The Goddess' Retreat

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Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Tue Aug 09, 2022 3:34 am

Once Alypius was stable and the worst of the pain attended to, Maceo took the dead bodies there, including the ones that had been lodged halfway through the walls of the home and tossed them into a heap like sacks of trash a couple dozen yards from the home.

“What did they tell you?” Sekai asked Astravia as she lent a hand herself in working to heal Alypius and close his many wounds.

“I needed to be certain that no others would be searching us following them,” Astravia answered far more calmly than expected, especially given how panicked she had been only moments prior.

“And are there?” Elaheh chimed in.

“No,” Astravia answered pointedly. “There were three encampments where slaves are being kept. Maceo has informed me that he extinguished two of them. The final will not have enough men to send out following this battle.”

“The second encampment still has all of the slaves still bound and caged,” Maceo interjected. “We’ll need to go cut them free.”

“Are you alright?” Sekai asked Astravia, now kneeling down behind her and placing her hand on her shoulder. “I mean a few minutes ago I thought you were going to fall apart completely.”

“I am fine. My dearest Maceo has returned to me. I could not be happier,” she answered kindly. As she spoke to Sekai, Elaheh and Ceren made their way over to the two dying men and looked down on them. “I promised them they could pass from this world painlessly and in peace,” Astravia called out just loudly enough to be heard. “I know it is difficult given what they have done, however, please be respectful in their final moments.”

“They are dying?” Ceren asked Astravia, staring at her with one eye given the other was bloodied and swollen shut.

“Yes,” Astravia answered her pointedly. “Please limit any questions you have to what we absolutely require to know for our own wellbeing.” As she explained, Rhona stared at Astravia, disquieted.

“What kind of magic was that?” she asked Astravia. “I’ve seen sorcerers wield ice and cold, but I’ve never seen any kind of cold like that before, not even through magic. And never so devastatingly.”

“It is old magic, very old,” Astravia answered her gently.

“Who in the world could teach you something like that?”

“The same who could teach Maceo to manipulate the passage of time,” Astravia answered cryptically.

“Can I learn magic like that?” Rhona asked her.

“I am afraid not,” Astravia answered her. “It would take many years to teach it to you and even if I did stay long enough to do so, it is extremely dangerous to attempt. Perform it even slightly incorrectly and you can freeze yourself, or you may damage everyone and everything around you.”

“So it’s a weapon of last resort for you?” Rhona asked her.

“I suppose you could say that,” Astravia answered calmly. “It has far more uses than as a weapon, however.”

“I knew Maceo was powerful, but I’ve never seen anything like that before in my life,” Rhona remarked, sitting back as Alypius finally relaxed and lay back, no longer bleeding and his pain fading. “I’ve never even heard of anything like that before and I’ve worked with some of the most powerful magic users in the world.”

“Old magic, dear Rhona,” Astravia answered her. “Very old.”

“Can Maceo create cold like that?” Rhona asked.

“Yes,” Astravia answered her. “Trust me when I say that Maceo’s magic is much more powerful than mine is at this time.”

The two men lasted a little more than twenty minutes longer before they breathed their last. In that brief amount of time they did answer a couple more questions that Astravia had in relation to the organization of the slave traders in the area. They mostly engaged in the enterprise and were indeed bandits and thieves that had escaped the militia in the mountains that Maceo had organized. Shortly after that, a handful of them found themselves in this region and had come across a man who’d been engaging in human trafficking for some time, especially sexual trafficking and offered a healthy price for slaves that he was in need of. Before long most of those that had escaped Maceo’s militia had found themselves drawn here for work and were working under contract for this man in addition to bandits from other regions as well.

When their final breaths came, one man passed so quietly it was barely perceivable to anyone aside from Maceo and Astravia. The other, however, turned his eyes to Astravia at his last moment.

“I’m sorry,” he told her, genuinely choked up. “I’m so sorry,” he repeated as his final breath left his lips and his eyes went blank. Astravia stood over him through it, staring unemotionally and wordlessly, though her hands were clenched in tight fists. Once they were free of the last two intruders, Astravia took Maceo by the hand and stepped outside to speak in private while the rest sat in Ceren’s home watching them converse just outside of hearing range. Then they walked a short distance further away until Maceo spotted something he was looking for and called out to the night. A short moment later, a number of battered, bruised and tattered people began to emerge from hiding places in the shadows and followed Maceo and Astravia back. They added wood to the fire of bodies being burned and stepped back, discussing amongst themselves quietly once again. A few moments later, they stepped back inside where Maceo spoke to the group.

“There’s still a large group of slaves outside of town that need to be cut free. We’re going to go take care of that.”

“But what if more come to try to take us?” Ceren asked in a pleading tone of voice. “We can’t fight people off like that!”

“That will be the end of your troubles tonight,” Astravia assured her. “We cannot simply leave those people shackled alone the rest of the night, however. We will return soon.”

Maceo then handed a few items from his own pack to Rhona with implements that would be excellent weapons should the need arise, as well as a signal should she need their assistance again. Once they were equipped, Maceo and Astravia set out into the night and off to their next destination.

Nearly an hour later at a small encampment just over a ridge overlooking the entire town, a large burly and gruff looking man in his sixties sat in front of a fire counting coins and humming to himself, occasionally chuckling and smiling to himself as if he were awaiting a gift to be delivered. Around him were several bound slaves, most of them young women with hoods covering their heads wearing tattered clothing. That aside, they looked to be in much better physical condition than the slaves in the other encampments, but their body language spoke to at least as painful an existence as the other slaves. Only two men stood as guards watching over the encampment.

“You’re in a good mood boss,” one man commented with a chuckle to the man in front of the fire.

“Hell of a good season,” he answered back cheerfully. “The best I can remember in this business.”

“I’m sure that your mood has nothing to do with the little tart that you liked so much,” the guard joked, which gained him a healthy laugh from the large burly man sitting in front of the fire.

He continued humming to himself until a figure began walking directly toward him from a distance, difficult to make out at first, but as he looked up and squinted, he identified it as a woman, and a very shapely woman at that. He stood and leaned forward as she strode confidently forward into the light revealing herself to be Astravia and well under shoulder height to him.

“Well bless my heart,” he laughed aloud.

“There will be no blessings this evening,” Astravia informed him quite coldly. The man laughed as if mocking the tiny maiden and picked up a rope and a knife, but before he could step around the fire to approach his prize, he heard a yelp and a crack and turned to see a man roughly his own size and mostly shrowded in shadow impale the guard he’d been speaking to from behind with a sword and then slit his throat with a blade before vanishing again in a blur.

“What the hell?” he asked, readying himself for a fight while Astravia continued to calmly stride up into the encampment.

Maceo then reappeared directly in front of the other man that was overseeing the encampment, sword drawn. Though stunned, he drew his sword while Maceo waited patiently and allowed him to swing at Maceo who grabbed his wrist stopping the swing cold then forced his hand down, clamping it down on his swords hand like a vice and Maceo swung his own sword down, shattering the blade at the hilt.

The guard, now disarmed, swung a fist at Maceo, who again grabbed his wrist mid swing and then Maceo cut the man’s arm off with a single swing, spun on his heels and then beheaded the man in a shocking display of both skill and power. By the time the gruff man was in a stance ready to fight, Astravia was just outside of his immediate reach, standing quietly and confidently.

“Do not harm him,” Astravia instructed Maceo, who stomped up and dropped his sword. The elderly man swung his knife at Maceo like someone skilled in knife fighting would, but Maceo easily dodged it and downed him with an uppercut.

“I’m going to free them,” Maceo informed Astravia as she stood over the man who lay unconscious at her feet.

A few moments later, Maceo had cut the last of the slaves free and handed them fabric to cover themselves with before sending them on their way with directions back to the other freed slaves. Once the encampment was cleared, he approached Astravia and they stood over the man until he stirred and looked up, realizing where he was and slowly recalling what had transpired that left him lying at their feet.

“Please restrain him, beloved,” Astravia asked politely. Maceo grabbed the man by the arms and lifted him to his feet, holding him firmly. The man struggled and kicked until a tiny ember flickered in Maceo’s pupils and the man was suddenly immobilized entirely, though he continued to make pathetic noises as he refused to give up.

“As I said,” Astravia informed him as she stepped up to him and stared up at the burly man who towered over her. “There will be no blessings tonight.” Maceo then stepped back and stood stoically, awaiting to see the results of Astravia’s ire. “What. To. Do,” Astravia pondered aloud. She looked him up and down and then raised an eyebrow. “I recognize him,” she declared. “Do you recall this fellow, dearest?”

“He gave us directions to find Jimena’s mother when we first entered town,” Maceo answered.

“Indeed,” she agreed, leaning to her left and craning her neck upward at him. She then reached up and touched her fingertip to his forehead and her eyes shifted to night black with burning star pupils. “He was the one who absconded with Jimena in the first place,” she announced to Maceo, who was incredibly displeased to say the least with this revelation. “Oh, you have had quite a long and storied career of destroying lives, haven’t you?” she asked him, the fierceness in her eyes and face growing with each syllable. The man gave an unintelligible noise that expressed fear and panic, but continued to remain completely immobilized.

Astravia then paced in circles around him, craning her neck upward at him while considering his fate. She was quite enraged, but she also lacked most of the power she would normally wield against someone who offended her so. Finally she calmed and stepped in front of him, only a couple of inches from his chest and staring straight up into his terrified eyes.

“I know,” she decided with a satisfied nod. “What would you say if I were to restore your youth and vitality? Would you say that would be a fair price for the wicked deeds you have performed?”

The man made no noise, he simply continued to stare and though the only movement he could make at all was to turn his eyes downward, there was a sense of dread in them.

“Yes. Yes indeed. I do believe that is just for one such as you. I will restore your youth and vitality. You will be returned to an age at the absolute pinnacle of your life,” she decided, then pressed her hand against his chest and concentrated, the façade of her disguise cracking slightly as a warm glow enveloped the area of his chest where her palm rested. She then let go and stared up at him.

In a manner of seconds, the man indeed did see his youth restored exactly as promised, though not as expected. With every year of age discarded, so too was his masculine appearance eliminated. His cheeks and jaw line softened. As his wrinkles and lines faded, his white hair shifted to a raven black that was so lustrous and shiny that it shimmered in the light of the fire. His thick arms and legs thinned and the definition of his muscles vanished as his masculine strength evaporated, his hips rounded and his posterior plumped as breasts began to bud and swell to near cartoonish proportions that nearly rivaled Astravia’s in her natural form and the bulge in the front of his pants receded as his penis withered backward into his pelvis leaving standing before them a statuesque brunette of such beauty that she was daresay irresistible.

He cried out in fear at first, but as he heard his soft, feminine voice, that shifted into a terrified scream and then there was the sound of a gasp as he noticed that his already loose clothing was growing ever more baggy and Astravia’s face was steadily rising to meet his.

Down and down he went, his clothes pooling and frumping around him as Astravia’s eyes remained locked on his until his pants fell free entirely revealing an enticingly trimmed bush that highlighted a delicious looking vaginal slit for a brief moment until his shirt sagged low enough that it could be used as a skirt.

Down and down he continued, Astravia needing to look up at him less and less and his height disappeared until they were the exact same height and his shirt fell off of one shoulder.

Unfortunately for him, this was far from the end as he screamed in an ever increasingly high pitched voice as Astravia began swelling before his eyes and rising above him higher and higher as the shirt only stayed on the other shoulder precariously as he continued to shrink down and down while Astravia tipped her head downward, her eyes still never leaving his until the once large and burly man stood the same height compared to Astravia as she had stood compared to him mere moments before.

The sounds of this once impressive and powerful man were weak and pathetic and increasingly timid and Astravia and Maceo continued to watch him while he took in the new reality thrust upon him. They waited patiently until the pathetic squeaks stopped entirely and Maceo finally released him from the spell entrapping him. He fell forward, his shirt falling off of his shrunken, feminine frame exposing extremely large, plump breasts with succulent perky and puffy nipples and then dropped to his knees, attempting to cover himself from their leering eyes and once again at their feet.

“There you are, as promised,” Astravia stated assuredly.

“You didn’t say anything about… this!” the tiny, three foot eight inch tall woman screeched up at them in a shrill, yet alluring and high pitched, lyrical feminine voice.

“Did I not?” Astravia asked. “I said that you would have your youth and vitality restored. I have certainly delivered. You are a healthy eighteen years old again.”

“But… I’m… I’m… I’m not a woman!”

“Oh but yes, yes you are,” Astravia informed her coldly. “An exceedingly beautiful, appealing and vibrant young woman, and a woman you shall remain for the entirety of your days,” she added, kneeling down to the pint sized vixen. “You see, like you, we are fully aware that you were not the only person in this region profiting from such heinous acts, and like you, we also know that were you to disappear, there would be a vacuum of power in the seedy underbelly of criminals around this tortured community. Beloved?” she asked, looking up at Maceo, who nodded in understanding and picked up the pouch of coins that the man had been counting earlier as well as several other pouches. They rested in his palms until they burst into bright white flames and the now pint sized vixen gasped as she watched her fortunes ascend and be carried away like ash in the evening breeze.

“You will have an entire lifetime to attempt to gain such fortunes again,” Astravia informed her coldly, then nodded with approval as Maceo used his magic to ignite the nearby tents in flame as well, leaving her with nothing that she had come there with. “Of course, we also know that you have a wealthy estate a few days’ ride from here, and you are welcome to it, so long as you are able to reach it and then hold on to it. However, as lovely and alluring as you are, I challenge you to evade your competitors given that now you are easily the most prized catch your chosen profession has ever seen. You will find that your physical strength is commensurate with a woman shrunken to your current stature. Your new life adventure shall prove to be interesting. Do you not agree?”

She gasped again, her eyes filling with tears and trembling violently before the 4’10” Amazon looming over her.

“You actually had the audacity to send your brutes to capture and molest me,” Astravia growled with contempt. “Well now my little sweet, you will experience such things for yourself first hand. And do not worry yourself even in the slightest. You are most certainly large enough to still experience the sensation of a man filling you from within, and you are also small enough that very, very few would not fill you. I wish you a very long, and healthy journey through this new life of yours,” Astravia decreed.

The very small woman curled up, using her hands as best as she could to continue to cover herself, sobbing at their feet.

“Oh, you are already beginning to feel it,” Astravia observed aloud. “That feeling of vulnerability, a sense that you can be violated by any man you encounter. The dread of feeling a man use you as an object against your will and the sense that you are utterly powerless to do anything to stop it. Of course you would not know this, but the lion’s share of men would find another man who would even consider such a thing utterly repugnant and would relish in the opportunity to slay and end such a man violently. Of course, you were never such a man. You were the exception, you were the man that you now fear because you know first hand what such men are and what they are capable of. And hear me clearly, little woman: you will retain all memories from your past life and they will continue to reside within you as fresh as the moment in which they were conceived. Even as the memories of your new life fade with time, the memories of your previous life will stay with you, clear and crisp and always, always present in your mind.”

She continued to sob and whimper at their feet, tears flowing in a way that she’d never known as a man, experiencing a flood of emotions that as a man was trained to suppress and harness like a domesticated ox. But as a woman, these emotions raced around her mind, inescapable and overwhelming as when one neuro pathway would attempt to block any aberrant thought, that thought would simply cascade, spreading through other sectors of her mind and assaulting her anew and multiplied.

“You will find that the mental experience you once relied on as a man will offer no relief for you any longer,” she informed her. “Your entire mind has been reconstructed. You will experience everything from the point of view of those you subjugated, absconded and violated. You will find that this mind is far more chaotic than the one you had once forged for yourself. And you also will lack the training and experience that growing up in such a body brings that reveals the unique strengths and abilities it can offer you.”

Astravia then bent at her hips and tipped the miniature woman’s chin up to look directly at her. “Of course,” Astravia informed coldly, “you will find it irresistible to try to explain to your competitors who you once were. You will attempt to harken back to the power you once wielded both in body and in status, hoping that in some way you might elicit some emotion, any kind that will at least give your former competitors pause before doing to you exactly what you have done to thousands of women. By all means, attempt it. Look them in the eyes as you speak whatever words you wish to endeavor to reveal your previous identity to them. You may even tell them who did this to you. And you can watch as they regard you as a mere little woman and utterly delusional.”

Astravia’s words were like sledgehammers to this newly minted woman, reinforcing a tidal wave of fears and insecurities that were already drowning her. Astravia gave her another generous moment to continue to drown in the new reality created from thin air, but after that, Astravia’s patience was finally exhausted.

“Now stand,” Astravia ordered her in a frigid voice that sent shivers down the miniature woman’s spine. She slowly climbed to her feet, pulling her old clothes up in a feeble bid to cover herself and stared upward, craning her neck to meet Astravia’s eyes, which were devoid of compassion. She trembled and shook with fear, causing the ungainly clumps of fabric she had once called clothing to fall free repeatedly, exposing varying private portions of her body to slip free of their covers.

The miniature woman’s lips quivered and a timid and weak voice struggled to reach out, but Astravia cut her off before she could muster a full word. “Leave,” Astravia commanded her. “You are not welcome among those you enslaved. You will find your own way, though we both know what that way will bring you. But still, I am offering you a sporting chance to prove me wrong. That is the mercy you wish to beg of me,” she informed the much smaller woman, who suddenly felt goose bumps rise all over her body.

She then pulled her loose clothing, which were more like blankets of fabric around her tiny body and she wrapped them around her to the best of her ability and she trudged off into the night, cowering and whimpering. Each step was utterly pathetic and the retreating miniaturized woman squeaked constantly in between her rampant tears, losing the clothing she was attempting to use to cover herself over and over again as she slipped away into the darkness of the night.

When they were completely alone, Astravia sighed and lowered her head, leaning against her lover and wrapping her arms around him in search of comfort.

“Do you think she’ll learn her lesson?” Maceo asked Astravia.

“No,” Astravia replied weakly. “She is a sociopath, exactly as she was as a man. She is incapable of truly feeling empathy for other human beings and I did nothing to correct this.”

“I actually feel sorry for her,” Maceo commented, wrapping his arms around her.

“Pity the poor fool who enslaves her and sells her off to the highest bidder,” Astravia corrected. “When he does, her curse will spread to him and he will awaken the next day exactly as this one finds herself now.”

“You don’t think it will be weird how people will begin to notice gorgeous slave women less than four feet tall appearing from out of no where?”

“Oh, I did not have the power to transfer her entire curse to her enslavers,” Astravia replied. “They will of course be reduced in strength and stature, but only to that which they would have grown into, were they born women. It occurred to me that this problem would not be ended by simply dealing with this scoundrel, so instead I forged a chain that will grow with each person who attempts to profit off that little wench or the woman created by her sale and so on until either none are left, or one decides to turn over a new leaf and free her, instead of continue the chain. However, I am certain you noticed how intoxicating her scent was. She and her future sisters will command exceedingly high prices in the markets they once controlled. The profit each one can create will be a difficult opportunity to pass by.”

“And if a slaver decides to just keep her for himself?”

“That will also count as a transaction of enslavement. The only way this chain is broken is either by attrition or when the last of them is set free rather than profited off of.”

“You are infamous for your curses,” Maceo complimented while shaking his head down at her.

“I have had a great deal of practice,” she admitted without so much as a hint of satisfaction from the praise.
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by Knightstable » Tue Aug 09, 2022 2:48 pm

Wow it's amazing the level of detail and thought that you've put into this story. Really excellent stuff as always. :P

Shrink Master
Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:05 pm

Knightstable wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 2:48 pm
Wow it's amazing the level of detail and thought that you've put into this story. Really excellent stuff as always. :P
Thanks so much! Is there something specific that's working for you in the details built into this story?

I'm not sure how common this is for people writing stories, but this is essentially how a story emerges in my mind. From the moment I started writing Astravia's tale, the plot points were all set and the story already having occurred. All that was left was for me to tell it. From the fight with Zantharan, to meeting Maceo, to unravelling the plots underway on that world in her absence, to her developing a relationship with Maceo and shrinking herself for him and growing close to the nearby townsfolk and also what is yet to come. The same could be said for Please.. and When the Peaches Fell, it's just a lot to try to get out on paper.

Was it the interconnection here with the bandits that Maceo had run out of the mountain with his militia, which in turn was due to the intentionally impoverished status of the mountain following Astravia's disappearance that worked for you? The mountain was very much forced into poverty in order to control the return point for Astravia to the guild of sorcery's advantage. Of course, they never anticipated she would return so covertly.

There are still a few loose ends resulting from the guild of sorcery's debauchery that need to be tied up, but we'll get there when we get there. ;)
Check out my SW story Please..:

Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:59 am

Following the incident with the slave traders and related thugs that had been plaguing the region for years, the majority of the effort returned to healing Alypius and his mother. Astravia spent a fair amount of time sequestered in a side room milking herself and mixing her milk into a concoction she’d produced for the young man and his healing while Elaheh, Sekai and Maceo set about trying to arrange what was necessary for the freed slaves.

Some were travelers whose parties had been destroyed in their capture and that had few if any options of where to go following their ordeal. Others were from Jimena’s hometown or another nearby and simply needed arrangements to see them home while still others were the last of their families following the years of brutality suffered at the hands of their tormentors.

In total, each of these communities were going to need generations to recover, having had their numbers so frequently mined as to leave each of the nearby towns teetering on abandonment. Ironically, the news that their would be captors had been dispensed with actually fueled the sentiment to leave their homes for the chance at a better life and it was difficult to convince them otherwise. They only had a brief window in which Maceo, Astravia and their company were present to attempt to right the track of this disaster.

When Alypius was fed the “medicine” that Astravia had created specifically for him, he found himself groggy immediately afterwards, but when he awoke, he was significantly improved and stronger than he’d been in years, though still wounded. Maceo and Astravia toured the run down town hand in hand, discussing matters amongst themselves while sending Maceo’s sister and Elaheh on an errand.

“Your milk was in that medicine, wasn’t it?” he asked her softly, to which she nodded in affirmation. “Isn’t that a problem, given what your milk can do to a mortal?”

“My milk is nowhere near as strong as when I fed you,” Astravia answered him. “In fact, it has become so weak that the only reason that the effects of what I gave him will be permanent is due to the added measures I took to fortify it. Sadly, as small and weak as I am now, the only effect my milk would have on its own is sound sleep and a temporary boost in vitality. An infant god would not even be satiated by it, no matter how much I produced.”

“Well, your milk still offers more than any mortal woman’s regardless,” Maceo joked with her. “And no matter what you say, I’ve become addicted to it,” he added.

“I must admit that I was flattered that you still asked to suckle from my tits after I finished shrinking,” she whispered while blushing.

“Isn’t that weird? An adult man wanting to suckle milk from his wife’s tits?”

“Do you have any idea how long it has been since I last had children? I am grateful that my milk is useful for something for once. That and the sensation is positively enrapturing for me,” Astravia commented as if half scolding him. “You should be honored that I have offered it to you so freely.”

“I am. It’s just a mortal hangup, I guess. Only babies drink a mother’s milk.”

“Amongst mortals, perhaps,” Astravia conceded. “However you are in the process of leaving that all behind you. I suggest you stop complaining about it and prepare to drink your fill this evening, because I am feeling rather full at this moment,” she teased him, then laughed as she made him blush.

They walked for a few moments more in silence before Maceo spoke up again to her. “We should probably discuss Jimena,” he pointed out. “Unless you’ve been reading my mind again.”

“I only do so when I have your permission,” Astravia answered him. “Why? What do you wish to discuss?”

“She’ still pushing to go with us when we begin our travels.”


“So, this is probably worth discussing. I didn’t really expect her to keep clinging to us after she was reunited with her family.”

“Whatever you decide, I will respect,” she answered politely and continued walking.

“I’m asking your thoughts and opinions, wife,” Maceo stated boldly. Astravia stopped suddenly and looked at him, taken aback with a raised eyebrow. It took her a moment to process, but then she smirked and wrapped herself around his arm and continued on their walk together.

“It is a conundrum. She is genuinely grateful for what we have done for her, and I must admit I enjoy her company.”

“We enjoy Gaeten and Rhona and Cajsa and Elaheh’s company too,” Maceo pointed out.

“Truthfully, I sincerely wish it were practical to take them all with us. Were I not shrunken down as I am currently, I could actually shrink the entire town to miniscule size and put it in a globe that we could take with us.”

“But if we hadn’t shrunk you, we wouldn’t have a need to leave in the first place,” Maceo pointed out.

“Aside from your dreams of seeing the world, no,” she agreed. “If I still had even a large portion of my power, I could easily disguise ourselves better without the need to use these primitive magical implements. And, when the new amulets are finally solidified this will no longer be a problem, as I can fashion much more dynamic disguises for us with them. However, that will not be possible for at least another half a century, at which point the vast majority of my time shrunken will have passed and our loved ones here on this world will have all grown old around us.”

“Which brings us back to Jimena. Unfortunately, all she has to anchor her here is her mother and brother.”

“Yes,” Astravia agreed, sighing.

“I want your honest opinion,” Maceo reiterated. Astravia sighed and turned, leading them both up a path and away from any possible eavesdroppers that might pass by while they stood and discussed.

“I will follow your lead,” she insisted.

“This is important. I understand that I can sometimes be a little too naïve and idealistic. I don’t want to make any stupid decisions that could cost us.”

“I trust your judgment. In fact, I am surprised to admit that I trust your judgment more than I do my own.”

“Stop stalling,” Maceo ordered her. Astravia grunted and fidgeted.

“Breaking the bonds of time that hold you is no easy feat,” she began. “At my full stature, yes, I could do it rather easily, but like this? I am still struggling to even gain enough strength to draw you outside of time along with me. It will be some time before I am strong enough in this state, though I admit, exercise is not something I have ever been forced to do before. It is… refreshing, but also fatiguing.”

“You think we would have to make her immortal as well.”

“It would not be fair to her if we did not offer it. I also no longer possess the power to forestall her aging process while she remains our companion. Yes, she would see many sights and things she would never dream of otherwise, but she would be surrendering her life and her future to do so. She would never have a family on her own, and if we were not up front with her, she would eventually discover my true nature. I do not wish to be discovered in this shrunken state against my will.”

“So we would tell her?”

“I believe it would be best. And I would be more comfortable if we shrank her as well. If not to a twelfth her size, at least to a sixth so that I was not towered over all the time? I would suggest we transform her into a fairy, however their life spans are half that of your race. If we give her immortality, then I could always restore her size when my own returns to me. I honestly do not mind being handled and held by my own husband, however, I am exceedingly uncomfortable with the possibility of another mortal doing so, even one that I enjoy as much as Jimena.”

“That’s a lot to ask from her. And you’d really be okay with having her along?”

“It has only been a couple decades since I have arrived here, however living amongst our friends up the mountain has been such a lovely experience. Meals and conversations and raising children and so on and so forth. It is all so pedestrian, and yet, I never had anything like this in my station as queen of the gods. I will be quite lonely when we finally depart without their company. I respect Elaheh for her loyalty to her family, but more than a small piece of me wished that she would have elected to leave her home and family and join us. I feel similarly for Rhona. Is there no one else you are going to feel the loss of?”

“Gaeten, but he’s getting on in years already, and to be honest, I don’t think he would even be tempted by an offer of immortality. There are a number of others back home too, but I just feel better about letting them live their lives. I know you said this would be difficult if I let myself become attached to them, but it’s even harder than you implied.”

“I have done it so many times that perhaps I understated the experience,” she admitted. “I will miss them all so terribly. Even my own children never treated me with such love and regard as these people. It is like leaving the comfort of a soft, warm blanket on a cool morning.”

“So what do we tell Jimena? That she can come with us, but if she does there will be a price? And if she agrees, once we finally depart tell her who you really are and that you’d be more comfortable being around her full time if we shrank her to around a foot tall?”

“That sounds similar to what I would have suggested,” she agreed. “So what is your decision, husband?”

Maceo took a deep breath, released it and looked to the sky as if it might offer him his answer. “I don’t want her sacrificing her future like that,” he said. “I want to encourage her to stay here with her mother, hopefully rebuild her life. But, she has been through an awful lot. If she really presses us on it, and if you are okay with it, I’ll agree to take her with us based on your conditions.”

They then set out on a direction back to meet up with the others, again walking with Astravia wrapped around his arm and casually bouncing as she went. “I have a question,” Maceo asked when they were around the half way mark to their destination.

“My dearest Maceo, you do not need to seek my permission to ask.”

“So, you said at your current size, your real current size, that I’m much more powerful than you.”

“Yes,” Astravia answered as straightforward as she could.

“And despite being only fifteen inches now, you still have enough power to transform a man into a woman and then shrink that woman down.”

“Mmhmm,” she acknowledged.

“So, am I able to do that?”

“Shrink objects or beings? Oh, certainly,” Astravia answered him. “However, I would hope that I am woman enough that you do not feel the need to create more for yourself.”

“So I could really shrink someone?”

“Of course,” she replied happily.

“How small could I shrink them?”

“Much smaller than I could currently.”

“And how small is that?”

“Oh, I could have easily reduced that monster down to small enough to lay her down in the palm of my hand. Beyond that it would become much more difficult.”

“And me?”

“That remains to be seen. Remember, you do have transformative abilities now, but they are not as complete as mine. Why? Do you wish to learn?”

“I’m not really sure. I mean, it seems kind of cruel to just change someone against their will.”

“It is so adorable the way you cling to that belief. I wonder how long you will continue to do so,” she laughed. “Understand, however, that shrinking an animal is a much different matter than shrinking one of your species. Your brains are significantly more complex, so there is more to take into account in order for the subject to continue to have the ability to function at a smaller size. If you wish to practice this ability, you will want to do so on your own kind.”

“You’re kidding.”

“I am afraid not. If you do not do so, then when you do seek to attempt it, you are likely to permanently damage your subject. I suppose there are reasons to do such a thing, however, I have typically used this ability as a curse and I prefer my targets to remain fully aware of what has transpired so that they may entirely feel the consequences of it.”

“I’m not really interested in cursing people. I’m not a god.”

“So you are not interested in this power?” she teased while rocking back and forth on his arm. “You would not enjoy watching Elaheh and Rhona dwindle before your eyes?”

“That doesn’t seem appropriate,” Maceo coughed nervously.

“It is fine, my dearest Maceo. I am fully aware that you still harbor attraction for them both, even despite the years that have been added to their bodies. I do not harbor any resentment over you for it. Quite the opposite, actually. Despite their relationships, I can tell that you could still easily seduce either of them. The fact that you have buried such desires so deeply within the recesses of your mind simply for my sake warms my heart. If you wished to shrink them under my guidance, I will assist you.”

“What makes you think that I get some kind of sexual gratification from this power?”

“By seeing how much more intense your arousal became the further I shrank,” she teased. “Come now, admit it. You are becoming erect even now simply thinking of it.”

“I suppose I only needed one woman to shrink and she’s a goddess to boot.”

“Unfortunately you will still not be able to practice this ability on me I am afraid.” Maceo stifled a nervous cough and squirmed. “Come now, given what has transpired here in the last couple of days it may prove a useful power to master. Tonight when all are asleep, we can sneak to their tent and I can teach you to shrink Rhona and Elaheh and keep them in a state of slumber while you do so.”

“How would they feel about this?”

“They will be none the wiser,” Astravia assured him. “No harm will come to them. Besides, Elaheh actually has a bit of a fantasy of being shrunken. If she knew my actual current height, she would never allow me to live it down until I reduced her as well.”

“And Rhona?”

“Rhona is used to it,” Astravia answered him, then made a face as though she were a cat caught with a canary in her mouth.

“What do you mean, she’s used to it?” Maceo asked, stopping and looking down at the suddenly blushing goddess. “Don’t tell me that you’ve shrunk her before.” Astravia blushed even further and Maceo’s eyes bulged as the little goddess actually shrank several inches from embarrassment right in front of him and needed to adjust her dress to keep her breasts from popping out of the loose fabric. “When?” he asked then held his hand up and stopped her from answering him. “How many times?”

Again Astravia blushed even redder and her size receded even more, quickly approaching the size of the woman she’d shrunk the night before.

“Okay, okay,” Maceo whispered. “Someone’s going to see you. No judgment, just fix your size before we’re caught. Astravia struggled, but did manage to grow back to her customary 4’10” and Maceo sighed with relief. “This is why she appeared so small when I was in her mind all those years ago destroying those sleeper spells within her, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” Astravia admitted, turning her eyes from his. “I simply… I was more comfortable speaking with her when she was small enough to pick up in one hand. I had to take this small form to enter into her room when she was staying at the inn or at my chapel and she was taller than me! It took time for me to become accustomed to looking up at a petite mortal woman!”

“Oh, Astravia,” Maceo sighed heavily, placing his face in his hand, though he couldn’t help but laugh a little, which offered Astravia some much needed relief. “How many mortals have you shrunken since you’ve been on this world?”

“Just the ones that were sexually interested in you,” she admitted, fidgeting heavily now. Maceo couldn’t stop himself from chuckling and tried to bite his tongue, but it was all for naught.

“Even Lale?” Astravia nodded sheepishly up at him. “You were jealous!” he laughed out loud.

“I was not! I was merely… concerned for your heart,” she insisted, then stumbled backward, shrinking slightly as he leaned down and stared into her eyes. “Alright, yes! Fine! I was jealous! Now Maceo nearly fell over laughing at her, though she didn’t seem to fully appreciate him laughing at her expense. When he’d finally had enough, he stood upright and offered his arm to her again.

“I’ll learn this new skill tonight if you do one thing for me first,” Maceo informed her. She frowned and looked up at him, hanging on his every word. “Come clean about what you were up to with those women I tried to court before you finally admitted your feelings for me. I’ve had a feeling for years now that there was more to the story than you were sharing.”

Astravia growled and stomped her feet. “Your ego does not need to be swollen like that!” she insisted.

“You’ve seen all my innermost thoughts. I think this is fair.”

“I haven’t seen them all! I have afforded you SOME privacy!” she insisted, then stomped her feet again in a fit when he only stared down into her eyes as if his point had been made. “Fine!” she declared and began whispering up to him her past exploits while they finished their walk back.

That night, Astravia sneaked out in the middle of the night in her fully shrunken form, wrapped only in a handkerchief and slipped silently into the tent that Elaheh, Rhona and Sekai were sleeping in. She checked that they were al fully unconscious and then transformed into her hawk form, which was now approximately the size of a typical hawk, and soared over the little home, checking that all were asleep there as well. Once she was certain the coast was clear, she flew back to her own tent, transformed back to her normal shrunken fifteen-inch tall form and slipped through the bottom of the flap of the tent.

“It is safe,” she told her lover. Maceo smirked at her, then stood from the blanket laid out on the ground for them and knelt down, allowing the tiny goddess to wrap the handkerchief around herself again and sit down in his hand. He carried her out sitting in the palm of his hand like a comfy and roomy chair and then Maceo watched as Astravia waved her arms and created a soft mist that rolled off of his palm and spread into the tent.

“I’m really not comfortable shrinking my sister,” Maceo whispered to Astravia.

“That will be fine. If you like, I can bring their subconscious minds to the surface so we can interact with them.”

“That seems weird.”

“Suit yourself,” Astravia shrugged.
Check out my SW story Please..:

Shrink Master
Shrink Master
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Joined: Sat Jan 27, 2018 11:30 pm

Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Thu Aug 11, 2022 3:41 am

Once they were inside the tent, Astravia pointed to Elaheh and suggested they start with her. Maceo nervously knelt beside her and at Astravia’s insistence, he peeled back the blanket, revealing her dressed only in a lightly colored, thin peplos and as promised was fast asleep. Astravia then spun around and climbed up his arm to sit on his shoulder and lean up to whisper into his ear.

“First you must allow your eyes to relax and lose focus. Once they do, you will find that all of the new things you have seen since your changes will become clearer. You will notice that there is a web of things that look like multicolored strings of a sort surrounding her and running through her. Some of them are flowing with energy, others appear to be static.”

She waited for him to do as instructed, and then when he nodded, she continued, “now, continue to relax in much the same way. You should notice as you do so that other senses begin to speak to you, demonstrating things to you that your sight, touch, smell, hearing, and taste cannot perceive, let alone interpret.” Maceo continued to perform as asked and then suddenly the clarity he was looking for seemed to materialize in front of him.

“There. Now you see why it is not simply a matter of compressing matter, or removing it, or even displacing it. Examine all of these threads, familiarize yourself with them. And allow yourself to feel them and become one with them. As you do so, when you activate your inate magic, you will see that you can change them. As a magic user, you learned to manipulate matter and energy to perform according to your will. As an innately magical being, the matter and energy flows in and around you. This is what is necessary to convert freely from matter to energy and vice versa. What you will do is pull on these threads, altering her matter more and more into energy that freely flows into matter and vice versa like water over falls. As you do this, she will begin to shrink. However, there are other steps first before we begin,” Astravia informed him.

She walked him through each step, partially verbally, but mostly by delivering the thoughts directly into his mind and a short while later, Maceo watched wide-eyed as Elaheh slowly began dwindling down, her feet growing gradually smaller and dragging up into the fabric that covered her while her shoulders and neck began receding down into the other end of her garment.

“Very good, now continue like this, steadily,” Astravia instructed.

Elaheh continued to dwindle in front of him, passing beneath five feet tall, then four, on to three and on shrinking so small that her evening garment was a better tent than clothing as it became utterly useless. Throughout the process, Astravia guided him, occasionally helping him to make corrections before they became too problematic and Elaheh continued to shrink in front of him until she was a mere five inches tall, blanketed in her clothing.

“Pick her up,” Astravia encouraged. Maceo was nervous at first, but accepted her suggestion and pinched her hand between his thumb and forefinger, dragging her out of her clothes and then picking her up and setting the five inch tall woman in the palm of his hand, which was a comfortable size for her with only her legs hanging off the edge of his hand just past her knees while her head rested at the base of his forefinger.

“You must admit, despite approaching middle age, she is still quite lovely.”

“She doesn’t compare to you,” Maceo argued.

“Thank you, however you can still appreciate her form. I will not be hurt by it. Take time to move her and examine her carefully. Be careful, however. She will be entirely limp because she is deep asleep. This is one advantage of bringing her subconscious to the surface so she can interact with us without remembering.”

“So is this how you appreciate the men you like to ogle?” Maceo joked with the tiny goddess sitting on his shoulder. “You shrink them down and poke and prod them?”

“I have never particularly enjoyed making the men I find appealing smaller,” she joked right back. “In fact, to date there is but one man who has been much smaller than myself and stoked my flames as hot as a star.”

“Oh, touché,” Maceo chuckled back to her while plucking her ankle between his thumb and forefinger to lift her leg up.

“I thought you were a breast man,” she teased while nudging his neck with her elbow.

“I appreciate all that a lady has to offer,” he teased back.

“Does that mean that you are not interested in learning how to enlarge her breasts?”

“Are you sure this is okay? I mean, how is this any different from what that slaver wanted to do with you?”

“If I am honest, the chief difference is that I am certain that she would enjoy what you are doing to her. She never released the flame she had for you, you know.”

“But you said yourself that her husband is everything she ever wanted in a man and that you saw to it that that would be the case.”

“Yes, but in the process, something was lost. He is still a man, he still has free will, but in order to give him what he yearned for most, he lost the majority of his agency. She does love him, and she is extremely thankful for him, which I greatly appreciate, however, she senses that there is something missing in him. She is a faithful and loyal wife, and were she awake, she would be enjoying this far more than you can imagine, however she would still insist you stop out of loyalty for her husband. On the other hand, her largest complaint at this moment would also be that she is not awake to enjoy what you are doing. Both can be true at once.”

“Why do you know all of this?” Maceo asked her.

“I have looked deep into her mind and heart on many occasions,” Astravia answered. “I had wished to imbue her with the same connection that we both now share with Rhona, however generations of a line of women behind her serving as my priestesses has granted her a special perception. If I gave her that connection, she would likely draw it forward into her conscious mind before long and my identity would be revealed. I will miss her so,” she lamented.

Maceo turned his head and looked at his doll-sized wife with compassion and received a tiny kiss on his cheek.

“In any event, please note that there is far more to learn here besides how appealing her naked form is,” she pointed out and continued her lesson. After several minutes of poking and prodding Elaheh’s tiny nude body, Astravia had Maceo carry the five-inch tall woman over to Rhona, who he uncovered. “This time, I would like to show you how to shrink her clothes with her. It requires not only more concentration but more power as well. In my current state, I would struggle to perform this any longer. Reducing inanimate objects is different because of the different energy involved. Alone, either is no trouble, however, together you must maintain multiple dynamics at once.”

Astravia then walked him through a similar series of steps, both with her voice and her mind and within a few minutes, Rhona began shrinking as well, however her clothes began shrinking at a faster rate, which Astravia needed to help him master immediately and even out the shrinking of both.

Shrinking Rhona as Astravia had asked indeed did prove to be a much greater challenge. While Elaheh proved relatively easy to reduce in size, Rhona and her clothes proved much more difficult in terms of balance. Elaheh shrank steadily, while Rhona shrank in fits and starts as Maceo struggled to shrink her, but after a few moments, Rhona lay in front of him, perfectly reduced to a little less than five inches tall. Maceo then carefully lay the two women together.

“I wish you were not so stodgy regarding this,” Astravia teased him. “There are so many possible lessons to be learned here.

“What about Sekai? What if she wakes up?”

“The entire tent could collapse and she would remain asleep. The only reason we need to keep our voices down is in case any random persons walk by and overhear us.”

Maceo grimaced and tightened his jaw, but finally relented. “Alright,” he agreed. “Let’s see what their like when you bring them to.”

“I am not bringing them to,” Astravia reminded him. “For them, this will be nothing more than a dream, like any other they enjoy. However, be careful of what you say to them. They are deep enough in sleep that they will not carry these memories to consciousness, however, their subconscious will have affects on their waking lives indirectly. Treat them with great patience,” she warned.

Only a few seconds later, both Elaheh and Rhona opened their eyes and blinked before looking around as though confused. Rhona sat up and looked around, followed by Elaheh, who was intensely curious about her surroundings.

“Awww! I’m so short!” Rhona complained, comprehending only partially how miniscule she was.

“You’re always short,” Elaheh answered obliviously, still bewildered by her surroundings.

Rhona huffed and pouted, then looked up to see the fifteen-inch Astravia high above smiling down at her from Maceo’s shoulder. She blushed at Maceo, but then leapt to her feet, running with her arms wide directly for Astravia.

“You’re here! We haven’t done this in so long!” she squealed. Astravia smiled down to her and nudged Maceo with her elbow, who then held up his hand for her to slide down into it so he could lower her gently to the ground. As her feet touched, Rhona ran up to her and then stopped, realizing she was only a little around knee height to the tiny goddess. “Aww! Do I always have to be so short?” she complained. “I know you can fix it!”

“We are learning tonight,” Astravia said, bending at her waist and scooping the even tinier woman up into her arms and squeezing her. “I thought that maybe you might be willing to assist with the lesson.”

“What kind of lesson?” Rhona asked, nuzzling the larger shrunken woman.

“Maceo is learning new magic.”

“Oh, can I learn it?” she asked eagerly.

“I am afraid not, my dear. Maceo had to undergo special circumstances to learn this.”

“Awww!” Rhona complained.

Further away, Elaheh climbed to her feet and looked around, tipping her head curiously as she examined her massive sandals, which were larger than a bed to her. Elaheh then looked up at Astravia, and then past her to see a massive giant Maceo staring down at her with a rather fascinated expression as the shrunken women interacted with each other. Elaheh stared up at him and gulped and for a moment, Maceo thought she might panic as her face turned red, then she pulled her arms up and squeezed her hands together and began squealing while bouncing on her toes.

“What?” Maceo asked her. “What is it?”

“You’re HUGE!” she exclaimed at the top of her lungs, though thankfully her tiny voice hardly carried.

“Nuh uh! We’re ridiculously short!” Rhona complained again down to her little friend. Elaheh turned and looked for Rhona, then up at Astravia, who she was also only a little more than knee high to.

“Avia!” Elaheh squealed and ran up, happily reaching out to Astravia, who scooped her up with an arm and embraced her along with Rhona. “How did you get so big?” she asked with wonder.

“Oh, I am not big. I simply did not get as little as you,” Astravia corrected. Elaheh looked up at her face, and then around the tent, her eyes going wide as she looked at the giantess Sekai sleeping away and all of the common objects around them that were now far and beyond too large for her to interact with.

“I’m tiny!” Elaheh realized, squirming and giggling in Astravia’s arm.

“Yes, you certainly are. We all are,” Astravia smiled.

“Why do I always have to be the shortest?” Rhona complained.

“You’re not the shortest, Avia is! Can’t you just let her be big once?”

“But I’m always little!” Rhona complained.

“I thought you were willing to assist in our lesson,” Astravia asked patiently to Rhona who pouted and buried her face in Astravia’s bosom. “What if we did something fun?” she offered, hoping to coax something out of Rhona. Rhona peaked up from Astravia’s cleavage somewhat suspiciously.

“Like what?” she asked.

“Maceo can grant you a wish. Tell him something you would like to see with your body and he will grant it.” Rhona opened her mouth to speak, but Astravia preempted, “other than making you bigger.”

“But I HATE being little!” Rhona complained.

“I thought you said she was used to it,” Maceo taunted Astravia, but she only turned and looked up at him with a stern gaze.

“Shh!” she urged him.

“Come on! I’m always the little one!” Rhona complained.

“It is not all so bad,” Astravia assured her. “Beloved, would you mind taking my sweet little Rhona for a moment?” she asked and then offered the tiny woman to him. Maceo reached out and scooped her into the palm of his hand, making her squeak and then wrap her arms around his thumb as he lifted her up to face level. She gasped and looked around nervously, examining her surroundings from such a high perch before settling her eyes on Maceo again, this time more with fascination.

“Is all of you this big?” she asked almost innocently as well as bashfully.

“Yes?” Maceo answered and nearly burst out laughing when she bit her lip and blushed, partially hiding her face behind his thumb.

“You know, I found him before you did,” Elaheh complained from far below in Astravia’s arms. Maceo couldn’t help but watch them with fascination as he did his best to understand their odd behavior. To a certain degree, they were both themselves, but they were also so much more innocent like this.

“What about you, Elaheh? What wish would you like Maceo to grant for you?” Astravia asked.

“Boobs!” Elaheh squeaked immediately. “I have hardly any!” she complained, rocking her shoulders back and forth while squeezing her soft and significantly smaller breasts. “I want boobs as big as yours!”

“One of mine weighs more than you do at this time,” Astravia said with a smile while poking Elaheh playfully and making her giggle.

“Well fine, but as big as they would be if you were my size,” Elaheh insisted. “No! Twice as big! No! Three times as big!” she squeaked excitedly.

“Are you certain?” Astravia asked her like a mother might her small child.

“Yes! Please!”

“Very well,” Astravia answered and set the tiny Elaheh on her feet again and led her closer to Maceo.

“How do I do that?” Maceo whispered.

“Listen to my thoughts,” Astravia answered telepathically. Maceo then waved Elaheh forward with a single finger, looking down at her and hesitating.

“You won’t?” she asked after a pause.

“I just feel bad,” Maceo answered her. “I feel bad changing you.”

“But you like boobs,” she whispered up to him, rocking back and forth on her heels and staring bashfully up at him. “I see you looking at Avia’s all the time.”

“You want bigger boobs for me?” he asked her quite sympathetically.

“No, I want them too! I want even more boobs than Avia!”

“You mean like this?” Astravia asked, kneeling beside her and allowing her breasts to swell out to their normal proportions. Elaheh gasped and stared wide-eyed and slack jawed at the massively expanding mammary glands.

“No fair!” she complained.

“How is it not fair?” Astravia asked her with a small laugh.

“Everything about you is better than me! I want just one thing! I never even had a chance!”

“Elaheh,” Astravia said in a soothing voice. “You chose your husband. You chose him over Maceo.”

“I know, but…” she complained while pouting. “I just wish I was pretty enough.”

“Beloved? Please tell her. You see she needs it,” Astravia encouraged. Maceo glanced at her and smirked.

“You knew this would happen, didn’t you? You knew how she would act.” Astravia smiled knowingly, then wrapped her hands around Elaheh’s waist and held her up for Maceo, then set her in his palm. Elaheh chirped and curled up in his hand, clinging on to his forefinger as she was lifted up several stories.

“Why are you naked?” Rhona asked her from the other palm, apparently noticing for the first time. Elaheh smiled bashfully and blushed, hugging his finger, but also straightening her legs and body to offer Maceo a more full and tasteful view of her naked body.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered to Maceo, staring at his giant face.

“Why? What are you sorry about?”

“I’ve gotten so old. I used to look so much better.”

“You’re not old,” Maceo assured her, pulling her closer to his face and allowing her to see just how much he enjoyed the view.

“Do you like me like this?” she asked so sweetly, shifting her legs and rolling her breasts for him to see better.

“Oh, I’ve always thought you were so beautiful,” Maceo assured her, which made her entire chest and face turn a bright red.

“But I’ve gained weight,” she whimpered. Over the years, she had indeed filled out, however her curves were still quite gentle and alluring. Her breasts sagged more than they once did, but his eyes still were drawn to them almost hungrily.

“You’re more mature. It’s really sexy,” Maceo complimented her. “I love it.” Elaheh glowed from the compliment and validation.

Within his mind, Maceo could hear Astravia whispering to him, “her husband does not pay her compliments like this. It is a trade off. The validation is something she craves, however giving it to her would also reduce her attractiveness to it.”

“Stop it!” Rhona hissed from the other hand. “You’re married!”

“No I’m not!” Elaheh bickered back at the other tiny woman.

“Yes you are!”

“Well so are you!” Elaheh accused, making Rhona pout again. Maceo couldn’t help but laugh at them while the bickered and Astravia couldn’t help but smile as she watched from far below as she watched her friends behave so playfully and carefree again.

“Elaheh,” Maceo interrupted, pulling her attention back as well as Rhona’s “You are gorgeous. You always were and you always will be,” he shared, making her squirm and blush again.

“Can you? Please? You said you could,” she said in a hushed tone.

“Your breasts?” Maceo asked, to which she nodded. “Maceo laughed and then concentrated, following Astravia’s mental instructions and then suddenly Elaheh gasped as her breasts began to swell and swell and swell out past a c cup, then a DD cup and on to an incredible full JJ cup while Elaheh watched them with glee and fascination. She squeezed and fondled them, sighing happily as she felt them expand in her hands.

When they finally settled in at the size she’d hoped for, she squealed and rolled back and forth playing with them like toys she’d yearned for for years. Maceo again couldn’t help but smile as he watched how gleeful she was over this fantasy until Astravia broke the spell.

“Rhona!” Astravia called out sternly. Both Maceo and Elaheh turned just in time to see Rhona’s tiny evening dress fall down from the edge of his palm, leaving Rhona sitting naked in a much more provocative pose than Elaheh.

“What?” Rhona asked somewhat sourly. “She’s naked, why can’t I be?”

“You are trying to seduce my beloved,” Astravia lectured.

“You can join us,” Rhona answered back with a certain level of childish defiance.

