Pastime (Unfinished)

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Shrink Aprentice
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Pastime (Unfinished)

Post by Nano-Girl » Wed Sep 26, 2018 2:37 am

This is actually my first time trying to attempt making a first-person story so feel free to give me pointers. Kinda wish I can get a hold of my older stories since I don't have them on file. In any case, I hope you enjoy this one! I'try to update when I can, but my free time gets eaten away pretty easily.

Enough babbling from me, here you are!

Well, crap. This rant's not gonna end any time soon, is it?

Can't believe it took me until I pulled into the parking lot for me to remember I left my lunch on the kitchen table back at home.

If I did, I would've turned Ryan down to eat out.

He's a bit of a talker. A fast talker to be honest. Like, the kind that you have to repeatedly ask what he said three times in a row to make sure you get a good understanding of what he's saying. He still has that auctioneer vibe going with him after all this time, so I'm not really all that surprised. After all, I've heard many of my clientele speak at hyper-speed, no-breath-in-between, "What is this thing you call an indoor voice" kinda way often enough that I'm not phased by it as much as I was two years ago. He'd match up with some of the soccer mom's in an argument.

"So, I told him, 'John, the reason why she ain't callin' is cuz' you don't follow through,' but he's damn adamant that he ain't the problem. That she should have brought it up to HR if they were having a real problem, which, mind you, it is since people get fired for stupid shit like that. But he's a dense fucker who doesn't understand that being told three times to drop the act and stop snoopin' into other people's offices means exactly that!"

"Sounds to me like both of them are to blame. I mean, she's the one that asked him to see Greg, right?"

"Yeah, she did. But there's a difference between seeing someone and breaking into someone's office to take papers outta their desk when he doesn't even know if they're finished! Patricia ain't the type of woman to have someone break into their office without their permissions and take from their desks! I've worked with her for five years and not once did she have anyone do anything that get them into trouble!"

I don't really have much to say so I take a bite into my blueberry muffin.

Don't get me wrong: I like Ryan. I really do, but we're not even in the same firm. I mean, at one point, we worked at the same cafe job back in community college, but that's it. Any of these people he's talking about are in his office, not mine. I don't know them from Adam, although he makes it out like I should. Plus, believe it or not, I'm not a big fan of gossip. What was it my mother said? Chatty mouths leads to catty prowls? Catty frowns? Something. I don't remember.

Either way, I really want to change topics. He'll talk about this all the live long day without me getting many words in by the end of my lunch break.

"So, tell me about your stepson? He doing okay?" I bring up. He's been at odds with his new kid since he married a woman from Chicago over three months ago. Apparently, his wife's previous marriage ended in a nasty divorce. And Oliver wasn't over it. I just hope he took the bait to bail out about his coworker.

He did.

"We're...getting there...I think." he sighed. He was cooling off. Good. "Like, I went to his lacrosse game last week. Their team lost, but he said he was shocked to see me there. As if I wouldn't be there if I could. I mean, Eve and I were going to go together but she had something come up at work and she couldn't get out on time. Still, I call it progress. Going to the next one this Saturday."

"Good, good." I really am glad for him. When he told me in the beginning that he was marrying a woman eight years his senior with a kid, I had my doubts it would work out when they were dating. And now he's married to her and getting along with the boy. Good for him. "I'd say take him out once in the while if you can. Like, not just for his games, know, go rock climbing or something. I dunno."

Ryan laughed and patted his stomach. He had gained a considerable amount of weight since I first saw him. "I can't think of rock climbing until I hit the gym. Work this belly off. Unlike you, Mr. Roadrunner, staying on the go time I see you."


"I'm a home body. I don't really move all that much."

"Don't move that much my ass. I try to call you every other day and you almost never pick up. Like, I can probably count all the times on my hands."

"You call me at the worst times, that's all." This coffee's kind of bitter now that I finally get a sip in. Should have added more sugar.

"Oh that's bullshit. I call you on Saturdays and after 7:00."

"Like I said, worst time. I'm busy."

"With what!?"

One of the baristas comes over with a tray of a slice of fresh apple pie just when I was about to make up some crap. "Sorry for the wait sir. Here you are," she says, placing down Ryan's apple pie. They had to make another batch since they ran out literally minutes before we got in the line. Thank God this cafe is closer than Starbucks. Cheaper too.

"Thank you very much," Ryan told the lady who walked back with a smile. Her name was Nia if I recall correctly. Twenty one or twenty-two? The latter I think. Blasian woman working part time and going to trade school at the same time. Hot as hell in that pencil skirt and yellow blouse. Has a boyfriend in the military and she lives in his apartment for the time being with a four-year-old dachshund rescue.

How do I know all this? Long story. I'll get into that soon enough.

"So, what are you busy with?"

Oh yeah. Ryan asked me that.

"You know. House cleaning. Chores. Grocery shopping. Volunteer work."

"Every week?"

"Every week."

Ryan always gives me that look when he isn't buying it. I've seen it enough times to recognize it for what it was ages ago. Luckily for me, he isn't the type of guy to prod into my personal life all that often. He knows I'm a private person most of the time. I hate having my business out there if I can help it.

Oh wait a minute, I haven't introduced myself yet. Oops. Guess that shows you how often I get the chance to talk about myself.

