then” as he placed her back onto the desk and brought down the glass prison. Dread filled Violet's heart as the device seemed to come to life as soon as it touched down on the desk. His hand twisted the glass case open and nudged Violet towards it with a playful flick to her ass.
“It's a scanner. It scans your body and sends me the data for ordering clothes and outfits for you to make sure they fit in all the right ways”. He outed as she stepped in and placed her arms up on the metal bars. A careful hand fixed them into place before forcing its way between her legs, spreading them and latching her ankles to the bars.
“Ok, Now close your eyes. This tends to get really bright and I don’t want you damaged.” as he patted her on the head with his finger, ruffling her hair slightly before retreating and sealing the glass door. As soon as it made the slightest whir, Violet scrunched her eyes as hard as she could. Vibrant multicoloured lights seemed to go up and down in a spinning motion judging by the colours she could make out through her eyelids. A minute or two and the whirs stopped, the glass opened and pressing digits eased her out of the restraints and walked her out, a gentle finger held infront for her to hold onto as she stumbled out. Before she could take a look around and recover her sight, the other hand thrust toward her, something pinched between the fingers. Before she could even react, a deep click came from behind her neck and a sudden weight fell around her neck and chest. Reaching her hands up she felt something leathery around her neck, following it round and looking down a massive silver heart sat atop her cleavage, easily as big as her hand, a number ‘2’ engraved into it. She clutched and looked up, tears starting in her eyes but her captor wasn’t even looking her way, instead he was typing something up on a tablet.
“Okay, firstly, my apologies, given the likely time this will take to get through all of you, I can ill afford you the time to choose your own collars. Now that then formalities are over with, let's get this started. What's your name?” he asked, completely Monotone.

“V... Violet Jamieson... Master!” she shouted up with a light hop. Struggling to hold herself upright under the weight of her tag.
“Number 1....Rose.... Characters....Roles....Rating... We’ll sort all those out later... Number 2... Violet.... Number 3....”
He muttered to himself as he typed away going through each number up to 12.
“We’ll number 2, as you have been mostly well behaved so far, I give you permission to go by your given name of Violet, however your surname is now irrelevant so you can forget it. Continue to behave well and you may be given permission to use my name as your surname, understood?”
Violet stood in awe, just like that, any semblance of who she was had been ripped from her and part of it handed back as if it was some kind of gift... a bare nod was all she could manage.
“Very good, now I’m going to allow you to look through this and pick out some clothes to wear, I have picked out what I want for you and the essentials so you can focus on comfort clothes for now, Tops, Bottoms, Pyjamas, things to wear when I haven’t told you something specific to wear, that sort of thing.” he finished as he stood the tablet up in front of her on what looked like some kind of shopping website. The left side had images of the item and the right had tabs.
“M... Master?”
“Yes Violet?” he responded monotone as he fiddled with his watch.
“H... How much should I get?”
“The cost is irrelevant”
“, as in how many outfits should I pick?”
“Ahh, in that case, pick out 7 days' worth of casual, sleepwear and underwear, oh and pick a nice party dress and whatever accessories are required for the look.”
“Thank you Master” Violet outed, something about calling him ‘Master’ made her sick to her stomach but she feared whatever punishments he would dole out more. So, she dove back to the tablet. Every piece of clothing looked lovely, any other setting and she would’ve spent hours going through putting together the perfect outfit to save for. Everything looked designer, some of the underwear was a bit more on the skimpy side than she would even think of wearing.
“Uhh Master”
“Yes Violet” he responded in the same monotone
“What does this Yellow E mean?”
“Sh... Should I get some of that?”
“Would be pretty pointless... the purpose of this shopping is to give you some comforts for good behaviour, while getting some of that would potentially be good in the long run, unless you plan on me eating it off you, stick to normal clothing please.” He returned, breaking his tone with a slight chuckle
“Yes Master, I will!” she exclaimed, Alex mistook the relief in her voice for excitement
‘Uncle was right, comforts are the better system for Shrunken! Alex thought to himself before turning back to watch Violet at work, her tiny hands slamming against the tablet screen to scroll through the clothing, every so often adding to cart. After a few minutes she turned to meet his calm smile and gaze.
“That you finished Violet?”
“Yes Master” she acknowledged
“Perfect, in that’s case, let's get you back, put this one Rose while I deal with the next Shrunken” He announced, handing Violet a collar, Red lacey fabric, a heavy metallic heart balanced out two smooth metal blocks at each end of the collar. There was no kind of latch as far as Violet could see, she brought the ends together slowly eventually feeling them pull towards each other, a magnetic latch. It took all her strength to pull them away before they touched.

Before she could react, the wall in front of Rose tore open and a familiar hand swarmed over her, as quick as it came in, it opened, dropping the still nude Violet atop her, retreated and the wall shut again. Immediately, Rose attention came to Violet as a loud metallic clank echoed in the room. The young girl scrambling off of Rose and walked back toward the door way, tears welling up and her hands out.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, he made me do it, I didn’t want to, but I didn’t want him to get angry and hurt me, not like those two or worse, I had to do it.” Violet screamed as she ran out of the room.
Rose sat up and felt herself lurch forward under the weight pulling at her neck. Immediately she grabbed at the heart tag resting on her breasts, the number 1 engraved on it. She heard another door slam down the hall, a little click told Rose she’d locked the door, a meek sorry found its way through the door to Rose ears and she just collapsed back down onto her bed. The weight of the heart served to remind Rose that she really was a pet now. She would’ve cried as well if she had any tears left to shed, instead, she just threw on the same discarded white lacey underwear from the night before and made her way out the room.
She wanted to let Violet know she wasn’t mad but decided against it, thinking it best to leave her to get it out her system and instead took the time to look around her new ‘home’. Making her way toward the stair case, she counted 3 extra bedrooms down one side of the hall, about half the size of the master bedroom she’d been in, the same little single beds and bare furnishings in the rooms, as she went to look in the rooms further down the hall, her shoulders tensed and head dropped as the screams from the other women in the plexiglass cages screeched through the dollhouse before being drowned out again, followed by the rolling thunder of giant footsteps leaving the giant room. Returning to her exploration she found the rooms down the hall were a sparking bathroom, the softest towels she had ever felt adorned the room. The other seemed to be a utility room, a washing machine, dryer and extra towels filled the back wall of shelves. Reaching the stairs, she looked up into the attic and found a massive room stretching across the length of the building filled with single beds, little bedside tables with lamps, strangely, they all seemed bolted to the floor. Looking over to the other side, there was a separate room, through its open door seemed to be a large bathroom, likely the same as the other on her level Rose waved off as she started back down the stairs, stumbling as she got to the bottom as the thunder and screams returned. Going all the way down the stairs, she found herself in the massive living room she’d briefly seen the day before, two rather large leather corner sofas, enough to fit 10 people, at least to her size sat around an equally large coffee table and tv, a tiny remote sat on the table, a quick button pressed and the screen flash to life, cause Rose to startle and just as quickly shut it off as she dropped the remote. The last room on her tour was the kitchen. It certainly looked the part, smooth polished white cabinets and appliances. The hum of the fridge told her it was running but upon looking inside to find it empty, she felt her head hang. Eric words that it was pointless for Shrunken to eat normal food echoed as she pepped up and closed the door. Ignoring another rumble of thunder and screams, she continued to check every cabinet and cupboard but found them equally as empty. She wandered back into the living room and threw herself down on the couch, turning on the tv and turning up the volume loud enough to drown out the sounds of Alex’s back and forth visits to the room. She couldn’t help but think how strange it was that the obviously hand built dollhouse had a furnished and functioning was so pointless if normal food is as redundant as Eric made it out to be last night.