“You are so naughty!” Elaheh hissed over from his other palm.

“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Maceo asked his wife. “I am literally holding two extremely sexy naked women in each of my hands.” Immediately, both women blushed and glowed from the validation.

“I trust you. I am doing this for them,” she answered while Rhona and Elaheh peeked over the edges of his palms and stared down at her.

Maceo stared at her with an amused smile and as he did so, both Elaheh and Rhona rolled over and looked at him again with blushing grins. “So do you like me like this?” Elaheh asked after climbing onto her hands and knees and rocking left and right to allow her massive (to her) tits swing enticingly.

“You look good,” Maceo answered in a voice demonstrating how impressed he was.

“Do me!” Rhona squeaked at him. “Do me now!”

“What would you like? Large breasts?”

“That’s not what I meant!” Rhona chirped back.

“Rhona,” Astravia scolded, climbing up on to Maceo’s knee.

“Maceo, how big are you? Really?” Rhona asked in a hushed voice, ignoring the shrunken fifteen-inch tall goddess.

“Twice as tall as you,” Astravia answered her. Both Rhona and Elaheh gasped and covered their mouths while grinning mischievously.

“Can I see?” Rhona asked her eagerly.

“You may not,” Astravia answered formally.

“But why? He’s seen me naked!”

“Because you undressed for him,” Astravia replied.

“Even when I was still pretty and I took my clothes off, he didn’t even touch me,” she pouted.

“Rhona,” Maceo interrupted. She perked up and looked back up to his giant face. “I can’t betray Avia. You know that. She’s everything to me. But you know I’ve always been turned on by women with red hair, right?”

“No,” Rhona purred, squirming now and curling up tight from the attention. “But I’m so fucking short!” she complained.

“Shorter women are more attractive,” he informed her.

“You think so?” she asked, crawling toward him in his palm.

“Of course.”

“But what about my tiny titties?” she asked, shaking them disappointingly.

“The only thing I ever noticed about them was how delicious they looked.”

“They’re just a snack,” she asked seductively. “Don’t you want a meal?” she added shaking them for him.

“How big do you want them?”

“Bigger than hers!” Rhona answered, pointing to Elaheh.

“Hey!” Elaheh squeaked in protest.

“What? If I have to be the shortest, why can’t I have the biggest boobs?”

“Well then shrink me!” Elaheh complained.

“Yeah! Shrink her!” Rhona agreed, bounding on her hands and knees.

“Go ahead, beloved,” Astravia encouraged. Maceo shrugged and focused on Elaheh and her eyes widened as she felt herself drawing inward, his palm expanding in all directions beneath her. To her left, she could see Rhona growing larger compared to her in his other palm and she squealed delightfully as she dwindled even further, stopping at around 4 inches tall.

“How’s that?” Maceo asked her.

“Put us down! Put us down!” Elaheh chirped gleefully and waited for Maceo to lower his hands so they could climb off. Elaheh jumped off of his hand to the ground immediately to a standing position, then stumbled and wavered. “Whoa!” she squeaked. “These are really heavy!”

“We can make them smaller,” Astravia suggested, but Elaheh was having none of that.

“No!” she screamed, pulling away and covering her new prized assets partially with her hands and arms. Astravia and Maceo laughed at her and let the subject go, allowing her to relax as Rhona strode up and looked down at the four-inch tall woman. Though Rhona was noticeably less than five inches tall, the height difference between them was even more noticeable and Rhona couldn’t help but grin looking down on her tiny friend now that their roles had been reversed. “How about my butt?” Elaheh asked, wiggling it for him.

“What about your butt?” Maceo asked.

“NO!” Rhona protested. “It’s my turn!”

“Alright Rhona. What would you like?”

“Boobs! Actual boobs! Like I used to have but WAY bigger!”

“Okay, but let’s try something different first,” Maceo suggested.

“Like what?” Maceo didn’t answer her and instead wrapped his hands around her tiny body, hiding her from all and he began working his magic. A moment later, he opened his hands to reveal her again, only this time with the same red mane, but now twice as full and so long that her hair hung down past her hips in a rich, shiny red far more intense than it had ever been before. “What? What did you do?” she asked looking up at him after Elaheh squealed and danced on the balls of her feet in delight.

“This,” Astravia answered, waving her hand in a circle and conjuring a mirror for Rhona to look in. The tiny lass stared at her reflection in disbelief for a moment then began squealing as well, dancing around in circles.

“Oh, you liked that?” Maceo asked her. Rhona turned around and stared far up at the giant, nodding emphatically.

“No these!” she chirped, wagging her chest.

“But I’m the shortest now! I want the biggest ones!” Elaheh complained.

“Just let her have her wish, dear,” Astravia encouraged her with a knowing wink. Elaheh pouted and stomped her feet, looking downward to stare at the ground, though she struggled, given that her tits were so titanic now that she couldn’t even see her feet.

Maceo shrugged again and focused, but Rhona stopped him. “No! Squeeze them while you do it!” she insisted. Maceo raised an eyebrow and looked to Astravia, who sighed and shook her head.

“Go ahead,” she agreed. Maceo again shrugged and reached out, placing a fingertip on top of her breasts, covering them and then suddenly both breasts began swelling considerably and quickly, expanding out to unheard of proportions, quickly shadowing Elaheh’s mere JJJ cup tits. “Whoa-oa-oa-oa!” Rhona screamed with delight as she watched her boobs grow.

“Like that?” Maceo asked her. She nodded and leaned against his fingers with her entire weight.

“Don’t they feel good?” she asked him.

“Oh yeah,” Maceo answered with more enthusiasm than he’d intended then looked down to his knee where Astravia sat smirking up at him. He flashed an apologetic smile to her, then removed his fingers from Rhona’s gargantuan globes.

Rhona’s eyes went wide as he did so, then began stumbling and staggering as she fell forward in slow motion until she finally toppled, staring with shock as she went to her hands and knees and her tits reached the ground easily. “Holy shit!” she squeaked.

“You did want them bigger,” Astravia teased her with a smile.

Rhona whimpered and whined then looked up at Maceo again. “It’s not fair! Make me stronger then!”

Astravia grinned and stifled a laugh. “Go ahead,” she encouraged him while waving Elaheh over to whisper in her ears. Meanwhile Maceo placed his finger on her back, working his magic to grant her wish until she grinned again and managed to stand upright with boobs so large compared to the rest of her now that they almost reached down to her hips. She adjusted her posture and placed her hands on her hips, then looked up at Maceo, grinning and proudly displaying her new assets while jiggling them for him. Meanwhile, Elaheh tiptoed around her and up to her much taller shrunken friend and pressed into the small of her back with a single finger.

Rhona’s eyes went wide and despite having the strength needed now to lift her titanic tits, she toppled forward once again, saved only from plowing face first into the ground by breasts so large that they smothered her face rather than allow her to face plant. She screamed and flailed while Elaheh laughed hysterically at Rhona’s expense while the tiny titanness struggled to even reach around her massive mammary glands to right herself. When she finally did manage to climb to her hands and knees again, she looked up at Astravia with a sad expression.

“They really are lovely,” Astravia complimented.

“They’re too big,” she admitted, pouting as she did. “Can you shrink them?”

“Back to normal?” Maceo asked her.

“Are you kidding me? Hell no!” she screamed. “Just maybe… a little bigger than hers… were,” she said, nodding to Astravia. Maceo smirked and then began to concentrate, but was stopped by Rhona making repeated loud noises from below demanding his attention while she thrust her boobs forward toward him over and over. Maceo sighed, though he couldn’t help but grin and cupped her massive tits with his gigantic fingers again and assisted her, shrinking her breasts down to a much more manageable GG cup. “I want a curvy butt, too!” she whispered up to him while turning it to her side and wagging it for him. Again Maceo looked to Astravia for approval and when she offered her nod, he pinched her butt cheeks with his thumb and forefinger and her hips and posterior rounded out from the narrow little rump she sported normally.

Rhona watched the entire time with wide, excited eyes and squealed with delight as she was granted the figure she’d always yearned for and stood. “This too!” she proclaimed, grabbing her stomach with both hands and shaking the excess flesh from birthing multiple children. A brief moment later, Rhona was dancing gleefully in circles with Rhona celebrating her newly taught tummy.

Of course Elaheh wasn’t one to be outdone, so she also asked for some body modifications to herself, but choosing to have him craft her body into one that was more athletic and lean looking. They played and romped with their idealized bodies, giggling with each other as well as Astravia while they tried to tackle the 15-inch tall giantess with no effect. Eventually, Astravia pulled them free to warn them they would have to be going, but before she even finished her sentence, both tiny ladies darted over to Maceo and scaled him like billy goats up a mountain, stopping at his chest and curling up against it together and fitting into his right palm that held them over the left side of his chest.

Astravia smiled and climbed her lover as well, settling against the center of his chest and snuggling near the two much smaller ladies.

Obviously they didn’t fall asleep due to the fact that they were already technically asleep. It was simply that their subconscious dreaming minds were in control of their bodies. They did both smile and bask in the abundance of warmth the giant provided and were practically hypnotized by the beating of his heart. Both Astravia and Maceo were touched by the affection and Maceo alternated from one to the other, petting their bare backs with his thumb while Astravia reached out and petted their hair, which of course only made them even more relaxed.

“Don’t go,” Elaheh whispered after a substantial amount of time, snuggling more tightly against Maceo while also puling Astravia’s relatively giant hand closer. Rhona opened her eyes and stared at her silently while Astravia looked up at her giant husband with concern. “I know that’s what you’re thinking. I can feel it. Please don’t go.”

“They have to,” Rhona said to her, showing a surprising amount of genuine empathy, exponentially more than she had once been capable of, even in this subconscious state.

“No they don’t” Elaheh denied, shaking her head and clenching her eyes shut.

“Yes they do,” Rhona answered her calmly.

“But why?” Elaheh asked, finally opening her eyes to stare at her significantly taller friend.

“They don’t fit anymore. Don’t you feel it?” Rhona asked.

“Of course they fit! We’re their family!”

“We do not,” Astravia confirmed for Rhona. “We do not fit anymore. We stayed as long as we could, but we no longer fit. It is no less painful for us than it is for you.”

“I can make you fit!” Elaheh complained.

“I’m sorry, Elaheh,” Maceo said to her, patting her back with her thumb. “But we have to be moving on soon. We’ve tried to find ways to change it, but Rhona is right.”

“But I love you! I love you both so much!”

“You will always have a very special place in my heart,” Astravia assured her. “For all time.”

“This is the most we’ve ever done this,” Rhona pointed out to Astravia, referring to the time she’d spent in this state.

“And the first we have shared with Elaheh,” Astravia added.

“It’s been so long,” Rhona smiled to her. “I thought you’d never come back.”

“What are you talking about?” Astravia laughed at her. “We have spoken to each other nearly every night since we met.”

“But not like this,” Rhona pointed out. “When it’s like this it’s different. I missed it.”

“As did I,” Astravia agreed.

“Will we ever do it again?” Rhona asked her.

“We still have a little time left. I had not realized how special this kind of visit was for you. We will do it again before we go,” Astravia promised. Rhona smiled and closed her eyes, nuzzling her cheek into Maceo’s massive chest.

They allowed the spritely little ladies another few moments, then Astravia tugged on them to force them to stir. “The evening will be gone before long. We must return to our beds,” Astravia informed them.

“Okay,” Rhona agreed easily enough and climbed up into Astravia’s arms. Elaheh, however, clung to Maceo stubbornly, refusing to let the moment end.

Of course, it was no matter. Elaheh at a mere four inches tall weighed next to nothing and he could simply continue to cup her body and hold her in place while he carried his fifteen inch tall wife over to Rhona’s bed and set her down while Astravia cradled the less than five inch tall woman in her arms. Maceo then concentrated and returned both ladies’ bodies to what they normally were, aside from their miniscule size and Astravia helped Rhona back into her dress and under the covers while tucking her in.

“Will I stay like this?” Rhona asked Astravia. The tiny goddess smiled at her and petted her hair.

“My dearest Maceo, would you be so kind as to restore her size?” As soon as she said this, Rhona’s eyes lit up and Maceo focused, gently touching her shoulder with his fingertip and she began growing and growing, first as large as Astravia and then further and further until she was her normal self again, beaming. “Good night, my dear Rhona,” Astravia bid her, pulling the covers up a little further on the woman who now was many times larger than herself.

“Rhona,” Maceo whispered to her. She immediately perked and stared up at him, still quite large, but manageably so now. “I’m a little sad that you’re still uncomfortable with your body, even after all this time. I want you to know something.”

“What’s that?”

“I’ve always thought you were incredibly beautiful,” Maceo told her. “But I never thought you were more beautiful than when you shed that magical shell.” Rhona was choked up and smiled at him. “You’ve changed my life,” He added, then Astravia stepped over her shoulder and kissed her forehead just before her subconscious descended back into the recesses of her mind and Rhona lay still, sleeping peacefully.

Maceo then carried Elaheh back to her bed. She did fight back, but Maceo gently peeled her hands from his shirt and lay her down inside the fabric of her clothes that had been discarded by her shrinking. Even when he did lay her down, however, she grabbed onto his fingernail, refusing to completely let him go.

“Elaheh,” Astravia addressed her patiently. “We have to return to our tent.”

“But I don’t want you to go,” she complained.

“It is not goodbye yet. We will still have time together.”

“But it’s almost over! You’re leaving for good!”

Maceo now leaned over his doll sized wife and petted the teensy woman’s cheek with his fingertip, smiling as she leaned into being petted, nearly purring. “Elaheh, you can’t have any idea how important you are to us. We’re leaving, but I swear to you: we will find our way back to you one way or another. It’s not really goodbye. You’re too important to us and we will find our way back to you eventually.”

Elaheh smiled up at him and hugged his finger, kissing it. “Promise?”

“On my honor,” Maceo assured her.

“Keep an open heart,” Astravia encouraged her. “We will likely not return to you in the way you envision, but he is right. I will treasure your friendship for all time and I will always come back to you.”

Elaheh’s eyes filled with tears as she stared up at the fifteen-inch giantess. “You taught me to be a mother,” Elaheh confided.

“You taught me to love again,” Astravia replied, now choking Elaheh up even more. Elaheh was finally satisfied and snuggled beneath the fabric of her dress.

“I love being tiny,” she whispered just before Astravia eased her subconscious back into the recesses of her mind. Maceo then focused and restored her size carefully and slowly before they slipped out of the tent, hurrying along as they saw the first embers of daylight peeking over the horizon.

They settled back in bed with tiny Astravia resting atop him and relaxing as she finally shed her handkerchief for the feel of his warm skin beneath their blanket. “That was quite a gift you gave me tonight,” Maceo thanked her mirthfully.

“That was quite a gift you gave my friends,” Astravia smiled back, staring across the inviting plain she laid upon that was his chest. “They are entering a difficult time in their lives now, with an even more difficult one beyond it. Their youthful glow is fading and the beauty they have relied on for their entire lives along with it. I would have preferred to see them through this period, however, our time with them must end. Why did you promise Elaheh that we would find her again?”

“I didn’t see a reason we couldn’t visit her in the afterlife,” Maceo answered her casually.

“Oh, my dearest Maceo, have I neglected to mention?”

“Mention what?”

“Oh beloved! Even when we sever time’s bonds on your body, you cannot enter the next world and return again. If you go there, all we do to extend your life will be for naught and you must remain there.”

“No exceptions? Not even from the queen of the gods?”

“I have never ruled with impunity. There is more than one god who has had favored mortals which they would have wanted to bring back. I have rights when it pertains to my followers in the afterlife, but I must contend with Urisinus as it is his realm. He will also call upon other gods if need be and they will only allow a mortal to be returned to this plain of existence if a strong consensus is reached. When we part ways with them, you will not see them again.”

“But you will, right?” Maceo asked her.

“Of course. I will absolutely visit Elaheh again. And Rhona we will always remain connected to. When I travel to the next world, she will be like a beacon to me.”

“Then you can bring my love to them. That’ll be good enough,” he decided. Astravia smiled pleasantly up at him and stroked his chest lovingly.

“Are you tired, my dearest Maceo?” she asked him gently.

“Maybe a little. That fight the other night took a bit out of me.”

“Perhaps rest a while then, beloved, if for no other reason than I wish to lay with you.”
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Shrink Master
Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Fri Aug 12, 2022 3:12 am

When Astravia and Maceo finally departed with his sister and their friends, they brought along both Jimena and her mother for the sole reason that Alypius was still healing, albeit remarkably quickly, and not able to care for his mother as he had for the previous several years. He had his own issues that he needed to tend to and his mother continued to require care to alleviate all of her maladies. Aside from that, Alypius was also in the process of repairing their tattered home and had already emerged as a leader with the freed slaves that didn’t have a specific place to go following their release.

The once sickly and withered young man was quickly rebounding thanks to Astravia’s medicinal gift and was beginning to catch the eye of more than one of the women that had been rescued as he showed a great deal of grit and determination in rebuilding what had been torn asunder as well as aiding those who’d been oppressed.

There were also men and boys amongst those who had been freed, though their numbers were much fewer than the women as the men were mostly only valuable to be sold for manual labor, while the women and girls had “other uses.” These men and boys were happy to follow his lead and they accepted what Maceo could offer in terms of materials as well as a modest amount of coin to help them get back on their feet as a group.

The trip back down to the remainder of the caravan went quickly enough and as they pulled into their encampment, both Cajsa and Gaeten immediately dropped what they were doing along with Maceo’s other sisters to greet them out of concern.

“I was gettin’ worried, lad,” Gaeten greeted Maceo as he dismounted. “That was supposed to be a quick trip up and back.”

“There were complications,” Maceo answered, shaking the hand of his friend and then proceeding on to purchase replenishments for what he’d given to his new friends they’d just left behind.

Once Jimena and her mother were settled with Rhona and Elaheh tending to them, Maceo then took a party consisting of himself, Astravia, and Gaeten up the short distance to Maceo’s home town, which he hadn’t seen since before he first met Astravia just outside the wall of her temple to purchase replenishments for the supplies he’d given away. The three of them toured the market, which wasn’t at all like Maceo had remembered, made the purchases they needed to and otherwise had an unremarkable experience there while Maceo described all of the ordeals they’d undergone while returning Jimena to her home, save the portion of the story that involved transforming the slave master into a woman and shrinking her to less than four feet tall.

Once they had everything they needed, they toured the town, including a short trek down to where Maceo’s childhood home sat. It was actually more accurate to say “where it should have sat.” His home was now gone, along with any trace of it, though the town had benefitted greatly from the trade with the communities of the mountain and an entire sub community had planted roots where Maceo spent his early formative years.

The trip down memory lane was less than satisfying for Maceo. Certainly, he was happy to see that the indirect consequences of his actions over the years had benefitted this community and restored it to what it once had been, however it no longer felt like the same place at all. None of the faces or names there were familiar to him, and very little of what he had memories of still remained. Even Astravia noted that there were no connections left there visible for him with her special sight.

After a pleasant walk that was otherwise unremarkable, they mounted once more and returned to the caravan, which had followed them there so that Maceo’s family could get one final look at their childhood home and perform once for them with a magnificent display of magic.

The next day, they set out and began the several day journey back up into the mountain and home where Maceo left his family and Jimena flabbergasted by the beautiful, extravagant home they maintained there. They were all introduced to the servants and settled for the day while Maceo saw to the ordinary businesses of his financial dealings as well as the forge and then they held a gathering to celebrate the family he’d brought back with him.

The next day was heavy negotiations with the council, which Maceo and Astravia were not a part of due to the fact that they were overseeing their final days there as residents. They were, however brought in for a lively discussion after it was revealed that on their journey, Gaeten had seen fit to advertise the town using it’s ancient and almost forgotten name.

Astravia sat and watched politely, despite the dog she had in this fight and after some guidance, it was also revealed that Elaheh’s family had managed generations before to move and hide the stone arch that had long ago marked entry to the town and labeled it properly. Through some careful guidance from Maceo, it was decided that the town would finally affirm its foundations again, and for the first time in more than a century, the small group that had maintained the ways of following and worshipping Astravia the goddess would step out of hiding and conduct matters in the open.

This of course was the happiest news of all for Astravia and she had a great deal of trouble containing her enthusiasm. Elaheh’s grandmother and mother, however, couldn’t help but break down into tears, finally seeing a dream they had struggled and toiled for in secret for generations finally come to fruition as Maceo’s final gift to the community was determined to be funding to construct a proper worship space for Astravia’s followers.

The timing of this was none too soon, as following the meeting Astravia informed Maceo in private how pleased she was to see this event come to fruition, because due to Usha’s waning health, she only had a few months left to live. She would live just long enough to see the worship space take form and enter into service before her time in this world finally came to an end where she would then be able to report to her grandmother that her sacrifices in life had finally bared fruit.

“This is how it should be,” Astravia told Maceo from their balcony overlooking the bustling town late that evening. She was still dawning her mortal sized disguise due to the high likelihood of being seen in her true fifteen-inch size. “Living amongst these mortals as we have been, it sounds strange in my own ear to say, however, I can feel the warmth again that I came to this world to find. This is such a wonderful parting gift after investing so much in this community.”

A few days into their stay, Maceo’s sisters and his brother in law insisted on seeing the gates of Astravia’s temple, which the pair hadn’t even seen themselves since Astravia completed the process of her shrinking. Elaheh obviously was completely on board with the suggestion, though Maceo was a little more apprehensive. Nonetheless, they made a day trip of it and took a party out to visit the ancient monument and marvel at the spectacle of this inactivelight beacon at the top of the main gate. Upon returning, they had a final party to celebrate Maceo’s family and the next morning they set off for home with a number of heartfelt goodbyes while Maceo’s sisters took the consolation of being able to continue to communicate with their brother by returning and working through Rhona, who had the magical ability to reach out to them while they were abroad.

As luck would have it, the time spet traveling with her mother and reconnecting with her was enough that Jimena felt the need to go back with her family and rebuild their damaged homes. Maceo’s brother in law and sisters agreed to escort them both home, though Maceo and Astravia both promised to stop by in the early stages of their journeys and check in on them.

With those goodbyes out of the way, Astravia and Maceo set about the final preparations for transferring Maceo’s business interests and estate to Gaeten, leaving everything behind but the bulk of Maceo’s profits over the years, which Gaeten considered to be an unbelievable deal.

Of course, every evening, Astravia had Maceo sneak her away to meet with one of her two best mortal friends in person while they slept, relishing the opportunity to not only speak with them in such a pure state, but also to enjoy being genuinely larger than someone else for a change. Rhona obviously complained about being smaller than the tiny Astravia, while Elaheh couldn’t seem to get enough of being reduced in size, even going so far as to ask to be shrunken so small that she could comfortably lay down in Astravia’s hand, which seemed to push Maceo’s limits slightly.

It was good practice for Maceo to practice his new transformation abilities and on a few nights, they would sneak to one of their homes and shrink and steal one of the ladies away to meet the other, shrink the other down similarly and run off on some dream adventure. On one evening Astravia seemed to have something special in mind as she lay atop his chest poking him with her fingernail while staring somewhat lustfully.

“I would enjoy something special this evening,” she declared. Maceo nodded and was all to agreeable, so she sat down and ordered him to sit up and take her in hand.

“So what are we doing?” Maceo asked her.

“How are those wings you can manifest feeling?” she asked him. “How fast do you think you can go?”

“Not quite as fast as you could when you were full sized, but I think I could push myself. Are you going to let me in on the secret?” Astravia looked him over carefully while nibbling down on her lower lip.

“I would like to take them back to the temple. We should go skinny dipping,”

“And how do you think their husbands would feel about this?”

“First of all, it is merely a dream for both of them. Secondly, we will be going skinny dipping, not you. You may enjoy the view, but that is all.”

“Still sounds like a good deal to me. It’ll take a little while to get there and back though and half the night is already gone.”

“I am already ahead of you,” she answered him brightly. “Using a little of your borrowed power and a few of your time runes, I can open a portal through time large enough for you to fit through and we can use that to go back several hours in time, giving us the entire evening.”

“I thought that time travel caused massive problems.”

“Altering the past or timelines causes massive problems. We are merely going to our pool. Our visit there will merely be amongst the few creatures there that will have no impact on world events. This will be no different from simply traveling back in time to merely observe. Besides, I exist beyond time. Do you not think I would have already peeked forward to confirm that we did in fact make this little hop backward in time?”

“I suppose it didn’t occur to me.”

“You are young yet. You will learn,” she encouraged. “Now shroud us! I wish to go skinny dipping!”

“And you’re sure you want to do this? I hate to point this out, but all three of you will be small enough that half the fish in that pool will be big enough to eat any one of you in a single bite.”

“Why do you think you are coming with us?” Astravia joked, poking his skin. “You did not simply assume I wanted you swimming with three naked women for your sake, did you?”

Maceo conjured a near invisibility cloak around himself and walked her out to the balcony, grabbing a piece of silk for Astravia to fashion as a chiton with a couple threads to tie it around her waist. Maceo then removed his own shirt and focused and a few seconds later wings began to form from his back, spreading out a number of feet in either direction until he stood there, shaking them and testing them out. He stepped onto the railing, holding Astravia with both hands against his chest and leapt off, diving down and then soaring off to pick up their first passenger.

They arrived at Rhona’s home with Maceo descending and stumbling as he touched down. “You still require some practice with your landings.”

“I’m not sure that I was ever built to have wings,” Maceo offered in his own defense. He then carried the shrunken goddess and set her on the window sill, allowing her to venture forward, transforming into her shrunken hawk form and silently and gracefully setting down on the bed while she conjured a mist strong enough to spread through the entire home, ensuring all would remain asleep for many hours to come as Maceo already worked on steadily shrinking Rhona down to a size more appropriate compared to the tiny goddess. When Rhona was just a touch more than five inches tall and lying in the pool of her own clothing, Astravia pulled her subconscious to the forefront and knelt over her.

“Hi!” Rhona whispered happily to the fifteen-inch tall giantess looming over her after looking to her left to see her slumbering giant husband who was many times larger than either of them.

“I have something special for you this evening,” Astravia offered to the tiny woman. “Would you like to see it?”

Rhona nodded emphatically and jumped to her feet, her naked breasts jiggling as she did. “Can I be taller?” she asked.

“This size is more appropriate for traveling,” Astravia answered her and then scooped her up, wrapping her in another smaller piece of silk. She hopped down from the bed with Rhona in her arms and carried her to the wall underneath the window sill where Maceo had lowered a piece of twine for her to grab and then he pulled her up and took Astravia in hand while the miniature goddess cradled her little mortal.

Maceo then dashed forward, flapping his wings and slowly ascended with Rhona covering her mouth and squeaking with glee as they took flight in a manner she’d never done before. A moment later, they arrived at Elaheh’s home and gathered her as well in the exact same manner, shrinking her down to an exact five and three quarters of an inch tall and then they were off, climbing higher and faster in the direction of the temple.

“Where are we going?” Elaheh asked as Maceo accelerated to his best speed and her hair whipped through the wind.

“For a swim,” Astravia answered, taking the runes she’d asked for as Maceo handed them to her before wrapping both arms around them again for safety. A moment later, a portal opened in front of them, a little less than half Maceo’s wingspan and he tucked inward and dove through it, arriving at the exact same place over a forest to the west of town at sunset. He spread his wings again and then was off, soaring as quickly as his wings would carry him and in a matter of a half hour or so they were looking down at the walls of the temple, looking over the ancient abandoned city within.

“Where is this?” Elaheh asked with wide eyes, though her wonder betrayed that she actually had a decent idea.

“Where do you think?” Astravia asked her, but she was far too excited to respond. A moment later, they were setting down on the patio behind Astravia’s giant quarters and Maceo set them down at the edge of the pool, whose waters were comfortably cool to the touch for both women. Maceo then entered Astravia’s quarters and retrieved a towel for himself and several hand towels for the shrunken women and returned to them as Astravia shed her clothing and sat on the edge of the pool, dipping her legs inside.

“I can’t even see the bottom!” Rhona complained. “How am I supposed to swim here when I can’t even touch?”

“You will not need to touch the bottom,” Astravia answered her and then both action figure sized women dropped their jaws as they watched Astravia’s legs fade away and be replaced by a long tail with beautiful and smooth shiny colored scales ending in an ornate caudal fin that they’d only ever seen anything similar to when they’d made their journey to the distant island in the ocean far to the south.

Both shrunken women marveled and dashed in to touch the fifteen-inch giantess mermaid’s scales, innocently running their teensy hands up and down the shiny tail where her legs once had been. “You’re part fish?” Rhona asked with wonder.

“Have you never heard of a mermaid before?” Astravia asked her jovially. Both Rhona and Elaheh shook their heads while staring up at her in wonder. “Well admittedly, they are rather rare. A mermaid is a woman of a race who is part fish. They live in the sea, usually near submarine volcanos.”

“Are they all only like a foot tall?” Elaheh asked her breathlessly.

“No, my dear,” Astravia laughed to her. “They are human sized.”

“But you’re almost as little as us,” Elaheh pointed out.

“Do you not enjoy being tiny with me?”

“No,” Rhona blurted out. “Why can’t I be his size?” she asked.

“Because I know you will not keep your hands to yourself,” Astravia answered back mirthfully. “Come now, beloved!” Astravia called, waving him forward. Maceo dove over and well past them, slipping into the water rather gracefully, but given he was more than twelve times the size of both Elaheh and Rhona, the sight was not only terrifying, but calamitous to boot.

What little waves he did create were still impressive to women less than six inches tall and washed up over the pool’s edge, jostling the fifteen inch goddess thoroughly, but actually washing the tiny women back in a flood of water that was waste deep for them. Both women screamed as the small wave swept them away and Rhona managed to catch herself by grabbing onto Astravia’s hip while Elaheh was pushed back several inches behind her, leaving them both soaked and their silk garments sopping wet. Astravia laughed and picked Rhona up, pulling her drenched locks from her face. Meanwhile, Elaheh climbed to her feet, crying out in frustration as she looked at her soaked silk piece that was now partially transparent due to how wet it was.

“Why did you do that?” Elaheh asked Maceo angrily when he resurfaced and looked at them.

“Oh come now,” Astravia answered, reaching back and pulling her forward. “You knew we were going swimming. How long did you expect to hold on to those things?”

“But he’s not naked!” Elaheh found herself complaining regarding the double standard. Maceo laughed and shook his head, drifting up to the poolside and grabbing hold.

“What you are hoping to see is twice as tall as either of you and not of particular use regardless. Now come, I wish to go swimming!” Astravia encouraged, helping pull the piece of silk fabric off of Elaheh despite her protests and then Rhona, who was far more amenable to stripping naked and smiling at Maceo the entire time she was disrobed.

“It’s like an ocean!” Elaheh exclaimed. “What’s the point of swimming in this?”

“Sit on the poolside and you shall see,” Astravia answered her, nudging both women forward by pressing on their bare little bottoms. They begrudgingly complied, though in no small part due to the fact that a fifteen-inch giantess was easily overpowering them. Once they were seated, Astravia looked to Maceo. “Beloved? Would you care to do the honors?”

“It’s kind of complicated. Are you sure you want me to?” he asked her. She nodded and Maceo then floated to them and applied a single finger to each of their bare chests, which both glowed ever so slightly by his touch.

“No no!” Astravia immediately corrected. “Make them like me!” she insisted. Maceo looked at her stunned, but shook his head and did as asked and as he did so, both tiny women squeaked with amazement as they watched their tiny, three-inch legs begin to merge. “I would take a deep breath now and hold it,” Astravia warned.

A moment later, the fifteen-inch Mermaid was flanked by two less than six-inch long mermaids. As soon as their transformation was completed, Astravia took both of their hands and pulled them down into the water with her. and beneath the surface a number of inches. Both struggled against her, but Astravia tugged them down gently.

“Be calm,” she encouraged while pulling them closer. “You will find that you can no longer breathe the air. Release what you have in your gills and breathe,” she instructed. Rhona and Elaheh looked at each other skeptically, but Rhona was far more experienced in such strange matters and released the air she’d breathed in and then took a deep breath, coughing slightly, but quickly finding it was exactly as Astravia had described. Elaheh on the other hand held onto her breath until she couldn’t any longer and then she released it in a single burst, leaving her tiny lungs emptied. Tiny five inch tall Rhona swam up to her smiling while showing her how comfortably she was breathing while Elaheh winced and struggled until she finally was forced to breathe the water in and stared ahead in absolute shock that she in fact could breathe quite naturally underwater.

“Now remember, you breathe water now,” Astravia told them both. “Air will not agree with you until Maceo transforms you back.”

Now fully confident, Elaheh finally relaxed and began trying out her new fish tail, quickly evolving into a playful underwater dance with Rhona as they tested their newfound abilities. Astravia floated and watched them with a satisfied smile while Maceo completed his own transformation dawning scaly, finned legs and swam down to look at his bride.

“You never transformed me into a merman,” Maceo pointed out with a teasing grin. Astravia then turned and grinned at him, dashing up to his face and kissing his massive lips.

“I told you, my dearest Maceo: transforming you on a regular basis would have had a poor effect on your body, and I had every intention of bringing you swimming with me countless times.” She then swam over to his right ear and leaned her hands on his shoulder. “Besides,” she whispered into his ear. “I wished so badly to feel you near me at all times. How could I enjoy that if you had fins to swim away whenever you desired?”

“Awwww!” both Rhona and Elaheh cooed at the fifteen inch giantess mermaid and her significantly more giant lover that was five times larger even than her. Astravia turned around and looked at the tiny ladies and smirked, then swam at lightning speed to them, grabbing their hands and pulling them deeper.

“Come! I have so much to show you!” she explained exuberantly.
Check out my SW story Please..:

Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Sat Aug 13, 2022 4:23 am

Of course, the very first place they visited was the sunken treasure ship, which Maceo was able to illuminate for them by conjuring bioluminescent lights to place around the vessel. Rhona and Elaheh swam throughout the vessel from room to room inspecting every single massive artifact that was made for giants twelve times their size. They frittered a couple of hours away like this as three miniature mermaids laughing and playing and squealing as they chased each other almost like children again. They were so filled with excitement and energy that even Maceo had difficulty keeping up.

Eventually, as the evening dragged on, Astravia chased them down and caught each one, holding them closely. “I have more to show you,” she declared after fully exploring each and every last millimeter of the ancient wreck.

Rhona tried to take a gold coin for herself before departing, but she screamed in frustration when it proved to weigh more than she did and was therefore untenable to move. Finally satisfied, they swam up to Maceo and into his arms to be carried away to their next destination.

Astravia held on to both action figure sized women, while Maceo held Astravia in his hands and rocketed forward at dizzying speeds. Rhona and Elaheh were forced to hold on for dear life, swallowing hard as they shot forward and down into the deep, dark depths where the bright moon refused to penetrate. Down and down they went into pitch black, whispering to each other nervously as they could see nothing, not even the fifteen-inch giantess mermaid carrying them until they saw a faint glow ahead and stared ahead with wonder. The glow then materialized into a single, faint light, then two, then four and then structures began to become evident and they gasped with wonder as Maceo swam down into the partial reconstruction of the sunken city of Athenica and settled down nearly touching his long, finned feet on the pavement of the street there.

“What is this?’ Rhona asked, swimming out away from Maceo immediately and out from Astravia’s arms.

“An ancient city, lost beneath the waves of the sea,” Astravia answered her. Both ladies murmured in amazement and then were off, exploring this fascinating new landscape that was far more advanced than any they’d ever experienced before and hidden far beneath the waves of Astravia’s massive pool.

The very first thing that the two tiny mermaids wanted to explore was the strange carriage sitting on the side of the paved street. They each swam through the metal spokes of the wheel and stared at the shadowy mechanical underpinnings asking each other openly what they were looking at,

“It is a vehicle,” Astravia answered having followed them and swum underneath the vehicle to join them. “A carriage that requires no horse and propels itself. It only requires a person to drive it.”

“How?” Rhona asked her, awestruck.

Astravia pointed behind them to where the engine compartment resided, a labyrinth of metal pipes and blocks that ascended up further into the shadows above them. “That is an engine. It is fueled by refined oils that turn the wheels when the vehicle’s occupants command it.”

Obviously, this was just an invitation for Rhona and Elaheh to scurry up into the dark confines of the vehicle’s engine and explore. Astravia grunted in frustration, being just a little too large to follow them into the cramped spaces above and she struggled with the decision of whether to shrink herself further to join them or not. Ultimately, she decided she would have to if for not other reason than the safety of her guests and the tiny goddess mermaid began dwindling even further until she was less than five inches tall and suitably small to pursue them.

She caught up to her guests at the top of the engine, just underneath the hood where they were feeling their way around in the dark until Maceo popped the hood and opened it to check on them. Both tiny mermaids screamed and clung to each other until they saw Maceo’s smiling face and sighed with relief.

A second later, Astravia squirmed her way up through the tight confines of the engine compartment to join them, catching Elaheh’s eye. Elaheh turned and glanced at her, then her eyes went wide.

“YOU SHRUNK!” she screamed, looking at her topless less than five-inch mermaid friend. Rhona then turned her attention in the same direction and burst through the water to join Astravia, grabbing hold of her.

“YOU’RE SMALLER THAN ME!” Rhona declared gleefully.

“You are so obsessed with your shortness!” Astravia chided her as both tiny mermaids sandwiched her with their bosoms on either of her cheeks.

“But your titties are still HUGE!” Elaheh squealed delightfully, squeezing one and jiggling it.

“I only did this because I was concerned you might hurt yourselves in the engine compartment,” Astravia muttered unhappily while pushing back now.

“You can shrink yourself?!?” Elaheh asked her excitedly. “I thought only Maceo could shrink us!”

“No, she shrinks me all the time,” Rhona answered her. “Which is mean.”

“It is not mean,” Astravia argued, finally managing to push them both free of her now larger mermaid counterparts.

“Yes it is!” Rhona exclaimed.

“I thought you said I was kind,” Astravia counterd, hoping to derail her argument.

“You are kind! But shrinking me is mean!”

“But why? We’re so cute tiny! I wanna be tinier!” Elaheh interjected and then grabbed Astravia’s hands. “Shrink with me more, Avia!”

“I am tiny enough,” Astravia answered.

“No! Let’s be REALLY tiny! Make us small enough that Rhona can hold us in her hand!”

“Yeah! I wanna be the big one for once!” Astravia groaned in frustration then looked up to her insanely massive lover, a man whose manhood, should he choose to display it, would easily dwarf her at this point now in terms of it’s length. Sadly, he merely shrugged and left her to deal with the consequences of her repeated shrinking of Rhona on her own.

Astravia shook her head and glanced at Rhona, then took Elaheh’s hand. “Fine, but only for a moment,” she declared and suddenly both her and Elaheh began shrinking much to Rhona’s shock and amazement. They dwindled from five inches down to four and three together with no sign of stopping until Elaheh was only an inch in total length and Astravia was merely four fifths of an inch. Rhona covered her mouth and wrapped her hands around the tiniest women she had ever seen and pulled them close to her, inspecting their miniature nude bodies and fondling their breasts with her thumbs. “I did not molest you when you were the little one,” Astravia pointed out.

“I’m still little! I’m just not as little as you are!”

“Would you like to be?” Astravia threatened and Rhona removed her thumbs from their breasts and handled them with a little more respect. She took a good long moment to explore the world of hand held little mermaids then pulled them close and into her bosom, hugging them.

“Come on!” she exclaimed and dashed off for the nearest building and in through an open door to a flight of stairs larger than any she’d ever seen before, each step so tall that she would have no hope of climbing it if she were on land and still had legs.

Maceo followed from behind, giving the shrunken mermaids a chance to explore on their own, though on occasion there was a fish that swam by, curious about these tiny morsels that he needed to shoo away before they attempted to make a meal of the skinny-dipping women ahead of him. It was when they entered an apartment where a school of fish was resting that he swam in and scooped all three of them into his hands and covered them.

“Alright, that’s enough,” he decided. “As small as you were was dangerous enough, but Elaheh and Avia are far too small to be around this many fish. It’s time to let them grow back,” Maceo insisted. Astravia sighed with relief, though Elaheh whined at having to give up her positively miniscule status and Rhona pouted, but agreed and suddenly both Astravia and Elaheh expanded once again with Elaheh ascending back up to her five and three quarter inch size and Astravia continuing on to her much more customary fifteen inches.

The commotion alerted the school of fish, who all began heading toward the tiny and delicious looking mermaids, but Maceo darted in between them and broke the school apart, encouraging them to leave immediately and find somewhere better to be.

Now that Elaheh and Astravia were restored to much more normal sizes, so to speak, the three of them began exploring the apartment around them in a way that as women that small could never dream to do on land. Every day fixtures such as chairs, tables and cabinetry were still unusable and intimidatingly large for them but they were also easily accessible as each shrunken mermaid could simply swim up to whatever height they needed to in order to reach wherever they wanted to be.

They explored closets and cabinets and underneath furniture and even a bathroom with a tub so large even fifteen-inch Astravia could use it as a swimming pool were it not hundreds of feet beneath the surface already. Nothing was out of reach for these shrunken ladies despite their miniscule size, which made the experience all the more exhilarating and enjoyable, but absolutely everything was so ungainly and over sized that nothing was even approaching realistic to them.

The exploration of this ancient underwater city was especially fun for Elaheh and Rhona, who had never seen structures so advanced before. Before long, their dashing to and from one apartment to the next became fun games of tag and hide and seek as they would use common fixtures and furniture to hide in places that no normal sized woman could ever hope to. They even forced Astravia into chasing them and used their much smaller size compared to the tiny goddess to their advantage by darting in and out of every tiny crack and crevice in the ancient building as well as swimming through the legs and backs of chairs as well as under the feet of a couple of tall coat hangars.

Maceo obviously was far and beyond too large to join in the frolicking and at one point Elaheh actually requested they shrink him down to join them but before he could explain to her that his primary job was to keep fish large enough from gobbling them whole, Astravia interrupted, her voice erupting, “No!” Clearly she preferred her men large, which was fine by Maceo, however he’d spent a significant portion of his life a fraction of Astravia’s height, so the prospect was far less daunting to him.

When more than half the night had passed, both Rhona and Elaheh were floating in the center of a sunken kitchen belly up trying to recuperate from hours of frolicking and playing. Astravia huddled up against her giant lover’s shoulder and smiled at them, sighing contentedly before swimming over to them and taking them into her arms.

“This pool has one more mystery I wish to show you before it grows too late,” she informed them. Both tiny mermaids were perfectly content to be carried for a while given how exhausted they were and a second later, Maceo wrapped his hands around his fifteen inch wife and made sure both of the smaller mermaids were secured before swimming out into the hallway outside the apartment they were playing in and down a flight of stairs to the exit back into the street.

From there he swam directly toward the chasm at the center of the pool, torpedoing rapidly along.

“You’re sure they’ll be alright at that depth?” Maceo asked Astravia while both smaller mermaids curled up and relaxed, snuggled against her breasts.

“They will be fine, however we mustn’t stay long,” she informed him. “The pressure will get to them otherwise.

A few moments later, they reached the black hole at the bottom of the pool and Maceo turned straight downward swimming as quickly as he could. Elaheh and Rhona peeked out from Astravia’s warm and comforting breasts and looked ahead at the blackness before them, fascinated by what wonders were in store for them next until the faint green and purple glows from the cavern beneath began to become visible. Their eyes widened and they wormed forward slightly and then they popped through the bottom of the corridor into the deep underwater cavern that Maceo had been to many times before overlooking the replica of the god sized portions of the temple above illuminated by bioluminescent algae lining the ceiling and walls of the cavern.

“Stay closely to us,” Astravia warned them as she released them in the exceedingly deep waters.

Both minnow sized mermaids slowly ventured out and away from their giant guardians, staring with wonder as they examined the wondrous submarine world. They were fascinated and slowly swam in circles until Elaheh caught site of one of the ancient and horrific looking fishes floating around down there, one with a wide mouth, jagged, misaligned teeth and an antennae that bobbed in front of it with a bioluminescent light of it’s own.

She screamed and burst backward into Astravia’s arms, between her breasts and curled up there, blanketed by Astravia’s boobs. Rhona of course turned to look at what the commotion was about and froze at the sight of this monstrous underwater beast that was even large enough to swallow Astravia in a single bite and she only relaxed when Maceo swam up and wrapped his hands around her, providing comfort and protection from the monster.

“The fish here are unlike any you have ever seen,” Astravia informed them both as she slid down the inside of Maceo’s arm to join Rhona. “They are primitive and deformed due to the extreme depths. They are also less predictable than fish from shallower waters. At this size, we should keep our distance from them.

They then gathered together in Maceo’s arms and held close to each other as Maceo made a pass around the cavern to give a proper tour before descending down to the facsimile to Astravia’s god sized quarters and in through the balcony of her bed chamber there.

Here, both minnow sized mermaids were astounded to see a structure that even the giant Maceo was dwarfed by.

“It is safe in here,” Astravia informed them. “There are wards to keep any sea creatures out. You may go wherever you please.”

Again, Elaheh and Rhona ventured out tentatively, but this time with far more reverence and awe than fear.

“What is this place?” Rhona asked with breathless fascination. She swam down and looked up at a desk from just above the seat of a chair that was so large that her entire family room could fit on it from her perspective.

“It’s where a goddess sleeps,” Elaheh remarked, slowly twirling around as she absorbed every last detail. Astravia merely floated beside her giant lover, smiling and allowing them to draw their own conclusions rather than ruin the splendor.

If they had felt small before, this new building left them feeling absolutely insignificant. Already shrunken down to exactly one twelfth their normal height, this building now seemed dozens of times larger than a normal home and their complete and utter shrunken state was exaggerated even further by how luxurious and spacious it was here, even for someone as large as a fifteen foot tall goddess.

“It’s even more amazing than I ever imagined,” Elaheh announced to herself, swimming down and slipping past the massive gateway that was the doorway to the corridor beyond her bedchamber.

“It does feel rather intimidating at this size,” Astravia admitted to Maceo while snuggling up to his shoulder.

“I’ve gotten use to it,” Maceo commented dryly.

Astravia then took them on a tour, showing them the amazing study where Astravia could read, research and ponder to her heart’s content while relaxing down here as well as the globe placed there to give her easy viewing of practically any place or time she desired. She even demonstrated the massive device of the gods, though she struggled at one twelfth her size to activate it, which was more than a little embarrassing, not that the subconscious dream minds of Elaheh and Rhona noticed in the slightest or even cared.

She showed them the bathroom with a section which created soothing hot water to relax in in place of a shower as well as the vast, stadium sized ballroom, the dining room set and ready for giants of unimaginable magnitude, a library with books several times taller than either minnow sized mermaid and a kitchen that had been uniquely adapted to cook so far beneath the surface.

By the time the tour of the building was up, Maceo noticed that Rhona was hunched over and holding her chest with her hand and pointed his observation out to his diminutive bride.

“I suppose it is time to leave,” Astravia decided and pulled both ladies into her arms holding them to her naked bosom and holding still so that Maceo could take all three of them in hand and ascend back up out of Astravia’s underwater quarters and up the massive column toward the surface where it was still night out. There, Maceo swam them to the shore where both shrunken mermaids could sit just beneath the surface and transformed them back to their natural state (aside from being one twelfth their normal height).

Both women stood as soon as they realized they couldn’t breath water any longer and coughed the water out of their lungs.

Maceo then scooped all three naked and wet women up into his hands and carried them to a mortal sized lounge chair next to one of the bon fires he’d set earlier while a golem added fresh wood to the blaze.

There, Maceo sat and held all three naked and tiny women on his chest as the fire warmed their wet bodies. Rhona and Elaheh were especially happy to relax like this and curled inside of each of Astravia’s arms, so pleased to round out their dream adventure with such a relaxing finale. The warmth of the fire soothed them and heated their bones as well as helped evaporate the remainder of the water in their lungs along with a few thimbles of wine that were provided to imbibe upon.

As the first hints of dawn began to break on the horizon, Astravia looked up at the black of the night that was shifting slightly toward blue and sighed, accepting that this, the likely final adventure with her treasured and beloved mortal friends was finally at a close. She petted each of them, lulling them and releasing their subconsciousness’ back into the recesses of their minds.

“But you haven’t grown me back,” Rhona complained sleepily while fighting being returned to a normal state of sleep.

“Have I ever failed to restore you?” Astravia asked her gently. “You will awaken as you have always been. I would never do anything to harm you.”

It was now Elaheh’s turn to sleepily protest. “Remember your promise,” she muttered, then her subconscious quickly descended down into the recesses of her mind, putting her to sleep.

With both action figure sized women fully asleep, Astravia turned and looked up at her giant lover. “If no one is awake yet in town, they will be by the time we arrive. We will need to jump back in time a couple of hours again.”

Maceo agreed, then stood and cradled Astravia in his arms while she cradled both shrunken women and pulled now dry pieces of silk over them to keep them warm. Maceo then conjured wings again and took the the skies, ascending just in time to see the sun cracking over the horizon. A few seconds later, Astravia opened another time portal again just as she had before and they pierced through it, arriving back in the dead of night and they soared back to town with all due haste.

Once there, Astravia climbed in to Rhona’s window and carried the tiny Rhona back to her bed and up it’s side after Astravia reduced her to only an inch tall again for ease of movement while Maceo held Elaheh in his hand. Once she was safely back underneath her clothes, she stepped back and watched as her tiny friend began growing around her, quickly passing her in height and beyond until she was back in bed at the size she was supposed to be.

Then it was off to Elaheh’s home to deposit Elaheh in the same way before jumping down from the bed to the floor and trotting over to the wall where Maceo had left a piece of twine to pull her up again. Once they had returned to their own balcony, they settled down in bed and lay there together pondering the events of that evening.

“This will be the last time,” Astravia whispered to him.

“What a time it was,” Maceo reflected with a smile.

When morning came again, they awakened at sunrise and Astravia put on her pendant to form her disguise again and then they showered and left their bedchamber to go down to the kitchen where a servant was already up and beginning preparations for breakfast. Astravia and Maceo insisted on helping, preparing a morning feast in short order for all the people who had served them since taking up residence there in the bustling town named after Astravia herself.

They were in the middle of setting the table for the entirety of their servants when there was a knock at the door and one of the few servants already awake went down to answer it. A moment later, she arrived with Rhona in tow, who’d awakened early and had an unexplainable urge to seek her friends out and sit with them.

Just as the sun cleared the horizon, Elaheh called on them and was ushered in with her children in search of Astravia, again following an unexplained urge to reconnect with her friend again. Obviously they were all welcome at breakfast as well where there were plenty of laughs and pleasant stories to tell, along with a small number of personal tribulations some sought advice for.

Following breakfast, Maceo took all of their staff to a storage shed and handed them each something he’d crafted with his own hands. There were many knives, a single sword for one young man he’d been apprenticing and a number of tools that they would find useful either in building and maintenance, or in the kitchen or in still other matters. Maceo offered heartfelt thanks for all they had given in their short tenures working for them and asked those who were staying on to attend to the estate under Gaeten’s watch to treat him as they had Astravia and Maceo.