My name's Zachary Gilman. Of course, as you'd expect, everyone just calls me Zack. I'm 27 years old. I work as an accountant for a retail firm that just started to pick up steam. Worked here for about three and a half years. I have several hobbies. Cocktail-mixing, jogging, researching...that's just a few. I'm pretty active most of the time. But nothing stands out about me all that much. I've met more eccentric people in my lifetime.

Ryan's tearing through his apple pie quicker than I thought. Must've been hungry as hell. But for some reason, his eyes are on the widescreen TV in the far corner of the cafe.

When I turn around, I see why he's so into it.

There is a silver alert for Meghan Rhodes who was last seen leaving a 7-11 of Goldren Avenue at around 11:00 PM Sunday night. Police are asking for anyone who may have seen her around this time to report any possible suspicious activity that may have going around in the area. Police believe that she was possibly kidnapped on her way home. No suspects have been found as of this time but if you..."
"There seems to be a hell of a lot of women going missing in this town."

Ain't that the truth. "People go missing all the time though."

"Yeah, but there are like maybe, what, Twenty-thousand people in this town? People are going to notice that shit."

"It is scary to think about."

"You see, this is why I don't want Eve staying out late like that. I mean, I'm in no position to tell her what to do after work. She drinks late, I drink late; I'd be a fucking hypocrite. But damn does it scare me that there is a creep probably snatching these women up left and right. You know about that last girl? From seven months ago? What's her name...uh, Jill? Jane?"

"I think it was..Janet or Jessie or something?" I offered. Yeah, this coffee is way more bitter than I thought. Next time, three packets of sugar,

"Right! Janet Delhopp! They found her car still parked at the club she went to with friends. Decided to leave the party and, wham! Never heard from again. They even found her taser on the ground. Scary stuff." He finished the apple pie and drunk some of his cappuccino. "Now, I don't want to sound morbid but I'm betting her and those other girls are dead."

"Ryan, that is morbid."

"Well, I mean, what else? Six girls go missing every few months, no trace or hair or nothin'. Like, guy seems to only aim for women but when things like that happen so close...just damn."

I basically chug the rest of coffee down. Good thing I have water too to get rid of that bitter aftertaste. "Your wife's smart...and I'm pretty sure she's going to be fine. Don't worry yourself too much. Besides, one thing I've noticed is that many of these girls are either single or in unstable relationships. I mean, your wife has it all together now it seems."

Yeah, there's been several women going missing in the past few years. Usually six to seven months apart from each other. None of them related, all of them without a trace. I remember watching the news and reading the news-feed on how they thought one of the girls, Lori McDonough, had been kidnapped by her abusive boyfriend at the time. Think he's still their prime suspect. I don't know, I don't keep up with the news as much as most people. Just certain things like that.

As you've probably gathered, Meghan was the latest woman to go missing. Her mother probably put in the missing person's report as soon as possible. After all, four days is a long time for someone to take for a short errand run.

Oh crap, what time is it?

"I have seven minutes to get back to work. Sorry Ryan. Gotta go." I take up my empty tray and cup, since I really did have a few more things I had to get out the way earlier today. Fiscal period being around the corner and all. "Sorry I have to cut this short."

"No worries, I have to go in a bit too. Thanks for finally hanging out with me after a blue moon."

I can't help but smile. It has been a while hasn't it. And, truth be told, when he isn't on a long-winded spiel, I don't mind hanging out with him. "Catch you later Ryan."

"See you Zack."


I hate getting home after seven o'clock. Fortunately, it isn't as late as it was last week.

The moment the door closes behind me, I feel the true definition of American freedom.

"I'm home!" I call out, not that I get a response. And no, I don't live alone. In case you were wondering.

I flick the lights on in my apartment and head straight for the cupboard. I always get suddenly dehydrated whenever I step in my apartment. Well, I know it's just me, but whatever. Still thirsty as hell.

Hopefully the others haven't been deprived of water. Gotta check the tanks in my bedroom. I'd feel awful knowing my pets were just as thirsty as I was. I'm not neglectful, mind you, but for the past few days I've been so over my head in work, it's hard to keep track with everything, you know? I checked the tanks yesterday, and they were filled to the brim but the hot water one was acting wonky earlier, so I had tried to fix it, which took out the cold water. I think I fixed it, but didn't get the chance to check to see if it worked this morning.

Ugh, another three weeks until my three-day weekend.

I checked for the usual. Only two missed calls, no unread text messages, and three envelopes of mail. Bills of course.

Nothing to hinder me from seeing my adorable, little playthings.

As you've probably guessed, I do have a bit of an odd hobby. One I can't share with anyone, not even my parents or younger sister. You'll see in a minute.

I enter my bedroom, probably the cleanest place in my entire apartment and the only room no one's allowed to enter.

Mostly no one, I suppose.

There's not really much to look at I guess. It's a big room, but I'm not usually a fan of having too much sentimental stuff all about for everyone to see, or having decorations after decorations all over the place outside the main hall and kitchen. I'm a bachelor, I can get away with that. Besides, the landlord would have my ass if I ruined the paint on the wall.

Well, there is one thing that I have.

On my desk, where the drawers are, I have a 1:20 scale dollhouse. A tiny bit bigger than my laptop. And far more furnished than my own abode. And it's pink as all hell. Good lord, any brighter and it would give me a seizure. Fortunately, that's just the exterior.

But really, this wasn't cheap. It has eight bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, family room and a makeshift bathroom. I had to make the... adjustments to make sure some things were functional. Can't have a toilet that can't flush or a lamp that can't turn on. Nothing's there just for show.