Flicking through the available channels, she found herself on a news channel and couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Stories about a puppy that predicted the winner of a horse race, the next news channels she was burning through were all covering equally as ridiculous and irrelevant stories. Her whole town had just been picked apart and taken as pets, how is nowhere talking about this? Surely a whole town disappearing overnight would be news worthy enough to at least warrant discussion, military involvement, hell an FBI statement or something. Someone must have noticed! So why was nowhere talking about this. Rose was so blinded by her emotions; she didn’t even notice the wall behind the TV disappear and be replaced by the maw of her master.
“It's The Company’s doing” his bland voice ushed into the room, causing Rose to jump off the couch and slam her shin into the solid coffee table
“What company???” she panicked out
“Not A Company, THE Company. The Company is who I work for, who everyone on this cruise works for. They’ve covered it up, and they’ll continue to cover it up, both your town and the rest of the towns on this tour that’ll disappear over the rest of this vacation. Either no one will know, or it’ll be written off as a sudden natural disaster, a nuclear meltdown, whatever excuse comes to mind for The Company at the time and the disappearances of the towns and all its people will simply fade from memory after a few months. No one will know and anyone who looks too hard will ‘disappear’ just as easily.
“Thats horrible, no, it's fucking sick!” Rose called back out.
“I suppose I can see from your point of view, that’s the most reasonable response.” He replied, neither his tone nor expression changing.
“How else can it possibly be seen??”
“Look at it externally, your town was dead, I don’t mean abandoned, but the residents were really going nowhere, the town wasn’t exactly a tourist haven anymore, and if anything, the town as a whole was drawing more on our limited planetary resources than it was putting back. It was a drain, a nuisance, so The Company cleaned it up. The land can be cleared for re-forestation, the materials there, recycled for more effective cities and the occupants given as pets to employees as a morale boosting initiative. A beautiful logical solution in the long run.”
Rose was left stunned by this, she wanted to argue, to fight with every fibre of her being... but she couldn’t think of anything, in its own absolutely sick and twisted way, it wasn’t wrong. It made sense, and the more she thought about it, the angrier she became at herself before finally bursting out:
“So, you can just kidnap people and claim it's for the good of everyone, that’s sick, beyond sick, you’re insane for calling anything like that beautiful.”
“Look Rose, you don’t have a say in this, I don’t have a say in this, this is just how things are. Now come on out with the others, got stuff to do and then you can go stormy in a huff that life isn't fair. Or you can realise that you don’t have to live and work in a rinky dink downtrodden town and instead enjoy some high life perks, even if it's as a classy pet.”
Before Rose could even think to reply, her view was being engulfed by a fleshy prison pressing its way into the room. Out of reaction, Rose thrust her arms into the air as she was encased and withdrawn from the oddly comfort filled domain back into the limelight. It served as a sickening reminder of just how small she really was as her torso rested on her captors' hand while her legs dangled helplessly under her.
She found herself deposited on the shelf below the plexiglass cages alongside the naked forms of the women kept in there, each seemed to have been given a collar like she had, a mix of designs but each individually numbered on the same heart tag she had on, all with a mix of frightful expressions bore on their faces, all bar one blonde who seemed awestruck as Alex wheeled over the chair from the computer desk and perched himself infront of his assembled gallery of girls.
“Good Afternoon Shrunken” he deemed down to all of them.
“Good Afternoon Master” then called back in a disheartened and defeated unison, a smile stretching across his face as he leant forward, his arms now resting on the edge infront of them all, bringing his giant face level with them.
“I’m glad to see you all remembered the rules from last night. I would like to again reiterate that that is what I expect of you, obedience at all times and sexual play from time to time. In return I will promise you will be well taken care of and I will never do anything violent or overly cruel to you. Instead, those who behave will be rewarded with luxuries such as furnishings and clothing, at times of your own choice as most of you now know from being allowed to choose some clothing for yourselves to wear. Misbehaviour will result these being taken away appropriate to the moment, repeated misbehaviour and you will be sold off to the shop, the credits for which will be spent on those who did behave. Now Rose, Number 1, please describe to the others the kind of people they can expect to be sold to.” He shifted his hand, motioning her forward. Rose felt their piercing gaze on her, the only one there atleast in some form of clothing seemed to draw the ire of everyone there.
“I.... I saw men, women and children adorned as jewellery, watched children use us as dipping sticks for fondue. A friend of mine bound in frilly bondage gear, her owner ignorant of the pain he put her in.... I saw one man kill a girl for just stumbling as she walked... I still see her face... And the blood... “ Rose trailed off as she felt tears begin to well just picturing that poor woman. Alex reached his hand towards her as she instinctively cuddled into the giant finger that stroked at her cheek in comfort.
“Look, there's no reason this can’t be an amicable relationship between Shrunken and Owner. As a measure of faith, I will allow each of you to ask me one question, which I will answer as honestly as I am able. I will also be wiping the slate clean for those who were punished last night for disobedience. A fresh start for everyone I believe is fair in establishing trust between us” He offered with an open smile, looks of fear and disgust were all that were returned to him.
“How can you expect any of us to trust you, you’re a stranger that kidnapped, shrunk and raped us all. You think you can just buy our trust with fancy clothes and the fear that everyone else is worse than you??” A tall brunette belted out stepping towards the waiting face, her figure not unappealing, generous in the right places with legs for days. Alex was certainly enjoying the view as he failed to hide himself lick his lips sending a shiver down Rose’s spine.
“Well Number 8,.. Madison I believe... I don’t expect you to trust me, not right now atleast, I want it but I know that not everyone will be as adaptable to their new lives as some. Some will dig and claw at every fabric of their previous life in a desperate attempt to hold onto hope. Allow me to dissuage this. There is no hope, this is your lives, you can either fight and be broken or you can attempt to accept this and make the best of your bad situation. Think of it this way, I will get what I want regardless of cooperation so wouldn’t it be better to even try to go along with it and save us all the extra trouble? Next question.”

Madison attempted to speak up again but the young mother reached forward and grabbed her wrist, pulling her back to the main group and inching forward herself.
“My son.... what happened to my son?” she meeked out.