They then walked off with Elaheh and Rhona flanking them on either side and toured the property taking a final inventory of their home and gazing upon all they’d built there, stopping at the study, the financial office that Maceo had worked out of, the various sleeping quarters as well as the large patio behind the house as well and finally a small garden and pond created for relaxing at.

With that final tour out of the way, they escorted Rhona to her clinic to begin the day and finally Elaheh to the market where she had shopping to do for her husband. There they met with Gaeten and concluded what business needed to be completed.

That evening there was a party so large at Maceo’s estate that it was standing room only in the entire property with games, food, music, constant magic on display as well as unending laughter deep into the night. So late, in fact, that Astravia was within minutes of her disguise fading due to her pendant needing to recharge when the final guests, children of current elders, departed.

The next morning, they were up before the crack of dawn and began loading their cart. A couple of servants awoke to join them and assisted while Astravia looked at the two chests that had been presented to them on their wedding day years before, running her fingers across them and smiling fondly upon them At dawn, Elaheh, Rhona and Gaeten were at the gate, despite their hangovers along with their entire families, including Elaheh’s aged and ailing grandmother, who’d needed to be wheeled there. There was one final heartfelt meal together with tearful goodbyes, especially between Astravia, Elaheh, Rhona and their children.

Finally, Maceo passed the scroll denoting ownership of their estate to Gaeten, shook hands and bid him a fond farewell while Rhona and Elaheh had difficulty letting go of Astravia, but especially Elaheh. Maceo checked his cargo, then released one horse and offered it to Rhona who to date was the only one in that town that had ever really managed to fully control the wild steeds that Maceo favored for traveling and he mounted. Beside him, Gaeten stood, still wishing good fortune on his young friend while Elaheh’s husband stood next to him, still not managing to muster so much as a half assed smile to Maceo.

“Good riddance,” he muttered to himself, not really caring that he’d been unintentionally heard by both other men. Geaten nearly snapped his neck turning to glare at him, but Maceo sighed, shook his head and placed his hand on Gaeten’s shoulder to comfort him.

“Do you mind if we not ruin this for our wives?” Maceo asked him, but only got the cold shoulder and turned to walk away from. Gaeten sighed and put his face in his hand, struggling to find words to express his frustration.

“You know, he’s come a long way. He’s a wealthy man now in his own right, and a respected businessman. His children adore him. But he never has fully shaken that temper of his. I’m afraid it’s already been decided that he’ll never sit on the council. Others with less accolades have already been tapped to be groomed for the roles in order to keep him from landing a position.”

“He’s an asshole,” Maceo said, shaking his head. “But, he treats Elaheh as well as any woman can be treated and she’s happy with him. I’m happy that Elaheh is happy,” Maceo decided.

“So where to, now that you’re finally free?”

“To the east. There’s another ingredient we need for the spell we’re going to perform. There’s not much there, though, so we probably won’t stay long, and then after that far northwest of here past the sea there to an island far to the north for another ingredient. The next one will likely be west of there.”

“Do you mind telling me what this spell does that it’s so special?”

“It’s a bit of a private matter,” Maceo answered him while leaning down to speak just between them. “But it’s something that I’m hoping will bring her happiness and a bit of peace after everything she’s been through in her life already.”

“I see. Well, then may the goddess protect you,” Gaeten told him, shaking his hand. Maceo smiled and stifled a laugh given that his particular well wishes were actually the reverse of what reality required.

Eventually, Astravia had her final embraces and kisses with Elaheh, Rhona and their families and approached their cart to join her husband. Along the way, she grabbed Elaheh’s husband’s wrist and pulled him down to whisper in his ear, “never forget what your purpose is, and always control that anger of yours. Your wife requires it,” she ordered him. No one else overheard her, but it didn’t go unnoticed how obedient he was the instant she issued her final orders to her creation.

Then, amidst hollering and waves, Maceo and Astravia left their estate and proceeded to the edge of town with Elaheh and Rhona walking with them, continuing to chat Astravia up as if it were simply another day in their ordinary lives. They parted ways at the gate to enter town and watched as Maceo drove them off into the distance, eventually disappearing over a distant hill. Once they were finally gone and out of sight, Elaheh broke down in tears and dropped to her knees, mourning the loss of friends she treasured more than life itself. Her mother and grandmother of course came to console her, but it remained exceedingly difficult for her and it was nearly lunch before She could even look Rhona in the eyes.

“Doesn’t it even hurt you? Even just a little?” she asked the little redhead.

“Of course,” Rhona answered her honestly. “But I know no matter what, they’ll always be with me in my heart. I’ve never felt alone since they entered my life.”

“Why did they have to go?” she asked her, still sobbing. “She wouldn’t even tell me the real reason!”

“They’re looking for something,” Rhona answered her. “Something that’s beyond this world, and they can’t find it here. I think it will allow her to finally find peace in her soul. At least I hope so.”

“How do you know?” Elaheh asked, looking up at her friend who continued to hold her.

“Little things here or there. It’s forbidden magic, whatever it is, and that’s why they won’t talk about it. But also a feeling. A feeling almost like she told me once. And something else too. A weird feeling like you should know this too in your heart. Almost like she shared it with us, just not with words.”

Elaheh stared quietly, contemplating Rhona’s answer, her tears finally fading. “Yeah,” she agreed, ready to stand now and walk hand in hand with Rhona back home. “When did you get so wise, Rhona?”

“I’m not sure I am,” she answered humbly. “But definitely not all at once.”

They walked a short distance to Rhona’s clinic where Elaheh stepped inside, asking if she could be of any help that day with those in need of healing. Rhona agreed and shared a few minor chores with her much taller friend. “At least we’ll be hearing from them again soon, right?”

“We’ll give them a day to get on their way and then we’ll talk to them every single night,” Rhona promised.
Check out my SW story Please..:

Shrink Master
Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Sun Aug 14, 2022 4:09 am

One day was all that was required at the temple to conclude matters there and issue orders to the few autonomous golems that would keep them busy attending to the temple for many years to come. Astravia spent that time in her old bedchamber sitting atop her gigantic old desk made for a woman twelve times her size working on a number of dresses, sandals and shoes.

Maceo spent the time seeing to their food and water needs and the final retrofit of the storage units back into the airship needed to provide them with nearly endless food and water on their voyages. The entire time, Astravia didn’t even bother to use her mortal sized disguise other than to walk from one part of the temple to another while carrying something she wanted loaded onto their airship. Other than that, she was perfectly at ease remaining fifteen inches tall, though there was a weight on her heart as the wounds of separating from her dear friends were still fresh.

Maceo cheered her up that evening with a visit to the astronomical observatory in the lowest levels of the main temple as well as a comfortable evening meal by the pool on the patio outside Astravia’s old goddess sized quarters.

Then at dawn, they loaded the final items needed for their journey and climbed aboard the airship, setting a course for the eastern continent where their next substance was located that was needed to truly make Maceo immortal. The trip would take several days, so they settled in for a relaxing journey with Maceo personally steering and guiding the ship for most of the first day to ensure that all was well with the golems so they could be certain they would perform their piloting duties accordingly now that the only living crew on board any longer were Maceo and Astravia.

Astravia spent that day climbing from one level to another, taking care to arrange their home for the coming years to her liking and setting in place various magical artifacts that would provide an environment to her liking on their extended voyages.

Over lunch that first day while passing over a mountain range, Astravia stepped away from her chair and set out a doll-sized dress on the table for Maceo to look at. “It’s lovely,” he complimented. “But it’s only big enough for you at your fully shrunken size.”

“No, my dearest Maceo,” she laughed, releasing the spell disguising her as a nearly five foot tall woman and steadily shrinking down into her dress that ballooned and pooled on the floor around her until she was standing naked in the collar of it. She held her hands up and he bent over, picking her up with one hand and set her on her chair where she was just tall enough to reach the tiny dress and put it on, smiling that she’d managed to create a dress that fit her perfectly.

“So there’s something special about this dress?” he asked her.

“And all of the other items I made for myself yesterday,” she informed him with a pleasant smile. “These are the actual clothing of a goddess, only made in miniature. Whatever transformed state I take, they will transform along with me accordingly. Given that I will no longer need to masquerade around for extended periods at mortal size, I no longer have much use for clothing that will alert me if I am unexpectedly shrinking. It is a small comfort, if you will pardon the pun, where I can dress as I always have again.”

“Oh?” Maceo asked, and is if on cue, Astravia jumped down from the seat of her chair to the floor and activated her disguise, growing to her statuesque 4’10” height again and her dress transforming into a lovely, but also significantly more pedestrian dress than the extravagant and jaw dropping celestial white gown she’d had a moment before.

“Oh, I see. It’s been years since I’ve seen you in a dress like this one,” Maceo commented, pulling her over to straddle him on his lap.

“I have other surprises for you as well, my dearest Maceo,” she glowed to him. He gave her a sly grin but said nothing, which frustrated her, so she was forced to continue on her own. “You recall that I said there were other forms I could store within this disguise?” she asked. “Well, I have finally gotten around to finishing each of them up to the detail they require.

“And what do these new disguises look like?” he asked her, humoring her and elating her now that he was more engaged in her fun new disclosures. She offered a toothy grin and wiggled a little with excitement and activated the pendant again, now steadily shrinking down to an identical looking mortal, only this one residing at an absolutely perfect two feet, eleven and five sixteenths inches tall.

“Your favorite size,” Maceo laughed, but Astravia didn’t find it humorous at all. She climbed up from his lap, pulling his arms in and then curled up within them, resting cradled in his arms and purring happily.

“Yes,” she whispered to him having found a place so comfortable that it was absolutely perfect to her shrunken senses. “It certainly is.”

She relaxed like this for several minutes before Maceo warned her that their dessert was getting warm and then groaned with frustration, climbing out of his arms and standing on his lap, still only comfortably looking into his eyes from this vantage point.

“This size requires significantly less energy to maintain,” Astravia explained to him while holding his massive hands. “I can easily remain like this for as long as nearly three days if I so choose,” she proclaimed proudly. “No rushing to ensure I am hidden from the world after twenty hours of use with this one.”

“And you don’t think that traveling the world as a less than three foot tall woman wouldn’t be conspicuous at all?”

“This size is for my gratification alone, thank you very much,” she told him with a certain aristocratic air to her words. “How the remainder of the world feels about it is not my concern.”

“I have to admit, I do kind of like you at this size.” She grinned and blushed then danced excitedly while standing on his lap.

“My next disguise,” she teased, activating the pendant again and Maceo watched this time as she shrank down and down, this time her gown and the rest of her body transforming as she dwindled. Her skin became ethereally soft and pale again, but lacking in the same godly glow it carried in her true form. Her hair shortened to shoulderblad length and the blonde transformed toward a bright gold, much lighter than her normal hair, and also supernaturally gold, but lacking the metallic elements that it had when she was in her goddess form.

As she surpassed her normal height of fifteen inches, still dwindling down, the gown began shrinking at a faster rate then the rest of her while her physique trimmed significantly and finally as she approached ten inches in height, translucent butterfly wings sprouted from her bare back. When she finally finished shrinking, she was less than five inches tall standing in a bright green skirt that only barely met her thighs and strikingly slight compared to her normal curvaceous physique. Her breasts were still quite large, but smaller proportionately even compared to her mortal form. She grinned far up at him and waved innocently and then her little wings began to flutter and she lifted from his lap directly upward until she was hovering directly in front of a face that was nearly twice as tall as she was now.

“You’re a fairy?” Maceo asked her, noting the fine gold dust sprinkling down from her body as she hovered.

“Contrary to your belief, a dwarf the size of one that I would prefer to live at is far from unheard of. Of course, one with a figure such as my own? That will turn more than a head or two. Far more common? Fairies,” she declared proudly. “Of course, I actually have a natural fairy form I can easily transform into. Unfortunately, that form is now less than seven sixteenths of an inch tall now. Even for a fairy that is shrunken.”

“Can’t you create a new form then? Like you did when you were still mortal sized?”

“That is proving to be more difficult,” she answered. “I can still access the forms I already have at my disposal, reduced in size, of course. However creating a new form to take requires more power than you would suspect. I am growing stronger, however. I am confident that before my shrinking is over, I will have unlocked that ability again.”

“In any event,” she continued, “this disguise requires even less energy than the previous one does. I can remain in this form for nearly two weeks constantly before my pendant requires time to recharge.”

“Anything else?” Maceo asked her in a hopeful tone.

“A domestic cat,” she answered him.

“A cat?” he asked, rather surprised.

“In cases where I wish to be in disguise and not directly interact with mortals. Or in cases where I wish to retreat more quickly than I can swim myself outside of time. However, I do not anticipate requiring it often.”

“I was going to say, you have that little faith in me to protect you?”

“No,” she giggled, tapping the tip of his nose with her tiny finger as she hovered closer to him. “But I am afraid I still do not intend to be far enough away from you for the next several decades for someone to lay their hands on me.”

“I thought that after leaving town you’d finally feel a little more secure.”

“Maceo, I have shrunken myself to miniscule proportions all as a show of my love for you. Can you not understand how unnerving this is for me, even now? How vulnerable I feel? I may have greater magical power than any mortal, but they are now capable of harming me. This has never been the case before in my entire existence!”

Maceo lifted a finger and gently pushed her back from his face far enough to look at her comfortably again.

“Astravia, I have been more than patient about your fears of shrinking. I need some space of my own, though. It’s been years since I had an entire day where I could just work without you constantly hanging on my arm. I was hoping I could get back to that again.”

“Doing what, my dearest Maceo? Do you honestly intend to build a forge up here in this dirigible?”

“No, but…”

“But what? Please beloved! I am smaller to you now than you were to me before I had shrunk myself. Pardon me, before WE shrunk me. Please do not leave me alone like this! I did this for you!”

“Astravia,” Maceo said to her patiently while lifting his hand for her to sit in. She looked behind herself and stomped her tiny feet mid air.

“No! I only had the briefest of times where I could look at you directly in the eyes before this! I wish for you to see me as an equal and treat my feelings with respect!”

“You’re being a little drama queen,” Maceo joked with her. She huffed discontentedly and pouted, so Maceo turned his hand with his finger pointed outward, offering the tiny fairy goddess a perch to sit on that he could hold comfortably at eye level. She huffed again indignantly, but after a tiny nudge, she sat and moped, her tiny wings fluttering slightly. “Astravia, look at me,” he told her firmly. She scowled, but did as asked, clearly still upset.

“What?” she asked him, still pouting.

“You talk about respect, but then you kick your feet like you’re having a temper tantrum. Could you please look at me like I’m your husband?”

She now glanced at him from the side, her lips still pouting, but after he leaned forward slightly, staring sternly, she sat upright and adjusted her posture, eliminating her childish pout, but still looking at him quite unhappily.

“Better?” she asked him in a more dignified fashion.

“Much,” Maceo smiled. “And don’t get it in your head that you can manipulate me just because you’re ridiculously sexy and cute like this.”

Astravia now blushed and her legs kicked involuntarily. “You think so?” she asked, quite hungry for his validation.

“Of course. I’m not sure how much of that kind of fun I could have with a fairy, though.”

“Oh, you will be surprised,” she hinted, her mind now drifting to less civilized matters.

“I’m sure I will, but right now I need to have an adult conversation.” She again adjusted herself and sat properly once more, listening to his every word. “I want you to keep in mind that even after I’m immortal, that doesn’t change my origins. No matter how much power I gain, I will still be the man I was born. I’m dead set on that being the case.”

“You do not wish to ascend?”

“And end up like others in your race? No thank you. I don’t want to sound conceited, so please be a little patient with me here and give me a bit of leeway,” he petitioned. She nodded and leaned forward, listening carefully. “I want to be better than that. Obviously, I have a lot to learn from the gods, after all, where would I be without everything I’ve learned from the queen of the gods? But there’s a reason I don’t want power, despite how many times you try to foist it on me.”

“And that reason being?”

“Power corrupts. It corrupted the guild so badly that it rotted them to the core. It corrupted Chronstrus to the point where he became a vicious tyrant. It corrupted your ex husband to the point where he abused the single most desirable woman in all of existence.” She smirked at his final comment and glowed a little. “But it’s also affected you, I think. Power corrupts, so now that I have all of this power and now that I’m using it, how do I keep it from corrupting me as well?”

“I had assumed you would simply not allow it to,” Astravia answered him.

“Do you honestly think I don’t have the same urges that all those others have?” he asked her. “Of course I do. Even now I’m tempted to ravage you the same as when I was just a horny little boy.”

“I would not complain if you did,” she hinted suggestively.

“Focus, my love,” he reminded her. “I have new challenges ahead of me now.”

“How odd,” Astravia commented thoughtfully. “I have actually been awaiting the proper time to say the exact same thing to you.”

“And you had a plan for how that was supposed to happen, didn’t you?”

“I did,” she admitted.

“Well, I’m interested in your thoughts, but I’ve already begun charting that course.” She perked up slightly and raised an eyebrow.

“And if I said you are still young and naïve? Still too inexperienced for such matters?”

“I’d agree, but we want something different, right? You said yourself that men are men, even among the gods. Before long, I will stop aging altogether for all time, and I have power that no other mortal has. Maybe not on the same level as a god, but a lot regardless. And there’s something else, too.”

“And what is that?”

“Something that the gods have never tried before,” Maceo answered her. “How good do you think my skills as a metal worker are now?”

“Oh, you have more than mastered them,” Astravia answered him. “They are beginning to approach levels commensurate with gods. Not as good as Hestaphius, however good enough that he would find your work interesting.”

“It’s time to take those skills to the next level, don’t you think?” Maceo asked her. “That god isn’t just a blacksmith. He uses abilities that transcend mere metalworking, doesn’t he?”

“He does. However he has quite impressive powers in his own right.”

“I need a new challenge. That’s going to be it,” Maceo determined. Astravia sat back, stunned. “It’ll probably take me centuries, or longer, but I’ll have the time, won’t I?”

“You are sure about that,” she tested.

“You’ve stopped talking about your end,” Maceo pointed out. “It’s been years since you brought it up last and when we first met, you had a weight in your heart like you were making your peace to meet your end. You have something. There’s a way forward, isn’t there?”

“I have one idea,” she admitted quietly as if disclosing a protected secret.


“It will require further sacrifices from you,” Astravia answered. “And from me as well.”

“And a lot of learning.”


“Will you teach me?”

“You do not know what those additional sacrifices entail.”

“It doesn’t matter. I am going to spend eternity with my bride,” he answered her. She sat still, then activated her pendant again and began growing larger and larger until she no longer fit on his finger as he rolled his palm up for her to sit on it. He set her down on his lap and she grew up to her 4’10” form, straddling his lap again and looking him in the eyes.

“You are certain?”

“More than anything. I don’t know what my future is, but whatever you have in mind, I can feel it’s the way.”

She swallowed hard, letting the gravity of her plan settle on her soul. “Very well, my dearest Maceo. However, we shall take it one step at a time for now. When the time comes, if you have achieved what is necessary, I will tell you then what must be done.”

“The magic I learn by going beyond my metal working skill is part of that path, isn’t it?”

“It is,” she confirmed very contemplatively. “How peculiar. You sensed this?” Maceo nodded to her and she stared at him long and hard.

“And your sacrifices?”

“Will be different than yours,” she informed him. “I am honestly quite frightened by the prospect.”

“We’ll face those fears together,” he promised her. “Now, back to your original issue: I’m still a man, regardless of what’s happened to my body and mind. I’m going to need some space every now and again. If you want me to be a good husband for you, then you’re going to need to learn to respect that.”

She gulped again, then nodded, still her eyes never leaving his. “Of course, my dearest Maceo,” she agreed.

“But not right now,” he added cheerfully. “Right now I need a bit of time to finally enjoy the most amazing woman in existence all to myself again.” Her mood instantly lifted and she grinned, leaning in to kiss him.

“I regret needing to let this shrinking spell pass. I rather enjoy it.”

“I’m going to take you flying,” he decided, then picked her up and carried her down the steps and toward the back of the airship, opening the bay to the air. Astravia looked at him slightly confused as he ignored the aircraft and headed directly toward the gate. She was about to say something right up until she saw wings sprouting from his back and she grinned, activating her pendant and shrinking down to her fifteen inch self again and settling into his large, warm hands for a moment among the clouds, carried by her guardian angel.

Maceo took her out for hours, dancing the afternoon away around their airship and over, under, around and through the clouds they passed as they journeyed to distant lands. As they played, Astravia confided in him that her original intent of teaching him to construct an aircraft was even at that time that Astravia desired to hold him closely to her while she soared in the same way they were now. The only difference in her initial daydream was that their roles would be reversed and she cradling him, not the other way around.

Of course, the current arrangement was far more preferable to the shrunken goddess, who was beaming with joy as her giant lover danced the skies, carefully holding her against his chest and performing every aerobatic move she desired.

She went on to explain to him that the ultimate goal of teaching him to fly an aircraft was merely to take the first step in creating an excuse to fly with him pressed against her bosom. She desired to play in the skies similar to when she was young and new to the universe, free of cares or worries. Before the days when the power she sought pressed down on her with immovable force.

Late in the afternoon, they boarded the airship again and Astravia shrank down into her new fairy form, zipping alongside him with her little fairy wings shimmering as they reentered the main cabin and ascended up to the dining floor where one of the few golems they’d brought with was preparing a meal.

They were nearly finished with dinner when they heard a sound from the deck above signaling them that a call was coming in from their dear friends they’d left behind.

“Why couldn’t we just stay there if they’re going to see we’re not aging anyways with these calls?” Maceo asked her.

“The item I gave them relies heavily on their perceptions,” Astravia answered him. “When we were with them, I shrouded their minds to convince them we were aging, only we were simply aging far more gracefully than expected. Over time, they actually convinced themselves that we looked even younger than we did when we first met. Those perceptions will stay with them and they will see us for what they wish to see. As far as their eyes will know, we are affected by time the same as they are, because that is what they wish to see,” she answered, using her pendant to shift up into her 4’10” tall mortal form. “The scenery we show them will be through our eyes, allowing them clear views of all we encounter as we explore your world. Of course viewing the world through the eyes of a mere doll sized woman will distort those perceptions and risk penetrating the shroud.”

“Clever,” Maceo praised with a smile.

When they answered the call, they found Rhona, Cajsa and Elaheh sitting there grinning eagerly awaiting their friend’s faces again. “Hello?” Elaheh asked awkwardly.

“Hello, Elaheh,” Astravia beamed back.

“Wow, this is a lot nicer than what we used in the guild,” Rhona remarked.

“Thank you,” Astravia greeted back.

The call was obviously awkward at first. Elaheh was still somewhat raw from Astravia’s departure and Cajsa and Elaheh were both not used to communicating in such a manner. Astravia took their communication device to the starboard observation deck and showed them the sunset which for them was occurring earlier than for Elaheh and Rhona back home.

Astravia chatted for hours with them like this, sometimes with Maceo participating, but mostly just Astravia as she followed him around the ship while he tended to matters pertaining to the airship or settling in to a chair to sit and read for a while. Eventually, Rhona’s children could be heard in the background whining and she was forced to conclude the call in order to put them to bed and send Elaheh on her way home again.

That evening, they went to bed together with Astravia shrunken down to her normal fifteen inch tall self and She stripped herself naked in his hands as he crawled into bed. Once there, she insisted he do likewise and then casually strolled down his chest and stomach to his hips where his penis lay out in the air, stirring slowly as he watched her shrunken posterior sway seductively.

When she arrived at her destination, she grabbed it with both arms and pulled it around so that it pointed toward his face and straddled it like she was mounting a horse and began grinding her already wet womanhood against it, moaning ever louder as she felt it harden between her thighs and swell outward and upward. At first she was merely lifted slightly from his body, but as she hugged and massaged the head of his hardening cock, it continued to push upward until she had trouble balancing on the trunk of this phallic tree.

She lowered her feet and then climbed off of it, pulling on it to make it fully upright and she slid the frenulum of his cock between her labia, moaning as she ground against it and grasped it’s head with both hands. It continued to grow against her tiny body, swelling past her hips until she was dry humping a cock so large that it extended just past her belly button.

A moment later, the sensitive little goddess brought herself to orgasm as Maceo’s precum oozed out over the head, coating her hands and arms. Astravia needed to take a moment following her powerful climax and looked across the giant’s body smirking.

“I have a trick to show you. Would you like to see me disappear?” she tempted him.

“Sounds interesting,” Maceo chuckled, shaking the tiny damsel standing at his hips.

“Watch carefully,” she whispered with a seductive kiss to the air and suddenly she began shrinking again, down and down, hugging the ever growing cock in her arms as it extended past her belly to her breasts, then spreading them apart as it pushed up to her collarbone, then her neck, then her chin as she tipped her head down and began licking it forcefully, all the while with his cock pressing up past her face and her tiny arms shrinking back as they shrank too small to wrap around it anymore.

Though he could no longer see her, he could continue to feel her shrinking body sliding down the length of his shaft as she continued to hold on to it, despite it being far too large to realistically hug anymore.

Maceo laughed at her and watched as it tipped slightly upward now that there wasn’t a fifteen-inch tall woman to hold it perfectly skyward any longer.

“Oh no! Where did you go?” Maceo asked in mock shock while also fighting back laughter.

A second later, a less than five inch tall Astravia popped out from around the side of the bottom of his shaft grinning mischievously at him. “Here I am!” she informed him cheerfully.

“Did you want to grow back so we can have some real fun?” he asked her suggestively, but she leaned in and bit his shaft just hard enough to gain his full attention.

“Oh the fun is just beginning,” she teased him after he yelped and then she began the arduous task of climbing his erect cock as if it were a redwood tree. When she finally reached the top, the naked little less than five inch tall goddess straddled the head, grinding her clit against the bulbous tissue and hugged the tip as best as she could.

“Now, witness what a true shrunken woman can do,” she said. Upon her statement, Maceo watched with fascination as the shrunken woman half the length of his dick began to swell and harden in her arms and legs as her muscles grew while the rest of her remained the same, tiny action figure size.

Much to his surprise, the tiny muscle goddess proved to be quite adept at pleasing him while fucking the entire head of his cock with her entire tiny body. Astravia worked harder than he’d ever seen her do, even accumulating copious amounts of sweat on her tiny body, along with a thick coat of precum on her stomach, chest and face and she managed to bring herself to fruition three times in the pursuit of her goal, never allowing herself to rest, no matter how tempting it was. Then, just before she began the ascent into the fourth climax in a row she felt it, a mere twitch of his cock that to her was a tremor.

She squeaked in surprise and clung, still grinding her tiny pussy against him and without warning, a massive gusher of semi transparent, white goo erupted, punching into her belly with the force of a fire hose.

She held on for the first burst, but on the second her grip slipped, knocking her all but free of the slippery head leaving the third eruption to knock her completely free. She screamed and fell, covered in his cum from head to toe, landing a few inches up his body with a loud plop.

“Holy…” Maceo gasped, clenching the sheets of their bed as Astravia slipped while trying to rise to her hands and knees again, her face smothered in ejaculate so thick that her features could hardly even be observed. When she did finally manage to sit up enough to look at him, she pulled as much of his cum from her face as she could, just barely enough to clear her mouth and she smirked up at him.

“How many times must I say?” she asked boldly, demanding his attention. “There is no cock, no matter how large, that I cannot master it,” she declared. Beneath her shrunken body, the ground that was her gigantic lover shook rhythmically but spastically as he laughed at her obviously well earned boasting.

“Wanna do it again?” he asked her.

“If I were not so slathered in your seed that I cannot even grab hold? Yes, absolutely. Over and over again, if you please,” she laughed back.
Check out my SW story Please..:

Shrink Master
Shrink Master
Posts: 300
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Mon Aug 15, 2022 3:54 am

The journey of the shrunken goddess and her lover to the uncharted lands of the eastern continent was without incident. When they arrived, they circled the region they were interested in based solely on Astravia’s ancient memory that told them the minerals they sought were here waiting for them. When they found no hint of civilization, Maceo sprouted wings and carried Astravia down with him in his arms and set down just outside of a thin forest that bordered the jagged, rocky land they were interested in. Astravia transformed into her new fairy disguise and fluttered up above his shoulder, flying alongside him there as they walked through the foliage, noting that there was very little fauna in the area.

“The land here is bordering on poison,” Astravia explained to him. “Few animals would find this land hospitable, and fewer still able to find prey.”

Before long, Maceo was walking upward in elevation and then they passed from forest into jagged rocks that were large but also not particularly stable. Ahead of them, in the direction from which they traveled were the mountains they flew over and arid, desolate land as far as the eye could see. They ascended higher and further until they found what Astravia was searching for and flew over the spot she desired to mine.

“The rocks here don’t seem that remarkable,” Maceo pointed out as he joined the little fairy goddess.

“They are not,” she confirmed. “However, as unremarkable as they are, there is a composition within them that is rare that we require. To get the quantities we want however, we will want to take nearly as much as you can carry.”

Astravia then guided his hand and informed him to use his magic to drill deep down into the ground until he sensed something more stubborn and dense. Astravia noted his sudden difficulty and stopped him, then flew down the roughly foot wide hole down to the end, landing and wiping her fingertips on the rocks there about two-dozen feet beneath the ground. She looked it over closely, checking its texture between her thumb and forefinger then flew directly upward and rejoined Maceo.

“We have found it. That was easy,” she chirped happily.

“Easy? How am I supposed to get it out through a hole this small?” he asked her, partially frustrated, but partially amused by her casual attitude.”

“Blow it up!” Astravia explained. “There is almost nothing here to be concerned about ruining. Simply vaporize the rock in a wide enough basin for us to walk down and collect it.”

“I don’t remember you teaching me to vaporize anything.”

“It is easy!” she laughed at him. “Destroying things is incredibly simple.” A few moments later, they were standing a couple dozen feet back from where he had drilled and Astravia was sitting on his shoulder explaining the process. It took three attempts, as Maceo continually held back, not particularly enjoying destructive power, but when he was finished, they simply walked down into the basin he’d created and collected several baskets worth of stones that Astravia said they would need.

Due to the weight, Maceo was unable to generate enough speed and lift to carry their prize directly into the air from their digging site, and the grounds they’d covered to get there were unstable enough that they were forced to walk all the way back to where they’d first landed before Maceo finally sprouted his wings again and laboriously lifted his treasure up, straining to gain the altitude necessary to reach the airship, which couldn’t descend low enough to pick them up due to the random and high wind gusts there.

As they made their slow ascent with Maceo straining to close the distance to their floating home, Astravia sat on his shoulder humming pleasantly to herself. “It is for the best that we did not use the aircraft for this,” she assured him. “The winds here would make even landing that difficult and it would have taken several trips to and from the ground to bring it all up.”

Maceo shook his head at her, but kept his mouth shut while grunting and groaning as he pushed himself to his absolute physical limits. It took over a half hour to complete the ascent and as soon as he reached the hangar bay, he collapsed to the floor just after crossing inside.

“That was actually somewhat impressive,” Astravia complimented.

“Well, I haven’t felt this tired in years,” he admitted, wiping the sweat off of his brow.”

With more than half of the raw materials needed now in their possession, they set course back for Maceo’s homeland, deciding to make a stop to check in on Jimena, who they’d promised to show their airship to. The journey was again several days, but when they arrived and the massive airship descended over the small town, the people stared up in utter shock, including Jimena who was standing outside their home with her mother and brother, as well as a couple of the recently freed slaves there.

Astravia obviously assumed her mortal form and they took the aircraft down, landing well outside of town, though they didn’t have to wait long before their friends arrived to greet them. There were a number of elated greetings and Maceo then offered a tour of the airship as well as an evening as their guests, first ferrying Jimena up along with Astravia, then making another two trips to gather her brother, mother and the woman that Alypius was now courting. Both Ceren and Alypius were in significantly better health, but Alypius was especially so, now beginning to show a rather impressive and muscular physique.

They offered an aerial tour, performing a wide circle around the region for an entire day and feeding their guests handsomely with food they cooked themselves, preferring to downplay the abilities of the automatons at their disposal. Then, the next day, they ferried their guests back down to the ground and said their goodbyes and well wishes, as well as praise for all they had already accomplished in rebuilding their small town, which had been free of trouble from the slave trade ever since Maceo had eradicated the majority of those scoundrels present in the region. There were still difficulties, however Alypius was performing exactly as he’d been instructed and though his sacrifices were great, as well as the sweat and tears he was shedding in performing his duties, they were making steady headway.

Maceo offered them a final gift of enough gold to build a small business with to provide income and then they were off to meet Maceo’s sisters again. This time, the extended family was brought out to a site that was suitable to moor the airship at and they were offered day tours for a pair of days before Maceo and Astravia once again set off in search of their next quarry, again wishing their loved ones goodbye and well wishes.

Then they were off to their next location, far to the north, beyond the northern continent and to a massive island in a region that Astravia described as “the arctic.”

Here there were a handful of settlements, which they could see from elevation at night, and decided it best to avoid them after descending down in the night to investigate on Maceo’s wings. There, Astravia listened in on their conversations translating and determining these settlements were relatively new, and populated with quite skilled traders, but also men who were far more savage than they were accustomed to dealing with. It was all Astravia could do to contain herself at watching how they treated their women, and she readily admitted that we she not shrunken as much as she was, she would have cursed them all without a second thought.

“It will be fine,” she decided. “They are too brutish and short sighted to survive here. Their settlements will collapse within three generations and it will be centuries before others migrate here with any hope of success in all likelihood.”

Thankfully, they found the next two items they were looking for on the western side of the enormous island in more raw minerals as well as blood and fur of animals that had been raised and adapted with characteristics necessary to act as catalysts.

They spent the next three months traveling the known world collecting what they required before venturing across the great ocean to the west of their home and entering over a heavily forested land that was on the verge of turning gold and red with the coming of fall. They floated from thousands of feet up for three days before Astravia finally decided on a site that would be suitable, but due to the dense foliage, decided it was best to use the aircraft to set down on a beach on the coast line.

When they set down early in the morning, just past sunrise, Maceo climbed out of his craft and pulled a satchel needed to collect their newest treasures, though he stopped just before he was ready to trek into the thick forest and stared at the woodline.

“Beloved?” Astravia asked, adjusting her newest skirt while in her fairy form while sitting on the dash of the aircraft.

“I have a strange feeling,” Maceo answered her. “Like I’m being watched.”

Astravia raised an eyebrow and climbed to the edge of the cockpit, peeking out and watching with him.

“We are,” she confirmed. “Well, I think you are. I do not think they have seen me yet.”

“Who is it?”

“I am uncertain,” she answered. “I believe you will be able to handle them. Somehow they are concealing themselves even from me.”

“So they have magic.”

“Yes, however, I only sense caution and fear. I believe I will be fine so long as you are with me.”

“Do you want to transform into your mortal form?”

“It is likely too late for that,” she answered. “If they saw us land, it would be too suspicious for me to grow and appear from nowhere in this small cockpit.”

“Well, let’s avoid them for now and enter the forest at a point away from them,” Maceo decided. Astravia then fluttered her wings and ascended and they began walking forward a number of yards until Astravia was shaken.

“Oh, I believe they have seen me. The energy has shifted,” she informed Maceo, still trekking along toward the forest’s edge with Maceo touching his sword and trying to determine if he would need to clear a path. They were nearly twenty feet from the edge of the forest when there was a slight twinkle of light from their right from within the woods and a small object rocketed out at near lightning speed, coming to an abrupt stop directly in front of Astravia and so close their noses were practically touching.

She was a little more than five inches tall, with beautiful shiny wings and lustrous bright blue hair that was in the cutest bob cut Maceo had ever seen. As slender and trim as Astravia was in this form, she was twice so, and almost had an adolescent look about her, though there were a few subtle telltale signs in her appearance that betrayed the fact that she was definitely an adult fairy.

“You’re a fairy!” she squeaked in her native language, elated and brimming with excitement as she fluttered around Astravia, inspecting her from every possible angle. As she fluttered underneath Astravia the fairy goddess was forced to squeeze her thighs together and cover herself from her prying eyes. “But can fairies has as much of a figure as you?”

“They can,” Astravia answered her pleasantly with a smile. “I did not realize there were fairies here in this land,” she added, sharing her thoughts so that Maceo could understand their language as they spoke and quickly absorbing it as Astravia’s thoughts poured in.

“Oh yeah!” she answered brightly, bouncing mid air, and as if on command, a few dozen more lights twinkled and they were suddenly surrounded by a crowd of fairies that were absolutely fascinated by the strange new comers, but especially Maceo.

There were far more females than males, and those who were present all had tiny weapons and zipped around Maceo, inspecting him and glaring suspiciously and as if they felt threatened while the females swarmed around him, brimming with curiosity and excitement.

“What is it?” several asked each other, zooming in and out from his body, reaching out to touch, then rocketing backward, recoiling in fear before edging back in again to satiate their curiosity.

“It is not an it,” Astravia informed them politely. “It is a he, and he is my beloved.”

“Beloved?” the first fairy asked, closing in far too closely for comfort. “But he’s HUGE!” she screamed.

“And yet, he is my beloved.”

“It’s a he?” one fairy asked excitedly amongst a fury of murmurs as even more fairies jetted out to join them. “But how?”

“It IS a he!!” another screamed. “I found it, and it’s GIGANTIC!” she screamed, prodding the bulge in his pants.

“NO!” Astravia screamed, zipping down between the mischievous fairy and her husband’s genitals. “It is considered rude to touch mortals in this manner!” she explained, struggling to maintain her patience.

All of the fairies seemed to freeze and stare at her with one murmuring “mortal?” They then zipped with lightning speed into a swarm of fairies, huddling together and murmuring excitedly and quietly amongst themselves with occasional tiny heads popping out randomly from the swarm on all sides to stare and inspect the giant before popping back in again.

“Please be calm; I will explain,” Astravia assured them while rising up to around Maceo’s chin level. This was all that was needed and the swarm zipped forward, encircling the fairy goddess in sheets of fairies, looking to her for the promised explanation.

“They’re a lot more excitable than I imagined,” Maceo laughed to Astravia, who had placed her face in her hand and was re-centering herself again.

“Cultures amongst fairies vary widely,” Astravia answered him. “No two cultures of fairies are alike. However, one thing is common amongst them: extremely high energy, thus why they only live half as long as your people.”

“He lives twice as long as us?” one asked, now vibrating with so much excitement she looked like she might pop and fall from the air.

“Yes. Have none of you ever heard of mortals?” Astravia asked to a sea of tiny heads shaking in the negative.

Then after a moment, one tiny voice squeaked out, “I have. My great grandmother told me about them when I was little.” Now the swarm of fairies realigned to encircle her, hanging off of her every word.

“And what did she say?” Astravia asked her gently.

“They killed us,” the little fairy woman replied. “They hunted us and put us in cages that were solid but almost invisible. Then they sucked all of the life out of us. She said she was the last one to know the story.”

“And what is that story?” Astravia asked, fluttering up to speak more personally to her.

“The ones that survived managed to run and hide. Then they combined their energy and we were here.”

“And where were you before?” Astravia asked.

“I don’t know,” the little fairy answered. “Very, very, very, very far from here.”

“I don’t understand,” Maceo interjected. “They just popped in to this place?”

“Essentially, yes,” Astravia answered. “Fairies are innately magical creatures. Alone, a single fairy is nothing more than a small spark of magical energy, however that spark is very pure. When fairies pool their energy, they have a number of tricks at their disposal, but they are all instinctual. One such ability is to open a rift in space that will take them away from whatever is endangering them.”

“You’re really smart!” the first little fairy woman exclaimed, darting up to Astravia and again fluttering nose to nose with her.

“Thank you,” Astravia answered back politely. “You are all quite lovely and sweet,” she complimented back to a cacophony of tiny titters. Maceo looked at them, narrowing his eyes and struggling to understand their strange mannerisms. “Beloved, do not forget this: amongst fairies, when they offer a compliment it is customary to offer a genuine compliment in kind. To do otherwise is considered quite offensive.”

“Umm… I’ll try,” Maceo promised. “But I hardly know them.”

“Why doesn’t he know about fairies?” one asked Astravia while poking her head through the swarm. On the fringes, the males continued to glare and scrutinize him as if he were a predator threatening their territory.

“He has never been to a fairy forest before,” Astravia answered her gently.

“But then how did you find him?”

“I was out for a stroll and I saw him and I was intrigued, so I flew over to him and introduced myself,” she answered quite honestly.

“But the others didn’t come too?” another asked.

“I was alone. The fairy forests in the old land are not as densely populated as this one appears to be,” Astravia explained as still more little flickers of light were emitted in the distance before more fairies zipped in to join the first ones.

“From what I’ve heard of fairy forests, even when you go to one, it’s hard to find a fairy,” Maceo told them all.

“Why is that?” the first fairy from earlier asked him, zipping up to him and looking at him quite innocently and curiously.

“Because he’s a mimas,” the fairy who’d shared their story answered.

“A what?” Maceo asked her.

“A giant monster,” Astravia answered him for her.

“A mimas?” came a number of tiny and concerned murmurs.

“Oh no, he is not a mimas,” she encouraged them. “He is actually quite kind.”

“He is?” several fairies asked exuberantly and zipped up close and personal again, touching his face from various angles. As it became clear that these bold little fairies were safe, the others drew nearer again and surrounded them both. A couple of fairy ladies came up very close to his eyes, sniffed him and when they decided they liked his smell they dropped down and sat together on his shoulder to rest there.

“Oh yes, he has always been exceedingly kind to me.”

“He didn’t eat your friends?” the little fairy who’d explained their origins asked.

“Oh no, never. In fact, not long ago he saved me from others of his kind that were extremely mean to me.”

“So they can be mean?” the same scared little fairy asked nervously.

“Oh yes,” Astravia confirmed. “But they can also fill you with more love than you can imagine.” There was suddenly a sea of tiny gasps and the swarm immediately drew so close now that Maceo couldn’t move even slightly without risking knocking a fairy out of the air.

“I wanna feel!” “Me too!” “And me!” came the chorus of requests.

“Oh, but it takes time,” Astravia shared with all of them. “His kind when they open their love is like the warm sun on a mild day. You do not feel it all at once.”

“Well, they’re really upbeat,” Maceo commented.

“What’s up beat?” one little fairy asked him.

“These fairies are quite special. They are extremely pure, perhaps as pure as I have ever seen,” Astravia answered. Then suddenly there was a wave of fairies fluttering around her at dizzying speeds.

“You’re so beautiful!” one chirped. “Your hair is like the sun!” offered another with each clamoring over each other to find a unique compliment to offer her. Maceo couldn’t help but smile as Astravia accepted the unending chorus of positive words, blushing more and more heavily as they poured in.

It was also overwhelming. Maceo was careful to observe and contribute as little as possible to the conversation if for no other reason than he wasn’t sure he could keep up with the rate at which these energetic creatures moved. There was quite a bit more back and forth amongst them as they continued to exchange pleasantries before Astravia was able to return to the order of business, which was how exactly such a thriving community of fairies had come to inhabit this uncivilized continent.

It took some work, but eventually she was able to piece together their story in total and then explain it back to the little fairies.
Check out my SW story Please..:

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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Tue Aug 16, 2022 3:35 am

Not long after Astravia had last been seen on this world, the guild of sorcery was already acting swiftly and decisively to accumulate power in the hopes of building enough to eventually confront her when she returned. One of the first steps was the capture of magical creatures to be used in bolstering their magical arsenal. Some of this Astravia was already fully aware of after researching the criminal acts of the guild, but some of the minutia were new to her.

One of the safeguards that Astravia had in place for such insurrections was sentient magical races like fairies had their own means of reaching Astravia and petitioning her if humans encroached too far. Astravia did know about the collection and abuse of magical races on this world, however what surprised her was to learn that the guild had actually had the insight to consider that there were other means of petitioning Astravia than her temple on the mountain. As such, the guild systematically sought out and destroyed any such site before beginning their semi genocidal abduction efforts.

The ancestors of these little fairies came from the same region where the guild’s main base of operations was, which was now a sealed tomb with the aged corpses of its former members. As such, their ancestors were among the first magical species to be captured and tortured. The reason was quite simple. Fairies were an innately magical species with some of the purest magical sparks available. The offsetting factor was that while fairies had such a spark, that spark was so pure that it offered almost no ability to interact with naturally occurring magic outside of themselves. They also only contained that small spark of magic, thus why despite being magical beings, their inability to levy any significant magical force unless gathered in large groups.

Still, though, these sparks could be extracted and stored, and with the proper amount of skill such a spark could be fanned into a flame. Typically, this level of skill was something all but unheard of in such primitive and young cultures. The guild of sorcery, however, was relentless in their search for power and despite the difficulties managed to overcome their deficiencies and harvest these powers for their uses. In fact, the canons and hand held weapons that they had wielded against Astravia when she confronted them were all sourced from fairies. It was quite an impressive feat, however it cost the lives of over a million fairies to get to that point.

In the years following their capture, the fairies were experimented on and bred in levels to maintain their captive population. They were also kept in jars, separated from each other in order to stop them from pooling their magical power.

Most of a fairy’s tactical options were defensive in nature. There were, of course, some offensive options available to them. As Astravia listened to them discuss what little they knew of their history and their culture, Astravia also scanned backward in time, sharing what she found in Maceo’s eyes as she investigated.

After more than a century of imprisonment, one fairy managed to channel his ability to size shift and concentrate it enough to make himself small enough to slip through an air hole in his jar. All fairies had limited size change abilities, but typically a fairy was only able to size change around threefold in either direction and even then only very briefly, though growing to around seventeen inches was not usually an effective tactic. Shrinking down to less than two inches, however, could be quite useful in evading a predator if used properly in conjunction with a fairy’s impressive speed bursts.

This particular fairy managed to shrink himself down to an eighth of an inch tall, which was barely small enough to squeeze out of his prison. From there, he found another in a quiet corner of a shelf and now that they were close enough, he was able to pool power with her, and shrink her small enough to perform the same feat.

With each successive fairy freed, the process grew faster and easier until one of the guild’s researchers discovered that something was amiss. She entered the storage facilities to see almost a thousand fairies loose and she used her magic to incinerate over half of them in short order, which led to the fairies that remained to gather together and unleash one of the tactical options at their group disposal.

Fairy magic like this is always unpredictable. It is purely instinctual and to add fuel to that fire, decided by the subconscious consensus of the group. Typically, such options resulted in the hunted fairies teleporting away from the threat, or creating a mist bomb that would relax and placate their enemies, or other such magic. That being said, it’s a bad idea to corner a swarm of fairies, which is exactly what had been done here. Teleporting wasn’t even an option in this case due to the protective barriers throughout the guild’s lair. This left few options in their arsenal to manifest, so something exceedingly rare happened.

The fairies gathered instinctively and when none of their preferred methods manifested themselves, panic set in and all of their magic was directed solely at the two sorceresses that were slaughtering them wholesale. The resulting chain reaction in their bodies shocked and short-circuited them and their senses and they fell to their hands and knees.

Then, stunned and disoriented, the sorceresses began shrinking, slowly at first, then more quickly down into their clothes, disappearing within them. Surrounded in the darkness underneath their robes, they struggled and panicked, overwhelmed with fear and a lack of understanding until their panic settled enough for them to slowly crawl in search of any exit from their fabric prisons. When they finally emerged, they had themselves been transformed into fairies.

There was no other circumstance that could have occurred to offer the captive fairies reprieve or escape. The guild’s defenses were simply too thorough. The newly minted fairies cried and sobbed to themselves over the mishap, but mostly over the consequences that were certain to come sooner rather than later. The guild was not an organization known for kindness or mercy, nor were they likely to listen to a fairy. Even if there were a means to restore the women back to their normal state (which there wasn’t), the guild wouldn’t have invested the resources to do so. They simply would have collected their former comrades along with all of the other fairies and put them back in their jars for further breeding and experimentation.

As such, when the first sorceress managed to get hold of herself and accept the realities of her new existence, she rallied the other sorceress and they managed to convince the fairy swarm to work with them to escape using their vast knowledge of the underground fortress.

The fairy swarm evaded discovery and capture for three and a half days before they finally found an opening to sneak out and finally free themselves.

As soon as they were free and in the open, the fairies immediately gathered and pooled their energies in a panic, creating a teleport that was so desperate it moved them thousands of miles away and across a vast ocean. One sorceress was accidentally captured in the middle of the ball of fairies and transported with them. The other was just outside the collection and left there alone, but free. She flew for weeks before she found herself in another forest inhabited by fairies and lied about her origins in order to fit in, though she never really did. They were kind to her and accepted her into their community, but was awkward enough that she never fit in and didn’t participate in the normal fairy activities. They especially had trouble with her constantly dour mood, fueled by her lifelong depression from having been shrunken down into a fairy. She spent her remaining eleven years relatively alone and died this way, uncomforted by those that took her in, but could never fully understand her.

The other was begrudgingly accepted in the ranks of the newly freed community, though she was never really appreciated nor liked. The only reason that they did accept her to begin with was the accumulated knowledge she had as a human and a sorceress to help them establish the fairy village that was just a short walk from where they hovered now and help it slowly build and eventually flourish.

She was offered some mercy when she died of old age fourteen years later in the form of some of the fairies caring for her in her final days and sitting with her as she passed. She did manage to express regret for the pain she’d inflicted on the freed fairies, but it was only modestly accepted as all fairies present were constantly reminded that appearances aside, she was a mimas.

Among the fairy courtesies she never received once was the heartwarming custom that Maceo had just been introduced to in meeting their new tiny friends. Not once in her years with them was she offered a single compliment, and not once was a compliment she offered ever returned.

However, with that remnant of the old world behind them, the fairies were left to nothing but their own exceedingly positive natures to fuel them. The only stressors here were natural predators, of which there were many, thus why the male fairies had taken to the unusual custom (for a fairy) of wielding weapons, which was a skill taught to their ancestors by the sorceress turned fairy that had accidentally been transported with them.

For almost all of the fairies present, this story was new to them. It was very interesting and entertaining, but not particularly moving. Fairies were creatures that lived in the present, and they didn’t particularly value history. Parsing through and expanding the story was wonderful for titillating them and their imaginations, but little else. They didn’t seem to care that the parts of the story of their history that Maceo and Astravia shared with them were somewhat vague. In fact, that seemed to make it all the more fun for them.

For Maceo, this was unfathomable, but for Astravia, it could only make her smile.

This conversation of sleuthing out their history was enough to earn friendship from the fairies, who were now willing to lead them back to their fairy village in order to learn more about them.

Fairy cultures were decidedly non hierarchical. There were no leaders among them, no council to rule or legislate, no laws aside from their own pure and innocent feelings to guide them and their interactions. One other surprise for Maceo was actually how clumsy fairies were. Out in the open, they would burst at dizzying speeds, often stopping millimeters from their targets. That they had no concept of personal space was obvious to him, especially after he began walking and following them only to have nearly a dozen fairies flutter over and perch on his shoulders and head, every one of them inspecting his massive body and comparing it to themselves.

“He’s not that different,” one on top of his head remarked to another.

“But he’s HUGE!” came the response.