Speaking of...

Oh, and it looks like the tanks were working after all.

Good to know!

Well, time to check on them!

I push the latch of the top of the dollhouse and lift the roof.

And there are my cute little dolls. At least, that's what I call them from time to time.

Janet's huddled up in a ball on the couch, as usual. She almost never bothers to look at me when I look inside. Not unless I make her. At least she isn't sniveling and crying anymore like she did the first few months. All the girls went through that phase when I brought them here, but she went on for an awfully long time. I was getting impatient. She probably sensed it.

Kelsey looked like she was asleep. This time, for real. She usually pretends to sleep, thinking I won't bother her. Well, I don't...unless I know she's playing possum. Or when I decide to play along. She would have stopped the act ages ago if she knew how often I knew she played pretend.

Alejandra always freezes whenever I remove the roof. Always. No matter what's she doing. Apparently, she had been in the middle of reading one of the miniaturized books. She always was a bookworm, both her and Si-yeon. Well, Si-yeon was more of a casual reader now that I think about it. I spot her near the door of her room, glaring up at me. It's so cute to see someone barely the size of your fingers try to give you a threatening look. I want to snatch her up, and I will in a bit but first...

I glance at the dining room table in the center of the dollhouse. The new ones always try to hide at first and I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a kick out of it when it happened. It's just so precious.

With a finger, I lift the table and push it to the side.

Hands over her head and trembling like crazy was little, three-inch tall Meghan Rhodes, looking up at me with those terrified, blue eyes of hers. Her tiny whimpering barely reaching my ear.

Let me reintroduce myself.

My name is Zack. I'm a 27-year-old accountant. I like mixology, jogging and researching...

...Oh, and of course, shrinking and kidnapping women for my own.
Last edited by Nano-Girl on Wed Oct 17, 2018 12:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Pastime (Unfinished)

Post by xxxxx » Wed Sep 26, 2018 9:53 pm

Thank you for sharing this story. Did you find it difficult to write in first person? I have the hardest time writing a believable bully or bad person.
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Re: Pastime (Unfinished)

Post by Nano-Girl » Thu Sep 27, 2018 5:23 am

xxxxx wrote:
Wed Sep 26, 2018 9:53 pm
Thank you for sharing this story. Did you find it difficult to write in first person? I have the hardest time writing a believable bully or bad person.
Thanks! More parts hopefully coming in soon! :D

I think it is kinda tough. Usually, I try to get into the psycho-narrative I come across in some TV shows, manga and the like. A bit tricky since I'm used to doing 3rd person and find first person hard to get into without being too detail-oriented.
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Re: Pastime (Unfinished)

Post by Nano-Girl » Fri Sep 28, 2018 1:43 am

Next part, right up!


"Good evening, my lovely little ladies! How was your day?"

Of course, none of them bother to respond back with a even a "Hello." Well, at least Si-yeon responded back. With a "Fuck you," instead of a "Well, and you," but, I was expecting anything different.

So you've probably figured, I'm responsible for all those missing girls. At least the one's in this town.

Five of the six of them are here, Three-inch-tall babes I've picked up in my down time.

You see, I'm pretty active. When I'm not working or doing my runs, I'm stalking and abducting women that catch my eye in the middle of the night.

Nice bod, pretty face, out and about and on the go. Those are the ones that catch my eye. Believe it or not, in this town, there are a number of women that meet that standard for me. Lord knows how many soccer moms I've had my eyes on. Not a fan of botox or plastic, but some of them are definitely Class-A MILFS. Total trophy wives. As in, they'd make a good trophy on my desk.

Get it?


Nah, that's okay. I'm not funny.

But no seriously, I shrink and keep women. You wouldn't believe how much effort goes into making sure no one manages to catch me. I've had to become one observant, stealthy bastard to make sure I can pull it off.

You see...the hardest part is knowing their schedule. I've learned to know what traits make them off limits. If they have a tendency to walk in groups or go to places that I often go; they're off limits. Malls, libraries, gyms, department stores: out of bounds. You see, those places are littered with security cams in nearly every nook and cranny and I'm not crazy about incriminating myself that easily. And, of course the obvious, if I met them before. You see, cops always suspect the people they've had contact with. None of these girls, at least before I shrunk them down, had absolutely no idea who I was. Easy pickings.

Nia? That barista at the cafe I was talking about? I originally had my eye on her. Was originally planning to get a hold of her a little over a year ago. Then, lo and behold, she decides to start working at the cafe I go to from time to time. Like, literally, the day I was planning to get her too. Spent two weeks tailing her on her usual routes, taking pics of her house, and pretending to be a stranger. What a wasted opportunity. Should have acted sooner.

Ah well, at least I got Janet. Don't put all your eggs in one basket, you know.

And now, I have Meghan.

You see, Meghan was an intern in a Human Resources company. Seemingly quiet and polite girl. Lived with her mom. Actually, the other way around: her mom lived with her. You see, her mother started having back trouble and she took good care of her. Dutiful child and all. Especially since her older siblings all lived somewhere in California. But all the times I hid behind her house when I was...ahem, "sizing" her up, I found out her mom basically runs up her electricity bill like mad since she leaves every light in her place on.

Well, I guess that's a non-issue now, isn't it?

