Tiny Teen Taya's Torment

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Tiny Teen Taya's Torment

Post by sushi1 » Fri Apr 15, 2022 8:36 pm

Tiny Teen Taya's Torment

Prologue – Smith

Smith never got what he wanted. But it all changed for the middle aged man as he somehow got his hands on a miraculous, magical device. It looked like a toy gun.

In his hands was a small miniaturized blond woman, around 4" to 5" (10cm to 12.5cm). Covered in cum and blood, she was already gone.

Sara. Was that her name? He looked at the dead miniature body in his hand, then over to his toy gun.

“Shit, I'm in trouble, aren't I?” The gun came with instructions, but Smith just did not believe any of it. But what if it wasn't a hoax? What if the gun did what it claimed to do? He just had to test it out.

The result? A murdered woman in the name of pleasure.

“Shit shit shit shit shit. I'm fucked.”

He believed he wouldn't get away with it. But he did. Of course he did. How would the police be able to connect the disappearance of this girl to him?

Over time, Smith realized that nothing happened. He got away with it. And he was going to get away with it again. And again... And again...

6 months later...

“What a beauty.” Smith had been stalking a teen for about a month. He knew her entire schedule. When she got off school. When she had her private tutoring. When she had her swimming lessons, her piano lessons... and more importantly, her karate lessons.

This was it. Today was going to be the day Smith made his move. Today, Smith was going to get everything he wanted.

Prologue – Taya

Smart. Strong. Beautiful. Those were the words oft used to describe Taya. Long dark hair and a toned figure, the teen girl was everything that a boy could possibly dream of. As popular as she was and as outwardly kind people were to her, she knew that there were dark corners of the world. There were men in this world capable of doing unimaginable things.

In a case where such men would target her, she needed to be prepared. She needed a way to defense herself.

Minutes ago, Taya had just finished an intense Karate class. Learning martial arts had kept her body in shape. Being the only girl in the class was a bit awkward, but in a way it had its perks. At this particular time, in this particular class, she had the whole female change room to herself.

Taya had just stepped out of the shower. As she grabbed her clothes, she heard footsteps.

Probably the cleaning staff.

She ignored the footsteps, not thinking much of it. She strapped on her bra, put on her panties. The footsteps got closer and closer. In the corner of her eye, she saw the source of the sound. A man, staring at her, walking closer and closer. He grinned, unable to contain his glee.

“Hey! What are you doing here?” Taya was surprised and a little scared.

But... but... this is exactly why I spent all this time training. Taya, dressed in only her underwear, raised her hands in front of her, carefully watching the man and seeing his next move. He reached into his pocket and took out a plastic gun.

What the fuck? Taya didn't know whether to panic or laugh. On one hand, she was naked and about to be assaulted by a man much larger than her in size. On the other hand, the weapon he was assaulting her with was a cheap children's toy.

Before she could do either, she felt a sudden dizziness. The world around her started spinning and she dropped to the floor.

Brief seconds later, the teen came to. She was dizzy, the world was a fuzzy blur. But slowly, her surroundings came into focus.

Taya was lying face down. With her hands on the floor, she pushed herself up, glancing upwards. As the world came into focus, her mind got even more disoriented and confused. In front of her was the man that pointed the toy gun at her. Except he was GIGANTIC.

What is happening?

After all this training, the one time she needed to defend herself, she failed to do so. Why? Why is this happening?

Smith knelt down and grabbed the tiny, 4” (10cm) teen in his hands.

“What the hell?” Taya screamed. “Let me go!”

“Sure.” Smith grabbed his pants, pulled his pants and underpants out. He held the teen over his pants, about belly high. “Ready? I'm letting go.”

The teen screamed as she fell straight into the man's crotch. She gripped her arms around the man's giant cock, trying not to free fall to the floor. Slowly, the light started to fade. Taya was trapped inside the man's underwear.

On the ride back home, Smith constantly felt the girl struggling inside his pants. Throughout the ride, the man would use his hands to adjust his crotch and the position of the girl. His dick was rock hard as he felt the teen girl's tone body constantly rubbing against his cock. During the drive home, Smith was thinking about all of the things that he was going to do to his new toy.

Chapter 1 – Taya Tied Up

Taya struggled, trying to escape her restraints. The teen was restrained to a thin x-shaped wooden board, arms and legs spread in an X. Her wrists and ankles were tied to the ends of the wooden X.

“Unngh, let me go!” the teen screamed out.

Smith, her captor, looked at the young Asian teen, shrunken to a mere 4” (10cm) in height. Dressed in just her bra and panties, she was stuck, restrained to this wooden X with no way to escape. The wooden X was placed on a coffee table, about knee high (for the man).