Once they were in the confines of their fairy village, though, Maceo was stunned and then on the edge of hysterical laughter as he watched their whimsical behaviors. Upon seeing new guests enter their territory, a massive commotion erupted and fairies lit up and zipped every which way to share the interesting news.

Again, given how they behaved in the presence of larger beings, one would get the impression that they were graceful and precise. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Everywhere around him, Maceo could see tiny fairies zipping in every direction, and also constantly colliding with each other, causing little puffs of golden dust that sprinkled down everywhere.

In each and every case, the two fairies would bounce off of each other, face each other and then giggle hysterically before zipping off again, usually in completely different directions than they had been going to begin with. Obviously the collisions were unintentional, but they also seemed to be an example of yet another strange fairy custom. No matter how hard they would collide with each other, they would simply giggle it off and zip away, more than likely just to do it again.

The collisions around him of tiny fairies was constant and Maceo was thoroughly amused, though for Astravia it all just seemed to be par for the course. At one point, one fairy slammed directly into Maceo’s left cheek, then bounced off, stared at him wide eyed and giggled profusely. The only thing that stalled her from then going on about her business was the fascinating amused smile he had, which she found intriguing. When he chuckled at her slightly, she vibrated with excitement and then zipped away in a flash.

Apparently, the only reason that fairies appeared to be so graceful and accurate was that whenever they were out away from their safe harbor, they were on pins and needles at all times, extremely wary of any dangers or predators that might be after them. Once their guards were down, though? They were as clumsy as one could possibly imagine.

Of course they all wished to throw a banquet for their new guests, despite Maceo insisting they had business elsewhere. They simply didn’t care and were living in the moment and the joy of new and interesting friends. It was Astravia who petitioned him to stay for a while and enjoy their hospitality, though when dinner was served (lemon grass served with berries and the sugary sap from the trees they lived in), Maceo found it decidedly unfilling. Interestingly, the fairies didn’t seem to understand exactly WHY he was unfilled by an entire leaf plate the size of the pad of his forefinger. He did admit that it was all very sweet and tasted good, though.

Again the fairies showed their clumsiness, plowing their faces into their food, especially the berries and sap, covering their faces in a wet, sticky mess without even seeming to realize or care how filthy they were making themselves.

After dinner, Maceo watched as they all lifted up and a number of fairies zipped in, pulling on Astravia and Maceo’s hands.

Astravia smiled and followed suit, then waved for Maceo to do the same as they followed the waves of little fairies through the forest until they found a crystal clear pond with thick cattails encircling nearly the entire body of water. As soon as they were there, Maceo’s eyebrow lifted as suddenly they all zipped forward at lightning speed, leaving their little fairy skirts and shorts falling from the air.

Hundreds of naked fairies then dove face first into the water, creating countless splashes of water and a bright glow beneath the surface as the little fairies were slowed to a halt. They swam and frolicked as Maceo walked around the edge of the pond along with Astravia to the small space that was not shrouded in cattails and instead was covered in sand that obviously had been brought here over time by the fairies.

“What are you waiting for?” came numerous tiny cries. “Come join us!” came others, then one particularly loud voice screamed out, “I WANNA SEE IT!” Astravia put her face in her hand and shook her head. “Come on!” came more tiny screams.

“I will join them,” Astravia informed him. “You will remain here,” she ordered, then yanked her skirt off and dropped it in his palm before zipping off and rocketing into the water. Now there was a mix of cheers and aww’s over Astravia joining them and Maceo not respectively.

The fairies played and splashed away for enough time for the partial moon to rise up in the sky and then they began doggy paddling their way over to the little sand trap they’d created for themselves and crawled up onto dry sand to dry out. Maceo could see their little wet wings flap, but given how wet they were, there was not going to be any flying for some time yet. When Astravia returned to him, she climbed up onto his knee while he sat, which apparently was taken as an invitation for dozens of other naked fairies to follow her and climb up as well.

“Oh he’s so warm!” one exclaimed exuberantly. As soon as she said that, dozens of other tiny fairy heads popped up from the sand and stared at him and before he knew it, he was so covered in naked fairies that he was forced to lay down on the ground to create enough space for them all.

As they all lay together on top of him adoring the warmth he provided, Astravia crawled up, pushing her way through the sea of nude fairies and settled at his collarbone smirking up at him. “I’m a little nervous about hurting them if I move at all,” Maceo confided in her.

“Fairies are more resilient than you might think. Do not fret,” she answered him. Maceo raised an eyebrow and looked down his body to see little nude bodies, most of them females laying in just about every direction with their soaked wings randomly flapping and showing themselves to be utterly useless at that moment in time. They lay like this well into the middle of the night with nearly all of them falling asleep and some of them making high pitch little noises that were somehow reminiscent of a cat purring.

“Fairies do not normally sleep like this for this long after a meal,” Astravia told him. “It is clear that they really like you.” Maceo only smiled at her and turned his eyes slightly to see that the very first fairy to greet them had at some point crawled her way up to lay beside Maceo’s neck.

“They’d dry out a lot faster if we started a bonfire,” Maceo suggested.

“And they would love that too. However, fairies are too flight of mind to tend to something like that. It could end in a forest fire.”

“So fairies don’t know how to start a fire?”

“Most of a fairy’s knowledge is innate and passed to them at birth. They do not accumulate it like your people do over generations. Their bodies are also highly adaptable, so such innovations are not really necessary for them. They find what they need within nature. Their instincts are quite strong.”

Late into the night, when the moon was high, the first fairy, a male, stirred and began fluttering his wings, shaking out the remaining moisture in them. A moment later, he began slowly lifting up into the air and then swerved left and right slowly, now lacking any of the previous sprightliness they had shown ever since Maceo and Astravia had arrived here in this land. Little by little, though, the little fairy male became quicker and quicker until he fluttered over to the randomly discarded fairy clothes and picked out something suitable for himself before simply fluttering off into the woods. A moment later, a female fairy lifted up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, then smiled groggily and behaved the exact same way.

Little by little, the fairies lifted off and departed similarly, but as their ranks thinned, it became apparent that those that remained were doing so strictly out of a desire to be close to their new friends. Interestingly, all of those that hung on the longest were females, while males, who were much quicker to lift off and seek new and interesting adventures were now starting to come back and stare first at them with curiosity, but then with growing envy. When there were only eleven left laying on Maceo, Astravia finally sat up and motioned for her little fairy skirt. Once she was dressed again, she stood and looked around her, pulling on the arm of the little blue haired fairy that had been the first to greet them.

She smiled up at Astravia groggily, then curled up again and attempted to sleep some more. “You are not going to sleep the entire night away, are you?” Astravia asked her.

“Can I?” she asked back. The few remaining fairies stirred and murmured similar statements while a trio of Males zipped out and looked down on them as if being threatened in some manner.

“When do we get to see him?” one little fairy asked,, immediately catching Astravia’s attention.

“His kind does not do that,” Astravia answered her.

“Why not?” she asked.

“They are different from fairies,” Astravia answered. “They have great difficulty seeing those of the opposite sex naked without becoming sexually aroused.”

“That’s fine,” the little fairy lady replied while a couple of her friends giggled.

“What are you saying?” Maceo asked his little fairy goddess wife. “That they’re just hanging out waiting to get laid?”

“No,” Astravia answered him. “Fairies are not nearly as lascivious as your kind is. They enjoy sex, they are simply nowhere near as motivated by it as your kind is.”

“Well, if he wants it, then we should give it to him,” one little naked fairy suggested while climbing to her feet and fluttering her wings to test them out. As soon as she said so, the others began rising as well.

“That is not a good idea,” Astravia answered. “He will make enough mess that it will cover all of you and it will get stuck in your wings.”

“Oooh!” one squeaked with intrigue.

“No, not ‘oooh!’,” Astravia corrected her forcefully, “it will take days to get it all out. You will not be able to fly like that!”

“Well he can carry us then,” another nude fairy suggested as she stood up from lying down on the right side of his chest. Astravia looked over to her with a growing level of frustration, especially as she saw that standing up for the first time along with these fairies, who normally fluttered and hovered, she was only chin height to the tiny woman. Even as a fairy, she was short.

“By that point, he will require more of your sexual attention and you will be covered yet again. It will ruin your wings,” Astravia warned her. Maceo was still lying there watching the conversation unfold, infinitely amused by Astravia’s arguments.

“We can take turns,” another suggested while fluttering over and then setting down to stand in front of Astravia, also significantly taller than the little fairy goddess.

“I can help!” another stated cheerfully and fluttered over. While not nearly as tall as the other two, Astravia was forced to look up at her as well.

“Are you just going to lie there?” Astravia asked, turning to Maceo and stomping her feet on his collarbone in frustration. He chuckled, then moved his hands to cup them while slowly and carefully sitting up so that they could easily step into his palms and onto his wrists as he did so.

“Ladies, my heart belongs to one and only one woman,” Maceo informed them, looking down happily at his little fairy goddess lover. Astravia smiled and blushed slightly with her wings fluttering unintentionally.

“That’s fine,” one little fairy lady chirped cheerfully. “But if you need to do it, we should just do it.”

“No, what I mean is that with my kind, we only do that kind of thing with the ones we really love the most.” Suddenly the little fairies fluttered their wings and their eyes narrowed, scrutinizing him greatly.

“Why does that feel like it isn’t true?” one fairy asked him.

“Fairies also have incredible intuition when it comes to lies,” Astravia warned Maceo.

“Alright, fine. So not everyone of my kind is like that, but it is expected of us. We’re not supposed to do those kinds of things unless it’s with someone we take for life. The ones who don’t follow that are generally bad people,” Maceo explained, The little naked fairies looked him over carefully, then their wings fluttered and they smiled again, satisfied with his answer. This did little to quell the jealousy in the eyes of the male fairies staring at them from the perimeter.

“Thank you,” Astravia said to him with a sigh of relief, then all of the little fairies around her snapped to and looked her in shock. Each leaned toward her and stared until one finally found the words to explain the revelation that had just been displayed for them.

“He’s not your beloved, he’s your territory!” she blurted out. The other fairies dropped their jaws and Astravia turned to stare back at them as if she were a cat caught with a pet canary in its mouth.

“What?” Astravia muttered, but the other fairies were now airborne again hovering on all sides around her.

“It’s true! He’s your territory!” they all sang in shock and surprise. “You said he was your beloved!”

“He is my beloved!” Astravia screeched back.

“He’s your territory!”

“Ladies,” Maceo said gently, scooping several of the fairy women into his hands to force their attention. “Among my kind, they’re basically the same thing.” They all stared at him both in disbelief and disappointment. “I guess I took it for granted.”

“But… but…” one stammered forcefully, struggling for air past her disappointment and frustration. “But… we don’t get to play with him?” There were several moans of defeat until one little fairy lady had a brighter idea.

“No! You heard her, we can turn him into a fairy and then we can ALL play with him!” she exclaimed to cheers until one drew further logical conclusions from her theory.

“But then he won’t be giant anymore!” Again there were several groans of disappointment and defeat as apparently they had all been extremely excited by the prospect of frolicking in bed with a giant many times their size.

“But he’ll still be so cute!” another argued to unanimous cheers.

“No! You are not turning him into a fairy!” Astravia declared.

“But why not?” one asked, whining to her. “We wanna play with him too!”

“Because he’s mine!” Astravia answered desperately.

“He IS your territory!” one blurted in disbelief.

“What kind of fairy ARE YOU?”

“They’re fun. I almost regret being a one woman kind of guy,” Maceo laughed at Astravia who looked up at him discontentedly. The fairies in his hands, however, smiled up with little pixie grins and fluttered their wings.

“Wanna be a many woman kind of fairy?” one asked.

“Being a fairy won’t change that about me. Sorry.” Again there were cries of complaint, but Maceo refused to budge. One little fairy rocked onto her back with her knees pulled up to her chest, baring her tiny womanhood to Maceo.

“It’ll be so fun,” she tempted him. “Please?”

“I promised my heart, mind, body and soul to Avia and Avia alone,” Maceo told her and again there were cries of protest.

“But we can still play with you, right?” one bold male fairy asked after zipping up and tugging on Astravia’s arm.

“No you may not,” Astravia barked back at him, making him stare at her like a little lost puppy dog.

Finally defeated, the fairies all lifted up and began fluttering away with one muttering, “we’ll change their minds,” before disappearing in a puff of gold dust.

“You will not change our minds!” Astravia yelled after her.

“I thought you said they weren’t as lascivious as my kind are,” Maceo joked with her.

“They are not,” she assured him, stomping her little fairy feet in his palm. “However, they also do not have the same regard for personal space nor boundaries that most other races have. Please be careful that one does not attempt to fly up your pants leg.”

“How come you never tried to fly up my pants leg?” Maceo teased her.

“Because I am the queen of the gods!” she whispered to him harshly.

“If I were a fairy, I’d fly up your dress,” Maceo tempted her. She suddenly blushed and struggled to maintain eye contact.

“I had almost forgotten how masterful your skills were when I was the larger one amongst us,” she commented very softly to him.

“Miss it?”

“Actually, no,” she answered him with a bashful smile.
Check out my SW story Please..:

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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Thu Aug 18, 2022 3:15 am

That evening, Maceo and Astravia stayed with the fairies, who realistically had no place for Maceo to sleep. As such, he rested at the foot of a tree with Astravia resting on his chest, and before long they were joined by that first fairy who had greeted them (who finally introduced herself as Dela). Dela was very interested in sleeping close to Astravia as well as the warmth Maceo provided and before long, Maceo was the host of dozens of more fairies all interested in using him as their warm bed for the evening.

The next morning, Maceo and Astravia headed out just after sunrise to accomplish their mission, stopping to hunt along the way with a number of fairies tagging along out of curiosity.

Fairies are natural foragers, subsisting off of plants and berries around them and living off of a purely plant and fungal based diet, so they were beyond curious when Maceo returned to his aircraft and pulled a bow from it along with arrows. Given their soft and peaceful natures, as well as the fact that they had spent centuries with no contact whatsoever with humans, it immediately occurred to Astravia that she should fully explain what Maceo was up to in advance of him tracking any quarry.

When she did explain what hunting meant, the entire gaggle of fairies was confounded and shocked to hear that Maceo planned to actually kill an animal to feast on its flesh.

“But… why?” Dela asked along with other emotionally wounded little fairies.

“Because he needs it for sustenance,” Astravia answered her.

“But what have the grouse ever done to him?” one little fairy complained. Even the male fairies who were armed with little spears were shocked.

“What has the field mouse ever done to the owl?” Astravia asked back as she watched Maceo proceed forward toward a clearing. “What has the rabbit ever done to the fox?” she added. “Humans are predatory animals, the same as any other, only more intelligent. Maceo can survive off of berries, but he needs far more than you offered him last night and he is growing hungry having not eaten a real meal in so long.”

“But I don’t want them to die,” another fairy cried.

“He is not going to kill them all, only what he requires,” Astravia answered her.

“But can’t we just get him more berries?” yet another begged. Maceo overheard them from ahead and turned to look back, taking pity on the little creatures and walked back to address their concerns.

“Like Avia said, do you try to convince owls and foxes or wolves not to hunt other animals?” How is it different?” Maceo asked them as they hovered up level with his face. “Look at my teeth. Don’t they look a lot like a wolf or a fox’s?”

“Sort of,” a few admitted squeamishly.

“Does that mean you’re going to eat us?” one asked from the back. “Owls and foxes try to eat us all the time.”

“No,” Maceo answered her with a smile. “You and I may be different in how big we are, and you don’t have any jagged teeth like I have for biting flesh, and I wasn’t born with a magical spark inside of me, but aside from those three things we were made from the same image. Fairies are very close to humans, and eating a fairy is almost the same as me eating another human.”

“But the others, the mimas we talked about, they killed lots of us!”

“But they didn’t eat you. They were horrible people, but all of them are gone now. Every last one of them.” The little fairies were now out of arguments, but still unsettled, so Maceo lowered his bow and looked at Astravia, who merely stared back, not wanting to exacerbate the situation any further. “Alright, before I say anything else, I want you all to understand: I’m a hunter. My kind eats meat. Without at least some in our diet, we get sick and ill. Do you all understand? You can’t change that about me.”

“But if we turned you into a fairy…” Dela suggested.

“I’m not going to be a fairy,” Maceo told her. “You know what? I love you all for what you are, can’t you do the same for me?” he asked them. Suddenly dozens of little fairy heads perked up and they became exponentially excited after hearing such unexpected positivity. A number of them jittered and twitched in the air while Dela and a few others zipped at near lightning speed up to his face, hugging it. He gave them a moment to settle down and then addressed them again.

“Do you all understand? This is part of what I am. I eat meat. That means some animals have to die so I can eat. I don’t do it to be cruel, and I don’t do it to hurt them. Can you say the same thing for all of the other predators you’ve seen?”

The little fairies shook their heads excitedly, finally taking his words to heart. “I don’t want to be a fairy, as much as I love you all,” he said, exciting them all even more, though now they did manage to contain their glee. “Alright, so this is the last time we have this argument, right? Next time you see me go off to hunt, if you don’t like it, you should stay behind. But this one time I’ll find something else to eat.”

“Well that is very generous of you,” Astravia complimented him from just above his shoulder.

“I think they know how cute they are and how difficult it is to say no to them,” Maceo joked with her, then was treated to a swirl of little fairies singing praises in return to him.

“So what DO humans eat?” Dela asked after they had sang enough of his praises.

“If there are any apples or tubers around, I could probably get by on those for a little while. But all the sweet things you eat all the time don’t agree with me if that’s all I eat.”

“WE HAVE THOSE!!” several fairies sang exuberantly and then zipped down to his hands, grabbing his fingers to try to pull him along and lead him to another source of food.

Maceo managed to make a decent meal from some apples and tubers that he found thanks to the help of the little fairies and then was off again on his mission with Astravia sitting on his shoulder and snuggled up to his neck and Dela snuggled up happily beside her while a few other fairies sat on his other shoulder and a little squadron of fairies fluttered around him as he walked. One fetching little fairy with soft magenta hair flew up to him and smiled in front of his face while flying backward just as they reached a ridge that gave them a better view of the area.

“Avia said that you need a lot of sex, but you haven’t had any in like a whole day! Are you sure you’re alright?” she asked him in a cheery, but also genuinely concerned voice.

“I’m fine,” Maceo laughed at her.

“Are you sure? Because we thought for sure you would have done it last night.”

“Not in front of everyone,” Maceo laughed further, lifting his hand so she could sit on his finger and still speak to him while he moved her so he could look past her and survey his next steps. “I prefer that kind of thing in private.”

“What’s private?” one little fairy asked from his right side.

“Private is what we choose to do alone, or only with someone that is very special to us,” Astravia explained.

“Why would you do that? Everything is more fun if you share it with everyone else,” came the obvious answer.

“Because some things become more special when you only share it with someone you really care about,” Maceo told her.

“I really care about you both a lot,” Dela chimed is. “Why don’t you want to play with me?”

“I thought you said that fairies weren’t as consumed by sex as my kind are,” Maceo laughed to Astravia.

“They are not,” Astravia answered him. “But fairies are extremely giving and love to please others. We let them know this was something that you have strong desires for, so they want to be of service to make you happy.”

“So they don’t get any pleasure from sex?” Maceo asked.

“Oh, sex feels fantastic!” Dela answered him so cheerfully that her wings fluttered and she lifted from his shoulder as he began trekking forward again. “But there are lots of things that are at least as fun!” she answered him.

“Believe me, beloved, if they were anywhere near as hungry for carnal desires, you would know it. Fairies have far less inhibition than your kind and even less will to build those inhibitions. Pixies on the other hand?”

“I’m not familiar with pixies,” Maceo said to her as he began walking down he side of the ridge toward his next waypoint.

“Pixie is a term used to describe an offshoot of fairies that can take a variety of forms,” Astravia explained. “Typically, a pixie is created by the breeding of a human with a fairy, resulting in an in between breed that tends to usually exhibit more of the less desirable traits of either race. They can be as small as a fairy, or depending on its origins, of varying size between a fairy and a human. They lack the purity of a fairy, and the focus of a human. They have also been known to have insatiable sexual appetites like humans do without the ability to regulate such desires.”

“You mean humans and fairies can have babies?” Dela asked, now bouncing on Maceo’s shoulders.

“Yes, however, I do not recommend it,” Astravia told her, slightly irritated by the suggestion behind her comments. “Pixies are almost always quite mischievous and because they are often larger than fairies, they could end up doing hurtful things in a community of fairies, or cause a great deal of trouble in a community of humans. As I said, unless one is careful, the product of a human and a fairy is usually the less desirable parts of both of them combined.”

They continued to walk for another couple of hours before Maceo finally found what he was looking for in a shallow basin that was relatively free of trees. The fairies watched in awe as Maceo used magic to excavate the coal he was looking for, examining it and noting the different shade and texture it had from the region he was from.

“Think this should be enough?” he asked Astravia while holding up a large chunk.

“Ideally, yes, however perhaps we should take more?” she asked back exhibiting an abundance of caution. Maceo agreed and then put nearly three times the amount into his satchel and then began the arduous trek back.

By this point, the little fairies accompanying them had grown tired and were in need of a place to rest, so they all ended up landing and sitting for a good long while on what space remained on Maceo’s shoulders as well as his head and his forearm, which he was kind enough to bend upward and provide as a perch for those that couldn’t fit elsewhere.

When they finally returned to the little fairy community in the woods, the fairies were all thoroughly worn out. Fairies of course were known for their high levels of energy, however like their speed, that energy normally occurred in bursts. The endurance required for a long hike like the one Maceo had engaged in was highly uncommon for them and thus ran them down considerably.

Once they were home, Maceo gently plucked them one by one from wherever they were resting on him and gingerly placed them in perches according to their wishes while several male fairies fluttered around him at a healthy distance, glaring at him suspiciously.

Up to this point, his interactions with the male fairies had been minimal. It was obvious that they felt threatened by him, especially given the attention that he was receiving from the little fairy ladies that tended to follow him everywhere he went. Astravia continually reminded him telepathically to pay them no mind, but Maceo couldn’t help but notice how uncharacteristically territorially they were all behaving, and his noticing seemed to only encourage the behavior. Coming home with all of their little fairy lady friends completely worn out, however, seemed to be a bridge too far. The only fairy that had accompanied them that wasn’t exhausted was Dela, who enjoyed snuggling with Astravia and Maceo most of the trip, only lifting off at points where she found something particularly interesting and in need of investigating.

Now that they were back an the male fairies were all shooting Maceo stink eyes, she lifted off and zipped over to the nearest one asking, “what’s wrong?” rather glibly.

This male was not really in the mood to play, however, and he gripped his little fairy spear and zipped up immediately in front of Maceo’s nose and poked his spear into it just hard enough to be certain it was felt.

“Can I help you?” Maceo asked him gently and with a soft smile.

The fairy seemed to be caught off guard by the polite question and apparently had expected Maceo to have felt challenged or threatened in some way due to his aggressive posture and stance. “No,” he declared to the giant, tightening his jaw and his little legs twitching as he attempted to find a suitable answer to someone who should have reacted in kind to his aggression.

“The lady fairies found a lot of berries they said were special. They asked me to carry them back with us. Would you like some?” Maceo asked him.

The fairy male now fluttered backward and lifted his spear. By the expression on his face, it seemed clear that he indeed was quite interested in Maceo’s treasure, however he was still trying to put up as fierce and stoic a demeanor as Maceo naturally presented.

“I’m not sure,” he told him, staring him down with skeptical eyes.

“Well, if it’s alright, I’ll set them down where you can take however many you want,” Maceo offered.

The little fairy male smiled, then immediately forced a frown and straightened his posture. “You know, you’re not so big,” he told Maceo boastfully.



“Well, I suppose you’re right. I’ve met a lot of guys bigger than me,” Maceo offered.

“I can be big too,” the fairy male declared.

“Oh yeah?” Maceo asked.

“Yeah!” he blurted, then concentrated extra hard and in a single violent spurt, erupted to nearly double his size, tearing his little shorts apart. As he did so, his fairy penis fell free and flopped comically in front of him. “See?” Now exponentially heavier than he’d been, his wings struggled and he strained to remain aloft, surging and bouncing as he strained with his freed genitalia flopping freely like an miniscule elephant’s trunk.

“Yeah,” Maceo agreed. “I really wish I could change my size like you can. It’s pretty amazing,” Maceo complimented him. The little fairy struggled and worked to force his stoic expression but it immediately gave way and he leaned forward again, grinning at Maceo and unable to let the compliment go unmet.

“I wish I was as strong as you are,” he gushed back.

“Well, I wish that I had as nice a smile as you do,” Maceo answered.

The little fairy male turned a bright pink and nearly fell out of the air, due to his excessive size and weight, then clawed his way back up to Maceo’s face, twirling slowly in circles as he did so and beaming. “You’re really kind,” he told Maceo, still struggling and his body jerking from the strain of keeping him aloft while his fairy pecker flopped comically in front of him.

“Thank you,” Maceo told him. Finally satisfied and disarmed, the little fairy male fluttered off away from Maceo with his chest puffed out as though he were a peacock strutting magnificently for the females of his species, but before he was outside of arm’s reach, Maceo called out to him again, asking him to wait. The little fairy male turned and looked at him with baited breath. “You know where I come from, men shake hands with each other to greet each other as a sign of respect.”

The little fairy male cocked his head to the right and stared as Maceo lifted his hand toward him and extended it. The fairy then reached forward, placing his palm against the pad of Maceo’s finger and looked up at Maceo’s face again as Maceo gripped his hand between his thumb and forefinger and then shook it very carefully, but also very succinctly and definitely.

“Hm,” Maceo nodded affirmatively and concisely.

“Hm,” the little fairy male repeated in kind. Then Maceo released his hand and the little fairy fluttered away, still struggling to remain aloft as he attempted to strut again with his penis flopping comically as he stuttered and jittered along until his strength gave out and in a single puff of gold dust, he shrank back down to his normal nearly six inch tall self and disappeared in a flash as he zipped off to join his male fairy buddies to a sea of congratulatory cheers for daring to confront the giant that had been imposing himself on their fairy ladies.

“That was adorable,” Astravia whispered to Maceo’s ear while standing on his shoulder.

“It kind of was,” Maceo agree with a chuckle.

“No, I meant you,” she clarified, causing him to blush.

That evening, Maceo returned to the airship with Astravia with the promise to bring the vessel down to show to the fairies while allowing themselves a night to spend again in their own bed. Unfortunately, Dela sneaked aboard by hiding underneath the coal they’d gathered and was only caught after Astravia had let her disguise lapse. She dove underneath the table she’d been standing on when Dela crawled out covered in dust and soot, barely managing to escape being seen as the filthy little fairy coughed and sneezed her way free of her leather prison.

“Dela, what are you doing? I said we’d bring the ship down to you.”

“But I wanted to see!” she squealed, then fluttered her wings only to discover she could barely lift herself off of the table. “Why is it so much harder to fly?”

“Because the air is thin at this height,” Astravia answered from the floor. Dela ran to the edge of the table, stumbling slightly from not being used to using her legs for most of her transportation needs and looked down at the little fairy goddess all the way down on the floor reshrunk down to her fairy form.

“What are you doing down there?” she asked Astravia.

“I was on the edge of the table when we discovered there was a stowaway aboard and I slipped,” she fibbed, then fluttered her way up to join the mischievous little fairy. Dela gave her a conciliatory smile and Maceo sat down at the table, grateful that she hadn’t been seen in her fifteen-inch goddess form.

Astravia stood on the table in front of her taller friend, who she was around nose height to and tapped her foot. “Can you not simply be patient?”

“But you were leaving!”

“You do know we’re not going to stay here forever, right?” Maceo asked her.

“What? No! Why not?”

“Because we have other places to go to,” Maceo answered her.

“But you’re happy here!”

“Does she remind you of someone?” Maceo asked Astravia with a laugh.

“Yes, indeed she does,” Astravia answered him with a laugh. As she did so, Dela again attempted to lift off of the table, managing to rise a little higher this time, but still found it to be a struggle.

“I don’t understand,” she complained.

“Let me show you,” Maceo offered, holding his hand out and letting both her and Astravia sit down on it. He then carried them both up the stairs to the starboard observation deck to look out over the landscape they were floating above. Dela was in awe and leaned forward and nearly fell out of Maceo’s palm, only being caught by Astravia at the last second.

“Have you ever flown this high before?” Astravia asked Dela, who shook her head numbly as she realized exactly how far up they’d gone.

“I can barely go twice as high as the trees because of the winds,” she said. “But there are birds up there, so I hardly even go that high.”

“Well, we are well above that now,” Astravia told her. “You will still be able to fly up here, it will simply be more difficult.”

“Why do you live so high up, then?”

“So we can travel,” Astravia answered her. “Your wings simply are not long enough to work as well this high up. However, you will find no owls or eagles here.” Dela’s eyes lit up at that prospect and again leaned forward again marveling over the amazing view that even as a creature that was nearly always airborne she’d never dreamt of before. She stared with pure and innocent eyes while Astravia looked up at Maceo with some concern. Certainly, she still had plenty of time at this size before her pendant needed time to recharge, but it was still concerning how quickly their little friends, especially this one, had become so clingy and in need of constant attention.

“Why don’t you take Dela on a tour of our flying home,” Maceo suggested. “I’m going to check up on maintenance and some other things.”

“Of course, beloved,” Astravia agreed, then took Dela by the hand and she flew to every place she could think of on the vessel, including the hanger. They flew everywhere, twice to the bridge and several times up and down the flights of stairs while Astravia showcased their amazing flying home before the little fairy was so worn out she could hardly move her wings anymore and she fluttered down and sat on a shelf, huffing and puffing for air at the high altitude that she had never experienced before.

It wasn’t long after that when Maceo came back to check on them and found them in a reading room where Astravia was sitting with her on the shelf rubbing her strained back and shoulders. “You look tired,” Maceo told her. She smiled up with a hazy grin and nodded, so Maceo offered a hand for them both to sit in and took them down to the main deck. “We probably should have done this when we first found you,” Maceo commented as they walked into one of the bathrooms.

“But I don’t have to go potty,” she answered, pointing out the use of the room that Astravia had said it was for.

“This room has other uses,” Astravia told her while hugging the worn and sweaty little fairy.

“Like what?”

“Like for cleaning yourself,” Maceo said and then set them on a counter beside a sink and turned the warm water on. Dela suddenly perked up and looked at her dirty body and soot-covered face that were now also layered in sweat and her mood suddenly lighted again. “I’ll leave you both to it,” Maceo said. “Let me know if you want help with the faucet,” and then turned to leave, but as soon as he did, Dela was screaming for him to wait.

“But why are you going?” she asked tearfully.

“It is a human custom,” Astravia answered her. “They allow privacy when they are without clothing. Especially in cases where it is a man and a woman.”

“But I’m not a human!” she cried out. “Stay!” she called, reaching out to the distant giant.

“Dela,” Maceo said drawing closer and bending at the waist to speak more closely to her level. “What are you going to do when it’s time for us to leave? We’re going really far away. We don’t know that we’ll ever be back again.”

“But you can stay with us!” she insisted.

Astravia smiled at Dela and sat her down on the edge of the sink rubbing her sore back and shoulders again. “We will help you clean up together,” Astravia promised her. She immediately perked up again as if there had been no drama at all and with no further pretense shucked her skirt off and grabbed Astravia, tugging on her own clothes as well and insisting that Astravia join her under the faucet of the sink for a warm shower.

When both little fairies were showering together, Dela looked over to Maceo and whined about him being too large to fit with them under the water’s spray until at Astravia’s behest, he reached in and lathered each of them up with his fingers and manipulated them like little dolls under the water to rinse them off. For Astravia it was pleasurable, but also more or less common for her now, but for Dela, it was a delightful and fresh experience, simply lying in the hands of this giant while he petted and caressed her soft, soapy body with his fingertips.

The biggest conundrum for the couple was that Astravia’s lust was fired up to an extreme degree thanks to the sensation of Maceo’s hands all over her body, while Dela thoroughly enjoyed the feeling, but arousal was still largely far from her innocent mind. Astravia did everything she could do to keep from alerting Dela to her stoked passions, but thankfully, Dela was more interested in Maceo’s eyes, which were hungrily appraising both nude bodies of the little fairies in his hands without really understanding what it all meant.

She observed him curiously until she caught his eyes lingering a little too long on her womanhood, looking at a soft, tiny patch of light blue fur there and suddenly she seemed to understand and opened her legs while smiling innocently up at him and pulling his finger down to explore her sex for her.

“No, we’re not doing that,” Maceo smiled down to her with resolve as Astravia looked up at him with relief.

“But you want to, don’t you?”

“You’re very sexy,” Maceo assured her.

Dela immediately beamed with glee and hopped upward, unable to use her soaked wings to fly. “You’re SO handsome!” she chirped back.

“But the point is, I’m for Avia,” Maceo told her patiently.

“Why do you think he’s territory?” Dela asked, turning to looked directly at Astravia. “You know he wants to. Why won’t you let him?”

“Dela,” Maceo interrupted, turning her body with his fingertip. “It’s normal for me to want a beautiful woman,” he told her and she immediately perked up again and opened her mouth to respond in kind, but Maceo delicately placed his finger over her lips, so she remained quiet as he finished. “But this is how I show Avia how much I truly love her, by keeping myself only for her.”

“You’re so sweet,” she cooed up at him, blushing as soon as he took his fingertip from her lips.

Dela was even more thrilled when Maceo produced something she’d never seen before: a towel. A soft, fluffy giant piece of cloth that almost pulled the water from her soaked little body. As soon as Maceo presented it to the two little fairy women standing naked, wet and one shivering, she melted in the extravagance of a soft white fabric that almost immediately warmed her. Maceo held it up for them both, helping dry their skin and then Dela grabbed Astravia and pulled her close, snuggling with the little naked fairy goddess and quickly regaining her lost body heat.

“It’s so cold up here,” she mentioned, nuzzling Astravia, who was tickled pink by her innocent affection.

“I suppose we’ve never bothered with turning on the heat,” Maceo suggested.

“I am certain it works fine. Besides, the winters here are very cold as well, are they not Dela?” she asked, looking up at the taller fairy.”

“SO COLD!” she confirmed, dancing on the balls of her feet and actually lifting Astravia off of her feet. “Isn’t it where you’re from?”

“The climate there is rather mild. The coldest temperatures and winds are on the mountain where we come from, but even there it does not get much colder than it takes to freeze the water. It is much colder here in the winter, is it not?”

“There’s snow everywhere!” she exclaimed. “The snow is so deep, even the elk have trouble walking through it! We go deep in the trees and stay together and we sleep a lot of the winter together. We hardly go out because it gets so cold. Isn’t that what you do?”

“Fairies from our region often will drift toward human settlements where they have fires and other means to stay warm. In some communities, the fairies are welcome and seen as good luck and often dozens will be allowed to stay in a home until the spring. However, in other areas, the fairies have learned to be far more wary of humans and they stay to their forests year round. They behave much the same as you, however they can still be seen most days out in the wild if they are willing to allow themselves to be seen.”

“It get’s so cold here it hurts,” Dela told them.

“It would be a lot easier if they weren’t so pacifist,” Maceo suggested, picking both fairies up and wrapping them in the soft towel. “Even some mouse or squirrel fur could be a huge help keeping them warm.”

“But the squirrels need their fur!” Dela squeaked.

“I do not recommend teaching them fire,” Astravia warned. “The results could be very destructive.” She then pondered for a moment, then had a brilliant idea. “There are no animals nearby that produce wool,” she considered and then an idea seemed to emerge” Feathers!” she declared. “It is lightweight, and you would be able to gather them in all manner of stages to create warm winter clothing from.”

“But the birds eat us,” she complained, snuggling closer to Astravia while her soaked wings continued to drip.

“The small ones do not,” Astravia assured her. “Try gathering fallen feathers around the trees where bluebirds, cardinals and robins nest. Most of the birds at this time of year are beginning to molt.”

Maceo left Astravia and Dela alone together in the warmth of their towel and then went down a level to activate the heating system within the airship, which was electrically controlled with radiators that lined the bottoms of most walls in the airship. Before he had even returned, Dela could sense the change in temperature and crawled out to the edge of her fluffy bed with her pert little breasts jiggling as she did so. When Maceo walked back in, she popped up to her knees and grinned at him, hardly even realizing that she was baring her entire body for his eyes once again.

“Should we bring her back down?” Maceo asked Astravia.

“She may stay the night with us,” Astravia agreed, looking at the perky little nude fairy who was now stretching and yawning before smiling up at Maceo again.

Both Astravia and Dela’s wings were still wet, so Maceo wrapped them up in a fresh hand towel because Dela had little interest in getting dressed again and then he took them both up a level and made them some food and again Dela was fascinated to see the cooking appliances while Astravia smiled at her while covering herself up. They ate their small snack after Dela delighted in the spectacle and warmth of a stove and by the time she was finished eating, Dela was practically falling asleep already, so Maceo took them back down the stairs to their main bedroom.

Dela of course was fast asleep on top of Maceo’s warm chest with her damp wings occasionally twitching happily within a few short minutes and Astravia smiled while petting her back. Once she was sure she was fully asleep, she held her palm up and blew and a soft purple dust wafted over to Dela and was breathed in, ensuring she would remain asleep.

“I am sure she will be surprised to have slept the entire evening,” Astravia laughed, now relaxing and no longer striving to cover her body. “Fairies almost never sleep for more than a few hours.”

“They sure are energetic,” Maceo added and watched as Astravia released her disguise and expanded up to her natural fifteen inch, lusciously curvy form and held the tiny fairy in her arms. “She definitely took to you fast,” Maceo complimented.

“She has bonded with you, actually,” Astravia corrected.

“With me?”

“Yes. It happens sometimes, but normally with a very young and impressionable fairy.”

“She looks awfully young,” Maceo pointed out.

“Have you seen even a single elderly looking fairy?” Astravia asked him, now pulling the hand towel over both her and Dela to use as a blanket. Maceo shook his head after a bit of thought. “Fairies retain their youthful appearances right up until their final days, and even then they never take on the same appearance your kind does as they grow old.”

“So how old is she?” Maceo asked.

“I would say she is about twenty three years old,” Astravia answered. “So more than half of her life has already passed.”

“I only noticed a few children too,” Maceo pointed out.

“Fairies only require about three years to reach full maturity,” Astravia answered him. “Of course we have another issue to consider,” she said looking up to him with a more serious expression now.”

“And that being?”

“Fairies are not meant to be in worlds so separated from your kind,” Astravia informed Maceo. “While they do not interact directly too often, mostly due to the behavior of your kind, mind you, fairies exist for a purpose. While your race was learning the basics to develop the societies you have now, fairies were as you see them now, molding the world one tiny corner at a time and arranging patterns that would help your kind when it was ready to congregate and forge civilizations. They have always existed in synergy with your kind. That is why there were no fairies on this continent before they accidentally escaped here.”

“Why aren’t there people here?” Maceo asked her.

“There will be,” she answered him. The continents in this hemisphere will likely be the genesis for the blossoming of your people to the kinds of technologies that you have been building for the last several years. That will be millennia from now, however.”

“So there are no humans here? At all?”

“There was an ice age millennia before your species had language. Some manage to migrate here in that time, however they are far to the west of here and have not yet settled this far East. However, they are far more primitive even than your people and I expect they will remain so until the world you know rediscovers them. The lack of fairies is actually a large reason why they will remain primitive.”

“So can’t these fairies spread and do the same here for those people?”

“These lands are intended to remain untamed until your species is ready to develop to higher levels of technology. The untapped resources found here will be a catalyst for exponential development.”

“So fairies will only get in the way here.”

“I have not yet decided. Fairies as a species have a much more limited built in lifespan than yours does. By the time your people have developed enough to discover this land, fairies will be on the edge of extinction as their roles will have been fulfilled. Within a couple short centuries after that, they may well be nothing more than myth to your people, depending on whether they continue to maintain their connection to the gods. However, very few worlds do so. On most worlds that develop to the levels I speak of, they consider my kind myth as well.”

“How is that possible?” Maceo asked, shocked.

“Hubris,” Astravia answered. “As their knowledge and skills improve over generations, your species tends to become more and more arrogant. Your species is unique and we have attempted to refine them repeatedly on different worlds, however they tend to develop characteristics that the gods have and then they also tend to conduct wars that mimic the devastating ones we engaged in before time. In theory, your species has unlimited potential for development and the hope was your kind would eventually ascend to equal us. Unfortunately, none have managed to develop even close to that level. They always annihilate each other first.”

“So why bother to keep seeding our cultures over and over again then?”

“Fear,” Astravia answered. “In the days leading to the end of Chronstrus’ rule, many of my kind realized our own kind was subject to extinction as well. We are immortal, so we require little in terms of replacement of our race, we are powerful enough to fulfill practically any desire we wish, so growth is not something we strive for. In short, our race has been stagnant for eons. In the two wars I have told you about, we nearly annihilated our own race, and so we sought to see if there was a way to exist without such calamities. The first war was to extinguish a threat to us that was likely to end in war regardless. That conflict was fought in desperation as they were far more powerful than my race, and we only won because we were able to siphon the source of their power in an accidental encounter. The second war was supposedly to extinguish the same threat that we recognized within our own kind. Limiting the numbers of our race by decree is a stopgap measure to forestall another war, but eventually, we will likely again engage in such a war and it will almost certainly end as disastrously as the prior ones. The hope is that if we can refine your race enough that they ascend to our level, the lessons we learn from the process will teach us what we need to truly flourish for all time.”

“So how long before Dela’s kind are gone?”

“From this world? It will still be millennia before they reach that level of development. However, I would say that these are the final stages of her kind before they face extinction. They have been here for hundreds of thousands of years, but they likely only have a few millennia left.”
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by fuzzyduck14 » Thu Aug 18, 2022 3:41 am

This is such a cute and well written story. Not gonna lie part of me really wants to see Maceo shrunk down like a fairy. Keep up the great work!!

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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Thu Aug 18, 2022 7:59 pm

fuzzyduck14 wrote:
Thu Aug 18, 2022 3:41 am
This is such a cute and well written story. Not gonna lie part of me really wants to see Maceo shrunk down like a fairy. Keep up the great work!!
Thank you so much! I have been waiting for so long to introduce Dela and the fairies and was really hoping they'd connect with any readers, and I was also a little worried given how late in the story they entered after relationships and drama have largely centered around the mountain town up to this point.

As for Shrinking Maceo, that would be a bit of a trouble spot, wouldn't it? I mean, his primary role now is as a provider and protector for Astravia while she's shrunken, so shrinking him to fairy size basically renders him useless. What kinds of things would you hope to see with him at Fairy size?
Check out my SW story Please..:

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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Fri Aug 19, 2022 3:23 am

Astravia and Maceo went to sleep not long after their informative discussion of fairies and rested until shortly before dawn when Astravia woke up and shocked Maceo with a touch of electricity to make sure he was awake before their little fairy guest finally awakened herself. Astravia reactivated her pendant and quickly shrank down to fairy size, slipping beneath the towel they were sleeping under and carefully crawled back out again.

Some time after dawn, Dela woke and she yawned and stretched as if she had slept a lifetime. Her eyes settled on Maceo immediately and she grinned widely and innocently up at him before she discovered tiny Astravia still lying naked next to her. snuggled closely. She didn’t even bother to greet them a good morning like a human would, she simply giggled and snuggled closely up to Astravia, hugging her and nuzzling her neck. Astravia of course hugged the larger fairy back, and after a few moments of affection, she slipped out from underneath the towel and lifted off of Maceo’s chest using her now dried wings and fluttered up to his face, pecking him gently on the nose. She then backed off slightly, still fully nude with her hands clasped down at her hips and smiling at him.

“Well good morning,” Maceo greeted her with a smile.

“Morning?” she asked curiously, shaken a bit, then turned to her left and looked out the window to see the early morning sun rising. “I slept all the way till morning?” she asked again. It was obvious that having rested for so long confounded her.

“Yes, you certainly did,” Astravia answered her, neglecting to point out that the reason was wholly because of her so as to ensure she had enough time to allow her disguise amulet to recharge.

“I’ve never done that before,” she remarked, then her entire body shivered violently. “Brrr!” she chirped then zipped back down to Astravia and underneath the towel they’d been sleeping under.

“Are you alright?” Maceo asked her.

“I’m cold!” she whimpered up to him. Astravia laughed and hugged the larger fairy.

“You are not used to the warmth of a blanket,” she told Dela. “It is actually relatively warm aboard the airship. It is very warm underneath our blanket.” Dela stared at Astravia with wide eyes, then stuck her arm out into the air again and watched it until goose bumps lifted on it. She pulled her arm back and stared up at Maceo with fascination.

“Humans have the most amazing inventions!” she cheered.

“It’s not really an invention,” Maceo told her. “It’s just fabric. You know how to make fabric too. You have clothes.”

“But our clothes aren’t nearly this warm and cozy!” Astravia smiled and hugged her, then pulled the blanket back, but Dela found herself unprepared for the cold yet and she squeaked with concern and suddenly she shrank down, curling into Astravia as their relative heights reversed and she looked like a small child compared to less than five inch tall Astravia, hiding under what remained of their blanket and in Astravia’s bosom for warmth.

“You know you cannot keep that up for long,” Astravia laughed at her. Dela shook her head in denial and buried herself into Astravia again until after a moment, her body tensed from the strain and in a poof she expanded back to her previous size. Again, she whined in frustration, still attempting to hide in the comfort of Astravia’s warm arms. “It will only take a moment to get used to the air again,” Astravia insisted, then pulled the towel the remainder of the way down so she could stand up. She took Dela’s hands and helped her to her feet, both little fairy women standing nude on Maceo’s chest, and giving him a view that he couldn’t help but be aroused by.

Dela shivered until she saw the movement below of his stiffening cock and turned with wide eyes.

“Is that?” she asked, struggling to find the words to describe what she was seeing. The bulge in his pants was already easily as large as she was and still growing. “Awww! We have to sooth it!” she informed Astravia.

“No, he will be perfectly fine,” Astravia laughed.

“But I’ve never seen one get that strained before! He has to release it! Come on, Avia! Let’s help him!”

“Beloved, would you kindly explain to her?” she asked Maceo. Dela turned and looked up to him with an expression that was completely passive.

“You’re both very beautiful and you’re both naked. I can’t help but get a little excited when I see a beautiful woman’s body.” Dela’s eyes softened and her wings fluttered, dropping a sprinkle of gold dust. Then suddenly she zipped up to his face and hugged his nose, kissing it.

“You’re so sweet and handsome and kind to me!” she complimented.

“He will settle down a bit once we dress ourselves,” Astravia promised Dela. Dela turned and looked down at Astravia with pouting lips, noting in the corner of her eye as the bulge in his pants continued to expand in the distance beyond the tiny fairy goddess while she bent slightly forward giving Maceo a delicious money shot of her .

“But Avia! I REALLY want to see it!”

“You want to play with it,” Astravia corrected.

“YES!” she admitted with glee. “Come on Avia! I could please you too!”

“I thought you said that fairies weren’t as horny as we are,” Maceo laughed at Astravia.

“They are not,” Astravia assured Maceo earnestly. “But fairies are also extremely curious and eager to please. Have I not done a sufficient job of pleasing you?”

“I’ve never met anyone who’s pleased me more,” Maceo answered her. Astravia let a grin slip and then her wings fluttered and she zipped up to his nose, kissing it affectionately.

“That was a good answer,” she complimented him.

“Avia, if we don’t help him, he’s gonna burst!” Dela interrupted.

“He will not burst,” Astravia answered, turning and looking at Dela, now her womanhood flashing right in front of Maceo’s eyes.

“He’s a boy, Avia! Why are you hoarding him to yourself?” Maceo now sat up and cupped both women in his hand.

“One, because she has had a very difficult past,” Maceo told her. “I promised to be hers and only hers so that she could finally have someone she knew she could always rely on. Two, because unlike fairies, it takes us a long time to have a baby and raise it all the way to adulthood. Human children aren’t usually ready to be on their own until at least fourteen or fifteen, and usually longer.”

Dela’s jaw dropped, as this was several times longer than she had ever heard of.

“And to be honest with you,” Maceo continued, “I think the only reason human children leave home that soon is because it’s hard to keep looking after them after that. Human children don’t usually stop growing until after they’re eighteen or nineteen, sometimes even longer.”

“That’s almost as old as I am,” Dela gasped. “Are you saying that humans can’t even have babies until they’re eighteen?”

“I wish they wouldn’t, but no. A woman can technically have a baby when she’s around thirteen or so, but they still haven’t finished growing and it can cause problems.” Dela was now speechless. “It takes us so long and so much to grow children that it’s important for us to commit to relationships and not go outside of them.”

“I could have a baby in a few weeks, though. My babies will grow up in just a couple years. Why do you keep telling me no?”

“Dela, his penis is twice as tall as you are,” Astravia chuckled at her. “What exactly do you think you are going to do to please him?”

“Well, you can please him. Why can’t I?”

“She’s persistent,” Maceo laughed to Astravia. Astravia turned around and glared at him particularly sternly, which only got worse when Maceo laughed at her. “Dela, why don’t you both go get your clothes and I’ll wash up your dress for you and then make you some breakfast.”

“But won’t you burst?” she asked him, pointing down to the bulge in his pants.

“I’m not going to burst,” he laughed back, then shooed them both off. While they were both gone, Maceo stood and made a quick trip to the kitchen and pulled out several ingredients before both ladies returned, Astravia dressed now to impress, and Dela still stark naked holding an extremely soiled little fairy dress.

“Perhaps I should wash it,” Astravia suggested. “Fairy clothing is extremely delicate.”

“If you want,” Maceo answered her, then began cooking for himself and his two tiny guests. A short while later, they returned with Dela finally dressed and perky as usual, and utterly fascinated with Maceo’s cooking. They ate, then Maceo excused himself for a shower himself, which he hadn’t partaken in since before arriving at this continent while Astravia practically dragged Dela to an upper deck to look out at the amazing scenery from this altitude now that the sun was up and revealing the world in all its glory. When Maceo was finally ready, he went down to the pilot cabin and changed the course of the airship, which both little fairies immediately realized as soon as the landscape began panning in front of them and the ground began rising up slowly to meet them.

They both zipped down in bursts to join Maceo, Astravia perching on his shoulder and Dela perching right next to Astravia snuggling up to her. As they changed course and made their slow descent, Dela again became impatient.

“Why do you have to leave?” Dela asked them again.

“I’m looking for things. Things so I can learn a new spell.”

“A spell to do what?” Dela asked.

“A spell to help Avia and I be together.”

“Are you gonna make her a human?” Dela asked with fascination.

“Not quite,” Astravia answered her vaguely. “But something similar to that thinking.”

“Ohhhh,” Dela remarked knowingly. “Well, can I go with you?”

“We don’t plan to be back in this area again, at least not any time soon,” Maceo warned her. “Even if we did come back, it could be years. I’m sure you have children, don’t you?”

“Twenty one,” Dela chirped proudly.

“And do you want to be away from them for years?”