So, there's my itty-bitty little Meghan, cowering on the dining room floor. Looking absolutely terrified out of her mind. Not that I'm shocked, I mean, she's been shrunk down for only four days and awake for less than two. This is only the second time I've got to look at her. Awake, I mean. The shrinking process takes a lot of these girls so they usually don't come to for another two days usually. In Kelsey's case, three.

Well, now that's she's up, it time to get acquainted.

"Hello there, Meghan."

Of course, the moment I reach for her, she screams and rushes towards the door and tries to jimmy the "lock."

Yeah, well, the thing is, as nearly all the girls learned the same way, the door's fake. Painted on with a tiny knob to make it look real. The only way out is for me to remove the roof. Even the windows are hard plastic. At their size, it might as well be bullet-proof.

She must have realized since she tears away from the door and tries to take shelter in Annabelle's room, in some attempt to escape. Of course, I hear Alejandra tell her, "Don't bother, he'll just flick the furniture around if you try to run," which I'm guessing she doesn't hear since she immediately dives under her bed.

Should have listened, since I do just that.

She scrambles to her feet and tries to run out to find something.

Should I keep toying with her?


So, once she tries to run into the kitchen, I just block her way and grab her.

Si-yeon is giving me the most intense glare yet. "Put her down!"

"Don't worry, I'll chat with you afterwards, Buttercup." Seriously, she's just like that little green Powerpuff Girl. Pixie-cut, green shirt and all. Can't help but adore her.

So I put the roof back on (with Meghan beating at my fingers in my left hand) like the entire time. They're always so squirmy in the beginning) and go to the kitchen. I think I have some leftover curry rice and string beans from yesterday.

Oh wait, I can just eat what I was originally going to have for lunch.

Well, in any case, time to get to know my newest acquisition.

So, I sit at my table and look at her in my palm. She looks like she's only a few seconds away from a nervous breakdown.

"Hey there, Meghan."

"P-p-please don't hurt me!"

Not up for conversation I see.

Well, that's not too bad. I know quite a bit about her actually.

So, the obvious: she has long brown hair and dark green eyes. Pretty more than sexy face. Although, she definitely had a sexy body. Big chest and hips with a tiny waist. Even with the T-shirt and jeans, you can tell she's pretty buxom. 32F cup if I recall. When I snuck into her house when both her and her mother were out, I got to see her bras in the drawers. Now, believe it or not, DD isn't always "super-big." That's the misconception I had before I started shrinking women. I learned that from getting my girls' measurements. Si-yeon, I thought was a B-cup. Nope. 28DD. It's all in the band size in relation to cup size. And let's not even get started on Janet who I thought was a A cup being a B. I could go on and on about that but I digress.

She was originally 5'4, about average for a woman, give or take. I always wonder if she's the type of girl who wears heels or not. Almost every time I see her, she's usually in the most casual outfits. Well, thankfully I can change that.

"So, Meghan...I'm guessing the others have filled you in on your situation, huh?"

She's crying now. "Why...? J-Just why are y-you doing this?"

Seriously, who doesn't want a tiny girl of their own? What other reason would I have shrunk and taken her? "So you can become mine, of course. Why else?"

"D-don't do this to me...please. Pl-please let me go. I'll...I'll give you money! All of it! Just please...let me go. Please."

Begging. Pleading. Yelling. Screaming. Bargaining. Insulting. Fighting. Weeping. I've seen and heard it all before. As if they could actually dissuade me from literally having their lives in the palm of my hand. Fat chance. "That's a generous offer, but no dice. I think I'd rather have you. Besides, I make pretty good money."

Now, I know what the biggest question on your mind is: what do I do with these tiny women?

Do I hurt them? Don't be absurd. I always take good care of my prized possessions. Just because I can do whatever I want to them doesn't mean I'm going to be needlessly cruel. I consider myself to be a nice guy, all things considered.

Of course, from time to time, some of them try to push my patience to its limit, and I'm quick to rectify it. They learn quickly where I draw the line.

After all, I'm not needlessly cruel.

Do I tease them? Relentlessly! At least, when I know I can get a rise out of them. A couple of them have caught on or, at least in Janet's case, are so despondent that they don't even show anything anymore.

Si-yeon and Alejandra are the only ones who I can get them going now. And probably Meghan here.

So scared. So tiny. So cute.

"So Meghan. Welcome to your new home. I'll quickly lay out the rules for you." Bringing her up to my face, she freezes up immediately. Seeing such raw terror on the faces of my newcomers always gives me a giddy feeling. Them being powerless and helpless and all that jazz. "First, common sense rules: obey me. Any command I give you, follow it to a T. Simple enough. Don't get into a fight with the others. Oh, and don't mess with the wallpaper of the dollhouse." It took me ages to clean up after they tried to burn a hole through the wall. Replacing that wallpaper took me a long time. Think I did a good job, if I do say so myself.

She's shaking and sniffling, but nods. Good. I can already tell she'll be a great addition to my collection.

"Now, the lesser known rules. I have a dress code for you all. Monday through Thursday, you can wear whatever you want. But Fridays and Saturdays are when I choose your outfits for you. This Friday is French Maid themed. I've already got an outfit for you and you're going to wear it, heels, bow and all. If you're not wearing it when I get back from work, then I'll personally change your outfit for you."

Of course, I'll strip them anyway regardless, but she'll find that out soon enough.