“You're not going anywhere, baby.”

“Gross. You're what, double my age? Let me go.”

“Gross? I'll show you gross.”

The man reached for his pants, pulling down both his pants and underwear at the same time. A look of disgust crossed Taya's face as a stiff, erect cock came into view. The man had one hand on his cock while lowering himself to his knees, getting closer and closer to Taya. The teen looked away, struggling harder against the chains against her wrists.

Down on his knees, the man's body was over the table, over top of the girl. His erect cock getting closer and closer to the girl. The crown of his cock finally made contact with her, first rubbing across her legs, then her abs, her chest, her armpits. The girl looked away, trying to avoid getting smacked across the face. However, the man grabbed her face with two fingers, forcing her head to face upwards while stroking his dick with his other hand. Every time the teen tried to protest, he would move the crown of his cock over her mouth, muffling any sounds coming out of her. Taya watched helplessly as the man stroked harder and harder, faster and faster.

“AAHHHH!” Smith groaned.

Taya felt a warm sticky fluid wash over her. The man's cum came squirting out, hitting her lower body, trickling down her legs and side of her torso. Still holding onto her head, he aimed the cock over her mouth. A second wave came gushing out, filling her mouth and splashing all over her pretty face. She tried to spit it out, but the tip of the giant's cock covered her mouth. Some of the man's cum dripped out the side of her mouth, but she was forced to swallow. Finally, Smith eased up, lifting his cock from her mouth. Taya immediately coughed out most of the cum remaining in her mouth, though the vile taste remained in her mouth. A third gush of cum came out, hosing down the teen. No part of her body was spared. Her entire body was covered.

“Aww yeah!” The man got up and pulled his pants back up. The girl was no longer as defiant as before. She was looking off to the side. If she was crying, he couldn't tell. Her entire body, entire face was caked with his cum. Smith got up and left the girl.

With her arms and legs spread and restrained, Taya was unable to move. She was breathing heavily, her chest heaving up and down. Her bra and panties were now soaking wet, her entire body caked in cum. Taya did the only thing she was able to do. Lie there and wait in dread for the next time the man wanted to play with her. The fluid covering her body began to dry. Taya felt gross.
Last edited by sushi1 on Tue Apr 19, 2022 12:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tiny Teen Taya's Torment

Post by sushi1 » Sun Apr 17, 2022 12:53 am

Things are going to start getting violent...

Chapter 2 – Stretch Her

“I'm back for more,” Smith said as the door slammed open.

Taya looked up and saw the man, completely naked. She shook her head. “No... please no...” The humiliation that the teen suffered was already too much. What more did he have in store for her?

The man untied her restraints. For the first time in what feels like forever, Taya was able to move. She got to her feet. The man poked the tiny teen's chest, knocking her back down on her ass.

“Now, take these off.” The man said as he rubbed against her bra.

Taya shook her head. The sick man was already hard from looking at the beautiful teen in her underwear. She really didn't want him to see her naked.

Taya screamed as Smith grabbed her in his hand, his thumbs rubbing against her breasts, threatening to rip off her bra. “Noo! Please don't!”

“Ah, fine.” To Taya's surprise, Smith stopped rubbing her body. “I won't strip you if you don't want. Only if you beg to be stripped, like the little whore you are.”

Smith started walking over to a cabinet. He placed the teen on his cock. As he was walking, the teen was holding on for dear life. He opened the cabinet, looked around, and grabbed something. Taya could not see what it was, as she was focusing on holding on to his cock, trying not to fall off.

He walked back to the table and knelt down, letting Taya get off his dick. SLAM. He placed an object onto the table, next to Taya. Terror filled Taya's heart. She did not know what the object was, but it was definitely not good news. She saw a table with restraints on the ends of it and some knobs on the side. She watched as Smith turned the knobs, causing the table to extend and retract. It was a torture rack, designed for shrunken women.

“Again. I won't strip you if you don't want. I will strip you only if you beg to be stripped.”

“Please!” Taya begged.

“Let's play a game. I want to see if you are as tough as you are beautiful. I'm going to... erm... play with you for 5 minutes. If you're able to tough it out, you get to keep your clothes on. Otherwise, if you beg for me to stop, you'll lose an article of clothing.” He pointed to her bra, then panties. “So that's two pieces of clothing. You might not want to give up so easily. I get more sadistic as I get more horny.”

“Noo! Stop!” Taya screamed as the man pinned her to the torture device. Her hands and feet were tied to the ends of the table. Once again, she was bound, unable to move. “Nyaaah!” her screams got more frantic. Her panic was making him harder and harder, which was making him want to hurt her more and more.