“I thought that was what you would ask about, your child has been taken away and will be raised by The Company, it will be given an education and will be well looked after. Should he prove useful, he will be given a job within The Company. All doors within will be open to him. In summary, you likely will never see him again, but in time he will live a good life and have prime opportunities normal people can only dream of” Alex attempted to reason out.
The woman stood speechless trying to take all of it in, all that sunk in was the reality her baby had been ripped from her and she would never see him again, the woman just broke down to her knees in tears. Rose took a step forward, a hand outreached as if she was going to comfort the woman, but the others just shot her a glare as Madison put an arm round the woman, helped her to her feet and walked her back to the group.
“Before any of the rest of you ask, I hate repeating myself unnecessarily so allow me to answer your likely questions. Firstly, no you can never see your family again, unless owned by someone I know personally, there is no way for me to find out who now owns, or what happened to, any specific Shrunken you may have previously known. Why did I do this to you, as I have already explained to Rose over here, The Company I work for has organised cruises like this for their staff to visit desolate and dying towns in order to acquire Shrunken such as yourselves for our entertainment, at the same time, freeing up land and resources to better the world as a whole. Lastly, no I will not let you go, I personally sourced most of you and intend to take you back home once the cruise is over, along with any others I bring back here, with a few exceptions” He added as he motioned to the older woman up in a separate cage.
“Now do any of you have any other questions?” However, most of the women stood speechless, as Alex proceeded to get up, the strange blonde rushed forward.
“How do we get into the fancy house next to you like those other two?” she yelled up at him. He continued to get up, turning to face her and sweeping her up with a single swoop.
“Well, that’s only for my favourites, the ones who behaved best so far, so if you want to be moved to there, you have to be a good girl, understand?” he asked with a smirk and tilt of his head as his other hand came up and became stroking at the blonde's naked form, unsurprisingly, instead of moving away from his finger, she instead leaned into it, grinding her crotch and heaving her chest to his digit, even from down on the shelf, Rose and the others could see and hear this confusing display.
Alex could feel the fabric of his boxers stretch as he enjoyed the feel of her silken skin against his palm, the sounds of tiny ahh’s and she ground her now drenched thighs and pussy against his fingertip, deciding he still had things to do, he started moving his finger to her rhythm forcing her tiny hands to grip at his palm, her feet pressed as hard as they could, her eyes stared deep into his as she bit her lower lip. Alex took charge, roughly speeding up and pressing his tip into her as hard as he could without breaking her, the fingers of the hand she lay in coming down, pressing her shoulders down, flattening out and playing with her tiny nipples poking out of her perky breasts, her ah’s broken into cries of “Oh Yes, yes, yes” as he fondled her body like clay. Everyone below could only watch in mixes of shock, fear and disgust as this giant monster brought the strange woman to an epic climax, her outburst of “FUCK!.. ME!.. ” as loud as her tiny lungs could manage.
As she attempted to roll to her side and pull herself to his finger to cuddle, she instead found herself being lowered, his other hand disappearing from view entirely and she travelled down on what felt like a runaway elevator, coming to a sudden halt. She quickly scrambled to hold on as the hand she lay on tilted, however he shook the finger she clung to making her fall completely. She couldn’t help but scream, thinking he had brought her to the best climax of her life, only to throw her away. Her illusion broke as she felt herself thump against some springy, soft and warm fabric, opening her eyes to the black walls of his boxers as his phallus towered over her. She stretched her feet out to be met the warm flesh of his balls, thrusting her arms up hoping for that lovely tower to come down upon her. Alex seeing this pressed his erection to her and let go of his waistband, the elastic snap forcing the others out of their stupor and starting to panic, wondering what he was going to do next.
Alex took a moment to adjust himself and his passenger in his underwear, he could feel her tiny fingernails along his cock, her tiny toes curl to his balls for grip as she stroked, licked and ground herself to his engorged member. The slight shudders of his demeanour meant he clearly felt what she was doing in there, the smile told Rose he was enjoying it however, his town stayed formal as he spoke down to them all.
“Now, I have a very busy afternoon ahead of me. I have to finish cataloging you all, redesign the cage system and make preparations for the coming days and the next port call hunt.”
Something about calling what he was doing ‘hunting’ drove an uneasy feeling to the pit of all their stomachs as he continued on
“As an exercise in trust, I leave you all free to explore this room as I do what I must. There are a few ground rules however. You are not to set foot inside the bedside house without my express permission, second, please stay away from the space below my work desk so as to avoid being stepped on or crushed under my chair, lastly, you will come when ordered to. No hiding or refusing to come when called, there will be consequences for disobedience. Are we clear?”
They all just gave a blank and worried nod
“Good, should you wish to join me, I would not decline the company however I cannot dedicate any time to any meaningful conversation so please do not interrupt my work if you intend on being a distraction.” He replied as he wheeled his chair back over to his computer, sat on it and began tapping away on the screen. Rose curiosity wanted to wander over to see on what he was doing but the glares on her back froze her in place.
After a few minutes of collectively standing in silence, 4 of the women hurried past Rose, looking over the edge for a way down to the floor, noticing an indented ladder at the edge, next to his computer desk. Rose watched as they rushed over practically bashing each other out the way as the scrambled over, down and across the floor, one headed under the bed, one sprinted toward the open ensuite and the other two towards the room door. A few more catered their courage and followed suit. Eventually leaving Rose alone with Madison and the grieving Mother, still sobbing away. She turned back to face them and approached slowly, Madison wore distinct ire freezing Rose in place, without even thinking she just outed:
“What is your problem with me? As far as I know, we’ve never met, so I don’t get why you’re being so rude!”
“Rude, you wanna talk rude? Your living it in up the mini mansion, fancy dresses and cocktail parties while the rest of us clung naked on display, ripped from our families while you’re acting like you’re on some kind of vacation with your Sugar Daddy!”
“What the fuck gave you that idea? You think I like being there, within arms reach of...of...HIM? Being dolled up and paraded like some kind of accessory, dunked in his drink and raped by his tongue. I never asked for any of this, I don’t want any of this so where the fuck do you get off on your horse acting like I’m so much better off than you. Tell you what, why don’t you try almost freezing, drowning and getting nearly eaten and then you can have a go at how I’m so much better off than you!”
Madison was just stunned, so was Rose inside, she’d just let all her frustrations go at this strange woman, not completely undeserved but still, she’d just unloaded everything. Part of her wanted to apologise but the way Madison looked back at her, cradling the crying Mother. Rose just couldn’t stomach her any longer.
“You know what, fuck you, stay up there on your high horse, it won’t be me that falls when it comes crumbling down under you.” Rose finished and strode off towards Alex, she knew she’d just burned any hope she had of fitting in with the others, Violet was still in the dollhouse distraught, Alex was the only thing she could go to as she jumped across the gap between the desks, wandered around the keyboard and sat on the thumb of his resting hand, defeated by herself she just sighed. Alex glanced down at her saddened demeanour but simply returned to his work.
Alex had barely noticed her thump down on his thumb like a log stool, even less attention diverted towards the lacey white garments struggling to contain her assets. Instead his imagination focused on on the cage design he intended to go for. Not including the solo cages he kept for the souvenir Shrunken he intended as gifts for his ‘Uncle’, he had settled on a 3 tier system. A lower cage almost on shelf level for the misbehaving and new Shrunken, a middle set of box room cages, large enough to function as a small bedroom served by interconnect stairs and shared spaces such as bathrooms or sitting and feeding rooms on each level. This would be for his well behaved Shrunken, who would be allowed to decorate and furnish their own little rooms. The top tier was similar to the attic of the dollhouse on a much longer scale, one large bathroom area at the far end next to the room door with a long line of beds and small wardrobes. This would serve for the Shrunken who he decided to give a role. Once their training was finished, they would live and breathe the role given by him. Keeping the shelf as high as possible would deter any unwanted attention for guests Jazz brought back who might wander in to borrow a Shrunken when he wasn’t there.
All in all, the capacity would allow him to keep around 100 shrunken along the bottom in rather cramped conditions to help incentivise good behaviour. The middle section would allow for 7 rows of 12 rooms at maximum efficiency of the wall space with the top cage being able to hold 40. Adding the final touch of a lock system for the top cage he finalised the design and sent it off for commission. A rather hefty purchase which between itself and all the clothes bought, had practically drained his ship credits but he would soon flatten out his account on the next port day. The response was the generic ‘one of our engineers will confirm the validity and get back to you within 24 hours to arrange installation’. Alex hoped very few other guests would have the foresight to install bigger cages early on. Even with the catch limits, most guests would probably exceed the capacity of the cages before the trip was over.
He then loaded up the scan data of his Shrunken, adding them to a database and sharing it with ‘Maria Annette Laughlin’ and ‘Dr Jacob Laughlin’ from what Rose paid attention to. Just what she needed, her naked form sent to whoever he wanted to see it ‘I guess consent is a luxury I don’t have anymore’ she sighed.