"Also, from time to time, I'll let you roam around my apartment. But stay where I can see you. No trying to hide in the vents or making a break for the door. Several of you girls have tried. All of them failed." I mean seriously. it's one of those weighted, metal doors that needs to be pushed open. S'not like they can actually open them. And even the vents are pretty high up. They'd have to do some seriously acrobatic shit just to get to them. Man, I'd loved to see them try. "And lastly, you girls are on rotation for dishes duty. You'll be after Janet and Kelsey with be after you. Everything in that little house of yours works like a real one, so no excuses. Got it?"

She's grabbing the sides of her head, whimpering. Lamenting. Fortunately, I've had these girls long enough that I've learn to get my ears attuned to hearing their tiny voices. " is this...? Why...wh-why...?"

"Good girl!" I pat her head and she recoils immediately. Well, no rush. She'll learn in due time. For now, I just want to learn the simple things about her. And then we'll go from there.

"Now then my little Meg, tell me. What's your favorite color?"

We'll work on the proper responses later.
Last edited by Nano-Girl on Fri Oct 12, 2018 3:31 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Pastime (Unfinished)

Post by AB23 » Thu Oct 04, 2018 3:44 am

This is pretty good!

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Re: Pastime (Unfinished)

Post by Nano-Girl » Thu Oct 04, 2018 9:51 am

AB23 wrote:
Thu Oct 04, 2018 3:44 am
This is pretty good!
Thank you! Working piece by piece on the next part! :D
Just your average anime weeb and macrophile. Keep heading left.

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Re: Pastime (Unfinished)

Post by Ghostwriter44 » Sun Oct 07, 2018 9:24 pm

This is so amazing!! Any estimation on when the next part should be out? :D

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Re: Pastime (Unfinished)

Post by Nano-Girl » Wed Oct 10, 2018 4:48 am

Ghostwriter44 wrote:
Sun Oct 07, 2018 9:24 pm
This is so amazing!! Any estimation on when the next part should be out? :D
Thank you! I hope to get the next part pumped out by either tomorrow or by Saturday at latest! :D
Just your average anime weeb and macrophile. Keep heading left.

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Re: Pastime (Unfinished)

Post by Nano-Girl » Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:56 am

You might be wondering how I've managed to pull this off for so long.

Now, if it were assault or murder, that would be trickier than getting away with. Kidnapping too...well, I guess that's what I'm doing right now but you get the point. I mean full-sized kidnapping.

You see, when they are so small like this, things like resistance or crying for help doesn't really serve too much a purpose. I mean, throw them in your pocket or bag and no one can hear them. I know I certainly can't at times, even when they're on my person. Funny huh? Even when they scream at the top of their little lungs for help when I'm on the phone or when I rarely have company over in my apartment, no one can hear them. And I'll be damned if I allow some random schmuck see them.

But as I mentioned before, I'm also one observant, stealthy bastard.

So, let me start off by talking about my dolls and how I got them.

You see, Kelsey was my first proper catch.

Three years ago, when I was just some newbie on the block, I saw her walking across the street from my apartment when I was about to head out to work. She looked like she was heading off to the park that was about five blocks down. And later on I found out that she went there every morning to jog, around 8:00 or 8:30.

Now, let me preface this:

Yoga. Pants.

Sports. Bra.


I have a weakness for those tight, ass-hugging, cleavage-inducing clothes that make me rock hard upon sight. The gym ignites this lust in me the worst. I mean, it leaves nothing to the imagination. Plus, having long blonde hair in a ponytail? Like hell was I going to pass up on getting my hands on a beauty like her.

After that, I started to follow her more. Both online and in real life.

You see, Kelsey kind of had a sizable following on Instagram. A YouTube account too, probably 60K subscribers if I recall correctly. She has a shit ton of vlogs on there. That's how I found out she was working towards becoming an actress.

You see, she had graduated a little over a year before I first set my sights on her and had starred in a few local gigs as an actress in lesser-known theaters. Also did dance as a hobby. She's pretty good too. Turns out, her parents enrolled her in ballet as a kid and she joined a Hip-Hop club in her highschool. Neat.

Naturally, I start tailing her without her noticing me. I mean, we lived not too far from each other so it isn't like I had to always travel far.

Aside for the average outings she'd have with friends, her schedule was fairly predictable. Wake up around 7:00 in the morning, actually wake up at 7:27-ish (when she switches her snooze off), brush teeth, wash face, eat breakfast, do some stretches or check her online accounts in either order, go for her jog at the park (unless it's raining, then she watches a workout video online), shower, redress, and go about her day until she got back home, which was almost always after 9:00. She'd watch trash TV for a bit, record her vlog, eat, shower, occasionally masturbate before going to sleep. Rinse, lather, repeat.

Of course, no one follows an exact schedule like that but that was the most common pattern. I found that out not only from following her, but from footage I got after placing a tiny camera right over the window in her apartment. Word of advise everyone: don't leave your windows open when you live on the first floor of a studio apartment. Also got a hold of some of her underwear and got to know her clothing sizes. But yeah, that camera had been the best investment. Well, that and the dollhouse.

She never saw it however. Boy, you should have seen the look on her face when I told her how I watched her nearly everyday from that. It was as if she had found out her I killed her parents or something. She was absolutely speechless.

Anyway, I followed her for like two months, seeing my openings and watching her live her life so I could get an idea on the things she'd like so when I'd inevitable shrink her and take her, she'd at least have something to do when I was gone. I've owned pets in the past, and they've always been well taken care of. Leave them with toys, plenty of food and water. Our Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Rico, was always spoiled by either me or my sister. She always wanted to be scratched under the ear until my arms got tired or she'd fall asleep. Man, I miss that dog.