“Oh,” Dela considered, the thought not having occurred to her already.

“Why are you so stubborn about this, Dela?” Maceo laughed, though Dela found no humor in it at all.

“Because you’re special,” she answered quite innocently.

“Well, you have to be the sweetest little fairy I could have ever imagined,” Maceo complimented her back. Dela perked up and her wings fluttered, but she still remained somewhat serious.

“Thank you,” she blushed, “but you’re really, really special.”

“I think you just feel that way because you have never seen a human before,” Astravia suggested. “Despite how poorly humans can treat fairies, they are very important to a fairy’s well being.”

Dela shifted left and right, dancing her shoulders while thinking over Astravia’s suggestion, but ultimately rejected it. “No, it’s because you’re really special.”

“Why’s that?” Maceo asked with a smile.

“You glow! It’s a beautiful glow, and a mimas is dark; it has to be. You glow too, but not as bright as he does,” Dela said to Astravia, who offered a conflicted smile.

“Very few fairies can sense auras,” Astravia said to her carefully.

“Can you?” Dela asked her excitedly.

“Yes,” Astravia answered. “It is extremely rare for fairies to have this ability.”

“Have you ever met other fairies that can sense it? The others think I’m silly because I say I can see these things.”

“I haven’t seen any other fairies for a long time,” Astravia answered her. “I did once meet one fairy in the lands we came from who had your ability. That was a very long time ago, however.”

“So I’m special?” she asked with wonder in her eyes.

“Extremely special,” Astravia complimented. “You are not silly at all.” Dela fidgeted and fluttered from the validation and also short-circuiting while attempting to come up with a suitable compliment in return. “There is no need to return my words this time,” Astravia assured her. Astravia then pressed Dela to tell her more about her abilities, which she was more than happy to do.

Dela had actually spotted their arrival more than a half hour before the airship even entered into view. She could sense the approach of a light from over the ocean and had zipped out to the coast line repeatedly to try to get a better look, only to have to retreat back into the safety of the forest to hide from attacking birds.

When the airship finally entered into sight, she hovered at the edge of the forest and stared out, immediately knowing exactly where in the sky to look when their airship entered into view, merely a small dot in the light blue sea of the sky. Even when the airship drew nearer, it still was too far to see clearly but Dela again knew when her guests were approaching before the aircraft left its hangar and her senses also told her specifically where they were going to set down. While the other fairies were terrified of the strange objects that had entered into their territory, and even more terrified by the gigantic creature that emerged from them, Dela felt herself drawn to them and instantly attracted.

Spotting a fairy with him was the final straw that all but forced her to zip out and explore while the other fairies actually attempted to force her to stay in hiding with them. She instantly knew, however, that these were people she needed to approach, much to the dismay of her more cautious comrades.

Her friends and family often complained about her abilities. On the one hand, she had an uncanny ability to predict things, such as the coming of spring despite the unpredictable weather where they lived. On the other, this ability to sense things also made her more naïve than even was normal for a fairy, and less prone to fear, which was a necessary trait for a butterfly winged woman who was only a little more than five inches tall. There was an added danger to exploring alongside Dela, so often times she needed to do so on her own.

That being said, for the first time since meeting her, Dela expressed sadness, which was something unique for someone as stereotypically positive as a fairy.

“That is unfortunate,” Astravia said to her once she’d completed her story and Maceo began the final approach to a bay that seemed calm enough for their purposes. “Fairies with your ability are actually an extremely good omen,” she told her. “Your ability is there to protect those around you. They would do well to accept you more.”

“Protect them?” Dela asked her.

“Yes,” Astravia answered her. “How many of your kind have you seen eaten by a predator of some kind?”

“So many,” Dela admitted. “I had a sister recently who was eaten by a fox a few weeks ago.”

“But those predators never sneak up on you the same way, do they? You can sense their intent before they are in position.”

“Not always,” Dela denied. “Sometimes I get too excited, like when I was waiting for you to arrive. I almost got caught by a hawk because I wasn’t paying attention.”

“Sounds to me like you just let your abilities make you lazy,” Maceo teased the little fairy woman.”

“I will show you a few things regarding your abilities,” Astravia promised her as Maceo moved to the spear guns to moor the airship down. “With only a little more mastery of them, the other fairies will not be able to see you as silly anymore.”

When the airship was finally tethered in several sides, Maceo opened the main gangway and stepped down it with both Astravia and Dela fluttering ahead of him. As soon as the little fairies were certain it was the return of their friends, they all zipped out to greet them and began flying circles around the massive and amazing airship in an impressive procession. A few approached Dela, immediately surrounding her. They were elated to see her and full of never ending questions about where she had disappeared to.

This led to Dela promising them a tour of the massive airship well ahead of any such agreement from Maceo or Astravia, but Astravia laughed it off and asked Maceo to allow it. A short moment later, fairies were pouring in up the gangway and barreling through the many nooks and crannies of the airship with such vivacity that the windows along the airship’s side began to noticeably glow. By the time Maceo and Astravia had made their way up to the main deck in the dining room, there were already exhausted fairies everywhere lying on tables or over railings trying to catch their breath.

This didn’t last, as after an exceedingly short breather, the fairies were up and zipping every which way again. Astravia had seen fit to make sure her own closet in their bedroom was sealed, but Maceo’s had been left open and by the time that Astravia and Maceo made it into that room, there were dozens of fairies zipping in and out of his closet and exploring his gigantic clothes from the inside out.

In all, it was nearly an hour before a severely winded Dela fluttered down and perched on Maceo’s shoulder beside Astravia again and hunched over the little fairy goddess to rest. A few minutes later the remainder of the fairies drifted in, panting and exhausted, barely able to maintain flight any longer and began plopping down wherever their little bodies could fit. With nothing else to do, Maceo pulled fruit and vegetables out of their pantry and put together salads for the little fairies to enjoy and replenish their delicate stores of energy.

Once the fairies were filled and rested, rather than return to their homes in the forest, they fluttered up to the upper decks and settled down on the promenade decks, looking out over the landscape through the windows along the sides of the airship.

“Have they decided this is their new home?” Maceo asked.

“Oh no, we can’t live here!” Dela answered him. “There are no trees or animals!”

Not that her attestations were particularly helpful in soothing Maceo’s concerns. The hoard of fairies settled in quite quickly as if they’d lived on the airship their entire lives and as positive, sweet and complimentary as the fairies were, they didn’t seem to have the slightest concept of “thank you.” Maceo saw to their needs, setting out water for them to partake in and other fruits carved up small enough to serve as snacks for less than six inch tall winged people and he didn’t receive a single word of gratitude.

Once their guests had been seen to, Maceo decided they would take the airship back up again to circle the region and offer even more spectacular views for their tiny guests. After the airship had reached around five hundred feet of altitude, Maceo rejoined their guests, most of whom were laying about on the observation decks staring with wonder around them.

When he leaned on a railing beside one fascinated fairy, she explained that she could easily climb this high, but the wind gusts were unpredictable and made any such climb exhausting and borderline dangerous due to threat of predatory birds as well as the amount of effort she needed to exert in order to remain in control. Maceo listened attentively along with Astravia and Dela before Astravia added her own knowledge to the matter.

“Fairies are more than capable of remaining aloft, though they cannot fly as high as many other winged creatures,” Astravia explained. “Their large bodies compared to their wing span is the limiting factor. However, these fairies could easily navigate at this altitude with practice, were it not for the fear of being devoured. Fairies in the forest north of our mountain are known to perform aerobatics even higher than we are now. This difference is that there are not nearly as many birds of prey there. Also, they usually perform at these higher altitudes in the evening, when the air currents tend to be much gentler.”

“What’s a mountain?” the little fairy lady asked Astravia and sat up on the railing to look up at her smaller compatriot perched up on the giant’s shoulder.

“A mountain is a large landmass that extends much higher than the grounds surrounding it,” Astravia answered her. “They can be many tens of thousands of feet high. The one we came from is around ten thousand feet high at its peak, but it is also much larger around than most mountains.” The fairy was so shocked that she nearly fell off of the railing and only caught herself at the last instant.

“And you LIVE there?” she asked, utterly astounded much like the other fairies around her.

Maceo and Astravia entertained their guests overnight and toured them far beyond the area they were familiar with. For much of the time, fairies were glued to the observation decks, captivated by the slowly panning scenery. Every single one of these fairies had seen scenery like this at one point or another in their lives, but none had ever been able to relax in this manner while observing it. They could rest, relax and lounge while watching the world pass beneath them and were easily the most passive they had been since Astravia and Maceo had first discovered them.

That isn’t to say that they had lost their energetic natures. They still zipped about, curiously continuing to explore the massive airship and all its wonders, though the number of mid air fairy collisions did decrease precipitously.

Late that night, the fairies were so enamored with the scenery and the feast of fairy food that they hardly even noticed when Maceo and Astravia slipped away to the upper level, which they sealed off for privacy. The only one to protest was Dela, but she also reluctantly agreed to allow the couple time to themselves.

The conversation with Rhona and Elaheh was typical as Astravia spoke to them in her human disguise and was the main participant in the conversation. Rhona and Elaheh were fascinated that while it was morning for them, it was still evening for Maceo and Astravia, though they were amazed by the moonlit scenery of endless forests. They kept the conversation relatively short (only an hour or so) in order to allow Maceo and Astravia time to get some sleep and then were off again to their lives while Maceo returned to their many fairy guests.
Check out my SW story Please..:

Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Sat Aug 20, 2022 3:28 am

Astravia and Maceo found the vast majority of the fairies again on an observation deck overlooking the beautiful scenery practically memorized. When they did, Maceo carefully picked up the couple of fairies sitting on the chair he wanted and set them on his knees to sit and watch along with them and a moment later, Dela zipped in and landed on Maceo’s shoulder right beside Astravia.

Astravia, however, took her hand and stood, then lifted off and fluttered down to Maceo’s lap where she could look at him directly for an honest conversation.

“Time to talk about what to do with the fairy community?” Maceo asked her. She smiled and nodded while Dela looked between them in confusion and a couple other fairy heads popped up and looked their direction.

“Fairies are not meant to be this separated from your kind,” Astravia told him. “They benefit in subtle ways from your presence, thus why these fairies are so fascinated by you.”

“But I thought his kind was mean,” one fairy pointed out. Astravia turned and smiled at her.

“Does Maceo seem mean to you?” she asked and her smiled softened when several heads shook in response. “His kind are capable of the darkest, most horrifying acts you can imagine,” Astravia admitted, “but they are also capable of love and inspiration and light that fills your souls to the brink. Where your ancestors lived, fairies are very vulnerable, yes, but generally speaking his kind are naturally drawn to fairies and see them positively. There have actually been wars fought over the mistreatment of fairies.”

“What are wars?” came a timid question.

“People fighting with each other, using weapons against each other in large numbers,” Maceo answered her. A couple of male fairies perked their heads up and fluttered more closely, listening with interest.

“This is another thing,” Astravia said, pointing to them and their little spears. “Fairies do not carry weapons. I understand why it is necessary here, but fairies are not made for fighting. Male fairies have specific powers they have at their disposal for protecting their loved ones. It saddens me to discover you have lost that over the generations.”

“What kind of powers?” one male fairy asked her, fluttering closer.

“When a male fairy leads a group like the one that transported you here, he can also summon the earth to rise up as a shield between him and an attacker. He is capable of triggering growth in the forest around him with the help of his loved ones that make the forest practically come alive like you or me, pushing a threat back. A particularly skilled male fairy can lead a magical charge that break his enemy’s weapons down so that they literally fall to pieces. Fairies have very unique abilities, most of which you have never seen before because you have never had the reason to develop them, but also because your ancestors were kept in jars for generations and they were not allowed to teach these skills to each other. Humans breed innovation and inspiration, and the easiest way for fairies like you to reclaim what you have lost is to be near humans and feed off of that energy. Though fairies are creatures of nature, they are not meant to root around like animals locked in the struggle for food and survival the way you are.”

“So Maceo is staying?” one asked optimistically.

“Maceo and I will be on our way before long. We have other matters to attend to.”

“Like what?”

“I’m working on a spell that will help Avia and I be together. I need more items to finish the spell.”

“Are you gonna become a fairy?” one asked, her wings fluttering enthusiastically.

“No,” Maceo answered her with a smile. “We’re working on the problem of the difference between how long we both live.”

“You’re going to live longer?” Dela asked Astravia.

“Much longer than a normal fairy, yes,” she answered back kindly.

“But WHY?” Dela asked back in shock.

“I wish to live with Maceo so that he is never lonely again. He was quite lonely when I first met him.”

“I definitely was,” Maceo concurred. Dela was still struggling with the concept of a fairy living beyond their normal lifespan, but she smiled and became supportive given the reasoning they offered her.

“Do you want me to live longer with you too?” she asked Maceo eagerly, despite a number of awkward and unpleasant tiny gazes in her direction.

“Still thinking about coming with us?” Maceo asked her with a gentle laugh. “But what about the rest of them?” he added, waving to the crowd of fairies. “Don’t you think they’ll need you?”

“Why would they need me?”

“Because you have special abilities for a fairy,” Astravia answered her. “Very special,” she added and suddenly the room full of fairies was abuzz with murmuring as they began lifting up into the air due to their sudden excitement.

“What kind of abilities?” a little fairy asked, zipping up within a couple millimeters from Astravia.

“She can sense auras,” Astravia answered her kindly. “She can feel the energies around her and how they interact with her. With practice, she could learn to see them around you and all the others as well.”

“You mean the things she’s always making up?” a male fairy asked, fluttering very closely up to Dela and scrutinizing her.

“She did not make those things up,” Astravia answered him. “It is an extremely rare ability for a fairy. You are also extremely lucky to have one with such a gift. It is how she knew we were friends the moment she first saw us.”

“So if you were bad, she would have known?”

“Likely, yes,” Astravia answered. “Were you all not so removed from the rest of the world, she would have mastered these abilities long ago as other magical creatures would have been drawn to her. Her abilities not only allow her to see dangers; they also help her make important friends.” Again there was murmuring amongst the fairies, which Maceo and Astravia chose to allow before going any further.

“In any event,” Astravia eventually continued, “now that we have found you there is a question as to what to do. These lands are not meant for fairies. Fairies are always of course vulnerable to predators like owls, hawks or foxes, but without humans here to temper their behavior, they are much more aggressive toward you. Across the ocean, fairies must of course always be wary of such animals, however fairies also provide the calm, serene places within forests for those same animals to live in peace so they tend to not be as violent. The fact that all of you are too afraid to venture above the treetops is sad news to my ears. We have a few options available to us. If we leave you here alone, you may continue to survive, but it is very dangerous. We have the ability to bring you all back, and we are considering whether to do just that.”

“So we’re not allowed to live here?” another fairy male asked, fluttering up to the little fairy goddess.

“It is not a matter of allowed or not,” Astravia answered him. “Maceo, could you please explain the history of your kind that you’ve learned to help them understand?”

Maceo leaned forward rejoining the conversation, immediately gaining their full attention. “Humans have made it here already,” Maceo explained. Thousands and thousands of years ago, but most of them died off. The others left for land where they could survive better.”

“The same is likely to happen to you,” Astravia explained. “You have survived these centuries, however as Dela has explained, you remain huddled together for warmth in the winters. This land is extremely savage, and until humans develop to a certain level, they too must have a certain level of savagery to survive here as well. Fairies are incapable of savagery, however. Is there anyone here who has not lost someone who is very dear to them to the weather or to predators?”

There was a moment where the many gathered fairies looked to each other, but after that not a single voice spoke out to contradict her.

“If we take you back with us, you can live much more peaceful lives and your families will struggle far less.”

“What about the monsters that captured us?”

“The monsters who abused your ancestors are all gone. The torment they inflicted is no more. You may stay, but there are difficulties with that decision. For a time you may survive, however from what you have told us of your history, there were far more of you when your ancestors first arrived here. Your numbers will likely continue to dwindle until none remain. And it is simply because you cannot become savage enough to survive these lands.”

With the introduction of the dilemma at hand to the colony of fairies, they discussed as best as the little fairies were able for as long as they could until they needed a break to play, which in this case meant flying rings around the airship both inside and out in order to vent all the excess energy they were holding within them.

By the time they had spent enough energy, they were ready for rest and followed Maceo and Astravia back to their bedroom without even asking permission. Thankfully, Astravia had more than enough time remaining in this smaller form of her disguise before her pendant ran out of energy and before they knew it, Maceo was sleeping in his own bed with Astravia lying on his chest, Dela snuggled up around her and countless fairies snuggled all across his body, basking in his warmth.

The next morning, Maceo cooked another fairy feast, which the little colony was exuberant to devour where they continued the discussion from the night before. The fairies didn’t seem particularly stubborn about remaining in their long time home, but they weren’t particularly eager to leave it either. They were mostly curious, asking endless questions about the lands they had come from and what they were like as well as how the people and creatures behaved compared to these savage lands. Mid morning, Maceo brought the airship down and moored it in the same place as before, though he noted that the weather was shifting and according to their measurements, inclement weather would arrive within a couple days, necessitating that the airship lift high enough to go above it before it was caught in the storm. They informed the fairies of their time limitations and then watched as their sweet occupants disembarked, though as they flooded out, Maceo saw for the first time a fairy he hadn’t noticed before straggling well behind the others- a female fairy that had a noticeable bulge in her belly that slowed her considerably.

The added weight of the baby she was carrying was making it difficult for her even to fly, so as she fluttered by him, Maceo held out a hand with his palm up, offering her a comfortable place to set down and catch her breath.

“I’ve seen her, but I didn’t notice she was pregnant,” Maceo noted to Astravia.

“She was not showing nearly as much when we first arrived a few days ago,” Astravia informed him, setting down on his palm beside her along with Dela as they surrounded the pregnant fairy. “A fairy’s pregnancy lasts a much shorter period of time than a human’s. She is several weeks along and will give birth soon.”

“How soon?” Maceo asked.

“Within the next few days,” Astravia answered him.

“Would you like me to carry you home?” Maceo offered the little fairy, who smiled, nodded and fluttered her wings while staring up at him with infatuated eyes.

Along the way, she told Maceo her story quite eagerly as she hadn’t had any opportunity as of yet to interact with Maceo herself given the limitations on her tiny body with her even tinier cargo in tow weighing her down compared to the excited and swiftly moving others of her kind. To have personal time directed specifically at her by the giant as he smiled down at her while she sat and rested in his palm alongside Astravia and Dela was beyond exciting to her.

She was rather petite for a fairy, only slightly taller than Astravia, though much more slender in appearance than the fairy goddess. She had lustrous silver hair with sparkling lavender eyes and a nearly bronze appearance to her skin compared to most of the other fairies. Her name was Qiana and much like Dela, she was inexplicably drawn to Maceo and almost unable to pry her gaze from him. It only served to reinforce Astravia’s comments to him that fairies were naturally attracted to humans and fed off of their natural energies, especially kind humans.

When Maceo finally set her down on a branch of a tree that she called her home, her wings were fluttering nearly constantly from the joy of the attention she received from him, though she seemed quite sad for that time to come to an end.

Dela, being a sharing and giving soul, of course volunteered Maceo to return and carry her with them on further adventures.

Most of the rest of that day was spent on Astravia helping Dela master her unique abilities in a nearby meadow while Maceo watched just outside of arm’s reach from underneath a tree. A few of the fairy males came by to sit with him, apparently imitating him as he stoically watched Astravia’s lessons, though a few others came by to express curiosity.

When Dela’s flighty little mind could absorb no more, Astravia gathered their few observers as well as Quiana who sat on Maceo’s shoulder nearly the entire time and took them scavenging for bird feathers, which were easy to find given Astravia’s vast knowledge. Once they had all Maceo’s hands could carry, they returned to the fairy village and Astravia showed the fairies how to break the feather’s down enough to form warm clothes, which were also uniquely colorful thanks to the many donations of the fauna in the area and which also delighted the many fairies enough that they were eager to find more in order to update their fashion options.

The next day, as predicted, Qiana gave birth to a beautiful little fairy girl who now took up all of the little fairy’s attention. That evening, Maceo and Astravia lifted off to avoid a coming storm, only to find that Dela had sneaked aboard again shortly after take off. Once again, Astravia only narrowly missed being seen transforming back to her normal shrunken fifteen inch tall form, though this time it was simply because Dela was discovered a fraction of a second before she was going to release her disguise.

This time was even more frustrating as Maceo and Astravia had said goodbyes to their little fairy friends (including Dela) with the intent of going on with their travels. Maceo sighed and shook his head, but couldn’t help but smile when the sweet little fairy fluttered up and gave him an affectionate peck on his cheek, though Astravia was a little less forgiving, and only holding back her ire due to the fact that such lack of personal boundaries was well within a fairy’s normal personality.

They ascended above the clouds, which was higher than anticipated due to the size of the storm and set the golems to perform a wide, long circle that should bring them back to their origin point by morning. Then, in the control car of the craft, Astravia fluttered down and sat primly and properly on a railing just high enough to speak to Maceo on a normal level.

“You know we only have so much fuel and helium,” she reminded him, frustrated by how calm he was regarding the repeated intrusions on their privacy.

“We have more than enough helium for the time being,” Maceo assured her. “And fuel, we can pick up materials for that on the way south of here.

After dinner, Maceo saw to some more mundane matters regarding the airship’s maintenance, giving Dela the chance to explore the airship again with Astravia and settling in a room that had been set aside as a study with a lovely view of the clouds swirling below them under the starry skies. Dela flew over and lay against the window, lost in the beauty of it all while Astravia flew over and lit a candle.

“Do you think I would be mad?” Dela asked, hardly taking her eyes off of the scenery.

“Mad about what?” Astravia asked, sighing with frustration at what appeared to her to be such a lack of awareness.

“Mad that you’re not really a fairy,” Dela answered obviously. Astravia suddenly froze and looked over to Dela with abject fear.

“What do you mean?” she asked in a near panic.

“You’re not a fairy,” Dela responded, finally turning around and smiling innocently to her.

“Why would you say that?” Astravia asked her with a voice that she couldn’t stop from trembling. Dela cocked her head to the side and lifted off of her spot overlooking the churning clouds below and fluttered over to Astravia.

“You don’t have to lie. I won’t be mad,” Dela answered her. Astravia was speechless. Never before in her history had her disguise been seen through by anyone other than another god and here was this innocent little fairy, which had apparently deciphered it in the space of only a few days.

“If you do not think I am a fairy, what do you think I am? I have wings just like you. I am tiny just like you…”

“I don’t know what you are,” Dela smiled, “but I do know that I love you.” There was nothing condescending or romantic or even lustful in her words. They were simple and pure and full of genuine adoration.

“But why would you think that I am not like you?”

“You have magic,” Dela said to her. “Not like mine. I can see it. It pours off of you, and we barely have a little tiny trickle,” she continued, taking Astravia’s hands and smiling at her sweetly. Astravia was jittering with abject fear and reaching out to Maceo in a panic telepathically for aid. “What does your necklace do?” she asked, again shocking the little fairy goddess. Indeed, she had seen through her disguise.

“M-my necklace?”

“Mmhmm!” Dela nodded enthusiastically. “What does it do?” Astravia struggled to find some kind of answer until a brief moment later, Maceo entered attempting to break the stalemate.

“Hey what are you two up to?” he asked energetically.

“Talking!” Dela answered brightly. “I think Avia thinks I’ll be mad at her for lying to me.”

“I have not lied to you!” Astravia answered back.

“What makes you think she lied to you? You’ve caught me fibbing, but you’ve never once said anything to her.”

“I can’t sense it in her like you,” Dela answered. With no other options available to him, Maceo walked in and held up a hand for each little fairy to sit on and then set them down on the table facing him while he sat across from them. With the stage set for a serious conversation, Maceo pressed Dela to open up and tell them everything that was on her mind.

Dela then went on to explain that she just felt like something was very different about Astravia from the beginning. The others had noticed too, but she saw something deeper that she couldn’t quite explain. Astravia’s disguise in this form also masked her immense magical stores, which were still quite impressive for non-god standards even at her diminutive size, so her pendant should have in theory also hidden her powers from the little fairies. As it turned out, it actually had.

In the beginning, Dela couldn’t help but be fascinated by a sensation that there was something very special about her new friends. With Maceo, it was obvious. She could sense his great physical strength and magic with no effort. With Astravia, it was more of just a vague sensation that she couldn’t quite describe.

Then, over time as she spent nearly all of her time with the two of them, she began to sense a faint shadow around Astravia, which she finally came to (correctly) decide was a store of magical power that was lying hidden and dormant. For some reason, she couldn’t help but think that the subtle shadow she was imagining was coming from Astravia’s necklace. Once she determined that much, she realized that Astravia was deceiving her, if not lying, though something about her completely stopped Dela’s ability to sense lies and deception. Ultimately, there was one thing in particular that had set Dela on the path of sleuthing Astravia’s secrets out. When she’d stowed away the first time on the airship, there was a sudden burst of magical energy beaming out from outside the satchel she was hiding inside of, which was also the reason she’d chosen to reveal herself when she did. She was curious and wanted to see what wonders her friends had hidden aboard the amazing craft, though she was somewhat saddened when the power that drew her out vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

She also added that Astravia’s wise and calm demeanor, as well as the breadth of her knowledge seemed too strange to be that belonging to a fairy. All of these clues together led the little fairy woman to the conclusion that Astravia was not what she appeared to be. Thankfully for both Astravia and Maceo, she had behaved uncharacteristically for a fairy and kept her thoughts to herself, rather than spreading them through the entire fairy community.

With her explanation out of the way, Astravia sighed deeply, pondering the options at her disposal. Maceo at one point turned to her with serious eyes, telepathically suggesting one option, but Astravia shook her head and waved him off.

“I am not attempting to deceive you, per se,” Astravia finally answered her. “I am simply trying to remain inconspicuous.”

“So you’re not a fairy,” Dela stated positively with a nod of her head.

“No, I am not a fairy,” Astravia answered her.

“What are you?”

“I have my reasons for not wanting to discuss that. I would ask that you please respect that and not push any further on the matter,” she told Dela quite politely, but also firmly. Dela looked a little disappointed, but nodded in agreement and lowered her head slightly. “What I will tell you is that I am indeed a magical being. I am also an immortal one.”

Astravia then stood on the table she was sitting on and held her pendant in her hand, deactivating it. Dela’s wings fluttered so hard that she popped up to her feet and watched as Astravia glowed and then her wings receded, her light blond hair darkened to a rich golden blonde and her bosom expanded as her dress reconfigured itself and she took the form of her (now) less than five inch tall mortal form.

“Wow…” Dela gasped with amazement, now fluttering in quick circles around the now shrunken woman before her to inspect her.

“The simple version of the story you are wishing to know is that I fell in love with Maceo and in my lust, I lost sight of who and what I was. I abused my power and as a consequence, I was shrunken to one twelfth my normal height. It is at this size that I will remain while I attempt to learn my lesson for allowing my power to corrupt me.”

“But I can see it now! You have so much magic!”

“She has a lot less than when she was full sized,” Maceo answered tentatively, still quite disoriented that Astravia had deemed the little fairy fit to know this much of her secret.

“At my full size,” Astravia explained, “I can easily hide my true power, and I can take whatever form I wish. At this size, I am much more limited. This pendant that Maceo created for me allows me to conceal my true nature, though it has certain limitations. We have begun new pendants that do not have the same limitations, however they will still take several decades to solidify.”

“Decades? So Maceo is immortal too?”

“No,” Astravia answered her and stepped closer to look up at the much taller fairy. “Maceo is a mortal, though I did help to change him before I was shrunken down to the size you see me at now. However, that is why we cannot stay with you. We are on a quest to gather what we need so that he too can be immortal.”

“But why would you want to be immortal?” she asked Maceo in frustration, even stomping her little foot. “What’s the point? How can life be special if it never ends?”

“I love fairies,” Astravia smiled up at the little fairy while squeezing her hands in hers. “They have such an innocence that culminates in a very special kind of wisdom.” Dela blushed and beamed and opened her mouth to answer her compliment in kind, but Astravia reached up and placed her fingertips on her lips to signal her to remain silent.

“I want to live forever for her,” Maceo answered Dela. Dela turned again to face the giant sitting across from her. “You’re right. I didn’t think so at first, but I’m starting to see what you and Avia are saying about living forever. But Avia does live forever. So think about that. You’re worried about how can life be special if it never ends, but imagine being in her position. Imagine how lonely life would be with no one to share it with.”

“Oh,” Dela replied with wonder, nodding her head in understanding. “Do you want me to live forever too? I don’t want you to be lonely!”

Astravia smiled widely, touched by her offer, especially since she knew that this little fairy already understood the consequences of eternal life and had no desire for it. “Maceo is sacrificing much in order to offer me this gift,” Astravia answered her. “He is changing his nature and who he is to do this for me. I do not wish to ask the same of others. Making this sacrifice would mean giving up your life with your loved ones, watching them and their children and their children’s’ children pass while you remain unchanged by the passage of time. It is a painful path, especially for one who was not born immortal. The longer you live, the less that you will have in common with your own kind. What makes you special Dela, is your purity. Time will encroach upon that purity and sully it. I do not wish to harm you.”

“I can’t tell anybody, can I?” Dela asked her.

“No,” Maceo confirmed. “We’re keeping this secret for Avia’s sake. As small as she is, she’s vulnerable compared to how she used to be, and there are people who would try to hurt her if they knew the truth. But we’re also doing it for everyone else’s sake. If we both live forever, we can’t really be a part of your lives. We can only visit.”

Dela was of course full of enthusiastic questions, begging to learn more about the couple, which Astravia was happy to share, though she was careful to keep the details limited so that Dela didn’t know who specifically she was. They were well into this long conversation when there was a sound from a room above, letting them know that their friends from overseas were calling again, trying to reach them.

“So they know about you?” Dela asked them both.

“They do not,” Astravia answered her. “Because my power is so limited, I was no longer able to shield them from my lack of aging and Maceo’s slowed aging. At my full size, I can create new forms to hide this from others, however I am too weak now to access that power.”

“Ohhhhh,” Dela nodded enthusiastically. “Can I meet them?” she chirped, hopping on her tiptoes.

Astravia laughed and hugged the taller fairy. “I would be honored,” she declared, then sat on the edge of the table while Maceo scooped Dela up into the palm of his hand and she watched wide eyed in amazement as Astravia glowed and began growing up and up and up to twelve times her original size. Just tall enough to hop down from the table and go hand in hand with her husband, who led them both up stairs to answer the call of their friends from overseas.

Rhona and Elaheh were beyond delighted to meet the little fairy. They were so excited in fact that their children crowded into the call as well as Elaheh’s mother and Grandmother, who was struggling quite a bit now.

Dela was every bit as sweet and delightful to them as she had been to Maceo and Astravia, fluttering in front of each person in the images before her and asking endless questions about them before Maceo and Astravia explained the colony of fairies they’d discovered across the great western sea and what they’d managed to piece together regarding their origins.

It of course had been a couple months since Maceo and Astravia had seen Rhona and Elaheh’s children and Maceo was particularly struck by how much they’d grown in such a short period of time, while Astravia feigned amazement. Of course, to Dela they were all massive, even the youngest of the children, so she was simply amazed by how massive all of them were and making it a point to remind them as well, given that the first time she’d seen anyone that large was when Maceo and Astravia chanced upon their little colony.

Most importantly, Elaheh was enthralled with the delightful little fairy, cooing and praising her over and over so much that Dela couldn’t even keep up, much to her tiny frustration and blushing heavily.

It was at this point that Astravia spoke up and explained the interesting fairy custom of exchanging compliments to Elaheh, who had never seen a fairy before in her life. Elaheh explained to the curious little Dela that Fairies were seen as incredible good luck, as they only allowed themselves to be seen when they chose to and that being allowed to see, let alone interact with a fairy was something to be fairly proud of. Rhona added that while she had once seen a fairy, she refused to allow the former sorceress to approach at all after she determined quite quickly exactly what Rhona was at that time. She was also less than enthusiastic about chasing it down as she had heard rumors that sorcerers that cornered a group of fairies might end up transformed into a fairy themselves. The few communities that lived harmoniously with fairies tended to be protective of them and anyone who was determined to be a possible threat to their little good luck charms was unwelcome at best.

They chatted most of the night away right up to the point that the flighty little fairy fell asleep curled up in Maceo’s palm after reaching her temporary limit and was in need of a short recharge given the late hour. Finally, they bid their friends goodbye and retired to bed themselves, with Astravia allowing herself to shrink down into her extra-miniaturized mortal form to sleep along with Dela atop Maceo’s chest.

The stormy weather that forced them to lift off lasted for nearly two days, requiring Maceo and Astravia to keep Dela as their guest the entire time, though with the extra time they had the opportunity to travel south far enough to gather more materials for Maceo’s spell as well as resources to help fuel the airship. Dela was amazed to see lands she’d never even dreamed of before and was thrilled by the fact that it was slightly warmer there than where she had come from.

Still, by the time the weather front had passed, Dela was more than a little homesick and this very much fueled her ultimate choice regarding spending eternity with Maceo and Astravia. Being away from her family and friends was simply too difficult and the reality of being separated from them too heavy a burden to bear.

They spent one additional day there at the lost fairy colony where Dela refused even a single moment away from her new friends before she finally took Astravia by the hand and pulled on it until Astravia flew off with her to a private corner to speak alone.

There, she cut a deal with Astravia. When Dela had told the others of the days spent aloft visiting further lands, a few proved to be incredibly interested, but none more than little Qiana, who was elated at the prospect of time alone with Maceo again. In fact, this private conversation was possible entirely due to the fact that Maceo was entertaining her as they spoke. Unfortunately, however, Quiana joining them was simply out of the question. While they had been away, Qiana’s newborn daughter was taking up all of her attention and though she was growing noticeably every day, she was simply too young to be away from her mother, and the newborn fairy’s father and extended family were unwilling to part with the new fairy for more than a short period of time.

That being said, Dela pressed Astravia, telling her that she desperately wanted to travel and explore with Maceo and her, so long as they would pass by again to return her to her loved ones in a few months time. If they did, she promised she would do everything in her power to convince the others to relocate back to the old world where they would be able to flourish much better amongst mortals.

Astravia was conflicted. On the one hand, she had been looking forward to time alone with Maceo again where she could size change for a variety of love making scenarios, and she was also hesitant to move the otherwise happy community of fairies. Astravia also confided with Dela the span of her kind, noting that the way they’d been forced to adapt after escaping so far away meant that their small community would also likely live beyond the normal stages of fairies, perhaps so far ahead in time that the humans became industrialized. On the other hand, she didn’t want to see the fairies here disappear prematurely.

In the end, Astravia consulted with Maceo upon returning and then they both agreed to allow Dela to accompany them for a period of time. This would also have the bonus of allowing Astravia and Maceo time to determine a suitable site for their new colony.
Check out my SW story Please..:

Shrink Master
Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Sun Aug 21, 2022 4:48 am

It took another four months for the trio to travel to all the remaining locations to gather what was needed for Maceo’s spell. Their travels first brought them to the western side of the continent where they had found the lost fairy colony.

There they found some of the humans that Astravia had described who had migrated to that continent in millennia past and discovered that they were exactly as Astravia had described. Some of their tribes were clearly more advanced, though still lacking basic developments that were found in the older continents far, far to the east. Interestingly, it was these more advanced tribes that were more likely to be cruel and violent and thus, they avoided them.

Other tribes were bordering on purely savage, which Astravia explained was due to the fact that these tribes had been born from individuals whose behaviors couldn’t be reconciled with the groups they had originated with. They were either too aggressive, or too violent or too filled with greed to coexist.

It was the third type of tribe that Astravia had pointed them to as being worthy of interacting with, and thankfully this type was of greater number than the previous two. These humans were indeed savage and unrefined, even when compared with the primitive people Maceo had left behind. However there was a certain level of nobility to them that fascinated Maceo, but he was especially drawn to their fierce sense of independence and a kind of egalitarianism. Astravia had predicted he would be interested in these people, but even she was surprised by how captivated he was by them.

He buried himself in their primitive customs, spending an inordinate amount of time learning their language and behaviors as well as the unique methods they had for survival. He spent little time talking, and a great deal of time observing and listening, even going so far as to follow them on hunts and a war party to drive off one of the more violent tribes.

They spent three weeks there before Astravia was lying with him in bed one evening along with Dela and she looked up at him, too curious now to stop herself from questioning his strange attraction with these people.

“They do not even have the wheel, nor swords, and yet you look to them as if they are wise sages. What is so interesting here for you?” she asked him.

“I’ve been struggling to answer that myself,” Maceo confided in her. “But I think it boils down to how free they are.”

“How free they are?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

“They own things, but they seem to have a completely different way of looking at how that works,” Maceo told her. “I’m so used to kingdoms and I had to fight to evade being conscripted into an army when I was a boy. They have cities and trade routes and wealthy merchants who control slaves, and I can’t help but notice that these people have none of that.”

“Maceo, I would like to remind you that these people are quite savage,” Astravia pointed out.
“But they’ve learned something from that,” Maceo insisted. “And it’s so natural to them, they don’t even consider there’s another way to be.”

“Maceo, people of this kind have existed on many worlds. Eventually, they will be reunited with their long lost brethren and this wisdom you speak of will be for naught. Their reunion will result in near genocide due largely to the same beliefs you are beginning to covet. These are not ideas that are well suited to a successful society.”

“Why not?”

“Because they are not assertive enough. The reason there are two other entire types of faction compared to this type is because these people lacked the aggression to kill those that now constantly threaten them with war parties. Both of the other types of faction were born of these people, but these people are the ones that are always on the defensive and will be until your people advance enough to come here and take what they are able. I have seen it countless times. By the time your people are ready to reach out to the stars, these people will likely barely exist, and those that do would be hardly recognizable to their ancestors. I appreciate their kindness and adaptability, however, their kind is destined for extinction.”

“That’s too bad,” Maceo commented numbly. “Because I am certain I have learned something special here.”

“And that is?” Astravia asked him leadingly.

“I’m still struggling to put that all together. It’s gonna take me time to sort it all out.”

“I am still struggling to understand what it is you think you have discovered. I have studied people of this kind extensively. I do in actuality appreciate what they are, but that will not help them escape their fate. Their end will be slow and agonizing. They are not what my kind has been looking for.”

“Do you remember the conversations we’ve had about power?”

“Of course. And the strange ideas you have regarding how it should be used.”

“These people know,” Maceo told her. “I’ve struggled to explain just why it is that I feel the way that I do, but they’ve figured it out. The problem is that they’re not like the theologians and philosophers where I come from, so they can’t explain it well to me. Maybe they’re not what you’re looking for, but they’re what I’ve been searching for. I want to learn from them whatever I can.”

“Well, I would prefer we not spend as much time here as we did in Astraviantium. I would prefer to spend the coming decades less conspicuously.”

“I don’t like them,” Dela complained. “One wanted to eat me.”

“He was still a child,” Maceo debated.

“I don’t want to be eaten!” she cried out with a sad face.

“No one is going to lay a finger on you,” Maceo promised. “We explained to him that you’re not an animal. I think he understood.”

“My children NEVER asked to eat someone else!” she added vociferously.

“Fairies are vegetarians, dear,” Astravia laughed at her.

“Why can’t humans be too?” she asked Astravia. “I don’t want to get eaten!”

“They simply are unfamiliar with fairies, Dela. By the time they spread back out to where your colony is you will thankfully be returned to a newer, safer location. Beloved, this is simply another reason we should not linger here so long. Look at how stressful this is for Dela.”

“Alright,” Maceo agreed. “We’ll head out the day after tomorrow.”

That wasn’t to say that the time there was all poorly spent. They went on several hikes exploring some truly stunning landscapes and seeing animals that neither Maceo nor Dela had ever seen before. The only real complaint there was the inordinate amount of walking that Astravia was less than accustomed to. Ideally, she would have chosen to shrink down into her fairy form or one of her smaller forms that she could maintain without the use of the pendant, but unfortunately, the tribe they’d befriended insisted on providing guides, which left Astravia with somewhat sore feet from all of the hiking.

Such was the price of having her powers diminished as far as they had been. She was constantly forced to choose what she could use her magic on and what she couldn’t as much for the purposes of concealing her many secrets as for the lack of available magic.

These people were highly in tune with nature, given their need to be so in these savage lands, and as such, they were keenly aware of any change that happened around them, often times without even needing to see a change occur with their own eyes. They had virtually no knowledge of magic nor any available to them, however they intuitively were able to perceive shifts around them much the same way a wolf would subconsciously sense the subtlest shifts in the air.

As such, she was forced to remain in her human disguise at nearly all times, even more than when she had lived amongst the mortals thousands of miles behind them due to these people’s keen senses.

Dela was hard enough to explain to them, being a magical creature the likes of which they had never seen before. Once the original shock that had led one child to ask to skewer her as a snack had passed, they were intensely curious about her and constantly surrounding her and inspecting her, which led to Dela finally learning to understand the value of personal boundaries as hers were constantly violated by giants that were relentlessly poking and prodding her with fingers so large that she could have sat upon them as easily as she would a tree branch.

Astravia also found herself irritated by the fact that being forced to remain in her mortal form left Maceo’s shoulders open for Dela to perch upon by herself, which she constantly was doing. Moreover, Astravia was so short in this form that she needed to lift up to her tip toes just to gain a peak at her tiny rival in order to determine what she was doing at any given time. Generally speaking, Dela at any moment could be seen nuzzling or snuggling the giant mortal affectionately, which only fueled Astravia’s jealousy even further.

Nonetheless, despite how kind, hospitable and helpful these people had been to them, the extended time amongst them had seen to it that the mortals’ libidos were stoked to the limit given Astravia’s intoxicating scent as well as Maceo’s own boosted attractiveness given the attributes he had accumulated from drinking Astravia’s milk.

When they lifted off, the very first thing that Astravia did was shift forms to her fairy form, shrinking down to less than five inches tall and zipped up to Maceo’s shoulder to reclaim her territory in a rather obvious manner.

Even more frustrating was how Dela didn’t care one little iota of Astravia’s territorial flex and was instead beyond welcoming, wrapping her tiny arms around the little fairy goddess and embracing her fully.

From there, they made their way south to an impressively large isthmus that traveled southeast from that continent to yet another continent, this one far more dense with jungles and rugged terrain than the continent to the north they had just left. The next stop was an impressively large lake more than twelve thousand feet above sea level, high enough that the airship was actually struggling a bit to operate at that altitude.

While there were a number of native settlements on this continent at this time, there were very few near this location at that time, with only a small village resting on an island near the southern end of the lake. The natives there did notice the arrival of the behemoth airship, and ventured out on reed boats to investigate, but once they determined that Maceo was of little interest, they didn’t bother to go any closer and instead chose to leave the explorers alone while they made their trip relatively short as they gathered more materials.

Once their mission had been accomplished, they spent a single extra day there to explore after incessant begging from Dela. They spent it venturing out and investigating the unique terrain before they lifted off once more and set a course due south, generally following the east coast of this continent until they reached its tip which was peppered with islands before proceeding out to sea further and further as the air grew colder and colder.

Once out to sea, Maceo was amazed to spot an iceberg below for the first time in his life and both he and Dela were taken aback by how immense this floating mountain of ice was as they descended and circled for a closer look. Dela was insistent on exploring it, but Astravia was far more reserved, pointing out that icebergs had been known to flip over randomly and denying that she simply wasn’t in the mood for more random excursions. Dela responded by calling Astravia a killjoy, which immediately soured the fairy goddess’ mood.

“Believe me Dela, you are about to see more ice than you will ever dream of soon enough,” she huffed before transforming from her shrunken mortal form into her fairy form and zipping out of the control car.

A day later, they spotted the rocky shores of islands peppering the cold southern seas which were incredibly interesting for the little fairy, but not interesting enough it seemed to warrant going down to check. The islands had next to no vegetation at all and even sparser populations of animals, making it an utterly alien world that was interesting to look at from a comfortable distance, but was less than desirable to experience up close.

This was all fine with Astravia, however, who was awaiting what was ahead on their journey.

The next morning, Dela awoke and rode Maceo’s shoulder down to the control car and nearly fell off of him when she was faced with what lay before them. In front of her was a massive land, whose shores were rocky and dusty with small amounts of moss gathered here or there, but not far beyond that was a land of eternal winter, blanketed in nothing but snow for as far as the eye could see.

“What is this place?” Dela asked aloud, quite nearly panicked when she couldn’t spot so much as a single tree.

“It is an entire continent, frozen in ice for millions of years,” came Astravia’s response, poised perfectly and entirely calm in demeanor.

They traveled inland past a massive snow covered mountain whose peak was filled with molten lava and further still as Dela trembled slightly while she watched ice freeze on the windows in front of her.

“How cold is it here?” Dela asked, zipping back to the warmth of Maceo and Astravia and snuggling up to them.

“Oh, we are entering the warm season here,” Astravia smirked. “Where we are now, it only occasionally slightly peaks above freezing temperatures at certain points in the year. But where we are going those lands have not seen even that warmth in tens of millions of years.”

“So it used to be warmer here?” Dela asked her in utter disbelief.

“That depends somewhat on how you define ‘here,’ but oh yes. These lands once were quite hot and humid.”

“What happened?”

“Over enormous periods of time, the many lands of this world move. In fact, there was a time in this world’s history where the lands where your village of fairies lives and where your ancestors came from were connected. There was no sea or oceans between them. The same is true of these lands. There were once creatures many times the size of Maceo roaming these lands, many times larger than the elk you have seen. Creatures so tall they would be able to look down on the trees you inhabit.”

“But they’re all gone,” Dela gasped.

“Yes, my dear. I am afraid they have been gone for many millions of years now.”

Another amazing fact for Dela, and even for Maceo was that the remainder of the trip took more than an entire day to complete from when they first reached the tip of this frozen continent to finally reaching their destination at a mountain covered in ice. When Maceo stepped into the hangar bay to prepare the aircraft, Dela was forced to instantly retreat back shivering violently from the blast of cold air when he opened the hatch and hide in Astravia’s smaller arms for warmth.

When Maceo finally returned with icicles forming in his hair, Dela pronounced that Astravia and she would be forced to remain aboard the airship while Maceo searched for his prize, however Astravia was having none of that. She rightly informed Dela that her place was at her husband’s side, which was exactly where she intended to be.

The little less than five inch tall woman transformed again into her fairy form and left for a room set up as a study for her while Dela remained and chatted boisterously, and daresay flirtatiously with Maceo and eventually Astravia returned with a soft and fluffy long coat for Dela that was made from the same materials she used for her goddess gowns. Dela struggled to put in on around her delicate wings, but when she did, she danced in the air happily trying it out and pulling its hood up to twirl and play with these incredibly warm and surprisingly light winter clothes.

They made it as far as the hatch out to the hangar bay and she was nor more than a couple feet out the door before she was shivering and shaking again and hiding in Maceo’s hands for warmth, despite the added assistance from her new clothes.

“My wings hurt,” she whimpered, shaking them and staring up at him with sad, wounded eyes as he walked them back into the ship again.

Astravia sighed heavily, but fluttered down to the nearest flat surface and set down, then motioned for Maceo to set Dela down with her. There, they warmed the little fairy up and Astravia tapped her foot, assessing her options. It was then that Maceo conferred with her how much time they required out there and once she assured him they would only need a couple of hours, he suggested they retrieve the other, older pendant and set it so that Dela could use it. Astravia was a little surprised, but after a moment to consider it, she nodded in agreement, then flew off to grab her spare pendant and returned, putting it around Dela’s neck. Dela stared at the rather large necklace that hung down as low as her stomach with a stone as large as her hand. Astravia then wrapped Dela’s hands around it and her hands around Dela’s and concentrated as she configured the stone appropriately to have another utilize it. Dela watched and listened to Astravia’s instructions and then screamed with surprise as soon as she began suddenly growing in front of Astravia to double her size, then four times to eight times as her wings shrank away to nothing until she was human sized and no longer fitting kneeling on the surface she had rested on and fell off and into Maceo’s arms, which caught her with ease.

Dela stared up at him, now with soft, but nearly mocha colored skin and raven locks that were still in a short haircut, but longer than they had been in her normal form. He helped her to her feet, and her eyes never left his as he did so, even going so far as to blush from the sensation of his strong arms around her gently assisting her up.

As a human, Dela looked more like a woman from across the sea to the southeast from where Maceo had originally come from. Her features were much darker than they had been as a fairy and were even somewhat exotic with her lavender eyes changing to a shade of brown that bordered on looking gold. Still quite slender, she sported much more prominent breasts, perhaps a large B cup in this form, and a firm, athletic body that could be easily noticed even beneath the extensive winter wear she was sporting, which had also transformed with her into a thick and comfy looking long hooded jacket that extended down to her knees. Her new height was hardly impressive, though she wasn’t particularly short, now standing at a healthy 5’4” tall, still easily quite a bit taller than Astravia in her mortal form, but a far cry from Maceo still.

She might not have been the bombshell that Astravia was, but in this form she would easily turn more than a head or two. Dela hardly even noticed the changes herself until her body twitched and then she was finally shaken from his gaze to look behind her only to find her wings completely gone and she was unable to fly any longer. Astravia laughed at her, immediately gaining her attention and Dela chirped before covering her mouth as she stared down at a tiny fairy sized woman that could easily fit in the palm of her hand.

“You’re so tiny!” she squeaked to Astravia, then she chirped again in surprise as Astravia began expanding up and outward until she was back to her 4’10” tall self and large enough to hop down to stand with them, still the smallest of the trio despite just now expanding twelvefold in height. “I can’t fly,” Dela exclaimed in a panic to Astravia.

“No dear,” Astravia confirmed. Your wings are tucked away for safekeeping. This form will provide a buffer, which in conjunction with your new clothing should protect you from the extreme cold. Your wings do not seem to fair well in the frigid temperatures anyways.”

They again stepped toward the hatch, but Dela found herself off balance without her wings as well as the lack of use of said legs, which caused her to be wobbly on her feet.

“How do you do this?” she whined to them both as she stumbled and nearly fell over. “It’s not fun walking!”

“You simply need practice my dear,” Astravia assured her and helped her along with Maceo back to the hatch and through it.

Dela immediately was met with a spine tingling shiver up her spine and tensed from the cold, but as Astravia had predicted, it was at least tolerable now and forged ahead to the cockpit of the plane, which unfortunately was only build for two at most. Once they were stuffed inside, Maceo used his magic to conjure a ball of energy strong enough to quickly heat the crowded cockpit and once it was warm enough, Astravia and Dela shrank back down in size so that they could fit inside the partially buttoned jacket Maceo was wearing so they could get a safe and good view out the cockpit’s window.

Then the aircraft was pulled back and lowered on a trapeze where Maceo initiated the engines and then released once they were fully spun, gently descending down and touching down on skis that had replaced the normal landing gear. Once there, Astravia lifted gracefully out of his jacket and to the back of the cockpit together where they both grew back to normal mortal proportions and were ready to step out into the frigid temperatures, which were a struggle for Dela, even given the added protections Astravia had given her.