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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by Underscore » Tue Nov 23, 2021 4:58 pm

A knock on Alex’s door roused her attention, as Alex swirled his chair round to look, Rose leaned forward, peering round his form with curiosity as Jasmin strode in, seemingly well recovered from her hangover.
“Hey dude, 2 things to hit you with”
“Sure, hit away”
“Alrighty then, first, here, delivery for you” Dropping a small box on the shelf until, startling Madison and the Mother, scrambling away as the box was pushed closer towards them.
“Ahh well good news little Rose, you’ve got some more clothes to wear.” He spoke down towards her, a sinking feeling in her gut surfaced as nigh dread on her face.
“Second thing, those two from dinner have been messaging wondering if we want to hang out today”
“When abouts?”
“Uhhh about an hour or two from now, probably hit up the shops, grab a bite to eat...arcade maybe...?”
“I know what you’re doing, you’re making it seem like its all stuff I usually want to do to hide the fact we’re hanging out with people”
“God Forbid you have to socialise now and again my dude” Jasmin laughed off before adding “Well lemme change that around, couple of hours and we’re hanging out with the folks from dinner minus big Cunt Carver and that old creppy guy”
“Do I have to?” Alex whined like a child to a parent
“Yes mister, you do, so you better be ready to rock and roll” sticking out her hand doing a thumbs up.
“Uuuurgh fiiiine” he returned defeated
“Oh and a third thing...” she started
“Uhh sure?” he replied with a light tone of confusion.
“If you’re gonna let your toys run around free, careful they don’t try and escape.”
Alex tilted his head and followed Jasmin’s eyes down. Catching her meaning as he focused in on her barren feet. The arch of her bare foot pinning one of his Shrunken to the floor. Her blonde locks scattered against the cold flooring, her tiny chest heaving and fists pounding against the gigantic flesh wall sat upon her. Another Shrunken was pinned between her first and second toes. The taller of the ebony sisters struggled frantically as the toes ground up and down her naked body flicking at her bouncing boobs almost reflexively legs flailed and fists flew as the rough treatment sped up, they were both Lilley screaming as loud as they could but barely a squeak could be heard as the were squeezed and squashed like clay underfoot.
“and after I just wiped all their slates clean, trying to run away, naughty naughty” he taunted across the room. “If I’m really that bad, maybe Jasmin wouldn’t mind taking you, till we have to go, and see if you still feel that way about me”
Jasmin just smiled and scrunched her feet slightly, the black girl lurching as her chest caved and her lungs were squeezed.
“You know, Eric is due a treat after last night. What do you think, Blackie or the Blondie?”
“Hmm well we know how he feels about dark skinned girls, she definitely wouldn’t come back in one piece but this is her second issue so far, the blonde however is a first time offender.... Give him some... Chocolate for a change but make sure he knows she’s still to be alive and playable. You have your fun with Blondie” Alex answered getting out the chair, Rose still perched on his hand, grasping rapidly at the nearest hair for anything to hold onto and fetching the box from next to Jasmin before returning to his chair.
“Aww and here I was hoping you were gonna lend me that little Red from last night but clearly you’ve got a favourite.” Jasmin pouted as she left, dragging the Shrunken under her foot across the marble floor back towards her room.
Alex flexed his hand, tossing Rose lightly into the air and landing on his open palm as his other hand tore into the box, tossing aside the packing tissue and taking out what looked like dress bags. 16 in total, some nice fluffy pajamas caught her eye, she really wanted something to just cover up with. The lingerie and bunny outfits not so much. The last thing he pulled out the box was a plastic box, it looked like some kind of museum display case. Inside was what looked like a suit of armour, even had a sword, the art on the back of the box showed a familiar face to Rose, from an anime she was all too familiar with... So much so she couldn’t help but speak aloud as she dropped off his hand and wandered over to it.
Alex just smiled down at her as she admired the outfit.
“I KNEW IT!” he exclaimed, getting to his feet. “I knew you’d said that when I bought it! You know Fairy Tail don’t you?!”
Rose stared up at him, stunned and startled by his outburst. Barely able to meekly nod.
“Aaaaaaand, what do you think? How far have you watched.”
“I...uhh... I like it... I really like it, its one of my favourites.” She replied with a nervous laugh, this was the first time she’d ever spoken to anyone about stuff SHE liked, especially anime, no one in town watched it apart from her, and she had a feeling, her captor, owner, master, whatever was in the same boat
“No Way! Then let’s get this on you and then I’ve got something you’ll want to see!” he blurted out his hand snatching her up, pinched between his thumb and forefinger. His other hand taking the outfit out the case. A little stand held the body of the armour while he swiftly set aside the boots, skirt, gauntlets and sword. The set came with a crimson wig but Alex just left that in there, there was no need given her naturally dark red hair. Once he had it all set out, his attention turned back to Rose, barely able to breath from the excited pressure of his grip on her ribs. She thought he’d put her down to get dressed but that thought was dashed as his forefinger lurched towards her stomach, the nail gliding down and catching the rim of her panties. She tried to struggle and resist, spreading her legs to hold the panties up but a slight squeeze and her will to resist dropped in favour of the fight to breathe. In a slow motion, as if he was savouring the sight, he slid the panties down, pinching and placing them on the desk as the came off her feet. As her legs dangled free, Alex stroked his finger back up along her inner thigh. Increasing the pressure as the back of his nail stroked against her barren pussy. Rose flailed her legs in protest. Alex withdrew his finger, placing it in his mouth, tasting the little excitement he’d caused. He shook his head, now wasn’t the time for that. Spinning his hand to see Rose back, he undid her bra clasp before turning her back to face him, pinching one of the cups, and her breast too, he pulled the item away, forcing her arms forward and discarding it with her panties. He picked up the skirt piece which to Rose’s mercy had panties sewn in. He slid one of her feet in, pinching the other ankle and guiding it in through the other hole. Rose felt beyond humiliated, being treated like a doll, not even being allowed to dress herself. Instead, she really was just some kind of toy or pet, being accessorised as her owner saw fit. She was so distracted by this realisation, she hadn’t even noticed him sliding the knee high socks up her, nor boots over those. It was only as he pulled her arms up and began sliding a red sports type bra down over her head that brought her back to the moment, reflexively adjusting her chest and the straps to be comfortable once it was down over her head. She knew the armour was next so she put her arms back up just as it was coming down sliding effortlessly through the arm holes. She felt her nipples burst to life as the cold metal squeezed against her chest. She’d have thought it would have been plastic like most costumes and hadn’t expected the real deal. Lastly he held put the gauntlets and let her slide in and tighten them against her own arms. Placing her down on the desk, he instructed her to
“Just wait there” and shuffled excitedly out of the room, narrowly missing the Shrunken that had hid under the bed. He’d left the door slightly open but after the last two, none of the others even dared go near it atleast, while their captor was moving around. Rose wandered over and picked up the sword. Again, a perfectly replica from the show and made of metal to boot. Sadly, feeling the edge she would be lucky if hitting him with it would even leave a mark or bruise. No way she could threaten him with it, meanwhile if she tried, he could just crush her like an empty can dressed like this.