“We haven't even begun. If you're screaming so much already, I can't even imagine what'll happen when I do this...” He slowly turned the knobs on the side and Taya could slowly feel her arms and legs being pulled apart.


“Well... let's begin.” A digital timer in the room displayed 5:00, counting down by the second.

As Smith turned the knobs more and more, Taya began feeling pain in her shoulders and hips. Pain began racking up all over her arms and legs as the ends of the table pulled on her more and more. Her uncontrollable screaming continued, even after Smith relieved the pressure, turning the knobs the opposite direction and retracting the table, allowing her joints some time to rest. Her head rolled to the side, tears rolling down her face.

Why... What did I do to deserve this?

She looked up at the timer. 4:48. It had only been 12 seconds and the pain was already overwhelming.

Again, Smith turned the knobs to extend the table, stretching out Taya's arms and legs.


The pressure continued to build on the teen. It felt as though her arms were going to be ripped off of her body, her legs about to be torn apart.

No... I can't... 5 minutes of this? I can't even take 5 more seconds of this.


“Remember the rules.”

“STOP! I BEG OF YOU! I... I WANT YOU... AGGGGHHH!” Smith continued to turn the knobs, stretching Taya beyond her limit. Pain beyond anything a human should experience. “PLEASE... STRIP... GYYYAAAAHHHH!!!! ME!!! ST....”

The stretching continued for another 30 seconds, but to Taya, it felt like hours. Finally, Smith decided to stop. Relief came to the girl's joints as the excruciating stretching had stopped. Smith looked at the timer. 4:02. It's only been a minute. The man undid the restraints on Taya. The girl sat up, shaking her head, covering her bra with her arms. She was crying, not wanting the man to see her naked, but also not wanting to suffer more vicious torture at his hands.

“That was just a warmup round. It doesn't count. I won't strip you. Now that you know how things work, let's start the real game.”

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Re: Tiny Teen Taya's Torment

Post by Ghostwriter44 » Sun Apr 17, 2022 6:55 am

Omg I’m loving this! Hope we get to hear a little more backstory on Taya in future chapters, like how and where she was shrunk and kidnapped by Smith. And definitely can’t wait for it to get darker and darker 😁

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Re: Tiny Teen Taya's Torment

Post by sushi1 » Sun Apr 17, 2022 1:55 pm


I sometimes get long winded when starting stories and write a whole lot of nothing and end up quitting the project, so for this one, I decided to get right into the action. I think now I'm too deep into it to quit, so I can safely write the prologue

Maybe I should write backwards more often to force myself into finishing stories, lol

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Re: Tiny Teen Taya's Torment

Post by sushi1 » Tue Apr 19, 2022 12:08 am

Just added the prologue to the first post. Next chapter is just about done. I should have it posted tomorrow

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Re: Tiny Teen Taya's Torment

Post by Ghostwriter44 » Tue Apr 19, 2022 5:52 pm

Lol I feel that. I’ve wrote 3 stories on and off over the past several years and only feel like writing when I randomly get a burst of energy and imagination to write one. Glad to have this story tho! It’s started off strong and I hope it lasts a while! Loved the prologue as well! I’m excited to see just how dark and violent it gets lol

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Re: Tiny Teen Taya's Torment

Post by sushi1 » Wed Apr 20, 2022 1:00 am

Chapter 3 – Heating Up

Taya was once again bound to an X-shape wooden bench, her arms and legs spread in an X and restrained to the ends. She struggled, but her strength was diminished from the previous torture.

Smith was looking through his cabinet, searching for the right torture tool.

“I don't want you giving up right away,” Smith said to the teen as he was searching through his toys. “If there's too much time remaining, there will be a penalty.” After a period of searching, Smith finally found something suitable. He grabbed a soldering iron and brought it over to the table. As he plugged it in, Taya panicked, realizing what he was intending on doing.

“There will be three rounds. The first two will last 5 minutes. If you lose... well you know what will happen. The third round will be a bonus humiliation round. It will last 10 minutes. Whatever time is left over from the previous two rounds will be added onto the 10 minute total. Oh, and there will be further penalties for losing. A tough girl like you shouldn't be begging the way you did last round.”

He waved the hot soldering iron in the air, bringing it close to the girl's legs. Though the tip was not touching the girl, she could feel the extreme heat emanating from the tip. Her heart began to race and with renewed energy, she struggled in her chains, hopelessly trying to escape.


Smith looked at a digital display on the wall. 5:00... 4:59...

“Excellent. Let's begin.”

He placed the hot tip on Taya's right leg. An unbearable searing pain rushed into her thigh. “GYYAAAH!” Taya thrashed in her chains. The man lifted the iron and the tiny teen's screams turned into heavy breathing. Smith's dick got harder and stiffer as he admired the beautiful girl, powerless yet still trying to resist his inhumane torture.