Their destination was a mountain near their landing site that was thankfully not a particularly treacherous climb and once they reached the top, Dela was shocked to see a pool of lava churning beneath them.

“You will find what we are looking for deeper within the walls of this caldera,” Astravia informed him while she assisted Dela closer to the lava until she actually felt warm thanks to the molten rock around them and the ridges of the caldera sheltering them from the worst of the Antarctic winds.

Using his magic, Maceo needed nearly an hour to drill down to the point he needed and he hadn’t even reached his goal yet when Dela turned around and looked over to Astravia who was watching the lava flow like one would a comfy fireplace and tipped her head to the side. She trotted over to Astravia, now somewhat more accustomed to using her legs and stared at her.

“Did you get bigger?” she asked Astravia, who immediately turned and looked at her, then gasped slightly as she realized that Dela was now at least three inches shorter than her.

“Oh no, you are shrinking already,” she remarked worriedly. “Beloved!” she called out loudly while taking Dela’s hand and leading her back to her lover as quickly as she could. As they approached, he stopped working and turned to look, wondering as to the source of her concern and it was when they were half way to him that he noticed the discrepancy. “She is already shrinking, Maceo!”

“I thought we still had a couple more hours,” Maceo said back with alarm.

“We should, however it appears that because this pendant is custom created for me, it is even more unpredictable for Dela,” she explained while Maceo grimaced as Dela unexpectedly reduced slightly more in height. It was just enough that Dela noticed the change as well and she turned and looked up at Astravia, unaccustomed to her friend being so much taller than her.

“Is it broken?” she asked Astravia.

“No dear,” Astravia answered. “However, this is my old pendant. I only keep it around for emergencies because it cannot hold a consistent charge for more than a few hours at a time now.”

“How small am I going to shrink?” she asked Astravia with concern.

“It will only fade and leave you back at your normal size again. There is nothing to be concerned about aside from the cold.” Dela now was incredibly frightened and began fidgeting. “How much longer, beloved?” she asked Maceo with urgency.

“I think I’m almost there. How long do we have before it fails?”

Astravia reached inside of Dela’s jacket and took the pendant in her hand, sensing it’s power and her brow furrowed. “We should actually have a couple more hours, it is simply fluctuating more. I should have foreseen this. I can use my own magic to help maintain this pendant until it is drained, however, Dela cannot. Astravia concentrated and then Dela chirped as she suddenly began growing again until she was once more several inches taller than Astravia.

“I’ll hurry,” Maceo declared.

With a new sense of urgency, Maceo doubled his efforts and before long, he was able to extract the minerals he was looking for, which included remnants of fossils from millions of years before.

Mission accomplished, they hurried back out of the rim of the caldera and downward with Maceo and Astravia both assisting Dela as they rushed as quickly as they could back to the aircraft. They had made it only several hundred yards from the foot of the volcano when suddenly Dela began steadily shrinking again and she chirped as she watched Astravia rise up to her height again and then taller, squeaking with panic as she began to feel the intense cold penetrating her altered form again.

They picked up to a jog at this point until Dela had shrunk down to half Astravia’s height and could no longer keep up no matter how fast she tried to run. By this point she was whimpering nearly constantly from the increased effect of the cold on her body as well as on her wings, which had just barely begun to sprout again.

“COLD, COLD, COLD, COLD, COLD!” Dela screamed and as she did so, her shrinking accelerated slightly, dropping her down toward knee height.

“We will not make it in time,” Astravia warned. “Beloved, open your jacket,” she ordered, then reached inside of Dela’s jacket, who screamed from the sudden blast of cold air assaulting her chest. Astravia grabbed her pendant and deactivated it quickly grabbing Dela and picking her up into her hands as she now rapidly dwindled down to her normal size and screamed from the pain of the cold right up until Astravia shoved her into Maceo’s jacket before shrinking herself down to fairy size and fluttering up against the frigid winds into Maceo’s jacket as well where she wrapped her arms around the little fairy in a bid to warm her up while Maceo closed off his jacket and ran back to the aircraft.

Inside of his jacket, Dela whimpered and curled up, wincing every time she moved her wings, which had apparently become frostbitten around the edges while she was shrinking. Astravia held her close and petted her, comforting her until they felt Maceo climb into the cockpit and seal it. A moment later, Maceo informed them that he’d reheated the cockpit and asked if they were coming out after popping his jacket open.

“I will need to heal her wings before she should fly again,” Astravia answered him. “For now, I believe we shall stay where we are.

The flight up to the airship again was easy enough, however the gusts of winds were enough that Maceo’s first two attempts to re-dock failed. None of this did much to console Dela, who was still whimpering with pain and it wasn’t until they were re-docked and Maceo sealed his jacket shut again that Dela showed any sign of relief.

He climbed out of the cockpit, closed the hangar and immediately reentered the working area of the airship and pulled both little fairies out of his jacket, dressed down and then carried them up to the top level of the airship with both fairies cupped in his hands. They went to a room on the starboard side of the airship and once there, Maceo sat down while a flame lit in front of them in a rectangular hole in the wall around some objects that looked like logs.

“There’s a fire here?” Dela asked them both, still wincing with pain.

“It’s not a real fire,” Maceo answered her. “The flames are magic, and the heat comes from the logs that are also fueled by magic.

“Real flames on a ship such as this one are somewhat dangerous,” Astravia answered, now taking her time to heal Dela, who began sighing with relief as her damaged wings began to regenerate again. “This is actually the first time we have had a decent opportunity to use this faux fireplace since we installed it just before setting off on our journey.”

“What’s a fireplace?” Dela asked her while relaxed and melting enough that she looked like she was going to fall asleep curled up on Astravia’s lap.

The three of them remained like this for most of the night, relaxing in front of this previously unused amenity aboard the airship. Dela faded in and out of consciousness several times bathing in the heat from their fire as well as the contentedness of lying in both Maceo’s hands and Astravia’s arms.

Whenever Dela would drift off to sleep to replenish her delicate reserves, Maceo and Astravia would converse telepathically with each other in order to spare Dela any interruptions to her much needed rest. They shared mundane matters, such as the details regarding Maceo’s upcoming spell or future plans, but they also discussed Dela who had become unaccustomedly attached to them for a fairy. At stake was her future with them, or if there were to be one at all. They enjoyed her company obviously, but Astravia was beginning to have difficulty enduring her rising passions for her husband and Dela was literally in hand almost at all times. It also didn’t help that as a fairy, she simply didn’t understand the intimacy and privacy of mortal or godly lovemaking. They might not be a particularly sexually driven race, but they also held no compunctions regarding openly having sex with anyone they felt the desire to. While fairies almost never devolved into full-blown orgies, they also had little concern with engaging in trysts that were anything but one on one. Fairies did not make love with the passion and intensity of mortals, but they also lacked the life changing connections that such passion brought as well as lacking in the drama and strife that occurred when such life changing relationships failed. For a fairy, sex was simply something they did that felt good.

The next morning, Dela was sitting on the edge of the sink drying off while watching Astravia shower under the faucet below, fascinated by her impressively feminine human curves. When Astravia finished, she stepped out of the water and with a wave of her hand, the faucet slowly closed and shut the water flow off behind her. Then she walked up the slope of the sink and bent over, picking up a piece of cloth and began wiping herself dry.

“Your body is so much more wavy than mine,” she told Astravia while using her hands to demonstrate Astravia’s womanly hourglass like figure.

“Thank you,” Astravia smiled, then wrapped the tiny towel made specifically for Astravia in this shrunken state around her torso and sat with the little naked fairy who hadn’t even bothered to towel off following her own shower.

“Is that good?” Dela asked Astravia who nearly laughed over her question.

“Amongst Maceo’s people, it is considered a compliment.”

“I look so… flat compared to you.”

“Well, you are a fairy,” Astravia answered her. “Such curves do not lend themselves well to flying and foraging in the forests. I would not worry. You still have a lovely, youthful figure.”

“Do you think Maceo likes it?”

“I am certain he does.”

“I felt something when he caught me yesterday. You know, when I was big. I felt something. I felt tingly everywhere. I was so big, but he was even bigger and he was so strong. He held me like I was already lying on the ground.”

“I know you did, Dela.”

“What was it?”

“Human males are unique. Their strength provides a sense of comfort and safety. I know that you can feel that energy even now, but falling into his arms like you did yesterday allowed you to feel it the way women of his kind would feel it.”

“I wanna be human,” Dela blurted.

“I do not have the power in my current state to fully transform you like that. Maceo technically does, but he lacks the experience necessary to do it. Beside that, you are a fairy, Dela. You are not meant to walk the world as his kind does. Humans are rather intense creatures, whereas you are more pure and innocent.”

“So a human wouldn’t like me?”

“Oh, quite to the contrary,” Astravia giggled. “Were you to have a human body, one of his kind would be extremely attracted to you for little more than your lovely personality. The price, however, is are you willing to create a home for him and spend decades raising his children? Would you be willing to give up the freedom and constant joy you experience from the gift of your wings? Would you be willing to stand by him doing the work he requires to support him? Cooking, cleaning, negotiating the goods he needs to conduct his home and business? Humans are creatures built to toil and construct. Is that a life you would choose for yourself?”

“That sounds HARD!”

“It is. You see this monstrous airship? Maceo built it with his own two hands. He designed it with his own imagination. He also did it expressly for me. Imagine how many of these metal girders around us he had to carry himself as well as the heat he had to stoke to melt and form them as you see them now. This entire craft is a testament to the blood and sweat he shed toiling to create it. Their culture would not ask the same tasks of you, but they would ask you toil just the same in the name of a husband you would take.”

“Do you toil for him?”

“When I was large enough? Of course. Happily. His gratitude was more than enough payment for me when I cooked him meals or I saw to his home being tended to. But is it what you would want?”

“But you said you can’t turn me into one of them. Is there a way?”

“When this spell over me is lifted, I could perform this. I could put you into a slumber that would preserve you until I had the power to grant your wish and wake you then. However, by that time your children will have all passed away long beforehand. Your family and your loved ones would be no more. Are you not homesick any longer?”

“I miss them,” Dela admitted almost tearfully.

“Relationships of the type his kind enjoy require sacrifice, Dela. There is great reward for that sacrifice, but it is not easy. There is also risk.”

“I love him,” Dela told Astravia suddenly.

“You are a fairy, dear. Fairies love everyone.”

“But he’s different. You’re different. I love you too.” Astravia took a deep breath and sighed, nodding while she pushed her own jealousies down.

“I suppose there must be something behind those words that is more than a fairy’s natural affinity toward his kind. Please understand that our relationship is not like one a fairy enjoys.”

“Haven’t you ever been with a girl and a boy together before?” Astravia blushed and averted Dela’s gaze, but Dela leaned in, practically forcing Astravia to answer her.

“Yes I have,” Astravia finally admitted. “But I have come to believe that every time I did so, it was a mistake. Really, I only did it because I thought the man I was with at the time wanted me to.”

“But you didn’t like it?”

“I… enjoyed it, yes, however, the circumstances were much different. Dela, for Maceo and I faithfulness to each other is paramount. It is actually more so for me given that my previous relationship… he was anything but faithful to me. What I hunger for most with him is to be secure in the knowledge that he would not pursue another.”

“You were hurt?” Dela asked, scooting over so close she and Astravia were practically touching.

“Badly, yes,” Astravia answered her. Dela wrapped her arms around the less than five-inch tall mortal looking woman and cooed sweetly to her.

“I love you so much Avia,” she purred.
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Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Mon Aug 22, 2022 3:29 am

With the last of the ingredients for Maceo’s immortality spell gathered, Astravia asked that they remain in the Antarctic for a few more days, though Maceo was quick to remind her that they only had so much fuel and helium and if they stayed much longer they would be pushing their reserves to their limit and would likely need to make stops along the way in order to find materials that would allow them to extend their range.

Astravia used the time to spend it with Dela, playing with her and talking to her while Maceo was now freed up to work on his own projects as well as see to the goings on of the airship. She showed Dela a miniaturized version of the globe in her study from back in her old quarters at her temple. She neglected to point out that this version was simply a device that tapped into the original’s abilities, but that was neither here nor there.

What Astravia found was that Dela became closer and closer toward her as well as progressively more affectionate. The little fairy proved to be a compassionate, giving friend that Astravia was quickly becoming reliant upon.

“You remind me of my oldest friend,” Astravia once confided to Dela while hovering in her fairy form with Dela in the control car and watching ahead while a golem steered them toward another destination there on the frozen continent. “I miss her so.”

One evening, after another regular communication with their friends back home on the mountain, they were all sitting together in front of the fireplace together, Astravia in her shrunken mortal form that required no energy from her pendant and Dela snuggled up against her while they lay in the crook of Maceo’s arm against his stomach. Dela was in particularly fine spirits this evening while sharing in the affections of both Maceo and Astravia at the same time and she was purring as Maceo petted her back between her wings with his fingertip.

“Is it fun being able to be a fairy now that you’re little like me?” Dela asked her.

“Oh, I have a normal fairy form without my pendant,” Astravia laughed. “It is identical to the one you are familiar with, only it shrank with the rest of me.”

“Really?” Dela asked, sitting up and staring at her eagerly. “But you’ve never shown that to me.”

“There is little point to a fairy form that is so small I could sit in the palm of your hand,” Astravia dismissed.

“But I wanna see!” This quickly devolved into a session of Dela constantly begging Astravia to show this form to her and she didn’t even relent when Maceo firmly told her to cease after Astravia began asking if she wasn’t small enough already. Eventually, Astravia gave in and stood up, sighing heavily. Then Dela went to her knees and before she could stand, Astravia began shrinking again with her evening gown transforming along with her as she sprouted wings and finished shrinking at just under five twelfths of an inch tall and lifted up. Even Maceo was fascinated to see his lover this small, so small now that it was difficult to make out the details of her appearance.

Dela was absolutely elated and immediately scooped Astravia up into the palms of her hands and began petting Astravia like one would a pet hamster. Astravia was patient with her right up until the point where Dela pinched her wings together and plucked her up into the air.

“Put me down!” Astravia screamed at the now giant fairy.

“But you’re so cute!” Dela squealed back. Suddenly after that, Dela screamed as she realized the entire world around her was growing as Astravia expanded before her eyes. Dela quickly shrank down into her fairy dress and was enveloped inside of it as she was forced to let Astravia go.

When she finally crawled out of her tent size clothes, she squeaked as she found herself face to hips with Astravia despite standing up fully. Rather than be intimidated, though, Dela lifted up and gave her an affectionate peck on Astravia’s nose before diving into Astravia’s arms. Of course, far, far above them both, Maceo was frustrated to be left out as he stared down at a positively miniscule fairy Astravia and an even smaller Dela who was intentionally curling up like a baby in her mother’s arms.

“You know, it’s a little difficult to try to interact with you both when you’re that small,” he pointed out.

“Spoil sport!” Dela hollered up at him. Astravia, however, was more than happy to oblige her left out lover and grew both of them quickly back up to their combined average five inch height.

On the way out of the Antarctic, they stopped at a frozen shelf of ice where they found a massive flock of flightless birds that waddled funnily around and would swim deep into the ocean waters to retrieve fish. They also found a few other places that were populated with animals that included a few species of birds and strange creatures that Astravia called “seals.” Dela was quite nervous regarding these cold weather birds until Astravia insisted that Dela use her spare pendant to temporarily transform into a human form for their excursions. Dela found this amazing to find herself far too large to be the prey to these large birds, and she used her new size to chase the birds around endlessly right up until the point where Dela realized she was shrinking again and she ran back to Maceo and Astravia for safety right about the point where she was about hip height to him.

Dela’s favorites by far, however, were the variety of gigantic sea creatures they would see popping up randomly out at sea on their way back north. She insisted that Maceo bring the airship down so low that some of the swales almost hit the bottom of the control car and she would squeal with delight whenever one of the “whales” would emerge to gain a peak at the strange beast hovering above them.

Once they left the Antarctic region, the remainder of the trip was spent at altitude cruising at normal speeds while also conserving some of their energy as they were running a little low for Maceo’s tastes to complete the voyage.

When they finally arrived back at Astravia’s temple, Dela was plastered up against the glass, staring with amazement at the massive empty city below them. She’d never seen a human settlement before, let alone this magical place, and as such she was absolutely speechless.

When the airship was finally docked in its hangar and the golems were seeing to refueling and replenishing the stores, Maceo set out with a cart of his necessary ingredients to the magic shop with Astravia and Dela sitting on his left shoulder. Everywhere they went, Dela was met with amazing sites the likes of which she’d never even dreamed of before. Only a few golems were active in the city, ones that could operate on instructions independently of Astravia’s will, though these golems were much larger and primitive looking than the ones she had become accustomed to aboard the airship.

When they passed a pasture with a pair of mares standing and staring at the returning travelers, Dela suddenly zipped away to investigate leaving Maceo and Astravia alone together.

“Doesn’t she know what this place is?”

“Nearly any other fairy on this world would know exactly where they were if they were to see this place. These fairies seem to have lost their heritage to a point where most of their past is lost to them,” Astravia answered.

Dela could be seen from afar zipping up and down around the horses constantly speaking to them, but also showing a great deal of frustration. Then just as suddenly as she’d disappeared to investigate the horses, she returned, millimeters from Astravia’s face.

“I don’t understand them,” she whined. “What are they?”

“They are called horses,” Astravia answered. “They have not existed in the lands you call home for millennia now. They are extinct there now and you cannot understand them because the animals of the lands you live in have been separated for so long that they speak different languages. Our friends who are in these lands would not understand you either if I had not used magic to translate your words for you. Very few people speak fairy.”

Dela attempted to stomp mid air in frustration wanting desperately to converse with these strange behemoth animals until Astravia transformed again to her fairy form and lifted up, pulling Dela by her hand to translate to the horses and teach her their language. “Go on ahead!” she called out to Maceo. “Begin preparations and we will be there shortly!”

“I didn’t even know horses had a language,” Maceo muttered to himself and was on his merry way again.

Preparing the spell took more than a week. Astravia needed to be on hand to assist Maceo as he hadn’t memorized nearly enough of this extremely complicated spell, one that wouldn’t have even been necessary if she still was at her full size and full power. Thankfully, Dela was more than entertained by the shop with all its many fixtures, liquids, powders, potions, elixirs and so on, as well as the interesting trinkets that Astravia allowed the little fairy to play with. When it was finally all said and done, Astravia used her pendant to transform into her full sized mortal form and stood with him as he laid down on a table they’d cleared for him.

“You know the price is quite steep,” Astravia said to him warily. “I would not think any less of you if you chose to live out your life as you are.”

“I am going to be with you forever,” Maceo answered her solemnly.

“Tell me why, before we go through with this.”

“Because I love you,” Maceo answered her. Dela fluttered between them, staring curiously at them both while they conversed.

“Besides that,” she laughed. “Many have loved me, but none have chosen to carry this burden on my behalf. Why would you change your nature like this? Why would you want to spend eternity with me?”

“Remember back when we talked about the purpose of power. That’s why,” Maceo answered. Astravia tipped her head back and was slightly shaken. “This is what I was made for,” Maceo added. “To protect power. For all time.”

Astravia’s jaw dropped but only slightly and a tear nearly fell from her eye, but she was satisfied with his answer and nodded.

“Two days,” she told Maceo. “You will be unconscious for two days. When you awaken, you will be quite stiff and sore as time’s grip on your body is torn free forever. I would love you for all time as you are without changing a single hair on your head,” she whispered to him.

“I will love you forever no matter what changes happen to me,” he told her.

With that, he drank a potion mixed together by him under Astravia’s instructions and began a chant coupled with meditation and gradually slipped into unconsciousness as several markings arranged in a circle around him began to glow and emanate upward, enveloping Maceo.

“Whoa…” Dela remarked breathlessly. “Is this dangerous?”

“No,” Astravia answered confidently. “Perhaps for ordinary mortals it would be, however, he is much more robust than the average mortal. He will be perfectly fine. I am merely concerned because I am changing him, and I do not wish for him to change.”

“But if you don’t change him he can’t be with you forever?”

“No. He can only be with me so long as he lives his normal life if he does not do this.”

“Why don’t you just stop being immortal?” Dela asked innocently.

“Because the man who hurt me will find me in the next world and punish me. He would destroy us both there,” Astravia answered. “My only hope is to put my trust in Maceo.”

“Why? Can Maceo beat him up?”

“When I return to my normal size, my power will expand far beyond his again, and the man who I spoke to you of is much, much more powerful than me, so no.”

“So then how does trusting him save you?”

“His dreams are connected to a much deeper layer within existence. Years ago I discovered this about him and over time I have come to understand that he is being pulled to a much greater purpose. I am hoping that greater purpose will also offer me salvation.”

Dela stared at Maceo for a long moment alongside Astravia and perched herself on her shoulder. They sat like this for several minutes before Dela grew bored and lifted up, fluttering in front of Astravia’s nose postured cutely in order to draw the Goddess’ attention. “Wanna play?” Dela asked her sweetly.

“I am afraid not. My place is here at his side until he awakens. I will not leave this spot until he does so.”

“But you said he was safe! Come on! I wanna play with those horses!”

“Dela, if you are bored you may explore on your own, but I must remain here.”

“But it’s no fun without you! I wanna play!” she whined.

“If you are bored I can also help you sleep until he reawakens. You will be safe here with us and hardly know any time had passed when you’ve reawakened,” Astravia offered.

“But why?” she whined further. “If he’s safe, why not come with me?” She asked. Astravia refocused on the little fairy and then deactivated her pendant, shrinking back down to her less than five-inch tall mortal form, pulling herself up onto the table Maceo was laying on as she shrank. When Dela set down in front of her, Astravia looked up at her fairy friend and smiled sadly at her.

“I told you that the reason I am shrunken as you know me now is because I abused my power and I am now paying the price for my indiscretions. What I have not told you is how I abused my power. In my natural state, I have boundless amounts of magic and other energies, whereas like this, I am quite limited. In my arrogance, I challenged Maceo to surprise me when he claimed he had something unique and new for me to try. He delivered on his promise, much to my shock, however, I did not react to it well at all. In a moment of fear and panic, I abused him and I brutalized him. In order to save his life, I was forced to change him, extending his life far beyond a normal mortal’s and also granting him attributes his kind cannot attain. It was selfish of me because I was not prepared to lose him, especially not at my own hand. My penance is something I willingly agreed to, culminating in my shrinking down to a tiny fraction of both my size and power. The roles between Maceo and I are essentially reversed now, which I find to be poetic as I learn from him first hand how he views power and its proper use. Now we are further stripping him of his natural state all in the name of him pleasing me. I do not take these gifts lightly and I refuse to allow myself to even approach the levels of arrogance I know I am capable of again. I will remain here by his side until he is ready to rise again and I will witness first hand what he is becoming as it happens. If you look, you can already see that his aura is shifting.”

Dela turned and looked at Maceo, inspecting the giant carefully. On the surface, he indeed looked exactly the same as he always did, but after a moment of inspecting him, she did notice what Astravia was referring to and she nodded in agreement.

“I’ll stay with you,” she promised Astravia sincerely, “so that you’re not lonely.” Astravia returned her offer with a heartfelt smile and was surprised when Dela lunged in, wrapping her arms around Astravia and hugging her tightly. “I love you so much,” she told her freely.

“Fairies are such wonderful creatures,” Astravia told her, hugging the taller little lady back. “But even amongst your kind, you exceed even that praise.”

Dela really did do her utmost to deliver on her promise to Astravia while Maceo slumbered. Occasionally, Astravia would peer into his mind to observe his dreams, which were interesting to say the least. His dreams were very much like the odd ones she had observed years before where she felt out of control and constantly in flux in terms of her size. The main difference now was that as his aura transformed, she felt closer and closer to being a direct participant in the dreams, which also became far less troubling than when she’d first encountered them, most likely due to the fact that the premonition they’d once implied was now present day fact. Still though, there was a sense that the force enveloping him was becoming something both familiar as well as something unique to Astravia that she had never seen before.

Dela was fascinated when Astravia would allow her to peer in with her into his dreams, though she also found the sensation of shifting from a mere fraction of an inch tall all the way up to twelve times her height disorienting, so she generally chose to sit and watch while Astravia partook.

Dela really did everything she could to be supportive of Astravia through this time, talking about the slowly changing energies within him, asking her more about their relationship and what she valued in him as well as generally learning quite a bit more regarding mortal relationships and the differences between them and the ones she was used to as a fairy. To her credit, she never left the magic shop that entire time. However, a fairy’s mind is quite flighty and fickle by nature. While Dela did her utmost to offer the care and love that Astravia and Maceo needed, she was constantly distracted by literally anything and everything in increasing amounts as her unpredictable little mind was deprived of new and interesting stimuli. Also to her credit, she did her utmost to battle back those urges that were completely natural to her, but there is only so much a fairy can do to counter her own nature.

They were a little more than a day into Maceo’s latest transformation and Astravia was preoccupied at his head in her mortal sized form with her hands on his head and absorbed in his dreams while Dela was fiddling with a bug the size of her hand near Maceo’s hip when she noticed the bulge in his pants rising just high enough to see over his hip bone. She climbed to her feet and then lifted off, looking at this tempting target she’d been denied over and over again and looked to Astravia, frowning as she was unavailable yet again and knowing there was no point in asking her as over the last day she’d learned the hard way that when she was in such a state she could hardly even hear her.

Dela waffled for a moment, trying to decide one way or another and finally descended down to his hips and stared with fascination at the hidden beast beneath his trousers. With no one to tell her otherwise, she knelt down and pulled against a button with all her might and eventually pried it loose. She beamed with glee at her hard earned success then moved on to the next and then the next until all that was keeping her from her goal was the weight of the fabric concealing his trouser snake, which by all evidence was quite large indeed.

She stepped over it, straddling the mound of his loose pants fabric and then pulled it backward like it were a huge tarp, gradually revealing it in all its glory. With every step backward, her eyes went wider and her jaw dropped further and she stared in disbelief that even flaccid, it still was longer than her entire body.

When it was fully revealed and she stepped into finely trimmed pubic hair that was like stepping into dark, freshly mowed grass, she stood covering her mouth, speechless. By this point, Dela had forgotten Astravia entirely and danced giddily, gradually building up the courage to touch it. When she did finally reach out, she squeaked excitedly at the warmth it exuded and she bit her lower lip while petting it with her hand. A few ministrations later and her eyes widened even further as it began to stir much to her incredulity.

The obviousness of its need to be serviced was all Dela needed and she was quickly lost in the moment of fascination, curiosity and a subtle desire, she tossed her little fairy dress aside and mounted it near the head and began stroking it with the length of her tiny body.

The results were mystifying to the little fairy as she watched and felt this gigantic male organ swell and harden as her feet dragged across his skin as its length expanded and then gradually began to lift up off of his stomach, pointing upward of its own accord. She squealed with delight and worked her tiny five inch body even harder, hugging and squeezing it with all her miniscule might while also lapping the bulbous head with broad strokes, giggling as it grew longer and thicker still.

She was riding it vigorously when Astravia sensed something strange was going on within Maceo while she was residing inside of his mind and she twitched, struggling to understand why his dream state was shifting. Astravia opened her eyes and looked down to find Dela fucking the shit out of a cock nearly twice as long as her and her jaw dropped, aghast.

“DELA!” she screamed with immediate disapproval.

“Isn’t it great?” Dela asked, looking up obliviously at the giant woman.

Astravia reached out and immediately plucked the little fairy woman up by her ankle and pulled her up to her face, glaring sternly and boiling with rage. “What are you doing?”

“It’s going to explode!” Dela explained. “He REALLY needs it!”

“How could you do this?” Astravia demanded of her.

“It was really hard,” she admitted with a nod, then began giggling uncontrollably as she realized the dual meaning of her statement. “It’s amazing! Why would you hide this from everyone Avia? It’s BEAUTIFUL!!! You should show it to the WHOLE WORLD!” she declared with exaggerated motions and expression.

“I do not show it to the world because it is reserved for me and me alone!” Astravia yelled back at the little fairy dangling between her thumb and forefinger.

“I could help you so good with it!” Dela promised eagerly. “It needs to gush! I don’t even care that my wings would get all sticky!”

“Oh, Dela!” Astravia exclaimed in exasperation.

“What?” Dela asked her obliviously. “I made it this big, I bet I could make it even bigger!”

“You are acting like a pixie, not a fairy!” Astravia lectured sternly.

“But I always take good care of the boys,” she pouted now. Astravia sighed heavily and put her face in her palm, shaking her head repeatedly. She then walked around the table and redid his pants with her free hand before placing Dela in the palm of her hand. “Can’t we talk like normal?” Dela asked her, still struggling to even understand why Astravia was angry at all.

Astravia was beside herself. Another first for the goddess. Never had she had a fairy stimulate her husband right in front of her against her will. Obviously Dela meant no harm or offense, and for most fairies it would not be this difficult to explain the importance of NOT riding her husband’s penis like a mighty moon worm, but Dela was utterly clueless as to the goings on of mortals due to the fact that she’d never even observed one before meeting Maceo and even those fairies still struggled with the concept of boundaries.

Astravia set the naked little fairy down on the tabletop and then shrank herself down to a commensurate height and stared up at her fairy friend, tapping her foot impatiently.

“But he NEEDS it!” Dela explained. “The boys I know never go that long without squirting. What if it’s painful?” she asked.

“Dela, leave Maceo’s penis alone,” Astravia commanded her sternly while pointing up at the tiny fairy while standing beside Maceos enormous shoulder.

Despite a great deal of arguing, Dela didn’t really fully understand Astravia’s possessiveness over Maceo’s genitalia, nor her anger, but she did agree to abide by Astravia’s wishes and thankfully there were no other incidents of penis riding while Maceo remained unconscious. Another point of frustration came when Astravia was finally finished lecturing Dela and the tiny fairy didn’t see the point in putting her dress back on again because it was so warm and comfortable here where they were spending their time. When Astravia pointed out that her naked body was arousing to Maceo’s eyes, this started the entire argument about not riding Maceo’s penis all over again due to the fact that she felt that Maceo’s needs had been neglected for far too long.

Just the same, they eventually reached an accord and Astravia found herself unable to remain angry at the sweet little fairy who was immediately cheerful and affectionate to her likewise tiny friend.

While they waited, Dela occasionally tried out the spare pendant, growing up to mortal size and exploring in a carefree manner, but her natural clumsiness as well as her lack of experience with using her legs as her primary mode of transportation found her falling over herself repeatedly. This was of concern to Astravia, given the potentially dangerous materials around them so whenever Dela tumbled, Astravia was on hand immediately to help her and then gently suggest she shrink back down to fairy size for a while.

It was good practice, though, and Dela did improve noticeably in the use of her legs while Maceo was out of commission. Food was prepared and delivered via golem, which actually frustrated Dela, who couldn’t even use that as an excuse to get out of their cooped up environment.

The alone time and quiet also allowed the two ladies to talk quite a bit while Astravia assisted her in various activities, even teaching the little fairy the basics of reading, but they took plenty of time to have personal conversations and heart to hearts.

“Do you love me too?” Dela asked Astravia innocently while they were both at fairy size, though Astravia was choosing at the time to remain in her shrunken mortal form. Astravia smiled and laughed gently while shaking her head before turning to Dela and smiling at her openly.

“Dela, would you like to know how much I love and adore you?” Astravia asked her, receiving an energetic nod from the fanciful fairy. “Aside from Maceo, you are the only being I have trusted with the truth regarding my reduced stature. None know this about me.”

“Really? Why not?” Dela asked, leaning closer while her wings fluttered animatedly.

“Because there are those that would hurt me or far, far worse if they knew I was in such a vulnerable state. This is an extremely important secret and you are the only one I have felt I could trust with it.”

“Wow,” Dela breathed out, her wings now fluttering so hard that she lifted slightly off of the table.

The evening approaching their second day alone together, Astravia was enjoying some tea with Dela, drinking from a pair of thimble-sized cups. “You must know a lot of fairies,” Dela told the little fairy-sized goddess cheerfully.

“I have met many, yes,” Astravia confirmed.

“You’re so lucky to have so many friends,” Dela replied with only the faintest hints of regret.

“I actually have very few friends,” Astravia answered her. “It is extremely difficult watching loved ones perish one after another in front of your eyes over time. When one sees it happen enough, it is easier to keep a distance and not let others become too close any longer.”

“But if you live that long, you get to meet so many new people! I bet they all want to be your friend!” Astravia sat forward and leaned her elbow on her knee while her jaw rested in her hand, smiling contentedly at Dela.

“Believe me when I say that over time as the numbers continue to climb indefinitely of friends who have lived and passed away in front of you, the pain out paces the pleasure of having friends such as you. I have made an extremely rare exception for you, Dela. I hope you understand how special that makes you.”

Dela smiled sweetly at her and leaned over, hugging her and kissing her on her cheek. “That’s the only reason I would ever want to live forever, so I could meet endless people as wonderful as you.”

When Maceo awakened, it was a gradual process with him stirring slowly at first before he finally awakened fully and groaned with pain as he opened his eyes and turned his head as if his neck had almost fused. Both fairy-sized women quickly ran to him, stopping immediately at his shoulder and when his eyes met Astravia’s, he smiled, though he groaned again with pain. Knowingly, Astravia reactivated her pendant and began growing to mortal size again while leaping down the massive distance to the floor, which became a much shorter distance as she fell with Astravia’s feet hitting the ground at the point where she was only an inch or so shorter than the table and still rapidly growing until she was tall enough to render assistance to him. Dela watched blankly at first, but after a moment of watching the little woman struggle to offer a shoulder to lean on, Dela flew nearby to retrieve the spare pendant and activated it while flying back to them.

She fell out of the air mid way as her wings receded out of existence and tumbled to the ground at about two feet tall and stumbled while she ran to them and helped from Maceo’s other side right about the point where she was shoulder height to Astravia, with the majority of the help she was able to provide coming from her expanding body as she stretched up to 5’4” tall.

From there, they literally had to carry him almost entirely to a chair nearby and deposited him there due to the fact that his legs worked so feebly at this point he couldn’t even support even a fraction of his weight.

Astravia immediately fed him water and wiped the sweat from his brow while Dela fidgeted at the strange sensation of actually looking down on the giant as he sat in front of her. It took him about an hour of being tended to for him to recover enough to be moved, at which point, Astravia accepted a wheeled chair that a golem had retrieved for her from a nearby healing center and Maceo managed to climb into it with the help of both Dela and Astravia.

They then proceeded out of the shop for the first time in days and Astravia pushed Maceo back to their home on the far side of the pool while Dela shrank back down to fairy size and landed in the palms of his hands to stare up at him smiling sweetly.

“I missed you,” she shared with him coyly.

“I’m happy to see you too,” Maceo told her with a strained smile.

Once they were in their home, Astravia’s first order of business was to get Maceo into bed where she could use her magic to attempt to ease his symptoms. While she did so, she explained that she could only do so much without interfering with the spell whose effects were still fading, but she did assure him that with time no longer having a draining effect on his body, he could expect his healing abilities to become faster and faster as his new natures set within him.

Once he was as comfortable as he could be made, Astravia sat down and looked at him, while Dela grew herself back to human size again and sat on the bed beside him, wiping him gently with a wash cloth to help freshen him up a bit after his ordeal. She was quite attentive and for once seemed to care little about being bored or lacking in stimulation. She was simply genuinely happy to see that Maceo was alright and empathetic to his pain. Meanwhile, Astravia had settled in a chair beside him and was staring quite carefully at him with a slightly perturbed expression.

“What’s wrong?” Maceo asked her. Astravia shook herself back to reality and forced a smile to him directly. “Did it not work?”

“No, it worked. It worked perfectly, as far as I am able to ascertain. Your aging has slowed to an almost imperceptibly slow rate, even for me. Before long, time’s last toehold on you will be entirely gone. Within a day or so, I would say.”

“Then what’s bothering you?” he asked her.

“It is difficult to say,” she answered him, looking up and down his body again with a scrutinizing eye. On his other side, Dela looked up and over to her as well. “There is something different about you. Different than I expected.”

“Like what?” Dela asked her, practically leaning over him.

“I am not entirely certain. Your energies are both something I have never seen before and somehow familiar to me at the same time. I cannot quite place my finger on it, but you changed more than I had anticipated from the process. On the surface, you look the same, but within something else has emerged entirely. I am having difficulty defining what exactly it is.”

“That’s a first,” Maceo teased her while wincing with pain again. “But you did say that it would take time after finishing the spell for me to complete the changes.”

“Years, yes,” Astravia agreed positively. “I feel as though I should know exactly what you are forming into, however.”

“So not a human anymore?”

“It is as if your humanity was a mere shell that has been cracked open. Do you notice anything different?” she asked Maceo.

Maceo furrowed his brow and looked around, then closed his eyes. “Everything is really murky right now,” he told her. “But I can feel something.”

“And what is that, exactly?” Astravia asked him.

“The… trees outside. It’s almost like they’re talking.”

“Well of course they are talking,” Dela chirped to him. “Didn’t you know that? They never stop!”

“Fairies are extremely in tune with nature,” Astravia confirmed. “It is how they are such naturals at what they do.”

“It’s like a soft breeze rustling, isn’t it?” Dela asked him excitedly.

“No. It’s like a deep hum that oscillates up and down,” Maceo answered. Dela seemed perplexed, but Astravia leaned back stunned.

“Maceo, you are not sensing the tune of the nature around us. What you are describing is a much, much deeper level of harmonics in the universe,” she remarked, utterly stunned. “What you are sensing is one of the most primordial energies in existence.”

“Is that bad?” he asked her, a little shaken himself now.

“No, not at all. It is just extremely unexpected. Very, very few have been able to sense those energies. In fact I am only aware of only one… other… race…” she commented with her thoughts trailing off as she failed to finish. “That is not possible. Is it?” she asked while staring at him, though she didn’t seem to be speaking to anyone in particular.

“What? What is it? What race can feel that?” Dela asked, bouncing on the bed beside Maceo.

“It is a matter I wish to discuss with Maceo privately,” Astravia answered her without looking.

It was nearly two days before Maceo was strong enough to get up and move around on his own, though even then the pain was enough that he still spent a fair amount of time being pushed around in a wheeled chair by either Astravia or Dela who used the respective pendants to grow themselves large enough to do so. Most of the remainder of the time, however, both women remained in a shrunken roughly five inch tall state around him, often relaxing and talking to him and keeping him company from the comfort of his lap.

While Astravia relied on golems for the most part to bring him food and drink, Dela took a far more personal role, frequently zipping out the window only to return a couple moments later with a berry or two in tow to feed the ailing giant.

When he finally was on his feet again, more or less, the first order of business was to fully bath him, which was a task Dela absolutely refused to allow Astravia to perform alone. It was hardly for lustful reasons, but Astravia nonetheless had trouble allowing the fairy (now in a human form for practicality reasons) to see her lover naked. Dela’s reasons were pure enough, but as Maceo sat in the bathtub breathing in and out consciously with Astravia and Dela using washcloths to clean him up, Dela couldn’t help but stare at his tempting cock. At first, Astravia would snap at the flighty fairy to keep her eyes where they belonged, but after a while it became clear that her fickle memory just wasn’t up to the challenge.

With Maceo fully cleaned, the next stop was to the pool where Dela could finally get her first swim in the massive body of water and enjoy its cool, reinvigorating waters. Astravia took her fairy form and dove into the pool along with Dela exactly as they had in the pond back in Dela’s home forest and swam around, rinsing themselves clean as a fairy should before climbing out and bathing in the sun nude together to dry off.

By the following day, Maceo was still not nearly back to his previous levels of strength, however he was more than strong enough to take both shrunken Astravia and Dela for a proper tour of the temple with both tiny ladies seated comfortably on his shoulder together.

Dela was amazed and speechless at all of the amazing wonders in this magnificent place from the libraries to the light tower at the main gate, to the many pastures and gardens, to the observatory Astravia had built to try to impress Maceo beneath the ground and so on and by the end of the day, the tiny fairy was so exhausted from exploring every last nook and cranny she lay face down in the palm of Maceo’s hand panting with her wings flopped limply down around her.

She enjoyed evenings together with the couple by the poolside with bonfires to warm them and the finest meals Dela had ever had served by stone automatons and it was at this point that Astravia unexpectedly grew herself up to mortal scale again and sat beside her husband while taking tiny Dela in her hands for some serious discussions.

“I wish to ask a favor of you, my dearest Maceo,” she told him quite politely.

“It must be really bad for you to butter me up like that right off the bat,” he joked. She scowled slightly before a smirk slipped past her lips.

“May we speak seriously, please?” she asked again formally and once she received a nod of approval, she held up Dela and presented her to him. “I know what I would like to do with our friends and I would like your permission.”

“Do you really need my permission?”

“I do not believe it would be appropriate to not gain it,” she answered. “I wish to bring them all here,” she told him.

“Are you sure? I thought that magical creatures didn’t belong in this temple. I thought even magic users here were extremely limited.”

“I can make an exception for them. It is difficult to say what the appropriate place for them is now. They are much purer than even most fairies and that will be a liability in these uncivilized lands, especially in the power vacuum after the destruction of the Guild of Sorcery. I propose we bring them here.”

“There are a few other concerns,” Maceo pointed out. “Are you sure you want them here while the spell is still in effect over you?”

“I can use the portal within the sanctuary in conjunction with my own magic and create a door through time and space. When the fairies pass through it, they will arrive here at a time of my choosing that is after the spell has run its course. I would like them to be our permanent guests, that is unless you think they would not be happy here, Dela.”

“Living here would be AMAZING!” Dela cheered with a leap before fluttering down gently into Astravia’s palms again.

“Why though? This is an awfully big exception for you.”

“I am concerned for these fairies. Their history is so filled with strife and pain and their futures are quite tenuous on their own. I also have come to truly adore Dela and would like the comfort of her company for the remainder of her short life. We cannot take her away from her family in good conscience to travel and explore with us, so I would like to bring her here into a time when we do not have the limitations we have now. I would also like to be able to teach them how to be proper fairies again and reconnect them with their pasts.”

“Who am I to say no?” Maceo shrugged. “What do you think Dela?”

Dela bounded up and down on Astravia’s palms gleefully. “I wanna be with you!” she squealed.
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Tue Aug 23, 2022 3:16 am

Maceo and Astravia remained at the temple for another couple of days enjoying it’s comforts along with Dela who was now regularly using the spare pendant to transform up into a mortal form for brief stints.

She was really coming to enjoy being human sized, though she still struggled and remained quite clumsy. Falling at this size was a lot harder than as a fairy, but she still giggled it off every time she crashed into something or stumbled and fell over, especially since the scrapes and bruises she received in this form quickly healed themselves. Only once did she over extend her use of the pendant and began gradually shrinking beside Astravia and Maceo much as she had during their excursion to the Antarctic.

She was far from anxious as it happened, though, choosing to enjoy every steady loss of inches of height in as many ways as possible until she stood only a foot and a half tall and Astravia warned her she should deactivate the drained pendant before it was sapped of energy so much that it couldn’t recharge again.

Dela spent most of her time alone with Maceo now, while Astravia was frequently off in the magic shop working on her own project that she refused to discuss.

Of course, that hardly bothered Dela, who basked and glowed from the warmth of this lovely human and danced around him mid air or on mortal feet constantly with quite youthful energy. It also helped quite a bit that as Maceo recovered, his own energy began overflowing to levels even he hadn’t experienced before. Maceo used their time alone to teach Dela how to dance like a mortal and have a couple of picnics in the meadows with the horses, which Dela absolutely adored.

That evening, the three of them enjoyed another meal together on the patio beside the pool outside of Maceo and Astravia’s home together in the temple. Both Astravia and Dela were content to lounge at the roughly five inch height while they sat on a side table beside Maceo and chatted casually, though in Dela’s case casually was more aptly described as asking nearly constant questions of the two more experienced compatriots.

Following dinner, they retreated to the master bedroom and sat in front of the fireplace together snuggling into the late hours. Maceo’s strength was almost to where it had been before the spell, so he was pondering whether he should start any other projects before setting out again for the ocean, though Astravia preferred they get back to traveling again before too long. Dela, meanwhile, preferred they stay at the temple longer so that she could spend more time with Astravia and Maceo, despite the fact that Astravia pointed out that once she was returned to her forest and the fairies passed through the portal Astravia would create for them, Dela would step back into the temple with Maceo and Astravia waiting for them and from Dela’s perspective she wouldn’t have been apart from them even for a moment despite several decades passing.

When their desserts had all been finished and the remains gathered by a golem, Astravia looked up the long distance across Maceo’s torso with glossy, desire filled eyes.

“Beloved, it has been far too long. I need to feel you,” she whispered up to him.

“But… what about?”

“It is my wish that she join us this evening,” Astravia answered. Dela instantly perked up and grinned while Maceo was much more reserved.

“I said I wasn’t going to pursue another woman and I meant it,” Maceo informed her in a straightforward manner.

“I know you did. I am asking you to include her this evening. It has been longer than you can imagine since I have experienced a threesome and I can think of no other I would rather have with us than Dela.”

“Are you sure about this? It feels like cheating,” Maceo protested.

“I am certain. Please make love to us both,” Astravia asked politely.

“Why?” Maceo asked, sitting up and taking them both into the palm of his hand. “Why should I take any other woman other than my own wife?” Astravia was shaken and sat back, stunned that Maceo would reject the idea of sleeping with two women that he was obviously attracted to so readily. “I’m listening. Explain it to me.”

“Well, first of all, Dela is a fairy, not a woman,” Astravia argued, but Maceo immediately retorted back to her.

“That’s just a semantic argument. For the purposes of this conversation, she’s a woman, especially since she’s almost going to have to transform into a human form for this tonight. Try again,” he commanded her.

“Are you seriously willing to turn down sex with two lovely, sexually appealing ladies who desperately want to feel you inside of them?” she asked, stunned. She had learned eons before not to shit test her previous husband on such issues, because he failed each and every time. Maceo’s reaction wasn’t just unheard of, it was practically unimaginable.

“Yes, unless you can find some way to convince me why I should consider tasting another woman.”

Astravia giggled nearly uncontrollably. His eyes were deadly serious and despite her best attempts to read him, she was sensing not even the slightest hint of subterfuge on his part. It really did seem that his preference was to reject the notion entirely, and she honestly did get the impression that he was only entertaining the idea merely as a favor to her. She fidgeted and covered her mouth, forcing herself to stop giggling. Over the course of literal eons desperately dreaming of a husband who was faithful to her and her alone, the realization of that dream was surreal but not nearly as surreal as the fact that it was Astravia who was proposing actions that threatened the stability of that long sought after marriage.

Not that she was going to let that stop her. The little fairy’s persistence had paid off and it had been so very, very, very long since Astravia had treated herself to a threesome. There was also the fact that she had denied herself the carnal pleasures of her lover’s flesh for months now and she was overflowing so much now that it was questionable whether she could last long enough to deposit the mischievous fairy back at her village again.

It simply wasn’t going to work asking Dela to entertain herself while Maceo and she satisfied their lust. She hadn’t counted on Maceo all but denying her this much needed sexual release. Apparently Dela hadn’t either, as Astravia turned her head just enough to realize that the little fairy was sitting beside her naked after already having discarded her dress and was staring at Maceo with her mouth gaping open after arguing with Astravia over the possibility. Given how easily excitable she was, she had simply assumed that Astravia was the only real obstacle to this much desired fun.

“I believe I have several reasons you should consider,” Astravia answered him thoughtfully.

“Really,” he replied skeptically.

“Oh, my dearest Maceo, do you honestly doubt me?” she asked, feigning woundedness. “I suppose I shall begin by pointing out that there are two beautiful and tiny women at your mercy who desperately wish to satisfy your every sexual desire,” she pointed out. “Secondly, do you not wish to at least try out your new sexual vitality? You should find that as an immortal your hunger for a woman’s flesh will be less easily satiated, so having two of us at your disposal should prove useful in terms of learning your new limits. I can also point out that I have not indulged myself in such a tryst as this in a very, very, very long time, and fairies are renowned for being exceedingly giving and considerate lovers. But most of all, my dearest Maceo, I have not felt you as a wife feels her husband in some time now and I hunger for your touch so much that I do not believe I can contain it long enough to return Dela to her friends. Were I not shrunken to this miniscule state, I would ravish you here and now and take your seed in all its deliciousness rather than sit here begging for your thick, massive cock like I were some mere peasant girl. Grant me this wish, will you not, beloved?” she asked, tracing her finger along the edge of her blouse and pulling it down to tempt him with her robust cleavage.

“Well, you certainly drive a hard bargain,” Maceo joked with her, managing to retain a surprising amount of composure.

“That is not the only hard thing we will drive this evening,” she answered back with a seductive grin. “Kindly remove your clothes before I am forced to burn them from your body,” she informed him. He laughed and stood with the two tiny women in his palm, watching as Astravia effortlessly slid her dress off of her soft, tiny body and allowed it to tumble far, far down to the ground.

When Maceo was fully standing, he unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants, freeing his manhood, which was already partially hard. As soon as he did so, Dela was off of his palm and wrapping her tiny body around his cock, squeezing it as hard as she could while grinding her tiny womanhood against it.

Astravia showed slightly more patience and jumped out into the air, spreading her arms wide then forward as she dove down toward his cock like a graceful professional diver would off of a cliff to the waves far below.

She caught the corona of it’s glans with one hand, then the other and arrested her fall, using her momentum to swing her past the front of its head and around its underside where she could hump the massive member from that side while lapping the head of his ever hardening and expanding cock while hugging it as hard as her tiny muscles would allow.

Maceo found himself staring speechless at his penis as it continued to elongate and harden with two five inch tall women wrapped around it, stroking it with their entire bodies and listening to their tiny giggles and coos as it began pointing outward and then upward slightly.

“Why are you not naked?” Astravia taunted him with a playful grin while hugging his penis from its underside when she caught him staring at the tiny vixens working in unison to jerk him off with their miniscule bodies. He shook his head, forcing himself back into reality and pulled his shirt off and tossed it aside then moaned and looked down to see their efforts had paid off with the single most achingly hard erection he’d ever experienced before. Moreover, the two tiny vixens were working so hard now, that his knees nearly buckled and he was forced to stumble backwards and fall less than gracefully into the sofa in front of their fireplace.

From there, all Maceo could really do was be a spectator as he watched the two nude five-inch tall beauties scale the length of his cock like they were ascending a mighty, mature tree and sexually devour it despite it being roughly twice as tall as either of them.

They kept going, mutually working to jack the giant off right up until he tensed and his body and his hips began to rise. Dela was only encouraged by his pending climax, though Astravia slowed and pulled on Dela’s arm to force her to stop. Maceo of course relaxed and backed off from his climax and sighed as he came down from his near coital high, but Dela was quite perturbed at having been thwarted from achieving her goal.

“You must pace yourself with mortals,” Astravia informed her patiently. “Besides, I have something for you,” Astravia said, transforming into her fairy form and then disappearing from the room in a flash.