A few minutes passed and Alex eventually came back to the room, a massive item hidden under a bed sheet, clearly very bulky and heavy by how unwieldy it was for him to walk with it. He gently placed it down on the bed and Rose could finely get a measure of it, it had to take up atleast a quarter if not more of the double bed.
“You ready to see?” he queried excitedly
Rose just nervously nodded, the joy of a like-minded Nerd had passed as soon as he’d stripped and redressed her and now she was just putting on a brave face again. Her smile soon became genuine as he lefted away the sheet to reveal a model building, but not just any building, a replica of the original Fairy Tail Guild Hall at her scale. She’d once had a dream she was a member and walked around the place. She was practically jumping on the spot, her hands in air, begging to be picked up to go inside. Alex would’ve been stunned with the change in her attitude if he wasn’t blinded by his own pride snatching her up and dropping her on the doorstep.
“You can go in you know. The whole front can swing open like your home, each level is also removable should one of you find a way to get stuck inside, I can always get you out safely, other than that its a faithful replica, everything from the bar, beds, S Class floor and the request board. You know, Inplanned to show you this sooner or later, once Inhad a few more Shrunken that could play the parts of the cast. You’d all have your costumes and I’d bring you all inside here to act out bits from the show for me or even go off script as long as you stayed in character. Wouldn’t that be kind of cool??”
Rose wanted to disagree but all she could think was how cool this was, here she was inside the Guild Hall dressed like Erza Scarlet, her favourite character. She just nodded eagerly causing a genuine smile from Alex. The rest of his Shrunken barely poked their heads out just to shudder at his intentions, each hoping they weren’t going to be played with like some kind of action figure, somehow that was even more demeaning than being a pet.

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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by frollo » Tue Nov 23, 2021 11:54 pm

A beautiful intricate addition as always. Thank you for posting again. ^^

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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by HHunter1 » Wed Nov 24, 2021 1:46 pm

Thanks again for adding to my world. Another person's perspective really helps build it as a bigger world. Looking forward to the next chapter and helping with any questions you might have about my little creation. :D

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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by Underscore » Wed Nov 24, 2021 3:06 pm

Thanks a million for the kind words Frollo. Don't think I've said but I adore your art ♥

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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by Underscore » Wed Nov 24, 2021 3:07 pm

Hey, I'm just thankful for the opportunity to write even a shard of this world you've made as slow going as I am hahahaha. I think I might need a hand once I'm onto Chapter 6 but if I come across anything before then, you'll be the first to know 👍

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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by ralgar » Sun Jan 09, 2022 7:36 pm

I do hope this will be continued.

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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by Underscore » Wed Jan 12, 2022 8:10 pm

ralgar wrote:
Sun Jan 09, 2022 7:36 pm
I do hope this will be continued.
Thank you! I'm still working on it albeit at a slower pace than usual due to irl issues but I guarantee I'll have the second half of this chapter up as soon as its done 😁

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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by Ghostwriter44 » Tue Jan 18, 2022 12:01 am

I’m definitely very excited for this story to continue! Really hope we get to see Jasmine’s play with the escapees. Really hoping for some foot play, something that’s desperately been needed in this universe imo lol. Either way, really can’t wait to see what’s next!

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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by HHunter1 » Tue Jan 18, 2022 3:23 pm

😭I'm sorry, I just don't like feet! I know I'm breaking one of the unwritten SW fan rules with that. Please forgive me! 😭


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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by Ghostwriter44 » Tue Jan 18, 2022 8:48 pm

Oh no worries at all! We all have our own interests and likes. I wouldn’t want to try to force someone to write about something they don’t want to or aren’t interested in lol. I just have my hopes for where I wish things would go. I’m gonna enjoy them either way though!

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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by Underscore » Sun Jan 23, 2022 8:05 am

I don't want to be a hope-smasher so I'll just be honest. I don't plan on writing Jasmins play atleast not this scene though I do have something planned but thats a waaaaays off but hopefully that'll make up for this when the time comes.

As for foot-play, I'm the same as HH1, its just not my thing. That said, I am open to most things and my writing style is just putting my characters in a scenario and just writing what would play out so that's not to say it won't show up just that I have no real plans for it, sorry.

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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by ralgar » Fri Apr 08, 2022 2:42 am

Just wondering if the next pRt will be done soon, If not that’s ok

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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by Underscore » Fri Apr 15, 2022 7:13 am

Hopefully soon. I have majority of it written, just the last few paragraphs and then a bit of editing and it'll be ready to post 😁

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Re: The Tourists: Alex's Trip

Post by Underscore » Sat Apr 23, 2022 9:34 pm

Chapter 5 (Lunch)

Rose was somewhat struck by his words. He intended to collect more people, just to serve as toys.., and then she realised... It wasn’t like he could build this kind of thing in a day, he wasn’t some kind of God no matter how much his stature told her otherwise. Feeling over the walls, her tiny fingers could feel the grooves of brush strokes, it was clearly hand painted and it would have taken days to do such a thorough job as he had done. This had clearly been his intention for a while... A very long while.
“Is this the reason you did this to us all, to make us nothing but toys to play the part in some kind of sick twisted show for you” Rose questioned aloud, her words sharp in a soft tone of wonder as she looked around the immaculate abode.
“Not entirely, but yes, this was a major factor in my decision to become a Shrunken Owner.” Alex answered, drawing awe from Rose, surprised he had been able to hear her through the walls, turning back, he was much closer than before, the floor above her had disappeared. Had she been that star struck she hadn’t even noticed two thirds of the building disappear, or was his hand that steady he hadn’t even shook the place removing the upper floors?
“Oh and what’s the other factors in this grandiose decision of yours?” she snarked back attempting to strike a powerpose as she spun her body to face up to him.
“There are quite a few. Mainly that simply I enjoy the company of Shrunken, having been around them almost as far back as I can remember. Children raised in a home with dogs tend to be dog owners themselves. I follow the same logic. You may not be dogs but you are still pets.”
Rose felt conflicted, on one hand she wanted to argue how she wasn’t a pet but its hard to make that cade when you fit in the palm of someone’s hand plus somewhere, deep in the recess of her mind, she knew that wasn’t the case anymore. It had barely been a day since she had been taken but she was already coming to terms with the fact she was a pet... And not even as cool as it was being Erza could stop that look of realised defeat from wearing on her face, noticeable enough even Alex picked up on it. Reaching a finger out he stroked her cheek then under her chin, tilted her head back up at him.
“Hey, let’s get back to the main thing here. So... Anime huh?” Alex jested.
“Yeah... Anime” she replied, donning a smile once more. As rough as his finger was, his touch felt oddly soft.
“So how big a nerd are you then?”
“I mean, I live.... Lived.... In a classic game store. A run down one only open once a week but hey, that just left me alone with nothing but time and the Internet... Atleast when my Dad remembered to pay the bills” she joked and then it hit her, at no point through this ordeal had she even thought about her dad... Or her mom. This whole time, she hadn’t even thought if they were alive, dead... Or in the hands of someone like that Carver guy... She was just stunned by her selfishness. Did she really resent her parent’s that much, or was it more that she hated them...
“I just assumed that was like, a weekend job or something. Didn’t look like the kind of place anyone lived in. So you play games too.... “
And that was it, that’s how it began, a one, nigh, two hour conversation between the two of them. Discussing everything from old school video games like Mario 64 and Goldeneye up to modern anime they both watched and some each hadn’t seen yet. They’d talked so long neither of them really took note of the world around them. For Alex, it was the first time he’d really spoken to anyone about his obsessions, sure Jasmin enjoyed most games but it was a surface enjoyment, with Rose it was an intelligent discussion, secrets, easter eggs, hell even extended Star Wars lore cropped up at one point. Alex had thought himself lucky just by her physical beauty but no, with this one interaction, he’d realised just how lucky he really was with this little pet...