Back on topic, I've already set up the dollhouse I have planned to keep her in (this was before the plumbing got installed though. Took me a bit to get it just right) and plan to get her the next chance I could. You see, she was planning to go to a bar to meet up with her two sisters and her friends on a Saturday night. Getting plastered til' she can barely walk. At least she was a responsible driver. Takes a nap in the driver's seat before taking off.

So, that's when I know that was my chance. She's driving her Lexus and I'm two cars behind her on the highway. She goes to one of those seedy bars that always have discount alcohol to try to reel in customers. Not doing well financially but hey, they should have chose a better location. Any case, when she's in and there's no one around, I take out the air in her tires. Fortunately, the parking garage our cars are in don't have cameras in this particular area. Plus, it's on the edge of town, practically empty despite being Saturday. I can count the cars I see on my hands.

And then, the waiting game.

Look, I'm patient. I know I'm going to have to wait a while before I see her drunk-self re-enter the garage. She's been drunk before and usually didn't leave the bar for several hours.

Keep in mind she went at 8:45-ish, fifteen minutes late.

She's doesn't come out until fucking 3:50 AM!

Hell, if I knew she'd be in there for that long, I would have brought a pillow and blanket with me! Good thing I had a bag of chips in my compartment and a music player or I'd would've just go for her on my day off.

Well believe it or not, I stayed up just in time to hear her say bye to her friends. So, I'm up and at 'em when she fumbles for her keys.

So, I'm parked at an angle so she doesn't see me and she immediately sees her popped tires. As you'd expect, she's pissed and cursing at length, looking around her car to see what else happened. Wondering who's the fucker (AKA me) who popped her wheels.

Perfect time for me to strike.

I don't think she even saw my face when I pointed the ray at her and fired. One quickshot and done, she's out like a light. She fell on her car and slumped to the ground.

By the time I reached her, she was about half my height. And, judging from how her purse and keys were shrinking down with her, looks like I hit all her stuff too.

This ray...

You guys have no idea how much I love it.

I'll tell you guys about it when I get the chance.

In any case, she's getting smaller and smaller and BAM! Three inches tall. Right at my feet.

So, as you'd imagine, I'm fucking ecstatic. Like, the girl I'd been following for several weeks now small enough to fit in the palm of my hand. Looking like a doll in that tight-ass, sleeveless turtleneck, jean mini-skirt and little heels. Hot.

And then I see she ain't moving. Eyes closed and sprawled out.

So I'm thinking, "Oh shit. I killed her."

And now I'm going from happy to scared as hell thinking I just killed my newest prize. After all that waiting and watching, it'd be utter BS to the highest order if it turned out the ray killed her.

When I pick her up though, I bring her to my ear and lo and behold she's breathing.

Phew. Thank God.

So, first order of business, I shrunk and crushed the car and then crushed her phone. Not like she'd ever need either of them again where's she going. Well, I guess I could have let her keep the car but, you know, GPS and all that. Can't be too careful, am I right?

So, with her in tow, I got outta there. I'm high-wired, too excited to feel sleepy.

The moment I got home, I rushed to my room, sat in my chair and just...watched her. Looking at her, just...trying to wrap my head around that she's real. So damn real. Real and tiny. Like, I'm the one who shrunk her and I even witnessed it but even so, I couldn't believe I actually pulled it off.

Here she is, near comatose in my hand, and not aware of just how much size she lost in an instant.

What was she dreaming about? Her night out with her friends? A mundane day? One of those bizzaro-events that never make any sense in the real world?

Whatever it was, it probably wouldn't match up to her now current reality.

All these thoughts were racing in my head.

When will she wake up?

Did she see what happened?

How will she react when she wakes up?

Did I get rid of all the evidence?

Man, I think I was going insane for a bit.

So, while she slept, I just couldn't help but look at her, whisper things she can't hear, petting her, and eventually I can resist the temptation to start feeling her up. Like, smooth and silky blonde hair (I like that headband she chose too, it goes well with her turtleneck),, relatively large breasts, great hips, nice ass, smooth thighs...damn, I did a good job if I don't say so myself. So glad I held out until so late.

I don't even remember when I fell asleep, but when I woke up, she was still out of it.

So, thing is, I've tried the ray only on a frog and inorganic materials when I was first testing it out. Not to mention I accidentally wound up crushing the frog when I tried to pick it up. Hear me out! It was smaller than a baby frog and I didn't realize the tweezers were clamping it to tight! Think it was knocked out though, but now I'll never know.

Ah well, that was when I was first handling shrunken stuff. Trust me, I'm far more careful with my girls than I am with some random amphibian. Especially one that was like a millimeter or so.

In any case, she's still breathing, so that's good. It's Sunday so I didn't have work, so I just make sure I got everything in order to situate her in the new dollhouse. Keep in mind, she's my first one. So I'm still figuring out the basics. Like do I need to shrink her food or just give me my scraps? Should I get more doll supplies? Would her bed be too hard for her? Should I just strip her naked right here and now? You know, the simple things.

In any case, I spent my Sunday prepping for her and making sure I didn't leave any tiny items that could have fallen out of her purse back at the parking garage. Last thing I need is for a one-millimeter sized lip balm stick to be on the ground for some hyper suspect detective to spot it with a magnifying glass.