The intense pain was starting to subside in the few brief seconds that the man spent admiring her sweating, pain-filled body. But that relief was not going to last. A sudden burst of heat hit her left thigh, then her abs as the man slowly moved the tip from leg to stomach. He held the tip onto her stomach for a brief few seconds.

“AGGGHH!” The teen's shrill screams were deafening. Smith could feel her body shaking, bouncing up and down, hitting the tip of the iron repeatedly. Taya bit her lip, trying against all hope to endure the pain, knowing that if she gave in to the pain, a much worse pain awaits her.

The man lifted the iron from her body, once again granting the teen a moment of relief. Before she could catch her breath, she felt a sharp burning sensation on her forearm as the man pressed the tip of the iron across her arm and closer to her shoulder. The tip came closer and closer to her face. She could feel the smokey heat from the tip wafting into her face. Up until now, the girl endured unbelievable pain. However, she could not bear the thought of her face being scarred by the burning tip.


Smith lifted the tip of the iron off of Taya's body and set it aside. He looked up at the timer.

“3:55. Tougher than last time. But still... that's a loss for you.”

The man brought the burning hot tip to the girl's chest. “NYYYAAAH!!” A burning sensation filled Taya's breasts as her bra got seared off of her body. Smith admired the miniature girl's body. Now topless, the girl's body was covered in sweat, burns marking various spots on her body. He caressed her sweaty tits with his fingers, slowly making his way down her body and eventually to her panties. He gently rubbed against her panties, her last remaining piece of clothing.

“One more round. You'll need to last more than a minute if you want to keep these on.”

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Re: Tiny Teen Taya's Torment

Post by sushi1 » Sat Apr 23, 2022 8:00 pm

Chapter 4 – Shocking Pain

Smith placed his next instrument of torture to the table next to Taya. It was a black box with a dial and two wires coming out of it.

The girl was still bound to the wooden x-shaped cross, arms and legs spread. She was in fear of what was next. “Please, stop this. I beg of you. I'll do anything.”

“Just lay there and do nothing for 5 minutes. That's ALL I ask of you.”

On the ends of the two wires were sticky pads. Smith placed the pads onto Taya's bare breasts. She felt a metal coldness underneath the pad. A pin-like metal rod rubbed against her tits with the sticky pad keeping them in place.

5:00 remaining.

“Let's see if this thing still works.” Taya closed her eyes, anticipating a jolt of pain as Smith flipped a switch on the black box. “You better hope it doesn't. And that it would take me more than 5 minutes to fix it.” The man chuckled to himself.

Nothing. Slowly, Taya opened her eyes, seeing the man's hand on the dial. He turned the dial just a slight little bit. The teen girl felt a shocking jolt on her boobs, slowly coursing through her body.

Not too bad. Just a little shock.

Smith turned the dial more. 10%. 15%. Suddenly, the jolt in Taya's body intensified.

“Nnnnnnggghh.... YEEEOOOW!” Taya's body convulsed. She felt a painful electrifying pain. Her screaming got louder and she thrashed around in her chains more violent. “GYYAAAHHHH!!!”

A moment of relief. Huffing and puffing, the sweat-covered girl only had a few brief seconds to recover.

“EEYYAAAH!” The jolting pain got worse and worse.

Smith turned the dial more and more. It was incredible how just a slight movement can cause so much suffering.

Taya felt her breasts burning as the electricity continued to course through her body. The pain got worse and worse.

I must endure. Taya clenched her fists, trying her very best to get through this. “GYAH!”

The high pitch screams of agony was music to the twisted man's ears. How much longer can this girl last? Not wanting to kill the beautiful teen, the man once again turned the dial down.

Another brief moment of relief.

Taya's body was still convulsing from the after-shocks. A burning sensation filled her body. She was breathing heavily, each gasp becoming harder and harder. She was short of breath. But somehow, she was surviving. She was toughing it out.

I can do this. I have to.... or the next round of torture will be that much worse. She shuddered at the thought. But somehow, despite the incredible pain, she had a glimmer of hope.

All hope that Taya once had immediately escaped her mind as a sudden more intense, sharper pain coursed through her body.


Taya felt like the muscles in her body were splitting apart. Her entire body felt like it was on fire. Her head felt like it was burning. Burning.... burning... burning...


Somehow, amidst the unbearable pain, Taya thought that she smelled smoke.

Am I burning? Am I literally going to burn to death?


“Ah shame.” The man turned off the device. “You were doing so well too.”