“... and that’s why Fruits Basket is like, one of my favourites ever.” Rose proudly finished.
“You know, I’ve never seen that one, would be easy enough to find, we could watch it together someti... “ Alex started before being interrupted as the door swung open and Jasmin strode in.
“I’ve been banging on the door for like 10 mins my guy, come on, we gotta go.” She demanded.
“Shit, is that the time already? Fuck...” Alex exclaimed rushing to his feet. “gimme another 10 and I’ll be good to go asap.”
“You’re lucky I knew we’d be late and arranged an extra 15 for ya, dumbass” Jaz joked back.
“I ever tell you you’re the best?” Alex asked with a renewed smile.
“Not often enough, so hurry up. Here’s your toys back, both bathed and in mostly one piece, surprisingly.” Jasmin answered depositing the two Shrunken she’d taken in Alex awaiting hand. The Blonde seemed to cling to Alex out of sheer fear but that dint seem to be right Rose pondered, Jasmin seemed like a pretty cool person as far as gigantic goth kidnappers go. The black girl was in a far worse state, she was out cold and had clearly been beaten. Rose could make out the bruises and slights of blood even from as far down as she was atop the bed.
“Eric really had a go with you didn’t he? ” Alex muttered underbreath, a touch of disapproval but void of concern as he rolled her body with his free hand, occasionally pinching to see where she winced to assess the damage. Rose couldn’t believe Eric had done THAT, he was a wonderful, sweet guy from last night she thought as Alex put the two back in the glass cage, popping out some food pellets from a tic tac box and handing them both to the blonde for the two traumatised women, closing up the cage, his attention turned to Rose.
“You wanna wear that out?” he asked with a smile, his voice back to a cheery tone as if nothing was wrong.
“Out? You mean I’m going with you?” She asked in a lightly anxious and annoyed tone.
“I know, I want out of it too but I gotta suffer, you gotta suffer” he joked back
“Oh really, and since when have we been THAT close?” she japed.
“Hmm well it could be yesterday when I started owning you but I think it was probably an hour ago when we discovered we’re the two biggest nerds on the boat. So yeah, you wearing that out or you want something else on?” he returned to the main question.
“As amazing as this is, god this armours heavy! So yeah, please, something else... BUT NOT ANY OF THOSE GROSS SEXY ONES!” she added.
Alex pondered for a moment. “Heyyy.... I bought those for you, if I want them on, they go on” he beckoned with a smirk “but fine, we’ll go with another anime one, deal?” he offered.
Something seemed fishy but Rose agreed. An agreement she somewhat regretted when he handed her a dress bag with a schoolgirl outfit in it.
“Really, of all the clothes, Rias’ Uniform is what I’m wearing, on a day out?” Rose questioned striking a look of disapproval.
“I mean, you’ll look the part in it so yeah, why don’t you be my little Rias for the day?”. Rose just sighed and began taking the armour off. The gauntlets came off fine but try as she did, she couldn’t lift the armour off her torso. Alex laughed at her attempts before finally pinching and lifting it off her with ease. He waited until she had stripped down naked to scoop up the outfit, depositing it back over on the desk. All the while his eyes focused on her figure, those heaving firm breasts, flawless skin and the perfect jiggle on her ass and thighs, his mouth practically watered just thinking about snatching her up and devouring her again... But now wasn’t the time for that, he told himself. Seeing Rose open up her dress bag, he turned away to focus on getting himself dressed to go out.
Inside the cabin he could dress as he wanted but out there, he represented not only his Uncles life work but also the Howells he worked for. Passing the drawers filled with pop culture t shirts and instead picking out a nice, light polo shirt and a pair of ¾ length jean shorts with some flip flops. ‘Perfectly professional casual attire’ he thought to himself. As he pulled the shorts up, he remembered the little passenger he had grinding in his boxers this whole time, pulling out the waistband to find the little blonde, heaving in her own glory, covered every inch in a mix of both their sweats and her own cum. She had exhausted herself to no end, mainly as he’d forgotten she was even there, his erection had held strong but with his mind elsewhere, her efforts had yielded nothing. Not that she cared. The lust in her eyes and grin on her face screamed she was in it for the challenge. That soon changed to disappointment as he pulled her out by her ankle, dangling limply in front of his face, a few drops of their shared juice dripping off her to the floor and shelf as he deposited her back in the cage. He checked the pellet and water supplies that fed into the cage and then back to the woman, that one was going to need it after her workout.
“All of you, back to your cage” he barked in a commanding tone. To his own surprise they all obeyed... Eventually. Some sprinted over and up the indented ladder, arms in the air ready to be put back, other paced gingerly shaking more and more, the closer they got. Not that it made a difference, each was picked up and placed back into the cage, mostly without a second thought. All they had in common was the same look of defeat as they realised there really was no way out and nowhere to hide. His grip lingered on the now former mother for a moment too long, as her panic turned to struggle and he dropped her in roughly. ‘So it really does convert the milk to fat’ he thought. The way her swollen chest had felt had confirmed a rumour he had heard but had never had to chance to confirm with his Uncle about the variety of side effects or rather benefits, of the shrinking process.
With his Shrunken away, their food provided. Alex finished getting dressed. Disappearing from Rose’s view, back out of his room to the main cabin, returning a few moments later with the metallic cage he had worn her in last night. Alex placed the cage down in the Shrunken sized Guild Hall as Rose was sitting on a barstool, putting on the last items of clothing, the thigh-high socks and shoes. She gracefully, almost teasingly stretched the fabric slowly up her silken leg, her hands gliding further up and releasing the elastic with a satisfying snap against her flesh, the tension creating a perfect bubble of thigh above the band. An action she chose to repeat with the other leg, even slower now that she’d realised he was watching her. He could’ve watched that display all day, in fact he was rather disappointed he had missed her getting the rest of the outfit on. She hopped off the stool and slid into the shoes, striding confidently over to the cage. Again, his finger awaited to help her inside, her tiny fingers clutched to the appendage as she meandered inside, giving a little hip sway as she did. Turning and gripping the bars tight as the cage hoisted up and over his neck.
“You make a perfect Rias” He complimented from above.
“Thanks” she yelled back, “I guess this makes me your little” she half heartedly joked, the words catching in her throat as she did.
Alex just nervously chucked, “Yeah... My little cosplayer huh?”.
Rose caught the strange tone of his voice but couldn’t figure out what was up with it, eventually waving it off as she and her ‘Master’ left his room. A gothed up Jasmin tapping sarcastically at a non-existent watch on her wrist.
“I know, I know but technically I was only an extra 12 minutes 32 seconds so we’re actually leaving early” he japed, sticking his tongue out at her.
“Were gonna need it Mr Smarty-Clock, we’ve got a loooooong walk ahead to the shopping area” she joked as she strode over the cabin door and ushered Alex through, making sure it was locked behind them.
“My Goooood why are we so far away from like... Everything?” she asked in exaggerated exasperation.
“Cause I need music to work, and this was the most remote cabin on the ship, its the only reason we’re still getting Red Luxury when my Uncles not even here.” Alex answered... Quickening his pace to a light jog. A hand clutching at Rose Cage to steady its sway as he did.
“Hoi! Wait up for me Quicksilver” Jas beckoned, speeding up her pace after him. Her Shrunken man buffeted by her heaving cleavage as she approached running speeds.