Dela was anything but patient and ascended Maceo’s hard cock again and began hugging and dry humping the head with her tiny body in a bid to bring him back up to fruition again, though it was a rather tall order by herself. A few moments later, Astravia walked back into the room, sauntering seductively in human form and carrying a small vial in her hand. She crawled up onto Maceo’s lap and plucked the now irritated fairy from his cock with her thumb and forefinger while using her free hand to stroke Maceo’s penis and keep his engine revved. Dela attempted to fly back to his penis, but Astravia held on as she tried to pry herself free of Astravia’s grip until Astravia lifted the tiny fairy up to her face.

“Remain calm,” Astravia told her. “I have a gift for you.”

“What kind of gift?” Dela asked, her wings now fluttering.

“Fairies are not capable of experiencing an orgasm under normal circumstances. Sex simply feels good to you, but you do not experience the intensity and relief that mortals do.” Astravia then set Dela down next to the small vial she had brought in with her and lifted it up to Dela’s mouth. “Drink this. It will allow you to experience sex like you have never felt before.”

The vial was large enough that it was a struggle for Dela to lift and manage on her own, but thankfully Astravia was there and she assisted and slowly tipped the entire thing into the little fairy’s mouth.

“There you go,” Astravia encouraged. “Drink it all up.”

When Dela was finished, she plopped down on her bare bottom and licked her lips, apparently pleased by the taste of the concoction Astravia had fed her. Astravia smiled down at her, still continuing to stroke the length of Maceo’s cock and she waited a moment until Dela suddenly shivered ever so slightly.

“How do you feel?” Astravia asked the tiny fairy.

“I feel… warm,” she said, now fanning herself. She began to blush and without realizing it, she opened her legs. She looked up at Astravia and her eyes seemed to have a glossy characteristic now and she was struggling to find words. As she did so, she didn’t even seem to realize her hand was drifting down between her legs and when her fingers met her labia she gasped and fell partially forward.

Dela was more than encouraged by the feeling of her fingers against her womanhood, so she explored deeper, slipping a finger between her labia and tickling her clitoris and as soon as she did, her body fell forward, face first into the surface she was resting on and she moaned loudly enough that the entire room echoed, which was quite a feat for a creature whose tiny voice matched her miniscule body. “Uh-u-u-u-u-u-uhhh!!!” she screamed, stroking her womanhood ever faster and harder.

“Good, isn’t it,” Astravia asked, fully aware of the answer. Dela, however, hardly even seemed to register that she was even being spoken to.

Dela was so into the building pleasure and the pressure it brought that she didn’t even slow masturbating herself as Astravia placed her thumb and forefingers on the fairy’s hips and plucked her up again, finally setting the tiny fairy on Maceo’s cock. As soon as Dela was back in contact with the tree-sized member, she began stroking it with her body spastically. Moaning and crying out louder and louder until Astravia tugged on her leg to gain her attention.

Eventually, Dela did turn and looked at the giantess, panting lustfully and heavily having never experienced the intensity of sexual desire that a human had, let alone how excessively intense the experience now was for Astravia in her shrunken state.

“Don’t you want to feel him inside of you?” Astravia asked her gently.

“YES!” Dela screamed out in a desperate cry. Astravia now produced the spare pendant from next to Maceo and placed it around Dela’s neck. As soon as she did, Dela immediately activated it and began growing steadily around his dick, stroking it longer and harder with every inch of size she gained until she was mortal sized again.

She didn’t even wait for Astravia to suggest anything more once she was at full mortal size. She lifted herself up and gripped the base of his shaft with her entire fist and then lowered herself on him unceremoniously, screaming in ecstasy as she felt him enter and penetrate deep within her. She gripped and squeezed her right breast with her hand and shuddered and nearly fell forward again were it not for Astravia to catch her. Once the once fairy was stable, Astravia helped Maceo lie down on his back and straddled his chest while looking down at him between her plump, soft breasts.

“She will likely require some assistance from you, beloved,” Astravia informed him seductively, then walked herself forward on her knees until she was straddling his head and she lowered herself until his lips met her lower lips and screamed herself as she felt his tongue slide between them and begin lapping her from between her legs.

Maceo grabbed Dela’s hips and pulled down on her with surprising strength, forcing himself even deeper within her than she had imagined and she screamed and fell forward, face first into Astravia’s back while she ground her hips against his. Meanwhile, Astravia moaned happily herself as Maceo’s tongue found her clitoris and began tracing circles around it with the expertise she had come to appreciate from her once mortal lover. Astravia shuddered herself and nearly fell forward as well, but through sheer grit and determination, she forced herself to remain upright and she reached behind her to help Dela right herself again with the transformed fairy shuddering and muttering, “s-s-so-o-o g-goo-ood,” as she pushed herself upright again.

When Maceo squeezed her hips and began bouncing her up and down the length of his dick, she screamed and arched her back, throwing her head back and grabbed onto his wrists with all her might. Astravia barely managed to turn and check on her friend, grinning mischievously as she did so, then looked down between her plump, quivering breasts and placed her palm on her stomach.

She closed her eyes and then she began gradually shrinking atop Maceo’s face, her labia reducing in length a little at a time, allowing Maceo to lap ever more of them and her clitoris dwindling before a tongue that overwhelmed it with increasing force. Down Astravia went with Dela barely managing to pry an eye open to check in on her as Astravia’s screams and moans grew to a fevered pitch and Dela watched through the hazy fog of her amplified lust as Astravia’s body seemed to begin seizing from an overload of pleasure.

Astravia continued shrinking and by the time she had passed below four feet in height, she could see almost all of Maceo’s nose again, and grinned greedily at him, barely managing to laugh as she could see in his eyes that he was smiling back up at her. Astravia continued to steadily shrink down in front of Dela, who now instinctually reached down with one hand between her legs as she watched with yearning eyes as Astravia dwindled atop Maceo’s face as his mouth expanded against her shrinking pussy. Down Astravia went as her legs began to spread out and her knees dragged inward. She reached down and placed her tiny hands on either side of Maceo’s head, squeezing his temples as her palms receded in on themselves and her dwindling fingers shrank back, dragging across his skin. Astravia was right around three feet tall when her knees reached the edges of his jaw and she began bucking her hips forcefully against his mouth, screaming even louder as she shrank down too small for her knees to reach the surface of the comfortable sofa that they were fornicating on any longer and her thighs shrank further. Slowly, her legs began uncurling and they opened wider and wider.

As she passed below two and a half feet tall, she was small enough now that her legs were short enough that she could plant the balls of her feet above each of his shoulders and her dwindling arms only reached his cheeks now. She began gyrating her hips against his overwhelmingly powerful mouth and tongue that was occasionally lifting her up above his face and stretching against her shrinking vagina.

It was then she encountered her first orgasm of the evening. Astravia let loose a powerful and guttural scream and spastically thrust her hips into Maceo’s tongue. Dela managed to open both of her eyes finally, still riding Maceo and holding on for dear life as he effortlessly thrust her up and down the length of his dick and Dela’s eyes went wide as she watched Astravia with fascination while she powered through what to her looked like the most pleasurable experience imaginable.

Astravia’s orgasm was quite powerful and drawn out, born from weeks of forcing herself to contain her carnal urges as well as a body that waned steadily against lips that waxed inevitably against her dwindling body. It was so powerful and lasting, in fact, that she was only a foot tall when it finally concluded and Astravia was still gyrating her shrinking hips against a mouth that was almost large enough to swallow her whole. Astravia was now holding onto Maceo’s nose for support and her legs were so small that her toes barely reached Maceo’s earlobe, but this only served to spur Astravia on, thrusting her hips even harder, faster and longer against his impressively precise torso sized tongue.

Dela shuddered and shivered with pleasure watching Astravia who continued to shrink so small now that she could rest comfortably between both of Maceo’s lips, her tiny hands now beginning to reach out to Maceo’s nose to hold herself up and her miniscule ankles continued to drag up along his cheeks.

When Astravia reached nine inches in height, she began her second orgasm and was now dragging her entire body back and forth against his lips and mouth. Dela Leaned forward and pressed her palm on Maceo’s chest so that she could loom far above the shrinking goddess and stared directly down on her dwindling body, utterly hypnotized by the fascinating act of a female climax while Maceo continued to thrust her lower body up and down his manhood, all the while screaming and panting with an ever increasing desire.

Astravia continued to shrink through her second orgasm, finally reaching her end height of four and ten twelfths of an inch just seconds after she completed her second climax.

Astravia was now so small that even fully splayed open, the edges of Maceo’s mouth reached the tops of her calves and she stopped for a quick break to breathe. Dela was staring down at the shrunken goddess with her mouth agape and unbeknownst to the transformed fairy, she was beginning to drool with envy at her now much smaller friend. Maceo, however, wasn’t particularly in the mood to allow Astravia her break so he stuck his tongue out and lifted the tiny woman up suddenly. Astravia screamed with surprise and her right leg slipped as she grabbed on to his enormous, wet tongue. In doing so, her right foot fell into his mouth and she screamed again while he used his mouth to work her miniature body in every which way until her left foot slipped into his mouth as well and then both women screamed as Maceo sucked Astravia in suddenly down to Astravia’s waist.

Dela panicked and struggled to reach out to rescue Astravia, but the constant and powerful undulations of her lower body on his manhood made this a surprisingly difficult task to say the least. She only stopped when she realized that Astravia was moaning again with increasing desire from Maceo now performing cunnilingus on Astravia with her entire lower body residing comfortably within his giant mouth.

Once again, Dela was fascinated and stared right up until she began to feel something within her own loins surging and rising up within her.

“W-w-w-w-wha-at’s happening?” Dela screamed. As she did so, her body convulsed and lurched.

“Simply allow it,” Astravia moaned up at Dela to provide instructions. “Do not fight it.”

Fighting the sensation was hardly an option for Dela. Maceo was quite skillful after years of pleasuring Astravia and an extremely adept lover, even despite the fact that this was his first session with lovemaking with Dela. Dela on the other hand had never felt pleasure or lust in such intensity and the sensations washed over her like a tidal wave until she came explosively on top of Maceo.

Her scream was powerful and primal when Maceo finally let her rest by pulling her down and squeezing her hips against his. Dela’s feminine fluids poured out over his hips and she fell forward, landing on her elbows on his chest. Once in this finally stable position, she moaned loudly and unevenly and a moment later, she collapsed entirely with her head landing on Maceo’s shoulder and her eyes only a couple of inches from the shrunken goddess who was still being eaten out from within Maceo’s hungry mouth.

Dela sweated profusely and gasped repeatedly for air, her fairy mind still struggling to comprehend the intense sensations she’d just been drowned in. Her eyes fluttered slightly, barely managing to focus on Astravia, who was only half visible, feebly grabbing around Maceo’s lips as he licked between her tiny legs and sucked on her entire lower body as if she were a piece of candy.

A brief moment later, Astravia exploded again in climax, pounding his upper lip with her fists and then slumped forward after several seconds, panting slightly herself. Maceo gave her a short moment to recover, then began again while gently grinding Dela’s hips against his to keep his own engine revved in the absence of lovers capable of stimulating him on their own. Astravia was worn down too far for continued sexual exploits, however, and slapped his upper lip with her tiny palm, bidding him desperately, “wait, wait!” Maceo laughed at her response and opened his mouth just enough that the less than five inch tall woman was able to pull herself out of his mouth, crawling toward his cheek, her entire lower body covered in his saliva.

“What was that?” Dela asked Astravia as she flopped over onto her back, upside down to Dela’s perspective.

“That is what mortals experience through sex,” Astravia answered, grabbing her chest and attempting to willfully recover herself as quickly as possible. “Well, good sex, at least,” she tacked on.

“I’ve never felt anything like that before.”

“Wanna try it again?” Maceo asked her with a naughty smirk. He squeezed her hips again and ground them against his, stoking the embers of her passion and causing Dela to groan yearningly.

Maceo didn’t bother to wait for a formal answer. He took her sounds of pleasure as consent, then pushed Astravia half way into his mouth again despite her vociferous protests to the contrary and once she was fully secured, he began pleasuring his shrunken wife once more while sitting up. He then rolled Dela onto her back with him on top of her and made love to her missionary style right up until Astravia, now hanging half out of his mouth, climaxed again, which took some time as the goddess wasn’t quite ready to go full out again carnally. Dela cried out, pawing at anything within range and managing to climax herself just before Dela reached her second ever orgasm.

Once Astravia had been satisfied, Maceo plucked her from his lips and set her down on top of Dela’s hips, immediately in front of her pubic hair.

“Could you help me out?” Maceo asked her with a wink. Astravia laughed and crawled forward through the furry carpet of her now much larger friend and reached between her labia, grabbing her clitoris with two hands and began massaging it while Maceo thrust himself in and out of her at length.

Astravia proved to be the key to Dela’s next orgasm, manipulating Dela’s clitoris from all sides with her tiny hands and drawing it out with the precision only hands belonging to someone who was five inches tall could provide as well as the skill that only a woman could know.

When she climaxed this time, Dela arched her back and bucked so hard that Astravia was actually tossed into the air and collided with Maceo’s stomach. Astravia was more than shocked by being tossed so carelessly, however, the shrunken queen of the gods took it in stride and looked up at her gigantic lover. He looked down at her to check that she was alright, then smirked and grabbed Dela, who was still twitching and writhing following the intensity of the sensations that had been thrust upon her. He then scooped Astravia into his palm and lifted her up, slurping the tasty little goddess back into his mouth where he could delight in her flavor once again, though this time she was facing downward so as to experience his affections from an entirely new angle.

Before the transformed fairy could really react, Maceo grabbed her hips, lifted her up into the air and flipped her over, face down into the sofa so that he could plow her from behind. Dela was entirely unprepared for the sudden continuation of their session and screamed at the sensations of his already quite large manhood penetrating her from behind. In fact, she screamed so loud that her voice all but gave out after that and she buried her face into the soft cushion she was kneeling on, gripping it in her fingers so tightly that her knuckles turned white.

Maceo thrust in and out of her, frequently shifting his hips and changing his angle to provide new sensations for her for more than a half hour, all but forcing Dela through three more orgasms. All she could do was hold on for dear life while Maceo pleasured himself with her swollen womanhood as though she were little more than a toy to him. When Maceo finally came rather forcefully and she felt his seed flood up inside of her, she relaxed and collapsed into the cushion she was lying on and buried her face while struggling to catch her breath. Maceo dropped to his side beside her with the tiny Astravia in hand, seemingly unphased despite spilling vast quantities of his precious bodily fluids and couldn’t help but laugh at her.

“How was it?” Astravia asked, stifling a giggle or two herself at Dela’s expense.

“I’ve never felt anything like that before,” Dela admitted.

“Most creatures of the world do not rely on pleasure to engage in sexual behaviors. Fairies, who are intermediaries between mankind and nature, exist in an in between state in this regard.”

“So this is what it’s like when your kind has sex?” she asked, turning her head to look at him directly.

“Oh, the sensation is far different for the males of his species than the females,” Astravia told her. “Personally, I believe that it is the females who get the better side of that bargain, but at a cost of needing to fully understand their own bodies as well as having a skilled lover in order to attain such pleasure.”

“So this is what it feels like for you?” Dela asked Astravia directly. Astravia smirked and leaned forward in Maceo’s palm, cupping her mouth with one hand as if protecting a secret.

“A side effect of being shrunken down as I am is that sexual pleasure, as well as most sensations, is magnified for me a hundred fold. Truthfully, Maceo has a harder time NOT making me climax too easily than coaxing it out of me. There was one time amongst our mortal friends where we were at dinner and he thought he would be cheeky and pet me between my legs underneath the dinner table and I climaxed almost immediately, which was indescribably embarrassing!” she said, completing her thought by pointing up at Maceo and scolding him.

“I said I was sorry and I told you I didn’t think you were that sensitive at the time,” Maceo answered her, though there was no regret in his voice at all. Astravia huffed and rolled over, turning to look at Dela again.

“In any event, the sensation is many times more intense for me as I am currently. I once was resigned to the fact that my body was so difficult to bring to climax that I simply would have to forego such luxuries. Now I need to focus with all my concentration to keep from climaxing constantly.”

“Ohhh!” Dela whined while pounding her fists. “If I shrank myself as much as you shrank, there wouldn’t be enough left of me to have sex with.”

“Oh trust me,” Astravia giggled at her. “We are only just getting warmed up with you.”

Dela suddenly blushed and gulped hard, now intimidated by the consequences she faced after constantly and consistently begging to have the opportunity to sleep with her new lovers. With that warning out of the way, Astravia suddenly began expanding again as she crawled out of the palm of his hand until she was back to her mortal size once again and she rolled onto her back and pulled Dela on top of her while Maceo rolled between their legs and inserted his already erect again penis into his mortal sized wife while Dela lay on top of Astravia, who sucked on Dela’s breasts and stroked her womanhood until they both came again in unison.

They then switched positions and Maceo serviced Dela while Astravia pulled Dela’s hand up to return the favor from moments before. What Amazed Dela was how quickly and intensely Astravia climaxed under Dela’s touch, exactly as Astravia had described, but shocking nonetheless. It really was more of a game with Astravia and Maceo to try to keep her going long enough during the act of sex without triggering her climax prematurely.

Hours passed like this, with Maceo rotating the women between receiving his lovemaking as well as alternating varying positions with them. Even when Dela or Astravia were on top, they were utterly at his mercy and moved about like they were mere playthings to his ravenous appetite.

It was when Astravia was lying on the sofa in her five inch tall state trying to catch her breath and Dela was on her hands and knees receiving Maceo from behind that she suddenly screamed as Maceo’s thrusts began pounding deeper and harder with each movement. Her jaw dropped and her eyes went wide while her entire body shivered violently and she experienced yet another orgasm before she managed to turn around and realized that Maceo seemed to look a foot taller than he had earlier and was gradually expanding behind her.

Astravia turned and looked and giggled nervously as she realized Dela’s pendant was failing again and Dela was gradually shrinking while Maceo fucked her from behind. Each thrust of his hips filled her more and more fully and her arms gave out as her head plowed into the cushion beneath her.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Astravia sit up and crawl toward her, growing compared to Dela as she slipped back down toward fairy size again. Maceo’s hands seemed to spread out across her hips, quickly encompassing them as the thickest, largest cock she’d ever felt continued to expand inside of her. The further she shrank, the more her derriere angled higher in order to receive him and the louder she screamed until at around three feet tall, Maceo slipped out of her accidentally due to the excessive angle and Dela collapsed on her side, gasping and wheezing for air.

“You should deactivate the pendant before it runs out of energy entirely,” Astravia suggested, still small enough for Dela to hold in her hands, but constantly expanding before her eyes as Dela shrank.

She nodded in agreement and did as asked, and then Dela suddenly receded rapidly down to just over five inches tall and her wings sprouted out again. Dela finally closed her eyes and relaxed, seemingly relieved that the marathon sexual session the likes of which she’d never conceived of was over, however she only had a few short seconds to rest before she felt a giant hand wrap around her and lift her up. She squeaked in fear and then watched with horror as he lifted her to his mouth and lowered her inside down to her waste before closing his lips.

The little fairy struggled and kicked at first, but she hardly lasted at all before his massive tongue forced its way between her tiny thighs and began caressing and tasting her womanhood as though it were a miniscule morsel, barely enough to even wet his appetite. When she finally came again, she collapsed forward, bumping her face against the tip of his nose and lay there until she felt tiny footsteps on his cheek beside her. The little fairy looked up and found Astravia there, covered in a heavy sheen of sweat herself and visibly worn down, but also grinning tiredly.

“We can return his favor one last time, can we not?” Astravia asked. She grabbed Dela’s hands and pulled her up and out of his mouth while Maceo lay there on his back with two tiny women standing atop his face as if it were the bow of a mighty ship.

Dela giggled quite nervously, but agreed and fluttered her wings, only to find that her wings were so tired now, she could barely lift off of his skin again. In the end, the two five inch tall women were forced to walk together down his body until they reached his cock, which was partially flaccid from a lack of stimulation. Both women mounted in tandem near the head and began grinding their tiny pussies against it with all their weight until it began to stretch between their legs again and stiffen like an oak tree.

Once he was fully erect again, the two tiny women returned to their same positions as when they had first started, using their whole bodies to attempt to cover as much of the massive cock that towered above their tiny bodies as possible.

Though fully exhausted, they did manage to slowly push Maceo higher and higher until he finally tipped over the edge as both Astravia and Dela were wrapped around the head of his cock sandwiching it with their legs wrapped around the head’s base. They were lapping his tip with their tongues when he finally exploded, gallons of cum erupting up and over their faces and hitting them with such force that they were knocked free of it and tumbled down to his stomach, lathered in his semen.

Dela laughed hysterically, but also exhaustedly, slipping repeatedly as she attempted to push herself up to her hands and knees right up until Astravia crawled over to help her.

Once she was finally up on her knees and coughing slightly from the amount of cum that had made it into her mouth and down her windpipe, she moved her wings and gasped as she realized that they were now so heavily coated in his seed that they couldn’t flutter anymore and could only flap slowly.

“I did warn you,” Astravia pointed out, though Dela didn’t seem to care that much. In fact, she seemed to find it somewhat amusing to be covered in that much cum, as though she were living out some long held fantasy.

Maceo kindly took them to the bathroom and washed them both in the sink by hand, though also as predicted by Astravia, Dela’s delicate wings were too fragile to even attempt to clear completely of Maceo’s genetic contributions to her appearance.

In the following two days, Dela was so exhausted that she spent nearly all of her time riding atop Maceo to one stop or another everywhere and for everything. By mid day the day after their session making love together she did have the strength to get around on her own again, though recovery was particularly slow for the delicate little fairy. Besides that, she also thoroughly enjoyed resting in the palm of his hand or atop his shoulder as he went about his daily routines, most of that time also snuggled with Astravia, who recovered much more quickly than she did.

On the third day, they boarded the airship again and set course west back toward Dela’s home. The experience was certainly a remarkable one for the little fairy. The love she enjoyed from her new friends and arguably lovers was something that she now bathed contentedly in. She still was quite youthful and innocent in her demeanor, but the intensity of the sensations she’d experienced was quite a bit for her little fairy mind to process and though once her energy was replenished through days of rest she was quite energetic again, she also seemed to take on a nearly introspective quality to her personality.

Half way across the ocean, they stopped off at a string of islands that boasted lush green grasses, forests and scenic landscapes and then they proceeded on to Dela’s home, where her friends were beyond excited to see her again, zipping out in swarms to greet her as soon as the airship touched down again.

Once she was settled in again, Dela explained over dinner Astravia’s plan to bring them to the temple to live, which spurred an excited series of conversations, though the little fairies didn’t seem particularly enthusiastic about abandoning the only home they’d ever known.

It was only after careful explanations by Astravia, who again was in disguise as a fairy, of the state of their little community as well as the future they were moving steadily toward that the offer was given serious consideration, which was quite a compliment, given that fairies are rarely if ever serious. Being as flighty and carefree as fairies tended to be, they kept Maceo and Astravia occupied for several days before the little Qiana approached him with her baby, who was now already a young child, though the exact age in human terms was difficult to pinpoint given the incredibly youthful appearance of fairies. She set down on his knee, blushing up at the giant, especially after Maceo quickly offered her his undivided attention. She fidgeted for the briefest of moments then suddenly blurted out that she wanted to come home with Astravia and Maceo, offering herself as the first after Dela to accept the offer.

It wasn’t long after that when several other bashful little fairy ladies fluttered in and also expressed their desire, but the real change occurred when a male fairy (the same who had once confronted Maceo as an interloper on his fertile territory) zipped in to meet Maceo face to face. He struggled to maintain a stoic face like Maceo easily did, and then announced he also wished to join them back at the temple.

The acceptance of a male fairy for their relocation plan was pivotal, and once he’d made his request known, other requests poured in until only a few fairies remained on the fence. Once they were down to those few holdouts, Astravia along with Dela were easily able to convince them with tales of the amazing city Dela had visited.

With all in agreement, the fairies began preparing by gathering up what belongings they desired. This also didn’t take long, as fairies are also incredibly non materialistic. Still though, there was some regret as this was the only home they’d ever known and ever so slight a hesitation until Astravia informed them that upon relocating, she could easily create a fairy sized portal so that they could return back to this place nearly as often as they would like.

Once all was ready, Astravia opened the portal, leaving the community of fairies staring in awe and the circle of soft, beautiful light.

“Go through,” Astravia encouraged. “You will find us there momentarily after arriving.”

“Really?” Qiana asked, standing atop Maceo’s palm with her wings fluttering excitedly.

“It is both a portal through space and time. You will find yourselves at the temple once Maceo and I have concluded our adventures and we will have more than enough time to help you adapt to your new home. It will take hardly any effort to adapt, however,” Astravia promised.

With that said, the fairies began lifting off and fluttering through the portal until only Dela remained, staring at both Maceo and Astravia with sad eyes, as though she were saying goodbye.

“Dela, why are you sad?” Astravia asked her with a sympathetic laugh.

“But I don’t wanna leave. You said you wouldn’t stop shrinking for a long, long time!”

“Please keep that information to yourself,” Astravia requested politely.

“But what if you forget me?”

“I don’t think we could ever forget you,” Maceo promised her and lifted her up so he could kiss her cheek, sending the tiny fairy into an excited tizzy.

“Go Dela,” Astravia encouraged. “For you, but a moment will have passed. We will be there, and ready to welcome you to your new home,” Astravia promised. The little fairy hesitated, but after gathering her courage, she lifted off and floated up to Astravia, hugging and kissing her before setting off to the portal, the last to leave their home of centuries behind.

Maceo and Astravia now found themselves alone in the forest in the center of what moments before had been a vibrant fairy community. Evidence of their tiny civilization was sparse at best. Their homes were little more than nooks inside of trees. There were no structures the fairies had built, and because they flew practically everywhere, Maceo had left the only evidence of foot traffic. Still though, the scene there was suddenly very lonely as Astravia sat in Maceo’s palm smiling up at him.

“Alone at last?” Maceo asked her mirthfully.

“At last, my dearest Maceo,” she answered with a warm smile, but a touch of sadness in her eyes.

“It does feel strange not having her around, doesn’t it?”

“The decades will fly by in the blink of an eye, beloved. You will see.” She then began growing in his hand up to her now normal fifteen-inch tall form, the first time in weeks that Maceo had seen her as she truly was. “Where to now, beloved?” she asked, smiling as Maceo lifted her up to kiss her.

“Let’s set a course for that island chain in the ocean on the other side of this continent you told me about,” Maceo suggested positively.
Check out my SW story Please..:

Shrink Master
Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Wed Aug 24, 2022 3:54 am

Slightly more than twenty-six years had passed since Maceo and Astravia had departed the small mountain town they had called home in the opening stages of their marriage and both Maceo and Astravia were indistinguishable in appearance compared to when they had left their friends behind. The couple still regularly communicated with their friends, though much had changed aside from the complete disappearance of their youth. Gaeten had recently passed away from heart troubles and Maceo and Astravia had spent months mourning him, especially since Astravia was no longer large enough, nor possessed the power necessary to meet him and escort him in the afterlife.

That isn’t to say that Astravia was as helpless as she had been a quarter century before. While her stature remained a quite diminutive fifteen inches tall, she had grown in other ways due to the need to push her limits for the first time in her existence and struggle to increase her once limitless power. The same could be said for Maceo, who under Astravia’s tutelage had become an extremely powerful mage. For the first ten years after sending Dela off to the future, Maceo and Astravia had spent nearly all of that time in complete isolation, exploring the world’s countless undiscovered lands and seas. They visited both the arctic and the Antarctic again and they had spent months exploring the bottom of several seas, including the location where what remained of the ruins of the sunken civilization Astravia had shown Maceo years before rested. They spent those years enjoying the splendor of all this world had to offer and growing to know each other so well that either didn’t even need to rely on telepathy (which was another emerged skill that Maceo had developed in their time together) to know what the other was thinking under most circumstances.

Following that decade, they returned to the known world, far from the mountain that Astravia’s temple rested on. They started far to the north where mortal settlements were decidedly more primitive than Maceo’s homelands and the people far more savage. They’d chosen this location because while there weren’t towns or cities with well-developed structures and roads like to the south, they had some uniquely advanced structures made from natural materials. Specifically on a massive forest covered island to the north they discovered a primitive people that had arranged massive boulders into an extremely accurate calendar that was quite useful in their gradual conversion from horticultural to agrarian cultures.

After that, the couple alternated between ventures to explore the natural world to spending a few months at a time in varying towns, villages and cities to engage with a wide variety of mortals within the settled world. They experienced a number of cultures, and customs and even entered these communities posing as persons from a variety of backgrounds, though Maceo’s favorite was to simply appear to newcomers to their lives as himself, still holding true to his humble beginnings that had occurred before a surprising number of their new friends had even been born.

By this point, Maceo had become quite worldly and had a strong, stoic, commanding presence wherever he went. They had lived lives of peace and comfort and his demeanor was enough to discourage most conflicts before they even began, but his magic sometimes filled in where those attributes failed him. About his only discontent was his lack of opportunities to engage in good, hard work with his hands as he had been accustomed to when living full time in the temple in his youth. Obviously their travels provided him chances occasionally to help here or there, but his profound strength dulled the satisfaction for him somewhat.

Maceo had become somewhat of a bull in the proverbial China shop, and had become accustomed to holding back on most things in the world, which he complained seemed fragile to how it had once been. Astravia, of course, was entirely empathetic owed to her existence prior to a few decades before of limitless power that was now a mere drop in the bucket compared to her once unfathomable reserves.

They were several days out following a trip to the southern tip of the peninsula to the west of the lands Maceo hailed from and headed due East toward the continent there when they were enjoying the panoramic view from the control car in their airship at sunrise with Astravia tucked safely in Maceo’s arms at her temporarily natural fifteen inch height. Astravia barely even opened her eyes to watch the rising sun they were steadily trekking toward and far more interested in the safe, powerful arms of her lover who stood several times taller than her.

“Do you ever miss them?” Maceo asked her absentmindedly. Astravia shifted slightly in his arms, not bothering to open her eyes. She could feel the warmth of the early morning sun on her face, and that was enough.

“Could you be more specific, my dearest Maceo? There are many who I have had in my long life, some of whom I miss, and others whom I do not.”

“The people at Astraviantium. Elaheh, Rhona, Cajsa, the others. The last time we actually saw them they were still in their primes. I was just thinking about how the sun must be fading for them.”

“I miss them constantly. Rhona birthed in me hope that I did not think I could ever enjoy again, and Elaheh is my little angel. I love their families as if they were my own.”

“We could forge new disguises and go see them in person. I regret not seeing Gaeten at least one more time before he passed.”

“You are no longer bound by time, beloved,” she countered softly. “You will need to become accustomed to watching those you cherish slip away from your existence. Gaeten is fully aware of how important he was to you. He was quite proud to have been your only true male mentor. Besides, they are doing quite well in our absence. We only speak with them every couple of weeks now and they have already lived very full lives. On top of all of that, all three of those women are busy with their grandchildren now. There is little point in revisiting the past for them, which is all we are to them now: relics of a time long past.”

“It hurts when you put it that way,” Maceo muttered in an empty voice.

“You are still only just beginning to feel the pangs of immortality. This suffering will continue to grow. I believe I am doing you a favor by creating a distance between you and them to ease that pain early on in your existence. My father attempted to convince me of the same thing when I was new to the universe and I refused to listen. I wish to spare you the scars that I accumulated when I was young. Those scars from my youth are the most difficult ones to bear.”

“It still seems like only yesterday that we left them,” Maceo commented, barely acknowledging anything Astravia had said.

“For them, it was a lifetime ago. I am grateful that they even remember us and occasionally reach out to speak. It is a testament to the value of their love for us.”

“Part of me wants to unshrink you just so we can get rid of that excuse to hide who we really are from them and just tell them the truth so we can enjoy what time we have left.”

“It is not an excuse,” Astravia remarked firmly, suddenly sitting up in his arms and staring up at him. “Magic is still alive and well in this world and where the guild has fallen, others have stepped out and forged new skills in those lost arts. I trust entirely in your ability to protect me, but shrunken down as I am, I am vulnerable to any who would decide a shrunken goddess is too tempting a target to ignore. I am also physically vulnerable like this. I may still be a goddess, but human weapons are capable of harming me in this reduced state.”

“But if we grew you back to normal, it wouldn’t even be a consideration.”

“I love being shrunken down like this. Well, that is not entirely true,” she self corrected. “I would prefer to stand at around half mortal height, but Kytiscia was undeniably correct. Abandoning my power was quite difficult, but if I am entirely honest, if I were forced to make a choice, I would choose to live like this rather than the power now.”

“Sounds like the queen of the gods wants to abdicate her throne,” Maceo joked softly.

“Oh, I do not even comprehend why I clung so bitterly to that life,” she bemoaned. “I do not understand what I was thinking. Lying in your arms as I am now is far more satisfying.”

“Maybe just because it’s new and interesting to you,” Maceo suggested.

“Not at all,” Astravia assured him. “I can honestly say that I have never felt so comfortable in my own body before you shrank me down. I believe that unlimited power did not suit me. Besides, I must be so much more creative now that I am limited! I am certain that if I had spent my previous eighty-seven million years like this, I would not have become nearly so bored with existence. That and the fact that the sex is so much better,” she giggled while blushing slightly.

“I’m not sure if giving up the one life we have to spend with our friends is the right choice,” Maceo stated, showing he was unable to diverge from the conversation from a moment before.

“Maceo, you are forever a man only cracking out of the eggshell of his youth. Containing yourself in a disguise for any duration to give the impression of aging is quite difficult, even with magic obscuring your appearances. Our friends have grown wiser just as you have. They will notice subtle differences and whatever façade we create to mask our natures from them will prove to be dangerously brittle. I am sorry my dearest Maceo, however I feel exceedingly unsafe taking such risks.”

“That’s all I needed to hear,” Maceo answered back with determination, then happily ended the entire line of questioning. Astravia smiled up at him sympathetically, then settled back in his arms again, now watching the sunrise that had already crested in the midst of the conversation.

“I do miss them,” she admitted after a prolonged pause. “I miss them more than any I have known in an extremely long time.”

Maceo didn’t bother to answer her, he just hugged her a little more and kissed the top of her head, soothing her saddened nerves.

Later that day, they reached their destination, which was a massive narrow lake, hundreds of miles long nestled in the heart of the eastern continent, far to the north of Maceo’s home land. Though it was early summer, the air was slightly cool with Astravia warning that the temperature would drop significantly as evening took over. They traced the northern shore of the lake for a couple of hours, high up to allow as much of a view as possible while Astravia explained the geography and history of the lake, which was surrounded by mountain ranges. Due to the rugged terrain and northerly location, the region had been uninhabited with the last known settlement failing a generation before Astravia commissioned the construction of her temple on this world.

“The winters here are very difficult,” she explained. “The land is very unique for this world, and this area was particularly inhospitable throughout the last ice age your world is leaving behind currently. The land is not yet ready for crops your people have learned to cultivate and fauna is only now returning in sufficient quantities to support a population.”

“How long are you interested in staying here?” Maceo asked her, turning to look out toward the mountain range beyond the northeast shore.

“I think we should stay at least through the winter,” Astravia suggested. “We could set up a cottage to do so and send the airship back to the temple to replenish supplies. You will be amazed by the lake once it freezes over. You have yet to see anything quite like it.”

“That long, eh?” Maceo asked with a smirk.

“I am uncertain when it will be as worthwhile to return and it will be difficult to return in the midst of winter with the airship because of the winds in this region. What I really wish for you to experience is the lake here once the cold freezes it. The waters here are more than five thousand feet deep.”

“Wow.” Maceo gave little in terms of an emotional reaction, but the subtle expressions in his face betrayed just how stunned he was by her revelation. He surveyed the landscape, holding her in the crook of his arm. “What do you say we go down and check it out for a little while?” Maceo asked her. “Just go for a little hike for a bit? I could use a chance to stretch my legs anyways.”

“Of course, beloved,” Astravia agreed happily enough. “May I accompany you to fuel the aircraft?”

“There’s no need,” Maceo decided happily. “If the region is uninhabited, why don’t we just fly down together and relax a little. Maybe we can sit by a real fire for a while this evening.”

“Are you saying you would like to spend the night down there and make camp?” she suggested.

“No, how about just a little hike and then relax by a fire for a while then we’ll come back up for the evening for a late dinner. Tomorrow morning maybe we can go for a swim.”

“Just keep in mind that much of the lake is quite chilly year round. Even the shallower bays are cooler than most lakes you have enjoyed.”

“I’ll be fine,” Maceo assured her, then carried her up a couple flights to their bedroom where they could choose suitable clothes for their short hike.

Astravia stripped naked and then dressed from atop her dresser, which was less than waist high for Maceo, choosing a simple, cream colored dress that reached down to her ankles while Maceo chose more utilitarian clothes that were a bit darker and better suited to the wilderness. He filled a satchel with a few items to snack on and then carried Astravia down to the hangar bay and opened it before sprouting wings and smiling at Astravia as she shrank down into her shrunken mortal form of less than five inches tall so that she could climb up and into his shirt pocket to relax for the ride down to the ground.

Maceo soared down and chose a peninsula about half way up the length of the lake on the eastern shore and then glided down the several thousand feet until he touched down gently and gracefully, plucking his shrunken wife out of his pocket and setting her in his hand.

Now firmly on the ground, Maceo surveyed the land from this vantage point and considered what would be most interesting to him. The shore was mostly rocky with many sheer cliffs and few easily traversed paths down to the water. Most of the land was covered in grasses that swayed in the breeze, though there were visible forests in any given direction away from the shore. Once he had surveyed this domain, he set Astravia in the palm of his hand and chose a direction paralleling the shore and heading east until they had left the peninsula and then south.

They walked for a couple of hours straight, casually chatting with each other until they passed to the west of a large cropping of trees and something caught Maceo’s eye. He turned and walked to investigate and they were half way there before Astravia shifted her attention from her giant lover to his destination and raised an eyebrow.

“Oh that is rather interesting,” she remarked, transforming into her fairy form and lifting off of his palm so she could flutter ahead and set down on a large rock that overlooked a circle of other rocks that surrounded charred ground and the remains of a burned out log.

“I thought you said the region was inhabited,” Maceo commented to her.

“Well, it should be. As I said, fauna is returning to the area, however there is not enough to support a large population.”

“This fire was recent. Probably within the last few days,” Maceo pointed out to her.

“I would say several days ago,” she corrected. “Hmm, a mystery. Would you prefer to sleuth it’s nature out my dearest Maceo, or would you prefer me to peer back in time and see who our little explorers are?”

“Let’s investigate. It might be more fun,” Maceo suggested.

Astravia smiled and perched herself on his shoulder to settle in for a leisurely ride. “Perhaps I should continue in this disguise in the off chance we have already been seen.”

With Maceo’s obvious agreement, they set out again and continued their hike until they reached the edge of a forest where Astravia noted what looked like a trail that didn’t appear to be of a wildlife related origin. Maceo approached the beginning of the trail and they perused it together, noting faded tracks that might have been considered human, however, it was difficult to say for certain. After some speculation, they chose to enter and stroll along at a significantly more leisurely pace, now that they were much more interested in this new mystery than they were in stretching their legs.

They walked casually along, checking for any signs of humans there, though they found much more evidence of wildlife than of humans.

“I would say that either what we found was a rather strange coincidence, or whatever humans are here intentionally cover their tracks,” Astravia postulated.

“I wonder why,” Maceo commented while kneeling down over what he was attempting to deduce might be a another footprint.

“I am not certain, that is not unless you wish to give up on deducing for yourself and simply scan back in time for our answers.”

“That’s hardly any fun,” Maceo immediately retorted. “Come on, we haven’t had a decent mystery in years.”

“As you wish, beloved,” Astravia tittered while fluttering beside his face and then kissed his giant cheek.

They continued their search, though now instead of simply trekking along as they saw fit, Maceo was far more interested in deliberately seeking signs of mortal habitation than he was in perusing what was in his path. They traveled along until they reached a fork in the trail and Maceo stopped there, noting a piece of something hanging from a thorn on a bush. He carefully plucked it away from the plant and looked it over carefully with Astravia fluttering immediately over his fingers examining it along with him.

Though it was quite worn and tattered, as well as being quite small, it was clear that it was something unique and not possible to be created by nature alone. It was a tiny patch of cloth, weaved by mortal hands, though by the looks of it, it had been there for quite some time, possibly years at this point. The mystery deepened and they considered the new evidence carefully before setting off once more, fascinated and speculating wildly as to weather they were dealing with a failed settlement, persons simply passing through when the weather permitted or an actual group of mortals that were currently settled in these lands.

They continued on until they reached a clearing in the middle of the forest when Maceo stopped cold and realized the air was still with tension and the sounds of the birds had tapered off until their voices were gone.

“Astravia,” Maceo whispered as softly as possible while still providing just enough effort so that his words reached his wife’s ears. “Are we being watched?”

Astravia perked up and raised an eyebrow, then looked around her. “I believe someone is masking their presence,” she suggested. “However, I am having difficulty piercing that veil.”

“Well that’s odd,” Maceo commented softly to her, perplexed by the fact that Astravia’s keen senses were being thwarted. “I guess we shouldn’t try to force them out if they don’t want to be seen,” Maceo concluded while standing up again. Astravia growled a tiny little growl, but agreed to his wishes. He turned and looked around them, noticing a distortion in his enhanced senses, though he couldn’t quite decide where it was coming from. After a brief pause to think, he chose a direction and began to walk there when suddenly there was a loud noise and Maceo turned to look.

Astravia was also startled, enough so that she lifted off of his shoulder and tensed, just in time to see a large stone hurling at Maceo from the direction opposite of where he was looking to and struck him directly in the head. He staggered and stumbled forward and though the blow would have seriously injured a normal man, Maceo managed to right himself after only a couple of steps turning to the direction from which he’d been attacked.

There were several gasps of shock that Maceo had brushed off such a serious blow from the bushes, but this was short lived as from Maceo’s left and to the rear a woman emerged, clad in bronze armor and storming toward him with a fierce yell. Maceo immediately turned to face her and dug his heels in while Astravia screamed and zipped down to the ground behind him in order to hide from what she interpreted as a threat to her. Astravia then looked up between Maceo’s legs and she gasped as she realized the woman stampeding toward them was enormous, standing what looked like nearly a foot taller than her already exceptionally tall husband, and also bristling with muscles that were capped with intense protruding veins. Her breasts, while obviously present, were significantly smaller than normal, especially given her immense size and her neck was so thick that it practically was more of a continuation of her burly shoulders than anything else.

She barreled in and reached out to grab Maceo, grabbing his hands and forcing herself on him with all of her weight and momentum and a cocky sneer on her face right up until Maceo roared with power and pushed the much taller woman back, sending her stumbling in reverse the direction she’d come from.

It seemed clear that this massive hulk of a woman was not accustomed to such an easy defeat and she stood staring at Maceo, utterly shell shocked. It hardly mattered, though, because nearly a dozen women, each of similar stature and musculature, though the first one was clearly the most muscular of the group, came storming out, determined to overwhelm Maceo by whatever means necessary.

Fully prepared an in the fight now, Maceo widened his stance and as soon as the second hulking woman approached, he grabbed her thick wrist, pulled her forward and off balance and then tossed her over his head and directly into the woman on his opposite side, toppling her easily with the weight of her comrade. There were more gasps of amazement and the remainder of the mob slowed, completely stunned that seven and a half foot tall, muscle-bound women were being so easily tossed aside. One reached onto her belt and pulled out a rope, then tossed it at Maceo from behind, lassoing him and yanking on him with all her strength. At first Maceo was dragged backward in her direction right up until he gained enough traction to dig his heels deep into the ground and stop the hulking Amazon, and then he pushed forward in a powerful lunge, yanking his would be captor off of her feet and face first into the ground before he roared with determination and snapped the rope off of him.

The women were disoriented nearly to the point of discombobulation, but by this point all were back on their feet again aside from the one that had just attempted to lasso Maceo and despite their dizzied demeanor, they charged in full force all at once now, abandoning all attempts at strategy and drawing weapons.

The first one was met by Maceo who dropped low and swept her feet, knocking her over, but before he knew it, the massive women dog piled him, each grabbing him wherever they could get their hands on him. All the while, Astravia cowered on the ground, screaming and crying in fear of her unknown attackers, each of them beasts, moving with stunning speed given their massive bulk. They all seemed confident that a dozen seven and a half foot tall, hulking muscle bound women would be more than enough to finally overwhelm Maceo, but they gasped again as Maceo managed to grab one, pry her grip free of him and toss her free, though not nearly as far as he had thrown the woman earlier.

With all other options exhausted, they began pummeling him from every angle while the two women who Maceo had temporarily downed righted themselves and stormed back in to assist. Two women managed to grab large stones and battered Maceo’s head while the others pounded him with shields and sword hilts until finally Maceo staggered and began to lose balance.

Once that occurred, the fight was effectively over, as the hulking maidens doubled their efforts until Maceo collapsed face first into the ground. Astravia dropped to her knees and trembled, utterly defenseless now and covered her eyes, unable to face the onslaught her attackers were certain to unleash upon the shrunken queen of the gods.

Alas, such an attack wasn’t forthcoming.

Each of the women knelt down on Maceo in order to pin him, panting and gasping for breath given how much strength and energy they’d had to exert in order to subdue him and then they started pooling their rope, of which they had a great quantity, and binding him with as many layers as they could produce.

“Have you ever seen one this big before?” one asked another in a familiar language, but an ancient accent.

“Have you ever seen one that strong?” another commented.

Astravia now peeked through her hands at them, shaken by the fact that the attackers didn’t seem interested at all in her and she stared in disbelief.

“Shut up!” another barked. “Do you honestly want to risk being out here still if it wakes up again?” she demanded, which served as more than enough motivation for the women to double their efforts to make sure Maceo was bound as effectively as possible.

“What about the others? We said we’d bring them back by nightfall,” one asked.

“Who cares about them?” yet another asked. “If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all, but we have never had one this promising before.”

With that, they hoisted Maceo up, grabbing him by his arms and legs and began marching quickly toward a nearby path. Astravia dropped her arms and stared in utter disbelief for several seconds, right up until she realized she was about to be left completely alone in an unfamiliar woods, shrunken down to a twelfth her normal height.

“HEY!” she screamed out at them furiously. “JUST WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?” she demanded, her eyes already sparking with rage.

Several women looked at each other and one looked over her shoulder back at Astravia, who had lifted off of the ground and began moving forward in pursuit.

“It’s the gnat,” she reported. “Apparently it can talk.”

“Just ignore it. I don’t want to find out if it can break through these ropes before we have help.”

“Can you imagine the children we can breed with a specimen like this?” another commented.

“YOU ARE NOT BREEDING ANYTHING WITH HIM!” Astravia declared furiously, and suddenly zipping forward and directly above Maceo. She summoned her strength and a bolt of lightning streaked out of the sky, striking one woman and dropping her.

The hulking Amazons now dropped Maceo unceremoniously and drew weapons, though Astravia proved far too small and agile to strike with a blade. Astravia managed to down another with lightning and was accumulating multiple bolts at once when suddenly she was knocked from the air having been swatted like a bug from an Amazon that had leapt up just high enough to reach her.

Astravia crashed into the ground face first with a scream and just barely managed to evade the grasp of one of the giant women. Before she knew it, she was zipping back and forth in every direction in the midst of a grabfest of hulking Amazonian women intent on snatching the little fairy goddess from the air. One got just close enough to swat Astravia again and she plummeted into the ground again only to be snatched up into another’s fist that squeezed her with unstoppable force. Astravia screamed with pain, also humiliated at such an undignified end for one such as her.

Then, just before her strained, tiny bones began to buckle, she opened her eyes with a realization. In a flash, Astravia disappeared from sight, stunning her captor and then a tiny, less than half inch tall fairy Astravia streaked out between the behemoth woman’s fingers and off into the forest to hide.

“SCAT!” one woman spat at Astravia, and then they helped their injured comrades up and doubled their efforts to return from whence they came as quickly as possible.

Tiny and alone, Astravia flew with reckless abandon until she found a nook in a tree that was suitable to hide in while staying in this exceptionally shrunken state and catch her breath. “Who in my name were they?” Astravia asked, stunned, then rage seemed to overcome her. “JUST WHO THE FUCK DO THEY THINK THEY ARE?” she demanded fiercely. “I am DONE with mysteries,” she determined in a tiny, yet unwavering and fierce voice, and then shimmered as she surfed her way outside of time again to research the mystery of these unknown, beastly, monstrous women.
Check out my SW story Please..:

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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by Knightstable » Wed Aug 24, 2022 3:18 pm

Hey great updates as always. These were some interesting developments. Looking forward to learning more about this amazon tribe :)

Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Thu Aug 25, 2022 3:08 am

Now free of the confines of time, Astravia breathed easy for the first time since before the attack that had seen her lover stolen from her and she summoned images of the lands around her, scanning until she finally found a past image of one of her attackers and began rewinding backwards following her until she was able to watch their story unfold before her eyes.

Five centuries before, a mere couple decades following Astravia’s disappearance from this world, there was a cadre of priestesses that Astravia had sanctioned to begin a new chapel a couple weeks ride by horse east of her temple. This chapel was far from the only one she had encouraged as she had hoped her message and teachings would spread across the lands far and wide. What honestly made this chapel unique was the fact that it was among the first targeted by the guild of sorcery in a clandestine attack under the cover of night. The goal of the attack was simple- the guild was already well into consolidating power and beginning their centuries long process of undermining Astravia’s religion. The guild chose one of the more remote outposts of Astravia’s network of religious locations as a test to see if the goddess really had fully disappeared and to gauge any reactions should one of her chapels suddenly cease operations and the clergy disappear.

Unfortunately for these women, there was no response.

At the time of the attack, there were eight priestesses overseeing the compound, which saw regular activity from local worshipers and was easily funding itself with plans to train new priestesses and expand operations. Then one evening, the guild sent several operatives in who obliterated Astravia’s statue and abducted the staff in its entirety, stealing them away to a hidden location to extract information on the inner workings of Astravia’s numerous religious outposts but especially the temple.

As magic users, they were only granted limited access to the temple, and only under the direct invitation of a select few with the authority to allow them entrance. One was the high priestess, and others included Astravia’s favored, who were in increasingly small numbers as they aged out in her absence.

The guild tortured these women for several years, extracting every piece of information they could squeeze out of their now deeply wounded minds. They also routinely raped them as well as neglected them for days at a time with no access to food or water. Each of them lived in solitary confinement aside from when an operative would enter a cell to torture or please himself with one of their bodies, often using magic to enhance the experience for himself in one manner or another.

Priestesses of the time were all taught magic, though the only magic they were ever taught was meditative in nature or useful in some manner to gather insight or knowledge. This was different for organizations like the guild, who specialized in transformative magics and similar abilities, thus why they were out and about in the world performing their work in accordance with Astravia’s many and intricate plans. This left the priestesses especially vulnerable to attack, though typically this wasn’t an issue as there were a number of other safeguards put in place to help guarantee their safety with the most extreme of which being a magical alert within the temple itself that would alert Astravia through her globe of an infraction that was important enough.