Any case, she doesn't wake up Sunday and then rolls in Monday.

I check on her in the morning in the dollhouse and she's still asleep. So, just to be on the safe side, I shrink down a sandwich, a couple bottles of water, an apple, and some chips. Don't want her to starve if she wakes up while I'm gone. I've only been giving her water actually, so she's probably already hungry as hell. So I leave off to work.

And, unfortunately for me, she isn't up when I get back. Sonuva bitch.

So I'm getting impatient since sprinkling water in her face didn't work and I didn't wanna try anything else just in case I hurt her. So after I feel her up again, I put her back and start working on her dollhouse some more.

You know, looking back on it, I should have changed the stupid walls to a less obnoxious color when I had the chance.

Anyways, after a couple hours I go to bed and wake up in the middle of the night, like either three or four in the morning, to get a cup of water. I get dehydrated quick at night. I don't know why. And I didn't even have alcohol that night either.

But when I was coming back to my room, I see that one of the lights in the dollhouse is on. And that someone's tapping at the door. Or that's what it sounded to me since for me to hear it, she was probably ramming against it and pounding with all her might.

So I'm just utter shock. Oh my God. She's awake.

And when I listened in more closely, I could hear her screaming her head off. Calling for help.

So, I stood in the doorway like a complete dumbass before I finally get it in my head that I gotta see her now. Like, when I get closer to the dollhouse, I hear her panic even more. Probably thinking there's a sudden earthquake since when I took off the roof, I didn't see her. Probably trying to take cover.

So, at first I was going to push the furniture around...buuuuuuut I get a bit curious to just see for myself and decided to peek through one of the teeny tiny windows of the house.

And low a behold, I see her taking cover under the dining room table, knelt down with hands over her head and her purse on the floor. She was too busy staring at the door to see me, well my eye anyway. At least for the first couple seconds, because the moment she turns her pretty little head towards the window, she's shrieking at the top of her lungs and running into the bathroom, the only room without a window.

So, at that point, I'm just like screw sleeping. I'm calling in sick today.

But unfortunately for her, roof's still gone.

So I just looked down from above and see her braced against the door and she's looking up at with those little baby blues and runs out and tries to break the "door" open with a chair. Had it not been hard plastic, I'm pretty sure she'd probably break the legs off it when she threw it. Like, she's desperate to get out of there and away from me.

And it was just so cute and entertaining to watch.

So I toyed around with her for a minute, pretending I'm going to grab her or crush her and she's frightened outta her mind. Running into every room, throwing all kinds of things at my hand and wrist, trying to get into all sorts of places to hide. You know, like any other person would in her situation.

So, when enough is enough, I just scoop her up and hold her to my face.

Now she's sobbing and just...scared. Like completely scared.

"P-p-please don't eat me," and "Put me down!" and "Don't hurt me Mr. Giant please!" and all kinds of things. Begging for her life.

So, I can't help but think this is just hilarious. Like, at the time, she didn't know she had shrunk yet and thought I'm going to go "Fee Fi Fo Fum," on her and chew her up into bits.

Zachary Gilman, the Devourer of Pretty Women. Heh, it even rhymes. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

Doesn't it?

Don't worry, I'm no cannibal, but I'm not going to lie...I like to do mouthplay with my girls from time to time and having them in my mouth or just tasting them gets a kick out of me. Even though they hate it, I just can't help myself to being experimental. Also, seeing them scared like me sadistic but I can't help but get giddy whenever the new arrivals start begging me to spare them or turn them back. It's just...they're so helpless. So tiny, powerless and helpless. Like, to have an actual living, breathing, thinking being in your power just makes something arise up in me that when it hits you that you can do absolutely whatever you want with them, however you want and almost whenever you want...they weren't kidding when they say power corrupts.

Then again, I was already a sick perv from the beginning.

Now, of course, since I started laughing when she was begging, she assumes the absolutely worst and just gets on her hands and knees to beg. Trying to offer to do anything for me if I spared her and all that.

Well, in any case, I can't have my very first doll hyperventilating on me after I've waited so long for her to wake up. So I told her, "Relax. I'm not going to eat you."

Which apparently had been the right thing to say since she starts sniffling and wiping her face with her hand and arms. You know, looking a bit relieved. Until her eyes get super wide and she starts asking me, "Mr. Giant, sir, please let me go! What do you even want from me? You know...s-someone's gonna come looking for me and...and...oh please, just let me go!"

And then she has this random epiphany right after.

"Are... Are you one of my fans!? Are you one of my subscribers!? H-have you been stalking me!? Oh God, please tell me you aren't! Oh please no!"

Now, I don't have an Instagram account, and I am a casual watcher on YouTube so I don't subscribe to anyone, even the people I follow. In fact, she's the only one I'm been following constantly to be honest. Just to get her. But I guess that technically makes me a fan. "Yeah, sure. Call me your biggest fan."

See what I did there?

Man, I loves puns. Lowest form of humor my ass. Go to hell John Oliver.

So, it was about time I explained the situation to her, since she obviously isn't all that observant, "Also, you can ditch the 'Mr. Giant' title and all. You've got it backwards Kels, look around you."

And so she does, it then it seems to finally register that she's the abnormality, the small one. Still, it's super cool when she thought she was in a giant's den. Unfortunately for me, she'd inform the next girl after her of their situation, so no more big surprises of them finding out they shrunk. Well, they are surprised but I liked getting confused for a giant for a time.