Taya felt only a slight relief. While the surging and sharp pain left her body, she still felt like she was burning up. She still smelled smoke. Breathing heavily, body covered in sweat, Taya's head tilted to the side.

Smoke... She saw smoke coming from her hair.

“3:20. That was your best round yet. Guess this training is paying off. You really are getting tougher. Time for the bonus round.” Smith reached for the pads stuck to Taya's breasts and tore them off.

Taya shuddered to think what was coming next. If the past three rounds were this horrifically violent, she didn't even want to imagine what was coming next. Bonus round. Just the sound of it made Taya want to cry.

“But first... As well as you did, you still lost. We both know what that means.”

The man reached down and grabbed Taya's panties. With one quick tug, he removed the last remaining piece of clothing from the teen's body. Smith spent a moment to admire the completely naked girl's body. He reached out to touch her.

Taya barely reacted to the man rubbing her against her most private parts. After the hell she had just been through, being merely debased and dehumanized didn't seem so bad. After spending some intimate moments with his beautiful teen toy, Smith began to prepare for the final round.

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Re: Tiny Teen Taya's Torment

Post by sushi1 » Tue May 03, 2022 12:12 am

Chapter 5.1 – Inside the Cage

“17:15. That's how long this bonus round is going to last. Ah, actually... because of how poorly you performed in the previous round, I'll have to apply a penalty. 34:30. The time got doubled.” Taya knew that Smith was just making it up as he went, but what could she possibly do?

Taya was shaking her head, eyes closed, tears rolling down the side of her face. “No... I can't anymore. This is too much.”

“Don't you worry your pretty face. It won't hurt that much. You might even enjoy it.”

Taya was shaking. There was a lingering fear of not knowing what was coming next.

The teen was still bound to the x-shaped bench. Smith was holding a small spray bottle. He held it towards Taya.

Squirt. Squirt.

A vile, rotten smell filled the girl's nostrils. She started coughing. “What is this?”

“The scent of a woman. Almost like a perfume. With this, you'll be irresistible.” Smith got up and started to leave the room. “I'll be right back. I won't be long.”


He returned with a large-ish circular cage. He placed it on the table. Though Taya could not see the cage, she could hear a lot of rustling and rattling coming from the within. Smith untied her restraints and held her in his hands, admiring her nude body some more. He gave her a few more squirts of the “perfume.”

Yuck. Taya still did not know what this stuff was.

“The scent of a female,” Smith said, as though he was reading her mind. “You'll soon see.”

He opened up the cage from the top and placed Taya inside.

“No. Nonononono. What is this?”

The middle of the cage was an open area. Right in the very middle was a raised X-Shape with restraints, not unlike the device that she's been restrained to the entire time. The outer perimeter of the cage was partitioned into four sections, each with a door, each housing a rat. The rats eyed the center of the cage as Taya was cuffed and chained to the center. Her arms and legs were once again spread, her pussy in plain sight.

“This little bench was built into the cage. You know, I couldn't just place that wooden bench into the cage. It might tip over. The boys could get a little rough.”

Bound and surrounded, Taya got sprayed once more by the weird liquid.

“The scent of a female... A female rat. The boys will find you simply irresistible.”

The rats' heads were pushing against the partition, eagerly trying to get to the prize in the middle. Taya watched as Smith's giant hand reached over to the door to one of the four partitions. Her heart was racing, beating faster and faster. The door was unlocked and immediately flung open as the rat rushed over to the girl in the center of the cage.

Neither Taya nor Smith knew exactly what was going to happen, or whether the girl was going to even survive the coming ordeal. One thing, however, was clear. Smith was really going to enjoy the show. Taya was not.

Chapter 5.2 – The Bonus Round Begins

The rat raced over to the girl, sniffing around. She turned her head away from the rat as his nose inched closer to her head. His nose pressed against her armpit, continuing to sniff. He put his front paws on Taya, digging his claws into her abs.

“GYAH!” she cried in pain as blood started dripping from her body.

The rat continued sniffing around, sharp paws pressed against various parts of her body. His nose rubbed against her breast, quickly scanning her body. His nose made its way against her pussy. Taya tried to adjust her position, uncomfortable at the furry creature pushing right up against her pussy.

The rat climbed over top of the girl, pressed its paws against her shoulders and started rubbing his own body against hers. Not only was the fur against her body uncomfortable, but the weight of the rat was overwhelming.

The rat shifted its body around. Taya was bleeding from the shoulders as the heavy weight of the rat pressed against her. She felt something pressing against her vagina.

No! This can't be. Her heart sank. She was about to cry, completely humiliated. It became clear to her that it was all over. Her life, and the fact that her final experience with love was going to be with this grotesque creature.