They all arrived, a little out of breath from their cat and mouse game of ‘Which shut in is more out of shape’ the loser being Alex, or rather winner of the most out of shape title.
“Who knew, doing paperwork and staring at a computer all day wouldn’t make you an Olympic Sprinter” Jasmin joked between heaving breaths, her Shrunken man dangled naked and panicked from a gold chain harness as her Torso doubled over struggling to get the air in.
“You’re not much better than me, just cause you get a stamina boost from all that sex” he japed back, receiving a thumped fist to his shoulder, jostling him slightly and knocking Rose to her knees.
“Hey, where the fire?” a familiar accented voice beckoned. Rose and Alex looked up in unison to see the Korean guy from dinner striding along confidently. Black board shorts, bare chest and another audaciously designed puffed hoodie, this time purple and unzipped, for his clothing of choice. Stark contrast to graceful Japanese woman next to him. Clad in a black two piece swimsuit and Sarong balanced by a thin white shawl gliding in the breeze.
“Daewoo, perhaps you should refrain from such outbursts, it may incite a panic to those not within the context” she suggested in a lyrical tone, tilting her head slightly and smiling.
‘That’s a long way to say Don’t yell Fire in a crowded theatre’ Rose pondered, jumping back to reality as she was sprung forward against the cage door as Alex brought himself back upright, taking in a deep breath as if focusing himself. His face stretched into a forced smile as he extended out his arm in a handshake.
“Hi, good to see you both again, how are you doing?” he asked through gritted teeth, his tone robotic though there was a clear attempt to sound genuine which likely just made it sound worse.
“Hey hey, Alex, its all good in Dae-land, you alright?”
“You appear to be rather stiff, are you perhaps ill?” Sakura interjected with an air of concern.
“No, no he’s fine just.... People, you know” Jasmin japed towards the Asians.
“I see, the proverbial Social Caterpillar as it were?” She offered.
“That’s... Actually a great way to put it” Jasmin agreed with a wholesome smile, glancing up at Alex now expressionless face.
“Well, just means we gotta get that butterfly out, eh man?” Daewoo jested, taking Alex hand, interlocking their thumbs and pulling him into a shoulder bump style greeting. Rose jostled like she was in a roller-coaster as the Asian mans chest blew past her at the moment of impact. An audible ‘ouch’ emanated in unison from Rose, as her cage crashed back into Alex and from far below her.
As Daewoo let his grip go, Rose looked for the source of the other ‘ouch’, eventually spotting a cage similar to hers tied to the side of his shorts, inside appeared to be two naked women, a young tan skinned girl and an even younger pale Asian girl clutching each other. Something about the scene had reminded her of Violet. Remembering that these now giant people had captives like her, she now looked over towards Sakura however there didn’t appear to be a cage, instead the centre of both her swimwear pieces had shrunken men poking through, their barren muscular chests on display however their bottom halves were hidden behind the fabric. Neither man seemed glad to be there judging by how they struggled to get free.
“I don’t believe force would be appropriate, instead, why don’t we all take some time and peruse some purchases?” Sakura suggested receiving unanimous nods from the group before adding “Excellent, then may I suggest the play-store, I would very much like to see the fruits of your labour” finishing with a sly tilt.
“Didn’t you say it was only administration and paperwork you did for the Howells? I don’t think that means every playset is a fruit of his labour” Daewoo interjected before Alex chimed in.
“You’ve been thorough in your homework Miss Satou” Alex replied in a more natural yet still monotone leaving a puzzled expression on Daewoos face.
“When I started working for the Howells, I started on the assembly floor of the US factory.” Alex added matter-of-factly.
“Ahh cool, so you went from grunt to right hand man? You gotta tell me how that went!?” Some excitement in his words.
“Perhaps another time, it is a long story after all” was all Alex could think to offer to change the subject, thankfully Sakura re-entered the conversation.
“I apologise if I have caused any offence, given my father’s line of work, I am sure you can understand taking precautions before venturing out with somewhat strangers” she offered with slim smile.
“Not at all, a perfectly logical decision. I’m impressed.” He returned genuinely.
“Oh god, the logics coming out, we gotta move before Mr Thinker here gets his wheels going” Jas japed as she attempted to push Alex from behind, causing some chuckles from the rest as they all formed in and started heading in the direction of the stores. Rose heart sped in her chest, what were playsets and why did they fill her with dread.