Amazingly, only one of the priestesses died in the years during their captivity, though the emotional damage each suffered was quite palpable. With little recourse available to her, one priestess used the limited magics she had been taught to gain insight over her rapists, a little at a time each time they violated her. After years of abuse, she deduced enough information from her abusers to formulate a suitable spell and the means to conduct it and then began feigning a near catatonic state for months each time she was raped and abused.

In time, her attackers became complacent and lowered their guard until she was able to gradually gather the implements she needed to conduct the spell. Then one murky night, she was visited by one of the most cruel of her attackers and raped violently, though by this point such mercilessness was par for the course.

When the man came inside of her, he was met with a rather unpleasant surprise. It has been said that injecting a man’s seed into a woman’s womb is akin to her draining his essence, however in this case that was exactly what he had unwittingly done. He came forcefully, pumping her full of his essence and transferring it to her.

All of the years of wasting and withering for the priestess became the sorcerer’s to bear while his strength and vitality became hers, one massive gush of semen at a time until he was nothing but a husk of his former self and she had strength and musculature to spare. She freed herself from her cell and then found her sisters and freed them in kind, leaving only one in her cell when another guild operative arrived to do unto her as had been done to the first priestess earlier that evening.

As had occurred with the first priestess, so too this one absorbed his strength and vitality leaving him in the same withered and pathetic state she had been reduced to for years.

With two of these priestesses now possessing the same strength as the men that had held them captive, they used this siphoned ability to their advantage and managed an escape wading through the human refuse pits that the guild used to deposit their feces and clawed their way out of the tattered hideout they had been held in for so long.

From there, the women ran as best as they could, fleeing east away from civilization as soon as they realized that the guild had discovered their escape and were proving to be quite adept hunters. The only real skill that allowed them to stay ahead of their pursuers was the same magic that had been taught to them as Astravia’s priestesses, giving them glimpses of insight when they pooled their powers, which in turn granted them opportunities to stay a step ahead of their enemies.

They fled eastward for months until they came across a village where they hoped to find shelter, however all that awaited them was contempt as slovenly outsiders. With winter fast approaching, they had little choice but to accept what little comfort was offered, paying their way by whoring their bodies out for food. While the food was far from the best these villagers had to offer, it had the benefit of being the best food they had enjoyed in years and they huddled together in a make shift hut night and day, waiting out the frigid cold.

They finally felt they had managed a break enough to permanently evade their pursuers, until one evening while pooling their powers, they gained enough insight into their surroundings to know that powerful magic was approaching, despite the cold and the snow in this remote region. Somehow, someway, the guild had managed to track them even in the dead of winter despite their best attempts to cover their tracks.

None of the seven women had the magic to confront their hunters, and worse, the effects of the spell that had purchased their freedom was anything but permanent. Over time, their bodies simply didn’t produce enough testosterone or other male hormones to maintain the muscles and strength they had used to secure their sisters’ liberty and in the months following their escape, their newfound strength faded along with their bulk.

This of course made offering their bodies to lonely men for coin an easier prospect, but it also meant they were increasingly less resilient against any would be assaulters. Worse yet, the women who had once benefitted from male strength and stamina had paid a price. Their bones weren’t strong enough to house the muscles they had suddenly thrust upon themselves and in the months following their escape they sustained more injuries than their sisters. And so it was that as these two women faded in strength, their sisters recovered and gained until there they sat huddled together over a meager fire pondering their impending doom.

In a moment of grief and fear of returning to the hell that they had desperately fought their way out of, it was decided that they would use what remained of the implements at their disposal and repeat the spell that had liberated them, this time on all seven, and this time with as many men as they could seduce in the day or so they had to prepare. They seduced man after man that night, using the shadows to hide their quickly hulking forms and sapping the men there of every last drop of essence they could steal.

The next night, the sorcerers arrived just past midnight, stealing their way stealthily into the village, which was curiously filled with confused wives and daughters who couldn’t understand the sudden disappearance of their husbands and fathers.

When the sorcerers arrived, they quickly abandoned the frustrations related to sneaking their way around the village in search of their targets, and instead chose to simply slaughter everyone in sight. This was when the priestesses emerged from hiding, armed with whatever weapons they could steal from their donors and bulging with plundered power. One priestess was gravely injured in the ensuing battle, but seven women with the strength, speed and stamina of fifteen men each proved enough to leverage against their oppressors and win the night.

In the early morning hours, most of the women of the village proved to be dead, with most of what remained being the daughters that had been sheltered and a few young boys. The decimated village struggled with any inclination of what to do, however the priestesses weren’t about to take any further chances. They took what was needed and packed, determined to forge further east into tundra in search of refuge. As they prepared to depart, the remaining villagers decided that the leadership they required rested in these priestesses, so they followed suit and joined what now was a caravan. Thankfully for the priestesses, none of the surviving women and girls knew the secret of these hulking priestesses and in their grief, they seemed too afraid of the answers they might find, should they ask any questions.

Ultimately, the husks of the men who were left behind who had been stuffed in a hovel at the edge of the village might have survived and recovered if their wives had stayed and tended to them. As it was, however, those that remained weren’t even aware that they had survived the battle and as a consequence were left there to starve and die, drained entirely of their strength and vitality.

The decidedly matriarchal caravan pushed eastward up through snow-covered mountains and on. For several years they pressed on, living an essentially nomadic life as the seven priestesses slowly lost the mass and muscle they had stolen and receded back to their more feminine selves. As before, the toll was heavy on their bodies, culminating in a number of injuries that were exacerbated by a life nearly constantly on the move until they finally arrived at the southern shores of the lake Astravia found herself at now. They discovered a few remains of an abandoned settlement and began building, finally ready to settle down, far from the world of man, as they had come to call it.

In their exodus, they had given birth to children both who some women had been pregnant with at the start of their journey and to men whom they encountered along the way, but by the time they reached the shores of this ancient lake there were no males among them, not even the young sons they had departed with. Along their long journey to these shores, the bitterness and hatred among the priestesses for men swelled and that simmering rage spread through the caravan like a festering plague. The few boys who had managed to survive long enough to reach adolescence were abandoned in the wilderness when they began showing sexual attractions toward the plethora of women around them.

When they finally settled, a practice became commonplace where male children were killed at birth rather than allow them to develop into manhood and threaten the authority of the wise matriarchs that had led them to salvation. Within a generation what was once commonplace was all but formal law.

Obviously, the women of this remote community knew full well that complete destruction of the males of their species would result in the end of their burgeoning village, so then when a woman wished to conceive, they would venture out in search of a suitable donor and seduce him before returning home to birth the child among their sisters. Their misandry swelled over generations and in the ensuing decades men became forbidden altogether in the village, though they proved to be quite fruitful despite the handicaps they had placed on themselves. They became quite scholarly and reestablished religion dedicated to Astravia, though the worship they engaged in was so divorced now from Astravia’s teachings and herself that she didn’t recognize it as such.

Ironically, the trials and tribulations those original priestesses had endured had only served to strengthen and permanently cement their faith in Astravia. They came to look back upon those years of captivity and torture as moments of learning blessed on them by the goddess herself. Worst of all, Astravia’s own storied history with her husband’s philandering and abusive nature proved to be the cornerstone of this warped version of her religion, constantly placed up as the ultimate reminder as to the vile nature of the males of their species.

Such things had occurred before in history on other worlds, however Astravia had always been there to gently guide such women back to a path of peace and love. In this case, however, this sucking wound had been allowed to fester for generations, practically breeding it into their DNA.

Their misandry also fostered other ideals, such as a deep seeded but never spoken of hatred for their own natures. In the generations following that first one, the women of this village began to earnestly study magic, passing lessons down from mother to daughter and expanding on the spells that had saved those seven priestesses from captivity. They developed intricate spells that concealed the entire village, which grew into a town, as well as allowed them to hunt whatever they wished with near invisibility.

The first spell that had broken the first priestess free of her cell was refined and expanded upon and over time it became normal for women to use it on men they seduced, taking not only the genetic seed which was offered freely to them, but the strength, vitality and even masculinity of the men they seduced until the women of this village became so bulky and mannish that seduction was hardly an option for them any longer. Instead, they relied on their stolen strength to force men to give all they had. Favored prey of these women were killed gently and mercifully following copulation, whereas most others were either left to die sapped of everything they were or worse, tortured and even dismembered before being left barely clinging to life only for the vultures to pick clean.

Two centuries after arriving at their new home, the spell had been refined to a point where not only were the women able to steal muscle and strength, but mass as well. The women of this tribe would set out on hunts, stalking men and capture their prey, then copulate with them, forcing them to cum over and over, taking their seed while also being drained of their strength, but as the spell was refined, the men would shrink under the weight of their rapist, dwindling away, sometimes as small as Astravia currently found herself before being discarded like a used tampon.

The down side was that this refined version of the spell was far less efficient than the original, granting the woman much less of what she could take with the original version. Much of the man’s size, strength, stamina and vitality was lost to the ether, literally wasted. This required the women of this tribe to develop voracious sexual appetites as a single man might only provide her with an inch or two of height while he was drained of the lion’s share of his own. The up side was that the effects, while still far from permanent, were also far more lasting and the women of this tribe were also granted enough of the man that their bones and ligaments were capable of sustaining the increase in mass and power without significant damage.

The women of this tribe weren’t content to leave their modifications to this one spell alone, however. They concocted other spells whose sole purpose was to modify and amplify their strength through the gradual process of altering their metabolisms in a manner that would allow for the most dramatic results. They also relied heavily on selective breeding, choosing only the finest samples of men they could find based on specific traits they were looking to cultivate within their genome.

Moreover, their misandry had degenerated to such low levels, that they had spent generations researching and developing a method to permanently transfer all the traits they desired from men to women without the need to resort to sexual intercourse and they were currently in the process of finalizing the process in order to export it back into the world of man and forever alter the balance between the sexes. While the effects of this transfer were still not permanent for the women who benefitted from the transfer, they were for the men who were stolen from, which was more than good enough for the leaders of the tribe.

Of course the reasons behind their desire to export the twisted ideals they had spent centuries feeding in on themselves were obvious. Among them and far less discussed, however was one final humiliation nearly all of the women of this tribe suffered despite their now unrelenting and overwhelming strength and power. In recent generations, the women of this tribe had altered themselves so drastically and rejected their own femininity in such totality that nearly all of the women had suffered the indignity of being nearly unable to even arouse the men they captured. They normally had to resort to drugs and other magic to attain the results they required, which only served to feed their desire to dominate and violate men all the more brutally.

In recent decades, some of the tribe’s women had taken to keeping some of their shrunken and shriveled lovers as pets, cruelly lambasting and humiliating them, often in public. Among the greatest spectacles that all of the tribe would rush to see would be any captured man forced into arousal without the need to resort to drugs. There was also now a prison where captured men of quality breeding stock were kept unaltered so that their genetics could be tapped whenever desired. They were chained and kept beneath ground and raped and sexually violated on a near constant basis.

Because they were considered a community asset, they were almost never sapped of their size and strength, given that even in peak condition, none of them were near strong enough to challenge any of the women of this tribe. They were all fed well and offered ample rest, but in every other regard, they were treated with disdain and cruelty, often being brought above ground to be publically shamed and humiliated in all manner of degrading acts which ranged from forced labor while naked and on their hands and knees to engaging in sexual acts with each other for the amusement of their captors.

These women had become the same monsters that had originally spawned their cult society, if not worse.

Several days prior, one cell of the captured men somehow managed an escape and had gone out on the run and that was how Maceo and Astravia had chanced upon their encounter. The huntresses were out in search of their pets when they stumbled on the two lovers, though really the only one that was interesting to them at all was Maceo. In the few seconds they had upon encountering him, they had been subject to a display of masculinity the likes of which they had never seen before. While nowhere near their gargantuan size, he still easily overpowered any one of the huntresses, which was a treasure that simply could not be ignored. In capturing him, they had attained a far greater prize then recapturing their entire escaped genetic stock.
Check out my SW story Please..:

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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Fri Aug 26, 2022 3:18 am

When the huntresses returned with their quarry in hand they were at a near full sprint and breathing heavily and nearly out of control from the effort to bring Maceo back before he regained consciousness. As soon as they entered into the borders, they dashed him to a nearby building and doused a rag in a strong smelling concoction and covered his mouth and nose with it.

They finally breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed, assured that they had accomplished their impromptu mission and were safe from him awakening again any time soon. They only had moments to relax before there was a commotion outside the door after word had spread of their return and their hurried behavior.

They wiped the sweat from their brows and caught their breaths and after another moment there was a serious sounding knock at the door, which didn’t wait for a welcome. The door opened and a woman entered, every bit as tall as the others, but thinner and leaner with more hints of a feminine figure than the average among the huntresses. That being said, however, she was hardly womanly in her appearance and easily a hulking, muscular brute just the same.

“What’s going on?” she asked them while attempting to peer around them at their treasure.

“You are not going to believe what we found,” one excitedly reported. Just as she said so, the door was pushed open and another group of hulking amazons pushed their way in. They were too curious about the new gossip worthy events and needed first hand knowledge themselves.

The huntresses smirked at each other proudly, then stepped to the side, revealing the unconscious and heavily bound Maceo.

“Whoa,” one muscle bound maiden remarked breathlessly. “Where did you find that? It’s huge!”

“It was just out in the woods, just standing there!” one remarked excitedly.

“And you will not believe how strong it is,” another commented.

“It threw me like I was a dinner plate,” yet another chimed in.

“No!” came a sea of disbelieving responses.

“It is ridiculously powerful,” another of the huntresses proclaimed. “I don’t think there is a single woman in this entire town who could stand toe to toe with it.”

“We barely knocked it out. Can you believe it?”

“Just how strong is it?” the tall, lean woman who had first entered the room to investigate asked.

“We really don’t even know, Valda,” came a response. “I don’t think it had even gotten warmed up when we tried to capture it. I’m almost positive it can rip through those ropes like they were stitching threads.”

“Oh my,” Valda remarked while covering her mouth. She was wide-eyed and grinning greedily.

“What are we gonna do with it?” another of the huntresses asked.

“Are you serious?” Valda asked in disbelief. “We need to keep it as stock!”

“I don’t know if we can,” a huntress cautioned. “I’m worried it’s strong enough to break down the walls.”

“Well then we’ll have to train it,” Valda answered her, practically laughing. “If we can train a bison, we can certainly train this dimwitted creature.”

“Valda, I’m serious,” the one huntress cautioned again. “You have no idea how strong it is. We might just have to sap its strength and get rid of it. At least we could get one child out of it, but I’m worried it’s just too dangerous to keep.”

“You don’t want to at least try?” Valda asked, overcome with greed. “If the rest of it is this big, how big do you think it is where it counts?”

There was a flurry of tittering within the room as more hulking amazons arrived and gathered outside the door, each one fighting to get a peak inside at the new treasure they had just discovered.

“We were in such a rush, I didn’t think of that,” she replied. They now surrounded Maceo and Valda unbuckled his belt. She pulled his pants down and revealed his flaccid cock, which earned him a number of complimentary murmurs.

“I would bet you it’s a grower,” Valda nodded positively and began petting his cock, carefully coaxing it to attention.

It took a few minutes, but slowly, Maceo’s flesh began to respond to her attentions and stiffen as well as swell and lengthen. At first the responses from the amazons were soft comments of approval, but the harder and larger he got the more the women gasped in disbelief.

“I’ve only seen one that big before,” one older Amazon remarked with disbelieving eyes and a gluttonous grin.

“There is no way we can just kill it!” one voice called from the back.

“The question is, how do we keep it under control?” one of the huntresses asked in all seriousness. “I’m not kidding you when I say we only got it because we got a lucky strike in.”

“It was more like twenty lucky strikes,” another huntress corrected.

“But just think of the offspring it could give us,” Valda insisted. “How many of you want one for yourself?”

“I want more than one,” came a distant reply.

“Oh, I wish I was still young enough,” an older Amazon bemoaned.

As they debated, Maceo began to slowly stir until he unwittingly groaned from the pain of the contusions on his head. The entire sea of amazons went silent and turned to stare at him lying on a table with his still hard dick poking out of his pants.

“This is what I’m talking about!” a huntress warned. “I gave it enough to keep it out for two days straight!”

“Well give it more!” Valda exclaimed and watched as the huntress doused a rag in more anesthetic and slowly pushed Maceo back down into unconsciousness. “This just makes my point even more! Can you imagine the daughters it would produce?”

“What’s strange is it almost seemed gentle. There was this… thing with it that I think it was trying to protect. It was like a woman, except mouse sized and with wings. I’m positive it was holding back because that thing was in the way.”

“If a mouse sized creature can train it, then so can we!” Valda determined with a heavy stomp of her foot.

“You said it was gentle?” one Amazon asked in shock.

“It almost makes me want to spare the whole race of them if they can produce even one like that,” Valda remarked while staring greedily at Maceo.

“Don’t get too attached to it, Valda!” a huntress barked fiercely. “You’re not the only one that it’s made wet already. But it is seriously dangerous. It might have been gentle with that thing out there, but I can promise you that when it wants to be destructive, it will be.”

“And what about the escaped stock?” Valda asked them.

“Are you kidding?” a huntress asked. “This one broke a quarter of our rope. Besides, what do we even need them for if we have this?”

“We have never let any escape before; I don’t see why we should start making exceptions now,” Valda determined. “Why should we waste good stock after all the trouble it took to locate them? Get back out there and find them!”

“You are not the chief priestess,” a huntress declared while pointing her finger at Valda.

“Yet,” Valda proclaimed with determination in her voice and eyes. “You know she is getting old and you know I am next in line. Name one woman who is as dedicated to Astravia as much as I am.”

“I don’t care,” the huntress fired back. “Right here and right now you are not the chief priestess. Capturing this thing was exhausting. I think we’ve earned some rest and a little bit of praise, don’t you think?”

“Oh, I think they’ve earned a banquet,” a voice called out from the middle of the crowd. A number of deep feminine voices chimed in with their approval.

“Alright, alright! I’ll assemble another hunting party. Meanwhile, someone get the chief priestess. She needs to see this,” Valda declared.

“Oh can you imagine if we could manage to train it?” one nearby Amazon asked excitedly.

“I want to see it lick my boots clean so badly!” her friend chirped.

The chief priestess once summoned was indeed impressed and heaped mounds of praise on the huntresses for retrieving their new prize. She was still quite a statuesque woman of around seven feet tall and bristling with muscles, though her skin was much thinner than her compatriots and her hair wiry and white, cut boyishly short and with a face that was cracked and leathery. Upon close inspection, she appeared to be a woman in her mid seventies whose strength and vitality was simply residual from what she had stolen from the men she’d encountered and dominated. She was even more impressed and watched hungrily when Valda demonstrated his manhood for her and blushed quite heavily, but she was more than a little disquieted by how quickly Maceo seemed to recover from the effects of their anesthetic. Several times in the ensuing discussion Maceo began to regain consciousness, with each time seeming to come just a little more quickly than the last. Moreover, the reports of Maceo’s ludicrous strength and resilience seemed to shake her to her core. Every woman in attendance there benefited from the absorption of many men that had been captured and siphoned from as far away as several hundred miles. They had sucked the strength of so many of them that even the weakest among them had the strength of several men, and yet here was Maceo, noticeably smaller than even the most petite of the hulking amazons but nonetheless reportedly easily stronger and more agile than even the best amongst them.

The debate was fierce, wavering back and forth between fear of the danger of keeping such livestock and the glorious benefit this exceptionally rare catch offered. Throughout the entire discussion, Valda’s eyes continually found themselves pulled back toward him. More than once, a hulking Amazon could be seen squirming slightly while staring at him and a few even ventured close to stroke his manhood and feel it swell in their exceptionally large and powerful hands.

In the end, Valda managed to convince the chief priestess that the opportunity presented was simply too great and could not be ignored. The chief priestess correctly assessed Valda’s nearly uncontrollable lust for him and called her out on it, but Valda pressed her points, forcing the chief priestess to acknowledge the merits of her arguments, if not the sincerity attached to them.

She agreed that an honest and serious attempt would be made to tame and train Maceo, though he would be relocated to the deepest room in their underground prison where if the walls wouldn’t stop him, the dozens of feet of rock and soil surely had to. They also set up safeguards that would allow them to collapse the entire cavern quickly, should Maceo find his way free of his restraints.

The restraints themselves were made of layers of iron and then encased in granite. Maceo was placed on a slab that could be rotated up to present him upright, or back down so that he could be laid flat on his back depending on how his trainer wished him positioned. Finally he was given a leather muzzle, ribbed with iron pins to try to keep his mouth as controlled as possible once he was conscious enough to make noise.

The most contentious issue was actually who would be tasked with his training. There was much discussion about whether it was best to have a number of trainers, only a few or as little as one. More than one hulking Amazon vied for the opportunity to train him, reminding the chief priestess of their many successes in training males in the past and also pointing out repeatedly Valda’s obvious desire, claiming it to be a conflict of interest to allow her such honors. Thankfully for Valda, despite how warped their cult had become while still claiming adherence to Astravia’s words she was quite scholarly and had a keenly developed intellect.

Ultimately, she managed to convince a swath of the amazons that the normal brutish and forceful methods they had used to bring males to heel wouldn’t be useful in his case. Valda argued that her vast knowledge of psychology was what would be needed here and that experience with training in this case might actually hinder progress rather than help it.

After hours of debate, Valda again was rewarded with the honor of training Maceo and practically ran to the bottom of their dungeon to stare giddily at her prize after numerous promises of the many and varied ways she would train him to please and amuse his captors.

Late at night, Valda was fast asleep on a cot in the corner of Maceo’s cell when a soft purple mist began to waft in underneath the door. The mist filled the room gradually and gently, ensuring the Amazon would remain unconscious and then a tiny less than half-inch tall fairy Astravia zipped in underneath the crack in the door and hurriedly dashed to the side of her still unconscious lover. With a wave of her hand, Maceo groaned and then finally ascended to consciousness; the first time in nearly two days.

“Oh my dearest Maceo!” Astravia squeaked from beside his ear. Maceo’s eyes fluttered and he turned his head to find his wife standing there so small that she could easily lay out across his forefinger as if it were an oversized bed.

Maceo’s eyes went left and right and assessed the situation and then he began pulling on his restraints, unsurprisingly causing them to groan and creek as he pulled them apart to free himself.

“No, no, no, no!” Astravia warned him frantically. “You must remain as you are! It is fine, beloved, all is fine! We may speak telepathically.” The conversation then shifted to one of thoughts rather than spoken words.

“What the fuck happened?” Maceo asked her.

“Those BEASTS stole you!” Astravia answered him. “They did it right in front of me! They even swatted me as if I were some filthy fly!”

“I’ll kill them,” Maceo growled, his eyes filled with rage and shifting into his semi god form.

“NO! No, no, no! Be calm, my dearest Maceo! Do not be rash!”

“It’s not rash! I’m going to rip them limb from limb!”

“Maceo, please, I beg of you, listen first,” Astravia pleaded, transforming up into her (currently) normal fifteen inch tall self and kneeling beside his face. She petted his cheek and sighed with relief when he calmed. “I apologize, however, my patience is gone and I simply looked through time for our answers rather than solving our mystery as you wished to.”

Astravia then streamed the entire history of this cult of amazons into Maceo’s mind, who was shaken thoroughly by the long and storied series of events. When he was all caught up, Astravia forced a strained smile and petted his cheek again.

“If you break free, they will collapse this entire cavern. I personally believe you will survive such a collapse and dig your way free, but there are two-dozen men down here with you, captive just as you are. They will all certainly die if you force your way free.”

“Then I’ll make them suffer all the more for what they’ve done,” Maceo threatened fiercely.

“Maceo, please. I beg of you, listen. These whores have many tricks at their disposal and quite frankly if you do not manage to overwhelm them, they will drug you and sap your strength and size until you are nothing more than a tiny, shriveled sack of your former self.”

“I can take them,” Maceo insisted.

“Perhaps, however I have other reasons. Beloved, they swatted me as if I were an annoying insect. I have NEVER even IMAGINED such an undignified assault. Even Zantharan would have not treated me so callously. I am begging you: let me deal with them.”

Maceo stared at her and looked her up and down. “How long were you sitting there outside of time?” Maceo asked her with concern.

“You know such terms are inadequate for such matters,” she joked ineffectually.

“You know what I mean,” Maceo pressed.

“Long enough to have ended this spell several times over were time not a necessary ingredient to ending it,” Astravia admitted tearfully. “I have missed you so terribly,” she cooed to him.

“Astravia, you don’t have the power to deal with them in your current state,” Maceo warned. “Even if you took the counter spell it would be months before you were strong enough to do what they deserve.”

“I have a plan,” she stated formally. “I know you are sacrificing your pride on this alter, but I am still asking you allow me this. I can deal with this and set this right. Please give me the opportunity.”

“How long do you need?”

“A few days,” she answered.

“You know what they’re planning on doing with me,” Maceo warned her. “Do you really want to waste days of letting them?”

“It will be worth it,” Astravia insisted. “Please just go along with them for now. I wish to correct this festering illness of the mind. I can do this, I simply need some time. Do not resist them any more than you absolutely must. So long as they think they are progressing in breaking your spirit they will not kill the others nor will they behave as the disgusting succubae they have become. I am still the queen of the gods, diminished as I am or not. These bovines are my charge. Please allow me to deal with them. You may break free when the time arrives.”

Maceo sighed and hesitated, but nodded in approval.

“Alright. So how do I know when the time’s arrived?”

“Oh, you will know,” Astravia promised him. “I assure you that you will know,” she said, then stepped back and allowed him to slip back into sleep again. Once he was out, she bent over and kissed his forehead, then shrank down to her less than half-inch tall fairy form. “Enjoy my husband’s body while you can, you podgy whore,” Astravia growled to the sleeping Amazon while gritting her teeth, “for I will ensure you pay in full for every last millisecond you relish in.” She then zipped out and under the door with dizzying speed.
Check out my SW story Please..:

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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by chocolatejr9 » Fri Aug 26, 2022 11:31 pm

Ooh, we getting shrunken Amazons soon?

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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Sat Aug 27, 2022 2:08 am

chocolatejr9 wrote:
Fri Aug 26, 2022 11:31 pm
Ooh, we getting shrunken Amazons soon?
Hmm.. Why do you ask? Is shrunken Amazons something you've been hankering for? I mean, sheesh, you wanted the story to have a constant SW protagonist, so I delivered, but you just keep raising the bar on me, don't you? ;)
Check out my SW story Please..:

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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Sat Aug 27, 2022 3:51 am

Astravia’s next stop was the airship, which she reached after transforming into her hawk form and entered through the still open hanger bay door several miles away. She flew in and set down at the hatchway and then used her pendant to transform up into her 4’10” form which hadn’t seen a great deal of use as of late in order to operate the door herself and then ascended the stairways to the top level to the study they had there on the ship where she found a number of elixirs, powders and other useful items that she used and manipulated into an extremely concentrated goop which she carefully poured into a vial thick enough to withstand travel back down in Astravia’s talons.

The process took several hours, but once she was done, she departed the airship, transforming into her hawk form mid air as she leapt free of her floating home and carried her potion with her down to a group of trees a short walk outside of the town where the Amazons were hidden from the view of unwanted outsiders.

She deposited her vial there and then took off again to the skies, soaring nearly a mile up, searching carefully with precision eyes for any sign that might give her the lead she was hoping for.

When she finally found what she desired, she dropped down below the tree line and set down on the ground. Once there, she looked around in all directions, then transformed up into her 4’10” mortal looking self and gathered the front of her dress in her hands before hurrying forward toward a fallen tree.

“I know you are here,” she called out softly. “Please, I need to speak with you.” She was met with silence and took a deep breath before stepping forward again. “I only need to speak. Please and then I swear I will leave you be. I only require but a moment.”

Again there was silence in the last moments of sunlight but after a brief pause and Astravia continuing to stare ahead stubbornly, a man emerged from a hovel and looked at her suspiciously.

“All of you, please. I will not be long.”

“You’re not one of them,” he accused suspiciously, staring at the exceedingly petite woman who stood half as tall as the hulking Amazons he was evading. “You can’t be.”

“I am not,” Astravia confirmed.

“Then who are you? How did you even know we were here?”

“Please, I am in a great hurry and I have much to do. I need to speak with all of you,” Astravia urged.

“I think it’s okay,” the man whispered down into the hole he’d been hiding in. “She’s tiny compared to those other ones.” A moment later, several pale and tattered men emerged and stared across to Astravia, each suspicious of her, though not particularly threatened given Astravia’s small size. “Who are you?” he asked her.

“I do not have time for explanations,” Astravia answered him quickly. “I have much to do. Your pursuers have been relieved and replaced with a fresh pack of huntresses. Currently they are three miles to the west of here searching for your trail. They are assuming you have made it farther than you have but they will be doubling back soon to cut off further paths of escape,” she warned them urgently.

“So what do we do?” a second man asked her.

“You have a choice to make,” Astravia informed them quickly. “Each of you. Follow your instincts, however, my suggestion is to do the opposite of what they are expecting. Reverse your course and head back from where you came.”

“If you think I’m ever going back to that again, you’re out of your mind. I’ll die first,” a third man declared angrily.

“You will only need to last for a limited amount of time,” Astravia told them all. “Reverse your course and head to the shore just outside of town. There among the rocks you will find a gathering of boulders one hundred yards west of the path from town and deep within them you will find a small cave you should be just able to access. It will be quite tight quarters, but remain there until you are certain it is time to emerge. You will know when that moment comes.”

“How? And why should we?”

“I am offering you an opportunity you will never see again. The choice is yours. All you will need in order to capitalize on that opportunity are two things.”

“And those are?”

“The two things that have been denied you for these last several years: mercy and compassion. Do this and your torment will end.”

“Do we have a choice?” one asked her.

“Your other choice is to head north until just before the shore. From there, if you run your fastest for three hours toward the setting sun and then northwest until morning you will evade their search pattern and may be on your way never to see this place again. But if you choose that path, make certain you never return and never speak of your ordeal again but amongst yourselves. You must choose. Do so within the next five minutes or your window of opportunity will close forever.”

The men were startled and each looked at each other, uncertain as to how to respond to her ultimatum. “Choose quickly,” Astravia warned them one final time, then gathered her dress and ran back into the thicket.

“Wait!” one man called out, then ran after her, but by the time he reached where he thought she should be, Astravia was nowhere to be seen. Confused and befuddled, he returned to his comrades.

Astravia climbed up into the skies high above the forest and circled, first to the west where she could check in on the huntresses again and ensure they were moving as predicted. Once she was certain of this, she banked to her right and flew back toward the other side of the town where she had left her vial. She set down on the limb of the tree she had left her potion on, gripped it in her talons and then flew higher until she was in a relatively small and flat space where she could transform back into her normal, fifteen inch self.

“I certainly hope that three decades of practice and gaining strength will be enough to do this,” she told herself nervously, then her eyes shifted to bright glowing stars on pitch black. Then, Astravia’s form began to change and she began expanding up with her skin changing its tone and her golden locks began flowing like liquid gold until she stood an impressive thirty inches tall. She bent down and picked up her vial, then opened it and raised her hands to the sky, focusing all of her power and might into a single focal point.

“I cannot believe that just a short while ago I could have done this with no implements and in an instant as little more than an afterthought,” she grumbled. “I certainly hope they learn to appreciate the rarest of mercies I am granting them by doing this. They certainly do not deserve it,” she complained, then closed her eyes to intensify her concentration.

That evening, Maceo awoke again to find himself still strapped on the slab he’d been restrained to. As soon as he did, he opened his eyes slowly and shook his head as if to shake the cobwebs from his mind and as soon as he did, a powerful and large Amazonian woman was there looming over him, grinning and practically dancing with excitement. Her hair was raven black cut just above shoulder length, and her eyes an icy blue. Her skin was dense and hardly pure, but relatively attractive nonetheless.

“You’re awake!” Valda proclaimed, consumed with her own excitement. Maceo grimaced and stared unhappily up at her, then attempted to open his mouth only to find it all but wired shut. Still, he attempted to speak, but as soon as sound left his lips, she placed a finger over his mask, hushing him. “Sh, sh, sh, sh, sh!!” she urged him happily but also importunately. “You mustn’t speak, Gombe,” she whispered excitedly to him. “Do you understand me?”

Maceo continued to remain quite perturbed, but now he suddenly showed a great deal of confusion, or more accurately disbelief. Her words were filled with patience and joy, but her cadence was slow and careful and she spoke to him as one would a very small child. After a moment to absorb the shock of his condescending introduction to his captor, his eyes showed the offense appropriate for the moment, though she only seemed to delight even more.

“You do, don’t you?” she asked, practically dancing above him. “Oh you do! I can see it in your eyes! You must be a smart one! You’re so perfect!” she praised him. Maceo again attempted to force words out through his bound mouth, but she quickly hushed him again.

“I’m sorry, Gombe, I’m so sorry, but you mustn’t try to speak. Oh, I bet you have an absolutely lovely voice, but if they hear you try to use it, they’ll probably put you under again and then cut your voice box out.”

Maceo’s eyes widened and his fists balled as he tensed his muscles, practically enraged by the threat, however kindly it had been delivered.

“Oh, you do understand! I knew it! I knew you were special, but please listen to reason. Can you do that, Gombe?” she asked him patronizingly. “Can you please do that for me?” Maceo gritted his teeth and clenched his jaw, incensed by her condescension and only holding back because of Astravia’s urgent warnings. “You see, my precious little man, here males must only speak when spoken to. Do you understand? The others won’t hesitate to remove your voice if you make too much noise and I don’t want to hurt you. I really don’t. I want you to keep that lovely voice of yours. I’m sure it’s lovely. Everything about you is lovely! But you have to earn the right to use it and only when I tell you that you can, do you understand? Do you? Can you nod your head like this if you understand me?” she asked him, pantomiming the desired motion for his benefit.

Maceo was shaking with rage. The restraints were tight, but he was certain that with enough applied pressure they would snap and he could free himself, but again he forced himself to recall Astravia’s warnings. After a good long moment of her grinning eagerly at him, he swallowed his pride and nodded to her, which made her squeal with delight.

“Oh, you’re so smart! I love it!” she praised him while petting his hair. “Now, there’s something else I need you to know right away,” she warned. “You see me?” she said, standing upright and flexing her impressive muscles. “I actually wasn’t born this way. What I need you to know is that all this came from other men. We can take your strength away. We can suck it right from you, and we can suck everything from you, leaving you a tiny, shrunken little stick man. I’m not trying to threaten you, Gombe, do you understand?” she asked him earnestly. “You are so precious! I swear I will never hurt you, but I need you to understand that not everyone feels as strongly about you as I do. You must do as you’re told because if you don’t and you make too much of a ruckus, the others will come and I won’t be able to stop them from doing it to you. Do you understand?” she asked, smiling giddily as she awaited his much desired response.

Maceo nodded again, though behind the mask he was snarling with disgust at her. Valda squealed again with delight and kissed his forehead. “You are so precious!” she squealed. She stood up and danced around in a circle, then tipped the slab up so that he was upright and she could stand there, looking down at him from an upright position with him standing roughly shoulder height to her. “Now, you can see how big I am, right?” she asked him, taking a moment to allow him to look her up and down. “Very good, my perfect little man,” she grinned, patting his cheek. “I’m much bigger than you, so you know I’m in charge, right?”

Maceo again began shaking with rage. He had spent most of his life living with not only a goddess but the queen of the gods who despite her immeasurable power, intellect and knowledge had never spoken to him in such a condescending manner, not even when he was just a boy. Valda finally picked up on his anger and leaned forward, kissing his forehead and petting his hair.

“It’s alright,” she cooed to him patiently. “I know this is all a lot. You’ll get used to it. This is your new home. I’m going to take such good care of you and you’re going to be so happy! And all you have to do is do as you’re told. If you can do that, you’re going to live a very happy life. I’ll even take you home with me. But you must learn to behave, is that clear?” she asked, though she didn’t seem particularly interested in his response.

“Oh, where are my manners?” she asked, dancing in circles again before prancing up to him and petting his head. “I’m Valda. That’s my name! I am so looking forward to hearing you say it with that beautiful voice of yours! Valda. I’ll keep saying it for you to try to help you remember it.”

Unfortunately for her, Maceo was now certain to never forget her name again.

Valda talked for hours to Maceo in the exact same manner sharing all of the details she could of what she felt was a perfect society, free of the trials and corruption of men. She described their customs and laws and was careful to repeatedly point out how truly special Maceo was to be allowed the privilege to be gifted a place amongst them. All the while, she continued to speak in the same condescending manner, though over time as it became evident to her that Maceo was more than capable of comprehending her speech in full she found herself slipping every now and again and accidentally speaking to him in an adult manner.

She constantly and animatedly walked around him, taking opportunity after opportunity to touch him and pet him and press her body up against his, all the while growing happier and more comfortable speaking incessantly and hardly even registering that her audience could not be more captive than he already was. And all that while, Maceo repeatedly reminded himself that he and Astravia were going to have to have a serious discussion once this entire ordeal was over.

They were several hours in and it was late into the night when there was a knock at the door and the chief priestess entered along with several exceptionally burly women. “How’s it going?” the chief priestess asked her seriously. She was cordial toward Valda but passed by her immediately and stared Maceo in the eyes while grabbing him by his jaw and staring him in his eyes. She was immediately displeased to see that Maceo was staring back at her with scrutinizing eyes.

“It’s going wonderfully!” Valda reported elatedly.

“Really? What’s with the defiant look in its eyes? It doesn’t look nearly as happy as you are,” the chief priestess accused.

“Of course he isn’t!” Valda exclaimed. Maceo was suddenly taken aback and looked at Valda, raising an eyebrow, though his eyes quickly became scrutinizing again.

“He?” the chief priestess asked in an accusatory manner. “There’s some concern you’re a little too attached to it, Valda.”

“Could we please not have this discussion here and now?” Valda asked firmly but politely.

“Alright, but maybe you could explain yourself?”

“Try to look at this from a male’s perspective,” she answered, walking over and rubbing her hands up and down Maceo’s shoulders, massaging them as one would a dog.

“A male’s perspective?” one of the burly amazons asked her impatiently.

“Yes. Every living creature has a perspective, even males. All you need to do is try to think on their level. It’s not that hard. From his perspective, he has been free and feral his entire life.”

“His?” another asked suspiciously.

“I guarantee you that when he has been spoken to in the past, he has been referred to like this. I’m just trying to make him comfortable.”

“I’m not interested in it being comfortable, I’m interested in it being obedient.”

“I believe I have made our point already regarding some of the consequences if he gets out of line. Ask the guards. Have they heard so much as a peep from him?”

“Well, no, but…”

“He caused quite a ruckus with the huntresses out in the wilderness and was quite a headache, but with me he has been quiet and compliant. I’ve learned this about males. When we push, they push back, no matter how weak they are. When you’re gentle, they listen. Maybe forcing males works with lesser examples, but I don’t think that’ll work with this one. Look at him. Everything about him screams that he’s unique. He’s bigger than any others we’ve hunted, he’s stronger, he’s more handsome and talking to him, I’m certain he’s smarter too. I think we’ve found the pinnacle of what they can be. If we spent a little more time breeding them properly, I think we could have more like him.”

“I’m not sure that’s a good thing given the trouble it gave us out in the wilderness,” one burly Amazon argued.

“He’s feral,” Valda explained passionately. “Domesticating him will take time.”

All the while, the chief priestess was staring unflinchingly at Maceo, disquieted for some reason she couldn’t quite put into words. “If I didn’t know better, I would say it was planning something,” she commented.

“He wants to get back out to the woods to frolic like he’s always done. Give him time. We just need to give him a reason that he wants to be here more than out there.”

“I’ve been patient with women keeping pets, Valda, but there are limits,” the chief priestess snapped with annoyance. “Every one of those things we’ve kept after we drained it is nothing more than a waste of space and food. What happens when we have another bad season and there aren’t enough crops? Can you imagine how much this thing would eat?”

“Can you imagine the daughters he will give us?” Valda reminded her. “He is an investment.”

“Let’s just say for a moment that it does understand what you’re telling it,” the chief priestess barked. “Given how soft you are with it, what makes you think it won’t see that kindness as a weakness? We all know how males are.”

“I’m sure he will,” Valda explained patiently. “He’ll try to push his limits with me sooner or later and when that happens, I’ll be ready. The difference is that I am the one in charge here, not him. I’m going to show you what happens when we lead by showing how kind we can be to them. I’m not looking forward to punishing him, but when the time comes, I’ll do it. And when that happens, he’ll know how much I care and how well I can treat him and once he sees the difference enough times, which do you think he’s going to want more? The kind version of me, or the cruel one?”

“You are overestimating its intelligence,” another burly Amazon accused.

“And so what if I am?” Valda asked her. “If he gets too far out of line, we can just suck the strength out of him. He’s not leaving here until we’re all certain he’ll behave exactly as we expect him to. However, we need to give him a reason to want to behave. Even if he doesn’t understand that reason the same way the rest of us do.”

“I don’t see any of the normal training tools here,” the chief priestess pointed out, looking around the room.

“And there won’t be,” Valda explained. “You said I would be allowed to try this my way.”

“I’m very concerned about trying something so radical to get one under control. Especially one that caused as much trouble as this one has.”

“But he hasn’t caused any trouble once we got him here. He’s been awake for hours and no one has heard even a peep from him.”

“Again with the ‘he’,” an Amazon complained. “I hope you don’t plan on everyone else anthropomorphizing it the way you do.”

“Do what you want,” Valda answered her coldly. “But don’t you dare undo my training, do you hear me?” she added fiercely. Two of the amazons gulped hard while all of them nodded obediently with more than a hint of fear in their eyes. Maceo observed them, but was careful to keep his reactions muted while he did so.

The chief priestess sighed and rubbed her temples. “Fine,” she relented. “Are you going to stay here the whole night or are you actually going home?”

“I think I’ll stay here for now,” Valda answered her. “I want to be on hand just in case he does decide to get out of hand.” For the first time since the conversation started, all of the amazons seemed pleased with her response and nodded with approval. They finally left, leaving Maceo alone with her.

She sighed with relief once they were gone and turned to face Maceo with an apologetic smile. She walked toward him and Maceo was surprised to see her hips swaying in the most feminine display he’d seen since first encountering these muscular beasts.

“I wonder,” she postulated aloud while petting his cheek affectionately and lovingly. “How much of that did you actually understand?” When Maceo’s eyebrow lifted she seemed all the more enthusiastic. “Quite a bit, I think,” she glowed with pride. “You are absolutely perfect!”

She petted his hair and smiled down at him and then she did something else unexpected. She bit her lower lip again showing even more femininity than before. By the redness of her skin around her collarbone, she seemed to be becoming incredibly aroused.

“Gombe, I want you to listen very carefully, do you understand?’ she asked him, and for once she didn’t bother to wait for him to nod in order to signify that he comprehended her quite frankly simple words. “Try very, very hard to remember what just occurred here and how I stood up for you. And also try very, very hard to remember that if you don’t do as I say, you’ll end up this big,” she explained while holding her hands about a foot and a half apart, “and all of those beautiful muscles of yours will be gone forever. I don’t want that. I really don’t want that. Do you?” She smiled patiently and petted his cheek, blushing as she did so. “Shake your head like this if you don’t want to end up like that,” she whispered to him, demonstrating again to him.

Once more, Maceo forced himself to swallow his pride and do as asked, but it was already quickly becoming a herculean feat.

“So perfect,” she whispered and then pressed her lips to his cheek and left a lingering kiss.

With all of the formalities out of the way, Valda sat in front of him, grinning up at him as though she had just opened a present she had desired for ages. She looked him up and down, quite pleased with what she saw and her eyes frequently lingering on his crotch. “You know, you have an absolutely magnificent penis,” she remarked hungrily. Once again, Maceo scowled behind the mask on his lower face, struggling not to shatter his bonds right then and there.

“A long time ago,” she explained as she began diving back into her memories, “I was at least two feet shorter than I am now. I think more. We don’t really measure ourselves until after we’ve matured and taken a certain number of men. It was always so hard staring up at the adult women, feeling so tiny and insignificant compared to them.” She seemed to be lamenting her past and was somewhat introspective, as if she were mourning something lost within her. “We have to do it, though,” she explained. “I don’t think a woman has refused in generations and she was banished. I don’t think she got far before she died.” She lifted her eyes and met his, staring at him sadly.

“I remember the first man I took,” she shared. “He was actually very kind to me. He fed me a meal when all I asked for was some of his coins in exchange for sex. He had no idea that I was going to take so much more than that. We don’t even have any use for their coins here, but they cling to them. The outside males love their shiny objects. I was so small back then, even compared to him. The others always told me that the males were always cruel and hurtful toward us and they urged me to be extremely careful when I took my first few males.”

Maceo suddenly now saw a different side to her, one that he could almost (but not quite) empathize with. Valda seemed genuinely sad as she shared her story with him and she even seemed to be taking care to tell an actual story rather than rambling on incoherently. Even his enhanced senses told him that she was being honest with him and truly baring her soul to him, and it was just interesting enough that he partially forgot about his rage with her. She saw the shift in his eyes and it seemed to please her even more than any of his other behaviors and Maceo was surprised when he even began to see tears welling up in her eyes, though she quickly fought them back with obvious skill and experience. She slid her chair a little closer to him and stared up at him.

“You understand, don’t you? We never let the males speak. Most males we immediately remove their vocal chords. The others say it’s because they can’t stand the noises they make, but I’ve always wondered how different you are from us really. Sometimes I’ve wondered if the real reason we cut their vocal chords out is because you can actually talk and talking would let you form plans together. We had several males escape recently. They were almost brand new captures and had been compliant enough that we hadn’t bothered removing most of their vocal chords yet. One of them yelled when they were hauled into town together after a hunting party and a friend of mine lost her temper and cut his head off, telling him that she couldn’t stand a male’s voice. Then suddenly the others stopped making any sound at all, even when we hurt them they refused to make even the slightest sound. It was like they had immediately learned and adapted, even though the texts say that’s impossible.”

Maceo leaned his head forward now, looking at her with scrutinizing eyes and watching as she gulped hard, recalling back. As hard as it was to admit, he was lucky that this one had taken a liking to him and lobbied so hard to put him in the position where he currently was.

All this said, however, it was also obvious that while she was being truthful, she was anything but a fool and was intentionally using her story to gain sympathy.

“That first man,” she recalled softly. “I thought he would just take me and force himself on me once I offered him my price, but instead he took me into his hut and fed me, warmed me by his fire and when he finally did move to take me, he started by just holding me in his arms. He seemed very lonely. He hardly spoke, and he mostly just listened to me. I remember how he felt when he pushed himself inside of me.”

She now stopped and stared at the floor for a long moment before she turned her eyes up to his again and stared at him quite sadly.

“There were six of my sisters surrounding his hut. Women on their first few hunts never go out alone. If I didn’t come out of there bigger and stronger than when I went in, they would have killed him anyways and I would have had to explain myself to the council. Do you know what a council is?” she asked.

Maceo stared at her for a moment, but her eyes refused to waver until he nodded his head in confirmation. Her smile spread widely, but without the glee from earlier.

“I thought so,” she nodded. “Males may not be as smart as us, but you are smart enough, aren’t you? After all, we’re the same species. The differences can’t be that huge.” She took a deep breath and sighed. “He felt so good. I had been waiting years for that moment, even though I was only fourteen. It felt wonderful. The others never said how good it would feel. I actually cried when I began the spell that sucked his essence out and shrank him down to a fraction of what he had been. He looked so hurt when I can only imagine he realized what I had done to him.”

She was now staring off into space, reminiscing until she heard a deep breath escape Maceo’s mostly sealed lips. “Of course it felt good every time after that too, but the bigger I got, the smaller they felt inside of me,” she explained. “Yours looks and feels even bigger than his was when I was still tiny. I haven’t felt that in so long.”

Maceo scowled again, what little empathy he had was gone now that she had doubled back to such a base, instinctual purpose for her entire conversation. Valda was lost in her own thoughts enough, though, that she didn’t seem to notice.

“I haven’t taken from a man in a few years now,” she told him. “I don’t enjoy that part of it. As much as I enjoy the part that feels good, once I start the spell, all I can see is those same eyes from that first man that just looked so… betrayed.” She took a deep, heavy breath.

“The others are scared of me because I pushed myself harder than anyone else. They all rely on what they take from the males they lie with, and I discovered that if I work twice as hard as they do, I could stand out. It’s hard, though. You gain so much when we take and it feels like you can take on the whole world when you do, so forcing yourself to work harder, push further and go faster takes a lot of effort. But, that’s how I’ve managed to go almost three years now without taking another man. I can’t last much longer, though. My strength is so much less than it was even a few months ago now. I can’t keep hiding it and I’ll have to go out and take more males before long. If I don’t, there are a few who will realize that I’m slipping and they’ll find ways to knock me out of my spot as next in line for chief priestess.”

She stared up at Maceo, wavering between teary eyes and a forced and faux strength that was much easier to identify now that she had shared so much of herself.

“I don’t ever want to take you like that,” she told him. “I don’t ever want anyone else to either. For the very first time, I have an opportunity to keep a male myself and not ruin him. You are that special,” she shared. “I think if I’m being honest, I’ve become lonely too.”

She lingered in her sadness for a moment longer before readjusting herself and sitting upright, this time more resolutely.

“I’m going to take a chance on you, Gombe, and I really hope you don’t make me pay for it,” she told him. “You’re a lot stronger than the rest of us, and I think you know it,” she informed him very softly. She then leaned forward, peering deep into his eyes until he nodded, acknowledging her deduction. “We’ve never run into that before. We were even afraid that you might be strong enough to break your restraints, but thank the goddess that isn’t the case. In any event, the others are scared. We’ve never been scared before, but then, we’ve never met a male that could throw one of us a dozen yards before. With me, I will do everything I can to make sure you’re happy. I’ll even let you sit with me like that first man I took from did. But if you don’t behave, Gombe, everyone will come at you and they’ll take everything from you because they won’t give you more than one single chance,” she warned ominously.

“So what will it be, my perfect little man?” she asked him. “Will you let me make you the happiest male ever, or will you be stubborn and troublesome like so many others we’ve brought back to breed?”

Valda took a deep breath and stared with melancholy at the floor for a long minute, then forced a sad smile and looked up at him once more. “Well, we’ll see in the morning, won’t we?” she asked. “Until then, get some rest, my wonderful little man,” she ordered him with a smile and then stood and rotated his slab down so he could lie on his back before walking back to the cot in the corner for some rest herself.

She blew out the lantern by her bed and quickly drifted off to sleep, leaving Maceo alone with his thoughts and need for only a fraction of the sleep he would have required before Astravia had fed him her milk.

A few minutes later, he lifted his head and looked toward the door where he could see another Amazonian woman peering through a small slot in the door and staring at him suspiciously and bitterly. The room remained dark enough that she couldn’t make eye contact with him, but she stared at him at length until she seemed satisfied that things were safe for the moment at least and then stepped away.
Check out my SW story Please..:

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