“Unnnn.... AGGGHH!!” Taya screamed as the creature forced his oversized rat-dick into the girl's pussy.

It's... too... big... It's... too... She felt unbearable pain as her pussy was being stretched to its limit. Blood was flowing out.

That didn't stop the rat. He kept pushing in, pushing out... in and out. Each thrust getting more painful. After several painful thrusts, fluid started gushing out of the rat-cock, planting its seed in the human girl. Taya felt a burning pain as the rat cum splashed all over the insides of her bleeding pussy.

Taya's high pitched shrieks of pains and futile thrashing were ignored by the rat as he just kept pumping in and out, causing greater and greater pain. Taya was pushed far beyond her limits before the rat finally finished, pulling out of her bloodied pussy, cum and blood oozing out. Squirts of fluid continued cumming out of the rat dick, splashing all over the teen's lower body and legs. Still feeling the residual pain in her pussy, the girl finally sighed a sigh of relief as she watched the rat walk back into its corner.

Taya's vision was blurred by the tears welling up in her eyes. With her vision obscured, she did not notice the second rat creeping up beside her.

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Re: Tiny Teen Taya's Torment

Post by SciFiCrazy » Mon May 09, 2022 11:17 am

Hope there are more chapters. Looking forward to reading about more of her rat cage torture and what ever is in store for her next.

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Re: Tiny Teen Taya's Torment

Post by sushi1 » Thu May 12, 2022 8:44 pm

I hope to post more rat torture soon, maybe tomorrow!

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Re: Tiny Teen Taya's Torment

Post by sushi1 » Fri May 13, 2022 11:59 pm

Chapter 5.3 – Bestiarii

Smith recalled his shopping experience from a few days ago. He was trying to remember some of the weird shit that the salesman was telling him. What did they call themselves? Smith was trying to recall.

The man was telling him about the cruelties of the Ancient Roman's and their Colosseum games. They had the strangest forms of entertainment involving animals. Animals trained by.... umm what was the word?

Bestiarii. Ah, right. The salesman told him of some story where a bestiarii trained a giraffe to fuck a woman. Man, that's fucked up. What the hell was wrong with those people? Who would think of something so depraved? Smith wanted to leave the shop so badly.

He did. He got the fuck out of there. But somehow, he left with a cage and four rats and a special spray bottle. The people in that shop were fucked up. He didn't want anything to do with them. Yet, he did business with them. As fucked up as those bestiarii were, they did say interesting things and had interesting products.

“We have training techniques that were unavailable to the ancient Romans. Science, chemicals, overall knowledge. These rats are specially trained, specially bred. They find different holes, different angles. Pussy, ass, mouth. It doesn't matter. If there's a hole, they'll find it and they'll fuck it. They fuck. They rest. They fuck. They rest. Over and over. All in a short period of time. You'd be shocked at their vigour. You'd be shocked at how fast they recover. You can have two of them. They'll take turns. That special someone will occupy them for hours upon hours.”

“I'll take four,” Smith said. “They better be as good as you say.”


That was good, but it wasn't all it was hyped to be. After a good girl-raping, the rat was already done. As it walked off into its corner, Smith reached to the door of the second partition, letting the second rat out.

Taya's eyes were pointed in the direction of the first rat. Her pussy felt like it was on fire from the vicious rat rape. Blood and cum spilled from her pussy. Her bare naked body was covered in cuts. Finally, the teen girl had a chance to breathe.

She breathed one heavy breath. Before she even had time to breathe her second breath, a shadow loomed over her. The second rat got on top of her. Her pussy was already ravaged from the first rape. It was time for round two.

Rat number two was slightly larger than rat number one. However, the fluid that was already present helped to act as lubrication. With some effort, the rat managed to fit its rat dick into Taya's already destroyed vagina. It started pumping and pumping.

Her guttural screams filled the room. The first rat got up and started walking towards the source of the scream. He was ready for round two.

Rat number two continued pumping, in and out, in and out. He paid no mind to the other rat. He continued laying on top of Taya, continued raping her, continued causing her unbearable pain. The first rat stood up on its hind legs and shoved its rat dick into Taya's mouth. Her anguished screams turned to muffled sounds, her lips wrapped tightly around the rat's dick. She felt the rat fur all over her face, the oversized dick extending her jaw uncomfortably.

Rat cum gushed into her mouth. She tried desperately to cough the vile taste out of her mouth, but the oversized rat cock kept most of the fluid from coming out. The cum gushed out and out, filling her mouth. She was forced into swallowing large amounts of this vile substance.

From Smith's perspective, he saw the first rat (the one claiming Taya's mouth) put its paws on the back of the second rat. From the top view, he was barely able to see any girl. Just two rats lying on top of each other, and four human limbs sticking out. He got lower and lower, closer and closer to the table in order to get a better side view of the action.