Her dread was warranted. Along the shelves of the brightly lit, open plan store, packed wall to wall, seemed initially to be children’s toys, things like Knights castles, little campsites, fake forests... Strangely a lot of ones based on older movies, like King Kong, Creature from the Swamp, one was even based on Friday 13th. A bit odd for children’s toys and looking at the size they seemed to be the right size for Shrunken...for her. Beside the large toys seemed to be related items, outfits and accessories for Shrunken to look the part, alright so far but the last column was what sunk her heart. Along from the Knights things were giant rubber red dragons. They seem to be some kind of hand puppet with a giant swollen purple phallus. Images on the box showed ‘light up stomach’ and ‘eat and feel’ features, one picture showed the vague shadow of a woman though a glowing yellow belly with the picture next to it showed the stomach had swappable linings. One was smooth and showed the lining stretch around a giant hand and surrounding a naked woman, the other showed the same hand but the lining was covered in rubbery spikes. Looking closer at the rest of the items. The knight outfits came with both plastic swords and rubber dildo like ones. The battering rams had openings in the top to hold Shrunken, the pictures showed the ram hitting the castle door, an air pocket inflating and rubber spikes shooting up into the ‘prisoners’ asses. These were not kids toys at all, they were sex toys! ‘Just how sick are all these people’ was all Rose could think as she heaved, imagining herself in one of them. She kept turning up to the Dragon, confused... She should be alot more sickened by it but there was something cool about it, forgetting all its sex features, it would be kind of cool to fight a giant dragon being puppeted by Alex or maybe she just wanted to feign a struggle... ‘No NO that wasn’t it at all’ she told herself shaking her senses back into her. She couldn’t believe this was what Alex did for work, he made these things?! Her attention was soon stolen as the front of her view filled with the chocolate stained face of a child, staring right at her, causing her to scramble away to the back of the cage, clutching any scruff of Alex shirt through the bars she could.
“Wooooow it’s so pretty!” the young tubby boy beckoned taking another bite out of his melting chocolate bar.
“She is, I’m rather proud of her” Alex returned to the child, his hand cupping under her cage, his thumb protruding a touch inbetween the bars, jiggling slightly as Rose shifted and gripped the appendage as hard as she could. She couldn’t help imagine herself in place of that chocolate bar, being bitten in half with nothing more than a simple snap. It really put into perspective just how fragile she was now.
“Can I hold it?” the child asked with light in his eyes and horror in Rose’s. His chocolate stained hand stretching towards her cage.
“Afraid not, she’s not trained yet so she needs to stay in her cage” Alex returned, rather snappyily and monotone, pulling her cage further up his chest out of the child’s reach.
“Jimmy? Jimmy? Quit bothering the nice man and pick out some toys for your toys already” an older woman called from across the store.
“coming mom” the boy called, looking back at Rose with a worrying glint before scuttling off into the crowd. Rose let out a breathe of relief, trepid over what kind of ‘training’ her giant owner meant but she shook it off, hoping it was just the first thing he thought of to get the child to leave her alone.
“Hey Alex my guy, you not getting anything?” Daewoo called over to him, his voice barely audible over the pile of ‘toys’ he had comically stacked in his arms.
“Nah, I’m very particular about my choice of playsets, plus I’ve already spent most of my credits” he admitted.
“If you want, I could bump you some to get a lil som’n som’n?” he genuinely offered with a pep in his step.
“I appreciate the offer but I’ll be alright after the next hunt, besides, I can always just build my own if I really need one” he returned, his attention drawn to the Red Dragon. “Haven’t see the old Black Knight Series on the line in a while, must be old stock the ship had in storage” he stated under his breath.
Jasmin came over, grabbing one of the battering rams. Her stack filled with shrunken military gear, a giant box looking like an army base called ‘Camp Commando’, the next was a giant spaceship shaped like one of those 80’s UFO called ‘ 51’ Invader Fun ’.
“What sort of weird Area 51 theme are you going for?” Alex joked
“What??!” she slyly japed back “Ever since you told me these were coming out, you know I had to have them. I have to see how these probe tables work!”
Alex his tilted his head down chuckling slightly.
“You and your Sci Fi scenarios” shaking his head slightly and grinning
“YOU and your anime ones” she returned
“Hey, the anime sets ARE coming, the clothing’s already on the online store with the sets coming out soon” he japed back
“I still can’t believe you talked Mr Howell into putting them into production.” She admitted with a sarcastic shake of her head
“Hey, it wasn’t for my sake, the Asian Market was declining so I suggested making playsets based off of their own media to boost sales. It was a logical decision” he outed with a sly grin.
“A ‘logical decision’ that you just happened to have fully briefed and prepared with ratings and popularity stats for both the Asian and Western audiences.” She noted sarcastically
“I’m just dedicated to my work is all” he outed, receiving a sassy ‘mhm hmm’ in return.
He followed Jasmin up to the storefront, soon joined by a precariously off-balance Daewoo. He was doing his best keeping his stack afloat, that was until Sakura glided in behind him.
“Hello, I see we’re all finished shopping then” she lyrically opened. The surprise of her appearance scared Daewoo half to death as he leapt, his feet leaving the shop floor and landing to the side of the group. Alex reflexively stepping forward and grabbing half from atop his pile to stop it all coming crumbling down upon the women. Rose just clung to her cage as it swung like a pendulum with the speed of his movements before slamming roughly back into his chest.
“Phew, thanks man, thought I was gonna get buried under there” Daewoo chuckled.
“You know, you could’ve just noted the item numbers and have a this all put aside and delivered to your room later.”
“Wait... You mean I didn’t need to body slam three fat kids for this and could’ve just ordered it?!?!” he joked, getting a genuine chuckle from Alex and Rose alike. “But nah I knew about the delivery option, just didn’t know about the number thing, guess its too late to put it back and write it down anyway” he said as he and Alex made their way up and deposited the piles on the counter, an exaggerated curious look on the assistants face, a cute petite brunette.
“Is this everything” she asked with mild concern through a smile.
“Yeah that’s everything cutie” The Asian man answered, leaning round his half of the pile, staring deep into her eyes and smiling. She blushed and looked away, back to scanning each item.
“And will you be walking out with it or taking advantage of our ‘delivery’ option?” her emphasis on the ‘delivery’ part.
“That depends, do YOU hand deliver?”
“I think we just might be able to offer that service” she returned, Alex noting her fluttering eyes at the Korean beside him. “When and where should we ‘deliver’?” she asked, taking the items off the counter, leaning over, staring back.
“Room B232, shall we say, 8pm?” he returned, leaning his arm on the counter edge and towards her.
She tapped a scanner against his watch, a ding sounded, and she then pulled out a store card, writing some numbers on it and handing it to him.
“B232 at 8... I’ll be there” she replied, winking as she called up Sakura, Daewoo wandered off meanwhile Alex stayed where he was as Sakura put her items down. ‘The Lost Dynasty’ was all Rose could make out on the side of the box, it looked like some kind of mix between Indian, Chinese and Japanese designs from all selection of different boxes.
“So, Miss Satou, care to tell me how you uncovered my start with the Howells? It wasn’t until I was in Admin that I had an official contract. My time in assembly was an undocumented favour, only a handful of people know of it” Alex eyed her suspiciously.
“Oh, I have my ways” she teased back leaving Alex with a puzzled face.
“Very well, you keep your secrets” he joked back. Rose recognised that line... Was he... Did he just quote a Lord of the Rings meme... Was that his attempt at flirting?? Wow, he really is a massive nerd she thought.
“We can discuss my secrets over lunch after this, my treat” she offered, allowing the assistant to scan her watch. “Room B132, please”
“First floor? You’re in a family Cabin? I thought you were here with just your brother?” Alex queried
“Indeed, originally my Father and Mother were to join us in a Red cabin, however there was a security breach and my Father had to oversee the task, my Mother chose to remain sending the family maid and one of her personal security along with us, downgrading us to Blue Status. To be frank, I believe she wished some private time with my father... ” She sighed, her graceful demeanour breaking, “... And now I’m here alone on babysitting duty, yeah sure that’s why Kaguya came along but all Kaoru does is cling to me! Shouldn’t I be allowed to enjoy this trip without having to mother after the ‘oh so precious heir’ in her place. I mean, I had to bribe him with some of my, MY Shrunken just to get him to leave me alone and stay with Kaguya for the day.” She ranted on, a tone of frustration now commanding her formerly lyrical voice.
Alex just stood dumbfounded, a look of horror came over Sakura’s face when she realised she had just ‘unloaded’ on him.
“I do so sincerely apologise for my disgraceful behaviour and any embarrassment I have caused you, please allow me to make up for my actions.” She hurriedly outed, bowing at him at almost 90 degrees.
“Woah, it nothing, please, lets just go and all get lunch somewhere a bit more... Private?” he suggested, waving his hands in protest.
“Very well, then please, let us proceed” her head still hanging in shame.

Outside Jasmin and Daewoo awaited, curious about Sakura’s somewhat depressed body language, Jasmin grabbed the back of Alex shirt and slowed him down, letting Daewoo and Sakura walk ahead.
“What did you do to her?”
“Nothing I swear, I just asked about her being in a family cabin alone and she just... Dropped all her baggage on me in the middle of the shop, I think she’s just really stressed out, maybe being out and about isn’t the best idea?” he suggested, Jasmin returned with an evil grin, a grin Alex knew all to well
“Hey you guys” she called after the Asian pair. “What’s say we hit up the Shrink Target event, head back to ours and just order in some food?”
“Oh hell yeah” was Daewoo’s reply while Sakura just nodded.
“Perfect, let’s go have some fun!” She sped up dragging Alex after them.

They arrived at the ships top deck where a small crowd had all gathered. A man in a crew uniform stood atop a small podium microphone in hand.
“Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys, Girls and everyone in between, Welcome to our ships first event, the Shrink Targeting Competition! This was originally planned for yesterday but after our technical troubles has had to be rescheduled for today. Up for grabs is a Ship Store voucher worth 250 credits, more than enough to care for or play with any Shrunken the lucky winner may have caught on yesterdays excursion, if not, the funds could surely let you get your hands on a few from the ships catalogue of On Sale catches, who should be available in store, by the time the event is over. Now, anyone wishing to sign up, the event board is just over there and we’ll get underway in a few minutes.”
Jasmin skipped on over to the board, signing up all four of them in the last spots, before making her way back to them as the crewman continued.
“Now the rules for this event are simple, these launchers here will fire out discs from random locations on the deck, all you have to so is Shrink the discs before they hit the ocean. Yellow discs are worth 1 point, blue are worth 2, red are worth 5 and the white disc is worth 10. Just shrink as many as you can as quick as you can to rack up points. The guest with the most points wins.” The crowd cheered, eager for some fun. Rose meanwhile was scheming, this was perfect! Surely she would be able to get some idea of how they shrunk people, maybe she could figure out a way to reverse it or atleast turn it on her ‘Owner’ and get him to reverse it. Her eagerness showed as she pressed herself to the front of her cage trying so see as much as she could.

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