"Let me introduce myself to you Kels. My name's Zack and I'm your new owner. Whether you like it or not."

" can't be happening...nonono...nonono..." She's in total denial. Like squirming and stuff. Well, she looked like she was contemplating jumping off my hand but then she got incredibly pale when she looked over the edge. Which gave me an idea.

So, just because I was feeling a bit mischievous, I tilt my hand. And she starts wailing and screaming and grabs my pinkie, screaming, "No! No! Don't drop me! I beg of you! Please!"

I had just been messing around with her for a bit. Still, to this day, she absolutely hates that little game of mine. So I righted my hand and she's gasping for breath and all that in my palm. I think she's got the picture now.

"From now on, you'll be my property and will obey me. Whatever I say, you'll do. No matter what. Do I make myself clear?"

I was trying to sound authoritative, but I don't know if I came off that well at the time. I was too busy laughing. Either way, she nodded like her life depended on it. She probably thought it did.

And to test that she actually was going to, the first command I gave her was: "Strip."

At first she hesitated, but after a second round of "Hang On Tight," she got right to it. Now, before Meghan here of course, she was my bustiest little doll yet. So I had to see the goods up close and all. More importantly, I needed to give her a little... test run, if you catch my drift.

Now, I'm a breast man actually. Ass is nice too, and trust me when I say she has a nice one, but a good chest is the best. Small and pert nipples, teardrop shaped, nice gradation, all the factors she had. Of course, that's what I had gathered from the camera footage in her home. She's far too small now to see the finer details. Still, awesome shape.

Of course, she tried to cover them but c' could she actually stop me?

So I feel her up, poking and twiddling. Although it was fun, keep in mind, I couldn't go as crazy as I like since I could injure her. Still, even as small as she was, you can tell she feels nice.

Of course, she's paralyzed with fear so I don't even have as much resistance with her as I did with the ones that came after her.

You guys might be thinking just how much of a monster that makes me. Taking advantage of a poor girl who just wanted to be an actress, minding her own business and just wanted to enjoy a night out with her friends. How could anyone, specifically me, do such an awful thing?

Well, I volunteer at dog shelters from time to time and help clean up trash around the neighborhood. I think that mitigates my actions a teeny tiny bit.

If not...well, truth be told, I don't really give a damn all that much.

I remember that day just being filled to the brim of me just toying with her until she could barely take it and pass out. I overdid that day. But don't worry...

The months to come were just as fun.
Last edited by Nano-Girl on Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pastime (Unfinished)

Post by AB23 » Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:03 am

This was sooooo good. Can't wait to see the next chapter.

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Re: Pastime (Unfinished)

Post by Nano-Girl » Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:57 am

AB23 wrote:
Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:03 am
This was sooooo good. Can't wait to see the next chapter.
Thank you! Next part is planned out and I'll hopefully get to work on it by the end of the week! :D
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Re: Pastime (Unfinished)

Post by gladewalker » Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:05 am

Quite a lot of detail there and very casual format.
What was your inspiration?

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Re: Pastime (Unfinished)

Post by Nano-Girl » Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:16 am

gladewalker wrote:
Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:05 am
Quite a lot of detail there and very casual format.
What was your inspiration?
Got a ton of them actually: a tiny bit of Dexter, a dash of some past stories that were on Min's old site/forum, and a spoonful of a manga I read some months ago about a boy surrounded by abnormally crazy girls and thinks they're no good but not realizing he's just as screwed up in the head as them to some degree (shame I can't remember the name of it). Oh, and visual novel styles in a way. Also, I love those stories where the main character seems kind of aware he has an audience beyond his realm and takes it in stride.

Zack's a crafty, crazy guy.
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Re: Pastime (Unfinished)

Post by Mac » Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:07 pm

AB23 wrote:
Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:03 am
This was sooooo good. Can't wait to see the next chapter.

This is truly impressive!
Yep that's me!
Doin' pushups!
Just gettin' ready for all ya little hotties! :twisted: ;)

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Re: Pastime (Unfinished)

Post by Ghostwriter44 » Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:27 pm

I can’t wait for the next chapter! This story is all I can think about lol

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Re: Pastime (Unfinished)

Post by Nano-Girl » Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:38 pm

Mac wrote:
Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:07 pm
AB23 wrote:
Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:03 am
This was sooooo good. Can't wait to see the next chapter.

This is truly impressive!
Thank you! I try my best! :D
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Re: Pastime (Unfinished)

Post by Nano-Girl » Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:39 pm

Ghostwriter44 wrote:
Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:27 pm
I can’t wait for the next chapter! This story is all I can think about lol
Glad I have your interest! When I pump out the next part, I hope it'll top the last! :D
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Re: Pastime (Unfinished)

Post by Ghostwriter44 » Wed Jul 17, 2019 1:41 pm

Wonder whatever happened with this story 😔


Re: Pastime (Unfinished)

Post by Heny » Sun Feb 02, 2020 2:37 pm

A question about your book, Nano Girl: who are you in this story?

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Re: Pastime (Unfinished)

Post by Ghostwriter44 » Wed Dec 30, 2020 2:21 am

Man, for the longest time I consistently checked up on this story for any new updates. And now it’s been so long I actually completely forgot about it til it randomly popped into my head just now. Really really hoping for more chapters of this story, even if someone else were to choose to continue it themselves, while keeping the same writing style as the original chapters 😭

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