The two rats were simultaneously raping the teen girl. The one raping her in the pussy would occasionally pull out, cum gushing out of Taya's pussy, but he would get right back to work. The one raping her in the mouth would do the same. The moment he pulled his rat dick out of her mouth, Taya would cough the vile rat cum out of her mouth, spitting as much of it out of her mouth as possible. It was amazing how much she was spitting out. But before she could spit it all out, the rat dick re-entered her mouth.

After an eternity (from Taya's perspective), the two rats retreated back to their sections of the cage. Rat cum poured out of her mouth and pussy. Her face, her hair was covered in the disgusting, sticky substance. For a brief moment, her mind was able to concentrate on something other than the burning pain in her pussy and the pain in her overextended jaw. Her thoughts wandered over to the reality of what just happened.

I've just been raped by two disgusting creatures.

The thought didn't last long as rats number three and four started circling her.

Chapter 5.4 – Bonus Round End

Taya lay there facing the ceiling, eyes closed, unable to contain her tears. It was over. There was not a single spot on her body that wasn't covered in rat cum. Her blood was everywhere. Her entire body was filled with pain. The constant weight of the rats pushing against her small body. The paws feeling every part of her body. The four rat dicks constantly going in and out of her pussy and mouth.

Smith was satisfied with the show. The rats were not yet satisfied, but the 34:30 was up. The timer hit 0. Well, the truth is, the timer had hit 0 a while ago. He was just too mesmerized to stop them. The rhythmic thrusts... the way the rats took turns entering her holes. As one rat would finish and pull out, another rat would immediately take his place.

The timer had hit 0. It probably already had for a while. Even after noticing that the time was up, he let the rats go at her for a few more minutes. It's not like the girl would have noticed. Even if she did, what was she going to do?

Smith had to forcefully pull the rats off of Taya's body and into their corners. Locked into their own little corners of the cage, the rats still had their eyes on Taya. They were tackling and headbutting the cage, wanting to get through. Wanting to get some more action.

After repeatedly enduring excruciating torture and after being disgustingly violated for nearly an hour, the girl finally had time to reflect on what just happened. Her new reality. Her life was over. She lived only to pleasure and entertain this sick man.

Still bound, Taya couldn't stop crying as the man reached down to undo the shackles binding her. “Why? Why is this happening?”

“I'm sorry, Taya,” Smith said with a sarcastic grin. “I forgot. That preliminary round that I said didn't count? Well, it counts. Let's see... you had 4:03 remaining that round. So...” He set the timer to 8:06. Not that the timer mattered all that much.

Smith flipped Taya over, now face down against the X-shape that was in the middle of the cage. The little bench-like area was covered in blood and cum. Smith rubbed Taya's face against the fluid mixture and positioned her so that she was kneeling over the bench. The past hour had sapped Taya's strength that there was no longer any need to bind her. She did not have the energy to resist what was coming.

Kneeled over the bench, Taya watched as the man's giant hands opened the door in front of her. Eager, the rat raced out of the door towards the teen girl. Soon, she was surrounded by four rats, circling around her. No longer bound, she was able to freely look around. She tried to push herself to her feet, but the residual pain from the past hour or so caused her to fall back down. She did not have the fight left in her to defend herself. Even if she did, what would she have done against these four beasts, each larger and stronger than her?

One rat came from behind her, pinning her down, her body rubbing up against the fluid filled bench. The rat penis entered her anus. As she began to scream, a second rat penis entered her mouth. Over and over, the four rats cycled back and forth, taking turns, switching holes.


The timer had hit 0. The torturous and non-stop anal rape lasted a few minutes more, but eventually, the rats were forcefully placed in their own corners. Taya was on her knees, hands covering her face, crying non-stop. Bare naked, bloodied and covered head-to-toe in rat cum, the girl's horrible night was finally coming to an end. Though she had survived the night, there was no telling what the next day would hold in store for her. Her body was shaking in fear of what was coming next, her eyes were bloodshot from all the crying.

Fatigued from all the pain and torture, Taya eventually collapsed, falling asleep in a puddle of cum.

Shrink Aprentice
Shrink Aprentice
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Joined: Wed Jul 28, 2021 8:49 pm

Re: Tiny Teen Taya's Torment

Post by sushi1 » Sun May 22, 2022 11:11 pm

Chapter 6 – Taya's Last Round

Taya sat in a corner, staring into emptiness. It had been days since the vicious rat rape. She was barely responsive. Any glimmer of hope had escaped her eyes. She was no longer any fun for Smith, not responding to his acts of humiliation. There was one last thing he had to do. Only one chance to give her any semblance of hope. Restore any fight she had left in her.

“I'm letting you go,” Smith told the teen girl. For the first time in days, Taya's eyes lit up. She looked up at Smith, life returning to her pretty little face. “One more round. One final round. Then I'm letting you go.”


The naked teen, Taya was tied to a wooden frame that extended far above her head. Her hands were spread above her heads, tied by strings which were attached to the top corners of the frame. Her feet were spread apart, tied to the bottom corners of the wooden frame. Though she was extremely scared, she was also looking forward to her own freedom.

Smith put on gloves. He would need it for his next task. In his gloved hands, he held thin yet sharp barbed wire. When Taya laid her eyes on Smith's next instrument of torture, all colour left her face.

Smith rubbed the wire against Taya's leg, demonstrating how sharp it is. “UNNGGH!” The sharp needle like pricks pierced through her thigh, causing immediate bleeding. The twisted man rubbed the barbed wire down her thigh, causing the sharp edges to pierce the skin off of her thighs.

“GYYAAHH!” Taya screamed as the wire was pulled away from her thigh. She closed her eyes, concentrating on the pain of her blood covered thigh.

Unnghh... make it stop... please make it stop.

She opened her eyes and terror immediately filled her heart. She looked down and saw that the barbed wire was between her legs and the sick and twisted man was holding onto the ends of the wire. He slowly raised the wire, the sharp barbs inching closer and closer to her crotch.

“AAGGGHHH!” The wire pressed up against her crotch, sharp needle-like barbs penetrating against her sensitive pussy.

AAAYYEEE! STOP! PLEASE STOP! That's what she would have said if her screams were at all intelligible.

“AAAAAYYYYEEEEEAAARGHHH!” The wire started to enter her anus. With both her ass and pussy pierced by the barbed wire, it looked like she was pissing and shitting blood.

Smith began moving the wire back and forth, see-sawing the barbed wire across her crotch. Backwards, forwards. Each stroke intensifying the pain. Each stroke causing more blood to gush out of her.

Finally, Smith put the wire down. The hundreds of barbs planted in Taya's ass and crotch were removed, leading hundreds of bleeding holes. In the few seconds that Taya wasn't being assaulted by hundreds of needles, thoughts started returning to her mind.

I'll let you go. Taya realized what a sham that statement was. She realized that this was indeed going to be her final found. Before she had any more time to dwell on it, she felt a sudden sharp pain in her chest.

Smith took the barbed wire and placed it across her breasts. He wrapped it around her, around her back and back across her chest. Taya screamed as she felt the intense pain of thousands of needles jabbed into her breasts and across her back.

“I think you'd look really good in a bikini,” Smith said as he grabbed another short barbed wire strand.

This time, he wrapped it around her waist, then looped it underneath, across her anus and crotch and back up to her waist. The barbed bikini covered her boobs and her crotch, piercing her private parts.

The man took a minute to admire his work. He stared at the beautiful teen, arms and legs spread out. The barbed wire bikini caused blood to trickle (well, more like gush) down her body. Her beautiful face was intact, yet her body was covered in her own blood. The cruel, sadistic man felt his cock getting harder and harder until he could not take it any more.

He pulled down his pants. Staring at the anguished teen, covered in blood, he started stroking his own cock. Stroke, stroke stroke. It didn't take long until cum came gushing out, splattering the teen's body.

“GAAAHHH!!” The pain got even worse as the liquid came into contact with the cuts and holes in her body.

Smith walked over to a cabinet in the corner of the room to grab some new toys. He had a little box in one hand and a hammer in the other. Taya was so concentrated on the pain across her body that she did not even have the mental capacity to be terrified of the next step.

Smith opened the little box. There was a wooden board and some nails. Smith undid the restraints on Taya's arms and legs, freeing her from her shackles. He pinned her back to the wooden board. The barbs penetrated more deeply onto her back.

He took out one nail. He placed the girl's hand to one side of the board and placed the nail against her palm. With the hammer in his other hand, he raised it.


“KYYAAA!” The nail pierced Taya's hand. Using her free hand, she tried to grab her pierced hand. The excruciating pain was too much. Smith grabbed her other hand and placed it on the opposite side of the board. With a new nail in hand, he pressed it against her palm.



One by one, nail after nail, the cruel man continued putting nails through different parts of the teen's body. Her feet, her knees, her arms. She screamed and she screamed and she screamed. He kept going and going and going. Nail after nail. He kept going and she kept screaming. Soon, the screaming stopped.

Finally, after spending so many days in this cruel hell, the beautiful teen girl Taya was finally free from the evil man's torment.

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